Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 16, 1856, Image 4
lin 8 19 r k.A ....„,„.,...,,, , v it l,_ r : , !, _.,,,,,,, ~, Th ,1 ........ CA:AL-ISLE, r.&. WEDNESpAY; JULY 16, 1850 trfje Earoest mitt (I,`Ocapest Taper I - N -C•D•I4, It.l A_N D C 0 IT'NT Y , _ ... ..„..____ . , . • TERMS'—TWO DoLL'Aith A YEAn, on ONR.Dor,- 'LAR AND FIFTY CENTS. ll' PAID ;N AIWANCE. • • $1 75 IF PAID WlT'ill.N 'VIE YEAR..' . . . UNION. STATE. TICKET. . . :CANAL .COMMISSIONER, , THOMAS R COCHRAN, - of York - Co • . • AUDITOR frENERA.L, • D A RwrN,PHgLPS, .of-A r ins tio gCo 'SURtIIYOI3, -- 0 EN ERAT, RARTAOLOMEW LAPORTE, Bradford VOICE OF CLAY AND . WEBSTER, ! • • vary , cla . y on Slavery Extenilon:. In hit; tcreat simerlt on the Compromise measures, on Lhntith of Febrintry, 1850, 111:NRY CIAV due::tred llis opposition toilll deshtns for The ex tomtion of Slavery i , . 1 repeat that 1. never can, aml never, will, and no . airtAlly rower will ever• Make me, vote to extend z.laveiy ever . territery wher,e it does not exiFt. Never while rOnsen holdri a sieit in my hraln,- 7 -never.m idle my .l.W.A.kt..saudx,iim vital ltuid through my veins. Di v ey— lont —N EVER. . . \ _____ l ay, on- Iluch.n Jn Mr. Clay's .private correFpondonce. p!:ll.4ibhed last GM, in a lai . Ua...ta - 10.1111nati, dated June 14, 1551, ho_says as followS: • "Of.the candidates spoken of on the Democratk side. I confess that 1 should piscrer Gen. , CasS. Ile Is, I think. tnero to be relied , on' than any of his compel t During the trials of the long sersioes the last Cllll, :tress, ha bore himself lirinty,.eonsistoritly fund patrhdl eally., Ile has quite as much ability; quitotis nun di firmness. and, I think, Stunt Moan honesty and In verity than Mr. liuchanan. , • • Dianitil*eb!itiOr on Slai,e6- .Aa corning npiimpriqroln Iu t h;s 111'N I. 11. ll' 1,: --A-briot.paswe-funn _NV.i.u,a ll* ~ .'"0 1 Much 7, ISUO—also his lasi great . Ito ottlN: "Sir, wherever there is a.substaotiel good to to d 0 ,, Yrihererer there is a foot of labol t,, be pr,leeetl frol. baeoining Slave teiritory, I am ready to ares.:4 i - ciplo of the extension of Slavery: Imo pludgiot from the yetor 1637 ; I haio been pledged to it again and and I vIII perform those pledges." ' . SOUTHERN r.picTior4 s. ...' The State Elections, • this year, take • placb as follows,:—On the fkiurth Of Ali . ORC:KentOCI3;, :Alabama, Texas, Mis souri, and Arkansas vote, and 'on the . seventh of August; North Carolina and Tennessee ; thus iinking sevn of the Southern States in the first week of that: • month. The only others of that :-. e ion ••• whioSli vote liefore the occurrence--- oft c P'residential election, will be Georgiltand. Floridaon the • sixth ' of .October, and , South Carolina on the fourteenth of the' -.. same month. _ln; the early part Of Au gust, there or , the Peesidential -contest will •assink_a; • - `'' °n Stateshave.all been confidently claimed • is favorable to the' election Of Filliniqe and Tionelscin. - • . .. . . . . 141 E KANSAS Ird, of• Michigan,. one of t • • .the• Congressional Counitit -----tee,!,whosisited.K,ansas, made the folloW• • • -----ityg-stateineut-in-the-tourse_of , _&sp_ecch_a: • few days since : _ • ,• , "-I assert- that if all the-tyrannyjipict-, ed uf,o t , ourfoyefathgrs••by,the Great . Britain, wore /olleeted • togettipr, : all a_.tnul ty_ L ten, I could bring facts' ,to, prove. tharthe• poor settlers:id - Kansas Bade suffered more than, the • whole of thetn.." • • the opinion of-a'inan ing bee'n iu Kansas, laboriously attendlng a lega.l.inVestigation of the troubles in_ giveS thus an indication' of ~t 6 result. lido State. • .''