111 PE t filrititril IT.-.l)i-p:ti-i.t.fiirtif..; HOES AND HOEINO. . . ••• . "`Where. you see a tall ; corn-house yon• . tirzy look out far a good deal of hoeing," is an arsidur with hired men and boys of ° unimpeachable veracity.. A..",ta1l corn . • hause-'!-signities fa - large--eorm.field, „and corn 'grows by hoeing and not without.— No farmer -Whose hoe„ Wits rusty. from . "plantin,, r ir titne'Luntil the •'tassel" shoot, has much aced of a tall corn,hons - e—any sort of a 4corn-crib," will do• for ,his ... crop. • Clean eniture and frequent slit,- - ring of the.soil iittle early stages of its • groWth, are , indispensable requisites to large.crops of Indian cop. Of' other re ', quisites,---L-thorough preparation amid 1na ...... miring,. as . _ well_ as..seasOriable : Iplanting.- 7 .-. we have already . spoken -• The .hoc---'-'-hand . and horse—must do what remains to be .. . , . .. . done ,for the ',present year, though it is - . not too late for top-dressing.. with ashes, '.. ,plaster, etc., and thi.4!;should:by no means _ be neglected. . . • ..' . ..,-. Probably the Indians knew something iof the .culture- of :Indian - ,orn. • .They : Awed. hoes; 'and practised clean, and fre.- quest culture. -. Hoes made of the shoul, _..clor blade of a Moose or Deer; _ . or of .a_ . large .clam .- shell, fastened to a stick were. -rither rude iMpletheilt,s; but in the liaridS„ of-the woirren farriters of, that 'day they. accomplished : the - work laitlifully junk - 1 well. . Our.wonien,- thank Heaven ' have "laid down "the shovel and the 'hoe;" . . :but it is not a - weck since' one of our 'German neighbOrs who was at work- for • ii 4; brought.irlong Wife, mother, and-baby, to assist in planting potatoes. 'Probably, the same -force will be employed to finish their cujture, arid assistin theircu' nsump t 0n... But we h: d only. i itended 'to • - - - 'speak. - of - what - hoes - had , be - e - n --- tid - wha - F! they should be... Within our recollection I ` they have been rude,•iteavy juiplements,4 which it. were a nay's work to carry, •to , • say' nothing of wielding. Now we %are little to complain of on that score. _Give 'I us a light hoe set right on a tong smooth,' springy handle; te edge sharp,too hard k fiN • 10. batter, and too! so toltrea, and a' lit.' tie more "backbone," as theysay in poli- I tics and we will take care of, "out. row • for '' atthi•beitts" at any rate, . • Homte-hoes,_ cultivators, and the . like, ' are a great labor-saving invention. With. • straight rows. and a imiellil, the hand 'hoe_is almost, (but cot quite) superseded, and May be handed over to the .' the . boys" who follow and regulate" - the lbws after the passage of one of:the first tamed i- . - implements - . --- -With - a - steady - an - d - 7c - nOw • ing hrse, who will f.' haw" or "gee" . -at the W . i l rd and - bail se corn hills for him self, o e can stir the. whole surfabe. be tween the rove, .by , passing back and •forth each way, with proper care. A good horse-hoe will be' so arranged as ~ ,to, turn; the soil froin the hills when the corn first. conies rip as not to cover theM ; and .to • turn it towards 'them when it gets larger so as to cover up any small weeds, which _ may appear, and to form a. 'slight bill_ a round the plants.—We are not in favor . of any'anaount of hillir g, \ even though it was the .practice 'cif the•lndjans to pile; . them tWo feet high, as . well as to manure in the' hill : with - fish, and to use the stalks for-bean/roles. . , ' .. , .. ..- • There ia," a philosophy'of hoeing" as ---- weli - 46 - of - Prowingori - using the harvested crop. '" Why do we hoer"' is it . per • - nent question, to which the . answer will be, to mellow the soil and kill the 'weeds..' . Half of .us, when..we "take. up. the hoe" don't have: any. definite idea of what we 7 7 W0410: - .4FifE - '"iirepTiiiiiiiy•ii 7 1i • titre — of the surface" soil around the stalks, 'and haul 'a Ilitle..mellow dirt- to 'cover the - , weed ili s, not to . hill them,- as we should'do. 