6 C Prepare fo;.,6pring Spring_ now-coin men ces, and every far mer,!shmild examine his mowing lots,' with a view. to ascertain if they, are hide - - bound If so, they shotild•be - top:dressed, with - such soluble Materials as are needed by the soil; and in. most eases - the -inisS ' ing_ingredients wilite found to be anal°, gous.to those contained in the NitrOge . : sized SuperphciSiihate r - Lime. ; The Lifting Sub-soil PIO* shoulttrtheti be passed through such fields;. 'at .the 'dis •tance of four feet apart between the. cuts:, This plow, when.properly used,. Wilt not turn over the sod, but will lift the_sur face soil-from the'---face,of-the-Liiibial,- - ,permitting_jt - to - _ -. findilts :place agait . ti - be• hind - the plow, with all the rants loosened • and the whole field raised an inch frOm• its former position. .It cuts threnglito the sun] mission, of atinosplierc This freeitw Of the old without any Material ,di mole-like action of this ,1d and useleAs roots dec of a more vigorous kind the pabutum.giveii up Portions., This praces_. fully tested, and in all cases found to be efficient. ' We have• many letters from' those who have_tried ...it,. and invariably the increase in . crop is inncli greater than the cost of the•phosphateS• and_the ex . A perms attendant,upon the running'ot the lifting p10w... If the . , direction Of these cut be.suelias would be selected for uti-. der , drains, they will act as' such, for-a' portion of the season at least, 'add '; thus* free - the land from . .excess' of inactive -moisture. This, of 'course, will only be ' the'ease in Soils the surfacCot 'which is • not level,•and from thelower' portion of which the .;elivery of water is 'easy. Clayey - soils should not be plowed.while' ...' Wet. .MuCh harm has been done by such .practice.—Sandy seils,.particularly those short of such a proportion of clay. as to render them tenacious, are:improved and rendered more adhesive by being plowed .thenslightly damp ; •but with tose-of a more clayey character_e.ach ;furrow is Compressed with a'force equal to that re ...quired:for propelling .the plop leaving turned portions briekAike, and dis -inclined 'to yield to'•smallei , tools than the ploW,.such as the, cultivator, the tar' row, the roller, etc. . the--.-Selection---of--seeds7greati-care should be' iised'; and those •Of 'a light kind, Stich as the carrot,' parsnip,. etc., . should be - fresh. 'ln the :early cultiva tiOn of root crepsy.tools for the disturb . •ance . of the immediate surface should be. _frequetly' used, -.- so - that weeds cannet - be= come of such size as to require,band'work. - - When.this is thoroughly done in the ear lypart of 'their growth, -much...labor will. be saved,•While the amount of crop will be materially•angmented!''-' When guano or phosphates • aro • used, ' - they should* . applied - in - shall - -peak ties at each disturbance of the soil," rath er than in large,quantities before._ the sowing of the seed. .• Grass: and 'grain • crops requiring top-dressing, Shonld-haVe it applied in early March, before the. Spring-rains,. so as, to-insure-its-;division irt-thc-isoii,land-thus-prevent,loss=byr-e-• . vaperation of the inins volatile., portions:. In many'eases we have InoWn.,the appli- ' . cation ofone liundre,d.' peunds''Of ir enized Super-phosiihate per , acre,_ to increaselthe-hay crop °pi) ton per acre and grain so top-dressed in the early, spring,' always pays a large-.profifbejrond the cost of the fertilizer. :In 'selecting plants to be pit' out -in . • early spring, give preference to those raised in the fall and kept im_sld-frames during Winter. 'They are-sup - crier to hot-bertilants, its._ they are, not' checked , by the 'transplanting ; and 'unnsual frosts such as sometimes occur after 'tire .emit- - inencetnerit,:of i .,spring .will: riot inj~rre them. eabbageS, lettuce, eaulij "; floWer,•broccoli,'etc., may be ; ready for market when. - raised 'front cold-fraine •pltintsiene'inonthearlier•than from `hot bed plaptS, li - ad:The high, prices obtained' ,for early vegetliblea• fidly' , wairtints' the • . 'extra cost:: . ';_lnifeed the 'cauliflower and • ,• can nOt,be i. foreed.: for ttrid_.