Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 16, 1856, Image 7

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    ~ i ry.
,I~tif ~~i.[III~
F.4,..E.N0 NT.
l'ott, is front the pen of one of the 'ninny who,
Tere fascinated bythe brilliant and . dashing
career of Col. Fr e mout.nithe deliverer of Cali• ,
fornin, and wile bedtime acitainted :with the
ittoident4p describes upon „the 'spot, and from.
. the lips of partieS wit.uosied th - etit - ;-Tboy
that.Freinont wade "a good' run' once,
and will go' tar to satisfy those who, are open
to conviction that lie can tlo'it again .
pa:rt of tho yeait'lil7 business
ealled'rno to Aka; enlifornia, • Hping - been
'familiar with the
. langitaie and customs crthe_
people, I woe selected to effect a /uric 'con-
tract of hides for one of our•eastern.lirms, the
t ralle - b-eing - nearly-parali-zedLet- theL t lin e—hy
the, war then in' p'regress betrieen,our - hoentry
and Alexico ; wLere. a'handful ,of noble men
were accomplishing deeds whiclt have given
them 'a plit4 in histc , ry\by the side, of Leoni
.dneand his braveS. s tflo:Californlaas had be
come to us a desideratum ;' although their
:triineral•Wealt'n waiting,Jor .
that enehatier of modern days, Yanlee enter
prise; their t. , plilodid harbors,. the contigility
• of otir'possest.zons kr Oregon, and the faculties
for tradc+ with Chine, *ere a sufficientinCen
. tive. • Commodore-tockton. had hurried up
froth Callao in.the frigate Oongress . and Gen•
eral Kearney had crossed the plains - from the.
Missouri 'River, with a force of armed hunters,
• for the puiiPcse' . crf tukiag the Country and
. holding it it 'as a gage for a suti.ifactor,y tree,.
.•. , •
• The - native --- Californians;
grotiried . bents!!; the. imposttColar.dists n t
.erumeriCrlnd VOL Ml . ilovernors, had themselves
- 'lnvited our ov , :t tures', but a few of their
s lew
ders, with a (1-.: , :nitiy hatred toward :the •iaa.-_
!tees, and hello ;if personal reran! from Alexi
, coi were ltssiduoti:•ly. endeavoring to stir: the,
people up 'to arct:i.t= l itt many oases with too
great eueeese...- --- "Aanttel. Castro, :a-4;". . d
italueutial ritt,cherc noted for his -deter m ined
cijppeSitioti- to - and enmity: to -_the
,cam-sed4er=iu-catt aelton - the -- 1
. rueblo the - headquarters otliear•
ney, held by a t)rn I'l I foree of martnii, , tutd
u teem his 1‘ gen td- were iu till Parittie:the
•ootintry, and : urging.
_them to join him. lly siline means plan
leaked out,—
Finis at this tine ri t.thettrEcttztif7",lar_io
friend, General Martinez Vallejo, on the So.
noma Creek . ; toy eoinpaiiidit was Capt.
who has since espoused one of 'our hoSt'S.
daughters. Vallejo
_was - One of the largest
landholders in (:,`S.lifornitt,' owning some sixty
square miles, with forty thousand head of cat- ,
tle and several hulielred horses, cattle and bor.
sos at that:tinio being a man's available weskit.
Ile had been forme - Military Governor' of
the country, uud W 11,3 considered fair spoil by
our people, though in justice L must state that
be - was - kindly disposed ioward the Americans.
Th:clionse was a subtautial edifice of two sto
ries, surrounded :by a — corral', with' a stout
:gateway;' the household consisted of some
tienty 'persons. . .
We had all retired to rest, and were wrapped
in slumber, when the loud barking of dogs and
hallowing of men aroused us suddenly from
our dreams. Expecting. on attack from the
bear party (a band of lawless desperadoes , who
inTest the country,) nil rushed to the. court
yard, armed n 5 u ell as the time permitted,
and in' costumes the moat picturesque, as
primitiveness is usually considered so. The
General, sabre is hand, came last.;; he chni
lenged the intruders with:
Quien'es let - SP' (Who ie there.) - .
! . 4-Americanos . e attlsgca, abrti htpuratil".' (A.-
; merieene and friends; open, the sate;) was the
Jesponsii,:ca blow oeCompanYroiTth-eliialthithat
made the floor titmice again. •
• The demand was perforce complied with;
..:and a band of some, fifty men were presented
tb our view, 'mounted apdarrayed as trappers
most among them, on a black mustang, was a
sinalljsinew, dark luau, evidently their leader,
frith "an eye like Mars to threaten and coin•
wand," a coutrumanee aspressive of the grat•
est deterriiiiiationd a bearing that, notwith
standing his rough dress, stamped him as ope
born to conamaud—to lead.
This was Fremont.
