Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 11, 1856, Image 4

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    Ot'. i.ti..,t,.4.:fi',...-7:ifit.1,71,k.:,
W'earOe4:Ank Z.ljeupest.ll:llpe.r
TEIIIIIS7J-71'ivo poLLAI - 0 - A - YAWFCR - ORITI)131.- .
$1 76 IF PAID WITHIN, TILE - 1 7 iA.114
DARWIN PHELPS,, of Armstrong. Co,
The democracy - of Pennsylvania has,at
1-3ast been successful in'securing the neani- ,
natko of Mr. "-Buchanan: We cannot
join 'in their 'exultations or ..r the triL
• 'mph, not being by any means one of.
.Mr.; Btachanan's political zdmirers, but .
on the contrary ready at onee,in Spite 'of
";State pride," •to 'zbaloosly enter itati
"the contest against his elevation to' th(
. 'Presidency: bui'We are nevertheless gat
ready toadniitsome
.degree of satitfac
tionin the result.. "We can at cast re
joice thatiweOliall soon be rid 'of Frank
ain Pieree and infamous .administra. ,
thin; and. that Douglas, the _unprincipled
fomcn er of sectional tx 7 i - fe - Il L s. again .s*e.
- back' -for fent. Years at any
While the North has the candidate
the -Sontrbas,got - the pkgform. :
Boehm - lan:s friends may clainf for him a
inure conservative feeling, lailiTifovertbo;
less he is bound bythe.platform to pur
sue the,. same, policy 'that has covered
Pierce with .A.ll*thit Pierce has
. done is virtually nisproved , ofi . and Doug
las.publiely boasts.that thouh. ho is set
aside :U8- principles, Ondparticularly the
abrogation of the Missouri Compromise,
are fully endorsed, by the CoUvention.
The Benton men.were rejected' and the
" Border Ruffian" contestants admitted .
froM Missouri,-and " Filibusterism" un
blushingly avowed OS the basis of our for-
oign policy.. And upon such. a platform
Mr. Buchanan is
.ptit forward as a con
consent,to be .deceived into. his
by,such a -hollowcatallbword
iSrAkrNa UP !--4 great p` blip indig-
illation.. in e e ting4iis d
Wayne :con n ty, l Pa., in reference --io
outrages commuted by,tbe, Slave, Power
iuthe.territory--of---liansas-„Tand in the
Federal capitol..,'The Democrat of that
place informs us that leading men of all
political- 1)641e5- 7 -Whigs, •Democrats, Re
publicans, and - Americans—:Participatcil
and emulated-.: each otheek enthusiasm.
The'President-of-the-meeting -was -the
Hon.. 4y . .. H. ; Dimmick ) . as ::prominent
Hunkei Demoerat - as - thereisin the coon=
ty and among the speakers'werel M.
Crane, Samuel E.. and_ Francis
Dralte,from :the Administration side.
inent Caused by, the brutal assault of
Brooks upon Sunrer still possesses • the
- public, mind and meetings are daily held'
in all parts of the North and West to. give
expression to ihe public indignation. A
large-meeting was „held. in ,Kiledelphia
last Week, in which both Americans and
Demociats participated. No event for
many years has, excited ms, profound s
leeting of, indignatton ire the North as
Stir A'large. int.lignation meeting in
'reference', to the' assault upoTi Senator
Sumner was held in ChlimberShiiro• last
Week, in which : Whigs,
,Democrats and
Americans joined.
Bieeks's apologetic' letter to the 1.1. S.
Senate Is denounced • as nearly as bad as
the assadlt•itself,
.'? i~
triziozi Pau Woni).
The nomination o r. •Buchatytn:
should. ivoinpt 'the _opEpnents of locafo-.
coism, •to new efforts to secure union' in
their ; ranks._ If that' union, cannot be ef
eeCcal upon,the-nortnnation of Mr.• VHF
more let us have a . new- man.'„ , 'Around
such a man as the distinguished, states
man; judge McLEArt, of Ohio, 'we see
- no reason why every branch oC the oppo
sition, Wnigs, Americans and Republi
()potent of Slavery extension, but mod
- ierate and conservative in his . political__ o
pinions, he is just the man•for the;A:irisis.
