Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1856, Image 7

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•_ _ •
'[This beautiful poem•seems the sxpre ion
1 01gE
tinged, of womanhood, and Wkolt lifts.,bbn 'upon
in it is bestowed 'above life's petty pq.,
,' and enables his whole being
• ' I w'ould be thine - - •
"Ah I. not to learn the anguish" ; •
Of,being ftrst a , deity _enshrined, _
Then,'when 'the fever fit. is passed, tolingnishl
. Stripped of each grace that fancy round me
. twined; , . '
Ndt_stiotr_the lot I crave— "
fwouidlie ,
Yot in bright , summer weathOr, ' ' . •
-A sunny atmospheie, to breathed
But fear. and trenible yhen the storm clouds
And shrink life's unrelenting frown beneath
Failing, when needed most.
I would be . thine I•
To loae ail selfish feeling
In the sole thought of the fat; dearer one
To study every thought thy will *relieving,
To make thy voioe'a ever varying tone
The musio of my heart. _ • .
I would be thine t
Whop sickness dot oppress thee,,
With love's unwearied vigilance to, watch;
:Waking,.to soothe, to comfort, to caress thee.-
Sleeping to • list - in dread, each sound to
`batch, - "- - .
Thy slumbers that might break.
I Would be Thine !
When veied by , wartdly . ()regime;
To cheer thee with affection's constant care,
To stop thee 'neath thy'borden or thy losses—
By shoWing thee how deeply, thou art dear,
Meet so in thy distress. _ '
I would be thine!
Gently and unreplying, ' -
Toilear: with- thee when °beta\ and epiri
worn -
_Tholasty word, the giliekreproaoh denying
But by the"soft submieelon_whieh ie born
Of - atea •
would be thine!
orld in thee to centre,
di all its hopes; cares, fears, andliii nE
di-J*lo4—* .
No - wish-baiond the'homeWhere thou should;
'et enter
Evei anew to find thy'romenne brongtit
Wen beet joy.
Would be' thine
No passion's wild emotion .
To allow thee, fitful as the iihangiiiie winct
But with a still., fervent life.devotion,
To be to thee the help-tneet God designed,--
- "Or this would.l be thine ?
Spirit of the Sehool'hurnalt;
4 , Manners" Is the subject of a passage In
he Acierican Jotn:nai of EdUcation, in which
)r. Huntington, the author of the same; says
oine admirable things.- Mark them, parenti
ad teaoheie:
A noble and attractive everyday. bearing
- vmes orgefdifiSe;TDreirmerityl Wig-Dement.-
Lnd these are bred , in`years, 'not moments.
_ 'he principle that rules your life it the sure pos.
ve-tsetker f Sir - Phili Sidn _WA t h e pat
- perfect gentleman ;
ut then he was the hero that on•the field of
"lutphen pushed away the cup of cold water
---rom hie own fevered arid parched lips, And
eld it out to the dying soldier at his side 1 If
)fty penticaente habitually make their home
i the heart, they will beget, not, perhaps a
_ widow' and finical drovring-reom etiquette,
ut the breeding Oa genuine and More royal
entility, to which no simple, no young heart
till refuse its.homage. -. Children are not edu•
• ited till they.: catch' tho,chartn Theit makes a pen
man or lady 1 A °oars° and - elovealy teach,
r, o vulgar and boorish presence, mue4ii3g
?pies or chestnuts at reoitatipue like a 841tir
il, poaketipg hie Winds like a mummy, pro
neker the firmament than
is skull, like a circus olowit, and dispensing
:merlons saliva like a Memker 'of Congress,
&lots a wreog on the sobool-roers ,for which ,
.3 scientific attainmente - are• an 'offset. Au
iucator that despisei the resources hidia hie
)rsonal carriage deserves ! on the principle of
tvedinborg's retributions sitnilia or.
. .
:like deserves like," to be passed through a
Indemoilibta,Of Congressional bullying.' • .
•. • .
