Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 21, 1856, Image 2
f Prittrti. El =_= . = Does =~e-~Lotke T - me,-, ;.;:.~, - . `Pt•sitly robin, ` at ntY WiadoW,' Wolcaming.the day ; ' ' !With thy Wild and liquid .piping, r ,. • . Rend tay riddle, pray.; • ", 'I hay's> 'conned it,. 'waking, eltephig, • Vexed the more _ for nye .0 , Thou'rt wizard, pretty rOln, I/oea ho levo Arie,,eay • blooming - Meekly • . 'By the - brooklet free, ' -- -Bending low thygentle-forebead,-.-- 7 •All,its grace to seer' turn thou from the lisening water, 'Whisper low, 1 praY, " • ; ..:.For.the winds might hear my secret, goes he love isitcsay ?, Star,' - thitit en t time Watches . ove'r• him, • .:Write. it itith thy golden Peatil . , '": ~ On My casement dim.'.. Thou art skilled in Love's Cabalai Tell me the'n, I pray, • ' Ano, so nOnelmt "may read it, , • _Doeslie love me, say? _ . _ • • , `[From oe; Boston Evottlniaitz-dtej Vq. WIDOW;McSLAN. .Ill' 11. RIC 11. Jacob Tree was a queeryann. We nee - the • adjective - , f‘ queer' in this connection, it hi : worth a Falstaff regiment of its compa "-triots. Jacob ,• Tree •was also •an Unmarried • man. His native village had known it for years, and the WidoW McShim had been: -thinking of it ever .'sines she put on her weeds and apPeared churoti - so.,beccirningly; 7 - 4:lthriingly &eased, the Sunday:4er the rat Ling of tha gravel upon the coffin of _her late lesser half or 01h:121ml:414 .. • But then, es we- sic" said, it was no;aearet - • Tree-was - pot . married; the whole 'plague — of And this iierti,'this unconquerable l ', perver:. .2.!4.1y," seemed' to hint emnipresenl,—it WAEL anywhere and everywhere. .At churth,,wben• eier he cast bid eyes,towards the nosy, Velvet; :2' cushioned pow, occupied solely by'the widow, every careless linglet, every softened:feature, - even the last new bewitching-frill on her dain• ty bonnet, Seemed to 'ogle him, and utter ire " ploritigly -the- I'dagger--Painted-`--interrogation ",Why ?",- EVer, soboolbey,whoseruddy fate was upturned. Innocently to bits, `leveiY, romp ling, laughing, suany-hearted girl, toe, seeracd , to say; " Why, Jacob Tree, why • oThi'sweet violet, that l he met, springing lonely by the readside,,.in the glad"spring, time, seemed to him'a companion, not because he was 4hrier'-like 'or siender—his average weight, reader, was two hundred pounds— but he was alone, and the busy stream of life• flowed by hie door, as it Went unconcernedly by, the temple-of•the violet. It 'bibtrue,. Mr. Tree had_ahouselteeper r is- no-- inore-a-wife' than a stack of wood is a;oheerful fir', or n a --sun-flowei-- a ,somebody •• doubters. • - - • • To resume—this why" was anueviiiipirit. It gFew and - flourished--more, - - in tenee - itt--.lta :character, more phatitona'.llke in its visits to . It had ::wings,,. that mere bleak,- cold shadows; they, put out his sunlieht with , their coldness, oraMped eCergies, weak.: ened the backbone of hie Manbood, .and dark enid'the light of his evening fire ; playing all the while the most fantastic !tricks) Open his imaginatioti and feelingtl. The :flames , that . flickeed aud;balkoil, each other.