', . S, z ~~ :/fll4tket - S; CARLISLE P.RODITCE • MARKET:. f. CAI2I.IBLII, *oduesday 1856. ? — tAtoint:-Superfinor-pap-fib! - $ - 5,0 do Extra, 2 - 4 0 . !trx • - . ;41nrre Wur, per- bushel Aso- •' do .'- • do r• . ••• do do - =de ,-- ...".•,...-..... --- doT -- -.---,-,----" -- do .1 -:.- di) - .0111.7 CM - -,'r o - hRSEEn-----= l fl OTIIIBEI>.,'U. ArINTER BARLEY; BARLEY, BALTIMORE 11IARIi1•;}I'S. '. 3rO.4DAT EVENUsia, May t. •Ft.outt AND MEAL.—The Flour market this utornini openedtt hale 6rnier, anti the detaand Was,sonie!lialbetter' than: for:',S0 , 01111 past.;. Sales 0i1,40 bblit'.Tio T oilti street at Is 6 004 'and 400 lads:pity at $6 00 _• y 0 sq. ' Flour 7 .-W0 Aiiote - rtiiiiillY4f9 9049:60, tr 4 .d0.:44 -8 oskisij•to ; Reward street Flintily at;949 50,4titti Extral . 'ijio. at .T 'per 8410 of 150 bbl's 4loward 'street eitrti.,nt:s7'roo.': Rye Flour—Sales' wit hi the past :few iitayS .01 200 . bbls .at $4 30, fditoifne7Of. .c'ents per bbl on previous quotations. Corn Aleut—Sratill sales are wig' pity man u111c :.4e4 at Per • • • ' • fartmit:—Wlietii- 7 714iiirket rather dull to• do y, kbottt . 6:900 - o'll.ooll, wer6 • 'Oftered. -We ittito;fair ; tp, good r'eed'a t 1 37 ; go o cl' ' ...ritne.ol4te'at.X,.4o4l 65; choice do. at 1 65 65...;' , ,1f.5a1e5c o[l - .2; 600 bushels [ant ly flour' !Ph en 6706 - nt. r e zLnd‘ s tlroping.:: 4bciut '2 1 0,000' bualiels, offered to-d 4, and.ales; offair to godd White at 60a 53 °etas, -,yellOw. at if3a6 _cents ; r some -- . -Imferior-lot•6-of-both-tlesoriptions4teld-at 313a43 ' cents'per . busual !, :Oixta:---abutit . 2700 bu'shelb 7 :- " - tifEirect-to - (14-yorail-niobtly tiold 29a31 cen per bushel.' .Rye.--about 1000 bushels . 6ffered --- vad'ittleii _Of 890 bushels, l'ettasylvauia reput' .. ed at 75 eon 'We - quote good Marylanil:,4pd Vi`rgkuta at ViceutS per bushel. "" • .; S.UIIIILIt AItItANU EMIIIINT itFt , CBER VALLEY • R. R.— „cl(Amil: ON flo r uits „. • . • . • tha and Mier I'M:4)A April„ Ist, '1356,' tinrisimger Truing ufil run as (suudays excekted .11A.E.E.1311Vittt4-. • -•-• • -Ist Train. r •, .241 Train. • 4.45, A. 11. M, 6.18 " 6.40, "7- 6.40, " ti , " "- 7.20, 7.16, „ CitAlimstsuita. let Train. 8.16; A. F.48,' 0:25, 10.00, ," - 11.00 , " TRAINS -- Lialtotrllarriaintrg-fOr-thilitduipitia---at4.4) A.M.,1,601 P.M.; and 1.16, vin Colituthia. • . --Lama liarrisburg for-ltittshurg•at. 3,30 A,M4:1:14.35 nom, : Leave Harrisburg for Ilititimere, .tit 8:15 A. 61., and at 1 P. Al. . • etirsol":ll;tupltiumid Susquehanna hail Road leave liar rishurg t'or Aulnu , a, itaiolint , ;A:e., daily ;_.: Atiy-At nil Stations, where 'rickets are sold, Fares are ' TEN OENT.i,LESS than When paid in the ' A. F. SMITH, Superintendent. Itgll Chanthersburg, • • March 1, ISoli,. • ,f .• - AV , T_ Leade.Oliambertburgr 4 ' ppeus burg, • Nee• vale, , . • * ------ .lteettunicburg, At Ilairisburg, . . . leave Harrisburg, 44 " --Carnal° " New .3. 4 4 Shippensimrg, At Chainburgburg, RHIN P. 1.r5:1 , . fi r,;IN infortnieg the pi; litiv t hr.t le and ar.r,fiew:roceivitiirtlie - largest awl , west ta&icd as sorttneriCeir WAIL Payier dew ever Opened ' itt Carlisle.LA. OW is'irdielted-truin tleao wanting Caper Ilitirgingtorafiy vvvi are confident that all con be -entipilecr ttl.43ll:,OUi•Wattillictth stock. At, stand, Voilliipti'prei - April 9, ,IS5t3. • • , - . 