Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 21, 1856, Image 5

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    Nem' I.lbne,rit'B6ilents:
..NEW - . ' -- .l:lA:Ti' 'CAP,;` =AND .':SHOV, ,
The.subsorib,er. - has just •opeued-in-the. nicrooriffor
' ""114 11
morli occupied by. 96: W. 11,11ner, on thei:c ' or . iif ifi - 0 -
' public:square, Main'strest, near the Market bine, and
, . • • . . aewery Stere,Lof Wro, D. Natigle, an en
...tireVii:oliatur.spleridid•asmOrtmont of - ` •- ,- .. ~ .• -
" RATS, CA; ' BOOTS. AND suonsi - . - 7-- - - --
of *very varletrand finish. - - ' • - ; • ..; •
Rio 'fats consist of . , extra fine lifolaskin; Bonier,
Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting liats - ; eke. Also Straw
flats of ..all.varit Lid/.theso Illits are manufactured hy
' Oaltford,, Morris +2 Co., and iithe . . celebrated hattorti.of
Thiladelphllt. , 'lie hak also "every variety of h.snie mann..
•fatture. All these goads he will glypontire
.. ..
sptisfaction. -
Ills stock of . Shoos is made : tip pf every variety and
- styiiii froin - the chusiOst' CO the - host -Article ivy-the-mar
' ket.'and cannot lull to please.' ~ ~.
--- He respectfullY solicits Alit_patrcinsge. of the public,:
feeling confident that he ion sell; the . chospeettand hest
goods-firthecounfyi- .
Mayl9; 69.:
TAW,EttpIN.a',IOR RFIN;L--The'
Dwalling'sillt;tchintio- gairlins' Shoe Storo, north
'east corner. Main_tind, Pltt streets. * ,- Possesslon. gt.Ceh
:Aipry to - ' J.' B. , JAMISON; .
May 21 1860-3w.] , ,At the Shoe toro..
. . ,„ •
The'uOdersigned would - respectfully call the atten
tion of Country Morchantit anti those In Aant of. Stoves
to thefr.eitensire steel( of
, . •
grovt;§,.u.A. OVENS, PURNA(IES, ,t:e.,
comprising A" greater assortmopt, than can be found at
any other storedn the United States, ; • •
Purchasers, Will'find it en advantage to give us a call.
before, buylittAsewhere: For" sale Wholesale and lie
tall on,the Fume liberal terms: , • •
. 'z•,•N. E 'Corner:2M and Itace'Streets. Phila.
N:. B.,=•Also agents for. the celebrated Macgregor
Heating Stoves, [April 80:1856-3 •
Tl l O • T. FIE •
x TY 1.-rTlio attention of iliimers is invited to
This is the simplest; cheapest and best improvement of
,the ago. Prico'clobr V, with ti,writion guarantemthat
it Will satisfaction or the money returned;
..othaVyou run no risk in trying it. Wu have a largo
. umber of the inest respeetoble referonees,; which can
e seep at our Store. W have also just received our
. ring Stack of Mune», Chains, Forks, Shovels, Rakes,
oes, etc., which is very large,and complete, and which
ilfbe-sold-attlie-very-lowest-prices.-:_AjargoLasseit .. .
out of lieu M-made Chains of all kinds, always in store
North Hanover Street, Carlisle.
- U - B LI-C SALE - or , -
o mnby.ribor will sell, nt public s.Llc,
Ulu p - icinises, !mated pat tly 1n hcutli 3TILLIP'I 7 .O:=
ddleton and pat Hy in Dickinson town • - -
ps, about three miles from ?fount Holly Iron 11 orks,
I th n good public road 'coding to it,
0 1 ,g SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1856,
t it induablO tract of land kuown us the "Steam Saw--
'1 Proparty," containing -- • .-
.. .
_ , .110 AeltES OF- LAND, . . • -
re or less, covered' with excellentfiihitikiik - , - elleinui=f
rrednials3-poplar,-and - -gatni-lii I-valuable-for-saw ing
p poseil. The improfemonts aro: - a - Steam tirtw-mill;,
Nr h upright:saw, throe small circular - Ivitli strap
.I ) g and gearing nearly- view f , a good 'Fifteoii-liorba
. 1 ver Engine, with lifty-feoVatack, cylinder boiler, ,Cc.,
- o ry thing. comPloto and ready, for immediate uso.',Alim
a !Maio - .
Ft. .. ..
, °Me, and ir'gothiStable. A goodgerden is connected
th the house and running water at the door. , p
The miner is desirons, of moving West, clad will offer
either - entire - or in lots of 50 acres. This propoi.tY
od or! rare indilcoments to purchasers. Any person dw
sinntig. of obtaining further information - or viewing the
property. via tail on A. L. further. ,
Beal Estate Agent;
or Witt. D. Seymour, Carlisle.. Au undisputed title will
be glien.4_Saleto commence at 11 o'clock on said day,
when'terMS will be made known by • '
, . • , .. ~. . 'lnt D. SEY.IIOUIt.
-- April - 230850=41w: - - - '
. .
, • • . • • yk‘;•a k ti3e, Mich., Mar. U, 1556.
J IllIJDES; Esq.: 'Bear air, As I. took your medi
cine to Jiell on consignment, • no cure,' 1 take •
'pleasure in stating its effects As reported tetne by. three,
'brothera who live in this place, and their testimony is.n
fair snecinum of all I have received. • '
IV; S. CoNatta told me—" I had ttkon nine bottles of
C tristie's Ague Ba lsatm and continually run down
while using It until my . wigs and liver were congested
to.that .deg;roe that 'blood discharged from my mouth
and bowels.'so that nil thought it impoSslble for me to
live throughnnother chill. doctois too did all they
could for tuo, but thought ' , must die.- Nothing did mo
any good until I got Ithcides• Never and Aguo Cure,
which at once .relleved me of the distress and nausea at
my sumach - and pain - in-my - head - nud - bowelsrand
duced a permanent cure lu a short time."
