Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 16, 1856, Image 3

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    inc. 6
• 1 - 1 . R. II Q l.? - L AND S
• Prepsied iiy , •
7 Wilf.tillecimally cure •
Chronic or Nervous - Debility, Diseases of the - Iffidneys,
ahtlalidisignitu nil lne it_fiAlsorde
ver.or is:Munich.
Such as • -
*- - Constipati ,
• •
Inward Full- '
• • ; • ' rtesif or Bleed to the Head,
• Acidity of the Stomach, Nam. . .
• . sea; Heartburn, Disgust for Food,' . .
• • Fullness 'or Weight on the Stomach, , • .
„ • Sour'fiructations,Sinking or Fluttering - . •
• the Head, hurried and Dilfictilt Breathing
Fluttering at' the Heart, Chokking or suffoca
ting Sensations when in a lying postttre,,DinineSS
pf Vision Dots of webs before Mu FeVer
• • and pain in 'the Head, Deficit:m.3y of
• Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and
--. • Byes, Pain In the Slur, Back, Chest,
' , • lambs; &c, :hidden PM - '
Heat, Burning , in the Flush, • '
Constant' Imaginings , tif
and groat . IM -•
• , • proSsien
' Spirits,
The propri . eLor in calling the attentioh of the public
to this preparatioiii does so-withlt feeling of-the-tittnest
confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases
ibr which It is recommended.
It is no: new-and- untried- article; but one that iias
stood the test of a ten yearW trial before the American
pecple, and Its • reputation and sale is unrivalled bY
any itlmiltr preparations extant. The testimony iu its
flavor given the most prominent and well •known
Physicians and iudividafais in al/ parts of the country
Is immense.
Are B.lurces of insanity. from slsordet or obstruction;
e umibfd aetitin Of the sympathetic - and -- (Alter - nerves
and the functions of the brain are impah•ed and
der.urged; deraugualeut there will also produce diseas
es of tue hum% sulu, lungs arid kidneys,. it is- owing
fu the to sauce brat thousands die with Cholera,
Bilious or Yellow Fewer, and that most; baneful disease,
Consumption. , .•
Time geueralGant of success in treatia diseases of thii
liver and stunfiCii, has not been et deficiency of patitelo•
gical knowledge of their,fatictions-:-Illit of a suitable
compound that would act upon the disease mitt all the
VympathetioalTectious, That Ints•buen gOned iu these
/litters :.and they can be used by - ..Pers ols with 'the
most delicate stomach with puri.wa salety—as they 'at
no time debilitate the patient, but give strength anti
- -- increase the nervous energy. They can ho tak.i . n at all
zinnia, and under - all cirtnitustauces. No Ordinary expo
, sure'will ppevent them having a salutary effect, and
. no bad elfell, can resnit from an over dose.
If patients Will persevere in the . , use of this remedy,
and use it strictly aucordiag tJ directions,' it will cum
• the Mregiiing dike:puts lit oery Susie:ace, It not beyond
the power ot wediciner it, has °effused mutiny to enjoy
the Dies/dug of reuuwedlimtlth, afi'd Maily-dosprate
aud abandoned t;aSes, a Perteet and ridical cure.
And feeling•the hand of
'...tutu weighing 'wacky upou
them, with alllts attendant ills, will find iu the use of
' the ilittaii; an liaxer/Lott• Will instil nce , , ,f into their
veins; rektuno, in a measure Ttlip,,eiterAy and ardy of,
more youthful days; Raid up their shrunken thrice.
And gave health and liapplaess to their remaining
It is a well established fart, thutfully oneltitif-lff the
fkinale portion of Our population. are seldom iu the en
---..ibylamataffgooti health; or Louse ”Wil • uxpreasiuu
- never feel well.' They are languid, devoid of ail en
.extreinely nervous, and have no appetite. To
this'•class of invalids. these Bitters aro' especiallY re.
= ,-- e ,- au men/ed. — Their - peculiar tonic: and -in vigoritti
properties render them invaluable in suclreases.
Perseus visiting districts liar . xXsed . annually 'with
AND 5.0-I.lfl,ne - AN V. Feri , ;,c ilk ,. kkri,k c;..,
N ite; will Hind that by the tinnily use tot one or
two b o ttles-, they will not - In ono instanve take
Lit' dis-
Case, as thsliitiOrd will 1 , 31101' . 3.1.11 . amid liti.ligtilw, the
s .Yitxt , u , Attd carry the bilif (situ its natural
l'revention is better than curs.