1 V.1 , 1•W.:81:011,E4, , ,,NEAV 0 __ 'l'he.RuDecribor ints.julif returned fiSoin thO Oty, and noir opuriitiftriifiitAilar to Chas. 11aglauchlin's hol4,:ln.Nortlt ,!Innovor,sttait, a splontltt •mssoßment or no‘iaini cheap DItY - 600D5," comprising. Sonnets. iiibbong„i,Clatlis:Cassinuiroft:Ulnp,hants, Lowhs,Call.Joes, 1101..:0,par.4, lloslery, (hoses. white mut Caipot'Cludri, ' •.ItuuE tola vest • q mil it V, Also, a arge - 1 stoek - .44 - Superlar - 1.101 - Ab'-.AN - A)l' - of whti9~ Ile trill thAl as (11 . 0:11) us any bongo' iik town. .Butter, Eggs, Rigs; Soap awl 1444 Fruit, taken at Marliot vices. • •N. W. 11 . 4101)S, Ag't, 10,..1850. • , , ' ' • • QPILENG .&. BLI 31 IVI .qt, CI4OTHIN al ky , ' Finn and (.`,i'aninon Clouting,' --- , • , .: . .. - 1 1 144:ufil - Figfirtd Clothing, • . .„ • Light stint sombro'Clatlint'4, ' NT;;lkt and luorubikc ,Cluthtrig „ 2 .'goon and, availing' Clatblinh , ' ... `- Pre,a,s ttud business Clothlag, , . ': ' • Weak ntnefiltoday Clothing, . , ......... 1610, and. traveling Clothing,. . ~.,.. lidght,Jufil soft hued Cloth4 l .g, i .".Ihg and little' Clo, t h i n g. , .' • - . , • -diva', and young MOWS Chliking t . ' 1 . Grave and .tylioi elcahlitg, ' ,Cheap and Z:ht.slior Clothing, ' ... ". Jr aayskind of:12101W ng. . , '' • : 12111. i, hi) IQ : at STEINE3. & ISIO'S.i. Chen Clothing §tor,ti, enTnen of; Mal a street - and ,I+darkec ...‘.4 are. _• r... ' Among Oar oxtumgli'li tie man t way I timid nne Ulack'atralqini,"Nini - S - Cilii rtre.'S - .4and Fioek oat made til tha'intest`ntshions of Prai:ll"a nil tkigl di sh lot l'ls. ( Na‘v atyloll,ualnotai CAketa,, to lluek,lirovski, Illtto and . Alraot OlokS, arid t , 4lri , alld ✓ 'i v CasslnterosA . ...,,,: - Liian, Ginghata, anti Cattou .0 tv.,-of4v.VrY . 1 i int; . - I),:a.thla and, Shigi.a..breashrt Veatg, ail 0 0 1 '1' 3 tur 'F'r of Plain and' Vaney c liilltsi• Satins, Caaaluieres, Urn na dinvs, mid NlarsellleF,'4o. ' ' '-- • . Flip) 'Mark Pivin•it . Docsltln and Fnncy. C,atiOinoro • : rants ; ' Matti, - Light -Wood Fancy;Casshnera l'a n ts— Spring Styles._ , __...„_. •,,... . A iso. - a fullassortraent of Shirts, Col'aira, Boson's. Cra, vats, rocket ithnalkerehlefs, Sualieudera, Sleeks, Gloves, • Hosiery and. Uhihrellas. , , . . . CArliale, April 10,.1.650.' .. _ . , . • =I I" AltpltrAltE.t. THE LA ISO STOCIi COUNTY I• : 0)IN ivholoWo and tirt!..l , . Amiltrs In. AmonWitn, (10111:11) find 7-;131.01$b .Itirdware and. entlerS , k ,; : j,i.o- } tp Attu-Ilion of Jto ehanirs, `Nartirers, and the public 01)er:dlr. to our untootallyero gook, oo nfid om 4 .that..AV o o're goods on toOre rettsonahlo.termg than any other hunk , ' rt, the county. • (April 9, 66. , K=IIN=RI 6,75 3,60 1,30 1,25 55 35 SE -:--7,60 _ ..;50 1,00 1 00 _ _ • 2d Tra id; I.Vo, •• 2.11; .....,.. -:/ '.i.:' , ,j, , :,:tr,0 1 141111terS.::: Li:l.':..°. • -`, 1 -1,..A: A 1 g -wil i s,-,:., TAK,F I ,, , ..1 . 1:9' . 11.C.11 1 4 ! limo, by iii: ire at the following 'raten.: Reaper, cash, $105; Reaper and Afodnr, cash, $1 4 .4 ; ,Ituaper and Mower, on time $210; Reaper, $180; $75 on delivory-; s7b_fli-st.ttf e_t_pi Leather; and ; the Intl. anea,arstorDecenthar, with:freight from Ifie Factory at 11. rianburg. The Atkin's.lteaper in built of - the bent ~ n 4terlalthat. can.. be fountli and put up in the bent workmanlike manner, warranted to cut gl'alß - Mrwell as ism hu clone withtliallradie. Farmers getting_At kin's