tllitnttrUg. A Weir Passage from " Little ilorritt." Haiper's Magazine for, June, contains four chapters 2,4iokett'e ne I ovel•;—".Little Dor rit lUD ,order.to_giveen unaerstandiug of the• . annexed passage. we mtist explain, a little. Be it understood, that Mrs, Chiveri'S son John. , ie in lcive With - Little Doei . itt, , andlitts recently been rejected by that Blight 'female personage, who we suspect,lans a Slight afeetion tor. Mr. Cleunam, whoa , prescnotlias tieeif begged — liy` Mrs. Chivery in the hope•that in his 'wisdom would be fotind aid and • comfort for her 'son - John, Who in the' dist words of the dialogue following proposes to point out to her vis- IBM You may seelimnovillsaill she; ,'if you will condescend to take With these mysterious words, .she preceded the'visitor into ri little parlorbehind ate shop --- - with windo'w in it commanding a very. 5 li.ttie chillback . yard:' In this yard a waslr:'et sheets and - table . cloths tried (in vain, for want'of air) to got itself dried on' a line or two; and among those flapping, articles . was sitting ilfft . chair, like the last .mariner, left, aliSe on the dock Ora damp eliip:wititout—tlie .p_ower of furling the sails, a little wo begofie. young "man. " Our Johni" said Mrs. Chivery. , • NoCto be defibient in. interest, -.Clennam asked what he - might bercloing there? : It's the only change he ta'k'es," said Mrs.. Chivery,. Shaking, her head' afresh.. " Ile won't go out, even in the . back yard, when there's no lirnien ; 'but when the s re's linen to keep 'the neighbors' eyes off, Ita - 'll_ sit there boars.. -flours, ho will.: .says he feels as if it was: groves 7", Mrs'. Chivery shook . her - . heatl-again,--put-her-apron-in-irtnetherly-.way to %her e 3 es , and reoonduete) or vi,,itor.. itito ~ the regions of business.. • - . . .. • - ' Pletiie to take .a seat; sir,' - sait- Mrs.- ,Chivery-..-- '4...Aliss Dorrit is: the mattei! with - - bar John;-sir;-Ire's-a breaking his : beak:- for_ nier,iud .Lwoultl:_wish-Ao T take . -the liberty -to ask's to be_made good ,to his pareute when bust?'.' _ .... . .. • . - Mrs. Chivei'y (who wa's a comfortable look ----- .., -- inuch - respected - aboutl-fOrsetneu _ger.Lane . for_her_feelings_and _her thin) uttered this speech with .fulllorupoSure, and immediately .afterward begs again t - shako her head and dry qter eyes. Sir," said she in continuation you are acquainted with the _family, and have inte rested yourself with the family, and are in- fillet:alai with the family. If you can promote views calculated to make--twin-young-•-people bv_py, let me forOnrlohn's sake and for both their sakes, implore you so to do." _ _ "I have been so habituated," returtred thur at a loss, " during-the short time I have known her, to consider Little—l• have been so _bitbituated tiiionsider Mies Dorrlt in a light altogether removed from that in which you • present her to me, that you quite take me by surprise. Does she know your eon ?" • "Drought tp together, sir," said Mrs. Chi• 1 very. ." Played_togetlieri" " DOBB she know year son as her admirer ?". ' "Ohi bless you; sir," said Mrs Chivery, with assort of triumphant "she never could have seen him. on Sunday ;without know. : ing that,, Ills cane alone would have told it long ago, if nothing eine had. • Young• men like John don't take to ivory hands a plating for nettling. [John bad invested some of. his . earnings - in a fancy cane—the feature of which VMS an ivory hand] How did I first kuowlit myself? Similarly." " Perhaps Miss Dorrit ma: as you, you see." • " Then she knows It, sir," skid Mie. 'Chi every, " by word of mouth." . " Are you sure ?" "Sir," said Mrs. Cbivery, 4 sure and one - tale as in this house lUD. I see my son go out : with my own eyes when in .this house I ' was, and I see my. eon \ come with my . own .eyes when in this house, and I know he done it." Mrs. Cbivery derived a surprising foroe • - of eniphasis from the foregoing circumstanti ality and repetition. • May I anic•you how be, came to :fall, into the desponding state which cause' you so • . much 4neasiness ?" • "That," said Mrs. Chivery, ".took .place Ml:the banjo day ihen to this house I see that: John 'with these eyes Jreturn. Never , been himself in this house since... Never was 'like what he has been since, not from the hour when to this house seven yeare ago me --•,\ and his' fattitikas tenants by, the quart. erame!" , An effect in.the' s nature of en adi!.a• ylt - was gained for this speech by Mrs. Chi ,;,ei.:ylai,Pe.onliar power olconstruction. Mayl,yenti*P tn 4.4 3 what IS his_ ae_ L count of tlie matter !"