IMIEBE El 0 ,atineriteme,nts. ... „ • • TOVES STOVES -.STOVES 111 . . . _ _ Tlo'undorsignet.l would respeCtfully ctll tho tine of-epuntry MerehMits and those iuwant of to their Mdensive stud: of s. • . .. • ' S'I'OYES,•II AS -OYENS,..FiIitNAPICS; . - oomprlslng'.a greater asSortmont , . than eamba found at • any OtTc6l:.ii - FacrirffiiiirliltArnirtis: • Pktrehasers Will Mid it an advantage to give us weal; looforo , buy;hig *elseivitero. For sole - Wholesalo mid tho most liberal terms, • • / • ' ei.--BTeerner-Ind-Ifintitnee fitroets, N. B.—Also agonto for the celebrate(' Uacgtegor Heating Stoves. [April , 00.1956-3 5. • • T o • Tilt - FARMING • COMMUN.', •: TY ii—The attention of ilirniers is invited to WASallilliill'S HAND MN:PLANTES ,• This is the simplest, eheapest.mul bust improveinent of - m a , on ly-$5,-with a written guarantee that It will give. perfect :satisfaetlenur the •menify returned; -,' • su.that, you ruts no risk - in trying it. Wu have a large number of theltr:st respectable •rnfermiees, ,lie seen at -our Store, • - Wn - have'ulso just received our Spring Stoelf ilaines;,.Chains, - Forks, Rakes,' Hoes, etc :; Willa hi very largo and complete, mid which ment'Of !bate-madu Chains of all kinds; ilways ip store , at Mandfacturer&priees. • . •JOHN VYNE & S6N, • . ; North Hanover Street, Carlisle. jp. - 03 . st EA si . sA ,) w .1 1 lai - PitoPtury. t ,7 . r n i ino No..xribitr,unt Fell at pablic sals,l„.. . - : . :Ari...... o n Um promises . , locattal partly in South ,', ; ' I a Rialgil Ailddictun and partly inDickinson towii....“•. ships, Mimic three . tulles front Minn V Roily Iron 'Works, with a ;pod public road loading - to it, . ON SATURDAY, MAY 31 . , 1856, that valuable tract of land known as tho - Steam Saw milk Property," containing • ..... U3B ALMS OF .mono or loss, covered with excellent white-oak, clicsnut oak; red-0114 poplar, and gum, alrvoluable - Mr sawing purposes.' - . rho iinproVismenU urn r a -:iteam with-upright saw, - th ree small - circular - scirsrvith - ntniir Ong- and Oaring nearly now; a good d'itteen-imrso vowel. Engine, with 11'1V-feet stack, cylinder isdler,Ae., mrory thing complete and ready tor.luttheillato use: Ahai framu ' • • • on Office, and ti good Stable. • &good garden Is connected with the house mitt n usiing wkilerht the door.. • ' Tho'Orner is desirous ormoviiig Westoußl will "offer it either- entire or in: tots of 5U acres. 311 s property --- offers - rure - i - mtwonten ts to p - nrohnso•ruitny perrmn - M. - strong ot obtaining-flu : tiler information, or viewing the property:mill cull on Sponsler, Estato,Agoot.: or Wm. D. Seymour, Carlisle. An inutkplited title will ...he given. Lille to commence At t 1 o'clock . ..on said day,--1 whea tarnirtVilliteinmie knoWn t.,Y • Uri 11, SEYATOUIt. April 23,1856—0 w. • - . 1111 AI IN LIF'J SAVED - ! • • • llowagl;tc, Mich., Mar:11;1656. .J. A. RHODES, Esq.: Dear Sir, As I took your wed'- , duo' to sell On r:onsignment - , • no cure no pay ' I take ' • pleasure in stating its elfeettmis repartcd to me by.tbry • brothers klto live - fit"thisrlace, and their „testimony is a• , • fair swell:n:li of a.ll I have,received. . • . W. &Conk - lAN told too—" I bad talon nine bottles of airistie's Ague =Bit ism; and continually run *mit', while using it until my: wigs and liver were congesyd le that dogrel) that blood discharged from[ ity mouth and bowels. 'so that all thought it impossible .hir MO to - 11co - thimtgli another Chill. "hie doiitinstuu did - atiriECT could fur me, but thought .1 must die. Nochlng did me _____,_6ll3"...gtati....stittil 1 got- ItTiodes•Xoter_.and_AzteCpre, -,',, , Wlllitlivitt - rontorro I I e - v - e - ifilie - rortlfel ._.:_myktountch and paln-in.myAlead- itud-lkovels, and duced a permanent cure Inn short rime." H. M. CONKLIN saps—••l had been.-taking-fmklicine oras a gouda doctor as welave in our county, and taken • . 1 1 any quantity of quinine and speCifics..without any good -- results, from I.3tlvof Align:it - to 17th of Dec:Maher.' But seeing how nicely It operated - on. my brother, 1 got,, a bottle:of. RIDIDES'_ FE I,7I•ALANILL.A.II.IIEAIIiItE,A,vhich. , • effected a - liermanotat - ttfre brusing two-thirds of a bottle. S. .11. 