Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 11, 1856, Image 7

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Fran magutßo._
u7I tak,klittlipotOttyi-WeTt oak:. Ste
for- 4 L the . COuntYny Rockland; deteilinhirtilis.
• •,the Fottith.i.PeaOe ' ..tind 4446 4 3 6 81' 1-311(1 . de 4 •
, .• .•
• rows of refOshitig Our patriotiim antidet scenes:
hallOived hy, tlio sricreknieindrieS of :the.4l.otit
lotion, " We,iisited,Washington's . : f ra d :o4 7:
-tens at, the little 'village of }Were. !Pappri;,,the -
~wed confine:o,
. ".the place 'iviierehe was ,exe,ouleil, the - grnvc;
where he was buried, and. whence ho was
__huined. .I,l7e..ciihvervsti•witb. vvvenerable
echo govTinfon r = b - eint licit 1 -- ° p ettch he
morning fp.. wen t forth 'to die r 4 !. Ile thanYedme with : .
a sweet,' smile,' she naid
somehow or !nether, ho didn't adorn {to: ltie
no tippetite. only intolne- 'ent."
' 'tantling . lii'graie; could 'io - eacrose
the broad Unison, theiery•place were he'wee'
• arrested by Yun: Wert„:iyilliains and:Paulding,
and the gleaming • of,' the white •thonument
erected to' 'their Menteryi the ? place where
,tvittiti„ Andre went forth
to 'die, and the stone house- trom- whence' he
was taken 'to die upon a gallowg. • ,
- following - amnia: at l 'Andres, exenution
le on - i - of tlia:hiost minute and interesting that:
we ever read:. It was furnished by Mr.
Haselbarth, of Rockland •coinity,
the histbry of: Which he is engaged in wriiing..
-- , Llrwas't,iiken down from the lips "of a soldier
in C*1110' 1 1'01:1 t:11413 Ihildivitis regiment, a 'part
of which was:stationed a short 'diiitance from
• where. poor -Audio suffered : •• • •••,.
~' One orour. man,: whose name. was Armstrong,
being one 'of the oldest and. beit - workmen at
*--Itis trade in the : •-regimeure'-was-selected to
. make his - coffin, be did _end pointed
'black; as was 'the Custom at that period.
At'thiatilne Au re pbutimuj in what wrM •
ei'ilte - ,dille7Old Dutch,- Olturcia :. small stone
building With only one door, and guar-,
tied rentinels. iYhin - tthe hour appOint
- ed fog'. his execution arrived,. which' was - two.
- o'clock In• the *afternoon, a_ guard of three
hundred Wien ofhis
confinenaMi. A,kiud of procession was ftirni=
ed by placing , the &Aid *if Single file on 'each
sideAf'the road. In iVot were a largo num
Ameir can dicers Ofhig at 4 on horse:
'back,. These were- followed[ 6y...the li.ttge.
•'s coffin, then , a large.'llitin
her of - officers -.ort - loot -with - Andre 14' their
The procession wound slowly up a mode
rately grand, about a quarter
,or a,
mile to the west, On the top, was a field
without any‘eitolosure; and on this was a very ,
high gallows;, made by fetting up two,' , poies
or crutchets, and laying ti.p.ole on the top.—
The wagon :that . contained ? the _coffin was'
drawn directly under. the gallows: In
. a'stiory
- time. Andre. stepped . into the hind end of the'
wagon,' then ou his coffin, took off bib bat mill ,
and, laid it down,lben placed Inn' band's' upon . ,
bislips, and walked very uprigittifback• and
forth ds length of the wagon would
thrifide - titrie; casting - Os -nyeaTup=
to the pole overliis head, and the whole see•
nerynby . ic e w its_ask!Ault t, . was
drbsspd irr,,d'uoutpicte•British uniform.
• eoatWas of the brightest scarlet, laced' and
trimmed with the most beautifurgt : een.
*tinder. 'clothes, vest andobreeehes were bright
buff; he'had a long and beautiful Iteaciof hair,
--whichragreeabli teliifashion,...was: wound
With a black - ribbon, and butig.down his-back.
Not ninny minutes after be took, his-.-stand
,upon the coffin, the'excentioner :stepped into
the wagon with a halter in his hand, on one
end of which was what the Soldiers in those
• daytfcalled a hangman:a knot,'- , which be at;
tempted to putover the head and around the
' neck of Andre ; but by a sudden mov,eeett
- of his hand, this was prevented. \
Andre now took off the handkerchief from
his neck, unpinned his libirt collar,
-i-liberatelyAnek_the,cord of the halter, put 'it
over his head, placead the knot tinder
his right ear, and dreWiti.very'snngly. to his
lie then took from his_ coat pocket a
'",ittindkerchief,'and t i led ii.befOre
Thie°diMerth, officer who commanded 'spoke
. iii a ratherdeud,voico; and said . : ' •
4' /14s
arlts , ,
onee doWn ~-1 • '3. 3 .
An ,.
drear the itanditer,-
o blef,„wilieli : had just .over; iyea,
podket - a - second'extb„ which
to the executioner, .and ; then replaced
hie handiterChief: its aTtitsi t ai: ;Lis' time.
r .
