Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1856, Image 3

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_ It.his been the lot of the human. race to be weight:ld,
- down 6q disease aifirifuireriug.."llOLLOWAl'S PILLS
' , are specially adapted to the.,rollof of the IVEAK, -, tho
NERVOUS; the- DELICATII,Jtritt the' INFIRM; of all
_ saxes, and constitutiorut.- • ProfeSior 110110
--way personally superintenda the manufacture of his
• ---- medicines- iir---the-linite.l,States,and—oliors--thent--to.u
-•.; free and enlighteneilupboplts; as the .best . ruxuay the
world ever saw for the removal of disease '• - • '
. /These famous Pits are 'expiussly combining, operates
_ on the stomach;the liver, the Ititineys, • the lungs, the
the bowels; correcting -any derangement
their functions,-purifying the "blood. the very fountain
Nearly half the. human race have eakert these Pills.
It haS boon proved in- all porta of the world, that no-,
'thing has been timid equal to them in cases of disorders
of tho liver, dyspepsizt,.aml Stomach complaints geno
traly. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs,
hewevor much deranged, and when - all. ether moans
Many Of the mostilespoticilerernineuts-hitve opened
their Custom Reines to the introduction of these• Pills,
that they may - become the medicine of the masses. = •
Learned Colleges itdinit that this Medicine is the best
•edy ever known for persons of 'delicate, or where the
lies been impaired, as its invigorating properties
- ,11 to ittford relief. •, big
male;°young -or • old, 'should be without this
' medicine. •• .corrects. and regulates the.
....nly'emirseS - at -all 4ierieds, acting• in many eases
char _lit Is also the best and safest medicine
that eau be g n..tu Children. of all ages, and for
Complaint VMS° ()ugly no family should - be with
out it, • '
, .•
Asthma • Debility'Worms bf all
Bowel Complaints Favor and - Ague., kinds ---
Coughs ,Female Stotte and (Ware}
' - Colds - plaints. " So,, pdary Symp
'Chest DiseaNtis • Headaches ton it
'Costiveness ludigestien • Inward `Weakness
Dyspepsia Influenza • • . Liver CoMitlaints
.Diarrhoea Inflammation hown'ss of Sliirits
gsld at the Hanufactories'Of Professor ilm.towAr•
80 :Haitian Lane, New York, and 244 Btrand;.London, by .
'all respectable. Druggists and :Dealers of Met/della)
throughout th.e Hulked States; and.the
inboTzes, at 25 cents, 82. 1 rAcents, and - $I a.ach:"
There is a , coushierabla. saving by, taking the'
larger sizes.
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every
..,,,i , . AFFLICTED
if .... ;:•k . , • ',UNFORTUNATE',
C • ..
. •' W.-i to ' '
Cut out and preserve the fol
-112.-:'''' '''' ' lowing card. It is particularly
- - --- .• -::•STlLMlEßS AND
'''''" ----- - 5 : : Tgay . XI.MCS to prevent their
- -:-.:.--- being misled and deceived by
1 the lying haasts, false promises, anti spurious 'recom
mendations (from thesdead and. unknown) of Foreign
and Native Quacks, of whom there are 11l 0 hi Phila,
delphia than elsewhere, because of the cleui ncy of th,,
laws of the State. Citizens know And avoid them.
. Having tried one to twenty dollars worth of Quack
Mixtures, ExtractS, Invigorating Elixirs; Cordials, lilt
S:c., without offect---having boon deceived by m's.'
represented and exaggerated ace:omits , of ctulf-Abuse,
Secret Diseases and their Consequences, published iu
. Advertisements, Books, ac., and misled by, false re
' celptS and wren. , adrice contained therein, purposely ,
to increase sulTerliigs, and alarm and frighten the un
thinking. the moro easily to extort large fees, (which Is
' - intim evident, being sollfor loss than cost of printing
and advertising)—having paid five to one httudred dol
lars to Foreign and Native Quacks, '
having suffer, mina and long-tholigh the time lost
cannot be recal ti, nor the money recovered you pall'
mad were tiefrau of, yet yuu can, be cured, however
- bad, Nag standing or afflicting yeercase, by Dr. LEIDY.
"11,3 wise,' betimeet - Delays are dangerous."
. "Time is Money ; Time saved is Money earned." , •
YOUNU MEN oft ovum,
Single, mirrled, or couteMplating - marriagec suffering
from Self-A - buso orits conscipencesTorsndering from
any other muses, defects,, or deseases, and LADIES,
whatever their diseases or sittatious, may honorably
rely auti•coullffe in Dr. Leidy's. skill and success. Ac-'
commodatious, if required; with kind and officiout h at
• teinIauxei.4I44M:•BE.I.4I7S.TILIVATEILOSPITAL, •
•Tituni IS Mil fill!' AND WLLL PREVAIL'
Is Waged the following cannot bO,COIIIIII4IIPIOdI YIDMOiji
tkqt, ' . '
Du. N. B. LEIDY, •
No. 114 North FOURTH Strout, above Itace.