'Lit us strike the hoe well in',„ each side' . •of therhill,•and draw it towards in, so...as toitir„tha soil two inches deep. Do this .tatro - or thrervtitues, each side the -kill, and then smooth it off suit the -flub* and • . One' hoeing will . having accomplished both r• these objects l .,. • The horse-hoe ought to . haiu done - the .rest...- Bit don'.t 'let. any . thing drive'us frormathe field,' or keep us - froth it More. than 'one week aka time un til the con iihd'potatoes are large -e -_,.Lisentgkie_shfle_the:grounci_andiFeep_ the soil mellows` and ,olean for themsolvee. , Rural Niw Yorker. gel. A man. in Frathinghain, Masag, bail invented a.‘!plantiagratichintr.”.. it is-hollow, and of the shape and size of .a walking stick. Instead of tiro old labo rious stopping and digging, the farmer hasbu't't oclif this with corn, or bas, and take 'a morning walk back p and forth 1 use hiedari . e - briskly; as lid goas, and presto the work is tlonel . • Bent to the ;firth in hard bukliealthful toil," _ l: 11 - Ottodott4 .141odern Machinery is making 84d lytvoo with the Poets, It turns ,their descrip tions into nonsense. - The sower no long er,gyes Out. • ~. '..tokroadcast , o'er the land". W. ~ . .. .. _.. . ~ . lie . geti the wor k done:for Lim •by tin ': iron fingered Drill. 'There is. no longer danger' of Muzzling "the:ox that treaded) ..Utaithe__corn.," ,_.l4.el_huff_gi3r.en_ up:l*. place to the flail, and the flail' in turuLas been, turned out .by'a Four-Horse PoWel Threshing Machine. Gone is•tlM "rea per's : sicile,". and: gone - the • " ringing scythe!! We have: only to . hitch'. up' a Reaping Machine, (cid° the work of for, ty.. -The " jocund wino press" _has lost its-jocuudityii anid become a matter-of:fact Serew..CoWper not long ago sang. of wintered stock : . ' - - '. '•:Notentler;owe - can - brettk - ltermightly fast: — . . No heifer strong bow the cold repast, Till Mks with ponderous beetle htruntost 1;41, And seattvring splinters fly qt every b10w.".,7,,, _ . >Where are h . il6, and Lis ponderous beetle now ? Turned. into a Turnip Cutter. 3 ,ln the "good old tilike" folks made , :merry with song and dance at Harvest Home. —Welt,they 'might, for most of theth - had been - half starved forsix'months: - 'before. Now-there are no more merry tuakings., I'IGOTS,'.A.ND SHGES.—The mil-inn ° here respeictfully inform their friends and the pUb ilk generally that they-have removed their BOOT AND zi ILW. manufactory tosthe store-room in North ft itanover"strget, recently occupied by M r. Shuck t . .. man, tivo.dours'bolew ilaverstick's Drug Store. and immediately opprisite lotryer'sCiitifectien ore v. tore they are Prvpared to ntake Itont's mid' Shoes to measure inn very varitity, with a good assortment of stock. and competent workmen. -- They will spare noel; tort to give satistitetlon. ' ' J. - & G. TAtilkii. " Carlisle. April 16, lbtitF---St.. ' ' ' . ' ' VENN . SYLVAN LA I,l . ooBlP.,—Pub. lie ltntortainnieht.—The..sulifieriber resPectildily .Z7.lllMriiiii-the.citizens of-Carlisle and-the fuddle etnl ly. that he intends opening, a pubile lietisu of enter': tainment on tho Ist of April, in the building now ne , ciipiciliby Wonds aii n store on the corner tit North !hoover and Louther streets, In the borotigitilVarlisle. lie will be ready at all times, to accommodate 'all who may favor hint wlth.thelucustotii. and nn pnhis will be spared to make all feel entirely at home. Ills table will at a:11 timeslie supplied 1111th the best the market. can . 'afford. His stable with a good and attentive *sties.; -and everthing to make man and beast Goth cointortalde will - be provided.- Boarders - will he taken by the wool: mouth. or year, at reasonablo'rates.. Ile hopcs . by strict attentiorvto business and a desire to please to receive • share of public' patronage.. -• "'" AI,7OII,ENBAUGIL • Carlisle, March. 5, 18561--ninn: • •:;,;, • • • 1551 11, ,,s 1 . 2 :O. Cl_ W. SLA:6II,I?, .&. PRODUCE kfi AND COM. 1118gION 31ER.CIIANT$, • 'NO. 118 North_ `treat, Baltimore. 31d. ' - Would inform the puhllu. that they have,ontered into the ahvoe husiness, and will pay particular attoutlon to , ''tlic'sale of noun, Gale OF ALL KINDA, CLOVER SEED. WO9RIET -hind COUNTRY PRODUCE general, . and will: ri,nit proceeds of sales promplii*. - Conslgre. rocas solicited. , CIIARLES W. SLUMP. .1. V. 114)811.0Ult, D.. , ithin . 