Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 02, 1856, Image 5
II ~ .- .. - " litarraites - . . . . . . In Carlisle, on the 26th ult., ti 3 the Rev. C. Fl Whig, Mr. JAMES WILSON HENDERSON to :JANE. BY ERS, daughter of .t 1 late Samuel Alexander, kEsq. of 'Oar/isle. - .• • • • • i. . On_tbe Ist inst., 'by 'the 'Rev. A. G. Marlatt,, Prof. D. R. COOVER, .of 'Baltimore Female 'College, to Allss GALLIE J., eldest daughter of Wm, N, Porter, Esq., of Carlisle. ~ ' " <New Iltmertisements. BELLES •LETTRES'. The : Seventieth AsinivoiSnry.of the Belies Lettres ,343ciej.y of Dickinson College, will take place ti.t.B o'clock et MONDAY EVENING, July 7th, in the 11. E.Churelt. l'he friends of •the Society and the public in general, tie rip69l,fully invited to attend. , D. M. CLOUD, R. M. EARIIART,• • o • • - .J. M. - C. HULSEY,. • • . B. C. LIPPINCQTT, • . .IL.SLAPE, - J. J. MUTE, • • - Oottunittein' •. .1011 N Arne 25M5G---2w. ' .P. SOCIET) - the lawn ViiilosopithYal Society. , tvill Le celtibreted at the 1..8. Church, on the 'iv - ening of the BM lITII OF JULY. lie friends of the Society, and- the public, are respect-, ully invited to attend, .f :R. CARSON, • 11. C. KING, LONG, SAMU BFqic, • WM. • - RKYNoLos. • • • Cum 111 Mee. ' • BAWL J. JON,ES, Chairman :Tune 25,1852 w. , • . - , • • • 4 - 4 10 R".A.- SS 0 CITA T FELLOW-CITIZENS:- , :-Througli the . Urgent san itation of friends, have been induced .00ffur iuyecif a candidate forthe:office of an ASSOCIATE JUDIIE, Cuinbcriend cOunty,At the ensuing general election. 'lid very reispectfully solicit your sulTrag,es 'said of ice, pledging.myself, if elected, to, discharge the_didies I the same - with impartiality ; and with a strict regard '6 the demands of the law and public justice. CLEM-ENS 31'F:0i LANE. Newton. Township, July 2, ISM. .• FOURTH. OF JULY!' Fireworks !- -, ~... Patriots - dull - pat - Wm aro -roqu,eSted to -call'- and Inply theniaolves vith (ivory, variety of FIREWORKS, v hurotrith • to coinbrato the " glorious Fourth," freihi he large and'elogaut asSortutuu,t-just rerelvNEit , .luly, 2 ' WELLIAMW, 1 0 /011Y GROCERY. . , , ... ~.,... , „ iFARM EitS • PRIIP - A ltE IN • TIME --41QRSE POWERS .3; TII . RESIIING - 51A0j1 rN ES, - 7 -ho-14A in 'tile countiy;.inanitriKifict arni consta n • n hand at the " Chrtiian Foundry and Machine Shop." ...July 2, 1856: : • V. GARDNER.' FRE _TIELII,I) . .: ANNUAL trntzsicr LITER. AY' ItINSTIVITIC he held hi LlTEntax lI.wL, Newvilfe: Pa. on the 'days 17;i61.- his exhibillin firiners; and unichaniefi, artiste nitil the f tdies cordially.ln v ited to tentribute the pradricte t their industry' and skill. . It bas'been objected by some;-that In the published st opt centimes, too - high a reward; has bee:tottered fir ImbeSt nothtiig YtieliVen otiored for , tie second best. In order to obviate this objection; the ' ti :ers have agreed to the following change, viz: For he best Phiiiing, a twtrhorso Plow,. worth ftlff ; for the' and best, $5 to be paid by -the•person to When' the .rot, premium shall have been awarded; for the best lowing (by boy-tinder 11.1) " Scientific Arnerkan." For the.purposeof incitiintllANDS4u.-therfeighboring )unties to bbnorable competition, a SILVKa -A: FLAT SD. RANO S XI: 11JUN will be awarded to, the band which reduces the best music during the Fair, The ltig Spring' Saxe Horn Band, having. procured-a .ft, of new instrumente. - will be In attendance during, bo Ehlr to efillvtifijird — tretasion with spirit-stirring Josh-- • ' As quite a number of app . neatens have boon . nuttle u. - space in witicivt&exhibitot is desired , that those •ho wish .to exhibit many articles. should apply, Pm otarcat as early a date as possihie. - • For full particulars send for a copy Of.the- Rules anti .lSt of Premiums, which we :have published in pain hiefform. 1. Dittati, President, JAB. M'KEERANi , gorretary • • [Juno 2, 1856 • L 7 ETOHUM'S MOWER AND THE I . IL. KEW-YORK. SELF-RAKING REAPER. • hesegent for theso. Mohr:abed machines ban be found t Carlisle, at Hunan's Hotel; for a short, time, when ho fill roceivo' orders for either of the Machines. The teener will recommend Itself as highly upon trial as ors the Ketchum's Mower. AU purchasers of these --eachines-will.havathem_properiv put tap by the-agent timself. uno 17, 66-2w.], J. 0. Me.BRIDE. - - , ... ii 'IOHOLA.RSIIIP for Sale.