Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 09, 1856, Image 7

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stltrt g.Uf:g•
• • , . From ClownNiro' Journal
Our ,r-etil i tionS,, the gay,' prosperous I'ltssy
intunti;tdidlidi think it worth while to troul?!..
le themselves about en *old''Spinster cousin of
-theirs and ours, generally known as Dame ,
• Noillekins, though her visiting cards
ted the owner _ as "Miss'Deborali S M. Nett-.
lekins." The Passymotinti3 were aware of the
_fact, that our cousin's.comfortahle annuity wits
only a little One ; it therefore seemed highly
improbable that Dame Nodlekins would. have
=_-aught.:to-bequeath-na-her_tlecease,_ kVA:4I96
soualyies, which were of -small comparative
value, es ehe Wail a liberal almsgiver, and, in
a moderate way, enjoyed every luxury. The
garniture ofdame Nodlekins' house, indeed,
Was faded :and antique; the spinnet was
cracked ; the. linen -was well darned ; the
plate scanty, and worn thin With use audifur
• bishing; and tbe .boOks torn - and dusty, might
easilrbe counted on a couple of
• Dante Nodlekirs bad neither diamonds nor
pearls, nor trinkets of any descriPtiery her
days were passed in a dreamy state 'of
: stitching, stitching fOrevee, with - her
beloved huge work•box . at her elboWl That
wanted no plenishing ; that was ablindautly
fitted up' - with woretad, dotter/ tape, • buttons,
bodkins, needles and •suat "multiplicity,, of
reels 'and and balls, - that to enumerate then' .
would be r at tedious task: 'Dame N - odlekins,
partioultt*ly excelled and prided herself on
' • her darning : carpets, house linens,stockings,;
call bore unimpetiehuble testimony "tit this
' - branch - of - industry,
were haided,voith . _ . delightbi Dame Nodlekins ;
and it - was whispered—but that might be
mere matter, of scandal—that. she even :went
so far as to Cut holes in her best table olOtbs,
for the purpele of - exercising her skill unit in
genbity in repaving thu . fructures. Be thiti as
it may, the wurk•bok, was as much. a 'coin
_ union to tier -as dogs or cats to—many other
- single ladies ; sho wad lost without it; .her
tonversatcon always turned-on the subject of
thread-papers and needle 'cases; - and never
was darning-cotton more scientifically rolled
.neat bulli, than by Dame Nt illekins.
The'contents of that. wonderful work-hos
would have furnished a span shop As a
child I alwaye regarded it with a , species of
Lowe in I veueratiou ; and, without daring to
ny a fiiigtr en the treasures it contained, my
prying eyes greedily devoured its mysteries,
When the raised edge revealed its 'mountains
° of cotton, and forests of plus and nendles.—'
note was'the. three Misses PassYmount, arid
one Muster l'assymount ; the young ladies
cultivated various accomplishments, naafi as
drawing, dancing, playing on the .hurp and
piano, and talking, dreesing, and flirting ; but
as to the acoomplishment--"the one .accom
needful-for-women,"- as Dame Nod--
. leifitis called it—they, the dashing, rich Mis.
ses -PasaymoiiniTkiiiiictiotbing--of—it— —Nay.
Miss Lttuvii Passytbount blushed, and, Mint
Arabella tittered, when' Dame Plodlekins asked
them if.they could darn a stocking, and even
offered to gi4e them a lesson, on hearing their
disdainful confession—of• utter iguorance,-7-
, "Out stockings do not require darning, cous
in Nudlekins," said Miss Passymount, tossing
her head ; "we are not accustomed to the
thing utli —we have been differently brought .
up and Miss Passymont looked to lay moth
er and myself— fnr , we• were present, at this
conversation-7ae 'much' f say, "We leave
darned stockings. and .table-clotlis to such
poor folks as you." • . .
Dame Nodlekins took no notice of the rebuff,
-7 bit•Went on Wthlitieztvork - ; - aueountinued - to :
scold me, at intervals, for" idleness and skip.
. ' ping stitches—though on t i lircole, she was
.proud - of me as her pupil ' end, between us` it
is impossigle to say how man'y pairs of stock
° _ings_we tondo :whole in the course of the year.
