11 New —dlttnertisenierits. Q R EGE., • - " JUaT,lOl.l.Oi. TII3 EAC4_ ;0111ceappositi) tifellyast pf : -019 cpurAlipusq 1856: -• •' ' ' . , . 1 ' 11 !bSerlber lie.o Just trodetv_9itt la lel:ef' -: Bli 11E It IL I-/‘L: G-!—The • .-SUPERIOR FREI:i' -- -lIIER ' Ittga y : - 7 of thls yea?S'eatel . a: 'lies sale at - the SStablistiod . 9roeery.: '1:" . ' '.lr, D.-TiALI3EIII',-- frit 23, 1855..] •' ,• ' North' liangver Street.- fro TiIIiII'FATIAING: • CQMAIUNI ...- • _ . 4 17I—ThCrattentickil'of.ifirrnots Is Inviird to •, WAKEFIELD'S lIAND COEN-lI:ANTED .-. .Thte 3 the elinpleitAiteapeat and bolitAmPrevement of the ago; Price orilY . ss;itith ti*ritton 4putranteo that it wlll.give perfect,satisfactiOrthi,th‘f MottAy returned: . . • • ao that you run no ilak in trying,it.: haite.a large . number of the-licit., respeetablo - ,roforenei , lovhich can • be seon• at our Stere: • • Wo.,have itlsO"Yust - :eoceived bier • • .Spring_Stecleof lloes, etc.; which.-ls'iory largaquidOenaplote, and -which . :will bo Weld at thd . cory,low,eit prkea.--! A, large' assort ment of home-made Chains.ofall hinds,#l,Wayslm.store at manufacturorte prices. , . . , - " ' ' iJOIIN LYNE' & SON, ' • ;North;-Hanover Street, Carllsle. . • ..... ... • . . -,. . : p . ItT — .._ICIA . ._G• c' SA I,_,E._:_. - AF IA - i • • i 4- STEAM SAW MILL PROPERTY, iii • . I..E=. . 'he anbscrilier.will sell at public sale, 411.:_! . ....i,;V::.• 4 . on the neenais; lotted partly in South IXLIIra= '., . Middleton and part ly%in Dickinson town- .., ~-,"' - ~.:"'—: .... • ''ships, layout three tulles from Mount.floililion }Yorks, _ ' with a geed puiblio.road leading to. it, •li ONATUEDAY, , MAY 31,1856, • . that ialnablie tract Of land known as the " Steam Saw . mill Property,"'iontaining : . . •, • , 1 '933 AOREIa OF LAND, ' more -or less, covered with excellent White-oak, chesnut.- - - oak,. red-oak;:noplarrand - gum; :all - valuable - for - sawing ptIrpONCR...ThP'.IMprOTeIIIO , aro a : ! Wain "Saw-mill, Vith upright saW, three s lLeirbular saws, with strap. ' : ping and gearing nearly new; a good Fifteen-horse ' ' power 'Engine, with flit ebt stack, cylinder boiler, &c., every thing convicted:lld ready Eor imtnadlate use:' Also a frame .. • -• • TIMSTORYDWELLING lIOUSE, an piliceyand,v good Stable. A 'good garden is connected With the house and running water at the door. . • The owner is desirous of tmoving West, nod will offer it.either entire or in lots of 50 acree. 'This property • offers rare inducements to purchasers. • Any,person de siroug of obtaining. further infermation, or viewing the • property'. will call on A.'L. Sponsler, ]teal-Estate•Agent, - or IViri. - '110; Seymour, Carlisle. - An undisputed title-will 'be given. Sale to commence at - r? o'clock on said day, when-terms. will be made known by - SEYIIIOUIt..k. April 23,18511j:6w. • • • DENSLOYirMIMIBSION ,• ' SIPMCIIANTLi, ' • • aiid" W 10 1 .41110 lopith'S . ra fniitl 'kinds of • ' • FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LEAF TOBACCO,. • • • . MANUFACTURED :TOBACCO, ' ---,AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SE(IARS; ,• - • 21. &nal Front street. Philadelphia. • Segarai-of tho-ch nice Ft grovtlis of the VuelfambaK A large assortment of which are kopt cons rattly on hand, and be sale at a small advanee mrcost of importation. 414-Consignments respectfully solicited, on ishicli . . liberal advances will be mado'w,hen desired.. . . Special:attention given to orders for purchase on corn mission orrobacco, as also every_deseription of Merchan dise, fur account of parties living at a distance from Ibis . • :Sole Agent for F. A..Gootmea celebrated Odiman Smoking-Tobuco; comprielng thirty - dWitnt varlotles. - • April '23,1850 , -Iy, : _ • WHITE 11-A L L NURSE . • . • „ =- • . ~. The most spltMdld assortment of itoSlit .:41„17,^, 9 over received in Carlisle may bo had at thi.'W hi tohall Nurseries, east of the - 1 -4 trp , A:l 6 rAid bridge.. , Comprising China or 'Daily, .Into de Pouylkou, Tea, Noliotto, I.lyhrell . ..Perpetual or Helton/dant, and Damask . Hoses, of all themeweshrind most . desfre hlo sorts. The plants are all in bloom, , ,Tchich• will ena ble-purchasers w Make their selections agreeably to their respect ite tastes. The assortment comprises every shade' of Color, and will be sohd belOw city prt„. Apia 2.i, - ltiet. 