•6otri ' plants' BO , to ..emnplete - their • growthbefore'theieitreme hot weather,.' and if . lrot re ids for markettbefore they , will tiot'•":head so. as to.give• 'a largo' flOWer or cempaet. hcad. Thosq•who have nOtoOnstrueted. their hot-beds•nniy as. well du so.-- - .lLimadmans. . • mayhc..started in reverse '•seds •placed =9 =II , I 1 .', • ,EARUGb . : Dlt UCI S ! DRUGS . liresa. ii. f,,ulk,l'lA I 1 have just received a fresh stock of fialirines. Paints, ,Glaiis,;•oll,&e., which, having • liven purchased' with great art; tit the, best city. V 4 tli .., notises, 1 caneeniidently recommend to Families, Vliyficians,tmuntry Merchants and Dealers, as Le ing lia•sh and pure. . . diiliGS—Patent . Medicines "Fine_Chetnicals, Instru ments, pure Essential tills, liorhs and-Extracts. Splcesi ,und and whole, Essences, Perfumery, &c. , . 'Cod Liver nil—warranted genuine. ' ' DICB-riTCFF:I--I.ll , ll:4oes' ' Madders, :Sunny., Alum, Log allot Cain. Woods:Oil l'ittiol, Copperas, Lae Dye. ' • PAUNIcI--NVet'lierill ,54. Brother's Petro Lead, Chrome -41.roen• an Yollow;_kaltit _Alia:Yarn Ish_liturlies,Alersey_ • v, i n ,if,w tila,..s. Linseed 4.111, Turpentine. Copal and roach ,Varnish', amf Ned ,Lead. All of Whic4f• Will:l,e sold at the very 'lowest market price. • ~ Also, a fresh and tl,lemlid assortment of FANCY fl 00;1: 4 , Fruits, Cmifctlonary, RIO in il tuner:ll)le other arii.-I , •i , calculated for use and Oplanymtt, all of which ' are odeiTil at. ti11111:0VOSt. cusp prices, at the cheap Drug, )16,1, and Fancy Store of, thusubsCelber on NOIIII flan. -.. LlV. , :f.t.trolt, -,—n._---- .--_,...-- ..S. .'!''.. l :. ILIYEI4 4 .TICIi. . rlitl'dS li, bit U G S,MED/CINES, &e. ' sr.—l liolVo . jll , C I !;eelved from Fidladelphia and • , A : • ! . i "el: very ,extensive additions today .ti?,iloL-I:`,j f, Toter,t._9,l..,,etniira f ing ue.arly•livory:trtiele ---- ;!,7,-I ••! Medi 11,e, how • in me, together with ',•,,,' -1:' l':ii in s. his,' Varnishes, "Turpentine; Forin t! :. . :11 „ 1 -y, „•al.s. Stationary, Flue liutlery,Ylsh ftg !!!,doe. Musha of almost every descrip lon, 6.1! .Ii! dod:•1-s Suriety of other dirtieles. width' I - am deto.eitall! CUI11:01 4,t - thtl VERY"I.Oy}:t , T prices. - -- - -.- --Afi I.by,i,• l ons. conntYy Merchants. Pedlars and 0111. ere; 11, I'l,llcuLnilly — ri2qUeStOd lliit — tb - pUtit4:4lie OW STAN 11, aw t hey may rest assured that every artieleailll •bosold of a good quality,umr.upon reasonaldelerms.. . • ' , s. ELLiurr. '!1135! 30. ~ , „ so ' . Main street. Carliale3 n0.......b.* 1. . . . . . . . . • LI .ItOI3ERT B. SMI .i.,T ' 0 kiII.NPT . MAKER and UNDERTAK ER 01 4-1rr.... Noi t t it llanower street,..next door to ~...." •° 4' . Glass's ltotol. . . • Do would respectfully inform the ' el tiz,ns of Carlisle and the. public generally; - that lie This ip,w on hand a liti4t, , and eleguntassortment of FUR- S ll' li it I i. COONISt. lug la part of Wardrobes, Card and oth: or rabies i4ofas, linreitus,.,.Bedsteads, plain and fancy Soy lag 64tuds, See., manufactured of the best material a lid L wilily. warcarit ed. . ' Also a general asbiortanint or CHAIRS at thelowest prieeS. VI:NITLtN BLINDS 1.113110 to order, and repairing . promptly attended to. • • . . Wi,- . N made at the shortest noilee ; and liiiv: lug rt. spleudil liettrse.lio. will attend luueralg ilk toiiu or nomitoc:' . ' . • . At :ii , Itomtpuber the 13 tand-4ost •ddor .ttrll.'nlas Iliad.. - It: ii. SU - 11XX -- "\ -:~.~ . .. '-^ ; i i ` x „_inside of cellarw_mdowsiso aSs;•t&- f -le-' -- ;:iffelyilitinirc - 073 - ate whenever' thin weather - shall be snficiently settled. The manner . ofdoing this we- h4ve quently 'Workin FaAfter. Put. Your Names'in Sight . . The,.N..Y. Conntry deritletnan i . an ag . ricultural paper,_ suggests to Varmera the propriety. of inittilig:Up . their navies - in large lotteriiupon their doors, when liv ing. near the road, or upon . a gate poSt the house stands batik.., The bune seconds the •suggestion , ana says ; ' It is a very sensible ,suggestion. . R 'would have a direct tendency to improve . ment -- -L-Many•men - wOuld be induced to •beliutify their: places, if they' thougkt . .•every- . passet-by,would kno* the name of the occupant.