• • Ovention.assembled , in. • Baltimore on' • . • Thursday' ast, and : pasSed resolutions • • IFreiu Out to be•-unqualilied lot 9 tlie 7 • 7 . 7---- '----'cEidließ epi blidi - fa . rt . - 'form.lB k iconstautiona and fanatic.(; .. that the . foreigliliolieyiof the De.rnaeratie _ disgrace, upon . the ••• , .country; at ,Itinies l ßitchantin is a thin:, and unsafe ...... , , L ; ..cifrp_4.D .... .stn . oeratinparty extremelysee-., proniises str if e; • , .1111 d ;girt eliquld IJC suA•l4led ' ..:.. , by (welly patriutin the country. ASDIN,GTON AND *in.roioNT. The N Sr . — lißepenclent, th - e . .oigati - r " ... the Congregationalist denomination in the Hnited-Statesi-has : --reeentty—taken- 7 OPen grOundin•favor of the election of Col. Fremont. JUdge McLean ..wds its first choice for the nomin'on, .but the over, idling of his nomina i' d ~b); _the I people. and the . wide:syread 'enthusitiset, whik,ll the nomination - oflremont has excited in the North and West, it regards as stri king eitidence'thdt the imitd 'of Provi- distinstly, i'isible in 'raising tip,. training:and - endoy,ing this-workman for hiS.offtee, the 'Man for the Hour. .it runs the foll Owing parallel between Washing ton and - Fremont :. .. ...,.._: . • . • ...... It - is somewhat. curious to notice . the striking correspondence, bet ween the his; tory of the young .ltepuldican .Captain; and that of, him whom (Mr fathers took .as their leader . ;':-.ip the, psi great struggle for .Liberty on4his con, ineat.' A part of theselni . c. , e , been notkod : by the papers,. Ili hers --we - .have not seen referred to: 1 hey are 'interesting, and stigteristiVe.. Washington was left in childhood, by the death of his father, to. the eharp of hit. mother.. Fremont vas so likewise,at . a still - earlier period, and in' eireutustati , . , .m certainly much - less taus , pieious. Wadtington had early a passion fOr the spa, so strong that a Midshipman's warrant . .obtained for him by his friends.. • Fremont-went - to sea/and . Was there' etupstyed_ for more .than two years. - -Washin.!ton 'W:is introduced to public life throuflb his service on. the frontiers,' OR a surveyor find civil engineer; • Fremont won iii-s—ditTeirainilidlittrcarly-famtr—in the :i:11116 department, and, 14. his use and practice. in it Became fitted . in: mind: and body, to," endure hardness ton learned all that he knew of war in contbati and the strife of tine ness, and rose thus to the rank of ,Colo -1;0' in the provincial troops, Fremont's. s,:,1001 Ile. same; aikl he -has gaited ...WaShintzten -had: laid :•;111'1:1 ( ~x pe.- r ienee as a leghilaier, uotal lie t!al!t-il - h . ) the head of: the Uovern.- Mil fd:en for his 'weil-tried -771.;we;11 tiwiliii!,A. r 'am. l not for any disline - ton' lurd aulti, l tvt..ll.as_n.diplotnatistl.)Ar statesman; and Imre agaiti,:,the''l)44cil holds. 