Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 11, 1856, Image 5

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    Mitt ix 'ma
Blowy Pt.Acs.•;--We ntituiunte Tom lryer , for
-Congress. We pre ambitious that the Fourth
bistliot of -;Teti Yoek. should ,be represented
to 0 r e,reiieettibly-titUttAhe= rourth=-DiStbict-r-o-f--
Saudi Carolina.' It finot to bo endured,that
such ritt artist as Trestcin 'S. Brooks should he
____the,.cliampion-of,the'Congressional ring. -True,
he" travels oniiiimuscle"'splendidly: He is
- a regular hruiser. Blithe lacks chivalry.: HO
" takes .advantage. 'When he "sails in" he, does
. it,like n coward. He is worse than yankee
Sullivan. •." Yanitec,". ungentlemanlY as he
ivas,.he . never "sailed in, unless the, man
was on his feet', and 'had some 'notice. •The
latilamated William Poole would have.treat
ed Preston S. 'Brookins sit:it - 46th, dastardly,
_detiicable bully—a disgrace to the ! , .noble
art'oftwlttlefenee." - BTO - Fftt s must be male to
• respect the laWs of - the - ying, and Mr. Hier is
j e the tnatito this„....lle, has a
: . g . pirit that rises- in indignation - against such'
lurking brutality as he sees at Washington
He.considers it pnre.scoundrelistn. . Mr. Byes'
is a• TIMM .that gives no _Wedges.; btit his. life
'speaks for him.. New' Y,dik may•rely upon At,
that he would isetprove_unfaithful
- woulct'vindicate the fair
repute orthe'rhig; .and punish . ", Brooks.
True, we could not e* . peat. that'w,ith his senti
merits towards the man, Mr. 'Flyer weidld con
descend.' to - deal . him _ :a sockdohiger, The
rscieneithe . fleves would hardly. allow of, that.
Ben Caunt and the 'beet 'aiithorities all agree
that the foot only taunt 'be employed in such
C 1180.4: But.that-is .sufficient. Ex pedo. Iler
cyleai and 'Mr.- Hyer-„,can even' thus show
something Olds' prowess, as well as his - eon..
tempt, for:one whom.his'educatien-toaches
to -look upott, as a -catiff. , Mr: Byer must go
to Washington..-LN. Y. Courier and Enquirer.
U. An , effray took place In Arkansas, a
few days since, in' which. two editors were
mortally wounded. They were attacked by a
Mr. Rice' and a Dr. iletidthair for an article
- putilisWed in theirpaper. Hendinrin..was. also
badly burt... The fight. was with pistols, in
the street., •
PRESQUE IstE,,Arootitook"Co., Me.
Jos. & Co - oily : t r- We herewith' send
you a certificate of a cure .perforr
" use of.only one - bottle of the ,fferan
— we:think - Mr. : Clark to be a - man
and doubt of the -truth _
- Messrs J05,8.--11a11-& Co.—Gentlemen—ln
answer to youi• inquiries, I will„stat'e that my
daughter, aged about , I 6 years; had been ebtii•
Plainit4.of a pain in er side.for. six or seven
'oars, and about the
.:first of January list,
'was taken doWn and _confined to tier bed
The pain in her side was very severe, beSides
being troubled with pains between her shout
thrs. and in her .breast. Freni reading dnum
her of cures performed by •• llootland'a Ger
'man Bitters," I was induced' to tel it in her
case, and sent to" your stOre..ata_purChased
one bottle. She had takeuit but a few days
when she 'began to improve, and . now, after
taking only one bottle,•• she is.epjoying better .
health than.she las for years. She feels
Pain in her side or In any part of- her bady,
and attritnites'her mire entirely to the German-
Bitters ------ t_.77 -7 7. -- 7= - 7 , 41 7- M - 011ARIC4---
• Salmon Brook:, Aroostook Co., Me, •
See advertisement:
C., Nov. 1 1853.—Dr. O M. Jaokson—Dear
Sir—Allow me to express to you my sincere
thanks for your discovery of a medicine,
which, to say the least of it has eftealed a cure
that all oilier medicines that 1 Ore taken
• have entirely failed to do. '0 Hoofland's Ger
man Bitters." hove cured me of the most stub
born-and-vgravated-case PlLEHthat,_pir,
haps, ever fell to the lot of man. My dose is
not ti stranger to this community, as I am
known in this and the stirrounding coun
tie's, and can truly say that my recovery has
,-- astounded all my friends lind relations, as I
___.....hadLtxiel..eve.F.,!tbingl:scommendedi and noth
ing dia me any good ,until
—upon - to try the litte`rs. You are at liberty
o make use of this communication, for the
• benefit of the afflicted, as you may think pro
per: Truly yours, WM...T. ATWOOD.
See advertisement. - •
. ... ....--. .
. ..
. . .
.. .
. ,
flicted with Tumors,- -.Wens, Cancers, Deafness, - Lye
riseases, or Blindness, Baldness, and any growth or
sore, that (if, curable) they can be cured without knife or
pain. ..NO rutnedy.ou'record many he
less cases. All other diseases treated with positive sP e '
cess.' -For' future partiCulars write and state dise
a "c“
and enclose 2d cents. .In other letters (nclose se,
stamp. The remedies fur blindness and denim), pest
be -mailed- to-auy-addreSrk-on- the-yecuiptof .ouo_Dcliaa.
