Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 16, 1856, Image 8

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:41)e±: - "Hill.-ettitet.. - :
C'AltpaLs, Wtdnesda
;.t in. Superfine, per 1.)1)1.
, td a txtre, - do "
do Family do
• do
tIITE WII,EAT per bushel
:D do do%
E.. do.-
do ,
INTER, BATtkEY.'. do
There is, very little deenslnd feethe
~.a. r ket remains quiet, tmt standard bratidS
' , Mini's scarco and firm at $6 75 . per 'ha,
Mob is, the uniform asking rate for shippitnz
:•snd, with a tight stock to operate in ;. the
illy. tittles wade public 'tire to the extent of
bbls; mostly • for hope use, ivithin the•
lvgc of .6 75 its 7, the latter f,ir hetttg. brand's;
' '7 50 for, extra; and $8 50 for fancy lots. Bye
ouc•is very scarce 'nit(' held nt s4 . per
Bich is an advduce, Corn ,Meal is iilSo . lllo ,. e
' ,quired-for;:an - ti.a-sale or 790 hhls vas made
• ithin kday . or two, and not before repor't'Od.
87.. per . bbl. . • .•
Ttio.markot cOntinnea . pobrly suppii , fd with
and good IV.lieat• is Scare!: ; Sales
de some 4000a5000
anir-to good iteds; and 158 fur- skotited
bite, as in qvitlity. Rye is in request nt 76;
it there is little or none' offering.: - -Guru is
Iso wanted, but there is very little
~nrrivin, , about 4000.4tus
.fiavebeeit - disposed of, :ri•
e iv
I.4ng 2.0 c ()bus . SouthernYelllow,An ilnieal.s
t 63,y , Politil oat 040, 'Oat4:are in.idenitn.q;
nd a sale of 131100 bus fait' Petida atlost, was
wade on'tcrrns not public: - - '• . - - .
Notice - 5.
VO'fICE.—All .
parsons having de=
;_.l Amanda against me and see me, arid all i
-- 70103teitsvill - tin: , nifure'llnr--1-st--oftril;mr-- 1
'an the proper person fur '
' ills.). W. 11.11:1'0N. ' •
heir ficcounts w
Alectioti. . .
. .
G. • OING. WEST !-74 have determined
'to go West on the 34th Juno next I will there
.ore sell oft all et uuy part of my stock of (NODS-and—
clothing at cost. . Don't fail then to will a few doors'
above the post-office, ifyou are biking forgood bargning:
xeisons wholtnow thcnretves indebted by note orbook
account will make payment on or before bald day.
May 2r, 185e-Iw.l (MIAS. BARIUM
the urgent lion
..itatfou of frienda, I have hcen inductal
is a candidate for the ince of an ASSOCIATE .1111 n ,
Cumberland county, at the ensuing geticral election.
And very respectfully solicit your sulfragui for said or
, Pee, pledging myself, if elected, to discharge the doors
of the same with impartiality, and with a strict rega . rd
to the demands or , the law and public justice.
Newton Township, July' l t ~atl.
JL subscriber is authorised to dispose of the Bonds .
wd Mortgages•of the Racine and Mississippi 1:ail Road'
These Bends. besides having the Rail Road
for security, have the strong additional security of
Mortgages of the Valuable Farms along the line or the
ttre•am.rttified - low, Litl(l-4-mort—
gage given for two-thirds of their Lush value. These
Mortgages accompany the Bonds: The Bonds bear in
terest at ton per cent. a pear,Tnyable half yearly, Cou ,
pons tire attaatol. 'lllO Bonds are payable in live years
from the 10th of May, 1850, -
These Farms and the itall . ltscut are highly spoken of
by . persons who havut gone froth this iFdttntry (Mt tbore,
and rur thor Information can be obtained front the sub
scriber. ' CIIAMIIEItS, -.
.)lay i 7. 1810.[ Chambersburg, Pa,
. .
A itT UNION of-the thrAnviltsituito
A - 3 4 .„ „..I,IOPE FIRE COMPANY. •
beautiful Engravings, Magnificent •ftiftsl• Front the
very rapid ~54.1u- i lfy,ngravlngs, Wit Distributing Co'biutit
tee begs leave to announce that it has selected
for Oto distribution of the various valuable and inaol
- gifts among ihcespurchasers of ungrat inn In the
Chtunbitrshurg dope Fir. Company's Art -Union,
Each purchaser of 00 engraving nt ttl has an interest
in the distribution. Tii,e number of engravings to be
old will not, tbr any conslderat,lon, exceed titafib .
For particulars sue small
• JOll N ;t1 Pll ELL,
Agent for Carlisle.
May 23, 1856.-3 - w.)
• Whereat the Honorable .1 AMES ORAIIAN,
lent Judge of dim 'several Courts
. of COIIIIIIOII7 Pleas in_
the counties Cumberland. Perry and `and
Pennsylvania, and .Itti:ticert-the Seyeraltottrts of Oye
ind Ttgrininer and blenoral Delivery in said coun
ties, and Idon. ions lterc updOiiituci.ll'omstaiN Judges,
of the Cmirt of Oyer and Turminur and 'limier:ll Jail •
bolivery tlir the trial of all capleal itinipther othindertt,
in the said county of CtimbiWilic,WthitiC"PiectiPes to'
lave ordered the Court of Oyer and 'Cerminm'.anttDeaa
• MI Delivery th be holden at CARLISLE- on MIN..