'Washington was sneered at.' by the men orfoutine,.wUsrhated and_pssail 7 ed by the Tories of that:Any, 1)s a Sdltlier who' had "'never Petit :squadron in the EMI field ;" .utitil his energy and patience drove theni all out of it,. Tike_seine class ,ifof attaelcs are now made on Fremont . ; . be ansvvdred,'we. trust, in the same im pressive way. His friends' early felt that, Washington Was specially fitted and pie . Served of become the head. of the nation ; as Rev. Saninel Davies expressed it, that " Providertiidlps hith ertopreserved him in ;0 signal a manner for some important service to, his. noun-. try." The same expectation, becoming alinost a,prenionitien, has for years been general among the friends of .Fremont. Dr., Irebert,Sen, hiS 'early - teacher, ex, 'pressed it intlje•preface to his edition of the Anal:1;10i, published years ago, in these words: • " Stich ; my young friends, imperfect sketch of. my once.beloved n,vorite pupil, who.may:yet rise_ to h e ai the head of this great and growing • My prayer ie . tha.t.he may ev-, opposed to ,war,--in:instiee. and bp • prcssion . of every hind. ifbassi ig to his cutmtry, and an exampla.a—every. noble virtne to the whole world :Washing ...-_ton 'was calfed to the head of the tirniy at the age of :forty-four; and if . coif Pre - hall liVe to.ns_the .Marc:h next, we confidently expect that the sin= will.so_far .perfected. With liinrin, the PreSideiifial -. Chair;' . . says..the Independent, we have the . '..esfoonvictionthat'ult sections 'will---feel safe and...that speedy, calm; will succeed the A fecent . and pre . serit agitationi; virile his life and his-words give the amplest guarantee that the. influence of the Gov 'eminent will all be employed on the side • . 5 of freednin and•its benign order.... . .LINE GA — li. GEORGE !—The triumph of the A)nerlea . l4 New York; . last fall was lFthe axertiOils of George eliiefly ascribed JAW, whO thee : acted against the llepub- . lieltes:=7 l :Now - Mr, LaW is with them, and 4144:*-14ifoki-4-16ct:ei._ii:ptaLtija—suf.4,4 deney, reviewing . thoir- characters, a "edents, avd•whity;:his' prefe,reitee far Fremont as the repr asap tatire pr ugresS and, freedom; and ilanolneinL the slave :thly letter: , The , : n:bottt 11 - e'poblietto oaos - us . tit' illivgtoti, tit ‘vithtlraw-Daj , - , -tt Jph tstoti j turp.i.olit to 60. false. ti4Ci4‘ll l ' - '-iiii,(ll6. 'TUE' 111t0IIKS CASE. le case of ' ; CM , e Congress on Mondity,,but the resolution tie-expel_hiwfailed-for_want of a two third vote, The vote stood for expulsion, 121—against it 95: . ..With a few excep tionsithe locofoco members from . North and South_ voted . agaidst his expulsion. After - the vote was taken . l3foblts was - at- - lowed to t address.the House and Made a long and dertaoo barangue;' at the elosti"Of which he announced that he had antici pated the•action of the llouse some ten d_ays since by placing his resignation in the hands of thelaoi;el 7 nor of SoutliVaro-' . , . . lina and was no longei a ineinh'er of. this Cnngressr In 'thecoirge...of . his speech . . he made the extraordinary remark thA a blow from - him neW would be the sigifai for revolution but he would refrain !.Let us be thankful, 'therefore, that Brooks is gone back to obscurity and that the still safe ! • ' KANSAS LEGlst,AruttE.Dispiltsm t rr - : The Frde . State Legislature of Katisas met at . Topeka, on thd 4th of July. - The same day 031.1Shinnerdntered the. town with 200, dragoons and planted the -can- on Eq to command ,the . Hall 'where the:Legislature was assembled. ' Ite:.z.f terwards repaired to the. Hall of . -Repro , sentatives and said . . "I ant Called upon to perform_ the most painful duty. of • my . life. Under the authority - of the . President Of The - II- Ifitkittes; -- 1 -- aur - heroitsolve.