----iopeatea Bice. (Jtiverf. .40ur John's? No, sir; no; you little know hi n , To ask him for his account wonld not bo, I thick, to make it over ,pleasant to the "• nest customer that inifip.L Want a shilliUg's worth of Cuba, Bengal, Iml Ilavona, and pick 'km out himself.' lie's muck too honorable besides." . _ _ Illay I ask, then, what is, your ac . oapn>d it?" • "You may," - Said Mrs. Chiverj , , - a and .0111 — giVritryttulahonor and in word as true . AS in this.shepl stand. Our•jahn has 'every one's.gaticliviSh- Ile . played with- her as' -a child when 'in that yttrit a childsho. played:— . - Re has known-her everisinee,-i-ile---weat-out upon : the.Sunday af terhoon Whoa in this . .„ very mulnrjzr !IBA dined, and met -her, with ap- . pointment or without. appeintinent„ which I 1 do not pretend to say. ,•11e made his . offer to her.. Her brother and . sistey" is-high in: their . . views,.and,against Our John. - 'Tier father is. all for,himseltin his , views; and against Aar : . Trig her "with any one. .Uncitir which .eiretun stances ..shm. ling.:answered, Our ..john,--!,N0..1 John; I- cannot haie you ; I cannot have any husband ;' it is my - intention . to — he always, ,a ttcrifice-;--farewell,-find-another-worthy-of-you and'forget me !' ThiS is, the way in Which she_is:doqued_to he a constant slave-to ' them , .. that are uot worthy that a constant slave she' 'ante, ; teem should ,be. , This is the 'way-in - which Our John has•come to pleaiPre but in - taking cold. among the linen, and in. showing in that yard, as in that yard I. have, -myself shown you, a broken down ruin that 'goes home to )4 mother-'s Heart; 't -Here- the' good ' wpman pointed to the little window, whence her son might be seen sitting diScon solately.ip the tuneloss groves. .. •, . • ~„ • . • Huai 11tcy8.A3icso . TIIE ANCIENT :SIAIIIN- E 128.--: The following yarn, Which was related by an old friend, about tho procliyities of an cient mariners it(the city of:New -Bedford to: draw on their imaginations, is•good: . A doie'ii:old captaiits were - seated' round old Ie:JcIMY Coggshall'S grOccoy :Fitoro - one - §;tys old. Captain Ben Nash, iueso wit more in the IYest forherrin_ than any other man 'about this p a e. Flow much did you get,['uncle BOR?' • , Well; you tee, I. was bound to the. Wind- , Waril Islands and a market, and just . as* Iliad got all my cargo aboarA,,l was' cypheein' oii 'my log.slate how long I shmild poSsibly • he frOM home, when I-found I sh.ouldwitb lucfr: rea - ch hill's about lent.. Thinks . I'll take a' btirrel:of - hertin. on spoculation:- - I had- a good yassage, and got ,there just in the nick of time ud sold 'em off well. . • _ponveren-_ Mach - did - you - ket asked some of the.old-.salts, who, with pencil in• hanct<lere'niaking notes to try and ()Itch Un. cle ; _dhow-much did you gb•Q.: • , 'Well,. can't say exactly. how much, at I put the money back fate the barrel aftor the herrin'was out, and "'could scarcely crowd the head in:' - 'What did you got apiece for the herrin'?' - ."Ah,.yes.- -- IVell now; Uncle Ben, at a dollar a pieoo foryour herrin', „you oould'nt have halpfilled the barrel.'' 'Nell,' Says Unolo'Ben, ihrit's all very true: but I sold the pickle at ii've dollais a spoon. 611 !" , • A hard oy—that same "Ancient Mariner." • ne,„,A friend of (luvier'onoe took the, horns and hoofs of an ox 'and approaoliing,ithe—bed side of the great naturalist,. awakeuel him from a sound sleep, and announced .as the devil, who 'had come •to 'eat him. Cuvier rubbed his eyes and glanced at the non+) script from horpe.,to yogi', when he lay down and quietly romp kod: Horns; hoof:l,gram niverous—eat gr es—you can't come it, go away. '—Chio crJournal. ' , Dar Tho New York Dutchman says that whoever wished to get ,this world has only to talcO a few lessons of a hen chasing a grasshopper. 