Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1856, Image 1

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    E. BEAIrTY
« ./
, • . , ,
T glad SI ti 1013 BLiCILA4
Ttie CaliMema lialle.o la iMbilithed ott:a largd
:.,r-v—tiliiiet-;6slitaliiingTroirri-oolandxg,'and.furniohedlo eUbf*
'acribeia if the' rictkoof sl,'„so'll': : ;PiddLotiletly la adirince;'
' 0.75 if ; paid the. y4r Or $2 in all cases, yllen.
payment' is doltlYed" until after the: expiration of the
year. No übscriptiOna received for a less ,, perlodlhan.
molithg, ancl uone;digeoutinued-untllall orrea'r_ages
are paid, unicalfatille,ciptlinvOillielPabliiiiieh. Papers
sent to ' fnibacrlbors liviitg out of Cumberland. county
muot, bo pal.d. tur in, advance, or„t.bupaymont assumed
by Wonle'resPoti§lble'perOon in.Cumberlitnd coma
eghoso Mos 4111 , be; adheredi olk
, ,
--- 4 - 4Vertlsements, wpl ,bo chargarsloo---per,Stmarett
twelfe linos for thrc& Insertions,' gad 25 costs fpr each ;
subsequent ihsertion.. • All advOrtigemOnte of:lest; than .,
twelve lines cOnsidered qtra square. hofollorvingrutq
, 1"( i.! ,
" 3 Months. 0 ,Months.l2 'Months.
L, Square, (12 lines,)': $3.00-3-- -,. /. $5.00 .' • $B.OO • •
2 , 6 f , • 5.00 • 0 8.90. 12.00
t~y•••••'-- " • ,12.60 , ' '
; •.; • .13.01) 2(00
- - 2.5.00 35.00',"::,
• Advertisbmonis insorti4beir,Ciffirtifthi:bittfrd'peritht,
t eentlper lino for first' insertion,' ppd. 4 - cepts.por lino
forsubsecluent insertions. C,omtiihnleritions•on-Subjerth
of limiter or Individual interestroorililm charged .5 cants'
porlino The Proprietor will not, be' respon slide In dank
agerfor errors in tidvortiseihtnts:'l-01 , 1iutkry . 'noticei; filet
- ' exceeding Dv' be inserted without charge.
. . •
The CAiLIALE 141141,1 ) . Jail , OFFICE Is the
larifeat and most compieternditliliSlmvairt - in - the - inantyl -
Thr good- Presses, and: a g,orteffil variety of material
Butted for Plain and Fancy work of every kind, enables
ne ttv, do Job Printina' at the shorteat notice and'on the
mostroasunable terms.. Porsonsin want of Bills, Blanks
;ler any - thinte'iri tile Jobbing:line kill find ' it their in 7
torest to give uses atIL :Every iariety - of BLANKS eon
. stonily on hand.. • . ,•
• ' girt I Ail letters'onbasinesii must tie , flosiimlo, to se: ,
. - .
Irciffte . :, - 4 ; .....
~.,. • •
NYCIOE,:-.-L.' .- The StoOlrholdoip of the
•oitrlN9 Onalmd:Wate? Company. wlll moot at„tb.O
Arbl ration - Chamber', in Carlisle. on :qoOday t h e 11th of
Mar'l.Bf.d, nt 2 , 0 , c10ck, P. l'ill.ftn' Om oltotion of a Preal•
'.dont ap4 Fife Directors for dm ensuing yo r.
. ' -- •' ' t ' ' MEDIC 11: ATTS.
, , 'President: .
April 23,1856-4cri
T-40A.NVANTED.-:$2,000 or $3 - ,000
wanted: for which the best Real Eptatc , or, per'.
sotu4lee , urlty. gill ho ; glv,en„
,Apply. to
• -:rinaudg against me Itill emit" and see : Me, artdJilt
ude ted'uflt do the, same . before the
rolst of Aprkfor
thoW eceortelszefffil be - left - with .410-:.yiper 'person
oolleutdou.' jilty 63. ' :111120N.
. •
A0N.11.3Y - - WANTED.;,,L—A.ll_i_p_ersoilk
l lindebted to the"subscrlter for 'Ftbra , goods for 6
znouthS bud upwards - are earnestly, requested to- call
and sOttle hp'Vlthout: delay as mousy Is much' needed'
by him at the present time. . ,
~, Jap:3o: . . . Clito: Y1t:1117.N.111t..
. . •.... .