Address . , 0 L. 5ELL1NG , .,......,
' . • - Itiochaniesliurg, ()timberland Co., l'a,
• ' -DALLET,S GENUINE AIN ExamAciTnt wll l
, subdue the pain and Intl:minden from the severest burn
• - r scalds, in from ono tplarenty minutes--and -that It
w4ll heal the wounds with Ant a scar; and 'effeetually
cure Fever Ithenal—intlammatory,
Rheurnitlsm—Sore and Intlamed Eyes—Cuts—Wounds
"...Bruises-01d, and Inveterate . Soros—Scald Head--;
Ooruo and Bunions,-Eryalpelas—Sprains—twellings-L
Felons—C:llllb us—Bites of Ins'ects—Swelled and BK.-
ken, Breast—Sore, Nipples—Eruptions—and nU other
._lnilamiaafor,y:analeutaneous diseaSeStorhere the parts ...:BOn't be incredulous about the madkritscases :tamed
o,be cared by only ono thing-rbut reflect that the few,
' Wit . Positive properties which the Palley Salvo alone
Ordains, and a' heretofore eautnerated—ono to four— .
Cap ,rcach not, al y tho afore-mentioned diseases, but
guery,-- - -Do not regular hrodphislciansproseribe calo
• . fuel inwardly sor scores - of different diseases!
~Each,box of OzAtiqz liaitvxs PAIN Exlaktion.haa
on it a :Roil Vita' _Engraved Label with the signatures
of C. V.-OLTOKENEIt proprltitolis., and; IIkiNRY
dALLEY, manufacturer. AU others are :counterfeit.
ys. , All Orders should be addressed to"ff. V. Clietiener
100.; Bgielny streetr Nost 'York. •- '
1061`ornele by' all Druggiate_throughoutthe` United
'Ratak • 1 .. •
9ti tltu 27tlx. ;lit; Pa.j by. the JOY, F.;
EeskioO, Lleut, I.V.W la 2i11.:13.1aLL. •241 Reg. U. S. bra.
goons, toN.JSK A 111.1.1 IL ,,4).N, of C. , lumbia.
. ,
Oa the 2atil .iug.t.aiwy .tho, RCA . A. li. Kronor, ,11 - r
SAMOI - 3, Rif1..),4 PORTZ to 3110 SAII. sENHE
JON, Vail of tho vicinity of.iiing wn, thris " may.:
. , . . .
•-' - . On thn 3d !fist., I . Dy tho:Itov.1."0„ 111.14"er; M. jdii:i..
' -'IIOPFIIIIT to Sti,a ANN S. x •ditugiiter of Mr.:Joll IC tu ff
aniallof.S,)uth. MiddletonOWllBl4ll, !Ilia 'county... 7,
. ,ii(t''illitlttilli9av,., J. If:
- .- M.Onat:lMP.atT, of Cumberland county. , • .
TO - MUSICIANS.—For sale, a first; ,
mto VIOLIN, with `.bos. Enquirer at thin ,office
nunvliatoli; _ _ ---
''‘ .11EAP .': - TARLEVANS.—L-A.: lot of
White;'.TUrletons, for' 'coterlng 'Chu an 4.
P etUro_Pramos, for sale cheirp-b7- •
Juno • GEO.. \ MTNETI.'
Just, received 'A large lot of Revolving /brain
Rakes,'Square And Round 'feetir,. for • sale very cheap.
Also, a good Ilssortnitint of Uralu Candles, of different
makes, at If. SAXTON',S Hardwaro_Store, East Blain
street, Carlisle: , • June 11.
M.EL .t Co. havintt'Opened a large Lumber Yard
at iffeebanlcsburg, would invite Carpenters . , Builders
Hand..xittlers...avAnthip: LomiacedtLeall_sniiLiee, es they
lutcp all kinds of fnuAbor on hand.. All orders sent to
Mechanicsburg will be ptinctuallysittunded to..
Just received, one of 41e.largest assort= . •
,of: FLY, N.HTS' ever brought-to '
this place. consisting of Cotton, Linen, .
Oiled Tivine Nets of nll colors. The -- Jr, -
prices are 'so. low the people can't help rAc'., -
bu:Ving—st-IL-SANTON'S Cheap Hardware ~ S tore,- East -
Street, ',lipid 11, 18513.
ki 60 dozen Grass and Grain Scythes. of , all makes.
Also ttlarge ,a,siorttneut of Snaths of All kinds, arass
and Grain ltakes, Hay, Manure and Shaking. Forks, by
the quantityl—just , r&elred_at the_ Cheap .11ardware
Store of It SAXI;O:si, East Main StreticTarlisle. •
. .
..Eltriluraged Ity_themnpreccdonted.suceefamhtch-thik
which it has Increased Its cirtiulation, the proprietor has .
resmvoi to make it still more worthy of the patrimage
of the public. 'flint this admit-hide wofk Is • ' .
is admitted by every ono,• containing, as it does, Ono
Hundred Pages of reading matter in each number, being
more than any of the $3 Magazines, and forming two
volumes a year of six linnared pages- each, or Twek,Ve
lintalred pages of Reading Matter per annum for •
Benoit's n6llar MMithly' is prlntotr;itft: new ,type,'
Avon fine white paper, and its matter is
,capefttlly coin
piled and arranged by the hands of the„iditor and pro
prietor, wbo.has been known to the pullite as connected
'with the lloSton -press fur sixteen years. Itti yages.con.,
• _ • NEWS. -
11100 RA
' WIT AND HUMOR.' . Ac., • -
onilite. best an most popular -writers of this country.
- It is - also - spiced-n - itita record - oPthe - notable-events-of
the - timesoif - peace - atid- - witr;of - d iscoveri es an (I.lmprovo - - -
milts occuring in either hemisphere, forming an
agreeable companion for a.lcisure monientorßeur, any
where, at home or abroad, eachaininber being complete
No sectarian' subjects are - nriniltted Into its page's;
there -are enough controTorsal liublicatious each de
voted to its peculitir sector clique.- This woht. Is
tended tijr- .