'With a. long neek s and "sharp eye, -take a few hurried steps, stop short, peep over, peep under, now left, , now right, one nutter and a rush, and then - you have him. That's the way it's done. : not be so road sErA.Virginia postmaster has been inquir ing of the Department the meaning of the little " pictures stuck on tha` letters," and another official in lowa desired the Depart. .mentta_sustainltimin_a_deeisionlm_had _ re cently made against a fellow who insisted that 't theni 'pictures •of Washington on t e • letters paid the postage." t. aa.The following question is now -before the Sand Lake Debatin Society: *4 Which do wonen like the best—t be hugged in a polka or.squeezed in a el gh ?" We shall issue the decision iman extrp. ! , itat,Why are the ladies of the present day like the , lilies of the Sariptureal• 7 i Because they toil not, neither's:Ridley spin; _yet Solomon in all,his 'glory was not arrayed 8 000 0 g6rAn exchange imper-Auotes 'Paul's wri tings "Owe no man anything,"-and then adds "Guess some,Of our . Subacribers never read vpiatles." aibr A man seldom haslnueh leisure, if he is much 'nonacid to utio it. MI - Cd . ,110,.1c_,, 7 ' : ,1) . 0#t14. - ' . .. ME! Drug torcs. ) J I .14.1k.FE - 11.,. D.,R UtIr6IST, , now lruilding immediately opposite, and Adjoining Mr. C. , 1 - nbeff's Stole • llaving iroado every .arrungement -to ;M fresh preserVe his, edicines_ and pure, 'and having replenished. his,assortmeut of. carefully selected drugs, he -is now again prepared to _attend to business with .d—prompteess;---4 1 . 1 s—afiostinentill—furnis almost every 'hint; Vita - may be called kr, either. by the physiCian. or the family. for domostic use. The greatest care and precautinti will be observed In the compound. log of prescriptions and dispensing of .1120db:twig. Ilia assol tment, of Colifeetiona neg . and. VancyAliVeds ja very general, and will cultble pdreliosers toSult, themselves, :AND ; • a Splendid Yltilutrof- ' 411 CONIT.CTIONAItY A..;11) ,IfitiNeY GOODS. no un.toisignud has just niplenishod his stock or goods; and at his Drugs tind Choinikals, hate boon so. lootoa with, great, care, ha is. propancd to nil all orders promptly Ilia friends nutTrely upon thorgenuineueSs Mid purity i,f - eveirorticie. , . • 'His stoidelif CON FECTIP:4A It Y, is largo and selected With spacial roference to Um Iloliday's: It will afford any variety persons'inay oeslni in that line. 'lie ims a largo:assortmentof Fronelt,tiormaii and domestic Fancy CAHOON, all'irettli mid of thevery. boSt quality. Ills as sortment of FANCY 00Utlti is largo and ouxbincts most every thing 'noc•':storry tho Toilet and rhutitly. Ile invites special atton dolt -to' Ids Fancy WArk Box.ds. istdios' Bags, Cologne hattles, Watch-mud Card Tra3m, 1 , 0i.t, Folios Portanonios:tko. Scc. prtilits"-and strivt consistency. itl • trade shall ch.traeoHse our business. ' deo; in, ',SS. • • -It. J. KIEFFER.- . • DRUOS,:"MEDICINES, &c have Jast received from Philiditiphla and 'Wow • York very extensive additions to my • 4) , former stock, embracing nearly every;;rticic 7- of- Medicine, now: • use, together with -. Paints, Oils, 'Varnishes, Turpentine, PerfM kit• - mery, soaps, blationary, Fine Cutiery,Ehth - lug Tackid,prushes of almost every desert's , ion, endless atriety.of other. articles,- which I aui determined to:sell at the vsav LOWEST prices: All Physiciians. Country Merchants, Pedlar; find oth ers, "are respectfully rispuested not lei — to DLD STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will besold of a good quality; and upon reasonable terms. N. tI;LIOTT, Main:street. CurilsloW May.:lo IA RUGS ! DIVEIGS DRUGS ! 'Fresh LisuPPIASI 1 have just received a fre,:h stork of • Medicines, Paints, Mass, 011, Ate:, which, having • tate ti pure! Lased_ iillthltreixt care at dm lfest, city itouses. 1 reeolitutend to Fatuities, .Phynielaug, u kitty :uid Detilurs . , as ing fro awl pure,. . . _ . 1)10.10S I..ii!out Med lel nee, Fine Chemicals, Inst molts,. pure Essential alit:, Herbs and Extracts, Spices, gruutuiaTtGelt u,-L+ ON, ferruTnery: - Cod 1.1v,..r . 011:--warranted gennino.