1, 1 - 1 4 '1"SATI.I. Or. 11 - IJGLI GAULLA-.
1 I ER, Es q., dOceased: - ptotiee horeby'givo'n-that
utteps„Of Administratiorron the estatWordiugli . llaut
'uglier : Esq.; l
deroaiod, uive hoop granted , - to the sub
- = - Tsltid - Ficate,ate requested toinn - km itamoniato payment,
'and ili6solfaving claims will pfesent them for settle '•;•' . • .• , F.KED'K. WATTS,
April it 181iCel-Sw.-. Administrator.
• ' • • ~,.
A deaeliA'ed.—Notlee is hereby given that Utters.
. - omentary on tho estato or h eery liattbilf,de•cpased; .
have ; granteil. by the 'Balch/ter-of Cambe untY. to
the saly ruelding toSouti; 311ddloton twp.; said,
11:Putioiia having claims against saidrestato
will pr,onen thorn letdlomuf,.ntld .thoao indebted,.
will milk& Pa lent to • lIENICT:
Mareh 185 tpd.] • • ExcsautOr.•
jky'rxitE • i . it . 6EOItGE' . ..LUTZ,
rdeckiased. • Noti , Lis liiiieby'givdtt ,tlnkt lAtire.
ustainutit:try on, tho est o of George, Lurr y ' deceased,
late of hitihroeteiinship,rthi teriatid county, have been'
granted I the iteglater of A . eouutyto,the subscri
ber, r4sidiug in the same towns i• i. All portions know
ing themseiveeindebted .to said , ate are required to
make immediate payment,:aud thos haring claims - to
preseritOeui rot settlement to ' ' - . • '' „
• '''. .. • . , - .. • . 4 JOII, . LUTZ,
- 'IIi:IN'ItY 1,13 Ti,
Aprlll6, 18,56-6vf;]
ow , , FOUN_
['he subscribail has the satisfaction of in
rtrill•amix forming. his old friends and patrons that
--• his.establishitint is agititclu actire'orsk.
'lath rt,',lnnv buildings haul m tWOU:vilicted since the late
d tsa .trOtts fire 'mid cliff Whole etithblislitneut put in coin
plete,owiting order.' :Orders aro therefore respectfully ,
solicited for Work in his line, which will he done with
PrompAdegsmiddiftbirixstlntanner. •
f.'NGINILS 111)114 TO 013.D1)S •
-and rVpaired'.. • ' Linda Of liar:binary l'aper Mills:
Grist Vlila and d'actories repaired at short notice.' Mill
. 'Spindles dritssed and turned.
' such tualeql, Gear Your Gorse pewer,_ ilerizontat Gear
.Four liffirsenud4Two'llersc:Powers,'Plotighs, Citric Shot=
lora anA Crushers, dui; Patterns unuie,to order. Iron and
. Brass CASTING'S executed to Order, If not on hand, at
r, the she* . ast:nOtice, snob' as Cranks and -Mill . tletuit*,
-Spur and lieril_Wheels, Dudgeons forAaw. Bow.
Castlngs; - 'Cidters; Point Shears, Wagon atict - COaClilloS.
, es, Sphadleit,.oar; ; Wheels, .'Car. Chairs, . Unitas also
on hand a large, supply of Philadelphia and Troy _COOK
ING Stiff 1 , ,5, , and is constantly tanking Cooking Stoi , es
---- of Tarinus talproved patterns, for coal , or, wood, ten, phite
Stoves: o rates,' dte.!„ Iteittirinte,dono‘ to all' kinds Of 314
chinel t , All.k.inds of:old 4rev, Dress and Copper taken
n excliange'for wOrk •
xnay9 Ot
'43ituft Toffees.
At a meeting of,the Board of Directors, held on. the 6th .
of March, 1666, it was unanimeusly resolved that inter- .
t.shoddibe,:pahl, en , special - deposits'. by, the . Carlisle
Deik)sit glitirk; ificerponded by the State of..renusyl
veep', its.follows'; •
- 4 per, eeffbl-Pak;al3,nlini for: 4 tisonChs,:; •,„
: , ,12 I
;Intere e tceaseii after the expiration.of the cortilicate l .
-unless ierieWed, Una the.raney always 'Paid hack' With ,
out [IOW. ,
i) B
....14y' order of thoard 'o'f 'Dlrectors:
Marchrl2, .W,461.,..118811: 31 i Cashier.
. .