• IL M. CONKLIN nays—"l had been taking medicine
. asovgdod a doctor as ,we have 'dour county, and taken'
any quantity of quinine and. specifics without any good
results; from 25th of Auguitt to 17th of December.' But
seeing how nicely it operated on my brother, I got 'a
--bottle-of,IIIIODBX-PEV-E1t,..A.N.84 two- lllLClLitioorhich
effecttyl a permanent cure by usinghirds of a bottle:
141 -Conklin was . nut here, but both. the' other
MOO:Orli - wields 'case - was the same , M's. -.1•sold
the both the same day, and the cure was as
. speedy from the same small quantity, and I might so
apoelfy..' Yours with respect. . A iiUNTLNO'riNC •
'Tito above speeks-for itself. Good proof ttslit is, it is
of no butter tenor than the vest number of like cortifi.-
... rates I have already published,. and the stil.grcater
' amount that is continually pouring in to me.
one thing more. 'Last yawl had eeca.sion Caution,
theLl'ublic these
, '4.1 notice one firth who - haslaken ono of mysgeneral
' circulars, kulanituted the' name of their nostrum fur
rarinedleine'and then .with brazen impudence cod
• their pamphlet with the exclamation, bet the preprhP
tor'of any other medicine say as Much if lie dares."
Nowltiskeldeaan rib-in-Say lug the t - -tito Caution refer:
red to the sathe'''..Dr.• Christio's Ague Balsam" that is
mentioned In the above certificate. .
There ltreitertiral, other industrious people who aro
;to their polmenous trash all that I publish
'about my,lreVeftind Agne-Coreter-AntldotoioNalarin,
• eked • - '"Certitleates of Cures, and of the celebrated
ames it. Chilton, of Now York. in„fitvor of
.perfeeIIY'ILARMLESS CIIARACTBIt, which is at
taChed to everf bottle.' Thesi.will always save to dis
•tingulsh thy medicine front imitations. •
r. • s•JAS. A. RHODES,' Proprietor,—
. . Providence, R. 1.,.
• . Tor:sale by.W. tut Druggists generally.y,
• ,•:,.31ey 1850 • . •
.. . .
'RECEIVED,- • - , .
• Stigar , d4rad Mina,
.. ; ' ' Sugar-Faradlloaf, . ". ,_.- ..•
"""' Doer TonguSs, (extra),:r . • . ' ..
illiteoli—Sidek and Shoulders,
low for cash at • [April 29; ., 60.) ~ " ; YVII,LIAIVIT
ILIRES Li ')Et BRI, I Ist Gl—The
' . .1.2 autscriber has just .ecelved a lot. of
SurFaxixi, .F#Esu . .Itguam'a,
of this Year's catch. •For talent the established
' Grocery. : . .J. D. ['ALBERT,
' p.1[23,1965.] North Hanover Street.
40 0.6 R.--1 1 :subscriber has
justiieeelve& e large assert..
men 'of seasetiebletoods, wbleh 1411 be sold Very cheap
-I.oplsoette tbe 11:.1.,1)opoti Qaillsle,
' SL
. 13NOP*A88.._
ceirligt,Veb. 20; -
ndpiOTlCE.—=4ll . persons haying: de
. =audit against-me will call and see ' and in
ted will do, the lime before the Ist 'of! Aprll, or
their accounts vrill be left with proper person for
eollectlon. : [Mar 6) . ' 151130. - W..111LT01.1.
crF, E, R EG ,
_ J.UBTICK OF Tll.ll 11 ACE
0010, opposite the Witt end of the Court nous*
April 2 3 , /VOL ' •
• C 1.1410. W. NELDIQII,
s4 4aiama - n 4 ol7ol.l 4 o d V eti Dipi TA iplal) MY.
41011, West, Maid etnuit,'Barz...
•• • : • 7 - r - sinig:7 - 7 - 77:
- v
TIIO3IAS, tklo, 20-.l3outh—SacAnd_StrOd a -
Platladol phlti, , lm porter • Maunfacturer, and l)eolor n
, ' Dit COS,: MEDIC/14 0111i3lICALS,,' ACIDS, .. ,, , fi x
-P•tot.. 13/18,00,10,0,44:14-12peno
A tnei.reatiAllilto , Puc,—lVindow--Glitsa,-Glitss- ~'arr—
ilshaa,..llrush44. Inht,ruMents,, Oraund - .5W.0.5011010
Spleos, and all 'other articlop ustudly kepi by DruggiSti4
lucludink llorax,Indlio:,01110,14hollac, Potakhi.Ao.
All orders, by mall 'or , otherilßo. promptly atteuda
to. Country tnorchants are Insittid to call and examine
our stook before purchaAng elsonitcro, lartloods sent
to any or the wharvoLor ra/lroad statlonm ,. PriCes
hifdidaoooll% - a - trantod. . 1.-March
kl—,The subscribers having removed to.their • •
. No. 218 Chestuut•Streid., fourth door above Tenth,' •
Aremov , ,preptired to offeralarge - and - wellseleetedsteek -
of thd following fresh anddesiraille goods, principally of
their own importation, or' bought at auction - , - which
they.are:ablo to soil at, the importer's I:Flees,. and to
which, they cordially-invite the attention 'of Country
Merchants, Hotel Beepers, and &mines generally. • -
Bulf,tireon and Venitian Window Shading; •
Barmiley and,lrish Omer Sheeting, 74, 84; 0-4,104,
Beister and Pillow Limios of several choice.bloacherB,
and•all widths frem"3B l to 51 inches, ; • "
Bed Blankets of all sizes and qualities, •
Crib and Bradlo Blankets. •
Bed• Quilts of the varieties, viz: Marseilles,
Welting, Knottad, ReOstor, Alhambra, Allendale and
'Lancaster, of all the desirable sizes.. •
, Bureau CovorS,• Table Covers, Window Curtain Muslin
'Fermis and Toweling of every variety, Damask Table,
Cloth's and Napkins, Shirting Linens and Muslin, Cain
-1 brie Handkerchiefs; Embaolderies, llosiery;A:e:_ Broca.
tel.; Dathasks, Moreerm, Entmildorod Lace and
Curtains; (lilt COrnireSzliandsi (limps: Cord, :tc . .
Importers and Detilersin Lineeand House Furnish
ing Goods.
