Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 02, 1856, Image 3

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    - '7•llloiiiiii : (o - ;
. ,
• • , . .
It II - 0 -., 0
F L -A ,-.N: D .. .? S
Proparedily; • :- ••' . -
. . " bit. o. ift..4, 4 e.ilite:s, iglu oistliftfa, PA:
.. . . y will effectually cure
C.diroulc or Nervous Delality, Diseases - of the Ki'dney's,
and all disease:l arising (tout a disordere'd'
. • '' -- ' . - Liver or Stomach. ~.. • • . " '
such us ' .."." '
- : : : 'Constipation,
. • .
~ . -.• t inward Piles, Full- ' - • .
, . aess ur Blood to the lletur,
. .
Acidity of the Stomach, NMI- , • '••' •
; •- . • -sea, Wart burn, Disgust Int• Fetal, '- .: - -0
. " . hull 1105 S or-Weight Ott the Stettiaeli;
• . Sour Erueltti - titst.Slu king or Fluttering •
.it the-I R.4.0e rtoteacti, Swimming of • • '
.___ * the Wad, 0 urriKftlid lifillealt Breathing,.. --".
,at the_ liiiart, Choaklng - ur sulfoca- • . •
ting Sensatimi 4 when In a - iyi mg pustire, Dimness
' • in"Vision,'Detitof wobs before the Sight, Fever •
• and dull...pain in the Goad, Deficlenoyof • :
, Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and •-•
' . Eyes, -Pain. in t lie *Side, Back,. Chest, '
:-. •
Limbs,. Ate, Sudden "Flushes ,of . .
• - nest, Burning .in the Flesh, ~ .-
, Constant Imaglaings of .
-. . :Evil, and .great Oos . .
. pressien of • • '. •• '
- " . • Spirits
The proprietor in-calling tho - uttentlen of the public
to this preparatie it, dues to with a feeling of the utmost
-- saintidence in - ICS +irt 110$111111 - adaptation' to. - thIrtiISCLISCN
-- !In' which It is reeomniituded. s.. -• . - ..• . -- _
- - -- 'lll - siar - Mov3nd -- utitried - nrticle - , - but one -that has
. stood the test'of a toil years' trial before the American
perple, and its reputation.and sale is unrivalled by
any: similar preparations extant... The testituorty in Its.
: favor given hy the most prominent :thil well known
l'hystalans and Individuals in all parts of
is immense. 4 .. . • s
. , Are - Sources of insanity.. From disorder 'or obstructitu,
amarbitt Action .of_ine _gym pa the tie' aes
and .other nery
--- fellow.e.,'aatrche fiinctithis of theta:on are Impaired and
deranged; derangement there will also produce disdas
ps of the heath, skin, lungs and kidneys. It is owing
tit the same cause that thousands die with Ch 0101 V,
Bilious or Yellow Fever,.itud that most baneful disease
; Consumption. - . .
I:tn.:general yant of success in treating diseases of the
• liver and titonalt. has nut been a deliblency of patholo
gical d knotvlellgduk OM,' fatly-lions-but of a suitable
ceummiud that would netupon the ilisease and - nil the
,sympathetic alectiens.. That has been gained In these
Bitters : and they 0311 be used by persons- with. the
'-,ntost delleate sOmnaelil. with perfect safety-as they at
no time debilitate the patient, but give strength,,and
therease the nervous energy. They can he taken at all
Omni; Spat "Ander all ci eon mita eves; . "Niraili nary expr
sure will prevent, them. having a salutary effect, and
ilo,hadeiTect• aft from an over (luso. : '
' ,If patioats 4 , 41 persevere In the use of ibis remedy,
and use itittrictlyiteemding - to - directions, it 'kill cure
" the foregoing - diseases in every
,instance; if not beyond
— the power of hied lei ti eil it r li - a.s caused •...atiany• to enjoy
, the blessing - of - ruumied health, and in many desperate
i . .
• and abvid,oned cases, alft i rleettind.radical cure. . ,
- -•-;" \\-- -Pithl t iONS-Ali VANCED, IN DIVE, .
And feeling the hand a -Time weighing heavily upon
thetathem witli - ali its attendant ills, will find iffi he use of
Ellser that will instil itew`llfe into their
veins; restore, in a measure • the -energy a„ltd,,ardor of
. Mere youthful days:_ build up their shrunken. forms.
and glee health .and lumpiness to their thanaiiiing
years- . . .. . .
It is,a well established fact, that fully title-half of the"
• female purtlon of olir_punulatibia; Aire seldom in the en
,' joyniiint of good' heal t it, or Its USO:thulr own; eXprefell , in
4• never feel well." 'they are languid. &Vold of all en
` orgy, -extroutely nervous; and' ntiviint) appetite. .To
this ass of. lirvalidti, taste •nitturs_ur evuoially,ru•
cfnintendutl: Taw' panfliar tunfe and invigorating
—p r opeanisirender t ililia in ValUilbll.o II - Sakai OMSK -.