DAY; the 25th of August, '1850, - at" 10 o'clock in the
erenoon, to continuo one week.
• NOTICII IS 11111tEl1Y till'EN to the Coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace and (Wish:ldes of the said county of
'timberland, that they - are - by -.flu. -said -precept eorri- 7 ,.
.3:tutted th be, then. and_there_LuAltell_pro.Per_ltertotts,l.
.ith their rolls, yets.rds,..itititlisitions, examinations
od all ether renteinhiiiMiiA:Ao iln inns things which
... their office appertain . to be dew, and all,those that'
re bound by recognizances, to prosecute itgaihst. the
- . humors that are ell then Shall he in We jail of said.
unty, are to be thtfre to prCsetwte them as shall lie'
' SHERIFF'S Orrice, CARLISLE, 't '
• July 0, ISful. • j
SUAP---,(lellway'siiure Palm Seap.—ponwey's
. • mid .(lienilcal Olive Soap. •A ',full supply ,vl . those
ul excellent Soapa just received and for 40u at
ILIA A NIS' ll'AMTlA.gittAlkiftY, Matti Street.
~tarlittle. Nev. 2T,
'Z.l.ll‘Ar . . GOO 1) ,
just rdoetved froirt;Dhllndelphla'A large assort
4mit of „ imita bl e goottßovhieli wilae'sold very cheap
-ORNFito the IL R. Depot, '
M. SNODGR/413.
(..'4"ribila, Fah. 20 0 18513."
ROLLERS.—.i . new
• ) and surmoor article for hspging Ilsrn Doors. Just
c•dvoci diii.l.for 641 u tt t• • •
H. ;•JAXTON'49.
~ ]SfiF.
, July IA
$ 6,50
. 1,35
no sale
CQ vrt E ON W..ll,_Al_c E isx A N
---Nc*=Yurir; July 8,=186& --
•• Will me to it:iiigh-respon•
eihility by, placing me in the van of the . gierit,
„inoveinent of the-people.-of. thelinited- - Suites,
wit°, withouttligiirtt to „-past difference's, are
Uniting in.a common effort-to'bring book .the
fiction of tbe Federal government to the prin•
cipies gornpre .
Minding the:,,;trignitilde of thet• trust- which
°they have declared themselves willing to place
My-howls, and tieeply:sensibto to the hen-
.. ) y. kick i ijr ant'Cseryt
threatening position ot . publiciffaie'it
I feel that - , I cannotbetterrespond than by a
'sincere declaration that, in the event of my
election to' the Fresideng, I should
..the excoution of its.d.uties with a - .Single
hearted 'determination to - promote the good tit
the whole country, and direet, solely to this
end.iill the power et- the :goVernment, irre
spective or party issues and - - regardless
. of
sectional - strites. The,tieclaration• „Of princi•
pies embodied in the resblveitof, your conven
tion expressesthe sentinientsin,,which I have
twin edricated, and which , have tieen ripened:
into convictions by.personal observation tin I
experience. . With this declaration and - avow=
al, I think it ,necessary to revert . to only two
the subjects embraced in the resolutions,
and, to those only hecatiSe events have silt.-
r.mtided-thern With 'grave and critical
stances, and.given to them •eSpecial ,import•
1 concur" in the ydews of the convention
di precat'nsi the foreign polity to which it ad
.verts‘,' The .assumption ' that we have • the
-right to tittle. from - ornotLer‘nation its' ifornains•
larcouSe we want them, is en ahandoriment of
the honest character'Which our country has
acquired. To provoke hostilities hy unjust
assumptions would be to. saclike the peace'
'And character of • the country. when - ell • its
interests might he • more
: certainly, secured,
and its object-C .- attained by just - owl healing
etornsels,involying no less•ofirepirtation. -
duternational• embarrassments are . -tnainly•
rite results of secret' diplenmey,, whi c h hi n ts t o
k rep from the knowledge of the people the
o perationcef tilurgoVernment: This system
rs_incensistent with the character of • our in
stitutions, and is itself Yielding gradually to
.a istpre 'enlightened public opittifui, and to the
1 power of a free press.'which;,by its broaddis
sentipa,firsti, p r politieal intelligence, seqqres in
asivrineb to . tile *siiiii" of jinitice the: jridginent •ilif
the civilized world. - -An honest, firni'antlTopen
volicy in• ourfereignitelations would cluirna lid'
fill united•Stipport of the inttion,L whose de
libers%te opinions it would necessarily reflect. .
