Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 09, 1856, Image 6

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    ', Itirilie.o.i:...i.,,P4tii.ttrortit:
tarmere Sons.
As•our delinquency
. in -neglectino this
glass of our, readers - has been noticed • by.
uursyoung,correspondent " Ploughboy,':
jive will now t..,-iVetheni.the,lb.etietit of
. a
ittle ; itOd in the first place about
choosing a.profession or caLliug -
He happily notices the Physical "and
. eittladvantageS' e,omparison with the
----merchnnt - , 4 but the faeilitns for. mental
• and 'nerd culture, the expansion ..of the.
heart'and - intellect which the pursnita: of
'agriculture favor, were but slightly indi
cated. llare,..we.would say, that we do
not mean -to include .as farmers those
mere machines, which,,following in. the
beaten path of their fathers; only . work,. l
• - eat and sleep like their. own ..exen and
- horses; and-thus , leaVe-the-world-noWiser
aor.better for their having lived
_in. it,.
._.l4nt. that higher class Who knowthat they
and their children have minds and hearts
to be cultivated, as 'veil as bodies to bc
clothed, andfeel the responsibleTposition—
they occupy as_eitizens of a republic des-.:
~t,ined to act a conspicuous part upon the
theatre of the. world, lid_Upon, tv.hich it
cast the-task- of solving ttie,.preblan of• a.
nation's self government. :Providing an
tibundanc'e for the. subsistence of all, by- 1
an improved system . ,of husbandry, 'is one
of the inean - s - f initinust unite In the ac,.
---complishment of- this--purpOse—'l_,..Whare„:
a. class of men.who,,are'firiner
supporters of law and order, of education,
• 'and the institutions
.of religion;- than
ties° ? Exempt from the feverish
citeinent-and sudd6ii emOtions . .which ef
fect men gathered in cities and - villages,
411public.measures are coolly viewedlind
tested - bY sober reason ;• - atid they will'ev
er ren ain . the firmest_ bulwark - Of our .lib
_ t -and 'ourAnttionalZhonor4-:--
_Verniers' sons, do :fiat rashly fowsake \ '
the \ - cahing of your fathers: - The day has.
arrived_ when agriculture does ~ not
mean manual labor ;,but full scope is giv
en for the whole powers or the triad"` as
well as bOdyto expand, acid the exertions
of the 'latter,. directed by the former, are
doubly rewarded.-- rests-with you, by
.4.1 more thorough questioning Of nature,
• ny. experiment, to develop more fully and
perfectly the-great neiples of animal
and vegetable life; and thence-to elimi
nate. a more successful practice, and - by
noble efforts' to - . render agrienluire what
it is so often called—the most honorable
employment of man. To accomplish
these objects, will 'be' no idle pastime.
Both. mental. and bodily powers must be
called into exercisc.--7-As the body.. is
strengthened and - qualitied-forlabor-by
practicooo the mind . needs training to
- develop its full powers,. : ---,‘ ICiiowledbe is
power,'' although a. familiar adage, - yet
none the ldss worthy of
. cOnsidoration.
You need not only a familiarity with the
theory and practice of . agriculture, and'
with the kindred sciences ' but the whole
field of knowledge should be explored a§ .
: far as your' opportunities will allow: . The
retired country Merchant, or the profes
'shinal man, often make the very best far-
And why? Because they bring
*tojhe work minds. accustomed to reason ;
connect cause, Lind client ; and thus sue
cced, though they may be ignorant ot.
many of the minor detaiis, of tile husi•
Learn esrly to apply the tnasigt of Dr.
not acquire a habit ofliounaing about the
;stores or public places 'in tl73 . evetiii% or
othor sessOns of leisure. -illueh self-de-
nial will be required to counteract such
habits when once formed; and if. in
----dulv,cd;-110W-11Iaby- liours-wili-thus-be
' consumed which should be devOted to
business or the i pequisition of usqol
knowledge, or- he instruction and train
ing of your children. To manage aright
the fragments of-time—broken.days and
cold spells, 'which frequently occur—re=
quires `even more tact and forethought
- , than it does to conduct the operations, of
a large farm in the harvestaeasons when
many hands are employed. No one can
direct others aright to save all'odd mot,
men , who &es not first know hoW to•
use h S own to 'the best advantage and
man li \ rifles which tend , to- perfect' the
— 14139,r 6 14.P---Y-S-PrikAiii,tenuiiii7.--neg;
conclusion, Young inen, and farm
~ ers'• sons ' in particular, whOse .*inoci i il
birthright it is, we adaise yoit
,to .week
~, your support:from the soil aspeudMi er i,
amd.on,,it mere speculators andoonstiniers,
to aid in developing the agricultural re
sources of our -country, which' forth Vie.
surest basis of husbandry, by, more abun4
dant, harvests Aid, a ! neliorating the"
condition of the laboring glass, and, aljOve
prove the oft-asserted ,noi;iiityd'a your
callitianj ce • -
—,----7— • -7 .7 - 7, ---7----7--, Te — . • '' • , • .