'Conklin' was • not. hero, but , both the other. brothers say his Case was the Salllo asIL Ms. 1 sold the inedielne•to both the same day, and the 'cure Was as speedy front the same small quantity, and I might so ..specify: Yours with respect.' • A HUNTINOTON. Thi - kbove speaks fur itself. • •Coiitt Prod as it is, It is of iiti - butteC tenor than the-isst number of like reran-. • • cates,_l,.hoye already published, and titti Mil. greater • amount) that is coutinualty pouring In to mc. ' One thing more.' Last yeat l had.occitsion to Caution the Public in thesexords— 1, • • ••1 notice one flint who Has taken ono of my general. circulars, substituted the name • of their nostrum for . rtiyMetlichie, and then with brawl impudence ord their Pamphlet with the exclaniatidn, • Lot the proprlo tur of any_other medicine say as much if he dares.' • - Now 1 take pleasure lit saying that the Caution refer• roil to the same ' , lir. Christie's Aguo Balsam" that is ~ mentioned In the above cortiticate. There are - several other industrious' people who aro' Applying - ,to theif Poisonous trash all that - 1 ptiblish - about my. Fever. and Ague Cure, or Antidote to Mal • except the .Certificates of Cures, and of the.eeleb • red Chemist Dr. James H. Chilton, of Now York.,lll favoror Its perfectly HARMLESS CIImeAcTER, which is at tachodto every, bottle. Those will always serve to dis tinguish inY medicine froM __JAS. A. ItHoDES, Proprietor Providence, ' R. T. For sale by W. A. KELSO, and Druggietl generally. MaY 6,1856-3 a. - . . "- W cri+ • ; _I -W. SLAGLE & CO. PRODUCE G AND . pommis,sroN MERCHANTS, No. ,118 North Street, ItalthOoro,.M., \Veuld infurip the public. that they have entertql into the alive° busteess,-auti will pay particular atteutiott to the aale:of . • - =.llteint," Gittts oY . A ci.—KINDs; Cum= SEED; .WIIIBKEX find Cou - rmet PRODUCD generally, - and will remit 'procceda - of salos promptly. Consign founts solicited. CILARtES W, SLAOLE. .1, V. 110S11OUR, York CouAtyi Pa. _ G. 'D. K LIMO , ' • ' April 1856-3 m. , .. ___ • - • • - ',. • WEI ITEII A I, L NURSE , It 1 ES I '3' The most splendid assortment of ROSES , 7. 1 r. ' ever received in Carlisle may be had at . ''' .-..:-... the Whitehall.Nurserlei, east of the rail __ ';:. l A 7 rued bridge. Comprising China or Daily, • %re 1 lsle de Pourbon, Tea, Nelsen°, Ilybred • Perpetual or Itemondaut, and .Panunik , . Roses, of all_the_newust andinest_desira_= btu aorta.' The plants are all lu bloom, which will one,. !, - ble -purchasers to make their selections vtgroolibly„to ' their respectivptastes. The assortment comprises every • shade of Color, and will be sold below city pri • , .• ' .441-=3, Md.. ~, -.;"......- ~ ~ TJST REOL'IVkb- , Sugar-cured Hama, Sugar-cured Dear,,.. . . Dart Tongues, (extiM); Bacon—Sidas'abd Shoulders. [April 19,'66.] . WILLIAMS', . . low for cash H Fitut-'bsacHrib . er. hEas i 1 /!! ' lc!l ' i2i !- 117hTt tL ( 1 )f - SUPERIOR FRESH' .} . .I.ERRING, of this year's catch., For title at the established Grocery: ' J. D. lIALDHRT, wit-23,1855.] North Hanover Street. NEW. GOODq.--The subseiih9f has just rocolved from Philadelphlaja — lifito assort- Irmo of seasonable goods, which will& sold vary cheap —)pposlte the It. R. Depot, Carlisle,Pd. SNODGRASS. Carlisle, Bob. 2130856 NOTICE—LAII persons htiiin de „lnands against me will call and see me, and all tide ted will do the sante haford the lat 'of April, or' their nccouutl will•be left with the proper person 'for collection.. [Mar . Putvir? HILTON. GEORG)&LG,- 'JUSTICE OP TILL E ACH ust.olTlee opposite the lyest eud of the Court House . April Z 1,1840. - - . . +1 1 bejpfjtu. NE.W L - E S DRU G' , • .' . S'T 0 It .• St SPENCER: TRO3IAS, N. 23 South "Second Street, Phlintielphift, Importer, 111aunfaeturor, and Rea le!). ill 1)11 UO.B, Eln N ES; CIIE3IIO4I A S,. ACIDS Dye Stuffs, POints,"(llli . l7Coloi.s, White Lead, Vaalit : id deriVindowindkrenligiClVD*Wari BrUshes, Instruments,. Gound Spices, lytiolo' 34glens, mid all othel• artiele.:usually kept ty Druggists, including Borax,' rtdigo, Glue, SllOlll . lO, Tot111;11;...t:C. - All 'orders I • 21' I' or ntj.wr.misa,_pril ottrn API , - 0 ,-, : - Cpu - utry - inorchants are Invited to call-iuld'Oxaminu our stock, before purchasing elsewhere. 41.•B - liontis sent to any of the ‘ or railroad stations. Prices Low WarrantelL • -Nardi :10,-13lit—ly. s , . • . . QIIEPPARD VAN- II AItLINGI47S. - subscribers having removed, t l their • NEWLAND-SBALIOUS-STORS, • . ' No:27S Chestnut Street, fourth door Metre Tenth, - Are now prepared to offer a large and Weltselected stock of the fotlowing fresh and desirable goods, principally of their own imptinatiou, or Ifougltt at; auction; which they aro able to 'Sell at the importer's prices; and to which they 'Cordially invite The attention of Country , Merchants. lietel Keepers, and lomilitts generally. - • . • BUILOroon and Vonithut Window Shading. . 