"I am'an officer of the. United States," said
.he ; " ism on my way to Los Angelos; . I
Must, have horses." •
6 , But---" said Vallejo'. - •
4 , I sairir, I niust.hatie them ; you will be
recompensed by my Government. I order you
- 41ivei - to - Lay-taen-what-torsea you-may
• ,
have . is corral.' . , •
, . _
••• Ell:Wing remonstrance rostid,.be or no avail
4iti ,ena h a, men, Vallejo called his vaqueros
gave ' the requisite directions, Iu the
iaiianwhile • D--msdo . himself
iti t awn to, Fremont, hiving met him in 'Wasll4!,
44 .1 have informationoiclaetro'elnient*ce
a t tac k Lee Angelee._ I-have daye to--iee'ab
there before the outbreak; for that' I need
these herses ;_for I must be in at the death."
" But tilt) distal:lse ; six hur?drell
"The roads..—" - ,
"1011111 do it," he replied,,and turned array •
-to su perviseilia_arrangeta en te„:
' • Iu hall-an"hour they departed as, uneeremp
niooly asi they crime, taking with thtirit some
..e hundred horses, e.iid• leaving us astound;
ed at this -raid, to wander if. we wore yet:
awake, or yhether it ,was unsubk-autial
- ex,lainled_thelaerteiO b "tin
bay° oven talte.o my . wile's BittiOle. , hoCSO P I so
thereuglily had lfretnent'a lieutenant pxeented
his order.
FrotnStinpuia to—Yet - try Cuena,; . tlie little
• -
luitu!'et where now-stWods the queeti.eity of the,
Pnaifio; ban Francisco, ho augmented his stuck
to the number of fifteen hundred, commenced
0110 of the must peeniiiirrice,l for afight ever .
kohnbly known. :Barely, pulling bridle - to
cut (rpm the ciuurtec of u-Settrce
dead bullock, dfiviug bilfore Wein their spare
horses-,on, 011 they wept. Thu roads, at all
times bad, at this treason were. :borrible—fifty
miles being a hard day's . journey even 'for a.
Californian. -• •
‘., As their-exhausted tMosts• dropped . _ under
them they i t i orforif the saddles, mid: placing
them oil t ot rerr, hurried on, leaving the •poor
animals to'bo devoured by the ceyotes, or. re
nover, as.oltance might btit,4,0404t...1.1y,0r . at
the head, the last to d:smount, and the" first to
leapintotho saddle, was- this nrouutitiueor,
this companion of Kit ()arson ! this piOneer of
empire l'rottont ! Rarely spooking_ .but,
urge on hie mcn, or to quesTiOriiiorno- poising
native - , taking the smallest tnotlieuny of : rs-a
freshment, nud watehing_Whila oilers snatched
a mothent''s . repose,•,was Lie ivrapped up in his
project andilnairtuttiedr . Y 6 7iaiie aoirie of [he
:- -- Through, San .Patilp, anil Monterey, and
Josepha, they dashed like the-the
. pliantorn ri•
this sif Hartz Mountiline,,stliftling the
habitants, and making the night : watcher er0.1.4
himself in terror as their bind flew on. - The
Hiver S'ackitiejos Wra , runtit-hi the
7ri - dred-en, a rapid, =lily sti-emn z--
.. • ,
his-men_punsed, _ , •
. .
--"Ports ,_ forward !".cries he,
iftlf trie - Titfu - ggle - ints nfterce One,.bui
his gallant niutatigbseasits the mirrent, mid
he reaches the-opposite shore insafety ;.
bietuttter a time join•him, two'braV'e fellows
finding a watery grave, ; atid many horsey being
carried down the stream ; but nothing can now
stop him--the heights adjacent to the . Puebla
appear -= now it smile might be seen on the .
implacable visage of the lender—'tis the sixth
day anti the goal is won!. '- '
%lath 'allay men on the la"st of his caravan
of horses, be• fell like's thinnierbolt- on. tbo
Mexicans. The day one with them the band
-of stout hearts guarding the preside, taken by
surprise, and not having the.adventage of the
'Mexicans in regard to horses o were beginning
to - waver. But cheer up, cheer again—succor
is at hand. On come those riders of Fremont
..nething can withstand
‘ tjteir - shook. With
shouts,of_triumph they cifs"tige the battle to
rout. The field is won!
The rout was a complete one; . and had . not
Fremoiit's men been utterly ex.bausted, none
would haveNeseapeik So' end e d . t h e ride of
the one hundred.
I woukl state that the overt:in:oqt with their
usual speed in such matters, passed an appro.. ,
priati un to.eatisfy General Vallejo' and others
for their losses, aix. years alter.
This put a virtual end to the war, for thongli,
they again made a stand at the
_San Paeeal;
headed by Ping, still May wore dispirited, and.