'T II F. !if 11.1. I . N:, . '
north or south, east or west, and in: filled td the brim
each ninth with chaste, imptifar and graphic }nisei°.
lany,jOst-snelf as any thther, brother or friend would
place' in the hands of* family Ando., It IN in allitsde
partmotits. fresh and original, and, What it purports t,s)
be, the eltenpeNt nutgaiino lu the world.
Any . person eneloalng ONE DULLAII to thcfproprietor, qa
below, , l•hall lived ve the Magezhiu fur one year, or• any
peraun.p s endlug -no Econr Eiubserlbers,and MO DOLLARS,
at, one Limo 4,311 recelvo u ropy gratim.
M. M. BA LLOIJ, I' ulk) b•hor end Proprletni.
CUruar of Terniont and Ilmnitleld titreeta, Boston.
Juno 11,'56.
•TUST RECEIVED !—A fresh invbiee
tj______ __ - of the finest.!: .... -. ___ ' .... .......
' ' . ' . •
Supra Black Fronch.Deolikin Casimeres. " ' '
English Plain,Black and Figured dn. . .
French Fancy Cassimerus of ell 'descriptions.
.• .
Extra American Plain and Fancy d 9. .
Plain and Fancy Linen Drills. ' . ••,. . .
White and Browtr - Duck Drills..
Mottled and Figured Linen Drills.
Super Black Satin, BaratibiLand Grenadine Spits.. • .
Bull, Drab, and:Check Cassimeres.
Figured and Fancy Silks of nil descriptions,'
White and Yancy Mar/mines of every variety
. . • '''
French Whitelild Gloves.
New Style Colored Kid Gloves, extra tine, mechanic's
stitch.. - ...„
- F s \
rench Colored Silk Glovt Kid ;make.
Fine Lisle and Berlin Sum:, r.Glores. • .
Super Mack' Silk Cravats
Black Satin and Silk Stocks. ''''• ' '. . ' • -;
Neck Ties,'White and Fano; Lawn Cravatl, Su ponders,
Juno 4, 18:01;7"
will be open for the reception of vlsi
'4" 0"`".0'..'.."'' - _toraon_tbelst day of July_ next Sit
uated six miles south of Carlini , . Pennsylvania: at the
g•nue ins the Sout- Mountain (Bine Ridge), through
which flows the beautiful Monne:du Creek; the location
is equal, if not any In the country for good
water. pure air, and" mountainscenery. 'lines who are
fond of hunting and fishing can find amusement. A
daily mail and daily communication with Carlisle
enables receive their- letters and papers in a
few hours. Visitors leaving Philadelphia in' Baltimore
in -the morning will arrive et 4. o'eloclty .P, 111. Th e
buildings and
,furniture are new; arid every exertion
-will he made to make visitors comfortable. • ~,,
RTL.llearding SEVEN.. Tinian Pint Weew; claldren,
under 'twelve ycaninf age, at sOcond table, and servants,
half price.
Address, JOS: - W.. PATTON,
, Paportown; .uniberland Co:; Pa.
• . ' • • REFERENCE, .
O'Brien, Graffito & Co., Balthno.'
hshort 4 3arrett, hag , • " •
-• • • •-•- •
• lleitileman & Hayward, Philadelphia. •
W. S. Cautpbell,;St. Lawrence Hotel, Phila.... ,
Iron. Itietrk • Watts, Carlisle.
Rev. J. 11. Morssr•l• " • • .
J. 11. Parker. Esq.; : 41 • . • -
Col. Chan. A. may,. "
JI)))0 4,1866.. ' • : • ' •
•. .etz, l l'he complete SUCCOSR ICetChurri'S
•t , • and Reaping' Machines for - the' last Ove
ycars-1 .ta.‘ s i t aused a de.inand for nearry
10,000. '.'Theyfare wa !And- to cut frornlo to T 5 acres
of grass or grain in a , as well twit can be - mit.withlt
Huth°, or cradlo. Price pf 31nwer, *115; combined
Machine, 0135. ••• ,
7th and-Market Streets, Phila. '
Sole Agent br - rennsylvanitt,'" Delaware, Maryland
and riew Jersey. ' * '` • •
• • • AiniiTs.
Ridging and Slitvol Corn and
Potatoes,: Expanding' Cultivators, with
Steel Teeth :of Various patterns. 'Field and .
Garden ltarrowa, h and'Plows,:Revolving 'torso italas,
.patent, Scythe 'Swaths and. Scythes, ..E4Allsb, • Lawn
Scythes with I . :hotted ixachs, Superior Cu1°404;414
naiiti, with rope , and tackle , aoinplote,.;:aud all other
artitlos for farm and garden: . .* '
•• • , . PASCIIALL CO.,
• . 7th and IfarliekStrunts,
spain's 'Patent . Atmosphodo, ,Promlum
q' • -V.4 Churns or varlOus sizes, Mao lierse-power
Churns and Maxims, Butter, Workers. (3
vArletles) Putter Prima,,
ith aud,Market Streeta, , PLits.
June • • k
• .
Reiii ' fibtiOrtisetiwitts.
. .
(ga r ii . !:„ Ai,cF(i . ib,,,,_,;,.i.,1:4.1,3.•:;
jyf,ll6S, Medicines, Ottelaicals, Per . -
umorl9B, Fancy .oooda, COnfectlonarlos, &c.;
faxodty for amalladvancco. at ' •
May 28, , 1860; I .. South Ilanovor,Stract.
lt N G AND S U.lll r .