POrlialS• vlsittag glistricts ItarraT.sed. • annitaiTy with'
- , NATURE, will find that by - the thftely Usb'of one or
l c
leo bottles - , they will not lit one instance take the tild
!----tose, as the Bitters will renovate and strengthen the
. A ss i eni and carry the bile mitt in its natural' •titituuel. , -
Prevouilon is better than cure. ' .•----:-..._______
And free trout Alcoholic Stimulant, and all injitrious
... ingredients; are pleasant in taste 4 lid stimuli, tall 41 - In
their operation,' will expel all morbid secretions from
the Mly, give bloom to tie -pall/3' cheek, and health
and vigor to the flume. . .
' 1-_ - .19•10e 75 cents per bottle. ' . ,
Principal Oillea. No. 9ti ARGIL street, L'hira, Pa.
• Sold by
,Druggists - and Storekeepers In' every town
.' •
and vlllagitin the United - States and Canadas, aud by
all Druggists In Carlisle'. . . iMay. lb, 11356.
Doves Lac, Mick., Mar. 11,11156.
J. at: REIODES, Esq.: Dear dir, As 1 took youi,miedi
ern° to sell on consignment, no cure no pay,' 1 take
pleasure in stating Its effects as reported to me by three
brothers who live in this place, and theirteatimuny is a
Mir specimen oral/ I NM received., _
W. S. CONKLIN toltime , --•• haul taken tilnelbottlos of
Christie's itguo Du Isom, and continually run down
while u s ing it until my bugs and liver were 'congested
to that degree that blood discharged from my mouth
—and-bowels,-sokhat-ill_thougut_it_impossiblo. for uto to
Live throilgti another chill. Ihe doetoistoo did all
could for me, but thought Litiust die.. Nothing did me
any good until 1 got 'Rhodes' Fever and . Ague Cure,
; which at once relieved moot . ..the distress and tutusoa at
my Stomach and pile in .mr head and bowels, and pro
duelist a perumneut curie in a short Urns."
11. M. CONKLIN says—••l bait been taking medicine
of as a good a doctor as we have in our county, andtaketti
any quantity of quinine and specifics without any 'goad i
results„from:lsth of August to i'ith'of December. But
seeing how nicely it, operated on my brother, 1 got a
bottle of itIIODN.3 .- NEVER ANia Adus CURE, which
edkOted a permanent cure by uslifg twodhirds of a bottle:
• S. AI. Conklin was not here, but, both the other
brothers any his case was the sa.lllo'll4 U. Ws. I sold
the mudiclue ti both the same day, and the cure was as
speedy' from. the same small quantity and I might so
specify. Yours with respect . A GUNTINUTOII.
The above speaks for itself. Good proof as it is, it Is
of no. better tenor than the vest dumber of like coedit.
dates 1 have already published, and..the stil greater
amount that rs continually. pouring in to me.
Thie thing more. Last year I bad occasion to Caution
the Public in these words-- . •
o o.i.•!•, one firm wit!) lkosialtn.oOo of my general
'cir3ulars,Mlll3titroyld the •muoo
. of th e ir h ,,, / ,.,„
my . mo.l.),.lfie, null thou uih.ii Mazou impudou-o Om;
their pamphlOt withcdc oycla Let tae pr, tl;i
Orufahiorlitir !mph if he Ores
Now 1. tal.e pic.isure in s.iyin,f• that, the Caution raw- 1
saufo " h rr, ()bristle's •Aguif Ilalama" that Is
inentionoliu the :afore certificate.
There are several - oilier Industrious potrile who ate
applying to their palsonotis trali al/ that I publish
übettt, nay Fever and Ague (Jure. or-Authioto to..llalariii,
ieereept' tho Certificates Of Cares, and of the oolubratod
. rhoiatst Dr. Joulax it. Chilton, of • New, York. in favor of
its'.perfeetly LIAIIMLBBB - 11.1L141.11.AOTAlt, at
_ tacked to °von , bottle. ,-. These will always
•... . • „ • Providence:li.
For safe by W. A.. fir.,Vhso, and Druggists generally.
.May 18&¢Hire. • 1 :•; •, , •,' .
DR., Clia gBRSIAN'S'
eetinalilnation of ingredients ,id-these Tulle it,the' rak
suit ors long and extensive practice; they are mild in
their lajavrailail; and certain :or restorbig — Miture to its
•• proper channel.': every instance have these Pills pro
- • sued auccessfUL They invariably open:those obstructtons
td Folunies are liable,: and bring:nature ita
p per Channel, whereby health is restored and the pale
aunt deathly countenance changed to a healthy 0n6,- - No
female Can enjoy good health unless she is regular; and
- whenever au obstruction takes' -place, whether from ex- .