Gen Kearney with his mounted men defeated
them with great loss. The goveraorship.. Or
the country being decided, which had long
been a source of,trouble between Kearny,
Stockton and Mason, affairs became more set
tledrand thc_el.mArioan.force now larg_edy'aug..
mented, watr•placed - on such u footing id' to
soon crushthe-head of rank rebellion," and
Pico 5114 ca,stra fled to the lower country, to
fight for a time longer against:inevitable sate,
CACLEFU:Or SMALL Timnis.Zirvingin
his " Life of Washington," divell4 on the pe7
onliarity with which the great herf attended
to the minutest affairs. The father of his
C6pntrv, as his correspondence and Buono
Wicks ehoty, was " careful of :small things;"
as well gtitiat , not disdaining to- scrutinize
the most petty'expetoos othls household ; and
this even while acting as bhief Magistrate of
the 'first Republic in the world. The example
OrWashington in this respgq, fight teach an
instructive le,sson to those wM scorn what
they call " petty" details. There are thou.
minds of auch individuals . in every comniunit3.
-We..alLiplow_morp•or_ less of them. -Yet ,no I
man ever made a fortune, or rose to great=
nose in any department, without being!' care
ful of small things." - • '
PRETTY BROPEEEPE9...7" Very Dorm air,
Autt,we have aO shirts that will fit you:
. -villimeasure you for a deseq."
Horriiied 5we11.44 , Good. gwaolooa I
have to stVrip ?" •
dartioic r)cralbs
ii.lins moved his store Mini the former stand to hie
nu n• ouilding immediately opposite, and , adjoitilug Mr,
U. luhuirs Store flaying made "bi - ery arrangement to
prOseKe his , Medicines' fresh and - plire; and having
repleidaluid ids. assortment or ettrerutly selected drugs,
he is now again, prepared to attend -to _tanilliess 'with'
are_autt_prunfittlies• ii hi UNSOVEll11) lit . isill..; furnish
almost every thing that maybe eilliedflacilitharliythil
physielait..or the filially, fur dotnestie use. The greatest
Caro and precaution will be ohseried in the contiannith
big of proscriptions and dispousing 61.unalleines. Ills
ass.atenent of tlotifortimiaries and Fatal b100d.4 lii very
guiteral; and toil enable. 'pureleierra to stiit.theniselves.
--• Vey •28, lCd(i. . • .
. . . ..
With a sploOdid variety of
' CON T . . 1 1c it Y A NI) .FA COOPS.
__Zile- Undersigned 'hus • just:replianisheld_hls stork-ail
goods; slams his Drugs and qineutivals; haVe 110011 110-
jectOr with r groat care, lie Is prePared Lit till all orders
promptly Ills friends may . relylll/1)11 the genuineness
dud-purity of every article.•
stuck a th.).s.ECt3.IO..i.N.SItY Inige and selected
with spaial reMruucu•to tho Holiday's. It m ill afford
any-variety_pertions ill. that
lifrgo:ossortiootit of Fro och;
Candies, all liesh and of the Very best quality. •111s.utl
sorcniMic ot"teA.SUY 1ia01 , 3. Is largo awl embraces all
most every thing necomary tar . the Toilet and k'anally.
lie invites special attention -to his Fahey IVork fluxes,
Mules' nags, Cologne bottles, watch tiad Card :Crayil,
QUlck sales, sioall -profits and strict consfitency in
trade shall clutinc:erise our'business. „ . " • •
.11. J. KIEFFTR.
• &c.-1 have Stott received , front PhiladelPhip and
- • "Now, lock pay extensive additions to iny
former stuck, einkacing nearly every article
of Medicine. now in ime, together • with
' ` 0 l': luta 111111,Vernkles' • Turpuutina, I 1 •
incry, Soaps, stationary, flue Cutlery, Fish-
r --1 -, h g - Tadde; vritsbes - or aluiost. Oiery dus - crip•
100 .1,), an endless variety of other- articles, which I
aih•detorMint.l to sell at the VERY LOWEST prices. ' •
An Physicians, Country 31erchants, Pedlars and oth
-0414 ;OW respectfully- requested hot. to pass tho- OLD
STAND, as they ;may rust assured that every article will
beaold.of u good - quality', and upon re:minable terms.
Main strect..Carlisles
'Ally 10
,-- 11ltUti ---- S i ili.ttU U.B ! DRUGS ! . Fresh.
_Lystt IT,L V .e. I have jMit. received a fresh stock of
'_.„...; Medicines; i'aints, Wass, WI, he., which, ' me i n *
• l i k :::1 ) ; . s s i e i i c s '
j u ,:l::c s i :. 3 e i 4 l , ,:Po u j i , .. t tcd:t . t q l . t k l ‘ B .);:: : r e i, e a . c t i ... , l t e l m i lt a: t i e e l i t t:.!l: n t l i t:: ,
v .l. l l : i s t e ii i i: t i s t h i is ) :,
i al; fresh aml . pure.. .
Dit.Uo6-I.'ateia Medicines, Fine, Chemicals, Ihstru
men t,s...mirEN.Tgeni,ial Arlis,:lier_B - iiitlExtracts, Spices,
grMimd mid o hole, r.ssences, I . .orfutnery, le.
,Cud Liv,r Oil—warranted gunnies.. .- -
-- - 14 y_F:,..;.,cruiep.:.{. = imilgm_ i es 31Midere, Saman, Atom, t*-
;tita Cam Wool', Oil ritrlOL'etipperas 14c - i)yo.--- ' • —.
