Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1856, Image 6

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Armtrgo„ Reortmrid.
English and .Fienoh Agrioniture
An article, in a• late number of the
.-Edinbargh-Revie*,_givzs beurious_
and inetruotive reference to; alit
agriculture of France-and. Great
- The former country, in spite of having
thelnesrolhaate, actually produces - less;
, per acre, than the latter, for while, the
average yield of wheat in France. is thir
teen ant-At...half bushels' to the acre, in the
United Kingdoms it is twenty-eight
._bushels.- ` •
The cause of•Abis inferiority is thp
comparatively slovenly farming of France.::
Though Great Britain has onaeurth less
-population:acid soil,_the_numbert_of.eattV:
in - that kingdom. is nearly equal to thos'e
•in the empire. ,The results are two fold. ' t
.:Firstly, a much smaller proportion of the
soil in France is laid down in those pas
tures, roote.and artificial grasses, used in
raising cattle ;- anci, secondly,-the supply
of natccral and artificial manures is much
less abundant' . than In Great Britain.
Morcover,-the rotation in crops - WIT less
perfectly understood and practical,- abodt '
one-eighth of the arable land is left fal.
1 . 1 7cr. eaeh year. 'ln the British isles. out.
- of about forty-six millions of acres under
cultivation, thirty-iix . Millions are ,devo
ted to growing Ai - 6d for live stock, and
but tea_millionsio food' for man ;; but in
France, twenty Millions only are - given
to the ameliorating crops, while the ex
_ Itausting crow or those which give -
to man, occupy
,forty With
fewer acres under etatiVation, therefore.
France could' raise more wheat, if her
,agriculture-was-more saientific.
France ,= taken as a whole, produces
about eight dollars an acrEngland,
-sixteen.. The animal produce oNn Eng
ligh farm is equal to the total yield .of a
French ftirm of similar size.. The value
of land in -Englankavera,gcs two hundred
\ dollars per acre; in France it averages
only about one - hundred. The consump-,
tion_of animal food in France, including
fowltfish, eggs, and cheese; as well as
meat proper,,is but,one-sixth of a pound
-.daily, or baely,..ene-third of that in .gai:
land.. Then:Ns no doubt that • tho cli
mate requires less animal food in the for
mer c.mntyy : than in" the latter; but. still
-- this - disparity 41 excOve. Two hundred
years ago; the .agricultuYe of France .was
far more advanced than thak of gngland.
During the seventeenth centary, the for
....mer'bountry constantly exported corn to
_the latter. But from the time of the
great Wars of Louis XIV, the agiiculture
of : Frpce his -stood comparatively stn :
tionary, while that of Great Britain has
been improving over since the close, of
her civil wars. Unsettled' governments,
the drain of men for the army, and the
impoverishment caused by long" wars,
have produced the - evils' in the'Rne case,
as their absence has led to this vast ma-
terial progress in the other.
Louis Napoleon, now apparently seat
ed firmly on his throne, at least for life,
may do much to redeem France from this
inferiority r -lle has proclaimed himself
the friend of material progress, and, to
do him justice, has really stimulated
Frenel industry in many - directions. It
remains to be'seen if he will assist, as
notch as he might, 'the development of
French agritultdre. If he can raise the
- .product of wheat, per aere, from thirteen
and a-half bushels, • to_twenty-eight, he
will have done more-foi. his country than
if he had conquered Moscow, subjugated
Turkey, or annexed Naples. 'The hun
dred 'victories of his ui)cle, , the glories of
Marengo turd Austerlitz', will be as itoth
ing, compaadd with suck a reform in the
farmitig_ of France.
How To...START MELONS.-A •:4
pondent of the Country Genilentan gives
the following plau fcr starting melons :
4 . I%lfplan for obtaining early plants, - is 4
to construct a rude .basket or , wickerwork
of willow or other twigk-liTnething like_
a bird's nest, without the inside filling
up. ; Make a hole - in ihe„soil of the hot
bed of sufficient size to ad:pinkie basket,
fill .up,' plant and cover the seeds, rake
and ~ , smooth , the surface. When',the
weather is warm enough, and sufficiqntly
settled to admit of outside planting,- 1
make my hills, and lift'the little baskets
containing the plants, and carefully re=
move them to their places, where 'they
'quiCkly strike through the open net work
of the' basket
. infe mother earth,ind soon
repay all4rop.b.le‘ them " a start
in the iVorld. l3 :' ,
To . AeItIeUVPUBISTw—In herinereahe
the, moon supplies Mere 'eleetrisiity - te'tbe
atmosphere; hence all vegetation
di Ld'S upon the atmospheric electricity
Irilall,ment should be sown
ning shrubs,, or plants, sliould be.
dented, or sot, just after the—' new
Le second'quurter', theygrow Silf:
seldom bear much towers or fruit
field • best, seed should be sown,
e'es seCor pruned, some lour to
Lys before the full moon. If such
les or trees-are sewn, Ice., after
the full, they seldom realize expectation;
but esculent roots, potatoei, onions,, beets.