. , 'We-resided near our cOnsinViliiiiiii,aii - dAiid . •:
. way, betty' een her bonito and ours was the; fine
xi:melon inhahlted by the Passymoants ; and
. . many an evening when - I was invited to take
tea at Dane Nodlekinst, and to bring mylVork
bag in my hand as , a matter of course, and to
sit with her for long hours without speaking,
intent on _our , needles, the silence -unbroken
' r by"the ticking of the eight daY clock, I
confess itounds of mato and the lighted
rooms, as I passed by the ressymouuts' Muse
- filled my young heart with something like re
grti,! , 7l . Pot_Sn*Y; , n0 k , , 1 hope_l .never indalged:
that - tie taasyntounte did not ask eny 'otos
--- - - Ito-theiritiative-gittheringe.-wavewt-rareinter- 1
,iiite ;..and theit we did not often :go; for we
:._were ~ tlr4u4 - Inc o,r- knnahin way, and bad_
enough 19: • do to prosure....atuff.frocke, for the
,iitti f i coil,, without-apeuding modey..on finery,
- for . : the
. I'' , o3'innunte' parties ~ tut I had
c ianoed there Once or twicela,l% white ititelin
frock, which tny , dear mother had ironed with •
bey OWn.,liands , and Dame Nodiekina had de
lighterty darheti, When I not withan'aecident
r unnkog atter thli children .;. l and loved . that
dear t) d white muslin frock ever since; , d I
bevel now inid-' = up:- in liiven . ier, beettil e j
SOSO such happy bright evening, whon_l
wore it ; - and and I did not feel alit thati looktd
otiatiky, iirlienrny partner, Harry Lloyd, piek:
would - not restore it Me, BnYit,g sionetiting
vpry.inolish, • of ceurse,•ns Young .meo
aiji do.
toLfoolishy.ottoggirls who like to Itear . flattery.
And when I. went by the•.Pastlymounta" house,
my way to drink tea with 'Dame ,Nodlekine.
and to Sit . p.oring over. needlework in'tilence,
it was only:Mttural, I 'think, to look at their
windows . with a sigh ; for I knew there'woold
he' dancing and merry`lnalting within, and
Harr LlOYd would be there. People said s tinit:
harry- Lloyd. was cOurting - Arabidla Paisy
triOnat ; but I knew. , that' was , falad ; because
Barry had wished to marry me; and his fath
er woUld not consent that his sort should mai.
. LP.
ry a portisnless girl; and my father would not
listen to Harry. but wont. off i.n. Buell a rage.
As tne'ver saW him . in:before, atthe bare idea
of his daUgh ter 'entering any" family un wished
for—as, truth . to . tell; Harri , • hail been Billy
enough to press" me to .marry him Without
asking nnyhody's 90)860, Old Mr. Llild and
fa~berwere very civil .towards each other,
vireo • Harry - fbund- that I would neither.
him in private, nor receive any.ofhis let
ters, he choose to behave himself tike an in-,
jured pe t 'son, es if weinul. all,deepky.offended
him. Yet I did notbelieve be was courting
Mies' Arabella Passymount, though r could
Caney [tarry-dancing and laughing•within t as,
leaning on my•father's arm, we walked home
wards-down the dark sheet, across
ray ofliglit%lEatnet4 , .stre*ing from the win=
dowe of our rich but unkind relatives. • • „. -
liarry`S'inother..was a crony. of Dame
kins : so slte, - of course, knew all about the
tale of truelove never running smooth. But
Mies-Deborah, like - a prutlent - spinster, made
no cOm Mee .Sh ti bad . eschewed. Matrimony
herself; but being naturally — of a taciturn, un
coil' ounicative ternmament, no ono knew
whether it was front choice or necessity, Her
workbox was to. Dame Nodlekins as a dear
friend ; I do not holeie she lov . ell any huMan
being se well-Lher whole heart was in It; 'and
the attachment "she evinced towards me as
time iro7ressed was:fostered-and-encourdged
by-ear' of
needle *ork, Not that I shared in her deb
Lion ; I was actuated by a sense of duty alone,
and would far rather, c o uld_ I have done
. 80
conciencili'usly, have been dancing and laugh•;-
ing with companions of my own age. But ply
the needle I did, end so did Dame Nadlekinst;
and we trin't;ecatne; with the huge old work•
box; between us, quite a pair of loving frionds; .
and at least two evenings ; in .evoty• week
went to sit with the lone woman. She would
have had tuo:to. do "soevery evening ,but
though. thorn wore so many of us at home, our
porente oobld not bear to spare any of us . out
of.theitsigbt oftener than they, deemed indie
petisibie. • _
ktlengtll , Harry Lloyd came to say good
bye ; he vans going abroad at hi; fathers wish.
