Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 02, 1856, Image 5

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31C,(13 . 40,6,,e,r,48,ewnt.,.
1.J8L1.0 SALE. In
==-purstuuoctu.tdzatt&rder - _ - ,pf - the
s , urt of Co men Pleas of Cunilier
land count!, the, undersigned' will
Offer at public sale.on the premises, " •
at 2 o'cloolt, in the - rtapir - ioim, the Lot of Uround with
,the buildings and improvementif thereon, coutsfoing•
,'One Acre and Sixteen porches, situated in Silver Spring
Twp.s said county, bounded by the Turnpike 'road,
Williams Parker, Eshelman, and • others, about a mile
aud, a hitt from. Kingstown ; it being the same property
on which. Nancy• Thompson,• deceuifed, resided. There
li a two•story Plasterallouse and Stable on said lot, of
ground. The conditions of sale will be Il,ads
knon on
day: of sale. WILLIAM It. kn o wn
n, deed.
• Trustee, in place of Jno. Thompso
March 28, 1856.-3 t. •
&TATMAN, & SONS. • •
' The. subScribers, located in the room lately occupied
bY Mrs, Tenet as a grocery Store, west of, the Rail Road
__Depot:nave just opened an entire new stock of HARD.
WARE,,to which,they would call the attention of their
frlends and the public generally." The stock, which is
large and varied, Was selected with especial ref rence•to
the wants of the pUbliC, and consists in part of the
following. **** 7- ***********
- • --- t . "" • •
BUILDING HARDWARE of all . kinds, Such as locks,
latches, hinges, nails, bolts, screws,, &c., comprising
every article of Ilsrdware used in building and re,
' pairing , -Also,,glasi, putty, paints, brushes, &c.,,0f the
most approved quality and on the most reasonable
terms, ,
CABINET MAKERS—The attention of - Cabinet
Makers is. invited to our assortment of- varnishes,
veneers, knobs, . rosett l / 4 mouldings, Sm., which will bo
found equal to any in the county. •
.• -SADDLERS and COACIIMAKERS will findrin thee
department' all the articles usually required in their
line of business, such as steel springs, axles, &e.'
WALL PAPER—The assortment of Wall Paper -em. ,
brAces asorepleto variety of now and choice .psterns of
every quality,_and at Such prlcee as cannot fail to give
• . satisfaction. Also borders, window Shades, &c:,
1101.15 P., KEEPERS are invited to call and 'examine
our stock of cutlery, plated ware, spcionMadles; toffee
' candlesticks, snuffers, waiters, shovels and tongs,
stair rods, hollow ware, brass and iron kettles, sad•
irons, &a., which we intend to sell very low, • ,„
PARMERS—For the use of Farmers we have an end
less variety of all the .articles adapted to their lino of
. trade, usually found in hardware StorfiaTsuili'as
forks, spades; shovels, hoes, rakes, hamee, truces, halter
chains, &a., all at the very lowestrates, to-which we
call their especial notice. •
' • MECHANICS, &c.-ITe - ' invite the attention .of
'Mechanics generally to•oiiratock of edge tools, plan-s,
levels, saw's, braces, bitte, augers. hammers, files,• rasps,
'• ite., which We' know to be Of a superior quality.
IRON and STEEL of all kinds constantly on hand and
for cheap. ^ -
Then come, friends, and give us 'a call and examine
our goods, as we - charge nothing for showing,them ; and
- . from a strict attention to' business
: end a desire -to-ac
,,,commodate we hope to- merit a Share of publieliatrt.m
-' Igo. Den't forget the place, West Main - Street,•west
the Railroad . Depot, . •
April 1, 185(1-1y,] &TATMAN & SONS.
" Wholesale and Retail
-N0.76 South 'fond St., Cornei of Carter St.
The establishment has boon enlarged 'anti improved
'and is supplied:With the Largest and best Retail Stock
in the . City, principally- of his own manufacture, with a
_cholc_e.a.sertment from the best Eastern - Markets rem..
'--bracing Ladies,' Oentsr, and.ChildrOn'a •
of every description, , 'style and quality,'Ombmcing thy:
-beat styles and qualities. in this or.. any other. market.
' This stook cannot be excelled for Quality Style mid
Each-aTticie °is .marked at the xery lowest possible
prim -Iran whfch no.deviation will be made. °No ex
travagant statements will be nSeded,-a - nd none - made to
effect sales. '
- Goodyear's .. Gum in all varieties. Pure `Gums so
scarce in the market t 'always on. band. The `Gums
tespectfuliy - invited to call. ' .• [April 1, 1866.
" -itott 1856. -- •
JOAN STONE `SONS , No. 46,-South Second
Street, Philadelphia.
would particularly call the attention of Merchants and
Milliners to their large and handiome assortment of,
• SPRING 14.114.4NERY. GOODS,.•
such as
and every artiele'appertaining to thellillinery trade.,
. The above gobds have been Imported expressly for our
Spring Sales, ,and comprise the best assortment to be
found in the city.. .• lAprll4.,
subscriber,RlSEßS.—The will open this 'wort,
- the largest and most splentiktiiksortment of ' •
ever brought to Carlisle.. An immense stock of
French Worked Collars,
• Undersleeves,
. .