THEW ENTIIt ILLY, PEG cril 111.5
And frou.frout Alculiolie Stimulant, and ail injurious
• ingredients; are pleasitfit In taste and sold!!,
their op9rxtion,will expel all morbid Secretions from
the body, give bloom to the pallid elm*, aud - lieulth
and Vigor to the frame.
Price 75 cents per bottle.
Principal Office. No.fill ARCH striset„PhiPs; Pa.
dold by Druggists and il.torekeepers lu every town
trot village In the United4tates and'eauttdas, and by
cal Pruggists lu Carlisle. • ' May 1.6, 1850,
Dowagiac, DUAL., Mar. 11, MIL
..i...... RHODES, Esq.: Dear Sir, As I took lour Ludt.
One' to sell on consignment, • no cure no pay,' I take
measure In stating its effects as reported to me by three
brothers who live In this place, and their testimony is a
' fair specimen of all I have received.
W....11,1„... 1444\1)
W. S. Co.vittas told cue —' - 1, bottles
43bristie's Ague .I.ha 10.01, .. • d
t aken nine bottle
co nually run down
' 'while using it until my ungo and II were congested
to that degree that• blood discharged au my mouth
and bowels. so that all thought it impostl le toe me fo
Ave through another chill. The doctor s too did all they.
- could for nao, but thought I must die. Nothing did, me
any .good until I .got Rhodes' Fever and Ague Guru,
leach at once relieved cue of the distress and nausea at
my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and pro.
duced a permanent cure in a short time."
• 11. AL CONKLIN says—"l had been taking medicine
alas a gooda doctor us we have in our county, and taken
any quantity of quinine and specifics without any good
results, from 21th of August to 17th of December._ Put
seeing how micely it operated ou my brother, J. got a
bottle of ItIIODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, which
effected a perreatmercure by using two-thirds of a bottle.
Si. M. tkinklin was' nut hero, but both the other
brothers say his 'case was the same as W. M's. 1 sold
the medicine to both the, and the cure lea as
_ tweedy from the same small quantity, and I might so
specify. Yours witlvrespect... . . A. lIUN T INGT(M.
• The above speaks fur itself.. Good proof as it is, it is
of no,hu - tter tabor than the isit number of like certifi
cates .1 . have already published •And the sill greater
amount that is continually pouringln to uiet. '
'. One thing more. Last year I had occasion to Caution
the Public in these words— ' ' - -
.. 1 'notice one firinwho has taken one of My general
- circulars, substituted the name of .thcir nostrum for
pay medicine, and - then with bniten impudence end
- their pamphlet .with the-exclamation, ' Let the proprie
tor of any other medicine say as much if he dares.!: '
Now I take pleasure in saying that the Caution refer
-'----iuil to - the-same A-1)4%-,Christle , s,Ague-italthat-is
Mentioned in the above certificate.' . - .
• ' . There care several other industrious people who are
applying to their poisonous trash all that I publish
about. my Paver and Ague Gum, or Antidote to Malaria;
except tate. CertiAtates of Cures, and of the celebrated
'chemist Dr. Jaluei , E: °kitten, of new York: lia favor of
• ! its perfectly ILAIIMLItdS CIAAEADDEII4, "'Mel Is at
tached, to ever, bottle. These will ail ways stave :,~ die
.__thatuiela_ley.rite4l4do (rein Imitations. •
. ',IAS. A. 12.1101t0: - PrOPHOT.Or7, ---
• Providence lb! I.
Per' oder by W. A. IE4BO, and DruUista geul;rally,
• AltY Oa 11366. .. . • : ,
IMPORTANT TO „141144.5',L1C5!
'combination ofidgredlonia ,`An these Plata the re •
suit of siongand extensive pra ctice; they are mild in
illudrepenttiori, and Certain -of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every instant's have these Pills pro
*ad sueoessfirL They invariably open those obstructions
• to which Pernalee are liable , mid bring nature Into Its
proper- channel, whereby health is restored.ind the pale
load deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. No
female can enjoy good health unless she is regular; and
whenever an obstreetten takes place, whether Mina ex•
posers, cold or any °time cause, the general health
- bredlately begins to deAae, smith() want of such a rem
fay has beep the cause of so many cone among
• young females. To ladies whose b.dalt will not permit
•• o f an lacrosse oDtbeir tikes will prove a cal
• ;la me aconlaltiOn, as they will proyent pregnancy.--•
4 4 ,11eadache, pain in tirwidde, palpitation of the hear 100.