Is the fully regular Physician srusidiug in Philadel
phia, .Graduate of the University of pennaylvania, o
1833, (twouty-two years) exclusively engaged in 'the
r treatment of Secret or Delicate Discs.'i of both sexes.
Silf-Abtise and its—censequenees - v (m&-knie Weakness
and inability; - Nervousness; Irregularities and other
diseases or situations of Females; and which he will
cure In ices, time and less restraint,' more effectually,
than any (Alter, under forfeit of
Dc. - LEIDY has more patients, add curei , them too,
than all advertising Doctors, so called or otherwisevln
Philadelphia, combined, and proudly refers to 'Profes
sors and respectable Physicians, many of whom_consult„
bins la' critical cases, snit ,respectable Citiseus, Nur
' chants Mad Ibital Proprietors, as to his knoin skill, re•
putatiou'itad miparalielecUsuccess. ' •
•Carli have necessary advice and medicine sent them by
mall-or-uther_wise,„to_adY.Tpart of tile United States,
giving a destription of their' cases (encloiing a reason
able fee) by letter to Du... N. B. LEIDY,
?No. 114 North FOURTII Street, above Race,
A ugu s tl5; 1855. •
ALL PAPER.---Just received' a
splendid , stocli of raper ILangings, --- Window
.Shados awl Fireboard Prints embracing all the 'newest
awl most apirosed -styles. 'The designs are ..neat and
Chaste, and the pricessuch as-cannot fall to Owe sells
, &ethic'. We invite our friends and the 'public general
ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing
elsewhere: ' 11. SAXTON,
march2l , ' Bast Main Street, Carlisle
the subscribers desire to inform farmers and public
generally that have on hand and are constant
dy manufacturing-Threshing Machines With Plerpont's
Patent Shaker, which are generally acknowledged to be
the best articles now louse. Also'h variety of Clover
Hullers, Corti Shelters and Straw Cutters. They also
attend to the reparning of •Agrleultural Mach nery in
the best manner und en reasonable_terms..„_3lanufac.
tory on North Hannover Street,„ directly opposite the
residence of George Metzger, Esq.
August o 00. • ABRTMS & PLANK. -
oi you who haveleen afflicted fon pasts with this
rsomo disease, and who have been using almost
every Nostrum belbre the public without relief, we Say
to you try "Kieffers AlitiDyspeptle.! and you willsoou
, be convinced of Its groat superiority - over every other
/preparation, AVe could give you nutty certificates orob
I orating : our assertions, but a single trial is worth more
•thah sit This remedy Is, prepared and sold at the Drug
gt or o of 11. J. K drnth •Ilanover
Aoori south of the PlUi't - se. Carlisle:
. •
AILS 1- NAILS altt
prred to supply - coantiy ,Igarchantszvitb aixils at
afadturers prices. , ' SAXTON.
qteq.son's whole pleasnieinllqhejoyeuf souBe;.‘ "
:Lie in.three Ptiace, and Compotonee'::
• • • • - . :(Pope.)
But when we have pains, affliction or anguish of did
easesils net•nur 'pleasurei , our joy, and our happiness
thereby destroy.ed/ Why'let our sick follovr-being s
• .--Atoptiaot Chrittlay-:• l "Withlhersameh , .
mete, it shairi; measuieilirin-u .
"Who is a wise man and. endowed•with knowledge ef•-•
mong'you,let him show 'out_of.a good _conversation his
works with meekness and wisdom."—James ,••
DEIt, Stirgeon. 'and • Physician, who-is` Botanist' and:
l'hydologist, and Is Graduate of our best Medical Collo
ttes, and has made himself acq_uainted.withAnhe•Vari.;
°us' systems - orfttalcat - Science and' with ' the" recent
discoveries it'd improvement in the various depart
monts of thellealing.%A.rts. faithfully attends-to orders,
for Surliest and Medical Aid, and whose medicines are
all- in f alenr composed strictly in actordance,With the
Scleueos,of , Pithology, Botany,'llydropethy. and Phyla ,
olOgy; and whoie medicines are all composed of 'whole
sthne'reotso_lauts., audhydromthY,_gootlin all diseases,.
and towboat the - afflicied are invited to apply timely.
Ilis Characioi by Respectable Neighbors, Ac... •
Copy of a letter frOm - the Rev.. C. II; Leininieli AO - Mr;
11. 11. Etter, of
- the }Warm Bpyi n ge.: 'Respected air
low me to intrOdtice to Your. friendly Dr. *Cato
mut. of.••NeW.York. I itave known Dr.. C. 'fur - sixteen
:years, he has' t1.5n0 business for use with sobriety, hon.