* .the faithiofied fireplace seemed to make wry faces,' • and, point their fingers at him as•het elfin his -lonely. atrinthaie ; and they, ` -too, 7 mute, is true, but none the leis distinotry traced. out ontbe wtdi the oininous end dismal 4 , Why ?" no'reepeot, for his feelings—that tire; Mated no , reverence in its:tio'ul, though he had ` built tit' With his own halide, . and lent Own PrPPIR,PP.Preatb to,kindicit late existence... 7 It, cracked and panted, „and flashed' too, Mi.. • man'ilike enjoying its 'brief bour,OrVll ite'red bands, spit; and goat - .as t tli!4,lo Wituldtte;ii - and buret the aide of e old, Mack chimney: Now and Oen the flames would i!FitT out, • in T,t!ie'i:ii l *; !P/ils l og qra o 4 o 9 fie4P B and can . der into the hovom of. the suffering • geforet be4t4rAfilikeer•Jiob Tiee. )'What 'did' 'they avaraata'coilita *hfalit l 94,. l 4, 4 :81qrgi; business 4,(.1; thaaft 4l " Puf44ii4 eyieje,tie ever staring them: , oat . of eonntenaned Week v eat irb.nder' thof 'get Med; • anWiplieitiff'lliefit•3tiedr 11447444. wiK` andolt(wpttbetrooM;witbitle crass eyes witik.' ingand tblinkingl to' Ihtitigh„lbey - 'luid': beat' shoed too iii i iitilii iiA e; t ;If It •-• had haaA a1h.141:4 6 y, 40). , 4114.,421 other, Aprii. days, sunny and showery, like a woman. Pear-trea rr tized, 64-evening, drew p 4o7o o 4a ir jgoe,siikooVier, earner. and , : fell aeleep; „,'Tl;ere!heeat-,nedding, noddingvlike a eldp la a,lesiy, see; He did not see; the fire aei'tbe futcit tad been maltitig at last,,apparently,vezett at his inattentied, Bin , .!eh now occiiirnPly otlOr thk• .4 " Oefn of .- soineitlinfff 11146 014944 sik; drawing twpinild eN of as) sea iell ITft — oicetrilie - balist — started - -Trouiti: doie, clumsily kicked over the fire-irons, ..they ,. in, turn , looked 'and scattered -dead 'and alive coals, - whichrfanned them into: momen tary as and warmth. Tel; do it;'_ he , said,--"I will—l'll be hing - ed if I don 4- and to-morrow too." He put his heel to the.ileur in - no gentle:way pronounced the word , "to,morrbir," . ' "..Aeader, do you.know.what resolved _to do t Ikierther , do 1.. Let.,us • . 10pt•ImPs he dreamed , that-night , after hie bead touched the-pillow.. Yes, he did. Ho ima• gined hirasel(ika great destirt:' , ' There , was • i not living,green thing, iiiiplfilmself 7 -and the- camel They Hired .Iktnualterms. Sainetimes Ole. was Pstride of thtiraMels htimp;• and then'tha camel' was, • across his shoulders‘ .The= animal drank , all the - wate4 and then put out his lips for ,the • famishdd Man to suCk or.kiss, which sa—dli gusted the dreamer that he spit, in, hie conk, _pooh:3ll'l3_ face' and—aioke. -It perhaps,- % needless to say, that Mr. Tree' bad partaken, preyb:lns to retiring, .very w ,very -heartily. of . oytiter 'pie, salad;creom, ands their accoriei. Be- , side; ; he pulled a ve4,tight cork from a very • dusty bottle which was very.distinotly mark e&--4•Otard.;.'We do not mention this 'last ~pireamstatice thinking it bad any thing to do with Ali:. Tree's singular dream. For from it: - lle.could not havc toistaken ~the contents_ of tide: very musty, bottle,' for it was &fi nitely marked in block and white,l best . -0-t-a r=d:' If the render supposet ,othCiWise; the supposition is altogether grapitous „op: Ids or her part. We hive said -he The sun was pee tag through the window - CU - twits.