---Hapg:_outt join- banners its know who lives in . t b hat fine house, or this old shabby one.. The Mountain Co: Verab.l of .Winsted,. Ct., says A Writer in the COUNTRY , GrENTLE MAN. suggests it as a propriety...that.lar lifers zind people.dwelliug;out: : Of villages 14renCrally shouftput - their Triaines_upon _ tlitiir7don r iS . _wheti_mear_the_ road#tr_ Upon_ • the gaispost house - Anti& habit - . We like 'the ~idea.--7 . Firstly, •it No Id -make us . all: 'bettor acqgainted; • and eOre Social people. , .It'WOuld in a„ tirou, T , sand iiistances be a...great ebilvenience. It` would be an advantage, in that-every nianwool be hitibitious . .u,plc his name with ra comfort - 44de . .011-to-do, •looking house ; yard;:garthi farm, "and the gpirituf improvement would beitini, -elated.. We" hope_ the. suggestion will teeels With favor and general adoption— Ttlrew isuertainly as int - Mli - reason for 'the custom in the- countrY as in' cities.- • I Drug Wores, • DRUGS' - ANI) 'CIIIOIICALS, It-S , With-plendid • •CON FECI:ION Alt lt"1/ PA NOY. 410,(11/S.- The Undersigned - has Yost replefilshed . his stoek of trasis; an& as his Ilru,.fs a and Cheinieals..lut ire been se lected with crest .rare, lie Is - tifeTared to till all order* proalidly nisi rely upon the genuineness. _und'purit vof firer'' , sable. - • • His ,tuck of VONFErefONAIOI is.large mufseleeted Ptah special reference to the Holiday's... It trill adOrd :my variely persons notyafesiCe in that line. He has a Hse r t•?!assartiliell ~ af ‘Frcilely.lernian said domestic nuicy ('aunties. all - fresh and Of the very bostattiallty. Ills as- St.rtment'of FANCY is• litego mud embraces al ? loos.t every thing necessary for the Toilet and.ritiolly. 'lle in es special; attention to.hisTancy Werk Boxes, Bags, Cologne bottles; Watch and Card Trays, Porf Folios, Portmonlia. • ' Clutch solos, small prefitts aiod . strlet consistency In trade shall charucl:erise our I.MsinesS dee. 111, !Sri lurnittitc. • \-\ 0 Cf 0 itN E It n over ;tad lonttliur sts. CA 'IAI tloilersign ed u,t, always an hand a largo stock of suporior, Caldnilt Witro,ln all the ililferekt styles, which he IN prepared fo All at the lowest prices.. Ito. luvites attention particu larly to the PATENT SPRING BOTIOII BELARAD, It moat artiClo,Wilith"ollt:4ly pbvitites alleldeetlons.- The bottom can be attached CO old Holstead& They have given entire satisfaction to all who have thtint In use: ti ti' CIOFF.INS outdo to order at the shortest notice. • i , • JACOB FETTER, „ . . :111XTENS - I - VETUitINITIJ:gE,ROOIi.: 1 , --' .1113,11 N It. IvES.y. ma ,wbuia - rpiiiiyefoull s i call tho 'attention . nf: ilotise-Iteepers And the puhlt a • ' , to hlii extensive stiley. of eleDint /IN ioNIT OR E, . , including sidiiii,ivararniThwiiNnitfn stud Tables, •Tr. v. . . Dreeslin; and l'lain Beireaus ' anittnier,k.other artidlein hs. branch of inikiniisa.' AlsiPinini , VTI timid: She largestaimertinent'of QllAlltlii-in Carlisle, at the lowest lirleoe. " AOVFINEI 'elude 'at . the short. eSt notice find a Hearse provided for funerals. Tie • itelletts ca n tit his pAtriblbilUdenur t7Tlltcetlynitiv ' ' 4 11 'VP” sti' a 0 91, :hear Olasse's , llotel..• ,:' - gt..l• - - • • ! "-Furuiturs hirtd out by the - inonth or year, mOlicap JOU Printing, done here WHITH HALL ..-ACADEMY. , -"-; . - West of Itarrlshiartt-'.Thltellifitpth tiess on of this-Institution will continence on !Monday, the-btliof-blayinext---Parentit-and-Guardlatt-twoLre sportfully requeSted'to.lnquire into . the merits of the Institution. The location-is retired pleasant and health ful, and tlio.cottrise of instructlon embraces the erdina.- ry'and higher hasachet; of an -I.lnglish_ I:duration, _to gather with tlielLatin, Greek, French;-and Gertann lan guages, and 'vocal and instrumental. iuuggic, , Terms, boarding, washing, and Tuition in the Engllsh,braneh es and vocal music per session (21' weeks) $60,00:-..„For circular. containing particulars_a ("dress. '. lihrrisburg,:i i ii. • -" Miyely(l2; 1856.] 