lOUTS A'N . D•Sllol4,'S.—Tlid subsori::
. born fespeetfullyinfcirtn`theiririonds.and the pub
_IL gongtally_that_thiu' have. la;mmtial-thaitr-BOill:
SllO hl mannEletory to the store-room in North
man,il not t lr i nr c e m e r t s , r i 3 l) r i e o i t i y tly tia n:eg t l i e e d ie b s y li l r i u r :, SZl i e r h e :
• and imthelliatnly opposite Mouyer'a Confection
ary. . N.,hord they nrirTiftinired to make Boots rnd Shoes
to measure ht every variety. With a good• assortment of
stock, and coMpotent . .worktnen; . l'hoy will spate neer
fort to.jrive ttatliiktetion. J., d: 0: TAYLOR: ---
. - CnrlleJe Aprifln, 1850---,3t . .. •- • • , - . ,
1)117,Ni`.8. VAN! A ITS
11 lie lintertaininent.—The aubscriber rgspeetiullY
the citizens of Carlisle and the public general.
'ly. that he-Intends Miiining a public house of enter
tainment on the Ist of April. in the building now or. by Mr. Woods as a store on the corner et North
' ibmo roc and Louther streets, In A borough - ate:Wish:.
Ito will be ready'at all times, accommedate all who
may favor , blan with their custom, and no pains Will be
spared to-make all feel entirely at inane. Instable will -
at all times be supplie d with (Inc best the Market can
ills stable with a good end attentive hostler,
and eyerthing to make man and beast botlt comfortable
month, or, j'ear, at reasonable rates. - lie hopes by strict'
atttaitien to business.and a desire to please to receive a
share of public patronage.
Marcli,X:lBs6l—,limn. •,
1;1_ 4 -O.Z.V.A.
'VIP -- • - ' 74A
Nn. 118-_North7 Street, Baltimore.
_Would _intbrm the--public -that-they have entered . Into
the_ab.voe.husiness,'zaitavill pay partleulai , attention co
the Nile of • '
unit COUNTRY Pt:OiIUCH general,
and will rc alit proceeds of sales prompt I . v. Ormsign
mias solicited. CiltltLES 51 ,- . ;SLAGLE
York County Pa
'G. 1).
rllO C.l - 111 1 R sTE its Burr
4te.—The, undersigned tuts boon inmottha , d au
agent fur supplying mouhr,tNils of ituy or
' terimdor buildings, at a much less rato thaii.they can
be made here.—so_ L Said by ~tiur 'Most experienced me
chanics. HENRY
f -
. FRE:>II I, : , I-I
h E It ICING! ,-: 7 -The
subeu, , . J ust
_..ncelvtill a lot_ of .
-- 44 1 . 1 .3 4 tr , 5-catch . l--lrof!ialditti:thacstablish;cl 1
' grocery. '^ - J.... 1). lIALITERT, -
: - 1iiir23:1355.1 - North Hanover
Ew 4AT, •CAP ;
- STOlt Pl. • • -4 ' .
Thu subscriber has JUst. - opened 'in We „store-Nunn for
' Bierlyoei.upled by (lee. 11: liitnur, on the corner of the
public square, Main street, near the Market Muse, and
adjoining' the Jewelry Store; of Nangle,an en
tiruly n .11i" assortment of
HATS, CAPS, lh it - ND 811011. S,
of very variety and finish. -
Mis Hats eunsist
. of extra..fine Meletikin. heaver,
Pearl, Claret, lit.l , 74uth, Spinling ilats, dm.; Also ! '+trioy
T.ritlLl•Afic this:" .11 - Fits are . ifu fa e tired by
Oaliferci, Morris .t-Ca.,. and Who celebrated hatter+ of
_Philadelphia. lie has alio. every variety of h vac mann
fa4et ure: Ail these goods he-will guarintoe to give entire
1 is stock- Of: Shoes .is made up of every Varlety and
style from. the cheapest to the blot article ht t h e mar
ket. amleiimietlall torlinse.
'lle respectfully solicits the patronare of the public,
fooling ennlident that he can achlthe cheapest and beat
goods hi the..Ounty,
114 lg. Iksd,
MO 41, E,
would respectfully announce to the.'publie generally
ly. that they Intend .opening an extensive Lumber
Yard in Now Cumberland.this Spring, where - they In-
Imid to keep all kinds and'qualities of River Lumber,
and also that they lucre on hand' now about one hun
deed thousand feet of dry boards and planks. (Pine amid
hemlock) of dffilirent qualities; which they. offer to
the nubile on rmiaseiuffilit terms. , • .
' Jan 20,4850-43 m
C!.1.11 -1 - ) 1-.. -- N A.N 1,.%)41.ii It SEEDS.