P.UNTS—Wetherill A... Brother's i'uro Leath Chrome
1.4.,...0n hint Yellow, Paint :Joni - Varnish Brushes; Jersey
IS'lnden• Turpontinc, Copal and-coaeli
Varnish. a,ul.du l LeaT. -- All of whieli hif ecld nt thu
very kkwest pike.
A 1...,,: a frOSil , and 'n4010141 assortment or N C Y
00.00 s, Fruits. tlonloetlonarr, and. innuntorahla - other
eakulated• • for. tise , and ortimment,.all or which
aro odored At the lowest cash paces.. at the cheap Drug,
lloOk and Store of the snbsnritier_pn North Ilan.
overstruct. . S. —IIA
r ya' A,N.1,11...0_t_1144n , ,.
over and Lonthur stn.'
C fi• Vj. kititTNigl3!
ed IlaS alkays on hand a tarn At..ek ut 81.11bUl'i3.r Caliinet
iYart). in all the dilteront lityled, which ha is inagetrat4o
sell at the 'Wm - OSL prices. Ile invites attention partite.
tnily to . tilt! I'ATt%T naf 1 . 11 1111.10:
UBllllll artleid, which utitiraly °Li LOW: , all OlojetstfollS.-4.
The hot tont con he attached to old Bedsteads.-hey haviT
3.litentairs satistactiou to all Who have thain iit.usa.
inadu to order at the slkorOst notice.
IRE°BRT B. S - 31 - 11,1.117, CABINET
NIA K It-a MI us K
Norio ilanoverstrect,• unit door to 74,.:
Ulnas's Ilotol. ' •
lia would respoctfully inform the
cations of Carlisle and the public generally, that ho
has now on hand a large and elegant assertmentof
ISlTURFLeCinsisting in part of Wardrobes,Card and oth
er Tables, 80fas, Bureaus. Bedsteads, plaiu and fanny
Sowing Stands, Ac.,Manufactured of the host material
and quality warranted.
Also a general as,a)rtment of CHAIRS at the law - OA
prices. Vs): 111 ' !lux tz,s , . - t u'iler, and repairing
winptly attended to. t
•S :trth- tiOFFI.Sti - made at thkshortestnetigel ..
lug a splendid hearse he will attend fOnerals in town or
country. .
trop - Remember the stand—next door to IL Olass's
Hotel: • AM 'LEY.
---JAMES it. 'lv EAVER ,would restmefeally call
,• . a the attentiott•of lloaso-keepors and the public
thltis ex tensliMstock of elegant IttlitN'lTUltti,
y o ncluoi lig sofas, wardrobes, Coutro and Tubleo;
• • • ...rossmiotia , ..a.a aureaus, and every tither
urtlelo in - .1.1s branch of :business-. • idso now on IMnd
sMiltir:Ahst ausortinont or:CHAIIIiii in Carlisle,- at
the lowest prices. MOANS Made nt the short
ost notice and a licarm.provided for funerals'. lie
solicits a call at hM ostabliuliment, on North Ifitm
veer streo.•near Ot.sso's Hutch .
• gif'Furniture hired out by the month op:year. •
suuAit.—A genera(
asiort neat of Crushed,-Sifted_and, Pulverised
Sugars or beat -quality, as also soft Crushed, Clarified .
and - other qualities constantly on hand, suitable for
!preserving - and all other • purposes—generally ut oto
Alas a constant . supply of the choicest; Col Tees, Teas,
'Spices and other articles in variety always On hand,-;-
attention is invited to our stuckbefore buying elsewhere.
Carlisle, July 26, ' • • •J. W. -EBT.
40- supply__of the above' celebrated Churn now
on.ltankof all the ditTeroOffisof - r tititr - F4 - 01 Thintin - b - CF
It rereivod Min iirst - preiniuM nt-the -late l!ennsylranin.
State Fair; the first prouiliSnt At tile Franklin Institute
and Veltman, and Maryland State Fairs, and 'rations
others at different places.. It will make more and better
'natter from-a given amount of cream,and in less time
:Ilan any churn In-the market. For sale wholesale and
stall by • ' PASCHALL:IIOII.MS & CO.,
.....Agrle.Mtuial Warehouse aialSood Store, corner of 7th
ING. The subscriber Continues' o carry. on the
above business, in allitavarious brancites,ltr North)! all
oy or street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner
where ho intends keeping on hand a general assortment
in his, g. consistin 01 01 - 'Mods of frobioliat4 o _S- 4 Dt
MRS, Bridles,. l slartingales, -- Oirths,
CI rci ugl es and Ilia tors, also TRUNK.S;'
\\. \i traveling and-saddle
• bags. 'lie also man- ,
ufactures the most ' ` 153 •
j ? ( I\\\l ve p a ro r v N ed a s
ever li used in' this
I I conntry,'and those wishing a hand
. • .i. I some, durable and pleasant, saddle
will do well to call and see them. Ile
• also minufactures liarnesk, Bridles,
'Collars' and Whips in all their-varlo
ties, and confldently, believes , from the general appreb*
tion of hill customers, that ,he makes the neatest and
best geare,in their.variety of bnalth; that Is made In
the country. lie alas' makes all ,kinds of Idatrassesto,
ordelorviet , -BtraverilusicyCnrled-Mair-and-Sprlng,sf a
ruses. Alli.ho above articles will be made of the best
material:and• workmanship; and . with, the utmost des
O V AL .-- . -Shaving - and Bair-. dressing 'Salcion.—Tbe Undersigned 'having re
uTo-viid to North ilinover street,. odialifing SiPe'e Fur
niture IVarerooms, invitesattention to his saloon, where
all persons can receive a clean and easy shave. and have
their hair cut and dressed. In the most fashionable and
exquisite enamor. There 'is something soothing in a'
good shave . , If any are disposed to doubt it; let them try
me, and I will Atily demonstrate the 'act,
Ayell 6,1856.] . WILLIAM% BURGESS.