--'''.:*o.olled„jast.aboVe the elboivs,' and -behind
- thebaelt , ',The rote' was - then made fast to
,the pole overhead. :Tire 'wagon was yery outi,
ga Owslieu,
4 .6014., tviiL'l the: , length of' the' rope, -gave
mast triiinendouctiwing.i44lL and - forih,!
but in, a. feW:lna . mints - bettrittig -- ei'rtiieli -- itili ,
P.:44OPP !!ih5 11 1 3 1 r 9 4311 . 1( 4 1 ) 10 ,' isePße4 ns
iittiellanutiirfaratilin' Rogers vies
about to n liC;.latupt the, atiike, , altiietigh' liis
count:6l6l6e tharatlidr
lie retettileclliatlging from. twenty to thirty:
i t a u jite ff „atid dpiing that titne .the chambers
'',i".*th: e t.l 114 V 1 4 k r . 6 : 611 :1 3' : t4aa
• .
he wns surrounded. Orders:
luau to put - the rope, and take him
L i
docir! h.lui • fug. '.l.4rs.s . witif
.81fottly,itfteilfie',Ou'ard wits thdratin, and
speotatOit perunit,ted to 'come f , ward;
to cioiv. tke corpse, but_'the' 'crowd:
ifrent: l ,44-4- , 714-Itioritetitife'Ther4e-- 1 -cattiti.4 2
an oppotinnity: When twas';atdo tit •do this;
his coati'Atest and breeches had " hoof taken;
ofF: r aiidlfits'fickly, liiii in coffin; . covered!,
,by 4 6 7 (43 , if i nder . olothee. Thirtop of . the coffiti
the'dorpse-mcre carefully tltun• I I
vier:dime Unit. Of „any 111111111 U 'being, be-,
His' timid i;ions:very . lnucli ou • one side,,
in consequence of the manner in which the
appeared to.:ba greatly: swollen: and, very
black, -reseinbliiirkitigli - degemi of iiiii i iii i iiiii
Lion. . 'lt ,was indeed a most shocking sight to .
t,ehold.: •
There were, at this time, standing at .the'
foot of the coffin, two young men of , uncom
toon short stature. They were'not More titn,s
font:feta high; There dress was: extremely
gaudy.. Ono of them had; the clothes joist
taken froth Andre hanging on his arm.. I
took Particular,pains to learn , who they
and Was. informed that they were his -
.sent. up from Netil'ork . l6 talc care of
his clothe's—but - what other business I did
not leiit.n,, •
I now turned to thlte -a view of the execu
tioneri who was Still strinding by one of the
posts of-the gallows.- I. wallfed - neai — enough:
to lay . .my`lialtd . upon his shoulder, anillooked
him directly in the face.. .Hp appeiired t 3. be
.16°u - twenty . five years . of age ; amt his Whoid"
face was covered. with tubby appeared to me
een—la lie Iv frem--ire 9yt t 3 of t
greasy pot. ; Amote.frightfal looking crew :
tureltioverbehold. : IliS whoie eounCenahee
bespoke him a . fit - int;teetnent for the- buWiness
he bud been doing. :
r cupon the spot scarcely
twenty yersorts. Were' reft ; but .the coffin Was
still beside-the grAve, whiCh . had previonsly,
beeti dng. ; . -
PUNCTUAL. PAYING.--WO commend the fol
lowing thoughts to the attention of thoße—
"rinittheri name, in
,lehtioh--who are, not pune;.
tual An-ilier payment of their; debts:' We.• find
e extract in Blitqkwood's INlngazine: 'Thoao
'who give employment uro utterly unconcious;
of a tenth plait of the pain' a master tradesman
foots when Saturday - arrives; hiS men anxious
tor their eurniugs=lie not - having'one pound.
hi his possession,--his boys are out m all, di
reel:ions ivith,unPahl tte' counts to.three times"
the - amount, of What.wooltlset his mind it ease,
by relieving-'all his wants. The messengers
go out ;*. his hopes are high Alas f they re
,,tut;it one yylone.„ 'Mr. A. sill call iii-it=ffriv .
days,' eays Ono.. pay e* all,
acconntS at the,end of the iyear, ran' need tot:
'send until then,'„ gay's another. -Thue' his
spirits sink... At last the hotir of payment ad-;
det;king., at biro—ho
scarce knowing4inirti.3ojook. All'otlier er •
- doave-r7ipv ; ing — fafted, — he — goes --- haiinbly ---
spirit t.t some frieud j and iu a`suhdutl•voiee,'
bep,the.}Mti(p(alfewkottpds".' 'After,nunier-
OVU /PlCCeSSfill4ays men;
with hot rowedmoney,--readereti p.beggar by
the want 110 money kept *ern' him, by
thos*wl4 need it not, meraly'frooitiot know
• ,
Sttno,—There is no fact more clearly es
tablished in the physiology - ore man - than this,
that the brain expends its energies , and, itself
during the 'lours of wakefulness, and that
these are reauperated during sleep; if the re•
auppration, does not, equal the expenditure, the
brain' Withers—this is insanity. Tints it is,
that in• early . English , history, perstins , wlio
were condemmed to death by being prevented
froui sleeping, always died raving maniacs;
thus it is Also that those who are: starved to
;-tbe braiuls not- nour
isbed, and they cannot sleep. 'The practice
inferences are three .1 'lst! Those Who think
most; who do roost brain work; - require most
sleep. -2d. 'Tbettime " saved" from, necessi
, ry sleep is infallibly destructive to mind, body, ,
'arid 'eitete.• iid.••Gire yourself; ypifr ehihiren
tistVtiervants, giveell-that are under you, the
atimant,of 51920,41ey Will take by coin
themto go' to bet,latschne regular
hour , and to rise in' the mainiug the --moinent
they awake Orthanatielves, and Within iort-
Iligkt;,neture withilmOt ther.egtilaritiof the
rising sun, will unloose the bonds of sleep.: the
moment enough repese lies been secured, for
. thO'WEilio of the. siaiete. is the only sere
and'Soffielent rule;'-end. as__to the o .queStion
,how.muCh sleep•any'omirequires, each must
410,91ri_kr'ea,L 158:
tpie .will
• fair lb' write it Maid the - nbserirer, 'tinder 'the
regulations just given: • , -sj
write' eays,, , !ilie. - peoplo . of the
United, pktee can burst more' eteatkboilers'
and Chetr more tobacco, then any Other., five
' •
, •
s r. - .. A4
lOrtig , c;btareq '
B . ..