1),14 AIN FIEID ACADEN Session (five months) will coniniende November btb. A new build ing bus ;been eructed containing Clyrunitsium, !duels Ituoin• ' &c. . • ' With Were:lntl faellities_fonnstruction And anvils accenuitodatieno, this Institution piesente great in .ducententS to parents - who desire the - phyaical and mental improvement of their. sons. - " Teams per Session, $65 00. For circulais, with full Anfpffnation, address ' - . Principal and Proprietor, October:lo,lBss. Cumberland co„ Pa; . • C ARLISLE FEMALE BEMINARY. •mlt. and MRS. CLARK', who hartrbeen for several I Years engaged to tottching,respeetfully announce to the' citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that on the let of April, .1860, they will open, in Li - tither Street, in the house lately. oceupled.by ltir:lllenlentlial, a • SEMINARY FOR Yt)UNCI LADIES. •''Fhe Institution will 'be both a hoarding and day . school, in which all the branches necessary for ,the coat plete education of young ladies will be taught. . Assist ants of the highest character for qualifications and momlity.will be employed In accortiauce With the wants. of tLe Institution. _The government will_he conducted. on strictly Christian principles, 'tattle sectarianism trill litres rigict3y excluded.: ~ t • • .. . The Daticipaleilifttithentielcei.that,their-hingrand successful experience as , teachers rot testified by the reeemtnendationli in their 'possessi ' Mt will enable them tit establisVati institution of •tisiti,lheat character for zoning, ladies. They stre•fully persuaded that. such an.. /hititiltloll will be sustained here by the citizens and tleig-bbring r,innerY. and hope that their Confidence nmy viot bo.disappointral. • .• A. :department - fir younger children Will,llo 1131- niediately organized. : .t • ' TERMS PER SK9K7I N 01' TOUR 31j,51114.1, ' Boarding, including fuel, lights, and - ' . -Washing, -• . • - $lO 00 :• • Primary Department, - • - - -8. 00 Higher English, - • .- • 12 00 • _An tat Languages, each, - - - - ti, 00. - • Modern Ornamental Dcanelles - et p•rofesto'rs cidirg'es." • • '. No• deditqsiml for absence after' mitre - nee, 'except In. case of prtitractvd illness. L — • uo u . I.or. WINO, PARIi t:R, Erg, " A. H. RBI:5101,, JAME'S-HAMILTON, 111.41., " JACOB FRY, _ Dr. C. E. 111.E.AENTIIAL,L.ELs. - • Rev . ..l. B, MOR6: 4 , , l~~~r~ • riom.mERCIA-L•- COLLEGE P k . ) ' removed to lin. new. and opaelpus I tall, , So.',9Dand lor BALTillvith Wl'ILI;I:r, isal(loiore,.3ld- , - V. h. CuAMilr.r.LIN, Principal and ixcturor upon Moreau- . .. the rciciicr. • . . . . 1.,.. IL 13,t ):n, In charge of Writing liepartniciit.. i..W. li.i:aw,lnstructor in Mercantile l'ilicahttlons and Associate In lieok lincuing Dejailnient. --. . ...- .1. Ai. Teacher itb..hook Keeping. te T. w LLIAJCI, 1;00..111'er Olt Collllilet Oat JAW. ~ - Three years have nos yet eitipmA slum - tin') establish ment of this inntitutlon ' during which thin) upwards of ulght hundred studentshue beau In attendance, (rep. renunting nearly every State in the Union.) 11,111011 g Nt 'wan are numbers In Daillinore atid elsewhere neculky iog Prindnent positions tin business men and avenunt . nuts. B. J. KIEIPFEII 1100 K KEIWING.—Tho Principal has the utiii6fit con '.lltlen cc in assuring the public that alter an ex pet loner fourteen years ht qualify lug young men tor. the :Count lug Room and other inipertant stallons,'und an eaten sit ;told:dotal/co aith the management of iisine,s Ludes M every description, (iisAnted its he Ishy two sci entific acceuntatso the course of training ill' this de partiaent Is eminently practical-sod well infapted tit the trioqs_ptirsuits of Commerce and Tfade, lurluding Partnndilp, 3lerrantlle, :quit tnie:turitig, liNchange, Mtn hing, bteamboat• ' lug, Compound CoMpany operations, sc.- ...,11-NMAN6IIIP.—The exercises under this head are liree,_easy_lut_graceful,_cumbining..r.ipldity-ut-excention with heauty oh construct km, thug enabling the sti,deut to wt Ito tin elegant Lusiness hand Oil coniplution t I the course. EItCA NTII.ECALCU LATioss In all. their various' bearings are taught by the most aLteill'att!• and uapecii tluus method. „ • Daily lecture's are delivered upon ;Le licience ml Ac counts, Mercafftile Customs, &c., these in connectiou -with IL series of lectures on-CandixereMl Law; are. 01--the highest importaure to all aspiring to occupy prominent positions iu the,husluess.conuntutity. • The time necessary, for au industrious student to complete the course, varies from d to. 12 -W eeks. There behtk; no, vacation, applicants can enter. at any time, and attend Will day andevetring. — Exanduations are held at stated periods, and dipluthas . awarded to t se who graduate. 