Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 02, 1856, Image 8

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(11`1)e Markets.
• -
• ,
-- `FLoue, aupeillue, per' a.' , . $7, `26
do : titriii• ; do . . , -7 ; 50
• • do 1 - , 4;50
WHITE WHEAT per buehol - 1,70
4,ND - do • • •thi - - —. 1;60
[Lila • Y do -' : 80
'iontr do ••• -•
OA.TB , 4P . * 80
do - - 'B,OO
WiNTBIL do' .
Svittica .13:1i4ar.
11A!.TI1114?RIG 1114AftKir,TS.
..FLOUR AND M Ax..-The Flour market this
morning -was steady, but not
are still disposed fo hold off for mord', 4efitilt
adiicss from Europe. Sides Opiarly.""oliange
,of 300 bbls Ilowayd street-at $742i, closing
stOady. A150,,500 bbls City Mills at -$7 per
1 - bbl. There vnis nothing done Ohio
Sules aftei'ohange of 400 bbhititi..lllllls at
s7.per bbl. Family. and extra
note an adiranoe, ,and now quote Plitapsoo
Family by The: qUantity; at' $9 - 75, E.tra.. do.
at $8,67; Irowaril street and Ohio nitaily..t4
9,..62a59,75. -Sitles 6-day.of 100 bbls Howard
_ "et
re t Eitrit 61 - 147:87, and 100 biiii7do - at
IPB 5 per bbl. Rye EloUr : --,DeanandLlnoder,
at. ' Ille, quoteiit . 4
87/ass per bla....,,•Ce'rh'
11 .eal--We quote-country at 2 75a52 , 87i, mind
'oity_tnanufactured ittl,,sff 60 per - blil.. Buck-
• wheat 111ea1- 1 -A, fair detnitnl. We. quotes_ by
•Abe;quantity,:at If>l 75,-and in , retail lots , at
•12 00 per 100 . lbs. - .- - - -•- ' - • ' ...
Ount.N.-11heat- T llolders firm„to-day, and
shipilersand millers bought freely. About .
6500 bushels offered to-day, and :salus.of '4 . 00
-bushOls red, prime, ' at, 1 594160; - iitid - 000
lAsbels of family' flour white at 17541 80,—
- ,
Also, 1600 bushels do.. et 1' 7541 go: We
quote good to prime white at.l - 6541- 75, do'. ,
--.r.0 at 1'5041:60' per bushel. Corn--AFout
- 15,000 bushels offered to-day, and,_sales ._of
White,,,weight, , at.sB.oeuts : _dti. reasui.elifeTtit,,.
at 58a57, cents; and yellow, Measurement, 60
cents; dO, by weight at - 58-eonis per - bit - slid...J . •
aata„--Abeut• 2000 - bushels 'offered: today,
Rite li!e;• r of, good to pilule at 85a33 ceuta per
btribel.• Rye_—Sales - of - 304.-Atuaiiels rentiayl
taaia at 92x98 etriats. We quoto Maryland at
80 a: B's min per bushel., •
Thy steamship Canada arrived at Halifax
On, Friday eveningrbringing datey from Liv
erpool to , the 15th inst. Mi. Dallas, the , new
Minister to Great•'Britain, had arrived out.
It was. generally rumored that' the Treaty of
Peace betWeiM tbo belligerent • Powers. would
be signed on the day the Canada flailed It
Was also rumored that the quebti,on of boun
daries would .be referred to - Connoissioners to.
settle ow-the : Spot, and that Sardinia would
. not be repuesenied among the Commissionera l .
A dekpatch !fain Berlin slates that Prussia
• had bee" invited.. - to ,:be 'represented in.. the
Conferema",-and that Baron MantetiffeLwas
about to leave for Paris as her principal rep
resentative. In the Crimea, the Russian and
Allied Generals, had met and agreed, upon the
terms of an armistice, the neutral ground be
ing. the• Tchernaya. yThe-Ottoman Minister-is•
taking measures to alleviate the financial dif
ficulties of Turkey. In the Baltic' the British
flying equad l ron stated to be pushing to
wards the Gulf of 'Finland. Admiral Napier
, was bitterly assailed in the .) British "Perna
inent Upon bringing forward his motion - Of
inquiry into the management of the Baltic
!fleet-411U° under'his command.
The Paritl cominerailii2
speak , with confidence of-peace. They "also'
— men tion - Tha t - t he - speculative-m n n c reas e s
;The more cautions fesr, that - peace will bring
opmmercial catastrophe.-
All accounts agree on the, almost
of peace, The advices from Germany and
Russia bear the same tone. . •
The mad steamer Illinois arrived :at gew .
York.from Aspinwall, bringing . 1,200,000 in
gold, and California date to:the sthof,Maroh.