'My parents shook-hands.kindly witb'bir o and
be said pleasent-and-affectionate : woriiii_tik_aili.
But when he came to me—ah !— , be did not
era arms - , and wept, and I heard my father
say, "God bless your and Harry was gone.
So I went on darning stockings, r and the Pas
aymounts went On dancing, and Dame Nodle
kina went on the even tenor of her way; until
at length her summons came, and,,after "sev
eral warnings, she , shut : up her,
locked it and put the key' in a sealed' packet ;:
these preparation Completed, Dame.Nodlekins
turned her face to the wall, ,andirielr asleep:
My gentle mother had a heart so tender
and benevolent, that' although, Dame Nodle
kins and herself had bad so few sympathies in,
common, she abed tears °whoring the closing
Otte .was - over; and I'reteember her ,turning
to-my-fit they-with-i-eigh r and-saying,-"Ah_l_ l
she was & wonderfully industrious Woman,
and such a help to me 'in the darninusvity..—
Poor old =soul-1 I-doube.not-that-- she halt. left
us all she bad to leave ; and every little is. a
windfall, with. large family to provide foi.
— But iny-dearmotirer-for-once-bad-rniscalou
lated, for Dame Nodlekins ' had not left us all
she bad to leave: - To the enrprlse of the Pas
symounts, 'no less than m o tile surprise of oui
selves, Miss Deborah* . testa - watery. disposi•
ilea. of , her property was as follows:—To
Miss Passymount, • the . °reeked spinet was
bequeathed, she being " musical" (so the will
was worded) ; to Mies Lartia, the books were
left,'she being*4 4 literary ; 4 ' : to ' Mho 'Arabella,
- the glutcraoks; ohimney-orninienis:and paper
screens, and soon, she being ' a
," lover . of
art tvto Master Paseytiount, the:. only son of
this .- KO - tiiiplijiit - fiMlTY,7l4iiiiii - Irodlitielii
,the few ounces of silver, det‘oniinated her
plate—Master-John biing,i : 'th,rifty ; 1 :i itiffrii.
pessymount wee bequeathed the- Jtotutehold j
"litien,'and,;to Mr. Posymouut ',the botieeb d 1
W \
furniture, becaUse -6 A 1107'. 'bhc,eoitiit '' ' io
fine a taste . in adorning their , eifif fine ,' l n 13 :.
sion ;". to Ada Bentvellthat was myself—the
tutge-old-work-bOxialong with all -its contents,-
1 was : left, "in token of the 'Mgt
_,eeteelx, ,iild
affection with which she Was regarded"c
the deceased. I was to inherit the well , Stored
work box. only on con dition that it was to be
daily used by nto i • preference to all others;
every ball of darning ototton, as It`diminish-
--ttorfiste ‘ —ijotißti• .
es, shalrbring its bleSiing, 4 ' said•Dnine , Nedle-,
kins ; "'for Ada:Bennwell is.n good' girl, and'
:18 arnecraftfrogrole , *ia tbu stocklngl or firer
little hrothors and sisters than tiny other
ber..oge. Therefore J particularly com
mend the balls Of darning cotton
. to ,her no
tion; and 'particularly recommenO•heriouse
them up as soon as she can and she, ,will
meet with her reward in dUe Season." .
"111 y .pcior A"du," sphtqltiy molder, rather
pettishly,',"it',lfPrutherihord, I mint• confesS,
only to had - en. few 119)s.! of - dnrning cot ton;
nud, needles;' .and.tnims.; • when: ,this Pansy..
nicunts;-who_wi!nt'Ullhiug,.nrd will- turn -up
their noses At suCh trumpery esDame •Nodle-,
kius could leave thern;:,hoe •
" BIM:71v dear." ioterp(A , ed . my Gather.
such , trumpery,--mhy-covet it
for our Ada?