- -- i the ,, LegiSlature. • In accordance with my or ders, I, command yo,v, t( God . now I have.'po_ patty feeling, in - .the matter,. and I will have none, while I bold My present position in Kanstlig. I have . ust returned-from the bqukr,. where have been Sending heine-tlre3li4Sourians, and I am here withinstruction -dis- Rem:6'l. he Leg' sla turo eo infix n ybu tO disperse. • • • • A:_tuemberasked th &el° u tler :amid that they sere to be driven out at point of the bayonet—. Col. ,Sumner plied---I use the whole foree under my jominlitid- to-enforce. my--orders.: The House theii - disperse.d. ' , • COL. F.RF.MOIT'S A C C'EP TA N .-T 11.0 letter *of Col. Fremont in which he fOr / wally accepts the nomination for the Presidency, will be found _on our • first page. •His opinion - s are clearly, .frankly and forcibly stated, and no unprejudiced person can read his lkter wit mut a feel int); of Confidence in the nk and respect for his high ability.. LAST JOKE OF THE SEASON !--A lo eoleco paper. in Ohio says that when the Conunittee appointed to wait on •Mr:l3u eliananto announce to him his nomina-: tion; they fOtindjhe 4 Old Sage,' calmly at work in hie garden,.hoeini potatoes!. • k" The jury in'tho case of Congress man Herbert, tried in Washington lasi week for the inurde7 of 'Keating, the 1- rich 'Waiter, had not agreed at the-lastac counts: - They °were reported to Stand ten for,aetiiiittal and two, for conviction.. .. FROM ilmviroapaw AND OREpOk. • 13y the arrival of the steamship Gettrge Law -tot.-14,71t1r.ork,•we haveetwo weeks, later - news from California end important intelligence from-. Oregon and Central America. Gen. !Walker had been elected President .of N ear ague. Rivas thereupon feliidled, dollected'a force and, took possession of -- Leon. Walker has declared Ritmo and hi - s7plaily 'renters. • • The excitement In San Maine° continued , and things wore the aspeet of civil war. The 'iligilanle.Connittee are Stu in session, and •Intve now six thousand stand of arms and thirty pieees,of cannon.. Their force is divid ed into six regiments . regiments. Strong breastworks have been otaistructed in front ,of the Cora -1 ndifie"ts rooms.; and ail alarm bell • erected lupon thebuilding,%and Several 'pieces of cap-, non plaeed.upon the adjacent roof as to compatnbalt the approaches to their quarters. Gov; Johnson has gathered. together a. few hundred men, With whoni he proceeded Penicia, with a -view to getting . arms: .and . 4k i n i m i l iutiaartna!tb,earSentil, but Gen, . Wool ' . re .faseilite:Aeli vet!: -t op. The: pyßrilsW, foree's are camped near Abe city.. •Sik 'Pore '‘tics Inca been banished by the Committee,. and not tin ovS arrests continue to, be mode_ ._F r ooiciregon we have intelligence that Col. Wright and his commend; numbering -sga,l.L. S. troop, had taken p4itiou on • the -Sontit I side of the'N'aschez river. •• The Indiana • min . - lured on the ; .;ortli• side 2000 strong.. t - 84.tit to l yabecru ver , .o.ittr t DalleS for 'reittfere:enients. - Tinbsequent report; tvhi4h.Ge 1P coufiriaatx,on, til)s • tiffit gagelne:ut ttivk'plaeo in which (!el ono third of 1.1;s conue.nd Wounded.. , , .• triton nub Edunto Ratters: '.~ LITAR-visT.---Theeii_,orop — ortiiii. county, as.we.learn from all quarters, is un reoetiiintially—fine—_The_4l6.l is irir o and of 'the inost superior quality.. The growing corn,wears a greatly_ Improved appoirance since the ruins 'of lust week. • ExcußsioN:--Liiying the corner stone of the l'itblie. in Charnhershurg,; tvitti:lnsonin Ceremonies, on Thursday, July 17th. . The C. R. C. w ill - issue round trip tieltetS•to Chamberibuig at one half the .usual rate of fair, from Carlisle and all inter mediate-stit cis. Leave Carlisle at 7 A. M , js.'ewville . 