,'.-K T' Ii FF 11 lt,',,Dllll(4 7 GlST,i
.bmi moved is store from the 'Fortner stand to Ids
OW building Initnediately_ opposite, and Anlj.iiiiing Mr:
C. . it's Store Ilaviiig ihadelevery a] r tngement to
preServe Is: liledielnes,,fresli and ,pore, and •Ilaylng
re pl on ished-liis_asiartinentAt_ear_efull4sOleetiCiirugs,l.
h b. i srA i4v .fi g*lit : l4,siejtetitrAtupttend' to ,busi Floss -ivlth
, 'a..riiiit-pr,iitAptilesii...l7lls, iiiiTaTirniiit"4lll — ttiriiisli
alataSt every tlilng,that muy•ttik cativofiirTittaur by ties
o v i c i, l4 ..or , tte tutUpy t •fee dotdostic use. Oa greatest
ciro'nu'l Protiiiutt6li;‘Tinil* ("oil:ed. - I& ttie eentOutitti
tek'uf prescriptions s i ll4Albtpbitsitig tit7tuedietitint.....iill It 4
liSSOltol/tOlkt Pt COlitiNtioo.ol,2 1 .4 -11Vd VAlre.T.l)go ' ds ' l4 ion,.
Oiler - al; and ''ii.ll!: 9 1 1.0)10; tiq:44 6 :osy,tt'ly suit Illepalielyes.
MilYr: 2 s, /6 56 .': :.. - :' ,. ,i , :d , t I: 'l4'.i,iWal,'',t
w iiii*.4oo4o/pitAk . bef.l•l: ,, • •
nty.TOkitiX,4l4l),'F-A-Igt bOODS:
runileT'Hignod his '
stock of
goods; dud 'o's hiA.Dry,o ,arid.,.clpnnicals, bast heofi so.
leeted kpitt, hb lA-prepared t0,d11.3111 orders
knoll - 41y •fl is frionda InaY :rely s
unen, tliegetitinenies
and pnritY Of-ocei•tartiele. • ,•
,• . •
-'-dils-stoli-of-CVNEE ( TlOXAM.L. ll ;Jarge_aniLseierted
w ith s p e dai iliferetiee to •it will alford
dayvorlety•krsons; may desire In - that Ile has a
JargeGaAsorttneid ofis'reneh;Oerotan and dokostle Fatiey. -
ca n 41 05 4, nil fresh nod, of the very hest quality'. ills es•
- Sortticent of FANCY WOOS' IW iiirge apd einbreees al
'crinst ovary. thing necessary far the.Tollet And Family,.
Afoinxites,special attention to hts Fancy'Work Boxes,
I,:idies! nags, CorognE,; hot - this Watch "and Card
l'ort l'ortmooles, fie.;
Qulek sales, swap Pinfits :cod stria consistency ) in
trade shall 'charite:erlseottr.businesa: •
dee.'19."55. • • • • rs.• VP
hai, Just reeetved . from Philadelphia and
New York very extensive additions to my
• • adorer st,:.:ek,etnliraang nearly every.artiele
of Medici - tie • how in- use,; together with
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, •Turpenti no, Perftio
j"* mery.,,Saaps. Stationary, Fine'CUtiery)
intrjaelcludirmates of almost averyileaciip,
ten,. wttl.Miu endlesl I.;:viety_of othbr, Artichgc_ which. I.
Utu didormined to sell at the viatv towear prices.--,
Country. Merehants,Pediars .and
er:;; are respectfully reqUelited not to pass the _CU)
STAND, r; they may rest . ass_ared that every artiele will
besold and. upon rmi..suna F.l ble Lerma.
S. 'iorr,
Main street.
. May 20..
I.AituG-s ! Int utis ! Dituas! 'Fres
1_!I311'1'19,17 l' I have' Just. rei.elvell a fresh stook
4 .,„(
~„; Medicinns, Paints, Wass; ' WI, &e.. .which , Miring .
'''' been purchased' With .great care at the, best city
houses. L Jittleonfidelitly . recommend to Families, _
_ Physicians. eutintry'Merehants and Dealers, as be
If ii; fresh :m.l pore. ' - . .
___DItIRDI--_,Patlitit _Mediclues, Fine Chetnicals. Instrii=
rooks, pure Essential Oils; Herbs knit Extracts, Spices,
ground :kiwi whole. Essences, Perfutnery, I,:e.
Cod Liv‘r Dil , --warraintek genuine..
.. ...
,nvii.rii6s—indi4oe4Alladdees.:sltinitr, Alma, Log
:o il t'7, :i n i .vr,,e,1.1, iiii Vitriol, Copperas, !AC 1.).1,.. • ..'
PAlNTS , ,Wetherill C.: Brother's Pure -Lead.Chreme
Areen and Vellow,- Paint and Y111.0;411 Brusltes.,,lersey
Window I:lass. Linseed 011, Turpentine. Copal Add coach
Varnish. Anti Iled-f.eatl,All ertifificTi-will-be sold at-the
very lonTst market prl-e.
•iAlso• a fresh and splendid assortment of FAN_ C Y
Lli,lolizi. Fiults. Confectionary, mid innuilierablo othrr
articles calettlated for uso.and ornatiumt, all.of which
aro Offered :It t• ileicpcvst - etorit-priCOK,Ht-tilll.Cile•ni•britz,
]took - and' Fancy Stare of. the subscriber on North limb
over street. . zi. -' -II A VEIISTICI:., --_-
çutnitut c.
. - 10,1.1 N El ; i, of .11 au,-
, , over and „ arts. -
CPO' WP , -.4 • CAHLlsl.l.;.—Thompivpr,Oi
ed has always on hand. a largo stock 44 stiperlor Calitiat
Wara,.lB all tho‘litloront les,,which ho. prep/trial to
'soil at tlfc icneeSt. prioes. - . 11a Inv itits - attott tion I,artit
laely to tho t,SeatNo llottOm, 11. , ...00 -, 0 no St
tlgt , rol 31'01:113. 0111011 tnitiroly -obviates ail Object,ittnh.r,
The botts , an can ha attached to ohl iletisteads. Thay bat o
giveti' tattle& satisfaction to till mho have them in use.
e..147i1NS made. to ardor at tin) shortest not Ice.