11_4,12-1. — Bolidor aWPfiliiir 'Linens of faveral choice breathers, and all widths from 38,t0 64 inrltes. .- - • - lied Blankets of all sixes and . • Crib and Braille ill:whets. Ded Quilts of the following varictiesolz.: Welting, Knotted, • ltmtista';' Alhambra, Allendale 'Mid Lancaster, of all the desirable sizes, Bureau Covers, Table Covers, Window Curtain: Muslin Towels and- Toweling of ever}' variety,.Damask Table, Cloths and Napkins, Shirting Linens and Muslin. Cain : brio ilandkerchiefs,-Embaolicules,llasiery, ,te. • dlreca , ' tel, Damasks, Moreens;J:nbritdered Lace mid .31uslin Curtains, Gilt Cornices, Bands, Gimps. Cord, MSc. • SILETPARD & VAN lIABIANGEN,", flnporters and Dealers In Linen and -House Furnish ing Goods, • ' April 30,1,Sli6—Cm. • nElsIOO., SLOW :& COIIIMISSION - ! ju. • 1111.111C11 A Nll.'S, nntl Whole Sale Dealers in all kinds of -- FOILEIGN,& DOMESiI6 . LEAF-TOBACCO, ' -------------- - -'-:MANV-FAcrtatr , s)44}oico. • AND FOREIGN AND • DOM 1311.0AliS t _ • S 1 Sou~lt Itont - street. Philadelphia. - Importnis of Vino iiiivanzi ! Sears,' of tho. choicest groutlyi of 1 - 11,itiiii:tj(: , A - 1 - a - rgo asrolititent of which are kept consanttly on hand, and ihr Nilo at a small advance oheost of iniportation.. - • rt.ii-Oinsignin .. .itilly' solicited,' on . which' lilwral dd Vallee:4 win ha 11)114h, when deklred. Spuelal attention given to orders for purchase on mil mission offebaccoOts-also every description of Merchan dise. for accountof parties'ilving at wdistanre . from this marker , .. , - --I , ,si,Sole-Agent Pm-F-.--A,Coetze's-ciAebrated klernian Siiinking Tobacco,, thirtY different varieties: . .ApriNti,l.Ss6-4y. -,. .-. ": . . .. . AtACKE4EL, . -- CODFISH, . ennstant)y on band and 5,1,11..105,f, for safe by - HERRING, PORK,. • - HAMS AND SIDES, SIIOULD4RS; LARD AND CHEESE r D Nl3 A R'S O.N li',l).ltl_c_ll 1- 1.-- • • 7 BOUT N-1) ;i11101; STOI.L,--- _ N 0.741 South Second st.',•Cdrner of eartar Ij—The-pstablislinient-lias-bean-ezilatl-iind - linpricced mulls largest. nod.. host itotati Stuck iu tiro City, principally aids own nianufacturo. with a. choice Itssertment teem the best Enste . ril MarketS;' , etu: bracing Ladies,' Gents', and Children's .• — - I.___ ___ - ___._.llooT.S..Slikt%S.-AND k3.11T1'.1t5. . ---=. Of evacyilescription, style 11,11 quality, embracing - the best styles and . qualities In this or-any other- market. ,This stock cannot be excelled for : Quality Style and V;lmapners. -e Each article Is marked at the very lowest, pesol,lo price, from-which do deviation will be eiZe - : NO / OX• traiagant t-tatenients will be nueded,,and none made to ejfect sales. , " tioodYear's aum" fri all varieties. - ITure -- (ittins,' se L scores In he Market, always on hand. , Tile ,public Is respectf ly Invited to call.' . -• ' rApril 1, I,p:it . .. . , . .., la SPRI&-G -STYLE 0]? HATS -- ,1 - 'AT,•KBLLER'S OLD STAND:• • GEORGE KELLER desires to tali the uttAntion of his, Old friends and customers to his s ew assortment of Oen; tlemen's lIATS, of the tiakford Spring style, with an elegant assortment of BOY'S CAPS and' SUMMER HATS of every 'variety and the most fashionable styles. lle hits also-constantly on hand a large and varied as. sortment of his own manufacture as well as city made Hats and Caps, suitable for the 5005051, coniprising.pverY variety of Russia, Beaver, 111 - leskiu and Silk Hats, fin. (shed in the latest styleitogether with a full assortment of CAPS of every shape and deseriptic.n, and at every price. Ile particularly invites the public to call lii ex, amine his exoensive assortment, which in itli, mate rift al - ill lialidr7cannot Fesurpassed - by any in warlord - , und which he is able to put at prices lower than ever. • IMllemember his old stand on North Ibmover street next door to Iluyett's Urocery Store., , ... ~ "ID s SP , II.ING AND SUM; mob► tom- 000Ds! The subscribers huge just received one of the largest . stocks of Dry Hoods cyst., firouglit. to Csrliile. Their ns- Sortment Is full and complete, comprising. . . Silks, Toplins,Mmllis„ BaregeS,_ Tissues . , Lawris, WU. liantes,-.lgunart Ines, CmlAl'titc'Egpa':., , iter tttrtf' , '`'''' brics, Swiss Iknnbaznesi-Casineres, Al.' '- ' • ;) pica n g' Skow Is, • - Bonets. Flat ~ Flowers,, Skirts, l': . rasols; ' • , - Hosiery, and Trimmings in great variety. u 4, GENThEMEN'S WEAR, Cloths, Cassimores, Italian Cloths; Casinnerette;‘, Linens, Tweeds, Vesting's, Silk Undershirts, Caps, Cravats, • and Collars::: Also A full and comMete- t assortittent ell STAPLE DOMESTIC GOODS, Including Woollen and - Cut ton Yarn, Chan, Whi