Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 07, 1856, Image 7

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lotoriral —
- ------- Prprnlrreport - uflriecturetyler -- Whipplsi
n the Portland Traneeript, - we 'make the fol.
limingLetreet :
Joan was:born in 1411; the daughter of a
poor peasantln•the province of LOrraine. She
was' taught to sevi and spin, but not to'read
and write, and to the last
. of her career'sbe
could not sign ber own immortal name. ..
was a gentle, beautiful; bashful child; deeply
Imbued with religio'us.feelings. Her religion.
was. the.
.00liorote Romsoish of tho tithe , end
was her mother's knee; - This re,
instilledinto her 'soul, became
the life-of her whole Whig; Shi lived in an
internal World 'with. saints, and aniels„ - Und
...thus iniard life . fiecame neater and dearer
than her outward existence. She was a poet
as well as 'a devOte; awl the.,greatest that
France ever had: She•was indifferent to the
pastimes of = youth, and spencnineh time In
prayer to St. Catharine and St.., itcargaret.—
The disturbed state' of her_ country kindled
tier dirotibn into :a-flame of self devoted pat
riotism. Her internal world became endowed
with external existence, and her visions
pueheci thCmpelves into raleeit, and shapes,
rigible to her entranced eyes. The sense saw
witat-thc , soul wished.—AtlB • years walking
- 14111 Sr father's orden, she heard the voice of
the Archangel Michael calling upon - her to go
to the succor of the king. Then came voices
naming, her the deliverer of - Fiaiiee..• 'No his
lorian'doubtil herhcith in the reality -of what
the saw. The moat 'modest and bashful of
Wromen,she resisted long this invrftra . impulee
The news of the siege of 'Orleans at
tided her. ,There commenced that course of
entreaty with the govelmor which atisst for
o ttect his coinmon sense to' yeld to the . porsis•
Unity of that eenee' which is not 130M0200. She
waspetmitted to go to the 'dauphin at Chat
ong, 150 leog,u6S through !licountry occupied
,by the enemy. she detected the disguised
dauphin, told him he was the 3rue_heir,,aud
&allured him banyan had seat her ta - sea him
crowned in tho citypfßheims. After much
her aid was acceptiid. Roe 'work
now was to relieve Orleans and to see the-dau
phin crowned in the city of Eleimb, thon — ln
the bands of the English. _Her inspired
earneatneat .bpread, enehneiaarn around , and
lmany believed in her powers She was hailed
as a saint. She reformed the army=conver t
ling the soldiers from marauder into crusaders,
Changing:the camp into a camp meellug. Her
name wont , before her, and fought her battles
1p the armies of the English. It was a su-
perstitious age, and they said if she is of God it
to impious to fight against her—if of the Devil,
how can We-prevail against all France backed
by Satanic powers! - With' two hundred men
She entered the city, without opposition from
the English. Great was the joy of the be
sieged. Religious ceremonies were perfoimied,
and then oatne the attack. Her military skill
consisted only in resolution and audacity.
• she mounted thewallsof thii - Eligliehloilicarild
though struck down by an arrow, she again
_ • ascended, And struck terror ipto the English,
wit? thought her dead. They began to see vie.
lons In their turn, and diiiilitred that St. Mi
t:awl appeared in „the air cheering on the
•Irench.. In seven, days the. Epglish burned
their forte, raised the siege and retreated.—
Two months after Rheims opened its gates , and
the king was crowned:: Joan's task was done
—her vision accomplished!. 813 e asked to . be
&lowed to return to her mother and the care
of her flocks.- Policy dictated a 'refusal, and
she was still retained to suldain the close she
had saved.. The only reward, she asked :Was
; 4 that her native village might not
, I be- tazed,
which it was not for 800 gars. '
But she no longer felt that she was doing
the work of dod, her hCart was - not in tho
work.. The saint . was sinking into the soldier,
when she was saved by captivity.-- --She -was
taken prieoner by a Burgundian eoldier, and
sold to. the English for 10,000 livers. , Their
joy knew no bounds. i'ibe hated "witch'? was
nt . laet in their, hands. and
glut their 'vengeance. Cherged_ with , heresy
ind sorcery, she fell into the hands of ibect
legicet . *olvee audios* who
, exerted all the
oanlice.and ingenuity of their mem! nature"
to,eutrap her, *lthout succesi: Her aimplici ?,
,* a* truthfulness, infirm
perseeuted, her from, a heretic to
titthclisi these infamOus oreaturee persecuted
her from a Catholic to a heretic, thal they
might condemn her to the - stake. She was
burned in the city kltouen on the .10th of
May, 144., thas.weivimsumated one of the
Aaritinit crimes recorded:en the page of ' Mete•
ry whi4h,'es it blazons on the,eye, across the
Interval of four ' centuries, tbrows a lurid glare
of infamy on the names of thrise who perßet
usto It.
