IS 4 -' -,,,, - '''.‘ '.o!'.':,--..,..:t,'.':":-V7.(14- : ',X'ATivr. - '' - 1 - --- , V-- r , -, 14 4 X -- 1 6i 4 , , 7,!:. ' t t : , ?",, ~ ..0% i •••••Iv. M=Ell a A*,,Tajt_s x;:p. i i ,ii.'Ai. -- . .'--WEPNlipAlr; - 14AY , 7;1856 efie eargest artb (f.fgapf,sqaper N C U-M -101. 'DOLf.ARS A YEAR; di . t GENTiv, PAID'INADYANCE. - $1 76 ]F; 1;:e06 - WrillIN THE YEAR: UNION,: STATE TICKET. CANAL COMMISMNER, ' THOMAS E. COCHRAN, of . .York Co AUDITOR OF,,NER* DARWIN PHELPS, of Arrqtrong Co. =M BARTHOL . OIqW . IAPOR!a,.Brd ford fIONAS R. 111oCus.rocx of Alleghenk whose term in the Sen'ate ox-, pired with the last session, is 'spoken of o We-sit,-ag-the_next;nr.mocratie an didutLe for GoKernOr. - M 4. FILLMORE'S 'AccEPTA.NcE,. , --71'he Ainekigan .Organ .states that a letter has been received 'by.% gentleman of Wash- -whiell±he --- says'he'liaS - not recoive4 the - offrciaraii-• nounComerit.of his - notainati6a; , but that - . lre is at the service of his.friends . . • LAND NVARRANTS.--:The total nuthber of land. warrants issued under The Iltw - of March; 1855, is; nearly' 127.,000; requi ring-opwards -of fifteen -MilliOnS- of-4acres.'- ..• the, -- number of claims:r_ , Ceived --7.-K.----Upwards- -1-4 1 -00.0--warratits—fOr 1,-700,000 acres were issued: during • the " month of April. - • .BIL.f.s,U.NsTaNED.•-- 1 -Gov. Pollock has not yet signed. the • general appropriation. bill, the claim bill and the bilrrclative to libels, passed by the laatrLegislature. The' Governor is alwat•from.liarrisburg on a visit to hinaftiMily , in The appropriation - , 7 . bill contains provisions which :would rally justify the e.vrcise of • the ireto power. AcurrrAts.--Coburn and Drane who were tried in Dauphin county last week . •fr alleged abstract'on of muskets_ from the State Arsenal Ilarr'sbur. 'have been, acquitted. • Chialcs Boughter, who was tried. •last week in Lancaster on a charge of embei , sling the fun - ds of the Lancaster Savings Institution - has - also - been acquitted.. TIIE PIIILADELPIIIA• CITY ELECTION took place.yesterday: .. The - officers elm son are a., Mayor, to serve for two ygars; a City Solicitor,..alleceiver'of Tuxes, anti a CityController;.eaeh to. Serve. for two years; a City Cominissioner, to serve for thice year's; tweivn . Members of the Se lect, , and eighty-five members of. • the :C.onamon Council, inaddition to various. - other-subordinate ofricors • Threelickets worn• in the• _field --LOcofoco We shall thus be •able to know the , strength Of these variousor - ---- gunizations- by the._result of the - poll. - REPUBLIOAN CONVENTION:—The Na tioetti ealAieetieti•tmlled by the Itepuhli can ,gieout l iie.cemini,,ttie;.t6' Which a o . ppici . Oct,i,o'.: 2 Bl*ipry:.,l.3xteiasion: :: 4rp . ',i,nv tea'heltfin:i'hiladelphia on the ~ .„t . P9k;iof anno neitt: Wo,,ohsgi•votl3lat in . aditui'nf the neighoring cotintienfu'. this . §tata,movomonts tiro already: being made' to reipind go the invitation of the mittee, and4neetiogs haie been 'eonititier:thti propriety or , Sending 'dele gates., Is!olietion, that we;are aware ot', has.yet been taken lit this e9upty, as loCiLiCe • there is no pu lloanorgannation• MISSOURT..--HOii.