,esty and with accuracy; therefore. I du believe him to
be- perfeeilf, t - Wilie - rTliiiiiihiciilairrizetW - OF thy: - - Ally - favors -
Y'ou may see proper to confer on hint wiii be:highly ap
preciated • by his nunierous friends ' mid by none snore
highly: than your sincere friend and humble servant',
. - . C. 11. LIENJJAOII - .'
Landisburg, 15th,1851:
Copy of a letter, from George ',Spahr, Esq:,
Treasurer.—l do certify that the medical advice of Dr;
i;ardder has. surpassed ady other which I have
iiitherfotaiu the cure of severe fever lu'itiy
w o uld-thereforwrocommend.hiai-to-such-persous..who.
way ho aftlicted With - iforesaid disease or, otherwise.
"" - - AlhOittiE SPAILIL.
Bloomfield, Atikust 20th, - 1851; • . .
DR, CAItDDED. ;being well ucgliahttod with the'-re
. 4 colit French discoveries, with their new mid safe modes
of truatineut, and the speed/ and certain remedies and
cures for DyspepXia, Liver Lomplaints,Dysenter,y,.Chol
era 31orbus and all Complaints of the.llowels ; and
ach; Stiperloi Itemedies lbr.the . .proveution and cure of
Asiatic taiolera.‘ Itetueflies for all thJ defects and dine
eases of the Generative Organs null reproductive mime
my in melt and women; Remedies fitr insanity; certain
and tinnily cures'foi ail Consumptions, impotence, Stet , '
ility. Sexual-Abuses, Vedureal Diseases Inuit their forms;
Suppressions and otherdelicate female complaints, AIL
thorn remedies emanate from the Most noble science of
Botany, and ilydrtmathy combined, (but, no poison.)--.
`Gfeal all manner ot .siekness and all matiuur of disease.
New Tostatueut..,t•lt is fur healing that Christ commen
ded.' the Sainaritatt.—Luke,•l,o; 33 to 37, and with code . .
moitnieau.s. "Frove allthings, hold lard - tat. which is
Thuf,salouians, 5,-;IF:--"rherefore letrue be
warii•of laying up what we should lay out Ibr health,
for there is tfflatscattereth and yet increuSetli,aud there
IS - tinit witliiiffldetlimoiii than is meet, but it.teudeth."'
ilit ' rerent uiediclues and their directions will
seuldb the aftllcted,in 'any . diroction by utilithrel(PreSd.
Addre'S*Dr. CAlLDedtiGarliSle,Cutubeilanti. cond.
okt.,,paid, and the fee id always accompanying
the letter, *DA the order,Ceftedde-rwitli-n-description-m
-the feelings aMe symptoms of the complaints 'ot the
afflicted inclosed. tbe this system of 31edlcal
the fflioks and the modes -of cure only, which Dr. Card
allesspfmedichis. entirely made or
composed of Wholesetne
f;OlNqn . j s itiul
- which can matte.
speedy and certain remedies aiikcuresfor "all manner
id sickness and all Wanner of disease,': and which' our
all Other medical means iS point. of got/dile/is:
boundi of iMuiParison„ uth llauOver
street, East side 111,3 r and below the Presbyte an Chitrcla
Carlisle, Pa. Testimonials front numeroni p owns of
the highest r' . espectabildy In this and the adjbining
-counties,-give authentic evulenctl, of the goodness . - .1
Cardders character, and can be soun_al, his Mice.
N. It. The afflicted can receive superionftedicitics elld
the. directions fin- their-use by the Mist return of until or
express. If interviews be" desired,, or visits requested;
Di. C. will endeavour to accommodate applicants as tar
as he can. The Doctor speaks the English and tlititi s
wan Languages, etc. • • [ Jen. 17, 1855
, lilt. Cil I.: ES NM AN'S' PILLS. •
'and combination of ingredients in these rills is-the ro.
sult of a long and extensive practice ; they are mild in
their operation; and , certain - -of- restoring- nature to Its
prOper channel. in overy-Instauce have those rills mi.
•ved successful. They' invariably open those obstructions
to which pinutles are liable, and ' bring nature into its
proper chtilluel;',whoreby health Is restored and the pale
and deathly countenance a healthy one. • No
female can enjoy good health unless she is regular; anti
whenever. au obstruction takes place, whether !emu el
posure, cold or any other cause, thw-general 'health lin,
mediately begins to decline, and the waliAuf_sitch a ietn
etly WO been the cause of so motif / consumptions among
young ruin:des. To.ladies whose health will not remit'
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a val,
amble acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
-Headache,pain in the side, palpitation of the lwart, loft
-thing-of-uLdimi'dLturbed sleep di) mold always arise
from she interruption of iisture_L and whenever that is
the case, the 011.1)T111 invariably remedy all thert evils.