Flouncings, ...::
. • • Handkerchiefs,' &c.,
-- bought -from, the importer in Now York, and will be'
• sold at prices to defy all imiipetition.- Also, a large as
sortment of beautifill Dross Goods, Ribbons, lionnetts,
,sc. COM. one and all before purchasing elswhere, and
• '
: you will Save money,
April 2,1350.1
M'AC . K.ERF.J. , , . \
compli, . •
C - 1.0:4,
HERRING, ' . . ,•,I - •
~ ....
PORK; - ' ,'. . J . PALMER. ft CC.,
HAMS AND SIDES,. .' . Market St. Wharf.
SHOULDERS, Philadelphia.
LARD AND CHEESE. A:Prill, 1856--3 m.
T I ADIES' -Sl:lOtS.—A full - assort-
meat of Ladle's' Fine'. Morocco and Kid Shoes and
Also liftsses•-and Childrous' to groat yarlety—
just roolved at the Chkesp Stoco.
April 4,185 g ) • °calm.
• 'PLOWS—Just received
- - . a lot of Trouty, b Mabee Self
sharpening Canter Plows - and ..for
--alo-at-redueod,pricas SJAY AN SON
- 8.,P. SNYDE -R, - _ W. K; De/WU-AKE
- • .
.. - I i AN MITNTS.
MANNEA,POLIS, Opposite the-Suspension Bridge, Falls
of St. Anthony,- Minnesota Territory,
- ' will :s laty and sell lauds, negotiate loanli; locate land
~- warriats in Minneseta,jows, and Wisannsin. Inquiries
4 7 - f respeting the Country, by letter ur otherwise, promptly
' answered,
REFERENCES.. . .....‘
Hen.'Alex. Riansey, Elt-tlbverner,. , ' •
Hon. 11. M. Rice, Delegate to °engross, Minnesota,
`I Gov, Pollock, Harrisburg, ' • •
' • . • James It. Steele & Co., Philadelphia. .• • ''•
. .
--- Hon. Frederick Watts, Carlirde, _ `
A. Brady Sharpe ' Esq:', ' •
- •
- 0 317iwinn, .New York,:•
Robert Walsh, Now Orleans, , , - _
• " . Janiesit , Irvine,.Esq., Newville,. -
Hon. J. a, Black, Somerset, Penrea.., - • '
lion , J;II..: Eddie, ~.,--,
' •• J. ll,'OClOcli Mily.01"0316114e1111 . 010, - ..'
' . .001 i. C. Anthony, • • •‘. „ -
, •
. . Jas. Carson, F.sq. St: Louis,
- ... •• . Wm, Nilson, Esq., %Rimers, Md., _.. ..
Jr. T. Wright, Charleston, B. Q., , - , ' • ,
• • '''J Df Wilson, Philadelphia.. •1 ' . • ' .
~ •
. .
, . . .
•'-'L , --14,000 Aeres of Unimpimied Land for Sale, at from $2 ,
t o sin per acre; also Improved Farms: Lots for sale
in St.:Paul, St. Anthony, and all towns-on the Minna
. . -
.. sota.river. • . ,
.. 1361:articular attention given - to the 'Loaning of
-. mormy, and Entering Land Warrants. Address, I.
_ ilarch 26, 1:46.t.--ly.] • Minneapoll‘Miii. ' Ter. '
)[..R011,t subs criber
the satisfactiOn tO nciunce. to the public that his
arg .., 4
,l ol iensive Ware Mouse is completed, and is
filled with ene of the 'largest :arid -best assortment .of
uver.offerecliii-this place... Those in want would de we
to call, and examine before purchasing eliewhere. Re
'membr the old stand, East Main street. .
Rept. 10, 'Rh • SAXTON.
, , •
.19111sT_C....._BlIEL WIOIDI___CLENDENIN,_ and. WILLIAM - CORNMA.N, Esquires,
Direaors - Cif,ll7 - Poor,aTid — isT — the .i z tOufe — ZifEiiiVfffniT - :Cttm - berlan'd r---. eottetyf --i a
account with said county, from the Ist - daY of January to the .31st'clay of December,
__-__.A. D,_1855, inclusive, Tiz.i• • •
-•- _
Received from County Troasilrer, , $0500.00
Of J. Clendimin and:sl..Minich ror hides and
• - 6:14.
8, .. •
Of . J. Laughlin and, J. M. 141canrnof use of C.
Laughlin, 68 46
Of 9. C. Sanderson, for not siary..Rnottle; 45 00
Of R. Snqdgrass, for use of son, ' GO
Of AilamS county, for support of paupers,., 39 00
Of John C. Brown. for use.of Daniel Stine, 30
'For apples , and cider,• • • " 20 75
'Of Frankli Cotinty,lbr.siipport of paupers, 8 05
Of Line and Wink, for flour, " - 10 00
VG. Brindle, for potatoes and salt, ' 652
For Tallow, •• - • • 1,. : 6' 22
.For use of cider press,. ' • .' : • 3 60—
FM. sundrles,, , . • • . •• • • • 6
..Forindentures; '-• f
Nor sugars, • . • • ' 1 G .