‘TliolllAB voti has been nons4pAted by ,the 43 - onion , D00409r4 -O Y, for tie office :' Of =44ve'rnor. the Ate icon Denioerate o who pp? pose /46)'Dave nominated TKIISTEN POLK. itO.I3IIT O. EVVINO. is the Ameri• inee. eF ~ ~,, IEIMMMM = THE PRENDEINTIAL.....EIG ---7 , — T - rT , The Wasli is - gee - 11 correspondent - of; the ~iiLlcve_says _: Itis-as - plain 'as -11," :s'tde here that_there is to be or jolly rem', the Cincinnati , Conyoritiom—, —The ,- Nortliern patriots -who—ehannioned—that benefieient measure Called tbe Nebraska , bill, and by itquicted . so, tatioU on-. Sla - .tication;_areLall for the . tieniination. •.• Neither' Deuglas: Jun...Pierce ' nor - any . other,, prominent Member .of the 'firm r inond. to -give , • way fo_ot I_o 1:31.1.' tthulian. They Sold out: North for a con no* . they want their pay...,-- - Thet scout "the idea ; of standing ingloriously aside fora Man'Whd . .'render.• The :consequenceis likely to be therefor . c,.":that the' scenes Of 1852,are_to be played . over again ; ,and some Other significant person is to be the nominee of that Convention . ; - From . preseni appear-,• : uneeS.noiie.of the-old 'stagers stand -- any better chance now than they-did 1852: GEN. ITOUSTON A ST.inIPCANDITUTE. •"-It is averred that N:Hous'ToN put - himself on the track for the Presi t denoy, without a formal nothination:. Ifie ie said"to Iniye ceiyedletters - . from all parts—;of the .Union,—Democrats and . Whigs—urging upon him to. become 'a aationliP n d Ware . . tat the Presideney, regardless - of Conventions. It is. knoWn thathe is opposed=tothp„ domestic : -and forei,42,, policy 'of the present dynaSty, since the repndiation of the Miafouri 7- cloinproiniie ) relit - HO: 7 6i 11.1 e balwark . of the Sonthand a bond 'of pea - cc between the two seetiOns.ef. , the - Union, - He is alswin-favor- of the-restoration- .of the, retired nalial'offieers and will !bake thk.t-one . _ .STATE TREASI.II:Y.--Hefiry S; Ma • • grim, Esq., cleated , State Treasurer by the last , Legislature, entered upon. his du- ties, on Monday la§t. 'He hak.akminted P. Boils, of Harrisburg, 9ashier; McKciip,, of Philadelphia, Chief Clerk of - the Department., The retiriiierreasiirer,. Col. 'Eli - Slifer; has distinguished. himself by afidelity and correctness in_the business' of his office which has won the commendation of men of all parties. Or) The Philadelphia North &xneri can of Saturday .lastieame out in a: lead ing editorial in denunciation of tho Fill more candidales for Mayor and other city officers and advising the old lino Whigs to support the demomtio. candidates at the elecion yesterday. The ,North American---has— also - warm eulogies of Mr. Buchanan. lately. One.'steP more..and-it will be in the• loco-. foco ranks. _ THE WAIL. IN 011 EGON..—Gin. Wool has pub- Milted a roPiy to the charges against him in 'regard to his course during the Itidian war in ,Qregon and Washington, .territories, \ showing gross misconduct on the part of the Governors of th k ose territories. The conclusion °lids lot . • tor contains information of the highest iinpor tance' and, if the facts are as. stated, they placf3 - 134. eiftry in' no very enviable position: The General says..: , ''But as lOng—as Governors . of Territories make war and exercise powers, as Ibelieve, unknown to the President of the Unite(ll , tatei, and individuals raise volunteers and make war on, the Indians whenever they'please, and Con. gress will pay the expense, so hing we will have ia,r in Washington and Ocegoit ;Terri. tories, It is said by hitelligent men that the expense of Gov. Curry's army will "amount in scrip front two to. four millions of dollars: 1 do not know'how the question. will be'. frinsid4 dered. One thing however, is certain,' thakit is an example which if °countenanced by F the United _ States Governimint, may, when least expected, lead ,to no less embarrassing than disastrous results. • THE PANAMA Otrfitavo.