Nor are the less MlL:scion; In the cure ,of Leucurrhani,
commonly called the "Whites." These pills should nev
er be taken . during prognanchas_they , would 1)41Iva to
cause a miscarriage. trarrauted 'purely Vegetable, and
free from anything iniurions to Jild or health.. k'ullarnt
explicit directions accompany each Nix.;
• These pills arc 'pa up In square flat boxes. Peisons
residing whero there is no agoney establiiilnid, 'by enclo
sing One Dollar in a letter, prepaid; to Dr. C. L. Cni...ese
id.o4 N 0.267, Illeockec street, New York, can, ha them
sent to Unlit-respective addressive by
The subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover st.,
Carlisle, the sign of:the "Mammoth Rod Coffee Pot," do
ires to call the attention of the public to his large as
ortment of STOVES,o.f, the newest and most fashione
. ble styles, from the best Insuufactbries in the
' country, and at all 'paces from $3 to $ll5.
s _ are the. Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Revere, Star,
Persian; Union and ,Etna Air Tight, together
with other patterns will& he has of all MOB
hi er;Chambers, a n calculated& for burtilng_either
'wood or coal. Also, the 'Etna, 'Globe; Astor, Albany,
Flat-top and Bandbox or-Poor Mani, with .ptlior COOK
ING STOVES, comprising the latest impniVements'in
kitchen stoves, and Intended for either wood or coal,--
Also, the Dining 'Room Cooking
_Stove—a new. stikple
gent article, to which -he invites the particular. atten
tion of families. lii cooking stoves range in price from
$1 to '25, with the fixtures complete. , Also, Nino Plate
ves of various patterns and different prices.
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, Ac. Also, every article in the
line of Tin and Copper_ Ware. The public—aro respect
'fully invited to canes ho Is, confident with' his large
stock; variety Ind cheapness,of being able to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. -
Oct. 25, 1854.., M. MORRIf3 ,
, . .
--;101IN D. OOROAS would Infirm the public-that
he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main St.,
next door to Marion . Hall, the largest and most com
plete assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PAR
. • LOU. STOVES: to •be found In' this county,
which will be sold at the lowest 'prices for
• •
cash or approved credit. ills stock' consists of
a hula assortment .of new and highly ap
In the most complete manner, anmfoealculated for either
Treed or coal, or 'both. .-All the old' standard patterns
which peso stood the test of experience, may heilOulid
at his es ablishment) Also, a -great variety of the most
approve , and Leant .ul PARLOR OFFICE STOVES, ho
cluding.-...numlier of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretofore:ln use.. Families
andlousekeepeis aro respectfully invited to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at. the shortekt no
lice rile Croitinues to do allkinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
hand or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers: or others in this line. Ills "stock of Tin
and Copper Ware.embrareS every kind-of household and
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best manufitc
tured. Persons In want of articles in his' lino may all
ways he sure of being acednimodated to their satisfaction
, by giving him a call. . • • • inovl
' .q rliolt foralti
, • .PARATONB.-;-41EL3LBOLJY§ 111011LX CON;
hIsTILATED • .- • ' '
'For disease-o(th° Dladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases,
Strietnres, :Westmont's, and all diseases or the Oexual
'.Organs, whether iu Male or -Female; froM Whatever
cause thoy.may have originated,anti. no matter of tiow
• ..
long-nnuiding. -
i4qai...din.traeleskth4AolfilAtt. - Alegifiejf-likk,;
.once seated in the system, will surely go down from one
generation to another, undermining the constitution
-and - sapping . the, very_yital-fluids of life,. do 'not trust
yourself in the hands plQuacks, who Start, nrieVory-dey
in a city like this, and-fill the papers with - glaring false-,
hoods, too well calculated • to' deceive the_ young,• and
those nqt acquainted with their tricks. .tou, - cannot be
-too careful-in-the-selection-of-a-rentedyln-theSu-cases
', The Fluid Extract. Buchu has, been prondunced by
'eminent physicians..the greatest remedy over known.—
It is a medicine' perfectly pleasant its taste, and very
innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that It anni
hilates every particle of the-rank and poisonous viruspf
'this dreadful disease; and, unlike' other remedles;does
not dry. wp the tlls'ease In the . blotid.• . •
- Constitutlonal,Debilltp_broughtram_hr_solf-aluise.,,a
•moet-terrible disease, which has brought thousands of
the human-race to_ untluiely'graVes, thus blasting_the
brilliant lioims gf parentsotud blighting in - the bud the
glorious timbitiotauf'many a noble
. youth, can be cured
by this. Infallible Remedy.; And no a medicine which
must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the'
Confined and despairing invalid. no equal Is to be found
acting both as a Cure and preventive.
