0 -Marriages. • On We 3d 4144, by the ]toy. A. 11. Itromer, Mr 13YEIII,Y, or Pittsburg, to MBE MARY LOSVE, of Cai.liblo. ' • At. Ilcisor's hotel; o'n tho . t3th Inst., tho .Rev. Jacob I fitriA4 ~Tof l'BnsW o= tea Miss ISAI4II,LA SlVOlths,.of thig cqunty. On tb 6 DO% inst., by tbo amino, Mr. AllitAilAW WAOCION.I4/1..t0 11111311+1A1tuA1tia DlOlVltlilti both of • .' . • • •On - •ttnrl4l). inst., by the Bor. J. Evans; Mr. JACOB • •• • .MOUNTZ to - Mits. IttAILOAItEt WAOUONEtt both of North Middleton. township, this county, . - • r - I RAIN: - FAN'S, - GRAIN - I L A Just tecelved, a lot of CI ran'huni of Shrelnefe and Router's maliuti,eture. Also a fine assortment 'of flay, Strauf,ni - ..fl - .Fodder' Caters, of fonn different kinds, at the cheap llardwAro Store of ' ' : .• July 15, 1 . 850.1 If. SAXTON.• • • :JUST REC.EIVED--• - Fresh STRAWBERRIES, • . ME. APPLES,- • , • , " LOBSTEKS, ,• • ' . " TOMATO KETCHUP, • ' P [CM, ED 'ONIONS, , (411ERKHIS, • • . PICOLILY, . • , PIthSE'RVED (HNOIIt. • TABLE (EL, &C, Above attleles warranted oqual . ,to any In rnarke . For sale hAv for cash at July ln, • • NOT Notice is hereby • given 'that Aim, under.slgued having been appointed on ' &ORM., by the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland oimay, to' marshal and distribute' the a: sets of the estate of ilE01:11E, KEESEMAN, in ham :4 of Richard Auderton, assignee of said: Ksmeman, in doe a deed of --.L'colUntary.assignment f6r the benefit .of •reditors, will meet at liisaollice for that purifose iii PR DAY, the Bth thy of August, next, at 12 &dock A. M., when and where thd creditors of the said (barge Keesemau are requestedte attend. July IG, 18511-80 II t) IA TA X: '1? (/12, 1. 8 5 6.. • 1 -. SAVE FIVE PEE CENT. -r alto duplizato of School Taxca for Carlisle for the pro mont year la now ready aud.placed in the - hauls.of the Treasurer, whotroll.' gives - notice that he will attend ,iu'the Couunissi °Dice, at the Court,House, on IE, IMRs.b.A.Y; AUGUST 27, 1860. between tail - hours of Ii and I'2, and - 2 and ii o'clock, of • taildday, for the purpose of receiving the said trixesi All persons paying tnoir taxes .on' or before that 'day, will be allowed a deduetiou Of tiro cents the dollar, after. • which tie iieductimis will lie outdo - mind collect lon •of all • Unpaid-taxes onforeell by wail:int:issued to, the proper - oollector.- - -- • .-, .• - _ • - J. I; • • July 10, Treasurer. • • . . A .E.PLICTED; • • . - • - HOUSE. ..stisinishod twenty two years S'A'll by lilt. K I SKELES, corner ut Third and. Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. , • X.IVENTY.TSVO : YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. R. a. most successful prac titioner in the cure of all disoasesef 'a ',vivant totture;* manhood's .as nit itnpediwent to inarriagtv; .nervous ;Led - soivar inlriiilties,diseases of the sidl4- 'and 'those ari.d rig front abuse pf mercury. •'. • ' ' TAKE I.'AItIIOEII,AR NOTICE. Thorn is :Lim evil liabit_dantetimes indulged iu liy.boy• - in solitude; often growing up With -them-to .11ifittilOod ; __11:11011110,_it roformed ht due titne t not. only begets serious obstades to matrimonial happlitoss;.,bur gives rise to_a_iierios otprotracted,.4o4,lons,.atid dexastaling afeet lons. • - Few of tlioairirtiO give way to this pernicious practice are aware +,l the conmiquotuis, until they tied the nor ..v,intayite.” ,thatleroil, fool strange and unaccountable sonsations 11,1 vague fears hi the mind. (:_•+ee pages 27; 23 2.), of lir. biok dolt Prommi•atimi." The uui wt. ad its thus affected !leCa/110,4 rouble, is unable Li /din.- with acaustoinod vigor, or to,apply the nilthl"o sta ly his step Is tardy and weak: he is dull, irtesoluto, dal engages even' In his sports with loss . energy tli . lie Uanturip,atuilitescilt linfortfte pra.ctico itas done Its worst, and eater ulittritukiNfo , Ularriago muitful, and his sense tolls,hlll4l.firt'thimi's caused by his early is.. Lies. Those zi t cp onsidgtolions whiehishpnlib awaken the attention aro stmilarlylsittfated. •• REMEMBER . • -Ho who pla.tos himdelf under. Dr. Kr•IICELIN`S• treat ment, limy religiously confide in his honor as a gentle mail, and rely 'upon the assurance,. that the Secrets of ' I 4r. H.'s pat leilts•wili never I.iu alsciosed. . Young maim,. let no false modaist3 deter you , from making you . : duo known to ono, who, from edueuidun and respectability, ean'cortainly befriend you. KINK ea.l.,aPS residence has been for the last t weitty yo.tris 'at: the Nth %Vest. earner of Third.und Syiuots, Philadelphia. Fit.T.IENTS AT A DISTANCE Calf have' (by stating their case-explicitly, together with ail their symptoms, per lettiir; m:losing a remit - tanco) Dr. K.'s.inedieliao, approprlated'adcerditigly, - -- Forwarded' to any part of the United- States, and soeurd from DAMALLE and CURIOSITY, by mail or ex press: . - - - - -,ItItIDI YOUTH AND MANHOODII A Vigorous la° or a i'rotnaturo Loath, .1i Letters eon taitting that value in Stumps, will ensure • copy per return of mall. ' tiItATIS 1 tiItATIS !I .GRATISII . • A Free 01FT to nll. t R.ELIE'YEP. '• Nature's ti vide," a new and popular work, full .of valuable, advieu and impressive warning, alike calcula ted to prevent years of misery and save thousands of livos, Is distriLuted Without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepail, to any Post:Office in the thatou Stites, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps, . . • lAIPORTA.NT TO EVERYBODY.