The Rhode Island Schoolmaster,' erne of the
, •
lost spirited-of our'edneationalPttrials,oool
tfention t. p :eery ifirtoilin`ihe . part
' teachers, fiateell; thst--of 'trampling pupils
sling recite:go:4ll4 The 'Sditity, it appear:hi
...sited echep add i took' etiOrthafid i stitsS;!pf
4e reoltritlery with; the follaing result I: -••
A closs in geOgraphy was ft ou
sted of seven boys and girls; whose :meet;
see, , as 'We learned during the reeitatian,
ornits, Ludy, Yfu.idah,' Horatio, Sidney, Ans.
n, and Amtin'da t : They were reciting atria
irope,wnd. the questions and answers werd
folloWP i , • • v.
• Thomas, what I . s said of Europixf'
i t stammered the, boy, -
, ttie ema il.___-.. l •protapted the teacher..
• est:division of die %robe/ continued:Thom.,
• • rns
• •
'.Grand division, you mean,.---40 - j*.: . twot 1'
id tlis tea Sher; patronizingly, ••
replieq'thfsbo.roarifinialy: . :
rimed rjght,!.rettirtis,cl„the„ master.. !.. Now t .
:Joh for, what . is it noto(11' • • •
•It'a noted tor,, for,"'fota— r .,' plied •e .
. • . being the most'—the teacher want on with
the_ ee4ence;_„___*_._ _ ,__,,____._,._ _ _
--, civilized and and and'—eildently , Lnoy's
memory was. COMpletely exhanstedl! so Mt
teacher-oo ' ntinnedr --=— . -
' - the niostpepu—' •
lous,in proportion to its extent, of any of
-- t — rdit - d - sjoi - 4 - 2t'114 - globe,' said .f.incy--_briffklyi
now helped completely beyond . eimimiassment
. .
.Now, liuldah , what is• maid' of its .
climate-?' said the schoolmaster, • yfith come 1
'tenderness in bifi
It it it is is---' began the girl, -
- Orbe-western - part - is milder—, suggested
be reaaher. • ,
, That_answer is in fine print, and Fe.we're
not - to - learn the dne7P - fitit; : aied a h4ll-dozen
; I forgot,' suid_le. 'We'll try the
map questions. ..Whatooean on the north 2' .
'Northern!' said the scholar,prthiptly. ' •
' Are—' the teacher said, shaking his
heed... •
Arctic !
. shouted • • Huldah, in tir . hurry .to
correct herself. '‘ - •. • -
Herat's, what seas and mountains on the'
email' was the next question..
' 'Horatia . beian eautionely. Afrio—,' but
here he was arrested by a frown from th
teacher; , •
Medit--,' was the kind.teaoher's aid. -
Mediterranean,. Black, 'Al—,' said the
boy, and a frown brings-hip up again.
The Mountains now," said the niaster,—
, Can-----2. _ , •
'Caucaanar said .Eicratio; catching thti
Right. What river, mountains and sea on
the east, Sidney ?' was the next queetion.
; Volga,' said the pupil, when Ciao frown
stopped hid: - _ ,
U draWledbut the questioner and
rom ter..
MoutitainslUral River , on3==' said
'Bidn - ey, - hesitating ngain. • '
said the teacher.'
:,9su Sea! ; shouted the boy.
Good. *hat ocean on the west, Austin ?'
4 Atlantic,' wasnows theTwomp4 reply.
Amanda, — where is the White Sea -sard
She replies), hesitating, In the" in the in
North of Asia,' said Atatinda, with earl-
' Why, you'vire reciting about Europe,.' said
the man with vexation. .
.Norsh of gurOpe,' said the girl, correcting
hex,- • '4.
This vras once round the class with aflues
tion apiece, And wras an exact specimen of the
manner in which the pbor scholars Were
taught. The teacher asked the questione r
having first designated who should answer,
and then when there was the least hesitation
be prompted them, giving them half or the
the first word, and allowing them to
etiactly where ho . !eft off and finish
the Word or• sentence, as the case might be.