11:1(74'°43'D'S MER GOODS! The subscribers have just received ono of the largest stocks of Dry (locals arm' brought to Carlisle. Their as sortment is full and coniplete, comprising LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . Silks, Poplins, Challis, Bareges, Tissues, Lawns, Brit, liantes, Lamartlnes, Crape do Espagne, Cam - brics, Swiss Bombail nes, Cashmeres, Al padis, Delaities, Spring Shawls,. • • Bonnets, Flats, Flowers, , Skirts,Pantsols, and Trinkiiings in great variety. • • • GENTLEMEN'S IVEAR, ' - Cloths, Cassimerei, Italian Cloths, Cashmerottes, Linens, ° Tweeds, Vestlues, Silk Undershirts; Ilati;Caps„crayats, tend Collars; Also,a full and complete .assortment of • "STAPLE DOELESTIUGOODS • including - Woollen and 'Cot ton Yarn,CarpotChitin,Win dew Blinds, loathers, 011 Cloths, Looking Glasses; CAr pot Bags, Brushos, and a variety of _fancy, 'Articles. MOURNING 000D8 always on hand. ;Those who wish to obtain The beet goods it TUE LOWEST PRICES, are respectfully havited to *all titI3,ENTZ dc 8R0.,. , . . - April .23, 1856.3 'South !lawyer Street. (2. It N D OPENING OF 'SPRING _ mui AND'SUSiMER READY-MA.IAI „ ' • . ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON • itroild respectfully announce to the public and their °patrons that they are now ripening one of the largest and most attractive- supplies of-Spring" and Summer Ready-mado Clothing ever brought to this, market. Thextock has been purchased-With great care In the , eastern cities, and trianuflotureif at home under the int; mediate supervision of the undersigned. It comprises • in part Brown, Blue, Black, and Invisible Green Cloths, Satinetts," Cashniarettes, Jeans,. Linen and Gingham • Coats, of all styles; Satin; Marseilles, Plush, and other sty-hs,of VESTINGS; Plain and -Fancy; ICOrshmere, Ornductt, Linn' and Cotton Pant's., Also , GIINTLE)LENiS DRESS GOODS, .-- Cravats; Stock ;lland kerchiefs, - s tocking4 - Buspo ndorsi - Carpet Bage, Umbrellas, dr.e. Customer work made promptly and In the very • bed ,Nono other, tlutn cod workiaen are employed iu ovorr dtp ° a x r P t e m ri o e n u t - I of the establishment, The undersigned return their.kinrere acknowledgments for the liberal and go Tons patronage heretofore' extended to their establish ment, ttnd hope for a continuance of the earner Remem ber tho People's Clothing Store, adjoiningLym's Hard wars Store, on North Unnover Strset. ABNOLIS •& LIVINGSTON. . AprIVA 1856- 7 3m. .. • ..01:1r" 'WA , " "'nine.: • - . . if. SLAGLE-Ss CO. PRODUCE G. AND COMMISSION MEItCIIANTS; , 4114. North ,Streot, Would inform the phblic that they have entered into the abvombuslnessOind will pay particular attention to the sale of • ~;-" ,• Flomi, (Dais or ALL ZINDO, CI;OVEP, SEED, WiIIOKBY and COUNTRY Paormoz.generallY,, and will remit proceeds of sake promptly. Consign , menta sol kited. CIIettLES,W,:SLAOLD-- . 110BITO03t, york Connt • O. D. KLINEVELTER, y • Pa. • April ,23, 1856—am. ' . , . - • `:r4-...,, t rlt , iS g V bit GREEN 8; E:illnil`lTe7'rge:l'lt 1114inr:a tvtietyirl rz ?o bolo ,Ilrtir tul - wi ontities, At the !tieieg._Sun Ntulierigs- mut- Uhritor4 - : l'hilUcicilpliiit. , Their sterols iire . ln the. Market, below Sixth Street, -,--!' where the a bovo Cull he had 4,2,44ry0hty, Oribkrs alga rt;- ,' 6.4;-•.• . :1.1toro for the Nuredry. \l'xhilogoog Bern to appli. g . : - .llllil'AY - E6), , " nt4l. ; t : atis ' . ,c. "- - . • .• • liking Sun Viiine. ,' . N. it —.HO:46g; Verbens by the .1 l% thoutiuol,- -- 60 4&ithir 110Wering plaut3 for %tie cheep.° [Apt 23--Ira , . SPRING AND SUM'. • BORO - 11G11,49.000 - UNT. James Loiido~i':in'A'ccoicnt avtitlt like Bo' it •- .. , • dugh'bf • Cdrlisle • . • • . • • Attosurrs, . ' -Itebelved•Of Dan!lEektils,lbrmer - treasurer, - - *494'53 " ! Almtander . Woods,. collectorof 1854; 263 01 " Teter Velbley; collector of 1853, • '47 50 " Samuel Caldwell. collector of 1855, .3,597 16 Carlisle Dep. Itkl.:3.4llfrerept- loans ? ,1,680 7ter kpati_Comply for_rcouppns,..l,os7! Wa 50. ' Stephen Keepers for stall routs. • 204 . 01 - NT. B. 51atthews‘for making pave- _ments for Magloughlin, antOrossmiu, • , 53 00 Malang pavement for J. B. llration; 15 12 " • C. Murray, 14 85' if Mrs.Alexauder, 126 27 -,,80nd to Wm, Dents, . ' ' .120 00 A. Noble for licenses, • ' • ' .60 00 J. London fir stall rents, , 32 00 Ilendorson; FAG - ' • 4000, ~_~ _~,_ =EI II EXPEp,DItij,RES Warloy'l3. Matthews °pairing streets k..