Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 02, 1856, Image 7

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The World would be f tht Better for ft
If 'non caradlOss for wealth and famo, •
And less for hattle-flolds and 'glory;
. If iirrktin'human 4 het r irts a name, .-Beein4A hotter than in soil's and story;
If men,-Instead of nursing' p r )„.ldo,_
Would lOarn 'to. to hato it and abhor ;
If more rei
On lovVtr
3 ;13 tilt IM for for it. I
- 7f mondealt s n.
A~rtlimire in ..nds ,- and.,iloodafraternal;
• work grid 'noire willing bands . .
To:link gin world tb the supernal;
If men stored.' up love's oil and wino • ;
- And on bruised buman hearltrwould poilr it;
The world wo'
If " yours" and.
Would but comblut?, - •
The world would bo tho boitor f6t It
If 71so iniittle. things, , •
Affecting ten' ;_
If hearts had fewer ryste[kstrings
To - Volate their, kindly feelings: •
Wound 'fitrike_t' el elver and restore' it
IfrlghE Minh; might
In ilve6 , tight,
Tho world would bc.tho better for it.
The > Loss of'the
,Ship 'Joh4 , Rutledge
• ' Frightful Narrative Suffering;,
rlk-itmes -gives
partioulaip of t
The Germania, 'a packet comnianded
by Captain, Wopd;'sailed from 'Havre on _the
29th of January, She encouniered'severe
westerly gales during the entire. passage:
Some_ days, of , course, were worse than oth
ers..- A hurricane of - unusual ie
!from the South, and met her. She - braved its
.—_tury for twelve_hourti, but her snit. were blown
out of the gaskets. - The -- barometer Stood at
27°.50/ when tlib hurricaue commenced. • Af
. for it terniiliated, °the gales from the ..West,
violent though they, were, seemed almost as
zephyrti in oompariedn. - _
The westerly gales continued, and scarcely
at all till in latitude - 45°` 3/ N -.7,---and -longitude
46° 40/ W., the 4 0ermania fell - in with ice«
- barge.' These, were large, bucsciitterodrlin
the intend° cold prevailing showed thhalarge
field of ice was in the neighborhood. .'Shortly
before dusk; a fog :which .bad prevailed' for
!tome tine, cleared, &way, and
„ a, field- of foe
presented itself of. enormous extent. stretch
"-ao the northeast as - far as the telescope could
penetrafe.. The danger to the ship was fear
/01y imminent; but by standing away, lame-
Jiatoly to the southeast she eswid direct,
• peril, and in about three hours got clear of it
altogether. her Southern course, however,
she still had ice in view. As—far South--as
,latitude 42°'43f14., and longitude,6o° 28' W.,
icebergs were vistble between her and the, ho
rifon. Gradually they grew less and less nu
merous, till, after having penetrated far
enough to the South, she once' More' turned
„herself towards the American eoast, '
The horrors of her voyage were yetlo come.
, •
On Feb, '2B, asship's boat wiis . observed in the
--r 2 -di'stance,-rowed_or_steered by, DO individUal ,
Although human beings were plainly seen from
the forecastle. of Germania: • She rose and
fell with the waves, - ana.WllB evidently,,at their
mercy. 'Capt. Woodoreboded a tragedy, and,
'lost no time in dispatching a t;ipatric).tho res
the sufferer's on board the little drift
ing craft. When it was reached Nvery sheet- .
ing spectacle presented itself, and, one which
•will never 'be forgotten by those, on whose
eyes it fell. . •
There wore five peopie'in - the bprt, of whom
four—and ono of those a woman—were dead.
young - seaman, used 23 years, Thomas W.
Nye, of.New•Bedford, sat among_ the bodies of
his more \ nnfortunate companions, his hands
and'feet terribly frozen, and his strength alto.
gether exhausted by 'starvation.. Ile could
- ..not risewithout assistance; he could not move.
his feel when .he,had risen. • They. lifted him_
with care into . the Herffiania's boat, - and rowed
back to - the ship. Then they learned from
the young sailor, the whole of_tbe terrible tra
The packet ship John Rutledge, commanded
by Captain Kelly, of this city, and owned by
Messrs. Howland & Ridgeway, sailed, from
Liverpool pn January the 19th. She met with
severe weather, and fell in with ice, on Feb.