Why, with such 14 Citildidate, e'annerfhe
opposition unite and seize the victory
_which is within their grasp ?..*
- 21:;k 1 L A TrORDI Von WHIGS.
• The - North' Araorieitn which-has lately
beens6p - ia l ised to :show some squinting
toward the,support of. Mr, Buchanan,
take.s occasion in :a" lading frOm
which we quote the following paragraphs,
to _state very....elearlY the :platform
upon which Mr. B. hati been put As a
•candidaie. is not oxahtly"of that con4erva-.
tive. character which can cenuiland::the
support and ..favor of right thiuldng .
Whigs. The American,says7.-,t
- Whether Mr. Buchanan will be elected tin
`probleni wniolr at present is noteasy to solve,
That he•is 4 formidable candidate it wOuld•e
folly to disguise ; but'a"t the:sane.time lie has
difficulties/to encounter, which . will not
. be
easily overcome . 'The.pliutorm ;onlvhich he
has been placed • is abhorrent to. the sense of.
the free , States of the North, and
. involves
prinCiPlee which . must tnake•it distagteful even.
to portions of the south. Its - unbloShing en
dorsement of : the . Kansas 'Nebraska iniquity,
nud its - implied - snneion-of-the -t)utrageirwilicir
havelbeen practiced in that unhappy territory,
will startle every right mffided Mita, WIIO
Tfirt.) y commit e ot o ictatio . n
,ot party ;
and its recognition of Universal ..fillihostevisui
will alarm many who fear complications with
'foreign States. With these doctrines inset.o)6d
04 his banner, Mr. Buchtumn:catinot get tho
:vote of mlarge portion. of -tlnise_who care do
tatched from.tbe- existing politieal.• erganiza
-:tion, and who.underother Circuinstances might
have•preferred •him, as an alternative, to
'elore•upaceeptable c Oblate: And•them too.'
the recent outrage o ' Mr. Sumner, palliated
as it has been bythe representatives and or
gans of the party wlrise standard hearer he
has become, him serious Mischief.—
...:Thousands and tens of thousands of quiet'con•
siderate citizens. who had' alpiost resolved to
go for him... Wil l -refuse to do so in ;viewtif that
• • great Wrong and the deplorable consequences
it has involved.
. If underthesp ,circumstances, the opposi.
tion to the can be united on,
one will command" the confidence . ofoliberty-
Loving peaceful and men, as well as i3O
cure the votes tif tlie . tim:organizations which
already occupy the field, there is good reason .
to believelhat such a candidate may ,be
ted, an . d,with this conviction .pressing upon
them, rf is not - tinreOsonable to hope that. those
who. tuive already nominated an these who are
yet to nominate will adopt such,notion as may
tefia - to ziSting — about this diiii•able consumma
Mr. 13uohanan's wimination
be authenticiirof whidli:cannot. . e-
nied. As tIT- feeling of "Statu,pride
is , warmly invoked to seoure support for
nn it niay be'well for consider
..what.kind of State pride!' actuates Mr-
Buchanan himself,' when 'he 'could coldly
repudiate his I'enns;•lvania residence to
escape a few dollars,tasationl ' •
"WASIIINOTONi Feb. 16,-1846.
Derr Sir:-4 have 'received yours of the
12th - ins fa n t, -- in foil - ad - 1g 'in ertbilt, :EU t tinowipg
whether I considered myaelf _resident of .
Lancaster, you Wive assessed me as auoh.
lied suppOsed.that you could haV.O.,known, tint
I had removed from Lancaster nearly - a year
ago, and have ever since been an. actual resi
dent of this . city,, where my official duties re
quire_that.-I should reside. I trust that• at
iota° Attire period I may again bootie a resi
dent of L;ancaster, Zrui that is wholly. uncerloin'
Michael Bundel,:Es.q..
PAINFUL.--The democracy of Wash
ington city'ratified the noruinati9n ofl3u
chanan on Saturday night, and afterward
marched to•the 'White Ifouse and called'
out President - Pierce. As.the N Y.'Tri
bune remarks «oneof the most disaareea
ble Ordeals to which aspirants to
Presidential Office are obliged• to submit
is that of being trotlethout - in the agony
of their-disoppointtnent to throw up their'
hats,and lead off the shout in behalf of n
successful' rival; but Tierce wouttiirongh .