I) 01314111 T B. SMILEY . , CAB.LNE.P
1.1 i) mAzi.eit,ma UN l)i t ;„
North Itauoyer st r eet, next doer to .;.IA •
Wass's 114,1. • •
Ito would rZ,spectfully• fnforp the -
oltitens-of Carlisle and the, public generani; that. ho
hagnow On hand a large tout eliwantralieoitmentof 1111 -
ITURE, consisting In part of Ni ardrobea, Card and oth
er 'tubloS, SOfiis • ,BurehuS, ,Ileasteitlap and fancy
'Sewing Stands, ''Sze., nninutiettirtal pf the: beat' material
and quality warranted, • , .
Also a general assertinent of CHAIRS the lowest
VaNrilAis . litaNDa made to orderond repairing .
promptly attended O.
40 - ** (OFI , ' INS made at the shortest notlre ; and har
ing a Slllollllia hearse ho will attend funerals In town or
eouatry. • • - • •
2f Remember the•stand---next door to 11. (Ilass'S
lintel— = It. 11. SMILEY.
Fx.TEN - sivE VIJRNPCIJItE 1100.N1,,
,-3AmEs IL wiuriat would resperfeuliy call
the-tp-ontiOu of tiolise,ltegpus and the public
to his extensive stock of iIironiTURNITC - 111:; -
Ir - Including Sofas, %Fa illrobos, (.I..tttro and Tables;
. • • theSsinc, and Plain Bureaus, and ciery other
article lit his branch .of business- Also 110 W CM lhind
She largest, assOrtinent of CITA' RS In 'ettyllsle,dit
the lowest prices. A - OFFINS niade:at the short. Tt o t
est notice and Ilearso provided fel:funerals...Ho "
seliclfsa rtli mt hl: esfaddishinenton - North llut.
roer street, 111)31 , GILLSSO . S .11 4 4 01 .
• In-Furniture hired out by the mouth or year.
-3111 SC effaiteous.
DRESERVING SUGAR;-- . —A. genera
Ass.,rt mold .of 'Crushed,. SiftfAl , and Pulverised
Sia4ars , of bust quality, as also, :oft Crushed, Clarified
and othur qualities, constautly uu baud, suitable for
and all, other purpeses—geuerally, ;it 'OLD
; , ' , .
f r
Alpe a must:tut supply of the choicest Codeeili Teas,
Spires and other artielea In variety always on
r is Invited . ..lolw fete& beibre buying qlsewhurt,.
C' irlisle..d uly. . J. W. EBY.
• )...„3-41. frill supply of the abovo.celebratotVehurn, now
nu band-of-all the different. lime:from 4 tedious to 50.
It received the lirst. pEontium at the litte PenWs - 311101a
State Fair, tho firet preiniOni at, the'Vratiltlitt lon
and Dolalvan . ) and Maryland. Statq 'Fair*, and • varlOue
atlatra diffOront places. It will'utake' mote ttud hotter
butter fronia given amount of cream, and In time
than any intuit hi thirinarket. For sale wholesalo and
re Mit by • 1 : ?! • PASGIYALL MORRIS & 6'04.
Agricultaral Warehouse ar.4 . 136 6 4 Store, , 6oiaor of 7th
and Ntarltot, Phihnielphia: . .'•i Doe. 0,1654-11
. •
..(Z4DpE'.-',4D,.i1iA4N.1458 ~ A LAK.-
10 isp. • ~,L316 iniiisieilber • c6nf,lani!s- to ',cniTy,'an;ittd
above buslt)ess,in all i 4 ,varjoukl.intnclon; In Is:nrth Jinn
over tdreut,,enr)lslo. two 400a,Norkh, 9f f l oc:ml4's e,iirper
1649 lip lintonds itegPlat4 P.n,lianil;a general riJ:tfortlnent
in- his , liney.conniatlag , Pt all , kinds of, faAlonalilo. :
' • • , - 0 . •, -, 1)1 , 1i5, : Bridles, lilartinal4i)A; - Mitini,
,'• - • ... " Plrejnglorinul llaltnrs,.nit,allilf:S;
,;, \i,, , ,. :''. 3 ," ~ traveling.awl, ,endo,le; .
i —:-.. , •
4 ' .. " 4 :' -"‘ - ;,- . • -....,,, ,
- ' • ''' ' 4l t 4 ; nfaeturetl; talQ ,WOKt . 01 4
.1 1, 11 11 '•
l anproVod Sl' . t XIS IL .-.',
:.. \' \\\\\, t i ' ' s . i".l l ,l l ' l 9 . 14 r. V . ,/;_rtS •PY33 ' r' , used linthle
nonairy.:ano. tp,loso wishing. a Annd
[.. , !,, saw, ititrablo 'and pleasant saddlc
' -'
will call wad see theta. 110
....- ::i 0 1:' A :Y.VelsP., raawafacturca Harness, Bridles,
Ig_.• . o t Cialara %
:nndhips InAl their ,y4rlo
t 911(1.crtutioqiitbl;b$41aves'...frolu.t4P,nunaral 0 pprpha r
_Adna..9.f.lats.,e,pmnimars;_thigt,,Lln.c.n4rs. -,the ;inninst.nnil
I'o t , geactir in:an theli! 'iniot . ,.)i,',9 l,ll o , ilili. - ,thal. 4,2)14(10W'
_tin? comltyy, ;,I,fulalAa• ntakeg all ~ I ;lailApf',Niatraiins•ti
nrClue, Yi%t . ...Kraw,l'lninc, Onr10:;1141i ..1itz.41 . --Sprins...)ltit..
rassc”..: -4114110 I thovo.3cticlca . \Via Im.sna(lo of, the boat
matierial. I.‘wl wor', s ;nulashipi, and with Inc .ntnnoi,de,s.
of.iii,,,; ~••,, ~ ~,, ...,... , 1i . . , .... 3 t..... , .r;:' „:,:,• L . , - , 16:,1 ,, AV, 31: os BURN .1
• - -..."--
•711:RDAVLA:111 i.riAltxtw
. ltt,u I.krkilLsT TOc* . f.'\;;TlP t ;. I:97NT.Vi "
.7011:\ rl‘. SON', iiiid .!'"it'3l:llk
Ou ru py V 4 l-41 4 11.