_.___Nethit , _clearerju_tlie history of our in
hair ilieTTlesign 'of the nation:in as
s:ertitig) , s (Mil independeAce and reedom, to
A %%Cid I,l,viiirr eAentenance tq the: extension - of
slavetiy.. Fite influence of the Renal, but c t ni.7 -
..pact and powerful class of ;Men interested
iu'slavery, who carnmond one section of the
countCy..and,Wiedd sr -vast political .control. as
a cad - Sequence, in the other.'is now directed
to turn this hnoulso of the Revolution, and
veverse its principles. . The extension of • alai:l
very across the continent, is the. objict of the
power Which now rules the government: and
from this shis,spirit has sprung those- kindred
wrongs in Kansas, so truly portrayed in one
„r your resolutions, which prove that the eles •
moms of"the most arbitrary gover um en ts Isaytt"
not been vanquished by the just theOry 'of:tier
.twit. : It.would he out of place here to pledge
myself to any particular policy that has been
toiggested :to. terminate the sectional con
troversy engendered hY piditiCal animosities,
operating On a powerful class banded together
by it common interest. A practical remedy
is thed.dnission - of Kansas into . the' Union tie
: A Free t.itte. The .'oath should, in dny judg L
went, earuestly desire such consuinauttion,,-.
It would riffili.tnie it,•4 good thitlj—it, would
eorrect the titi.:lo, l :e.or -the ,reposill anti • the -
North having pr•i s esically the benefit of the
agreement I...'tweed the two section , would be,
'satisfied ;-11 . i t feeling be res ored. The
; •;:
( t
mestsme is...;•or e
elk oss 2 istei - w tai the•hon
or of th S.s• a . t o--t-yst sl 10-its in erest.:'Timt
fi i t a f : ...t. wi.s ;Is ay, ldetis to this purelj;-Sem
("Aim ;:t r it., or -_in stiog in the scheme to take t abor the c.;ontey secured - lir-it by a
,ssleum covenant. cannot he ado scion diserped
of its perrijui; us\ force,. The only genial' re:
pion of the midtife latitudes left to the - enti•l
. grants of the Northern States -for homes ban
not• t e conquered from the free laborers; who
have long Cont.idereddt as-set apart for them
Its Oneltiberitanee, witlnnkt. proVolting-a gen
perate struggle. IVII a 1 tii;l l 4Virj , he the Per
sistence of the particular' eIaSS which_ teems
ready to hazard - everything for the success,
of the uoj:lst scheme : it has. partially effected,
I . l_lir t nly_lielieyitArt. t_l he_gre at ,II tistAl.frf, the
nation, lei hieh
with the •iintrinttsui of
the freemen of both sections; will' have •puwer
p t
to e mit : n o:: tr ,,t it.
, : i .::: y: w r h vi Le l 1 4 1 7 ;10: y1 to il. tl i t n e ou r b i g p l o. i i t y s ,,
secured to them by, the Constitution of the
Union, astbeir best
~safeguard front the op
nfJll . l:•, — aLmo
Oznir . ‘t• till 'if —might
in time reditei tho • extremity of
. . .
borin, on the ,s • with the ' - sla - ves
The great b i n lavuholding 'ft-emelt,
Including- the milt, upon whose wel
fare slavery - •ession„_will discover
'that-the-pow teral-government-,-over
-ibe*licitu - lirneficially--exerted
to 'a, I v an'ite . al ,ta and secure their
indepe mimic°. / Km - owing this, their suffrages
will not he„wantitig to n • intain that, ituthori
ty in the Union •which is 3 hsolutelY essential
to the maintenance - of; oir own tiller les,
w t hieh has more than ence l indimited the [my._
point of disposing-of the public lands in titian
a Way as. would Make every settler upon them
wa .free bottler...
. , .
• li . the people - intrip;f to nib tlkaitiOloiatre-,
Lion of the government, The laws lete'grWts
in, relation' to the ter, stories will he faithfully
executed: , All its authority will tie exerted . in ,
aid-of the national - will to re,esiablislt 'the
peace Of the country •ou •thet just *prineiPles
tibia - have heretofore roc • ed the sanction
of the Federal Govertfmc t of the States, and
Untie people of both se ions, Snob a p 0,5 6 ,.
Would leavikno ailment o that sectional party
Which - seeks its, aggran izentont py,,approprl.
Atting the new Torrit les to capital in the
1. form of Sleveiyrtifit . ould inevitahly - result . ,
, .. .
.. .
datiWe fjeral.
. . , .
in the tritiMph,of free:labor-the nateral,clq47'
t"al which uptii,lst*llle - rtit I ' - Wealth ; ot .tins
great country,. anirnrentelf . ...that intelligent
the bulwark of free:inatitutiops. • •
Trusting "that I have. heart - capable -of
°inert:Mending our.whole 'country; with its
varied interests, and confident that patriotiStu
exists in all..parte' of the Union, I accept the
nomination of yonr:C.inontion; in the hope
tiB6ratty — irb
cause, which I onside the Catlike. of Consti- .
•tutional Freedom. ,
Very,yct i l'freq . tfuy.y, your obedient
. . . . .
. To Messrs:- H. S. Lane,: President of. the
Convention ; ilanies"4. Ashley, .Anl'honY J.
-B-leeeker, -- .loseph -- 13 liornblawer,:',l.l.lL IL,ar,
Thathle,os .rStephens, Kinksley' S. Binglnuni
Jonh A. wins, C. F. Clevels:nd,Cyros.ildriOly,
Committee, &o." ' , • • . , '
)LOWS !, PLO ,
coni;tautly keii - ping„an Misortintint 'of
'the celebrated WAWA: .PLOWS. Abe, ConstitirtlY •on
hand ilegler's, Plank'S,..azid ileuirmid'g Plows. We
have also a very large Out of =the tiwtou. York Plows on,
hand, °Mita. thie aiiiiertment of Cultivators. Remember
the old stand, East Main street, Carlisle. ,
Much 19, 1865.[ . . 11EN ICY SAXTO:N.