•Of Liam, for fines,,, • .• ' 7 -
Nor use•of Aaron Otto and Venus Patton, .20 00
-Due Jacob Squier, Treasurer in 1865, • - 124 08X•
JACOB SQUlR,.Esq.,Trea.rainer of the Poor House and House of:Ernployment Corn
.—,herlancl county; in account with the Directors of said -Inatittition, from the lst day o
January-to tho - 3 , lst day:Of.Ducember, 18p, inclusive,
. , .
$3401 79 1 4 Reectccel.from eicaiity 'Preastirer, '
4 : 21 From.. Jils..tobach. sic tratql,-fronf ditTeront
• sources . , Iv; exhibited ip UM foregoing
$5§32 97% statement. '-
Duo Jacob Squicr, Trafturce In 1854, •
. .. ,
_ . . . .
--- - - - 'Beef, Pork Mutton and Veal, fattened and killed on the - Farm-in -1855. -
7 -- -26-11covesf-averitge-weight,ls6-poinads4l2:22-411is„):2111_1o.m.avesalo worgtifTS2.l-intrria-Kls;2Tir-lbr.)-10 Calves,
veTifgo weight 65 poutids,(6so-lbs.) 34 Sheep. aierago Weight 40-lbs., (1, - 360 liiiiiii3l:litgln all - 20,612 lbs - . --------- -
.;:a „ , • - . •
, . - - , Farniing.'lltensils on
-the Farm Ist January 1856 ---- --'
- -.-- -•.
1 Broad and 1 Narrow wheeled Wagon, I Wagon Bed, 1 Pair . pf Wood-ladders, 2 pair of Ilny z ladders.,l Cart - laid
, cart Gears, 1. Tinbury- and Harness, 3 Platt's. 4 Harrows, s„doubls shovel Plows,, 3 single sltovel Plows, 1 two
horse Sled, 1 Patining• Mill, I :Threshing. - Machine andinorao-Power,-1 Corfir.honer, 2 Cutting ItOu‘k, 2.birind
Stones, 2, Log Chains, 24 Cow Chains, 6 setts of wacon Clears, 6 setts of plow (leant, 1. sett of Carpentering Tools,
1 sett of Blacksmith tools, 1 sett of Butchering tools, 5 Wheelhatrovs, 1 Cabbage Knife, 6 Grain Cmilles,.lo Mow
ing Scythes, 3 Mattocks, 3 Crobars, 6 shovels, a lot of Quarrying' tools, and it variety of-spades, forks; rakes, sic-
Wes, corn hoes, stone hammers, sledges, asap,, wood saws; mauls; wakes, itc., 4c. ..
Schedule Showing the Proceeds; of the'Parm tor -1855. .
.- . .
Constantly :on band_ and
for sato by
POOR )10tr8E
By payrrient Directors' Ordoriq, ,
Cash remaining in hattils Treasuror
• ..
- Stock on the Fern' Ist January, 1856.. • .
7 bedd of lIor!!es, 11 Milk C0w5 . ,14 !load of:Steers; 1 Bull, 26 fiend of 13 S11(1206, - 27 'Shoop nnd.2 Olives
-..- •
. .. . . .
600 bushels of Nyimat, 20 of :Bye, 2,870 of Corn, 1,300 of Oats, 700 of Potatoes. 7 of Tiineihy seed, 62 of Onions,
42 of red beets - , 35 of parsnips, 20 of. turnips, 10 of beers and peas, 20 of tomatoes, 7,672 tsicunibers, 3,500 heads of
cabbage, made 40 barrels of good cider, 30 tons of hay, 20 load of corufedder. .
.:. • - •' s Manufactured and made in the House and Shop.
. -
. .
81 Shirts and cherries,s2 frocks, 21 aprons, 27 petticoats, 42 sheet.. 10 caps, 40 pillow.easee, 11 bolsters, 10 ehati
'beds, 50 'comforts, 13' pall of stockings; knitted, 30 pair. footed, 12 towebr, s 4 Law, 9 under womases, 10 pair of
drapers, 4 pair panti, 4 roundabouts. .
In the carpenter oho!), made 21 coillni, 120 lbs . of bard soap, 40 blds.,..eoft soapil large late. made board fence
roundlusane Yard, cut 25 cord of wood,.dono $3O worth otblacksmitbing, quarried stone and made 20 rod stone .
fence.- -. , . . ~. ----
~ .
• . .
• . . . -- . ,
N.umber of Paupers lu. the InstitutlOn Ist January, ]855, of which 15 were colorid.'-',..-....___. 112
Number admitted up till 31st December, 1855, of which 16 wero . colored and 3 born In the hiTitifiri•, —, 182
Making the whole number through the year, -
Of which 20 died, 4 Children bound out, 10 eloped and 150 discharged, . .
. .
• • • . . .