Reaper do not run the-rick they.wo.uld in, buying ite3per about one thousand,miles away from honiel if there should anything break they .can gut the castings at -the Factory at ,liarriburg, at any tiute. rersqns buYing this Reap r have the benefit of all iniProve- Monts - flan, hereafter, by applying to J. S. Wright, nt . th. I:notary,- 011:R1Sr I. " I'ATOU PPE it, Agent at Chambornburg h. 111.11t,KII01,0klli; Travelling,' Agent . at 11011 ry--114rt,AginitAlt Ilarrisburg, and' James Patton, G roar Agea t t I , ;Mto ry, acilArrisbilek,l'oi lr sylvatila. Order through the above agents, . What bettor evidence cif Arno )vo'ith bo given th,in such unparalleled int reafn.---I.lli.li , ilg—lieno in 15.13 And though-se-little wn, and all the odinin of numerous . faihices of ether Suifraitertc, yet not t wo-tbirjo Of the culdoiners could lit supplied la , t ;year, 31 - ru will bit disappointed the nest: for,lf farni erg 0:1 , 1,g1.1f, 'ocretk3blu leit-raier,theyare determined to hive It: add till,. 'tlihroughly established in' the 'continence of the fiirmlng;it-has a raker always Jo* hand and, doing tin) vo.rlc,partieularlyln a'heavy or er.qt, hotter than a man. „Sailng at least anoth er ban • in binding: la even a itreater Ur4in Saver than 1.11, 'er * and to altura tirgt-rato Mower. you In tend ..ttt: g rid of your old fashioned- ltett-hreaker. and' - te'pet itaker with' Bone -Nrusrle - of and Wood; son must be movint. f0r.3000 nii • xellaryest v all by no weaini 'supply-the. dend nil. 104- tile 1200_ wlewh .were tat instil - Heim:l the past season: • _ ritronl:l, Ih naiad, (lord Jlaterials, and Well lluift A, Reaper that ronstantly gets nut of order is a hid- Nitwit ;old dear at any price.. Itreakage:i Witifthht.hase •boon htoonShiorahlo,notwithshtildjog t.J . ko . ;,ifweroot..o of 4%11 the raw usinf materials amtputting theta t•iget her thorott,thly. Ma.. ny have rut frem)oo to 3111.1 With Wit!. el* any ArClWlles fpr repairs. The li irrest,is season; you W1111q . :1 . 14111.111I1l) Ural. can be relied upon, and this Sa the . one, as ex . porlehro howe. • ill cage of nillingvent, this l,n not surpassed. Few purchaseN'tlie:Piast'year, - iii;aniot ono Agenrln ten Innt had any eXperienee with it : ;anal' generally Inaehlites . Were shipped se late-as only to booreceixed lustrat hag- waist, or after it was Behan. Hence there was no tilace , ' experimenthaillleattor,nann talon alt: neeessary ulth now inaeldites. 'This will he :obviated t taai valuing season, with those who aro wise In ordering earlier thin MA *wing. Sonia. lade MaprOpor " ha aids, as °asters were tilled 1 ndhieritainate:ly i - tilIT the sainly_falhaL__ln.several instances machines , were re turned 'and sold again Impasip,er parties. and they „MVO e!‘eadietat Satisthetlani. Yet 'under all these disadvan ';'ta-zes. fiat two per elnit, gave any serious. trouble : and __wo will gliaralaty,lllllCit loss -next t A First hate .fewer—linitb . :a'a,vorelankes.—From the :. - firAt•introduction of this'. machine farmers have; said that to give it the lead far ahead of all-others. Nyi had only to inalt'o it as good in grass AS grain. We sue, ceedcal pretty well with tholiaiss last talnion;_bitt the motten,of the knife was hardly Taatenough' to cut prni• alt grass, anal some other kinalpi. taster gear yaws - male and supplied , to a' part of thia'paiteltaisen4, which gave excellent satisfaction. and - this - will be used oat all 'thin season.