- . Foe the laat three years I have been engaged in a . ' huninesa known only to myself, and comparatively few *others, whom. I have Instructed ilir the,sunt or 5200 each, which has averaged ine at the , rate of $;i,000 to $5,000 per annum; and, having mae arangements • to go to Burnie In the Fall, to engage in the same bust muss, 11.10 . 1 , 11 . A11Lt0 Ely 3) full insiLlactlons lmtluiart to any persons fu thdAhiltediitates or Caned" who will -- rentiVinit the sum nril.".;:4 ca - induced, .from the sue. c eigl have tionivllliyo iiv . and the natty thankful - .acknowledgements I. avo recolvdd from those whom 1 . haye instructed, and vho are mithing,frckr - NNE TO Fir INN. DOLLARS 'PER DAY ' c ji t .itt It r , te give any Ors n an opportunity to engage in. , , thin lidninesfs,, which is easy, pleasant, ami very protha . _1,1, 0 4 .425r p0l g 00.., T 1 re is pesitively No Domed in , iha Matter. lialimenibi - df We tilint - Efasecitii - Nijjten Ulf re.zards its cluiracta; !Mr/ can refer to Perialiii'velihar 'hive iinstrueted, who will testify that they ore Making froni •sfi to $l;:i per day at the,stitne.- dtjiti a business in - , which either LAMES 012 GENTLEMEN. . _ '• . e.tu engage, and with pd ile ease make . a very band . Kunio Thema°. Several LADLY:S . in Newtons parts of Now. -York litate; Pennsylvania-and Maryland. whatn. I lnive instructed: are 110 W, waking from 3to fr6;per day at It. lt is g t o a,!•11 - ;ItAl, UUSIKNSS. and but u dollar or Iwo is re. _Haired to start' it. Upon 'receipt ; of •ftl, I - will innne. diately vond.t4 the applieant a prinaleirenlai• contain, rag full lustrthitions in the At t, which can he perfectly 'understood at Once, , , • thoinoath of May list, I sent tuy Advertisement to the oditor di the '• Heading flatutto,and Democrat," ; , ,taiill.lStniellt hint one of . eircuhirs' of instructions. •' receipt, and on a 'careful as:retina , tion, , lre the Mowing editorial in - his palwr : to %Ito folvortiscoviit I'l M r, A; T. Nrsans. of :';• Yuri: ? )leittLia 174 NUTANI . 'PO Ey LE V • , 101,111 d in mother col num.. il!tcgc tftligut hifi elreulart , ,.4lluaktd the nd• ovNiuninatimk.,..v . ,,ontALlAjt.LuuA_ 11,•,n , ,titiTeti., 114 . 17,•e1t5y and' lIIJOVII ounle , prolital.lo on :t very tritlin4 All lett Ittislossod.to A. t ..) . 1. , 1t1 ,, , ,,,,, !i , ~,,,t ro.:fli....tuoi:lx(l 11L.A.:4,5' .0; i) PI C- T. J .... 1!:'„:•,:fl ~: :',1:".:: , 11.5iA;11 . 011V. 'u.:l:6.k.."(!it Ftrvet, „',,to, to l';lh t''.;v:vatr, l'hil.“lii t iia. • . , j . .. x.•,.:0i. - r.d tim oniy Prize . ?1(c1:11, :iwardr(l at Lhe ,:ry4T - 11 ~':,!!,,,lmiklibitioit, N't Y.,,7853, in , t lio_t)uited, ti UAL ~ fur 6 i It, ll,(orated, Manta aril Oa ti I awss. 4 ,.. , EIRE jESOLUTION. PROPOSING A MENDMENTS TO THE . CONSTITUTION 'OP Tali COMMONWEALTH.' Ittiso!yeti by the SehntolindiloileinElow.zonirtitie - of - ttro - Tcornauoiraiinfir lir .Assembly met, hint the 'fallowing tunetolmentn fire ropostiti to the 'Constitution of.tho Commonwealth, In necordauee witlr . tho proYhtions of the tomtit rirtiete thereof. . There 8411 biYatt additional artiold to said Constitu Con to be doOgnated as An.pcia: Xll. calival deficits or htilures IMreven •ros, or to' meet ex peiises lot otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts dirthl. or'contingent; whether . • Contracted I) , y..ylrtue of one or more Acts Of•the tleneral Assentblyior.at different porlode.of•-time,-sball never exceed heron hundred And fifty thousand dollars, .and the money arising trout the creation 'of such, debhi, .Shall' be applied to the purpose for which it was ob• tattled, or 'to repaY the debts so .contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. ,StArritni in addition to tho above...limited power the State may contract debts to repel inettaleh, sup. press insurrection, defond.the State in war, or to re. deem the present outstanding IndeLledness of the State; but thb money arising from the contracting of such debts:A:hall be applied to Alio purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to Mcother •purpose whatever. • . Sstrrios 3. Ipccept the debts above specified, in sec- . tioimene mud two of this Article. no dint—whatever shall bo created by Or on bonalf of the • • • SaurioN".l.? re provide "Mr the impound, of the present. debt, and any additional debt, contracts as Ati.resahli the Legislature shall, at • its that session. after the adoptioU of. this_ affieudnient, create a 'sinking fund, -which shall be sufficient to pay the 'accruing interest on such tebt, and annually to reduce the . ffilneinal Unroof by a stink not less than two hundred and, fifty ''fflousand dollars; which - sinking fund shall consist of the