—A on e :tea assurtmont of the . abore, wan
rained gulAuow. and embracing - many liundped 'choice
vatriutiim. tur r•alt, wholes:llb and rutail. CoUntry'dearent
supplied at a IU ej ei tabeauat. '
& CO.,
iAgricultural ‘Varehouse and r, , ead Storey
'3lar 26, 'MS] Cur. 7th and Market sts..
F, A - 11,31E11S .LOOK HERE! A 4
• The.s4scrlhers desirtrto inform farmers and public
generally that they til.iv haveon hand and are Onstunt
ly manor:lA tiring Threshing Marhines with. ierpont's
1.4.1,,!cc shaker, which art generally acknowl Aged to he
thd hest articles now hi use. Also it vane vof Chmlr
Martini. Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters. They also
.nitent to the rgpairing :of Agricultural M. Pli nery ,in.
tile best manual. atat un reasonable _temps. Alltlltlfog
residence-of tieorge Metsgur,,Esq. • .
August 0 ea. •• • ABRIMS & PLA.N.K.
Patented June 7, 1852.-Hlthe subscribor;,- hiving put ,
chased the interest of his partner, Moses' C. Eberly, is
-prepared-to-man ulacture-the-abeve-Itake en-reaseitable
terms, at the old• stand, opposite the Steam Sawmill.
This Sake is simple lu construction and not liable toget
out °Corder; it is well adapted to the raking of hay or
grain, and-works-well - in rough or stony ground, having
metallic epring teeth. • its operation is most easy and
simple—the operator, Instead of operating the rake with
his heeds, rides, and rontrola It with his feet. Even a
lame or lazy person can earn-good Stages with one of
these rakes without 'much -exertion; 'or a gentleman
wishing to amuse himself, can- get -on 'his rake, ride
about his fields as in his gig, do as Much walk - as any of
his hands, and ride back to tea. Persons who hare tried
this, consider it the cheapest, simplest, and best Horse
Ratko now in use, and all sold last season gate general
satisfaction. It was exhibited at various County, Fairs.
and at the State Fairs of Pennsylvania and Dile/140a,
and drew the First Premium at each,
. . .
'inviag Inct- with 'reasonable mieonragement: last
reason, , the subscriber would return thank!' fur past
tarok and solicit all persons In wanref n good Rake to
give him a call, at the Park. /foundry, lltectutnicsburg,
Pa., at the manufactory. '
fillt-Any• person having light wagon wheels • about
four rAOIII4/I,c4n-heve.e.relle.llikilit.l9 4 NlW- 1 4.494. 1
height of wheel , length of hub, and skit - of - Sakes.
TERMS EASY—Price $2O with' wheels, and $l2 with!
'out. Orders addressed to the undersigned; ',at
chanlcsburg, Pa:, will receive prompt attention.
slArcit26, 1856-3 m.)
kj.ubscinicrotri3rs 'for Ualo a riow Stmint-Ileller, eigh
t4wo foot 104 rind' thirty Inches in diameter, with onu
fourtee,ti Inch blue, appiy_ - ut thu yipur Mill ut Paper
,kuL titiato: -.
• • .
3.11./4iNFIELD ' ACKDEiII Y.—Near
I'T'Wentieth •Sesslon- (five
ing has been erected containing tlyinnashith, Alusle
R00m,9.e. • • ••••• .
Witi.increased facilities' for 'instruction titid ample
accommodutions,' . this Institution presents great in
duceinents to parents ,ctesire tite—physleab and
. mental itaprovineent of their suns. •
Terms Pei ..jBtTindiiniso-1311.77.Porcliculai e, with full
miutututokto -
• __principal and Proprwsur..
- Plainfield. tlaitilieri
April 9, 1566
'Three miles tieht s of Harrisburg Thb eleventh
satai on o this TflAtitTition•ivill continence 071, Monday,
tho sth of Alay, next, rarents .and' Llittirdians aro" re-'
i'lloctfully:rtiqUestutl•to inquire into theeporip- of the
Instlfhtion, ilte location is retired pleasittiriiiinfeliltli 7 :
ful, and the eeel+llo of illtitrlietiOle uEdlna• I
ry and higher branches of oil Englivli Etiocation, td.
gethor with the Latin, Greek, Pronci, and (Wyman lan
guages, and vocal and Insteumentat music, Terms,
boarding, washing, a iwrTultion in the linglich branch
es and voial-tnusic per session (21 weeks) /VR4O. Fojil
circular, containing particulars address. •
114rri5imeg, P 5.
12,1.85 q
.:%itt. and MRS: CLARK, who havu boon for several.
years engaged In teaching, reSport fully OMUOULICO EU' t 110
citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that cm the Ist or April,
it , fl - rt - herw - 111: - OPenTim — L - ouilicr — Streetrin -,-- t he-ho p se
latelY occupied by Dr. tilutientilialot.