April 80; 1850--Bm. . •
• . •nrid Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of
• 21 South Front street. Philadelphia: • "
, • ` " • •
Iniportets •Of Firto Havana ilegars, of •tho choicest
growth 'of tow Vtielia,.alijo. • A..largo' oFrortinent of
wificinfrolkept-ctinsanttly - han,d, and Mr tialo" . nt
small advance on cost of importation.
• ireflonslpinfdlits respectfully • sellelted, 'on which
lihchal itchiinces will bo mad° . wlion desire:Ll., •
Special attention ivan toUrders fir purelpisii on tom
-of Tobacco; salso every tiesori pt ion of lilereltan=
Mao : Gtr acWunt ••••• 'parties - Hying at a distance-from-this
market. . ••• .• • • • ; •
Ifkl , )...soia Age „1 fn. F. A. Gtiette'i ediebinted (lerniam
Smokni,, ,, 'Foba o.comprisinif thirty different varieties.
April •2,3,1+ —4y; ,
. .
ITXT: Ckinnsw---
!).i)B_K J. l'AlAtEll. CC.,
LARD .AND Xprll 1, 1.5511—:;in. • .
ft...p.0,N‘13,1A-113,'S u
di 91
N I E 7 I) RI C E
. . • •••No.7d South SeemidAit.,' Garner of tarter St.
The:estahllslnnent - has been enlarged and improved
and Is suplletl. - wittethe• largest 4114 best
hi the City, principally of ills own manutiteturo, with a
choice assortment tr,t,tnt the best Easturn 2,l:srkets;
bracing Ladies,' Gents', and Children's
• itiniTS. SILJbS AND GAITERS' . •
of overy description, style and quality, etubraciug the
hest styles and qualities lu this oritny other utaritet.
This stock. cannot Aro excelled fur-Quality Style anti
..,..t_Eitelt,:trtleic .11i- marked. at .The...vory loweot itos o lble
price, [runt which no deviation will be made. No ex
travagant rtateuiento will bo needed, and none, 'node to
eficitt warn'.
llooklyear's. Gum in all 'varieties. ` Pure Gums, so
mum in the market,, alWaye uu hand. 'rho 'public is
respectfully invited to roll. .[April 1, 183f3.
orloitor. 1:19,14E1t doslres to call' the attention of his
old friends and customers' to his now assortment - of Oen
tionteit's 11./..TS, of tho Oakfurd Spring style, with an
elegant assortment of 111117'S CAPS and •
HATS . °revery' variety and the most fashionable styles.
• Ile has also constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of his own manufacture as well tie city made
- lints and-Caps.-sultabfe-for_thOuguem, comprising_er cry_
variety of fiussia heaver, lillesklu and Silk lists, fin
ished in the inteAstyle r tngother with aThil assortment
of CAPS of every shape and descripticr., and at every
Price. Ile particularly Invites the public to callaild'ex
amino his exoensive assortment, which in style, mate•
ritl and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
to_p_itt at_Pricog towel!. than ever.
_ltemomber.his old stand un North Hanover si - reiit
, next...loov to iluyett's procary Store. ,
- , MER GOODS! • '
The subscribers have just received one of the largest
stocks of Dry Goods.eysr brought to Carlisle. Their as
sortment is full and complete, comprising
Silks;•Popilus, Challli, liareges,:.Tlssues,.l4awns,.Brib.
, llautes' Lamertlues, Crape de .F.spagne ' hull-
brics, Swiss Bombazines, Cashmeres, Al- .
_ . paciiii, liolalnes, Spring 'Shawls, . •
. . . Bonnets. Flats, FloWers,
' . . Skirts,Parascis, ..
. .
- Hosiery, '' . • .
• -and Trimmings--in great_variety„
. - GENTI.,EMIIN'S ),V.fLtit - , - -
Cleths, eaSsimeres,itallittVioths,Cashmorettes, Linens,
Tweeds, Vestings, Silk , Undershirts, Bats, Caps, Cravats,
an collars. Also ,a full, And complete assortment, of
including Woollen and Cot toti' Yarn, Carpet Chain, Win
dcv Blinds, Feathers, Oil Cibtini, - Looking °lassos, Oar
pet Bags, Brushes, and a variety ofFancy Articles. .
I . '. . - ' MOURNING GOODS - •'. - --
always on hand. IThese who wish to obtain tho best'
goods at . TUX to7r,sT mass are, respecifarly Itivtted to
call at : . 4 ' lILNTZ . t.r. BRO.,
Aril 23 . / 866 1 ' ' ',"-, Ballgklianoster greet,. '
Would .respecVnillinnounce to , the puhila and thole;
opatrons thit they are now opening one of the largest
and most: attractive ; ; supplies of Spring and Summer
Ready-made Clothing over brought to this market.
The stock has been purchased with great care in the
eastern elites, and manufactured at home underrthe
modlateauporrisinti:of the undersigned. It 'comprises
In part Drown, lilue,,liluek, and Invisible Croon Clothe,
Statuette, Cashanwettes, Jeans ' Linen and Cingham
Coats, of all styles; BatAn f filesellies, Plush'. and 'other
style!' of VBSTINGS; Plain and Nand lierslnnertt,
Caelnett, Linen and Cotten Pints. Also
Cravats, Stocks,•llandkerehlefs, stooklugs, Suspender 4
Carpet liege, Umbrellap, ace. , , , • ~.- , , • ,
._boat. .Custpiner,work made promptly. and id tb.Tery
style. None,pthor than theinostaxperien;
cod workmen are koployed In every department
of the estabilehment. The. Anderslgued , retina
Omit sinrern acknowledgments for ,the.liheral and gene
rous patronage heretofore extended" to their establish
ment, and hope fur a continual:toe of the,salike- Heinen) ,
bqt the People's. Clothing Store; adjoining Ilyne's Har
wars Htoreon North Hanover Street... ' ,_. , •
• - . ~liil.NOLli 4c LIVINGSTON. ,
rough SAI4E;The
s u scrlber,living in North Nanever striCcin the
boribugh f Carlisle, at the residence of .Mrs.. Muni; a
few . doors ave Mr. Glass' hotel, Gaeta vate Bale a
unadieiof ex bo cellent and well-uutde axtiales at.Pri of Funtormus
cheap for cash, below cost prices,. towitl74-Cine Sofa, two
Divans. Messing Bureau with marble ; topand glass, one
Taney Table, one What-Not, Music Rand. Call bald sea
Avr.lo,l•s=4f AWL& BILELLSY.