The news possesses no marked .Interea.t.
The Legislature of California-had adopted a
resolution depreciating the "election
.of - Mr;
Banks to ;the speakership.
21 bill had'also passed for the erection of
four new States ou.t.of California, •
The yield pf
The Indian trouboas dentinue in Oregon ,
and.outrages are fr l pquent, At' ROgue river,
on the 2011.1 Feb. 20 persons. Werti'Massacred.
Gen. Wool was about •to have' Idan Francis- '
no for Ore . gon,• with a body of troops.' •
The.marketa were
,generailf inactive and
Advicee from Valpariteio ht Ranamoi,., report: '
,thp jo d d.of a Minn war steamer on the 8 0t1ff .. .
of Jan.; over 300. lives. - - '•
Mu/ Wincrlins threatened ;016 . deotzpotion`
'of litinta Arena's, ad•the Goverattient of Cos
a Riga had - Sent troo . ps•to defend • •
: PuNoi,t_oce hook•!Leepiug one loman
of throe words, " go'yer jond Ulm,"
V• /
MONDAY EvlNltia, hlckfth.3l
.0F I 4, I
COMPAY . PELPgiA. • :•''
STATEMENT OF 9f tho Company on
.lannary•lst,-14355. ...Published. in • conformity, with the
proVisiono of tho Stith &akin oftho Actof Assembly;
Being flrst mortgage on Real Estate in. tho •
city and county. of Philadelphia, except
$30,950 iiibloutgonkery, Bucks, Schuylkill
. and Allegheny eourntics, , Pennsylvanla, t4b3,973. 37'
Al, •- iiii'ATE •
PUichaiiiid at slieritrrsales . under mort
' I
gage e aims, vit.: , • -• •
Eight houses and lot 70, by 150 feet, on
the southwest corner of Chesnut and
' tievcinteetith streets.
A house and let, 27, hy, 71 feet, on the
flortlt - --shleof Spruce *eat and west
. utElereuth street:. •-•
A house and lot, 29.7 by,.100 feet; . on
ofiligh street,
.Two houses'and lots, each 80 by 83 feet
• on the south sble of Spruce Street,
"near Sixteenth
Five houses and_lots,T each 37.9 by_ 93
feet. NoS. 150061, 163, 155 af1d.167.
- DilwYn 'street,
Mired bnuses and lbts, 49 by 54 feet, on
- the east side of Stiventetnith'street,
south of pine street.
lintel and lot 50 by 82 feet on the smith
ensti corner Chcsuut add heaeit fits.
Five houses and lots, 40 by 63 feet, tin
the aide of George 'street, west
f.lsveti lienses'and lots, 20 by 117 &.et on
the east side of Beach street, south
• of Cheitnut street.
A 11011;:at and lot, 18 by •110 feet. No. PO
Eitel:Ger arca, eastof Eihtli,street,
A ground rent of .$3O, issuing outlef a
lot, 13.4 by 40 feet, on the north side
of otter xt red, 40 feet west of Letipai'd
. 1 . -014:N5.k... ' ...
.. • .
'Temp:wary lostie On JitiWM: as eager
- security; .
f,10,110i. Alri . sho - pso Luill, .J per
(Interest on)
--Cott shares Isa ror hiAs ,
17 - "- -Northern Bank of Konttivky
100 - " Union , flank 6 1"Pentiv!..see:
- In.sniatice fir thy
St , tto of Mninsylvania,
- Son thwork
" .Conniiernial and railroad
••• - llank Vieksburg, -
WO. Pennsylvania,
01 " Franklin Fire histaratio co..
" INlervittitiln' Library ~0 . ,
21 " Unirnt Canal MA, •
he " hrt p I I , :iikra.f I rPall efl.;
" City Warrants, '
Nntos and bill:, reedy:.4o,
11 ''l ' •
OCkli cat hand,. ' 32 , A.1 .19
"• in agents' handl:, .1i,111.4 .62 -
' • 41,211.
1,751,4 fig ;I
• . .
- Losseit paid durhili: the year ISM.,
By order of t i,,, ~$ 237' 6 74-4°-
• 3.5. N. BA (.IClitit,
Attegt-z--CIIAS. G. B.tNeE.l..llt:, See.
March 5. leso. , - •
110IIAilt IJEAI) 1 1 1t1'S - SE'S=.:-- - .l.`ht•
big justror [[aidbros . -
itial a few Spring bresshnudk
• m arc h
. 2 .. • (4EO: W. iuTs-Eit.
-M«—GOO subscriber . has
I just reveivriPtecan P6tbulolpbia h largo essart
aueut of seasonable i gmls; which will be sold very cluitip
--c'l4"s"°.th I)(7)t' SNOLKiIIASS:.
t'ari Isla, Feb. 20,..1556. •
~ j ~
00 D S :-GA IN!
II.4..1“1 A INS, II A ItOMNS.