18, in Int. 46° 34/ N., lon'. 46°.66/ T. The
following day, about noon, she entered a
„ field
of ice, but oleareici7E — A.ToWliouri!•later .she
was•Preoipitated against an iceberg, which
. WIT° a hole in tier bow, into' which the water
poured in a volume. At sunset she was evi
dently sinking; and had to 'be hastily aban.
doned. Besides the crew, ther' were 119 pas
_,Dangers onboard. When she sailed from Lit
-,orpool, there were 120 passengers, but one. Of
them 'met with an accident - before the ice—was
encounteredond` died in consCquence. - ''There
' on], otgi _cabin 'passim all the rest
were in the'steerage, an ere a mixture 'of
Irish' and. Septa, but belonging -to
oleos of etnntigiants
_than_ those whi c h
usually lakidNiin our shores . . As men. as it,
wnp certain that there was nopossibihty of sa
the bottom, her.flipllcjiktS ) *citilovierid, and
as many, of the .passengers and crew as could, firdAh - eli=tititihtOlishiliiikidll4lyAid
What food CoUld be enatahed up;
. .in the et
tromity of desperation, was' placied In the.
boats, together•witii demijohns'' Water 'and
compasses. Men, women ii - ar childre,n were
- huddled - together, vilth-no more.coViriwthair
they had on them at the'time of , the , encoun
ter, and'welf nigh, paralyzed, with terror. ; I'he
weather woe. very murky. 4: thick fog fell
upon the heaving waves. .When-tholast boat,
thil'onii - found•by the Gormaniti 3 —wds ,nearly ,
full, and as the mate, Mr. Atkilmon, and sev
oral othors'were about stepping in, it broke
adrift, with the thirteen per - sons alreadyin4t.A.,
and the mate and his companions went down
with the wreck.
.. A wild cry -rose:" the five
boats_rierted. company : the •shaderr of night
eveloped the'oceati•; and when, the morning
broke, after o ninnY hours_ of suffering; the boat
in which the young seaman Nye, had,escaped,
was alone upon the Waves, with poihing . in
view but distant icebergs. • Soon some loose
floating ice . 'was encountered, which greatly
impeded her progress, andin the struggle of
the' ° , who revved her to , get free from it, the
compass which was on board was broken and
rendered useless. Clouds overspread,the sky,
and a thick .snow storm 'succeeded : , They
know not - which - way-to pull, and. wore
With dismal From the, haste in „Which they
_were "comptilled:to , leave the sinking ship, they
hail only .been able to plaee etilboard a. few
liounds of small bisonif, - and a demijohn con
taining about a : gallon of. water, A. , small
'piece ofbisouit was the'doily ration appoint-.
ed for each and'a clraitght of water
could not bepermitted to any ono. A suck
tlirough the cork was all that could be allowed,.
and if any ono obtained enough fora swallow,
the demijohn \was immediately taken front
hiin;•arid he waer deprived of his evening's.
suck The - consequent:owns, that on the first
day out all onboard were .tormented with a
raging - thirst;.whickhonrly greW more fright•
ful and unanciurable. The'sedontidaY'llawned .
and there 19118 110 sail, and neither of the -oth
er boats visible. Rain and snow fell, and th6`
unfortunate oreattires were nearly frozen with
cold, in_additiontothe pangs of hunger and
thirst. , They kept up bravely, however,,.chee
ring mei other. The woman especially were
brave. ' They always are whewin trying cir
cut:aster:les. -
Day after day passed by, and on the fifth
day, a woman, the wife of-one of the passim:
gars, died; They 'had ha - eLroad tor• wrap her
in, so they threvi her - overboard• •in her
clothes. The hearts of the surviving twelve•
bega ri to failin earliest then. Many were in
sinking condition, ihough they bad tried•. to
:conceal it, but the sight of the first Corpse
pluriged overboard unmanned them. The next
day the husband of the'Woman died,. and' they
threw him oierboard. A huge shark had fol
lowed their for two days liast, and When thia
second body was consigned , to the waves, ho
dived deeply after it, and disappeared. That
evening the provisions failed.' There weic no
more biscuits, and the demijohn- was 'sucked
dry. ° •.
'Early on the'morning of the. seventh day,
two bo3;s who were brothers', died, and shortly
after'wards their father—. There' were three .
sharks in , he wake of the boattiow; but 'after
these three bodie4ywereili onn overboard,'
there was:only one visible ,and he soondropped
away and disappeat4ul. Some time . during
that •night another passenger died. They
threw him over„at, day-break. _
On the eightb day' the bosts*ain . r'died..