- •
Toirabeiliota. l '
Constantly-on—hand - and
for sal° by •
' '`. k , • .•, 9:e , g 0 , I
~ : ;:f : 1 ..: . ~,`A 4 ,., ,:; ;.-.-'
L 10.2 . . 61'-.'±i'.*lt'ilit.s..
• . . . , _ .- • - .
01' ,Goods, Wares 'arid, Merchandi;e
-• f
tit ~
i . Als . o or Dlstillaii6Blinerit,
,viabormeti, Ad.,. wltizin
thp , Ctiunty' Of CutiOrrtiTlk ni rued and .:Ifisstfied by
'iiiffilij - c7."lltostivo -7,1 1,. form TrNpiiridgerritraccard°
lance - iv It 1.1,th0 soVortd.abts,ot Assco.l!lyp,vlz :, ,
~ - , , • -
G' tntz au-,
.A..k...3...11i1ftk,' : ...:,: ' ' ::•: ,'lO . : : .20 00
Charles..oglll)Y,..___ 7--: . „ 7 --
7. 7 "1 : 2• - 7 — ."1:2,11.'
'Philip' Arnold ,. -.-. • ,',•'.' . - .1.- . 12 . :..
~ -12 50• ;
,U. W.llltnor, -- '' •.. : •,•-12 . . ' .' 12 50.
;N:.%W. Woods, . -.. • . ,13'' . 10 00
"1 3 C :- . l l l E r. E Y' oi b f, y /t ' gt., ' . ' , : :.
1 1 0 3: : : ' ...2 1 0 0.. 0 0 11
John 0. Williams,. • 'i• 12 . - ... 12 ,09
'Joseph D. !Talbert, • • ._: 1 ,12:„.. •:
_,...,_ 1210
Sarauel C. ll,uyett, . ...- . . l2 , .12 00
ri: Wellaverstick,- ••
.. ' .' : '13:: ''lo 00
-Samtiel Elliott.- _ 2 __. - - _l4. .:.
William Ke150,...
11. W. caufman, „ ; . 14 - 7
-12..1, E1e1tur,..... ~!. "
.. ; 14 .--- ... .7 00
Steiner & Dro., ' . ' ~ ' "13 - ...• 10 00
-JE-I,m•ew,-_. ..' : • : • : _l4_•
John W. Eatw,lnS, ' '
...- .
Henry,Satton, ' , ‘.. . .: ; 12 • .12 56
John : Lyn.), ... •-„ , ' . 12:-..-.• 12 50.
1 Stayman & Sons, - . . „ 13• . 10 00
llendersun & Sons, ... . , .10 :.. 20 00
1. Worklward and Schnildt, • 10 . , 20 00.
John Pia/or, .' . - 14 .' 700
iii -&11: Rhoads., '• '. 14 • 700
W. lE.ldirrray, ; ; ' , - , 14 . ..7. 00 •
Georgo W. Ililton, . ' 'l4 . 700
Jaerib Shrom, - , •. , " 14' • -7 00
JamvHoffer, . , , •• 14 '
, 7 00
'Thomas Col - Oyu,. 14. • ....7 00
Peter Monyer, ' . . 14 . '7 00
Mr, Rohrer, . ' • • ,
~ •14 7OO
.1. N. Armstrong, 14 •. - 700
Prof. 11. 11. Johnson, . : ..-; 1 .
:, • 14 '7 ou
.1.4.1. Keller, . 11) ou
S. M. Hoover,. . ' 13 .- 10 00
Thomas If. .Skiles. • - 13 --- -• 10 00,
Arnold & Liviimto , p ,, ,.. i _ 13 .: 10 00
Jolitilieeny, • ~..•' '. _ • . 14 . 7OO
Philip 31.essersmIth, ,
„‘', - 14 700
Harkness & Mullin, : .14 .- - 7 00
James M•rlranahan, ; .. • ~14 - 700
George Leiby,. . ... • ;•• 14 " .7.00
Stewart J/Aeubs. •°: •14 . • 7 W A. 11. Piper, Agt., -14 ~ 7 tre
David Common, . . , • 14 700
Fredericka & Hauler, •, 1; : 14 I -7 00
_James callio,,., . • . ••,. .14 ____. _7. 00
'Henry Peters,' , •.. _. ... 14 . . 700
Henry Wass, . . . ' 'l4 100
ice.eppili & T,ow, '. • . , . .14 ' • tOO
William Goold, -• , 14, 1 7 00
Arm hl and Son, . • • 'l3 10 (0
W. I). A.. I . :augle,^• . ' . -. J 4 '7 00
11.-hi ,
S.tter, - -14 •• 700
Al'illiorn A. II ilea, • • ' • . 14 - - 7 00 - :
,Nl.Soodgrassi, . . 14 - ,7 00. 1
Frederick Cornmao,,,, ; .
- ,
... 14 . .- 7.1,a)
Jamb F. Mover, ; • '‘ ; 'l4 ' • 700
.I. W. Smiley, . 14- 7 00
A. Senor, Agt., .: • • .14 . • 7OO
Wm, If. ITaru, ~ . ,-----14 - -7-00"
Martin An - gto - .'. - ~_ ' • 14 700
Philip Deter', h; ' ''.-
- ° 14 -. '7, 00
N. A. Cornn',i U 5,3.1. 35'00
John Wonderlith, - • -• • - . • 10 20 00
. .
.loots 0. litlitc:ol, - ~/13 10 1;0
-Clirjgban-F115710, -14 ' 7 00-
' • -
John Criswell, 14 7 00
11,3tijundall1;go... • .. ', - ;14 700
Willis. loor,.; & CO.,
. • 13 ' „, • 10 • 00•
-- S. C. 11,01nr, -_,
14 . 7 00
.. - _ .I • '. -
14-- • . 7 00:
neck, littbley & Co., •- ' - - - 12 ' 12 ('0
-.1. C. Alth*,- .:', • - ' -.-. 14- .' ' 700
John tilfili, _ - ' .- 7 .00
Josoph.ll Whims, ..