" It may bring. one or two'hUndred pounds,
Joseph," replied my mother, meekly; "-for
there's furniture„ and platei - and linen, and
honks, you knoW ! And; of cemrse, we :should
,hev6 solVierYibing off. whiehom doubt, the,
PasSiOnnts will,do; and Ottly_ think of the
dame leaving Ade nothing_ lutt_ker,
But; matir a ;": I .venturtil - remar'k,:'
"we must trot forg,et 'that peer" Miss - Deborab
placed more value on this 'work boi than on
anything else.she possessed in -the wortd,L-:
And it-is titrent proof of her itlfeetiOn
and, besides, how very : useful it Will: be-; I
shall love it, I am Sure, quite As much as she .
did. ' And here is•the key, all sealed up and
diiected to me "' • ' _
" Well, well, my dear child, we must be
content, of c'ourse... I an sure I de. not wish .
to he grasping or teveletts;nr - tto — toster'sucb
unworthy feelingsin any 'of our dear chil-.
dren,":replied my mother, with an air of re
vignatitm and-rgin thankful thab-the-noor
old lady found comfort in your companionship
my dear, whielr she evidently' did ; • and
also that she Oes•you justice, 'my dear - . child,
by naming - yen handsomely. But,'
ine!,how the PassymountsMust laugh at their
legacies Only
,: fancy Miss, ,Pitssymoudt, - :
'With her brilliant-harp and grandpiano - , turn
ing to Daum_ Nedlekits' spinet,:by .the way I d"
change, being - mirmicitt ;' err hiss L turn girir-
tin her .silken "bound volumes, lettered in
gild, for the torn, dusty, dirty books on the
tw444belves in ihe dame's 'dining 'room
then that ridled obi' linen. for 1613. Pas: •.
mount—why,ihry, haven't a darned duster iu
the house, I.woi•raut.'! •
"Never mind,"iny dear—never mind," said
my father; let Odin laugh—it's better than .
erylug. Dame Nodlekins meant just=—:
she was au honest, just mettiting ivoren,n ; • the'
Pa.;ttymounts and ourselves are tbertly, rela
tives ahe had, end she lekitr us all
alike, if passible, qPite irrelevant of our Mr
curostnnees. ¢ Am l, as Ada rencarks, the Work
box being left to . ,her, proves the old lady loved
her the best,"
"Then she might have s hown it," mutter
ed. "
my mother, by giOing the .., l4ilvey instead
bf darning-cotton:",..
But a mild reproving look from my" father
made the speaker blush, as she
_quickly came
to his-side, kissed him; - and left the room.—
From that daywe'neyer dicussed- the subject'
again of Dame Nodlekins' testamentary ar
rangements; the work box was in constant
requisition at my side. and the balls of daiir
ing cotton rapidly diminished. The
tiounts made much fun, amongst themselves
and their neighbors. about Ike grand legabies
Which bad fallen to their eVare. --Nothing ,
was removed from Dame Nedlekins s - Louie;
but a well attended sale cleared tijelketnises
speedily. Mrs. Passymouut laughingly de:
claeed,,that the proceeds had actually-, bought,
an India shawl for one of the girls, and
gold bracelet Tor another; and Master Nosy
_inount_baniled about a small _old snuff box—
" his - share,": he was ly,ent to boast, •' of the
.1d girls rul . pisb." Vei.w.thetbrokers carry
ing away the tables and oltaire• wallah I . knew
so Well, ant which for so many years had , res•
tod; securely to Dame Nodlckins' peaceful
honser --- I - could - net belp-eigbing-sadly- aft-one
relic aftetatiotitervihs rudely , 4lung into the
street: and I' iejoitied ; that.'the dear old work
bexiii le st was safe in my keepiug. Painters
and. pOperere were soon busy in the dingy
house; a new family became the tenants; .:
and nithing watt left to remind us of Dame'
Nodleltins, save the huge, work t;ox. That,
however, never; was idle; 'and, as I have said .
the balls of darning cotton grew gradually'
sandier *Ed *smaller, until at length one day;
as_l was sitting beside my mither; husy with
ottrtieedlett,ehe remarked, "
_You hays SOL.
owed poor lotions,' my
Ada St lid you to
use up ti no twee 48
possible ; Ist done
As my
nieng nee.
ditto', end °vile to.tue end'; of that
p 'cotPepertell tolthe ground; which. lied
peon t . coleus on.,Whieli the ball was formed.