—The President of • the ,Pacific MoirSteamaltip Company has -re . ceived a letter from tiro Secretary of the Navy, showing that prompt measures:re on foot to inquire into,the robery of,--and outrage mpon America citizens at Panama. Mr. Dobbin 'sap th"Cya supposed to be at San lutin, 0 ( 0037,1) ,. has' been ed to proceed to the port of As. .., pidwall, and the steamer " , Fulton,,' at Pensa cola, has been telegraphed to the same effe" t. The "St; Mary'al'-is probably now at Panora ; her Commander has-been instructed to:remil theieso , long is ' American interests' .requir the presence of a•meii=of-War. '' 1161. We tare ii'i' port froin. we g9.6' preen, ' that Vaux, the Demiormio ' Mayor, is eitOted by 4000 majority; • t.:.! - trcil I 7 ... J • ZolnirfinbAtilurtig - liatters.. - , ti ..a-Ag-admpiNyzELEarioN.--Tho • all:- nual election for President and Director of as and 'Water 'd - o m piny T des day - Eat: • A - fter thl-CCiel-Triattr begindto- pays-dividends of tenor t`wenty per cent'per annum, we May expect to see lively contests for tite•manageinent of its affairi.-. But untit the works, are , entirely completed 'an' din succeiful operation' . we itape the Stook fielders will allow, of no °change in the manage ment. The present officers have with a moet praisworthipublie Spirit given their time and _personal attetition to the'intereStd•if the Com pany, and notwithstanding peouniary.difficul ties bravo steadily pushed: forward the--works untilthey are now on the eve'of final boinple tlon. Itis to their efforts and jtidicious,man age men t Ufa Wif tion of the cheapest , Water s 'and Ga 4 Woaks the•cnuntrY, Ilre s look for their re-election, -therefore, as a matter of course.. TOWN Oossp.—The Trukces .of the' Second PresbYterian,Pbureh . hitve contracted, with..the Messrs. - Foete, gae,fitterSTAO duce.thegds.into. their •church edifice.. _ The' 4tures_will_consist_of . n : large.._andLeltigant. central chandelier and bracket side . burners; with'twe lamps in.front . ,:ef . ,the building.. The • „German ,Reformed ahiticliie already supplied with -fi3ttures, and the . i'irst PreShyterian-en , Liutheran'churches , are making arrangements , for lighting with gas in the fall. Dennis llYnn,_the person NVIIOB6 from jail we !leaded last week, has7:not yet be'eti retriken iind is not likely* to be... The sheriff offers a reward - of - $2O - for - his - recitpture.—;=—Two little boys, neither- of :-thinten years - of-'ago, started , on a pedestrian tour lastvk without' the ciinsentof - Their parents •and got as far as Shippensbnrg before their whereabouts was ascertidnelk: destinatien,. they said; was the lied Sea They were. two . days on their iravelsatd7slept ore night, while: the, rain s . U 2 t.s tailing in torrents, nnder : the shelter of a hollow log. The ,embrio Bayard Taylors had probablylbeen - filled 'with:llm spirit. of, adventure by tlia excitingnarratives .in • thidr aterrbOoksiThetraimdeis new in a fit state to receive flower seeds intended for, the embeitiFluneet of the garden. .Manyladies in town ackbowlecige their indebtednelfs - td - the llokli. Todd und his lady for'Packages of rare varieties of flower seeds frourthe - Pateut ,_-.