net annual Income of the public works, from Moto to time owned by the' Shute, or the proceeds pf the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of soles 01 stocks owned by the Stale, to: gaiter with other funds, or TOSOUITCS, that may is des- Iknatol by law. The said sinking- funiEmay 'be In creased, from time- to tlme, by assigning to it any part (3_, of the taxes, or other revenues of t o State, not re -qulred for the ordinary and current expenses of gov-' eminent . rand unloss in case of war, 'osurrection' or invasion, no pare of the said slnkin mid shall .lie used or, iffiplied otherwise than in tit . inguishinout of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is red acod'bolor tbe sum of live utilliOns of dollars. Sicittig',ltTliTfere;dit of the t_lommonwealth shalt not iu any manner, or ovont, be pledged, or loaned to, - any individual; company corporation, or askvlati - nf-nor stud I tlio conimon wealth hero ft or beimme.a.joint owner or stockholder, in any'eumpany;lissoelation, or corpora. W S' Writ J. SIIEARER, • Auditor t - .er,.'o. , The commonwealth shall not lISSIIIIII3, tI . • debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city. hurough, or I,)wiistaip; or, of any" corporation or association'; 0111000 such debt shall hare boon contracted to-Cimblo tho state to repel _invasion, stippres, domestic insitt , ruction, defend itself , iti Unto of war, jy, to Avast : ni t state In 116 - I . aftio4 . :(VC :m i . :portion of itt prose u t indubtodness, - Sno. •7. The Legislature, shall not; authorize any county; city, .bort , u4ll, township, or IllflOrporiktea dis• by yirtalo of wy,2to of its eit . izens, or 1411OrWitiO. to •ileColll - 0 It St Oelt hOldOr. 'compaityittssrriation, or corp4atioa ; Or s to Oldoln money I , Jr. or loan Its credit to, any,uorporation, association, Institution, or party, There shall be an additional article to said oonstitu tutlqn, to be designated as article Xll. 0 as R 11101111: . . .. ' . .111 P NI.IIV cowams. . No county- shall be. di chhal hi.a line mitt{ rut oft over one•tent q of '0.1)0W/talon (either to forma new county or otherwise); without' the tixpress assont iif such comity, by.a. vote of the electors tliereol;-:nor ithol I any now county be established, ‘oritalnlng less than four hundred square miles. - T 71111.1) A tNp IENT. • Frontsertionbwo of tho first:nrilcle of the cciitstlttu I.trilte eat the 'words opt the city or Philadelphia, and of 00eil cuwaty respectively;" trout suction seine article, strike otit the words, of Philadelphia mat of theseedraPeoutaties;' , from section soven ' 8111110 1111100, strike out rho words, °neither tint city of Phila. delphia nor tiny," and Insert in lieu thereof the words and no;" and strike out et/ 00u four, iiBlll.l article, and in Hatt thereJf luso t the tollowing; • Sc'. 4. In the ) ear one tittwsauti eight hundred And sistyt to r, and in everY seventh year thereafter, representatives to tho nutulivr.of Gblr hundrtal.-sIW.II be lipportlone, and, distributed equally throughout' the state, bv.dlstricts, in preportionsto the. number of tax• alild-IntutbAtaiits in the several parts thereof; except' that any county containing at least - throo thousand live hutuiredita.vbles may ho allowed a separate repro. stattation; Itht no mere than three counties shall be joined, and. no county shall be divided, hi the 'formation of a district. Any city containing a sufliciunt number of taxables to entitle it to at' least two representatives, shall have a He immto ' regress ntat ion assigned :it, and shall ho divided into convenient districts of contlAuotas territory, of equal taxable population as near as May be, each. of which districts shall elect one representative." At the owl of seetiim coven, same artiele,,insert•these words, "thu city of Philadelphia shall be, divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory a 9 nearly ett nal In taxable_populatiou.asfpossildei_bilt 110_ Ward :than ho divided in the formation thereof," TheltrAislature; at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide-tho city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representativu districts, In the manner above provided; surh districts to remain - tin changed until the apportionment in the year one thOusand eight hundred and sixty-four. Ttio,leglidatura shall :vivo the power to alter, revoke, or annul,' ally ,charter 'of Incorporation herOulter .cole ferred by, or, under, any special or general law, when ever In their opinion.lt may be Injurious to the citizens of the,conintonwealth ; lu such manner, however,.tha: no injustice shall be done to tilo . CPU0111t0M• RESOLVED, Thnt this -roseluthm pass. On the first amendmentryeas 24, nays'fi. On the second amend ment, yeas 111, says fr. On' tho third antendMont, yens 28, nays I. OA the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4 Extract from tho'journal. . • 11103.1A3 A. IJI.OUIIIE, Clerk. . . ' . In House. of nopresontati VOA, • • April 21, 1856., "Itsamsse, That this resolution Its. On the rat amendment, yeas 72, nays 24; . On t o Second