7 86,.rShippenSVurg , 8 10, arrive at , chambersburg ut 8 50, and return at 4:20.' . . • COMn.rNpEMFINT.--,-The - anal-verstiry exercises of Dickinson College were •Celebra• ted in the I‘l. E Church on Thursday last the church was crowded with spiciators, rind a large number • of distinguished clergyman and others occupied seats on the platform,— Dr. Collins, President'of the College, presided on ,tlArtreension. The addresses delivered by the membererorthp gra - dhating class, were-14 . olloWs•and Were listened to.with interest by, the intelligent•audience: . . • ',A Salutatory '.Addresses.—Wrn. .R. Aldred, Chester Co. • = 2. Oration—eSenond Clime )—ld olatr y -of Diekeon, Georgetown, D. C. 3. Oration=(Third. Clims)--importanco Mental CultAlre 7 4. W. Troxel,.Double.Pipo Creek, Md. . 4. .Ori4ion-, , (Second Chios)—Political Phil nnthropy-:--)V. - M. ki arnsbergeri• Port . Repub lie, .Vn. , .[., • . . _ . • • 5. Oratiorf r -..Firgt Chtse)---EnOish Despot ersi, Hartford co.; Mth 6. Literary_ On ion—The Spirit of Euto• pi a. *— lc,. F. • TOi+. Se co nil Class) The Political Drama.—..l. Kurvis, Baltimore, Dld ' 8, Oration—(S.econd Class)—The enema loue Appeiminces of Man.-It. Balt.iwiti . - . 9. Literary Oration, --Novelty and Tradi P..Marahall, Paris, Va., . . . .. . .., , .10.. Oration— (Third Class)—Poetry of ,Sci er.ce.—.J.: E, D. Jesfer,AtTl Lion, Dai. - ,: 0 1 . 1 - ; - Oration—(-Fir-t Olussr*:—:- ly_.ll Witigton Durinundto w n., Va. ..: • 12. Oration - L-Virxt Clark Talbot co., old. . 13: Literary OraTion—Uucli Tom ' s W. M. I'lirBollS. 14. Oration—(Firm. Ctass)—Utility versus Beauty.—J: C. Gilmore, Williavosport. 16. Philos . ophical Oration—Authority.—M L. Clark, Jersey Shore. • P. Mitater's Oration—Tho Missionary—his Claim to the Veapect and -gratitude of Mau Ale•.zo a ti, Sulinhury, Md. • 27. l‘laiiier's OTalion—Our hlasters.--W. C. Rheum, Carlisle. 18. ya,;edictory. Addresses.--E. N. Ecote.s" 'on, c umbridge,,Ald. • • • t * Excused. • Prior to Wu valedictory address the 'degrees were conferred in duo forin by President Col ins. The degree of A. B. on the members of the gradu'ating class whose names arc giver above. iz rarry , The degree of A., owns confer.- red upon 'Wm. F. Rowe, ass of . 1840 ; Roy. A. S. Hank do. 1850 ; J mos .M. Kimberlin and I;S.Diehl, do 1851 ; It. 11.• Dietrich, do 1852; A.. 11.. Ititchie.-A. M. SaWyer, James E . Clawson, J. .1: Meisel', E : - . ll'.Scyniour, U. C Rheem,• A. Ricketts, J. M. Shearer, of the class of 1863.: " •• • • -The 114Ciorary degree; of A. M.' 'teas confer red upon Rev; E.-Welty slid E. B. SeS'moUr. Th'it degree of Doctor of. Pitytdold Scion-co up on our talented townsman,. Prof. .Spencer F. Baird, now connected with 'the Smithsonian InstittitionAVashington. - TheinanSrtiry de k j;ree of_D,,D. on tho • ay. Win . Arthur,. :of Londott_E ngltind ; Rev I_,T, Crane,N. J. and Rev:W. B. Edwards, of altimore.' -'' On the evening preceding • Commenconient, the wool address before the 'College Soole tiesWas dejlitiredby the Rev. Thus. If. Steck ton,, of Baltimore. Subject-“ Common Sense.,” A largo and intelligent - nu'dierioe was ,preserit. The address was of a metaphysical diameter and