• • •
r R ..PAKERS.—The subscriber has
just rliturneibfrom the City with one of the largest
assortments of ibtrdwitreever irought to this place. Ile
has just' received 80 doe: llamas with and without pat.
thstepinget • Iron and steel hooks rangin,g Inpa IN flout
44 19, $l.BO. —ll5O 800' pr straight and twist link - trace
ehitilts froth' tal to $125. HOMO rude traces or MI kin 4,
alsii illot of spriaol, fifth', breast, butt, carrying halter
and log elinins—alito a very : large 1et,..0f shovels, forks,
spades. lines, ralcps. and in short everything, and any
thing:wanted by the Enetho,—
Ilenuanberthe old stand East Slain St. Carlisle. •• '
March 10. sAx-ro:4.
'digest assortment of Plows,' ever offered
In the Philadelphia Market, •••tanY of them new and
•proved patterns, also field Ilarows, Cultivators'. tiarden
amt..fieldttellers, Corn Planters. latiry Im plimenis, Ox
l'Wea and Bows, Spades. Shovels. Hoes, improvi:d Fpa:
tlinttfo.l.s,liarden Reels and Lin Pruttin , r and II cal:-
lug t‘heays, t itli every other description ofs.'igricultoral
and Ilutticnitural Impliments lii the greatest variety
and of the must approved nalterns. • •
Atni , mltuvat Warehodse •ami Seed Store:olr. 7th and
Market st. •Philadelphitt. -•-• • Mar.
. 1 P Kit .11 (1S 1' 11. Aq -
• m and 1000 TOTIS of 31apesl Xitr,;-
..i 6 4• gonipul Sulan , t'llOsphate of Limo, all
clu 151101 lws been fully tested by farmers.
• - 'and ,in belloVed tnthe elutala,•Nt. unit
- StF.rnge;:t.:OrtiliTeiln the unia.W., . . •
• loon MILS... liliPIP.lllOll.
especially. mit pt
, tyrtilizer: All of the above fOr Kale by
PASO' X 1.1„ moloto t co..
' Agricultural Werehoose and Seell Storo,
- Mar 26..rx.) Car. 7th and :Market,. hts.. Phila.
T (.): 'N . •'• *T - '• '' ' (-) ':"
—They never. did do. more than giro timqmraty
relief. acid they never. wIll: It \ i4.lmcapen they don't
tomb the. rlt:/ , 11 of the Itigease. eallFtl of all a4no
Illseases Is the aimm•ldiefW'jinisoli - caned
Miasma or lar . : . lria. Net t 31140 tilit/ poison hy" It/; NA/
TLRU. AN i It//K d. and all disemm .114011.1./V -I t Itb:.tplata+ 5.
Pllrlffet I Y. /litrltikg!, 3 med
icine. The certificate of. the: r 111 1 ,101109.1 t. It.
Chiltmn of Nii‘r , Vork, to this effect, is attached to eve
ry bottle; limyef,in,. If it duels nu good; it can
_do no.
harm. • .
!n i ts is mtt,rt titan ran Iv saltl of lululnn. Arsenic, or
- tiny other Untie lit oxistottro.'tts tholr use Is ruinous
ttie. owifittltlon and Itrlngs nu I)U.Ntli A(llJE. : wltivit:
'lnver ttllown a person to feel perfectly well , ftr a single
tuoment. In Illustration tr.f those truths 1 atinutc sruttu
vxtracts from a letter just revolved frotit a l'hysloian,:
tiministown, Onto, March 17. 1866.
JAS. gIitTIOADS, Fag,.—Dear Sir: Tours of '2.d Inst.,
is at hand,. •The Pure arrived late last year; and tho
difficulty in gottihg any one to purchase it was greatly
Increased from the fact that'a remedy had been intro
duced which was growing in favor with the pul•lic as
; being, better than usin ,, Quinine—not knowing,
.1 pre'.
mime, that - the reined Ahey'useit to escape taking Qui
-I.llne contained the DltUti ITSELF! •
V his remedy (known as n Smith's Tonic,") would in
variably BREAK an Ague, but it did not Cure it, as it
would often return with renewed,vigor. This ono, d.-,
cut stiinvit I deemed in - your favor, if I could institute'
a test comparison bet Ween it and yourCURE.: The
lowing is the testa;
Throe persons took your "Cure," all of which were
rases of Quotidian 'lntertOittant Fever," 'of many,
weeks , standing. They had. tried Quinine and other
monodies, occasionally missing a chili, but It wee (as in
all such miles.) slowly wearing them out, and laying
the lintudati , n of tithorand coverer maladies. , I did
-succeed-in-WNW ng-a rad teal-cure-of- alLihreunf_these_
cases with youP remedy, and they have not had a chili
.shice. lit alt three of these oases the " Smith's Tonle;
hid Loon used, and would, as liefore,statcd. break the
chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would'
return. .
I think there will ho no difficulty now in givi to
your "Cure" the vantage ground of any tithe nidy
now in uswhere. tee., Ac.,WM. BUCKNER, M. D.