For Purifying the Blood, Amoving' , all diseases arlsulg
from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
life, chronic' constitutional disease, arising
-from an
Impure Rtztte, of thelllbod, and the only reliable and
toffectual.known-veinedy for • the cure' of Scrontia; Salt
Rheum, Scald nom, Ulcerations of the Throat- and
Legs, Pains and Swellings' of the, _ Bones, 'letter,
Pimples on the :FaCe, and all Scaly klrtu idiot's. of -the
diThis article. is now prescribed by' some of-the 'meet
nistinguisionlithfsiffianS in-the bas Rraved
pore efficient in.practice than any preparation, of Sorsa
arilla yet offered to public: Several cases of C . OOOll.
dory Syphilis, Mercurial and Sefofulous diseases -have
entirely recovered in tho incurable,vrards of one Public
Institutions which' had for many years resisted every
Mode of treatment that could be (Wised. These cases
'furnish striking examples of thedutiutarYeffects of this
medicines in arresting some of the most inveterate
diseases, after the' glands'werc'destrOyldl and the bones
already affected.
from`reSponsible Physiciiins and Pro
fessors' of several Medical Colleges, and certificates. 0.
; Tures frmn-patientslbe , f4tlttd:entcompanying=l.oll?
Preparations. .
PRICES, Fluid Extract of Buchu, $1 per bottle, or.o-for $5.
". SanTipnrilln, 0 tt
equal. In
. stretigth to one gallon of yruy of Samparilia l
- ePrepared "zind sold by 11. T. lIELMObIi, Chemist, 2113
.Chestuttl Street, near the (Oran! !louse. Philadelpifa..
To belied of_Druggists atubDealers everywhere.
All lettersAlirected to the Propriette- or Agent receive
• immediate attention: -
July.2s, '55.._
till parts df the Untied States, who testify daily to the'
remaritablexures performed by the greatest• of all mediL
eines, "CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
ltheumatlsm, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, LiverDi*:
- ease; Fevers, Ulcek Old - Sores; Affections - of tho-Kiduoys
'Diseases °V the Throat,.. Female Complaints,' Pains and
Acliing of the Bones and Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by using this groat and inestimable remedy.
For alldiseases of the ,Illocat - nothing - has: yet , bean
toned to compaieTtu cleanses the system of alt - im ,
purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liveraud Kid
neys:Strengthens the Digestion, jtives tone to the Stom
ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
-ConPtituti 4 .l l . enfeebled by disease or bridien doW'n by
excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladies it is, incompahtbly better than all the
cosmetics over used. A few doses of CARTER'S SPAI9SII
Mixrumt wilt Shove alLsallowness of complexion, bring
the roses mantlinglo the, cheek, give elasticity to the
step r and Improve the general health in a remarkable do
srse beyond all the medicines ever heard of. • -
The large number of certificates which Wo hive receiv
ed front feoni persons from all parts of the United StateS,
is the best evidence that therela _ntiitutntedg about - it. -
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians', and
publirmeni'weilltifown to timcommunity, all add their
tostititony to tho wonderful affects of this GREAT BLOOD
Call on the, and get 'a Circular and Almantic,
and read the wonderful cures this truly.groateit of all
Medicines hnsporfbrmod. • •
Fono genuine unless signed RENNETT 6 BlfßitSi . P.--
prfators, No. 3, Pearl street, Richmond, Va. to who NI
orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed,'
AndAfor sale by'S.'"Elliott, S. IV.- Ilacerstlek r efulisle i _
Pity, MochaniCsburg, - ; J. IL - Iferroni . NeyKille; J. C.
Attic, Shipponsburgi and by' dealers in medicines - every.
whore. ~.
- - Kelling,pf Merchanicsburg, Cumberland f
c Pa., announces tothose
Wens. Cancers,Polypui; Lupus, Miilee - iirldarks,,Sciat
ula. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or Knife, he cab remove them with.
Out, cutting, Miming or pain ; neither Chloroform of
Ether Is administered to the patient. It Is no'mattet
on what part of the body they may be, he can remove .
them with perfect safety, and in a remarkably shod
time. No Mineral of Vegetablepolson is applied, and nc
money required, until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsus Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Verna
real and all other diseases treated with positive suecees
:Full particulars'can be obtained by addressing in either
English or German, post paid., _Patients can be 'maim
moduted with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one of lite prettiest and- healthy
towns in this or any °the, State. It is 8 miles from
Harrisburg, on the Cumbestand Valley Rail Road, and
,accessible ftent all parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit 'eases in any part of the tate wheri.ddelred.
irg-Ki rid reader if you *mite any atilictedtellow area
Lure, delay not to toll therb-of this treatment.
J . .