4 . 1 , 3, , n , :ft, }York County, Pa. . Ap.ll 1856---lim. rllO ,IRPENTEItS,' kc.- . -Tlio undersigned Las been a 1 ,t5,...5.5/ an agent for supply g HOUI.DINGS 0'194 design. or Pat turns for building , at a much less •rate Shan they ran be made bero---su said by our, most experienced mts ebrinies.- (March 26,'563 HENRY 13AXTON. F R , ya b s H i 2T h E 1i. j. 1, IN. Gr . !—. hot of , 1 4 Surkrtion FRESII HERRING, •, 1 If this vat's catch.' For stao at iho c.ptahlkhod arocory. ' ... J. D. HALBERT. -Northltisuover-Stio—et:: 'NEW —HAT, CAP, AND SHOE • sTomit. subscriber hag just opened In tho•storeivom for merly occupied by U.'.. %V. Illtner, on the corner of the public s q uare, ylalo west, near thp Market !louse, And, adjniniug Opt Jewelry s.tore . of Vim. D. Nnuille, au oft .tlrely ) w assortment of , it • k i'S. ItiinS• AND 8110 ES, of ovore 5.:04.1 4 na.l finis{:. • • •It 4 , 41N15L 1. extra fine Moleskin Beaver. :i‘ortlrur Itatti; otc; • Also littaw Hata Tbeso lints are Manunicturod by. Oakft.rei: kb•rris A 04).. 4 , 111 0.4.11 e. celebrated hatters of . Phlladolphla. I k late aleu eveky, variety of b me manu facture. .‘lithate geode be will guarantee to give entire, satisfaction. • • . , Ills stock •al.fihowi Is - made up of every variety end style from the cheapest to the best article In the mar ket. and cannot IW, to please. • lie respectfully solicits the patronage of the puhlic, feeling confident that he can sell the cheapest and best goods in the county, May 10, 1856 0 11,E C 1.1 A., 4 N wool • respectfully annoiince to the* public gamn:lir , that they, 'Mond opening an 'ostensive Lumber irnrd in Now Cumberland, this Spring, where 'they In-' hind to keep all kinds and qualities of fiver 'Lumber, and film) that thy on band now ribout one, hero dred thousand feet ofdry boarda and planks, (Pine an of dia offer v itienint coitOltli*, which they •, • the public on reasonablaterms. • GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. 77 Alitrge and select assortment or the above, 'war mutetrgeualne, and embracing many hundred • choice Varieties; for sale wholesale . and retail. Country dealers supplied at a liberal discount., ' • VAscIIALL. MORRIS* CO - - Agricultural Warebouie and Bead Store, _Mar 2.0, 'SO] _ 00r..7th and MarketAta.; Phila. • ' , ARM ERS /LOOK HERE! he subscrlberis desire ta'infonn-iarraers and , geuerally that theynow hiveon LAW& god are constant. ly manufacturing Threshing Machines with ,Plerpont's Patent Shaker, which are generally aeltnowledged to be the boat articles now in use. Also a variety of Clover 'Muller', Corn Sheller' and Straw ciitters. They also attenato the *rivaling of Agricultural Mach!nery the boot Mlnner'and'on reasonable terms!. • Manulho• tory on Nerth.lbnitiover Street:, directly OppoSite hbe' res4lenco of George Motsgar,Mag. .August (who. ADRPMS & PLANK. Cheap. Job Printing dime at thia'ottice .' ta...,15t0`..1::, fjOalkt' DLAINIMED unifithsTVlll contmente-tarltlay'-{ith,--A-now-hull fog has been erected euutalnlngrtlyniaslunt, !dui •It ... Wit h increased facilities, fur instructqprf 'and , timx accommodations, I his net itution presents great' 'I .ilucements to parents. wilt; Alaisiro the physical al mental lutprovinuent of their 50316. Tema ' per .Beasiod, $6.5 00. Finf - eirculaimovlth Information, address , K: lsllttrli, ' ..Prlnclpaland'Proprieteri Chinberlaud co., Pa. April 9; 1.8;19 • ... • . 111 TE . IiAL,.L :. ACADtIMY:=-- . Three n4108'11'64 .of ritirrisburg The inleventh TiciiiiiM n Eilni nstitutimiTvairrii - itimuttee ou'. alutidaYi the titlt of May, next. Parents and tluardiaus are re spectfully requested• to inquire into the merits of the Institution. Thelikation is retired pleasant and health ful, and the course of histritetion cm - braces the °Willa. ry and higher bra ii - Oies of an English EditeatiQn, te gethur with the Latin, Greek, French, and thirteen Itul• guest* :Wui vocal and instrumental , music, •Teims, bearding, washing, and Tuition in the Engliill branch es and vocal music per session (21 weeks) . $60,0U. 