TO MALARIA, the only harmless remedy in existence
is equally cartaln as a PREVENTM, as a • • sear." Take
it when lon feel theiebills• conning on, and you will
hover have a single one.
JAMES .A. KIIODES, Proprietor, •
Providence, R.I.
* * *For sare' by W. A. KidSo and Druggists generally.
„Jul! ,c 2,, 1856. - . - .
.---'-'/- . •
GROCEBY.—The undersigned, having locate himself
.pernmnontly. in Carlisle, has opened a Shop al Furni
ture Booms, where he intends to manufacture I id keep
constantly on hand every variety of Parlor and ( hamber
$ FURNITURE and CHAIRS. Havlug_t sidemble
. experience in the business. and Marling to pay
personal attention to the work and finish of. ids
. , furniture, he expects to . glve - general satisfaction
to all those who may fiver him with their custom. It
' wiinTailr - 1 - 51, in to - a Wiiiirla - TAlXDfiviSa`v - rilliThS — lfriVelr
as .possible, and.will think nothing In his
line unworthrhis attention. 7
lie will warrant Ills work to ho good, neat and Dr the
latest styles, well finished, and will sell at the lowest
prices possible for rash. .
- .
llxving furrilshed:himself with an excellent Reuse,
lie -will fro ready to Bil any orders In that line, prompt
ly and on the most reasonable terms. ,
---z)-A-11-k Inds -of----Dirnit nrws-repal red -and-ro.d-roE , 6t
pm mptly And in the best manner. . • ,
Carlisle, April 10, ififia. • , •' : ALEX. B. EWING.
,Patented - Juno -70,E62.-:.--The- subseriber f -lisving- purr•
-eh wend- the Interest otitis_ partator,Mosett_C. Eberly-Is.
prepared to manufacture the /there Rake on reasonable
terms, at, the old stand, opposite the Steam Sawmill.
Title hake is Simple in construction andnoLliable to get
olt, Of order; it le well adapted to • the raking of hay or
grain and 'works well lit rough or stony ground, baring
metallic spring teeth; its operation . is most easy „,„,1
simple—the operator, instead of operating the rake with
his hands ; rides, and rentrols it with.hls .feet. lave a
lattinor lazy person Call earn good *ekes with one of
these rakes wi,thout 'much exertion; otr a gentleman
wishing to amuse. Minion', can got •on his rake, ride
his ileitis as in his dons lunch work as any of
Ili; hands, and ride back to tea Persons who have tried'
tb ii consider, it the ateapest,'Sbnplest, end-beat Morse
Itake. now in nse, null . all Sad' last seaseu gave general
transaction. .1t wits eihibita , itt'iatriona County Fairs:
And at , the State Fairs' of Pennsylvania and Michigan . '
and drew - the That Premium at each._
Aiming • Met with keasOnabie encouragement kit
season, the 'subscriber would 'return thanks Mr -past
favors and solicit ali - persensin Want of it good Rake to
100 him- it call at.. the Park Foundry, Mechanicsburg,
.Pa., at the manufactory.'
o,,A,.etny .person baying light wagon wheels, about
four feet high, can.have a'reilso made to order by sending
height of wheel,linigth of hpb, and also of , boxes.
TititMS'EASY—Pace $2O with wheels, and $l2 with
,Ordorti addressed to the 'undersigned, 3t ,
e haniesiturg, eill receive prompt. attention.
March 20,„18t11-3m.) ' , ,G. :MAMA
ZusineS9 (faits.
• - •
_E :.;.:.., 1 4 A.A.1.1.L_Y. COLL..- - 5 . 00 'IONS LY
. Jl.ltiTlet ,OF TIIE - E ACE '_L .
- - .
-.-.. i .._
: IIP,NSVALLEY COAL, Broken and' re , Sereimed,,
• . .
to,.oflice opposite the 'West Cud of,,,kluf Court House prepared expressly for fitfully use and kept UNDER COVER, .
April 23, teeth • ~ • , - 'so that 1 can furnish - it. DRY aid elifsx •during :the
, ,
winter SCRAWL 1, have also on 'mild' and for - sale the .
(1. P.- fIUAIRIGH.' 'Attorney hi Law.-
, Milillt It'llft.thit COAL from-the franca of li,,yd; Items' er :
ti, - ,‘ Co., unii biI . AMOItIN ,COAI. from::;tha• lefties of c oeh
ki i ii, —Office on :North Ifehover street,'ff few t doors ' ran, Peal i.V. Co., all of lyhich •I will sell ut -mull profits.
south 'of Olds' betel. All business entrusted to Illat .
. TA .....„ ~.. . for cash, tind deliver touny part of-the boroulth. • •
will lii. promptly attUnded to. •
in" ''."
...RELE./.4..:11L,:*..... ~..:.....-11,1). NJ IT it it A'. d.gtt,...-.Z....
N. GREEN, Attbrney at Lay .
.I.:ast' Main Strok, :11olfaulos1urg, I'a.tAp . ., attond to SU ity . EyiNo - cOnuexlontwlth
Iris Kt/Cession. • .stay 21.1856.-0 y,
and. residence oppogitc . Market
. Wer t Mein steciet, Lm ity '7.1-t.f •-'
TAR; • 5.,13. ; I“I47,FFER Dffiee in North
I.lanoveC struet.two doors from Weise .h ticznpbell's
store. Otnee Iviors,lnore particularly froin 7 to 9 u clock;
A. At, Lind from 5 t. 0.7 o'clock, r. 1 ^ .
and Itusitlenep Eust 3j.itin.Stroot,illirddoor":,olow
the'Marl‘et nuns°. Cal id ILL town anti l:Lnint,Y PIVMPUS
at1,011(10(i. • • .
carlisto, 3 . nti, 2, 1.856.