• I)Y.E , STUFFS 7 -111di , zocs.. Nlitdders,'Sumac, dint Cant Woods, till . Itriol, I,:•of,vems, late Pvt. PAINT6,-Wotherlll k Broliker'ei • Pure Lead, Chrome Green lllyl t and :Varnish Brushes, Jersey ‘Vhnlowillas. IA 11;e`eli Copal lind cikteh Y3llllsh, and Hod !pad. All - of which will Is. , sold'ut the very market pri:.e. - splendid . assortacint - of : 1+ A C -bruits. i%nllectionary, and innumerable tithe,' article.; cal4duted. for ratio rid2ornlment, all of which aro .dloosi - at the lowest cash prices, at tin, cheip Drug. Book andFalicy-Store of the subscriber - on North over street,. •-• : 'S. 1 ." IIAVERSTICii.. : .• Surniturc • C I)ItNEIt.of over and ',Outlier nts. C. - - •Themidersigu ed has alollyn on handatlarge stock of suputior Cabinet 'Ware, in all the different atytes, which - he in prepared to Fell at the lowest prices. lie invitua niluntiun particm, lady to the — PATOli SPRINO ASOTTONT BEDWIT,AII, u most useful article, which entirely obviates all obJeutions.— The bottom can bu attached to old Bedsteads. They have given untieu satisfaction to all who has u them in JUNO. hfl tklrei N$ made to order at the shortest notiem 1)OBI1tT ILEY CABINET . Cr - -ARAULnnd CKbEIIT. , t ill ••••• - • •,r Nortu Hanover street; next dour to 7ritit%-:4- - -t.• l l'.li: tlines's lle wonid respeetfully the, citizens of Carlisio and •the public, generally, that he has now on hand a largo and (dogma nisortmeanf FUR- NlTUltil,consisting In part Of Wardrobes, Card and oth or Tables, Sofas, liureous, Ihisteads, plain and fancy Sowing Stands, Sc., nianufii'Oturcd.of.tho. best. ,tuottriol. and quality warrantod. - Also t general assortineut of CHAIRS at the lowest prices. .VENiTtAN DU Ds made to order, and repairing iironiptly attended t 4. Air• COFFINS- niade at the shortest notice; and hay iug,a splendid hearse ho will attend funerals in town or country. --ra—itemember-the:stand,---no; BM • -------- • LIXTENSIVE RNTURE ROOM MIS 1t..81' HA VER. wAuld resnecfeully call the attontion of liouso-Roepors and the public to his e te ti si ve stock of elegant F U f including Sofas, Wardrobus,Centro and Tables, Dressing and'Plain Bureaus; and every other article lu his branch of business. Also now on hand the largest assortment of CHAIRS In Carlisle, at the lowest prices, ,AOFFINS made at the short est noticeand a Hoarse provided fur funerals. Ho solicits a call at his establishment, ou 'North Han- liour stepea, near Glass'e's Hotel.: . • 4Fy'Furnituro hired out t' thc..uforit,h or year 311iscerfancous. -• .- 11 - 31tESERVING S Alt.—A general 1 assortment of Crushed, Sifted and Pulverised Sugars of best quality, as Also Soft Crushed Clarified and other qualities conitantly.on hand, suitable for preservinipand all other purposes—generally at Otn PRICES. Also it constant supply of the choicest Coffees, , Yeas, Spices and other articles in variety always on . haud.— atteution Is Invited to our stock before buying elsewhere. July ' W. EBY. ' ZPAIN'S ATAlVBPlikatle CHURNS K_T—A full supply-of the above.colobrated Churn, now on hand of all tho,difforeut sixes. from 4 gallons to 50. It received the first premium at the late Pennsylvania State Fair. the first pretnium at. the Franklin Institute and Delaware and Maryland- State Fairs, and vartelle others at different places. It will make more and hotter initier - from a.gritniTtutount ofcream, — and iuless time than any churn In the market. For sale wholesale end retail by DASCIIALI. MORRIS & CO., 'Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 4th ,and 51arket, Philadelphia. Dec; 0,1854—1 f _ . QA.DDL.E 'AND HARNESS .MAK 7 tj LNG. The' siibeiriber continues. to carry on the above buslonss, in all its various branches. In North Han over street, Carlisle. two doors North iff,Leintaid'a - corner where ho intends keeping on band a general assortment In his line, oorudstink of all, klndefof fashionable SAD DLES, bridles, Martingales, Girths, Ci reins! est mid Hai tors, also TRUNI{S, traveling and saddle 1 . • • begs. — He also man-' utectures the most ~ ,•:•114 approved SPANIBII BPaiNa Ssectse over used in this , country. and those wishing a hand &WlN durable and pleasant saddle will do 'trail to call and see them. He. • also ManufactUres ',farness, Bridles, Collars ikllikWillpsiltutillheir-verie. - tlea r potsMtiffdruTlTgollives from the general approba tion'in his customers, that - he make.!'' the neatest, and 'best gearsrisrall-theirverteW-b inriatli, that la suede In the conntry. Ile also kludis of,3lsitrasses to order, Nis: Stravi, Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat- MOM. All the above articles. wilt •be made of :the best material and workmanship, and with the utmost des patch. • OSBORN. ' NEW GOOIS - 4--Tho subscriber 'has 1.1. -just received, friim Philadelphia a large assort.. moot of seasonable goods, which will be sold very cheap - r ivposlte the 11. R. Ifepot, Carlisle, . • ' 71i. SNODGRASS. Carlisle, Fob. 20,1850.' . . , ' 13 . 