Leaving the number of paupers in the Poor Ifouselst January,49s6, of which 16 are colored,
Outdoor paupers supported at public tapelike throdgh the yoar,
Whole numberremaining chargable at the end of the yene,, • .- - -
Of those remaining lu the Poor-house 91st December, 1855, there aro,-
• : Mitles'o9, of which 9 are colored, ,
Felonies 40, of 7 are colored, ." . • I
. .
t r And 24 outdoor Paupers, •
. .
.. . .
- • . . . ..
. .
. •-' '':... . • , • ' 125 •
•'r- •.
There re. as neer as can be ascertained, 1. under oneyear; 8 from 1 0 ; 5; 2 from sto 10; 0 from 12 0 - 20; 7
from 20 to 30; 10 froth 30 to 40; 15 -from 40 to 50; 19 from . 50 to - 60; 22 front 60.t0 70; 13 from 70 to 80; '1 from
80 to 00. .
In addition to the abOve,l63l transient paupers or - traftirers have been received and supported for short periods'
without; regular orders. J, .
. ,
' ‘ ', -- - • .. •
We. the Directors of, the P6Or arel...of, the Houk. of Employment of Cumberland county, do certify that the
above and foregoing statement to contain a just and true_exhibit of the Institutloll during the period just above
stated, according to the best' of our knowledge. (liven under our hands this Ist day of
JOON CC. n Jauary, A N .D ~ 1856. •
. .. .
. '
' • WI LLI A M
.. . , , , •-- • -.Directors of the Poor of Cumberlacul.County.
—.---- . it
We, the undersigned , Auditors of Cumberland count},elected and sworn according. to litw, having examined
the accountd and vouchers of theitirectors of the Pot r and Howie Of Employment of sald'county, from the Ist
day of 'January to the 31st day ofDecember, A. 1.,1855. certify that, we find the foregoinglacts correct, to the best
of our.kuowledge' and judgment. We further find in the hands of jagob Spier, Esq., , Treasurer,the sum of four
hundred and thirt-one dollars and eighteen cents. ' .• , , -
. . Given under Our hands at Carlisle, this 31st day of January, .A. 8.. 1858.
, . . .
Allidltb - rabf Cninbarland-rounty.
. The subscriber has the satisfaction of in
ster4 iiic forming his old friends and patrons that
•'" ' - his establishment is again in active op-
Wl5 n; new 'buildings having been erected since the late
disa4rous tire and, the whole establishment putln com
plete working girder: Orders are timeline respectfully
solicited fOr 'work In his line, which will be duns With'
propiptness' and in the best manner!' •
and repaired. All kinds of Machinery in Paper Mills,
Grist Mille and Factories repaired at short notice: Mill
Spindles dressed and turned.. •
such as Bevil Gear Four Horse Power, Horizontal Gear
Four Horse and Two I forst! Powers, Ploughs. Corn Shel
ters and Crushers, &c. Patternsmado to order. Iron and
Brass CASTINGS executed to order, if not pti hand, at
the shortest notice, such as 'Crauks and Mill (fearing,
Spur-and Bevil Wheels,. Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow
Castings, Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach BOY
OS, Spindles. Car Wheels, Car • Chairs, &c.. Hahne also
on band a large supply of Phil&delphia and Troy COOK
ING STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Staves
of various Reproved patternit for coal or wood, ton plate-
Stovefi, Grates. Repairing done to. all kinds of 'mg
chinery. &Blinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken
In exchange for worlt.
proved Chemical Olive 'SOO. ' A full supply of these
truly 'excellent Soaps just recelved and ,fbr *ale at
N0v.,21, 'b6. •
,Needle . Woriced Collars, Raffling, Insert!' rgs - and
4:dge ngs, just i received fromyew York, nt very reduced
tiricas. • , • ' CILARI4IIS:OUILIRY. •
der 19,'56. ' • ' , . ~
, ~,
t \
BY payment of interest on' dowerin fa o I - ..
Mrs. O'Brien,: On land purchased f r of
A. '• • -
- 51'Dowell in 1842, 438.91 • ,
' '
jocerlos, merchandise, clothhigand bedding •
C. • included; '
.... • ......... , L •
For stock, • •
______"--•------ -- ---- --- --- --- , -767-00-
By cash•paid-TOr out-door paupers , .• ... 805 50
For leather, • •• , 204 49
For stonecoali • • 226 05
For tailoring and 'batting,- , • 172 28
For.shoemaking, • . • • . . 11.4 b4 . 1 , , ,'
For grain, tiour_and grinding , ' -' .• •'' .131 01 •
For potatoes, '• . • 109 56W,
Paid Lunatic Hospital at Ilarrisbairg ~.• 104 88
For lumbor,;, 180' 28.
For posts and rails„ - - . . - •.- ,' ' ' 110 00
For Hardware, , , -• .- 151 09%
For materials for house and barn, • . 93 42•Y t
For drugs, --•--- .: • - - . • . _39 . 20%.
For out•door funeral expenses, . , . 65 00
illaelcsmitirtng, . • • .' - _35 65%
Constables in xemoxing 'paupers, . „ - . . 24 65
:Making post fence; •' . . _ •••• '' 65 54:
Carpenter work.; . • •,2 ,
.; . . 48 81 1 / 2
For -saddlery, . •
For wood, • 18 00:
. .