Nevin ninl Readings, ,- - -- - , 'lt ' .15 00
Jacob l'ague. . , -• 14-_ , ..,- 7 Ott
Kalil:10 & Stelielt; ' 13 10 00
U. B. Kohl, 14 7 00
Totton & Stewnrt, •. 13 • - 10 OW
'John Slanibniikh, ' '',' 7 00
.1. Bridges, •, •14 7 10
Samucl Sugars, 14 • 7 00 -
I:'oruoy & 31cl'hersnrt, _-, ~ 14 - .7 00
. • •
. . . 31xcnANlainrit0.. • '' ,
Daniel Comfort, 14, 7 00.
Hiegel &. herring, • 14 • - 7 CO_
heoreo Webbert, • - 13 10 00
Lori tined, ' r' 11. - 7 04)
.llonry Leas, • 14 • • 700
Ueorge Singlier (Grocery), . . 14 - . 7 -00
John Itie:_nd, ' 13 10 CO
Swisher At son, • . 7 .14_, 7 00•
Sinion Arnold, • - •- . . lt.=""- • 1:: LO
iltindlo A: Isiehivranger, •
Dr..l..Day,;• • • • -. 13 7 10 00
• .14 .. 7-00.
Jacob ,Borshelnnor, • 14 .7.00
Knurthan & Bons ( 2•stororos7, • 14 ' ' • 14 00
John Marian,':; ~ .. •14 .• . 4 00.
Cleorge Sian:riser (Watoßoui•N• • 10, ' .31 00'.
llobb, %Villain & co:, --- .14 , 7OR
T. B. Bryson, - • i, . . ' 4. - . •10 • 20 00
Singlier & Shn(ner, ' • _. 13 10 00
Isanc Blizzard, - 10. " 21.30 00
Oswald & Kaufman, • . 14 . 700
D3lllOl Otllbill, ' . 14 • •l' 7.00
Iluminel & Coiner, ' '
..' 14 - - .7 00'
-Blizzard;' 7 00
• 5579:ua1.
. .
' 'l4
. •
- ' -14
" - 14 .
-14 - '''--,,
Thomas Stough.
Thomas M'Candlish,
James M'Candlish,
.11,bn M. Davl.lton, .
Wlht, .
Joseph Loughltii, •
William IWO; • -
William. Brat ton, •
J. 11. Herron,
Bette fi Cobaugh,
T. O. I.evi;
Henry Buret,
' ' • '. .. WesT Pesr,tsDonot'ag. . • .
.Davldson 3; James (2 stores), - 14 14 00
1 heodore .11Mnsher, . 13 10 00
Tovinsond LS: Puttarson, 13 ' 10 00
John H00d,13 • • 10 00
Woodward & Sahmtdt, . 13 ' 10.011
.rolin Teogo. '. - 14 ' 700
Jonathan Freeze, : l4 700
Cyrus Goodheart; 14 •'7 00.
Edward Rogers,- . _l4 - _ 7_oo
IQnwyo s.
• .
.7. & 13.41prsh, . , • •10 ' 20 00
W. &3: Tracey,' ' • .•'.. .14 700
•Jaeob_Siveyer, • • •
...• •••12 ' • 12 CO
J. W. Vanderhelt & Co.i• -14 • 7 - 00
N. 4-.1. A. - Kunkle, . , . ,„.„ 'l4 7 00•
John 1110,1,-- - - ---,- 14 . -7'oo
:Nines Kyle, , ' "14 700
•Petor, Karver, - , .. .. •• 14 7OO
Jelin Churchman, ,- ' . l4 7OO
C. C. suititrei, ~
.. - • . . , i 14 ,- 700
llonry Sayder, : • • 'l4 F 7 00
W. & J (aeon,
• . ' ' 110tWILL. . , • .
• -
‘l'Verry. & C 0.,..:. : .. n JE • ••'• • 10 00
Shoon*Lltpr & - E11i0tt,,......i . . /a , 10 00
D. hoover & Co., , - 14 - 7 00
Bootruityzos. • ,
• -
TM: Clover,, ' • • 14 • • 700
William linnet, ' • , 14 - 00
J.l".llnuglunaM,. : , 14 700
Conrad Fosnaught, •-‘l4 7
Henry Myers,, • 4 "'"
Samuel Clark, ' • 14 . 700
• • IheniteoF.: •
Russell k Dice; = f .. • 13 • 10 00
Jacob DeWitt, - '
. 7 7 0 4 .
Hays & .Palm, • - , - 4 ' 7 - 00
John U. Ilutchinson, ,
Christian ocker,/ 4 ' 700
Isaac Newconter,. ' ' 13 '
W; &J. Gran* - . 13 1000-
Joseph L. Sterner, " ' •14 • • • 700
Francis illigmwn, - ' 24 • 100
W. XL Watts, -. • • • 14 ' ;7, 00
Benjamin Plank, • .14 7 00
,: • Nom irmizajoo ,
Ellis Light, • • ,• • , 14 , '6O
'Bonn Muuzirros
• • -
Mporo & Craighead, '• , ;. 'IS ' , 10'00
Mullen & AleutAer,, ;/4 • 7 00
A!: !ki.liodigh,' -- - - - .:"' • • 73 • . 70 . 00
Dmig Nielcel,- ' . ' '. 14 700
J:A.T.a,ufneau, . - It 7 00
T. G. Wolf, • - -14 -.. '7 NI
.„, . - Lt. 10 OS
nnvid .Sirohiu,
Johil Il,tuck.
. .
fievllloy& nun; • 10.00
n or y_FlF A pi,_ . 34 - _ 00
(;Inn`s. ' , coned.'
ignite Itnrtmi. .-
11411131 p
giUMOIIOP & YANIk, \l3 , 400 100
tountls Eckelz,• • . •' 14 • :• "
. , • 14 0 700 4 '
(11'nUn Longiiecker, 13 :' 10 00
lobert Llotterirk,• • . 14 -7 00
- 11x,flirFax. , •
John Lutz; •• : ' 13 • 10 00 •
rlenry•ltPim (warohcuso) ! • 'l4 -7 00.