UST RECIaVn.—A lot of pattent
Meat Grinders, a woo article for Namara, or family
use, foriale at • . J. P.. LYNE'S
- . Hanover St., clarliale.
1 1 .'5.. 6,11 " :14 ; 1 1R1 undersigned has just replenish,
ed h sloe of •
and Is prepared to supply his friends and customers with
altnost• anything required in dotnestie .use, at prices
which ho hopes win prove satisfactory. Ills stock•eon.
!Mote of every vaiiety i of goods suitable for town and
country•nse. lie has:also on lmnd a Keueral assortment
of HARDWARE, such astute) , he needed by Arnica( and
mochnules for avtiry, day use. Ills steely:4' •
• .
is large and embraces an .excellest assortment of choke
qualitcs.• All for sale Wholesale and Retail, Soar East
corder of llariover and Loather streets, Carlisle, Pa.
453-Country Produce taken In exchlrnge for goods.
• nev. , • SAMUEL Q-I.IUYErp. •
LADIES... , •,Dr. Golimner's "eoloblifted — klinsTrit,
,I'4t..ta hdve been-long and-widely known as inviniably - '
pertain 'ln removing any -stoppage, irregularity„or, sup
pression of the menses.
In the Female liospitalk in Vienna, and Berlin,.
they have entirely superseded the use oral] other reme
dies; :bacons!), where a ea° is etitinaldb by medicinal
agencies, they_are cortain.of incecss—Theli astonishing_
4iieie - dildtof-not-inuelied-fer , L;
by indubitable testimony, .1p- numerous instances pro
ducing returns of the monthly period after all hups had
been abandoned. ' •
I ifi'Yerylerise, from ;Whatever cause the obstinctial
may . arise, as also to prevent pregnancy where• the •
health will not admit of Increase of family, they rire
always efficient; for which, reason they Must not be used
ifirrFng pregniihey,TlltougY - Rway healthy, 'safs,;,-
and.certain in their effects. ' •
-.Married Indies wilt tliid particular Instructions In the
directions, in which fire Stated- in 'various symptoms by •
which the causes of the suppression maybe determined.
*ice, Ono Dollar per Box, containing explicit dire.
dons. a
Each box will be signed by Dr. 11. G. OEIBANtR.
PrilleipliVOinCerV27M-LibertY-Stre(St,N ow_,Yet*Si.i3.
Responsible agents Will be appointed for their sate I
soon practigable.. ln the loran time ,altordersatrete
be addressed to Dr.ll. (I.exisst4at,l2l6 Liberty Street
NoW-Ydrk City, or to box ON. Y. ost Office, and
box will De sent by return mall, am. - ther aie, put Mit
Foaled onvelopes, and cast be sent with the'sttictest pet
vary to any part of the United States.
'As various not_ only- ineffortive but inSurlouS corn
poundaplrporthig to ha !•Fr.mAt.t rim.o under all kinds'
of wades lIS "InoN Plus," t'Savra - z Pius," "OoLDEN
pats,' "PERI INT. Puts," I.:C. IWO ‘tittempted to:. be
paliiied off upon the crsrluions or unwary, it is only
necessary for iodic tebe on Oath- guard against the at
tempted, imposition, and in all cases where there Ifi no
authorised agent for the sale of "l/n. °sign:l:Ws MEN.
STRUAL" to order direct from 'him by until; lryrs,e•
turn..of which a ho - x., will be sent. • -
Messra. George - Ross, Lebapon; E. T. Miller, York;
Allem:in, Harris Wm.; D. 1t...J0ne5...4 Co., Harrisburg;
- Burton Erie; Stewart .4 Sinclair,. Erie;. C.
Weiley, Miiibach. .
.yov*; M,p., Gradua
of, the Luiverskty of Pennsylvania,.Member of the Ro •
.al •eollege Id .. Surgeons, London, and IlOnontrY• Membi
of the Philadelphia Medical anctety. Tlie•varieus torn
of Secret • diseases, Seminal Weakneat Diseases of tt
Pritstrate Ultind,,impotency,solitariy habits of youth, at •
faithtnlly dekrlbed, and all. the receipts given in plat
Weakness is worthy of particularnttentlon. and stioul
be read by every one. Young men ,Who hare been tat
fin-tun/Ito • - in k contracting disease, - previous to placia ,
yourselves under the care of any doctor. no matter win
his pretensions may be,get a copy of this truly valuab,
I .
to site iiliOulePosse„
Dr, Young's Treatise on Marrlnge, the Pocket Asculat
us. or Every one' Ills Own Physician.•
431"1. - Cti fathe.rial ashamed to preSenCa copy-of . ti
JEsculapitt to hit:child. It may save him from an ear
grave. Let no young than or women 'enter into the e '
caot,obligations of married life withoutreading the poe
et , .T.sruinplus. Let no one suffering l'roni.a linchnit
cough, pain in the side, restiesa nights, nervous feelin .