,euch, beautiful-simplicity, snob an
gelic-devothin,. was never.. before, nor` 'never
hereafter will be witnessed on
,eurth. Vioto-
*rioue over pereeeption,peerlemathong worn, oni - ,
z •
thenaine - or oan of Aro will periaiTho 'so
lips no . eauty, devotion an v il. goo Iness . ,Bll4l
x-ba dierighvd
„A oung luny ihneaceelihj
inge,,,smaeourti - eympathy - Ft.-
14 , 1 y, heart ie - eiek, my heart % gad—
"-But, oh 1 the cause I dare not tell—
am not grieved, I am not glad,-
am not ill, lam not *oil! • • .
- I'm iiiiiiriyielf--rm mit theriaine; •
1 am,: indeed, I knOw not what; .
ilin-alianiteti-in-aliceptlir nails—
Oh !'when eballi be changed in Oat I
' A valuable work on " Sight" and ' ,l Hear
ing,"-has just been published. It ie from the
pen' of Dr. s, H Clark, is replete vvith valuable
Information,--' andlhas-evidefitly,been--prep'ared-
With great care. - Dr.fl. contends that it is a
.popitlar erinr; Htimear-sighted vie . are—by
age_rericierea.)itta forliercei ving_ distant_ob,
lectethan they_wertrin youth::' _Sit.ort-sight ,
ednesti-tends-zonerally-to inerease, - -rather.than
to diminish as age s adVanees. - Though well
established that 'persons id old age become
far-Sighted; the 'analogy is talse,-which also
t e ,
expects a ohne e in, the -, nesr-sighted....eye.."
Near- Sigh/ e s is' more common in the
higher th i an i' the lower ranks of life and ,
amo.._— .
ng-those-whose - eyes , fare ,- onliiloyed -rtipon
minute objects., Among 'fife lcrwer classes,
artificial means are seldom resorted to, and
the increased exertion necessary to see, fre
iluently overcomes the difficulty., Among . the
higher classes, as Soon as any defect is dis-'
covered, - glasses are resorted , to, _ oftener
tliiiiiigh the` influence 'or farhion than Pecos
sity.. It is stated that the use. of, concave
glasies soon rende'rs distinct' vision difficult,
if not impossible. - . With regard to-the , pro
portion fit aear-sighted persons in the' differ
lint ranks .of society, Mr. Ware, who, paid
muck attentyip ,to the subject, ascertained
that, of nearly ten thousand foot 7 gaards, not
six individaatiliail been discharged, 'nor six
recruits..rejected, on account of this imperfect,
lion in the sTinne of twenty years.. . At At the-
Military School at Chelsea, whore there ware
1300 children, the complaint of near-sighted:-
neas Itad-never been made atnotig•thern, until
- 111r ---- Ware - reefitiiiiieTir, - ind — tiiin only 'three
were-found who experienced-the-least-incon
venience. He pursued his inquiries at sever
of the colleges of Oxftird _and_Onattridge,_
andloun.l near-sightedness vary ,prevalent in
thoseinstitutions. In one eoliegely Oxfoni,
whore the society consisted .of 127 members,
32 either wore,.4sisectacles , or . , used ground
glaises. It ienot inSProbahier that seine of
these induced to `do so, solely because the
Practice was fashionable. But the number of
suet was inoonaidereblo. compared with that
of those whose sightr eceived 'some email as-_
Metope° from glasses,, although
although this assistance
could have been dispensed with, without in
convenience, if the practice had not been in
troduced. The want of care during the period
of childhood, with regard to the light of the
schoolroons,—with the tnanner of holding the
books, has a materiel bearing upon the future
well-being of those who are born with this
Infirmity. It has .frequently happened that
one eye was near-sighted, while the other was
In-a-healthy.- condition.-- Persons -have-been
known to -use one eye during a considerable
period of their lives, supposing the otherblinti
or imperfect—the laborbiiint all thrown upon
one ey.e.,i
,It has failed, or accident has re
vealed the feat, that the suppolited imperfect
eye was only near T ingbted. ~:Near-sighted
persons see best in this dark ; for it is natural
to them to liring the object close to the eye,
and they receive the full adVantage of all- the
light;wbile others are oblidged to, - aloes' the-
lids and c o ntrast - the pupila,,Briorder to' see
distinctly. Distant ohjecta cpPear large, to a
near-sighted. person, because the retina re
ceive the rays beyond the point
,where, they
intersect each other. Near•sighted persons
'often write a small band, because the appar
ent size of the lona:Cis increased, by thiSir
proximity. The right eye, in all persons._ is
apt to be the best: If both eyes are equal, a
abort sightiid person uses the right eye the
Most. One-eye glasses are represented to be
bad, for.their use requires Abe employment of
the highest power. , Moreover, the right eye
being the Most used, its convexity' Is thereby
increased, and the eyes are rendered unequal.