UM, • - 4
•7 • ' VAIICI,ILWIP.I.ItI , •
. Sc. • '
`.., ' 1 have now on hand and toro.atuat
my vitt Street, opyrisite Minix t llall, nit '
entirely ne' and-elegant stock of - . , ' •
.61Brailater atches; hunting and open ease, Silver do.
tiliviieheniini Mid Quarter Watches, a large variety.:
()old liirehots - pr . -Ladies , •
splendliflissortnumt for ladies and gOntn. --
14., 10 4 pins of every pattern, and all prices:
001(1 for rest and febiguld curb ebeins„
Finger !lino, Cutf-pitis, Studs, - xAtrolluttons, '
Crosses. 'Drop and 'loop Ear-Itlngs, a - large
Silver and Plated Vorits, Table andlea'Spoons.l . lutter .
Betties, 24 , . of variousanirprices, •
Thhaitiles, • -
Cold, Silver and Clittioli Sprit tcles,` - a large assortinent .
to suit all. ges,.and to which we invite partirular
attention. _
Port - Monne - les, a largetissOittieß4t; every price;
'Gold Pens, of the hest make at various prices,
•Faney Boxes, Port - Folios, .iceordeons. Spectacle cases,-
Ladies Card Cases, silver and pearl, at various prleca, •
Bracelets, gold and iiiiinudni I Watch Chains dinar, i
- 41 So a large variety of. articles in the Jewelry 'Tine,
which I will sell at-the lowest priceA. 411 articles -war
ranted-to-fm-Whiit•they are radii for:— ' - • -
- 1.14):-Part - felilar attention paid to the - REPAIRING 0F...
WATCIIIe.S and Alf Worlt warranted. Iteturningthonlts
to my old friends and customers for forint r pi ire Inge, •
respectfully solicit 0 eentiumnit4 of their farina.
june2o . • 1.`110:114.S CON
11 -11 011(1A 1,8,,
- 0 - . 0 - 6 .- - 3
--,-: :--- NIEW. GROC,I , ;II.Y
ertIEV 1.1 * A
'A'hq subscriber welt il respeetfully inforin his friends and
the public generally, that he Lag just returned from the
city with a laige and varied assortment of
IittOCEILIFS, ft LASS and tflitihNiOVAßl ;
FISH; .tc., k.. which he, for Feld en the{) "il l
most rossonfible..terms, at his New Store, ( iP ••
corner' of North litiptiv er street mid the Full - , ;,,„:
lie Sot:ire/directly opposite tlie,Carlislo De. . 7
'posit Bank.' His' stock enthrases everything usually
lu nil rocerY and _Varlfity. store; . • __ •
The public arc invited to eell and examine his stockt
before purchasing elsewhere; as he feels confident he can
sell the best goods at the.lowest prices.
. .. ' • .1. D. lIALIIF.II T.
. _
.The sahscrther .bats just
added to hisTOrmer stock a general selection or ciroicr:
HOCE.RII , IS, as well.its all the other variety of articles
usually. kept in a Grocery - Store, embracing e, uhawing Itla
gs,V, Coffee—rattsted andgreen—at 144 and 14 ctln ts
't..CljA per 1134 Orlpans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverised
slugarit, of tine qualities; Chocolates. Spices, Pairy
Salt, and, a variety - of Fancy articles, all, of 'which are a.
fared at the ;mires. We are thankful for the
former support given us, and :invite &further call front
our friends and ettatonmes. .1.. W. -
. %dation
• • •
.wmtp: 7 7ola housekee rt et k and youth:, with thus
also who are etpectlng to.l.alco)Wilianxek'ecicriciirs".itiv
mid to call, at .itALßEirrs FAIIT ItX DOC ERY and ex
aminu bis elegant assert„ment of I n a.l.ila tendßi Oucen
-ware andtother articles .In the hnuseli:eping line. much
as French and seta, heavy- banded and Plain,
White tiranite;kilded and blue plain, Dinner acts of
miry variety and price:ham - is and pitchers, tifecqns.