ietooped to pick-it anti -wan lest- ahout
iltrovent*Jt into the fire,.when it 'eaughe my
mother's : eye, and shi stretched out her hand
and seized In a, moment , she unfolded. it
before , our astonished gaze.; wes a' bank
note of fifty pounds I •
0 . ,• dear; Misjudged Dente Neallekins a"
she eielained ; "•there is'ou'r' Ada's
due season. it's just like lier--:kind, queer
oid-souLl" i
We were not long of ming the. other
bnile - of ° darning cotton in that marvellous
'work and such a reward le I found for
my, industry, sure wee never met with _ltetire
or tiince. Truly•it fq,iilbox, and my
needle' the wand. • •
No. less titan ten tifty.yound notes were thus
.brought to light; 'and my • father. langhingly,
declared I had .4%glit niy ;Own dower With
my needle.. No persuasion could induce', him
aPproprinte the-ireesure ;' ) lte-said itlia'S my
reward;" nor would he allow me to expend
afarthing of it in the way - I Would best hn.,e
16veth—namely, in educating my little..broth- .
ere iind Sisters; end adding to tho(lngal com.
'forte of our dear horse, The story .of the
treasure- found in the work box soon got
noised abroad; 'and,' among • other curious
visitors, old Mrs. Lloyd, Harry's mother, call
ed to satisfy: herself as 'to the truth of the
report, ..She was very pleasant and gossiping
and soon afterwards, a - formal but courteous
invitation arrived — in ivhich I-was particularly
iacluded.with my father end mother--to• a
dinner party at the Lloyd's, tlifee' , 4elcs from
the date. of the-note' being the day specified
'for the feast To my surprise, the invitation
was quietly accepted by my parents ; nor
was my•surpriao much greater, on eniering
drawing room, to see 'Harry there
looking well And.supremely happy." ,A mist
gathered Over my eyes when 'Harry's father
took My band, and.placed it in his eon's. Ah,.
that Was it bright dinner DaVy . for es all !
and in -tbreemontbsaltercl *came 'hurry's
wile. The dear old work box'stands ,in our
house; . in a place of honor . ; - and Atfestive sea
sons;- when - happy family_ reunions take place
never was a work box so Mukth admired and
and csiessed own blooming - children ,
and many nephews and-Deices, gather around
it, and tell their fairy tales,' until L believe
they'almobt eipect items - day • to . see a little
old fairy in green, representing good, old-
Dame Nsullekins
_herself; jump oitt, when the
Aid .opened,.. win, a -darning needle for a
, ..
C ik° so i II).KNER of Han
..k%,-..a i ki over anti Louther its.
••• 04.1:Litildr,—The underbign
ed has always en liana a lark; stock of superior Cabinet
Ware; in all the different st:yies, which he is prepared to
sell at: the lowest prices. lie Invites attention particu
larly to the P.syssr • SpaiNa Borrow licrorraxo; a most
uteful article, which entirely obviates ail objectionii.—
The bottom can . he attached to old Bedsteads. They hare
given entire satisfaction to all who have thew in use.
. 4.0" COFFINS wade to order at the shorte oak*.
JACOB VstETThlt...
0 1 : 1 1/1 1 1. 11 1 :R aT;d B i ;
D iS r l
orth Hanover street, next doer to ni ,
(I lass's Ilotel.
Lie would rinsimetfully Inform the
°Rhona of Carlisle and the public stanetally, that he
has now on hand a large and elogantemortment of pun-
NlTUltit, comdstlng in part of Wardrobes,Card and oth
er Tables,./lefas, Bureaus, • Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewing Standsote., manulbetured of the best material
and quality warranted. •
'• Also a general assortment of cumuli at the lowest
prices. __Vsainar_lit.lNDs_made to order, and nipairl g
promptly attended to. •
aiy- COFFINS made at the shortest notice:. and nv
lug a Splendid hoarse he will attend funerals in ru or
,1 2th - • Remember the stand—next door
. • R.
—JAMES It. WI: k Eli would. reeneefeally call
/ 4 4 , the attenti•... lturie-kooperA a4ll the public
to his oxtei I,tosteckofelegantVUl; SITUItE,
locluding :iefas, Wardrobes I:oittra a ntl Tubloo,
Dressing and ;lulu nurcaus and oyery other
erticlo in his branch of business- .Also - now on band
the largest assortment, in 'arlisle, at ;),
the lowest prices. AUFVINS made ut the short- s,:„.
est notice and a 'Josses prpvided for funerals. Ile '
solicits a esit at Lis establishment; on North Ilan
veer st.reei. near Olintse's lintel.
aidf:Purnitorepred,out :by the month or year.