W ILLIA4I , C. ItHEE3I Attor ney Wiled - Ottlitt.lo.
4:tr'llitetlOOM4:ollErtlfitCti to him will,bo promptly at-
Tided to. ' . • .klob. 7.'55.
South :11Ariover strut,
next door to the l'ut,t
be absent front Carlisli: the last' ten days
'of each linin'. • • • • f•Aug.
:0711;;P-s , , TAiL GP:Olt OE
ili" 4 :-V- , :o ' I JPI(IIIT DENTI.'4 fiat the lial-
Us - 4w • • • ' ' ' ' •
tiniore' lellq.e of Vental i..iurgury, ia.
now prepared to insert Artificial Teeth hf every de
scription, and to .perihrin all the 'other N ari-iti 'duties
pertaining to the pra,t ten of IlitipraeSSioll 0111e . 0
oit the
residence of hit; Itiothcr, East lout heiNtreet, three teas
below Bedford. lteferein•e—Dr. Ciao. Z. Dret4, la - Carlisle.
larch la, ISSC--tf.: „ .. .. . .
IV 1%1.41.11, L 17
beau Instructed
^in the art tby Dr.ueir. Z.'
tacit. iC gradlllllll 04• too italtimore Dental, evlioge). is
itow prevtr.,l to moire his triMids• anti perform_ the
sprions Or..r/ith us in the line or the Dental proleF•sion„
'at hie tesidonee, in nSoutla street; third thner trout West
a 5 s call.:7: • Ternis moderate.
:`,111.y 2";', ' • . - •
'N. .110 S ENST E EL, It Sign
nuit 'Ornaritvrital , . •
- PA . INT6o. AND VA P Eltil ANO
-has-mnoved-Itia-stvp't , , Smith I I AllO 4' CV r•111)0t, ni:Whitt!
till' Focuad Pret.bytoLian_Chureli. lieal4Lonettin Pomfret
Frreet, tt short_ dil4t,tore belo o tV' Hanover. He will
tatt. , Ml promptly to all.t , vo Atehrriptionsoi - paint.
lug, at roaAMiable prices. The various lauds of graining
attenVa I, mahogany; oak, .wal nut, tc., lit nu
'llllJrOVAlli'6tyie: '"• ' '"'
late Iteqlster.of Catabor
carefully attend_ to the transaction of
all Hueh hosiiio , ..s as may be entrusted to him, tdaell as
thu writlitz of ;Mods Nlortg:tges Cooiracts. &e. •l to dill
rants . ; I'domions, &Pins woll -- a.s -- the-...ptireliase sa o
of Real Estate, tiegotlaticois, ofloa:nA: • t.. 4 1, 0 Mite on
West iilzlt :trust. rovolorly occupied, y W. M. l'enrosi
E.q. near the Methodist etZ
1 IV: NDT, )lanufacturer of
v.A.. Mineral Water:, French Mead.'
Bottled au. Perter 3111 i elder.-
'S - irtlCiffir.4troot. ne4r the Ran ituad Bridge, tarllsle
'MiNNEAPOLTS. Opposite the Sue;Pension' Bridge, Falls
' a St. Anthony. Minnesota TerrltOry,
•Will tiny_ and sell lands, negotiate loans, balite land
warran ts in Minnesota, lowa. and Wisconsin. Inquiries
rot:pouting tifeuuntry, by letter or otherwise, promptly
C red: • .
• .
lion. Alex. Ramsey. Exdiovernor,
lion. 11. 31. Mee, Delegate to Uoiogrets, Minnesota,
. (My. Pollock, Harrisburg,
j 3111 1 ,1 1. g. Steele & Co., Philadelphia..
lion. Frederick Watts,-Caclisle, • •
A... Brady Sharpe, Esq.,
li 31agoun, New York, -
Hobert Walsh, New Orleans,
James IL Irvine, laq., Neweille:
lion. J. S. Illack, Somerset, Penn'a.;
" ••
J.) I, (Mod. Mayor, Springfield, Ohio,
eo• C. Anthony, /'• • • '•
Jas. Carrion, Esq. St. Louis,
'. Wifrein,'Esq:, ThiltimMA 31i1;,
J. 'f. Wright, Charleston, S. C.,
J. M. Philadelphia.
80.000 Acres of Unimproved Land fur Sale, at.frota
to $lO per aere: lIISO liripmVed Farms. Lots
In St. Paul, St. Anthony, •and all towns on the
Sutll river.
01).,l'articniar attention - given to the Loaning of
Money, and Entering lAind Ni,lirrants. Addi - ess,
.. . PNYDitili .t MT.AIti,ANE; . -
iilareli 26, 18.56.-Iy.l Minneapolis, 3111 i. Ter.
tt, Two now and olivant liefomtiod and
7 octaves, from tho celebrated manufiwtory . of ilallet,
Laois A: Co„ Boston. Theso Instruments have been
to giver outtro satistictlon. 'Choy will•he sold at • .