-Wrilaryi 2762 64 4 ...Ssanip_fer_WrirlOrterossings-&-pavements,, , -----255-36 Carlisle Del. - Bank, Interest at , different times,. '6910 It. Nattlor, Janitor to . „ 22 60 John "'larder, Iligh Corditablo and remoVing• nut, - *. serneVe., - - 115 38 John flatiron, '.loSeph.6tuart, •-« " " : :•• , . . and'eleaning Letert-Sprlnk, • -- , ' 145 04 G. t. Cloudier, postinghills at different timeti, • -J. 25 Sairittel - CrKeepaiiing plvements,`&e.,- ' 30 57' A. Senseman for .I:image& and buggy hire, - .22 50. Wm: Bell, holding eleCtions.East. Ward, -- - : 10 00 8- ; •- li; Gould, •" . - "• • West, Ward, 10 00 Mrs. S. Todd, interest on bond; ' ' ------- .18 - 90 • Gloses:Scott, white•washlng tree 'boxes, •,. 1 20' S. Miller, repairing Chnib. and Union'. engine*; 42 00 Joseph sleDarrnond for costs, ' . , . lO 87 A. ,k It. Node for sand; : • ' , . '2 00 A. Noble for sand and Olive], • - 147 00 Jacob Spangler for boxing trees, - . • , 23 50 Jacob Spangler for regulating,: ~ • 11-00:. 41. - Cforninan for printiu'g 1854-55 •: ' • . 21 7b J. B. Brattotli . '2l 50 E. Beatty, • • ' 19 60 Geo. Zion, Jr. ~• ,• , • 714.75 . . • David Smith for costs, - • .- • 20 00 A. Noble, suppers for patrols, -. . . ' 13 00 . William Line, Earl: for trees, '. ' 33 00 0 ' for plan of Borough, -"10 90 . ~..- . " , for regulating,' . • • 11,00 Samuel 51. Hoover,liimr, for tree boxes, - 14 55 J: &L. Gutshall :Ind..). Zeigler for hulling teM ' 'ping stones; * . . 60 50 W. IL Duey for hauling stepping' stones, 49 00 D. Zeigler . ' " • -" - " - 72 00 Jos. Zeigler ' " ' - ~5',.5'• ^" • - • • •• " - 177 00 George Kilts, , " , -a • a • • . ' I • 11 - 00 Samuel Wirt, ". 'li . w ' - 221.74 1. Gutsliall' - ' . --‘, . • ": ".. ' _52 fA) 3. Zeigler, quarrying,' ."". • .“ ' - 157 54 J. Gash:ill and Jos. Zeigler, , " •' 1 • . . •45 00 Wm. IL-Crane, ti. -", . " . .-• '' .84 00 1,. Gutsliall, • " 43 , 0 • • 52 00 Win. rhelgler, : " " " .. _ I 12 00 Jacob. Zeigler; "' ', e' '. " -4" ' 32 54 J, S; Clark, , - . 4 ' , t' , " • - 16 47 A: Risinger, 0 0 44 Janice Clark, '" T " a' ' • 12 00 - .1:A. Zeigler, '' •". -..- 7600 . . liilliatn ltiley copying duplica,te, „•___, 10 00 Nicht Sipe for sand, .' • .1 00 iiillard_Dock,vvelghtivand-mensures, • ---• '225 7 - 5. Peter NVeibley serving tax notices (1553), ' 5 00 s'. Gardner repaid:o4,9re plugs and hay scaleS,.. 33 E 2. henry Myers having-grate yard cleansed„ ' ,• T 703 Conrad Lainison laying pavemthils, • 17 85 Win. • slclllll,en, - ._ " '' lit Meslillen, -. .! ..' " . - . - -', - 20 55 Win. 11. Wetzd salary and extra services;, . , 100 00' Wm. McElwee hauling sand, - , 787 Ephraim Steel for winding town clock, • 25 90 Peter Spahr for Brick,. - ' -,-- " 120 45 'Parks &.Barnlts for do., _-- 7 - , --, •___4lB9 Plohn Mell fordo :, - -. .63 00 eter Monyer, appropriation'to Union Firi• Co., 31 00 11.44. Bitter, appropriation to Climb. Fire CO., 34 00 J. D. Lialbe;L'appropriation to Good Will Hose, 25 00 W.'ll,Wetzeiromiiring at 2,1 Presbyterian Church • and Itheem's house, ' _ 7 10 Samuel Holliday cleaning spring, • 15 11 11. A. Sturgeon fbr services, - •'• • 1 40 Michael Shealier bridging at cresslnge,%• , 10 25 John Illutillail, , 0,62 . Jardb Beaton) for regulating, . , ..•• v -'• 11 00 Charles'Eleager, pick and hammer.liandles, ' • " . 15 OS Joseph Sites for stone, • ' • ' . 37 10 Cresson,, Stuart and Patterson for Lamps,. . 12.'1,00 Newshana & Co., for lamp posts, --.'. 203 25 Joeub Itheem freight on-do., ~._ : . 1..4) 25 t. miry Glass for hauling with'iart, . 1057,50 John Armstrong for Luulber, . - , 42 21 lonroo Morris on account or plumbing, . 300 00 James Madan, alationery,aud-fieightin-Weights— . - 31emiximA, • .' . - . James Loudon salary and extra services, J. & D.lthoads, hauling and storing Ore plugs, W. 11. Miller, Esq.„Attorney to Connell, - Henry Saxton, 'powder and tools, ' 4 -----, S. W. Havorstick„ oil for market; - Henry !dyers as supervisor, . . G. Wy-SheafTer, interest on bonds, • - __ __ A. -L. Smoulder, preparing Ordinance book for put" lication, lication, „•' , ' • 20 00 Wm. PefTei fniservices rendered, ' 10 00 Coupons Cancelled Oleo 9100_ _ __ __ ..___ -._. . 1057,_50 Balance In hands of Trensiiror, • $8482 29 Llonsagainst_sundry persons to the amount _of 0173 60 Real debt for pavements male by the Borough au thorities, and have boon entered ow the Prothonotary's docket, April 23. J . JAMES T.OUDON, Treasurer: NEW GOODS - i - NEW GOODS BARGAINs? 