I= !' (1.101 4tfatliefo.: ...C.ARLTSLE. P 1 QTIVCE,,-:MARSET. • • CA:ol*Wedpesday ilornkrui, nil. 19 '1.866. - • Fioun SOli . orlge; per`tjbl.' do 7,gte2 it" , - •.; .4 . 60 • _ • Waifs WiENtrer bushel - •:•• • 'do do 1,60. • .- 40 _,do • • 80 8,00, 1,06 ,•• 1,00 30ItN );I ; rt . I ' I7,OI 7 EItSEED . 1 ' 4O rtiIOTHYBgEII. 110 WINTER- 13A:1“,EY • ()O• SPRING 'BARLEY. 'do A- T S MARKB . ✓ - , V ItIoND . Ar Eyarmfo, .March l7. .7FLquirrAin - M - EfirTliu - Flo - trr'ul'Af.k - t3r . ibis' otiva at mornin is in and-7 25a$: 00 for conmozi and erxtilvbra9ds; fanny lots are .selling. 8 . 25i59:00... Rye Flour is firm at r ss. Sales, of 'Pennsylvania iNitn Meal nt $3 p . O.barrnl., ljg:.very. little iirrivitig;. Sales of hood red at..175n, $1 I'o,l atid•l 80a$1 90 Joit good 'white: Rye.. is in demand; frorn,store at,. $4. - 'Corn in . request; saleti of new yellow nt 58a04 cts: Qats are dull a . ,t 39 cents perltusliel. • Ciever3ced is id fair request; lit $8 n per 64 pounds,. Lest sales of Tittiothy at from • 3 23. ro $4 per bushel.• Whiskey is la;ld firmly,tiariels-itit 20 oenf, Ift 27 con ts: TERRIBLE STEAMBOAT DisAs•rns. —:-The papers of Monday contain a full account orthe terrible disaster, by iyhich - the . gleam , mat Henry LOVVift'woe stink ,and 15 to. ^O lives - . lost' " - It occurred in the Ohio. river, about 4 . ',fciock, on Saturday a - clear starlight morning. ' The Henry Lewis; with,a full cargo, for 'New Orleans, froni.Cincinnati,-and nbout forty pas- . senors en' board, was descending the - river, • just . below ; Troy,. "hugging the Kciitticky shore,r. at-the head of Anderson's --bar,- when • - the h w A rdorinieinliiisfo - eTitit'CrJufi or ."nither, . out ; from henind the point, and a collisionne ;.turrecl,-Sinkingthe Henry Lewis in three min ' otos, in about twenty.fset of Water. . A mild • —.scene orexciteMent enitted, - fetillie passengers 'were all asleep in their bettlis-at:,the,dime -of: the collision, and:were flurried on, deck' amid '.the 'ef fire, the hissing of steam, and. Hi& criiShing_ottimlers. --The -lostaLitre• T twp-i- - drett helmtgin'g to a poor Irish woman ;.,two • - cabin - ViSsettgers from Portsmouth, Ohio ; Wni. Jacob`!, of .La., the 'second %steward and 7 )- Dan, MoCutchemi, - firtteub'enville, the second cook,; ten pr twelve of the'llremen who shipped • ;gat Cincinnati, and whose names could , ascertained ; four of the • Cincinnati' ttigitilid • slaves, belthiging to Mr. Gaines,:were on ' the iueltnlin 7nrguretand her infant child. "The. child was drowned, and the others saved, — ' - They 7 w - ere — tiiksti rie boat last-Friday from - -- Lonisville,7 - atiirti — e e on iheir• way to Giiiii - & Landj_ng„ Aritansas.„. The "mother `exhibited '• no other feeling thati joy tat the foss of her a • - SUNDAY LAW VIOLATIONS. —Tilo following " perebns who had been .convicted "of violating PM'. 20, 1856-4 M the:-Sunday Law„ :by keeping open houses-"and pursuing their,usual business, of selling winos and liquors, on the first. day of the week, were called up for sentende before Judge Kel , ley, in the Philadelphia court of Quarter ,•Ses 'shahs on.Friday,last ;- 77 Jaines G, Smith, „John IL Sheridan. William Shinn; R. G. 