The subseriber'llas just returned fn nn Philadelphia,.
and is now upenin±n splendki 'assortment of WINTER
cheaper than ever brought to Chrlisle. French
tierinoes. Lains, Silks. Alp:wit:is, Shawls, lioinbazeen,
Cl.lllls, Cassitoores, Vestings, Calicoes, Miislines he., in
,treat variety.
An linmeloe• s:toek fS. lifA AND SIWES; all kinds,
nod prireit at the very lowest notch; Also. A. new stuck
of ',idles' Fare very vh.iap: New Ftylii Whites...Doi:wets
next fishionahle shape. '
1-ionie one and ail in want of cheap goods. Mot you will
iiu sure to hessulted ut ttlu.old ?loin stye d
CHAnhP 01/11.if2':
' •
f 1 11, E ;N. 'J.' Al' ; I.‘ It AOTI 0 A` !--
X A NEw ol),,I)s: -NEW (Uhro::: , !! ' ,
i ne A til.s..ribor haviim ju . :t ruturned from the rlt les
nf.N. k-a __
..;w.Vor.ndllilladelpliia. Is 'now opening a very
i'!;1. 4 .,thl VU 11.,K ,, 11,111 4 t11 t Of
' I'A 1.1 AN 9 IvisTER HOODS,
c0 , i41 , 461, : , , 0 . 0 ,-„ t .o.t. ‘‘littor : 4 Ilawlß, splendid 'Silks,
(%,„1,, , ,%,,, r , aml 1 , .! ~.tins, Frond' Mt - Thine. and Para.
mut LtN. ele..,‘ it. XSe.l:u NVorked.Coljars and Hallos ,v ( ;,.
ItiMuMs a .3,: . ... F!.m.lin ..::, to gvent.. Variuty. ClUths. cas.
sinter. ..: ''.N. , 11•;;.!< Ve..t.lnits, Flannels, Joan, and M.
A erf . k,„ ti ior, it note Carpotlings. AlsJ tt, full and
co4l4:te al-;...t but.:! of 1100TS . AND :jll - 01.:S. . .
........... !it .v A t hitedsente /old e . he-m) gefeti ary
i•or.4 *iiiiieinteha tilts to before
pur.lut,i ei,.r.% sp.. • At. the Old Stand F.:lst Mein
•_ .
aae clothing on Imud—which
. B. A st. - .... 1; 1f
viii bi 6,-.1,1
out. inif
41 it 11 E .EC - OhON Y
in buyiiig such pods as ono really, needs,
:l!La buying them, whore they aro sold at Abe }melts%
prices. W have rooelved mid aro now vyrning au '
of omv,.elio3pAild splondid goods. Bush :I$ the . genui ne
F . ruorhlierwoes. :ar the iti:slrablo
le I Ains.Calic ;Oluntlailee, dial /al thu other kindu
that hro 11C.,11' Worn of
D S,• GO.O D •
Also, Enihrolderies, Uloves, Ilantlkerehlefit7liosleth
snntil.etntes, Gum Shuns, Carpet -nags, Cloth Citieciton
nets, Bonnet.ltitaxins, an extensive supply of
MEN'S 1V.11.4 11, -
, .. -
sitch as Cloths. Satinetts, eassineres, Kentricky Jeans,
Veining's. Satins, .te.• Tickiints, Olughatir.4... Flannels,
and inteneral supply of quoits )11 our 'line; which we in.
yl to everybisly-to exaMine and satisfy-thettiselVeS, that
we are selling
. goods at sucli'priocs as will satisfy the
closest buyers. BENTZ & IlitOTlfint.
. •oot. 17, l'ii•i, .- -A •
& 1310., would call • the . at
tetaion of the public to their large .and splendid
assirtment of•
N E IS* 'CI 070'D 8
-which they are increasing by daily receipts from tho
eastern cities, including ' • •
Nierinoes,' Do Lathes; AlpacTlas, Bombazine Co
. burgs, Midi. Cloths, Donnat Silks, Velvets mud '
Feathers, Draehe, and Blanket Shawls, Dread- •••
clothe; Phin and Fancy Cassimeroa and
• • . &Athlete. Fla - hauls, Carpets and Carpet .
Chaln, Feathers, Caps, (lum Shoes, • • . •
• and ovory variety. of Plain and • • .
Farley Goods
. .riow used, . • .
' Speelal'notice tic:tiled to their Sock of 3EX111 . 8, corn.
prising all the varieties In use. They have Also made
arr.tugetneuta to order, at .the shortest notice, Yurs of
any style or price. eo ni` to suit every variety, of taste.,
'lite public is respe.Afully invited to *call , beffire pur
chasing fllsowhore, us they feel conildoul of their abilLty
to give entire satisfAntiou....: [Jan 23, 1850.