% With this motion . ; and the , Ititico In gessi order, it never chokes. We own Murray's' patent for . puling on the Taack'sicklo edge,.by which choking In oh ' 'plated; atiptle guard against contention. and Incur. star customers against molestation,. wo Wave bought the eight to tase Green anti. Forinash:s patents on that knife Oninge ttrnu Itcap.e. Mowor irti very . simple and made in a few minutes: and a wheel httatheal tat the outer and of the mewing, bar, to regs Mate tlau hei,tiat of - cutting,: to twilit Ate hacking, and , _move from ileld te field. - - i'.dapts t e C naslaler In Buying at heaper.—Every farm er, her lainiSelf or Wlthal_lltdgh o lvir, should have a Iteap 13e, If you have pampa, or vita if yailt haYe au ;Phil:Ash baited-bark-breaker, you will Tank liar oitat— dkt-7n set • well, &Mail-and easy, and with a knife that dates nut "choke," • :• •13.1—Sirtig and reliable, not getting sick when need. 3,1--Easily - Managed; that you, - ybur boys and hands salt Withouttliffletilty. Ath—Not hard upon the Team, neither of heavy tlyinzlit, galling their necks by heavy wefultt upon the -ik•te, ton thumping their shoulders at .every obstruction There Le dra z-ght.. • _ . 411— , T &king' up rain, anti working veil k 1,1 , 14. • ; tY!L It litc ;ICA tivis points no 'Reaper, excels At• hl e 60 . 4 I:a'ter, .t•.ti for equal it, notwithsthudi lig the adaitfau td ; ,111 artl lultaking, the hardest work in the loo•vest • l't . ll-••••; iv la; ;Al t another hand in, Binding, by .• laid.. ' mit . 4 a • in.; ct'ttiting and Raltiug,not shattering by Itbo reot, t ae' Helier it otT the plpt ka to, Oth—Sa v hoz VV•istage after Binding, the grain being do ao• blight as ,to be Istunt! ,, 7 - zurely;„ •pre'%eating s:attairidg lu the after liandlin , Int pro teeidn..; the hands well When stacked.- t,5)...1.4)01t the til r xtlt, tiightli and Ninth points, , Nye unhesitatingly claim superiority over all other lte : i. • pers "eveT iittetitel. 'Tlitriatving'or wasting ;;rain in fun•vestlng_wit h_nitieldneC is a point not properly tile previated. I'von between tWise_cutisititaqii gseal mid ' the Atkins there Is h dilTerenee, at present prices, of Len to twenty perniay, and 'over.. loth—Convertihre into•it Mower, with' little trouble anthiniall east. - - tra-S nue ofd ft4lifoned hack-breaking Beapere ran be u.:or for n blir no other Self Halter; and 00 con vertible niiiTfiffie claitalm•;* to - be a good - Boner i3-supe rior to ours iu Grass, . . I lth never l!bolces. By 31urrea tztelc sickle telge, 10r, width WO OWU the O.‘i.CIANIVO putout, the groat trouldo 10 .Mosviug Machinori—tho choking—is tally obviated. ••• - • _ ~ • . . , . . . .. '-. '. , . CARLISLE, Pa., Sept. 5, 1555,, J.. S. I'VROrtr, Esq..--" Pear. LW—flaring' purehaSed In ~duly, Isit.Atkln's Self !biking Reaper and Mower front ydur agnt, 11. L. Burkholder, Esq.. I take plJavre In recommending It 55 the Most ceoncanfeal Reaper thr the farmer to bny. 1 tun Sure 1 never before cut Mill pat ill. 00 S;liao":lfilalltltqgrnitivitli so little eqienSO, so little help, and Se well., I b eliertrf have-saved thuote third of thi-pric -of. t o - itetier title year. Not only that, but It runs light on tholicirses: "The 'Raker WOOS a good Men. - The, even nud regular' depository 'of the I •PAs wi,ltsave otte.man in four