_ r
The Institutien- will bo both a•boarding and day
school. in which all the branches ilecessary thr the emu
pletu :uducatilfii of young ladles will be taught. Assist
ants .or the highest character for qualificationS and
morality will be employed in accordance with the wants
Of the institution. Thu - government. will Go conducted
on strictly Christian principles, while suctarianhin will
be as rigidly excluded.
The Principals flatter •themselves that their long afid
successful experience its teachers.-us testified by, the
reemnineudations in their possession, will eaabin'theM
to establish an I nithntiOn'of the !agile/it Character fbr
young ladles: — They are fully persuaded that. aueb. aw
Institution will be sustained here by the citizens and
neighboring country, and hope that-their conlidt3ncu
may not ice disappointed. • •
'A depa'rtmebt Mr younger children will. be Int
med:a tfily organized, „
Teens PM' SFASION or TOOM !,103TOS. • -
Boarding. including fuel, 1 . 1 , 4ht5, •:,,id
'washing, • - $54V00 '
PrimarylDepartmont, h
KtigliSll; - 12 00 •
-A mien tLa nguagirs, each, -
M•alern . - ' BUU •
' Ornamental Rratmlieti at Prnfes , or's rbarps.
o dedUction Lw.eabseuce.attar untranee, except in'
.- • •
. • .
--nom rs, -Iter. 11'._:1V.ING, • • ,
.1. D. DARKER, Erri:: 11. 1i II1C11Flt„.
.1A Nllr,:/ 11,VN1 wroN_
Dr. C. li. BLUMENTHAL. • ."
Itvr. .1. li, 19()11.SS, • • ' •
• I . -
d - 1() M A. C 14:, :C OLI G 1 ,
-to ttw now nucCsiArtioits- Nu.lo aiid
1,.e HAL :STREET, :11d.
I. K. eliA3lur:i4l.lB, rriticipal and Lecturer upon Mere:tit
I. i.o•teiti In NVriiiiig.bopartmeut.
I . v, Instructor Cal:Wallows trttl
rriYu iU It.wlc_lie!•piu}:.l)upartnaut..
T. Wn.).l . Asis, Lerturer usi t.,outtnereial law. '
Throe yoitr,, hAvo 'Mt pct olnpsed ;due° t httestnblish
mem I thisinstiention:during which Limo Upwards : of
oight uudred - stligents ha co been iu nt teudaoro, (rop•
resenting itedrly men*, Mate. In t among'
- whom :Ire numbers in . 114titintort and ulsocheru occupy
hag; prominout positions lIP 111.1511.1e8 , 4 Pl3ll tlndileCOUlta
001.11181 f. OF St DDT.
• 11.031CS'ExPlbitl,—The Principal her the ut moat COli
lidlitle43 hi "tiseuring the public that after an expel lance o
fcrurteen years loqualifying young men for the Count
iug linent andlother' important stations, and an oaten
, sive acquaintamee With the management et - business
' books of everydescription, (assisted as hole by two sc;
entitle accountats.) the course of training ill title le
partment Is eminently' practical and well adaptte. to
the rations pursuits of Commerce and Trade, including
Partitership, Itierratutile, Manufacturing,
Commission, flvelututte, Banking, Shipping: b:tiun bout.
lug, Compitind Company operations, .tc.
'l , xercises under this head are
free, easy and graceful, combining rapidity of execution
with beauty of construction, thug enabling the situ ient
to write nu elegant. bush ass hand nu compictlett the
course. .
MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS in all their varloui
buariuga are taught by thy most aceuilite and wiped!.
thins method.
• Idally lectures aro delivered upen'the Science or Ae
wall a serieS of lectures on Coteau:3min' Law, are of the
highest iceportaucu to all aspiring - to ocumr,..protuleout
eoutemeTV. .
The time necessary' for un thtlustrious student to
Comphite the course, caries from S to 1::
.week a. • There
being uo vocation, applicants can enter at •any time,
and attend' both day and evening. N.Examinations Are
ivlti at stated periods, nod diplomas awarded to t mo
who graduate. Vol* terms, etc., write and have a el - 6
tar forwarded by wall. -Et2ct'Sa,
Otaav nub 81)upa.
,NEW. STalib.l GOODSI--
rho subscriber has JuSt returned friusr :Waxily,
nut is now °Pulling, next door to Chas. lilaglauchihi's
hotel, in North Hanover street, a splendid assortment
of new and, cheap DRY GOODS; comprising JlM:nets,
Ribbons, Cloths, Catedmeres.Ultiglianni, Lnerns,(223llooeli,
DeLsines. Mutt:tins, Checks. Ticking's, Hosiery; Woven
white and entered Carpet Chain, 4c.