'For circular containing paiticulars add MPS: ,1 ' 11. DENLINCIEIZ.,_._ • March, 1 ; 2, 1866.1' - , litirrisbilrg, Pa. • el ART:4I;O.E FEMALE SIicIIINAItY. JJ mit. and MRS. CLARK,.whe have beenfor several ,j'ears ougagerliik teaching;respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that on the Ist of April, 1.850;..they will open, in Louther Street, in the house latelN Occupied. by Dr. Blumenthal, a, SSMINAItY FOR YOUNU LADLES. • The 'lnstitutiriii , will be-both a boarding and day school, in which all the branches necessary for the com plete education of Young ladies will be taught. Assist- , ants' of the :highest charactei. fir ,qualiticat ions and morality will he employed hi accordance with the wants of the institution. The government will be conducted ma strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will be as rigidly 'cadmic& • . - 'The Principals flatter IhentSOlxeStirat their long and successful experience as teaclierk•-as lestitifet by the recommendations ip,„their possession, will enable them ter - establish - an Institution of the 114;11o:it character for young ladies. They are-fully persuaded that such an I listitutibit will lie ti&talurid' hero by the citizens and -neighboring country.,•and hope that, their confidence may not he disappointed. • A departirmut for youtiger elli;dren will he Jai 11141difitely organized. • • , TEILMN real SESSION OF VOCII MONTHS. including -fuel,. lights, and washing, - C.O 00 . Primary Deprirtment, • . S * „Higher -• • - P 2. qa . Ancient iraugtiages, each. - . 00 • \lr dose • S UU Ornamental branches at*profesior's rherg, N. • -- Na Ilutturatiri for absence after 'entritice, except In case of. protlarted illness. . • . it F.VERIEN CEB. . , Hon. FIIILAYE: WAY2zi, Ifor. C. P. WING: .1. 11. l'Altl.flt, 11144., - ' • A. 11. 11111:511:11, .1 ANI F,5•11.1.7411..T0N, EN., • "-: .1A OD FDY, - Dr. C. H. 111.1131EN:111.1.., " • --=- - F.F.I ..•6 . Iter...r. 11..M6111113 . - . . . Mnich IV,: 1856-4 year. . _ - . • • • • - 00 - M. M.E It L .• C E, romovra to thu noir and spaUlousdlall, Nu. tat had l'ht BA MOUE STREET, ilattitaora, 31d: FreiMi 4.4. Tll[7lllll . tll fSv uiii I= 1.3 . . W. licMP. liiStructor fu Mon:aut./1u Calculations nn 1. Ass9cla4t In book liuvping Dupifirttnuilt. J. )t. PHILLIP& TtltHlhtif KVOlllll.' S T. %I'll.l.l.vg...C.i.oeturvr oft Colnitierd3l..haw Thine yearti have out yet elapsed since the establish. ment ot• this institution, during which t lute upwards of eight htfudred students have beau in attendance, (rep. resettling nearly every State lit the Unleml :Luton; whom are !lumbers In Ilsithueru and elsewhere occupy, Ing prominent positions sa,busluesS WWI and account ants. ' • • BOOK KEEPINO.,—Tha Principal has the utmost eon lu assuring the publlelhaeafter all expel bine° o fourteen nitwit In-qualifying young men for -the Count ing Boom and other important stations, and_ AU UAW*. II IYu Acquaintance with %he management of Waitress books ()revery description, cmutlated ak he is by two it& entibe ttesounbats) the° course' of training In this le partnbtit Is eminently-practical and well adapted to the various:pursuits of Lommerce and.'rrade, including Individual, Partnership, Mercantile, Manufacturing, Couttuisslon, Exchange, Banking. Shipping. Steamboat• lug, Compound Company operations, de. PENMANSUIP.—The exercises under- this head arc free, easy and graceful combining rapidity of exocution with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student to write an elegant business hand on completion of the course. NIEWANTIVECALCITIATIONIVio all their various bearings are taught by the must accurate and cape& nous method. - . . Lally lectures are delivered upon the Science of. Ac counts, Mercantile Customs, ac., those in connection with a series of lectures on Coinmeicial Law, are of the highest importance to all aspiring to occupy prominent positleifiiu the business, community, The Lime • necessary fOr.an ludustrlimicstutiont to cnnplete the course, varies from 8 to 12. weeks, There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any time, and attend both day and