"AL:lllvlti , t au :4 Vartupp , ,, and the
Intt It to our I .4qnsn;tits Iftro;oonthlinit
Ova .) aro tqlt'iir4'gno.lci niuro rcia.irmablo i”rniA than
ari s y Other honk,lu, tlio ckntuty. "April
' F3
. ,
• • . _ .. . . .
.il*:(1''" WAIrCILES I, CLOG - KS ! I
• " ' ' 2 • k • .
~...:".'4l4 ' . - ••••' - ' 7---- FANGY - JEWELI it• - . - .. c. - • ~' -..
: ,- ;?••= 1 ":'; ,5- 3 7, :.W , .. •I• bri , rO now on hand and tor r:ilW a t ~
rayond.Statat on: Jinin Street, lipk)filtb '3406)) Ball, an 11
entirely now and elegant stock of . ' . - • ;
-.. - ---=AVAlL'I l lfi,.J..4 l i lll,l i X, ,Ille.p.6blt)NS, 4c.
Gold.,LotorlVitcli6ti,.,ll,tnting.anikoftexiiatie.; Silvbi• Zig :
.Sllier..Liiiii nu ari if Qiiiiirf is? II,.• iitlii es - , Aiarge - rartotr.:: - .
06Td7..kiiihkiiirfif.fadia'a aird - Gantreinen: ~ " ' ---.--
ig ado II lon a, a s'pl end Id'at• 10 it tine nt" f(iplefal ea 'an d, gthq P.
llrisrst l'iris (;fevery . porforn, and All prices,.
tiOld't.. halos for ;Yost wild ibli. , golii.ettili 61Palis,
..Fiagar. itings, , ettlfidnu. Studs..Sleetelio.ttcna.,:. l'.
Croa.,:ca. lirowand llOop Eiii:liingslis large -variety ,
Sptroc and Vlntod , Forks, Table. allid-
_Trst Sperms, Butler /
. . ••
• Knives , &c. Yarioue'i,tylas riiia prices, , •
GIOd avid . •
and Colsituou.lipict tcirs.n laYge aetioifin'ent
keri;and to' NV hial tivo UlTitil intrticular
Port Monnaice, a large asioilmentat eviry'prlce, '
001 Lreinti of the beet.natke at 1-arionapricee. •
I , attrY ilexes. ri,roolidi. Ac6Ordients, SPectael
Ladle: Card Caeca. silver and pearl; ut varione pitche r ,
Bracelets, gold nn d.conurioni - ' W a telt f liatu s ditto. "
- itincrawlarge_ - -vnriety'orarthdetlAttthe- ,, lttutelry'-1b 2 0,---
wlttehl will sell at the lowest prices. All articles war- i
ranted to be what ttiOy'aie _hold for. . • •
attentiun paid to the ;
WITCIItS and all work Ivarraltted. keturnatigthaig:s .
to my oldfriende and customers for firmer patrotage,
,I - respirtfully solicit a continuance - 6f their furore. ,
-june'2o- • /
..‘l4. ' - -7 4 r c 1 0...-4.' 7 i 1
gipie\ ._,N‘ . ,a,,ouxail .
r• rt lE. D ? ::, , , : y ,'ANTI VARIETY STORE:
Thu subscriber would respectfully inildin his 1'1.10'14 old
tin public generally, that he-bas just retunied from the
city with a large unit 'varied it eortnuint of •_...' ' •
tiltODDlttliS,.ol,ASmitd QUEDN*.AVA111,
r _
FISH, &e., &.. Oiell in o ff ers fur sale on, thi "MP , • '
most reasonable, terms, .itt his M'S Storr, %Id
corner of North Ilincover street arid the Put- 11,,,,i;.•
lie Sepiare, directly apposite the Carlisle De. •
posit Bank. his stork embraces everything initially
itt-a.ttrucery..aud. Variety. store.— • • .1.._ ____
i4lie public.are iiiiited.ta_ca..l l .:_and,esitmlneLhlitstuct
before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels contden t, he tun
soh the best combs at the hiwest prices. o , ..
. .- .- . . .T. D. HALBERT. . :
'..4 - R - 0 - --- c i..:'' . =4*-• rii.,EAs; COFFEt . ,- 7 -
RI LS ' r Tho subserin - er has just:
added to his fernier Atock ftremora] selection of 171101("1•:() ItOCERIFS ' . es well as all the other variety of aetisice
ti :::::..4 usually kept •in, a Greyer) , :: tire, embracing, ilia,
.t.,X '
f; Colfee—oroastod and jureen—nt .12 .4 and 14 ....tuts
~_ L - '.' - 4 per 1b.,-Orloan's. tlarithal,Crushedind Pulverized ,
4 itgars. - 0- fine qualities.; Chocolates; Spices'..l)airy
Salt, and a 'variety of Vancy artiehei, all of which me, 0.
fired at the lowest.easli prices . We are thankful for the
former support given us: and itivite a further call from
our friendo.nnti Customers, ' : J. .V.VF.It:t% :
I:trigni C: rll •
4„) ytiheir,_tatjt_tfrli
aleiiwho Ore expecting-to become homok c epoors a rii Invit
alto call et.IIALISEtiI tS YAM ILY•(; la ;C - 111:Pi and ox . ,
;Inane MS Elegant assiirtmi•TlOlrlilim:Cliiesifildqueepir, '-
wark4 Iti:11 Other articles. In the hoilSekaeplug lino. snCli "
as Itrunch and English tea seta, hezicYlintioodandplalit,
WhiSto Granite, gilded and hint plain. Dinner Soots As ok•
ary variety and price, bowitt'aini pitchers, tnreens. dish. .