4.OIOAINsI . • the returned front,New York and Phliadelphiai'and is - now opening an immense stock of .the most splendid SPRING AND SUMMER. GOODS . . . over brought to„Carlisle. ' . . • DRESS (40l)DS.—The ladles will lind• a large. assort ment of beautiful dress goods, of the newest styles and p ENIBR erns, QIDERIES , —Over 700 Noodle-worked , Collars and 'ENO - icings, ;Ind Ram:dugs, in great variety.... CARPETINDS-'=An 'entire new assortment of imperial Ingrain, Venitian. and Stair Carpets.— • • BOCCI'S AND SUOES.—A full supply Wl:adios', Gents' 'Boys. Misses', and Chlklren'a Shoes, all Muds and sires. Willis' Fine ShoeS for Ladies and !Misses in , the assortment. • nomEsTics.—A largo stuck of Muslin, - Cheeks; Tiekings, &e„ at th'athe very lowest notelt. _ ' In short, every article In the Dry Gits line will be found in - the,assortment—hest quality,inowest style, _BO at the..verylowest All--In 41 , 411 t of-hand , some and cheap go( is will do well to call-at-the old stand, East Main street, April 9,1650.] • CHARLES ODILIIY. • 'JUST 'RECEIVED- •. ItJ - , Sugar-cured - 11ms, Suganeured.Beet, 'lterfTotigueis, (extra), Macon—sltles alo Shouldenr, ' lair for easti at n WILLIAM'S' r• 4 URNITVRE FOR SALE.-=The Sithseriber,liiing In North Hanover street, in the . borough of Carlisle, at the residence of Mrs. Tlzeard, a few doors above Mr,. Gloss'. hotel, effers at Private Sale a number of excellentind weThinado artielea of,FUILNITURE cheap fur-cash, billow mist prices, to wlt°:--41tne Sofa, two Dfvens. Pressing Bureau with marble top and glass, one .raney . Table, ono What-Not, Music Stabd. Call and see. Apr.l3, '6s—tf • MARIA SIIEURY, fiONWAY'_§' GENUENE HONEY. SOAr.- 7 Conway's pure Rahn Soap.--Cenway's proved Cherales,l Olive _Soap.. A full itgstpplyof-theset truly excellent ,Soaps just received alid for' wale Af WILLI AMS' FA3IILY GROCERY, Main Street, Nov, ,?.i, 'bff, NOTICE.—Tht3 members of the" Agri. .Culturat . Sectety.:6l,lCumboiland (7ountince. ro quo- ted to Inca at-the Court llonsh In Carlialo, on Sid urday; May 3;1866, ittla o'clock,,to niako arraugoinents for the next. fall exhibition. • , TIIO3IAS PAXTON' • ProahlonE, April 15, 1866-2w.] • j:..-AM NOW RECEIVING c) C ,,P,lotay sprlng.stook or:PAPER Ira NGINCI Lehi -h tx tI4o largestno.l most varied its:Ortitiont ever !Wino tlocoarly ;Mention 9 f.the InIEVII.., futon.] fAling . 4t prireF; tchiah t Ito elysesti)4reliasvr. " JOIIN P: - LYN E . t LIST, OFD..EALEIt'Si''' (Itiods,litaro'and' • Mcrndi ohazO ; . .also *of Minors; Lurnbormon, Arc., within :tho County of Cinborlana, returned and ,e)aselfled In. ineenrcleneu with pio saveral nets of Asserntly, - viz : 'oAuttstr,. .A. 4 J. Dents, • Cliiirlos Ogi .Philip Arnold)._ SO. W. - Mtn - es, ;N. Wood . s, •• • . ,T. - .W. Eby;' • - 0,10.113 ff Agt., • .*------ '.lohn4.l;Willleirnif, Joseph D. Halbert, 51111114.1 C:llnyott, . S. W. HaVeildlekr; ' • • Samuel Elliott. • ' • Williare Kelso, • • ' Catifinntb. • BA. Kieffer, Steiner•L•llro., Mt " " John W..ltaw,ins, Ilutti Sasten, PAlyne RifYinati.it — S - s.ns, I irenderson & Sons, ' • IVoodivard'and Schmidt, John S. A:4). Rhoads, • • W.ll. Sfurray, , • ligorgo W:Ililton, , Jacob Shrum, • • . Thomas Conlyti, ' „ Peter M0uyer,,,,....' • , • , . Mr. 'Rohrer,-. J—N. Armstrong, . • Prof. IL. M. Johnson, . , .1. kJ. Keller, • . • . S. M. - Doover, • Thomas • ° 13 Arnold & Livingston, • 13 3ohn.lieeny, ' 14 -••- _. 14 James 317firatishatt, • 14 Otiorge triby, - • . • , StetVart..laeobs. • - • • 14' A. M. Piper. Agt., •'_- ' - 14 David Curnmltn, 'Prederielti limner, - • •14 James Caine', sr; - .14 • Henry . Peters, Henry Olncs , . . 14 Keepers & Low, 24 ( l ietild, • . 14 Arm Id and Son, ' 13 W. A.. 1. Naugle, • . 14 11. S:ltitter, ___ • ' Wl)ilion_A. Miles, . • 31.11notigrass, • - 14 $8482 20 Frederick Corarnan, - - Jacob P. Ifoover, J. R" r ,Sjuilcg t . - A;Sena'r. 11arn,• 3Trirl In •Angle Deterich, N A. Cornelius, John Wunderlich, t..linin•an; Christian Shade, John Cris:widi _ ME Co.; I'. S. Ariz. llitl•fey, Sr. Co., .1. C. John -. Joseph '.- • Nevin find Iteitdings, Jacob PiegtiN. Kunkle)StoviCk, B. "-.- • T6itimi fi Stewnrt, • John Stmeabeitif;h, - J. Bridges, Samuel - Stignres, •• Mullet Comfort, 'Hiegel it, llerring, George Webbcrt, . Levi Snell; - ' henry Lima, licorge.Singiter (Grocery), John Riegel, . Sid4lier ,t Son, • , ' Sluum Arnold, ' Brindle 6:. Nerswefigcf, Dr. I. Day, - Jacob Dorsholmor, ' IcAufman.it_ins_C2_steies), John Harlan, George Singizer (Warehouse), llobb,'W Mien . % Co:; '. Mllliseu it Zacharias, - Singizer &.'Shafner, - - - --- Demo Dilizard, Oswald & Kauftn u, /`" .. '- 14 DIM lel Grabill, ) ~ ' .