-•-• • • • •m . •
• ,The undersigned Invites thu attention' of I.lJnrtild bus
t•Oinors and the public, to' his• now mid seesoufd4o
sortmedt - of SILK, FUR. and, STRAW' :1141TS,''CLOTFI
CAPS, Sze, for gentle en aid Boys wear, "or 'the latest.
styles and bestquality......The assortment will be ftnind
to embrace every sort and slim of /rats mid Caps tor
Moe, lleys rind- Children, from the-,commonest and.
cheapest to the most
,stylish and fashionable, sucli..tis
OftkfOrd i g sprint styloorgontlemeh's Bats, 'White, Black
and lirOWll. Sloll6h Hats: with Fur 'Hats of . his • own dam.
uracture, Boys -cloth caps of various whirs and prices.
With a railr.o assortment orlilon's and .Boy's straw hats
of ditforeht qualities anti pricosi,to suit-the pockets Of
_hot), rich millponri_tS,kelhig_eonfuloot +hylt aver pttr•.
.chaser.cart-he-accomniodated:lrom"hiii 2.- Mitensivo and.
varied assortintsnt he cordially.' invites his friends to
-street. • •,• ' , it. •
N 1 4.1. 1V
.0 0. Q D 8 .: ~The'subschiber
1 . As now ciPonitig a large
.and varied assortment if
•new and desirable Cloods, adapted to the present. seasoni
among which May bo enumerated • ' • •
'Meek - Silk , • • ' . '
thlLSß,Cluth_aud alier_klude of Skirtings— •
'White anti Bleekliaroge Shawls.
.: Cashmere Shawls, and Thiluit Scarfs.
Neapolitan, Rifglish, end Swiss Straw'Bon nets.
. Misses' Straw Bonnets and Flats, of till stmts.
• 2 Fresh , iiiti Olores, and.Sillt Net . •
- Heed Dressett: •
Ladies' and (11111drons!, , ,
Dress Goods and vtirifity. ; „'""
'lay 28, • ! • 01110.-W. lIITNEIt.
:31'I INEft to into. have 'temparninzliy moved thOr
'Store to the corner room. of tßurkholder's hotel, ivhere
they will he pleased tr . , rico their old eustonterti; - •
---..- - - Pine and - CoMtnnit-ltlothiii - g -- • .
• Plain andleighred' Clothing, • . ' - - •
' . . Light and sombre Clothing,• . . ' •
-*- - . Night and 'miming Clothing .... .
. ' 'Noon and ovening-CtOthing,.
• ' • Dress and himiness Clothing, ' - • •
Week atad Sunday Clothitig, . .
. _
.• I- onto and traveling Clothing,
. Bright and soft hued Clothing, •
-" Big and little''.Clothig, .•• - ' . ,
• ' • Boys , and young men's Clotiting, . .
. -. . Grave and styliiih Clothing, '•.. .
-- • • theaP ;Bin 'ehomir - Clothing, :•• ' •
Or any Mad of Clothihg,'. '' '': • '
may ha had at STEINLIt &BBB'S. Cheap clothing
storc, , . .'•
theirAtnnitg c ctensiro-nssortmott mny br. foutid .F
Ilnek niol,lll tic New S . kyli! Press mid Frock oat ,'undo
th . 9 int s pse .; fifshi.4. Pii.nai-ancl
- 1'44 stph. litn-iness emits, of•lllack;,ilrown, Blue and
(11-,!en ("loins add Plain and Fancy Cassluierus. -
Linentlimliant.-and Cntton -- Cloats . , of every
Thin , le and Sintdo•bh , asttql V 6. tie, , till -endless v'ariet'y
of. Plaid and Fancy, Silks, Satins, CaSanieres, Groin'
&lbws. and :11:irst,j1}cc, de. - •
lllnvlnierpnr-li — Daeskin—and—Fnnei-eas - imore
- Pants; Fancy Cassiinere Pants—,
• . . • •
A Iso ,lr 4111 lissortniont a Shirts. Collars, Thiscans:
vat,. Finkel 114111Ilkorell,lefA, :1141;pm:tins, Stoaka, ( )10ve.%
I loscry and . ' - • ' . '
Cerfsle, April 10.1850. ' , •- . • '
• Froit
The sul.sci•lber lunrjriSt iiiifted in the ctore-rooni
merly occupied by .9.e0: W. Ilitner. on the coiner of-the
puhiic sq unre, Mein street, ne:Ar the Market house, and
tlikjoinhig' the Jewelry Store of ; 'Wni. L. Naugle, - an - en
7tirely a 31r - mid splendid - assortment of '
of every vet - kip:lrafinish.
liis Mints rotiedst.• of extra ..1111.0 Teever.
,Pearh'Claret, iiossUth r Sporting* hints. Ac.•'-AlcnStms
floWof ell vita. ties.. These lints ere mantifisetUrod by
Oak ford. Morris .it• Co., and Utile celithrateft hat ters„of
41e,hitk also oVorrvartetlrof Ir one 111 - 41111.-
filet ure. All these goals ho will guarantee to glee entire
Ills Stud; of Filmes is made op or every variety Ana
style from the chenjo , st to the r., , „:, , 5t article in the umr,
liet. and cannot ran to tense.
. Ile ristieetfully solicits the iettrennee of the putdle,
Waling confident that ho can sell the clompest and bust
goods In the county,
Mny In . IMB
- DENNSIELVANI A 1.10U5.V,--Tub.
lie flutortaiontent.—Tho subscriber respectfully
intbnms the chi/mini of Carlisle and the public general
ly, that he Intends ()Veiling a public houso of enter
tato:neut. on the Ist of April, in the building noir oc
cupied by :tir. Woods as it store on the corner of North
ll:mover and Louther streets, intheborimghorCarlislo.
Ito will Ito ready at all times, to accommodate all who
May fitvor him with their Mistral - 1. and•tio.pains will:be
spared-to-make:all-feel tintirely-at-lionto.—llis table Arigl
at all times tat supplied with the best the markut can
iamb Ills Aable wfth aimed and at tont ivo hostler,.
and, overthing to Make inan and beast both comfortable
will he provided. ' hoarders will be taken by the 'week
month, or year, at roasonaple rates. Ile hopes by strict
attention to business and a idolise to receive a
sharo of public patronage.,
...... • N - AtTOTrENTKUIIn.