tlow' Blinds, Feathers, 011: Cloths, Looking Glasses, Cur pet Bags, Brushes, And ti tarlety of Fancy Articles. • .., , ~ MOU ItNINO 0001)3 always inirhau4. Those "OW wish to s obtaln - the - test goods AT TRH LOWEST PRICES are respectfully invited to 'call BENTZ & April 23, 1850.] A . - • aRAND. OPIIINING OF SPRING • AND SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING! ' ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON • • would respectfully announce to the Public and their opatrons that they are now opening one of the largest and most attmctiva -supplies of Spring and' Summer Ready-made Clothing ever brought to this market.. The stock has boon purchased with great care in the eastern cities, and manufactured at home under the ha mediate supervision of the undersigned. It comprises in part Brovrii,Blue; Black, and Inv islbleHreen Cloths, Satinetts,.Cashmarettes, jeans, Linen and Gingham Coats. of all styles; Satin, Marseilles, Plush, and other styles. of VUSTINGS; Alain and Fancy kerslunere i Oast - nett, Linen and Cotton hurts. Also •, 0 ENTLENINN'S. DRESS GOODS, . . - Cravatti. Stocks, Handkerchiefs,' stockings, Suspenders, Carpet Dago Umbrellas, &e. . iCustomer work made promptly and In the very best style. None other that „the most extierlon ced workmen aro employed in every department of the establishment. 'The undersigned return their sincere acknowledgments for the liberal and gene• roue patronage heretofore extended to their nstabliSh ment, and hope for a continuance of the same. .Rentena hor the People's Clothing Store, adjoining Lyne's ?ord. ware Store, on North Hanover Street. . - ARNDLD & LIVING'STON. Apr 11.23, 1858-3 M. . . • • T URNI URK -.1401t SAL -The Subscribier, living In North lianover street, In the borough of Carifile, at the residence of Mrs. Tiszard, a few doors above.ltir. Glass' hotel, offers at Private sale a 'imber otexcellentand well-made articled of FUBNITUIII chcajt fur cash, below cost mires, to wit :—One Sofa, two Divans. Dressing Bureau with marble top 'and glass, one Fancy Tahle, one Wiutt-Not, Stand. Call and see. '56,41 BLIELLEY. T. PALMEIt,..t: CC., -.3larkot fit. IVl.tif. , Ayrli 1,1856-3 m. James ll'eandllidi, - ' • 13 •1 • 10 043 -.1,1,t -M-Dav idmin, '‘,... —l4 - -7_oo S..ti Wild, 14 '7 00 .Anthony Etwi•man, • . • '''" , ......44 I. 7'oo Joseph Laughlin, . , 7 00 William Stitzell, 14 7 00 •Williztui Iteed.. ''' . . . • . 14 ..7 00 Wilticim ithaton;• / 14 * • , 1 ) . J. U. ilorron, . . .• . , 1 • 700 Itear A Cobaugh,4 ' ~ 7 00 T. tl. Levi. •• 14 7 00 ' ' . Henry llurst, '- ' : ' . • • 144. 7 Oct WEST,PENRIIJILOCGII. Dnvidson & Jnini•s('_ stores), - - lift 14 to) 3 . ),,m,oBl.nrolitintlier,. . Tomomti del'atterson,. t ' - 13 . .10 0 1 J John Hood; ' ' 13 ' 10 00 Woodward A Schmidt, ~-.-. ..- .13. . - 10 00 John 'Frew). • 1-. 14 7 .00 Jountlnin Freeze, .• - • ' 14. - 7OO .t7yrus tiondhcart, t ,-, ' 14 ' 7 00 Edward Rogers, ' , , • .14 ' - _7 00 South Ithnover Stroot Moore I Craighead, Mulled& Alexander A:4. Liedigh, • Davkl Nickel, „ J. A, Quitman, T. U. Wolf, • , • darli6le heralb. L-I S T.. 0 DEALER . njil 'Goods Wares and • Merchandrip ; kj :Also of liistillors. Milleis.Lunibeitnen,l:eo witllll tho Comity of Cuntimrinittl, returnod and elaz..,ititoity Joszen b. Ttioneoo:v, 31eveniitile Appfaiser, iu -accord ance, with the s c ow:it tiettfof Assembly, viz :-- • , , . , Lanost.r..: • " - Illatlectigithy; '' Philip. Arnold,,. __ . . - , • O. IV:Hither. •' • ' - N.-W. Woods,": . '.. • -,' 13 • lu-u0 • UU ... 12 - 73 5u , • •.. 12 12 50 1210 13' ' 3j) 00 • 14 .7'oo • -11 - John (4.lsllli:tins, JOsopli 1). llalliort, 'Suuiuol t7.-11uyott, Elliott. • NVilliattCll(iso, • 11. W. Caufmate, I:leffer, • :4teltier • 2. 0 1 1 11 IS . ..Paw.' lily Henry John P. ne. St ymait lit , 10131%.4011 fi titais. , . . . Is*,,,alward awl :•.3e1pn . 0.1;, • 10, 20 00 7,lTiaiej , iitti.Tr,• • 'n. ~.. 7 va .l . A: 1). Rhoads., -.. . IV. 13:)lurray. •. - + '.- •31 . 77 0 7 (.41 .11(3,1 , 41, IV. IliNcin, ' . -- ...'..14 : . 7:00' ''.lartii. , .Slirata, - --, - ' ' .14 .-. 7 'OO 1101Ter: Thomas Conlyti, I'n! it fi)n.7,•or 1 Ari..•l:olfrPr,' • ' • .1. N. Armstrong. Prof. 11. M..loluuon, .1..0 .I. liellory S. AI. lhoiver, • '- . ' . ( Thothas U. Slet. , ' • ' ~ - ...13 1 , ;, lO 00 Arnold A; Li v•filMon, • . , 'l3 '.'" ''':1I„) 00 John lieeny , - - , o , 14 . - 7 OU 4 Philip. }less rsnilth, . 14 7 00 . Itarknetzs ,t, lollip, . ,„" 7 . 14 , .7 00 .lateß AHlrii inlion, ' (leorge Leiby, , 14 . • : 7'oo - Steicart Joeol4, -• ~ A.. 1. Piper, Agt., . 