OvlllitltLAND‘ .VAL LEY'.I3ASK
: 77 PitOPItIETOB.B.'
1v1LL ,,, ,_ldp.cuota Bar.attaßarb •
Roar= C:Stratirtri'JoareDuaLse • . .
Weems, • Jouts,S. Streitx;
ThisAltA,' dolni badness: in . the - name of HER,
1311.ENNEXANa . C .is stoe frilly prepared to do a gen
eral Baitking 'Business with prempttiess and fidelity.
liloneTraceived cat Deporrand paid back on' demand.
• without notice., 2 , , Intalest" paid on Special deposits. -7-
Particukar attention paid to the colioctlen ,rof Notes,'
Drafts, Chocks, &Chi any part of the United Stattes"or,
inittances made to England, Iroland or the Conti
.. slant. The faithful and . coutldentlal execution of all or-'
dors onlrusted to them, may he relied Upton. • They will
at all times be. pleased to gi're any Information desired
.1n regardlednoney' matters in geheitti. . • •
,4 -•• o•, , - The proprietors ,of this .1 18 4.4 fire, , Individually liable,
to tho,extont of their eld'ateh 'foe all the doposlts and
„z,thefobitotiNts glinr,,Artm nom= &Ca.
.iya,..llanking House in Trout's Building, „Bain Street, •
fOW - delirs bast of the Ball Road Depot. Open for bud
ges!' from it ceolgck in the- morning wall 4: o'clock
"Abe everkingl , t7 . - ' Al. STURGEON. cashier.
• ' the'iata of 5 per rent. Per 'annum
will be paidenSpecialsdeposits es heretofore. •
Carlisle, March 18; 1056., • • . .
. .
.. . • .
. .4. .• .•5 . , • . A,415, 7 1f,.,..1,, -,••,t, - ~
. ,-. , • -
__ .. .• •
, . , . . ." •• ' .. 5 . , • •-5: ~ , • r......
:• 5. .:', I :' •' , 5 - • •• •••:• 1 1'' ' ..;....5 - ' ... i " i ..• ' - -.- ., • ••.*' 7- -. 4i...- - --1;1•: - 1:. - c;'' . i . ,;• • • 1 -- . '.,,' 116 '-,-,.
. 10
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• . .0 . ' :.i '..,„'1 . 1.1 J.• ..,:z••_.l. ....i.2.:i_:' ...Lt,l'2. ...1..:,.. .. _
.. , •.,!..5,,,.,N.: :5, • c:5- al.l. .3•1'.,'. 'IT.'., - ':'--..
.-......____ . . . _..... , .
''.l; , lii ,- i ~ .i • 1'„ ,- ~ , - .i
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,-;01,';',1: 4 V:f.',.:_::..:,:„ . _1:.;i:,,',;',.._1,..L:i:::;*:E_J) . _';Ni.E5T;_ . 4X5' . ,,AP.4': . : 3 9., ,- ',',15, 5 6
IBtratir Exposilor.
;. ' Tuesday, ''Aptil•22. l-tath e Sen '
ate, tiie
Intl toUlter and'ainend the het
the dircuit Court be thil Udited slates fer'Citli;
fornia.posied fi'nully:. The 'Senate'then took
up the Heusi bill aroehdatori of the Bohney
Land LttyVof 1855, "adding a' fviSlon for the .
admissioh' of parole testimoni , •'iti ail, 'cases
where no Hord evidence - exists, and allhwing
the time of travel to ' the place of
muster to be embiaced in the y period of ser . -
viee. •
- •
The House resatited - minaideration, on
• •, . • •. • •
second ,reading 'of the Senate amendments' to
the DetiOlener'kpprepriation bill. Of :the
tiftrfive amendments the greafer part was re
jeCtecL, 'fitniong4, those , adiipted was one ap
propriati4i $30,000 for the purchase, of seed's
and cuttings, for Ilistribution throughout the
country through the Patent office."
Itessrs. Washburne, of Illinois; and Wade,
from the Committee - on
,Commerce, reported
about fift,i,ltiver and ilarborAtifis, which Were
-referrettoLthe-dommitteeLof-the-Whole_on the
State of the union."'• - •
Thursdoy, April Senate, -.the, three
million armament.bill.wes'tben again taken up.