chinerfhoar - anitrittatrbedltriiWtiCriaTicialiniyar
tre* she . interrmstion of nature-, and whenever that is
the more, the pills will invariably romedy•all thert ed it
Noe-ere the less afiburcious in the cure of Leueorrirces,
commonly called the "Whites." These pills should fibv
er be taken during pregnancy, as they would'be aura to
walla a hatearriage. warranted purely Nreg e t e ja e . em d
fr,se Stem anything iatorious to Uri or health. 'PedianS
*solicit directions - aSeempany each ex: . • •
• need, pills arc put rap in square fl at boxes. Potions
.residing where there is no agency established. 'by ancla.
sing One Dollar in a letter, hire -paid, to Dr. C.l. Camas:
yr j No. 207, - Bloodier street, New Torb, hn st ve th e m .
sent to then ' akgpectrre addreSi&A . • "
'. , •
, _.:
,~~le~i iite~,
1, A
Cut out and 'preserve . ' the foi
- lowing - cant — Ms
important to Saitomsat Axe
TRAVIILIME3, to ' prevent - thei
,being misled and deceivrid•b,'
.-the-lying-boasts r falao-:prondses, -- iff id-spurious- mon
-mondlitions-(from-the-driad-and_un known)
and Native Quacks, of whom there are inure in Phila
delplila thin eiseivliere, lieminfirotthe clemenerof• tin
laws of the St.:do:Citizens know arid avoid them.
Ifaving tried ono to twenty dollars worth 'of Quar
,Exffictili Invigorating Elixirs, Cordials, 111
ters,withwett effect—having Ikon deceived by.rial
represolited and exaggerated accounts of Self-Abu'''.
Secret Discasee arid their consequences, published 1i
7tilvartle F, and -In islecl -- byAltlse --r.
celpts 'awl wrong advice contained therein, purpose'
to, increase sufferings, and alarm and frighten the in
thinking, the more easily to extort large fees, (which
more evident, being sold for joss than cost of printlif
and advertising)—having paid five to one hundrcd do)
lays to Foreign and Native Quacks,
ha . ving suffered much:ind long--though the time lot
Cannot bo recalled, nor the money roan ored yo'u pal
attd were defrauded of, yet you can he cured. howevi
bad, long stantling'or afflicting your case, Lc tir:-Lsor
" he wise, betimes; Delays arwdangerous."
...Time is Money ;Time saved is Money oarneil.”
. - CifYiliiarrifid, or contentplating:marriare.- sufferlf
from Self--Abuse or its consequences, or suffering fro'
any other causes ; defects, or deseases._ and. LAME"
'Whatever their diseases' or situations, only hinforabl
rely and confide in Dr, .I,eidy's skill, and success,A
commodations, if required. with kind and ollicien
TJGCrell IS mown' km) WILL PREVAIL! •
is waged the following cannot be contradicted, namely
Nartli FOURTH SI wet, /1.1X3r15 Race.
Is the only regal= Physician residing in- Philadel
phia, Uraduate. of the Unit crslty of l'ennsylvania,C
1833, (twenty-two years) exclusi tely engaged In th
treatment of Secret or Delicate Discm..m of both soxo'
Self-Abuser and - Its consmpfences; Weakties,
and ; Nervousness; Irregularities and other,
diseases or situations of Females; and whielriie will
cure In liss time and lose restraint, more effectually,
than any Oiler, under forfeit of --
ON &Tit aIS/tNi.) DOLLARS. . • '
Dr...11.31W has More' patients. and cures them too,
than all advertising Doctors; so called or otherwiSo. in
Palatlelphia, combined. and proudly referS to Prefes-
SerS uud re4pOetaldc Physicians, mally of whom consult
him In+ critical raSel, and respectable 'Citizens, Viler='
chants and Hotel. Proprietors, as to his known skill, re.
putation and unparalleled success- . '
can have ne,;.,O.ieary.advlce and. metliplue sent them by.