-Thentridents_ of_Coliegejhaie cently,established a gyritnattitini in ihiteaippus which is agreat se t ene of nttractiolrf'iri the evenings;ytie'pjdng horses, the swing, the parallel har, &e., Miami exercise of the Most exciting kitjd and will undoubtedly prove of great physical benefit to the students, Another party of Gipsies arrived in town yes-' terday telotier their services,' we' suppose, to the creddlous portion of the public—the .wo• men in the fortune-tolling line and the Mon in tratlindhorses. , ---:--The Connoils are do ing a good work-in the macademizittg'of Main street, than which no _street in town more 7nN*d - a, - . ,"niending - of - its — ways. ?' We boric fite street cominissirner will see to it that the stones are broken fine. so as to insure a -cont.: poet and solid road hed.-;-•--A very. fewn . f the newly:planted trees outhe public square triiii7SOrry__to_see_nre not growing, We hope the anther - Ili - es will'have them repined - I . by otllrs•before the planting season is over, .---Ono night last week souse 8' stop broke into - the heiiie of 'WS' Underwood,' un - Pitt . street,.and after ransacking the, house stole a dozen of silverispoons.---Tne . spe`tial•Court for granting licenses will' bo held-next Tues day: In Carlisle five .are apportioned to the West Ward and three to the East Ward: Royvnyism.—A number of barrels of whiskey lying outside of Rheem's warehouse were bored with gimlets on Friday flight last by a party of.soldiersind ton loafers, whi . , of course drank their fill and proceeded to " make Li night of it." ,On Satiirday morning very early.ovbeli'people were going,,-to, mar ket, The prirty committed an , ,assnult; upon a female i‘nd attempted to take Tiotp7Ver the' basket in whisiltshe wee carrying vegetiiblcs 'to market. High Conslable SPLihr soon made hie appearance and "pitched into" the pa Pretty much of a free fight took place and "knock downs . tind blows were suffered on both sides. 'The high constable diseharged his pistol in the melee but did' not 'hit any one, and we believe did not succeed in making any arrests. _ . . , Fu'kary . M15T.,04,c-r---IL ;short tirciq since, ma the Harrisburg Telegraph; a lady took passage in the - cars , on the 'Cumberland yalley railroad. , She' put the ticket in her dress pocket, ivtiot : Ci,ello: hattlavetal '„other. Ur.' tioles,and seatinc'herseirbecanse .eainestit. ,engaged in' . conversation With ,a friend, The, cauthictoe soon came _around'forfihe Hoicks: When he onto° to this lady sbe *drevrirotn het. pocket what she supposed to be the and withoutlooking at, handed , li to the condneter, and opritinned.talking; but afte!'eTtendhig it m i s g n ; fora short' time,: and he . not 'talc . , it; she looked up, and diteOected tbpt e . e'wogi 'of f er ; ino. tho cowtacfoi fifitie teeth co ' t '-' 1111111 = . _____AGTITTT T. TT AA% .. OCIETV.- 1 , - tirp --- ""§""*.''''. " Kgreeat• ' to notice; - the' COmbeiland'Coiinty , Agritultu rsl society inefin'Cailisle ' o - Er t d lit ( 1 ' The.ineetingM - w•4 ell attended,2lind after the transaction of some _ generalbusiness_thn - fol.- teliing:cgrlflm4t - eql:weyo .-iipk . intvi to -Make :arrangements - for -the--next. Pall-Exhibition - . ;" Commiette of idrrangemsni.