'For terms, etc., write and have a ci• lar forwarded .by utMi. duct. 3, .31tsurailet. • - .1 Alt litaL E , AGENCY, J FoRINDENINITY AU AINST LOSS By THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO'F.,, -" Charter Perpetual.—sloo,euti Coital paid lu.. °Mee " •.• , 1633 streel. • • . loss 117811ILANell, 4111,11 Cr 11C/111111101/1 or Malted, against loss or tlaumge'la, on l'llol'l.llfi' and 1.44.401',i 01 o'o4 d' rlptiut}, th Lowe ur Country, uii .tlio most ri6,,lm'ala t , terms. Appl lea 'mole either purstaml ly by letter, will bo promptly attemied.W. - • C. N.'llANCliElt, Pres' t. The subscilher is agent for. the above company Carlisle iind its vicinity. Ail applications ibr insurance either by mail or persettally will be promptly attended to by • . L. SPUN SLE It, dec. a '54. Real Estate Agent and Serivemar. ' FIRE INSURANCE. ALLEN AND EAST PENN6I3OItO' M'UTUAL FIRE IN sat-AM.:li COMPANY of Cumbeilatid county, inCorpo , : Tam! by an act of AsSomhly, is now fully.orgisnbied, and Lt operation under the management of thij commissioners, viz: Daniel William E. Corps, Miclutel Cocklin, Molcholr Brenneman, Christian- Stityinzin, .Toltii C. Dun lap;Jacob U. Coocor, Lewis Dyer, lienry - I.ogan, ilenja mlu IL Musser, Jacob ~Munituat , logeph Wickersham, Aliixandin'"Cathcart. Thu latrs of InSu'rancoitre ns low and favorable as any Company of the the Mato. i•orsons wishing to 'beis'enti numbers-are Invited to make application to the agents of the - CompauY,•whe are stilling to wait upon 'thine at - any time. ' • '..111.11%41. li. MOSSIML - Presidifut. • Secretary: 111:LNIty: Vice COC.R.LIN, Treasurer. ' OU.3IBERLANDOOUNTY. — itudoIph Martin, N.,C - nui? herland; .0. Drlioratan; Kingstown-; henry 7.marlnit, Shiremanstown'; Char Carlisle ; Dr• J. - - Mil, Ctitlre,htolvn ;, Samuel' Ornban, West Pennsborough ; James Me , Dowel, Frankfbra; Mode.Oritrith, &uth Mid• • dleton ; 'g+atituel Coover,lenjaniin linvorstlelt, Meehan tembiirgj cjelnifßhorrlelt, LlShurn; David Copver,sShop 'herdsto*,n. YOttlC ZOMiTY.-7-John ToNsraan, Dilishurg; .Poter, •Wolford,Trankiln; John Stun, I q, Washingtoai' .S; Picking, Dover; J. W. Criift, Paradise,. . rc , - .._.l4oJohore Of tho . gowpaiv haring poliel . en'atout.toox, piro have, thorn reaiva4)y making application to uy of the agetue, ,~,. t.,. M to II 4 4114J1f1 COURSE OF STUDY AoEwrs EOM .. -- ,tvl) - j=4;ll - :::_., )L. .. . . - - EMOVER-41sTEWLAND - it CO'S _, _ ‘thidoi4al4' And fetid LbOKIN4II , LASS AND IrIC- . . '... 11l E FILAAIE MANUFACTORY, Ne:l26 ARCH street, 1 oppo ite‘thoZheite ( r r lihilifdelphla— , E. N. it. Co. received the only PHI'S Medal, awarded at - , the Crystal. Palace exhibltion, N. Y„, 1853, In the United. States, tor Gilt, Decorated, Mantel andZier Elasss. kiM.T.LLjN,ERI(. QQOPS-155p i . - 2 -. , r- ,---, - Poli•FAII . SALEM -- ". '• ~,:. JOIIN STONE le ,SONS, No: 45, Soutli ! See`Ond Street, Illalladolphia. •• __!„L Ibtre - JUstopened - thilifTalrlmpoirtitions or ,'," ... • . . RONNET-SLEKS, Ell3l lONS, , . .0- ' t'• _• \- VELVETS, EANCY. FEAYILERS. - , 77' . •_' „_ .• ---.., - • • ELOW.ERS, LACES,., &c. &c: In . cludlng a liners' assortment • oif !MILLINERY' ARTY. CLOS; of the.most fashionable styles. The above - Goods hare been Imported excires!dy for. our • FALL sales' and •comprlsh thelargest and Lest.assortrnent in our ljno to be found - in the market. ' "----. . , septic/ - • • 1 I-1. 53.1.1111,, PORT .AIONNAIE, • .- _POCKET 1100 K . -and 'DRESSING ..lanufacturor,- N.W. corner 4th and Cheenyt itreBta _ AIV-Alwnyti on hand a large and varied askciettamit Port Mon oaks, . • Work Motes. • • • Pocket Bankers Cases, • TraVelling Bags, Note lloblera, - ' -.Backgammon Boards, .Port • 'Cliss Men, Portable Desks, ' Pcrcket Actooranduni'Books ,Dressing Cases, ,- Cigar Cages, &e, Also ayelieral assortment of English, French diviner man Fancy aonds, fino pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and' old Felix. ' - • .. - - f_ . .... .4'..) .. 1VE1111C8/LIOSOCOI4.O allathird MOM. aprlB, ' • r , - F. It. smrilt, , . - . NAV. eorner 4th and Chesnut streeis. . , N. 11.