'Simpkins,. Thomas Butz, James. Elliott. and William Ca . r, rels, Jr. Judge Kelly said that it would be idle for him to, say anything to men. of their and_position,.but; to pass the sen tence which the law directs. That they. had -pet themselves up wilfully anti knowingly to defy the law, but that it latd—rts it always 'would in the erid-- m proved too strong for them. There was a maximum and ;minimum period fixed by the law, ,the. amount 'of the penalty and the duration .of the sentence being left' to the diaeretion . of the - Otinit.,.. • The sentence of the Court now wit - S, that'etieli of she defend ants do pay 'the casts of'prosecitti - on; that they - pay a fine of sso,each r -and- undergo an: lm- . .p_risonment of 30 days each in thedounty.p_ris on, and.stand committed until the sentence be _complied with.' • Upon.tb.e. passage.otthe ; senten*Ae-prie-, • - eners were variously. affected, extrente . "listen ishment being;` however, the most predOminate feeling. 'lt was not dreamed ofby'any of the patties, that . the .sentene,e"of imprisonment would be for a longer "period quilt 10 days, • but wh'en 'they heard 80 fixedas the minimum, it created a universal sonsation.—After H 01111), delay they were aCeenipanied by Abe_ Sheriff to the county Prison: • ' Bar A steam boiler in the cellar of Mr, E. Beek's Cabinet shop, in Alder street, above Master, Piriledelphin exploded, litrTuesday . . . morning blowing up, the whole buildin4and reducing. it ,ta'a - heiip' of rains. Eight men \ \ ,l, and two boys includini.M.r.7.l3sakliiinSelf were i the building at the time, of whole two,- a tither and Iris ion, named Eckliaril, were - kit ' led, 'and several. others iteporately rounded. ' i llekik was standing .within, o tow feet of the Wiwi- when it er.ploded, ,ttut was not injuied, and managed toareep out of - thst:ittins.7safel,r. The halms was a three-story brink, 20 feet wide and 33 Heap., Tbeangine was an Old one. At, the timery f)f. the,explosien. the -boiler-wait full al/rater. ° ~ : , ' ' ,"-. '. , 1 , 4 • • 4.444.4 4 .•4 . •cf.ieernor Mee, - of Virginia - , ;has pub. contradicting _the Eitatement tijaihe lit.) . admitted the adaniTistratioa .of i'r"e;i lent i`.'lmore to have, , been :Walihing!ou like. • tie _Alga ;lie • nelthe.r nael par : u ACIOS'ER q tri , • et . • • AL L R • - ?i ~1 •••4 1 \1 ocerblind.Louthei sti.• Ct. , •:.- ithi.SLS. ,,, qho undersign-, ed this always'on hand a-huto stuck of 'Superior Cabbie" Ware, ht all the dilforetit stylos,,whielt ho iaprepared - tic 'sell.atAlialowest - prices.. Ile luvltes , uttehtiou particu larly Au the PiTscrr Sinutuf DOTToId BEIST . &AP, A inOst, -useful--actlele,_ultich entirely oliviatesill oltjections.-4_ Chu bottonfeadbe attached to old Bedsteads. They gimnefitire satisfaction, to' all who, have them In -Use. 41 - COFFINS thade.. order at'tho shortest notice. JACOB FETTER.. • . • • L) ()BERT 13'. s,ignamy,, CABIN' • uk, 3.1 A KIM and UNDillilf.A.liillt. - ,...,..t..;'. -, ~,,,, -Sort:all:mover street, neit door ioe.l:'. ""'''''''' i ' ''l 1 ilass'silotel. ---- - ; " ' - '•-"-. ' • -': .... 1--, '"'" -- ", I 10-would respUetfully. inform.the . . ;'.. . citizens I'd Carlisle Mid the public generally, that he .11;14 now-on hand a large amd elegantassortment of FURL N IT iiRE, consisting in part of ' Wardroblis;Card and Oth , er. T.i.1,14,,501at;, iiureaus, Bedsteads, plain ;and fancy. S - mrlug Stanils, Sr.., nianufaeturdd of the best Material , and 'quality warranted. if " Also.a general assortment . of CRA iS at .the 'lowest prices. VENITIAN itsi:9.s mach) to order, and :repairing promptly attended to. • te4- 01)FYiNS made at the shortest notice: and hav ing a splendid liMirselie - Wlll - attend:funerals in-townor eouatry_._ 417- Remember - the it - ea.-next iludr to - 17. •01ass's' llotol. ; .. • R. II: Slit I LEY. , __ , ENSIV FIT liitNITURE ROOM I 1 X-T _ 5 / - 7 %4 A MEX.II. WilA YEA. - would riamecfeully call . ...• the attention of ItonseNeopers and:the public to his extensive Aockmf elegant FT ItS.lTUltitl; ....... 4 including Sofas, Wardrobes , Ventre and Tablee.' -.