And tho result wits, as might have been ex-
- Pectedi' tlitisolialaikaaalil no More - go on with,
a recitatiek*lthout ails constant' prompting
.than - a . cripple Mitoralk_witbout-his-000ustomt—
To this wretched habit of prompting there
is n morai objection of the most ierious na
ture: Bvery recitation ought to be, as we
have frequently said in these columns. a les
son in honerly. It is no slight evidence of a
moral feeling hie pupil when he will disdain
to pretend to know ?that ho sdiliteitot. But
on the prompting system, ohildron gradually
loose the, power of • knoiring whether they
know the lessen or not. The object of pur
suitqn schools of all grades should be
andtifia object is uttirly lc;st sight .of in a
sohootoondu'eted on the plan so well Edwin.
up in the Rhode Island Soboolmaster. Avoid
t, teachers..
Tan Usti or Oy..—ln this country children
are " perpetually watered," as thoiish --they
were amphibious animals: In the East Indies .
children are rarely washed in water: bat
.they .are oiled' every day. A child's head
can be kept much cleaner If oiled; than
out it, and many young persons with beetle
cheeks would probably never know the last
days of consummation If their parents would
insist In having the chest back and limbs an=
elated with sweet oil two or three times a
- Week.
.The,Hebrew Physicians-seem to have
considered oil as more
.efficaoions than any
Other remedy. The sick were always annoin
ted with oil, as the 'most wonderful means
that was known of checking diseities
Axiliiiiaron. P0r90rm.,..4 correspondent
ofAhe London Litiiiii`y—ainette, -alluding to
the'numerous oases pf death 'from accidental
poisoning, adds, 4 4.1 venture to affirm there is
scarce even a cottage in this country that does.
not contain an invaluahle, certain, ,immeditiie
remedy, for such events; nothing more than a
dessert spoOnfUrof mustard, • mixed in a tum:
bier of warm water and drank immecliatbly-.•
it r, an emetic; is always ro d t , y, and may
be-used' with safety' in 'any 'cas ere ono is
. .... , - C- ' • '-- OAN - ER - of - Ma-.
:- ,_-7,- o r :.1.7 . -- .%, 7 ' ..;:g.;', ,if ''' :. ov or itini'Dintliiiikiff ,
1. •'' 1 0, .• ' ''' '. 0 LlSLE.—Thournierslgw
ed'has always on hand a large stock of superior. Cabinet
Ware,, in all the different styles, which he is prepared to
Jatir toAtio..Paysilv..Svmso. BOTTOM BrDiTEAkr, a -most
useful; article, which entirely obviates all obJeetions.—
The - bettom eats be attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given, entire satisfaction to all who havo them in use.
• . piiir
COFFINS - made to order at theagortestnotico, ..
-. 1 - - - = -- 7 - -'----- ,- -:----= - " - " --- JACOB FETTER. -
orth Itanovetatreet, next 'door to
1:11aas!s lfotel —T
. _ .
Ile would respectfully ,inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that ho
has now on hand a largo and elegantassortmentof FUlt
-NlTUREiconsistilig In part ofWiirdrnbes,Card and oth
er Tapes, Sofas, Bureaus; Iledsteads plain and fancy
SeWittg - Stands, - &e.;mantifactured - oethe best material
And quality , warranted.
Also_a.genpralnisortmentOf-CII-AIIIS at. the lowest
prices. VENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and _repairing
promptly attended to.
• 4163- COFFINS made at tho shortest notice; and hay;
lug a splendid hearse he will attend funerals In town or
country. •
41 - 0- , Remetabor the stand—noxt, door to H. Hines's .
Hotel. . . -IL 11. SMILEY.
—JAMES' It. WEAVER would• resnecfoully . call
• the attention of llouseteepers and the public
to his extensive stock of elegant. FURNITURE,
• including Sofas,. Wardrobes, Centre and Tables,
• 4,- Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other
article* in his branch of business: Also now on hand
thelargest-assortment of -CHAIRS - hi - Carlisle, at
tar lowest prices. AOFFINS made at the short
es . notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ile
lefts a call at his establishment, on North
atreesokear Gigue's' Hotel. •
la-Furniture hired out by the month or year.. •
. 54431 ~, The subscriber has the satisfactien of In
:AILIPI:;•.,.111111L fortning4tisLoldLfth;ndttonlpatroui Hutt
' • • - his establishMent Is again in active °Pe.'