Tiqw GOODS.—Tho ailbseribei ha
j'ast - rereireil and is now opening aim* , assart.
meat of FRE811: 43001:03 sultid to the season..—pleasa
call and get bargains.
Carlisle ? N1r.114, '65
ettxj.,Obeap Job ,Pricaing done lore
it A:T - EX`C I TS 31-• E N T
Ahura Seventh, Philadelphia, respectfully informs-the
public that he is proparel to make the following • •
• TWENTY Boardinari 3 O ray & celebrated PIANOS,
and- TWENTY C. Risk & Lb.'s ,PREMIUM MEW
DEONS'ivill be Ilkeil_hallonarota. clanin4t.tee_nf
gentlemen, tote by them distributed among the holders
of nil certificates. ' , .
• To each - Purchaseref my-Pripular Mimic, a certificate.
will be presented. entitling tho holder to an interest in
ONE PIANO, and ONE 3IELODRON. to he disposed of by
the Oominittee - for the benefit of those holding eertifi
edam when ONE TIIOUS.AND 'DOLLARS' worth of Music
shalLhave been sold, so that each person Investinr,'One
Dollar will riot only receive in, and the value of money - -
paid out, but will haVe secured_ to him, an tutored. in
etanmon with oilier certificate holders, in the algive die-
The succeeding distributions will 'be eon.'
tinned, Rubject=to the same regulationo unto the DI
Pianos aim 20 Melodeons are distributed. .
. • •
- 11:4 COSS,
$82,434 43"
• - Particular, attention Is Invited to that feature of this
,whiehealls for a disposal of the insiruMents when
but.looo certificates have been landed, thus avoiding the
vexatiaus delay arid Priabable . disappointment attend
certain schemes now before the public. - •
1 . Music_ ruay_tie selected from- - "My_entice_steric, which_
comprises every Catalogue hi - the United States.
Orders , forwarded ify mail will he faithfully and
promptly nttended to. ••••'
- N. ft.—Constantly on hand , a-sphinditl assortment of
Pianos. from the etirebrated mantifaiTcTries of Boardman..
GrilY L Co.. Of Albany; Jacob Chic:kering A . .. A'. W. Ladd
A. Co,. of Roston; Ely k 31ange.r. and Bennett A: Co., of
:4NT V - Fisk - & Premium Melo.
(Icons, to..he ha t tl4 lowest manufacutureet. prices.
lltead the f:?1 from (joder'i Musical Editer.l
Ito ..ittimAN:oll..k'r PiAraT) rcitets.-11e are Fy well
pleased, with the•lnstimments made - by this - fine tbat
we have determined to ho instrumental ourscrlve,, that
turnbliittg , Mar rsitl4Sfibers and nthers_with an
article that we can recommend antLwarrant. ,'there is
al wa vs a difficulty :at tending tin' parch:lse 'of +hums.
lawatisd persons cannot rely fully uppn the reeommencia
tiomi they receive frOni malimaeturers, who arc--inter
' of course. in Of their own' manufacture.
Now. we . are nor interested in the matter in any way,
except sa
.fir. as to soc that those. who patronize our
llook."-shall be wilikserved withthe best pian,s made.
Fora Ikt M . .rh'cs cover. at . vt Mai automat; we will
Solid Piarl , N, xyMaantrMfrr cmx• the. freight to :Fe
paid by the 'persons erdcrieg.' el - atinex a letter re ,
ceive,l from a gon tle man iii Vir,:inhi, whom Weeell
t , r . these Pianos:—
- $107,002 96
7 . 75 . •
- ,
- :
_r? $73;563 - 60
5,4,4 00
71:. 60
IC4I s 4
In aelitn , whmNinv„..tlie rervipt of the 1'1:1110:Fltrto tv hlch
' tvere,_so_got,tilus_to orier.for_iny.wi to. iv .1:7, );I:a On-in
1: (stays: Iv3s delar.•.l for mote t hue at Winchester;
hot rani 11:Ippy to sty. titat it crone in excellent condi-,
tio n. arc deeldedly - the instrutnent.
The romowM)d' li.oln bcatttifnl qttali,ty: the ease I. plain
(we like it the - LA:ter for it 1: th , ,,totteli iiVery eas y for
neviinstrtitnent. awl the tone islirin.vlear and street-'
All %%him have tried If. adtnire it and speak in the highest
tertns of Its niellowiless , eNvietness of tone. We
deeply roglvt Vint see dirt 'outer thir `Atiziehtnetit:'
'ire nitist have it .
proc tar; i for titi.sti•gnod li e Plea4.l - to
tre!...iya 91 , r aelinowitAl=nents. ]our sett t.,
deo. 5, ; • ' . W."
nut street; soutka:est Nrner of Third street, PhiNiel
plitla. 'Lamm me y the State, of Poutisylvattin in
`hl l.