- -Pesarti; cold dr any other cause, the' general health lin
- utediately beglreato decline, and the Want of such* read
' edy has been the 'cause of so many consumptions among
young females .. rabid* whose healthwill not remit
of an increase of their &Italy:these pillow ill prove a 'val
• uable, fiiquieltipp r as they will -prevent:pregnancy,
Fain In the side. Wpitatien of the heart, lore
thipg otßiet,nuldfli frirblid fdeep do moat irise
from she interruption of acute;" and swhenever that is
the Case,'the Olivetti invariably remedy all'alieft-evile:
: Nor are the less.atileacions in. lai care: of. Leideorriumi,
• ' commonly called the !'Whites. ' ' , -Theite pills efulahlnior
*. o r
be taken daring.pregFy, as they would , be. su r e
6 ,0 1
.. 3 0,0,,,Filseerrlage. • Wit oted r pufely Vegetable, and
-- from anything ini z ia ous to lifdprlicalth.' 'Bann('
froolrom —Jyt _ iptious
•explicit dirUctions no6nipst.i_iy each
Those ping fiiclfit. up in 7narg boxes. '.rorsoUs
'residing where no ng ncy'estiblisbod., by onzlo , .
s tag One pollar letter, p e-pO.l, to Pr.-0. L. To
ZAN, No. W 7, .41.00ckor street, Now York, enit have tilem
soot t o thoirroiphotiva 'cublrossist by .r. 411.: : •
Atetricincs: '
. .
_:51.090 !I,
. .
• it, 11 out.' and 'preserve the
loing card. it is particularly
. . important. to ST . II..t.WILIIS ANI.I
THAVELLEREI, to provont their
- , . • being misled and• deceived. by
• the lying kinds, false prbmises, and spurious mem
mondutions Mom the'dead and unknie.viiiTif Foreign
and Native Puaeltif, iIT whom therb are More In 'Phila
delphia that elsewhere; because of the clemency of the
htw's of the Rate. Citizens khow.and avoid them.
H nt
aving tried to.two - y dollars worth hf Quack
Mixtures, Extracts, Invlgerating Elixirs. Cordials, lilt
ersote.'' without elteet—linving heal deceirld'hy mis
repreilented. and exaggerated • ifeeeilllfs of 'solf - lAinoici
Serret Diseases and their e.enaequeurea, published In
Advertisements, and misled by false- . re
ceipts and wrong advice contained therein, purposely
to rire - rease marina, and alarm and frighten the air
thinking, the More easily to extort largo fees, (which is
. More evident, being Sold for less than cost of priming
anitadvertising)—having paid-five th.tine hundreduleii
lays to 'foreign and Native Quacks,•
• . WiTtrouT BEING URED,
having suffered ,such and long—thotighlhe titini lest
menet be recalled, nor the . money recoYered vini paid
',and were defrauded of,•yet. .you can be cured. ho ever.
,bad, long standing or afflicting your case, by Dr. LiaDY.
Be wise, betimes; Delays me dangerous." •
"Time is Money; Time saved is Money earned."
• . VOUNG MEN Olt onmics,
married, or „contemplating niarringe,_ Shffering
..froin half-Abuse of ItsemiseotienchsVhfi÷iillertng from
tiny other eanscs,N,efects, or delouses, and LADIES,
whatever their disetist dC-situiltions, mak honorably
rely and confide in Dr. Leidy's skill and Sucom: Ac
commodations, if requirla, with' kind and efficient at
tenilanee, lit'Dit.litlDY'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL'. v
is waged the following cannot be contradicted, namely;
Dn. N. B. LIDDY,
- N0..11•4 North Founvii Street, above Race, • .".
Is the only- regular Physicianresiding. - ip Philadel
phia, Graduate of: the Univerkty of Pentiskivniiia, o
1833, {twenty-two years), excliasil , ly engaged , the
treatment of Secret or Dellente Diseis....s of both iiißes,
Siff-Abuse iiMd its consequences; (I„.mic Weakness
and 'lnability.: Neivousuess; Irregularities and other
diseases or .sltuations of Females; and which he will
cure In time and les: restraint, inure effectually,
than any i.ther, under forfeit of
• DrI_LETDY lies more patients, and cures them too,
than alt advertifinF Maws, so called or otherwise, in
Philadelphia CombitMl,.llnd proudly refers to Prefer,-
sora and respectable l'hYsicians, many of, whom consult
him critical cues, and respicetable Citizens, Mer-;
chlints and Hotel Proprietors, ns•tolds known skill, re
putation and unparalleled success. ••••,"
can have necessary
_advice and medicine sent them by
rnnil oiothorwi.t, to any part of the United States,
giving desciiption of their casei (endlosing a reaßoll
- fee) by let ter to • Pa. N• 11: bSWY,
• N 0.11.1 North FOURTH Street, Bov Race. • '
'Angustl s , 1855;,7a:
NV ft ir Alt E E, I CAI
It km boon the lot of the. hutnan rar c o to be weighed
Alown - by disease and suffering. MOLL WAY'S PILLS
are specially adapted-to the - relief of therEA E., the'
Nitgyouti,_tho tnmicATn. and the INFII '4„ of all
ellmet., ages. sexes, and .sinstitutions. Protitssei , lfollo.