Dr. Clark says Olathe near-sighted 'student
should avoid the use of a microscope, ehould
stand at a high desk,,write a largo hand, and
iceustom the eye to see as far as possible.—
'Etching and the nee of magnifying glasses-are
impropeitor the, use of the artlian. ' The two
important questions for this pleas of persons
relate, first, Vo the use of glasaei, and neit to
the choice of. employment In molesting .a
Wellness for a lad who fie r iesr-sighted. lis is
evidently impiiSper to prefer one which re
quires the - clo'se application of his eyea. ! As
gimeral_rule, exercise out of doors, riding;
walking, :ravelling, and all the inducements
to:invigorate health, should be • rooommended
to the near-sighted, especially in the begin
ing, as the best" remedialmeasures. ' But
.enough for to-day. We_shall to the
Subject again. or
• •
. _
riel.SOnie Blundering old bachelor says it
is muO - Pry when you first get. Inurried; but
morejawy'after a year Or.,two '
es . her feel=
• '0 Ft cORNER of - Ilitirk;.
o Nv . .,ezv . . • over and Louther'
. RElSE.E.—Theundersikn,
ed has always on hand ajarge stock of 'superior, Cabinet
Ware, in ay the different styles, which he is Ereparedito_ , the4owestprkear ,- }hr - inviteliiittlititien — partlefv.;",
larly t? the PATKNT BP111:10 BOTTOM BED.4TEAD, a most
useful article,. which - entirely obviates all objections.—
The bottom can ho attached to old iledeteadi. They have
ivotrontire-satisfaction - torall - whOlin In use,
,tqp. COFFINS made to order at the shortest Jentici.
.• „ • JACOB FETTER. -
• o
lionover struet, noit ddoF to ' 4 : , •';.LaZZl‘'
Women Hotel.
lie would' respufitfully •Inform. the
citizens of Carlisle end the public generally, that ho
has now oir hand :Clare antLelegantassortinent of FCII
- part. of Viardrolies, Card and nth.
Bureauer - Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewlug Stands, ete., manufactured - f the best inateriaT
and•rtuality warranted.
—Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at- the lowest
, • '
prices. -VErrintri Iltis-bs made to erder, and- repairing
at the sliortest'not i ce;and liav-
lug a splendid hearse ho attend funerals In town or
4101111til- •
4 ,- V- Remember the stand—mixt door to H..bbtsa'p
liotoL• - ' : .
• . It - B. SMILEY.
A !kf ES it., WIIAX-NlLwoul d , vosimc fen Ily call
tho atteition of llouse-keepericand the public
.to his extensive stook of elegant FURNITURE,
• including Sdfas, Wanlrobt;s,Contre and Tables,
Dressing-and 'Plain Bureaus, and eVery other
Article In his branch of business.- Also now on hand
.the_largostissertnont_OLCllAlßS iti Carlisle, at
th r e lowest — pH - 6W. AORFINS made short=
eat notice and a Hoarse provided for funerals. Ile
solicits a call at hiaestablishmont, on North Ilan- •
voor strem,.near Uleaso's Hotel.
gar -Furniture hired out by the month or year.