mail , w otherwise', to. any part "Of the. United I.:tate:4;
girltiz• a deserkption of their cases (ellelosing a reason
able' fee) by letter to , ;r”Do. N. it. LEIDY, •
114NOrth FOUILTILStreet,
' • 'Philadelhia. '
A, 1855. • •
f. ET - US . .R !:A.SON - ' TOGETILEA
• nor,
It has been this lot of the human race to be-weighed
down by disease and salferieig. HOlitstlWA 1"S'
are-specially adapted to the relief of the 'WEAN., the
NititVOUS, the DELICATE, and the ISFIRM, of all
climes, ages. saxes, And constitutions. Profmnsor Hollo
way personally superintends the risauufactere of his
medlCinisi In the tinned States, and offers ttiem to a
free and eullglitened . people, as the. best remedy the
world ever saw for the removal of disease,
These Dancing Pil s ere expressly combining, operates
on the stodutch, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement in
their funcUons, purifying the blood, the very fountain
of elif, and thus curing disease in all its ((yule'.
Noarly half the human race have taken these Mlle . .
It ham been proved In all, parts of the world, that no.
thing hasheen found equal to them in caaesof dlsor,ders
of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach 'complaints gene
truly. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs,
bdwever muck deranged, and, when all other means
have &lied.
Many of the most despotic ilovernmentei , have opened
their Custom Houses to the introduction of these ['ills,
that they may become the medicine of the masses.—
Learned Colleges admit" that this medicine is the heit
remedy ever known forpersons of delicate, or where the
system has been impaired, as its Invigorating properties
neveettil to afford relief.
No Female, young or old, should be without this
celebrated medicine,. It corrects and regulates the
Monthly courses at all periods, acting in many eases
like a' charm.ltAs also the best and gafest,medicine
that can .be given co'Chlidreu of all ages, and fur any
complaint; consequently no family thoUld be with
out it. • • •
Asthma Debility ' ' \Vein's of all -
Dowel Complaints Fever and Agile. Mintz
Coughs Female Coro- • Stone and Gravel
Colds . plaints. Secondary Symp-
Chest Diseases Headaches
Costiveness . Indigestion , Inward Weakness
- Dyspepsia Influenza Liver Complaints
Darrtions Intiatrunatlou • Lown'ss.of Spirits
Diropsy• Venereal Affections Piles
.*** Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAY
SO Maiden Lane, .Nox,,Yor.k, and 244 Strand, London, by
all .respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicine
throughout the United States, and theoc.ivil Ned world,
inigtxeiL at 20 cents, 623 cents, and SI each.
Aar There is it cousilaite — saving by taKing -the
larger sizes. • . , •
N. B. Directions for-the guidance of patients in every
disorder are affixed to each box. •
oct. 24.• '00: • .
:.(7: L. /Ceiling,' of bfeehiniesburg e Cumberland
eouu n'Pa.,,announces_ta those_aatrtesi. with TuOlf"A.
Wens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles o r Marks; lar.f.
Walt. King's Evit'aud ail diecruses.thatheive been ususlly
treated with Caustiu or Knife, he can remove them with.
out nutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform or
Ether is xduduatered to' the patient. It ja no matte,
on what part of the body they may be; he can remove
them with perfect safety, and in .re remarkably short
time. No Mineral of Vegetablepoison Is applied, and sit
mOneffivir 6 d wag cure is perfected. • '
. pro us Uteri, Female Comp , ulc,. Terre
real an other diseases trey ith positive success
Full particulars can be obtain • y addressing In either
English or Clertsan, post pad. Patients caw be sworn
modeted with Board on, tasonable terms.' •
Mechanicsburg is one Gf the prettiest and healthy
towns in this or may other &ate. It is 8 miles from
Harrisburg, on. the Combo:Aland Valley Rail Road, and
arioessible from ail partirobf the Union. Tim Doctor will
visit (weals any part of the State when desired.-
Kind reader ITyon know soy afflicted allow ores
tore, delay not to tell them of this treatment.
_ . .
--s %was_ • •
:TEENCEIL - 1110 HAS;N6;;lolouth - Second - Street, -
Phllailelplita, [importer, tiauntkcturer, and Dealer In '
Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Coleys, White Loa d, , Froneli and
American White 7Anc, Window (Hass, Glass Ware, 7fir
lathes, Brush* Instruments, Oround Spices, Whole
Spleen, and all other articles teaming kept by Druggists,
including Sores; Shdhw, Potash, .ke. •
' AU orders, by mail or otherwise, promptly attended
'to. Country merchants aro invited to call and examine
our stock before perchasing eleowltere. Miriloods sent,
to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices Low
$lOOOl. VlO - 00 !I
bn. N. B.' IrXl DV,
°Carll6le I)eralb.