Alr. Mule state'd that the' expenses of the goi
-cram/anti- -novrin—profound—pencei — where - ten
miliione_moro_tisan in any , year oflle 'Mexican
_While it only cost twO milliopsnnnually
to maintain Washingtous ati,m_ittistrationi, six
ty millions -was -.necessary to sustain ;Mr.
net,know that Ite_'V,llB their%
Krotig to;idato tbeno facti, ILO, it might, en
cuptlige the Preliiitent'to• go into anodic'' . war might be . more econornical. (Laughi
ter) The bill _ t wits., after further -- debate,
pOstporied;,and Mr, •Jlouston'then .concluded
Itia_speech against. tie NaVal board. In. the
libuse, witiliadsed Making Coltithints a
port'of delivery. -"The Senate bill • remitting
or refunding the duties on all goods, • wares
and merchandise Sn original packageo destroy
ed by fire, wits ropertosfand afterwards refer-,
red'to the. COmmittee ',M thO • *hole. The
iiptiso Alien resumed the consideritions' Of the
Indian;Appropriation,bill. Mr.• Ritchie made
an anti, slavery speech, and the Ileuse.ndjourn-,
Ridgy, April 26.•—•1n • Senate, - it resolution
wes adopted inetruoting the JudiaitifYoutniit
tee to inquire intotAlie'expedieheY di repeal=
ing the act.4fk June- 15,1848,' 'amending' the ,
naturalization * act of • 1813: •' The bill' for the'
relief of geo.T. , Marsh,-was ; taken and deba
ted; This bill ‘and nevoid • others relating to'
the District of Columbia, passed fi a --- •=••=s
To the House, a king debate ose pon a
motion to reconsider a vote' o• or ruling the
decizlon of the chair; 1n regardio the bill to
remit or refundd, the duties .on all goods and
therchandize,destroyed by fire,iu the .original
packages. • Thereto oyerruling.the.4eaker's
decision, was then reconsidered, and the ques
tion still pending, the Mouse Idjottined°
Monday, April' 28.-4 a the acttate Air, Rani
hlin Introduced a new bill to - Incorporate the
Atlantic and Pacifio National Union Railroad
Company. which, Was ref rred ,to, the Commit
tee having charge of that Uhjeot.- The con
% •
adoration( of the gaups qnestion.. ; was• then.
resumed, andAlo. Brown, of Mississippi, opoke .
atlength,upon the subject.• The Subject of.
the action, Of , the ; 'late Naval Board was then
resumed, and Mr. Bell defended - Lieut. Mau-*
In the Rouse; personal explanations were
made ,hyAiessro. Nioltolla and Campbell, of
Ohio, in r f egard to vote's given at the long con.
tested Speakership. The 'deuision of the
()hail; Waif atiStained in' regard to: the bill•to
refund duties.on: wares and meiohundlse'de
siroyed by fire, and ttie;bilf wan then refeted
to theConuniqeeof the whole•im the Otaie of
the UniOn: • •
,G ix: on ICAriaAs.L4:len Liao, WhO
. •
ha just been chosen one of thit 'llnitOd States
Senators . by .the tree State Legislature' of
Kansas, lectured in the•ffall' of the Ifousi of
Representatives, tasn'We learn Cretin tilt Tele.'
prapi, on the Kansas question, on Frlday'eva- -
urn hut. Ale is an old line DemOcrit, a
friend.oftlie Nebraska but :he poured .6
terrible broadside into. the, nationat -Adutiuis;
tration and the DeMocraey generally,,for their
studied efforts to defy " the will of - the .pei,lp
and force Slavery into the Teirlio4. ' Was
listened to with profound sttention, restless as
w . ore some, of the leading Democrats, and ef.
,ter ()toiled; a'reiotution was adopted deolar
log in favor of the admission of Kansan as a
•MouNt Vnitsix.—John4tOn
writes to the 'National Intelligeneer that • he
had- been *tilling to sell the , Motint Vernon
estate either to . Virginia or the United States ;
liut ,both of these parties , have declined to
purchase. The property, he repeats, is not
now, for sale.. -
~,%."':::_-_,V;::;- . . .._-: .: (:,:,ii,,: :f u_r: : :-. ' i_..i . t ...1: , ,,..,...1‘,i1:,:*j. ' : ' ,; 1 ''. . ti.i . f.:i0ttl.:,
. . , . .
-7 , -.4iIVD-iT.-81.11PiE :-111kTITOID 'CiF l 'er,tlltE-- , -I.t -- -18-
6{4 :our object, at,thie tiiiii;iti'ke;iiite,.lij:de
tailed iixplemition •' Of Professor .IllillOWAYs
theory of illeease,:bat"sinitily . to 'inform. tlte •
Atierinati peSPle, that bile of theinest remarks.:
ble mina 'of•thie or any fOrmer age' Is' among
. . . - . .