. tutpu - AND 111AC111XE SHOP,
, ; 17.7“.„ rho subscribeihnwthe satisfaction of W-
I - r111 . ••••aapl ,arming his old, friends and patrdns that
• - - uls estunlisinnont is again in soft:a-op° ,
r.t•a• u; now buildings having boon erected duce the lute
Asa. in cent-
Plete Orildrs 'aro - - tlforefors — rdspectfully
solicited thr work in his lino, which wilt be dune with
pruuittouss kind in the Gust utatruur. • - • •
. . .
. .
'and repaired.- Ail kinds of . Machinery In Pitper Mills,
lirlsrld ills and .Fantorios repuired -at short notice. Mill
Splndl'eadressed and turnud. * .
such as. Bevil Uuar Four Ilursu Power, llorizontal Bear
Funr liorSaand_Two llorsc-Powess, Ploughs,-Cur Shol.
lora and Crushers;&c.'Patteinatnade to order: Iron and
- Brass CASTINiIIi executed to order, If not on.handyat
the shortest notice, such as Cranks and- Mill I.:oaring,
Spurand - Ituvit - Wheols; -- Outouns - IoTS - a - W - lIIIpVP ow
thistiligm, Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach• Bo
xes, Spindles, Car 'Wheel's, - Cal' Chairs, dc. Ile has also
on hand a large supply . of ehiln 'phis and Tr.iy COUti.-
,INO ST./V CS, and Is.constaiiti making Cooking Stoves
of varilnisllliprovuirpatterns f mod or w,xxl,.tun plate
Stoves, Orates, its. ltupairlu dono to alliklndspf_Mtv.
- chi nury:iartaiiirs - TA — Uldiroii, - "ltiTuis iiiiti Copper takuu
tk.eitehango for work. . ...
I - - ! . ,-; 14[A:sail:IN, CPARDN kllti
- •
, . ,
assort tient nt 'ernslink 'WWI and. Pulverised
sugars of best qualify, to afro Soft 'Crushed, elailtleil
and other - qualities constantly "on Inuit, suitable for
preserving and all other purposes—generally at
Pnicss. ,
A 154. a constant . supply of the . choicest Copes; Teas,
Spices and other articles In variety always on band.—
attintion is Invited to our stock before buying elsewhere.
earllsle..July•l4oss. • • - . ~J, AV. „tillY._
TRUSSES, Weighing 1: 1 1;
thsu 2% ounces, for the cure of Hernia or limp'
acsnoviludgod by, the highest niediealauthuritlesot P I
adelphia, incomparably
-superior to any other to use:
will be gtatitied to learn that tbo occasion now
offers toprocure not only the highest and most easy, tins
ns durable a TruSiein any other, In lieu of thoeunkhNps
and unoombrtable article usually sold. There Is no dB
lenity attending the fitting and when the pad is loont
'ed it will retain Its position without change.
-Persons at a diAtanco unable to call on the submits*.
can have the Truss sent to any address, by remittin*
flee dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the double--
with measure round the hips, and stating side affected.
It will be exchanged Co cult if.not fitting, by ruturiag
at once, unsoiled. For tso only by the importer.
Corner. Twelfth and Raee streets, Philadelphia
Jar LADIXS, requiring the benefit of Mechanical Sup'
porters, owing to the derangement of the Internal Os
gene, inducing felling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonarx,
Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are Informed
that a competent ..and experienced LIMY will be in-at,
-tendance'at-the-liooras,.(set -apart -for- their-excludes
use) No. 114 111'ELYTIl St., Ist door below Race. '
July 26,'54.
—A full supply of the aboie celebrated Churp,'now
on hand of all the different sixes, from 4 gallons to 50.