amend• nrent-yelm , fiti,‘-nays---25, , -Owrthe—third , mineudiiiint. yens 04, nays 25; and on fourth .amendment, yoas 69. nays 10. Extract from the Journal. ' WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. • Sr. rera OHIO!. .A, 0. CURTIN, Filed. April 21, 7 SSa I ec. of tho Commonwealth. • - Secretary's Office, ) do.hereby certify that the above fttid forogning to a true and correct copy of the original UeS'ointlen rela, nee to an• amendment of. -the Cwiatittition," as the same iefunins on file in this Mike ! • • In testimony whereof hereunto set }my hand and caused to Re affixed the seal of the :ecrotary's °Rico, the day and 'yeer above written.. - A. 0, CURTIN, • Sec. of the Commonwealth. • In Senate. April it. 18.50. .11esOlution proposluiLawondineas to the Constitll-, buy of tho'CrOwmouwoelth biting under contOderution, On tin. uotstion, Will tin Senate ogroo to the ilrot atuondniont Tfib•yoas awl nay's were tiltenugreeably to the p'rcs. .)i;:hicis 'of thO Constitution. and were es follows: y e , t .„—Aleeire. Jirowne, Evarlei FI.MT.IIFLITI, VRI/110:1111, 0; riltri , ..lainle• 11, K n ox, lien)serli, bowls. .51 . C,IitiCee.P., Priee„ ;3 4 ,11Ur, i ; S.iiithee. Stroll)), Tavart. 'Wherry, Platt,,peaker;;;./... ;•• . ' • t;ratib,..Ore;.7l, and the'questinti nrn 1:1140rIllirwit kt the afhrinat ire. , On the qiits,l4l6l.l, • the Finnitiii e'..free to the tieetinil rimein'lrnent,Y Tlu ye.a‘ end navi: were taken agreiril.iy to,thc pro- Nleinne•of the Oniweitntion; rind wine, as 1 1 1110wr“ • Me r ,sre, itrowirv, f'resawi.ll,.l.4ani, ionrant; ilanilean, Minx, i't.lll.llll, Wlierys, tifid , 4;:*(' yriet,; anml ;'late. t'`.p...tike. - 'Who tleteruthml in the agir,n dive. On the question; --New -abbertisements. =3 Li Wit SECTION Tho State eutyebntraet debts, to supply ECON . M MI ENT COMEEEIR FOURTH ATILNI)SIf.NT. To Nisoetlon_xxvt, iirticlo I In Senate, April 21, 1850. =I (E . iitti:s,..to::'l'.:: . f):,c, - ,4t.0,:.... : .;'.,` - -• - Will the SotiettZreo ttitho thlnramondment ? — Theyens stltAtion, and wer fulfows ; firownh, Buckalow, Gmbh, - Cromwell,. Evans, PerguSeu,l-,ll • lonnik,m4; Hugo, ingrain; Jamison, Jordan . , Knox, 'Limbach; Lewis; Dl'Cllnteek, Mellinger. Pritti;• - PrieeTtSelliirti, ShUman, - , :, , Outhpr, Straub, Tag gart,•._Waltelt, and 'Platt.. • friegg — , 77 -4. • - , - . ntientionpus geterminad in the affirmative. • Girth° question, • • , • - Will the SeuatUtisree to the foUrth•rifneoldfnont ? LTI.1"; yilasAntl n: Vs were takemit.gre_eubly to the Con , stitutioth itintwere' as, follow; VIZ : YOllB-...Mißittfi k l. l l' o l`l ne, Buckalow, Croswell, Evans; Flennikon,..flogei Ingram, Jordan, Enos, Lan latch, Le nteck, Pylee; South. or, Straub, lyalton; Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Plant. Speaker-23. . _.•. - Nays—M . osie'S,.Crabli; Gregg, Mellinger and Pratt-4, . So the (fowstbilt,was determined lit , the, affirm:Wyo.,' , Journal of thfrbititise of Representatives, April 21,'' 1811tt. -- The yeas Anti nays 1113113 taken agreeably„to. the pro. visions of the Gonsi Ration, and, we Ito first 'proposed' , amendment. mere AS 141 low, viz: Ft . , Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Backus. Lablivin * Beek,. (byeenting,) Beck, (York,) Bernhard, Boyd. Boy.• or, Broil', Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Cduipbell,Carty, Craig, Crawford. Dowtialb Edinger, Fausulti. Foster, Gets, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heine, Hibbs, Hill, Gib legas, hippie,. Holcomb, Hunseeker, Ingham, Innis; Irwin. Johns,..lohnson, Laporte; jebo,bongaker, Lovett, ArCalinent, M'Clartliy,'4ll'Contb, Naugle, No. i • - k ;•,i t yc - NI if - lei, - Mon t gott ry , Ilisrini4 uift ren ta ell Orr. Pett - rsou, PUrcell, Ramsey, Reed. Reinhold, Riddle. Hebert - it. Shenk. (Allegheny,) Smith, (Cambria.). Smith, (Wyoming ) :grouse. Thompson-, Vail,. Whalion,Mrlghti. (Dauphin.; Wright, (4nzertie, Zhu- tnernian unit Wright. Speaker---T 2. •.; - Neys--•-•3leSSilt.‘ - Augustine, - Harry, . Cluver,, yohurn,,. Dock. Fry,•Fulton. Gaylord, 0 ibboney; Hamilton. lie n- cock, Housekeeper, Leiseuring, Magee, Manley; Morris, XI mums; Patterseil,: Salisbury, Smith, (Philadelph a ; ) Walter, Wintrede and learsley-24. So the questbill was determined in the affirmative. Qu the question. • Will the Rouse agree to thttsotend amendment? • • ' Thu yeas anti pays were taketi, and were - as Ibllows; viz: • • . Yens—Messrs. Anderson. Backus. Baldwin ,•11a11, Beck (Lyeeming.) Burk, (York,) • Bernhard, Boyd, Sunni, dluchittoi, - Calderell, Campbell. - Carty,;Craig, - , Fousold, - teeter, (iota, Itches, Hamel, harper, -Heins, Hibbs, 11111, Ili lieges, nipple, lloleentln Iluitsecker, lii. brie, Ingham, final', Irwin.. Johns, Johnsen, Laporte, • Lebo, Lungu ker, Lovett,3l3lalMont,,M'Carthy.M'Comb, 'Mangle; Munear. Killer. Motitgotnery, Mtlorliead, Nun neniacher. Orr, Pearson, Purcell; Ramsey, Reed,. Rein., „hold, Riddle; Roberts, Shenk, Smith, Allegheny). Streuse, Whalloni Wright, (Luzern") /Ammerman ' and Wright, Speaker.