Ilitirthey threw overboard. AU Oita were
thrown overboard Were in their wearing ap
parel v and,were So disposed of, just_.AB
died.' 0a the -same 'day another passenger
died, who was the last that was thrown over
board. Mrs. Atkiheon, the mote's Wife,' died
about two hourti later, and after her, in gßick
.•sucoession ; three other passengers. The young
seaman 14Yewas the. sole survivor;he-wag
so much eshaustedAhat he had 'not strength
to give - hia dead companions • to the 'Sharks.
'He sat frozen tlieir•• tnidst, and thh boat
drifted at ilia' mercy 41, the winds and WaveB.)
Ou the ninth day. the Germania came in'
sight, bat:lttihad not power - to:hail her,. or to
Wave a s signal. The drifting,boat as we have
said, was fortunately espied, and the =poor
young fellow was received on board: He told
Lie s tcry,,aud Capt. 'Wood humahely resolved
to look after the other,bonts. For two' days
ho sailed tO , the Northwest, andpSeuthweSt,
keeping_ watch. Thick snow ittotiug fell du-s
ring this time, but when* they "well) cleared
away thorn were no' boats - 1 - o — be ' - seen.
They had compasses on boaril. They batp
morelciqd . than the-ill-fated boat, from which
Mr, Nye was rescued. But the weather was
.very storpty and cold during all those subse
quent days. and tltiiii:Probable fate is one of
Painful conjecture. siVe trust that we' shall
ilea something cf them. " Some good ship
may have picked there up. If they should'
never lie - heard of, thtM only one individual
young Nye,-will have been rescued out :of all ,
the passengers and cre'w Of the packet 'fillip
igaitiote peralb,
1.11.)x,.i.41.t.. 4 I-144
that he will readier; rereiltifilf lit, a .yriry
low etate . on boaial flits •13.44.nhiiiiii, wiiirltt — our
Anether - terribleThurrie.ano - waveitpltrieueed•
by the Oani& on March. 11, which ~I neted
three daye,driving her back 160 mike into
the dulf Aram.' 'dapt4n7,l 4 toodatide his tea k '
tiraohY to that'of the many experienced Alm-
ate y eroeue
mandere wko have
respeatiog.,Xlie unexampled.taeverity :of •the
weatherAuring the present .winter. We
•peet tikreoeive frighttul tidings
,frotti sea for
some-weeks4et_to dome.,
Very Yew tragedies, .the recital otwhich has
harrowed the feelings of our cotainunity, have
been more painful than this of the John. Rut
edit We should ra - iitheen; .
a more comjlete account of the . .ealamity if
our informant, the young, seaman aforesaid,
had been in a convalescent state. 15e is cite -
fined io his berth and suffers much from the
result of lorig exposurato cold, and from
e,xhaustion„consequent upon so • mnny days.
deprivation of,nottrishment. At times, he is
quitedelirious, and in his best condition is
unable to 'narrate much, or to bear
questioning. Should he ' - recover, he, will
probably be totally lamed, and otherid:O in - - -
capacitated for life, -for' any useful. em aoy
\f - Votiorktrpir.
c .
To' how many housewives is this a day of
fatigue ,not only, but' of fretfulness and dis.
comfort, making home ) anything but attractive
to 'either ,husband - or — eh - Hien, when, with
proper'eare and regulations,-nenrly Lot.this
might tt,e 4 obviated. What—is—Wanted mainly,
IS a liktift syMem. •,,
din day aifar as poSiitile' be -regular;
and 'flinch is geherallY"gaiiied,. by
Vuesday Or . this work ; .
time left for the olothes.tol?tiiirie'd . ,
ironed. and 'mended; while it gives. a prOpara
ttoni day,' without. violating the sanctity of the
. -'The - work will be greatly lightened if the
clothes are sorteci, and most of them put to soak
pie night previtarily." If -- aveashing - prepara—
tion is.csed.(and,- amid the . great number - sold,
there atferit few which, are, doubtless, an aid
to 7 . the washer, and not injurious to
. the
clothes.) shin should be got in 'readiness on.
Monday Many of-the
, littlejobs wiii - Ch a tam- -
alWays require:done the firSt of the wee
'can also be done by this arrtigement befor ,
the washiugis undertaken;' and if the lionise
and children are neat and, tidy, ilia house
wife is, better prepared for other duties.