It received the first premium at:the late Pennsylvania
State Fair, the drat premium' at .the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland State firs, and various
ethersat different planes. It will make More and better
.butter from a given amount of cream, and in loss time
than any churn In the market. For sale wholesale end
retail by PASCHALL MORRIS & CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th
and Market, Philadelphia. • Dec. 6,•18.541—tf
INO. The subscriber continues to carry (ur the
above butanes, to all DI various branches, in North llen-
over street, Carlisle:two doors North of Leonard's corner
where he Intends koeping,on hand a general assortment
in :Itis line, consisting of all' kinds of fashionable SAD
31artingales, Mahn;
r ai d
s l a la d l d t i o e rs,also ItUNKS,
t. t b r a3z i a r ' c r a l o n l g in l lus f a
ufectures the most Itil la
eppr6Vpd•S PANIBH
o Ssnowut- ever used In this
country, and those wishing It hand-
Fume, durable and pletisent saddle
will clo well to call,and see them: He
also manufitetilks Harness; Bridles;
• Collars' and Whips in all their vane.
tics, and confidently believes from the general approba,
Hon of his customers, that he snakes the neatest and
best gears, in all their verlety of bredth, that le made In
the country.. lie also *aketrtill"klnds'of Ma t tresses to
order; viz: Straw, Husk, Curled Hair and Spling Mat;
rases. All the alxive irtleler--trlll' be made of the best
material and workm an3ll3P an d with
patch. .g v
lk lenteriMlament.—The eubscriber 'respectfully
in orms the eltimmui of Carlisle end the public general
'lL -3111
ly, that ho intends opening a public house of enter
tainment on the let of -4pril, in the building - ncie. ,oc z ,
cupied by Mr. Woods as a store on the corner oc:iNorth
Hanover and Louthur streets, In the , borough of,Cirlisle.
He will be ready at all times, to accommodate; all who
may Taller him with their anAom and no palni'wlll be
Malted to make all feel entirely at home. liktabie will
at all time* be supplied with the beat 'the weskit can
offend. Ills stable with a good and ottontire• hostler.
and everthing to make elan and beset' botticrmfortable
will be provided. Boarders will be taken by the' week
month, or year, atosumnable rates: He hopes by KOS
attention to bualuess and4slillire to please to receive a
[Mare of public patronage.
Carlisle, Mareil 5,15501—tl - mo.
- . .
C .11 & N . O
i. 14
would respectfully annoupce to the
,publie generally
ly. that they intend opening an extensive Lumber
Yard. in Now Cumberland, this Spring, where •tiidyTti
toad to keep all kinds and qualities of Myer 'Lumber,
and also that they have on hand now about- one him
thousand feet. ofilry boards and Omits; (Pine and
hemlock) of different qualities, which they oder to
the public .on reasonable terms..
Jati 20; l.Ss,ll—lint
Cheap - Job prhitiug done here
Stores ,nub
-- /".• FANCY JiTIVELitY. tc.. -
' I have now on hand and for sale
uty U
,d Stand on-Alain Street, opposite .ilaritm Hall, i
elms, .
Gold Lever Watches, hunting and open Case, Bilfei do.
Silver Lepine and•Quartor Watches, a large variety. ,
Gold Anchors for - Ladles and Gentlemen. • _
- Medallions, a assortment for ladies and gent
Bread Pins of every Pattern, and all - prices,' •
Gold Chainiftor vest and fob,gold curb chains, ' - •
I _Plagetliings, Cuff•pins, Studs; Sleeve Buttons.' • ,
Creases. Drop and Uoop Ear-Rings, a large variety.. .
Silver and Plated Porks:.Table and Tea Spoons, Butt,.:
'Knives; de. of various stylesand prices;
Gold and Silver Thimblee.-
. e •
Gold,"Sliverand Common Sp ecticlee , a large assortrael
to suit all gee, and tO whieh we invite particul
attention. • •
Port 3lonnaies, a large assortment . at`every price, • •
Gold Pens of the best - make at various prices, _
Taney Boxes, Port Folios, Accordeone, S.peT:ticle cases,
'Ladies Card Cases, silver and pearl; at 'various prices,
Bracelets, gold and - cOmmen;..Wataf Chains - ditto:
AlBO a largd"rarlety - of articles in the Jewelry lfm
which I will soil at the lowest prices. All articles.we, :
ranted to be what-they-are-sbid for. - -
trcy.Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING 0
WATCILES and all work warranted. Returning than)
-to rnroldtrienda-and-eustomors-tor-formei-patronag•—
t respectfully solicit a continuance of their frt‘cors. -
june2o Tlio IAS CONLYN.