—Frederick"att 4 tr Dog ~ of Carlisle; Thoutag-Paitorer6flDickin son, and'George W. Sheaffer, or Carlisle: ' ' Cominitti; on Busidings:—Goorge W. Sheaf let, of _Carlisle ;_ Tkomas Bradley, of • South -Middleton ; Thotnas - Pat - ton, *of- Dickinson,* and-Frederick IV•otts,,of Carlisle. " _ • The meeting also adopted a resolution to further improve the Fair ginunds• by putting up'addithinal-lbuildings,„_retrw_vbig_tbp rlicli frot the grounds; and enlarging the circle for - eibibiting tile' gait - atietipee - d - Of - hors - es. Some $lBOO., will, we believe, be in gerfeating_theiariptts: improvements oentem.• plated. About .160 feet of new buildings will" beadded - to those aiready•erected, for the re-". „ . • ception of goods. •,_., . ~ . • RAWLIN'S' SHOE STORE. Though our frinnd Rawlins has removedto La - notister, his Bec_kt and, ShOp,store (Porter's old stand) - op posiffe t ie iletbodist church, still Supplies itS customers with seasonablei and lashiotiable Boots; Shims, good. quality ittid at the usual low Prices pe oulinr .o. establishment. The presen! polite ; attendant, Mr. James B. Jameson, who has reedhily come -- fi•Wiancaster - tii — take charge of this popular shoe store, we nit ,- credibly informed has by his' genteel deport inent-and- engaging_mannors_made to hlm"sell 'a host of friends in Lancaster.. lie briup• testimonials and exhibits a laudable- busines tact„which will lihn tbo esteem - anti confidence of the numerous patrons of the oh: stand. Our well known. townsnian . .Mr.:Jacol ' Shilling will - attend to, the making of custom work and repairing at thesame place. • Cal .and-see_them_andlL,y_ou__,Cate gQ.t, "Aqe (IL . - have your." measure llATs : —Every ono knows the effect o: hat- - as an articlo.of dress, either in respect to itsii:ipropriatenees to the person, ago; style or.oustbins of the wearer : .nor. need we re laind Our readers that the hat is attitifikhi o which.:nini...b — ol every-day comfort depends .E.yery man kiawe this- 7 th° only' question u . theday is 4. whern'iihall I get a •hat ?" Keller, on North Hanover street, makes a db• play oftho new Spring Style of Hats so. beau iful in every -respect-that-no -kgson- can fai in securing a satisfactory article from the tractive assortment in hie establishinent, Coln sboVrors jn - Nay urn good for hay, .accorailig, tothe-otd-toußtetwi tit!ty cortaiilly expeel:fine . grastkorops the coui ing setthon CC= ', KANSAS —Col, . Serener has ordered a de tatchment of United States troops to Leen]) ton to assist the Governor of Kansas in main taining the-liiws,•the sheriff of Douglas count 'aving been resisted in executing write. Slier iffJones c who was shot at Likwrenoe, after ikt tempting to arrest Woods, one' of• the Fre. State men, was' cowardly assassinated whilt sitting in the Cam at night. • • 'A despatch from Lawrence-in Kansas says that a large meeting bad been held in that cit.) with reference to the recent murder ,of Sheriff I . ones,. at—Which resolutions were passed claiming all responsibility for the act._and de flouncing the murderer. Gov. Robinson offer; a reward of $5OO for the apprehension of the • Wifolloways Ointment and Pills, the best Remedios in the Union for disetisc4 ofthe skin. The youngest-son-of-Mr.-LEdwtirdAVright, Aberdeen, MissiseippLbad_the• ialefortunect. be afflicted with a most uThiligaTtiit dibease o the akin, which rendered the child's life .one of misery nntrauffering. As the mother had .tried every remedy likely to benefit him with out receiving the . desired result, she became ultimniely worn out with trouble and anxiety id the matter, - and was-lamenting the-same-to a friend, who reeomended Hallo Way's Oint ment and Pills; which thequether 'Commenced using; and by perseiving_ with the stime"for s' weeks, the child was completely cured. OWEGONPREPATIIXO TO TIZOOSIS STATIC.. Under an Aot of thelLegielature of Oregon .ter ritory.providing for taking' The dense of the pedple•relative to the formation of a State GOvernment an election was_to be held in the . Write) , - sn - the first Monday of April for the reception of voted for , and against .a Convene . tion, carried in the affirmative, delegated are' to clectod for the several, counties, ac cording to the populatidn; and , to assemble at the . seat.of government on the 4th of JUly . next to fermi' 'a State Constitutiop, then to be sub .rnitted to the people of the Territory for natl. fietition: The preamble to the Act vo:geh ree• one why the territorial forni- of4Cefiument stiottld besupersedid by that of ti)State. .Ihe .diseovery of now wealth' iwrich deposites .of gold is mentioned, and the imputyAce gmain ogling the tiutits intact, Wheiilfriflauudred thousand acres of land will toe, secured to the torritorx ow becoming. tt_ State, is mric profit itaent wag the'irguesents; ,• • '`. . • - , POARRYL, IMPORTEIL AND,,.t - OBBER, CURT.A.I,I4 . MATERIALS,- FURNITURE COVERINOS. &41: 1 &0., &oft Wi27l VERY DIK2OItiP7ION.OI, 2043112412(08 20 )11A2CIL. tiENV: MASONIC . ~ - . . Cumnius Alarm, Apointillinarsu . . , . • • •--fi --It-etnhuertiseiuetits ..--7.1t,-"_i..,.'”;."']l'3'• ,:t • xTLu ll rt f .-'O d ßr lA i6 ..' _. MOtiCIF. , -rNliiJ•:l3aak' as,' bli . Clay' _ • .. :." - • I, l l' ,, diclored ii,dkvidend ,kifilytipini , :thelitat _._ I s - 1 - i' m ' - oiitliki; which yiill;bo paid 9 - 'veAl „ ' y t holderit _theirk!ip,4.sorkteittitlX.oll;9- i el , k . Tiy . ,--;----' ~... 157, cl . doe of !la° .. .!".!,.vkl,v4i LT)C3I; -7- lerai- 11 .:;,,;,•,,.. ' .: I.' .;,' ..-. IN., r. or, • ' : • eoChgerbir - et tors of .No~tlz 311ddlilton District insitd iiropoWe or OM buil - ding of 'II Brick, Sohool 'House, near Church, in said District. Tlio DiroctOrs to frrnisisthn ' materials,. _ _ , _ • Plans sad rifoidilaismay bo submitted te'tlM Directors 4141iele-next suceting,.l4,ll,o...biellact, the hotel) of Wass, in Onlislo, 6n Saturday, tho 31st aflofer order of tho Beard. ' A. P. NORTON; Secretany. r *.y 6;:1654*.1 Arl S PAI . N G STYLE OF HATS,: AT • "- ol:OftGE RE GLETOl6lres tfie - attenboir - of his ."; ,dd Modals and customers to his noirassortmont of Gen- ' demon's ! HATS, of the Oakfo4- - ff.pring style, with fin - edekalit - suisOrkmont - cif — I.IOY'S - -C.AVS-dind - SOMMER HATS. of ovary variety :Ind the most fashionable styles. lie has also constantly on hand a Inrgo and varied tortment of his own manufacture i s well as city Made flats and Caps:suitable for the season, cornprising . overY !•vAriety Rdnishl• Pf' B l l ?r,,M. - leskin and Silk Ilats, fin ished in the latest style, t^mther with n full assortment, • of CA l'-'•!• of : every shape and doscriptif.f., mud at every price., Ile particularly invites the poKic to call and ex ample his exoonsive - assortment, which• in style, matii. riti And finish, cannot to surpassed - by any in Market; end which he is.ablo to Tut at prices lower than ever. o , n_itemeniber his old stand on, North Hanover street nottsduor to Iluyett'S Grocery Store. . • UILDERST=Piiip7M§"sv -- received until the 24th of ',tiny, by the iloerd of - school-Directors of West Pennsborough township, for the building of 'school No. G,,mt the state Road, about twv . miles east of NaWillle. The house 'to be huilt:of Brick, 24 by 48 feetrll inch wall: id' the Square and the ;able eutia4Vineb-;_,thellixitto_boLlititi with epOil yellow. . 1.1' . 110 boards; and the eeillug- ' to-lio Li feet front the floor, ind, with the walls, to be 'lathed and plastered; to be roofed:with good a quality of white One shingles,long size; B.windovva,lg lights each 10 by 12,-with shatera 1,i,( 1 lush. white pine , together with a good brick chins le ; one two Inch white pine painici door. The fouuda :ion to be, or•gtone;.thii• door, windows and window • •ibutters to-be well Otlnted The undertaker to find all ;he 'materials necessary to the completien of said school —souse; to be built of good materiali, and to be finished •tt a workmanlike manner... The couyactor to bare the Id school house on the iirciOsel. Address Boa 108 -I"arlislc: 1"arlislc: t'ost May 0:18Z,5-3.w, numAN - LIFE SAVED !. . aLoma g iasOlich., tlar. 11-, J. A. RHODES; Esq.: Dear Sir; As I took yourine - 71. 7--- ' Ina to sell on consignment, •no cure . no pay,"_l take deasure in stating its eititeta as reported to me by biros . .rilthers who live in this place, and their testimony IS a air specinteu.of all I have - received. W. S. CONKLIii told, me-r" I had taken nine bottles of Chrlstin"s. Agno Isami, and luutinually : run. (loam while using it. Allan my .ungirand liver wore congeated to that degree that 'bleed discharged from my mouth • ,nd bowels. so that all thought-it impossible for me to • through - maitre chill. I.he doctut It too did all they !Mild fur mu, but thonght - I must die. Nothingylid me. Any good until 1 sot, Rhodos' Wover _and Agno Cure, rhich at once relieved me of the distress and uatisea at— ny stomach and pain in my head anti - Jewels; and pro- , lured a permanent cure in a short Rm."- • '. -• 11, M. CONKLIN says—"l had boart,taklng medielne of as a good a doOor as we have Inoue County, and taken tny.quantity of quinine and specifics Without any good •efitt,lts, from '2sth of Aitgust to With of December. slut teeing heertdcely-It operated -on- niy-brother,.l. got ei Mottle of-11.110DIsS' FEWER: AND ADUE CURE, which orep tad a permanent pure by using two-thirds oftt bottle,. 8. L'unklin was not here,-but both the , other mothers say his case was the same, as 11. 31:s. I sold he medicine to brith the sante day, and the cure was as peedy front the - same small quantity, and 1 might so 'poetry. Yours with respect. -A HUNTINGTON. The above spealtsfor Itself. Good proof asltis r it , is f nu better tenor than the' vast number of like certifl •atos• I have already. published, 'sod Ma SDI greater -mount that is continually pouring in to me. One thing more. Last year 1 he'd occasion to Caution the Public in these words— IL " 1 notice one firnf who . Datitakeu one 'of my general strollers, substituted the name of their nostrum for - ny medicine; and t,hvhith liftmen impudence col :heir pamphlet with th •vr e exclamation,' Let the proprio• tor of any' ther medicine say as much if he dares." Niiw I take pleasure In saying that the Caution refer , , coil to the saute •• Dr, Christie's-Ague