(Mass-wan--centre table and inantet istnpn,
Vantlehibrati aPd . Weerdate cea t aide and bur
amblers, goblets aifirivi;secv "e 4, 11M -in v-a..-y
fiety. Tetiar-ware-Lt ,l.ucketa, elixerns, •owls. 1.0.1
'print:4lnd ladies. meal •ecl,te . ..te . - hrurhe art-pin{,;:
whito . wnab, sir tiii•lerai .
I,rtioina, Ac.
111, , :mint travelling,l
Mao a choice et:t. 'telace. , and Freres. (nil
Lo who - arc teed chuir'ki.l.l.m,lllll: of Separsanil try the
'tat Spattistt and I . ..mtat wit h snuff and
tobacco. •
GOO•DS ! W (Sul) ' '
.1 _ _ •
The subscriber has just returned front
_New York and
1' htlndeAphia,_aud-is lunit upening an immense stuck ut
.the - most - splendid
4JV or brought to Carlisle. •
DRESS (100119.—Tho ladles will find n largo naaort
moat utheantiful them; gootia, of the neweot atylea anti
700 Needle-worked Cururs
and Mountings. and Invertings, in great variety.
CA It PET' Nt la entire now n soul tuien t
Ingrin, Venitian. and Stair Carpets. •
' BOOTS AND SI 1011.9.—A full supply of Ladles:. (gents'_
Boys. aliases', and Children's Shoes, ail hinds and'
sizes. 'Willis' Fine Shoes for Ladies and )110es In thU n '
IItirdESTICS.—A large stock, o_f_lln sling ; Checks,
nr);lngs, tAlre-thc very Jowe:4
In short, ovary article in the Dry tlo•As line will be
found In the assortthent—lest.qttallty, nem est style,
and at the very lowost prices. All in'Arant of baud
.at,.,,To• and. elniap 'gook will do well to call at the ~1,1
stand. tfamt-Maln street.
April 9.
EIV 000DSIThe subscriber has
just rerillved .and 1s tuv 7 i4tning a larg6 assort-
Inent of Fli6Sll (1001.6 suited the season-- : riesse
call and get k!argailis
Carlisle, .Ynr.l4',.'s'
4j05 Ord) 3liatljiiirtt)
d 1 A S Ft:l.n ' 1.1N113-
- •
vt, X uljderslined would
thia, he hits inade arrange
Fil'FF:Al and '1 ) 1,U1.1111Nti at. Moot tio
tire, corms. • lie has engaged the rye.
vieos ofrt first rate hand front nt, and Las sup
plied.itintsolt• nit au extensiX,ii - 'ai;sertuicot or lINT
I/ it Ks.wlrb h trlil entitle hint t6ilirall tinier:" proioptl:i . will hi. warrzinted. lila stock of Ilan Fixtures
w ill h e Ynunl is tiln3 twin o:tartly opposite his Tinning
04t4tbligliatn.t•.in North Hanoi er street,uheru lie inrll.l.:
a roll.
', SPOUTING, dre.—lie is also prepared tO
farnlaltiOr make. to order, o'voq article, of TIN \YAW',
used by Itotisektavers and others: lie *lll ztlso attend
to sPotriNti, itoust-itoiwvi,m, BELL itANGI:s3,
Thankful tbe the patronage.ylth, which he has already
been fUvored; ho respectful* lsollelts a continuance of
the same. •
. barb C;
-7 , y r." SPRAND 31 lIINECSIIOP,
The subscribiT has the sat fscilen of in
-s,3ll;:ogara farming his Old friends ou ItronS that
- his establishment is again t l artive,ope/
ra u, new buildings having been erected sin • ate
4145)-4.rous , „fireAud , the.ocliele-te..tahlblhlaelltAlllt '''''''''''''
ple working order.." Orders are therefore. reskeifully—
solleitett for work in his line, which will be done with
promptness and in the bra manner.
And reredrod t All kinds of l'ilacidnery in. Paper 31111 s.
Grist Mills and Pactoiies repaired at Alert - nonce. Mill
Spindles dressed and turned. • ' • ..
slich as Bevil Gear lour Horse Power, liorlsentsl Gear
Pour Horse and TwelllilicirPowers, Ploughs, Corn net
term and Crushers, fie. Patterns made to order. Iron nod
:Brass CASTINGS executed to order, If not 'on hand, at
the' shortest notice, such as Cranks And Mill Gearing,
Spur and Ravi! Wheels. Gudgeons for 1 4 4 w Mll4, Plow
Castings, Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and coach Res
ult, Spindles. Car Wheels. Car Chairs, d.c. Ile has also
on large supply of Philadelphia and Tmy coon..
ING STOVES, and is constantly making Conking Stoves
of various Improved patterns for 'coal or wood, ten plate
Stoves, Orates, &e. Repairing done to all kinds of Ma:
chlnery. All kinds of old , Iron; . Drassand Copper takon
ri exchange foiwork.
just raturpedand -is-opening a •
general assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods, consist
ing of ,• French Medi:mos, Coburga, kipoemui, Printed
Cashmeres and Mouirde Laines Dross Silks in great
variety, Long Drocha Shawls ilmm $l5 to French
Blanket . %awls: ,Cambile and Swiss lidgingsundin
settings an Cambric, 4nd Swiss Collars. • Morino And
Silk Shirts and' Druire. Dress Trimmings In ,grist
variety with other Fanointid Staple Goods.
nos , . • . . 0110. W.lll NED
MUSICIANS.—For Bala, a rst
ji. rate VIOLIN, With box„ Enquire at. thh ogee
- ,:,' r i.v6:_' - 'o,p --- 'O . - tiopOiL.—..