- M . Ousing himself , ho shook hie recollectionof his. adventure. in the , desert, and • went out iatotha morning alr. The birds sang to. bitnr, - tttnytitMe golden 'palm's; but - his.aye' 'wag _-instantly _eaught„hysAlic_ bobbing_ up . and down of a neat _dimity-cap beyond the - fencerwhieh -- separst4 his'premises,from three or the wieow,_ Mrs. ' VeSlanr.. beart - _ - dettt a double timed pit-a-pat, his •throatewas fulf ny, full of that same old' g why';' it' Clung to him as closely as the camel of hislast night's dielm. -Ilowever;he7Aucceeile.4 in choking dositn,. anktlin ghost that had haunted him' for fearti was at last defunct; never to torture biro again, - unless there bevel' a thing as a Ow eta ghost,. • He•feltnnterror in!:apprbiebing the fence, notlie;.. his., nerves-were 'Suddenly . `braced. „Fear---iCvras mit now, in his diOtion ary, unabridged or otherttise. , Sure enough, terhe was, the widow, as be peeped over the fence, looking as bricbt as a queen hee, and chirping like ,a young , robin. . If her form !oohed ic him rounder and' more ethereal-like than evef c bseTore; -if she seemed at that momest like e s , wild rooe,'justopening, and blushing-into blooni, what business:: is it of tourer. Nye may suppose it was owing to the - lazy menziolVit - tlifilf - Lot - tATtt Alf. Tree-h-ti-d -loft ,hie,glasaes at home, ' 'on the loft • arm 'of cite early Ohalr. -- 7-7': No doubt he ibought her t peg , above Mt map; for _ liie wtdok_ot first .onty_went pit-a•pat, ,, -4tow L swung' and' thumped , and thumped ancrthwacked, backward and for• ward, like the pendulp i p old Dutob cloak tbatstood so firm In. . . the corner of . his room. ".Mrs. MoSlata.", he said , nervaielY ; his lips twitching in, spite of hie teeth, ;hie voice ~ A ying away in !chop ;nheard,•and, c twee unanevrered by the la y.. .** : Mrs.,McSfam,'! he ventured again. This • ' time , the tub which` be ,had mounted' suddenlY -*gave out,- and . Ur. Tree-wris-:precipitated mt. - happily to, the ground, a great deal quicker than ecoorded with his ideas of propriety. Mrs' MoSlani-hnd heard his hot . Call,' and as,iiport lookinifirotind, oatild, - , - ii6r pereiOe any one, She rather suappieldy harried, is What is the 'matter V No' , inswer. ~,The - widoi crept to the fence cautipitsly_and looked 'Oier.,_ i L 2 ' 944110 9 her, face ,flush e d, with ,otypripif.46i7:, row, andidiegist 7 (if the, three ever , mingle). If mankind in general, and. - Mr. Tree, of , : Crabville, in Particul ra iratehed over; or 'litken7, way , governedi,by good and evil: stars - , '.; the latter !Witch fresh.* overithe destinies ,of . the , ,aforesaid Jacob. must have had *a - 4f, eye pealed',' and advanced to ,ita full, poWe; and :zenith,, just es,,the, rosy widow peeped over , ;that identleallence: The? Irsacherenir teti. I 4 whiob by tlitilr6,,f. , was the 'firli - ii i ila'in,' lh# , , * ) „ , ~ , • ~, 0 ,11 stub's life that it was ' not Rtpuili#&4'„Af,Ar,R, `, - ,b440, 1 F 1 , 01dAttatt!leckithe:40 - Ortimato:'. 