.them,: and 'that \ his medicines' have a Celehrity
unprecedented • in .the . annali••of • the World.'
There 'is no' charlatanry in.: life pretensions..
...... . • .
'Unlessill the • civilised "`world at'e ' deceived,
. .
the Holloway's - Pills andpintmCit: Will
„, drive
. :.
disease *oaf:tile 'hi - amen. system, under the . .
most unfavorable oiretmtstanceS, and in, ail
• clinks.. • Other men have sprang'inio'an eille,.
.ineral_netories....kf ed verttSing' their remedies.
. _ ....... .... . ..
Like ImittOflies - ef,.the'day - they - liave-4; .. .2.e.1
1 . 61. - . ii. :WhileAtiird - . - then i- eXiiired-;• - ••-both-tlicii,
names and;thir medicines have 'sunk into an,
ebscurity from whichLthey ' never: emerged.
.otherehave met with' a liniited-imccess; per:
. .
hap& as much -as', they' deserved::, No' Jnan,
though he may/raVO the. wealth: of - ercesus,
can long deceirilligent peOple.,with - a
worthless remedy for disease: If health :fol-,
Joiis the adminietration• of_ a'retnedy - fordi L
d'ease, - ,almost wit - if - Out an's . xception,_thoitgli it
is prescribed inw million cifinstanees, and in
all Terms Of disease; all` the. ,doctors . on,..the
glebe-could not make the' people' believe .that
it wee. not a good' remedy, or that tlin'inventor
• ,
wasfilif tiliiitilie - bend faC tor and no.' piritrer 1
-charlatan.---1?-rocessor' Ifolloway'
_. remedies
occupy this position_ before. the citizens of the.'
• world. - The inventor is a, matt of enlarged 1
,powers of mind, who, haslieen, disease in. ali
as forms. • ithd,.lii . 'ell - Title . .olifinites - et 'the
"World.-Ilis-medical•otliceinliondeirwas daily
thi'onged with patients to such an client. that
a police force was necessary, to be. statioaed
- at his doer. Eile . en. office 'practiei afforded
too-narrow - a field;toi r the . excrete' of his., ex-.
pensive intellect, and be.determined to be the
-world's physician.' -All countries have had
their celebrated physicians; England hos had.
an .Abertictby,',.Fra,nce ' a 'Mogen*, , and
,Arderitia a Rush ;-, but'' these' men's ambition
only:extended to a practice :confined to a nar
.eirale, of fricints,aad admirers, or the au-
Perintendeney of it medical hospital: - Profes
sor Holloway bas chosen the globetis . a thea
tre foilas practice; and. Ilioug,lC now . .a: resi
lient otßepublipan-America,.llo B preteribing
daily for hundreds. of . thonsande on. the fon?,
quarters of the iti,obo:' • . : ':' -- -
His medicines are e xpressly 'designed to act'
..ea. tne.organs whose funetione are se essential
to . health.. Thlsy,operste•on,the stotnach„liver,
kidneys, lungs,, and skin, restore' their -de•
ranged•funetiont or titles; and thuh'puriffend
cleanse the Woe, the ' , very . - fountains of - life
---Neto %York Sunday. Times . ..•• - - ' . •
Cut:lnca--Paorsarr -CosrzscATE.n.—Sinte_
the fact has been wosll.....settled that, bishop
O'Reilly, of Ilartford,,tras on board \ the Pa
cifio, and that he, is probably lost, a question
of much - interest . concorning the pioperty o
tholtoman_catholic Churlthes in Connecticut
has arisen. The
, Legislature:of•that State at
its last adssion passed a law to the, effect that
every devise or convoyance , of church property
Should be vested_ in a religione corporation,
Mimed by.the church members, under certain
restrictions; and , in, case, Sui,h,preperty ie .
lield_by en individual,4ind,there ,be no such
corporate body,then - the title shalt vest inthe
State of Cdnneotiout. The - CatholiO Church
property in Hartford, and 'probably in other
sections of the State; is said:to - ' stand -in -the
name of Bishop o,lteiily, and as no,cerporato
body has been formed as required
• by law, 'the
*hole of it will be:vested in the State. •The
law, however; - provides , that the butt,ti-Tr,pasu.
rer shall deed -said property , tO a eorpOration
of a congregation,'When it shall be formed, in
accordince with, the laws Connecticut.