ratb,n, now buildings having been erected since the late
dlaa trbus fire and the whole establishment put in com;-
plots working,order. Orders are therefore.respectfuOY
solicited for work-in his line, which wiltbn One with,
promptness and in the beSt ntanneri, " • • ••, :
and repaired. Allkinds of Machineryin Paper ➢lllJs,
Grist Mills and. Factories repaired at short notice. Mill
Spindles dressed and turned. '
such as Devil Gear Four ilorso Power, Ilorizoinial Gear
Four Horse and Two Norse Powers, Plougha, Corn Shill
tors and Crushers; ,te. Patterns outdo to order. Iron and
Brass CASTINGS order If not on hand. at
thlashortost-not ice,--suelt-ae-GranicaLanct-11 I
Castlngs. Cutters, Point Shears,.‘Vitgon and Coach Box.
on hand alarge supply of Philadvlphia and Tray COOK
MU STOVES, and is constantly, making•CooklngStoves
of various iniproilat patterns for coal or wood ton plate
-Stoves, Orates. kt..• Repairing dono to alt kinds of 31a;
chinery: All kinds of old Imo,. Brass and Copper4aken
_w.exeitangeilor-wOrk.'. • , • -
assert nent •of Crushed, Sifted and Pulverised
Sugars of best quility, tui also Soft Crushed, Clarified
and other qualities
_constantly on band, suitable for
prasery log and all other purposes—generally at Otn
. .
. .
Also constant supply of the choicest Coffees, Teas,
Spices and other articles in variety always on ha .
attention Is Invited to our stock boffin!, buying elite ere.
Carlisle: July 25, '65. J.. W .8 Y.
riItE&CH T,R,USSES, Weighing. 1 t ;
than 2% ounces, for the cure of /Lauber Rut
acknowledged by the highest medical authoritiesof
adelphia, incomparably superior to any other in use.—
Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now
oirtirs to procure not only the highest and must casy,but
avdurable a 'truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrup
and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no
lenity attending .the fitting, aud when the pad is - locat
ed it will retain its position. without change.
Persons at' a distance unable to call on the subscribes,
ean have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting
five dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the double—
with measure round the hips, and stating side affectod.
It will be exchanged to sultil not diking, by returrag
et once, unsoiled. ilor sale only by the Importer. •
Corner Twelfth and Race streets, - Philadelptda.
Atir rotas, requiring the benefit of Mechanical , Sup
portent, owing to ,the,
derangement of the Internal Or
gans, inducing falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary,
Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, ant informed
thata - cmupetent - itinVeYperien - OCC-LicTii-IVlll:licrit-
Vomdance at the Rooms, (set apart, for their exclualva
use) 'No. 114 TWELFTH St., Ist door below Race.
July 20, '54.
A full simply of the above celebrated Churn; now
ou hand of allithe different oleos, from 4 gallons to 60.
/t recelved.the first premium , at the ' -late Pennsylvania
State Fair,lbe first premium at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland State Fairs, and various
Others at different places. It will make more add better
butter from a given runottnt of cream, and in less time
than any churn in the market. For sale Wholesale and
retell by • • " PASCHALL MORRIS & CO.,
AgricultUral Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th
and Market, Philadelphia.' Dec. 0,1864—tf
. MO. The subscriber continues to carry . on' the
above business, In all Its, various branches, in North Han
over street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner
whore he intends keeping on hand a general assortment
in his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD
DLES, Bridles,. Martingales, Dirths,
. . Circlogles and Ualters,also TRI/NKS,
\ . 7, :._: ~,47. traveling and middle . i ... iiii ii n
~,\, , , ,1 : :' bags. Ile alsd man- • ...,;::-
__ I': 1 '440 '.- _ufacturea-thii,most t'.' l ‘ll, l ll
' . ' ,!I : , - . ,.t.' approved S I.' 1 a ---.
~ ,
' • ' • riT !,', Sp a I_ll 0, a&DDLCB over ' used In this
(ri 1 ;i . country, and those wishing a hand
, lir ,) some, durable. and pleasant saddle
. • . ' will do well to call and see there. He
a also manufactures Harness; Bridles,
Collars and Whip in. all,their varie
t(esl, and confidently believes - from the general auproba-,
lion of his customers, that he makes the neatest and
hest gears, In all their variety of bredth, that is made in
the country. lie also makes all kinds of Matraases to
order,'vls: litniw, Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat,-
Mises. All the above articles - will be made of the belt
material and Wcirkmanship, and: with the -utmost des.
patch: ' . ;_ , WM.OSDORN.