—A scholar j4ip in Tileklasori College, - of which has epu used, IS - Offered for sale on .lo terms. En %grantCYFlCE. , _June 21,1856. . - TONICS WON'T .DO! •••••-•Thoy never did do more than give temporary " •elfef. and they never will It is because they don't • ,ouch the CAVEI4 ofthe disease. The cause of ell ague Ind billions diseases is tho atmospheric poison called ,linenta or Malaria. Neutralise this poison by Sts NA rust axmloors. and all disown) mused by it disappears ,t eneb. Rhodes' Ferer and Ague Cure Is this antidote Nalarin, and moreover it Is a perfectly harmless ,The certificate of the celebrated chemist, J. It. . Itiltme. of New• York, to this effect, is attached to eve , y bottle; therefore, if it does nmsgood, it can do no 'arm. This is mo, e - than can be said of Quinine, .Arsonic, or ny other tonic In existence, as their use Is ruinous to he constitution and brings on DUMB AGUE, which lover allows a person to feel perfectly well for a single effluent. In Illustration of these truths I annex some extracts front aJotter just received, from a Physician: • tisositrroww, Onto, March 170855. • JAS. A. RHOADS, Dia—Dear Sir: Yoursof 2d Inst., o at - hand. The Cure -arriVed late last_ year, ana the itificulty In gutting any ono to purchase it was greatly ncreased from the fact that a remedrhad been, intro !wed which was growing in favor with the, public as. ' ming better then using'Quinine—not knowing, I pro. ~nme, that the retnedv they used to escape taking QUI. *tine contained the DRUG. ITSELF! --- ylils - romednown - aa • ',notabl BREAK an Ague, hut it h did T not Cure it, tni if could often return with renewed vigor. This one dr.. ' liamstancej deemed-in your favor; If I couldinstitute aesilmoinparlsort between it and your CURIO. The fob' owitii is the result; Throe persons took your "Cure," all'of which were ages of "Quotidian Intermittent Fever," of many • Reeks: standing. They had tried Quinine and other -medics, occasionally missing a chill, but it was (as In' Ili stich cases.) slowly wearing them out, and laying -tho finindatPn of other and severer maladies," '_l did succeed In offectieg a radical cure of all ',three or these • -ages with your remedy, and they have not had a chill since. • In all three of these cases tho" Smith's Tonic" had been used, and would, as before statrd, break the but after a period or two had...eliipsed it Would return. • • I thin,k‘ therewill be no difficulty now in giving to your , A tf rp'n the vantage ground of any other remedy now i use hare. &a.,NVM.IMUKNER, M. D. RIIODES' FEVER and AGUE, CURE, or ANTIDOTE ' TO lAIJA.RIA.. the only gumless remedy in existence is s qual l y m ufti as a PRILVENTIVR, It "CONE." Take' aliills coming nu, aad - ,. you:wUL ' , never have, litnee °no; • -- • . JAMES 'A. RUODT.S, Proprietor, _ • , , , • • Providence, It; T. ~,** * For vale by.IV . A. Knee, and ; Drugglets generally. July, 2. 1856. •,.' , • • NAILS. NAILS I.—l-, pre p:rrod to aupply country Mochas with hails at lanufactiworsriews. SAXTON. . • B.TELLING • FOR •• .BENT.,4-04he welling attaehecl di - RitWline' Sl4 Store;--torth eVee er - Main and Pitt streets.-...Pe§session given ',l-wneilißtely Apply to ~,. t..4...7.1.;11. JAMISON, - Blay 21, ISSO--11w.),, ,, " .At the Shoe Store. :+il, .' . _ 'llO, USICIANS.—For ,salQ, a first,- rate VIOLIN, with box. • Haquiro, at this. office tomodiatoly. • . • . . ritIEA,P TARLETANS.—.A.- lot of lIJJ Whifo Tarlekans i ' for coiroring 'Chandeliers and Pirturo Fralnaa, sato ch9ap . :ny, 1 RR:' • I l k • it I Just fi ° r lr- c . V ers. l e N d . G , mi 9. o ll l A ut lpT o; 'EAK, Revolving fir. ht . Bakes, Square' and Round Teeth, 15r sale -very chea 'Also, a good. assortment of Grain CJadles, of different, makes,- at-11.- SAXTON'S Hardware 'Btore, * East Mnlp Street, Curllslti.' • - • . Juno 11. NTEW • LUM13 . 1113, YARD !--4ILT 1,1 MEL A: Co. ham; opened a large Lumber. Yard at. Mechanicsburg; would &Melte Carpenterit, Builders -and' others;wanting . Lumber to call and see, as they have all kinds of Lumber on hand. All orders 'sent to M.aclanicsburg ,ivill tie punctually attended to. Jtine 11, 1850.-3 - FI:A - k . N ETS I FLY NET - s - L7 k ,, -- .4 . pst,,,,ceivm, one of this largost assort- •t••• . limits of ' FIX NETS over brought to .- .!°. c f..... 1 / 4 >, •this'placo: - eouslsting of Cotton; Linen • • . Oiled Twine Not of all colors. Tho - prices. are so low 11fo people latn't - liolp.vritk•• ibuyingiat - 1 L - S - A - NAIX)NIS -- Chohp -- Ilardwaro—Store, -East — Street. earliiile. • d . .. . - • June- 11, llifik QCYTIIEB V. SCYTHI4.I SNATILS.- GO dozezi Gym: and (;rain Scythed, of all. makes. Aly) a large asserttneut of Snaths of all kith's, Urass and (Train lialten. hay, Manure And Shaking Verks, by the gitp . sttity,just received at the Cheap 'Hardware Stott' of II: tiAX'kOf t l:it.St . ftlaitiStruut, . r3I:ENSP;SUCCESSII- I_CHEAPEST MAGAZINE TN TIIE WORLD. BALLOUS DOLLAR MONTHLY- . DESIGNED Foli 'EVERY AMERICAN,D(*.E. Ellerin raged by, the uitpr6codentett stteceSs which this popular monthly has met : with, and the rapidity ri•ith o Lich It his iticraitsettlts tirculation,-the pfepriotor has reso.ve4 to nnittelt stililnore - worthy of the patronage of the public. That this ailutirablo work is • A_3llltACLlii OF. CHFAPNESS is admitted by ovary one,"contairiing, as It does, One I Itinitred Pages t,f reading matter in each number, being more than any of the $3 ,MagaztirEi.4, and forming tWO rOlnines a year of six ulred pages 'each, or ,'lvretve undred page's of Readtug , Matter per 'antrum for • - nation's Dollar:Monthly is. printed li7ith .new typo, Mom tine white paper, and Its matter is eapertilly coin piled zuht priltitgoJ iIP the hetids of the editor and pro