UltOCt;itlllS of all kinds, t•
large stock of superior
which, lie will sell as cheap in
Butter, Nags, .hags, Soap
Market vials. • '
ISJJ.- i're ups
and Is prepared to supply his friends and customers with
almost anything required In demesne use, at' prices
which he hopes will prove satisfitctory.; Ills stock con.
sists of every variety of nods suitable for town and
country use. Ife - bas also oitliiiiiraigerris — s - ciittifirdt
of lIARDWAItr:, such as may be needed b armors aud
mechanics for every day use. Ills stock 0
.is large and embraces an excellent assortment of choice
qualites. All tarsals Wholesale and Itetall, - South East
ourner of Hanover and Loather streets, Carlisle Pa. •
aral"Country Produce taken In exchange for .
nor. 21, SABIDKL 0. iium'rr.
_Lt d The subscriber has removed hts store to the house
rueoutly occupied by,Dr, li. W. Coelho:in, pest doorto
Charles Mughtuglithes hotel, where he luts!it gouural
ansortntorit of • . - - • •
, • PRY trOOD.% GitOCEltif.S, noon and $llOF.9_,
and will-be happy to have hie friends and ousidutera
&nun and see hint. • Thinkful :for past favora,,habopes
by attiet•httentlon to his burliness
_to omit R abare of
public patrodage. ,
'• , x. W.M.9Of"-Agt.
0 2 c - -• - 16 1 0BiggLAILIAL/ON:-
• - •
s t oc k of PAPER 11 ANU1NGB,.
te u s , s e ,.
„7. w hi c h surpass in,. style, quality
and prlcei.iirty that -have ever
heen'eXhibeted in : Carlisle, 1 . reepactfullY solicit a call
from persona In WStnt.Or' Paper. Hangings of any Miscrip•
'Hon, as I am confident by Assortment far snrisuissaany
In the Borough; and:in'styldfand :prices limpbutlow:WV
;vale in 'the city..- 1 only Oak ofthopnidlo.tb calk rind its !
hudne my assorttkiit before wirPoilitilg, as l'am'coifik
dont my chaste th.•slgna'. cannot Mil to ohms° the most
fhatidloua. , • JOHN I',' LX Ng.;
arli 1c E)cralb.
IVcst @ideof Ngitb. Ilan ore). 14. ts eet,
1 • .
•--: ' ---- --- '— AtIVE-1 , 1311-43EIsT.' '
-- A 4 l l "meetlufrof,tlll9-#UI - 1451 - 1/ireeta, - s7ll - tiliffiii - fIOS ttli
ofllureb, 1855, ft woo tlfianthiously resolved that Inter.
est-shoud lbu paid cm •-speelal deposits by the Carlisle
Dapoidt 1111u1c, Ineotiforuteil by:4E5 - I:4lga af - PellllBYl ,
vault', an follows: ' , ' —• ,
- • 4 'por cent, per anntim, for 4 manthe,
. • 4% : _ • • 8 „••,,
b " " 1?.• • .
, . . , .
Interest Cettileli of er the expiration et, the certificate,
' ' By order of the.; Board of bir6eters.
Nfarch 12, 1856.1 ' • • \Ml'.
. Pitutirci vTo.fts,
, • WILLIAM .10Ett' ' ••. : '3lELellidltdriti;NNE.slkNi
•Jonx box LAP, . •
.fewer C. linntr,. • flExur A..S1111:.11:02`6 •
1111FillesS' 111 the 11111110 ofKkat,
CO. in now tufty prenarett-to doltgen
erallianking BllSilletis With'prOlilptlletiti /111 d fidelity.
DlOl/0y elleelVell 011 MIRA:it 'died paid back ou demand
without, no tire. -Interest paid MI pccia I Item ts
Particular' attention paid ,to the enilectiOn• of Notes.
iffifts;Cliecits, &C": 611 any part of the United - SfiftifiCof
Canadde •
lietalttances made to. England, Ireland hr the Conti
tient. The faithful and confidential execution Mall or;
dote entrusted to them; nitii Le 'relied upon. 'they will
zit all-times be 'pteasctilo 'give any hiforuittaim desired
fie regard to Money matters-in-general.
The proprietors ot"7thixillanicare - indivirlitally - liatle
tothe extent of
their 4-01.11e.,-;tier all the dopt.sits and
other obligations of her. Brenneman Co. .
Coos. in Trout'telitaildinl: Main Street,
few doors east of the Lail Road Depot. ' Open ti r Imsi
aess from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock ill,
the 01'01141ln ' 11. A. STUltit EltN. Cashlir.
N. A —lnterest at the rate or Ii per emit. per annum
will bo pildon Bpetiul deposits so lioreloteie.
Caribile. March It,. I hcto..
stouz• Sz;
pILEP - A - ItE'TFOR -
'AND Cooli m; STOVES:
The subscriboe. tit his old Fits Tot on . Nortli lla, ,yes st..
tho sign of thu •,:ilioothoth lied Cofiee•Pot," de
'iros to call thu tato ntion of the po hlic to his largo as
ortinqut:ofrov4...B; of thu uosrust and
lityles, front the .1 tettt, _Hiatt tactotieh in the
. • 17. and at lilt Prices froin,s3 to el - 5:
• Aninnp-his CAI,LVit *,S:. CI I A M ItElt :at )1' ES
aro the Jtirrolr :I.eve, the Arrtie. Revere, :.tar.