Avery personally superintends the tuanurseture ot-Ids
medicines In the United States, - and. Mien them ,to'a,
free and enlightened people, as the beat remedy the,
world ever saw for the removal of disease. -
• These famous Pil s a expressly combining, operates
on the stomach, the liver, tho kidneys, the lungs, the
skin, and the bowels, -correcting any derangement in
their functions, purifying the blood, the Very fountain
of ellf, and thus curing disease la all its Mona.
Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills.
It has been proved in all par of the world, that no.
thing has been found equal to them In censor disorders
of the Jiver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints gone-
Imly. They soon give a healthy tone to those organs,
'however much deranged, and when all other means
have failed.
Many of the 11108 t, despotic Uovernmunts have opened
their Custom Houses tb the introduction - of - these Pilisf ,
that they may become the medicine of the masses.—
Learned Colleges admit that .this medicine Is the best
remedy ever known for persons of delleat?, or where the
systowitas been iinpaired, as its invigorating properties
never flll to afford relief. '
. No Female, 'young . or old, should be without this
celebrated, medicine. It corrects and regulates the
-monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cues
like a charm. It is alsa the best and safest medicine
that can .be given to Children of all ages, and for any
complaini; canseciiteutly no faintly should be with
out it. .
WORLD POR 1115 rot:Awl:co DISKASIS:
Asthma, Debility W.ortnsuf all
Bowel Coiuplaints Fever and Ague kinds
Coughs ' Female Conk. Stoue and Gravel
Colds , ' plaints. - Secondary . Symp-
Chest DlSeases Headaches -toms
Costiveness . indigos:ion , Inward Weakne
Dyspepsia • . , Julluenza.. , Liver (Untiplaii
4)1 erfue.t .-
.14ofia.:aciatiqn . ' I..„,wit'Ys of Spirits
Dirors • N '"‘....l: 4 •rieroal A:Tec•tior. , ,vii , s .
. *. 44 01 at tho Itiitooravta. , ries of l'rOfoss,r llowv,vAY
SO 1.th10n..1..au0, Now I' orli, alai L'..l i ;Zl,ralid. 1 . ...001f,m, by
'till re4pevtablo l)ro.:gis . ts, and litarii'if of Mellielue
-thron,i,bout the United States, an TI tlao civilised world,
iu boxes, at 2d coifs, 6:21...i coma, anti .$.l. each. .
Axi,r- There is a eanslderable loving by taking the
larger Ora*.
N. B. Directions-I'er the guidance of patients In every
disorder are iltilied tovateh box:
• oct.,,P; '65, - 7.- - ,• • : ...• , _.,...__ - '-',,,
0, L. Honing, of ileahanlcebarg, Cumberland
eoulitylPo. - pfonersuces - to those-
Wong. Cancers; 'Polypus' Lupus, ?doles or Marko, Ekt,4
ula King'ikvikanOli diseases that have been usually,
treatod with Caustic or Knife, be can remove them with.
out cutting, burning or pain; 'neither Chloroform' or
:tither Is advalithstered. to the , patient. ' It Is no matter
part of tbe , body they may * he. ears remove
'them with, perfect liatath and In a, reArarlurbly short
time. WO' Mineral of Vegetable poison Is applied, and nc
numey iequiredistallst mire is perfecter
• p r eruppus Aiterl, Venial° Complaints; .obrordc, Von&
real and nii-other dhmasee treated with positive pumas
Full u t utiguieru gen be obtaingd by addressing in either
Ditglfsh or German; post paid. 'Patients can be *mom
modrited with BOar4
til.lsortable terms, •
Mecbrulcaburg,iß,fntt the prettiest and. healthy
triwirs la' tide Or ' any' other titate. ' It "le'B miles from
t iforriebure, On. the .onanbatuurd Valley Bail Raub and
, aggelleible,Dona parts of the Linkm. The Doctor gip
visit web lis sgy. part of the State when desired. •
seeder' if you know any Afilteted fella mos'
Mire, delay not Olen them of this treatment
Ti m oRS A 1;0 it
• -111T-0-R
SPENCER THOMAS, No. 20 South 'Stmond Street,,
Philadelphia, Importer, Mannitteturer, and Dealer In
Di r istasopidriti, ColOrti, Wldt,e Lead, yeench and
Arderlosii WhiteAlir,-Windorr-Olass,'Olasa Ware,' Var.
blithest , Brush" marl:intents, Ormlnd Spites, Whole
Spices, and all:OhiraiNielea usually kept .by Druggists,
including linraa r lndlgo. Glue, Shellite, Pettush, &c. :
AD Mt ets,ATinidl or otherwise, promptly attended
lei. Country inenthatitit are Invited tonal). and examine
Our steak before lair/du:Ming elsewhere. CoMis rent
to any of the tvltari,ati 'railroad station
26, it. Pricer L
d tipedsWa sent
and lidureh
. , .