&c., depending for nourishment on---ter
restial ningnetum instead of atmo'spher,ic
- electricity best when_soin _or phintel
in the decreasing moon.—/Lfpnthill Raik-
itiateos tarbs.
DENTIST. Oporrtting r m et
the reeldento of Dr. Safivuel Mete,
V6M - 1110 - xtr6o,t, -- Cerrilsldr — : . Lll . aingT ;
South Hanover 'street,
next door te-the Post •
Oilleo, • -
0f.10.1wl month.iiba tibeent , !rout
. Carnal() the ,last-ton days
- ' • f Aug. I, '55
at the residence of
. 1111144, - hisbrother, on North Pitt Street,
lisle. •
' •
1 , Alt . . GEORGE S. SEA
.III4;a4I , I ItlGll7', DENTkT, from the Bai
t moro College of Dental Surgery, Is
now prepared
.to insort..Artittviar Tooth of every de
seelption, end to porifurm all 'the other , v'arlons duties
portgining to the tr *dim of his professlon..'olHce at the
residuum of his mother, East Imuther street, throe doors
below Bedford. ltvflonee—Dr. Ciao. Z.l.lretz,nf Carlisle . .
•3lareh 19, 1366—tf. . • • ,
D.". . KIEFFER Office in - North
_ 11anovor pltipet Iwo doom, from IVoisu . mp`a3ll's
store. Wilco how*, IllOreparticularly:rrOm 7 to tr o crack,
A. M., and frotrib to 7 o'cloCk, M.
110CTOtt S. P. ZIEGLER.--Office
arid Residence East Main Strout, third door, claw
ho Market Calls lu town and county promptly
%-_—_ - .Carilslei,..lan.l,lBsB :sr -
IVILLIA3I ' - RI-lEE3I, Attorney
Y at Law. °Mee in :gain - Street, Carlisle, Pa::
414ritusines4 OntrustMC to him will be promptly at
n•lot u . :-- • 7.'ob.
. . .
N. GREEN, Attorney law,~lias
_ L A.. settled in MechitniesbUrg, for the. practice of his
protc.,sion. All:klnds of Legal Writings Collections,
Court business; dtie.; imomptly attended to. Office oppo
site Dr. holigls residence.— IiUItVEYINO In all itrklitte
-rent brandies-promptly attended to: •
B. COLE Attoiney at Law, will at
‘...A tend promptly to all business ei4rusted
to 6im.—
OWce In the room (oratory occupiod
Esq., North Hanover street, Carlisle.
April 20. 1852..
ChtA. L. SPONSLER,- late Register t,f Limber
Mad ,county, will carefully attend to the transaction - of
all such business as may bo entrusted to him, such as
the.writing of Deeds, Mortgages Contracts, &c.
also devote his attention to the procuring of Land War
rants, Pensions, &c. as well as the purchase and sale
of Real Estate, negotiations, of loans, ac. t. - 9,.oilice on
West high Street, formerly occupied, I ,y W. M. Poures,„
Esq. near the !tbathodist Church. • ' , . •
J /East. DEPOSITS will be received at this Bank for
any length of time over four months, And Interest paid
at the rate of FOUR l'Elt C,ENT. per annum, and, the
prinOpal paid any time after maturity without
notice. Interest coases after the expiratiotrofTlielltne
specified lu'the certifikate, unless renewed, for another
gluon period, in twhiclrcase the .interitst is paid up un
til the time of the rellgwal: Bank opens Atli o'clock,
M. and closes at 2 &crack, I'. M.
_ .It,,PARK E , President.
W. liErrex, Cashier. aptly
T.. W. 131t.A.NDT, Manufacturer •of
‘..A q Mineral Watere, Frond' !dead, ' •
`• Bottled Ale, Porter And Cider,
North noltr tholtalt Rued Bridge; CAtllslo
With a Splendid variety of •
The undersigned just rePlenishod his stock of
goods; and Ws rugs and Chemicals, .have been so.