Everything,should be kept in its ploce. TIT
,clothes line 'should be housed till the day it is
wanted, and then stretched upon its appropri:-
atoirame, which should of course be kept in
order; the tubs should'hot be left standing
about, but ki3pt clean and neat in the cellar.—
The boiler clothes-bag, and olothes pins, 0t0.,,
should all - have been left in place and in Orddr.
for use the week'Pievious, a‘_nd ma i% time WI(
thuirhave been gained. •
--Do-mot-MA ve-td-outdo_the ghboys'-by-get
ting your clothes out the earlies,for .this is
a very poor ambition; but dip thO morning
work as neat ai usual, and have the ',vegeta
bles prepared for / dinner, so as to have less)n
terruptions; then you'can Act about thp wash
ing with more 'satisfaction than,, otherwise.—
By a little care the 'slopping,! which so many
deem to think necessary, can be avoided, and
the clothes of the washer, as well its the floor,
be kept.noat and dry. Resolve, when bogining,
to allows nothing. to put you out of temper, and
the - day will not be one of dread to the house
hold ; and by night you Twill ,apt tu have as
much work done, and ris well done as with al
other arrangement, .With to fatigue and
'nature." .
illi9tcllancous,. _
ING. The subscriber continuos to carry on th°
aisle businesS, in all its various branches, in North lien
over street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner
wherichis intends - keeping - au hand a general assortment
In hie line, consisting or all kinde of fashionable SAD.
1/I.4.;9rßriilles, 'Martingales, Girths,
Clrcingles and Halters, idea TII:UNGS,
traveling Mid saddle •
bags.' , . Ile also loam
nfactu s res the* most int
apprordS rs:ris . .
S r Smini.xs . ever fißod - In this
country. and' those wishing a hand
some, durable and pleasant - saddle.
-will do well to call and see thorn. lie
also manufactures Harness, Bridles,
- Collars and Whips In all their
ties, and confbhintly, -believes from the general apptoba-
Oen dr big ciustornerS, that be makes the neatest and
best gears, in all their variety of bredtb, that is made in
-the country.. Ito also Makes' all kinds of Matra-v.138U
order, via: Straw; Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat
o mesas. Millie above artirlee • will be made of the best
material and workmanship, and with the utmost des
patch. - ' WM:OSBORN. ,
' - . •
p .II
IiESIT-115,9: SUGAR.—A general
- assort - en:4ft . of. Crushed, ..sifted - and Pulverised
non; of boat quality, as slab Softernalted, Clarified
and. other qualltiee rnustantly - on hand, suitable for
preserving and all .other purposes—genorapy at OLD
Pitlef.B... / . ' . .
Also a constant supply.of the eholcest Coffees, Teas,
Spices-and other articles in variety always 'on hand.—
atten t inn is invited to our stoch before buy lug elsewhere.
• Carlisle. July 25, 'f 41. , . J. W. EllY:
LAILS t NAILS 1L—I„ um now .pre=
Owed to supply country Moichnnts.Niithnolls at
nutnufActurers,prica!„ . U. BAXTODL
-Stores- auk- pi)cgicit
1 . ..,- ~- ~
„p --
.;,; .1 7 VATCHFA' .CLOCKS !. •
;;;difeE . --r . ,... . FANCY JEWP.Lititi 40- ~
i-lith .
• . --- - ; -erzioNi on hand and Mile it --
- my i.) d Stand On Alga Street, opposite Marion Nall, an
entirely new and elegant stock of ' - "
Gold Laver Watches, h'uirtlffir and open case, Shyer do.
1 truer Loping and Quarter:Watelms, a-large variety.
Gold *notion foriLadieffmnd.Gentlerden. ~ --
t -L-
Medallions,' 'a - Splendid assortment fur ladies and gen ie.
Br6' eV Pins or every Patterm'and all prl cc . . -
o d Chains or vest and feb, gold curb chains,. '
Finger itings, Cuff-pins, Studs .fileeve Thattonb. .
Crosses. Drop and , lloop Mad-Rings, a large vole*
Silver and Plated FOrki,,Table and Tea Spoons, Buttir
• Knives, dc. of various styles and'-prices; ."
Gold acid Silver Thimbles, - . ' • • • . .
Gold, Silver and Common. Spectacles, a large assortment
• -to suit all : ges, and to . vklalcit_we luvita particular '.,
—. • attention. -.. . ''. •
_ .
Pott.Mustiluiles, a large assortment at every price, '
.oold Pons, of the - best Make at various prices, ' .
Yancy lioxas f iVort Follos,Aca&rdeonS.,Spectacle cases;
Ladles (laid Cases, sliver and. earl, at various prlcestr•
Bracelots. - gold and coineriOnljat.clr Chains ditto. •
so a- -of articles s in. the .JeWolry311111V:
.val - kh I will sell at thTlowest prices. AU articles_ Orr
ranted to be what they are sold for. . '
M.Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING
WATCHES-and all woik...warranted.- iteturninseilianka -
toVnYrold friefids end 'customers for foireor patronage,
respectfully solicit a contintance of their fatore. -
june2o -- •- . • THOMAS CONLYN.