SUGAIt.—A gerieraj
:wort. dent of Crushed, Sifted and Pulverised
sit ..f 103 st. quality, as also Soft Crushed Clarified
asd iitalr qualities constantly on hand, imitable lopi, -
prehvvl,,,4* 4.4 all other purposes—geisefally at OLD.
Al of constant supply of the choicest, Coffees, Teas,.
.f3TpTaiiitWoth - orarticherirorarfetridways
attention is invited to our stock before buyitur elsewhere.'
CaT ll O O . July 2 . 5, : • J. W. WHY.
j—A full supply of the axbovii adebrateil Churn. now
on hand orall the different Mies, from 4 gallons toln.
It received the first premium 'at the late Pennsylvania.
State Fair, the first premium at the Pranklin Imititute
Mid irfirlfaryland—htate—Yrdnyanift-,--varinua—
ntliarli at different places. It studio morsfand better
butter from a -given amount of create, and in lees tints • .
than any churn in the:raarket. forwale wholesale and
retail by PASCWORRIB A CO.,
Agricultural Mrambouireand Stare, gainer of 7th
and Market. Philadelphia of.§:iCitr;; • • Dee. 4,181.4,4 f
CIAD4 1 4 HV .- ..AND , .I(AItNVSS - - MAK.
k . IN, k -,10. cObseriber 061,141'1es t o carry on the '
a b 3ve, ,i m i i p eo por k lit it:v.)l'3Elons branchinyin-North Ilan.
over, gtreot, Carlisle:Awe doors North of. Leorinrocorner
whine he, intends keeping on band's Rennin), assortment
in hilt line,' consisting Of all kiridsi of filibinntible sAp. ,
~—. . .. L DLICI4.: *idles, lifsrOnglihm,:Oirthe,
- " , ' , ......_.r. . Cliningiesarin lialtern, also Iltilbixs,
‘; ; ;• ,.. •,;,\...,,,,A ~ \."',..,. '. traveling and saddlO - ,•: -, ,•-,, , •
`r" - .'. .;', :bat* Ilit'alno inan,,• , " ~'-,.,'..
11 "Ihlltii\"'' ' uthet urea „the •mritt ~ ,\1 153 • ;
.• . ,' .
''.l .. ~ - •.
' . aog'
octnPinvedrlP A' tth I e Ow
nl' ! I'l- 1' 'aAittitilt-i ,
npngi I this
• ,
\l '\ 11; ~11„,
n n u n nd il l e d rx n ßO nd s
nvil doAvellto
call And see them ge .
v—so•lnertutestifregghtenenirlirldkes i7 .
_• ' I - collariCapd 'Vbltio.jti all their varle-
.thn, 'and Confidently believes' rrohi the•,goneral approlia
: tion,of his customers ; that 'he 'mainni' the '
neatest and
1 best gears, in all their :variety. of ,brodth: that is made in
' the 'country. lie, also' nukes all kinds.ef. lilatrasses to
Arden-Nix: :Straw. Iluak,'Ctiried .11,ali-'and Spring Meit. 7 ,
riOcies.l_ All :the abolp articles. will , be ~oAdo of. the hest
material. an worknianship, and,! , ..nith i the , utmost deis
luttch...;::„.,,.. , • ,-„.-.,, ~ ' )Vi11.9511011N.,, . ;
L)10IV n - d
drenting4tioen - The• tinlertigned - . having re.:
moved to NortliAlanovet street, adjoining Sipe's Fur:
nittire Wantroonts; invltesattoillon to his saloon, where
ail persons can rareivka,riean and easy shaie and have
'hew hiltrouVSird dicOod in the mostiashienable and
exquiiite mantle'. : something soothing a
good shave if any are dispesedta doubt it, let thorn try
•rue, , and-V*llllolly demonstrate the' fact.
April 0,1865.3, „ W11.141)111 EI:IMES&
51010.5 Eil)ops,
-- W - ATOII - 11S CLOCK;
r • - • I have now (41'bn:id Ind trir
my Vid vitauu'uo aotiaStreet,apposite Marion Hall..
entirely new and elegant stock of
.• • .
sywruitels, JEVy,ELItI, AILDALIONS,
Gold-Icier NVateltes,tunting and Open ease, Silver e •
Lepine and Quarter Walihes, a largo variety.