I)iLf'. dpL)1(I,
. .
• .NO. 83, DOM STREV.T; _
The State Sayings Fund is attracting deposits from
all classes of the community, to every aection of the city
and country. Ali sums of money returned. on &Oland.
Deposits forwarded by mail to the tirdei of the •Tvettstt
re'r, will receive every noccssarj attention.
• -11. HART:
' . 'President
[ARLES L I\11;0„
Fob. 20; ISt,iil=4,in
'S; PATENT CHAN! P. 1..;
'ROOF SAVES, with flail's Patent — ,
Powder Proof. Locks,' which were
I.awardeil separate "Medals at the
AUrhf_s_Fair, London, issl, and
also at the IVerld's Fair, New
'York, 185:1 and '5l . Thu subscri
•bers are the solo • manufacturers
aud proprietors in 'this State of
the above unequalled Safesand
Locke. ',Tito reputation of the
genuine "Ilerring's Safe" is work'
wide, and for the - last thirteen'
years the mercantile community
,------- .
have isitilessed"and berne testi
mony to their NEVER PAILINO fireproof qualities. ..111i'e
than. I.NUu Of theity - Safes.-IntVe beorraetually soldi - und
.oVci TKO HUNDRED have , passed triumphantly - tliesitigli
'accidental fires.' 'l'he public. are itsiatred that all Salbs
tnanuf.ictured by the sulouribers are . not only guaran
teed to be fully equal, but in many respects even cope
Her te those %shish-have• been so severely tried by lire
Few will forgot their -services in the burning bt the`
'l r li n ine—establishment,!,Now:Yorl....auctLat_the_tirceit_
'Fla in Strawberry street, at the large tirq last...lllly,
opposite the, tilriird'ilettse and still snort, - recently ,
N io..
In the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut ~ in the city of
Phildelphin„ in which these. Safes brtli the ax
kno vilodge!tl Cimino:4 when' many sit sesuritieu
failed. ' . FARRE ...t CO.,
4 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.
Chilled Iron -Safes, with Powder Proof Locke, menu
.factuted expressly. far Banks. llrokurs, Jewellers, and
others requiring security, from rogues.- Bank Vaults,
Doors, Le. on hand and made to order. All the moat
'celebrated Locks for sale at manufacturers' prices: —:
, • nd hand. "Safes," "Salamtuders" and "Iron
Choy "of other makers, have been taken impart pay
meat fe herring's for sale at half price. . apt'
..;1131n ,
o k ik
1 .4
I. maw
.S •
• Chartered by the State or Pennsylvania in:1855
OFFICE, 55 'WALNUT 11118. Pa' :'"'-
One door above &mend Street, Philadelphia, •
Recel'ireis.Dopoidts in stuns of One Dollar and upwards
from all classes of the oollanunity, and allows interest,
at the rate of live per cent per annum. Moneys paid
back on demand. Arg•Oftice open daily from
.0 until
5 o'clock, and on. Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock
in the evening. • • •
This institution will be found a convenient and rate
Pico of deposit fur Farmers and ethers doing bosinqs.,
Jo Philadelphia. Dopfisits'ere paid on demand without
any prtivious notice rognin. d....
Edmund A. Sondiir,' o Hon. Job P. Tyson,
Slllweli S. Bishop, . Bodi n , •
James.P..Porot, • •
J'ohn TtleCanlos, . Edward L. Clark,
Jacob Shectz, • - Capt. John.Gallagber;
Joseph M. Cowell, John Rice, ,
Joseph D.'Myers, Richard 0. Stotesburyi
Edward-A. Trottor, • , William Shippen,
'Franklin Bacon ) , Wm. P - Jenks, • .
' Thomas Cooper, . lid Pettit, -
. . , Piesident- NICLIbI. ?SIX.
• Treasurer--CHAS. M. MORRI '
,1: - =ftrotery--JA ES. S. PIiINGLY.'
••rn. ; „The' Chltior'provides thilno manager, oflitefer
agent shall, directly or Indirectly, borrow any money
from the Society. - ' 0ct17,11154-1Y •
•a`twiDELPHIA' .----
or merchants, lawyers, -Dinners, and othors, haring
Bbolut,_Bipers. or_other, _valuabko, -to--preserve -from
FIRE br [IRBIL ARS. • •.