, . . . , . .
Ile Entertainment.—The -subscriber - respectfully
rms the citizens of Carlisle and the public 'genera.l.
ly,,that ho intends opening a nubile house of eaten ,
talnment on the Ist of April, in the, building now oc
cupied by Mr. Woods as a store on the corner - of North,
Hanover and Louther streets, in the boroUgh of Carlisle.
He will be ready at all times, to accommodate. all - who'
may fitvor.him.witb their custom, and no.paina will f be
spared to make all feel entirely at home. His table will
Ile all times be supplied with the best the market can
afford . .. His stable with good and attentive hostler,
Ind everthing - to make man and beast both comfortable.
will be provided. Boarders will be taken by the week
month, or year, at reasonable rates. He hopes strict
attention to business and a dealreto Please to reelvea
lhare or public patrohage,
°ornate, MI
MO 0-11- A 1 8 7 . - E: SI•
• . .R. MARTIN & SON,
to T tit , respettfully announce to the 'Public gellarAlkt
ly. tiult "-they intend opening an ' extensive Lumber
Yard In New Cumberland, this spring, where they In
tend to keep all kinds and (mantles of River Lumber,
and also that they have on hand new. aboht ,one hun
OM thousand feet of dry hoards and planks, (Plne and
hemlock) of d Waren t qualities, which they offer Ito
the public on reasonable terms. • ,
Alta ;20,..11431i--301:
Cheap - job,: printing done here
1850.1,-Smo. -
• J
]'~r a
Eitcires etiop.o.
5 " . - WAT — CHE - S I - CLOCK - 81
~...,j2,,it. -. ---.--- --- - -rxilw.onviciiit - it
..,._ ~_
, - I have now owhand and for salsas
toy U Id . • tend on Alain StreetioppoSite:lifirlon Ifill, an.
entirely new and elegant stock of ~ ' '...\ . •
— , ........: , ...lVAVOURSolltiNditillfrAlßlkkLlONarkei -,- -- , '" -
Goldlcirer %Vetches, hunting and open came, Silver do.
Silver Lepine and•Quirter Watches, a largo variety. .•
Gold Anchors for Ladies and Gentlemen. • -
Medallions, stepleritild assortment for ladies and gonte.
Breast Pins - of every patterri,Tend all prices, • - , •
Gold Chaiinifor . yest and fob, gold curb chains; . :
Finger Ritigarthapins, Studs; Sibefe Buttons...
Crosses. Drop and Hoop Ear.ltings, a large variety,
Silver end 'Plated . Forks, Tibia and Tea SpoonS,-Butter,
Knives, ItC. of Tarious styles end , prices, • ..• .
Gold feud Silver. .Thimbles - - • , , .1. ' ' •
Gold, - fill V . ol' and Common P Spectad es;- alarge assortment
to suit'all rges, and
,to - ; which we 'invite partictilar
' attention. " . ._. " • .
-Port-Monnaies a-large assortment - at every, prl . -------
Gold Pens,of t h e best make at.varions paces. ,
Fancy-Boxs, Port Folios, AcCordeofiS, Spectacle eases,
Ladies Card Cases, silver and'pearl, at venous prices,„--.
firacelets4old'and - cOMinnit - riVeich Chains ditto. •
. - Also.a large variety of articles in the-Jewelry line,
which - I - will sell - at the - low - est prices; — .A.ll - artitles Iffy ,
ranted to be. hat Weyer° sold. for.
'- ga..Particular.ottentiompeld_to_the IMPAIRING OF.
WA H andlill work warranted . Returning thanks,
to m o lends and customers for former patronage,
respectfu ly.wlicit a continuance of their favors. '
june2o •:. 'THOMAS CONLVN.
. C.