.." 'Vodoo, Union and .I,:t as Air:N:lla, t.4.getlier
' .41.11 other patterns sv Well lie has nt air vixen
(a• port.,raur chanibera,und calculated T.:churning either
wonder coal. Also, the theta'. lstur, Albany,'
Fla top axtd Bandbox or. Poor .!inn's.
I Nol eoloprisirni - thi) latest 'term' enients In
kitchen stoves, and intecal-d for either noeci
-Also,•the Dining -Room
g,antastiele, to which he ins it, ttpoierticolor qit ten-
Tien ul families: Ilia co„ Bing states rlttrae,in price ‘ froin •
$I t 0.2.). witit the lixtti6l., etaliplete. , r Al.:4i. Nine Plato•
'von-of various vitt:olls urn: dittereutrftlera...
;Of l:thir:lt
lug Stoves, Itrat;s het ties, .te. Also, every article in Abe
11 nu of Tin 41414.1 t;Oititel . %Vote. The public are respect
fully invited to rail its ho Is ts , tilidt•llt ttrh his largo
stock.-varluts" and cheapness. or hong tall,, ' to gist+ en
tire sat i s f ac t ion to every purchaser. Call end gee.
m. m.)11 nig
'.11..)V ES : S'lt() VES : er()i ,
.1,)16: D. (itIRWIS, tho pu6lir litnt
he 1111141101 V 011 11;1114:it l'tst.4o/11 4 .111/11111t. 31ain
uoxL door Marlop 1,1;111, tit) largest and east COlll.,
. ""
1.1t3t6"liS301111111111t , ;i - V1 11 )11:. PA
era 1.,i1t ,s . c.)viis to ho found, hi this•e,Nunty.
widelt dill 'he
.sold 'at the prim. for
= '40451 -vast' or_epprined.creillt._24Mstock. cot,si.s.ts_of
t.Atqj i-large ass“rtinetit: id new and 1ii.,
`7= - .... = proved l'A'rEN'y /KIM; : 4 1 . 0%E ,
Ott OM 111 . 1.4 rOmpli . telmtniter. end reletdatud 'Mr v her
wOod or CO:II, or biuh. All tits 'Mil Ott mbird patterns
-which huvo stneal the test Orexperieure. may 14. found
at his a of lislnsiout, Alro, n gren variety of Um most
opprove heatiti.ul UFPICE FTDYKS.
eluding' . number of new tTtyles, possessing very supe
rior advantages ojmr those heretofore lit use. Families,
'arid heusekeoporeare respectfully invited to givoillth ti
call before ; purebealni; olsimherm: Moves delivered to
any part of the imuotry itud put %p at the Shortest no.
Oro. )Ie continues to do ill kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IltON WARE, and Copper Work, and has ronstnnti
hand or will make to order every arturio yequirei
housukoepani•dr others. iti this, line. Ills stock of
and Copper Warn enthracexerery hind of Itouseitold
Linehan ntensil - warranted equal t.. tha host man,.
anys ho suro•ot 'acing accommodated ft, their satlsf.t
by ,gl% lug Mut a ~all.,
li Ct B : lo 9 ‘ 1 1 , 1 0 1
C t it
buildings, ,i3teres, - Merehnittilro. Farm I'mperty.
other building*, and their (mamas at tri..tlerate r
CA Pfl'Ai,;3oo,l.)t,ti—Cll.l ILTER
John J. Pearce, - A fun. G. C. Ilan (Ti
Jan 11. Hal), _l',
Charles A. Mayer, D.. 1. Jackman,
Charles Om. • 'W. White, „
Peter Dickinson, 1 . 144,14.1tc1i0n. .
lION. G.-C. 11A.11VF.V. I'reB.
T. C. ..tunami, Vico Pres.
. . ,
P.KPEDENCi.P. • . .
Baronet 11. Llo. d, • Thos. IlOwinan D. D.;
A. A. Whiegaribiar, . Win. Vandorbult, .
L. A: Mackey, - Win. k , %Nu, .
A. Whitt., Dr. J.... Crawford
omen Qulgklo, A. Upd 'rail',
Jahn W. Maynard, , James A 11184.611 g,
Una. Simon Camorpn, Don. WI . Mater.
'..-,,, ,- 0 1 : 31 ..a , itl. 30/Z4„re.nt,.
May 15.185i1i. [ ' illide. l'onn'a. ..
....,----------__ _..___._
CA i t il - S L E • A ICE N.O Y,
Charter Porpotual,--$400,000 Cupltn.l paid. In. Offico
It l Cheiput stiTet.