14 7'oo _l/m*lllolmm:in, •, • ' - 14 • 7OU Vredorirks A: Homer ' ' 14 • '.7 00 ...Tattles Cattiu._se; . . ' :. • _l4 7.00 4,.4u - 700: -14 7 00 14 7 00 -13 k 0 • • • 14 • • • 7 00 • ' 14 700 Henry Glit!..s. • - Iltitm Atli( hi nisi 4nq ' 11;11TT:Cliligle, )1. S. Ititt,.t, E===l %1.. Stkoel:zrns. Frellorivk Cornwpati, Jacob F. Hoover, Smiley. Sepei - . Agt., Wm. 11. Itara, Sitirpsxnuno, I :l , 7 i tif ip a r . i k .,. t t i , g i l i r eh. N. A.Toturlin.s . ; • John Wifinkrlieh, JohnlL Inincun. • '' ' I bristinn .',nle, . .. John rrisNwell. • • • Ihnkja:nin-ltizgs. • • . . 11111 K Moore A Co., • • _. . S. C. i i 141,11 , . , - ^ Jlecil, ILuhle3. k - Ct....,. ' '; J. C. Air Irk Sevin acid 11-4.llolnz!‘, • • Stevick, -(1. 11; l'iat,iirt.-SteliArt, • • .- .14)11 - 11 SO. ilutki;;,ii, ' - - • J. ISritt;es, Samuel ling! s, - Forizey . _ MACCIANICA#I,II9. • Comfort, Itie,ml 3:: (iet,rge 11'alibort, i • Levi . . Itoury Lens, -x'l4 ...--- George:du:A-2er (firoesry); . 14 • 7 00 John 81e,1,1,. ,„ i . 13 •.'lO 00 Swisher d.'..-iii,..- _ s ,' 1 00 Slink) Arnold, ' • ' 1 4— --• 12 50 Brindle . Noiswangsr, ~- 13 10 00 1)r. I Pay. , ,0. . . 14 1 0 Jamb liorAl.finier, 14 ' 700 Itnlit10:01 3. Sinn, ('2 stoma), . ' 14 , l4 00 aidni,,,llarlan, 14 7 00 . . Henry, Simdzor (Warehouse), 10 20 00 Bobb, Wilson d: Co., tl4 7 00 •1).. 11. Bryismi,. -- ' . 10 20 00 Slimizord:, Shafner, . , _ 13 10 00 - Isaac Blizzard, 10 20 00 Oswald 4.; Kaufman, 14 7 00 Daniel Grabill, ' ' - - l4 . 700 Hummel it Coiner, . • 14 • ' 7OO 1. Blizzard, . ' ' .14 ' '''7' 00 •••.. . ' Nrirtusa. , • Thomas Stough. Thomax M'Cundlish, N NIITO‘ . J. k: B. Itursh, , . lb - • ;0 03 W. Bi .1. Tracey, •14 . • 701 Jacob Snorer, : " l2 -• • ._ 12 50 J. W. Vanderlielt_l Co.„ 34 7--00- M. & .T. A. Kunkle, - • 14 ' 700 John Mulch, ---i l4 • 7 00 James Kyle, _ 14 •7 00 Peter ()error,' • 14 John Churclunan," . 14 -7 00 C. C. Stati7Ter, - • ' 14 • 700' Mirtu! , l. - !lonry Snider, rg4llNifoltD. NY. & J. Given, FhOPEWItti. Wherry &Co., . Shoonio.keir & Elliott, D. hooter k Co, - .1. W."Clecer, • . - ./4 ' 700 William Ilattek, . . -14 7 00 J. N. Baughman, " 14- '. 700 Conrad leosnaught., . . - • 14 • .7 00 Henry Myers, . ' -- 14 700 Samuel Clark,. - 14. - • 700 Dicarssas Russell & Dlee, Heys & Palm, Jamie Reetem, . - Jghn O. 11utcb1it50p,...,.... . - - 14 '. - 700 ChrlAilin Ockcri'' ' 14._ , 7 00 Ira= Nowepuidr, ' . la ~ • 70 00 W. AJ. Orepn, - • -' - ' 73 ' 10 00 Joseph L. Steroer, , ~ ~.... ~ 14 ' 700 Frttnel.s-Williamvon,v 14 7 00 W. M, Watts,'. ' 14 7 00 Thinjimin Plank. • 14 ' 700 " A " . ), Nowa Mimi:4N. • 1.114 s Veit, . 14 ,T 00 Bouni Mthinikox. 54.114-81.xtwo. D. Si. Lied►B;' l• . . on a gramion.: --. i —.- 14 ' 7.0) John M. LiNlig, :-- :. .13 ' 10 00 Ilavld Stininn, , .• • ' 13 - 10 ' 00 John lloluck. - 14 ' 700 Andrew 810gt2Or t . ; • .•" .. -13 10 bo Btontor. . . Detin9y 1 null, 10 00 Mary./ issel, • ' 14 ' 7' 00 ?amT4,p)l3man,.... ~.• ,_ . , . ~._ ..7_14. ~,_ - 7.,00 Class. license. 10 - s2o'oo -.- 12 • 12 0 12 - , .-1250 13 — .- U 0 ..„.. — 7 . , ..... . . • - 11;hno Balion, , • '. , .14 ''. 100 William Loyd, , , . • 14 ',- .7 i'll • !Mites kilro., - , • - ... l4. _ ..:1, 00 Abrallam liruwar,: • . I ''''. -. 14 • • • _ 'UPPER Aulta,,__, - •, llatoa:ollor-dc-Zooli..,___L.--- ---.7- -13 ' • •100 Jon:ilium .I.lcitols, . . • • •14 ill° : Peter Oingoring,: -r... - ~- .. • 14 • _7OO m Ilira lamignocker, „'• , • 13 10 00 Robert llotturiek, . ' • 14 - • - 7 Oil . . ' • I.l.otrnE3. _ i. • - J(1110 Kttfi, ' • - • • -13. ll 00 11,417 . gimp (warolimise); ' _._ __ • .14.: •.7 00 Bopp & Son. 7 00 IVIII. Eckpls,- - • • - • -'•- . 14 . - 7CO . 010adfor & Ilro : 'Six Ceiiiiird,i'ao : . ' .11 '.14 7'olo 14 700 1 7 0 r, _ 14_, • 12 12 50 12 - 12,60 'l3; 10 00 . 10 • 20 00 Joh . n A. MechJen. John - Li: Miller, (111 41:1$ oyster, Penni:in A: Porter,. MosSer-&-Jitni John Barn, - -- 13. }'-Lee. John 11. Rudolph Slaijin,, EAST VENNSIIOROIN Sheets, Lingatiold S. 41ingCr, Fi'Martin, ' (leorgo . W•Foslor, 3liebaCl Free, ' Jacob Lonviccker, • Jacob Benninger, . D..A..t .1. Dougbeity, John Areormick, .• Oir't S. son, - • Kiri 4: ituiumel,-. •-- `.• • • P. it J. Hypard, D. DeOltigerr 14 j 700 14 7 MI 14 . 7'w . 14 7nu 14" . i Ou 13' • - 10 ,00 .. . .. ~ DISTILLERIES. Philip Ziegler, Franitford,:-. • - r: - ..1..'5, - ;•J,-A...Alit. Newton, - . : . - - • , Joseph : Ramp, " . . Ilobert Quigley. .." ', , fili'm licsler,-South Middleton; • • • • Ilidiry.tllass, :.„ . •'. " .. . ' . demli Atow-mauplanv-er_Allerr, .. •.- _ . .