N..HANTCH, A- Go. baye
and now of
.. fer for. sale at - ' their Store on West lligh Street,
oue door west of the Hotel formerly kept by C. Slough,
at:col:4lre now stocic of Beady Made Clothing - ,
-Alio, Cloths,-Cassiniered anti. Vesting', - which-will he:- ~
made up in tho Vest - styli; and'on - reasonable terms.—•• '
Shirt", Shirt, Collars, Gloves, Malay, Suspenders, Satin '
and Summer Stocks, Handkerchiefs; 4c. of the newest /I
styles and beat manufacture kept constantly on hand,/
Confident of their ability to please, they - respectfully so, ,
Icit the public pateonage. - /
. . . ~.-
WM. H. TROUT, desiros to Inform hir(old friends
t ho has removed to Lis new establish - Mont on Nigh - „,
(1 11
treeti Mgkr_the RalimuLDepot,:aud - 15/now-e.pcming a I
'4largo and elegant assortniont of the FALL STYLE '
01.. llATS,Just'received-troni Philadelphia, which -
• • the gentlemen of - coilisle are requested to acil and
examine. • He has also -a large :assortment of Silk, Fur' :.
and Slouch Hat,115)!T1110 own manufacture, got up In the, •
beat style various prleep, the excellence and finish
co which ho *lll ararmnt. • iffeytock'lm'is can on. " •
ly needs to be examined: to be approved. Also, a large •
supply of .3leres,, Boy's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth '
and Fur, and of - every 'variety of style and PriceJust:re.
calved from Phihtdelphla. Let•all who want a Bat or
Can glie him a call,,as tbOy. miy: be sure of -belkig cult=,
. _
ed to their own satisfaction. - :-• . ,• - •
T ALL-STY - L - E - 01 - Hi s 55.-
' —GKORGE-KkLLER respectfully-announces-to-hi
o d — Patrons and the public gonerelly-that ho bas JIM re;
...-,d-tho-rsta.-sn-L-E-Or-0 EN TUN EN'S
HATS, ipenufactured at ono of the best entablleb
. mute in Philadelphia, to which he Invltennpechti
attention. - ,-* • _ . -
Bolas also constantly on handa large and varied as.
sortinent of his own manufacture as well as city made
I lats.a nd Cape r sultable• for-the sdsfmn, comprising every
variety of Russia, Beaver, Meleskln and Elllk liats, An.
!shed In the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and descriptlcr., and at every
price. Ite particularly Invites the public to call and ex- -
amine Bls exoenalre assortment/mhich In style, mato
MI and finish, cannot be surpassed by any fn — titarket:
mid which he is able to put at prices -low* than'ever.
Remember his stand on North Ilanover street, be.
tween Burner's a nd Sener's stores. r
• . .
•- _ ~.,_::.
\ ...---- F OR TfiE MILLION
millet' r ecelying my Fall
• ,' t :, t.,
• • Irs . •-:;•':. stock.. of-PAPER HANOINO.4,
vr , , r
ile .0 • • which surpass In style, quality
•Is re /.... ....._
. and price any that • have• ever
, '
been exhibeted In Carlisle. ' I respectfully solicit a call
from persons In want of . Paper Hangings of any descrip
tion, as I an( confident by assortment far snrpasses any
Id the Borough; and •in style and prices has but few ri
rills in'the city. I only ask of the public to call and ox.
amine my assortment before purchastmr,all am confl
dont-my-chaste desloThunot fail to please the most
fastidious. - . JOHN P. LYNE.,
West sideof North Hanover Street, •
id l tft r lV NEW GROCERY
The subscriber wonld respectfully inform h Is friends and
the public generally, that he ha. just rein,- ed from the
city with a large and varied .assortincut el'
FISH, eke., s k., which he offers for sale on the , 1 ,
most reasonable• terms, at hls New Store.
~ 0
eornerof North Hanover street and the l'ut• j
.4 , 4 v
lie_liquare-dlreetly-opposite-the CarlisimGe,-_-___ ..___.-7- -
posit Bank: Ills stock embrases everything usual])
in a Grocery and Variety .
The public are invited to. call .atd ers•-•
.be hr basil -- dreVenee. --
„Aoresurei ...sinxrelrow bore, as he feels confident he can
sell the best goods at the lowest prices. • ' •
Market Street,
- Philadelphia,
and Philidelphia. Cars leave both.plaees East and West,
twice every Week, Tuetulays and Frhlayst. Alt business
entrusted to Bingham. Davis & Co., will be attended Co
with promptneis, whether In sales, produce or freight.