'it_With..quite a refreshing grace and do
livered.ri.thq a•lengthy - Speech:' 'As:for
. Douglas did not. congratulako the
country so, tnyulLupon buohanates.noini
nation as upoii fact that.llls' Nebias-.
ka bill was endorsed • ..• •
Efrerci‘ -
LYnE~:ti~Y"ilv ~;i~rAi~ " shs:~'y
the Philadelphia ,
orth. Anierican „publishes one Hof _ thu,
legi!ilative acts passe.cicoy the Rorder Ruf
fians,to establish SlairerSr ip,
.Kansas and
prevent t e ree om o speeo in a
territorY:. NO wonder the free people of
the territory are up in arms to resist such
monstrous tyranny,' The , entire - `law is
too long for our space. The' first ten
sections which - ippose---the penalty of
The,eonluding sections areas fol
lows :
SEd 11. If apy person print, ,'Wrtte; hare - -;
.duce into - ,:publiSh_or"eireplate, : orstnused-to
brought ifito,'.priliteit''Written,- 'Published
eiroulated,:.or'shalllinolingly aid or assist in
bringing into, prititing,:. publishing or,circnln
_ting_within __Territorystif :hobit paper,
pamphlet, magazine, handbill or eirculittc„ooni.:;
mining any statementS; arguments, opin ions,,
sentiment,'llectrine, advice or inuende, onion .
lated to prOduce,l* disorderly, ,dangerous or
rebellious disaffection atneng - te slaVes in this-
Territory', or.te induce such skies to escape
from the service 'ot.,their trinitert3, or to resist
their authority, heithall to. guilty of ,felony,.
and be punished by. imprisonment and hind
labor, for a teAn'hol less than five'Yearti
Sso. 12.. If any-free person, by Speaking or
lif - Writii3g, assert Or:maintain that pers,onS
have net the right to hold slaves in:this Terri-.
tory,'Or shall Intro'duce, into .this • Territor),
print, Pithlish, write, circulate, or caese,,to be
introduced into this Territory,. written, print,
ed, published or' this Territory,
any book,'paper, magazine, pamphlet, or circtiT-'
lar containing any denial of the riga .. tif per
.sons to hold slaves in this Territory such per 7.,
sons shall he deeined guilty of felony, , and
punished by imprisonment at hard labor fiha7
term of not less than two years.
Ska 7. 13i No'person. Who• is conscientiously- ,
opposed-to holdihn''slaves, or who Ileei not,
adMit the righ to4old slaves in this Territory,'
shall sit as a juror on the trial of anyprosecti
tion Tor any of any, sections - of 'this
apt. - ' _
This het to telt() - etlept And be in foto° from
_tuALli.Ur_thALlfiettlth:idn'y of September, A.
D. 18.5'5.. . ,
its n wents by truly sitying;." strikes
he right ineSt:ytiltied - and'venerliteil, the aole
.. . , . , •
harrier betweert . oppres,ion and' its. victim—
right of trial by an unbiassed and lode.
pendent jury -Without-this 'sectioni theAaw,
horrible and draconian as it is, would •be ut
a fearful 8 bntloiv thrown Over a fair In and
a free people, for the juries of*lCatis s would
ft /
protect the victim; but that there should, be
no avenue of escape, no hope f r the oppress=
ed, the net provides that he shall be tried by
his enemies". tinder other aitits i equally. nefa
riot's; the entire administrative poiver (Alien
sas is placed, for niaily, years, in the Elands of,
!her vouquefors. EMbittered and sanguinary
finctionarles, like Sheriff' Jones, have heeri.
placedin offmm-over the people, Who have
been literally strippid of all power, and have.
.no privilege left but to enbruit or . to perish;
and the courts find juries to whom is entrust
ed thd execntien of these
_laws, are
constituted of ' , the faCtioir'nf - the oppressors.
The van as Constitutions of our States care
fully provide that •• the trial by jury shall be
as,bereMfore," and the right thus stricken
clown has always, been regarded' as the most
inestimable possessed by civilized society.
Good laws administered - under the influence
UritielijTifiet - itifilda - pro,visiou must , empan
nel, would, becotim the means of a, merciless
persecution; but a code so dark as this, so
carried out, must leave' the laud a solitiide.