Meted with , great care, ho ds prepared toj , lll /11,ottle!rs
promptly ills friends may rely upon. the genuineness
and purity of every article. •
Ills stack of CONFF,CTIONARY is large and seleadd
with special reference to •the Holiday's. It will afford
any variety perions may dosiro In that lino,. Ile has
large:essortment of French, German and domestic Fancy
Catidlos, ell fresh and of the very best quality. Ills es.
a/au/elle/if- FANCY GOODS- is largo- and embraces al
mast every thing necessary for the Toilet and FM - filly.
lie I /patch special attention to his Fancy'Worit.„llexus,
Ladies' Bags, Cologne bottles, Watch and — Card Trays,
Pert Folios, Peat/mules,
Quick sales, small profits and strict consistency in
-trade shall ohnricZerise our business
scr.—l. have just received from Philadelphia and.
New York very extensive-additions to my,
/ former steck,embracing overyartielu
of Medicine now in use, together with.'
" Paints, 011 s, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfu
ioaary -- Pine Cut' ' • •
~ Soaps , Stet
fag lackle,lirushos of almost every desCrip; '
lon, with an endless variety 'of other articles, which I
am determined - to - soli at - the - vzitrtowssrprices: - 7 --
AM Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and. oth•
era, are respectfully requested not to as ttio OLD
STANDos they :nay rest assured that every article will
hesold of a good quality; and upon reasonable terms.
Main street. Carlisleti
May 30
--OttOCERY.—Tho undersigned, having located himself
permanently in Carlisle, has opened a, Shop and Furni
ture Rooms, where he intends to manufacture and keep.
constantly on hand variety of Parlor and . Chamlier
slot• FURNITURE and 011AlltS. Hating considerable
- experience in the business, and intending to pay
personal attention to ttio work and finish of his
furniture, ho expects to give general satisfaction
to all those who may favor hith with their custom. It
. will be his -aim- to attend _to business _with as much
promptness riajlosslble, and.Wrill think nothing in.hls
line unworthy his attention. ' , .. ,• ' ' '
lie Will warrant 11.10:yroik to be good; neat and in.the
• latest styles,--Well' finished,- and•will sell' t the. lowest
. prices possible for cash. ' .
• Having furnished himself with an excellent limns;
he will bo ready to fill any orders in that line, prompt.
ly and on the most reasonable terms. . '' -
~ A ll kinds -of furniture repaired and re-dressed
promptly and in the best manner. . •
Carlisle; April 16, 1866. - " ALEX.II. EWING. ~
ugt;.Cheni):J:ob . Printing done hare.
ALL. WlttlFs-g AdADPAY,:* 4 ,.
VY' . 141 es v;is of :War' eleientli
sees on o' this - institution will commonco-. - on—ldonday,-
:tho-Oth of May, next: ,Parents' and Guardians ~ariv- r o,
spectfully requested to inquire into the niorlts' or the"
Institution. Tl:holOcation is retired ploasant and health
fed, and the Course of instruction embraces 'the ordina
iy and higher branches-of an Eugligli Education - .too
.getherrivith-thOlatim-Grinikah r a.nd,Ootnilyl v ia l3 %
[magas, and: Vocal and instrumental. music; Seruni; -
boarding, Avashing, and Tuition in tho English branch-.
•es and vocal music par session (21 wooks)_410,00. For'
circular containing particulars address.
• March, 12, 1858.) ' ilarrisbuirg, Pa. "
‘,..; MR. and MRB. CLARK, who have been - for - several:
_yeatti engaged in teaching; respectfully announce to the
citizens of Carlisle
,and‘vicinity, tlmt-on the Ist of-April,
185t1,_they will open In Louther Street, in the, house
lately occupied by Dr. illutnenthal,
-The_ Malt and any
school, In which all the blanches necessary' or the com
plete educatiomolyournkladieS will be, taught. • Assist
ants of the 'highest 'Character fur qualifications 'and
moralituililte employed In accordance with the want's
of the Institution. The goierutuent will be couducted
-on strictly :- Christian principles; -while sectariatilsm-will
bo murigidly.excluded.• . . .
The Principala - flatter themselves that their long and
successful experiened _as teachers,' as testified by the
recommendations in their possession, will enable them
to establish an InStitutiOn of the blgheat character 'for
- young ladies. • They ore fully persuaded that such an'
Institution will beaustained here by the citizens and
nel .bborin _ cu ~autl_Ltope_Ahat-their—confidence
may not bti disappointed.