evening. Examinations are hold at stated periods, and diplomas awarded to t. we who graduate. For terms, etc., -write and have ach 5 lar forwarded by mall. - -104.14 Storvo au4 f§l)opa. NEW STORE & NEIN GOODS 1-- The subscriber has just returned from the cli •, and is now opening, next door to 'Chas. Maglauchlin's hotel, in North-Ilanorer street, a splendid assertment of new And' cheap DRY GOODS, _comprising. Bonnets, Ribbons, Cfoths.Csailmeres,Gingtiern_arrawns,Calbees, DeLaines, birialins, Checks, Ticking; Hosiery, Gloves, white and ordered Carpet Chain; he. • GROCERIES of all kinds, and-bust quality. Also, a largo-staric r _uf-auptrinc%HOVER.ANH-SIiOES.--All-of which he:will sell-as cheap as any house In town,. • Butter, .I.;g‘ Rags, Soap and ,Dried Fruit taken at Market priceir. ," , E. W. WOODS, tg't." -,.- Carlrele, April 16, 1856: „ - . - ' , • -. ... J. B. KELLER •, "1".45 -.• • FA.LL .NOTICE 5. ''he undersigned htutjust replenish- - stoc of — 7OItOCERIWAND - QUERIEWARA - - --- 7 and is prepared to supply his friends and eustomors with almost anything required in domes* farm -4 t e em .which he hopes will prove Estisfetotoryllis stock con sists of every variety ot goods suitable for town and country UPS. Its has also on hands general assortment of HARDWARE, such as =yaw needed by farmers and mechanics for every day use. His stock of _WINES, BRANDIED AND OTHER 1.1 0 :1IIOREI is large and embraces an excellent assortment of choice to cites.. All forsale-Wholesale and Retati,.Bouth East corner of Hanover and boutherltreets, Carlisle, Pa. • • Xili•Country [lnduce taken In excite , ge for goods. noy. 21,'65. RAMIE illauVgn. V b. .4 r t ib L e; - 6. D . R .° Y; ea G iti 9 l 4‘ l3::z: ' t &:',...—. „, v . O pi d by Dr. H. W.:a po itif T :a:, d s e li xt o d E :r to re l e t unt E i T y l t!:! 9 s u u Charles Mughtughlin's Hotel, whore he ~ . t i general assortment of ._, ' -,. spa will b G e °° l4 B yiy Cji t i o lC)C hn s v ß e n htLfriends and customers come sue sue him. Ttuinkfui .for mud favor, he hopes ;.by strict attention to his business to.nierit a thereof publrePatronage.. ~...." April9,lBDl,l • • - _ LIOR TUE 'MILLION • k 'nth j_ ntlottf r -oceiving my Fall ••• , s tfo' I ; `,'"r -- .... stock of PAPER lIANUINOB, •• ei w, -` which surpass in style, quality • IA . Ana Prim, gulf that 'have ever been exhiheted Carlisle.. I icipecliUlly solicita call from persona In want of Paper Hangings °fairy deacrip tion,' AS Lam cordident by assortment far surpasses any i n the Eorough; and In style and prices has but few ri vale In the city..l only ask of thepubllc to call and•ez. notior. ivy assortment bore purchasing,' as katteonti. dent my chaste designs cann ot fail te please the most fastidious. - JOHN P. LYRE., Wast'sido of North Ilanoveriitrcet, • • cE...4ufatiolt. MEMIGEI COUUSE Or STUDY irl,4 . . WOODS. Agt. I 3 LIS LDP~SI~'BrI - - . IFIVE.PER CENT. . • t_a_me t aing_of the nouret-of—Diructorsrheld-oh,:thal f March, BRA it was unanimously resolved that litter a situud 'be paid on: special deposits by the 'Carlisle I °punkt Bank, Incorporated orpurated by the State, of Peirusyl. so_follows • 7 . _ 4 per cont.. per annum for 4 months, • , " " -8 . b n • It It Interest ceases after the eAplration O •the certificate; 'thw` renee.'ed, and' the money always paid buck with ,ut notice. ' . By order of the Board of Directors. • March 12. 1800.1 , W. M. METE:II. Caibler.• 417(LAI.Blilikki.NLD_ _VALLEY _ BANK, PROPICI ETOR S. WILLIAM''MI LCHIOR lIRENNEMAIT, r.oxiEnT C. STennr.TT, JOHN DUNLAP, ' JRICHARD WOODS, Jon:: S','bllniVer, 2011 X lII,—A. till:norwt. • This Bank, doing bit TIeFS in the 'fme-of HER, 111 EN:sidOlp: qt. CU. in now fatly prepared to do &gen eral Banking Mashies!: with pmniptnesa and fidelity, .Money reeußed on Depordt and Paid tatek`ol'fileinand Icithout noting. Interest paid on t.peeini Deposits.