No consoientious southerner, no upright
-noilherner, no intelligent anti Honest man of
whatever section or party, eat!
_servo_ mr a_
jury iu Kansas. Juries must fliere be, there
'• re,--t-z eidai vely cons titu ted---trf---tbe--e-tann c 11-
and thoroughgoing of the partizans of power,
the bloskest and bloodiest of the reffians_who
have filled that beautiful region With oppres -
sion and suffering, crime and horror. •
-• "On the law, itself. which is to be by such
agents adtninitered, it is unnecessary to com
ment. Has any man heard or read of suck
1113 enactment in any country; however be
nightell or enslaved, witnin the last ,two cen•
turies? 'he tiviliied .world hesitates and
doubts as the infliction of the death penalty
for any, ev i the wbrst• turpitude in' crime
but- wo find tern that hanging is - made a pub
limluxury. _Thostatute multiplies the death
penalty w' I it,reckless barbarity that would
have eh ed the darkest- period and most
savag -tionimunitY - :` — antl - lef - what. at tearful
and nnaturaVerinies are these penalties
nounced 1 For those offences which, _matur
ed in the, recesses of a demoniac nature, shock
humanity by their inhuman war upon life
and happiness? 01 the contrary, , Washinp•
ton. Jefferson, Madison, Clay, all the humane
and itat and good; of all time, mould, under
this infernal code, swing from a gibbet.
•• The purest, itobleit, , most illustrions citi
zen of. Philudelphia,lf 'he were apprehended
iu Kansas With'a copy of the North Ameri
can containing this articlec_or shy ether
lication that•dared to proclaim the law of Goa
rind ‘the righttrofman, would be liable, under
a law so sanguinary, with' courfs so constitu
ted and itjury so selected, to: ay the penalty
of his life. To lend to a friend a paper cow
a truth in relatipa, to atlavery-,--to give to -a
_fugitive a drop of water--to: utter
truth, whiCh all the world cherishes-to speak,
to, write, fir to act as every edOcated Pristian
man; must.speak, write and not; is,. within the
dread confines of- Kansam,,the 'circle within
which the national administration is eupreme
in, its despetiam- to InturThe penalty'ot the
gallows or the gaol. , And, 'lest the minor
punishment should encourage, a 460 M.
, the A
„(now, 'when the ago rebukeei all miuimum
penal terms) makes.the least oN est tent'
of penitentiary'imPrisoth ' , fia. the_
of an " INNUENDO," • calculated to produce
a dierderly disaffection," fi ve jeans.
, tIo it poeeiblo niter 4 11 .0 1 %1 411 We and glory
that we have, Ili trinforlO, l lavithed upon , PUT
aelveti, that theoe.ilots can bo true--not in
relation to-Persia or Turkey, Austria or-Rua.
sia—buts of the peat' , humane'
and Christian 'pepple, the, only entirely :reel
tiznlon of the earth I- Atidif,'ciin
bti:stiter_l_trus - -7ther4=- - -not - Ltr-4. - grate
obligation; tipori , all, good men ncit only to ro
foot; but"to'uot?"
FROWI KANSAIL—The intelligence'
frcnn 'Kansas continues 'to be of the most
interesting description. • Maders, rob
berics.and all manner of violations of
private rights, figure conspicuously in'
-the letters of correspondents. A move-'1
inont-has-beeit-set-on-foot-in-the_i r
re-establish the. Herald of Freedom, the
edi tor-of-w ic Ir-,-13 rem' „is-a-prison erl
on ecliaige of treason. - Aid . meetings
in behalf of the Tree State Men of ,kaie
sas are held daily in vat: places in the
Nortliand West' '" ( / "
*a,Ex-Prcsident Fillmore is expected
'to arrive.iii New York . Onthe 16th lust:
in the . steamship .Arago,. froth EnrOPe.
He has not yet publicly. acCepted the
• Vie - Goy. Reeder arrived in New : York
from Kansas - on Saturday last, and at
dressed a meeting of the friends ofFree
doinin Kansas on Monday evening.,
• WORTH 'PRESEIIVIIO.—TIio - following ex
hibits the electoral Yo tee Of the several States,
distinguishel - between the Free • an - il Slave
• 81 New York,
Vermont, .• 5I Indiana,
Massachusetts, . " 13 I
Rhode Island, .