prietor, whit has been known to-the public its connected with the I.lreton press for sixteen years. Its .p:mes con tain . . NEWS. , • • - --M E LTA N - TA ES, , . • AbvE:sullltES;., • 1...D0N,' • BIDD EA l'illkS, - STORIES o 0 THE•SEA, SE ETCIIES, WIT AND II ()MOH. • &v... .h , - • 7 . from the ~best and amst popular writers of this country.. II is athki.sphied With a ..record of the notable .eve is of 'the times, of pftnee anti war, of discoveries Mal meats ciemiring — iti••either lietoisplieri , , fortaim , •: if nrecable - emnpailiciti for a leiSfire inenien-frol• hour, any . - .. where, at home or ItMpad, each number beingeomplete • . • . . . - • No sectarian - siildectg are adadltial 'there- are - enough. eon Iroversai, putaratioas each de voted to meet or clighe. This .work is 4n tended for . • .- ' . , FAIR north or •rlontlf, east or west, and is hued to Oil brim. each month )vith ,chaste, pepular—autLkreplaiu_plisele., lany, Just - such as any father, brother "or friend would M place in U hands of a' tinnily circle:a:lt isjii all Hada 'stamen ts, fresh l aud orleinai, and, what. it purports to be, the cheapest magazine id the-world. Any pertain enclosing est: DOLL - .4a to. the, proprietor; as below; shall receive the Magazine — for one year, or any person sending UFFEIGHT subscribers and 014.111 T. DOLLAIiS, at onetime shell receive a copy gratis. • .. M,-M. lIALLOU, Publisher and-Proprietor. Corner of Torniolit and Brom(told Stmts, Boston uno-lt, . tUST It E.CEI 'ED !—A fresh . invoice . f the fi nest ' - • - teltENCIr - ENCILISI ; OERMAN, •AND- AMEItICAN . • • 11.0T118, SuPei Black F one Doeskin Cassimeres. . . English. Plain ck and Figured do e ,. French Fancy Cassluterelqf all descriptions. Extra American Plain and Fancy do. Whiteand Fancy. Linen - Drills. ' White and Brown.Butik Drills. • 1 : • Mottled and Figured Linen Drills. • Super Black Satin, Barathea and.Orenadine Silks. rilulf, Drab, and Check Chssimores. Figured and Fancy Sillis of all descriptions: White and Fancy Marseilles of every variety. . French, White KidOlovra. r ' ' New Style Colored K4d Moves; extra fine, mechanic's stitch. French Colored Silk Gloves, Kid make. •• • rrr- •-• Fine Lialaatiidßerliti - Srmitnor Gloves. - Super Black Silk Cravats Black Satin and Silk, Stocks. • . • Neck Ties, White and Fancy Lawn Cravats,. Suspenders, Hosiery, Sic.' • - ' • TIIOS. H. SIIIL - ES. June 4, 1850. • • M 0 U ITO Y SPN G S Ao-r will be °limier the reception of viel-. tore on the let day_ of lfily next. Sit uated six Mites 'eolith of Carlisle,' Poniisyl V I the g o rge in the South Mountain (Blue Ridge), through which flows the beautiful Afountain Creek; the locatimi is equal, if not sulierior, to any in the country for good . water, pure air, and mountain . scenery. Those who are fond of bunting and fishing can find amusement, ',A daily mail and daily communication with Carlisle enables visitors to receive their letters and papers in few hours. Visitors leaving Philadelphiaer Baltithore In :the morning will arrive at 4 o'clock; P. M. • The buildings and furniture are now, and every exertion will lie made to make visitors comfortable. SEWER PODLARS PER WEEK under twelve years of ago, at secondtable, and servants, half price. Address JOS. W. PATTON, ' Papertown, Cumberland Co., Pa. • ILEFERENeIf:S.: - O'Brien, Grant' tr. Co.;ll.l.ltlmoiti: -.- ' --- Robert tiarrott,Esq i • - .. '7 Dr: Thomas Buckler - . " " ' -- lion. Henry May,' Beldleman & llayward“Pidladelphigt.' W. S: Campbell. St. Lawrinthe dotal, Phila. lion. Frain - Watts,. Carlisle. ' ..• - Rev. J.-D. Mbrss, .., — " • , - Col. Chas. A. May, U. S. A. 4 ‘, • - - - • Juno 4;1866. 4;1850. . .-- , e., KETCHUM'S MOIV I N DIAOHINES. . - The complete successor Ketchum's Mowing and Reaping Machines for the, last. live . _ - • years has caused a demand for , nearly 10,000. They are warranted to cut from 10 tals'acres of grass or grain in a day, as well as it can be with a scythe or cradle. Price of. Mower, $115; combined Macbine, .135. ' • • PASCHALL" MORRIS & CO., Ith and Market Streets, Phil.. Solo Agent for Pennsylvania, ' Delaware, Mar •• unh and NoW Jersey. A(IRICULTURAL . 1111. e 4 Ridging and Stitvel Plowe, fbr Corn and ' potatoes, Expanding 'Cultivaters, with 'Steel.Teetil of various patterns.- Fipld• and o ar de ir it - arTowa,.lkoed plows,: Revohling llorse•ltakes, patent Scythe' Snathi •RiidTßeyttne, ---- Engllsh-=Lawn Ekythes with rividted backs, soperior Unloading nay Forks, with ropo and tacit)? complete,, and, other articles for tkrzn and gardhn, • • ••• • . • • I • PA - SCR:ATI MORRIS & CO., • , , 7th find Market Streets, Phila.' EtisCeffancolt. ONI LOLL A IC! T_lff:',,)ll4,iJ LION, DAI R Y IMPLEME_ Spaln's Pittent Atmospheric Premium Chuvos of various sizes.. also HLorse•power Churns and 'Fixtures; Butter Worked _(3 varieties) Butter Prints, &e. • PASCHALL MORRIS CO., ' 1 7th and Market Streets,-Phila. Juao 4,1650. earltole geralb. aletp Abner tsements: --- --- - . • TARTIGS, - bleiliciOes,- Chemicals, Per . 