310(m work walling r , T„prix.y, , ' . • 22' 00
Spouting nary, , ' 12 45
For tinning. tin, copper and sheet ironware, 41 321 A
, Mattufacturing_caslnett for two years. • • 49 07
Out•door Medical aid, ' ' • 33 25
For castings,', ' '' 31 59
FM. books, printing and stationary, • 22 45%
Forinaster, '.
.' . 26 00
For cloverseed, - • . •• . ' ,• • 98 . 00
For -freight, •• .. •• • • : 68 31:1
For one set Coles' splints. , '*- i ' 30 00
For traveling expenses, 354
Foisundries, . - . 4 18%
Jos. Labach's salary, hireling - s' wages included, 600' 00
Dr. A.. 1. Ilarmanphysician, ' . 100 00
Jacob. Squire, treasurer, •• '.- • . 40 00
Thomas 51, Biddle, Esq., attorney, . 30 00 '
George Brindle, extra pay as Directoro .. . 19'50
John C. liroWn, '" " • '--- - •13 50''
John Clandenini " . - " . 10 60.
Duo county by Jacob Squier, Esq., trendier, 431 18
120 80
SUB 32 97%.
..6832 97X.
taitisle §tralb.
- 1 -1 . 4 ARM ER S TAKE NOTICE.
if- The first premium' et --
awarded at the State Fair, held
at Harrisburg in-1855, also first premittnni at the county"
Fairs of Northumberland, Franklin, York, Lycoming,
:Centre, Westmoreland, Washington, Berko, Schuylkil,
Montgomery, Delawdto , and :Chester, in competition
with'front eight to leri•• different - reapers and mowers.
The Atkin's self.raking reaper and mower will be for
saleTiiithis — Fribtery at Harrisburg, also at Boyer:At
Bros.' Farmers wishing reapers and mowers for the
:nett harvest can have' them at a reduced price, by
giving their orders for them before the Ist of March,
1850. • . • • ...• N,
Price of Reaper. cash, • ' - - - ~.,'
- ,- - Ws;
• " • 'Reaper and Mower,- cash', .° *- - 190,
if ordered before the Ist of MarCh; 'after that time,
freight from Dayton, Ohio, added. •
. Price of Reaper end .Mpwer on thee, $200; seienty
five dollars on delivery, seventy-tivCdolleve on let of
s i.vivii
0 toter, and fifty dollars - Ist Yribry, 1857. All, the
re ors warranted to give entire satisfitction, or the
ram refunded. Leave orders with 11E . NRY L.
Dille (OLDER, Agent for Cumberland 'county:MA
Travelling Agent Mixt all orders ,arid , letiere t:'
JAMtB PATTON, flanisbune,ra.,cianeratAgant for l'enix
yleanla. • • 4 ~. .
Jan 23 1860.- I y, • -• ; • '--° - . , • -
f0..v,••50:-0.40,11.0.41 . ,:,
..k.jsub . scriber offers for salo a new Sterun BoYler,. elah.
Loon ihotiong and thirty'itilies in diameter, with ono
Torirtoen inch MAI at Paper
Feb. 13, 's6.—tf. • , : W. D. liitittEN.
.. 1 . STEAM SAW .MILL -- - AND.
• Tfliflifilit - LAND - FO . ll - SALITfie - suit
aCriber - ofieramtprictiWsalti — aliTi.? - .4 - M
SAVirMITA, idtmated,in South
• • ""' ton .. township, '.(iiimberlatur county,
with which is connected about. NINIOIONDRED Ai\'li
TIIIRTY-TititioJIACRES of good Pine, flak, Chestnut
and Poplar timbei - . The Mill and EfigThe'aiii IMfthe
beat-cunning order and can be started-et a day'snntiCe.
TheriAiirt , -tworstOr,y .1./WELLINtt
on the Property, suitafilelor - twodbrallies' _WWI
rind good Raiding. About'fift.y 'acres F.rtlle.llllll.l
he advantageowdylifitlynted anti cOliverted into a pro
fitable Farm. ' The Property .primeu ta great inducements
to purchasers. , Terms . bo. made easy . For 'other
particulars apply to the subscriber nt 'Carlisle, Pa r •
SPONSLtint!, .
• . .
'55.• , ' Real Estato_Agent and Seriv
•i• • • AT PRITATE;SALE. • • • •
— That very - valuable And well , known TIUSINESS
STAND,situate on thq corner .of North • Hanover nod -
LOuther'Strden, in the boroiighAf Carlisle ,nOw owned
and occupied by Jacob Fetter. containing •30 feet ft:G.O,
on Hannover street and ;HO feet on Diuther. street.
Tho improvements on Hannover kleeet nre A largo
THREE STORY HOUSE, with a largo brick bark build•
lug flninhrd in the most elegant manlier. containing 11
Inrooms inciudiligtho store room, besides Pantries
d con voniOnt cleset arra ngeme I its.. The STORM
ROOM is El feet in'. depth, fitted. up in the best
tiosidblo manner and ono of the most desirable and long
stablished'busimiss locations in our town. . •-•
. • There id a large two story brick building fronting•on
Leuther street, with a shop attached, now occupied as
a- cabinet maker shop. Also a stable on the foot' of the
lot, and other necessary out Tho property
Ls in excellent order. having beeri-recently fitted up 14'
the present occupalft For terms dm.