Itugp"& Son. • • •• • 14 . •-• - 7'oo
W, Eckolz; . ' .14 '
Sbeaffer& - 8r0.,' 4)0--
Niw Ctimurnietn. ,
14.7 - 0 °
John 41.•Miller;-. I . • 1 3 / 10 00
Ohnrlci Oyster, . 13 10 00
Fenman & Porter, • ,
_ l5
.tosser ill James, • --' 11
John Ham ! _ - 12 l2 ,r 4
4 • 7
13.1 e Lee;" _ 00,
John 11. Church, •.•
Rudolph MaFtin,. . •13 1 0 ' 00
. . . ... .
lleetrt, Lingatiold& Eslinger, • ' 14 , , 700
W. F. 31a0,111, . • • .7 00
Door*,lV. Feeler). —. ' ,13 • • 10 00
'Michael Free, , • 14 - • 7 00
Jacob lbontrneclrer, • ' 14 * 7 00-
3111.141 Henninger, 14 ' - 7 "e 0
D. -A.A . J. Dougherty,' . . 14 • 700
Min ADCormlck,- - - •._
~ .14 • . 7 0')
Bucher A Eon, ' . .13 ' 10 00
Ker A: Ifutnmel,.. . . 11 . 15 50
D. J.:•-J. Itynard,
.- • •• 14 :, 700
D. Dorilinger) . ' .• 14 .• 700
Philip. Ziegler, Pronkford, . : - 50 00
P..A. k J..A..A111, Newton,. '•' . 14. PO
Joseph Ramp, ' . . 50 CO
Robert Quigley. " , - ' - . ' • 50 06
Ab'm Resler, South Middleton; : , '5O 00
Jelin 'Bowman. Lower Allen,.. . , ' :41 00
W. h. Ind tahoover, Monroe, • . . '5O 00
Geo. &S. Brandt, "" .•• 50 01\
Mendelson& Soh - a:North Jilddleton; •• - - 5 O 5O 00
IV ilAntn.llarulta, Carlisle. ' . .. • ; 60 00.
. .
mar_shalL.Jamev,_West...gounshornlol,_l3 - 10 , 1
Diller & lirider' .13 . 10 110.'
Jacob Sbellebarger, ' 11 1 ' . 14 7OO
Daniel Ahl &Dre., -. ' - " 1 " 10 00
Philip Ziegler; Frankford, ~ 7 • 700
John Metre, Dickinson; . , 700 •
1 2 ._1(1r Daridtz. • 4 ,. - .., 10 00
A Pin 115•;iiir,Z - Wiiiiii — Sllddriitaii, • — 7 - 00
•Sheaferk, Shupp; •1' . • . , ,7 00
.1. b. Shealier, -,.,.. ' 10 - 00
IV. L. k T. .11. Craighead. S. N. ' 10 co
Miller & Zug. Mechanicsburg, _ • 2I 00
Henry - 114 p, liamptien, 7 14 . 700
T. 11. Dryson. . - . 15 (JO
..." - U - riar - Fast - Pennsbvavivrgb; ---- 14 - 7 ------- --7 - 007—
, David- Vogiesong,_3louree, 13 10 V.O
O. W. Liddigli, , , " . • . .14 700 .
tier.. &S. Brandt, 1, . 14 • ' - 7 00 -
.leaac Illiziard, . it ' /d . 10 GO
Christian Eberly, Lower Allen; ". " ir • : "15 - 00 -
.Ichti Dorn,' -•- " " , .
SainueLititner, " -.". " l3 10,00
1 John R. Kaufman, 1 . 1 - ' 1 : -. .14 - 700
C. Rupp.... " . " -' 1 - -13 - •,,. 1000 -
.lamb ('oover„ jr., Upper Allen,. • 14 . 700
John Slitißner, , Silier, Spring, . 14 , '•00
O. U. Ducher, - " ..13 10 00
'Lewis l'andersloott '" " ' ", • ' -14.. - 7' 00
liendemon & Son; North Middleton, - •12 - 7 1210
,lamb Low ' , Carlisle,
Henry Peters, .. " ... ' , 8-•
%VDU= Spongier, "
Margaret Miller, 4 ' : 8
Jacob Jiines, ' ' '"----- ---- - - S
'Jam , b Stratton, " - • 8 •
ileury IVarner, . 1 ' • - - ' Li
George Slurphy,-11iewvilia,, , ' 8.
Jane Kershaw, •",
Charles lirosister, '..'"ewton,• 8
•„,SP9nsjer & 31. c) Shippensborg, 8,
miluel Specs°, • • -' 1 . • 'B'
henry 11rownewell, Silver Spring,-.- • 8 •
James :Maio, blechauiesburg, . 8
David Long, • et ' 8
' Jurpnilith Freeze, Shiremanstown, , ' 8.
Ramuel•lLDeviiie. - Lisburn, ". • 8
Atiln Goble, East Fennsborovigiz, ' . 8
Mrs. W. Phillipps, r ". . •
DarldLong, Mechanicsbufg, , '
Jacob Low, Carlisle,
Jacob Ilennenum. Carlisle., -,
I do hereby certify that the toren !nit Is a correct list Si
-hr the Dealers la - llerchandive. — Millers; - Lumbsrinv - I
Distillers.-Oystennen, 6c„ in Cumberland county, as
returned to me by Jos. C. Thompson. Slernantile Ap . ,
Praiser. tiotiee p.iven to persons returned as above,
to come nod * their dicenAti on or befoi•e the Ist day - ,
ofJune, 1850, , nrid any license not lifted by %bat time,
be sued and collected without persons. •
. •
...MAY 1856—Aw.. ' •
12 50
]O - 05
10 00
7 00
7 °Q
7 00 nn
7 00
7 00
7 00
85 V • • J i . tom` ii REsll Aurtn-LA
7 00
7 00
4 7 00
The subscriberhavingteturned from the city would rail
the attention of his friends and the public to the
largo and well selectlld assortment of Hardware e Lich he
has just received, consisting In part irf.lrh-11,D1Nti- 31A- .