0 1 , 11 , I 'll\lt, - iftoor--to IL - Cilagers 11.11. SNITLEY. ,L'l" . t . : Cit . es : ..attO 'o.l')"ofis, WAt()II.ES I CLOVES ! • ifs:cy--, kw F, 1.1 t I have now pn band and for Nrldnf my •Ml matou :Arcot, oppliSite !clarion 11x11, out entirely now and elimgantatock of • . ~; . . WATAaiivS, JEWbi.itY, M 'MALIGNS, 'Arc. ' Gold Lover Watches, hunting.and o up Case 'Silver do." lvar-favirro and irterW7l• les, a argu vim uty. !lull Anchors for Ladies and Gentlemen. • • -' Metiallioria; a splendid assortment for-ladles andgents. Breast; Pins of every' pnttern, amid all prices, Xi GoLf Chains for vest and - I'ooold curb riming,. ' agar Rings, Oulf•pins,'.Efuds. Sleeve lluttous i Grosses; Drop and, !loop ribmige variety: • ;11Yor and Plated .mocks, 'rabic' and Tea Spoons, flutter Knives, &c. of•yurions styles and prices, . ' • Gold hod Sliver Thimbles, • Gold, Sliverand.ComMon.Sprtt melehm al:mg° assortment to suit all .Itoim, and' to Yilwll..wo invite particular • attention. . - • Port Monnalex, a laigt; assortment at every price, Otild Pond, of the boat make mit various prices. - - ; Fancy Boxes, Port - led ioh,.Accordeons. Spectacle ea*, -Ladles Card Cases. sifter-and .pcarlomt-ivarioximm-Prlees, Ill'iteelo t 4 , gold and cominon; Watch Chains ditto! Alai) a large- variiity of articles lit nu& Jewelry Hem which l will hell at the lowest prices.. All - articles v ay ranted to he what they are sold for. - • • 'ttc9,..Partietilarattention paid to the 111.:PMPTvO OF vATemo.s-and all work warranted. llttivriVivilitlis q my old friendli• and custoniers for fora cr p,h roa-; respectfully solicit a cctitinualice of theii jnne2o ,TIIOMAS Cul\ LYN: • - • GROCERY, Vat 0 - 6---.IV - Ew.. ,-.. R 1 ES' L i AND - VtlitlETY STOPS. The subscriber would respectfully inforni his M0114144;4 t .41 the public generally, that he hasjitst returned In - in tl v city with a large and varied assortment of ___ GROCERIES,QU " (LASS and EENS,WARS, F : t FISH, Am, 41 , ... which he offers for sale on tiu I; I "' ill, , . most reasonable terms, -at his,l\ ow Eton, di , • corner of North Ilatiovedsti cot-and the PIO- ', A lid Fiftlaro,.dirtialy oppoidtelhiCarlisle•Pe. . - .. _ p6sit Bank. ills stock embrases everything . 4:::ually Ju.n_Orveviy and Variety_Store. -. The public are invited to call and examine his stork before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident:he can sell the best goods at the-lowest prices.. J: D. HALBERT'. . . riIEAS i ; COFFEE— I:helnt . just titled to lily former stock a g ener4l'releetion . ot. C1101(' ttti ae all the. othervarlety tit' articles • Store. embrruing It le green—at 1-234,and 14 ut•nt pey , ll,.,Orieans:b;;riflud, Cruphed and Pulver! yeti bau of tine qualities: ClinVilatea.. , :iiiFF's. hairy Salt,and if 'variety of Fancy 'orticles.'all of o. fci•s;it at the low/ cash prices. We are thankful for thi thrumr support gi on 'us, and farther call frcin ttr friends null ottstotners Atari(in Hitll. Carlisle. . .--,,-., CH INA, 6-1/-.-,.. , ...,-.- AINIY - QUEE.NB -- , . WARE--"Old'houseitentiatit and young.-with ' - -- OK!) who are eitpeeting to become hntimilinefers. are itivit - ' ed tiieall nt . 11ALBEItTli }FAMILY GROCERY and ex dry,lhe him . elegantitssortmentof Cidtia.Glits . sand Queen,- ware. andipiern.rtieles In the housekeeping. line, ruck as . French and English tea refs, heavy 'banded andpiiiiti, . White lintnity, gilded and line Viola, Dinner sets of 'ev. riey variety and price, bowls anti'Ateliers, tureens: ilith es,' - tilasss‘vare- 7 - centre' table and. IPtlr tel- lan , p•- . • Candelabras alid•crtler-ii,lr •'strlty. In 'le avid I r t, =WIN, goth,tv %111 .1 di t) 0 4.... ; dety. Cedar-wan.— I ill vhUrns. 1 os , c 15.1.71 ttli prlntsand ladive,,no, id I n,•;... I . : . It1 . 11011'• White Wa5144.1 . 111 , 11 , 01. 1 . 1111 011. 1 1 110114. duster', brooms, &c. Mar • Vt. t ll' :1i 7 4 41-flirlii fir / `Lancets. Ait;l3 a choim_ii! . .tt.r.tol.l.l L 9 i t reu and Yorar4.. COI be who aro foie!, 'I .:iht.l .1. 