.tc. ' Illooss-ware--centroo table and 'mantel lounps,•
Candelabras :111 , 1 other inonps% great,varity, talon. and tar
iviiitblors goblets, .te. Fruit' and preserveßi , bes, in -va•
rlootv. -Coodar-ware—tails, buckets, churns, tairls,,buttool
I ort iv+ and ladles. meal bITCkl.t .te. • Brush PF—siveapin g, ,
white wash, serubloiny.t, hand.aint show brushes, 'dusters,
I oroottis r vi:. :Market, clothes and travelling baskeis.
• Also a choke 'assortutant of 'Voioaceo and Segars., • Cal I
In; who are fond of etioteto brands of Segars and try the
l'iticipes, Regattas, iitvlfatiolta and other Cahn varieties,
i t d-you-wlll-find 7 tlitine-of-uolloooproachablequality ,:- Als o
nov Spanish mll:amulet Segoirs, with, choice sniff and
. .
EAST 11 001)8 ! NEW G 001)81-
.-- 11A1tUAINS: •
'the sullieriber has just returned from New York and
l'ltlitidelphia. and It mow opening animittimse'stoek 01
.the most splendid
AND Stril:llElt 000DS — . • -
ever brought, to Carlisle.
, tithfliS.—The yin find aThi r ige. Of:Sort
rnent.of dives goc4 of the newest , styles aud
.pat izirtts,•
Ii ES . —Over 71.sriNeedle.tir..rked Collins
and rtmitidngtz, and Ttisertings, In great
tt entire Hew assmtuntrapfamperlal
Venitlttn, and Stair CarpetS.
BOOTS AND SIIOES. , ••—A full supply'of Ladles'; Cents'.
keys. Misses'. and Children's Shoes, 'all lanittLaq
sizes. • Willis' Fine Slums Sr I.adliea and 311oes In the
11i)31ESTICS.,—„•Vjarge ''stark ,of' atlas,
Thikings, Re.. at thirehe see): lewer.t not 'h.
,"n ht,rl, every ankle lu thn Dry tt , •eds 'line will be
finuld in- Om assottmeut—hest ittutllty. newest sty Is,
10 at the very lowest - privet. • in want a
anal elipap goals %sill do u - t;ii to rail' at the old
stand. Last ',lain 'street
' April 9, IS51;.1
_ .
6ubiallwr lOU open this
lie lai•gest and 'most splendid assoltiniqd of—
Owlish% Au immense stuck of
FrencliSl'ork - ed '
•• Under sleeves,
Handkerchiefs, gc.,
botmlit from tlin , Importer In — Sow York, and rill be
sold at pricies to defy all eniiipetlilou. '-, Also, a large as
sartniont of beautiful Dress tionds, Ribbons,
kr. Come 0110 alkitelli before - pilrelltallg
you Will save ninuoy
EWT .GOODS. -- , The subscriber has
-Li just vortiipkt-and-40, tiow;tvi,iiiti;.t 4 tarke ass:ll . l ,
111, Plit FizESIF 10(4 , 3 'suited 'to- the seasbo—filen,:e
call and get latrg - ains.
Carlisle, n1v.14,
Zola of k'arllsle that. ho has ankle • arrarq.,
monts todOti , 4B FITT' Nil and PI,LIMISINti at short II
lice, and On reasonable. tortes, Ile hoe engaged the
vices or ,* iiraCkate hand front l'idladeiblei and has so I
pil e d hiroolf :with an extensite'l'a4brtntene
ultr,s,.whi,-h - will - euable hire to fill all orders 1.rea1d,),..
All work will he iriirmnte& stikk - Uf
will be found in the room .exactly opposite Ms 1' Ili
blishment oti North Hanover street, where nv It
• 'INNINd, SPOUTING, .is also repared
furnish; ormako ;to order, ever 3 , article / of '11b;
used by housekeepers and others. 'Mg/will also attic
to •SPOUTINII, 11ANAIlltii
and '. • • ~ • .
Thank fulfor the patronage with - '‘rhich.he has alread
4ieen favored, hO respeotfully solicits a continuance:
thwaamo. - r. 7
Carlisle, .Tune 14. 'M.
A AI Pl*
Vito substriiier has the satistitetion of in
Vl= °fp& flouting his old friends and patrons the
•his ost;thlislitnent Is again in active opt
rat'. n, new,httildings haring been °rotted since the hip
dicta Irons fire and the win* establislisnent put in amp
plete working order. Orders are therefore respectful!)
solicithd for work h his line, wltlat will he dono with
prentptness and in the hest , manner. •
and repaired. Ail Muds of Machinery In Paper Mills.
gild ; Mills anti Feetorios repaired at taitorr nutlet/ Zilll
Spiedlot, dirY.6.l end
PAM( ZUl'. ,andTallEBlll..X. l o.-M A l - 1111N E 9
such as peril thstr Four 'torso Pow( r t , 'ltoriAnntairflit•
Four 3 ion so and 'No Morse PonorS, Plotutiti t Cora Simi-
Ir 4114 Cruslu3rs, .Patter 4 S. 1114110 , to otder.t_tron and
Brost- l i:S ts-socnted I , ' order, if turd on haatti t; et
the idtort,,t. e. tot& es. Crooks and Mill Goat in,t,
4Pur and 1 1 011 I ., , iteett• ()Odorous for 414 iji,,d.ww
cittot i pe t •511e.31i;! , agthi hiar ; tin \
Aphunts , eat 'Whorls, (.$r CI - mfrs. t lir Wet ale
on hand latiti supply . tif tied Tiny Oh tE
STOVES.',,, Alta ha wilkohuhly lintkirut Cook Sto 4.4
lti)Pr wed lYilts'nnilm crth ni• tRi, tars 111 , r61
131 - IWout, tirate.t, ltepairlitff thole n tttt
'cllltiirr': All kinds of old lion, Tira , ,; end Eoppor liakt
n 01111 m -i- for IV(ork.