1.1 fufrporios, Nancy thiods, Conftietiptiarhis,, Sic., nul ling rapidly for small advanims at ' . . 13: J. KIEFFEIVS, : South ittiVoiet Streht. MEER 8 P 141 N GT AN - D. 8' U I\l .51...e11t • The undersigned invitee the att7ntion of . his old eus toottirs and the public to la. new 'and seasonable as sortitiodtbf-.511.K,. FUR . and STRAW. HATS, CLOTII CAP,S,*&c. fur gentlenum a id *Boys, weir, of the latest styleg and bust quiality. The assortment will be found to ernbrafe,,every sort and size of fiats bud . . Caps for: 1116,i Boys 'Children, from' the- cetnin'ollest- and eheatiest to the most .stylish and, flishlotittble, - such- as 0 - akford's spring styleof gentleinen's lints . ; White; Black, and Driven. Slouch lints, with Fur 'hits tints own man ufacture, Boys. cloth caps of 'various colors iind;prices,' with a forgo assortment of Men's and Boy's straw, hats of different' qualitleS and prices; to stilt the packets, of both rich and poor: Feeling con dent that every pur chaser can be accommodated_ from . his *extensive and varied assortment he cordially invites his friendssto call and examine et blit old, establishment : on Main Street- - „.- „WM. IL.TROUL SPRING & SUMMER 'CLOT lIING . I -HY:MO-VAL. , , • STEINER. k. -11110.• have temporaratlly moved their Sthro to the corner room..of -Burkholder's net el, whole they will be pleased to see their old customers. - - - Film - end Commoh Clothing, =" Plain and Figui•ed - 01 - thing, .; . - ~ • . : Light and sembi.o Clothing •' - • • - Night and morning Clothi . '• Npon and evening e • • , Dress and business fiothldg, Clothing • .• . _ W: , ,liik'and Sunday Clothing, • • • . 'Home and traveling Clothing, • . ' Wight anditeft hued Clothing, , ..: -• ' " Big anti little" Clothing., • • , • Boys' end-yours;; men's Clothing, • ~ • Grave and Stylish Clothing, . • . Cheap.and cheapei•ClOthing, . . , ' .• • - 04. an - y.lam' of Clothing.- --- - ____;__ May ho had at STUIN;EIt & MO'S. ChertP 'Clothing Store.---._..... 'Among their extensive assortment may be found Fine Black and time New 'Style Dress anti Frock Coatmade 'in the Ittesefashions of-Frenchiind Unglich Chtlis- t _ Now style Business. Mats, of Bleck, lirowri, BrUil and Gre • en Clohli, and Plain and Fancy Cesslmeres. . . LinenblinghaM. and . Cotton Coats, of every kind. • Double and Single-breasted .Vests, an endless variety of Plain. and Faney : Silks, SatiW.Cacchwes, firma dines, and 518 i-seines. &c.. Fine. Mack Trench, Doeskin • and Nancy; CBSSIMCM ilanta ; Plait Light-Colored Fancy Cassimere Tants •-•' Spridg Styles. . , Also a full assortment of Shirts. Collars. Bosoms, Cra 7 vats, l'Ocket 1 landherchteni, Suspenthws Stocks, (iliv - v4s lioser:,. and Umbrellas. .- Carlisle, April Mile:el.. .r' • . 5..2 - --.• -' - AS (I 000...-2945,tr;?i'T5i11,,,'9,}ipK,,,.-,l,Y:' - "... SPRING LITERARY INSTITUTE," of :110641f0, Cunilmrlontl. Co.,' PA - ; -- " - . - • . Grand and extensive Sait! t.f ' I. . 80. 1 lizi. .itEA L ESTATE, Sc. The procCeds °film sale tube-devoted to liquidating the. .Debt of the institute. Unparalled Opportunity to buy a. valuable Roth, and become a Silareiliiillill' n oiinch valuable property. - - LIRE i'; - tIfINNIS../N'S GREAT .AVOltic- WI TUE 51olt311.1„ , ;$. - af. only' - 4.100 Dollar per eopy—Ehivert-ileeks for Tefi - Dollar,;. Gunnison's I iktbry of the liornibto is -by-tie' thunnost acturitte Jind reifible work we have of ',hat deluded people.. , in order that every mesa!' may bccenlo a Sharehelder, the. price of a nowt and Cortitb cute of Alemberhilip of tile. Association w ill be, only' - $l: The Ce. titivate c, ill entitle the holder to ail - interest In the folloeing •" 7 '.:'" ..- ,--------- I,ALL'AIthE - REM. ,-- ES:TATE, &c.-• . ". 1 VALUABLE IMPROVED FARM, - • . ' $4,100 - With all itecehsary.Out-litfilviings, situated in - Cumberland Valley-, near Nu wville,containing 190 acres. • ' ' . 1 VALUABLE FARM; .-. • • . Adjoining the above, containing 123 acres. VA LUAIthE TIMBER LI ITS,- . . Of fiU acres eat:110:i tUa tea in Mifflin township, Cumberlatel county, . . .2 VA LUAltliii - '4'l3lll4ft LOTS, 3,000 Of 25 acres e h ch. • •- 1 SPLENDID NEW BRICK lIMISE, - '2,000 2 Story and Brick Building, adjoining the Hall - . on the UW.44 3 11111111,Y IMPROVED 0UT4.013, 1,500 , Of.over 3 acres each, within half a mile of New . - - ville, at $3OO each. - , ... 100 Orders Sir II EltßoN'S CELEBRATED WRIT. INU INR, ht $3 per order._. - ' 1 MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD PIANO, ' • Front the celebrated Factory of Wm. Kual) & 'Co., Baltimore. ' , • . . . .. 1 Superior Melodeon. 2 Splendid Hunting CASE) Gold Lover Watches, at $lOO each, - 2 Splendid Hunting:Case Ottld•Luver Watches, - . 5 SplendidsBl-50, . 17 5 tOold Watches, at $5O each, . ' . 250 15 splendid Ladies' Gold lVatches, at. 's,so.each, RIO 10 tine Silver Lever Watches, at $9O each, - . 250 12 " • " Watches, at $.90 each, . • • 240' 11 superior Parlor Clucks; at $5 each, • - . 1 ; 1 0' 60_ " Gothic •• .3. , • 150 50 . •'. Cottage " II — 150• 1 excellent Family Carriage (latost•style); • - 200 1 " Rockaway '•• 175 1 ". 