18561-3rno. • •• •
e- 3 ; •V: cry *I A
.4 1a rr,
Ist. OP-- • 1 , .. L. -1 1 10 --
• t • =WV.
Nn: IIS North Stroot, Italtinto
IVould InfOrtn;tho public that thoy.lut o entered into
the abroo huslne4, and will : pay particular attention to
the sale of .
Ftous,- OILLIN Or ALL KINDD, ()LOVED !SEEN W711410:1(
.- and CODIVVRE Pompous „
and will . 'remit proceeds of sales promptly: Consign
tnonts solicited. r ' • 011,111,11S IV, SLAGLE.
s 3. V. 'los:noun. ?Cork County, I'll. 7 -
April 23, lfidit--;itn. .
.13, 14 . 3 C A N
wait" , respectfUlly announce to tho public morally
ly. that they , opening. an extensive Limber
Yard in Sew Cumberltind. , this Spring, where they in
tend to.k.oup all kinds and qualities of ;River Lumber,
mid also that, they*.have on hand - now — aboutlnieThuir
drod thousand feet of dry hoards and planks, (Pine and
hemlock) of dhileront qualitles; whichther offer to
the public , on reasonable toms.'- • !•
Jun 20, 1556--Xin
. .
—A futteUpply of tho'above oelebratod Churn, noW
ou hand of all the tillnireit :6403; from 4, gallons to O.
ft reCelved the first minium rtt,the, tate Pennsylvania,
State Fair, the first preininta at the Franklin Institute!
and Delaware ' and .51110ittild . State - Fairs, and varlons:
others att./Waren tyrices. -It will make more and better
cdr l
butter froth a.,glven 'amount of creani, less titne
than any ehurniu filo market. For 'sato who ointle and:
.retail by • ' • I.I4SCIIALL DIOIIItIS . CO.,
WeiMitral Wari3lMuse arid Seed Store, or of .71k
and-to kilt, Philadelphia% --."—. it? ..- Dee. 0,1854—tf ;
. INCL . 'The' shbscribei chntlnuoirtb carry on the,
above business, In all its various brandies - , i rt-North Han.
ovor street; Carlisle:WadDors North'of teonard's Corm*
whore he intends keeping on' hand's general assortment
hla line, consisting of all kinds of fashionablo SAD:
DIXS, Drldles;ltlarthigalea,••Girths,.
Clreln4les m1(11111,4 . 01; absiIfRUNKS;
traveling and sadie . . I s.ll,'"Tll_
hag,. , Tle 61146 man, ft,.
ufartures the most 91 1
appro'vecl S P,A
i6Ji -
S SAentrs .over tract 'in lb 111
country. ait those- welshing a ha idi
some,, .
nail to
and tleasant; sad , le
do ta m 11 ' 41 4 1 1 0 ) them: I
• a
c ill o s i / ; : rs ina lt u n ti a th wi eture il V i l l a po rr i s i s l;i lii r r y ld ni le ic s
ties, and confidently. helieves frau) the general approba 4
tit"'/ 1181 !.5iatefilers, that he makes' the - neatest and
best gears, hi al/ their variety of briKlll; that is made ip;
thecotuitry:.die alai> all Itlils.ef
Strar.'; purled 'Bair and Sluing Mat
rhsses. • All the abere articles .w ill be. teed° of, thehest:
material and 'workmanship, and With the iitnavt dos-
. , .
Amerieew, Gorman and English Rea eullurY,
&c.. Invite the attehrioh NeehlietesiVernieks,:eba the*
}eagle generally, to .our .oneseally largweteelc,conthlent
that we are selling geutle on more reaionable terms that'
tiny-other-hotilit-the , etritirtu. . • • [ Aril-ti'cloi.,
have the pleasure of Incoming • the pubild that Hwy . ,'
hur'e at last completed the 'enlargement of their stbro, , - ,
Pint are-naiw rupeiring the laigest and most es{:
boAttnent 0f.W1411 Paper and Wiudow Blinds ever (venial
in Carlisle. A Mil is thllielitOfrOlniblitglyingiting Paper
Hangings of aruLkiiid, as we :are confident that all can
:be supplied fpltiril our. maunnOth s stock: - " At -the old
stand, Noilh lidrover street.
WALL P A P.411:4-41.1s—r_o_c_o_ilmt.1 7 ,_4,-,
.T y splendid . stoclt, , of. Paper • llangings, 'Window:
Sicades'anclFlrenestrd PClnt,s, cnibracltk all the ntnicact •
• ndlin?Tit app - raved 4 stylm - --TlictilaSignatse,-neat-and:—
Chasle, and the prices such (IS cannot. fail togicie ltls
fiction. 'We invite char CilOndS and the public general.
ly to call and examine our asseituient bcibra purchasing
cilsewherc. ' • ' . ' IL SAXTON, •
• warcit2l • East iMain •Street. Carlin
• ,
The subscribers, located• in the room lately, :'orcupled
by. Mrs, Foust as a grocery liture, west of the
Depot. have ju.,t• opened‘un Mitire . new stock of HARD.
WARE, to which they would-call the ittlentien of their
friends and the public generally. The stock, which is
largo and varied,,-was-selected with especial reference to.
the wants of the public, and consists in part of the
following: • • •
BEILDI nAnDwARE of all kind's such as lot Ats,
latches,. hlngCs, nails, bolts,
.screws. kinds,
every article of .lierdware used in building and re- .
pairing. Also, glass, putty, paints,. brushes, &c., of
west • approved quality and•Uu the most reasonable . '
Urals. •
CABINET MAKERS—The- attention Cabinet'
IV:Akers' is itivlted to our assortment of varnishes,
veneers,' knolug, 'resetts r mendiling . s, etc., whiCh will ,
'uild. equal to any in the county.'