In binding. We have had fiSnit twenty to thirty farmers looking at It when 'it."Alig, 'minty, of Whom Juni other *Reapers but not. the aaker, and tho . nimit of them said It 4:is the best, and it perferanal - well. I know of no machinu equal" to It. The Mower,' after we had it started ' rut 8 1 4 . urreS.Tedat an Clock to 1U o'clock. It was timothy. If thesp lines ; ‘can be of any avail to you, you tuay , use them as you think best.. • ~1 4 ours Itespectfutly, .. ,; •" • • ' ' - " • • - '- 2. : -- -, c. , JOIL,N.S. ST.EBTRIVIV. r— . f ~ l' ; : ..: • 7 ,` 7.-7' c . OARLIELE..II4. 'O, 1515: • TO J. S..Wanitur, .Esq. Hear" Slr—ln July last, 1 pur dillased of year agent I 'arlisle, IFenry L.,- Burkholder, one ofAtltiO'li Seltr ing.lteaping. ialichineif, - :Roll ~can . safely reeiiiniffeM us the most eompluto economical) Mber-savlaz n • Mine of the 'kind yet . Introduced had tMS part of e country ; although• toy farm is ,hilly, It porforta ts work to my entire satisfert ion, and to the allinhe on; aO. great number of/armors who wore pees. ent i the occasion of -Its trial,' Ileslaes tasking the c . nest work et any Reaper I have ever seen, it requires bat half the power to move It that Reapers do generally. 'two-borate or tuules..zan draW It with ease, though 1. Used four on ac.coktut of tho . land being solllllWilat rough svd uneven, • • • .‘ . tjr r o alliarthers having largo crabs to cut .1" would MI NIM) aE a matterof convenience nod economy to procure ore of Atkin's souraking Reaping•Machlues.. .. IiQUEN i•sptictilly. , • • ' ' ' " ' " ',- 'JACOB NOFV,SIMIER. — . 4Larlt4e ijOatp. • salioipm--Loor tnko great. plonsurO In beartnglbstlinoify- 4 to Alto irivaluablo chnr.- actoetif ”Athin'ziielf-ralting.lteaputtot otv eoi"-1 had both in use on toy t:otunland each portbrinetf itO" toy otittrO 'atttltfuOtloo, anti. to tho adtotition of Many. liirmOrs lv,ho -yitnessbd . mood this machine, nil. ono of the tuo4t . itOpolticht tottiottp4othil-Atetotrootito:-ATOo.t.zoottoiktical Jabot sari tnachirs e. You, as the agent fof 'Mr. J.. S. Wright, have.dono a lasting lionolit to our farming community uy the. Intro- Auction of the nOnpor into this cot • • • Very respectfully, ' ' • ' . W. M. I.I.ENDERSONi ••• • • Oakland, Cumberland county, Pa. - - • • YORE 9ur.rnua Sennios, Pa.,'Oet I, L 35511 J. 9.lVlttairr-- 7 Dettr Automaton gulfiukiri rioaper bought of Yorillid its work welt, entOtig and faking - bettorkthan I hove ever had grain lifted from a liand'rake,•aud taking off the hefty feN,t and most wejgh: ty butialeg. •Itis of envy draught•and well Ludt, and I' think it will_ give perfect vatisfiterion to every furling that Wants one. 1 would not. have,nny other. ~• . . . , . : •.. lhuniseuno, Pa., Sept. 30,1855., ymortr.—De . :u• steal tr that I boutrlst of your agout i Albert,',laques,"t tried oil my .farm in: the' presence of smite tiff,Y' of the' lAA fitrrnera iu I)auphin county ; nd it . fierfe - et - S - atigthution r cut my harvest with the,; Beaver, raid if I 'could not got ailed her Irotild•rtot tal.o e AMC th6usall doliar,s far it. If this is'ut any une.to you, ycifi' ntYiy - use - it - 11 S you ehoose.• • 1111NRY t. Tft I:NJON.N. Oat-1;1855. J. S. Ws:mitt—Dear ileniate that you sent too I wits highly. -delighted wait. ft..done Its worh to tny entire satlsfaetit itto grain raid grass, mid - Febtisitt , or it the; best Respite in use, atidl reeoninieind it to the fanners of Now Jersey. ELLIAIt MOUNT: • . 