'rk:RIALS, upils,screws, hinges, locks,
paints. elks, Ac. TOOPLS.L.—edge tools; sews and planes o.
every description, with files. rasps.. hammers, anvils, Ac.
GLASS of every description and quality—common
kings Of different brands, white polished American glass,
Frouth glass of. all sizes. double thick glass of-all sizes,
ground enamelled glass,Ac. -
A general' assortment of 'SHOEMAKERS AND SAW—
DLgics TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and hind
lug skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness. mount
ing, saddletrees, Ac. _
COAC II TN rtr 3131ING—caase
wed and embossed,) patent 'and enamelled leather.
axles. springs, hubs. spokes, felloes, charts, Ac., Are.
Cabluotllakers will find a large - assortment Of. Tarn
ishesomthogany and.walnat veneers; reouldiug,rosettea;
hair Cloth,-eurled 'hair, Ac. •
IVIIITE POLISH PAINV-A nowarticle ger making a •
beautiful, white and; brilliant polish, for'illnlngeoetne, -
,parlors. Ac. • .
1 RON—A large stock; eompthing ill kinds in general
use. t
tiS„.Remenaber therold stand, East nigh'fitteet,- - Ces ,
lisle, Pa.
March 26,18561 : • DiENRY SAXTON. •
14 T 00
8. P. SNYDELEI W:l4 10.0114N11
MINNEAPOLIS, Opposite the Suspension Bridge, Falls
of St. Authony,llinpesota Territory, ' • -
will buy and sell lands. negotiate loans, locate land;
wart-ants in Minnesota, lowa, and ITN:unite. Inquiries.
respecting the couutry,by letter or otherwise, promptly
iron. Alox. gamey, PPOoverilor
1100-li.-3E.,Eice,l)elegate toVonlreis,llinnerote,„:. - '
Gorr.' Pollock, llarrisburg. - •
,', - 'James.R. Steele A Co.,
y hiladelpSa;
i. ilenaredertek-Watts, , . • ~
Bmay' . . • • .
a Magourt,liew York.' ' . •- • •
. ,
Robert Walsh, New Orleans, -
James R. Irvine, - . .
lien. J. S. Black, Sonierse Penn's, -
Don. J. A.-Ed
J. IT,(low, ( V D * •• - •
' Gen. cx , - Anthony, • • '
Jas. Carson; Esq. St. Lords; , , •
Esq., Baltimore, ' •
J. T: Wright, Charleston, 5.,C., " • .
- 4:lll..lTUsed, Pidladelphite.. • . •
20,000 Acres of Brimprovedlindbr Sahara! from $2
to $lO per- acre; also improved Yearns. lota for sale
An St.'Panl, St. Anthony, and all towns: on the :
;sots error. .
t3,,Partieular. attention • given to the Leaning of
Money, and Butering tend Warrants. Addles.; • .
, • - aroma a .
— Stszeb 26, illeed—kl4 libuiespigieb /OA. pr.
. .
le ter
13 co .
13 io 00
' - ',.. f.)Ge 1:110.0US:...
~:yi ; ,.j it, ,,:-: T . .. ". , 0 •.. ~-',.
CP. HUIIRICH, Attorney at Liiv
o - -Office on North .llTovir street. s& few deco
fillies' , Ali„
will be promptly attended to.
. _ _ _
cirtirtrealUrilizie, tW."7 -
Glyn , Stones, *--
• " , "'• ac.;
at Hoffee * *Ali. Yard, Carl 41s0; Iron Err'
ing• [Apr.J.6, *66-6m.
7 CO
7 11t1B
j 1 WM.. F. 87.LLERS, -South Ihnocer Street, • '
mould-respeetfully , -inform-his-friends-and thO pubg -
tinit he still continues to carryon"the above busilit •
at his old stand' threfi taoore,south : ol the Second Cu
'byterlTarChturh; where he Is prepared to supply all s i
will call on him PRESILBitIiAD and"CAKES
u_ds, ntanufacturedfrom,thaLtestsuperfne_ilet.-- -
POUND CAKES wilt ho, furnished to order on short.
notice a:4 in tho.most pleasing style. 7 , IIX - ,lrefb
whit be furnisho daily to families in any part *1.4 tl
Own on leaving notice•atthe 'Bakery.
A superior quality, of )toad a-:d Beer, will ksiel
constantly on hand during the Summer season.. Than,
ful ibr past favors, the onderalgned hopes by strict
ter:lo2ll.h' bustdess and a desire to , please r to, merit
reeelve n liberal' share of public. patronage. tql_ 'V
also attend market with Dried and Cakes. '
• -
Dmins- AND SHOES.- - g
~. pubsor!
: bers respectfully idform their Minds and the pr,!
i L
lie generally tliat they have removed their BOOT Alk - : It n O c t e n r m ntr iz ta t e , tory t tlthe s u tor i t i rvrn m t e n s N h r: i r . t i
man, two Oen; Wow L occ erltick's y Dru . g Stot
• . and I mined WAY opposite Blouyer's Concerti ,
ary where they are prepared to make Boots red Chi
to meattre in every variety, with a good assortment
stock. and competent workmen. They will spare no ...
ort to givo,,satiataction. J. &O. TAYLoIt. .., .
trarliale„ April 16, 3556-3 t . "
1. CARLTSLI",_ "Twentieth Session (fi; '
niOiiths) will commence on• May 6th. A new buil,
heen erected Containing Clyirt.4s;ma, Slaw -
'114;1W, Lc:
'With increase(' acidities for Instruction. and amp:
accommodations,' this Institution presents 'groat
,parents who. dash* the phyoicul•
mental improyou:ent of their sons.
Terms per Session, $65 00. Per circulms ' with fo
Inftirtur.tion; address It. K. 111.11(IcS,
Principal,and-Proprietor,-* :
• Apiil"4lBs6`.-7-PhtinfitlClturnberland64-PaT
STAY.VAN:k BON'.: " • -
he_subscriberi f lotated-in-theanoru lately oreupie.
by Mrs, Foust as a grocery Store, west of . .the Ilait Icon
Depot. haeeju.4 opened an entire new stock of llAlti .