I.lve por cent. Interest is given, antrthe inftney is Al
ways phid back whenever it i$ called. for. trithuut.the
necessity of giving notice,for It iteforehanil.
l'eople who have large sums put their money in this .
Seeing Fund. on account OF the Nuperlor :gaiety and 1 . on! ,
VOIIIOIICO It iffor4s, lint any sum, large or mind!, Is "re ,
Thls Sating Ftlnd has a eery hire amount of Mort.
!Vlgt,A. Uround Rents and other first class investments
'or the socUrity of Depositors: The rules preteut any
'motor or Officer from using or borrowing tho money.
The OillreAs open• to, reeeire and pay tutiuey every
- tiny, (rood 0 &riot% In the morning till o'eloek in the
‘tutilug, and on "Monday and Thursdayoveuing,llll it
o'clock. • •
People who hate money to put In, are incited to call
Att_the.uilice for further Information.,
. -
111-:Sill- 1,. Il.f.:Vls.Flil; - Preshient:
• 'Vice I , r eqict e i l t.
3,lStitt. ,
S. E. Corner Third and Chesnnt Streets,
• AIM CAPITAL $'250.000.
is received on deposit daily. 'the amount de: entered in a Deposit Book and given to 'the
DepOsitor, or, If preferred, a certificate trill he '
All sums large and small, are received. and' the
amount paid hack on demand, withoutifotice.
Interest Is paid at'the rate of PM -PER CENT., com
mencing from the day.-of deposit, and ceasing - fourteeti
days previous to the withdrawal of the money.
• ' on the first day of.lanuiry, in each year, the interest
of emir deposit - Is paid to the depository:. or the
p•inelpil, as he may prefer: -
The Celiman'v have , now upwards of 3,500 depositors
the city of Philadelphia alone.
- Any adltionalinformation will be,glvenb; addressing
he TREASkamt. - ' • C •
Winlceimlwin, •
Pool Coddsril
James Bevereux,
(lust. English,
Secretary and Treasurer,
Teller and Interpeter,
DIItE( rose,
'Stephen It. Ciewford, Preet,
Lawrence..lohnson, Vice Pt.
Itenjernin W, Tingley,
.1 !web 11 Florence,
.Sept, 12 '55.--1y
1 ..
.. ____
~.- BALL " A Lfr NOTICEr-L--
. „
..j1?)5 - 4 ,, .. The undersigned haiji l st replenish-
I edit s 'toe of • ..... : , ~ • • •
, .
and is prepared to supply his friends and customers with
alinost anything required in domestic use, at rices
which he hopeavrill prove satisfactory: Dix stee con
ststs of every , variety
.of goods suitable 'for tow laid
country use. -Ife has on IMtta generel assor ntent"
of lIADDWARF., such as may be needed by fanne rs and
mechabics far everyday use. , Ills stock of • _ . ..
'• ' .WINKS, ilitAtt'DlES AND'OTHEICLIQI.IOIiS ~, • •
,1.5 lair& and enibMces an exrellent'aSio. rtment of choice
quolites. AU for sale IVltelejle anOtetail, South East
corner of linnover and Louther streets, Carlisle . ; Pa: ' ' -
. 44 - . Country Produco taken in.excliange for gtetis ,- '
tio'v. 21, 'I% • . itAIIUEL P.III.IYETT.
- ' • --- .
_M..V.NODG RA SS. ;,1
earltde 4traitt;
, : ,:I;loifobefpOw,
lawyers 4 farmers?' and tithing, Inviid'
Books, - , Papers, - or other valuthieg, to preserve' from
.FIRII-t. iituriLAits. ..... .
• ne.--ThrslMrelFroof - Sag" - thafse
Books, Papers, :&e.i during 'the great Fire at •.hart 0
Buildings, was g urchnsed of OLIVES EVANB , 018. 2nd
.• • ' GETZ &. BUCK ••
„ . •
EVANS' IttinDim Ventilated Refrigerators for Coolin g:
and fireservipg
• Meate, butter, millt, ;; wate . r d 'and all
iitleles. for ; culinary purposes. -
• WATER ALTERS for purifying brackish .or muddy
water, whether affected by rains, limestoneonarl, nr
other eauSes; 'can , be' had 'Separate or attached to the
Refrigerators—a atriall quantity of ice cooling the whole
in - the tioWniost weather. • ' ” • '
. PORTABLE "SHOWER, BATHS; for the use of ;warm,
or cold 'water. • • '
• ' eOLUßS4oi:l . 4otol4l , 4ioroo
IiTORE-TRUCKS, for mowing .boxes,J)ales; kc,.