3_ . ', NQ. s3d)oen, STREET.
Tiro State Sgt.!ligs Fund is attmeting deposits from
an classes at the community, lo every section vt- rim city
and country. All sums or money ritturned un demand.
DepoAts forwarded by mail:tn'ttm ordrr of the Ti 1111SU-
Mt", will receive overy.netc., , stry ;Went k n.
- _ •: (1.E0.•11. 11111 T.
• President. ...
CHARLES i. 131 LA Y,
•. Fob, 20, i-st,G-r. - •
.I . ll..3Furer, •
ON.. ErnE I'liooF SAFES, wit[( lla'.l's Patent.
Powder - I'ruof Lock's, w l.idt wok.
riled beparati.. Medals at tilt,
Citi . f. rail'. London, and
k, lt'bft and 'tl.
• AP.: the solo _untatthu tutors
proprintom Lu this'Stuto,of
above unt.Ntiallvd'r , afus and
Tbri roputatlon Of, the
lulu° "Ilerring'ri ;ale' Is worle
In, and fur the lxst tlArtenn
rti the inerean tile.4.lllltri! unity
'0 withal:vv.(' and
ninny to their Nl - yl:ll.FaiklN . r. fire proof qualities. More
tliru 11.(.00 of Chew Sates Intsejamnizoetindl solo, and
aver Two nusino.o !titre pa.gsed irinuiphahtly through
accidental fires. The public are ussitredrilud nil :info;
- nunteditetured by the sultsertistrit are- iltit only-gum-an.
t e o,Ko7ll f tly equal, but iit* . rape
whiLb hao . heeil rn veverviv tried I,,,y_firO .
- Few viii forget their services In the
York, and at the Cheat
Fire It, : 4 trawherry street. at 'the - large line I,.vt July,
opposite the eiiraird !louse; and mill zp.,,ra• rk,eittly
Fire. at Fink and Cherinut sts., \in the .city . of
l'hildelphia. in which these &ices ming , 11 2 th the at
knowloU,Td 'CHAMPION,. when many other te , urities
failed. FARM , k: ('al:.
- lamt,Sur. *tin RAY tdocit 31AKr.r.s.'
• ZII WALNUT Street, Phliadelphia.
Chilled Iron afcs.•with Powder Proof Lucks, mann
factltred expressly - for Banks, Hookers, Jewellers, and
others requiring security froth rogues. 'Bank Vaults,
on hand and made' to order. All theinost
celebrated Locks fur sale at manufacturers' prices.
Second hand "Safes," "Salam•tndera't zind •" Iron
Chestst" of other 'makers, base • been taken in part pay
nidnt for Herring's for sale at . baHrtire. apt•
j Chartered by the State of POnnsylvanla '
One doorabove Socbnd Street, Philadell
Receives Deposits in sums of One Dollar and
from all'elasseri of the community, and alio*:
at the rate of five per cent per annum: Mon
back on demand. ./OY-OtUce open daily from
5 o'clock, and on Monday and Saturday until'
in the evening.
This institution will be found a convenient
place of deposit for Farmers and others doing
In Philadelphia. Deposits are paid on demure
auy-previous notice being required. •• .
lion. Job 11...Tyf
Edmund A. Sunder,
$. Illx`boA
Jams P. Perot,
Jacob Bheeta,
Joseph sf. Cowell;
Joseph R. Mvcre,
Edward IL trotter,
Fran}clinWa, •
Treasuier=—CLlAS. .
IM. The Charter provide,' that no manager, °Steer or
affront nhall, directly or Indirectly, borrow any money
from the Society: • . , Octl7,lM-1 'y
morrhlng, lawyers. Carders, and others, having
Hooks; ivio ra w, or other valuables, to preserve &rim
RV lad Newell'S (Robb's) , BANK LOCKS.
A Caart.•;;-' The "Tire - regir saw. , that presecrixr our
Books, Papers, - &e., daring the great Fire 'at Hart's
Bulldlifkai, watpurehaseCof OLIVERRVAIiB, 61 a Cad
St, Philadelphia: • • :' • ' GiErd,ar , BUCK.
EVANS' Premium Ventilated Rhigemtors &emelt 4
and preeerving moat", . butter, milk, water, and al
articles for culinary purPosc,s 4 • - •
WATER FILTERS fix purifyiug brack ish or muddy
water, whether .affected by mine, ihnestoneoparl, or
other museq , lan' be had neyorate or attached to the
gefrlglttatipto-7-a email quantity of lee cooling the whole
.PORTMILE SLIOWER.IIAT/Wthrthe upb,or'sntrm
oi• chid "rater.