, N
- Y,
Journalof Comeroef.says : "For "the first
time n many months we see that common
'kood New York State flour in quoted', by
wfinlisale at a (ration ender ai.z dollitiv a bar
rel. When - the channels of '4oitimunication
With the interior are,fillly ppen,(an avalanahe
of tireiastittis ind. provisions wiil, bo down
upon us,and as•the, demand from-abroad, is
diminished, eiceptreduded prices, there Is
alair chance that:lli:Aleut:nerd -will yet' reap
some' benefit froin the: iretnenseltrope of 'last
year. The, farmers, millers, and dealerithave
had their •chatice; the . consumer's .will., now
have their's. Much, ,however, will depend
upon the •prospects 'of the-growing' 'crops,_
which thus far r ao far as we have learned, , are
generally fatiorablii. 4. . ,
THE LONDON 11.1LNii AND ITi r &DVEkT/O/Na...-.
The advertising oolumtu? to ; the London Times
are.e r stirnated_to . yield the establishment. the
eirimotiaOunt of.sB,oop,aoo per. aunn - m. One
firm alone pays ; the Times as high 16 $160,-
000 a year for adveitising, and there
_are sera
eral bnsinesg establishments that pay it'o'ver
60,000 a year for ndvertising alone.
. . ,
PARALLELED CutoOdsTAxer. , ll : fr3t4l9lo_o3it
eamstanee - haS just 'recently come to light in
Upper Salfdrd township, Montgomeyy.Co.__. It
said that during the winter 'a large limp
herof sheep, several pigs, three cows, and one
horse, perished on the farm of John Stauffer,
in the township mentioned. On Wednesday
the 26th" ult.,' thirly•tltree. head . of cattle of
Afferent kitiddlay dendin - the Stabled — in d
about the farm, and those still living had
such a miserable Appearance that '.the - peeple
belleied that•they also wehld have perished
Ida short time. Upon inquiry into the mat
• '
•ter by the neighbors, Stauffer .said that did',
eriseliad caused the destruction of -the cattle
but thq neighbors say that Diey -died from
neglect and from hunger and , thirst--,that
they were actually — ster - ved--and that id all
probability the whole stock of cattle on .the
farm, comprising a large number,, would have
perislicd=kiidAhey, Rut iplerfered. Several of
the cattle could not be gotten out of the - eta
bits because they had not sufficient strength
for loComotion. When food and water wore
given them they took . , then with the greatest
greediness. A Innen residing near hir, in
-terms, us that the spectacle of the dead cattle,
- tifid - 1.11 - osUitlaitilit ---- dW, was truly revolting.—
What is most strange too, is that Stauffer bad,
a large quantity. OThay,•so that it is incompre
hensible why be should permit such a circum
stance to_kappsp. The than can either not
be of tound midd r or else it - must have been
done throughmegleat or avarice.. His farm is
large, , add - wettre told that he — doed - nbetill - it
much-,--but.gonerally akes - azood deal of hay._
Sometimes - he m does net get this made during
season, and a'quantity remaisn in the field.
We think we heard it said that he has still
some Lying out, cut during the-last season.
While. raising - grain he did not, thresh itr but,'
had it stored avray often in sacks aad-•then
left it to go to' waste, purchasing- the .meal
wanted' in the family. , lie is a bachelor and
has a maiden sidter keeping bohse fur
'The nhole bircumstance this man's hus
bandry is indeed a strange out and we doubt
very much if a similar state of thine can be
found on tielord. We: , believe the people of
the neighborhood haie v taken iu the
matter and are about institutllig legal proceed:-
int' to the case in some way, Stinffer
is said also to have had Considerable ne):..
—4orrialown Register. ' '
A WonAw'M'AntinD .per•
son was'brought u • croft!. the Polich 'Court,
at syraouse, „ the o t her, day; OVA charge
ofwtotring male a parel, while being a female
—of Making love to the Syracuse belles, _ "' on
false pretences," and marrying a_womani Sr.o.
Thorn is no doubt of her femininity, though
her counterfeit of a Man is said to have , been
— English,- it -supposed to be
about 40 years of age, went under 'the name
of Alfred Guelph, and received , remittanc:
from England, part of whi'cli goes to the .su,
pert of a,sister in iSyrueuse. rep'it to the
qnestion, "Are you a mold or feni : ile ?" she
answered, your of:Accra can -tell You," or
" hese told . you."/ She refused - to give any
more direct answer to the inquiry ; in relotieu
to.her sex, and was committed for further
examination.' The Standard learns that:—
Afew weeka.since she assumed the garb of
a man, and made 'the acquaintance of a young
lady named MisiLewis.- Mier a brief court
ship they were married by. the Rev. Mr.