-. X .arti.:lein—his.branch 4_l.ll4_l:less- Also now on bAilif ,h, larOs as•sOrtment - of CITAI ii.Siii TirliSre, at tli•+ lowest pliers. - 4OFFINS' made at the short est nOtlee and 'a irearse provided for funerals: pis: 'roar a.Call at leis , establislimenty,on -North Halt!, • ' roar stree). near °lasso's. Jlotel. • fki — Varpitura hired out-by - the Month-or year:"'". lIE ' STATB SAYINGS FUND ? • NO. 8:3 DOCK STRtET "• N BIXT,DaJIt. TJ TUE 19ST OFFICN, PHILA. INiEltEig NIYH PER CENT The State Sivvinga -FtindAs tettracting.depintltalrom II classes of the communlty.ln everysectlffilof thesity Ind country. All sums of-money returned on demand, ieposite forwarded by .111111.11 to the ordei• of the Tressu lir, will receive every necessary attention. IL. 11 A RT. President. - CHARLES 1. 13ILAY, Treasurer. 11 )I,,i.)WAVS PILLS AILF:•WE SICK?' It has heed the . lot of the human race to ho weighed down be disease •tiati...sutferluir. HOLLOWAY'S aro :modally adopt - MI to the relief of the WEAK. Me Elt VOUS, the IHILICIATE,. and the INirlitH, of all climes, ages. sexes, and constitutions: Prefitssor Hollo way „personally. superintends* tlio_nianufacture..of. his inotiltittes lit. tibia United:States, and: offeni: them .to a free aril enlightened people. its the best 'remedy the world over saw fur the remdval of disease. " . • TH.RSE PILLS PURIFY TRU BLOOD. These Etpaune Pil a nre expressly combining; operates on the stomach, the - liver, the kidneys. the 'legs. the :kin,. and the howelg, TDrroeting any derangement in their functions, purifying , the blood, the veryfountain of - ell.; aud.thus-curing disease In all Its forms. - • •- DYSPEPgI A ANTI LIVER COMPLAINTS.' • Niarly ludf the human race have Miceli tbese It hai been Proved, in all parts•of , the world, that no thing has been foun equal to them In cases of disorders of,the livor, dyspepsia. and. stoMach • complaints gene lraly.7 They soon give u healthy tone to these organ's, itnWOVOi , much deranged, and when all other means . _ have &Hod. • . OE :VERA -DEBILIT-Y, • KAM IL • • 3. httl . . Y of the 1 11 0 4 flospetielloveininents hare opened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, thit they may become the' inedleine , of the iipsis4es.— i;oornesl Colleges :Omit. that, this medicine is the best remedy ever known for pemo.nfi of dellehte;or.. whore the system lias.heen impaired, asits Invigoratiug properties never fill to afford relict . • ... NEVA LE No Female, young or old. should. be tivithout 'this s•elobrated "medicine. It - corrects and regulates the 'monthly courses - at all periods, acting in many cases like a charm.' It Is els) the best and safest medicine that can ho given to Chi h jien'of all ages, and tor any eornplalnl;4onsequenitY no family should with- Out It. " '• • nott.eVA'l 3 s NUJ!, Ala 'Ms HEST. REMEDY KNOWN Ul' THE ' • . vronto FOR Illfg PoLtowrxo marAses: • asthma , ' Debility • '" %Foram of all' I1)wel Complaints Never:awl Agus kind, o.wrv.;llB . . ' Fetuale Coizi;• Stone :Intl Gravel c o ld s -- -• ' ' , _plaints. ' SecondarySymp ._ _ ._ dr3li • Inseasim Ilendachei - I.4);tiveness '.• indigestion,. Inward VesloMss Dyspepsia Influenza Liver Complaints Diarrhom , • • Inflammation Lown'ss of Sprits Dr,opsy• V :enereal Affections Plies .. Seld:at the. anufactories of Professor Iremoniay 80 MAWIIII Lane; NOW. York, and 244 Strand, London, by Itll respectable Druggists und Dealers- of 3Lsdicitte 'throughout the United States, and the civilised world, ru boxes, at - ,25 cents,62 4 ,ficents, and $1 eacin• ' • There Is a considerable typing by taking the larger 'sizes- Direettims for the gultionee of peilonts in every lirordor ore affixed to each box. , :• vet. 21,'36 4,0446.1t'a: , PHERIC • oethe.nbove