• - • Day and Newell's (Robb's) .DANK. WKS.
A CARD,—The 4 , Pim Proof Safe," that.preserved our
'nooks, - Papers, • & c., during the groat Fire at Bart's
Buildings, was purchased of ()MAIM EVANS; 6U3. 2nd
St, Philadelphia. G ETS A DUCK. •
• • ..
EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for tooling
and Pelowi i ing rook , butter, milk, watert and all
articles'for culinary
_purposes. •
WATER FILTERS forpuri Oing breikish or muddy
wider, whether,nffected -by rains,- lintestone, marl, or
other oautieeroin belted asparate or attached to the
Refrigeraters—o wadi qtutntity oflos wallas the whole
- twthe - wa - rnietticesther- - _
• PORTABLFI.BIIOWER /ATVS, for . the use of warm
or odd water. . f oe Hotels,
• .WATER COOLERS, foe Hotels, Stores, and Dwerihwt.
STORE TRUCKS, for moving boxesi, baton ,
SEAL PRESSES,'Copying do., 'Druggist do.
_ • .• • • . - OLIVER EVANS.
No 61 Soutb Second/U., ( 2 doors beto* Chesaut
gaeb. 5, 1055-Iy. ~ • (Edablishod in 1835.)
1.) and stiponor qrtiiio fur Lunging Ilarn - Danrs.:; Just
and for , . li. SAXTON',.4,
:. IpllllPti.
°S.l•;.'Coriter Third and Chesnut Streets,lPhil'a. _
• VS), C1AP1TA1.4.5250,000."111b•
Money is received on deposit daily. the
-posited Is entered in a Deposit liordc. end ;given to the
Depositor, ori. if preferred, nCerthicate'w 11l be Oven. ,
All. 'conic huge • nint smell, are 'received, and the :
Amount paid.l•4o4-en dethand, NVitlinllt naive. - ;
I is paid it the rote of Eireo , En crs4m., rem
mencintr.freni :thejlay...oLdepisit.htid ceasing-Mitt teen,
,I:ll'4lev,vions 1,, the withdrawal of the money. -
Ce the th•st.; (ley eijennary, in eNdla year, the Interest
ernh. deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the
p 1141 may.
The Company have. now npwards of 3,sso,dcpositers
thdelty of Philadelnititt alone. • . . •
Any aditional information will be!givimb; addressing
the TunaSuant
&option eihwroi4l.. Preiet,
Lawn:nee JolinFolY, Tice kt,
A ni brose: 0. TbolllllSoll f
W, Tinglpy;
:Jacob L. lloraucc,
:'I.I NY FISK. - •
ept.;-12 t55.- 12'
. , . . I .' ? .
,g * r
' 111 . 0 , 2L . 6
i {f L ' '' ".... 9 7..b .- 77W5.,
r„ ... , . 1 1 - ...
I .
~ - .
I ~c .
i ..
. ..
-- 4 k " , '"-- . ail \ ;--.--
_ .
:„.,,N,,,Ai.,.„..05ie, TEMPLE, CHES.N.UT ST., ,
ehlree Seventh, Philadelphia. - respectful Ix-informs. the'
ptiblie that he is prepared to make the following
. ..SPLENDID OFFER. .-----,
. TWENTY Boardman, Gray 4. Co.'t.t celohnt ted.PIA NOS;
and. TWENTY E. W. Fisk Al. Co.'s PREMIUM MELO:.
DEONS vi ill, be placed iii the Bands of a committee .of
gentiemen,to be by them disliributed antong.the holders
of nty.certillcates. . • ..:i'' - • '
To each purchaser of my Popular Music, a certificate.
will be presented. entitling the holder to an interest in
ONE PIANO and ONE MELODEON. to be disposed of by
the Committee for,tho benefit of those bottling ref titi
altos when ONE T., MUSA NI) DOLLABS' worth of Music - .
Shall liaVa been sold. se - that each person Investing One
Dollar 1011 not only receive In. and the value of money
paid out, hot will hive secured to him an Interest,in,:.i
- common. with' other certifleate holcicC.k, in t he above tits-.
t ribtt tlort. - The - suceeettiftgs.di4xtbutlonieVlll- be - Con
:tittued,'sithject to the :same regulatian.,lintil the go ; .
i Pianos and 20 Melodeon* ankdistritait&l,
'Partiettlar attention iii Wilted to that feature of Mitt
plair.which`calls for ii'disisseil of_the instruments when
i hutletatcertilleates have leen issued,thus avoiding -- the -
vexatious delay and .probable' disappointment attend
ing certain schemes now before the public. - • '
. Music may be selected fretn . my eutire 'stoek, which ~
comprises; ovetyGatalhguilp the United States. • -
Orders forwarded__ b,l Moil IN ill—bo-faithfully• and
promptly attended to. - . .. -
N. 11.—Constantly on _hand a splendid assortment of
Plan;is - , from the celehmtol manufactories of Boardman,
Gray & Co.. of Albany; Jacob Chickering VA, W, Ladd
I: Co.. of Boston; Ely. & Manger. and Bennett. .S: Co.. of
New. Yeriva, Also, E. W. Fisk A Co.'s - Premium. Melts.