'• WATER COOLERS, or Hotels, Stores,and Dwellings.
STORE TRUCKS, tbr moving boxes, haler, de.
SEAL PRESSES, Copying do., Druggist do.
' No allbuth Second BE., (.2 doors below Cbasnut
Mirth 5,1.850-Iy.. (Established la 1E354
o rind, suriorlorsarticlofor Aam banging Doors. Just
vocolssariuttforsals .
_ - I.lil~t~rlp_ljtit:_:_
ox' THE* : U. S.
E. Corner Third and elleFlllit
11.1)- CAPITAL). S2i)0.000. aV4).
may is received oh deposit dully. ,the amountde
;itor,,orjf preferred, a certificate Will be given.
~ sums large gild - small, arc received, And the
.lit paid back on demand, without notice. •
;crest is paid at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, en' I
lug from. be day. of depluiTtrii eons ng . ', ourteeu
previeTnll6 - tlie Withdraw - a of the 'money. •
the first - day of:tannery, in each year, the Interest
deposit is paid to the depositor or added to the '
01. as heonay prefer. •
Company' have now upwards of 3,solocpeeltors
) city of Philadelphia alone., . „
Iy aditional information will be giVenly.addressing
;Own It.(lia-Wfofil.:lTrelet..."---ifWricliF,-CredWiTnT—
wience Johnson,‘Vice Pt. rPntll IS. fhxiderd.
brass 0. Thompson, _ tieo. 7ficlletti‘y, -
*min W, Tingley, .' armies Devereux,
web L. Florence, .-• Oust. English,
'r NY- ' . Secretary and Trelikurer,
,OETILSCHLAGER. Teller and Ihterpeter,
it. 12 '6s:—iy.
a Seventh. PlilladelphirL - ffapeetfully Informs - 11m
hithat.he is primated to make the following
. ENTY Doanlulati,Gray & Co.'s celebrated PIA NOB,
DEONIi* 11l be placed in tlfe flotilla of a commlt tee of
gentlemen, to be by them.dliilkil4ted among the holders
of my certincates; µ •
To each purchaser of lorPopillar Musk, a 'certificate
will be presented. entitling the holder to an interest In
ONE PIANO a nd ONE MELODEON, to be'dlspesed of by
the Committee for- the benefit those holding etli•tifi
ca tea when ONE T lIOUSA N D.D01.11,A II 8' worth-of-Music
shall have been sold."se that each person Investing One
Dollar will not only in, amt I be , talue of money
pairi cut, but will, Wm secure d to hitil an interest, in
common with other certificate holders. in the abore dis:
:tribution. 'The succeeding distribittiotM will •be con:
tiettedubjeet - to - the. - same regulation, until - the 20
Pianos and 20-Melodeos are distributed.
Particular attention is invited to that feature of this'
plan which calls for a disposal of the instruments-when.'
but 1000 certificates I)ll , Jc4een issued., thus avoiding the
. vexatious do aricrfirlYblible diStlATFOUritaitout - utteod=
ing certain schemes now before the public.
' Music may be selected from my entire ostoelc,-witich
comprises CVO yaititiogue in tire United:tztitte?i:
Orders forwarded, by', mail- will bo faithfully and
proinptly attended to. . . • -
-N. lb—Constantly on hand tt . Fplundiclas6ortment o. •
Pianos, from the celebrated manufactories of Ilardnian, • .
Gray ot.Oti. - . of Allkiny; Jacob flickering . d: 'A. V, Ladti
k. Co., of Boston; Ely. & Manger and .Ikqinett .t t.
New York. • A150,..C. W. Fisk A Ca.'s l'rettilurn :Nicks' •
doms, to be had at the lowest mlinufacutrtrer's prices.
[iteadthe following from Godey's Musteal Editor.]
hos urneex, daskYX Cm's Prx:No Fotrixt-We alit SO WO/ .
posed With the can iitncilts • tondo by this firm that
- we-tree tietertuined-to. be-Instrumentatottrseives,_thal.—
ii. in "rnstrishing our subscribers amt . others wltit at • ,
article that. we. tan .reemumentl. and warrant. There'
always a difficulty ,attending the punimse of
because persons' cannot rely fully upon the rocx mmend,„
thins they receive trom 'manufaettmers,, who are lute,
ested.`of course, in the sale ei.tiveir own matinfaet tuts
how. ere are not interested in 'the tnatter in any way
except so Err as to see that those who patronize on
"Hook" shall be well seretxl with the best planes Wain
For a list of prices see corer, at, which amounts , wi t wp•
scud Pianos, warranted the one year, the freight to.i
paid by the persons ordering. .Wo annex,tt .letter
&dyed from a gentlemen In Virginia, to ulna . ' tr:e so •
one of these Planes:— .