A department for younger children "wilt-be im
mediately organized. . •
Boarding, including fuel, lights, and
wnahirig,. . 450 00
Primary Departthent, - • - • 7 _•8 00 .
Higher English, - . • . 12 00 ,
AnciOnt Languages, each," - - 0 00
Modern ' " . - • 800
Ornamental branches at professor's charges.
So .deduction -fir absence after,untrance, •except in
case of protracted illness. •
Hon. FRED7c. WATTS, Rot. C. P. WINO, •
I'D. PARKER, - Bev • " • " A. IL.ABEMER,,
Bev. J. B, MORSS,
Marpli 19, 1856-1 year. *?‘ - •
• .
ri ohl .
11 Elt CI A .14 COLLEGE,
removed to the new and'spnciunli Hall, No: 90 Ilnd
0. IC en.o.tunt.tx,l'rinelpol still Lecturer mum Murc.alr:
tile Science . •
E. E. Losign, in charge of Writing g l)OtOrtment.,-
0. AV. Kumo, Instructor in Morettntile..oolettintiOns and
Assotisitelu Book . Keeping Department. . , •
J. M. l'iint.tes; TOucherln.ltOok Keeping.
Three years lmye not yet einpsed_sinee the establish,
then'. of this institution, during 111)1(11 time upwards of
eight hundred students hate been In attendance, (rep•
resealing nearly every "State in the• Union;) among
whom are numbersdn Baltimore and Miewhere occupy
ing' lavullutnt positions as busidess men atnt account.
iioOfi KEEPTNC!:—The Principal has the utmost(oti.
.fldmice In assuring the public that ;Moran expel levreeQ
lintrteen years In n . ualifying young men for the Count
lialtiVueitiad other important stations, and an exten-
SiVe:ltc.iiniintattco with the - management of business
books of every description, (assisted as he is by two sti
"title accountato,) the course of tattling in this do
piirtment Is eminently firactical and well adapted-to
the various pursuits of Commerce and Trade, including
gartnership, 'Mercantile, Manuthetuting,
Commission, Exchange, Banking, Sitipplng, Steamboat.
lug, Compound Company operatlOnax_am.
, PENMANSIIIP.—Phe exerctius under this bend are
free, easy and graceful, combining rapidity of execution'
with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student
to write un elegant, buSiness baud on completion of the
bearings are taught'by the most accurate and expodi
Daily lectures afro delivered upon the Seielleg of Ac
:Junts--)lercantile. ustoms,•,tet, those In connection
wah . axeries oftectUres on Commercial Law s are of the
highest importance-to all aspiring to oceupy,protutnent
positions In the business conmiunlty.
The time necessary fur an Industrious student to
complete the courstyvarieg from 8 to 12 . Weeks. .Thero
_being no vacation, applicants can enter at'anylitne;
and attend both day and evening; Examinations are
hOld at, stated periods; and diplomas awarded to t: ise
who gkcluato. For terms, etc. ; write and have a ell 11
tar forwtirded by mall. [Act. I,
• •
0 . 4 1:11LISIE •AGENOY,
Charter. Irorpotual.—sloo,ooo Capital paid In. OBlce
• -
. 1 1113%.theanub street., -
MAKENeluttANcr, either Verrunnout or limited, against
loss or damage by fire, on rikonikvr and ZITECTB Of every
description, in town or Cotintrhon, the most reasquablo
terms. Applications made either Personally or, by letter,
will be promptly attendedlo. .
C. N. BANCklat, Pres't.
. ,
. , . .1
. •
The subscriber is agent for tho above company for
Carlisle and its vicinity. 411 applicationslor 'insurance'
either by mall or personally, isill be promptly attended
to 14 • . ' A. L. SPONSLEIL
. .noal..Estato Agent.and Scrivener.. •
du/LANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo
rated by an act of Assembly, is ud.v fully organized, and
in 0 - perathiu under the management: of•the following
commissioners, viz: - 7 • •
Daniel . Bailey, William `lt. - GorgasiMichnol - Cocklin, -
blelCheir Brom ouiltn, Christian _Stayeatin, John Cl.'bun L ._
lap, Jacob li. Coover, Henry_ Logan, Ilopja !
'min ll.' Musser,. Jacob Mumum, Joseph WicAcersheuni
Alexandereathcait' • .• • -
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any
Company of the kill in the State.- Persons wishing to
become members'hre invited to make application, to the.
agents of the conipany,' wile are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
- BENJ. IL : MOSSEIL, President. k
HENRY LOGAN, Vice-President.