4 0 J , eloi into ge f—. tbedle 4 4roess;“ 16634 " o,it C ',reader . '' 'qviutt f . ' i ' ‘" 9nic i i/ 1 ; " ' ' , Po4lo l l4:i i i l iii i igeets lia'o‘tiiiir.''''Ttnit: ' 1.14:' Into IC leeie:oi ; .6374 made mortar 1 ' iCelitiplese ylotiikliaid f' ‘," ~ i wig pc VI (~.f `4 ~,t.lWell W 1.1.;) 1,:,,r2,27 , bum tiugti DY iii.. 3oll Ps'n Pr ,T.TTV 14:, prfp , Opt,' ialda t ' iiiity . '-eeqooo A #" ! 4 ,at ':thimie4roik: i teiteibei,fer:' , 4;4 6 ' bli t t !#.0 1 ,4,t 0000. i'l' 6 4iiiils''F°9 . l4.'o);ti ,4 belief, , 'NI Ws )0119,M, and; no emeaiitcor,argemeat can coarlaiie Idm - Otifthiit, niartai.4yee 4 iior . ,- 1 :40.ti 'together"' t.Y othWiiiin .4iiteifild'Y'a'aii;• le. geralk i .. -... - --,... 4 4,, -i-,--- ---- .... . ~, r.<!-,kifYik, 44fave been nu - A ,, ~ orteitl etVly4pr , ehellf ftliat - inedel in\ptiistetfter slr; s " . " ' ' . 13 3 - , ,- , t il; Mire,ll riistevered- hie iieleet lb; cWee - es. t c) t...,. -• ~,,...'„.., . • ~ -- --\,-Ir 1, . ,1,,f3 4ti 1 ..,,, ' , l„ X t:10_ . 1n0,4b ~he badl,, etklVe„ n e , Y4)."l , - al jus ts-naturally .; 4no„hpaspenelibis_nennb, 4,c ' . he-found:he was loosingihis.equifibrium. His hang were uplifted,. and and tut they canto down,.thers We r ra fen fingers and tnuttiits-- . they:eould , be• dis incitlyl Obunted4sProwled, ~,,, ', „ \• ~ , f , ..•.1 ii .. : out, wpion was ,the.: only, toojectiona - • feature In , the position of the•trSdel: . If a half, smoth era •oath - escapes fioni": his lips, 1 ,,,k4u0 1- i-tke 1 ;146 ,iii `6 4 ii s i:,ivii. iiiijok - r q thluk.itivas..teitented..lot,hefero.. it _could: be iiii - oideilitiltiOßoo k of Books.. ItiiiliiTiliT , peculiar aggravatinvoireumstonees of, the easecwOold.•iP no,,lettvo been pardonable.:?.'", ..._ Dlrs:XeSlant; es bas beenwaitl; wits - te bor. rorstreek.epeetator of, tlte_teishaPP--Rallylug her• &tensest - ant• of a mop and pallor water,she called." Mr. Tree.". No'enrwei.„.... l f Mr. Tree,'_!.agalii, she, sareauted "are you hurt ?" , • • . .: o'' " Yes, sir—ma'am—no—so—tionio-4--tha --41thnii-- 7 .te." stuttered , the Vieth:it of - tee , . , much motrar; who: was endeavoring, with _htttzlittle-auccessritilligginTthe ZTWWrid" from his 'ears ; fOrlis bend had 'been subnierged as. far banit'as his•com a veness... ' A eon . of Erin—the only one - the vi lage hoai ted—happening ,by . at that . moment , , compre hending the '; fix,"- saluted Mr. Tree with a .broadside. ' l, Bedad,. there'd n . tree wad the whole side 'covered with fro St. Oath I be jabers, and it's the biggest stickieg plaster. lever saw." • —-. . . . . " - gegen°, you inipUdent - blacititiard," yeti e'd the, widow in .a voice) scarcely ak, key : note .helow thunder. ' Pat moved ertb - ut turned just in season to avoid .a.brickbat 'which the ivro. thy. widow linriednt his. cranium, "Come down .I)erji Where :4101" - Oce-zia bro.. i'ken - atid permit mo tO_ help you,':'t l eiii4.llll.B. - :,NVSI - ani*, , dgentle tone of voice, h a4le -Oh her lip,,and the pail nad mop atilt 1111 . her hand, • " • ‘._ Ms was nn Olegant,plightfor n'lover,4o woo . • ~.;( _However F -be .t.bonght, lior ,- bafgaiii 'we e-p leased—tom-corn men cii—may:be--easily rementecf, After- . ibls joke to himself, which , wtie n-good-sign,-.,be-mred-dovin4o7tile-tiper