— Particular attention paid . tothe -. eolleetion 101 Notex. Clicelia, &cinzpy part of :the Unitediiintes or Canada& • Remittances Made to England, Ireland or the Ceihti font. The faithful and confidential execution of all or dors' entrusted to them, may be relied upper. They will Wall-times be ploased to give any infOrmation desired in regard to money inattefs in puma'. . . ' Tim proprietors of this flank are individually liable to the extent. of their estates' f 4 all the dopesits and other llbligtitiens of Bur, Brenneman A Co. • House in Trout's Building. :Vain Street. n,feweloorS east tif the Bail Bond Depot. open Sro Lui;l- nese from &Stock Ju the morning until 4. o'clo'tkizi the evening. 11. A. STUittI.EUN, F. A,—ititerestut the rate of s•per tent. per annum will be paitlon Fpecial deposit snslieretoßre. Mirrrts 18;18:eir.-' Ztopc, : :&,.,iiiin—tu . arc: )11,EP A ICE FOlt - ,NV IN TE !- . ; PARLOR AN - If COOKINU The siihserlber at his old stand on North Ifithovei st:; Carlisle, the 'sign of the "Mammoth lied Collee IreS tti call the attention of the i uLlie to his large as ortnient of STO'f I.IS, of the newest and most taslihina- ble Ntyles;froin,the bitst Manufactories in the -country, and lit all prices from *3 to *ll•.' , Among iris vititimit-,1: ciwitwit.sTeYES are the Mirror c.love, the Arctic. lie% ere, star, tv - 'Persian. Union mud ,:Bonn Air fright, together • -.woo with other patterns .which he has of all ‘Siseg Sr.o parlors-or eh:mil:l'X and .:ileulattel foiburniug either wood or. coal. • Also, 4,lie AM:a; tilobe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Itintileix or Poor Man'/4, - with other COOK LNG s•roYES, cemprising .the linpruvenweits.in kitchen Stoves,-and intend-q- for eletier noiel Or co:O.-- Also. tlie'Dinhig Rood: 0,01,14. etiive—h new and ele, gant.nrtiele. to which he iiiiites the particularotten. 006 of Ills cooking stoves range in pricO,,froin *l. to:15, with the fixture:: coMplete. AlSo, \h4 Plate ves' of t UriOUN patterns and dilTerent prices.- Also, J.:N.431E1,1,ED AND TINNED IVAitt: Sir Cook ing Roves,dirsiss Kettles, kc. Also, every article in the line of" Tin . and Collier Ware. The public -are respect fully tirrlted to _cairns he inc- confidentwith his large 'stock, variety- and cheapness. of 'being able to glie.en, tlreitatiSfaction to eiery purchaxcr. ' Cnli and sire. - net.'2s. 1554. , • .- • ...M. Ni:)11105 QTOVES! 6TOVES-!!:STOVPS!!!--- .would Inform the that he bhp now on hand nt bls ettabliolnucut, on Main t3t.; t - notn—to - Mation — Hallvtite Inrg.nft—nrol---unort—ion SEE plett - assortinefit. OVVICE. k PAlf - h.Olt. STOV ES t* be found In this county, be sold at the loeeSt prices fur cash or approved credit, Ills stock cohsists of `1 large osslmtment of nee and highly op. proved PATENT COOKMO STOVES, finished In the most complete manner. and .calculated for either wood or coal, or both. All the Old standard patterns which have stood the test of experloire, may be found at bison nidislnent. Also, a great variety of thn most approve and hoeuthul PARIAOR OFFICE STOVES, in cluding number of new st,yles, possessing very supe rior advantages, over those Iforetoksre iu use. •Famillee and honutekeepein are, respectfully Wilted to give him a call &fibre purchasing elsewhere.. Stoves delivered to any part of the country and put up at the shortest no tice. lie continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, and Copper Work. and has constantly on hand or will make to order every article required by housekeepers or others in-this line. Ills stock of Tin !Ind Copper Ware, enlitHlICCI4 every kinder. household and kitchen utensil. warranted equal to the best nufnufac- tured. Persons Its want of articles in his line ropy al ways be sure 01 :wing accominodated to their satisfaction by giving him a call., inovl-1 311surnaur,....: OF B RAN A C v N I p . n kS s U u r 1 , . .t o k. e lS t C , LE] buildings, Stores, blerchandize, Fahn Propertyt( and other buildings, and their ' mutants et moderate rates. CAPITAL:S.3OO,M —CII A ATER I'LIIPET UAL. Issaxeroas. lion. G. C. Harvey, Abrams. Hon. John J. l'earce, -JOlan B. Hall, • „ Charles A. Mayer, D. J. Jackman, ..-2 Charles Crlst, , - • • W., Wbito,- • ...---- Peter McMullan, • 'rims. Kiteben. .„.....-.'- ... Ho\. 0. C. lIARVEY,yreS. T.C. Auu„Asfe, Vico Pres. .TliO3lAO KISCIIP, Secretary. nr.rrnanc Samuel H. LIT d, ~..., los. bowman, D. R.,• A. A. Winegardner,„....