CHARLES .0011.111'
' 70S - 1, 1- .I 4 H — A. NEr'E' DLES-4 lanufaotu
ref. of .. ... . . .
Coarse,. Modinmn and Fine in. web : lingo, Iniddic-aizeo,
' and simian in diameter.' . • - .... •
ZmIETALLC cLoTici oit WO Vra WIRE,.,
of the beat , Oualities. 1 ariow(alies of inosh,.from Nos,
to lit incinsive, anti front one to 817 C feet in width: ,
'.!._ They are numbered so -many minces to tholineul irkci
amid rut to Alit..,? . . 1 • • • • • ' *
. -A:he subscriborralsb keeps conetantly cn Wind
,-. SCREENS, , . ••,.. • . •
. tor coal,o Sand '•Orim, iline,"grain, iraTel. °guano; sumo.
, sugar, salt, bone, coffee. apice,' druge..dyaetuffta ',.t
"Vogother with tin assorinemit. of BRIO lla ANIt. Al
;SEAtEIi liteN.,\Vilt/C.. All the, /Wove bold wholvaa,
‘and.retail by s • ~: . J.-A. NEEDLEs,.
• • - 64 Front Street, Fhfla. :
June:4.'1866.-Iy. _. , .'
I)I I iNSLOW .&. , r
nr iV •.;
.... . • a holesnle Dealers invall. kinds of .
• "
; : ' )I.iNurXrfunfn Ton&oeo,
.. . .
A.'.;l) ' FOR }•;11.IN. AN I)..DOMESTIC SEG AllS; . •
_...‘ 2.l_,t_zo_ukla„Ennit NtroAtinifiadelPhin,
benne ors of Fine . Hayana_Segrirsi. of the cheicr• •
:rowths of the uelta.abajo...,- largo' asrortmenV; —
, vhiell are kept consinittly on hand, an for sale at
mall advance on cost of importation. •'
re4 - Consignments respecttully solicited, on
Thei•al inivan'ecs ,?.? ill le made when desired.
SmTafil atanntrthi - Tvi.Mtworcters - for purelMite on col.
aisalon orrobacro:',B also every deseript)ora ofYlercha
dim for accoutitr parties living at fi tlfitanco from ti.
. .
31.1),....401e Ago I for F. AdMetze's celebratedflerev
Smoking Toba , o, comprising; thirty different Tariethl-
April 'Xi, IS • .—ly. -. .
EPPA It 1.1 & VAN flAlt LIN ark:\
ki —The subsea-fliers having removed to their . •
--- N 0.278 Chestnut. Street, foiiitlf - door - aboveTenth; --
Are now prepared to offer zularge and well selected stir ,
of the following fresh and desirable goods. principally
their own Irtiportation. or bought nt auction, whi,
they are able to sell at the 'importer's prices, and
whlelt,they eordlallY. invite the attention of: Count)
Merchants, ilutel Keepqrs, and families generally ! . .
llidf,Geoon and Vonitlan Windaw Shading. •
. Barnsley and Irish Listen Sheeting, 74, 84, 94, It
.11-4, 12-4.-
Holster and Pillow Linens of .several choice bleacher
and all widths from 33 t 0.54 inehell. •
Bed Illanketsvfnlisliesties.
. Crikand Bratileillenkets.
itivl Quilts of the fonowing 411etles. Margenl"
Knottod, Register, Alhambra;
r:lngitster, of all.the desirable Sizes.
Bureau. Corers; Table•Coyers, 'Window CurtainMusli
Towels and-Toivoling-orovery-variety-Rainask.Tabl•
Cloths and Napkins, Shirting linens and Muslin. Co' ,
brie Handkerchiefs. Embnolderles. C. • pro , "
Moreens,,Enlirolderecl . Lace nud Mush
Utirtains, UHL Cornices. bands, UimpS. Cord, &c. -
. ImperterOnd Wailers - in Linearand lirouse • Purnisl ,
lug ,• • • —
TOVES' ! STOVES . !..! STOVES ! !.
S..J The undersigned - would respectfully call the atte
dia4 Country Merchants and thoseln•wagt . ef Stor).
to theirextensi% restock of , •
roniprising it greater assortment thah can beTtiund.,
any other store ii) the United States,
Purchasers will -find it an advrthbage to give us a ea.
lielbro buying eliiewhere. For sale Wholesale and I
rail - on - the;most liberal-terms
• N. E. Corner 2nd andßaru:Streets Plilln•
.N. 13.-Also agents for the celebrated l'4ncgreg
• I leati ng Stoves. . [April :kb 1856-3 V,
st : 1) N wi i , I A' R
tio 'S O
R . R c,` 1
r . e 1 •
cm;it BouT AM SHOE STORE, -
No, i 8 South Second St.; Corner td Carter St.