N. HANTCH & CO. kayo opened. and now.of,
for for rale at their Store on.Weet High Street,
ouu door west of the Hotel formerly kiipt'hy C. Stuugii
arrentlre neir !Rock of Ready Made :nothing ,
Also;Cloths, Gasslrnered end Vestlnge, whleh will be
madawurirr the best7style - aad - orrrernemable - termor—
ShirtszSlart Collars; Gloves. hosiery, Suspenders, Fetiu
and Summer.Stoeks. handkerchiefs, &c. of the newest
styles and'best manufacture kept constantly on hand.
Confident of their ability to please, they respectfully
iett the .public patronage. ..
! A
WM. H. TROUT, desirtis to inforM his old friends ,
that he has removed new establishment on High_
-street; near the Railroad .11.epot, and is - noVr opening - A;; •
Alarge and elegant assortment of the FALL
OF HATS, just received from Philadelphia, which
the gentleman of Carlisle are requested toad] and .'
examine., Ile has also it. large assortment of Silk, l'ur •
and Slouch lints ow his own manufacture, got up In the '
lanit , style and et variatisprleea,thwexeellenee and Enish,
of Nhtrh herwill warrant. Ilia stock ho Is coutident on----
ly.neods to be eXamined to be approved. Also, a large
aupply of Men's, Bay's and Children's CAT'S, of 'Cloth
ant Fur; and of every variety - of style and 'price just re-
- mitred froM Philadelphia. Let all who want; ti lint or
Cap give him, as they may be sure of being sult
ed to satisfattion,__ . _ -
TA., STYLE 01L11.4VAiL - 1.53,5.5:-.-- i _,
IIEORGE yiELLNat rexpectfully announces to Lip ,
old.Patrona and the public generally that he has . just re
IL ATS, manufactured at ono of the beet eNtabllelk-,'
monts in Philadelibla, to which he invites skein!
-11c-Muralso - constantlron - hand - srlarge - and'varled - as-t
sortment of his own manufacture as Walrus city matte •
(lets andeaps. suitable for the season, comprising every
- NqifiCtraf - Itussia, - licaxer; - 111cleskin - And=t3lik:llEts. - -th - - -
Mod in/the latest style, together with a full Sesortment
of CAI'S oterery shape
‘ and descripticr., - And at every
price. • Itep_artietilariy Invites the public to call and of ,'
sminchls exoensive assortment which In, style, mate
tit] anti finish, cannot be aurparsed by any in market:
and which-ho Is able to . put at prices lower than ever.
Remember his old sand on North Hanover street, be
.tneen l!umer's and- Boner's stores.
• • „ _ _ FOR,- Tna, , MILLION
\ I : 4
, „-- -- -inJustl- r ecebring lny rkil
. .
41 14,1 % , . " -"4 - ''. , ' stock of PAPER lIANaiN(IB,
" ‘'' • *:&........ which surpass in style, quality
• a Er 10
... ...,...-4and price any `that - have ever
boon exhibetod in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call
from persons lu_want Of.l. , aperilangingsotany descrip
tion, as 1 am confident by assortment far surpasses any
,In'tbo lioroughLand in style and prices has but few ci
'vale in the city: I only ask of the public to call and ex
amine my assortment &der% pnrcbasing, as I.sinwl
dent my chastifilesigns cannot fail to - please the most
fastidious. , . _ -JOHN I'. LYNN.,
West aldeof North Hanover Street,
1 •
111 : 1 W -4 72,j,. , 1 AND T A DTETY•ETORE.
The imbieriber 'readrespectfully infl•rui Ills friends and
the public generally, that he has Just rrt timed fri•m the
city with a large.and varied Assortment f
e .
FISH, Ac., A.. which Fe offers for Kale on the
most reasonable terms, at his New Store,
corner of North "Hanover street and the Pub•
lie Square, directly opposite. the Carlisle De.
pcscit litink. Ills stock embrases everything usually,
In a lirOcery. and Variety store.
The public are invited to cal) and examine his stock
before purctuudng elsewhere, as be feelstorilldent he can
sell-the -best wads at-the-lowext-prlces:-
J. D. HALBERT. • .
• 00., 276 Market Street, •
Philadelphia, , -
and Philadelphia.. Cars leave both places East'and West,
twice every Week, Tuesdays and Fridays. 811 business
entrusted to Bingham . Davis .t Co., will be attended to
with promptness, whether In sales, produce or. freight.