C 1 - 'l'T It I •
and kept in ordor by a o ttent person, for oho year
from dale of salt!. Thoso who may wish to exainlne, or
to Purelnisd a good instrument, are invited to call uppt
the c r ubserher at his residence i n
Also, TO TENT, two good second-hand Piano 'Fortes at
per ititartilKi - • JOUN - ICSTAYMAN: —
, iiB,-71,5. • . .
rt of you who havebeen afflicted for years with this
bothersoma disease, and who have team using almost
',Very Nostrimi 'before the nubile withontrelef, we say
to you try "liteffers AntiDyspeptle" and yetvwilltbon'
be convinced of Its groat Auvorfority over every other
melioration.. We could give you ;fumy vertificates, mob
.oroting; our assertions, but .a single' trial is worth more
than ail. This reMedy is prepared and sold at the Drug
Store.of if;fsntli„ Hanover street e for
doerS soul of the I' T.. Carlisle
. . . .
t rit.ANT • T0...PU8-.
12_1_ CIIASEIIB.—TIM subscriber will opAd this week,
Lo Mrgest'hud most splondklnssortment df. •
SPltlls'o AND, SU 5111111 t .000DS
over .. Aix Diuusiuse stock of .
- k'reueh Worked Collars;-
' • -Undersleeves,
' • , • Itlouncings„
Ifoudkerchinfs, • &c.,
boimbt Trom'the •Importer In Nov York, -and will be.
sold at.prlces'to' defy all competition.: Also, a. largess
'flortment of., beautiful llress Goods, It Ibbons,..liouurlia
dce. olio and 411 before purchasing elswbere, and
you will ositeMeuoy.. •
AMI !4
,1..1,34Q,): - ' . Clfia. QOILD Y.
11 T AJI . COALS! .."
COAL YAltll. ,
1 Lo subsCribeC-I.4oUld'reapotdfullyinforia the oktizenii
of Carlisle and -vicinity'that,he Is nor/ p;epared to fur. •
nish the lilli•EY011.TON COAL, of - various
sties, a 14:L1110 ' e of-whieh wits farnlsh4d to a• number , of-- -
Citizens three years sinceLby Mi. E. lielretistein, and
which gave such period satisfaction. ••••
Also best qualities bf Lfkiiiii:Valley add Shallatikitt. -
of the dllforent kinds, constantly on hand, at the now
Coal Yard itear thil gas works,
Sept. 5 '55
11ARCOAL—Charcoal ctinsian till on
:lutud.anil for sale bq —.
• - •
nov. 21. '55: • 7- • • •W. B.MURRAY. Aldt. '
:11E1.1t1IINE114' (iOA.L..- 2,066
.■ ons tylcen's Valley Nnt , i;oul, n superior maids
meth . and - for sale by
Jut, `NU (nu
. V
'ant: very valuable and -well. known BUSINEsS
STAND Sit nate on the corner of North Hanover and.
Louther streets, in the borough of Carlisle now
and tweinfiedy b Jacob Fetter,,mmtaining..:lo,iliet
on Hannover streerand ;Hu feet on Louther. t greet
The improvements on Ilunuover
,steeet are'
.a large
STOILI HOUSE; wiili a large brielt b irk build
ing finished in the most elegant 11 . 11111110r,.1:01All g Il
fironnis iminding tho store room, besides pantries
;Old emi veine t eloset arrangemen tti.,. The STORE •
rtoo3l is ,33 tout in depth, fitted 1.111 iii the best
uessible manner and one of the most desirable and long
• stltblishedi bUsifees.4 locations in out' town.
There inn large two story Lylelt building fronting on
!Mailer htivut, With ko. shop attached, now 14.1.Ilpied ns
cabinet inaker Shop. Alm) a stable on• the rot of the
lot, and other zieL,essary 140: 4 1)tifItlings. 'fbe property
L 4 .16 otirellent order hat (lig been recently tilted up by
the present, ficil,llllallt I , ,nr terms &e. enquire of
Rural P.state Ay:tifitiFtdjieriveuer.
VATE SALE. I:hut .aluabr,,pl,.., ol'grotinEr
e•outh ltanov.4 'Arvet, 'the Lorougli of
kituwn its Like . •
,--40,1' LA It I, 0 It..
tiatil lot contains about one - acre and a quarter of
AVultild and from' ite, deSiratilt Willi im . tageous loca
tion is ittionirahry adapted ror building purficaes. •
.Thu lot will he sold entire, or in iht44 to suit mir
cliasers: Inc tunes and turilier partieutaro 4niguite of
.c•i'tli:l-4:1.4 t. It, •
lteal-Estillo"Agent and Scrivener.
Ult FOlt h; A e
living In-North Ilanoverf,tieet, ttoti
t:itrllsle, LW, resiitinice of N,lrit. lfidffril, a
}('`t doors tiotei, - alers sit l'rivatv :Sale a
number alit( 11011.111:ide'lLit-ielo , or LLl:Nrrutit;
ii4.•l6W c4:A prkes, to %%it,
IStiredU itli marble wgtnnd vl:t;;;,pne
'Fancy see.
Stores nob Sf)op,s.'