N. HAisfiur. A; Co. have °pealed and now 'of-
for for sale at their" Stke on West high Streicd,
ono door west of the Hotel formerly kopt hy C.-Stough,
an entire new stoek - orßeady Made Clothing . .
Also, Clothi:CAsslinered and Veitings, which will be
miniaup In Cho best Ftylo mid on reasoiMble
'Shirts; Shirt Collars, Oloves,.llosiery;Susperiders, Satin
and Summik Stocks, Ifandherchilifs, &c. of the newest
stylessand best manufacture kept constantly on haild.
Confident oft sir ability to please, they respectfully so
kit the publ l i 'patronn'ge.'„ • . •0. •
TROUT, destros-to'biiferiu:hii old friend s
that ho lies vat - toyed - 115MS' new establishinent on
street, near the Railroad Depot, end is now orfoning a
_dalarge mid elegant assortment of the FALL/16TVLE
OF lIATS;Itort - recelyed froth Philadelphia,
the gdotlonion of Carlisle aro roquasted to aril and--
examine. Ile has also a largo tissortment'of Silk: Fur
and Sloncif.lfats a :Ills own man uffitctufe, got-up Pi the .
best stylii and at various prices,:the oacellenre rind finish
•ro which ho will - warrant. Ills stock hots confident on. -
ly needs to ho exathinod to he approved. Also, a 'owl . .
supply, of llon'a. Roy's and Cliiiiiron's CARR, of Cloth
all di •Fur,:find of 'erery„flitiety_fg-etykanir teTiWjiiif ie
crived froni-Philadolphia: Let who want a lint or
Capglvirdilllifi call, as they may be surs' of Whig suit
ed to ltheir own satisfaction.• • ,
- .
'PALL BTYLKOF 1TA1,.. :1855,
L -- otonEKELTATit respeClfnily
,azinod fel; iii his
. „ . .... ......,.
uld Patrons-and.the public generally that lie. as,_
(dried the FALL ii'll'i,F, OF IIEN WIEN'S
HATS, manufactured at WIC . of the X 11 establish
ents in PhilailelphliC,Au_w_liicil he in ites special
attention. - 75
Ile has also constantly_ un ltand.alarge avid varied ell
soitinent cif 'his ow.n inanufaltire RS welyas city mad
hats and - Caps. suitable 'for the season, comprising every'
variety of !tussle., licaver,-31 - losiiiii"auil 1 4 ilk Hats, tin ,
fished in the latcstrstyle,tOgether with a full assortment.
of CAPS of every shape and deAcription:`..and at every
price. Ile partictilarly invites title public to call and ex
amine his exnensive assortment, which in style, mate
vitt and finish. cannot! be surpassed by" any in market:
and -which:lle is,,able tninit at prices ]ewer than ever,
Itemamber - his nid-siand on Nortikllanover WOOL — kg.
twoori Ilitmer!s wild Senor's s t ores. , . .
P Wit m ,
ludk r °calving toy Fell
CIN'VF,i; - 1,1. stock of PAPER lIANGIM;s,
- which su
ass in et' (futility
:and price anythat. have over
,been exhibeted hi Carlisle. I respectfully,
om persons In want of "Paper 'Hangings of ail:* &scrip:
Lion, ne I'ain 'confident by aSsortniept far sndiasses any
In the Borough; and in style and prices has Taut few •
vale In the city. I only ask of, the public to call
an;hu' my assortthAnt before purchasing. as] artreimfl•
dent my chaste designs cannot fall to .please, the most
fastidious. .. .11111;.;
West eldeoils.lorth Hanover Street
ftlfirtMEW GROCERY .
The subscriber would respectfully 111. m ltla friends and
the public gonerally, that-ho 1,/17 ! just returned from the
city with it large and TArltot nessrt.”.ieilt
.UEI,S•W A r 4- • ,
whirl' be otters sale
most - reasonable Onus, at Lis :veertore •
corn or of North I lam, er - sti c•ornmidbe nil • -
Ile Squoro. (Meetly opposite the Carlisle De. •
posit Bank. Ills . stock -embrases cl:trything usually
Ina Groiiery and Variety
. . .
The joil.ll,' are to C4ll Mill 0 - Xlllllllle , his stork
Lc6nr iourehiising elsewhere, as - Le feels eonfidelit l:rest)
sell the best pleas at the lowestiwieus. .
.1. 111111EILT.