—(l3. -. Nays—Messrs.. Augustine, Bar,ry, Clover. Edinger.' Fry, Fulton. Gaylord, Gilflemev, Ijnndltbu, "Ilanceck, II uneker, Leiseering. Magee,, 3btnloy. Morris. Momma, Pat terson, Plielic,l,•Salisbury. Smith. ((.'anihrla,) Thornp--, ,s.)II, rale, Wright (Dauphin) and Yeats. So the questKol war determined lit 4lic , affirmative, . on the question— , Will Gm 1191111thigre(I ID the third amendment? • The yeas and nays Were token, and were as follow, IL . .Yl:.‘S—Messrs: Anderson. Melt us; • Bahln in; Ilall, Beek, (h) (York.) linrnhard, Boyd, flu. yer, Brown, nor':man Campliidl, Carty. Craig, Crawford; Edinimr. Fansold. Foster, Fry, Iles, iiajties, !ante!. Harper, Ileum+, Hibbs.. Hill, 11 illegns i -)1 1101, mt, lionied,Oper. Inibria,ltigham; 'lnnis; - Irwin Johns, .1011118 On, Laporte; Lebo, I.ongalcer. 31'Caltnobt, 11'Cointo..11augle. fealear. DI lllor. MAtitgoin- - erY, n Orr. rearsea, Phelps, Pitreell..itain wy, geed: Shenk (Cain(ria,) (15'yolning.) ' Thompson. It - Indian, -Wright. Obtuplilti,j. Wright (diternii) and •Ziniater, 111:01-0.I. • C'lov'er, Coburn, - Poek, Iron, lord, , iibboney,Heti, lieneneli; llunw N : earthy, Megeo. Moorhe t ui, ;Vforris; Pattenton, ltdnliold, linhertii„Sell•bury., ter, Wiutrode,Yeer,dn'y Wilitht,l•ineaker—v2.3 - So the quordiu-woe-determined-in-the On the question, • Will the HoUse ivrree:tO th' fourth nniendnietit • the yeas and nays were•takeictia ro es fallow, viz: • ._ • • YEAS —)110:+sri;. Anderson, Backus, Ball,' Bock ( y coming.) Berk, Clerk() Bernhard., Boyd, Buyer. !iron 1, Brush, Buchanan, Cokbrell.• Campbell, Carty, Crai,, Cr., wf trJ. Dowdal. Mlintrer. Fausoht. Foster. Fry. tlet,, ilsund, Harper lleines, 1111,11.44IIII; Ililletas, ;fipple, ifolcou t h, I !ousel:owner, Bunsecher, Lethrta Innis, Ir win, .lohnstitt; lAtitrto, hobo, ie , ligal.pr. f..•, et t, ~:kFt'ttl• mon t, M'llartliv, iII'C ' omb, %lanais, Moneor, :Mllior Metattomery, Muorlittati. N onntottarlfer, Orr. Pearson: Phelps, Puree!!, Itatusuy, Reed. Reinhold, Riddle, Roh , efts; Shylvit: Smith, (Cambria.) Smith. (Wpitnitur,i Theeffit.ft..N.ltil,..Walter,.:Whallon,.Wri*l.interne.l Yearsitty, Zimmerman and Wright, Speak op, NayatcMessrs, 'Barry, Alloimr,i4l(.lol.lrli j Fulton, Bit. ItonyOlafties,'llantatit, Ituneker, Ingham., Leisenring, Magee, Manley ,Morris, Putter/um, Salisbury apd Win trode--16. _ So the question was determined iti•the affirmative. , • SKCIIMATIVB Cl.'ll - 1:, • . • Ifitrrisburg, June in', ifffifi. 1 PonnsylvanlariWt - 1 do certify than the . altovo and forotteing is a true a nd correct copy of ti; "Yeas" anti "Nays" taken on the Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu tion of the. Commonwealth, its the same appears on the Journals of the_two_lftetntes_of_theLGeneral_Asstanhly..A this Comnionwealth fur the session of 1850. - - Witnoss my hanitand tho seal of said Oleo, '''"'"" this twenty-seventh day of Juno, one thou. sand eight hundred and tifty;slx. A. G. CUMIN. Beeretary nf the Nutntonwesith. (AN,' 'O.ItINT AND, A .MACKEREL.. - - REWARD. s ' Pan away front the subscriber, in Carlisle. Pa., on the sth inst.. an indentured apprentice to the Poot and Shoe making businesii, conned JUIIN Said, boy is about 19 years old, 5 That 4 or 5 inches high, hair light color and very thin. Under his nose IA 4• very large take in, and his lips very fat • All persons are forkid harboring or trusting him. The shove 're\iiird but no - extra Charge will ho pail for his delivery to me. • . JOHN WinshEß. anti- 9. 1866.3 w. NOTICE.--Notiee • is ' hereby given that application will be made 'do id a boat Logis. loturo of Pennsylvania, to alter the charter of the Car lisle Dposit Bank, located In tho Boiiingh of Carlisle, Cumberland counly, so as to confer upon, said had( the rights and privileges of a Bonk ,of issue ' and to change ItS isame , to the Carlble Honk. Also to inereasu the 4 capital of sold Bank (which le at pros id. wive* two thousand_dollars, with the privilege o lncreasing the same under its present charter to -- CO — ndritt dollars)to-Three Ilundred Thousan oilers. W. M. LIIIETEM. -Cashier July 9,- I Faq---' VOTIC1?, .TO TEACHERS.---\The Eitaininintlon of Teachors• for the . publio sAlicmla • will bo beld as follows: • , --- I.l7elianttsburu -- July - 28rat - I - o'clockl7l . : - 11? - • Icowvllle,• ." ' 20, (tivp.) -!". 30, 1 billing (bor.) ' 1 Newton, August 1, , 9 S. Middleton, • " 2 , •0 ' Southampton, " ' 1 ." 5. 10 .Miltiln, . . " 0, .Frankferd, n . " 7,1 WestPennstkiro, " 8,- • ti Silver Spring, " 9, fj N. 6 1111(16 loton, " 18, • 9 • bast Pen - usboroi - " 18, • - -12 • Hampden, " 30 , 1 'Monroe, " 2 1,- • 10 Upper Allen, " • 2, 'll.l -Lower Allen;, • 23, 1 - • ,‘ Dielnirmnin •" 2 0 , , 9 . . "A. M. Cumborlainl,." 1 • • " P. M. 'rho I.11:•, , ctoos wfll the One' , of tue t ; jr lou held et a' Howe.. :Bites, riper, I , OIIF, and.b,l,, shmfd bo fi:;•,;hilletl. It expeeted that .Mrp.q.erieu ill lie " ijj,„ Em iln imaj,lllFlll/1 be pithhe, 0 the :u resp,xdti;lly is [itc;l tiieJrtentl: " •_ • . • . - PANI:9I, Sli 1 • 1 1,1:i', • Sitfiertutinetelit • 9, VOOl ItC:I , .IIV - ill•A711 I.3LE Y. Alt w .. LmiN^uplet(tilli , ., and ):6 - w lit Cratl; : . • at .MaJiarn(-21, , , . • I.loffer's Marble' YU' d, Vu, Abzo,'4ol! Ing. [Apr. 14 'LO--tut, • • - TARLVATANS.