1 ,1 - 1 RAND OP,ENING Oh' :SPRING -
' AItNoLD & ....14INIMISTON . .
would respectfully announce-to. dm public litul their
uptitrons that they tart) 11.4% , bpuning one u 1 the largest
and most attractive supplies of spring and 6uunner •
Ready-made Clothing eve* bight to this market.
The stork has hemi purchased with peat tare in the
eastern cities. and nuttlufitetureAl at home under the lm-
Mediate suparvision -01 the undersigned. It comprigess_
in part Brun tilllue, Black, aunt Invisible Orem' Cloths,
S'..attnetts, Cashinarettes, Jeities, Linen, and tlitighant
Cants, of All style's; Satin, Marseilles, Plush. and other ,
styles of V ESTI NUS ; Plain and Ftutcy liersh mere,
CasMutt, hineu and Cutton Pants.. Also .
CrlMltts, S;tuelta, Ilandlicreldefs, stockings, Suspenders.
Caoctil4e, Umbrellas, &r. .
i... Customer work made promptly and In'the.Tery
best style. None ether than the Most experieu
ced workmen sue employed in every department
etthe establishment.. Tho undersigned return
•tutdr sisoure nelillowledgmentel for the liberal mid gene
rous iettrotiage het etoße.,,atemle
!!! . tsl,,,thdr,,ystAtialt
mutt t, anti hope for it continuance of the mote. Ecutent.
_ber_the _People's Clothing Afire, adjoining .Lyne's Hard- _
ware Store, on North Illauover Street.
_April :.,11, 1,F4t1---.lm. .
W. K, m'rAuwlE
; 1:11.
'the tail:scribers hove Just received one of tho :largest
stocks or Dry Goods over hrouglit to,Csrlisle. Their us
sort moot is lull and complete, comprising
Silks, Poplins, ,Challis, 'Mirages, Tissues, LAW 11R, Brii
liantes, Lamactines; Chips •,de -.llspagnO, Can- • - •
, .brics;Swisi Bombazines, Cashmeres, Al- • • •
pass, nal:dues, Spring Shawls,. .
, IL•••• , Bonnets, Flats, Fluw,sra,
Siiirts,l'arasola,• !y•-•-- ./.. - ..
.4* . Hosiery, •
and Trimmings in great =variety.
Cloths; CaSSlmpres; I tal lan Cloths . , CAshmeret les, Linens,
Tweeds, Vcstings, Silk Undershirts, Hats, Caps. Cravats.
mud Collars. Also a- lull mid complete ttkvirtnu!nt of
including Woollen and Cotton Yarn, Carpet. Chain, SSlit- A
dow Utlnda, Feathers, Oil Cloths, hooking Masses;
put•llaga, Brushes, and a variety of Fancy Articles. • )
always on hand: : Thuso who ul6ll to obtain the bctit
gmwir; AT-TUE- LOU' k.ST oureat aro respeettully.luvited ,
call at' IthNT:4 St. 131111
• April South Ilanover street.
tit;tniclE KELLKIL desires to call the attention Of his
old friends and cutttpmers to his now assortment of Uen;
tollleTeli - itAlt4T - tethw - Otikfttra-Springstyto-with . an --
Wegatit assurttuert of MOO& CAPS .and :SUMMER
ItnB. of every variety and the meet 1110110OrthIO Styles.
tic has oleo constantly on hand a largo and varlet' as
sortinent otitis own manufacture as well as city Made
Hats arid Caps; suitable for the season, comprising etery
variety of it usi4a, Beaver, M-loskin and Wilk. Hats, do
.lshevi in the late style t togetber with assortment. ,
of , CAPS of oier,y Shape and - dew - 44kt. anti at "every
price. Ile particularly invites the public to call and ex
amine his exoontrive assortment, which in style, timte•
riti and finish, cannot he surlatsited by any, market,
s u et which Ito 18 :11/14 tO put at prices lower than over.
ys,,,s)„ltetuttuther hisoid stand on North Hanover street'
next doer to Guyott's Grocery Etoro. •
TO •
. - -TITE
Ty attention orfarniors is invited to
This is tho simpleSt.,aieaPcst and best improvement of
the age. 114sr only with a mitten guarantee that
it will giro anfect •SatixfueXion or the money, returned;
so that you run no risk. in trying it: have a large
number of the Meet re*lctable refetot*es,-If /Jul, cam
he seers-atnur - Store,-,-Xo-havo - also '„fust - ii4lWd - Ofir
Spring Steel; of Ilumea,. Chains, Forks, ShoVelsOlaitcs, -
111'.cs. etc., which is very largo and cOmpletoiand whlci
will ho sold at the , very lowest prices. A large -asiert
atent of llomoniado chains of all kinds, always in•Storo
.. 7
lit manufacturers' pri
011N' P. aNli: & SdN -•• •.•
North .11anever Street. Carlisle:: •
{OIIAIR 11E4 D,DRESSI...4o:—Hehe
sulls..ribert.wrjrnst.drealved Motu& lierr . d . Dres
st 6 116omrtnd a few Spring Dress Gor)ris..
• Attreli 6.• . • GEO. W. ILITNER.
, .
0, - oaf 4artts
lot Sale anti Meat.
NtOURNINO (:;0()1)8