L. enituire ofoNsi
s . p.F.R.
- • 044-5 • - juntoAgent'and Scrivener.
'PRIVATE SALR._ . That ralUalyls'plere of ground
situate In South Honor& street, In the borough of
,arlisle, known as the . .
. .
' . 'POPLAR LOT. •
, .
- Said lOt cotanina • about d q
m 'acre, and a uater of
groutid•and from itti'desirahla and adyantateoun born
tion is admirably adapted for building purposes.
The lot will, be .sold entire, or in lots to suit pur
chasers. Vor toms and further pnrileulere enquire of
0ct.:31. 'f4i. ...8eal Estate Atent and Scrivener.
*6832 97N,
A ---7- 1.0? CLIANCFS I -- '''
,10 .. ,
... 1 -
._..... ... ~. . .
.A.T.L. __... It. MARTIN & SON,.
would ,respectfully anniAnre T to the public generally --
Iy. that they intend - opening' an' extensive Lumber
Yard In'.New Cumberland, this Spring. where they in:
tend to keep all kinds and qualities of River Lumber,
bull also thattbey have on hand now about one .bun
draft thousandleet of dry boards and planks, (Pinemid
,hemlock)' - of different qualities; 'Which they t • offer to
the public on reasonableJerms. '
Jan 'JO, ISSO-3M .
.. . .„ .
. •
_. ... .. _
. y TANNER.—The subscriber ;wishes to
. engag,e'rt
.Journeyman Tanner Immediately, for one .year. • One
-thatinuderetailds cur rying•l nrconne x ion with - tAfi - n - iiii •
preferred.. Libel-aWag-IX-4M 10-Orivetv-ta-A-good-wnrk--
man and man of moral habits; none O t her - need aPPIY.
Yoluither_particulars write or apply to - the..subseribor_:
at Centro, Perry t0.,-Pa. ; • • . ..
• • . . . '-- GEO. nENCII..
March, 5--1 w; '
457 96
124 .1411
Two new-and elegant, Resewood 'Manes . 04 and
7 octaves, from the : celebrated manufactory of-linnet,
Davis & Co., Boston'. ,'These Instruments haVe been
carefully selected from a lure stock. and are warranted
do give entire satisfaction. They will lie e , .11.1. at
• CITY' PHI ES, • . •
and kePt In order by a competent pers - m. r one year
troll date - of sale. Those win, t.• ot
to purchase. A . gnodinitrunicatt. nre iiir‘Led to call upon
the subscrlier atairls residence In Ciirilsle.
Also, TO REST, two,good second-hand Nand fortesat
VI per quarter. • .. 1011 N K. STAYMAN.
nor. 28.'55.
TT M-E A :Itl
- would inform all interested,. that she
has returned from Philadilphia, where AO had been
for a few weeks, acquiring the new process of
or taking likenesses on glass, vilich have only to be
!wen to he admired by•all , lovers of pretty pictures, or of
those : whom - th e'•pietures -represent, , •
'Her course of instruction has hetin full and, complete,
there basing been engaged in the establishment in
Which sliemas. the best artjstic talent in the city lit All
branches of photography; 'and .tke gentlemanly pro
prietor and, operators spareeno pains to ON her an
knowledge of the art. Shutherefi feels
confident of beinKable to perfirut all she promises, Isbell
that promise is, to furnlib as 000 D AM IIItoTTPLS.
well as DAGUERREOTYPES, as can be .preduttkl else
where. a .
•t.A. WORD.ON Ahratovvccs—Though there are still those
who will prefer the Daguerreotype, yet the - Ambrotype
has several advantages over - it ; the Ambrotype'cisn
seen in Any light; is not subject •to change, dampness
114Vil* no effect on it; 'in feet, there - is . no way to de
stroy a real Ambrotype'when fibished, but by breaking
the glass.
Persons, are invited tO examine specimens. -. L .
Rooms still nt the Southwest corner of lIKNOTER
and LOUTH ER Streets, over Mr. Fette'r'4Cablnet Ware
room, where she - invites her numerous friends and pa
-lions,- - and as ruativ-new;ones- asmak-feel,dispoSed--to
favor her with a - • fe2o-4 t
TORN P:'LYNE=Wholesalt and — Rec
IP/ tail dealer In American,. English and German
lIARDWA RE, Oils, Paints, &c.,
and the publie - generally, who are lh want of Hardware
of any kind, me hivlted to call in and
' (xlitstine my unusually larg stock 01
X 5l• goods. which I am selling at very•low
prices. Just stop in; It will- only detain you a sere
few minutes t° he cotivinced that• mind everybody Sept
—that Lyn's IN decidedly the place •to got good goods, at
law pricesmust be true. LYNE'S Ilardware Store,
WestiSide North Hanover street.