Gold Anchors for Ladies and Gentlemen.
.ModtilliOns, a Splendid assortment for ladies and gel
Breast. Pins °revery. pattOrn, and 1111 prices,
Gold Chains for vest and fob, gold curb chains; •
Finger Itings,'Cutlldris, Studs,.Sleeve Buttons,
CroSses. Drop and Hoop Ear-dings, a large' variety.
Silver and Plated Yorks, Table and Tea Spoonsillut...
• KlliVOFi. &c: of various etyles and prices,
Gold and Silver Thinilbleii,• , ...‘.
(told, Bilvor.und Cornison_Specticies, a large assortret
to suit attl-gesrfaid to which .we invite panic).
attention._ . •
Port-Munn:ties, - trlarge assortment at every price,
Gold Pons, of the beat make tit varions priceS. '
,Paney Boxes, Port Folios, Accordeous, Spectacle cam:-
Ladies Card Cases. silver and pearl, at various price. '
Bracelets; gold and common •, Watch Chaina'dittO. , •
-Alma large variety. of articles in the Jewelry H- .
- which - TWilirrittiriflOWTeat tutees.; - All 'articleay. --
I•Tited to bo what they. arc sold for. -. •
..R_Particular attention paid to the ItB,PATIVINft
W 'MILES and MI work warranted. Returning thp
to my old frietidatuiti•Trotemers for Boxier patron. :
i-rettportfutly solicit; a continuance of their favois.
june2o . • THOMAS CONLY:
• - • .
The subscriber would resp:mtfullyinform his friends;
the public generally, that he has just returned from
city - ivlth - a• large-and - varied-assortmeht - of -
(iltOttitlES, OLASS and QUEENS-WARE; .
FIS 4, &r., !;.... which he offers fur sale on the I: 9 4 !
intuit' TesSetiablo On'srii,:at his New Story, It i
corner of North Hanover street and_the . PulT l,
lie Stidare. directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank.. Ills stuck embraces _everything usiic
in,a. 0 reeery.and„Variety store. .
The public are invited to call and examine his et
-before purchasing elsewhere, as he feel's confident hC
sell the best goods at the lowest prices.
- , J. D. lIALTIEW.
ERIESPf.I The subiieriber ha» j •
added to MS former stuck a general selection of CHG . !
GROCERIES, as well as all the other varlety,of arti,
usually kept in - a Grocery Store, embracing•
••C. Coffee---roasted: and green-,at 123.6 and.l.4.ce
' i per lb., Orleans Clarified, Cruslicg andl'ulveri
Soots, of fitie,tplities; Chocolates, Splees,l:l
Salt. and al l tidy of aney articles, of which an
fared al. the )weStv&iSli'pricefi. 'We are' thankful for',
tbraner , sompo .t givell us. and Invite a further call f‘•
our friends aid customer's. ~ J. W. Elr,
: . Mdriog nft I..f . ailtsii.: - " - --
W Alt R--Old housekeepm s anti young, with ti
also who are expecting to bubonic housekeepers. 'nein.
ed to call at HALBERT'S .FAMILT: 'GROCERY and.
amine his elOgantassortment of Chlna:OlasktindQuee ,
ware and other articles in the housekeeping line, so
to Frelich and English tea sets; heavy banded and ph ,
White Ornate. gilded and bine plain, Dinner sets of
ery Variety and price, bowls and pitcherKtmvensi
l!!4. AFC. tllass-ware—centre table and mantel-lam.
Catutebtbras and other lamps, great verity, tsble and 1.
-tumblers, goblets. &c..: Fruit and preserve etsheti, In
riaty - . — Codarare-- - tubs., - bucketrycburnsTbowlsflAtt .
pri t'S and ladles, meal '• uckets, ?ec. . Drushes--sweepi
..vbite wash, scrubbing. hand and shoe brushes, dust.
brnorns L AS. Market. clothes and travelling baskets.
Also a Ch - erce - assortment of Tobaccoand Segars.
he who are fond of choice brands of Segars and try -t
ri ocipes, It egal las. Ste Ilan on IS and other Cuba varlet
and you will find them of unimpeacbable'quailty. /
11. V Spanbh and Common Segars, with choice snuff
tobriero. .
BARGAINS! 114141AINS! • •
The ft übseriber has just returned from New York I •
Philadelphia, and is now opening an: Immense start
the' roost splendid, • ,• •
ever brought to Carlisle.