•dimus, to be had at the lowest manufacutitter'kprices.
titeiteige7fii r lFriirng fromGodey's Editor.] '
-Ik:l.ton:omit, Gust' & Co.'s Ptallo.:Fonis,--We Me so well
place-d with the instruments made by this firm that
ye have 'determined tuAie-Instraurnentril ourselves,. that, - •
is. in furnishing our Atilerrlbers and — oliters With 'an
at title that we can recommend and wor . rant....llierela
*Nays a dlffloilty attending the ptirchnse of pianos,
hecaiuse persons cannot rely fully. upon the•reer uuninols
tlons.they receive from niunufacturiirs, who are
ested. of course, the retie of tlicireArti - untrinthettirr.
Now, we are not interested in the matter In nay-way,
except on far as to see that those who patronize our
“Ilook" shall be Well served with the Lint planes Inoue.
For a list of prices sett cover, et' which amounts, wo will
.send Pianos, warranted Sro tine your, the freight to 1 o
paid by the persons ordctitig. We annex 'a lettt r ,i e
retreat from a gentleman in.:Virginia, to who we sent
one of these
A.•Gorirr, Est.—Dear have great pleasure
In acknowledging the receipt of the I'Lano.Forte-which
you wore so good as•to curter for my wife from Ileatilinan
& Gray's. It was delayed fur some time at Winchester; -
'but.] am happrto fay that- irmune in excellent email
lion. %Lore decidedly pitimuid with the instrument.
The rosewood is of a beautiful quality; the cane is plain
(we like it the better for It); the touch is very easUir
a now Instrument, and the tone ts_trtn.clear and swilft.
An who have tried It. admire It and 'speak hi the hlghol.t
terMs_of its mellowness runt: sweetness of tone.. We'
deeply regret that we did not -order the ‘Attarehtnente
we must have it yet. ,
"We are deeply Indebted to you for your agency in
procuring for us on good an instrument. Bo pleased to
receive env acknowledgments. Xour obt. Fervt.,
dec, 5,'55. • : . J,. D. W." •
nu street; south-west. Corner of Thitd street, Philadel.; •
phis. Incorporated by the State Pennsylvania in
1841 - .
-- Flue - pereent - interod - le given i and-themoneylasi.:_ ,
ways paid back whenever it called kw, without the
necessity of giving notice for it belbrehand...
People who have large sums put their money in this
Saving Fund, on account of the superior safi:ty and 'con
venience it affords,, but any sum, Mize or small, fa re
This Soy leg Fund has_a very large amount of. .Mort..:.
- gtigns; and Other first, clays investments '
ffir the security of Depositors. The rules prevent any
Directer or °Meer from using or boriv wing the money.
The Mee is open to receive and pay money every
day, trona 9 o'clock in the interning o'clock:in the
eveningeindon Monday and Thursday evening, till 9
People who have '6irtey:An put in,, are invited to cull
at the Glace for further inibnmation. , , • •
HENRY Le BENNER, President.
RODT..SELFEITION, Vlos Prealdent.
October t. 19.55 . . • . -
- f 4- —TOR-11356.
.JOIRI STONE it EONS , - NO- South- Second
would pirtleularly call the ntion of Iferihanla and
Miners to their large and handsome awortureut of
• . -
Ouch al! .
11.111119N8; FANCY LAM,.
FRENCIT £ND AIIJIUCAN FLOWERS.; /Tali article Appertribilz4%4li) trittll, -
~ A llO.lll/ove 1f.910.s brix xnivttet.lcixplmsky frr cur
:Spring h..mlytment. to Lit
round 3u the aty.-4 .14 ltZp—w;.l
• 7144(lodwiti;
Paul 11. 1 .1ctIdEtrd.
Geo. Mcllifugy, • ..
:T wines DovureinC,
Gust. EnfdAh,
For;rotilryquid Trvasurer,
' 'relleraud Interpeter,.,
'kW e 0.40 7 :- . 7-
1:- •
gbt Oon.gtiteEinr..
We .clip the folioiving recipes from thrLe - 1.:
;lent monthly, ViodeY's Lady's, Brit". ,As
Blackberry season will soonbe - liery again
would . rocommend -.tha;Acur friends : be. ,
'spared .to 'Rake use of ''!tlie"Blackberry - , se:
ding to . the folitTing 'suggestions :, •
. . . ._ .