Sir—i have mat please!
In acknowledging the receipt of the Piano Fa' I
you were so geodes to order for my wife from Doardmai
Orey'e. It was delayed t 6 me time at tVinchestei
but lam happy to WY that it Me in excellent rood
Lion. We are decidedly pl with the lostrun'enr!
The rosewood is of a beautlf quality: the case Is plah
(we like It the
.better for I ; the touch is very easy,
a new instrument. and tb tone Is Iltm,clear and swee
All who have trird It, ad Ire it and speak in the View
terms of its mellown •ould sweetnesa of tone. 11
deeply regret that we id not order the 'Attachment
wo-must have It yet.
“We are deeply I elated to you for your agency
jprocuring ftw us so good an instillment. lee pleased '-
regalia our acknowledgments. Your obt.‘Servt.,
. dec. b, '56. ' .1. D. W."
attic,-.- -
ptifa . Incorporated by
given; lBll.,
Flue Qei dent intereeYTe %tie money Te
wayn paid back whenever it le called Ihr, without 1,1 .
net:malty of giving nothie (or it ,behwehand.
People who have Urge sums pub their money In tb :
Saving Fund, on amount of the sniperioreafidy and et
venienoe it affordei but. soy sum, large or email, is 0
calved. • ,
This Giving Mandl:yrs very loris amount of Mor
gages, (hound Dents and other &Wares inveatroei
for the security of Depositors,: the Mee prevent al
Director or Olheer Von wing or torn wing the moue ,
The Office is open to- snyt s midEay money evi
day, from 9 , o'clock in the morning CIO o'clock in t.,
evening, and on Monday and Iburwlay evening, till
People who have money to put in, are Invited to iz
at the Oleo for Ihrther Intbnnatlon.
• BURT L BENNl3ll,Tnaklent.
• ROBT.SELFRIDOE, Mee Presbiezt.
. ' WM. J. ItE?.D, Secretary.. '
October 3,1855.
_ •
Stied, eigladilithia.
would particularly call the attention,of Merchants a; •
Milliners to-their broe and handsome assortment of
anci as ••
and even; article apparndelatt to the Millinery trade:: •
The above pais have been Imported expreasty for i •
Spring Wes, and oamprite9le beaßt asvrirtnittt 10 •
..__.6l;t±:„Etnatkeiptr:_ . _ : _
I!usiness Chat with Rousekeepera.
Yee,iio_uittlceepiog 'lNL4, , ,tiusinoss,
s and ~_the
est of business provided one__goPs through
with n liberal apprenticeehip,, untier . pleneaut
• ' TflatielMlbn underfnko to' teaob_L
houeekeTelAfig.sliould tiCgentlego - od natured,
orlienriog linyet nplaco
for everything and everything in , its place—
should have supcient discernment to discover
whet.) the work is .becoming r biridensarite to the
ant chat—'-and should be guided •by a golden
rule-4111ake the beet of everythiog.".
Tim/amok ISLAND.—We remember our first
sight find taste of ( this delicious coMpound.--
i lnd:_We remember a twelve year old girl fly
ing into Car preonce witti :cheeks as red as
roses, crying out I've learned how' to make
floating island!'--She found the her
first effort eagerly'slie watched, nv,,ety
innutliful With sparkling eyes- ap one and au—..
other pronou,ncett it good I But here is the
receipt.. 'Set a qutirt of milk 'to boil, and then
stir into it the beaftin yolks ,of,six °eggs ; tia ,
vor with letnnidor rose, and sweeten ; tolaste.;
whiplbe whites of the eggs to a strong Croth. -
When tho'custard is - thick put it into a deep ,
di-h, Owl herip'• the frothed eggs upon it.--
serve cold.
TAPIOCA PUDDI . NO :--41Id who is there that -
bath not grown kindly — over‘a dish of Tapioca
boiled or baked ? We prefer the former when
prepared in ibis way Wash .the- tapioca welt
, and.let it .steep_ for. tiie .or,sixhours, changing
the water three tittles. Simmer it ih the last
water Until quite clear, then BEtason •it with '
kugar and letnon juice.