Gregoryi of.tho Episcopal Church, and Ike
parties love since resided together as- bus
.band and wife. Thu marriage acrimony was
perfpimed about three weeks. since, ' and the
bri4e'ilather, suspeatlni there was something
wrong about 1118 nm-son in law, obtained a
private interview, and informed her of hit
suspicions that she was not what she pretend-,
edle be... At first vile that--aho-was
a'than, bdt;On cloker,questidaing, finally' ad
mitted that she wail a female, A partiul ex
amination was made &lids time bithe father
,in law, and he 'immediately arrested her, and
placed her in the watch house, whore she has
remained glues Saturday evening last.
! Jas. It Lane, of Kansas; has pablished a card
iu reference' to the , recent: charges made
against MIA by Senator Donlon, and the
consequent dUrniulty.. hive only Spline
to the liadin% pOintd of tide publioation, 001,
Lane states, that on the 18th of April he seal
a letter to' Senator Douglas, in•whieh he stated
hikgrievanees autl requested a retiactisin of
the charges made against. him in the Senate.
Douglas hesitated, and desired, various _post
ponements for ilia titne - of his reply. the re
traction was not tuade,,and Col Lane proceeds
to charge' thac on his . coming to rWishineoti
Douglati.ttfraed\hini with , great cordiality; in
Tiled 'hid id hieeresidencie, , and afterwards, in•
the Senate, repeated the Communications made
in:Private' friendiihip,• vilifying, the man wbom
he hail professed•to love and esteem; 'Thare•
-NW of:Douglas:to make tiny reparation for
' the injury done is then referred to as that-Of
a cowurdly bully, 'Who shelters himself behind
his constitutional pirvileges. In esnelusion,
Cut Lane strongly appeals tattle public to do
justice in the matter. This • card has made a
sensation at Washington. _
- By the arriattl or the stettutehips,Arago,_at
Now York; .'and Wed.
nesday- r ete,haveAlates _from laiYerpool . to Alto
12th instnnt among the , Ptiesengers
Arago is the. Hen: James Bueinmen, r late
13. Minister to. the Court et Bt. Jatues._ The
ae*S --
steams h' tp, ers tri---reae e tverpo s
hnvindiArqe.lll 14P.covdaSs'and-- - - , - •
S - half., The - Be:See •Conference:. ociutiisues its
stiittiags at Varis'. • The . allies had Urdered the
raising of the Ruesitui tha' had:.
Permitted the ,resumptimhvfexportation-r— •-
•of corn frarn,Odesse. There had been anoth- -
er uusuccessfursearch ter the 'Paitific. The .
French army is to be reduced to men. 5406,000. •
Breadstuffs had filtered a decline..
The Opinipne.of Turin has.given AO . putlino .
the Treaty: of-Peace.: ;:poirite, u. re -
stated to be as follOws:-1. ,The neutralize,
tion of the . Black Sea. 2. The redaction of
Nicholaict to merchant port. 8. Consuls to •
he allowed from all, the Powers, In the, porte
of the Black Sea and,the. Baltic.. 4.. The for
tincatien of Bombarsund nat td be reconstruo.
ted. -A part of Basearnbitt, comprising the
fortress of Ismael, to be ceded. 6. The Pro-.
tectorateLol_thea_rincipnlitiee, to be renounced
by Russia. 7. The protection of the Greeks' ---
in the Ottoman Empire ,to, be renounced by .
OWe. 8 - . — The free nntigation of the Dan
ubti to be guaranteed td,all the States. 9. A
Coinminion to be Asenbto-the-Priugipalities.t9
study the questions connected with the , fron
. tiers -
If this "outline - be correct, Russia has made
some impOrtaut '6sticessiene.
' '
No. 35.