' LEWIS BYER, Secretary.
- MIDITAEL. COO ItLIN S Tieasuror.
. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
berland; C. B. Herman; Kingstown; floury Ewing,
Shiremanstown • Charles • 8011, Carlisle ; Dr. J.
Ohurchtown ; Samuel tiraliant, West Pennsborongli ;
James Mc Dowel, Prankford; - nodetiriffithi-Sotittililid
dieton; Sannfel Coovor, Benjamin Ilaverstick, Mechan
icsburg; John Shorrick, Lisburn; David Coover,—Shop
YORK COUNTY .— John Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter
Wolford, Franklin; John Smijb, Esq., Washington; W.
B. Picking; Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise.
lIARRISBURO.—IIouser S Lochman.
Members of the company having policies abou o t to ex
piro can have them renewed by making application to
ans.of the again*. .
- WALL PAPER_ by th - t) Ton.—Just
•V V- received A large 'assortment pf Will Paper,
which Will he sold very - ehP 11 1).
March 20, 1850.) lIENItYI SAXTON.
and superior article for hanging Darn Doers, just'
received and for sale e , U. SAXTON'S.
nov. 28 2 !35 . . •
hareqal c - onsta . ptjy on
band and for sal%) by : • - .
2111,6.' Ag't.,
i'..:':1•!)44'.0v, 1 1 . 1,.::':' . ;' - : , .1'.'',:.' - '
• • • wholosale'and'roiall LOOKING,GLASS - AND PIO
.opposite, the Teifi — Wer;ylillikid9lisbia. ,
.J1,,._& Eci,. - _recei 4 ved tWonly Prize Medal,__ itwirded at
the'Orystal Palace exhipition - TN;lC;lBsllthilliiiiiid
'States, for Gilt; Dicorated, Mantel and .Pler„Glasse.. .
.„,,.11.,_ SMIT - ILYOWP - MONNAI - A --
• -POKET'BOOK - and" ioitiggliVirrirfir—.
lanufacturer, N.W. corner 4th and Cheenut'st?eets
, • ramkort.t.utA, -• • , , •
IQ - Always on band' largo and varied assortinont of
rort Monanies, . Work Boxes. 'l,, •
Petkot Books, . Cab's;
Bankeis Cities i • • • Travelling Bags, • ~ • .
Note-Holders, -•-. • Backgammon Boards; ,
Port Yollos,„ - • .' ' '•Chess_Men.._ _ •
- - - .skr Pocket !!Imporandur-n-Books
:Portable Desks,
Dressing, Cases, Cigar Cases,, &c..
Also a general assortment of English,French andfei ,
man Fancy Goods, fine pocket Cutlery, Razors, Bator
Strops and -
SW-Wholesale second and third Floors.
aprlB .'— .F. li. SMITIf - ,
. N,W._cornor nth and Chesnut streels.
N:ll.7—On the receipt of 'sl a superior Gold lforf:*111 - *
be 2 mont to any part of the. country by timll , —describing
pen thus, medium, hard or soft.
. .
Ejk. orr• FIRE moo' SAFAkwith, flail's 4tofit
• Pocvder Proof Locks, when wore
r,-;"•••''-':-':":,'• awarded separate Module at the
iff-:'' , ,l4tf'N'illfV.-.;:-,'; , i World's Fair, London, 1851, and.
F61:::.1 • .•1 , , , ,'': also-air' the World's-- Fair,. - , Now
4i . z.-:. ' .; .,-11 ,
~:f:., i ! ' 'York, 1853 'and '54. The subscri
'ir7lTq I . %VP lforff are•-tho _sole manufacturers
1 , ..., , Nt . ,. it, Y.A'...A and proprietors In thislitato of
~2 - 4l•Aic •.- 'l ,, ',:ii the abovo - uullqualled Safes and
Wlltil - , '.; ; ' , f',4 Locks': - The reputation of the
11l Of': ' 37;1 gen uine."llerring's Safe" Is - work'
~' t
'V-•• ' 3 ' I ,„.4...,• , wide,. and. Ibr the last thirteen
41i,r , ..;k1 ''''''''"' • rel the- mercantile community
~e...- )ea
.. ."".• • have - w Hues std - ifti - d - herb 0 - testi ,
teeny to their NEVER FAILING fire Prborlitalities. • More
than 42,000 of those Safes have been actually sold, and
over TWO tomnium have passed "triumphantly through
accidefital fires. The public are assured -that all Safes
manufactured by the subscribers are not only guaran- .