2114_114044fY, - -' ' - - . . , 175 1 excellent Spring Wagon,. 100 1 superior Two-horse Road Wagon. . . 100 2 sets Splendid Harness (sllvermounting), ' . aa 2 extra - S:panbth Saddles, , 75 -2 superior Walnut Sofas, .• . •• - . ; -110 1 magnificent Sofa Table, '' - • ' . ' 45 ! 2 ' " • I Dressing Bureaus; ." 150 1 splendid Secretary, ' . 50 4 Dining Tables (extra Cherry),• • • 50 . . 4 itedsteads, 5O 2 sets Chairs, at $l5 per set, • • 30 3 Imported Carpets, 20 yards each, $2O per. piece, . tki 2 lionte-mada Carpets, extra, each at $2O per • carpet, . . ._. . 40 8 furter Stoves; at $l5 each, - 120 2 Orders'for Suits Black Clothes, at $3O-each, 60 2--- ~" - Silk Drosses, $3O each, , - 7- 8 II Clothing, 15 ' ' . 120 10 " Hats, 50 12 " Boots,, -- 0 - --- ',. 72 12 ". Gentlemen's `Shoes,43 50 each, , 49 12 " a thdtere, 4_oo . .to 12 " - Ladles' Shoes, - 200 24 100. Gold Pencils, at $2 each,' • - - . 200 200 Gold Pens, at $1 00 Osrlr, ' NO 100 Boxes Assorted Perfuniory,at $1 00 each.. --- 100 40 copies well-hound Miscellaneous Wake, at $1 50 , .t.,.. 'each, . 15 Ladies' Albums, ilt 12 each,.-_.- '• • . ... 8U 500 pieces Popular Music, • x/52! .This Association is founded. upon honest and far principles. Each hook purchaser gets the value of-his' money in the booh, and on account of the great nußtser sold, becomes it shareholder in much vahlulfhl prif, _Baty. A certificate will be presented to each Moak 0 ptir-, etar,,otititling-the.holder_toilnintere,lll the above" _valuable property. As soon as the books are all sold, notice'will bd•glyett -to the stockhoidertionti a conven tion will be holdin•Newville, at - the Institute's Hall, when a Committee will be' chosen, to whom the Pro pertY will be Aelivered, to he distributed feinting the shareholders. All toe articles that can, will be oxhib:- trd at the Institute's Fair, on the 12th of August.- iom -the very flattering manner in which this Joint S ock•Association is received and patronized; and from t number of tickets already sold, it is confidently be eyed that the property , can be`delivered to' the shard -7 elders in a few Months. For the character of the ‘• Bia SPRING LITERARY Issururr," and those connected with it. we are -permitted to refer -PAL the- folloying gentle.- men 1 . • ___ _ _ REFERENCES: . . lion. Jas. Pollock, Gov. of Poem's. • i. on. Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster. • ..' ' lion: Frederick Watts, Carrel°. -• , • llon,'Lom..Todtl, Mem. Con., Carlisle. --",-- ' • • • Senator Wm. 11. Welsh, York. -lion. Win. F. Murray, lfarristntrip. Win. Rnabe & Co., Baltimore. . -, • Win..llShearer, Pros. Aitt'y, Climb. On., Fa. ;Dardel.Shelly,,Sup, COOKIDU Schools. John W. llnindt. Es 9., .). fr an i s buig,„ Boyer. it Ihvithor, . . Vi1b..41 1, orderS fbr Books . and Certificates, by malt, should be addressed to ' JAMES MoKESIIAN, See. ,4 Big Spring Literary Institute ) " • Nevurille, Cumberland Co., Fa. MI AGENTS WANTED, In ovary Toivn and Village in the :United States, to obtain eubseriptione for ,Dooks, to whom,n coxnuilletion will be given. All Lefton; of Inquiry, oceonipaulPd by a rootage Stamp, wJll bo .primptly..nuswered Juno 1.8,1880, . . . • .._ ARDWAItE . !: 1-lARDWARE !- ' V I OTICE.- . --All, persons- having ei. „ . ,•, , I_THE LAIIIIEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY! . ' .j 1 mankJ against mo will call and serrme, and . AMIN I'. LYNE & SON, wholesale andr. •-- .`-e-ms to : indohteit WHIM, the same hefOre the let -or April, American, Gorman and English IlardWare atm tmtlery,i their acenuntg Will be loft with the• proper person r ite.,'lnvito tliii attention of Mechanics, Farrnem and the 1 cAlection.._ . 1 . Mar.51 ' • (IEO. ,M".. HILTON. public generally, to our unusually large stoelt, confident i that we aro selling goods on more reasonable terms than c. gp . 4 . upor_house In tho . couniv.- 4ilkpril i1 . 66,_ . . WALL :).4PEtt, JOITN - P,LYNI , I - ,C SON . e . havthe pleasure of informing the public: that they have at, last'Completed the eulargequtut ~51 - their storc,: and are new revolving the largest and - most .varied its sertment of Wall Paper. And Whitlow Blinds ever opened itntlarlislo. A call la twitched trent those wanting Paper ITangTiags df any kind, as we are confident that all van, be supplied:from our mammoth stook:: 'At the old stand, North llavever street. April 0, 18513. --- - ... . WALL . PAPEII.----Just received Ai T V, splendid stock '9f - Paper hangings, Window Shades and, Yiroboard - Printli, embracing all the iiiiivel•t, and inert approl'ed styles: . ThO designs aro 'nent nod an l eliaf t a, ittliti prices suid.i.:iiiiileanuldlitil togire:nqii, _ ,_, foetiOn. 0 Invite our friends aud the piddle ginheral- iy to mina d oxtuninp our assortment before purchlikwg k ohniwbere. . •, ° IL. SA:XTON, ; I .' march:h . ' - East Main - Strertithirlis I • ._ - • • - ENV- if AR D IV i AII 1 , :.. STO.R K.