SADDLERS Mud COACIINIAKEItS will find In their,
dupartMent all the artieles`quinally required in their
business, such as- steel:sprlugs, axles, ute.
• -11'--Aid, PAPER—The assortment of Wall Paper elm
braces a complete variety of new and choice paterns of
'overy'quality, and at such primes as cannot fail. to give'
sattstltetion. Also borders,.winulow shadosote., &e. -
--• 1101 USE Kt:EVERS arottivited to call end examine
our stock' of 'cutlery. plated Ware; spoons, Tactics, settee
mills,-eppillesticks, snuffers, waiters, slice - I - gaud tongs,
stair. reits , ltollowware, -bass and - ,iron kettles, sad
Irons. use Intend to sell very low. '
I'Ali3lßlßS—Fiet the use of -.Farmers we have an end- .
less Oiriety of_all the arthles.adapted tee their line of
trade, usually' found In Hardware Stores, such as//trS,Fr
Mrks, spades, shovels, hoes, rnhes i -Itztpitn.:; traces,d isher
Cledius,--tc., all tut UM Very lowest -rateSito which we
call their especial notice.
• MECIIANIC:B,7 &.o.—Ate invite the' attention of
Mechanics generally to our stock of edge tools, plau , s,-
'levels, saws, braces, tullts;aulters. lititniners,rllies, ; rasps .
IRON and STEEL tut ail kinds constantixon hand mud
for sale cheap. • •
- . • .
Then (mite, friends, and give us -a .call and examlrre
our goods; an we charge nothing for showing them and
Irotil-a strict attention to business and a desire to . r.te
.roilinimlltte we Bono to nierit'ashare of public patron-
'age. Don't forget the, plago, West ;slam ,t.daNiet, wcstu,of
the Railroad Depuut, ' •
April 1, 1F.811y,.) STAYMAN - ' so.s
i_ -- • .
-.- 31116ceffuneous. L -
. - •
- ... - ,.______._.:—._-_..-______2_ .__-_,.__•_.-____
1 - , i '. ll „ . l?.. l ,.: E .,, B l„*, — . l "„ ' l'ir. T ot ' "K " :: l, (l`('‘irskt, ( "l l ) ° L . .,( s
17, 'RE FRAME. :11ANT.7fACTORY, N0.12d ALCll.strqo .
oppopito Ow T,lfOitter, Plollhilelll , l2.
R. N. h Co. reed r tol tlat (i. ' 'rlzo 3N - hal t :monied!
the Crystal,Ptilneo exhibition. N. Y., 1643. In the Unit.
StateA. Thr (lilt; -- .1)Peorato47 - AletntoI ,nil I'Iri,..OIOSKS. ' '
EltYl-:=Theetuttei signed, has lug lurAtOci himself.
!.permanently in Carlisle, has opened it :limp And i'w DI-
I tore Rllins., where he intends to manufarture and keep
constantly on hand every variety of Parlor and Omnibus.
, . FURNITURE and CIVIRS. Having eouslasrshie
• expericone in the business, and Intending to pay
, personal rp atttion to. the work and finish of ids .
i furnitu, hoexperts to give gemeralsatlsfaFtion
to all those who may thvnr him with their CITRA , III. • It
will be his ` Him .I.o':lttiil) a to LM i 1%.!,, , with As. nritetr
promptness as possitda, non wilt thir,i: nothing iit Ns '
line unworthy his atteidiem .
Ile will warrant his work to be :rend. neat and in the
latest styles, well Mill:hell. wed 'Ne ill sell at the lowest
priceit posSiblefer rash. ' '
Having furnished himself witiva T 1 .Isxrellent fiesta:tr.'
he will be ready to fill any orders in that IWO; prompt-
-- ly - antben - the - mosPreastennble - ternis7: — . • •
.CfirAll kinds of furniture repaired And re-dressed a
• pnenptiv and In the best wanner.
- Carlisle, April lik Ma
'TEN 0 0 ODS.—Th o .subscriber .lieti '
i I just, Kaiin:tied . tram— the—ci ty—and-ds-:. opeit I ng.- - 'ir
g i4l,
genetitrattnient of Fancy and . Staple Gcastls. isisl
lug of French irinoes, Coburgii, Mpaccas. - itv
Cashmeres and Mous do Lalnea.. Dress Silks in g a
variety, Long !Imam illiorls'froni $l5 to ;521.), - FIV .I . ' '
Blanket Shawls. Cambric and Swiaa,Edg,ings and li
sertirigs and Cambric and. Sniss•Coll:ux. _3lerino an
Silk- Shirts and .Draws. ' Dress 'Trimmings hi 'ins
variety with other Fancy and Staple GnCils. - —• ,
nor, 21, 'Mi. - ' GEO. W. 111Tfq.:11,
.1.:8 5' 7.A
." 1 7. OFII.I It kWAII . I;
" " lIENK.Y . .
The subscriber luiv ing' returned from the elly-Lwould-ct
the attention of his • friends' and the, public to th•
large and well Selected imortnient of I lardware which
has just received. consisting in part, of 111/I.LlaNtl Al. •
TER] .I,LS, mills, screws, hinges, locks, bolts. glass. putt,•
paints; oils, .t.e. TOOLS,-edge tools; sows apciplanes" -
every description, with tiles.,rasps,'haroteers, mill's,
LA . S.S of ever); descriptlen and quality—comm.
glass of ill &rent brands, white polished American alai
PriancliTgliisS - of - ail - sixes; double thick - glass of - all - sizi --
ground enamelled glasi, •
A general. assortment of STIOEMAKEItS A.,'.1)" SA7
IThliltS' TOOLS, together with morocco,, Ilning,and LL
log skins, shoe threadi wax,liegs,ilasts„ harness mom
lug saddletrees, &e.