,Mm ut INSURANCE, either permangnt dr. limited, against
loss or damage by fire, on PROPERTY and :,1111:014 of every
terms,„Applleations made either personally or by•lettOr,
will be promptly attended to:
C. N. BANOliiiit, Pros't.
The sttbacriber Is agent for tho above company for
°arils% and Its v.icinity. All applications I' r Ineuntnee
either by maii ‘ - vrpersoually will ho pro tly attended
to by • ' A. . PtoINSLKit,
dee 12 'M. Real ratate Age Laud ,t.lvet.or. .
ItANOS coxpAN,y of Cumbeffend. county; incorpo;
rated by an net of 'Aisembly, is now fully organized, and
in - operation under the 'management of the tenoning
comutissloners, viz: - '- • .
'. Daniel Bailey, Williiim=lL-Gorges, Michael- Cocklin,
Melehoir Brenneman, Christian Stayinan John C. Dun.
lap, Jacob 0. Guerin.. Leeds flyer, floury Logan, lionj
hi 11. Musser, Jacob Alumna, Joseph Wickersham,
Alexander Cathcart. .' . - •
The rates'of Insuraiieenre as low and faVorable nanny
Company of the kind ha thd State. :Persons wishing to
beiMme members are Invited tci,..inake'application to the
agents of the company,, who are willing to wait upon
thein at any tinfe. . . •
; • • %. ' • BENJ. If: !DOSSER, President.
'DENIM LOGAN, Vied President. . - ' - -
LEWIS:DYER, Secretary.
luoakr,t. COCKILIN;, Treasurer. : - . .
' - , AGENTS, I . ;-
OU.M. BAIRLAND-COUNTY. , --Itudolph-lilartiM - N:Curol
liegandt , -.0...._1L-114aranani-KinUstuarri;-.llenry-4.oarlug , .
Shlrou)austalriii, ; Charles Bell, Carlisle ; ' Dr.... Ahl,
Churchtown ; ' Samuel Graham, • West l'enusboiough ;
Janes Me• Dowel, ,VtatikfOrd; Mode Gridith, South Mid
dleton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin liaverstiek, it °chow
leshitrg f.lohn Sherrick,l4sburrf; David Coove „Shop.
derliatqwn, : . ''• - •
't---,Clitit COUNTY.--.lohn Bowman, Dlilsb •.Peter
141fOidaratiklin; John Smith, Esq., Wash igton; W.
8. Picking, Dover; J. W, Craft, Mratitoo. ' .. '
nAltalS1111141:-L-Ilousorli,oeliman. '
montheM pf the compan y wing; toilitiem about to ex
pire cam have iiunn renow • by making arrtieatiun to
-any of the a::etva.
TrlMl‘wwwwi Fuliwrni . -11 . 11),1111,,
• NAV *1 , 4.14V.A.T01113 la- HOISTING FORKS:
blocks, ropes, &a. ; - -•
200 Independent Tooth, 'Tay 'and Grain flakes. • •
800 -I!ToUglis. various sizes and pattern n.
500 Cultivators, fir lion Harrows, vhrioun katterns.
200 liarrows, varions'sizes and patterns. r„ • '
100 1 lax,. Straw and Corn-stalk Cutters. • .
100 Reading's Patent:Power Corn lzhellers and Cleaners.
alai. Lan dreth's Hand Corn • i....hellers,'Nos: 1 0,,,„
-- I'.iiirdlintilf nedall - rnanuitictiired - lit - oile'SteMn, ,Mirka,
Bristol, Pa. - .'llio workmanship and material are - Uf-um
surpassed axiality. • . . .
• Farmers ry RI profit by an exandnatlon and comparison
.WBlistlier impl•nients in market.
' • ALSO,:: •,- . : , _:.' .
-.Lin Sraey's Prdfint Grain Brills: - ~ • ,
NO iliekok'n latent Chlor Mills and Press. • .
, . Peitz . . , - .S: Burihinn's Impmved nun MotiOn..lleaping
and Mowing ; lldlifefihtes, of Whieh -We have tho sole
agency in Viiiidahihiit. •
.sgrieulturtil . and 'Horticultural ' IMplements and
!fools. Oat den and Flower Seeds in great variety. For
..'llin.P.l, ' -7 , ,---- ft, LA-NDRETII. k SON, .
Now. 21 end 23 S. Sixth St., Philadelphia. •
May 28, 18118-3 M. • .
_. .
Adapted alto
-,for sowing ortts, grass ieeils and ,
guano. litanser's Portable Cider Illill—the best
Or tho market. Ilalliday's patent Windmill.—
Morse Power's and Thresher's, Lime and (lwino ..../ ."