DRESS (100DS.—The ladies will ilnd . a large it. 44 ,,
moot of beautiful dress goods, of the newest styles
patterns, EMBRIDERIES•—Over 700 Needle-worked Col.
and Flouneings. and-Insertlngs,'ln great variety.
RPETING n entire now assortment of imps:
Tenitian, and Stair Carpets.
- BOOTS AND SHOES.—A full supply of Ladies', adr
Boys...Misses*, and Children's Shoes, all kinds
sizes. Willis' Fine Shoes fer Ladies and Misses in ,
DONIESTICEi.—A large stock of • Mustind, Che•
Tlckings, &c., at the the very 10vcat notch.
In dhm•t, every article In the. Dry Goods line *ID
found in the-assortdnent—best• quality, newest Ft; •
and - very best - prices. All in went of-hr
some and elyeapgoo.lB will do well to call at the'
stand. Jr:ast Jtln street, "
EW GOODS.—The subscriber' 1
L\' just received and, is now opening a large aft ,
mut of FititSll GOODS stilted 'to the season—pi•
call and got. bargelne.
F , r.14, '55. " • M. SNOOGRAF.
Ojos sttting anb 311a(Oinerg.
ING —The undersigned woulikin fo
■ Lititens ol• ' Carlisle that he has make arra;
merits to do OAS FITTING and PLUMBING at shot
Lice, and on reasonable terms. Ile has engaged the -
vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, and,tuuct
plied himself with an • eiltensive assortment of Fl
U BLS, which will enable hlm to fill all orders proms
All work will be warranted. Ills stock of Gas Flab
will be found, in the room exactly °Amite his Tint
ellablishmeit on North Hanover street, where he int
TINNING, SPOUTING, &c.—lle is also prepared
furnish, or n010...t0 order, every article of TIN WA
used by housekeepers and others. lie will also att.
Tiutukful for the patronage with which be basalre
twou favored, he respectfUlly solicits a continuant..
the same.
Carlisle, Jupe 14, 'fel.
A ltl lß low
~The subscribeihresthiptislactiotr
711U11:-)i'llIELL forming his .old friends and &tram t
- - - his establishment isagaiu in activo
r3*.i4 n; new buildings having been erected since the
dila trona tire and-the - whole establishment put in '
pieta Working order. Orders are therefore respectfv,
solicited fin work in his line, 'which - *lllbe done n:
promptness andln - the best manner. - ' •
and repaired. ' Ail kinds of 'Machinery in. Paper 11U
Grist Mills ainfisactories repaired at short notice. 1 '
Spindles dnussed' and turned. •
lIOItSB POWERS and runrain.N6 MACHINE',
sneh as llevil-Oear Pour Horse Power, Horiscintal
Four Horse and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn 8'
lent and Crushers, Ac. , Patterns made to order. Iron:
Brass CASTINOS executed to order, if not on ham
the sliertixtt, notice: stink. as Cranks and ?dill Geari
Spur sad Devil ; Wheels. Gudgeons Or flaw 'Mills,
4'sstings,Cutteirsv * Point-Bitears, - Wagen - tuad - Coach - 1 -
es, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car' Chairs; &e. 'Mast
on hand ti large supply of Philadelphia and Troy CO. '
ING•STOVES and is constantly making CoOltingStr
oTWitniallniroVed-laattartrfor-pcnti-o . ,
Stoves, Grates, &e. Repairing done, to all kinds 0
chinery. All 'kinds of old lan, Brass and Copper tit"' 1
n exchange for work.
- otlAsiatß,Tho ; mbscriberwlii Open this wt';
tiq argest gii , ;l l:l u. N iod , t ' A sgrad,assertment ffitEß a . ; -,
over brought. to aulisle.- Asilmnienaisidock 0t—....
:IPrenth Workell u ilo n
d i e bt rai re, :ii i i . es,. . o44c. , ins , , . •
, 7
.. ;:..
. ,-.• ~ ..'; ," , Alandlternal^ , t
bought, from the i p orter New York," and will,
sold at prices to de all competition.. Also, a barge :.
sortraent of heautt 1 ,Dress Oooda..Ribbons, Bonnet-
Ac.. Ono. ono and all be Pulullillaing elicorhich 1
you will MVO money.
AprU 2,1366.3