31trarErA . ; Po, 0et.18,, 1555. . - .1. a Wnlolip•-r-Drar Sir—ln - regard . to Aticin'ie.;elf. J . of -- your.-.agon tr, N(orris Co, of P 1013.1000. and mnst say; It (line its work with entiro toitisiltri ion in grass and grain; and WtoulA reotinunetid it to .tlio Atm - writ of I'Mansylvania. 3011\ IVIUSS,EIt, • , . . . . - TIMSTOX,, N: -.T. ,Oet. 11855. .. . J. S. WRIGHT—Dear ,Slr,--Your agent,. H. St. Bennet, called on-tie this summer, to Hee if we-wouht accept the agency of the • Atkin's.fielkahl»g• Iltuitpee. : we had tend(' up our 'ninths not to accept the apnicy, of any, Reaper or' Mower, until we en uht get one tent Wit could hat , . emit - Mona: 111 to recommend tti'' our c r itst,omorti, 110 ai we are uttufa . eturiv, 410.1eulte.ral iniplements fit, Tron. tom. '14 . 4 .. \N't Sir: we woubt be glad to aceept, -the agency of . Athin's Reaper here, ID, WV' 11:IV6 1111111!eit emitideure tro:114:1.31ml it tp ,the Fanners of Sew .14;n - ivy ut.O. l'eansyl raid?). '•''' . . . '. . -:%.: (MICK k ‘2l. , itail . .1i):11 16, I§sll. 0 ‘V.S-:-,1 ri(2. , :•ived a tot trt l'etr.tity stiarreptr.g t'eritoi• Plow h, :Lint•lor by ,• . ;r:TAyMAN-th, pLosys -. ! I'l,o subscriber has and .1s constantly . keening au askortniont'of the celebrated EA(11;E: e,,nst.antiy -un hand Ziegler's, (gunk's, and. 11(.1 01'014 N Nrc Inivu ids,' a very large Oct of , tito 1a tuous.Vm . k Plows on hand, and a tine itssorti .nt ntCultituturs. Itenunnt , er if 00 3 Q.:1114 .-Elll lt. tie,ct, Carl We._ • 1.h55.1 • " 114:Nicv sAxros. Fr() -- FA1011i44.8.—T116 subseriberilwi just retuenid t he .i;lty—wi 01-roio nf_tite_larged. ass, rtittlits cif thkrdwaro ever broil - {;fit to this has just rervived Nu doz. 1 linui , s itli tt about hitt, th Pon eel hooris ringiug in". loth* foJta ti, A 1.4 . :t ki in. straight unit • ist chains frout Ittl to itl2s.:4l‘ittie itultiot.ent.es ofcrll 1:111,k, .ails , , at lit of spread_, filth.' breast, butt, and Jog chains—olio A Tor? , latgo I:at of stiovois, rocks, spades. lows, rakes', and lot slt.trt everything .turd thing tvi,totett by that Far:tiers.— " ,• • llenteittber the olit 3tvin fit, earlige. March 19, A • pLow;i,PLO..$l:6.-1 he hir,f,ogt and bust asvortior:it of Pi ., illll4.'OVOr viiurd ll L iIIC Phibiao.,phin'3larkoi, moo) , of thorn .now and itt prnvud aI, Hold iiiirrowft. Cuktivittio ood Bold duller*, Corn l'iantwrs, batty luipliniotit,r; Ut VoiCOSIt - 10 . 11111tti, llooft; improved Sp:l - forkft,tiarden P.rclsnad Lines. • t'; uulu and lltd log shoat*, will, ovory Vddiorvie.ikerisitir , u of A,,crirulturnt, nod liortirtilturiiidiuplinionts in Lilo greatka , variety and of tho most opproVoittrit terns.. PA501111.163/01t1116 It CO. --- Atii.7 - illtirrAl — Wnio4ounc4tßl4outl.Stirci.l%)r. 7th and I Mori:et st... Nlnr..ti)"66. . • •41..11 1 •147.1t, 'I'IIOBI'HAIT Ti)1114 N I tio. • genige*lNupt , r l'hot , plutte r.f ramo. =in atti whieik tuts lwen fully te5t . ....1 by cArttwrs. _ • anti I. believed to be the theavest and. ktnitLge,t tertilizer in the marhot. 1000 13111.5. StItO•Ilt lOR riyr.i r '4EII, especially adapted for the Corn Crop. , TA n" uew j. k pal t ..“%ert'ul fertilizer All of the above for sale by • ' Agricultural Warehou....e. and S•e td (nre, .II Cor. 71,11 . 1.nd ' • 1 ,poitic. :o 7Nzi 4 Nizie „ eir• - - 0 11fL04.