Waeltherry jelly. or jam is an excellent me
due in
. summer cemplaints,,cir.Aysentery
i make it; crush T quart - of fulli,riee blitelt
rres witb a.pouncipf the best lontspgar,
t it over a gentie.tlie and cook it until.tbink.
•n put to it a gill
. - of the best fQurth-proof
indy„ Stir it•a - while over the fire, then put
Make . a
simple syrup of a pound 'of sugar to
h, pint of water,.bpil it until it is rich and .
o.k, then acid to Was many pints of the•ex
,.saudlM-Oe—of ripo blackberries as — there are
Inds of sugar; put half
. a nutmeg grated
• each quart of the syrup ; let it6F4l fifteen
twenty minutes, then add ) to it half a, gill
fourth proof brandy for each quart-ofLsyr
-;.set it by to beCome cold, then bottle it
r use. A tableipctpriTul for a ch ild or a--
.aeglassfor 'adult is It done,'
The following is said to be nn excellent'
ipe fortbb ,mannfacture of superior wine
m blackberries: Meaeure your berries .
brui . fle them; tt) every gallon s adding ,one
.1 of Doing spier. Let IRO mixture
nd twenty:four hours, stirring occasionally;
• 'n strain off the liquor into a cask, to livery
lon add two pounds of sugt o ty ; cork tight.,
I let Stand till the folfoiviiie October; and
have wine ready fur use„ 'that will
t ,ke lips stnachAts itey never smacked,
siaiilar in - thence, before. - • _
'We avail ourselves of the kindness - of a,
end to publish the following 'excellent re. ,
1, as for making cordial. It is. recommended
a-Aelightful beverage, and an infallible -ape
• 'e for the diarrhoea or ordinary
_disease of
• bowehs:— - ,
Recipe. —To half a bushel -of blackberries, -
II mashed; add a'quarter of ayound of all.
ice, two. ounces of cinnamon, two ounces , of
tit properly'dena ; _then strain for , squeeze
juice thruugl homespun or flannel, And
I to each pint of the •juice - one pound of
t. sugar. Boil agiatlor some time, take it
and, while cooling, add. half a • gallon of
4 Cogitaa brandy. . •
Don.- 7 -For an adult, half s gill to a gill ;
a child, a teaspoonful cit• more,, according
'WESTERN LANDS.-.--,TheEditOr Of the Bahl-
tre.Patriot, havivg been on a tour through
Wiet, says that land epeiulation consti
les the most prominent arid profitabli busi
• Ise therh, Lands located at the goverotaeat
I ice, cot< bosght at second band at consider
. „de advance, have steadily 'increased is value
• that large tracks of prairie laud purc.,hasvd
to- 3-per -bcemold at $l5
$lB aml $2O, with no , cost to writers be-
uid taxes, . while - ferule' bought at $5 per
have yielded sufficient to pay not only
expenses of improremetit; but the original
,t of the laud, and iu some, 'oases $5O, $OO
- .1 $7O per acre have ,beeii offered ,aud re
-ed•for-thein. .All 'thiS is, of .course, at
,butable to the influenceAtirtilwaye, - which
,ve . reutleredthese leads valuable by furnish
;•the'occupautA:with ready seassluto, tuar z . ,
ts. Rut the etaig,•ation toast be very large
_tracts would not be• so umicli itt. de
knd. • Railways have
.dire3ted • caiiirantS
lu the proper chauhele, mud at, the st.tue
a . e:t they have opened up tuarkets, esto.blkhed
Tote, and Oils tuabhul the farmers to real-
• .r tivrteey for Weir quickly an d
,ad iu the older purls :of the
TRE ENTElCSlASTlC,,cp*ter.ounnr. — The en.:
usisatio Kelmer - thus diecourthie • upon the
Lt l. l.
it L sr. ?Taman is' indeed is bright. add
i.,:suti ul creature. Where she is liter* is .a
L • tradioe; whom she is not there is & desert..
er smile inspires love, and raises human ma"
. re nearer to the immortal source of Uzi ha
g. lier swebt and - tender heart gives life
id soul. to dead and senselers things. She is
f e ladder upon which we climb from earth to
• ;avers, She le the practical. teacher of man.
• nd, awl the world would be void without her.
ie is mare a celestial being than a terrestrial
2ing—charating and amiable, as a girl s du
..:ful, as w - wife, add: glorksas, s e e ' mother.—
le is the balsam of man's life—his faithful
c L ounsidiorend piliow...._tahli tra the_
. essures to his cares.and and..: all : She .
.i-ijoymentof serum and teastlii, - and all : the
steels of WO.' (We stop.thewuther, here, I%
Aar- that th! metier insi L drali‘ . his" breath;
4 tfl to' guess ithetherilehrter' was & air"
• ed•nuyi•tir baohelor. ~- . :'
.: 'IM, lionesti is thetbaSt policy. . L.