COFFEE.—Thick as mud !' muttered the ,
husband of a ehiftless'wife who 'limier
. made
good coffee. .IIoW is it that at C.'s and, B.'s
-we-always-get Stich_ delicious_colfee, Clear as
amber, dashed with:real : cream, it is a dish fit
for the
,gods—but this and a wry Mouth,
niade in expressive:silenee finished the remark. '
Ilad we known the parties we
- could have told
'them how clear coffee may always be had with
little trouble or expense, by thoroughly stir
ring into the coffee after being roasted and •,:the white:of - an egg; in proPor=
t iou of one, egg to a pound of coffee, keep in a—
warm•but not-hot pitioe,-aiclhour after—to—he-_
come - brittle,. •Or tie your, coffee in a limo'
flannel bag, leaving plenty of room for it' to
IVASUING CLOTIIEfL 4 ---Mrs. L. 'W., of Erie,
Pa ;.says:—'l. send you the following for the
houtielteeper's department ; Ihave tried it the
last four or 'five . . years; ‘Whiiekur will soak
elotheS froidtwenty,tathirty siu7boure before
Washing them, will; find. tiardey °Judo with
out patent , washing fluids, tut, and save
nearly all the wear of clothes by : Fobbing, too.
Tbe clothes may be: boiled without rubbing—
any more than to rinse the loosened dirt.' '•
• We clip the following receipts from-the
Germantown Telegrayh..
. Take full grown' gooseberries before the."
are ripe, pick.theia, and put theta, into wide
mouthed bottles, cork than gently with ear,
soft' corks, and put them ,. in an oven, Iran
which the bread has been drawn. lot then
tltill2d . till they, have shrunk nearly a quarter `` , 4
then take them out and beat the oaks in tight ..•
cut them off , level with the • bottkev'aisd resift
them d own close. Keep them in a dry place.
aiove•t. al atones and stew from the cha
rier., and rub the . cherries through a mire,
add to this result a, little enri•ant juice, say
half a pint to every three pounds of cherries ;
,put the Whole over the fire, stirring into it
three quarters of pound of Vulgar to every
pound of the fruit, anti boil it until it becomes
"a thick jelly ; pour it into jarrior tornado, and
whoa it is cold, spread on the top' of each
jelly a. Paiiiiidipptal in brandy, curer '
jar or: mould tightli, and keep
• it is s cool '
i nk — dry: place wail it Ca - loiircited. • _
ger". Mike, why tiotet you-4tO at thoes
duck*, boy, don't you eci,you bow got tb*
*bole took, before your. goal" I know
havo„ but wbeti [get a good aim at ! one, two
and me,"
18 yr
5. 6 1,--.FRh 8 .0;.i%
The subscrlberbaving maimed from %M city weviid eaUl
the attention ot his Meads and tire patine rew gm -
large and wallateratedimemtment of liandwartuelhidtilib
ittst_roorivekoansittiag in of /1311ILDING -
TRY , a La w nallsometrint p a st y ,
paints, oilua, , ac. TOOLlie-edrt tools; flaws Will *Am u,
every dmptionoritti diem roagm. bousavere. mil* to
(MAW of every deentnion and qatility—emanwo
glass of different brande;whiteriellebed haslokom at*
lerance• glass of all aims, denble thicit dam timk ,
ground enamelled glare, 41tC: = •
A genial an tattment of 8110)S31.111ItilS' $4"
DWIIW TooLpougeth., pi. with tworweentiliddet aid Wnli•
log gir u M 40 " %Amid. www• loata4taramm wasso. •
lug lms, de.
(Mal fltls/31.114.1—ermeara (oteit4. to.
- Ued - and •eitibmenOlatent - anCiurogiviletillea
a iles, - erdlithuint• rimitektbiktes, '•
'Otldnet Alakiirs will tied a loge ratiort or tare. .
Wpm, mahommy and walnut statere,mmaidlas '
halr rioth, anted hair s ie.
PCILISICPAiIiZ A %meanie). fbr makinrra
imantliel. 'White ' an& billilarikpolitik tor diniarroomik
• do.
large dock, umistioWi in ryinetal .
• to‘llemember tlie old Amid, lited 'MA Street, Crate
nolo, re. ' • .
. . • mirstr sArPi).3.: