Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1856, Image 8

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- 411cirkets,
, ? - bAßtistE :MAMIE
• ~ - piryon.T.iii_von_Tno:nEßALDil, .
C tuLtsr,t,-We'dnosdaj , Morn jog, April:80; 180; .1 1
.:1•... 8 ;. 0 ° . _
do' Tatra, •do 7 .±/.. - 0 - 25'
AYE , • - 'do , • - 8,50
Virmze,.••StunT bushel :7.7 7 : • 1,35
- .
REtt dr • • - ' '
3,1q1 ' . ;
• • siORN
__. 7T,bOIIT EED
SrniNa BARLEY. do
YLOVIL AND MEAL;--The Flour market this
morning - opened ,a Hide firmer, and th 6 demand
• wassotnewliat better then. for 'several flays
past. Salce of 1,700 bbls • Howard street at
$6 25 ;, and 200 bbls,City igillE; at $6 12i
Howard street closed with sellers , at $6 25
and buyeri -offering $6 121%. Nothing doing
-- in. Ohio—sal?s could,pot ,effected at over
$6 131.. • Sales 'after !change 'of •300 bbls
Howard street at $5'25,• and 200 - bbls, City
Mills,FlOur at $6 per bbl. and Extra
flour-We-quote Family at 9 6040- . 7,6,. Ex
tra do; at 8 354860 ;' -Howard street Family
. at 040 60, and' Extra' do. at 7,
,2647 50: PO
hbl. A sale today of 150 bbls Howard street•
extriiat $7 25, nye,FlourL--Sales_within the
- p - ait.fcw days of 200 bbls at, $4 62,1-, Which is
I decline of 121. cents - Per bbl on previous
l uotat i rs; Corn Meal --Small sales are
- ankli country at $2 60, and city manufac
,•;ured at $3 per bbl. • -
- -
rrt'-;—Market rather dull to-day,
About 19,000 imsliels were, offered. We
;plotO-fair to good red at 1 80a$1 40 ; - good to
rs :! white ittd• 40a$1 50; choice do. at 1 60
$1.65. Sales 'of 2",50c - fl:
Wheat $1 1 6041 65. Corn.—Market. dull
and drooping: : About
. 86,000 busbals, offered
1 ! ?-45r.,_ and Sales of fair to gocl, white at 46a
cents, and yellow at 48a53.
: cents ; some
• Inferior lots of both descripaniCriold - F.l - 3 1 314 2-
cents per bushel.- Oat&—about, 4000. buslialr'
offered today, and mastly,sold, at 2901 cents
,per bushel. Rye—about 100, bushebs .offered
and sales of $9O bushels-PounsYlvania report
edat 75 cents. . We quote good Maryland and
Virginia at 70 coats per bushel. : , _
5 . 031.1%1ER ARRANGEIsI,ENT.
0.0 -.-
~...,,,,e , i 5.... i ; ...5.
' ... 4 4 •,.. I :TV : -" ' 1ij...2f,:: Ille . • 4_ , Z. 4 ,
c' 4
On au after TUESDAY, April Ist, 1866, l'assonger
Trains till run as follows: vluuday b execpted:
.FOR 11A1110.81tUlt0 .
Ist Train. 2d Train.
LOILVO Clintnlm OntrEr 4.46, A. 51 4.26, P. 31.
" Sbipptrisbur c :, 6.18 " 5.00, *"
" 1s el% N ille, 6.19, ''6.40, 6 ,
"Carlisle 6 27, " 6.18,
" . 71.1tcluttaesbnrg, 6 45, " 6.56,
At Ilart•lsbui g,
_. 7:20, " 7.15, ~
. Olt ClIA.31111711S111:11.0
i . „% t ,
Npwvillo, •
I' Shippousburg,
At CliktufburOurg,
. . -
Leave Ilarrinburg for lifilndelphla at 7.40 A.M., 7.50
" P.M,;:antt - Linyvia Columbia.- " -
Leave }larritiburg for •Pittsbuii at , 3.30 12.35 noon.
Leave Ifarrianu9;.for...lialtltuore, at 8.16 A. M., aull
Cars of Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road leave Har
risburg: fur Auburn, Reading, Ac., - daity .
- '4.-k•At nil-Stations .whe ro Tickets are ...sal ;1;1:a rut: ;ire
TEN CENTS LESS than when paid hi the .;.us. •
• A. N. SMITH, Superintendent.
Rail Mad Office, Chatatair,slutig, - t
Mardi 1; 1850.
, y :• - . JOUN ,LINE SON
have too pleasure of Informirci the public that they
have at htet completed the eulargounint -of their store,
and tyro now receiving the" largest and newt varied as
aortment of Wall Paper and Windt.* Blinde,i3ver opened
in Carnal°. A call Is Bnlicitedfroultliose wanting Paper
Ilang I nge of any I; I nd;an Ave • amconfident that all can
be elipplied front ourfmaiittnoth stOck. 'At the old
- atand,-Nerth-itvover _street. April 9 2 1§.59._
N -Ew. sr.r.ontl- W
N-E' GOODS 4-.
The sulscribire has just.returried froary-the city, ,
• and is pow opening.,',ftext .dooftfiichase4o4laturialh:s'
hotel, in Nortlr Hanover street, rosidendid assortment •
of new and cheap4OODS, comprising Bonnets,
• - Itibisurs;. Cloths, Cassieniroa,Gingliants, Lawns, OullDoes,
D'ALairrus, Niusilus,Thecks, •Ticklngs, lloStery,
White and colored Carpet Chain, Arc.
I.lltOCElt,l-144 uf'all kinds, and besflluality. Also, a
" large stock (if. supirrior BOUTS AND SUUDS. All of
, which hu will Sell as cheap . as any house in. town.
Putter, Eggs,,Dags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at
Market prives, . • .N. W, WOODS, .Ape t.
' Carlsle, A urn • • -
vino anti CArnmon 'Clothing, , • . • ,
'• • Plain 'and Figured Clothing,
'Light and soufbro - -
_ •
Night and ninruing Clothing-- • , • .
• • Noon and_evening Clothing,
Dress and bilihictia Clothing,. ' '
Week and Sunday Clothing, •
Boma and traveling Clothing, •• •
Bright tynd soft htzed Clothing,
4, Dig and little" Clothing,
•Bayle and young peen's Clothing,.
.• (have and stylish Clothing,
Cheap and cheaper Clothing,
Or itn,y_ kind of Clothing, 7 -
may he had at STM NP,It & 11111)' Cheap Clothing
Store, corner of Malu-strcet and Market kAluare.
Among their extensive assortment may be fouhd Fine
Black' nd dine Noir' Style Dress' and• Frock Coatt, mn 1O
in the latest fashions of French and English Cloths.
- New•style Ithsinesi Coats, nf ;Black, Drown, Blue and
Ore. n Clam, and Plain and FancyjCassimeres.
Linen, tlingbarn,anti.Cottott. Coats, of every
. Dolfble and Single-treaited Vests, an endless Variety
Fancy Silks, Satins; Cassimenea,
Ova, and Marseilles, &c. '
Vino Shirk Frenth Doeskin.- and Farley Cassimoro
Pants; •Plairt Itight7Celored, Fancy ; Cassimere Pants—
Spring Stylpt. ' • .. • , • ,
Also. a ftilLassartment of Shirts, Collin-S, Bosoms, Cm
- vats, Pocket Ilantikerchisfs, Suspenders, Stocks„Olovek;
—Hosiery, and,Cintrellas. '
Carlisle, April - .1! • ••• • ...
do` -
— AIoNDAT - EvEirmra, -- Aprll - 28
0.2 j, "
/0.00, "
10.32, "
U.OO, "
2.11 "
2.44, ",
- •Eo "Ormers,
•A- h 1 I ? 1- 1, ; 9
,÷ _
_REAPERD Wit - J .- in' Cat%
rates: Iteaher, - ....ea51i,4111.5;-Reappr k visl -Moyer, - cash,
$l9O : - Reaper•and 'Molar; on tiT We:Tileloc, $180:
• $75-on delivery ; $75. firstof Seftember; find-the '-bal-'
• anee first of Docomber, with freight from the Factory "at
112.rrlsburg. The Atkin's Reaper is built of the best
iir iterial that can be found, , and - put up In the best
_wqrkmanlikezmanner,Lirarrauted..to_eut • gr:dn as 'well
as can - bo - donewith - lbe-Oradle.- , Fariners_getiffigAt r;
hut's Reaper do.notc run the risk they-would in buying
licilipac'about ono thousand miler, away from limbs; if
there should anything break.they can get the - castitt#S
'• at the Factory St , Harrisburg, at any time. Persons
buying' this' Reap r 'the becmfit' of ,all - improve-
Mon ts .free, - hereafter, hy, applying- to.J.: S. Wright, at
•tbr Factory.
cinusTiAli STOUFFER, Agent at ettambersburg;'
_ •Jl. L 11URRIFOLDER, Travelling .Agent. at Carlisle ;
Henry, Herr, Agent at•liarrisbur . g. and .lames Patton,
' general. Agent at the Factory, at Harrisburgo'br Penn
sylvania. Order through the above agiitits.• _•.
than such 1111par:411°1W increase—l 1852- - -400 if In
And then%h pYllttle kn wn. and all the tdiunl
to eotnn , of numeihnii . fallurekof Other SelfralterS,.yet
~not two-third:4 of the customers could b supplied imt
year. - Moro will be disikprMitited the next; for, if farm
ors an gut a reliable Self-raker, theynro determined_to.
lute it rand this is 110%1* iborouiltly established In the
rouildonee of the rarnifint public. • It has a raker always
on hand and doing the work, partlettbuly In a heavy or
lodged crhp, better than unto., Sarin at least anoth•
er band in binding; Is eron.a greater drain Saver than
' Labor Shver,:and Is also a firet•rate Mower. Im•
loud getting rid of your old fashioned bitek-M'eaker„ and
to got n • itakoi with lione'atid - lluseleThf Iron and
Wood; you must be moving. for 31)00 'nextAlarvest 1.111
•by no moans supply the deletud, as the 12.00 which
avert so insufficient the past season. •
Struaii4 Reliable, Good Materials, and Well Built:-
-A Reaper that eoustatitlyjmta out of order !N a uul
Famed and dear at any price:ilreakagrs with this bate
bean notwilhstnnding -the Increase of
gearing by the Raker, owing to the Caro uScd Ir. gtKuh
Inatoriala anti putting nog tog4ther thoroughly. - )/ 3 7
.ny bavenut froth Ind to WO acres and (Oer' with, one
_w i thout detention, or any expenaa. for repairs. The
hrrest Is a hurrying season; you want a machimtlfat
ean it, roiled upon,. and thisis the ono, as, eaporleure•
hOWS. " • . .
In ease-of-linnngement,-this-ls not-surpaslted._Yow_
Pur -411444111 111 4 FINt YvanTfunt-not_one kgent in tin had
had any experience with W:vintl
were shipped tto late as -only VI he received Just at 'har-.
vest, or utter it was, beglYn.. Ilenre there was no time
tp experiment - and learn nhout it. which is so
necessary with new. In:whines. ' This will be obviated
- thin canting mcdsotcwithlhoS6 who'arti wise in-ordering
- - earlier than last sprlng:'• Some; tot. fell into improper
- 11 - airdiTtia - atterrwertrillied - indiscritoinately,- 4111 -s-tlia..
supply faill4.ln several Instaneev .taichincs were re- I
turned. and sold again to proper -parties, and they gave
excellent satisfaction. ' Tot under all these disndVatf
tagev, not two'per cent. gave any serious 'trouble;, and
wo trot guitrant , / touch leas next season. . •
,Cloirst Kato Moit•er—Knife Ne'verChnices.--From the
. - . . .
. 'hare, introduction of•thls =chitty; farmers ire, said
th2tt to glye It the lend far ahead 6( all others, we had
only to make it as good In grass an In gi•Jilli'._, Wo sue
cebded-protty well with the grass last season ;• Ott 'the
motion' of the knife wan:hardik'fait enough to eat prod:
rlo grass ithii some other kinds.) A faster,gear wait
till,, mien..
to:a Voi,t. or too Phichasern)•whick
gore *rollout satlefitetlon, and will' ho used on all:
• till, mien.. ' With this' mdtion, and thu knife In gaud
orler,it never chokefl. We own Murray's patent for
ptiting, on the back sickle ago, by which-choking is Or
TIAN]; and to guard against Contention, and Insureour
customers against molestsflon i we have bou'Abt the
riAbt to use fireen and Forbush s patouts on the knife
is we, build It.. The change from- Ite.aper, to Mower Is .
Tory simple end made In n'fow minutes; anti a wheel
fi; attached to the outer out oftho 11101Ving tiar,lo mg
-Vitae the height of cutting; to fitrilltato backing; end
movi• from field s to field. , ..
Points to Mealier In hiving a Reapdr.—Every fann
er, by himsel)r with a neighbor, should have a Reap
- er. If you havt. none, or even If von hav,tkan old-lash
Wiled trick-breaks ,yen will lath for ogur-- - •
Ist ..—TP gut welt. clean anti easy, and : with a •kulte
that does not .clioke."
. • INl—,Strong nod reliable, not getting sick When need-
ed. . . . .
41h—Not hard upon the • Team, neither of heaVy
.• draught, galling their neclus by heavy weight upon the
pole, nor thumping their shoulders at every obstruction
ihero should be no sltie-drazght.
fith—l'akingkup lodged tlrain, and working well in all
kinds. .
:„.n0.,...t1f0n. the first firepoints , no . Iteaper_excels_AV
• f 1ier;11 - ifir few equal it, notwithstanding the
mißtionOt the haker.
fith-r , 4vi ; no h t.Ol. in Raking, the hardest work in
• the h:trvot '
• it h—Sar i at; .:tt. least another hand •in • Binding, by
h tvlM.; tho gra% els well
by the reel, and by too Baker jerking it off the plat
nth'L.-Suring: Wastage afiCißintling, the grain being,
find FU'OVV:Iir :Md. straight as tri• be bound securely,
prSventlng viitterltig lu'tho after handling, ttn.d_pro.
luting the heads well•when stacked.
o .Upon the Sixth, Eighth and Ninth • points,
we unhesitatingly claim superiority over all other Bea
.pent over 4nvented. Tim saving or wasting grain in
. harvesting with a point not properly ap-
' predated. Even' hutween thoSe considered good and
the Atkin'a there is a allifereme, at. present prices, of
Lace to twenty dollars per day, and over.
lntli—Convertible into, a Mower, with little trouble
'and auras cult.
isshioued-baek , breaking.Stespers eau_ be.
usedior m - raring, but no other Self Raker;. and no con•
vortible ma - clilrat claluilug to be a good . Reaper is slope , '
-tier •to,purs in grass.' •
• chokes. Murray's back sickle
„ edge, for Which .ivo own the exol-nalv-ruatent,. the great
trintille in Mowing )11401/lileB ,- 411 0 CgOkillij•--is etfect-
Uti fated. .
exittane,.ba.,.9.ept. f,18:15.
J. S. Waiturr,. Esq.—Dear Slr-r4laving. purr! in
July, last Atklu's•belt Raking Reaperand Mower from
your agent, 11. L. Burkholder, Esq., I take
: pleasure in
recommending It as the most economical Reaper fortho
Armor to buy. I ant sure 1 never before cut and put
up the same Itmouut of grain with so little expense, so
little help, and so well. I believe/ have.sayed theone'
Ltliird of the price of the Reaper this year—Not only
tilt, but it runs light on the horses.. The -Raker saves
a good man. The even and.regulai depository of the
• graVels will save one mania four In binding. We have
• had front twenty to thirty farmers looking at it when
RA of whom had otter Reapers but, not the
'!taker, and the most of thorn Aid It was the best, and
it perforated we 11... I know of no. nutehltio equal' to it.
The Mower, after we had it started L out 0!,4 acres from
0 o to 10 o'clock. It was timothy,: If these lines
call be of any avail to you, yon may use them as yon
think Wit. Yours Respectfully;'
. btuusLE, Oct. 90853.
To J. S. WitonT, Esq.—pear July last.. pur
chased of your agent in.Carlisle, Henry. L. Burkholder, -
one of Atklit's Self-raking Reaping 3Larldnee, and can
safely recommend it tho •most complete oe S onombal•
labor-saving machine of the kind yet introduced Into
call' Part of tho . country; although my farar,is hilly. it
perforincat Its work to my entire gatlsfaction, and to the
adm !ration, of a groat number of Connors who were pres
ent on tho occasion...N . .4s 'trial.. illesldes milting the
cleanest work °fan; Reaper I hav o over seen; it - requires
hut hitt tho power to move It that Reap i tt e lo generally.
Two holies or mules can draw it witl o , though I
used tier on account of the laud being mewhat rough
and Uneven.,
allsfortners hailng forge, crops to cut I would Ad
:me AS a matter of convonlende nod economy to procure
0110 Ot-Mkill'S Self rakln* Reaping blachlnes.
. • Yours rilrpoctflly, •
' • OaittistsiOct..-Bth, 1855.
. great
pleasure in bearing testimony to the invaluable elni.l.
aster of" Atkin's Selfraking licaperand Monroe," 1 hr
bothin-usii on my farm emileath-Verforined its' Work •
my entire- satisfaction :4ml'. tri•ilie:ailtitimtion of Juan.
farmers who
.witnessed them lic - Opertition. I recom
inend;_thismaelline,_as one - of the, most important in.•
Veiltiani for tifellublecand - iiirrOfneenidMioOttb 6T
saying • . • i; • '
• You, as the a for; MK 't : , B:-Wright ' have
hating,..tamplittamir_farming-eonimuillty by' the intro
dilation of the lteaperinto this -
Very respectfully,, •• •
•• ' •' •• • • ' W.. M. TiP.NOFIjifiON,,
'‘ '. Oakland, Cumberland bounty, Pa.
• - YetrifliffiritdellPitt. - , -o ct - 14 . 9. 55.
J. S. Watrr—Doar Sir—The Automaton Selfduktn
Reaper L bought of-you- did its ork welt cutting . . apt
raking better than I here over had grain liftetl.from
liand:raliei and talciel, off.the beeriest neddnosCrreigh.:
ty huddles. .jt Is of basy:driti*ht * and wellbullt,'aud .
thinkit 'gtl l- o - pite feet ardistinitlim to every^ farnlet
that wants one. -I stould.not have any other.
: • •
- • .
. , . ..,
--•"." ---7-7-7------Rvicutfierr.ttirra44lol)t4-_55.- 2-
. . - ,KlVnintrr--Dosr Sir—The Itenuer,,that•l bought of
your agent,. Albert amities, 1, Med on. lily . farm In .the
pt(eitfiticeuf smite fifty of the . I)4•44efii - ritie lti - Dauphin
county, and it intre'perfert satisfaction o them nll,--i
.1 rut toy hatvest with the Reaper, An V. could ',mit
getanother bwoulil wit take.ollP thous:in (Morn for It.
-If thls.is_otfiny use_ to ,lit,:_you inny.• use it. - as you
choose:'-- - - • - ----- -..---,--11.17NRY.:Lt_Eitli_._
/ TR - ANTON. N.J.,.0et.-17, 1855:
J. S. IVoinwr;--Dear Sly---The Reaper that . you sent
me I was hhthly delighted - . with: It . done Ms vforls to
my entire satiatheth n in-grain and grass, and I efinsid
cor it the ',cid Reaper in use; and I recommend It, to, the
farmers of Neii.Jersef, " • ELIJA.II MOUNT.
. .
' . 51.61E7'4 Pa., 0ct.1.8 . ,,1555. '
. •
' J. S. Wntont.—Dear Sir—ln regard •to Atkin's : Self
rahhig IleaVer and Mower I:bought of your
.aontii, P.
norrisA: Co.. of Ph'iladelphhx, and 1 must say, It dono
itrwor)( with entire satisfaction in grass andyrain, and
_woubLiccomnießd it tO tiro farmers or rooosylvaiibt.
. . -' JOIIN..AII.ISSEit,---
'flizsrelv,,N. J. ,Oct. 1,1855. .
J. S. Wrtruify—Pear Sir—Your • agent, 11. G. Bennet,
called on •iis this Smellier, to see if Ave would•aceeptthu
agency of the Atkin's Self-raking • lioaper. We had
made .up our minds not •to 'accept the aggne3(oT• any
..Ifeaper'or Mower; until Niql could gut ono that we coli4l
havo confidetice in to recommend to our customers, as
Ivo or!! manufacturingegricultural impleineutti at Trot.
ton. Now Sir, we would be glad io aceept , the agency
of Atklu'slieliper:here have implicit confidence
to•reeviansend it to tle .Farmers of Amy Jersey ai.d
l'ennsylvauia: • • . • AIULJUIi QUICK.
Carlisle, Aprill6; 18 - 56. -
a'fot of. 1'113116.I,: & _ .46:111'8 el f•
has anii 'lg constantly Iteeidn , 4 an w., , sortumilt of
too celepratedPLOWS.. -Mso. ,osnstantly rm.
/land ,ZAV4ier .- 11. and IlLenwood't: Prows.
.baie . also a very lailm lot of t40,,f0n10n.441.01.1' flows
hand. and a lino assortment of CMltivatais. .Iteuieldbor
- Um old ht.ttnt, - East:' , fatn Arcot, earlisk=.,
r I U - 1 FARMERS.—The sub'scr'iber has
just returned Iron the City - with 01111 of the largest
aesortinelitn'allardware (met brought to thle place. Ile
has just rovelVed doz, names with and without pat.
-hod, oin-s ' Ironaiedsteel hooks ranging In Odra from
'eh:Om:from 50.t0
,Ilene made trace's of lilF kinds,'
ale/ lot oft-mead, nab - . hreant,. butt, carrying halter
and log -• a very largo lot of shovels,
spades. hoes, rtkea. and In sh t everythiug and any
thing-wanted by the Farion. • • •
Remember the old etas ast Maltz St: Carllsle. '• •
M:tridi 19, '56. ' - - • 11. SAXTO'.
largest and bed asw)rtnient of Pio iv< evet. offered
the Philadelphia Market. many of theta - now and ha
p:vied patterns, also itch' 11nrrtms, Cultivators. liordvn
. and Auld Rollers, Corn Ptanters, Dairy luiplinienta, tht.
'..yi l ko and (tows, g etdes, slovots, Buts, biproved. Spa•
ding Turks, Garden Heels and Lines. Pruning and liedg.a
ingThears, vrith.every other description of Agricultund
and Horticultural Impliments In the greatest 'variety
and of the most approved patterns. '
Carlisle peva. *
A gricultural..W4rtivmso. Stare Cor. I th and
Slar'Attt st. PhilnilelphiA.' Mar. 19'58.
- LIME, and 1000 Tons nf Mapes' Nitro.
genlgeu,Super l'hosplutte of Limo, an arti
cle which huts been Hilly tested by farmers,
and Is believed .to •he the" cheapest nod
strongest fertilizer in the tnsiket. '
• ' , 1000 DIMS. •t4U PERIOR . I'OT A ltinTE,
especially adapted for the Corn Crop. • TA PIN, n now
r werful fertilizer: of the abOe ealii
, 11101tItIS .
Arrleulturalltrnrehettselart - Seed - Storer
Mar 26„50.] Cor. ith and Market, its:, Phila. •
—A, large and select assortment of tho above, war
ranted genuine*. awl embracing many hundred choice.
varieties, for sale wholesale and retail. Country dealers
supplied at a 11l eral discount,
• ' 'PASCHALL, 310111115 k C 0.,,
• - • - Agrimiltural Warehoitse - and . Seed Store,
Mar 217, Cor. 7th and Market ste., Phila.
1)n) &nibs.
ixif 0 HAITI_ D .- DIVES 81 , 1 S .
111 subscrlberltas just reretvett Mchalr a Dies=
sus, :skirt Hoops, and a low Spring Dress Clouds.' • •
March 5. GEO. W. ILITNER. ,
NEW GOOD.R.—The subscriber has
.ju -- st received froM Phil/111;1We 'Clarie 'assort
ment of - seasonable goods, which will be sold very cheap
--opposite the Depot, Carlisle,
CArlfsla, Fob. 20,1556.
-The subscriber bps removed his store to th . house
recently occupied — by lYi. II:- W. Caudmaii nes door to
Charles Maglaughtin's Hotel, where he juts general
'assortment of -' ". , " ' '
And wilt he happy to have his friends ana customers
eouns and see him. Thankful fur palit favors, he hopes
by strict .attention to his. business to merit a share of
• public patronage.'
April 9, 1846..] . N. W. WOODS: Agt.
EW GOODS.--The subscriber hits
just returnod, from the city 'and is opening a
general assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods, consist
ing of French Merlnoes, Coburgs, Alpaccas, 'Printed
Caihmeres and Mous de Lathes Dress Silks ,in great
variety, Long -11rOcha• Shawls from. $l5 to $2O, French
Blanket Shawls. 'Cambric ankSwiss Hdgings•and rn
sertlngs and• Cambric and 'Swiss Collars. Merino and
Silk Shirts- and. Drtiws.• Dress Trimmings in groat
.variety with other Fancy and Staple Goods. •
n0v.21.'55. GEG. WAIITNER.
NEW GOODS:—LTheisibsdribor'ha'
just received and is now opoaing largliassort
ment of FRY.BII.9OODS suited to, the eb r asciu-,Aeeso
6%11 and get bargains. -
Carllele v -Yer.1.1;"55. M. SNOPOItASS.
ELASTIC;. aLTS.- 4 -just open.
od a lot of Silk and WOriitod 'ELastlo Bolts in all
nev. 21, '55. , GEO. IV. GINNER.
..„,„.„„ . ,,,....,;,,,fiiiiibecjltjtq,:: , :, , ;:,',.
tbOvii - Seventh, Phihiclelydila, respectfully Inforins the
•publlothat he he prepared to maim the following ::::" • '
.• • . ..'• ' ..-.,, SPLENDID OFFER: , -• •
.TWENTY Ilaa'rdmitiLOrtiy Fr Co` .'it celebrated PIANOS,
anal TWENTY-C. W. Fisk '.ii Co.'s PEENIIIEiI •111,E1.0-'
DEONS *lll -be -placed-in-the hands.uf-a Outtaitte.C.,ioL
'gentlemen, to be hy then) ilialrlbuted among thehOldins"
"o"riiiy - Wirtilicates.
To, each'itrelatscr of my 'Popular 'Jhuide, tieekllleairt
will he presented. entitling the lu - ilder to an interest in.
ONE PIANO and (NE'3II , II.ODEON, to he disposed of by.
' the Conunittee' for the benellt.of thoseLholdlng . .eertliV
cotes when ONE THOUSAND DOLI.AItS' winthof Nude
shill have been sold.'se..that smelt , . person lii'vestltitt One
1)ollar will not only receive in; and the yalueof money -
"fetid iii - ve - secured to hlinAminterest,ln,
common witkother certifirtite holdbra, in the shave dls;
trilution, The succeeding distributions. will. be, ,con-1
tinned; subject to ) the' same regulation, until thol;4 1
-l'itinos and 110..11elodeons ate! distributed. '' " : •
Partiridar 'attention Is Inured to that' fetiture:of ,l'
plan/which, calls for n• disposal of the Inshitnients *hen'
but 1000 curtificittes hay e lawn issued, thus avoiding the
veStitiona delay end prod o,lo:disappointment attend:'
- log certain schemes now .fere the public. ~-.
.., • .
e c..
Music may be selecte, trim' my entire. sleek, -which
comprises every Ca talogn , in the United States.
" ,Or'ders" forwarded . - bjr . mail',:Nylll 'be ) faithfully ' and-,
promptly attended to. - . "-' ' 1 •'' •• ,- . ' . '
\,.;.lt.—Cutistantly on hand A §pleutlf 1 iisSortinent of.
'Plano's, from the cillebrated nianufitctmles of lloardnuin
G i
ray .ti of Co.. Alliany.',.Jacoli.chietirring I: A. W, 'Ladd
& Co., ;of Boston; Ely k ' , Langer, and Bennett .hCol, of
New York. Also, C. W. FlSk,itt cu.',. l'rentitins" Melo-.
deents.t . o be had at the lowest.manufacuturer's prlcts.,
... ,
[item] thu fOkowing frtirn Ouday"F t AlusiCAl, Editor.]
A.N,Arill & PIo to FOP:M.—WO, (MO El) w ell
ideasfAlOth the inStrnments 11111fle - I , y this firm that ,
we him) det erminetrig..faTiiiiMiliTnittirMWseivegTthat
hi. in Itirnishlng 'Our sttbscribers'-and others with au
article that a
we can recd and warrant. There le'
always a dilfieulty attenitio-' , " the . mirchase of - planott,
because persons cannot rely fully tipeti the recoinmenda
tiongthey receive from nianutb. tavers,-wha are lutes:
eked, 'of eol,ll'Ell, iii the Ci.Vll manufaettire.
-Now. we are not interested it the matter in any
'eseept_sp far ark . to roe_ that OU/tie who patronize our
"Book"shall he well AerredwitliM6l.iiiqlilailog Made.
yir a list of prlees see comm., at.- which amounts we will
Fund war-ranted-for one year, the freight to ho
pahl_by_th44Teistatirdidering:. , We_ attude a . letter re , -
ceised from a gentleinati iff - Tirginia, to whoui - we - seut.
one of throb Planos:---
A. .Esq.,Lllear Sir-4 have great plenSure
in neknOwledging the2reeelpt.of the Piano-Forte Which
you were rhotl as to orM.t. fornty-wife . fritn Boardman
_k_tirayls,._:it was delayed for sonM time at IVinehesturt
but bum happy to may that it came Tii excellent i:510 -
lion. We are decidedly phased with the Instrument.
The'ruSew:i;s4l - 1 , 1 - bra - beaut
It the better for .11); the touch is very easy for
a new instromeut, ad,t he toneis-am, char and sweet.
All who haVe tried it. admire it-anti speak lit thchhatest
rum s , s of it mellOssuess 'and -sweet(ess of - tOne,'.
regret that we did not order thCAttachtnent:'
wu must have it yet. . • - -_.-
: — . - trii — dririlmlpiy - tnchibtod — to7you , for—kaur-aget?4: 4l t
Tir.)euring-for us rte good afiAtistiMment: Be pleased to
rroive -our tudinowledinteuts. • Nuttrobt. servt.,
Five per cent:interest Is given, and the money le
*aye pithl hack whenever 'it is called for; witlinut the
necessity of giving notice for it beforehand. • •
.-_,_reeple, trim have large'suins put their money
venienee It affords, but 'any sum, largo or small, 18 re;
ThlsAving.FUnd has a very largo amount of Mort
gages, (bound Bents and other (fret class Investments
for the socurg i yof Depositors; T.lte rules, prusaut i any,
Director or 0 cer from using or bow-Whig the trioney+ ,
...11.1e (Mee Is open Au receive au4l luty.rnanoy every
day, from 9 o'clock in thh `
morning till i o'clock in the
evening, and on Monday and Thu-say evening; till'(
• .
_ , ; , nner to Put tiloir•••
A'onple hwity money t 9 Put 111, , are: It v
at the
---atturr. sELvaiDull, Vivo . Picsidtnf;
' WM; J.1t1411:1, Sqretary.
_D pr THE. TL5. '. 0TL5. '. ...... .
S. E. Corner Third and ClMsnut 'Streets, Phil's.
to_ CAPITAL V5%000. - 44 • . ,•: ~ •
' Money IF received on deposit tally. 'the amount de.
posited is entered in a Depdeit Book and gimseh to the
;Depositor, or, If preferred. a certificate wilt he given.
• All,- eILIEIE large an& snutil„ ar , e.reeeired, •ntid ,, the'
amount paid hack on deunind,..without notice, , . .. ,
• Interest Is paid' at 'the rate. Of FIVE FM CENT. 61.1-
urencithr from the d.ny .of deposit, Ittid. creasing , fourteen
daystprevions til the withdrati of the money.
• , On the first day.ofJanuary, in each year, thelnterest
of each deposit is•pald to .the depositor, or addod to the,
p: cip - • •
I • —. , ,•
A Tvo it, , ,as he may prefer:. .
'Company twice now, upwards of 0,500 depositors.
in th Hy of Philadelphia alone. , .
Any aditionalinformation wilt be iil`fetiki- a4diedishig
1 the.Ttisaanumt.
x . ' ' DIRECTOSS.
,Stephen R Crawford, Pros't
,Lawrence Johnson, Tice Pt,
I . 'Ambroso 0. Thompson,
. ' .Ilenjamin. W, Tiiilli , iy,
"Jamb L.:l;loranee, • •
'Phil FISK.• • •
J. 0 Orntsent.tOrn,
..Sept. I:4 '55.- 1 y
V V Avenue, PIILLAD'A.
• The atteetion.of the,pubile is'invited tethe'extenslie
tnan erecter) , and ware•ropin :ef, the sub - Wilber,: who . la
prepared to ftirniak at;th_p shortest notice; IRON RAIL,
IN° of every description TM' OCiIETERIESI . PUBLIC. &'
And other Ornamental iron ,Worlt ler a• doematlye
.characters AO of , which -la ixeinted with the ,expnis
'vie* of pleasing, the l hilasto,wo they combine' all the
requisites of beauty and substantial construction.
Purchasers may, rely on having all 'articles enrefully
boxed and shlpded to theirplace of destination. ,
A boolt. of designs will be sent to thtise who' Wish to
make a- selection. . ROBERT' WOOED,
' Ridge Avenue below Spring °ardent' Phila.
Octs;lo;'ss'. ' ,
0 , , 400 ION
1. 4 Y KENS'
' 02.1# AA\\ +,
~ .find
Pine Grove
-"‘ lint or Limo Coal, -
ilykons Valley, Pittston and Shamokin Stove Card,-
Alsci;.lidst - qualityAllackamith-G0ek,:.,,.,...;i14 -
-A:1mo, LUSIGhIt - orall kinds
list of which will be sold"
."nnuamdiy, „ Icivi.4"iiCtitlik CAW
judkelije - • - • .:_t3,III,I9OYER ,
UAM1L71 7 ,:(30A1i..500 -
,KENsyALAaIy ilnikon - ,ail•!ro-aereene4
nrcla'reil bipretisly for fatally uSO and kept•unnsa coves.,
;sdr - w. won telutly'attd — OtY.A"rdttrgi •the ,
itinter season. 1 hitvo also on hand runt for sale the • •
Flhl, • COM. frinn. thO 'snipes of 11(14, Itotser'
`Co., and hidAMUIiIN 0041. from the; mines of emit ! , •
s t ui, Peal dr. Co.; all uf.which I *ill . 'Fall nt. admit "
for cash and denier lo dhy•part of the boroUgh: • • ,
ti9v: ;4, • . ;'
1 u Trevorthn COal Cojapany are uow.Prepared to fur
nish citizens of Carlisle_ and:vicinity with an abini
-dant supply e( thi,lleuttine Treverton CoalOronglitheir
Sealers Pi:it, 11. Ditlit.R.A.lC and JACOB 811E41% where
consumers can procure," the ,various sizes. : - Lump,
Steam Boat, Brokon,, Steta and Liimi 'BurnerS.'
can rerun:tend it to all / as superior to 'any hiller coal tor ,
rsteatii,-domestic-.purpoSes r und-lime-burnlng,:rFur the ---
inierniation - vpuld lir -
form them;:thier' is' that siiperlor. coal, a sample of
whirlovas sent by E. lielfenstine,Tiver, of Trevorten; ,
Minn , the winter of, 1852 and gave so much Hatislite
tidn.• • •
Trevorton Coal Company Port Trelorton i llnion eotta- .
Pa. Aug. 22, 1865.
A 1%1114 Y' "GOALS
,AT TB.E. NEW COAL YABB. • • . .
he subseritier :would respectfully inform the citizens
of Carlisle and 'vicinity that.lcriS Mir( prepa're'd to tar- -
•fit•th. ftwOENUINE• TREVOItTON COAL; of. vatious
)417:12fS a sample of which was furnished to a number', of
citizens three .years, sines by 111 r. E. - lAelfenattin, at.d ,
wlfiellitSvo such tairfecVsatisfactlon.
.Also best' qindittes of Lykens and . Bliamokiii
. •
of the different kindS, constantly on land; 'at the 'net,'
Coal-Yard near ther•gas' works.. „
• . • . • JACOB , .
___ •.- • • .
NTI1: - .1. - C - E - T -- 0 7- 110, - N - 8 ---
• • 4.0 A L I COAL!!' CO./If:W . ' -'''',.',.
.1.04.. subscriber would reniettfally 'inform his frlods .
and tlie-pubiic, that he now roceiging 101. a tette of
that ver,y.superior Mill •ASII COAI,, from the ,Luke .
Fidler, mines' of lloyd,ltoSser &'Co.,'Llie only . lied /All .*
Mil brought frOtethe.Shainoliln Basin; introduced and
known in birlisle as the ItolfenstiueCoal.: it 15 iintitely
free from slate.and all ether. impuritiesoind Is perfectly
adopted to all meelnualCal and donteitla parliosek• its
!cattiness to . ignite; renders It rairtindiftly desirable for -
small stores; while Ito lutensityntheat tuargeeat dura. , ,
bility, Larburning n p ikes it !nuttily sodiir large ones; Ile -
v.:mild atm; call the attention (iffaiiiiefs and - Others feii ---- ";
sitper.r , r article of CIIESNUT 'COAL, fromthe same
mines - cfcrattain an
d line purposes. , ' '
'For sale' ouly In CarliSlikby i-
July:2s, '55.-3t - - -
ej lIAKCOAI.- - --C haic,o4ll e:olaantly on
Boy. • . • W..B.MIIIMAY, Ag 3.• • r. •
. .
.. . . .
`AIIII3I3II•NkI.IRS'- • COAL 2 - 1 000 .
1,: . •._ nos Lykeres Valley Nut'flottl, a . superior articie
recoil 1 g and for balm by ' ~ . •,. - • '
. . .
tiLUA131.,14.; • CORNER-TROP'TY.
very valuable and.'; well known "BUSINESS
I) situate on. the coiner. of- North. llandrer and
'r Streets, in the horough,of oulluod _„,
eupied.hyJaeolactter, containing . SO feet front "
muover street end WO feet on Loather street:—
iulprOyentuiltS on Ilannover litbOet aro a largo
_ STOItY" ITOUSE, with a large brill: buck
Ina finished in the most elegant inanner,',Cmitalning 11' "
rt,onis Including the store room,:besides 'pantries
andeonveuieut closet arrangements. .The STORE 1;
ROOM 18'33 feet in depth, fitted - up in the, best
tiiissibleAtialinVr - andene of tlielnost - di4Wslernitll4l47'
statilishe4buslueselocatioas In our . - •- • • •
There IS chnge.two story brick - Witting fronting on;
/ , Outher street, with . a shop attached, -now Occupied as ,
a itridriet'realier ishep:' , Also a'atable mi'the 'fbot of the
lot, and other necessary oat buildhags.. - The :property.
is In excellent,order inning
,boon recently , fitted up• by
the preaenCoccuptint. 'For terms .bé. enquire or ,
- ' •- • IL L. SPONSLER;
' Beal Estate Agent and Scrivener..
. ,
. . .
VtuaOP.fAit'. ;LOT . ' 'PROPFIRTY -- AT'
. , PRIVAI'II SALE . •That:Talialblo pieeo Of ground"'
s to In 00001 .Ilituwor; streot,. is the, borough of
'orliele, kuoiya ati tho —: -- ~„ • • ,' • , •
chntalna' 'abont nit) . aci . o and a quartor of
crown' and fri~m • lts dpslralda and adrantagoous;loca•
tin" admitabl.3l adapted lOrt m o sit sidt
The lot .7.1.0,143 (1/4.°l l. lll '' gr hrti;:tilars °winks) of,
atoms's. Vorlerms and fur 110! P
,w. N po* s ub t ; ,
Real ,F4dife . ".Agen't, and Seri' on
• ' , ...3YnX ,11 1 , abdwLn, •
J'anl B. Goddard,
Obit Mellousy,-
Jaws ,
-Soarstary anda'rvasurer,
Z3llgt• and Interpoter,
Op • .....oul-12114111?.... ... . __...fte
Davin & z ed.; tnitoll. • Those,' Instrumenq haire been'
CarefUl/Y-4e/ected fVena enlarge stock. and aro , w.arranted ;
to give entire'satisfaction. They :Wilt b 43 sold. at . , • •
01TY •Pitl,OES
and.kept..,l4 order , by a cOnmetont .perion, - the one year',
from date of sato. Thoso who may wish to osamide, or
to purchase a good Instrument, are invited to call upon
the s bserber at tds residence in Otrilslo. , • ••,. •, • • '
'Als " '0 ItENT, two good tokond-hand Piano YOrteaat •
s B l'cr uarter.•• ~•,' : - JOHN K:fittablAN:„ - •
, nor. °9,'65. ' ';'• - .
11 -1 . N. ROS4N,STEEL • .Hou se;'.Sign
, • Fancy and Ornamental
has removed South Hanover street, oppallite
the Second Presliyterlan Church. Residence in Pomfret
street, a ,Silltet I ;distance below lianuter. 'lle . will
attend promptly lo all the above descriptions of paint
rasenablitpriees. The-various kinds of graining
attended to,.tuch as mahogany, oak, walnut; &c, in an
Improved style. ' . • .
„ •
Site ant) alent.
.. kat FOR SALE.---Tlio
'serlher (flitfop. sole a now Stonifil -Boiler, vigh- •
mtelons affil , •tliirty; inCbea In Annuitter, .10th ono ,-
in triCh. appb tit Ithv Paper" Mill
13LIC -- SALE. In•
• th
mrsuance t;l• qn :?rder of the'
of Cionnu h. ;MLA& of ()nuttier.. Se
minty. the undersigned will „.•
public sale on the premises, •
ON SATURDAY, 185(1, •
look Jtt ,the Artcalldert; the: Lot .of Ground with
Hangs anti improvements thereon, containing'
kl-4, and Sixteen perches, situated lii Silver Spring
paid county, bounded by .the ,Turnpike mad,
rax Parker, Esitelinan; and others, about a mile
hatf,frout iiingstowu It being the minute properly
'HI Nancy Thompson, deceased, resided. There
ro•etory'Plitetereti itousd and Stable:On saidloi of
The eetiditione of pale will be made knOwittlla
'sale. • ' a ' WILLI t ian. IC. ORO A'S, • •
. Trust6e; In place ofjno. Thompson, - doc'd.
10:13, 1h513,--4t. .
soft 6
oct. 41.'46