1 rands td Separo.llllld try do , PtinOpes, l r nlI., tcbam•l Is :onl nt,llo ark (Job mid you will tied themal itonowa•ltable quality. ;::'plinigh awl Godornot ".nits.u Itit phi - ire 101USf and tobaero. XIEW- (1100,08 . 00 NEW 61)81- BARGAINS! BABOAINBI • The.p.uhsetiber has just returned from Now York and Philadelphia. and is now opening nu immense stork the most splendid. : SPRING Ahll PUtplElt tiOODS ever brought to-C..irllele. EE.• Dimes apoDs.—The ladles will find a larva assoft mend of beautiful dresk goods, of the newest styles and patterns. EMIIROIDEIIII:**,-,Over 1130 Noc(1110-wnaed . Cellars said - FrOtiniilugs ao - dln`ertings, in great variety. 0.4 iIIniTINUF.--An entire nor assortment of Imperial Inuraln, Venltian, and Ftair Carpets. SIIOEB.—A full supply otLadies'. Cents' Boys. 311wie. and Children's klhoer all kinds and_ sixes, Willis" Fine Flices for Ladles chid 3.llstes in thu assortment. DOMESTICS.=-A large stork of Musllns, Clerics. Tieliill):9. Ace., at the the very lcosest iciteh. • In'sbort, every article in the Dcy ds lino will 1e? found in the assortment—bract 4,Lality. newest style, and at thin eery lowest prlees. • -A il•• Iresrant of hand-, some, and cheap gook will do well - to .call at the old stand,. East Main street. April 9.1856.) CHARLES 0111LIIY. • • 1 - I ‘l7, EW-GOODS.- 7 The - subscriber ji as 11 just received and,,ie now opening it birgi, tisFori• •tnent of I+IUISII GOOD:1 soiled to the season—please call and get:bark:nine. - Ynr.l4. , OTIMASS. (jos II it 31111 e ()inert). . .. , • ANIF T !NG.— undersii.mal %)i.ould inform the ' -1 - TrZO ortiscns of Carlisle that he tieo rondo arratraw I,,,,,,,t,,toriollABFlTTlNG and I'LUMILING at short map • ti,o, a wl nn rrasonablo terma. Ile has engaged' the sor Ifectrof a nest rate band froin Philadelphia, and has sui idin.clf with .4.12• . 9xten41ve assortment l • Ch will enable him to till all orders pr• inpU All work will ho warranted. llis stock of (hie Fixtur. will I e ;input In the room exactly opposite Ills MIMI eA I / 1 1.1i4Iiiit , at on Narthilariever street., where he luvit% TINNI N‘l', SNIPPING, is also., prepared to 'furnish, or make to order, every ric,ticiv of TIN WARE used by housekeepers and otherS. will also-attend to SPOUTING, 110USP4i001 , 1NO, lIkII.i, GANGING. • and PLUMBING. ' , Thatikfulfor the patronage with which,he hasalread. been favored, be respectfully. solicits a continuance the same. ' MONROE MORRIS. — Carliale, June It; • • w CARLISLE FOUNDRY -;" .1 34441 - • AND - MACIFIVE SHOP,.. •The subscriber has the satisfaction of in nALVt.armr forming Itisold friends and patrons that • • • •-- • his establishment is again in active opu u, new buildings having been.ereeted since the late disaironaliraand_lhe_whalaestablishinent-put iti-COM+ plete working order. Orders are therefore respectfully solicited for work in.;his line, which will be done with 'Promptness and est tnautier. • STEAM ENGIN BUILT TO ORDER and repaired. All kinds o Machinery in Paper Mills. Orist Mills and Factories r paired at short notice. Mill .Spindles dressed and turned. . HORSE POIVERS.and THRESHING MACHINE.S such as lloyil Pear Four Horse Power,Horizontal Pear Four Horse and Two Horse Powers, Igligils. Corn len and Crushers, itc. Patterns madato order. iron and Rows CASTINGS executed to order, if not on band, at the shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Devil Wheels. Gudgeons fbr Castings:Cutters; Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Iklx, es, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chaira,te, Ile hail also on hand a.large supply of Philadelphia and Troy 000K DM STOVES, : and is constantly making Cooking Smog 'of 'various improied patternitfor coal "or•wood, ten plate ' SioYee, Grates. *c, Repairing done .to all kinds of Ma chinety. MI Wildcat old' Iron, brass, tAkipper ta.y en it exchange for watt. mi iyg ; • . FRANRDIN. GARDNER. le - I[TGII.LiiIMPORT ( ANT' FUR- 1 , avASEollis—Tba.suibecriber_rilll-opert.this-wvet-r -acgost and most sjdondid assortmentof • ' • SPItINU AND fitiMISER,.OOODB • _ over brought :0 csillsle; An lumens° stock of ''• Branch Worked Collar's, • • • • •', ,Undersleovelr. ' , Flounelngs,' Ilandkembiefb, &c., bought