0r40. 4 ..5,
t I3INGI - IA DAVIS ttz,
• . ••?
- F
-e •••tr" •
Phllndelidiln, •
and Cors !env° both placis East autl West,
to leo every We Tuesdays And Fridays. An two'', re
entrusted to Illnitintn, Davis e. Co., will be alt111(1. i to
with ireomptness. whether in sales. ptonnre to Bel, /It
A. 11. 8AR31119, North stick Baltlnlee, 11 3 11, nlso
entered Into thin artnngentent, rind will 'atom! int In pt.
ly to all business entrusted to hint. 111);10.—;m,.
, -
t• The subscriber ,has just
added t,i his fortnerstock a general selection or citoult .
. ‘L,, ,
illioCiilil ES, as well as all the other variety of . tildes
rd.luisually kept in a ilroeery Store, einibrite liio
I!\!;Ri.i Colfee--roasted and• trreen—nti.,l23,:: and 1 ecnt s
~..._,.... per lb., Orleans. Clariflod,"f'ruslied and Pull . ;Hied
44'L - W lo . 4 Stigars, - of tine qualities; Chreilateir.Sidees, iitlry.
Salt. mid :irarietv,of Fancy_artieles, ill of „ishiCh are o.
, red at tlitilowesl cash pris'es. . We are thankful for t be.
fo nor supp , .rt given 'us, and' invite a , furtherSull froth.
our friends and customers. - ! ...I„ . W. EltY. '',
".........Alarbui 'hill, Cartlide. " '''' " "'
cdlt 0 6 . ER (Es'
1r Alt E-zlifit:" hnmekpop iind -- yninigi with -ttior
also n ho are 111 ifec:t ing to become housekeepers, ere i 77 . v i t
ea th rail at II AlAiEliT'S ga m ILY 4ROCERY "d a
'ami ne his alegaut ussortment of Chinn. 0 lass an it Que it
nod other artteles In the housekeeping line, N I •
ns French' and English ten sets. heavy lauded end pl. 7
White Granite, glided' and blue•plain, pivner sets o
ery vartefrend price; bowls and pltchlirs, tureens. duel ..
es, ~te. ttlnss•were—centre table and mantel Intip.
Candelabras and other lemps,grent verity, table and le
tumblers,. goblets, Se t Fruit and preserve dishes, in v;
riety7 .Cedar-ware—tubs, Imckets, Churns, bowls, buttt
prihtsanif ladles, meal buCkets, &c.- •Ilrushes—Sweepinl
'white wash, scrubbing , hand and shoe brushes, duster.
broolas, • &c.. 'Market, clothes and travelling baskets.' _
Also a choice-assortment of Tobacco and Segars. Ca . .,
he who are find of Choice,brinnlnof Segars nod try tl;
Principes, Reptalias. Stennonis nnd•other Cube vedette:,
find yon will find thenr of uollupeed777l , lo quality. Al ,
nov 'Spanish and cpmfnoe'clegars,'With ciwire snuff at
tobacco. . ''
undorsigtiect inform tl •
el, ions of Carlisle that he Ms madirili.ring
milts to do fi Frrrnia and nu MBING at short n
tire: and on - reaSonable terms. lie has enqged the se
vices of a tirst - rate hand from Philadelphia, and has su •
plied himself with an extecislco ASsortultllt of PIN'
UItES, wbich will ebahle him to till all orders promP11:: -
All .worlcWill be warranted. llisateclo °C. Gas Fixtui ,
will be found in the room exactly, opposite Ms Ti It
establishment on Northllnueirerstreet, where'll° i UT I t •
' TINNING,. SPOUT,I,NO, Is 7,lso.prOpered
furnish, or tnalce-to order, every article of TIN, WAR .
usgd,,bv hen - sell - et/perm and others. Ito . will also ellen
. 1.
' Thankful for the patronage 'with which be basalread'
been-'favored, ho raspectfulli solicits a continuance
.the same. •, - • ... •...
--Car)..lB June 14, '64
~,.„,).\- 11.1144b,t:10.4p.:•,,,,_-..,T.,..
. .. .
. i -
„,..I .. . l64 Go cl . !s L tin .r,u sw a y s,sOr. to /C, Fiot
phis, extensive Music •Publisher, m an s a ft el n rtaut :, ..
.Instruu l cintor,every description. ", "1, •
'. Exclusive agent for the, sale of liallet r Davis k C.
Patent Suspelision liridgei&oliadand other PIANOS, ,
Hilbert's - I,loudoir4Pianos,..Melodeons, Martin's Quits,.