-- - ” Wm. Yanderbelt, -. L. A. Mackey, Win. , Yearnn,. . .. . A. While, „..„--------- Dr. J. S. Crawfbrd, . . JAMINIQuWo,, . A. Updegrafr, John W.AUynard; _ James.Arinstrong,. lym,-;Simon Cameron, Hen. Wm. illgler. . • W.N.t. C. IIIIXEM, Agent, . :: May IS. 1856-Iy. t ' • • [Carl!sla, l'ann'a. /IARLISLE • A•GENQY, Nj FOR INORSINITY All otTNST LOSS BY FIRE. ' •TILE FItANKLIN FIRE isstirtAN'et: COSY., ON VIIILAUl : Ll'lil.\.' Clutrter Perpotulil.-- . 1429,0u9,_. Cop' tal Office ECM ,MAg INsurtarfet., either pormanent.or linitted;aga uxt loss or dronago . by fire , on PROPERTY and fIYI/filti of every: diseriptioll,"lii 'feign or country,'on the mold, reasonable terms, 'Applications made eithiir personally or by letter, will be-promptly attended to, :I_, 4311Leltiatitlibar-is-altentDr-tbe_abor.t.lNlXtratlYJOr Carlisle and its vicinity., All applicOlons lorliesurance either by mall or personally will - be invinptly attended to by •4rL. SPOMIL.EII, dec.l2, '55,• Real Bitola Agetit aud lierlveuer. . , IRE INSURANCE. THE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSIIOIiO MUTUAL • FIRE Ih'• • tANCH (X/MPANY of Cumberland county, incorpO• rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organtsedi and fu operation. under. the managectient of thO followln4 . conunlssioneiss, els t • • • • a.a_, Daniel Bailey, WUham R. Gorgon., Michaergicklicf, Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John C.Mun lap, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis flyer, Henry Loom Benja min IV Humor, - Jacob )Mumma, Joseph 111okershisW, Alexander Cathcart. • - . The rates of Insurance are as low *Mt favorable as any Company of the kind In the State. Persoas ylshing to becomo numbers are Invited to make application to the agottts of the company, who are Wining to, wait upon them at any time. - ' DENJ. 11. MOSSNlt,'Prisident. -, HENRY LOGAN, 'Vice President. , . LIIWIS .11Y1i14 Secretary. 'MIOIIAIiT. - COONLIX - Tieusurer. . 'CUSIBERLAND COUNTY.—lindoiplyNartin, N. Own beriand; C. B. Merman, Kingstown; Henry. Zeatiny, Shiremanstown ; Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Dr. J. Abl" Churehtown Samuel Graham, Weat Ponnaborough ; 'Tama! Dowel ; Prankikrd . : NodoOrifiltb, Sont4ltid dieton; Samuel ,Coover, Benjamin Ifaverstioh,AlfeVn- Icahn* f John Shortie*, kiliburn4;David Caner, Shep. herdstown. YORK ' COONTY.—alohn . Bowman D 1114 1 .4.4; Peter Woiford, Priinklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover; J. Wt4)raft, Paradise. lIARIUSBURO.--llonaer do Lochtowt. --- Atemintni;of tbe company baying pellicles about to ex pirean et have them renewed by making application to. nay ofthe agettik., 4 Bunl!3, OZO mora C. N. 114NOKER, Pree't F r al ~l~rt~iral: - -- • • - PROVED - SEIY,ADUSTING 11A.Y ELEVATORS or• HOISTING FORKS. ' MO-Self adjutitinv-Illay-1 -- -:•Rlavators'_w natifilstiOn • blacks', toper:, I. 2 '• 200 independent Teeth, Gay and Grain •Ilakes. 800 Ploughs. various sites and - • 600 - Cultivatorsi - orirloe - Haerowsoariromrpatinoe. 100 Darrows, various sizesand patterns. ' • 180 Straw till d Cormstalk Cutteus.' :• • y 100 Reading's Patent PowelCernl-bellers and Cleaners, 30013mdreth's Excelsior !land Corn :hollers, Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4. The above arc all -mantqantured nt rair Simard Works. Matta, Pa. Tholvnikmanship and material are of ' surpassed quality. • ' • • - • Farmers will profithran examinationandeemPariseo witLTict lutplemeni in market - • . • - Mt Stitey's Patent Grain Drills. .• • 100 Hickok's Patent:COO' Id ean d ‘Press. • Delta '4; , Dunham's Improved Cam - Motion, Reaping ~ and , Mowhat Machines, of which we have the bole • Agency in Philadelphia. Agricultural and llortieulturAl. Tinplements and - Tools, Gulden and Flower Seeds in great variety. FOr . tulle by • LANDRETH & 30N, • Nos.'2l and 23 S. Sixth St., Philadelphia. _May_2B,lB33m, - . GRI.CULTUItAL I.3IPLEAENTS. A. • PENNOCK'S, CELEDitATSD NI HEAT .1)111 Adapted also fur sowing oats, grass seeds and guano. Krauser's Portable Cider best,. itrAbo fnarkat: 0 -6 ;4-6% -. Horse Powtea'and Thresher's. Lime and C nano _ Spreader's, Daniel's Hay. Stralt nrd Fodder 4 utter. Little Mint Corn and Cub Mill, Spain's Attnespheric Churn. -The above Stiperier•lmpletrientn ith al 'Oilers,- for the use of-the farmer or Gardner, fcr sale Wilt let:aW and Detail ' • 6 -6 6 , PASCIFALL, MODETS & CO.. • Agricultural 'Warehouse and Seed - Store. renter 7th and Market-stnieta, Philadelphia., • july Nos. 21_ und 23- South Sixth Street LADEIA'III A-. • - AGRI! ULTellAl. IN PI.Y.ItEN'iM NtOrAerorY,.llrlFtol,Ta. B.IET liuorsl (370.AcruS)111r nmadnlu. ricnr Brist6l.