WADE, to whiehdhey, would - call the attention of Die.
friends and the public generally. The stock. which
large and varied; was selected with - especial reference
the.wantir of dye uhi c, and consists. In part of
following v
oug - tirs - oIFARDIVARET - t)
hitcher, hinges„ nails, ....hOlts screws. Ae., comprisluv
every article of lierdware Used building and r.
Also, glum., putty, paints, brushes, he., of tL
inslikt-approved -4041ity;and.on" the-most reasonatig"
CABINET MAKERS—The. attention. of Cabin.
Makers .im invited to. our ~ assortment of varniebe -
veneers, knobs, meths, mouldings,„ Au, which-m.IW _
found equal to any. in the cOunty:
department all the articles usually required in the
line of buSinass, such as: steel, springs, axles. te.
i i i
WALL PAPEM—Tbe assortment of all Paper eo 11
braces_a complete variety or new and c co paterns •
every quality, and at such . prjces as ea of fail to gl ,
satisfaction. Also Lorders t windok aliades,. dm., &c.
MUSE KEEPERS are Invited to call and exams
our stock of cutlery, plated ware, niocins, ladles, cal ,
mills, candlesticks, snuffers, waiters, shovels and ton::
stair rods, hollow ,ware, brass -end -Iron kettles, K
itc., which we Intend to sell very low. •
FARMERS—For the use of Farmers we have an er
less_variety of all the articles adapted to their line
trade, usually found to Hardware Stores, such as plcri.
forks, spades, shovels, - hoesinskes, hams, traces, bait .
chain*, k 0.,; all a e very lciwest • rates, to which ,
call their especial notice.
MECHANICS, Ba—We Invite the attention
Mechanics generally to our ock of edge tools, plan
levels, saws, braces, bitts, augeriqhammers, files, rasp,
&e., whirls we know to be of a collector quality.
X 55 0
v-,._5 00
5 CO
IRON' and STEEL °fail kinds cowitantlyonland at
for solo cheap.
'Than come, friends; and give us ii`eall and examh.
our goods, r♦s we'ebarge nothing for showing them ; At
from a strict attention to business and a desire to
cot:now-date we hope to merit a share of public paths!
age. Don't forget the place, West Main Street, west
the Railroad Pepot.
April 1, 1E56-Iyd STAY3IAN
39 99
30 tY.I
40 00
11-IGfri L I 151PORTAICT - TO — PINI
CIIASERS.,—The subscriber will open thlawe.
he largest and moat Splendid assortment of '
ever brought to Carlisle; An immensiratocknf
- 'French' Worked Collars, ,
Flouneings, •
- .• -- - Man4kerebiefs,
bom.,Thl. from the Importer IN New` York, and will
sold at prices to defy all oo '
Also, a large a
scrtrnitt 'of bcaptiful • 7..7 4 , 1)0n5, Bonnet
-&c, • Coat. Axle Ad; , $ • •, $ • • swhere;ol
rob will care:mon.
e 00ILIIT.
.. . .
~..,.. .
4 T R E E'S - E YE:IV : J:4' RE NF
I- lowering . ru Roses, ' . V /tr., In gre..
: ' 1 ' '''Sh 9 is,
~.. t arlety end size, for sale by:Jingo or reap
quantities at the 'thing Sun Nurserinlifitud Garde
. '
Philadelphia, ~ • . ,i, '....'__
lielf stande are in the Market, beloreflisth Stret
where the above ran bated every day. Anders also ). •
reirelhere.foit. - he Nursery. - -11Galogues sent to app ;
rants grati.a. -.-. ' ' - • 8: - MAUPAY .it On. •
..,4ktittifiltrit Village.
. 1q.11.-Roses.'VeSieenuiri tins - bnidred or thews',
and other flowering plants for pie elitnp,,, [Apl 23-Ini
Zanh Xotices.
ciAlfusix. DEPOSIT. BANK.--
At a meeting of cue Board of Dimetors,leld on the
of March, 1 W.:16, it was unanhnonalirsole,e(Lthat Inter
est ahoud Ibe paid on speelal - tierisiti - by the Carnal:
Deposit Dank, incorporated bt,the 'State of Pennay;-
Teols4a , s &Rows; • ,s ; ., • . •
- - . 4 per eent.lej annuli, for, 4 nitetitita, ,
.434: " • " • . q Et
. Interest comes after the exidndion of the eertillintr
unless renal! . and the money always Paid back with
out notten. l - k ' _..,_ • -
- - order oethe Baud of Directors. 7
March 12, 18.543.1 • 2 .'. -IT. N. BFIETESI, Cashier:
litmus 111.4 Aincuont
Rona: C. Rinuutirr, Joix DUNLAP,
RiCILULA WOOte, Jou, & thrum ' ' •
Joux C. Darns, - Beaux A. SIMICUttq.
- This Bent,- doing business In the Ratan of KER.
BRBSNEMAN it CO. Is now fully prepanid'ttldo a gen
eral Ranking Business irlth promptness andlidelity.
Money ire:dyed on Dept and paid back on demand
without notice. Interest paid on Special Deposits..
Particular attention paid to the colleetion of Notes
Drina. Cherks, - ke. itt any part of the United Sialetar
Eanduaneas Ilad. 10 England, 'inland or the Conti
bent; The isithnd and conadentbd eamention of all ow-.
dare entrusted to than, maybe celled
Sall throe be pleased to give any Intonation
regard to jimmy nsatreisin genend.. " ,‘ . 1
Ttiwproprieters of this, Bank are individually nabh
to the extent -of their estate, Ibr •all the deposit' Aga
other Angolans of her. Brenneman tCo -
1151:11-snling Rouse in Trout's Buildiagi train Streit
* few doors east of the Rail Reed Depot. Open lin bleat"
ages from g. detect, in the ,ainwning.usitil 4 o'eloeirki
the evening.'li. A. rreammor r emOm
x—intectst at the Ore 01/ b ppeert °esti Rut win°
te ch a i tcb3n Special OW" BO
ness on rusted tobit•