SEAL `MESSES, Copying do., Druggist do.
No. 61 S.outh Second St„ , ( 2 doors below Chelmut,j
Marsh 5,1850-4 y. • :(Established In 1851.)
'i l ..INTEREST .I , IV li i Plat".-CENT. .• '
_:..The State Savings Fund' Is i attracting dopra‘its from
all - efeiies'of iii - acontmlniity',lfievery - section ofthe - elty ,
and country. - 411 -SUMS of Money rottlrned.on ihnuand.•
Deposits fern anted hy mail 10" the order of. the Treasu
,ror,will rpcelyeever„rnecessary attention.
'' ,, .
DE(L - IL - HART., - "
• ' -
President --
' Fob: ;l, 48511 , L-Cm. , ' ''' '' '.. ',- ''.• Treasurer.
________ . ...._.._
• I UIN It
KI!S AND. DRAUGHTSMEN supplied with
Ila.theemitical—Drawing---Instruments, separate and in
cases. !Web as Dividers. Parallel MAO, Ivory, Box-wood
and Paper Scales. T squares, TriilligieS, Bow Tens,
Drawing Pens, ProtractorA t Hunter's 'Sca',es, TriPe Meas
urea,'Aletaliel'spes„.Surveynrs Chains, '2 and 4. Pole,. 50
'and 100 feet,,Surveyor's Compasses. Engineer's Levels
and Trannits, Target Rods Lc., AT. Aingic IL:lnterim of
the hest-4.1.115t' uction,"Scriptural 11l grains, Astrotnical,
Nritural History, Humorous, Chromatrope Or Artificial.
Tire works. Diss•Aving.Views, Magnets, l'eloramas, Air ,
Ptunps, Electrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus and a
large collection of Philosophical Instruments, 'suitable
for colleges and schools.• Also, Spectacles, Spy Glasses
MlcroscOpes, Thermometers,Barometern Iteadlug,Dias,
SOS &e. . . , •
- Having received the agency for the - sale nf HOT,
ilit.o4 , N;S SCIIOOI, APPAIIATUS., 1 ant prepared. to
furnistrgeacitert. with :ok Orrery', a Tellu Han, a Numeral
Franie,% b inch Olole. a. Ihnnisrhere Olobe; a set of
Ileonietrleal Solids, a Magnet mut Text Book, all parked,
priced catalogues forwarded 0 tnth.l. .
. .
f.:Gt Chesnut St. Philadelphht, East of 10th St..
I. the State of Penni:N . l% dtlia In 1655
• °Men, 65 wiaNur sTilmir. • , .
One do m , above Second:Street. l'hiladolphin,
Receives Deposits in sums of One, MINr and upwards,
from all ViIISKOS of the community. and allows Interest
at the rate of five per cent per annum. Moneys paid
back on demand. 'A^Th-Otlice' open daily front. 9 until
5 o'clock, and on Monday and 6atur(ay r until 9 o'clock
. ..
in the eVeniug.. . .
This Institution will be found a.convoialent and safe
place of deposit for Farmers and others doing business,
In °Philadelphia. Deposits are - paid on demand without
any previous notice being moulted. •• . - , ,
' Edmund A. Soatier; ' ' - ihm. - Job It. Tyson', •. .
''Stilwell S. ItMop, - • ' George Ito Min,
• James P. Perot, Robert Morris, •
John NleCanles, • - .'Edward L. Clark,
Jacob Sheet?, Capt.`John Gallagher,
' JosepL 51. Cowell, '.'John Wee', • - ;
- Joseph IL Myers, ` . Itlebard G. Stotesbury, ;
.IClward IL Trotter, William Slappen,jr• . : i
Franl:hall:icon, -' • Wm. P. Jenks, -
Thomas Cooper, ' Edgar IC. Pettit, ..
. - President—FßA.Sli'LlN FELL.,
Treasurer—CHAS. M..SIOItItIS. ' -' ' :'. '.i
•' ' "' ".••- b'ecrelltry—JAsll.ll.l-$. - P.IIINGLF.,
11,),..T1t0 Char-ter provides that no ammeter, officer on
agent shall, directly ok.„.indireetty, borrow .any money
froqr the Society... - ,' - . '.l OctIT,ISSIS-.11
30—A fulraupply of the above celebrated Churm• now
on hand, of all the different sties, from 4' gallons tab°.
It received the first premium at the late Pennsylvania
State Fair, the - first premium 'at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland State' Vaira, and varlouS
OUsetelit different places. uill'Make more and bettor
butter from a given• amount of cream and In less time
than any - churn in the market._ For Skle. WhOlegfilo And
rata by' • PASCIIALIA MORRIS tt,
Agricultural 'Warehouse and Seed Btoio, eornor of ith
anti Market,Thiladalphla.