Oelebrated Chnrn, Ann , on bander all the d 1 oront frone"4 gallons to GO. It received of, um at, the late l'onnaylvanla Statit that prom "at:the kranklin Institute and Dolawaro 'and Maryland ','State ,Fairi,:a.nd variant' others at different - WM.Os. -- It will Makelnoro hiabettet buttor froth a given amount of cream; ttl4 than an • chit n i tho_jaarket. - Far sale wholesale and retail. by_ . . , _ Agrleultutfal W ehouse and Seed gterei corner-of -Ttli. and Market, Phlllphla. Dee. 6i,lBs4—tr' public that he le jorqi_ltrett te_tuake the SPLENDID ONFtlt. W': and 14 1 :ENTY'Cl. W.. isk k'cr4 Pit DEONS n;l1;.-bornbr4; n.the Weds of gentlemen : to be by t 11,M (BSI riblited at •of my certllirates• , To cacti pirchaser of my Popular 111' will. he presented. entitling' the 'Voider ON _PIANO_And E JIELODEON,to _the Committee_foLtlie....benotiOnitoeit cotes when ON ti TILOUSAND DOLIA it S' worth of Music shah have been sold, so that each persOrt invegtinii One Dollar Will nut only receive in r and the value ormoney• Paid out, but will Imre -secured to him an interest, In common with other certificate holders.•ln the'hbove tributhin. The succeeding' distriblitionil will be eon.: tinned, subject tn,the 'same re,, ,, nlatiOli,.until. the 20 'Planbs and 20 Melodeons are distributed. • . - Particular attention is Irtiltedlai - thetTeattiee of I,lllm plan which calls fbra disposal.of theAtietruments when but.looo certificates have beetigSued,,tlitikavoiding the vexatious delay and Probelde digappointnient attend ing eertain schemes now before the ntibilc: . . Music natty lm selected from , ms entire stock, which eomprises . ovely Catalogue in the United States. • •Orders forwarded by Mull - will •be faithfully. and promptly attended to. . '• • . . • ' 11.—Conetantly - nn.band -a splendid essortment of m from the eulebrated mantifactordes of Iloardman, Gray- 4 Z Po., of Albany; Jaeob tildekeri itg ; Cr. - Ladd of Boston: Ely k Manger. and 'Bennett .t to. of New lord. Also, C. Ai: Fisk . Co.'s Premium Melo= dcvnisi4o be had at the.lowest toafinllicuturer's prices. [Reaft . tht!f(Aliming fripi 3lusSeal Editor.) 80. , nomAN, 0 RAT A CO:3 PIA Np Folas.—We h t . so - well 41,14„..-p.40,1-wiiit the instrumento made be this limo that_ we•haveileterinineil hi holtudrumentaiountelves. that is. iti turnishing our subscriber,: • and others with an e .....44..„1 article that ow can recommend and IV:lrrilt. There Is alwitys•a. difficulty attending. the pure' ase.,_tif.pianos; because penaloos cannot 'rely fully upon the t . • Illinetidn thus they recalvo from tintuutitcturers, who are 'liter eated.'of course, in - the sale of their own inaiiii fact it re. -::";oAY.. we ere not.--intereottai.. in „the Illatter:lthAiry'AFay,-- keopt: el far a_ to see.that 'those who' patronize our "'lack' shall be Well 'served with the last Malmo nuhic. For a list of,,prices see cover, at ,wilieli amounts we will send Pianos, warranted fiir• - one year, the_freight-to be paid by the: persons ordering. We annex a 'letter :Ir.: ceired from a gentleMati .hi Virginia, to whom wo sent one - of - these Plannoi= , r ' r . ' • . _ • '- I, A. (Mom I•:.V.—Peerfilrl have great pleasure liCrudimowled4intf the t•evelpt of the Piano Porte which yoitre..so good as to order for my Wife from LIOZIM,111:111 k.(3 ray' s.. It ,was delayed for some ti th e at Winchester: but-l-mb happy-to Fill' - t hit-- it- L ouise in excelfrott,comil• thou. We are ilechlidly,pleasnd with the instrument. Thitronewood laid &beautiful itualiti:. the raze in plain (wei like it the betterSor it); the touch Is very easy for a tie'rritistrutuent;atid the tone in firm,clear andsweet. All who have trPedli,aihrntre It and speak in the highest terms of , Its snenownoiro and swcetndso of tone. ire deeply rogret that "re hiel nokaorder ttio '.Attawhintnt:' -we Must have it yet. • .