-- _,' ---w 6T MAIN STI;EET, NEAit Tilt RAI!. liiiAD — PWOT r • ' The subscrilters, located iti• the room Itytoky occupied by Mrs; Foust as a grocerOtor,e, west Of. the liail hoed Depot. have ju.A.opellealtli4tittlre TIOW 'stock of - 11 ARR. ',WA ItE, to which they wawa call the attentlorimf their Mon& and the public generally. The stock, which is largo and variedovas selected with especial reference to the wants of the public, and consists in part of the ftillowing. . BIJIIADING HARDWARE of all, kinds such as locks, latelle, hinwts, !mils, bolts, screws. kinds, , comprisittg every article dr Hindman) used . 1p building,- null re-- - pairing: - Also -glass,-putty, palitts,- brushes, tic., of the most approved swality and_on the most, reasonable • _. CABINET' MAKERS--Thu attention bf Cnbl»ot, :Bakers is invited to our assortment, of varnishes"; -veneers,. knubs,.rosetts,-_mouldings, A:c., which will Le found equal to any in the county. , SADDI.ERS and CBACIIMAItEItB will find 'in their department all tbd articles ustially required in their line efliusluess, such as Steel'Orings. axles, ite. - PAPER—The assortment of Wall l'aper_eni braces a complete variety of new•and choice pateras of every qualityould at such . prices as cannot Sill to' give satisfaction. • Also.borders, wiadoW shades, dc., he. 11()Urili KEEl'itltS arc invited to call and examine our stocic of cutlery, plated ware,'ApQnns, ladles,-rolfea candlesticks, sntiffers,,wititers, shovels and tongs,` stair reds,'. htdlnw war.i; 'hrass and iron 'kettles, Fedi, irons, &c., which we Intend to sell very 16w. - - • - PARMincii ff —•For the use of Farmers we !MVO an end less variety , /d' all the artieles adapted to tlibir line of trade, usually folliid - twltardware Stores, sueli as,-plows, forks. spades, shovelkes, Karnes , traces, halter. &e.r all at the very st rates, to which We call their espeCial notice- - • . • . NTECIIANICS, invite the, attention of Merhanies generally to our sleek 'of edge tools, plalafts, levels, saws, braces, bats, augers. hammers, files, rasps • fie. which we know to be of a superltw quality: ' lift ON and ST.tillhof all-kinds constantly on hand and foralti chehN ' , , . - •rTlion cctra9,.fripnd, and ifiVll.llS' a rall_and -ottr.g; oals..ak sv.l.4.lrxe for showing theta; am! _figna.a_tdrieVaLtoliel t 140;11;4'41 'ar cialignod'ate w+i „11-1,.. I o nitwit a slia ;Icor - Wildly im!rott lige.. Don't fortt,,l, 'Weht. Maid . :..-trvet, wod'of Alio Railroad _ . April 1, 1851—1 , ..) . S.TAYMAN A IT,. NS; .IlltAreffulteau. - • . • • ..•...... ____..._ , . ItEMONT-il).-1 , ;..N I,f. 1 \ l l :14N 1) & CO'S . • i wholesale otstl retail 1.061 i I l‘ti tiI.AIAS AND Pie- Tll ; FRAME MANUFACTOItY, N 0.120 !LRCM at root, oppoidte the Theater, Philadelphia. , .0. N. 40. Co. roceivad the only Prize Medal, awarded at the Cristal Pahtee exhibition, N.Y., 1853. in the United litotes, for allt,,Doceruted. Mantel and PletGlasss. IMIN 3,510 OM FUItNISIIING MUMS, IN .11. 'WEST 111 Gil Is:TREET,,OIiTOBIII: UlthCEßY.—The undo; signed, haring located himself, permanently in Carlisle,'lnn opened a 'Shop and Smut itlry3 ItOOlUs oVilete IV; intends to Manufacture and keep constantly-on hand of ery Variety of Parlor and Chainber :h . FURNITURE' and CHAIRS. !laving considerable ‘'experience in the !tininess, and intending to pay " personal attentioirtiLthe work and pnisla of his furniture,iie °attach; to give general satisfaction to all those who.thay hivor Lim with, their custom. It will be his dish to attend to business with as .mach promptness as s posiAble. and will thitik_ncthlutt in his tipo univerthy his attention. . Ile Will warrant his work to he good. neat and in the latest styles, wall tinishe'd, andivill Fell at the lowest prices possible for rash. Ilacing furnished himself with an excellent,' ho will he ready to fill any orders In that line, prompt- - and - on the most reasonable terms. =.4'd—of._furniture_retialredand_rmdressed promptly acid in the best manner. Carlisle, April In; Ina • 1,200 •300 . • - NEW G0011S:--The smb.:,:iilyer has . just returned f-. , a the idly ma. I, - petting a general assertmentrof •ratw.. mai r tdpl , ll wk eonsist 'lug of French :MOH fIOPS. Col 1111! F Alwo,s.s. Meted Cashmeres and Alow. , I, 1,1,1ne,' lire,s sill s In great variety. hong Brorinc 11m wIA Intir sit, to f 20. • Frelleh Wankel Shawls. Cucuta le II lid Sw ii.t. Eflaiags and In. s,rtlms and cambric and Swiss COI lOU. • Marino and Rilk Shirts and Graces. .Press Trimmings in great variety with other Nancy and Staple Gorda. , .. nov. 21. '35. . GEO. W. 111TNER. . 1 ..8 7 C I . 14 1 RESII ARGIVI4 ~..) •O . assuis OF 11 A RDWAILE I lif.Nßit SAXTON.' 1 . 11.1 ettl'* , l"l/11.W.Iltivio returned fmm the city would call the atto,tioo of his, friends and the public to • the large sod well selected assortment of llzu-dware whic.ll liu lout just mccived, consisting In part of IIUILDIN(i MA TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, locks, bolts - glass; putty; Ac, TOOLS—‘mgo tools; 6.9U8 and planes 6. every doscription, with files. rasps, hammers, anvils; Sc. OLASS of every description anti quality.:—common glass of different brands, whits polished American alas!, drench, glasi'ef all Sizes, double thick glass of all sires, ground enamelled glass; ke. A general assortment of SITOEMAKEIIS , AND SAD DLERS TOOLS , morocco, lining and bind ing skins, shoo thread, was, pegs, lasts, harness mount. lug, tmddletree,s, *C.' • COACI! TilligletlNO-ireanvass .