-.4- - --- M. (I.lleßsho:::ver, 3loitroe, . ~_• Geri; ;t SAlratidt, ." • . Menders:in A Sons, North Middleton.., _ \Viajam Ilarnitz, Carlisle, ~ i - - ,• MILLS. Marshall .Tames',West l'entishorough,'•l3 Diller& hrider - 13 .41(.01: Sliellebarger, - " . . 4 , 0 ~,,, 14, • Pallid - A hi & Br., " : . 13 - Philip Ziegler. Fran ford, • - . 14 John 11nore. itlekliison, -• •. • ' 14 • Elder Itarnits. " ..... ' - 13 &Wm Jlosler,.l4outh Middleton, . . 14 Shearer & Shupp, ".. .. 14 --. J. b: ShealTer. - " ' : . 13 • -W. I.: & 'I. 11. Craighead:- S. M., . 13 nillerie Zug, Mechanicsburg', . , • 10 Igliiy..--Ittipp,_ ll:Mu:den, .. - .. -. . 14 - 'l'. It: Itrys,m, , .." • • • • 11 S. Erich. East Pentisborniigh„ - • ' 14 David Voilesong, Monrce, • 14.-W. I.a.ldigli; ' 0 • . 14 . lien. &S. Drandt, " .' • ' .14 Isaac Blizzard, ' " 13 Christian Eberly, Lower - Allen, •11 ' John-Horn. - tit U. 11 ' S'aninel nitrirr, " . " . .: iil . otin K.Kaufmirm, " . " : . -- 14 - - t.l - . - E - upp. — .. - - . •^" • " • 13 4 11 .-ot. tvonrtrZ.Jr,..-UPPr..tkiltn,.. - - _ ..1.1 ::- John Shagner, Silver Spring, , ..,14 - (3. M. Bucher:- -----;- " ;- ' • • ...„,, -- 13 "•• FACWIN Vandersloot. " ,-'' ' .....-- -- -t. 14 I:Henderson & Son, North MiSilltion, • .12 . -- ,•.. -OYSTER ANII--E - ATING. HOLSES _ . . ._ Jacob Low - • Carlisle; Henry Peters, - ..- 4, -- • 8 111'1.1....5p0u5i'6, 4,- . - , ' .I 8 : • Margaret - Miler, ."' -- • 8 'acobJiines, I:, .. - I 3:tool:Stratton, . " ' - ' 8 • '4•l'enry %Van . er, " . • . 8 1 (le.irge Murphy, Newville, I Jane Recsliaw, " • l'Cletrical Illn,:irster, Newton, .• 8. , 1 Sponslor & 3lnekey, ShlppeusbUrg, -. 8 Snuitte) Speese. ' Henry Itrownewell. Silver Spring, - 8 James Maloy, Mechanicsburg, ' - 8 -David Long, ' S . Jeremiah Freeze. Shiremanstown, 8 Samuel E. lino e. Lisburn ' , ' 1 Ab'uttloble. East l'enusborough, - 8 • Mrs. W. Phillipps,... ". :- - ti - 14 7 no 13 7 00 - • 34 - ioo - 14 700 14 i 00 7,00 14.. 7:110 14 • ' • 7 00 14 • 7 00 - 11 : 15 - 00 10 20 00 • 13 10 00 ,14 . :7 00 14 700 ; 14 • 00 112 00 141. (N) - , 7 U) , It EIEMEUE 7" Vi 10(0 7 do 10 00 700 7 00 7 00 -- 00 ME sOO 7 00 10 00 7 00 , - -,- - . .TEN•PIN Ifavid Lon 7.. INferhalliestigig, 4nebb InYvt; Ca•Klisle, Stwob Ilcuncu:u~.l'arU le, ' • e!risvm.Ltmr. Ccuxi•v, Fria I vh,. henthy certify that t he' foreping n correct Iht of the Dealers In Nierelotudlr.o. Lumbero.en. Oysternien, etic„ in Cumberland (4.4107, as returned tows by Jon. C. Thompson'. Mercantile Ap praiser. Nalco Is given to persons returned Its above, to eonitatitiliftAheir_licenso _ta or_befere_thelst day of .lune. and Ally license not lifted by that time will be sued and collected without respect to persons. A. •SEN SE3IA N, Co. Treasurer. 'May 4,13.56-4w.' • 12 12 5(1 . 13 • 10 00 • -, •_,T v ii - t•J '7II..REs II -- A RRI vtA e .., v .. 1 . OF II ARIAS • A la. ! HENRY SAX'fON. . • The subscr returned from the ell r wf led call the attention 0f..3i1s friends and the iiiiille. to t lie . large and well selected assortment of 1131 dour,. o bit li he has. just recried,cothdit\fig in part or IX i.1.1,11' u .M.I.- TEMA LS. nalls,screws, hit es, lochs. to: ts, gliii, , putty, paints, .oils, ice. - TOOLS.—odgiPtitizb . , ; 1..3 v.' 0 a lid 1.1:411W 6 . every description, with files. nuips;:liannners. an %Ds. Ac, GLASS or every.-•descriptiou and iluality—knituon glass'of different brands, whiti polished Aber au gips, I'lverb glass of all sloes. double thick glass e - all sizes, ground -enamelled glass. Ac. :; - _ -.^...., ~ A getter's] assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SP DLEIII.4•TOOLS, top..ther with nit 'co, lining and bihtl, lng skins, Shoo tan„d,-Was, pegs, 'skits, harness mount ing, saddletrees,Ae. - . . • ... - --(XIACIL-Tlll.NlsllN(i—eanvass...(plain.,_enaufelled., fig ured and einlxecoad.) patent and enamelled *.leatlier, axles.' springs. huhs.Spokk felloos, shads , &e., fie. - Cabinet Makers will find* large assortilient of yarn- Ishes.iahogany and walnut vefieeni; moulding, rosettes, lair - cloth, curledhair, Ac. i WHITE POLISH PAINT—A nowartiele for Waking -ft licautlful-whita_atid..hrlillineLP o ll4 l ; ihrdining - m ,1 4114 parlors, Ac. . . iIION—A largo stock,somprising all Units in general use. . . . flu-llemember.the old stand, East high Street, Car:. lisle, Pa. 1 • :%1arch26,1856.1 . .II EN TIT SA X TON. • It 700 14 Too 1 10 00 13 10 00 14. 7 00 S. P. SNYD6I4 - - • W. I, St . PARISMS ti'YDER,& M'FARLANE.