_Pec.,o; 18,54—tf
SILK .E LAS'T..IOI3 WATS.: t open,
.; ( 1 lot or Silk and Worsted. Elagießalta in all
not. 21, '56.
OTlCEl—A:.ll,y . pel . gonp laming de - 1
- mandg akatijt, me .vlll call and see me, and all
ndebted will' do tlre maim before, , the Ist" trAprkor
their account's accounts rill bellottoultlt
,tise proper - parson for
collection., ..... ...,. ~, 111.4A1 :'---. 01.'0. W. 111111°N
, .
.iiiitidobtea to the subscriber for store geods' for 8'
' , z omb s and, upwards are earnestly- requested to call
and settle up witlottt delay a!mOney as much. needed
by him aCtbe,pretent time. • '
Jan. 30. '• ' . . •' W. lIITNER:
.. •
T. OA.NWANTEI). 4I --42,00 1'
vatiitia7foi , best heal" Estate or. Dot.
Ronal soewity iTfll bet stroll; Apply to - '
• ~..-Ii,;, ' L .SPONSLEIt, •
. Boat Estate Aetatkd ,Seriveoor.
Jan. 2, 3 56. ',
RE M 0 ii.ubscriber
changed his location fromlivin's Corner to the
~--t itt-m•STlallfEr4tra.• ~.or- w e, - 0 ' E.: - aunty
PrtHonTifilio n 'street, ailui wlll pldaed to ape all
lila old eustohaera, and as many nowones fas 'Ulay findt to their advantage togive him aca 31.'
Jan 23, 1890.) . a> Q. iIITNER. •
• -
ESTATE . Of-Wm. Coover debeasecL—
Noti*is hereby given that: Letters of Adminis
tration on the "estate of WM: (MOYER, deceased, of
blottroe township ; Cumberland'. county, have bean
granted to, the subscriber, residing In Silver Spring
-town Ship, All persons iii - abted to said estate are
/ luested to Make immediate payment, rind those
hating claims will prpsent.them Sur settlement-to -
March 5,1 - 85-6 w; • Administrator. '
• , {Omen Q. V.:31. P. O.
Pelf. 28 7 1856.
Hoard of Directors of this CO puny haTe this dap
levied an ,assessationt of 5 per cent, on all premium notes
Uelpngiug to the Company find In force eu the Sixth day
of, February, 1856, exception original applicathinis a
proved from Nov.'2l, 1855 till,the said-sixth day of Feb-_
miry, on Which there is assessed 3 per cent. And•On
ail premlunt.notes expiring_hetweeu not,
renewed, percent The nunnbela of this Olinpanyttro
hereby required to pay their several amounts so assess
ed to the Treasurer or authorised receiver Of this Board
within thirty days or the pulliczatlon of this notice. . '
March 19 0 iBII.IL-73
lb II 0.. C. L' A 111 . A T f l_
k : ..) _Whereas the 1101121 . We Jenks IL Gnnunat, Prefft
tli4it—Jinlgo Of:the -several Courts of Cdnimon Pleas in
the counties of cilutherland,-Perry and...Juniata. and
nsylvania, and Justice d'alie.soveral COUrfn Or Oyer
and' Terminer`stlid General Jell Velivery in said 'coun
ties. And Ilon.,Joiq'ltnee nod smuelt.lleopuMixJnilgthi
of the' Court of Over stud, Terminer Mk General Jail
Delivery: for the trial of all capital and ether elfeinterS.,
In the said en su nty of Clilberintni; by their' preeeks to
tan directed, be:whit:Nate . the 14th lay of au un ry ; 111564
hate orde,,ted thi!'tourt of uyerand x erin int. l . an d G ana _
int dull Delivery to be holden at. C.t
D A 4,44 th- f prl I, Is 10 o'clock , ku -the
forenoon, to continue tWo Weeks. • - •
- --Nov cE• IS -I Iliftf: - tlia - Coma r, -- Jrl9 ,-
tiees of the Peace and.t!oni•tables - Of the sold.county.of
Culoberland, that they are by the said precept coup
utauded to- be thou and there in thou! pruper persons,
%MI their _rolls; records, inquisitiobs, extuninationa
arid all other. rennaubratices,-to do those things yhiek
.titeiriutible appertain AO be _done,:tuid aktliose tluit"
are bound by recogulf,ances; to prosecute aktainst the
'prisoners that itio or thou slia4 be In the Jail of eaid
,t,tinty; are to be there to - proseentelheurns - shall' be
just.. JACOB
Ennzr's OFOuSAjp_am.r.3-
4000 TONS - .LY KENS .
, Taney; _Dauphin and Pine Grote
' ArLime . Ccritt,..