from the, Importer. In Now York, rr.nd will be sold at - prices' to defy afl competition, Also; a largo as sortMiint'of beautiful Dress Goods, Ribbons, Donnete,t Ac. Comp ono and all tqore purchasing - el,swbere, rind you will Five money, April 2, 1ii561 - TOSFPII: A. NEEI)LES,. iNianufact...,. • ror of • WIRE. SILK AND liAnt-lii.OTlt - SfKV - EST:, 'Coarsedledlum and Wino In mesh : large, finiddlo•thi • • • and small in diameter. . ' • ' • -METALLIC C LOT IN OR 'WO YEN WIRE, - of Um best qunlltlue. ‘arious sines of 'mesh, from Ncii -o - 440-htelitid-verziml-frotir•orte-Drid-x-f!fet-in-wieltili Thoy are nuintiereiftio many spaiies to the lineal in ') mid 'eat to Suit: • • The subaeriber also keepS eanstaiitiv cal laud • SCREENS; ' • ••• f cold, ire,- lime,, pain, gravel. piano,. sal; : sugar,' salt, lime, spiro, druP . Olyo•stuffs , • • Toketli or with 'ari • iissorineAt of .1111 tIT AND SEALED IRON . WIRE. AllAlle.-alsree sold wilok , • and retail hy • , Nr:EDLLF: 54 Front StrAt, :DENsLoW,.& CO., 00)111 - 1SSIU • • 311MIIA,NTS, , • •,• - and Whole:-ale Ds.:dor's in all kinds'of • FOREIGIsI & D - 031ESTIOPEAE - ITOI:A0( 'MAIVUFACTORiP TODACC3, . AND FOREDIN AND DO3IPS'I11: SECIAIIe, Sputh Front street:Philadelphia. , . . . Importers 'df Fine . - Ifavarm—Septrs, of the,. rand growths of the V uelta.alia,lo. A large asrortnici, ' ... , whiiii are kept consanttly on hand, and for sale ; ... I AIIIIIii IlliV4ll4lt on cost of importation. • - . 1„..,.4r6:-Coillgtiminits . respectfully solicited,, on v,... illatrat adiant•es'svill lit niachi when desired. • . Special attention limn to orders the purchase on : mission of Tobacco. is alsb every deseription i'il . :lleid disc. fur M.:Count C parties living lit a distance from -- 's market. ' - . . . . . . r...9...301e Ago t • for V. A'. Goptze'r... ooletirrilt4l-o( , r. - 11'1.4(11'g Toba 0. comprising thirty ElliTerent. varict .A 1, 1 114 2:S, 18 —ly. - H. 1 4 ; PP. Alt .I-. ) -.& VAN HA.It.l. T. NGr E . s. . . 11. =The suhscriblire - taving removed to their •. NEW AND SPACIOUS sTonE, '. • • :No. 278 Clicltfiint. Street, fon rtli - iinor above Tenth. Are no%v prepared to olTern large and well selected s' of the following Pali and dtedrable goilits. - prittripall their OWII 11111/011.10/111. or bought at tturtt ni c al they are Able to' sell at the intportei's pri .es. 1 7. AVlltd) they cordially invite the attention C Ati... • 4 1 Merchants. llotel Keepers, eat! nitrill los genera y. " • it off.G reel) and Venitlan Window Shading. ihirllSiey MO Irish Litton Sheeting, 7.4, 84, 44, ; 11.4, 1.24. . Bolster and Pillow Unties:Of several choice blearl, anti all widths from_ 3C_Co_idirielies. . - .. lied Blankets of n)Fsians and qualities. -•- - . • Crib arid-ilmile Blankets. - ' Bed K/tillts of the foliowitig varieties. viz: Marvel ' AVelting,litotted,' ittrxister. AM:unlit a,-Allendale -.: Lancaster, of all the duairable sizes: Bureau Covorii. Table Covers, Window rtirtalii MO. Towels unit Toweling of every variety. DatitaskTa , .- Cloths turri - Naphitis. - Shtrting - Lluctovatid Musitri:l - .7 liiiCtlatilierchlefit, Entlatolderies — Cileirre - ,rv, - kr.• . r . .'ihnnasks. Moreens, Enbrolitered Lire. and Mir- . Curtains, Pitt eOI.IIICON. Bands, (limps, Cord: ,A, c. SIIEPPARD & VAN it.inrallorrc. , Inipliters and Dealers 111 Linen and House Furs' ing goods, . - • . •April 30, 1856--Oin. '' . . . ' . . , .1. IV; EBY • TOVE l STOti ES- !---! - --ST 0 V-ES undersiginal would.resporttally call tlw ntt Flan of Country Morrhants'ltint those in Want of St' li their extunstra stock of . . STOVES, OAS OVENS, TrUI....`NAt'!ES. Lr.. vumprising , a gmuttur ,aasartment than *can he.fca ti an'other store in the United Statue. - : I . _*Ptirehasors will flnd'lVitti. adviittbitte te'glve - ue : buying elsewhere. For role Wholesale And lull On tbel,most liberal terms. • - , NENINNS WARkICK. "E. Cnrner 2tnt and litieu - Stinets. N. 11.