A. 11. BARNITZ, North street, Baltimore. has also
entered Into this arrangement, and will attend prompt
ly to till business entrusted to him. 31ay:30,--am.
4 5 1 50 . r T EAS, COFFEE-.
...E. • - The subscriber' has just
added to his former stock a general selection of CHOICE
GROCERIES, as well as all the other variety Of articles
t" , aNusually kept -in 'a -Grocery Store, embracing Illar i
Cofftio—roasted and' green—at 12% and 13 cents i
...._ per lb, Orlean s ii, C . Clarified , Crushed and Pulverized
a 4
Sugars, of tine . ual Ries; Chocolates, Spices, Dairy .
Salt. and a variety of 'ancy acticiaii, all of which are n.
fared at the loytest cash prices; We are thankful for thi
former support-given us,.and- invite a fortbet call from
our friends and customers. . • ' J. W.•EDY.
Marion Ilall, Carlisle. • . . . .
WAUE—AId housekeepers • and • yonng,.with thos :
also who are expecting - to beeome housekeepers. are invit
ed to call at HALBERT'S UItOCERY and ex
amine his elegant assortment of China, 0 lass and Queens- .
ware and other articles In the housekeeping line. such
as French and English tea sots, heavy banded and plain, +;
White 'Granite, gilded and blue plain; Dirmer sets of or-)
ery iariety, and price, bovilkand pitchers, tureens, dish
es, &c. Glass-ware—centre table and mantel lamps,
Candelabras and other latims,great Verity, table and bar
;amblers, goblets, La. Fruit and preserve dishes, In Ira.
riety. Codar-ware--tube, buckets, churns, bow)s..butter
prints and ladlei, meal buckets, Lc. - Broahes—sweeping,
White wash, scrubbing, band end !aloe bombes. dusters, '
brooms, Le. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. •
Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and Segars. Call
he who are fbnd of choice brands of Segars and try the
Principe', Itegallas, Stelfanonis and other C.ulut varieties,
and you will dad them of unimpeachable quality, Also
now Spanish anti Common Rogers, with choice snuff and '-
X ING:7-The undersigned would inform the
A •
" • el isenikof Carlisle that he has made arrange- .
mentatodoGAS FITTING end PLUBIBING at short m -
tire, and•On reasonable terms. Ito has engaged the per.
'vices of a first' rate hand from Philadelphia, and has enl•
plied himself - with an es,tonsire assortment of FiN •••• _
URES, which will enable Mtn to 1111 all orers promptly- '
All kvorh will be warranted. ' Ills StOck, of Gas. _Fixtur4 a
will ho found in tho'roota , exactly opposite his Thinin
establishment on North Hanover street , where he insit s ;
a call. ' •
.• :-
TINNING, SPOU,TING, 1A also prepared to
furnish, or make to oiler, every artlele-of TIN IV
used by. housekeepers rind others. 11e wilk,also ti•lid
a.llll PLUM - • 14-‘,
Thstikfill II Cr 'the:patronage with which be has already
etspeet fully rielleitS,lt >tent 'till:in/41 , c.Nf
the eaine
• MI ing received the agency for the sale of ITC.'
SellOOL APPARATUS, I am • prepared
furnieh . Tencherowith an Orrery, a Tellurlan i a Name, -
,11enitnu. n p Inch Globe, a Hemisphere Globe, • set
- Geomcitrlcar Solldl A Magn - at and TeitibicA'all - pack
In a box with lock and key fbr $2O. Illustrated
pitted catalogues forwarded Gratis. .
_ 264 Clif.atVat rhtlidelpbli; „pp of 10th St.
- Chartered by the Stateof Pennsylvania in - 18116 -
One.door above Second Street, Philadelphia, • -
Receives Deposits in sums of One Dollar and upward.
from all classes of the community, and allow's' !Mores
at the rato of Ave per cent per annum. `
.Moneys pal •
hack on demand. .li*r Office open deiV -from 9'unt. ,
6 o'clock, and.on Monday end Batuiday Until 9 o'clow •
In the evening. .
This institution will be fbund e`convenlent and us. •
place of deposit for Tamara and others doing busine. N .