-- . Lk:VD AGENTS. • • . , M NNEAPOI,I% Opposite the Suspension Bridge,. Fails • ' 'of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory, " - will buy and sell hinds, negotiate bums, ;mate' land warrants In .5116neseta, lows, end 'Wisconsin. Inquiries Delipeethig the couutry,by letter or otherwise, pnnuptly answered. - • • ."ItEPERENCES. . ' lion. Ales. Ramsey, Ex-tierernor, ' lion. U. M. litre, Delegate to Congress, Minnesota, . tior. Pollock, Itarrisburg, ' .. • • James R. Steele k. Co., Philadelphia.. . Grin. Vnnleriek Watts, Carlisle, . A. firstly Shan*, Em., ' . ' U Magoun, New fork. . , Cohort Walsh, - New Orleans, -, - ''• . ' . Jante.S R. Irvine, Esq. i'Vewvlll.„ • . 1iqn..1.8, - Illacki - Sonlerset, - Tamean - , - • ' -Ilan. J. IL Eddie; " w. , • .1.• 11, Good. Mayor; Springfiehk, Ohio, , ... . Gen. C. Anthony, . " 11. - ~ • „Jas. Carson, Esq. St. Loabs, Win. Wilson, Esq., lialtiitunve, Md., . ' • - : J. T. Wright, Charleston. S. C., r '... . • ' J. Al... Wilson, Philsidelpki* . . ... 1 : 10 00 14 ' '7OO 14 .7 00 13 , 1000 14 700 Is 10 00 14 • 700 14 , 700 14 : ' T oo • • 30.000 Acres of Unimproved Land for Sale. at from $2 tit; $lO ,ner acre; also Improved Farms. Lots to St. I'hol, St Anthonnand all towns on the Minna • sota,rlier. ' . ce,l'arttmatar attention the Loaning of, Money, and Entering Land-Warrants.. Address, . Stit'FARIAN ../thiMblt4 18*--47.1 Allansiwolts, Mln. 'for, /0 00 MI .P. .IITAIRIC ; Attotn ey. ,1 r v J • —Ofilco Ant Kmtb ilariover street, si few do • south of Muss' HOWL All loineswontrusKt.tpl will be promptly attended to;',[April the aceopted . thee, end now la do day for • •-• • tiraeu:Stones, . . , . •- • '''' ac., 4:Troffer's T,farbre-"VArd,Pa'...•.Also, Iron r: hr , • • . [Apr. 16, 'Ac—En, • .8. - READ•ANB CAKE BAKERY,. : -M. F...ssidms,:Sputh Ilatiorer Street, would respectfully infbriii Moil& andlimpril , -that he still continues to carry otithe almie bush. ' at his old stand three &ms south ot:.the Setiond .P hyterian ',Mitre!), , Whera )16 is prepared to supply, all will call - on •bini with PIIFSII BREAD' and .(`A ; al 11l i ds, mantes:it unfit from - tit 0 - L6St . 6llp6l . iirmtt ,--'--, POUND' CAKES will bo furnished to (intermit slow notice WA imthe most pleasing style. ilt e titreaß Br • wlilleu Thrill:died-daily to I:willies in any part - of - tiwn leaviiiiktiutWatthe' Bakery; • 'A 'superior ''qualitY. - al Mead a-d Ileer, will WI istaittly-onhand-dUring-thoSunimer-!•eastin—ifhr til fotrist rigors. the undersigned` hopes by strit t . toritfen to businesi Mut a desire, to please; to merit .. receive a Il h erid share of public patronage..ll,62;l . ; • ... also attend mat ket with Bread and 7 CO - 7 Of) 10 lib' 10 ou O- co 7 NI 7 of) do (A) EENI 7 00 7 00 70 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00, 7'oo 70'00.. 76 :70 , 7 , 00 CO • 11 T .3OOTSAND . S1 - 10ES. - Tho subs( • 2 ) hers respectfully Infbrin their friends tied the ho'gonerally that•thoy have rernoveittheir hour.. 4 e. 11.01.: mil authetory re to the storoom. in fil', Hun oyer street, recently occupied by Mr.Sb d. , man. twe'doarsbolow llaverstick's Drug Y.-1- '' ' Aut immediately:opposite Monyer's Confer=; arv—Klierb they , are !!!!!!!!!!!!! to make Boots rod e? 14fylietiAitWitiL'uv i iii i i variety, witirrr - g,crod - otvrtinei "stack. mid competent workmen. They will spare t.• Ort to give 'satishlrtion. . .1. & O..TAYI.OIt. (Maras le, April It;, ISZKY-2,ye .. ; • _•' .50 .00 00 00 7,0 00 7;0 00 7,0 00 60 0-0 I)LA.IisII.4',IEED • ACIAPEMYN4.;: --- ..L. Twonaeth 'Session Months; will commence on :tiny •tdit.' A new hi i log has boon oroctod containing tlyintOialum, Itick - for - frrstruction . :and - nr—: ---- acconiOnolatlons, this institution presents great . _ documents to /parents who desir,e tite physical • mental .Improvotount of tliOr 'sons, 'Folios per t..4 , ssion, SOS 00: .For circulars, with;, information, address , • • 1t.1C.l URNS, • • • Frio/41/.11 and Proprie r tor. Tiainfitilti, - entaboldami co., P. E 0 o°- 50 (:0 50 00 .50 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 April 0, 1050 • • VE 'HA It DWA,II STO It • STAIN A N S SCEN§. WEST 'MAIN , STPEET,. NEAR, THE RAW ROAD ReroT: The .subscritmrs twitted in the room 'lately mem , by Mrs, - Foust as a gracery.Storti, west pr the licit Depot. helve ju..t (motelsn entire ndw stoeb cf HA WARE. to which they would all the att.M.tion of ti. -friends and thopublic generaltyZ The stock, , d, with large and varied, was scieeteth evpociat referenec' the wants of thO pubbc, and consists Im. part of . DUI LDINO HARDWARE of all kinibcsuch as ter' latches, hinges, - nails, bolts, screws,' tet, compris.. every article of Hardware used in building amid 7 pairing... Also, glaid;:ritty; paints. brushes, de., of i most 'approved quality and' on the most reason:l terms. . - • • 7 00 10.00 15 00 (0 10 00 7 00 10 00, CABINET - 11A rikat.