—On the mtvipt of $1 a superior 01Cid .will be sent-to-any partof—tbe-eountryby mail--despribing s - 11111us - 'lllolljUill s. - I.l . ird or soft." • - EI 1 ING'h - :PAT GRAM PI vIkE rjtooF SAFES, with .Powder' Proof Covhs, which Wert) . sedate Medals. at the (orlIff: Fair, Lon dell, L' 1. a nd: nu :It the tViwld'i. Fairy' New erli,t,gsll anti '51.. The-siitseri ws are the sac tll propiletois lii this State or it 111.,(JV 1191.111 A 1(.11 Sa fes _and The repitt,it ion of 1110 ii ti hie •• I ',err' ie.'s Safe" Is Is:oW._ i t io, ;Ind trie last thlrleew eve witnessed and borne testi mony to their NEVER YAILI:W fire proof qualities. 31ore than l':,0(10 of)hefat). 4 tif.,s have-Wen artually-f4Vatni , over tivn tittS:ov.En Irtve triumphantly throtfelit Accidental fires. 'The public are absured that ail Suf!.:s•, tuanufat ture,l the pule4cribert, ore not out) gueran tked to be fully" egnal,.lmt in ninitY reSpects even ,suim riot. to those Whieh.liv.ve beettso severelytried.l.v tiro 'Few - will forget glieir eiervices in the burninug the "Tribune establishment," New' York, :Ind af s tho tlmit nre ii.Strziwberry strek, at 01(1A - ill:it nre last Opp...site the - Girard -House: . aid' stilt more - recently in' the' Fire at Fifth, 010., in the city of Phildelphin. in which these snfes: chine forth the tie. knowletigea 1311.edblitx, when many 'other securities failed, . ILON 5AF4.44.7.;n Loco MAKERS, I ...34:WALNUT ti.trest: Chilled I,ron_• afe,l,Vlth Powder Nu Looksrioahmr factured ekpi.eSsly..fur blanks, Brokers. Jewellers, rind others requiring security flout rogues. _'hunk Vaults. on liftnd and made to order: • XII the:in - 6st celebrated Locks for sale at nuenufactnreis' p_rkes. Stectind Safes," , "Salantanders" — arid — "ldin Cliests'.of,other niphers, have been taken in part Tay neiit for 11Orrimes for sale at half., upl . 0 NV Alt .1) A S'S 001 A. =I . . To all persons afflicted with S. , exual,diseases, su • .. SEMINAL WEAKNL;SS; 13,11'01.1.1'.4, tiu.m.alhil , illir:er, SYPHILIS', &a., .I.c. ' . • The lt HOWARD AsSuIIATION .of Philadelphia, In view of the 'awful deStruction of hunk= Hfc turdturdedlt, ; caused by Sexual diseescs; and the deceptivos wh!ch my practised :open ' the unfort mutt,* i ictims of such diseases by Quacks. have directed their consulting Surgeon. Its ti tAIAiI,ITABLE ..AcT worthy of their came, to give Mi,DIC4I. ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons thus af flirted, (Male or Fenuile-) who apply by letter;(postinda.) with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits 01 life, .tc.,l and in extreme poverty and sullerhig -to FURN,ISII MEDICIAES .1 , Ent; (IF CliAliffi:. - • - Th 6 Howard AssivehMikm is it 11011eN olvia institution, cstul ll .4.• I 's' special endowment; ft;r the reliel'4 the sick 'an, Astressed, afflicted w ith °Vitulent anti Epi demic diseases," and its funds can be used for-no other purpos'e. It has now aiirplus of means, which the Directorsthave voted to s vertiSet he above notice. It is needless . to add that( It -At.seciation commands the highest,Medical skill of the age.. . Alldresst, - (post-paliP Dr- DEO.II. CA LIIOUX, Cori ii ill t' , ing Surgeon, Howard Association'Philadelphia, Pa. • By order of qui Directors, , •• EZRA D. lIE A IiTV EI, 1., l'resident. sprit 11. GEO. FARECIIII.A. Secretary.' lOLLARI), Premium. Artiste . ' in • inventor of the Celebrated gossamer .Ven tiled ng 11 g Band Toupees.- llibtruetions to enable Ladies and gentlemen to measure their heads with tic eurtrey. • Fmc Mos', inchea.—No..l.• The rountrof the head; No. : 2.• from forehead over * the' head to the Hoek; No. 3. Frtint ear•• to -ear • ever the-top; No, 4. From ear to oar round the forehed. TOupeo and scalps, thehes,—No. 1. From Corneal' to Mel: as farms bald: No. 2.. Over forehead as far as requir ed; :Sp. 3. Over the crew,' of 'the•head. , It. DOLLARD has always ready..for sale a spholdid -steel: of limits. Wigs, Toupees,-Ladies At Ms, half Wigs.. Frizots,:tlraids, Ourls,...47l;.,.beautifully man min: t ured and as 'elleap as any kstablishuniiit iu - the Union.