Harps,' Ylolinst Shoot Music, Musk lioolis,
Resident's of the country will be supplied by'utifi"
otherwise with' tuuslethey -may wish, allow se if pu
chased in person. -Having out of-the largest stocks..
the United _Statis,.l.feel-!eonildent_of satisfying all wl .
may - fiyor me with it call or order, ------ . -
7 -4/Were-in- Mush) itapplicil on.the.moitlibiralterbas._
'Wanes to let, Serpi - id-hand Pianos for sale.' , .-__
, . ~. .: .. • • . • May 20',1.1352-IY7,
. , . ---
IL) .B,Y, WHOLESALE 'and RETAIL, at•the "Phi.
.--- - ft ,-- delphis :Watch and Jewelry - Sect
. •
.. '' . 4k •-- Number 96 North Second Street', 1 .,
. .. -.7 % , • . ' nor
,of Quirryi".Pliilndelphda•-• Go,
i Lever Watches, hill Jewelled, 18 er
- k l / 4
4 0
.1 .at casei, , ,- • ._', - - VW!
0..- •A Gold Lepine,lB carat cities, 24 ,
-.). '',- • f SII ~
~..4 5/ : !- , e; . ...
_•.,...), , vet. • jewels, 9
ic 'l • Silver Leverifull-jowellsde-' -12
—Superior Qum-tiers, - --- • - - - 7 ,
Gold Spectacles, . - . . . - - 7 ,
Pine-Silver Spoctaclee, , • , •
Gold Bracelets,
Ladies' Gold Pencils, . -- - - - . -1,.
,_„•Sliver Tea Spoons, sot,
_Gold Pons; with •Peneil and i l t
i l lv s e ios
rllo s d w4,h
i : en, a -, ;
c4j 4 , ..
- Gold Finger Rings 27% i
plain, 12% contF, Patent Liinet 26;- otitsr irtie;'
In propertied. All gcioda ha what tlaby a
sold for.
On hand , soma Go Silver Lavers and Lardr
-still lower than the above prices.
ty. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery irr the Philad,
• phia : Collegt of Medicine, and Acting Professor of M •
yitery; one of the Consulting Physicians of the IL. •
adelphin Haspital, Blockley; late member of the It.
Bonet MedleaVAsseelatital; Minnher" of the litilatti
phiu Medical Society; .• memberof the Medico- hirurt_
•• - eal - Cellege of Philadelphia; formerly President 'in,
Profeslon of Anatiany.and_Surgery in Castleton Me.
cal College '
Vermont ; ;and also, late Professor. f At
atomy and Physiology-1m Berkshire Medical Inatit.
Pittafield,_Mass. ' &c„ &c.. .
Mai lately introducedln a popular form, seieral of l•
Vio•ite prescriptions for, the principal diseases of t
climate.. The name of each article mill imply the
eatMairailien it is intended to ho used.
.3.llxruits-For Cold.
Coughs, &c.; Brice.2s„rtit. ' ,
• Dn. MCCLINTOCK'S ASTHMA '•ND_lloorrao• Coven
or. • Price 50 eta.
rifying 015 Blood. Price $l. -
Da:!..leCtnrzomea lryspeptie gluing tot '
to the stomach, relieving pains after eating; heartbut;
and all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigastit,i' -
Price fl:
DI McCustoba's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE-A Purely' •
getable Iteined.V for interind use. Price . 50 cts, •
• DR. MCCLINTOCK'II llfiXl3llllo LINIMENT-For Illtenti,
Mani, kc.-ilea-fA-ets.--
b 0 ets.
• Da. McCuivrat's Atvoitrzra Mirienz-For Pains; Toot .
ache, Headache, Neuralgia, &c. Price MY eta.
Da. MCCLINTOCK'S Pavan AND Aluca Srzczzlo-..k cerW
cure for all Interniittents. , Price $l. .'
MeCtutrocx's MARRO =CORDIAL . AND CllOllll. PI
YEIYTIVEA Safe Remedy.' - •
Da. •MrCusuroi:es "Yzoterattut PLIRDATITX PILLS-P.
Coativeness,'lleadache, &c. Price 25 ets. • .
DR MeCttavoca's• Nazi-name Mts.-For Irregular!:
In the Function,. of the Liver and Bowels-the hest L.
.er Pill made. Wire 25 cts. a ,14:.
tne.safeirsqlr...l-NictlLlNTofll;utidn-Sledlcal rep.-
N. W. Corner NINTH and FILKERT Streets, l'hilac.
ohia, and al: LrUggists. It'ugglsis and "Dealers In AL..
clues who wish to 1m Agenia, will please addree. 1 .