§—The attention of CAM • Makers ix invited to our - assortment of varohu, veneeis,..knoba, resat s. mouldings, c.; whioi will _ filund_equal to.nily_iff_the county._ ' • -SADDIXItS•and-COACIIDLAKE-118-4011-find--In-t-----. department ell the ni tides usually required in !Woof business, such as steel springs, isles Ap. • WALL P . Al'4lt—The . ass6rtinerefirWiiii Paper - v • . braceslt C.olllpkieiTarktY of. new-and.rholee -patern , . ov - ery yhallty, and at sucklitincs_aanannokfuil-- - to - r, ---- = window slixdos; &c. 11110 7 0 - 6 ]0 00 7 00 1:t0 - II OUSE—KEEPERS aro inv And _canin I nur stock - of cutlery, plated - ware, *onus, - - ladles, mills, candlesticks, sn ulTers,. ualters, shovels and to./ 4tair rods, hidlUir Nvane ; brass and Iron kettles, - • Irons, die., which-we Intend to pen serTionr.. • . _ YAII3IIMS—For the use of Farmers we have en i• lose variety - of - arlYthe - Articles adapted to their trade, usually found in'llardware tlterea, such as pl. forks. spades, shovbls, hmls, rakes, Lames, traces. h. chains; &c., all at the very lowest : rates, to whirlk call their especial notice. 31,4111 &e.—We Invite the attention NlecliftlikA generally to 'Our stock of edge tools, ph , level saws, braces, hilts, augera, hammers, files, raa, ke., whiclewe-knowjaLbe 'of a superior litC/N and STEEL of all kinds constantly on hand .., for sale cheap. • - • Then coma, friends, and ill's° its 'ft - rail and exaln, our goods, as we charge nothing for showing them; from a strict attention to business and a desire t,• 30 10 311 1.0 41 00 ,memtite we hope• to merit a share of public pat forzet the place, West Stain street, the Ittt,l Ilepol, .11 , 11; 1, I,st—ly,] tilitilLY IMPORTANT TO P 1 CIIASCHS.—The subscriber wily open this N... hu august and most splendid assortment of , sPitiNG AND SG11:11Elt GOODS Anluimunilitock — Of- ----- French Worked Collyrs, . Undersloores, • ' Flouncings, - • Itatiakerehiers. Ifory.tit from the -Importer-In _New -York,- and will old ~t .{ uicestu _ dcfy . all competition..rAlsoot Isr{_9----- sln•tmne t' of beautiful Dress kraals. Ilibbons. Don 1,. &C, Cont.. ono and all before purchasing e.serbere, ') sit will t•givenioney, April '2, 135rij •; KS, E E 11 - G REE • Slewyrlng Shrubs, Roses, Plants, &c., In ! vallilty and sine, for sale by largo or s quantities at the Rising Sun litirserleg and Gar Philadelphia. The:r slant's are in the Market,.belnw Sixth St where the above can he had every day. Orders ah rival hero for the Nuisery. Catalonies sont to a rts gratis. S. bIAUPAY & CO. Rising Sun Villa:: N.ll,ltoses; Verbanat; by the hundred or thou slut othertlowerlng plants for sale cheap. [Apl fIAILLISLE DEPO'SIT:_ BANK.- - SYNE PF.R CENT.. Itt a meeting of of 'ALtreti, 1856, It was unanimously reselro&tbdt I oat sboud !be paid ou spoetti deposits by the Car DoPmit Batik. tllOorflouiteil by . the State of Penns •rania, as fbllows: •e• 4 por .coat. . por annum for 4 months, b 64 It It Inbwest COEls9s after the °imitation of the cortifle unless. renewed, and tho money always paid back w; out notice. lly order of the Board of Directors: • Starch 12, 185(1.] W. M. BRETIOI Cakhie r- UMBERLAND VALLEY ,BAN PROPRIETORS: WILIJAM Ken, Bistonont BRENNKZtN, 110116 RT C. SPERM?, JOHN DUNLAP, • • Ittomitin Weems, • Jonit S. Srmarrt, JOAN 0. Matti., llrxar A. STUROZON. This Bank, doing business in the name of R.'. BRENNF.MANI A CO. is iminfully.prepared to do a i: oral Banking BusineSsliith promptitessinad fidelity, Monerreceived on Deposit and paid bacli'ori dem. .- without notice. Interest paid on Special Deposit.. 7-- Particular attention paid, to the collection of N. Drafts, Chocks, any_part of the_polted Stator---- Canada, Remittances made to, England, Ireland or the Ce: mint. The faithful and confidential execution Of oil dare entrusted to them, may be relied upon; They at all, times he pleased-to live any information deal In regard to money matters hi genets]. The proprietors of this Bank are Individually 11. to the extent of their estates for dil the deposits 4. other obligations of KW, Brenneman & Co. Holum in Trout's Building. Biala Str a few doors east of the Rail Road Depot. - • Open fer MIX from II o'clock in the morning until 4 o'cliaeb, , the evening. iv A. STURGRQN; Paghh" N. A - -Interost at the rate orb per tent..per:anit.,..., -- will be nation Special depcalis as 1101141101U7A , . Coslllslo o March 180858:." • • • • .• • "N ~ 111.*elfaiieotts - . Maputhonts W: F. BELL}`.; ° STAYMAN SO EMI CIIA9.OOILB Znigt-,-Jtatices. El