-.--A, lot o v) White Tarlitaris, •for• 'coveting Chandeliers and L'ietnro lernmeS, - ihr sale cheap by - • 'Jungtil l .l • _• _ ="111+1-VOEVINVG . c Jun ruoived a large .of Revolving-Aral icaliett,,Squarb and Round Teeth, for sale very chef. Alo,•a• good 11s:orb - wit of (train ,C.Oulleei of till - form Street, Varliele. • • • • • dune:ll. NTEW LUMBEIIi: YARD , 316b'k CO. haying opened a large Lumber Yam • at Alocbaniesburg ; Wotild• -Invite Carpenters, Bade • and 'othora wanting Lumber to 'call and see. 118 the have all kinds orJaunber on hand. All orders - sent t Alecbaniceburg will be punctually attended to. _Juno 11, 184.56.• , -3nc , , FLY NETS ! FLY NETS ! Just resolved, oneof the largest assert- 47 4. k. T ),,5 t Manta of FLY Nias ever; brought. to this plaee, couslstlim of Cotton, Moon, r, Oiled Twine Nets of all colors. The ' A prices are so, low the people can't heir buying 11; "SAXTON'S Chrtap 714111%1111' Store, East Street, Carlisle. June 11, MIL QQYTHES &SCYTHE SNATHS.--: 3., 1 v r N . dozen Grass and °rain' i3oitlitia. of all makes. Als6 a large, assortment of Smiths' I,f Lill kinds. Orme; ant.lovain Hakes. Hay, Manure and' Shaking •Forim ho gmtnlity—jast received at the Cheap Hardware StoreoflL-SANTON, blast Main 'Street,-Carlisle. .1" E N S E• SUOO E.S.S THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINJ: IN Tut.: WORLD. .H.ALLOH'S DOLLAR MONTHLY DESIGNED FOIL EVERY AMEIIICAN ROME. Hi - teem-aged by the unprecedented success which this popular• monthly has met. with, and" the r,ipidity with n hick it has Increased its circulation, the preprietor Me, re . so.vei to make it still more worthy •of the patroutage of the public. That this admirable work is mpv i tual OF CIIPAPNESS . . • is admitted by - every one, containing, RFC it dOe4. _One Hundred Pages of reading matter in each number. being more titan any of the . $3 Mogarines, and form - fin; two volume's a year of six hundred pages each; Or Twels Hundred pages rd . Heading ;)latter per annum for ONE D.OLLAILI • • Betimes Dollar IHMlthly Is printftd with imw typo,. ntion line white paper, attd its matter is otpurully r e nt Wed . :tad arranged by the - hands Ahe-editor aturpro pTietor, who ' has been known to the itublic as connected nityt the Boston press Tor sixteen years. ltn'pages-nq u • ttelu• EWS, • • . . •:A ISCEELA NY, -: ' TALES. ..1 • :. POEMS, . - . ' - 11100 It A l'illES, .:. . - STORIES OF 'III II SEA; SR ETCILES, ' .'• WIT AN D,ITUNIDR. Ac., &c., front 't be best:and most popular writers of this country It is itlito.r ? piced with n: record of_the..noPtble events t thol hoes, of joe.ice and war, of diseoset;ios and improve. , 'penis orettring in either duoniSphero, forming, au agreedido companion for a leisure tuoinent or hour, nny - - where,-A-tiolde-or-ahroad; each number being complete in itself.. N 1) lied:la:in - sithf,etx. are admitted. Into fts • pitges theresnro enough contror timid publientioniCeseli de voted to its,pecul r sort or. clique. This work Is in tended 11,1* , . . I'll 1. 1 I. l:'1 ' •- north ur Nutt: rant or wst. and Is tillOd to the hrim .o •h month' o Ii .•iotsto: popular and 0.111)hie 1,014,1 p. .121r/y; iti.SL 511 . 111,1 , :"I.r brother or. friend lane.d piaci) in thu hatol,l.; a fa.nily circle.. It Is In all Its do partmentg. frein .tod “ri:AoAL unit. what It purport:ito ..,tob - tfttriteaprrf - rnly.tazino - livtlio world. . . _ A ny'perFon ol.el. , ;•10..; , •:%:,d , .1.1.111 I , 1 (110 . propt:ietee. I t s "below,,shall receive the Meg:utile, it„e_ one year, or :ally person-situdijig-41:.--EI.:H 01146 liAi.O'n-liZ'd 4:1011T-1 , 041,MIS,- Nt (00 thnO St 01)/ .10 V 01- ‘ 0 a- t."l w Yjn 7l iF ,------ . . - - 31..\1, BALI;017, l'ultlislier and Propeletfm,--- ' Corner of Ternamt and Bromfield Streets, lli,ston. ' June lA, '56, - • jUST RECEI.ArED !—;-.A. fresh invoice .1 of the finest INUI,IBII, GERMAN, AND A.MEDICAN f C1.0111:3, , Snpot Black French Doeskin Cassltnerea. English'l'lain Black and Figured do,s -- . • , • Nrelich Cluedineres of all deseriptions.. . Extra Atni.rlluit Plain And Fancy do. rinlit and Pitney Linen Drills,' • . • White And Brown Duelt `Mottled and Fir,nred Super Meek Sethi, Inuaithea axitlOretutdine Silke, • • - Figured and Valley Finis of all deseriptiona. ' White and Fahey Marreilles of every variety. French White kid Glov, K. , • New, :Style Colored Kld Morel, .e), Era 'line, inechntiltN , stltch, French Cdlwred Silk Gloves. 111dIntid.e. Fine Lisle and Kerlin Swimmer , • . Super Black - Silk eriivnts Mack:Satin and Silk Stocks. . Neel: 'ries, Whito and Fancy Lawn cravats, Suspenders. llusierf, Sc. . • t 110 - 40 - • 0 .1. 1. NT. L Y L' I N terrif *t• s e,t, • ,' „, 4 . 