- • . - - 1 . H Dullards Ilerbaiddur4Er raetor Lustrous air Tonic, prepared from south' Ant clean Iletbs and' Roots', the ;nest successful article eve produced Tor preserving the hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and preserving it in it healthy and luxuriant state. Among other reasons why Dollard's hair eutth , saloon main tains Its immeese popularity is the fact that his Toni:: is bpplied to every.head of_hair r ent„at- r ititi.e.stablishment, .6M - segue:My itis kept in Mater preservation, than um , der any known application. It being. thus, practically tested by thousamlS, Welt.; the greatest guarant,ce of Its I add whalesale and retail at his Old Establishment 177 Chestnut street opposite the State liouse,.Thiludelpfna. lf: Liellard . has a l least discovered the ne plus Mint of IJAIIt 1) l r ,"and annOnnees It for sale with per Met con. Ildenen ii i ts surpassing every thing of the klnd . now in , use.. It ee drs the 'hair either 'black or brown, (as may be &sired) and is used mint - Mt 'injury to thehair or skin eitker by stain . or otherwise. can be washed off in ten minutes after appliratloMoi it hout detracting from its efficacy... Perspsvisiting the city are invited to give him a t 1111:. Letters addfessed to A. DOLLARIL•I77 Chestnut st , Philadelphia, Will receive attention. Jan. i2Erly it, Nll TRUSS ernin, or itupttrresuceessailly t mated-anti coluthrt insured, use of the ologatit Vrottch Trusses impelled by the subscriber, autl nafilo to order, cc.tpressiy ft his saltts. All futtioring with, Rupture : mill he gratified to learn that•tho tterasion ',tow offers tlt procure a 'l2rust; combin ing extreme ligh,ness. with ease, durability and correct. ennstrOthlil,,ill /lea of th'o cumbrous and uneoniforta- We article usually sold. An . ox tensiv o4tssort men alwaYs on hand, adaptothla every variety of Rupture hi adults and 'children. and ihr sale at'a range of pricc to suit all. Cost of Sitt;;le wises, $2, $3, $4 and $8; ,Douttle, atlll $ll/. • . • Persons at nitilitanee can. have a Truss trout to ltny drays romiLt I Of: lite autt,unt. 1 , 0 1 / 1 1111g . measure around the hips, and hatitcs Hide , attested. ,-. For Salo 11:1Mlesale and - Retail by the Importer: •- ' • (AtA:wit. sem)LEs, , . S.,W. cur. Of Twel,3ll,A; , ' Depot.: for Br., Batt ni sletproVed 'Pa ten t Body Brace; Chest Expanders and I , 4reter Braces; • ratimeSheulder : Braces; Susponeery •Bandages; spinal I'mps and Sup. ports: Ladles' Rooms; wit) competent lady attendants. ' april ii. ' .OF,6ItGE. S. S Iron the , Da "`"P' tnnoro College of Dental 4rgery, t • • A' ti 1.1 • r • now, prepare_ o; nahkr froth 0 every da sreiption.oonl to portwor all..the othrr.voool.lS duti o pertaining to tho.prartioo or his p"roth,ishin. re .I{l it e , - I Irt wit tic : ,- v a .:31,,, a u 1 10 - 04 t th r ,. o neforeliM—Dr. Oen. Z. VretY. 3 .,o2Arli, , ,h). Alarch • - =EU - grtitiltufa' Y_AND,-'. STBAW coRN fupo:rtuient of itn .• proved Huy, Straw' gni d Teddei. Cuttersolcki on kgrid.-- - AlUeT,diffire and single . corn slieTleiFier'either - - ---- - horn° power. of the, veri latent, marwfocture including the premium duller at 'the Into Tunnsylvon.i4toteleh. Forirak by, VASCITALL 'AIORRIS S C^. AgriculturalWorehonsund Seed Steve; corner. of A m li • ---Dett:--6:ifio—tf. 'GRIM t i VIRA: • _km EN T - . - i — PIN.N6CII. ' .CELED 4' tEh - 1111 EAT DEILD-- • Adapted also for sowing: es s. grass seeds -and guano. •KrtusOrNl'ortable C der 3.llll—tlie be In•theiaarket—llalllday , s patent Windiiilll.-7-• Horse Dou'or'S end .Fliresher's f Lime and G Untie, ,_ '-: •' s . Spreader's, Daniel's Hay, Straw. and 'Fodder Cutter. ' Little Giant Corn and Cob Min, .4ain's AtlioiSjilierle.. ' -.• Churn. The Übove S..ooerioihnideinents vil tkal I ttliers, ' for the uSe of the rimier or gardner,:for raleWholesalo, ' and. Detail by.-" : • , • - , -• .' . . .. ' ' -.- " - -•'. W P-PIeSOILAI4 MORICID k _CO.,: _' ...,__..._ Agrfeultural- reliolis - CalaTheed Store, corner 7th ' ' and Starkbtatreets" Philaderphla. july 25; 'ss:' .. . Nos., 21. and 23...50uth Sixth Sti•edi Pill LAPELPIIIA. - AVRIM.IntAtiMPLEMiNT MANUFACTORY. Bristol, Pa. SSnO-o.laniiins (370 Acres)llloonmidalei near Bristol, l'a, 13 A YANKEE FEED CUTTERS. uumtitau..retl lor • .t SARGENT, No. no Morket.strect. Philada Thb. cutter's superior to any naie In its. for strength durability. and simiiligity.yf constructiOn: it cuts fast cr, 1111(1 . 