Valsam" that is nentioned intim above certificate. ' • ' • There are several other industrious' people why:litre -Applying _to_tiielr. poLvon.otia_trash ail that I pyhlish - 'bout my Fever and Ague Cure, or Antidote to: Malaria, - :scout the Certificatbs of Cures, and of the 'cclebraNed .hourilst Dr. James 11. Chilton, of New York: in favor of its perfectly HARMLESS CHARACTER, -which is at tached tonverrbottle. These will always serve to dis tinguish my medicine f m imitatiens. - • JAS. A. EIIODES, Propdeter • • . Providence,ll. For sale by IV: As, KEL 0, and Itruggists - geneirdly. May 0,18:1117-41m. CENSES.In pursuailcti of au Act of General As.sernbly passed March al, ISAti, enti tled nu "Act to regulate the - sale of Intoxicating Li tuers," notice 'is - heriihy •given - that Altel - flillosing named persons have Bled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cueiberland County their petitions for their respective licenses, to be presented to the said Court on the 13th day of May nest, via.: . . TArVERNS. ~ lower Allen - John UJtoek ,` JUSnei - T ill. Carlisle—NV,est Ward—Jelin Hannon , Smith, Ileury-.1.. Burkholder, Isaac Parsons, Henry Glass. Enid Ward—M . 4i. Moody, Thomas Costaniagna, David Martin, Joseph . . Dickinson—Elias B. Eyster; John 'locker, Jacob-Red seeker, Johu Garman. East Pennsboro'—Alftu. Ifuntsberger,. A. P. El b,Sole moo, Deer; Charles Smith,Patrick Ityan.. ---ilopewell—Buikholdc3lc_Leaf. • ' Mifflin—Scott Coyle. Monroe—Samuel Angier. • • • Moclikttleshtirg-,Jatues A. Aieloy, John Ilbover t Geo. L:Sponsier.. . • ' ~ • NewtorSalnUel Parks, ,Gonry L. Greenawalt, C. Mollingere r, Nee/ Cumberland—John C. Peaslee. North I,l..idloton—Norton h Gwen, Peter Harlacher, J. C. lleeeher. „ Newville—John M. Woodburni.D.: South' Middleton-Jos., W. Patton, klatt4tArlidOore, Jahn lilcker ," N'tu'. Crosier , Snpleritiiploy. , Silver Spring= - Jacob Shell, , Jacob :W. feldlllleorge Duey, George Coover, Daviit.lield. •• ' Southatoptou—Levi:Stiohin; William Clark.': _ ShippensbUrg _ltor.-4pouttler • & klatildr Eerie), Mary A., Meteor, Jacob, Gross, Jaeoh,filuk,'lleto Shanuoti. •••• - 77 . , . • -blast TiougEs.. • , . • w a t4-..Jeffirson Iloyer,Jaeol? Stratton. _ East Ward—Ootleib'Slielizer, John llortuuni. • J-•'..;'..,J01.1iiM.011,E64,. Airll 4,5%* .---,_ - • • • ~• • • ~ , - '•. .W ' HlT•• t •‘ •H- • •AL L ' NU, R .•; SE- .., ...i. • RIES! ' f* „ '‘ ' TlMino t splendidassortment of_USES e : ' • ever'feteed•ln Carlisle - may bo, br‘d at the Whlteba)l Nurserles,mast Of the rail. ki‘, - .\ - • road bridge,. . Comprising thinik orDoily, , , i Jale 'do ilcairbon, 'Dm; Nolsetin4 Jitt'red ' . ,Porputual or Itemondant, and , Damask . '. . • . Roses, atilt the newest arid most dwdra tde patio: t The plaids - aria All In bloom, ythich s twill en a ' be purchaserstoMahe thole Selections hb to artalY ,their rospeotiva,thstea.' The aisortment,compty#o °veil shads of Ciiior i and,7lll . b 0914 below city pri , l• • .. Ap.11123, lettl, ' ... -,,, ', , :as-, 5414-g. The SultbsNbe oviistf4t;6ll,the otoiith or Carlisle, at the residence. P FY"' a few doors 'Nice fdr, OW hotel; tifetitot-I'l l n'umberofexoilent 0 0a welboasdo articles of to" . cheap for cash, below cost peas,. to wit::=—Ocii, t ‘DTYltsfs. Vreisalcit Iltimag with xnartap topp.nd JP nd "' ono . Fancy Table, ono iThatlblot; Weide dpr . ;lo, Vib—tf ••• • :" II !ifiltSIWA, JAMES; President