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations. npd give _
up by their physician, be another moment
BUlth)g the lEnciiapluit, Have' the married or the
about to bo married any impedimtent; road this tru
useful-Bradt, as it bas been the means of saving the
sands 'of unfortunate creatures' from .the very'. Jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thisolebrati•
work has been sold in this country and Europe since 1
when the first edition was Wiled.
AQ". Any person sending TWENTY-.FIVE cents e
elosotlin a letter, will receive • one' copy of this book 1.
mail: or fite copies will be sent for $l. Address I
WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphl
Post paid.
Tlrenty years 'practice In the city of Philadelphia m r
Leanly: entitles Dr. Young to the confidence or the of
deted. and.he may to consulted on..any of the diseases
described 1:i his different publications, sthie office.. 15,
Spruce street, every day between 9 and . 3 o'clock, Sun•
.aye-seteeptodland.persons at any distance can consult
Dr. oung by letter, Post PelL j ,. ,
ef—No. 164 811,-Stittint's
phis, extensive 3 sic Publisher, and Dealer in 31 usle
Instruments ?.every , d esert pt On. - - ' -
'Exclusie,ygent for tlio sale of flatlet, Davis d Cu
Patent Suspension Bridge "1-:ellan and other PIA NOS,—
Gilbert'S Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's Guitars
Harp.; Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, Ac. .
.itesidents of -the country will be supplied by mall 01
otherwise with music they way wish, as - low salt' pur •
chased In person. Having one of the largest titoas to
the United States, 1 feel, confident of satisfy ing all wh
may, faver.ine with a calior order. .
Dealers in Music supplied on the moat liberal.turins.
Menotti° let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. .
_4Y,VIIOLES-t_LE- awl ILETA 11.,..atihe "Fiala- .
• - ' delphia {tat-) and Jewelry litot e,
SAL . . Number 90 North Second 'Street, ior
- --7 -e% • nor of Quarry, Plilladelphia. Gold
Lover Watches, full jew - ened, 18 car
. .
i; , i at' cases,.., - - -, - - $2O 'OO -
* 4 , ..:. i , Gordtepine, 18 carat oases,. 2100 -
••.',.i -..-- 7 ~: 811 ier . • jewels, • 9(0
' 3 ' '' ) i" I ' - Sliver Lever, full•jowelled, .12 00
-Superior Q'uartlers, - - , - 700 ,
Gold Speetacles,l- - - , • , . - ' 7on
Fine Sliver' Spectacles, -, • - *I tO
Gold Ilracelets, - - • -•' - „. a*o
'-Ladles' Gold - PencllS,, -.-- . - --• 1 00
Silver Tea Spool:1s, set, •, _ 2 .. 2 _ . _ ' - 509
Gold eens.,,with Pencil and Silver ITolder, - I 00
Gold Finger Rings 37% cents to $8; Watch Glasses
plain,l2% cents, Patent Lunet 25; other articles
In proportion. AR goods warranted to be what they are
sold tor. •
On hand, some Oold and Silver Levers and LeOlea
s till lower than the above tnic:en. .
11111 1
'S. W. Cr,l or Twelfth and Bete Streets, Philad'a.
importer of fine 'french Truman, combining extreme
lightness, ease and , durability , with correct constnirr•
thin. a
Hernial or ruptdred patients can be suited by remit.
tang amounts :-. 4 -Sendiug nundwr of inches,-round the
hips and stating side affected- . -
'43(34 of- Truss, $2, $3,44, $5. 'DCuble—ss $3,
$8 and $lO. •
instructions as to wear, and how to effect • cuss,
when possible, bard with the Truss. • ,
Also for sale, in great variety,
Dlt. - 11AEEING'S IMPROVEti PATENT Win' 111 R-08.
Bar the cure of Pndapsus tibia ; ' Spinel Props and Sup
potjs, Patent `S_houlder -Braces, Chest . Expanders end
Elector Bracer, adapted twall with Stoop Shoulders end
and Welk Lungs; English Elastic Abdtailnal ,Ec4s,•
Suspensimmies, Syringes—male end lhmole.
. AO-Ladies Roorni, with Lady attendants. •
1 - 100 TO R AOUR
SELF—i '1
cents, by ineans of thel'OCl
The thirty-4;Np Edition, wit
brie lnfl red onirrairingS. sh.