Connecticut, Glowa,l
New Jersey, . 7 WisConsin,
Penesylvaniis, f.'.7
North Cara Lau,
South CaroHua i
Missouri, •
NEW OHLEA;II3 lEilertox.—The election, on
Monday, - resulted in the success,,of the whole_,
American.: ticket; with the exception of two
Councilmen. yhe,Mayor haa 2000 majority
Mr. Trepaunier„ the'Clerk 'of ..tbe First DVS
triot Court;' was" shot and stabbed •.several
times by a party of Sicilians. A serious riot
,ocourred in .the Elev.enth•,Preeinct, during
. which three Sicilians were killed, and several
(Acre wounded. Much fighting, stabbing
and shoooting occurred throughout the 'day,
but without any further deaths: • - 1
have the Daily Western Christian Advocate
with Conference proceedings to Tuesday, June
S.The report against lay representation was
adopted; — ' . •'
There was a long discussion about the to
-striction confining preachers .to -four years'
station in cities. There appears to• he in the
report a transposition of paragraphs, but we
infer that the restriction' was removed. .
Tesrio — Avas.cleoted....editor_of—the; Pa,
cific Chri:itian A. vocato by acclamation, and
Re v,l--Brooks-eititor.-oßle-centrat-Ativo
The Conference refused, to elect a corres
ponding secretary of the Tract . Society; and
voted the taising. cot the subscription 'price of
the•Christian-Advocate and Journal.
The Rev. Bishop Simpson was elootedarst
delegate to' the English Wesleyan Confer e,
and the Rev. Dr. MeClintoolCiecond.'
A 13obrEtt.---Gustavus . Koerner; who .was
the Denioeratio Lieutenant Governor or nit
nois in the year 1858, has come out strongly.
against the extension of slavery, and I the
- Democratio - pavty; - na - belngrinite favor - , — lte`,
is man of deseribed as a maof 'grout int:titmice with .
the German population of the State, Illinois,
hitherto the most devoted of all the Western
Stales to the Democratic party, seems to bait)
a number °fits leading - Democrats very Much
discontented ivith,.the ,preient position of
things. , With the aid-of such men as Truro
bull, Bissell, and lioerner; it will he elreege
indeed it the'opposition doe,' not iriumph
' Xieirthe “Aniel Gabriel," who created:lm
muttlielcitement• in , the. United Stites some
. • •
time since,
,bits been. tried and - convict ed , at
Georgetown,.BrititiVOnlanai 'on a cliarge'of
sedition, for his connection with the dreadful
riots of 170 of gebrutity !alt. .•
UNION '.l - 141:11SIPEf.—;-By 111IliO_ I the,
Ainerioans, and Republicans in tile 'Cannel:a ,
cut - Legislature ' - the anines a
sound, wan; has been elected U.'S.; Senator.
from state :Of Toace,r '
I NN ' lllll
'certainly 6ay that ire spent last year £85,00,
000tnore thaq•we shotird' . have done biff. for
that little freak of the, Emperor Nicholai:"
. .
gei,,A•abocking murder of seven persons
was perpetrated neai
St. Joseph's, Missonri
on the night•of th'f lst ult. • The murdered
persons were a Mr Jacob Friend, his wife and
five children, the 'dolt 16 years of age,
Town dab Count') 31tatters.
tirGen., Willis toulke
oitlien of our borough and' an. Older of the
Army in the tact war" with England, died ott
Friday Init. Stlnlltty l
mains were-attended to the, grave by a .
tatehment ot , ibe-ILS. from Dragoonsfro the gar, ‘
ao'companied; hi the, Band,'and . .bythe
Carlisle' 'llght Infantry Under command vof
Captain Crop.
enatration in honor of Mr. • Buelianan'a nomi—
nation, on'Saturcliiy night,: - They mety—pOselL•
bly find sometime 'neat • November, that their
rejoicings were rather premature.
ItAIN A r LisT.—The copious . rains of
thOast week have bad a powerfully reviving
effect kin vegetation, 'and the' crops • have : now
tnostpromising appearance. We 'hear on
all - hands that the grain 'harvest will be - un.
.usually large in this county.