quitOciploded.the common notions of Com. mon Sense. Whether all.hia audience acqui esied in hia views or not, all at least agreed that the addressavas both. learned:and logical. The peroration was in that strain of lofty and stirring - eloquence' for which Me. Stockton ts distinjuis#sdps a Pulpit orator,-` :A correspondent Who doitinot seem to cNic aide, with I%lr. Stockton,' sends ns.the follOning communication: • . • • •• ...:Tuita,:l3iobElif- , - , Tlre 4 rial .Lor-Preaton:Ss' _ Taigfictit7tii7Osittlit-nficcorr-Seimior,pmner • cat up on- prn. n flits t ii ‘-- our-t; WaNhinkton Setintor Sulnuer wan tint •-pres ent, Lithaviugacelined o taka. ttuy part_ in .nuniber , of • ',witnesv , to the txtiact:a from Mr,,Smiitters epceoh 'was read. `llr ilittoks Wade a *Pooch, asserting: that . thti mr e re'd no adequate remedy for tho,ollence actotnitted'agninit hip State, and owing- his o.lte'rnitaation asert her .the; docon . .nit, to I.lhp 9( s:3oo,fttl4 ' 111 . 06/tS t . 01% Jl{lolllllo flitA his friends to tho House of ltepresentativea. •. PIE FOURTH AiDOUBLING GAP.—A ooireepondent the Philadelphia' Ingairer, - ttTmersse y;as .- evevy - T7 body does, at'Poubling.Gap, gives the follov!- ing account of -the patriotic_ doings on the Fourth' by the company; • Mn.Enrioit.:--After a long debate in my own mind as to whieli of,the numerous water ing plaoes , P siik;nld sojourn this. summer, I decidedin farm. of .Doubling Gajp . : : After a shOrf, 'rapid; and pleasant rlile froM the C'ity, • . waslanded heroin the cool of the evening, - and in-ample-Limo for a bath and tea I • found a.most chartning retreat,: embcisomed . in w'oods, and surrounded • With, mountains, from "whose tops the most :sublime 'views the eye ever saw can be seen. The ' Mar4 m sion lio.usejs large, 4141,- and faultlessly clean ; while the table and the acconimodations gen-. • erally .are beyond exception. The "waters too, are highly linpregnated. • with excellent ntediCinal-properties; and magically recuper- . • ate one's system. The company, also, is nu merous, and quite•aelect. There is no lack of fun iim,l timusement:---good feeling and so ciability PreVail - . - • On the Fourth we had quite.' an enthusiastic celebration. 'ln the morning thebonrders irtrre,:areused from their tiers by tr ealute of musketry, follower] by Elie' ' playing of . a National airbylbe Band. The Declaratiati of Independenco was-read in nn eloquent manner by Mr. Heath, of Washing-. .city`--Wrho was succeeded in a 'witty, : humor, ous, and 'telling speech. by Lieutenant Bar rett of the Navy. Some most capital' t'oasts, were given at the dinner table,. in which all participated. Mr. Sanderson, of Philad ' elplria, gat impromptu an . ei l Wilitib called down rapturous applause, It was—Hl Oar , ° Host ; nay leis' the 'Orap; be away! . Doubling," ".In: th e evening there -was a num• herd . games, and ,n spirited .dance. ' The , whole affair _pa sed o . e—coedingly 'nit, visitora ore pouring - in very fruit, and in n ton days, no doubt; ive will bo orowthid. No bet ter'sinurner-resort could be selected by ow eitiieua than if -nfforiled by DOUBLING Gm.. . . . illr.Eilitor- 7 -Last Thursday nightsetnethim very e xirapritinaryhappened to me. 