00ACII TRlAL'illiql.*cativass (plain, enamelled. f
tired and emi,ossedi) 'patent and enamelled loath..
axles. springs, hubs. spokes. fellees, stunts, &c.,, ,t 0...
'Cabinet 3lakcint will find altrue - assortment of vat' •
ashes, nahogany and walnut veneers. moulding', resett,
hair cloth; curled hair,
POI,ISII PALNT—A now article for tintklnr
beautiful, white and brilliant Ix/16h, for dining-roon
parlors, Ate. , • •
IliON—A large steek„comprislng all kinds; In' goner
':lla.liemomber the old stand, }last lllgh Street, Ci
31nrc1 46,1460,3
- - -ER-lil A D AND QA.E.E
. .
s . ,
v.: , mixtts, Smith Ilanoverltroo;
would respectfully Inform his, friends and the pub'
that ho still continuos to 'carry on the above busint
itt his old stand three_ desalt south , ot the sit'Ond Yn
.hyterlan Church. whomho litpreparedtositnply all w
will call otr . ltim with FRESH' DR1.1.41) - and CAKES
all kinds, manufactured front . the Lest sup or thiellot
CAKES will be-furnished tteordor on abort,
notide a.AI In the most pleasing style. .1171 . resh Itrc
bn furnished tinily to families in any part of
town on leaving notice lit the Itahory., ,•
A superier nualit " , of - alead tij.d Beer, will 1+:0 h.
constantlyOn hand 'during the thim trier:season. That
roil fur past favors, the undersigned inmes`by , strict
tention to bushuish tuid n'destro teplease, - tu me r it a
roceivo n liberal share of public patronage.. 11-41;1
also attend unit and Ctties.
SC's.:Elll4'l, 1'• ' '
. COD.E.III, ,*: •-.. I Oonxtatitly oil Lind a
...1 J. 01%1. '
' . ' '
.. 'fat tialo -by— . ..
11,1tRIND, •.,. ~ , .. . , . ..
PORE, . J. PALMER . & co.,'
HAMS AND SIDES, ' :Market St. Wharf,
Silo triamits, , • . - Philadelphia
LAUD AND CIIRESE. . Apr 11.1,1850-3111.
• '
•••\ • • persons . avm'g •
Par!d4kignidr:me , wiliciag - Abilisou_intiV , -- - 7- - - - -
lifiliiiitecrikin do the • same before the hit of
their. secourits'wlll. boleti, with the protioi• .porsou
[Mnr . 0 ifjurois. .
. ...• , ,• • . •
• •-44:116.-e—deterlllille4----•
to go Wort on the 15th Jilue Mixt' ,l. will the
fork; soli off s all'oraily"part of My ateeleof , filOODS
.at .0.15E4 , Rotel faLthen to ea .;i.Aiw
above the poskitlice, lfyou are looking for geed bargat. .
Porsonm o uto knoye theMielverludebted by "fete' or to . •, 4
necoiffit will make paymenton •hefore said day. • '.
flay 3 1 ,1856=4 1 A1 .011 AS: ItABNITZ:
(g stain
'from thS subsctt4n4, 'residing , at aloilf
South 't Niddloton township, doniberle •
county, Pa., about the 18th 'list., a DIM,
white ramie and tail and whiteface,-. ; The-said hors.----,
above 'reward will- bo pahl.:for Information which
held the subscriber. to rogaittthe , said horwi.
J. AND IV A ttRA NTT - . - 7 1 1 ho k g .:: I
1 cash - price be mid by the Carlisle Ltunt A> •
elation for Land Wa'rrantti. Apply•to the subscriber,
A.-,A. LINA.
11. W. 111.11,1Tk
AtoNEy -7- w - 4. - NyED.-- 7 All porsu
indobtod to tho subseribur for storo gwds
months and upwards—aro earnestly requerited . to •
and sottle - u0 without delay as moneris :Amylt: . need , .
by bipt at - tbo proseui time. ,
(l4(1. W. ifITNXF
STATE OF lII..TGLI (;11111..,
~ .
ITER. Em.. deceased. Notteets hereby given e <
Lottors of Aditiltilotpition re the estate of quell 061.
hvher, EN., dfo , oased, pare been grantiq to the s,.
striher. . ! 1,11 persons, Itnoivinir, tholovel•ks indebto, ,
said oltrit,,i aro relitost6l, to maize. ininioulotO p4ynie•
ItisdAliose'titaving Olaiiiiii - will proP”ot thoro f' , • , .. , • ,, ti'
tOontio _ . - ' 111ED'K. WATTS,__ -
- KNil 2:1-,1-8D11-8Nr.---.===-77f:t"Adiiiiiiritiator:.
-I .-
• . deceased. , Notice Is hereby 'given' that.,Lutt , . .
F.. 1
Testamentary on tha estate of CeOrge Lutz.'decem• '. °
late of 31onrge tow [lshii); Cumberland county, have b,;
granted bV . tire Register of said county to theaute:
bar, reshllir4 in the salre..towhip. 'All persons -kW
Ing themselves indebted to Bald .9state urn regtllred . -.
aininkediate payment, and peso , havingclaims
present, them fmr settlement to . ... . •
April 1,5, 1856,-6w.]
INEny li , ISSf. .
NovricE.—TiNs Bank has - this ,di ,
/v &Oared a dividend, of .five por eeit.,for the..h
six months, which will be paid-Ovorte the Steekholde, --
or their legal Topeckentatives on dentand. . -
Ity order.of the lioard of DlreetorA
W. M. E
Mny R, 18.55
• • •
r—El E z.—PElt- CENT, A.