Coed to be fully equal, but 'filmylly rospectil-even supe
rior to l those Whiell have been so .seterely tried by'tire -
Few - will forget their sorvices in tisk, burning of the
"Tribune establishment;' Now York, and at the Great
FirFlit - Strawberry - street,-at -the .large._fire_ last__ 4 uly,_
opposite the Girard Iliiuse; and still more recently
in tho Fire At. Fifth and Chesnut ste., in' the city of,_ which. thesii:-.Wes came forth the ac
knowledged 'CHAMPION,' when many. other securities
failed.. ' FARREL A: CO., ''
. 34 WALNUT Street, Philadolph‘a.
' Chilled Iron Safes, figth Powder Proof Locks, mann;
facturod expressly for thinks; Brokers, Jowellers,'Und•
others requiring security . from 'rogues. hank Vaults,
Doonf,le..ofi hand•and made to order. Allthe most
celebrated Locks for Manufacturers' prices. . • •
Second hand -‘ Safes,";'•• Salamanders? - an& "Iron
Chests" of other makers: - have been taken In part pay
mont for Ilerring , slor sale at half price. • . apl• - .
[if • ‘‘, ASSUGIATION,
votai! , ,T. A.N.NOUNC.E3II:NT.-;
tll — rieri•Finia - uthictod with - Seinai r diseases, sat,
SIC3IISAb .11' LA ICA hs.S, .I.3UVI'E:SCE, 90.;Wit.1(114
Thu IiOIVARD ASSueIATION of Philadelphia . in
view of ttie awful destruction of human lite and healtl
• Calltiell by Sexual diseases, and. the tip:4olms which at.:
"practised upoti-thti.untirtuuute f such disease:,
Quacks,have directed their - consulting Surgeon, as u
1:11AltITA11.1 . ; ACT worthy of their nutne, to give
Ul_tATlS,_tu alk pursues thus al-
flirted t3htle-or Female .) who apply by letter,fpost-palil,)
with L ai closet44km of their condition, itgefeeettputiou,'
habits et life, ac.,) and in extreme povertynud satthing
to Mr.DIcINES . _
'The Howard Association Is a benevolent Institution,
established by special endowment, for the. tenet of the
sick and distressed, afflicted With . ",Viruleut and
demi° diseases," and its funds can be usedior hid other
purpose. It has now a 'lcarian' .uf weans, which the
Directors have voted to advertise the above notice.,, It
is needless - to add that. the Asseelation cotumands the
highest Medical skill of the age. •
Address, (post-paid,) tl k..O..II.:CALIIOUN, Consult.
lug Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia, l'a.
By order of the Directors,
EZRA D. lIEARTWELL, President.
GEO:TAILECHILD, Secretary. • '
LICILLARD, .Premium hair
Ay inventor of theCelelmtted Gossamer" Ventilating
nig and Mastic Band Toupees. Instructions to enable
Ladies and lientlemere to measure their heads. with ao•
curacy. •
Fon Wias, inches.—No. 1. The round of the head; No.
2. from forehead over the head - to the neck; No. 3.
From ear to 'ear over the top; No. 4..lerum ear to ear
round the forehead.- •' " • -
Toupees and scalps, inches.—No. Prom forehead to
hack as far as bald; No. 2, Over forehead as far as requir ,
ed; No. J. Over the crown of the head. • •
It, DOLLARD has always ready for salo_a splendid
stock of Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladles' Wigs. half Wigs,
Prisoty,..llr.dsis, Coris„Ac.,.heautifullyumuufacturedaud,
as cheap as any establishment in the Union.: •
Dollards•lierhanium Extractor Lustrous Ilijr Tonic,
prepared from South American Herbs and-R6ots, the
most successful article over produced for preserving tun
hair from felling ,out, or .changing ,color, restoring and
preserving it' in alieattliy and luxuriant state, Among
other reasons why Dollard:li hair cutting saloon main
tains its immense popularity ii the filet that his Tonic is
applied to every bead of hair.,cut!, - at ‘liis establishment,
consequently it is kept In better, preservation thin un
der any known application. >lt being thus practically,
tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its
Sold wholesale and retail at his' Olii Establisbnient 177
Chestnut street opposite the State: House, Philadelphia:
R.-Dollard lutist least discovered plus ultra of
HAIR DYE, and. announces it for sale with perfect con
fidence In its surpassing every thing of the kind•nowlu
use. It colors the hair either black o brown, (as may
ho desired) and' Is used without 'in) yto the Lair or
akin either by stain or otherwise, can washed oil in
ten minutes after appl teat io nOr ithout d Fact froth
its.ollicacy.,. Persons visiting the city are give
Wu a
Letters,addresseal to R. DOLLARD, 117 estnut sk,
'PhiladelPhia, receive attention. • Jan. 26-ly
It E N C II TRUSSES.—Heinia of
.. Rupture successfully treated, and comfort insured,
F -
by use of- theVelog,nut k'rench-Trtisses, imported by the,
subscriber, and muddle order expressly for his sales.