'l . llO no .. pretend to say whether -it was AU. apparitio or not. I - chid)-=simply ,state the fitet4 of-th• case, and iowirer headstin - lialtiinor -- Or elseivhere;:te hold Altair tongues at it c not, just aS. they•plOare, - , , . : .1 tv.4 peaceably availing myself of-smile i • the ordinary " aids to. reflection," when, wit).. out any Opening of the door or window, 1 oily qUILIIO .tioll that I could Observe about tt . key-hole, I perceived a. respectable older) gentlentan seated in my'apartment., My tin impression was that I had seen him before , my second, that I had not ; my third, that must SUMO where., Some time or other, 'alt . - seen somebody very like hint. Greater pe plexity I never felt fur a short time, Ile. h wo eyes—large or entail, blue or grfry., I 0;i ',.•. tnot tell.' Su with the 'rest_ of - the t'atur , The face- Was• all thera- , -a good, substont• lace, too. as ever wits crtrveiLin-wood—loolti ate too. rtendily, quietly, dind not witlifint .. shade of hood -humored - shrewdness. It d Ift)t search or fascinate, as heroes and heroin do ; but it did• not sitrink from me, nor d • pose , me to shrink from it. At last a thong struck- mo:. - . ,• • " Have I theltorior of speaking to BEN:. :Nutt Fitton:us 't•''_,.._ • • " Y u might easily have. made a grea mistak •_I knew him-well." . "Ar you thee connected with the fataily 4 Y " eapttnin Franklin was a member of fon' ly.. I have never yet been charged wit * crime ; yet you_ have ''heard- tee - vioieh attacked this evening, My very'exiStence I been denied." - .." Your name, then, is COMMON SENSE ? ' .. Even, so. A man•lernutitled to full cre who asserts that- lie knows nothing of me; he should,-know something more than that authorize:llls saying that there is no : Such 1 sen, My friondi_are not generally ashen , , of ray acquaintance." . ~•"" You are aware of the argutne.nt.eroplo: try' the lecturer l'?-', ' , • "Xes... - A man shows me levees and f , dollars and - cents" . sovereign!, grorirs,,,l -- florins, eagles. end "Napoleons, dimes , • IrtineSi--fis-AtHproiil;4tirsomh.-.lthat. there l.t. spelt., thing as policy in the'worldl lie . met• With aletv" et each in New York, and e"thiliits , theta - as a proof that the dollar is conttiton hi the Uniteti.Sttites ?,!? ....11ere.a cigar entered the room, and -I .:-. -.- no,more of ~ . '.- • '., : . Commox' SENS 37 .• - - Piamviati Toot Soar, 3lannfactured by E. Perfumer and Cheudat, North Sixth N Philadelphia. We: copythe foslowing• from the lean Journal of Dental, Science :" , Toorrt Stear.—We have received from air. E. N 1... of Philadelphia, a weld* of a Letergent Soap f t , t Teethi a fixpstitutoi for Dentifrice. lie calls it Vert . Teeth Soap, Mid' us' it la coinriesiat.of Peri • Ilark, Myrrh, Orris Root, Mole Armenia). and the Olive Oil Seap. :I'4l:tire Used It, and found it sk hie and etfe.e.tire?' ; . • • „Extract frohi the Report'Of the.Judgew-o _the :the Maryland Meeharrics' Institute: •lkd *l - N0.,1. A' ot of Partlio.lory,.&c.; by Edict of Thllluielphie. This display is creditable to tl • bibitor of the articles included init. Vie would chilly ticket his -Perravivi Tooth Soap ami Meg Soap. "They are undotibtbdly tho, best Etilley Son . 004 1 ) 11 , 10 n. :and (16$erVo . thl.) tirc4 preutitipi On acet.o the, evident purity nr• the materiels- from -which have, been made; their coxupaetness,,and freedom greasY oder.r• • _ —t_ • • . . 'SOid. Drum and Fancy Stbr •t •Cu le'o. Al pu n cm:tri-WM."7 , • Wita.,' :NISI,. • ~ r , e IMPORTER N E N FURNITURE C0N" . .FR1N05,.. ! 5 2. C.. • OITSI I:VEIVIr Tr..nIMINO TU MAT( EN NV MASV , ,'S Tr.Mig. - '• . I,3;vf, roc:. • • 11:1 1 - 11;. OA Pi ;PTA 4,7 d