iti:tyo Fit VNKLIN thitNrli
-TOSF,Pit A: NEEDLES Atinuttic - tu
qfi tor 'Ot—P :•:.•.,
,' Wilt 0, ;illl,l{. -AND, IiAIII-bLDTIt:,SitVES,
Coar4;e t , Modiuncand Fine 110110017; lar . gs, iniddlu-sized
ancll in, diainotur. - •
MEI! , • .
cLoT 'Olt WOVEN- WIRE, ' •
- 44 f tlin qualltles. - varpus ORO as!oicsh,..from
-wtothiLro,:i.r rA ng.lximecomitarlit-Ptt4 l 44l‘.
rikvy-.l.l,,,nlimborzii_so.paus:_tcilobisovanne.. -
and cut to suit. • •. ,•• . • •
Mao subsbrlbor alstricaepti atistantly cn,liand
• • • • . •
for :coal, sand ore, time, -mirk, gravel': guano. Sonic
salt, bone, coffee, spice,. drugs, , dye-stuilsa
Together. with:an assorm9ut • of. EltlG . AND' A
NEALED lltON WIRE. Al! AI, above sold whoiCia',
and retail by,. . • J.. A.•NEEDLES t . '
• • 51. Front Street,,
Juno 4, ISs6:—ly,
DONSLOW & comMiBsro . . •
- , lkfmteriA"NT.S. • •' - • '• •
- r il ia.mlicite : sttleDcaiers kinds
VO It CIN &• DOMEN'T:I6 E - • Arc( I
T •
N.AirE_MILOII I I6 •TO • • : .
ANTI F011.V.1(01 AND .1)0,NIIISTID - SEITAIIFi ---
7"' •
Importers of Vino llavana Soiars; of tho
growth); of tho Ynoltiagbajo. A."..largo .lisrortincnt
which' It - opt consaiittly od - hand, and for gala 11:
On cost
• gri,g7tionsignmerits..topottnlly.,-,isolieltetl .on —wlti
IlberM arlvitners•will.tio madu whop tlesiriat.
tipog.:lBl.attentiun • ;IVOR twordergt fcir ptiri.baso on co,
'mission i)fTobaecli. ',o also every ;I..'sgwilAjou of
aexotlitt. c parting licing'at mdistonoi. , fronit
-markot.. •
u • Age '*l for V. A. tlog•tze's' colpbrated Germ,
&nuking 'L'oba oi'coniprising ticirty:dlirrro,trctrirti, .
. April 2.3, 1S —1
kj—The stilivril:ra having rinnoveic to their
• • • SP OD US .K
"N O, 47 g nil St ve et r t h,a(vr. Wll.ov. fefitP .
Are-now pnitiariel to offer irinvige and welkelectoit
of the fallowing fiesit. itildPdesiranla geodik",:prinelually
their own intportatlon. • or bought at ' infe,tion,
they are Aldo .at the linparter:s• twines, and
winch they .jzoratilly invite tho, r.ttention„of Coon;
lidel ( Keepers, and fnillile; generally.
fin e n - Vold t WI tni avt Shading.- - -
Barnsley and inch - Linen. Sheeting, 74,6;4,1i-4,
114, 1,
,ItolstavanciPillow' Linens of several choice bleach, ,
and all Widths froin 3M- to 64 inenes.
- idyerilliattkets of all sizes and nualitici.
lid' ul thradlo Blankets. , '
Bed QulltS of the folloWing varieties. viz: MarSCIP..
Welting, liatettedeltegister, Alliatntita,..Allaudide
a .
Lancaster, of all the desirable sites '
, Bureau flevets, 'fable C6Vln'S,WindoW Curtain Mils'
Towels 16,4 ToWeling of oxery variety4.thintitelt '
Shirting Litaltis.:4ol.usliii.o.
twig ilandkoichiefs, Faubaidderies„ itre. .•
Curtains, OM -Cornices: .•
VAN 11AlibIN. 1 41IN,
Importer and Dealers tn" l ine II anMilmitsd „
Jug . • '
• . nprioo. 1854--cm. - - -
. _
undersk);ned would respeetfolly . rid!. t:lke,
tddi .4 Country' Merlin:its and" lioel r
tso watiof
to thuir'srstenstre steak of.+•;;e7r - •• ••
STOV). A:316. V ,OVI , ,NST I , IIIItiACES:
edmprlsing - it greater assortment thin 'eaii laffoumi
an y.other ntore In.the United :• , tates. • • •
Putchisort sxlll find It an hdirabbika to AttFi
'before buying - elsewhere.. For sale Wholesale and
taidunthe.'utoStiitiertl ) :
• - •EM21.126;
• - . .
N. E. Corner 2tid and Riled Streets,
N. 11.—Also ageb ts for Um ectlobruted Ilnegre;
Heating Stoves. ' ptil , 30. 18t6-73E.:'
— Wholesale and. Retail
• • N 0.76 South Second St., Corner of Carter St. •.
The ostablishmetit Ims been enlargald and imms
and is supplied %t in the largest , and hest India
City, principally ql2lB own ninnufaeture,
Oinks assortment from the lost Er.sternliiarkets: •
braving Ladies,' I.lenis`, anti Childten'S • •
oorovury doseriptinn, style mud quality. embracing t
best styles and qualities in this or any other twirl..