ture in the- fence 7L =I • Mrs, M'Slafri began'the tasit'-of scrubbing the unfortunate in g'odd earnest, and after a few moments-of-assiduous_ application - ler la, bor•was partially rewarled. -The task was finally completed ; at least, — as well-aycircum stalaces would permit, . ”AihOusand :theults,eal *Omni?, a hotisenci tiinhkii bow ki . pd,i'.ssid the isiphe or, with .a sigh, as deep almost,,as the bettotn' lose pit. • ' Mr. Tree began _ • to think of the - eirand which had resulted halite ludicrous predicament de 'scribed. Ile began, even, to notice the spar kle of the-widow's eyes, and the little ruffled cap, which, like an ignusfatutut, bad led him to mount the" still , ungardoned thought -to himielf. how would, thejlttie white hand look:In mine! and • her chair op= gosite mine intheLoosy corner , your flowers grow'up finely; lUcs lirtSlanf! ."-Do you-refer•to those in , the corner, air?" 'S I do." Those Pre-early-tabbages,--Ddteh : ;--1 . -an3 raising them from seed brought home over the sea by my late husband ;" and as the Wid• ow sitid : this,' the smallesti brightest tear int'• aginable, trembled iit tier uptiirned eye, and .triakled acrokizzzitcoirld-'n'ot WON' 'down— her turned up nose, and fell calmir!, to the earth., Poor soul;, it 'wa's ; evident that her hesrwwap not with the; cabhages Ilneoiti4iugjponi her oinetien phe remitted' --"TheYikattire..earl"--ato you' partial to cabbages?". " be eo-bold tte to'-beg tt plant ' yousshall have ope with the , uttnost pleas? nre.".. The plant was whisked' out of the - grotind 7 tad'plataid3n,' - ,theliaoholor'e' ha din' - „ . ' 44, Tilaultopu, it shall always „he worn next my heart—beg pardon—well watered, tended, bring forth' hundred fold- haehelni r a. Y 9r. , ° 04 .1 9 e 4tY /7.p.r,1, moment _ hiP'; 441 *as:anai down, his eyes rested , im ty,„ cab., tinge plant which had , already began to with -40,.400311 thatAllertlglieg he APIA weht , itt iinagioation, OrnughiAtta intifipittaaterooour. teheee ef,tite , flugalmosl IPatthtlYi , as. It •Ofer, *,Mhes,,tlittatt . linsa pr the , pot ..*CP Vre4,l4) 1 1 ,1.WFV,L ilk:. 1,1p.14 i 0 WciniinAti'oni brink if eas'e plfa,sgi A.. ' • h. ' ' hen pain" iafl iidtt6leli iirltigi the fic 1 A ministering angel. thou 1" ,t 4 .l.Wliatvokadot , thit thesi minas:ilia film:VV. o 44hts tiiimionetiterein•notdbtliolikhi A4E2lx And thiwidoir; s.‘ , frieze Ideirtnientelintnts were- satisfied bi ,pile imp of water; btdrlis"'iiresting fieaisSitY. Wellldgh exhaubted thewidoioli , tvliieb, 11141ortip,3e4dif;:ipalii , d , 114 . 1 404, 31111. !! 4 1; 144.4 1° 'C l e°l3 6l • PIS. isys of are not sone the selfish conduct says no.'-'- Bahl be was \ 4,0 AOringl ef4lloly - „*lirJt iv tredl L tilik mAdane tiiherii_kj -4 , Titi s itli il l ittle nnie of Burs, i II • , v„ Mrs $ • 1••.% ~ iq . 'my deg MrEli*: !Si ti ;l,,"l id h . ',".1 ' 47 .1 7 • 1 ' i .:.V . lt:. e t 7 1.,piiie3 ' Itpiiiit4ent'"i'taiiitd the ' widely, (,ani eilkO'yoU t ?'situatiof-11most as well. But sToSr67.I not think the fence betvreen mnr... theitaiity of the landscape t' . '' ' .. • • "I..wtisjust bathe point -- of 'observing the same. ,-116 ave .of! c en wished it away. flow similar are our ideas, my:dear Mrs. M'Slam!" And the bachelor, . whose temperament was wa'rme,d.o - ride'r the 'genial ,iittilei of the blooming c re ature, was more 'enWorvg that; , .. ever,. and! actually..tbrew...'