'f• iirnader's - paniol'H Hay, Straw_ and --Fedtfor-cutter..:-
Little tliant Corn and e6b — li.llll, Siialn's Atmospheric
thorn. - 'llle.nbovo :•nlicilor implements withal) others,
fir the arse of tho farmer or trardner; fir-snlo N% holes:de.
and Itittull by: '
• s PASCHALL, NlOltltik? & CO.,
Agricultural Wart,hatiaa and Fed Store. curlier 7th
and 31arIcat streeta. Philadelphia, • July 25,'55. •
-4 k vi al
' - ' ''rs.-f-rl-'r".... t: 41 C i t
-4 ,,y_
_ To . 1
_ `4,-
Nos, 21 and 23'South 'Sixth .Stieet
.. ,
AMU/M.IIIIAI, IMPl.Elllitil . .11.krilll'ACTORT. Bristhi. ph.
: , IED (i 1 Ot:N7,fl (:,70 Ames) Moimisdairi, near Ilristol, Pa
- 1) T SELF4 , n,APPE'NIN6 - .
EP Fill) CIATEIISe. - reanuuoi for
A. SAR(IENT, No. 410 lilarhet street. rhilada'
Th critter is superior to any nou l In use. 11)r strength
duraLility,und_Shuplat'SLOttonstructiOn ; _Went)) hist,
ce: and is the only seitsliarpenitig 414. Straw and Coin
:•*t:tll, Cutt , ;i• ever mode. It has, lot O N STRAIGHT
RNIF C, which apj• perpOn ran grind and set with ease:
hilt In ortfinary east. Ix grountitn the-machine. Thom
Pallas 11:117e nlrez)dy been sold, and the demand, Iv dnils
increasing. lit mast ea - es nu examination is,suffielent
to eill - Milee ono rj Its superiority. No one aftor a short
trial wt,,tllll.intrt with. it fer any other. All sizes o r the
amore constantly on hand and for 'Said by' -
. • J. P. LYNE;
Sole Agent fir eutuberifflocleounty.
• !r•lie LITTLE GIANT, though but recently" IntrodUcod
„froze the, now stands VRINEI/1/ MY? ac the meat
SisiPLE, EFTICIENT, and popular Farm MILL of the age.
. Our MAN ITYMI ilftl ES are probably the only ones in the
.11" orld—esclusively devoted to making Dietalic Mills,
therefore 1N , 1;5i.44i superior aihantagee in preparing such
en admist,ureof metals, aii:best adapted to making a
s tiong and durable article..
Tim 1.111L4 0/ANT has been awarded the First Premi
um at the ptinciple Fairs of the Nntlep, us the 4104
complete and convenient Mill now in use.
These ILi,Ls are not only guaranteed superior to all
others in their. entitiO•urticok and quality of,matcrial,
but hi thu'anionut and quality of work they perform
nitli'any given power :•itini warranted in all cases to
suit, or the purchasomioney refunded on return of , the
They are offemd to Farmers and the trade complete,
at .$2.4. 31%12 and se?, Air iNo.I, No:2 and. No. 3i and •$2
e.Orti for sweeps. 'Warranted to grind, from 8 to 15
ateralllng to;timb.
, This Mat is a most complete and important article
for Planters, Farmers and others;
.bavln2l horse-power
or other eoureatenees•for running a belt. They -mu be
worked advatiWeouily with one, two or more horses,
whorever a speed of trout four to, six hundred retain
tionsper-rainutfreen-bwobtained-upon . al44netrpuller,'
with /tit% inch belc.'
TheN MILLS-are adapted to any -kind of work, grind
lug course feed from corn, oats, .tr.; or tine meal front
corn, yheat ry,,e;' and corn& cob in the most eat's
factois manner, and with wrist saving' Of:lsmer over:
all othir mills, the Cob being vitt with sharp cant-steep re
The first premium 'was awarded . these Mills at thel
late Fairs of how'Jersey, Pennsylvania, and _the Indus
trial Exhibition at Boston.
The Nimble Client weighs'about 300 pounds, occupy 7
log a space of 30 inches square. It la pemliarly simple,
strong: and dirigible: , requiring no skill it, or to
keep It iu•onler.
They aro offered complete, ready, for attaetdmi the
belt, at s,Dsri'vliit cast steel "
cob Wert
ranted to give the mat perfect satisfaction. .. •
Please call at the Little Want Works, and tritneee
their ,opentt.ion.Manufactured - • ,
• 1i0139 sem , a CO,
• • Corl7th.k Coates Eit,`Philis,
SOAP.—Comitirapure Soap..- - -4)ohwayis'lti• .
proved Chemical' Olive Soip. A full .supply of th*
truly excellent Soaps Just received sud for 'saki lkit
Carlisle; Nov. SI. 'bs. '
, , ~.
EW GOOD si.n. .übs. c rib-or has
N ~m,„:6cc,,ved from, Philadelphia, a large assort, 4sl sirasona(lrt vondg. vrltlelt will bo sold tory cheap
--0 1)Dosite tliP• 1!: 11. Depet, Cat llole, ' •• • •
M. - SN, D• 111,44.83.
t'Ytt:.l4.l.,•Yeb, SO, '1851.. ' - • • . .