A. 11. BARNITZ, Nprth street, Baltimore, has also
entered into this arrangement, and will attend prompt
ly to all business entrusted to him. - May3o,--atu.
10.1 1E S rfIEAS, 'COFFEE-
The subscriber ,has just
Added to his former stock a general selection of CHOICE
GROCERIES, as well at all the other variety of articles
Nusually kept in ra Grocery Store. embracing Din
)1(`,1 .geo.--roasted and green—at 12% and 14 cents
w's* - .•r lb., Orleans; Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized
Sugars, of fin eAvalitles ; Chocolates, Spices, Dairy
Salt,'andse'variety:Of Kinerartlclee, all of_whicb
fared arthe lowed cask prices. We are thankful for the
former support given us, and invite a further call from
our friends and - customers. • J. }V. EBY-
Marion Halt, Carlisle.
.WAltE—Old housekeepers and young, with then
also who are expecting to become housekeepers, are in vit
ed to call at HALBERT'S FAMILY ,GROCERY and ex
amine his elegantamortmentof China,GlassandQueens...
Bare and other articles in the honsekeepingjine,_such
as Freneb andEngllsirtea - sehiTh — eafrainded and plain,
White Granite, glided arid glue plain,lliener sets 9f ev-,
cry variety and price, bowls Wed pitchers, tureens, dish-
es, &c. • tilass , ware—centre table and mantel
Candelabras and other lamps,gretit'varity, table end bar
.suinblers, goblets *e. Fruit and preserve dishes, in va.
rletyl .Cedar - ware—tubcintaketiciE f urtis, bowls, butter
;prints and ladles, meal buckets; he. Brushes—sweeping,
white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, dusters,
:brooms, &e, Market, clothes and travelling . baskets.
Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and Seger& Call,
be 'who are fend echoice brands of - Segura andl the.
,Prlncipes, Regaling. Stottationis and otherCubavail ties,
and you will find them of unimpeachable qualltY.: - Also
ner Spanish and Common. Segant, with choice skull:and
tobacco. . •
. _
• ING.—The und,ersignod would inform the .
, • el teens of Carlisle that he has made armnge-,,
Meuts tidoGAS PITTING and ,PLUM.BgiG• at short ur
Lice, and on reasonable terms. Be has engaged tbe sera ,
- vices of sliest' rate hand Amu Philadelphia, and bee SUP,
plied himself with ,an extensive assortment tor FAX/;,,-
WM.% which will onabie hint to Un all orders - promptly;
All work will be warranted; Ilia stiwk.of Gas Fixtures ,
in the room exactly , . onposite'his Tinning .
establislimenton North ihmover street, where he invites
a call..
TINNINO,RPOTITING, ke.—lfe is also proiared
furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARN.
used* by houSeictiewrsand ottiers. Ile will also 'attend
and' ' - • .
. .
Tlinii!inii for the patiottag • o
witli hi - lA.IIO luolalrelOty
6 611.:Tar,ret); he ro.4D7t,:tftilly ' 's'olltitg'iitt , oi4tliiiiitiii6i'' ,1'
to Fzttne.
' fur merchants, lasiyors." ferme,' and' ()them having
Books,: PoPere,_ fir other valuahlos, to Rt7ellerfo •
FIRE liUltOLAßfg. •.• ' •
arn'TaralidWdWalrillnithelirlMlntfLO, 0K877 ---
A CAnn.-=The Plie Proof' . Safe," that preserved onr
- Books." Papers, during• theFbre' at Uirt!s .
Buildings,• was pUrchaged of i?LIY.EIt EVANS, 618. 2all
Bt., Philadelphia. ' . ' GETZ' ft BUCK.
.EVANS' Premium Ventilited Itefrigeratorsfor
and *proServing nierlts, butter; milk, .water, and 4d. .;
-artiOes for culinary purpoSes. . .
AVATEIt 1.1141.318 for purifying brackish , or muddy .
water; rhothor affected by, rains, limestone, marl;
other caueoe; eirt. bo :had separate or - attadmd tb th
it e (11.1 gent to hs—a small quantity of Ice cooling thu wh z ,ok
n the warmest'weather.____• ' '
or. cold,veater. - -
." VATER COOLEBB,,for_llotele,-Btores, and wellitlgM-
STORE - TRUCES, for moving hoses,. bale % ke.