FOI JUDGE MCLEAN.—:lll67dekgttis
.•- •
from this district to the Philadelphia Conven
tion on the 17th inst.. will vote for the notni,
hation . (2 . fthoHon. John IHoteen; of Ohhls, for
Council op .Thursday evening made the follow
ing arrangements in relation to tl e
lamps of the borough; During -the Sunimei
months they are to'be lighted until U o'clock,
and during the Winter months until 10 o'-
clock, p. in. James Spangler w)s . elected
pamplighter to the Borough for .pue lear, at
- .
asalary of eightipollars.
AD -= A CCIDENT--BOY- 110 1% - -011
Tuesday a.boy named nrandt, in the emproy
of Mr. C. Gleim . near Roxbury two miles frOm
this-plaeq- r went on-an - errand to the blaelc--
yniih shop of Mr:liarns, While there a•son
o 11r, hartth proposed a. short truntfor thq
64.4, and NV bile. engaged•in - i hnnti theM-tho
hoy ilrandt was killed instantly by an ileeiden •
tat diticharge of the . gun. In whose hands the
gunwas'ai the time of the acoilitFut wo were
not learn. The boyswdre about 13 or
-14-yours aid —dlecl+anicaLliry Gazelle. -----
front the Monmouth OIL) Atlas, of the 30th
ult. that Mr..A. C.,Gregg,, formerly of Cum
berland County, but litho removed .to .
several years ago, sold, his farm situate near
th&town`of Monmouth:containing 68 acres,
for $6,800, being'at the rate, of $ l lOO per Acre.
He paid some $l2OO for it about eight years
ago and thought be paid a high price at that:
The enhanced price of the land , is attributed
to, railroads and•emigration. We are glad: to
hear, of Mr. Gregg's prosperity. •
llf you wish it truly delightful and
refreshing beverage thii - warm weather try a
- glass - from - the - soda --- fountain - rat - Keitich - Drug
Store. He has a rich . .'assortment of syrups
and bia urea!, syrup is most exquisite of all.
;hs and townbhips of Cumberland coon-
ty, held in Marion Hall, Carlisle, on . Monday
;he Oth of June, inst.,for the• purpose oi--up
p- eluting Delegates to the National:110;0h Con
vention to be held in Philadelphia on the 17th
of June, the Hon, JosEnt Rilsan , WAS called
to the._chair, and Dr. E.' II odirrat, of New
Cumberland, apppixted Secretafy..
The call for the National Union Convention
having been read, the following Delegates
were;-On-motion, appointed, viz Jo-
BEM Rrimat, delegate at large,"and Dr. Win.
W. Nattrz, of Shippensburg, alternattit
i O AL IVArrs, - Etiq., Of - Dickinson 'township,
as Representative Delegate from the Congres
sional district of Cumherland, Yoyk and Perry
'Counties, and Jona D. Gonons, of Curliele,
alternate. • .
On motion it was further .
, Resolved, That a Union" County Convention
of all parties opposed to' the presens Nettonit
Adminititration he recommended to' 'be - bold
.during the first week: of Septet:Ober- next; Jot..
the purpose of nominating a CountrTicket,
On motion, adjourned. - •
learn' that:Buie& IS much "exercised.respect.'
iug a secret tfeitty "entered into between-
France, GrelitliTitein•and *lstria. We 'lime
it in•our power to explain, this treaty, which
is merely a ,ioutior abligation_between ',the
par(ies named; te Patronise • the tt ew g rown
Stoneklothing Halt of •Rockhilk& Wilson, Nos.
205 and 207 Chestnut Street Philadelphia:
Holloway's Ointnont and Pills, Itre'n, certain
'Cure for Scuivy..7.:Edward.llopi3, orCharleS:
'ton, South Carolina, stiffered• more than most
people from the scurvy, and the whole of hit
body wsi covCred with this unsightly eruptiors
he tried a greht number of reputed remedies,'
but be.was not 'benefited by the same, indeed,
it became, doubtful to his friends, whether ho
iyoura ever overcome this. disfigurement. -dt
length he trilid llolloway's Ointment and Pills, ,
aturthfse medicines quickly produ4e(ta
ficial change, by continuing with ,these,
lent inedicjnee for eight weelts, - he • was rptli•
cally cured,,