- - (199.;. . . • ,-. . ~- ...,\,,,,----.. _.,.:- ~ ~ . . rf AR. DEN AND Pt %%TER; SEE DS • k_A —A large and select assortment of the atiove,.war ranted genuine, and embracing- many. hundred iliolen varieties. for sale Wholesale and retail. Country, dealers supplied at a liberal dlscouift. St.(lo.„•_ „r • Agricultural Warehouse and Seed store Iti;tt 2tl, '5Ol . - t.!oril - th aud--Alaritet •01,79 Ijobtfs • • __• .4-.. . 01.IAIR. tIEND rifrelVar:f r - I I en,l DtioF, , •se g, Skirt Iloops, and a few Spring DiTsir.rlo,4ii. "' March 5. -. t . W. MT:NEIL:: ME NV s4b,seribet' :has just received from; Phlitelelphia a large assort. meat of seasonable goods. which Will be sold very cheo —ipposite the IL 1L Depot, Carlisle; . • M. fiNODCIRASSI.. . Oailisla, Feb. 20,185,0. . •, - , • - 114 E3I9VA.I.4.—DAY :GOODS,, ,t c „_ I_6 aiii;scri r ims re tno e eto the hlit;(3 117Coutly occupied by lir. Li. W. ,Qiuirtrum; next, door to Charles lihightur,bliu's.illotel;where he bus u general assortment Of ' • • DRY 41001)S, (111001:111}18, 1100T9 untl_iiill)ll9,... • and will be happy hie friends and eustonterif come and sue linu. ,Thankful for ptls4 , favors ; be hopes by strict attention.tu.We,busluess !neva it share or publid patronage. . •April li t 1840.) GOODS. subscilber hlis 'illn..cetrumed &Oa 1110 city' and Ik, 'olioning a: gonorafaasortinailt. of ,Failqunit Stuglo Mods, cpnsist lug of'..rrouclf Casinnania und Minns iuLt n s Druss 'htilktBft - 4 great Virlety, hong Ilroclui likawlF front $,15 to $2O. : Frond' (Hanka Shawls. tlinnbrin and swikk kidginir.a.nuil sertlngs and Cambric and 'Stidis Collars: Merida rind. Pilk Shirts and Draws. Press Triugningii In grqat. • .variety with other Ntuicy and Staidiktioods. • nos., 21, 'fdii , . ti ho. vt-, If ' • • IVE W . GOODS.—The subscriber' ha Just, rem' ved and Is. now apetillig a largo asStirt went of (1001)3;suited to, tho season-41ms° 61l and got bargains, • 1)0 . .11;1114. "."! ,- ,vt.1 , 1, '•, M. SNO QILK ELAST CO BELTS.--Jtist open (J ea a lot of Silk and, Worstial pastln inks in all cokira. , . nor. '2l, ;55; „ • - Ttjtrabt:Nio.f , • PIANOS AND:IinttODEONtI cflvFN AWATI -301C.:1 MARSIIi MASONIC TEMPLE, CUESNUT ST., 'above Seventh, rhilatloWillu, respeafully Informs the 'public thatAto I:lmp:trod tt: make the following. TIY ENTYTioarilman, G ray A: Co.'s calobrated and TIVENTI. - C. W. Fisk •A; Cm's - MELO 4 - W - 11E0N111....be-placiud4u,thilhands.ol. a eanimittee of gentlenien; to holy them.dislributediunonetlio hot - Gil; of iiiy certificates. .- ' • . • - • To each purefiasor V-my Popular Music, a-certificate. will be presented. entitling the holder to tin luteCest in ONE PIANO and ONE:MELODEON, to, he disposed of by. thii - Ceitineittee for - the benefit of- th..se- holding_cettilit rates when ONE TIIOI3BAN Ii•DOIXARS.' Worth of Music shall have been sold, se Plate/lilt person investing One in,,tintt.the imtuctof_Olettey. paid out, but•will hate securest to him an interest, in comiailii with other certificate holders. in the above ills. tribution. • The.- sucei.eding distributions will ho. iiii. tinned; subject' to the taltuu regulation, until the 20 Pianos and 20 fiteloiliiilfis are distributed. ' • ' Pzirticalar.attentionAS invited to that feature of-this, plan which caliS for a - disposal of the I indigo/fen ts when but 1000 cthificates have been' Witted. thunuvolding the vexatious delay-end probable disappoiuttpuht attend ing certain schemes. now before the public. • . • • Music 'may be Selected from lay,olitiris 'stock, which - eonifiih.acovilyeataioglie In the Enittal Spites.,, Orders. forwarded ley, mail_ 'will he tititlifully. anti ; promptly attended •to. • N. 11.