.on.her..,a ..glance; mingledi'vvitlf4am:elhing - aino a smirlf . - W" . stlU i shtisqptlOtr r sottened 4 kind,l:, 4 ued t poi , haps; -bY n'lr4ernbrenceiof his iedent •Impriiit in plaster... • - - '--- ---- • Do-tbilik-that-mfew—youtle--treee would add to the beauty and ; harmony of the latidscape?" noted the witto*. 'Mr . , Tree's NC° reddened o tftftd ; • one could perceive the tdood - 81;i - ending Over hie cheeks, under the whitetia'sh ;'-heiviiseinbar rossed, and turned to her its if' be difariid her to repeat the question. put thVre:"was', no smile abler lips, -- Wirdancing'spiritnf - mittobief in her eye; the was in:earnest, he,tbought., Which do you prefeer'_ be•efamMered. ulirhieh'wh'st?" asked slie.ii!iietly;; r. " rho Bex, tpoy, or girl,',' 4t?. i . epliOrl, -feeling 'as thoughlis gaiters were slumping in a quag• wire. . I " Clued gracious, sir, are yetfora4,? Why do -- y - pu, insult trial s .'W hat do you mean V,' hurriedly, hrieked the widoW, while,the'sParit of-passiotr:kindling—inilfer 7 eyes-completely.. duthb•founded the .bachelor. The blush that r . nt; over , his 6atures_ at this' juncture 'Uotila not' be concealed by . . the whitewash pr any othbr cosmetic. It crept uP , around his eye brews, bet Weed thayoots of him hair,or wig rather, doWnward - unileF his cravat, - into his boots, perhaps. The widow stoodber grotnd, her ens had begun to flash, "There were . , signs of a storm," as the almanacs say. _ ‘ Wen you no—not spe— speaking of chi— childreiirr;futtered- ' T h e - 'b l ush shone , -out-Arighter, and_seddei_threugh the'_irkitc_ wdsb, a grand triumph of nature rover an. • ercyls.-saffe,--w h a t-p ut -the dca:lnt your head ? Children, oh children, inde,ed I" •and ,ther su'rprised lady . ,sobbed as 0;0136, her heart was breaking up.' •• Mr. _Trite.was, Torldexed, terrified.; _he bad heard of - Roman's team , hysterics, swoons, morbid conditions of the liver; nervous attacks', &c., And into which tints* . the' widoisr was plunge inety44.„ Tbinking.ta pacify be - r And extenuate Abe matier;' be asked *''Did' Si)eak yo . uiig Tree's 9 9 ' - ' ' ' Mrs M'Sinin answered not, she grew, , ,,pale ni a blanket, and leaned bank upon the fence, and °kindlier eyos. , • "The crisis bds come," said the `affrighted wooer, aiscl grasping _Os pail of wacer. with which the lad); had washed . ' down,' ho flooded her from bead -to foot'With the milkY substatice. thieb. -- iocaumbir o,water, and .the miff -starched .border of the y dtimiped gratiel, before the uiower'a eoytb ' e at noonday :: ` Her new 'gide ham wilted like a rag. Never 4raS'a trsnefor trilitililti-dre 'ciimplete,;, 7- Thr)so six; theremiiY have been seven, quarts of water,. bag added twenty years to her age,L - From Piit boorMo ' &? 1-3 Vaixaing cdthe moment preylous, she was changed-to : n long, lank bundle of wet-clothes. • Mr. T; could ' tevie!) , credit !