• 14 Hummel k goose , ' l4 I..lllizzaril, . NEPT/LLI.- £l4 Thomas Stough. • i 12 TlioniaiiMiCali Islf, --- . -- .:7 -- . ------- 13 James MV.alfdllsli, di tin M. Davidson, S„.O Wild, A titlionv-Voreman, Joseph laughlin, William Stlt.tell, • IVilliain fteed,' William Mutton, J. 11. Herron, ' Bear k Coletugh, ' J. W. Levi,. 'llenry Hurst, 7 87 80 00 6'oo 25 00 81'82 8 08 25 00 84 00 $827689 205 49 Wray PaNNBDOROtiGtt, stores),; Theodore I lontshor, Townsend & l'attorson, John hood, Woodward & Behml44 John Trogo; Jonathan- Freosp, Cyruti (kstdheart, Edward ; 'loved, 4 J. & B. harsh, & J. Tracey, • Jacob Sivoyer. W: rand.;rbelt k Co, - 31. & .1. A. Kunkle, John minieh, • James Kyle, • Peter Garver, Henry Snyder, W. J reon, llorzweaa. Wherry &CO., • - ' Shoemaker Ac Elliott, John Ilollur, J: W. Clarnr, J. F. Baughtiten. Conrad Foanaught, Henry '.di ors, - Samuel Clark, Russell & Mee, . • trays . . Jacob Becton, John G. Ilutehinson, Cluistian.Peker, lacae I.44o:ruler, . & :resent,. L. Sterner, Framils W. N. Watts, Benjamin =CM 7ifooreA Craigheadi Muireit k Alusandor, A. ; 51'. I. A;.(zatiiittan, q. D. 3 .-ciePdig,,`„, I.lContici; 10 00 00 12: - • 12 60. 12 . 1260 I'2 l 2 . 60' 13- 7 — '^ w uu 13 • •10 oo 10 2030 12 12 60. 12 "", P 2-60 12 ' 12,60 13 'lO 00, 14 7100 14 , 7 00 14 7. 7 00 14..• • . ' 7 00 - 13 • " 10 00 14 7 00 14 X 7OO 12 12 50' 12 • • 12 50' •=ra , 7.10011 10 . 20 00 10 . 20 4)0 414, 7 00 .14 ,7 00 14 - u- - . 7 . 064 14 — •••• 700 14 7 OQ 14 , 7 00 14 7 00 34' . 7 00 14 ' 7 00 OW 10 00 10 00 •.10 00 ' 30 op • 7 00 • . 7.00 '47 00 7 00 • 7 00 7 00 7 , 00 7 - Op '4'7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 OD 7 00 '7 00 7 00 7'oo 7400 7.00 7 00 7 .00 7 00 111E111 Buirrn.lsoulaa 1 1. "14 • - • • 7 00 14 "7 00 •• 11' 15 00 10 -. • 20 00 - 13 10 00 1-i 7 Or ..14 . 7 00. 7 00 • - 13 - 10'00 • - 14 7 00 14.. -7-00 12 :• 'l2 30 1.4 7 vu 14 • 7 .00. 11- 00 • tr 15 14 • . • 00, • 13, 10 00 - : • ' 14 7 00 13 - 10 00 N .. . 14 • 7.00 'l4. 7 59 14... .7 00 34C1111(10811t1110 I. 14 1 °' It'e 14 2_l4_ 14 10 14 14 14, -I 14 13 13 . 13 13 14 14 14 14, NIWTOrt ..--I 10 4 , 14 - 12 14 14 • 14 14 14 MIFFLIX. EMI FR.uiaroao. SotrTuutrros Eli Ila Dicitursoar v...w~~~..~v..v1 i~V.. 14. i, Noma 31IDDLTION Sot r 11mDtrroN I n.v ElySPttl No MIN Jncoti Simmons, lolni B. Licidig, 'Mild Stip - .1 . 0111Inuck.: • Andraw'Sinfitzor, Davidnqq k. null; Mary -Samuel Lehman, Isamritaitoh, -- William Loyd; • • ntrtus - tll - 67., • Abritham Brou'or,' eweller-fi•7uok,, lunnthnu.Rrkele; Peter Gingering, Hiram LongliVelcor, Ithbert nottorick, Jobii,Hutz, .11onpy Rupp (warolicusu), It)tppl: Son. 4 , ip ' • - 14 7 00 John A. Meet)len t John 'Oharles Oyster, I'eaman e' k-Yui tor, 31osS6' John .- - h. John B. CEnieh, Rudolph Martin*, • ,Shoot I'_• tin o cor . 3.lortin, 311„ go W. Fosler, Jac Intel Free, „ L oh Longnedier, ]). oh Dennleger, j e , A, S .1. Dougherty, "- 51Torinick, uelieFt Sohi --- ICer A: Hummel, D. A:4. Bynard, Donlingert • • EAST PENxsnonoGoll afield Si DISTILLEItItSt , Philip ,Ziegler, Frankfiirtl, , P. A. & .1, A. Atli, Newton, - joseph Ramp,. u• Robert Quigley: " • ' Ab`in Ilosier,'South 'Middleton; Henry Glass, • " John .116fitiitin, tower M. G. Ileitzhonver, Monroe, • Geo. - ,t S; Itriitidt, • " Ifentierson.4: Sons. Norrh Middleton,' 111111aul Thirultz, tarliSle; Marshall .Tunes, West Pennsborough, 13 . • lO nn hiller A:. Udder' • . " - 'l3 lO 01 .Jacob Shellebarger,, . • n.:' . .14 7 00 lianiel Ahi k Bro.; .. " - 13 10 00 10 lip Ziegler, Frankfort', • _ .14 - , 700 . ~ h a Moore, Dickinson, ' , 14_ .. 7 00. Ader homily, ." -' . '''' 'l3 • 10 00 Ann liovier, Soutli.Mlddleton, . - 14 . 7- (10 Shooter A; Sliupp,• " • 14 . 700 J. D. Sheaffor, ' 13 lO 00 W. h. k'l. It Craighead. S. M., , . 13 ' 10 00 MII lei. k ZlO4, ••M eeli a n leshurg, • 10 20 00 Henry-:Hupp, Hampden, . • .. . - , 1 - 4 -•._ 7 00 .Ir. Brni yla, •." • . 11 7 15 no - re; ri - I , ll, • Easil'imnithor(lugh; .14 • 7 00. . 1)3‘1,1 Vogieson ,. Monroe • 13 r ' ..10 00 (1. IV. Lehligh, 14 fTh . . 700 4";0 , ..' &S. Brandt, •• "', ' . . •.4.4‘..i .) ~7 00 ..f.sluir 10 ii 7.110,, _, " - • ' 13 4. ' 10_01:L Chrlstlan Eberly, Lowee-Allen, • ll ••15 00 .lolin 116rn,. 4 , , " • " • •-•. 11 ' - ' 15 00 'hotiviel Ditnerr . " . " . . 