1S - the only sell:snarls:ding Itay, Strad and Corn Stalk-euttor over Tilde., -It has bilk ONE. SfRAIGET KNIFE, whielfankperson can griiiii.aud set with ease, but in ordinary ease, Is ground in the nuiebine: Thou- . satuis - bilv.o already been '•gold; and the di:111E01,11s daily nerves' vig , T , ln-tiiiist--easesra tr - exam nation-is-sufficient— to convince oue of Its superiority: No one after a short .trial would part with it- for .any othtir. All shies of - the ' above constautry ou hand iindfor - sale by • _ ' .1. P. LYNE, -• - I_,._,Sele Agent forCumberiandconnty._ • octal COTI" S 11.1" i ANT .k.m) col; 3.111,L, PATENTED MAY ltirit: file LITTLE GIANT though hat- recently introduced fronutimArtsi, new L strindlS 1 ITINTNIT:T.NI EFFICIENT, and popular Farm MILL,of the age. Our MO UIACToItIEJ, are Itrilllbly. the only ones in the M'oritio—exelnylvely devoteilltr making. Metall,. )fills, therefore pt.ssess superior advantages in preparing such nn admixture of metals, as hest. adapt,ll to m a i s log a strong and durably article. The LITTLE Qt.o'r'has been awarded the First Pretni- • . no, at the principle Fairs of the Nation, as the meet complete and'aurenicirt 311,11 . JMW to use. These MILL.: are not 'only guaranteed superior •to all others in LM•it. Mustrtiction end quality of material, • Let in the amount and quality of woi:4:they perfornt • with ally, given power: and earrnuttel in all ~COses to suitom the purehusemoney refunded oat return of-thy mill. , • They are offered to Farmers antlttlfe- trade - complete, at s2B', $32 and $3O, for Ne.'l‘; Nu. _-and No. -8, and $2. ‘!'' ,extra fifr • sweeps. Warr:ultra to grind from b • to - . 15 •-• Lushels per hour according to size. • • - SCOTT'S --NIMBLE-:GIANT. -GRAIN MILL, (CAVEATED MAY, 1855.) ' • "this Itlifttls a' most cOmpletes and intitortant - 'article -- for PlauterS, k'aruters and others, havlnli horse-power or Other conveniences for mining a belt. They can be ' worked advmftageously with one, two or Merl horses, wherever a'speed of luau four to' six hundred revolu tions per minute can be fibtalued upon a 14-Innit pulley, with a ;;3,. 2 .- inch )10', • - - -These-MThware-athipted-toany r kin •of , log coarse feed from corn, oats, tt.e;-; or Jibe . meal corn, whent,or rye; , and corn 1t; rob in the most sari*. factory manner, and Vs ith a vast saving of power over' all other mills, the Coltl.tolpg cut with sharp nest-steel. • Tile first premium MIS a Ntirdeti' niese Mills at ..tbe late Fairs of NOW Jersey, Peunsyltania,,nud the In 'us. tuna Exhibition at Boston. The Ninible Giant weighs about SIR/ pounds, ore' py. • lug 81 space of CO Inches square. It is peculiarl • simple, strong, and thintble;.requirlkrno skill to r it, or tt kilei) it in order. They are offered' complete, ready for attachi;ig, the belt, at $55; with cast steel cob tittaelnuents, $O5. War ranted to give the most perfect satisfaction. • Please call at fhb Little. Want -Works, and witness . their operation. Manufactured by • ROSS bCOTT 4; Cor. 17th & Coate` St., Phlia. Fel,. 13. 3,..nc,pd COEN Sll ELLE lib . Writ AIV CUTTER:4. • A lar,:o :o..s . nrtnient of Superior Corn Shelley:, includ ilig ltoding's Patent, capable of shelling 1000 bushels of Corn per dly. Also PonnoclesAL:mal and power Slab rs, il Valitith; lit her pa ten,.s or various prlecg. nay, :tad Cutters of thus most approved 'con struction and in-great variety. Sausagi Choppers and quiTers. Double Share Plows, Sup(i'llnr Ox Yokes gm] Bows, arillll4 . 2tllS, Farlllejs and Cob Mills, I,fine,and Guano Spreaders, Ncliolosaluand Entail by . PASO-11 ALL .Moll Elli Agectaltural Ward ones and I.loed Store., N. E. Oor. Waliet-Nts., Yhila., - • --- -0et.10;.:515,, CTORN -BIIELLERS 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' . i - , : -.-.` " cons,§rtELLEßs. The subscriber having. In the lest tim years framed upwards nf; et. liundred and Ihrty_enrnS.ltellers feraten ry Itloads,.wl.lltei“o:lnfurait the Farm'erenreumberfand rout rt:r tlia lte t is peepared.te frame them anew. ; I mill , t:tl •e ; t,i.orn:'or , Wood'lti.Pay, for Wattling. and 4 . 111 lu sty 'the niaehlues to'rnn' well.' ,Bly shell is tq the No tit end of 'West street..., , , , --• .. 11, 4 29,—. ;me... .-, . ~ ... ' ... 40.5E.P11 wistvgn. • . P.ARN :DOOR ROLtERS..--,A . new ) niiti superhr hrtiolo for harigiug ntni-Poors..' .lust rror iv ea 'ziud cor g:lii.:.* ,*- - ..... . i7.saxToN-6.. Duv..2s, '5:.. . , ;(i ' ; -,-, 1 g ' MEGES