BEAL PRESSES,'Copying do., •Drugg4t do. •
No. 61 South Second St., ( 2 doorshelow Chesniit.) -
March 15, (Established in 1835.) •
lit). 5.3 DOCK STIIPET•
The State Savings, Fund Is' attracting deposits flute
all classes of the community, in every section of the cltl
and.cOuntry. MI same of money returned on demand •
Deposits forwarded by mall to the order of the Treasu.
rer, will receive every necessaryattention..
GO. H. !MGT. •
' President.
CIIAITLES 1. 11111.AYi
Feb. 20, 18156---.6m.
ematical Drawing Instruments, separate and if.
cases, such as Dividers, Parallel ltnles,ivory,Doi-woo4.
and Paper - Scales,"Taquares, Triangles, Bow Pen,
Drawing Pens, Protractors, Gunter's Scales, Tape Melts
bletalic Tapes, Surveyors Chains; 2 and 4 Pole, At
and 100 feet, Surveyor's Compasses, Engineer's Level,
and Transits, Target Rods. &a. &c: Mask Unterps
the best construction. Scriptur al Diagrams, Astroffilcal
Natural History, Humorous, Chromatrope or Artiticia:
Find works, Dissolving Views,- Magnets, Poloramaa, Alf
Pumps, Electrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus and I
'arVe collection of Philosophical Instruments, suitabl.
: , r c...lloges and schools. Also,Spectacles, SpyHlaswee
;icroscopes, Thermometers, B arometers Reading
Hering received the agency for the sale •of
J;ss ecli 00 L APPARATUS, I am re rod
„- -- .resiirlfTeivniiirsisitliiiii:Orrery;"4"-Telhir an
'resole - . is ¢ inch Globe, a Hemisphere Globe, a set c
:camel Aral solids, a . Magnot In 6 'Vest Thnk r allimeket
with - ( - 1 - Tek — and key for' $2O. Illustrated and
pnrod catalogues forwarded Gratis.
r'; ‘ ," - : 264 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of 10th St.
• Chartered by the State of _Dennsylvania-in-11356- _
One do or above Second Street, Philadelphia,'
Receives Deposits In sums of One Dollar and upwag
from diferasses of the community , and . allows in Rd
at the rate_a_tive:_ter , cent--perennum: — Moneywpaid -- :
bie - k - Oridemand. ire•Oillce open daily from 9 until
5 o'clock, and on Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock
in the evening.
This institution will be ibund a convenient and sadh
place. of deposit for Farmers and others doing business.
in Philadelphia.. Deposits are paid on demand without
any previous notice being required. ° . '.- • •
Edmund-A. Solider, • Mon. Job It. Tyson, 7 . •
Stilwell S. Bishop, George Boldin, • •
James P. Perot, ' 'Robert Morris, • -
John McCardes, Edward L.. Clark,
! Jacob Sheets, .t. John Gallagher,
Joreph,sl. Jo ire,
'_Joseph R. Myers, RichardO. Stotesbitry,
Edward U. Trotter, William'Sblppen,jr.
Franklin Iticon, • ' Wm. P. 'Jenks,
• Thomas Cooper, 'EdgerE. Pettit,
, s•-• President—FßANKllli . •
—TreaSurer—PßAS. M. MORRIS. ,
- Secretary—JAMES S. PRINGLY. •
tn,..The Charter provides that'no manager, pincer or •
agent shall, directly or indirectly,' borrow any =env . •,:
from the Society. „ • • . 0ct17,1855-1y
.1_ FOE
JOHN STONE & SONS," IBS No. 45, Sotlth Second
• Street, Philadelphia,
would particularly tall the attention bf Iderehants and.
Milliners to Their large and handeomo assortment of
sarh as
iud every articlo'appin falai tig
The above goods bare been impacted expressly forour
Spring' Sales, And comprise the .bost assortment to ..ho
fonud u. the city. • • L 11350-7.91:
tar=,..^" , `• •
. .