(plain, enamelled. fig ured -and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather, Axles,. Springs; hubs; spokes, tbiloes, shads, Ac., Ac. Cabinet 'Slakes-1 will find a large assortment of yarn ishesonahogany•and•wainut seneers,moulding,resettes, hair cloth, curled hair, Ac. • WHITE POL . 'S!! PAINT -L-A now'artielo for making 'a beautiful, white and brilliant polish, for dining-rooms, .parlors, .to. ••• • • litON- 7 -A, large stock, comprising all kinds in general use. Styßemember the old stand, East i lligls Street, Car , , • • ltlareit 20,1850.1 IlhlfilY SAXTON. TiREAD - AND . pAKE ju . WM. F.SELI.V.BI3, South Hanover Street, would respectfully Inform-his friends and the pubile that Wu still ontitinues to carrY otetbe above hushiess at his old stand throe doors south et: the Second Pres byterian Church, Where be Is prepared to supply all who will twit on him with itRESIt EItEAD and OAXES of all Icinda,msatitifsctured from: the lest superflee flour. POUND OAKES will be. flirnished to order,ou shortest notice a..d In the moat pleasing stide?.‘,l6llFresli Bread will ho furnished daily to &Wiles 'ih any part of the, town on baying notice lit " A superior quality ,of Mead a-d Beer, WM he kept . constantly on hand - during the fluintrierS4soli:., Thank -fed for past favors, the.undersighett lies by strict at toution to Unloose andtt desire to Pletuel;tobierittin - d receive a liboralshare of public patronage. also attend nutichiltWith Brceol and Oakes. • • • W. F, SELLEIR.S. yIiAEREL,' LMON, 11ERRING, - PORK; . HAM AND SIDES; SHOULDERS,.. • • - LARD AND CUREAR. -- s~ r aftrin,uare. ALEX. IL EWING Constantly on band and tar sale by J. PALMER & CC. ; Market St. Wharf._ P 144prii 185h4Vne,IPilla, nolices. - 7 -- " T • CIaING-IVEST , !---.1 have detennint ...)i—tcrprWestroriAheribti-jamo,max.f._. I will fore soli olf alGor any part .of my steek of GOODS OA clothing at cost. '/Don't fall then to 'call a few dog. • above the pipit-odic:o4f yomare looking fOtgood verSons who know themlefv"Visindelded by noto or be , • ' Acceurit will make paynrintiin or before said day. • • May 21, 18511--liv.] • CHAS: liAlll4l'l7. • • _ - . ..... r STATE OF • .I.IUGET - . I;AULLI , i j 11.,:1t,. Esq., driressed. Nntien is hereby' glion t 1„... - Letters of Administration on the'estote' of flush Gni: • . !liglior, Esq.; demised, have been grunted — to - lbo — Fil - ------. 0 ribor. All . pargaritr knowing thenisolve indebted': tail estate , are requbsted to nutire immentate iiiimir• , . And thotio litiving elaiuts will present thorn for sett moot t o NitED'IC. WATTS,.. . . . • April 23.41355--Sw• • . v . !.,..... Administratnr ; _, • -i••-!' • - STATE --- OF - LI N". 1j deceased, Notice, is hereby gly'en that Lett. •Testamentitry en tile estate of Ceorge Lutz. demos, ".;-. late of Monroe township, Cumberland county. haim loe grimier' by the Register of sold county to , her, residing In the Fare. township. - All perches kru liiii,.thehiselves Indebted to said estate are required nialiltimmeillatepaymentmudLthose having balm, present thorn fur settlement to April 15, 1856-6w.] ruEN • .P1?,11. CENT: A YEAR.-71 subscriber le authorized to digpcseof the lira rind Mortgages bf the 'Racine and Mississippi Pail itt • ComnarrY. , Those ..lionds. besides having the Ball Bt. for gentrity; have 'the. strong-additional FrT urity Mortgages of the valuable Farina along the Wee of I Ball jfeati. -These:Fart:es are appraisediew.and a no_ gani given for two-thirds of their rush vnitte. Th. Mortgages accompany the Bonds., -The. Bonds bear ter:Vst at Lou per,cetil, a pear: payabb3 - lyalf yearly: - Cr pon-ri-cire attached.. The Bonds are payable In five ye: from the lUtit of May. 1556. • These FaMns and the knit nomt.nre highly span., • periMni4 who haite.gone from this country out the. , :TO further informathni eau- be obtained from the fru . scriber. • WM: h. CHAMBERS. May 27.1856.[ Chambersburg, Pa • ..._ . . . A RT UNION of the OfAMBERSBUIf , HOPE IhltE COMPANY.. _ Beetatiful Engravings, Magnificent Masi From to very rapid sale of Engravings, thoDistributirig Comm: tee begs leave to announce .that. it has selected, • • - - - SATURDAY, the sth•ofauly,' for thedistributlou of. the - various raltiable and Map Rona gifts ameng..the purehasgrs of engrav logs Intl Chambershurg Hope Bin Conmany's Art Union. .• -Ear.,ir purchaser of an engraVing at SI has an Interre pi the distribution: • The nuniber of:mu:tying:3U br surd will not, for any consideration;exeired 200 d. • kor partteulars see rill bills. .. ' , - •--JOHN-ONMPAELL: • May 2S, 1810,—:iw.) - • Agent for S U 31' lila A R 11, ANG gN - s ralqvi 17,"4;17. ... AN • (I) , LBEALI S VALLEY 'R. :R.