13 - ~,r 4. , „1. 9 „1 0 4, - .11.1ih K. Kaufman , " ' " l4 ....,...": '•7 01) C; PAIN), - • (( ••(‘ • , . 13 . .1 0 00 .)drub Coover,jr., Upper Allen, • ' ' 14 i - v 7 00 John ShotTner, Silver Spring., l4. ' 700 ti. 11.1icher, - • " ...: -. 13 .1 - 710 00 Lewis l'andersloot, " 14 - '7.00 !tenthly-vim - A; Son, North Middleton, 'l2 . 12 LO . . . • ONSTER ANI) FATING -.llot/SP.B/ • Jacob Low Carlisle, 8 • 5 00 • Avery Peters, " 8 • 5 00 • 111111 am Sponsler, ".. • .' • - 8 • •6 00 Margarel Miller, " • ' • ' ' : ' 8 500 Jaer,li „Jones, - •' " - '•-•.5- 00 Jarob S t ratto n , '' • 8 5 00 lienry Warner, a • ! s . &00 tkorge Murphy, Newville, 8' s'oo Jane Kershaw, .. . 8 5 00 J. it. Mehl, Newburg. n 8 ' • 500 Charles lirewster, Newton, , , 8 . 5.00 Sponsier & Alackey,-,Shippensburg, 8 . 5 50' it itaueLSpeeso, ‘, -8 ' •= -- 500 Henry llrownewell, Silver Spring, 8 ..- 500 James Alnloy, 'Mechanicsburg, ' ~ . B"'' -• s'oo Mild Long, ' " 8 - • 5.00 Jeremiah Freeze, Shiremanstown, 8 - """ ' _6 00 Samuel It. - Greve. Lisburn, 8 5 00 Ab'tn noble. Fast l'ennsborougli, il . 6 00. Mrs. W.*Phillipps, " 8 - 5 00 7 00 7 00 10, 00 7 I.K) 7 00 7 00 7 00 hfUng,_Mechnulcsburg,_ Jacob Low, Merchants and others who feel themmilves aggrieved by the abovo classification, will have an opportunity of calling on the subscriber, at the office pf•the'• American Noluptuer." any time lvforb the 29th day of Apr4l. After that time no appeal can be beard. JOS. C. TIIOMPatIN, ...... April 9, ISW-4w.] . 3iercantlle•Arpraiecr.__ .1 I .„.„RESII ARRIVLA OF 11A RIAVARE! • HENRY ISAXTON. TheSubseriberhaving returned from the city wield call the attention of _his. friends arid 'the pudic to the large and well selectedassortment of Hardware which he has Just" receited, consisting In part of 111.714AJ-Nti MA TERIALS. nails, screws, hinges, locks, hulls, glass. putty, 'paints, ohs; &c. TOOLS,—edge txxils; MN 0 and planes o. every description, with tiles, raspS, hammers, anvils, &c. GLASS of every description and quality—coninton glass of different brands, white polished American glass, French glass of all sizes, double thick glass of all sizes, ground, et)fitn,elio glass , &c. - _ - 14 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 A general:assortment of SIIOE3f AKERS - AND •FAII. DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bird. ing skins, Aloe throad,wax, pegs, lasts, harness ntount- Ing. saddletrees, Sr, . . COACH TaI.MMING-:•ieanvest:(Plain, enamellid. f!g• ured and embossed,) patent end enamelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, spokes, felines, shafts, Ao.ote. caldner3lakers will find a large assortment of Yarn. !slips, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding,mitties, heir eloth,-eurled 20 00 7 00 12 b 0 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 WRITE 1.01.1811 PAINT-A now artielo for waking a lamutiful. whit() And brilliant polish,f or dining•roonis, parlors, Sc. IRON—A largo stock, comp:bang all kinds in giancral uso. • 7 00 7 - 00 ty,„%tlotnomber the old stand; Fast nigh . Street, .Car lisle; Os. Mich 26,1850.] 10 00 7 00 , N. P. SNYDER, ' • W. Ki x'r.uu.a.xx NYDER & M'FARLANE- . . . LAND AGENTS. ilfNNEAFOLlSi.Opposite the Suspension Bridge, Falls of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory, will buy and sell lands, negotiate loans, locate land .warrants in 31innosota, leutx, uudWismnsin. Inquiries respecting the - country, by letter or otherwise, - promptly answered. ' - REFERENCES. ' - lion. Alex. Ramsey, Ex-Governor, ' .. 110n.df.31. Rice, Delegate-;to Oongress, hinesota, Goi. Pollock, llarrisburg, . • James H. Sleek) Ji„C.O.; Philadi.lphia. , ' . • lion. Froderiek Watts,.Carlisle, ' - , `. A. Brady Sharß . 0, Egg., ' • - • - ' - • G Magoum New York. --' " Robert Walsh, No Orleans, • : , .'. . • "":7dtettcelElioelno, Esq., NOville, non. J. S. Black, Somerset, Psun'a,, lion. J. It. Eddie, " , . J . .. 11, GOod, Mayor, Springfield, Ohlorm -- ' I Gin. C. Anthony,' ' 41 .. ', Jas. Carson, F.14:-St.- Louis,• • .., ',Wrii Wilson, Fsq,, Bnitimore,,Md:, -.. J. T. Wright, Charleston, S. C., , ' J. M. Wilson, Philadelphia. 700 7'oo 7 00 7 00 '-7 00 700 10 00 7. 00 7 00 700 7 00 10 00 10 00 4 , 1 00 , 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7. 00 10 00 7.00, 7 CO 7 00' 30,00 d Acres of 'Unimproved Land for Sale. at (10211 to $lO per nre , ,?, , ,p150 improved' Farms. Lots in St. Pani,St. And:JO - , and all ICmus on the Mi'mao sista-111,...,1:i', . aii . 