-PA. • -4'_G= YANKEE FEED CIiTTERF: - n.nnuontomd fir MUCH. d: SARGENT, No. 410 market Street, rhilada This cutter is superior to any now in use, foe Eta ength durability.and simphaity of construction ; it cuts fast• er, and is the only self-sharpening Hay. Kettle and Corn Stalk Cutter ever mad°. It has but ONE STRAIGHT KNIFE, which any person Cali grind End set -with cos.., but in ordinary case, is-ground in the machine. Thou. sands have already-been: sold, And the demand is daily - In most 'eases an examination is anfficieLt to convince one of Its superiority. No ore after A short trial would parterltli it for any other. All sines of the ahoy° constantly on hand and for salt , by , • J. P. LYNX, Sole Agent for Cutaberland county. oda *COTT'S • LITTLE GIANT .CORN • . AND COD MILL, PATENTED MAY .lOru 1854: 'he lams Guar, though but recently , introduced from the Water, now Flail& Parriall. ZXT as the most 81 eta,'F.vnown, and popular Yana 144.1. of the age. - ur MANUrACTORIES are probablk thion4 ones In the V rid—exclusively devoted' to milking antic Mills,• therefore possess superior advantages In preparing such an admixture of mutate, as best adapted to -making s strong and durable article. . ' The farms GIAIVI , lute been awarded the First Premi um at the ptinclple Fairs of the Nation,' as the most complete and convenient Mill now Wass, ' These Aidas are not only guaranteed superior to MI others in their 'construction and quality , of underlay but in the amount and quality. of „work they perform with any giverrpower: and warranted in all cases to :Mit, or the porchase.monoy refunded on return of the They are offeroitto•Parreers and the 'trade complete, - et $28,. $32 and $36, for No. li No:2 and No. 3, nod $2 .extre the srfecPs. Warranted to grind' from 8 to 15 bushels per hour according to Mae. SCOTts NIMBLE GIANT GRAIN. .MILI, iCATEATED M4l; 184)5,) hiportnnt article ter Plante*:Partners and btheMl. or Ober conveniences fur running a bolt •' They can be worked advantageously with one, two or more horses, wherever* specs:Lot from bur to. slit hundred mein tlons per minute can be obtained upon alt-inch with a 3 . !,fi inch belt- . ,„. These Mimi are adapted to any kind of, work, grind lug coarse feed from corn, balsolle., or, fie meal from corn,-wheat'orrye;•and corn Ji cob in the most matte actor" manner, and with 4 vatwinit ,of power over all other'millit,.. , thio Cob being t . With sharp met steel. The Ord priitniurn was awarded these klills at the late Fairs of lierw Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the Indut tfial Exhibition at liostou.,• ' The N foible (Haut weighs about 300 poUnds, octupy ing,mspare of 30 inches square. It la peculiarly simple, strong, and durable; requiring no skill to run it, or to keep it Ju order. They are4ftered complete, may for attaching the =• belt, at $55; with east ;steel cobattachutents,sos. War ranted to give thb most pertbet satisfaction.. • Please call at the Little Giant ItorkS, end 'witness their operation. Itanufactured by it • 7,005 r .• Kosaftscorr .1; CO, ---- ” -- " --- 11:11F - A - Crat r.t--4Philm - Veb. ttrno—pd. 00$WAY'S . GENUINE _HONEY - kJ SDAP.,4I. onuses pure Palm Sosi.---Gollwil.T's he* Cho cal Olive . Soap. -• A full supply of thou* y. excel! t Soaps Just received • and fbr aids at iLLIAAI FAMILY OPLICHRY; Main Street. ' • Carlisle. ov, 21,15. ' • ' • • • EW 0001Yq.--21%e. atoonbor -.has N just, received !born Philadelphia a• large assort went of straeonablei goods, which will be sold Tory cheap —opposite th - o-I,t. R. Dope% Cepiele, ,ovanA2B, , - Sh Feb. 26,1856.