*ii Seuses; , and remained motionless, ,The , wAilow however ; recovered.hcrself, And seising the mop, raised' it and broughtit to hear with' b trMeendous thWabli tier'ess - the AhoulaerS: ,hei -- Wollid : hif- 1 , 1 lover. thump,' thiimp, 'three times it came before:Mr. Tree recovered his pewee of loco. motion. He fled—she.,iinranad t -'Around the . wet) curb; through the garden, OvercAbbiges and rects, aroUndtha_aettage_they. flew. -.ller wet dress dangled around hor.foet and imped ed her progress ; .he hat the . atFiant / 0 . ''and just as he 74:s cbuckliag.oveitll - :Vpran,., into, her bee hive, and down went lieec,elive, and Mr. - Tree's courage:. ' .irifteitinilkute insult 'au honest . le44r;you l 'velgehotitt,,,'Jihe'eald;'' breathless: - ' Scrambling up, ho aterferagabN and mid ed the apertarcliAlie tenon 'pet Id' thi;.l l 4 l 4A firfktiseid,l l .MsT. H. stay his flight until lde,own-dotit was between.! Aveniil batted and doubly ' , fiCattit ' 1 11tH' eve .bad no ` idea' s ow "' following ' him b'eyond';l e Abbo,, . log lomat- Cbe.atpetrid in two bontv air cheat t '-std captivating as ever. Mr: Tripirvniec i t4 re4Y,w frtfis 1F.4. 1 04 1 49. , the; bilAsbiupon MmiareeTailotairoirtheiso#th kris oidai:art,tieteoopiiilleforiswOutelithat , thet " l ih 'ld trfk la ii i' PiV,.: ll t# o ol4lo4: 7 °P.#o : :`, reelif4cialli t e 44.ii4rnytn. APotii telk obsytert.D ." Ant' upon air or bleier. loalllity , I$ 6,1 1 04: fe;fo)(s' 4AP-P(umero b 7; but interpretedi 1,3 0 themselves to their ftilleet.extent, and, received accordingly. Mil E 'r `, .*~~ ch of t - demo iionndering tin iv; bed. of - mortaiv , atid on be branches ,n; trrii idea of the:bachelor's' - mnnsion. by twoiemiiii.e_ foririnq One -le 4reyeil, in 'goo ly garreente, "profusely flounced, Ste.; . the -other ,leort, ,long. rind un inritiag:, .'Over' thein 'thee° lettere are boldly , written, . 4, before tittl r after the The worfare s vid at Int= •enerleil beneath the enere4:r6of of the 'ebeilnh,•'for the ,ridorr upon opening ber',•hymti • hook' tine gubbathy: fonittl the following'. sublime eft:l=c'; Ohl "widows are variable, 066110°0 thinly!, The' the heart's bestdavotion.'yon.briug'eca,.. All, the, love they., possess, id for- fashion> and dress,—, • ' • ' They idol4e cambric and ginghini? l . Of course Mr. qe hd to father tliiileaf. • gaffers remai d - tither quiet'. for - 4 few • days--oralniiudly quiet-.—the calm -that pre..''; ; cedes the earthquakes—•_•_:._,_—_i_',„ As Mr. Tree was , qmplacezitly seated in, dressiuggOWn.iniii slippers in his arra'°hare one oveuitig, a delicate note' was banded to , , _ - hini,__duly_sceated,end., eealed:__,Sirithoat, , slightest suspicion of ita contents, he broke the seal and read': • , • . Oh I. man, :woman bows to thee stilly . . And boils thee her lord .an_ her muster; But who would bow dothi io ,fruitless old Or atterish its image=--in, plastei Mr. Tree read it over twice; hie_lips quiver:" ered alittle, otherwise he was .calm ; he.thert - very quietly lit his cigar with thee note; and leaned-bacljAa-bis-cookfcitrible arta,chair. Threedays and mcntbspass away. Time, which heals all thin' , : may core their hatred., It is ,possible that they may become reconciled again, at no - Who !mows'? Let us hope _this yin be but a'summer -Cloud, that the - futhre will, be brighter for it,_sirice .i've re member Allot " all things ovork together for good." Selah. • - We' The Detroit Adverthii relates ti , story ' conceraing'jho novel manner in-which' a ga,y, ividow_oured-a-youthfol lovevot-his-pabsion-- ns "follows: , - ..was a - prettt-widow-of-tirenty-- eight, left rich by her husband, a respectable and wealthy farmerof in tbe'connty of Oulfituid, who judiciously died about the ago of fifty: B—, a sighing swain of twen ty, foil in love with this charming widow du rings school . vaeationond . was thereby dis tracted from stiidinnd nearly, frantic. His , father,' who ' designed him for the had a peculiar horror for the sweet' widow, whom Se regarded as little better than one - of the wieke& - licrblack eyes, her:lteeTing bow: sem, and her elastie tread, ,wero to .10 , only the symbols of old 'Nick. He was in • despair, ho visited the widow, and besought her, if she • heda iarticle of moray, not to rnin,his . In vain thewichiw protested that she hadused.: no arts—bad iinliseen the youth a few time. • and was entirelyindifferent to him. The . fa--_. ther still insisted, and the pretty- idow pisom . " feed s thatirthe boy came agnin t'o7 - eejli Ahenld tie his sleet% Ntsit. NotAmmTidaya-Wlt-,/,- ed, when the enamored youtliku ads ,avrangw. Cucuta for • a vitit,! . of which .. the,vitdow . fi ad nod" !ice; The , sfen - irevionsAnterviewts betneen them bac iaken circumstaneen peeuliexty favorable io rontanee . and senti menti:npon moonlight walks, orin"the parld • tete w-tetes. This tine the timid youth was told,. upon his arrival, that Mrs. was the-barn ; whither be went and found hir heau4deal,:with skirts knee. high, dressed in a man's boots, and covered with a inan'S hat_ Aer mouth, :a tiang;of 'eider in 'het , 'hand, superintending bee meb-==killing host; - never came againit was tikilallifig.' 111111 • HEALTH, AND ARITHHETIC.-7 44 11quht writes tius.asfellows:—. , I am engaged a 6., commercial pursuits, and feel ' !well qualified for--myoitl l 4 . , p - artleular, Whinlt Is that I atn Uable t0.061w4 sional errets egretila,l6*; and these ! •simpla a kind as to toakel . ine •aehamed whett , , . / they are discovered by myself or others. Caw:: 'Yon `Ol4 R aniusiance titosineninti! not un96llon'• • It usuio-;; Al arises.'uilietelibi:stala of the ner:_,,, - .Y o 4*Po44l`',4 ll iiraafidliin . .*:' Friktlent ablutions,; perfect , 7entilatluff 'fit; hid • room ; Maid" 41411%6i/4Lnc:ft tired/ air; a 444103:040410,‘,iii4ii.",n0 :Sandal, ia,al •rentlob e i!MPAnee" t , ! 4 PC I m° •-1.1 1614 Uric inlint ece/t.igoked:: boldiaddintfid., Eta Innt:44 , Tbefißlo • yeller rt , -, Frernan tiV * , R h at ! XVI gatb.l2.g in „ that viola" 4 . ,F,P O PIPOY.PAY9I I . I 4 ige•4lol* bad Pe gettb:ig a!Wibl7 4, bnposed titles him duritto, I lib° '‘iiiiiag.tarepaitaeot; tool:with a leungba. i 'dy went dwelt& a wool ceremony,' is` 4114 being s e d but ateic, 10 15 1,;litic!uAlk t iOkit weezdtiktoverettbatitke penoto linanied lbetw- Wan B.real justro; and the esettittieitlttiz, knet could not be uptied :eatieWed'with buffalo; but are eonsidowt ibly nettled,atitbe thenner launched upon the'sea of matOroony. . - _ === Elin