In Philadelphia. Deposits are paid on demand withOu .
any previous notice being roquired.
stewsotes. --- "'
ltdrtand A. Sender, Hon. Job It. Tyson.
Stil ell 4. 131shcp, • George Bolan,
James P.'Perot, - Robert Morris,
John McCanles, Edward L. Clark, -
Jaeob:Sheets, Capt. John Gallagher, -
Joseph M. Cowell, John Rice,
Josepb D. Myers, ' Richard 0: Stoteabury, .
Edward 11. Trotter, William Shlppen.jr.
?tenth's Bacon, Wm. P, Jenks,
' Thomas Cooper, • Edpi E. Pettit,
President—FßANKLlN FELL.
Treasurer—CllAS. IL MORRlS., Secretary—JA"...l4B & - 111.1NOLF.
IMThetharter provides - II:it no manager, officer (
agent shall, directly or . Indirectly, borrow any memo
from the Society. 0ct17,1856-1y
JOHN STONE 4 No. 4.5, , 50uth Sworn.,
Street; Philadelphia: •
would particularly call the attention of Iferthants arot
Mllllners to their large and handsome assortment of
sviuxu • t
such as
and every article apperpinfing to, MO. - Millinery trade.
The above goads have been huported'oxpresslyforoue,
Spring Sales, and ceutprlie the Wet aesortaitent:to_ 14
found hi 7 the cjit., - , [Aptil 2, 186G-4.mi ' •
' merchants, laveyers, farmers, and others, ba% .r,
Books, Papera, or other : valushies, to preserve' fr. ,;. '
-'. •
"'-Ds,3tuni.liantelrikagithKg-IiANILOCES- ,„........._
A.Csan.—The "Fire, Proof Sat : 3;9gii - preserved at - - 13
o(lkf . , L Papers, -.te.; during - The great:,Fire_at , H:l4 '
Buildings, was purchased of OLIVER EVANS,BI S. •••ty. •
St7Philadelphla. • , ' GETZ A MU__
• _ . .
EtA.NS' Prniiluim Ventilated Refrigerators for cool
and. Preserving .•meats,- butter, milh, meter, and
.articles for 'culinary purposes. , • • •
WATER FILTERS for purfifyingh_rackliti or mua
water, whether , affected by minis, Ildeistone. 'marl
'other causes; can be had separate or attached to r
Refrigerators,--a., small quatitity of lea cooling the wl,
In the warmest weather.. •
• •
PORTABLE . SHOWER BATHS, for the us e - of iv•
roll 'water. • • .•
WATER COWERS, fOr 77 llotels, Stores. and - DiFell
• STORE TRUCKS; for moving boxes; bales; &c.
SEAL , PRESSES„Copy,„ Druitglat do. '•
. .
No. St South SeeoroiSt., ( 2 doors below Chesnw
-March fri-1650-4y--- :-'—{Established 1e1835.) , ---- •
- - NO. 83 DOCK: STREET;
Tho Stetd Sailtigs Fund - is attractimcdepoSits
all classes of the community, in artery section of the cl
and country.. All sums of tooneef returned nn dememt
Depositslorwarded by mall to the order of tho. Trout,
rot, Will receive every n attention.
1 Fe.). H. HART.
Treasurer. '
lob. 20, 18.1643 m.
. a homatical Drawing Initroments, separate and
cases, such as Dividers, Parallel Rules, Ivory, Box-w, •
and Paper Scales, T • squares, Trianglesi,:Bow_ Pon-,
Drawing Pens,TProtractors, Gunter's Scales, Tape Mee,
urea, Metalic Tapes, Surveyors Maur, 2 and 4 Polo, ;..
and 100 feet, Surveyor's Compar4es, Engineer's Lorre`,
and !Transits, Target Rods ke. &a. Megic Lanterns
the best construction, Scriptur al Diagrams, Astromicv:
Natural History, Humorous, Chromatrope or Artltici ,
Fire works, Dissolving Views Magnets, - Poloramas, Ai •
Pumps; Electrical apparitus, Galvanic apparatus and
141 . 70 COI Ift - dowel ' Philosophical Instruments, sulte4 r
(or coalegci and selsoolo. Also, Spectacles, Spy Glago•
%Gm stapes , Theriaometere, Barometers_ Reading Gir•
mei .te.