hykeinii•licaLtaralid Shamokin Stove Coal, A
Also,. bustßlacksmith Coal,
Alpo, I . U y~ l3lSlt of all kindiiavl best Cypress
of wbkb will be sold unuwally low. Friends rail
and judge ler yourselves.
aug,'2u tf
KE,N6I'ALLEI: COAL; Broken a /Id re-screened,"
prepared expressly for flintily use and I:vl4.v:soul covut,
so that 1 VAII furnish it nta and ettArc during The
winter mist dr, 1 have also - en hand and fi•r"iale the
LUKE 141114:It OJAI, front the inhies 4,1 Boyd, Loeser
Co,, anti Z!`.l .93101i1N COAL lecau the mines of Lech
ritu, Peal all of which 1 Bill sell ut small prate
for cash, and uellver ty, any virt - of - the i horough. --
Hoy. 14, '.71 5 : • 11%11. .Ittlirit A
r ir i IiEVOIITO COAL. . • ,
Mk: y in:TON' COAL. •
_The Travail Citt_Ci4f2taitniniy i tire_now. epued
nlshtheciticeus ot l'urllslO and IMMO.. with :111 41L1,11)-
dint simply id . the (len uirM Trevorton Coal.throhi, h thg r,
dealers NI .d. CUBA): and JACtili IIIJSI , wtoiro
cor,siiMers can procure the,yarionssizeSLunit , „-
litoani Boat. trOkett, Egg, Stove and Linn, linen&s.
can rocoilp,ukt it, to ail, as SUISTIOr to ally oth e r f t y s ,
steam, domestic purposes, -and lipm burning. For thO
int wmathin of the CM Z131.1S ul Carlisle we would' In.
tOrm_theni,this . Is. that supirlor coil, sample' of
I which was i.ent by E. llelfensthnu, Esq'r, Trevorimi,
about the-winter of . 16'52 and gave so umelt•satisfae.
T.N.Aorttin Coal Company Port Tretorton, Union coup
-ty, Pa. Aug. '2,2, Pitt). -----------
S . .F=A ; ll . CO - AL S !"
The subscriber would respect fully inform tile citizens
61Cuilitili l :Lud vicinity .that he is time prepared "to tur,
cash the tit:NIANC- 'fit.LVORTON COAL, of 'various
sizes, a saniphiul biciv was furnished to..a.numbor of
citizens three „years since by Mr. Itelfenstein,.and
which gave such perfect:satisfaction.
Also best qualities of Liketis Valley and Shamokin
Coal. , _ • . .
.-1.0 0
rd . the different Muth, constairtty- nifLantl, at the new
Ceal Yard near the gas Iyorke+.
The subscriber would respectfully inferm his friends
and the 'pith - lie, that he •is now receiving itatOdonatrif
that very superior ItED At. 411 COAL, from the Ltilre
IliinttWof Boyd, Rosser & Co., the only lied Ash
Coal , brought from the Shamokin Basin, introduced and
known ht Carlisle as the llelfonstine Coal. ' ltts entirely •
free from elate and all other impurities, rindes, is perfectly
g!lopted to all mechanical and domestif purposes. Its
readiness to ignite, renders it particularly desirable for,
'entail stoves, Ivhileiteinteueity of heat and great dura
bility in - burning makes It equally so for large ones. .n o
Wbuld sled call tiMuttention of Mutters and ()there to a
superior article Of. CILESINUT .COXL, mein the samo .
mines, for steam.and line purposes.
For.salo Carlisie,by
July 25, '.55.-3t
'.3IIBUITNERS' 'CO.& 2,000
ous LykeU'i Talley kilt •r2oal, a superior article
resoitii g awl tar sale by
eiIIARCOAL.-=Cha eoal eonstantlyon
hand Awl for sale by.
no , r. 'XL '65. Ag't.
. lie Entertalmnent:--Tho subscriber respectfully
s.theoltlions of Cairlisiwand'ilie public general
ly, that ho intends opening'
_pnblie bowie ,of enter
tainment on theist, of, April, in the, building now, et
cupledby Mr. Woods as a' store Millie - corner - Of North
lianover and I,out her streets; in the borough of Carlisle.
lie will, be ready at all times, to accommudato di who
may favor bith with their custom, and no pains will be
spared to, make all fool entirely'et home. , lila tahiciiiii
atnlbtlnics-be supplied with the best Um Market' can
afford. i Ilia stablowith ti'good and attontive hostler,
and Make man and beast both comic,' table
- will be - provided.' ' , Warders Will lie taken by the week
worth; )yyear,.at reasonablorates. lie hopes bY'striet
attention to business' and' a' dislre to please to receive
share of publle patronage '
Carllslo,,Ma - rb, 5, 15503-- rrio
li.' MURRAY, Ali
P.. 41T011ENVA UG