,Y-.}] Alt.
sut;iCriberls dispose of the
and Mortgages of the Racine 'andlllssialdpid
Com onny. These Bands, besides loving the Rail lb,
for svurity, have the strong additional securlty
;ilortgages of Ulm-valuable Farms along the linmot t
These Farms are appraised low.andat
gage given for twd-thirds of their rash velue. • Th.
Mortgages acv inupany thoilonds. The Bends-bear
terest'at 'ten pbr cent• a pear, payable half yearly. C
:eas are attached. The Bonds are payable, in five ye
from the IptliorMay,
Thef . af - Farms and the Hall fiend .are highly spoke' , •
h 'Persons who liavett_fisimAitis_con_atry_oulth_
and furtber, inibrtua thin can be obtained from the . s•
scriber. . • • - Will: I . ..'CIUMM 111.1 RS. '
'ay - 27. 185' Q.(
.itopn EnurcomPpiv. •
tr.uctro Engravium; .)Ittguilidont Mils( ' Front
very, rapid sale of Engravings, the Distributing Coln''
tee legs ICOTO to 4111101111 CO, Oat- itDO selected'.
SATURDAY, the tth ofJuly,
for the liktrlhntitm of the ritrions - rattiable and mn
firent gifts among the purchasers of engravings Ici
Clultubtrebtorg tfepe Fir. Couinany's Art Union.
Each purchaser of an' engraving at b 1 has an Intel
in the distribution. The number of engravings t. -
sold -,rill not, far any eonsiderittiongexceed4ooo.
For partlatlars See
JO'Ll'.4. CA JIPB ELL. .
Agent for Carlisl
May 28, 1856.-43 w.)
tir-ir r
1 4 .• * -4 ..a
- 4;
• • °
• .16.
On and after MONO May 26th, 1856, Passe:
-Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excepted :
• . • • FOlt lIARIUSBURO:
• • Ist Train, 24.1 Tr,
Leave Cliambdrsbuilr. 5.30, A,ll 4.20,
'• Shippensburg, 0.03, ", 4.53,
- 5.20,
" Carlisle, , , 732, " 0.00,
" Mechanicsburg, • 7.40, " 6.28,
At Ilarrisburg, • 8.08, •(g 6.56,
Ist Train.
Leave Harriaburg.', - .8:50 A. M
Mechanicsburg, . 9.25; "
"Carlisle, 10.02, "
Newl file, 10,17,
Shippanshurg, • 11.00, .
At Chambersburg, ' 11.37,
Leave Harrisburg for 'Philadelphia at 8.40 A.M.
P. 11:, and 1.16, yla Columbia..
Leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 3.30 it M • 12.55 a
~.and 5.05 P. M.
Leave Harrisburg for Baltimore, at 8.50 A. N.,
at '2 P. ' .
Cars of,Dauphin and Susquehanna Ball Road leave
risburibr Aubtilm. Beading,
0..i.P.A.t all, SAations where Tickets are sold, Pares
~ T BN USS.than when paid In the Cars. - • -
O. ti-L_l3l.l),..§uperlntender.
Rail Road Cliflee, Chambersburga •
May 20/4856.. •
TIOOTKA 4rD . SIIOES. , --The stilic.
Li:bers respect ‘' ''lrm their friends and the)
lic,generaily that they have moved their 1300 T i`.
. SIIOE mitiuticter) the stone ; in N,
• i ' lion - Wier Strout , TOT ly becuplW - ty 31r. FOP
IL. 1
. 4 1 117i , n .t I ve in o eit i ti ro t rs ol li % l o a p Ir o , I s ha i ;e l o i r ( s l t n t .y ak , ;l o D o3 ny ire t t, •
•ary, %here they ere:prepared , tci make Roots rnd' .1..
to measure In ov,e,ry variety, trith a geed. asso.rtmel;.
stook:and 'competent workmen.2-&They-avill spare,n,
fort. to give satisfaetioni, -, 4.4 4 1.•TitYLOR.
• Carnal' ; April 16, 1850- 1 -3 t, . ,
, „
g' Flowering ; :E V, ER G-R BEI\ ~•
. Flowering Siquixs Rosos, Plants,.&e., fu g,.,
... variety, and sizo, for Salo by largo or v.
•quauti les - .at ,the MMus Sun Nurseries and Our ,,
l'hiladolphia,•., , ' .• ...'
.. !
.. ,
.. , , • . ,
--illeir stands 'are in the ',Market, below Sixth Str..
where the 'above can be had every day., ' :Orders a 15.1...
coined hors for the Nursery, , analogues sent to Na:
cants gratis.' • ' ' '- 'S: Al AI6PAY SrLCQ:
AllAing Sun tiilJa
' N. 11.—Roies, Verbenas by the hinolrei), or thowei
pot Other tlow•ering•plants for sale' cheap. • -
~ I) ; soil,meiit of • Crin4llil, Sifted and, "Pplvb).:''.
Bdintra of best , quality, ow olio Soft" 'Crusitati,'ClirP,:l •
aril other quillities enostontly on howl, intti0144, , ,, ,
pro , :eviing uud all other' 'purpor , es—getifranY
.krs,i a eenstaitt supply ef tho'chektet..Ceffeeg,
Spire's 441 other articles ht variety'slierete On
attention le v Rea tg our stook hettmAttyluellsetil"
Carthqe..3oly 25,'55. . .J. IF. EH
t • • ••
bttAer•i! re orl ,
filer "10111 tilyttra),
Bacon—Sides ailif•Stlouldom.
lIENItY gun,
241 T).
1.00, 1
2 10,