—Constantly-on: hand a splendid - assortment of Phtnng, from "the celubnitell.maniductorhis of lioardniiiii, Gray t GO:. of Albany: lamb Cltiekering .i A. 'W. Ladd et Co., of liostent - Ely - S: C 0... of New York. Also I'. W. Fit 'um- Melo-, Teens, to be had ut the lower • prices. [Read the 40110wt0 , 4 from Altor.l IloAiti»to , 44l4.l'Z' & Co.'s Pi re' so well pleasnd-Witit the-last _ OS. hint t]tat' we have determined to he iustrutittoatal on rSelt that tun:kWh!: •one s.uhseribers aid others, With' tin :trade that wit ran reetutnentl'it'inl warrant , . litre la alr,a . vs a .!litlicwiltv atteritlintt 'the, pitrrhaso of' pianes. tmcanse per,' , ntrUrillit.t rely fally upon lltr roeuthutentti: - tiono they owely‘e from mann fart whW are . inter-, ested..of en mese, in the sole Cl their , ow a manuthefure.. Now.'tie tine not inter ested IliFtztatter hi only ways exvopt s:. far as to gee that th w who pain In tun o ur -114)0{c." shall hi, well servcwl with thu best Plaints tootle. l'wr a llor(d - prkes seer - corer,atrullieh oral th4s wr send IThIII6S. warranted for cno. VO:11., the feeb:ht 10'1R; paid by' rdeeing, .iVo annex a letter re rel net frDin a Izointlein3h to whom we sent one ot .these . , . •'1...1.ve great pleaFtire tho receipt of the•i lnno Forto you w e c, nnier Gar illy wife from I:o:iidumn (17,,y's. It Art's delay-it for sotiii.l,lfito tit Wlttellestert nt_Tain•-.linlitll'_f_o_f-fte_thAt it came inexet:lfelit, 0011t11- non. NTe . are de,itle,ll;y pr•Tsot 'irltti the iTit:frihnient. The rosewood Ts of n heatitiful quality: the i•asd is plain kwe phe it Cho botttir'f,r tohrii Is s, rosy for n hew itiStrtinteht,.nittl The limo is itrin,cluar atid,ittyrot. All who hare tried-IC 1111119itilt and N,peaLitt_dicrhighotA tertiot .of foul s . wee.trcp, of titrio: - tivelt),Y regret , •that we did ,oht ordnr. titti ‘.A.ti.itehtu f ent:' ittnt4 /Qv e It: yet. • _- • • • . • 1"0 Aro 4.1e0pt‘...--ilOtoli(ol:, Sllll' for your hem Try in PrBr-nriug far tn., F.) Fund tio instrument,. Ito plthsed. to receive nyto :telt nowitnigmentn • - Yotir Obt. Fort; t.; . . 1.1? VING L7' ND 61 1 ,Triff - ki C( NI I nut , street, soutli•ovOst•cornileof 'Mirk! Streeti,t'lliladel- V ila. Incorporated by dile State of l'enzisylvzinla lu • . Eivyter cunt. interest is given, snit th_n_innites Way i 4 141 lxieir whentiVer enthst•-tOr, Arlthout the -notw. sity of giving notice for it beforithata. 'l'eoplo who have large sums put their, poniey in this k'sv ingx und, on tireou it t of he sultrelor safe tY , a hid con• . venture it affords 'but any .utu, lar-o or sivalk, re. Tine ivtviu) Fuld 1004 iv . 'very latql, nintitint. of. Mort gages, Ground . Revak anii,other fires class inviild for the :Seriiiity4f.MVisitkirs....:The MOON priivont ony 1)1 reel or or titlieeefroni usipg or born wing the money. - - The.Ofllee is open to reeelve end' pity ivory' day, froxu,S).o'clocirjii pit/I'olog .tll/ 7 Write,: the evening, and nu Monday. an eTli urSda'y in g - ,' till 11 o'elock.! . . . _ . . . _ People who hay° money to put lu, are invited to ea a the