The establishment hits been enlarged and improve
and ix supplied wKA the largest and hest Retail
in the City, principally of his own nuissufacr , '
choice assortinent from this best Eastern T riot
bracing Ladies,' (lents', and Children's
i":11i/ES AND CAlTEßS
erery description, style and quality, embracing C•
hest styles and qUitiltit , A .in this or any other tualki.
This stock cannot be excelled for quality.Stylo at.
nrtin,lo 7s ntarliedrott,, the very lowest possib
litter. Irma which no derintion wi11,1.0 matte_ e
irnviikotot ttateiuenta will be needed, and none - mode •
effect salon. •
t3uuo,,e•,.r's Own In All varldtios7 Pure Gums,
Nil:tree In the market. always on hand. The publie
respe,ftfutly Invited .to celt. [April 1, ma.
r 1. . E ACII F. R.S; 51111.11 . 114 ORS,
flalieuiatieal Drawing Instrumenti, so iTato nd .
eases, Knell aa Dividers. Parallel . ltules,'lvpr x-so ,
- .ht -- ; Paper - Scales,- T - :qua res, VA:*
Drawing Pons, Protractors, hunter's Series, Tape Me. ,
ures, Idotalic Tapes, Surveyors Chains, '2 and 4 Pole,
and luo foot, Survoybr's Compasses, Engineer's Levy'
and Transits, Tarok Hods Ac. Magic Lanterns
the best - consti uction, Scriptural Diagrams, Astromic.
Natural History, humorous, ebromatrope or ArtifuS•••: ,
iliro - wOrks, Dissolving Views, 3lagneta, Polorarrias, A.
en.mpg, Electrical apparatus,.(lnlvanie apparatus anu
largo collectloM9f Instruments, sults.
for colleges and Also, Spectacles, Spy Mass
Microscopes, Therinonieters,.llarometers Iteadingsti6..
ses ke. •.
liavitm received• the agency for. the sale of Ut.)
littooll'S $C11001: APPARATUS, I am prepared
furnish Teachers with an Orrery, . Tellurian, a Nuniel
-Frame, at inch Globe, a Hemisphere Olotie, .a set
Geometrical &Oils, a Magnet and Teat hook, all pack
la a box with lock and key for $2O. illustrated a
priced catalaguus forwarded Gratis.
204. Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of 10th tit
j: 4 4 rlch N 11 TRUSSES.--11ernin,
„t it upt ure successfully treated. and comfort Maur,
by, use of the elegant French Trustes,:lmported by t
subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales.
All sutferitig with Rupture wilt; be gratified to lea
thattho oicaslon now offers to proeure a Truss-comb:
Aug extreme lightness, with mass, dutabflity and corn
- eoustruettom - ifillen of-the -eutubrous-and-tuacelnfor
Lie article usually sold. An extensive assortmon alws
on band, adapted - to.overy variety of Rupture in ado
a children. and for sale at a range of price to suit:.
Cost of Single Trurses, $2, $3, $4 and $5; Double,
$6, $5 and $lO.
. Persons at a tiOancecatt have a Truss seer to
dress by ramitting,.the auidunt; sending meastagrarou.
. the hips, and stating side affected.
,-- Fer.Sale--Wholesale and Ititail-14 , thoirepor
. chthun IL NREDW,
S. IF. cor. of Twelfth POO std., PhififfelPhia.
Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Bn
Chest Expanders tin Erector Braces; Patent Shout,.
ktracos; Suspensory Bandages; - Spinal Preps and Be
ports. Ladies'Remus, with competent lady attends° 1
" To all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, rue*
()Lutz, sr yin &c., Sc. •
The ITOIVAIW ASSOCIATION of Philatielpbra,
view of the awfuLdestruction Orlll3ll l / 3 11 11th and heall.
caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which s
practised upon the unfortunate
consulting Surg e o n , k
by quacks, have directed their so.
CUARITARLE ACT worthy of their name, to gi
Ilicted,(Male or Female.) who apply by letter, pah
with a description of their condition, (age, occupatic
s i dia . oflife , Ac...).andhaLextremapaverty-arid-snlieri.
The Howard Association Is a benevolent Inititutil
established by special endownieitt e lbr the relief
,ef.t ,
sick' and distressed; afflicted with '"Thident and E
demic diseases," and Its funds raiz 'be used fbr no oti.
purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which t,
Directors have voted to eAverttser.the *bove notice.
is needless to add that the Aespelatiqu commands E
highest Medical skill or the ag6;i' ' •
Address, (post.paId,).Dr.ONA:II,,OA,LIIOUN,
is.g Surgeon, Iloward Assocititkax yhiladelphis, Pa.
Ey order of the Directors;
EZRA D. BRAMWELL; President.
QEO. PARlCOMlLDillocrsterv.
'p"l 11.