--41 so agouti; fvr the eelebented Maegr. Heating :36311M. . s tll U Na3 oi t e i . R'S ioitna ONE-P CASH BOOT AN D• ,SHOE STORE, ••• No. 76 South Second St., Corner of Curter St. The establishment . hes been enlarged and imp , • • and is supplied with the largest and best Retail ' lii the City, principally of his own'inanufacture, • choice assortment from the teat Eitsfern 311frkete• •-- bracing, Ladies,' Gents', and Children's ' of every deserlpflon, style and • quality, embracing belt styles and qttallties• in this or any other on., This stock . cannot be excelled for ,Quality Style . Cheapness. " ' ' ' hkich article .1s marked nt the very lowest poss." price, tram which no deviation will he made. travagant statements will be needed, and none ram, effect sales.. , . . Goodyear's Gum in zill. inactive. ' Pero Gum scarce in the market, always ou stiand. • The publ• reepeetrully invited to Bali. , [April 1, tfr: TrEACIIHRS, SURVEYORS, ) E (UNERS AND IMAIitiIITS3IEN, supplied athematical Drawing instruments, separate •a u. - eases;ancliati Diriders, Irery - .110,r-v and ,l'aper S;:ales, T gtiares. Triangles,_ Dow •I Drawing Pens, Protraeteri, Uunter's Scales, Tnpe urea, 74elille Tapes, Surveyors Chains, land t t Fri . and 100 feet,'Surveyer's"toutpasSCS, Engineer's I , an'.) Transits, Target Rods &e. Magic Lanier , the best construction. Scriptural I/ingrains, Asta Natami llistmy, Ilumorouf; Chromatnipc or ,Are Fire works, Dissolving Views, Magnets, Poloranlm Electrical apparatua, Galranic appnrstus Inrge ‘.. , ellection of l'hilemthißtt=brstrospents, for colleges 3114_6.c . ..11r:115. Atm. SpeetaciN y FPY• GP , MiCrUscopes, Tberunguyters,. /Ammeters Readingst sos &c. Having received the agency for the sale of 7 . ftituOK'S SCIRIOI. APPARATUS, I em ptipare. filen ish - Teaebers with en Orrery. a Tellur,lan,alquo Fnune. u 5 inch Olobe a liendephere illobe, a Ez , Geometrical Solids, n Magnet and Text Book, all ps id a box with lock • and key for $2O. 111Ustruteil priced catalogues forwarded Gratis. ' ' 'JAMES W. .QUEEN: • 264 Chesnut, St. Philadelphia, East of 10th s lt .I nr l A'RUSSES.—LHQrn 1F Rupture ccesafully.treated, and comfort in Ft , y use of the 'elegant French Trusses, imported 1.. subscriber, and made to order expressly tbr his Fah% . All suffering with Rupture' will be gratttied, „to . • thatthe occasion new offers to procure a Truss con lug extreme lightness, with ease. durability and cc. • • construction, in lieu Of the cumbrous anci,,tmcomf: ble article usually sold. An extensive assortrnco al , on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in an arid children. and for sale at a range of price to sub , Cost of Eingle Trurses, 3'=, $3, $4 And $5; Double. • $5, $6; $8 stud $lO . . 'rsons at a distance can have a Tragic sqnt to an: - `dreary by remitting the amount, sending measure ant the hipicand - atittinglibleaffeetet. - - - , For Sale Wholesale And Retail by the importer. • CALEB' 11. NEEDLES. B. W. nor. of Twelfth & Ilse° Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent. Body I Chest Expanders and Eredtor Braces; Patent Shin; Braces; Suswnsory Bandages; Spinal Props and • ports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attend: ' . - april HOWARD ASSOCIATIO. PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO all persons afflicted with Sexual ,diseases, szor SEMINAL, WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORILL GLEAM. SYPHILIS.Ac , &c. The. HOWARD ASSOCIATION of 'Philadelphia view of the awful destruction of human life and he, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions whirl practised upon the unom t victims Of such dig ( riir ediiejeir Pt in n u Z e)n. At ACT worthy °er riito $ 'MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to ail persens GM I n tacit 014t9 or klipa4l9.)whailpralLtligtkaix*r. ...... . with a description of their condition, (age, oeopat habits °flirt+, &e.',) end in extreme poverty end sulho toy ORNISIf MEDICINES PRIIE OPTILAROIL - The Howard Association la a benevolent Institut established by special endowment, tbr the relied' et sick. and clisiressed, affiletedivith "Virulent and ) donde tHaillsoli" and Its funds van ba^tised ter no o puma& it has now a Burnham of means, which Directors have voted to advertise the above notice is noodlet• to add that the`Association Commando highest Vodka! API of the aga Address, (postpaid,) Dr. CEO. R. CALHOUN, Ong i ink Surgeon, Ilowanl Association Philadelphia, Pa. , 0 of the Directors, IIY Id" EZRA D. lINARTWELL, Preside aprilll. GEO. PARECHILD, Bocretit. cnAsooxLnr: .11i1tth1 1j a, la
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