- T • • -CIIANGI: 01 1 ii.OrntS1 — • in and a4er . MONDAY.t May_ 26th, 1850:- Paspengt, Trains ivlil run us_fulloirs: . o 4 uTlays excepted FOR HARRISBURG = --"--- Ist Train. ' .• 2d Truir ... . „ . Leave'Cliambersburg 3.30, A. M 4.20, I'. - A - 'Shippensburg, '• ' .0.03,. " ' 4.33, " Nowvillo, 0.30. ‘7 - 5.20, ' " • ' Carlisle ' - J,. • 7.12, " - 0.00, ".. " •Mochanlesburg,:, 7.40, tf• . 0.28, ". At Harrisburg, - B.OS, " 6.30, ". ;;OR CHAMBEItSIIIIIIO. • , . Ist Train. 24 Train --- - 8.50, A. 51 . 1.1,'31,1'.1, 9.25, 9 1.32. • ".."' . , 10.02,. " , 2.10, ' 10.37, " - • 2.43, 11.09, " • 3.14, 11.37, " 3.42, . " 0 " -- .TRAINS .. _ • - --, ~ !kayo Harrisburg tor Philadelphia at 8.40 A. 111.., 7.; P.M..,oyia Columbia. ' ' Leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 3.301.514 12:55 not,' end 5.05.1'. M. ' ',.. , . . Leave Harrisburg for Baltimore, at 8.50 A. M., , iii') - ht 2 P. 51- Crel :: of Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road leave Ha , : ~ '. rlshurg for Auburn, lleading, be.. daily. ' .. , .tra-At all Stations Wherelleltets are sold, Fares ro TEN CENTS 14.14 S than the Cars. , - . 0. N. idllito„ Superintendent 11811 Road Office, Chamborsburg,} ,- . May 20. 1855, ' ,' Le&vo Iltirrlsliurg, • Mocleanicsburg, " Carnal , ' " Shlppotieburg, At,Chambundirg, TAIPORTANT TO EVERYBODY..- -- For the list throe years I havo boon •ongaged in - buizhvo - iisTkuo - wn - oiily to - myself, - and - coMparatively fert others, whom I .have instructed for tho sum or $2l. each, which has - averaged 'no at tho - utto 83,014 to $5,000.p0r- nun urn And, having made amnginuon •tri•go4o-14 iropu-litAlio.le-a.ll,, in the'samo bu. ,go., ..ropu-itt•sue..-........ _ , „ less, I am willing; to give fell,instructions in thwart 1. tny persons iri•the United States. or Cahadas, who wi entit me the sum a $l. I ant induced, from the im, ess I have lawn favored with. and the many. Manta'. icknowleaktetnents I have received from those whom ' i ;lave instructed, and who are making from ' VIVI: TO FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER DAY , . 1 it it, to give any person an opportunity to engage I , tbusiness. which is easy, pleasant, - 'and very profit: i ,at email cost. There is positively 'No 111.11401:10 I fi It tie matter. kteferences of We best class can be given ..• i•elards Its character, and I can refer to persons whom ' have , instructed, who will testify that they, are malth from 85 to 815 per day - at the same: It is a business: which either • . . LADIES OR GENTLEMEN • • can engage, and with perfect ease make a very hall, same income. .Soveral LADIES in various parts of .Ne. York State, Pennsylvania and Maryland. whom I ha' instructed, are now making from $3 to 86 per day nt i • It is a GE.NERAL austsgss, and but ,a dollar or two is r , quired to start, it.. Upon, 'reheipt of ftl-. I will Int, diettely send to the applicant a printed circular contai , Ing full instructions in the art,_ which can be ktrNet.. understood at once. In the month of May last, I sent my adiertisomeni .--•- to the editor of the " Reading Gazette and. -Democrat. Redding. l'a., and also sent him ono of my circulars - Instructions." •On Rs riicelpt;andOn avarefulexamin:: Lion, be inserted the following editorial in his paper: • ' " We call attention to the advertisement of Mr. A. Parsons, of New York; headed " IYPIPITANT TO EVFItI, Sony," which will be found in another. column. Mr. I tuts sent us one (Ibis circulars, alluded - to .in the vertisement, and on examingtionmo-and it, as he say, • it is; tireatiitribilf.lifitkliglitTeiwiratidthonarabl.eltrw_, Rem, acid ono a that , may be made profitable on v OR'^l ttltling efipital," - • All letters must be adchessed to'A. T. PARSONS,Iii 'Broadway, Now York. , [Juno 2Mtn. •-• DIIILADELPHIA . L • EVANS' FIRE .4 TRIP'S PROOF SAFESI for merchants, lawyers, farmers, and others, hardily. Hooks, Papers, or other valuables, to preserve froro ; PIRE or BUM/LADS. Day and MaiWe (Robb's) BANK LOCKS. A Cello.--Tlici "Firs. Proof Safe," that preserved on Books. Pape c., during the great Fire at Hart:— Buildings, was purchased of OLIVER EVANS, 618. St., Philadelphia. ' • GETZ & DUCK. Iti.IFRICERATORS & WATER 'FILTERS. . EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for ceolle- . and preserving meats, butterp.nlilk, water, and, • a.; articles fbr culinary purposes.. • • • ~ WATER FILTERS for purifying brackish or =dd. - • ~-w ater,:whether alfeeted' by rains,. limestone,- marl, other , causes; can' bad separate or iterrlgonttoric7-a small quantity of Ice.cooling the who; , .: • r,in-the warmest-weather._ .... _„ , .PORTABLE SIIOWER, BATIKS, use warn or told water. .., • , W ATEIt COOLERS, forlletels, Storesiand STORE , !FREERS, for moving boles, bales; La. • • ' . SEAL PRESSES,,,CopyIug do., Druggist 'do. - • • OLIVEIt EVANS. No. el South Second St.,( 2 doors below Chesnut. March 5,1850-Iy.. ' (Established in 1835.) • IiDtAR& DOOR ROLtERS:—A nem 'LI And stiporior articlo for lipnglng RS Doors. Ju.l. rooolyed and fbr solo.* Ff,MON'S. I=3 JOHN LUTZ 11ENRY Linz, ExecutorF