1 , 1%. , •• Hl' tos,on tnc t.t day ..t .1111/ next. iit 113t1.,170 ,111.11. , 1cariktp. %swim. at the in tbo'Senta ilonotain thine ltitiqe), through ltbda the hunt 5 Iptantabt . ec.k, the locativ, 0 1 ,,,!. not gu,,lri i t, to any in the countrY for gobd %vat :11,1 mountain scenery.. Those who are rona fishing can find amusement. A (laity mei I - and daily eonneunication with t'arlisle eNI t, vn-it rp to receive their lettere and papers in a $./r 11311„iniii1 . 1, .04 . 111112 will arrive . at 4 o'clock. P. 51. The, louldio,s 'and furniture aro now, and every exertion \,lll be in make visitors comfortable. . SKyr.N Dom. kRS PER Week: Children tiMir. Env., c 3 ears of age, at second ttblo, anti seryauts, half pnii 0. Address • MIS: W. PATTON', Papertowit, Cumberland Co., Pa. ItEPHIt t:NcE:4; Or:01110 Co., Ilaltipiore. • Hobert ilarrett, Esq , .••• _,Dr. Thomas /luckier Hon. Henry Nay. Belding - lan 4. Hayward. Philadelphia. W..S..Cataphell. Nt. Eawronno Hotel Phila., lion. Nriailt Watts, CtiYliste. • , Rev. J. It; Slurs.:, •, • .1. 11. Parker. Esq.. . Col. Chas. A. May, .U. $. A. ", • . Juno 4, 18:ic. . , mu . X. KETOIFUI‘I'S MoWl.\rC • Tho toniplei — e,stitcess of Ketchum's Mowing .Iter.phg.:llnnhines for- the last fire. pennl bia etiusi3d, • a dentathl for nearly They are warranted to, eat froin 10 to`ls acres of gross or grain In a afty,'4B #Olll. aii it'ean be tint scythe or cnalleV Pylce. oI Mower,, ll 5; combined Sitichlita; /11.31. - PASCifAILI MOTiTtIS I CO., • 7thioul Market Streets, • Solo Agent for Pannaylvania, Delaware, Maryland . and Now Jersey. .. " A. M • " A. M: • ll= -A GI/ICULT .PLE -44,1•.t • , ' iti( l 4l ll r," nett Stu t'el Plows, fur ,Corn find PotatOes, „Exp•trulinv; Cultivators, with liteel Teeth of 'rations patterns, nob,. and Garden I larrows, lined Plows, Revolving Horse ItakeS, hate❑ t :icy the. Scathe and Scctli e, English Lawn' '•• ( ,i • I hvs with riVot tett baths, superior, Unlomiirerlay Yorke. with rope arid taclao complete, alai r-thep ortieles fur thrm.autt g.•traeit• -• - MOTIlk1;.; mid .I.l,arket Stecots, fir t; .1) Al R Y . •Ipairi'a l'ateitt • "At IP 040. er'e Preiefut • • . Churns et•v m avlous ses, alto' Chtirca,,ami Fixtures. It uktter , • vorietieitltut tor Pi•lots, ' • ,' • -•-• • - - —PA • SCII MOW{ • •••--' 7th Oct! Alarket f... , tveeta • 11•• .71toe, t,1F45. 1 "`. ,• • • , " P. M 41 A. .1T FT 10 ,%! :,; 87— T For s hrs u k to I OLIN, with _:inquire at this otil tuale:itiately. --Allisteffancous TIIO6. 11. 61111!1:3. ~lZtsceffurteous:--==~r 11.01.4 ARSHIP' for Sale.—= Asch t chip lit Dickinson College, one, year of . rill& :been used; is 'offeredfor sale on reasonable ,terms: quire - at . • . . • • . 'THIS OFFD u nu - • SPRING AND .S IJ AVM • TUTS AND DAPS!, , The-nindersigned invites ttiO attention of his old now.'and' sessonfib • .sorftriedt of SILK, FUR and- STRAW. RATS; CI, CAPS, AO; ibr gentlemen and Boys wear, of the I • .styles tirAd„hest:lpallty....The asSartmont will be °'t to ontbricte every soil. and size of ffatS :mil Cap , „Boys nod Children, from the cr;ropionesz..,, • eheapest to the . most stylish and fashion nle, sti, , • thikinrd!s spring. style of gentleman's Hatsi Mid Brown. Sloth+ fiats, with Fur lints °this bwn peps .of "redoes colors Red,.lt a larke.assortniCnt Of 3ten'a and iloy's S trap of different qualities and prices. to suit the porke both rich and poor. Feellnie confident that ever) ,• elitmer acceennodated from his eatiensivr. vatnd.assorirnynt ha cordially Invites his .felend call and examine' at . life old establishment .on Street. '• . . • ' TROU't ril FIE _ T1.11.1.1D? AN,N . UAL OP TitE - BTU LITEILARTINSTITIYP--,- Will beheld in LlTEnAttit Ihtb r Newville. Pa., no 12th, 14th, 14th Mut 15th days of 'August, this exhibit ion farmers, and tem:hanks; artists ano ladies are cordially Invited to centribute Muth - , .of their industry and shill. It has beeit objected by some.lhat In the publi list of prentinms, too high a reward has Wed elTe.rt—,' the best Plowman, while nothing has been the statend best. In order to obviate this objectim itribters have agreed to the following change, Tin theitest. plowing, a twoborse Plow. wcrth $l5; f, second best. $.5 to be paid by the person tTi'whom first premium shall have been awaraed; 'for the .Plowiltg;(by bey under le) t gclentttle Anntilcate.‘ yor the . pitrpose of inciting iliNes - in the neiglib , ' counties to honorable competition, a SILVER. E ' PHA N° Son' MACY . Will -be awarded to the band v- • produces the.bestanusie during the Fair. • The -131 01 1 ring Saxe horn Band, having - pineut - sot of new Instruments. wilil.4-1 - 6 attendance du the Fair to enliven- the occasion, with 'spirit-stir. music. As quite a numbor of applications barn boon w for space in which to exhibit, it 10 wieslred that t who Wish to exhibit many artiClus should appl, room' wit as early a date ins possible. For full.parthmlors sand for a copy of the 'Rules 1,14 i of Premiums, which We have •#iibiieged Li i jwhiet form: , JAS. M'KEElrAN,F!eeretnr [Juno 25, 1S: J. Plum, President _ • , 2 . 40 • • 000 _..• .J . DIN,T. : s To cK i -5 • s 0 lALIO N - 0 F THE ' "Rill SPRING LITERARY INSTJITUTE," ' . • • • s ""‘ • of Newville Cuntberlan _, d C0..,.P . a. _____ . 1 __ ' • Graild and tixtensive sale 'of . . . ' .