111:11 , 714f111 1011 tAY 1110 •14 . 4,1,1ng . of ilfoney; and vAit,pi4 7 , VDEIt - i„ • . - • • 'Jllntitapolls.• - 10 00 14 • • '7.00 • 13 • 10, op ••• ' ' cis • io oo 14 . 700 13 10 00 MoNizos LOWER-. Urgiur, ALLES. - 14. ~ 700 13: lO 00 14'7 00 . _ iIAMPDEZr, la, ~ lb 00 1,4 .• 700 14 , . 7 .00 NEW P:IIEERI.M.4D 14 .. ' 700 74 7 00 -13-*.- 11 14 12 13 13. 13 - -10 00 14' 7 00 14 - 7 00 'l4 7'oo 14 7 00 13. - ' 7. WI 35 r. I`ll • 001 14 700 MILLS. TE!i•PIN ALLEYS. HENRY SAXTbN • nr A N DS• VA! TED . ;-IC,opi)ers . ; Fil lers,' Colliers, Wagoners; i'food•choppers., and othei hands, will - find' ediploynuinti-at - tho Carlisle Iron - 11VrIcs, - 4!,italles east of Carlisle. . ' • April 16.1050=5w,] 10 00 T4)4 7.00 . . _ • tifAtfOrney , at aw. - • • .. • ••Qn". Noeth_lianeverLstreet,zu-fow-: doors:- mouth of Maxie 'iota All tnisinoS,4 entrusted to him will be promptly nit+inlod, to.. > [April It. 7 00 -.7_00 7 00 7 00 MEW MARBLE -YARD. -.Nqw ki the neeep . ted arab, and now Ia the 4y for .• Urave Stones,' •. • • ••• • 4, - '.3tOniiraente, . • • ' . • nt 11o1Tor'slo. Yard, CarlLslo;llt. Also, Iron nail - ' •.. [Apr. 10; '4O-6m. . ~ • 7 1) OOTS AND SHOES.---The:i3ubitri7 . - -1 2 ) bersfrespeettully ) arm their triende and the pub 'lie. "nerailV Ill" th eiiii!roiv,; trrtl%°.ltor t .. l wr l oror ?n T N A ZII ) : t 7 ,i a r n:°l i t , „nyrmstti o l ett,.r b i t e o n w tl i y in oe v e c u rtt b a y' D 'A r f u r. ,, Bi t uc r h o: unitimnsediateljr - mipositelltrnyer'stffii- n 6: v. here they are prepared to make Boots rml Fkone to measure-in every variety, with a,gcxxl essertmeutor Atoeic,nsul coinpeient workmen. -They-will Apare' a no if• fort to give A:stint:tenon. • J. At G. TAYLOR. •Carlisie,Aprillto, 1850 7 . 7 31 .. •,:.: - • • • 10 00 ]O - 00 1r Oh 7 to 12'00 10 00 •• 10 . 00 ' .NE W. IV II 014 ES A .1.4 E DRUG . - 8 reiliTlY. - . . • . Ir, SPENCER THOMAS, No. 20 -SOMA Second Street:' ifiladelphin, Importer Maunfacturer, and Dealer in , r - DRUGS, MEIMCI I NES, CILEMICALS, ACIDS, ye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors,:White'Lcad, French and ' mierican White Zinc. Window Glen., Glass Ware, Var. k,.jrlieei_lieurborn,_Liletiument,4_Geound_Splevay-WhOle--- p , picesoud allpther article. usually kept by Druggists, minding Borax, Indigo. Glue, Shellac, Potamb,..t:c. . ~ All' Orders,' by mall or otherwise. promptly attended : 1. Country merchants aro Divited to call and examine' i it stork lx:forepUrchasing elsewhere. ..Ccii Honda sent I-, any of the wharves or railroad stations. Priers Low . and Goods Warranted. * - [March 20, 12V--ly. 7 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 60 00 60.00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 Od • 60 - 00 00 00 f itErU N 13 - A. - R'S 0 N - E -P RICE Wholesale and Retail . CASH 1100 AND SHOE' STORR,.:_:,•'•'• • 'No. 76 South Second St., Corea of Curter St. •The establishment has .heen enlarged and impioved nd hi supplied with the largest end best Retail Stock the City,' prl nelPal If of his'n ow manufacture, with a tele& assortment from the' bent 'Eastern Markets; . racing Ladies,'. Oents'eniid Children's • • 110018. SHOES AND CAITHRS, `every description, .style and quality-, enthrall* . the !st styles and , •qualitit•s, in this or any other market. nig stock %linnet be excelled for Quality` Style gind heapnesse ,- . Each 'article' In marked at the very lowest possible rice, Iroth which no deviation wool Lo made. No• ex.. •avagant statements will be needed, and Cope made to fact sales. . • • Hoodyear's Oath its all varieties. Pnie CuMs...s6 lire() in the market, always on hand.- The public is, •spcctfully invited to call, ' - [April 1, 1856. • N P .A CA DE M Pu.—The Twentieth Session (five • oulths) 'will, commence, on' May 6th.' A new build ! g has been erected containing Oyaltiaslunt, -Music , I NVith_inereaspd for instruction and ampla. •I connodations, this lUstituilop presents great in,' ucetnonts tel , parents . s vho dairq,, the physical and :entail improvement, of their - Soria'. Terths. per Session, $65 00. For circulars, with - lull . .formation; address • It. K. irttle.NS, • Principal and Proprietor, . curnberlaud co., Pa. April 0, 18.50 _ . !