HARDWARE I :— , The larg4
est and most iatrAressottment of Hard
-7 ware in the emlnty,.4nd selling at the
lowest prices; at P, LYNE'S.
- -Noeth Hanover St.; CM.Usk'
.The Subscriber continuos to carry. on th .
above bitsiness,ln all its various branches, in Northilen
over street, arlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner
where he intends keeping on hand e,general a.ssortment
in - his line, consisting of all kinds of faihienable EAU
. • . DUES, Bridles, 'Martingales,. Girths,
. • Circin gles and Halt ors, also TRIIN It S,
traveling and saddle.
' • • 1 4 ; brigs. lie also man! , - -
ufaetures • the most ,1 ;1 4 ;
;, . 1 approved Sr. A it!
s t
ir ITI I Eirat N 9 SADDLES ever used in this
,1 \ conntry, arid 'these wishing a hand
_ 1 ,1 .somo,: durable . and pleasant-aaddle"
• will do well to call and see them, 'Ho
- a also manufactures Harndikßridles,
Collars and Whips in all their varle-.
.ties;_and confidently bellevoS' - from the general
tion of his enstomers,,thst.'be -makes the, nestestand.
best gears, Inall their Variety of bredth, that is made In
. thb country.: , ,Ale also makes all 'kinds of 3latrasses to
ordttr, vit: fialFind ; Spring
ruses.- Atlll,hiaboye articles will' be made of the best'
'material 40aC7atoikmansblp, and ;with this Artui6s,t des.
Pstetk . ' - - • WPCOOBORN; -
• ..‘
n •
....3,,.„1T0;.:,,,,741)0.erti6e.nte - ot§.„! - ',„:
.ICATAtt, .PAP_ER by' the 'lion:—Just
V y rocbired n larjt iisportment Pam,
which will-t e; s'nbi *err -cheap. • ' '
—numb 26;-14114.] `
updersigvied hag. been • appointed an ,•
_.a4eat I,r_ supplying MOULDLNUS_of any. dealt:ll,ot' 'Pat • _
terns for - buf Whigs, at• a nfuch less '"mite - thn4 they can •
iMarcli - HENRY fikX,TON.
dosthuied.—Nouce2is heroly }Oran that Letter.l.
Tsstementany on the estate of Henry lluttoriT, decossed
hsvo boon granted hyth_e_itegister of Cnitib. oeunty t.i
—the suliscrlber, residing in SOuth Middleton t;ivp.,
-minty. All persons - having slatting against said estat.,
gill presotit theta for settlement, and those indebted
will_make payment to -, ' •
. Ma?ch 25, 3.855-tptle+;:.;,,,, - •
I 8 S 'Alt it 6- LA
ite,subscrlber having roturusd from the city would call
te attention of. his friends"' and , the'. nubile to at, •
t'rge and well solo , : tett assiiiiment:of.lfardwalal which h
.telust.received,.consistidg in part of BUILDING bra .
it I A LS, nails, screws, hinges" locks, bolts, glass, putty
• tints, oils, Ac. •TOOLS.,,Oge tool*: entre and planes ~
airy ascription, with tlivs, rasps,.hanuners, anvils, A.
tiLAS or every description and quality—cohmt ,
ass of different brands, white polished American glass
reach glass of - all . sizes, double thick glass of
-band enamelled glass,-Ac.
A general- assortment - of SIIOEMAKEItS AND SAD
TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind
• mg skins, shoe thread, v: , ax_orgs,,lasts, harness mount. v..
saddletrees, .
00XCII,,TitlMMINOL-canvass (plain, enamelled, fiz
13d and m 111,06410 patent and enamelled 'gather ,
les, springs, hubs, spokes, fulloee, shatts,.'ac.,
.oabinet Makers will find alargo assortment of yarn ,
IThee, Mahoganyand Walnut veneers,moulding, rosettee
dr cloth, curled hair, Ac: -
WltiTiti PO H. LIS l'A INT— A no . w . ,,artlclo for making a
riutl f uhAyhite-ainl pol ish, _ford( ning-rooms - .
trlors; Ac. '
IItON—A large ktock, comprising all kinds in genera:
use. • -
tt,...itetuomher the old stand, East High Street, Car
lisle, l'a.
• Marcio.6; 18561
'IV7IIW .W .1" 0 S L 11 *- ] Dlt U G
N. SPENCI.Iit . TIfOMAS,. No. - 20 South Second'. Street,
Philadelphia, Impdrter, 3faunfaCturer, ninkrlealer iti
Dye Stud's, Paints. Oils, Colors, White.Lcad, French and
Anicrican White Zinc,
_Window. Glass, Glass Ware, Viti.
Itrusbus, Instruments, — tirMuul Spices, - Whole
Spices: , and all other articles .usually kept by Druggistr,
including Borax 1111(11g:6'. Glue, Shellac, Potash, km
All orders., by ' imtil or otherwise, promptly attended
tn. Country merchants ate Jo lted to Call and Oxman('
our stock before purchasing elsewhere. -4.ii — Goods sent
to any of the wharves or railroad stations. ces
and 'Goods NVarranted. [March. 25,13513-Iy,
- - : -... . • -
- ..• Pl', r 0 4... , r. 4O ,At-c- " gla •
- ..kV ;zr . - 7 •II 3 , 4.7. ;tie;
• - C
!.- • .•-• • . U
=ti,thist —i--.