The_ • steamer
. Charles -Morgan arrived at
New . Orleans
,on Tuesday, with San
• Juan °
dates to the 16 inst. The Oriiaba arrived` at
San JuaniiEi the 16th,linil . lainde'd • fivo hun•
drod and twenty, five passengers. The defeat
of Col. &Messinger is confirmed. Fifty mod
were lalled;in the Stgagewerci.he cause,us •
attributed Solely to the gross neglect ot ',She
lethinger bad not taken- a single usual precau.
tiou against surprise, although within- the
,enrt of the enemy's country; and on the field
--is—conduct,was -so cowardly that, Captain
:horpe was obliged to face him
- kith Rjstolet7 ----
lirea,'teu to blow his brains out;- hat it
fas all treeless
.;_his cowardice had (waited a
' and the men .could not be, reirispirited.
vt - htrunnies vented againSt - Schlessinger by the --
; turned force ire loud and deep.. , Captain
liprpe Was a passenger by the Charles Mor - -
in ; h`e reports that3Valker is in -a good posi
on and prosperous, receiving large isms
,diss tolls
•• Another battle had taken - Placeat A.rcopoka
etWeen 'fourteen of Walker's inen,, under
''aptain' Baldwin; andlwo bundled Costa RI.
= ins, in which. the latter were' defeated, with.
loss of thirty killed:. Baldwin lost two kill.
le , Private letters confirm the reports of the
:`,4 4 iwardiCa and defeat of SchleSsioger l 'in hie,
- :,counter with : the fiesta Everything_ -
ppears to be in confusion in Nicaragua,.
arker Xi. French, the late unrecogoiad
.inister of NiCaragua to . Washington, has left
f in Junti and gone to Aspinwall, having had
I,llsOlous (learns' with General Walker. 'Rid •
that Wa4ter , is at the ,head of 700- -
.eti, and is marching to met' the. Costa, El
arartny, said to design invading Nicaragua.
Col. Schlessingee has been court-tniirtialed
a charges Of treason and cowardice: The
:suit of Schlossinger'a engagement with the •
• osta Ricans issaidLto hd, O loss of, nltietl
:en;_ including - the' - missing. The accounts
:ceived• are meagre and unreliable.
The warms Europe,' which bee just, been
Idsed,.has not produced such. great political__
'langei as was anticipated . It is 'probable
int everything remains static Imo ante betliont,
itli the exception of a new organisation of
.e piinci~wlitiee, gad the "ro . .t.itleation" of
'Southwestern frontier of Husain. The
iso of men killed and wounded,.' mid from
;pliness consequent upon the war, has probsi
y not been! 'less tiiim sir to :Aairsdred-
. ousand, and thh. Goat of the war to 'the
ons.enaged in it, inOud,ing the loans
oted n on Russia, may be estimated it noloies3
Inn $1,600,000;000. •!4todern science; while
_has to certain extent increased the.deetru.e
ieness of war r hat largey enhauced the coat.
ie powerful steam vessels which - have sup,-
anted the old three deckers, when operating
a'dietanoe from Wine, require eredtall-fleet.---:
. tenders to supply them with co a t. The
• ; untie rifle, thcheavy siege guile, the ' mem.
oth mears; and , improvided pr - ojectiles for
I e first, it introduced into service ' in ;this
o as
tr hare en employed only_at r ait enormous
4,0140. - .iVhen the bookaare finally balletic
; l it will probably - tie found , that the recent;
, rat) year's warlas been more dosqy, jr ! men
, 1
'd money than any' three years of war in ..
t tick the nations of Harope were ever" berate ' -
.: gaged, not excepting the. canipaigis of' - NN.
j' ;Iron. Te l anomalous as, it may seensitherit
'.l ', reason fear INC nations which havotakes, -
1 , It;' in trio struggle have' not been. sited: with
;; . tr., end.that;the• peace may • • not in cones=;; '
, t .Ince. be las, Ling. Russia and Great • Btibdic
; ire the , e mpty d.; ire of military reputatiew•
t ' regain.' , .yrrOtie has had, ttor taste fel' Min-
I 4 , g lory iiiiiitt-aroused,“ and May . Seek' to
k t tify it on o..newllebt Sardinia hislitined '
t , thierg for her share, in the .shir-____Tuiltey . •
, 0 , ry had istufeit of war:, '4lntutrassned,Wittik
t' I:friendship of the' Western. Powers, *third'
I -' a,proved more dangerous to bar ladelietid; '
..a.:.oe c.t.tak.thisliatir.tmAktaPte Of' the Caw, she'
y , Ist submit to such terms tuithrt allies clay.,
ci ;tate to her and settle down In, the cenvio
1 --a that:her power for warlike operations hue
parted, and .her_xieteitee, ae. * nation Is
b 'y,coputia , uod by the „jealousy end sufferance
o: thoEurolieaa Powers... '. ,