Chls statit.citunot...igo : excelled. far quality,Style
.. Each article is marked - at thti very - lawost -- pretol" -
price, iroul which no, deviation will tit made, Sa
travagatit stutainunti will be needed, and none mad:-
eff e ct sales.,.• •
. .
: Goodyear's Guth: In all 'Yekrietieg• rtivn: Gains
s;earce the market, always on baud. The 01111
respectfully Incited to call. (Aprlll,lSs
fIIIIAOII.FIRS ' • Sl.lltlrrilYollB,. E
. 1
' 61Ni-113ES AND' DIIA.UII supplied s• -
Mathematical Drawing 'lnstruments; separate and
cases. st alras - Divitieril; - i'artilleb - fluies - , , lvory,liox - n ....
and 'Paper Scales, T • siniares," Triangles, • Dow I'.
Drawing , Pens,•Protractors, ntiter's Srales, Toile „Al
Ares; Metalle Tapes, SurveyoriChrtins, 2 and 4 l'ole
mid 'llO feet, Surveyor's Compasses', Engineer's Le ,
and 'firiiiisitS, -- Target - Itods‘ate4.Arsi.--4-51attle. , ..Lantern .
the best emistruction. Scriptural Diftedums,Astromi
Natural - ilistory, tititnnttius Chromatrofts or Artib
}Qv.? worky,obissqlvlng -Views, Magnets, Poloramas.
Primps, Zdeetrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus RZ.
Cage cAlleetlon of 'Philtetophical Instruntents, st - 1:
teilatA , s_and -schools. Also, Spectacles, Spi ,
Mi c rokeopes,.Thermometiirs;.'llarometets ilea tigsGi
Gering received the agency, for - the vita 'Of 'll'
SCIIOO.I. API AItATUS,. - 1 Oreparab -
.furnisli Tenet) With 101,0011'Y, tirlan,
Erune, ineh l'iloFtr; a llihnisl taro
Geouietricxl Splids,.“,,,)la„.rnet,4 Test'
in a hox with, leak And 163 0i..537. - : - .llluseratud
reed eatalognes forwai•de Gratis., , •" ,
- • ' ' ' '.1,1741ES ;it% QUEEN,
2111 Cliesnitt, . Philadelphia, 'Easl 13th
cn.~ . ovrr...t
. .
FMB NC • ' TittISS'ES.---Iferhin.
• • Rupiur . accossfully treated, and comfort luau ,
by use of tit t elegant French Trusses, imported by •
subscrib34 and Made to order oxprossly for his Sale 5.. ,
.AII'. dfforing with ' lin pturo will bo gratified, tti le.
tha ho occasion now odors to procure aVruss Fetal'
it) extrounilightness: with 'ousel, durability and,Cerr:
.ottstrUctlen, in lieu, of' the cumbrous and uncoattb?.'
ble article usually sold. An. extensive assOrtmen alt. - ,s,
ouband. adapted to every variety'Of Rupture in iar.
nti.d children,and Ow, sale - nta - range orprice to -suit-:.
Cost of Single' Trutistts; itti, $3, $1 and sr? " Double,
$5. sn, $8 and $lO. - ', •' • ' . ,. :-.
Persons at a distance can bair*.a.,,Trnsti,s'entAci, any
dross by rinuitting the Allllllllli,'sunding niensitrY Attu
thit hips, and stating Side affected. ', „ ~- : , ,
. For Sate WhOltTdti.intd Itatall h,rthe itnOter.• '.; •
''' ' ...- ''' '"• .' 4 . '. ;" ' ' thiLIAR •02 ;V .0f,F. 4 .9.
' , tl.'W:toe: tit Tiviilttli'& irate Stil;,•Philinlelphit
! ''Dirrilt - for pr. Ilatitrinei Initirtreeil 'Patent' BOdy, Div
Chest.flanandbrii and' Ere for lliartetti• Pe.tont:ithoult
litures;. Salton - sotSt Bnd
aages: .flpinal 'Pri?P.S and Ft
pot:ti. '-tadiess'lloooa, 'wit h• c04p9t,910' 144 r ittexigit)::i
TT • O - ‘ P-A$ S.O•C T-' 4710
1 ! IIII.:A.DELI)111A. ••' ,
6,1011 , VAL xmeugg.No.k.4...Poticquiii, •
, . •
Flaw of, the eslfttLasistrltettela of hurnartflfe"onit, hetH9
'Oeipled ,Sextial dtegaties, 'end the deceptions yfhletve'
rltetispd '1449 tbO,tinfortuunte , rlettins onittelt tasW
'Quitelts,'hirve d i rect e d ,thetr consultiNt :•. , ''urp,:ton.
.A RITA ' • ACT- worthy of their 'unite,' to
'AI I:1 pICAT I , 0 4,0 1 14 11, (I I t A'rf*,' to ;alt persf,,mlv. thus :
•uktimt,.(atAle et4lfifitalel),Oick apply byjetteroisiitonti
their, um1111(113o, (ge,, , e t oecuittOif ,
;:s5 - i, - .) a at
t Pt! iusp.i4a N ES. '111:1•:1 , . .01',CITATIO11. ""i„'!,)
''i l ' A tittitt. , - -
;e4,ll)lislie,l)l4 - si,w eiel endowment'. ,r the -of
cottr,otiAtressed,,•gotteted with.' ',!`, l ll lll o l tltett.' 3,-
ittitile ftw anti' ltAil; anti'•
p urpose.: bae,niiir :11 surplus- et.yeeans..orlirp l ).'tl,
VitettlO•Ale L to eavertl:ie the-qhowe.uotteek:‘ ,
1, , nee,tl'ess, t., ado Hutt. the Aloioglotien Nuomands,
,t1:11 I Of the 'lnc: , e
CAt,' (1 ifs, Consfjl , .
thvoa trividiphta;Tai . C..
I)int - vain4;
' • I:Zit-A '
P4.11.1II(3.11 •
apr1111;' •