- All suffering with -11upture.will-lal. gratified to learn
that the occasion-now offerelcprocure'N'TVass-.conibin
frig extreme lightness, with ease, duntbilityand correct
conetruction,,ln lieu of the cumbrous and uncomforta
ble article usually sold. An extensive assortmen always
on itand;adapted-to every variety of Rupture in adults
and children, and ibr sale at a range of price to suit all.
Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $J, , $4 and ssi-110uble, $4,
$5, $ 6 , sti and $lO. r •
Persons at a distance can have a Truss sent to any ad
`dniss by remitting the amount, sending measure around
-the- hips, -and stating side affected--* =-------- - --.---; .
For dale Wholesale and Retail by the IMporter.
• • A;W. car. of Twelfth & Race Sts., Philadelphia.
Depciffor Dr. Binning's Iniproved Patent Body lintecg•
Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Shoulder
Braces; Suspensory lkindages; Spinal. Props and Sup.
ports.. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants.
; • '.
April 11,
. .
1 - ,AttUGB.I - bitUOS I DRUGS i IPresli
_SUPPI,Y I • I have just received a fresh stock of
Medicines, Paints, Ohms, Oil, &c., which, baying
boon purchased with great care at the best city
houses, 1 cauconfidently, recommend to Families
Physicians, country Merchants and Dealers, as be-,
lug fresh and pure. - ... , • . .
DRUGS--Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Instru
ments, pure ',Essential Oils, Herbs and Extracts, Spices,
ground and whole, Essences, Perfumery, &e.
Cod- Liver 011 L-warranted genuine.. , .'.
MYE-STUFFS 7 -IndigOes, Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log
and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol, Copperas, Pic Dye.
PAlNTS,,Wetherill & Brother's Pure Load, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish 'Brushes, Jersey
Window Glass, Linseed 011, Turpentine, Copal and coach
tarnish, and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the
very lowest market price. , . '
let's°, a fresh' and splendid assortment . of FANCY
GOODS, Fruits, Confectionary, and innumerable other
articles calculated 'for .use and_ornenient, all of which.
are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the chettpTrug,
Wok and Fancy Stoma' the 'subscriber. .on North ]lan-.
°verstreut. , ' •
.. • S. y'-•1 evEitsTim .
atlCiltitita •
Adapted , also for sowing .oats, grass seeds..'and .
uano. Itnttlser's Portable CiderMill-Abobest,' ,
t . 11MITket. patent:Windmill,
Horso - Polier'aand Thresh - a - lea;
LimoLlmoand Guano • •
Spreader's, Danlers Tiny , . Straw and Fodder. tint , r.
Little Giant Corn- and Cob 3.1114 'Spain's .Atmosjill •
_Chnrn. Tboabove Superior imphonentswititall othe ,
for the lige Otil k Ai l irMr...94W . 4 . ;
. • ' _ _
and stet t
IftrieniturtirObobses'and. Seed ,Store, comer Ith '
and Market Streets, PAlladelphla. . ' '815.:: • .
ant 23 _Routh- Siith - Street -.'
• - .:_tntliAlkt,PlllA.
ItANUPActOp.7„;Griat.ol, Pa.
P.TED GI " • Pal
Os. ..,
AJ , DRICH-&-ErkRGENT,-No.-410 Market Street,.Thilada , --
This. cutteris superior to any now in use, strength
durability. and simplialty of construction; It cuts fast..
or, and is the only self-sharpening Hay. Straw. and Coria •
Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIFE, which auy,person can grind and set with ease,
but lii ordinary case, is ground in the machine. Thou-
sands have 'already been sold, and the. demand is daily
increasing: In Most cases•an examination is sufficient'
to convince one of its superiority. No qme after a shot
trial *mild part with it Mr any other. All sixes Of the
above , ccmstantly on hand and for sale by •
. - -
oet I :
Solo Agent for Cumberland county. •
Thu LETTL!.. GUN; though but rocently intrisluced
from the, now stands all the most
SIMPLE, EFFICIENT, and popular Firm MILL of the ago.'