/..111E AD . - AND - CAKE BAKERY W.SI. F. SELLERS, South Hanover Street, • IUP , mid respectfully inform his friends and the public ott he still continues to carry on the above business • his old stand three doors south ot' the Second Preto , ittirlan Church, where he is prepared to supply all who I ill coil on him with FRESIII BREAD and CAKES of I i kinds, manufactured from the Lest supOrtine flour. /USD CAKES will. be furnished to order on shortest lice a..d In the most pleasing style. 44-Fresh Bread , 11l be furnished daily any part of the. ou loafing notice at the Bakery. • A superior quality of Meadrii'ild Beer, Will be blot '1 astantly an hand during the Summer sea.sou. 'Thank - .1-for Past facers, - the undersigned - hopesTby - strietab. I anon to business and a desire to picots°, to merit and zeive a liberal share of public patronage. Itt I atil t so attend minket With -Bread and Cakes; • . W. F. BELLER& W - .ll`A RD WAR E STORE.- rA.YMAN & EONS.. - .1 I.ST M AIN STNIET, NEAR SRL RAIL HOAR DEPOT.. sal...ribere,,locattxl in the room lately occupied Store,-west of-the-Rail Road pot. bare just openedltirentire new stock'of HARD . It E, whlc h hey would calliimattention:of-thelr .ouds and the public generally. Tho stock, which is ego and varied, was selected with especial reference to • If wants of the public, and 'consists in part of the lowit.w. • _;}ILI:. ~~li BUILDING lIMIDWARE of all, kinds, such as lochs, .tehes, hinges, nolla, bolts,_ screws, dm., comprising Vey — article used in building-and re -:- .. - Also, glatss;putty, paints,-brushes,.ke., of the ist approved quality and Son tho most •roasonabie ruts. . . CABINET MAREItft--The attention' of Cabinet tkers is invited to our assortment of - varnishes, rare, knobs, rosottsonouldings, ac., which will be aqd canal to any in the county. iAlli/LtaLS and COACIISIAKERS .wlll find in their partment all tho articles usually required in their .0 of business, such as steel spring,t, axle's, ' WALL I'M-441-414e assortment -of Wall Paper em. -aces it complete variety of now aokeholce paterni of cry quality;'and itt such prices its cannot fall to give defection. : Also btirders, window shades,•&e., .I.I , )IISiI.'KEEPIIIIS are Invited to tall and 'examine tr stock of cutlery, plated ware, spoons,. Ladles, coffee ills, caudiestleiStit.annitls,..lvaltors, shovers and-tenget dr rods, hollow ware, brass and iron kettles,: sad .us, wo intend to sell very. low. FAitmt:RS--For use, of Fanners ,we have an end-- is variety of all-the • articles adapted to their Ilne of We, Umtally fhund lu hardware Stores, such as plows; ..ks, spades, shotels, hoes, rakes, heroes, traces,'haltez .al us, Ate., all at tbo •very lowest rates, to Aillich we — li their especial notice. - ' • fic.—We Invite --the attontiOn echauics generally to our stock •of edge tools, 'els, saws, tnuces, bats, augers, hammers. files, rastuy ' which we know' to be.of. superior quality. • - IRON and STEEL of all kinds oonstantly on hand and . sale 'Cheap. . .' Then come, friends, and.givo' us a call and examine , tr goods, as Wo.charge nothing for showing them; 'and on a strict attention' to tautness and a desire to ass— . nmodate we hope to merit a share of public patron s. Don't forgot thu place, WesOlain,Streot,.west of. o Railroad Depot, April 1, 18.58-Iy,) TIGHLY IMPORTANT- TO--PUR CIIASERS.—The sulx,crlberylli open this wee' ', 0 iargest and most splendid asmlrtment of • . SPRING" AND SIIMMRIL , GOODS • - e.r brought to Carlisle. 4.0 immetude stuck of • • • Yrench Worked Collars, - • . linderideeres, Ylounrlngst " handkerchiefs, tght from the Importer In New York, and will be d at prices to defy alt contpetitlon.. •.Also, a largeent- Intent of -hominid Dress Goods; Ribbons, lkunetd,t ' Como one and all before purchaliing elswhem And .t will save money. - Ipril 2 13561 t INARDIVAItt ! HARDWARtI• -- THE LARGEST STOCK IN , TUX COUNTY! I P. &,SON, wholomilo and•retrill doaleit tericau f °omen and Ilardwareond Invite the attention of tdeelutules, Sariners, end the bllc generally, to our, unusually largo stockitionfident tt Wa are SOMIOC, srtXiah'oll tnore.requmable_torms then y ether houxo-itt-the%r.outits., • 0,1.0.•. • • ' 110 ,r!titili.lNTOß3.9,' , ., BUILDERS, 1111,1 ,, rshr3iNi has t 0.4 4. -1 appohiiid s an fC , r tylyl :%1.01; hitt Nit of any tleaktn. on Pat. •: f , r.billbtitr.t. , , at a al?1,01 .10!;$ rate tii in they can watt lierc —so yal , t by our most tc,perictwati me, ..'Platl:ll42d,Vait In:N.l;y slx.Tolv... 3111Scellaneous. STAYAIAN & SONS, CHAS . . 00 Milt 13