Ing' . Priyate. Diseases nit-Nia _
formations of the Generatli
System, In. every - shape no
forth: by — whit:li is. added
Treatise on the Diseases of lo •
males, intended. fol: the ass '
'felonies only, Ole page 190)
lug of the highest importan•:
to•inarried people, or thoslico
May 20. 1861-1,1
The Niniste; and the Fiddle:-
'A responsible friend is the vouthei for the
truth of the folloWing capital story
a.-.0.0.0pr5--noc..4.4.,leas,uhe , .p_iLs-414.--
sonieWllai• facetious Dr. Pond dwelt •in the
quiet out.of the-way villageof A----, in the
Spite of 'Steady -Habits, The Doeter'hideas
Were libeial—Lameh more so. than Many of 1,141.
congregation - approved,. neverheletis he kept
ottthe even tenor of his way, and disregarded
the prejudices 4 . his people. He • had a. son
named Epoch', who at an early age , manifested
remarkable talent for music; which.the lath
-er--:cherished--and- cultivated=-with-care.
the same villagepresidedawantkquated maiden
lady, who 'having no cares of her own' to ob
cupy ter time' and attention, 'magnanimously..
devoted herself to those of , her neighbors.—
no_morning calleti_at the-Doctoes -and,
requested to see him. , When he entered the'"
room where alio Wits seated ho percelied at a
glance that something was amiss, and before
he had time to extend to her the usual "How
1 . 33 do?" sho began : -
"I think, Dr. Pond, that a man of-your ago
and profession Might, have had something bet ! ,
ter to do, when you were-in-New London last
week, than to buy Enoch it fiddle . :; all the pee
plerare ashamed that our minister should-buy
his son a fiddle. &fiddle Oh dear what is
the world coming to, when ministers will do
such things ?"-
. -
"Who told you •I had. bought Enrich a fi
illey'•inquired the Doeter. •
‘ ,"Who tehttney Why e v erybody says so,
'Li" sonteipepple have-beard him play ort it ns
'they visaed the aoor. But ain't it..true,,lloo-
boughtitnooh n dioiin when I wont to
New London."
"A violin? What's that r
"Did you. never see one.?"
---s.!Briooh; 9 :-said -th e octer_etopp ing=to_ _the _
door, "bring your violin here."
Tnoch obeyed the conimand, sooner
had-he entered with hie - instrunciebt, than the •
"La! now, there ;..why it is fiddle !"
"Do.ncit judge rashly," said the Victor, giv
ing his son a wink . ; "wait until you bear it."
Taking the hint, Enoch played old hundred.
The lady was completely mystified ,-it looked
like a fiddle!
. I.t could not be. So, riling to
depart; she exelaimed,• "I am .glad I' came in
to satisfy myself. -La me ! just to think how
iieople, Tr ill 141!"
Ciu AND ITS CURL—The Journal of Pri
sou Discfpline, noticing the fratids of it John
Paul.and his partners, the fori, es 'and su
icide of Sadlier.:and the p 2.'soning cases
Rugley,.says that no 'Orsotz can fail to notice .
in'tho history of all tiiesi N ) fearful offences, ;the
presence of somyespotio passimi in our na ,
ture—ambitiiyi, avarice, revenge, selfishness
7To cope , with those passions,
whet>thiy have' become but little conscious of
their strength, is no easy task,_.:Education, in.
ordinary - acceptation-of - the - term; hi—rio—
match/or them,: Regard to character, rev
erence for authority, soclal influences and-el
tatehtneuts—the atrougest, ties of human- af
fection--are important barriers. There is but
one principle of permanent, reliable and ade
quate strength, and that is the fear of tied,_'
implanted by 'his own power in the heart, and
supptying,motivesiof-encouragement toobe
-41/lice, which datt,apring (rem tio. other source.
This migkestion opens a Wide and interesting
field of iuqury into the defects and tendencies,
of prevailing system of publio and houiehold
education, which neither titno,norspane wiU
buffer us to Outer. , . . .
ltES6"kilkins, you say you know the defect
daut:•—whai is hie` character 2".
'For what, air,—spreeiag or integrity!"
:', - 7 - "Foriategrity;:airTP-
. -
Well, all Loan say . about Soma le that, if
be'e botkeat,'lkte,a got a %beer way of ektvgAii
it, that's all!"
4.W hat do you mean by 'that
:lust this—that the night before he' ales
on turke,yi - sotnebody'l poultry coop Ls alwayc
broken open;"
• "That wilt
Mr. Fi[kine."
A. Mantra's tove..—Tho intensity, of ma
ternal affectioa•was well illustrated in the ob
.eerratioa of a sweet little bey, who after read•
ing "Pilgrim's Progress," asked. his meaust
which of the clisre.oters she liked best. litto
replied "Chrisdan, of course; he is the , here
of the stork." lie responded i I like -
Christiana best, beoaase when Christian set
out on his pilgrimage he went atone, bat when
Christiana started she took' the children with
1166. A fashionable countess young.
nobleman which he thought the prettiest flow.
era, roses or tulips. Ile replied with great
gallantry- 7 P your ladyship's iroo i before all • 4
the roses in the world.?
e g .