Our NisavrACTOILIES aro probably the Only ones In the
World—exclusively devoted to making Aletitlic
therefore pOssesi superior advantages in preparing such
an admixture of metals, as best adapted to making a
strong and durable article.'
The LITTLE 01A:crime been awarded the First Premi•
'um at the principle Fairs of tiro. Nation, as the, most
complete, and convenient 151111 now'invse.
• These Mitts are not only guaranteed superibr. to. all
others in their construction and/ quality. of-material,
but in the amount and quality, of work they. Perform
with any given power: and warranted in all& cases to
suit, or the purchnse-woney rixTunded on return of the
They aro offered to.Faimers and the trade complete, '
at $2B, $32 and $36; for No.l, No. 2 abd No. 3, and $2
extro_for_ savoys._ _Warranted to "grind-frozw-8 -to
bushels per hew according to size. •
This Mu, is a most complete and important article
tor_Plan t ors, Farmers V _ otkers,—haVi --horstsproder—
or otberyouvonlences running a bolt. They can be
worked advantageous
y with one, two or more _horses, .
wherevurst speed of from four, to _FkA.hundrod...taTolu-,,
tions per minute - eau be obtelped upon all-inch
with a 334. Inch belt.
- These MILLS are adapted to any kind of work, grind
log coarse feed from corti,,pats, &c., or fine meal from
corn ' wheat or rye; and corn & cob In tho most Oaths..
factory manner, and with a vast saving_ of power over
all other mills, Cob being'cut with sharp cast-steel.
The first premium was awarded these 4 .11111 - at tho
late Fairs& New Jersey; Pennsylvania, and the Indtutr—
trial Exhibition at lioston.
-'The Nimble Want weighs about 300 pounds, occupy
ing a space of ao Inches square. ...It Is peculiarly !ample,'
strong, and durable; requiring no skill to run, it, or ,to
keep ft in order. •
They are'offeSed complete, ready for attaching go
ball, at $55; NVith cast steel cob attachments,so4._
ranted to give the most perfect satisfaction.
Please call at the Little Giant :Works, and witness
thelr.operation. Manufacturedtv .
. ROSS SCOTT 4.--COtie.
Ftb. 13. Sino-pd
Patented Juno 7, Ind.—The subscriber; having purr ;'
chagentio, interest of his parther, Mosei C. Eberly Is
prepared to manufacture the above Rake on reasona ble'.
terms, at the old stand, opposite the Steam Sawmill.
Tills. Rake is simple in construction and not liable toget
out of order; It is Well adapted to the raking of hay
grain, and_workawellinsongh or /doily 'ground; baring
metalliespring teeth. Its operation'-is most easy and
simple—the operator, instead ofoperatlng the rake with
.hiS bands, rides, and controls it with his feet. l'ven a',
lame laxy_p9rsou can-earn good wagei with one of
pees rakes without much exertion; or a, gentlehtart
wishing to.amuse hinsself,tan
.set` on his, rake, ride ,
abOut in Ids gig, do as much work is 'mitt.
hishands,uild ride back to terii: 'Persona who have tried
this, conaider it the cheapest; simplest, mut best Horse"
Rakepow,iti vile, eta all sold. last season gave general
satisfaction. Ii was exhibited at - various County Fairs, '
snit rit - theltate lairs 'of . Pennsylvania and Michigan,
and drew Use First Premium at each: ,
Esving met with'....reasunable encouragement last • -
season, the subscriber Would; return thanks for past
faVors and solicit all persons in want of , a good Rake to
eye him a call at the Park Foun cl ry,..Mochanicabturg,
Pa., at the nianufactory.
Any preen having' light - Virden wheels, about
fbutefeet high, can have a rake made to order by sending
height of wheel, length of hub, and also of boxes, '
TERMS EASY—Pric6 $2O with wheels, And #l2 with
out.- Orders Addressed to 'the undersigne4' at Ma
clianicsburg, Pet. will receive prompt attention.
blotch 20, 113001--3.%]. U IV:MILLER.
VaiON, - . _
HAMS AND SIDES, • • , Market St., Inart,
SHOULDERS, - ' *.., . Philadelphia.
LARD' ANT, CHEESE.. April 1,1850---3 m.,
Constantly on bawl and
for sale by . ,• •