• • C i llANG'
pn-ancl .after a in: SDA` Ist; 1856, Passenger
iraius will run nsli. S'unditys excefil - 64:-
A.. 31
-ToinTerC - traruberSbufii
-" Nowvilla, _ 5.40,
- • - 6-1.1, ."
• " Mechanicsburg, 65, "
.--A4,4larrisburg, 7.20, ' 6
ciumnEnsituita. ,
Traff. .
• 8.15; A. 31 1.00, P. DI
8.48, - 1.30. "
• 0.26, " ' • •.1.11,'"
• 1400, u • 2.44, ".
10.32, " . 3.16,
11.00, " 3.45, "
TafaVO flarrisburg for Philadulphia at 7.40 A.M.; 7.5.:
51., and 1.15, via C,nhintbia., •
heave Harrisburg tor Pittsburg'st 3.30 A.M. 12.35 noon.
bear° liarClSlntrg for Baltimore, at 1.15 A.. 31., and
at P. M. . • ,
Cars of Dauphin and Susquolvinna•Ritll Road loavo Hdr
rishur., , for Auburn, Itoadint;, &co dally.
• .0 - 4-At all Etations•whore Tickets aro sold, Fares WIT
TEN CENTS LESS than when paid in the. ars. • -
A. F. SMITH, Superintendent.
Rail Road °Mo s e. Chninborsburg,l
Dhirch 1, 1850. f .
Leave lltirrtsturig,
" Steeliantesblrg,
• " New•ville, •
•". Shipponhbur;,
At Chambereburg,
1: 4 1. OR • RENT.—The store toomiin Pitt
Street now occupied. by Francis Poytoy„ Engle&
at Oils omee, or at Piper's Book Store. .
Feb. 13. •
' ,
ON, just•rureived nt Book Store.
Cur:jai,. Match, 12.-31 r.
• J - DENTIST. - . Operating room at.
too - residuum of. - Dr. Samuol - •
WeAt street, Csrllsle.. [Mar. 10, `sB—tf. .
.' .FIVE PER CENT. - - •
.kt a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the btl,
of March, 1858, it was unanimously resolved that inter
set should be paid on special deposits by the Carlisle
Deposit Dank, incorporated' by the State of Peunsyl
vania, as follows: ,
, • 4 per cent. 'tier annum for 4 months, 'H - •
.. Z• io, 4% • " ii ,
. .. 8
• 6 • < 4 • , <<, w• 12 *I
Interest raises afterkAhe'expiration of the certificate
unlpss renewed, and the money always paid bank with'
.out natio. • • .. . ~
v. .• By order - of thelletied - of - Directors: ----,----- -
March 121858.1 • W. M. BEETEM, Cashier. ,
i-• • - •
. ,
HICIIAILD.WOODS. . :TORN S. &sari?, • •
MR Bank, doing. business' in the -name of KER..,
'BEEN NEMAN• k. CO. is now Billy prepared to do a gen
eral Thinking Business with promptness and fidelity:
' Money received on Deposit and paid back on demand
- without notice. Interest paid on Special Deposits,--
rartieular attention paid to the collection of Notes
lirafts,,Checks, &c. in any part of the; United States on -
Cauadas, ,
• Remittances MAO to England, - Ireland or-the Conti
nent. The faithful sn t confidential execbtion of all or.
dors entrusted to them, may be rolled upon. -They -
at all times be phased to give any Intbrunition
in regard to money-matters in general.
. Ikr,‘,llanking'll*se hi Trout's Building, Main Street
a fed doors east of the Rail Road Depot, Open ter busi
ness from 9 o'cieck in the' morning witih 4 O'clock In
The evening. • 11. A. STURGEON. Cashier.
.N.-13,—Interest at the rate of b-per cent: imir aufaunr;"
• will be paid dif'SPirelal Deposits as heretofore. •
Carlisle, March 18, 1850.
.IVEW GOODa.LThe.:.subseritoerv - his
JJ just iNsturned from . the citj and is opening a
general assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. consist
ing or .Pretio,li Merinoes, CobUrgs; - Alpaccas, Printed
Cashmeres and Mous de Laines .. *rens Silks in geese,
variety', Long Brocha Shawls from $l3 to $2O. French
jlanket Shawls. Cambric and Swiss Edgings and Ire
Fringe and Cambrieand• Swiss Conant. Merle and
, . ik Shirts . and 'Draws. Dress Trim:tillage lit'iriat,
arlet4"With other Fancy and taplaGoodisiPr - • •
os. 21 0 'O. "r: , GEO. W. lIITNXIL
_ -
• ~
-F.LS-1' NAILS „am '•
conxitrAT Ot*itit. nails ,
ufacturers price'. • ~.;;;, .fr P.Pr..R.:1)!5:.
'NRY, SA.?. T6N
4.36, P.
5.00, "
6.40, "
7.1.5, "