• . - : ' . BOOKS. RI Al. ESTATE, hr. The proceeds of the sale to be devoted to liquidating Debt of the institute. . • • , .. iluparalled Opport ty to buy a valuable - Break, s become a Shareholder i much valuable property. — . LIEUT. -GUNNISON'S tiItEAT WORK ON T molt NIO.s;S: at only One Dollar per ropy-Eloven Bo ' I'M. Toti.ibillars. Ounttison's History of the Morinon by far the ntest•accurate and reliable work we halo . !bat deluded people. In order that every person 1 become a Shareliohler, the price of a Apol; and Cer eat° of Membership of the. Association will to °nit The Co, tlfleato will entitle the holder to au iutere.t • t he following - - . i.41.11A.11LE - REAL ESTATE, Ac.: ' ." ' 1 VALUABLE IMPROVED FARM, - $l - With till nocossarVOut 7 buildings _ • Situated in Cut/04'0am' Valley, near Newville,contuining' . I°' acres...___ 4, . - 1 - V - Atil - Altbil - FARM, * 2 • -- _ Adjoining t hi) above, containing 125 eels. k . •,, : i: • V .Q.UABLE TIMBER LOTS,' Of 50 acres each, situlted In Sllfilin township, Cumberland county, 2 VALUABLE WIDER LOTS, '' ~ 3 Of 21 acres each. * • . 1 SI2LENOI.I) ,NEW BRICK HOUSE, 2 ' 2-Story and Brick Building, adjoining the Hall on the west. . .‘"•-••••..-, 3 1110 LILY. ..IMPROVED OUT-LOTS, 3 Of over a acres etch, within half a mile t.f :.ew . AIM, at s:tilo each. k TOO Order's for HERRON'S CF,LEBILATED WRIT -INa INK.. at sti per order, . ,' • I 1 MACINIRICENT ROSEWOOD 'PLUM, . • From the colebiated Factory of - WM'. Knabo & • - Co:, Baltimore. .. - 1 Superior Melodeon. ' . • 2 Splendid Hunting Case Oold Lever Watches, at slos' each, ; • 2 Splendid' Hunting Caso Gold Lover Watches, at s•il 10, a ' . I spi,,,did . o old Watches, at $5O each, .; lit splendid ladies' Gold Watches, at sso,each, 10 Our Silver Lever 'Watches, at $25 each, 12 " • - Witches. at ;20 each, ' .• 1 superior Patio. Clocks, at $S each, - 50 - Gothic " 3• ' . ' • 51) ." Cottage " :i . ' 1 - excellent - Family Carriage (latest Ntylo), 1 " Rockaway .s. 1 "" Top ltuggy, . 1 excellent Spring Wagon, I superior Two-horse Road Wagon. , • . Fed Splendid Harness (silver mounting), 2 extra Spani.h Saddles, ' . 2 superior Wahint Sofas, • . - . ~ 1 ma".nificent Sofa 'Pablo, • • •• ' .• ' - ' Dressing Bure,aus, . -,,, • ; 1 splendid Secretary,.. • . . 4 Dining,TaLles(exl . v4Shevvy), t ,i . 4 Bedsteads, . • •• , • . , 2 sets Chairs, at sls . peraet, • 3 'lmported Carpets, 20 yards each, $2O per piece, 2 Rome-made Carpets, extra, each at $2O per • carpet, - •' . . ' S Parlor Stoves, n't $l5 each, . 2 Orders for Snits lilack Clothes, at $3O each, 2 " Silk Dresses, $3O each, , 8 ". Clothing, _l5 10 ." lints, 5 . . 12 " .. loots, 6 ... . 12 " -Gentlemen's Shoes, $3-5 0 each, - 12 " o Gaiters,'4 00' • • 1: " • Ladles' Shoes, 2 00 • . 100 Gold Pencils, at $2 each, . 200 Gold Pous,mt $1 00 each, . . . 100 1h es Assorted Perfumery, at $1 Wand,. 40 copies welt hound Miscellaneous DooksOt $1 50 16 Ladies':Albuiria, at $2 each, • . LW pieces Popular Music, - ' . This - Association Is founded 'upon 'honest and t ' principles. Each hook purchaser gets-the-Nalue-of ... ' inoney.,Au the book, and no account of tho great nuer sold„ taloornes t , :a shkrifholder In ,each :valuable 1 petty. !Avsirtifiefide Will he Presented to each honk i A . chaser, ififf.itilroVtlid holder-to an interest in the' b , • valutthie pi-epertv.- , Aft.:Sitin an triobooksjimA ...._. notice ; wilitio gtrmi—toihttitickholaers, and a eon A • tll . lll \ HI be kohl In - . Norville, at 'the Institute's II ' Vchewa Continittecwill _be chosen, to whom the , \ petty will be delivered„to be distributed among shareholders. All: tae article!, that can; will be cab . ted at the Institute'i; 'Fair, on the 12th of Aug; From the-very flattering manner' in which this J, Stock Association IA 'received and patronised, and f• the number of tickets already sold, it Is confidently ' linved that the property can be delivered tn. the sit. ' helderri in a few months. For the diameter of the'' ' tirittw - 01.1TIMattV INSIITUTE," and these connected 1. it. iv aro peamiitted to refer to the following gen • , . , • 11131.111F.NcES i 1 . - ... • . itoli. ,1 v. PolroOk. Gov. of Ponn'a, - • i on. l'haddons Stuvir, Lancaster! . , 1 ' G T no.reflortv'k NVotts;Carl'hle. - ', lb' Ei..to.n. Todd, MOM. Col.;.C.lrlh• ~i e. • Senator NVin. Ir. li - ehih, Yorb. -,.... lion. Wm. F. Murray. Irarrlshorit. Witt. liintbo 4 Co., Balt i MOM. ' , ~ - • .' -.' WILL .1. : Z .ltt ,. :tre . r. PIV;S:A t Vy. Opmb.Co., P. 2... :Nolo( Shelly. Sop. Connon&hools. •, ~ • . ~.,.., •1,13 IK,.. 1i,,,,,if 1 , 54, t ijit. _avt-ai.e.--.--,----7,7----:—.—=r B.)yer A. 11 . e;:i.lisr,' ,_ '.: ) . V-')„ • %.11• 0et1en...:440r Iln:ok.q owl Cer•OCates, by ix; .... .. :41Wi1.11 114.1 alltire,7l.4l 10 • r• . r • .• • . ..TAIXES Mel Sot% " Eipring ,LiterarY Irthtitutc! NA4 . 7i111,1t, Own berla ud Cu.. hi. . , ,A 0 1: Yr A . ) . J7?1), 10'.43 , 0 , 41 .4 4•1:mVii owl t 1 1 1,,tr. - o 'CO 041170,M 1 AfrjPW-. ll s 11, r 11t 0 1 0 , All 1 , q1.1 c Ing ~'tamp, prznpity nxe•crc I, ,• ' . • June IS, 1.866. a • • ,• •• . • .5 . •