111cCliiitncit. furnishing reference, name of Post ON& .
county and State.
• -cu For sale by W: A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carnal.
J. li. Criswell, Shippenburg; Emminger Co.. L. Kan
man, Mechanicsburg ;. Joseph Berm), .NewTille; J..,
Zimmerman, A ntlersonburg; Baines. & Fertlg, Mille; .
town; A. C. Klink, New:Bloomfield; Harriet M, Sing.
Newport; 11. F. Gardner, York Springi; A. J. Miller al
J. St Niron; Clunbersburg; 11. Mentzer, Wayneshon.
George Be finer and 11. K. Jones lc Co., Harrisburg..
" IiIeCLINTOCK ran be consUlted. without chits
-daily, from 10 to-12 o'clock; A. M., at his-Depot. •
' Deceruher 0,- 1i53-Is.
FRE - NCI:1 TRUSSES, .Weighing je :
than 21,1 ounces, for the cure of Iternlaorltupti)
acknowledged by the Highest medical authorities of I'i
sdcipitia, incomparably superior to, any other In use.
t died -to-learn-that- the occasion , n
"'offers o Priellre, not only, the highest and most easy.l
its dutal4e a Trues as any other. in lieu of thecumle.
and uix• , •'rttble article usually sold. 'There is no
iculty attending the fitting, and when the pad is lob „-^
it I . ‘ ill rotalu its p, , sit ion without change.
l'erSotts at A di:dance unable to . call on the oubscrlts
'Lay o the Tra lit:1111, any - addreitaii; byrenilttlt
tlre dollars for the single Trus s le; or ten for the doubles
with measure round the hips. and stating ride affects
It nail be, exehenged to snit If not fitting. by returilb
nt once, unst,iled., For sale only by the Importer,
CA 1.F.11 11. NEEDLEV
Corner Twelfth and Pare stYrets.Phlladelpl
,1.13 , 1 , 11:$, requiring the benefit of Mechanical SI
porters; owing to - tlie - -deVangt•plent of, tba Internal •
Bans, inducing falling of the Womb. VOcal, Pu}mono •
Dyspeptic, Nervous and SpipalWealtitess, Are intern,
'that a competent and experienced I.anx will he In
tendance at the Rooms: (set apart 'for their exclime
tioc) No. 114 TIOLFTII St., lat door belovehltace
.July 26,'54.
. .
1., S. W. Com er Twelfth mid" Race Streets, Philad's.
Importer pf fine French Trusses, combining extra]
IlftlitaieWyW lii• "tru - Elibility - Vilth .correct • cons 1
Lion..: . .
liernialmr_ruptmed patlentiLeanbeitulted by rem' •
'-ting amounts :—Sending imbiber of inches round tr
hips, anti stating sicleafrecteß.
Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double-453._ '
$8 and $lO. • ---- - ' •
, .
Instructions se to wear , and "how - lb effect ,
.s- cur •
whew possible. sent enth.the Trues. • .• • •
. ' Also for sale. lu great . variety. , • ' .
For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ;. Spinal l'rops and St
ports, :Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expander; a:,
Eregtor lifaces, adapted to all with Stoop ShOulders.
and yeak Lungs; EugliSh. EliAtlc Abdominal &ell
Suspensories, Syringes—male and female.,
ka - 4 1 d 1 es' Rooms, :filth Lady attendants.
The anbierlber InformalLealers and Farmers that hell ,
lireatly improved, the, quality of hie SUPER PRO.
PILATE. i),F• LIME, end- now confldentirrecommen.
the attic% numufactured by him, as SOPERIOII to any S.
the market. -You are Invited to call, examine and ti
CANDLES, saa t p, - ke. .14. t the lowest Market rates, .
. ,INO. L. I'OMEROY,..
. . Successor to Thoa; W. Mt , gab,
• ; No. 9 and 10 South Whar v ee, Philadelphia+ '
•Xiirleanners CUL load on two private alleys, and eve&
the crowded wart July 25 , SU
S m i;
4.hic largest an g il most varledassortment sa:
opened In Carlisle, to which I invite the early attentio
'of the puhilr, an I intend selling at prices which mot
fall to ppease the closest purchaser. J ' -
mrelr.Pl : • JOHN P. 1.17(14.-
JAK ELAST.IC ,BELTS,-44uet open
coyo4 lot of fillk and .Woristed Ilaatic.flelta in se
notrill, '66: •
morinon MORRIS
GO. W. HA'rNila.