• . . ''We are deeply :indebted to you' for your agency Iti ' procuring for us so good an itilymitent. 'Be pleased to receive intracknowledgineuts.. Ych.tr obt, scrvt.; • dec. 5, '55. , .' J. D. W." OF TLLI. NATIONAL SAFETY COMPANY, Wad tlnkStreet,.SOnt.h:WeSt corn evOLTltird street.Philadel, , ,Incdrperated by. the. State _of • Pmokyiyania. in Five per cent. interest iskiven, and the Money Is al 'ways paid back * believer i • is called for; without the nocessity_obgiving•netice for it beffirehand. People Aviv; have lar,te sonic put their money in this Sating Fund, on account of the superior safetylfifdTaf; - venience it affords; but any sum, large or small, Is co.. effived; -•-Thitt-Saving Fund - ha:4a very large-amount trf Mort gages, Gronifititentiand other first class_ investnientS for the security. of Depositors.. The rules prevent any Director or Officer from - 11111 m or borrowing the money.. The • Office is_open to *ohm and ; pay money every day, front 9 o'clock in the morning till i o'clock in the evening, and on Monday,and, Thursday evening, till 9 'o'clock. ' . . . People who 4nve money 'to Rut In, are invited to cal et the office - for prther Intbrniation. Ini;NßYlTuOlSiat, President. . _ • ROUT. SF L£ItIUUE, Vice President. WM. J. HIED, Secretary. • ' • October ;1,,1855 , Q "A VING2rtfN D ,o ,ll: p us sT r i c i ( } ) .l 3l U voi : .. S.. KJ • INSUBANCB; ANNUITY ,t 1 1 S. E.. Comm Third and (Miasma Streets, Phi Pa. CAPITATJ $'250,000. Money. is received on dtposlt daily. the amount de posited is entered in a lieposW Book Mid given to the Depositor, or, If preferred, a certificate will he 'given. • AB sums large , and mall, are -received, and . the - ainount paid back on demand, without notice. Interest is paid et the; rate Of ITU dENT., COl'l- 111111 ring from the day of depoSlt„ and 'ceasing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. • • tini.llrst day . of.litnuary,in each year, the interest of ezoll deposit is paid to the deptisitor, or added to the Inelpil, as he inay prefer, : „ _ • The pompany have now upwArds.of-0,500 in the city of Philadelphia alone, ' • • Any aditionalinformatiou WllLbe gilentlr addressing tbe.ThEASUKTR. •- • * DIBBOTOkS: 'Stephen 11. Crawford. Pros .Win. M, Godwin, 'lsiwrence Johnson, Vice - pt. Paul B. Goddard_. Ambrose 0.-Thoiripson, • Geo. Miliensy, • Benjamin Ny, Tingley, - James Devereux, • Jacob L. Florance, ° • 'Clitst.„Bnglisli, PLINY PISK.. • Secretary end Treasurer, J, C OFIILSCIIIAGER, • Teller and Interpeter, Sept. 12 • . Loins VAILSI NAILS atri now. ilie li•pated to gtwi;iv. - tottutiy , Ihwehititto with H aile, 14 - ftututfactu'reie SAXTON. pf}Cfafefjif;ln.: ~fjifaa'e~~ifjta.' • 17, 111'0 V hAs' tiIEACHERS' -. SU - .IIiVEYORS ) - • ' elutaged • hie legation. from Irvin's Corner , to the .. •1 . GINEEIIB AND:BitA4IOIITE4SI - EN. supplied with , .STOltll-11001, - ..nne - door west of,the County . Itlatlismatical „Drawing instruments, separate 'and, in Prison, street, an& will bmplesed. t 6 see all ,cases, stiehVA'llielders, Pantile' , Rules, Ivory, Box4food, . his old customers, 'and as vutuy. new ones 'as' may:, find and ;Paper, Settles,. T;. itquares,..,Triangles, -;Bow t. Hieilitt,lvantage.to glye him aca 11; • • I.!ratiing Pens, Protraiittire,roUntees Scales, Tape - -itrork-MetalleVapesi Surveyorit Gimlits,. 2 aod , 4 3,i,10; 50, . • " ' ' • • 'and 100 feet,' Surveyor's, Compasses, Engineer's . Leyels• nfid Transits,Tiirget Rods Magid •4Anterns - the - blistztmrtictibM'Scripturil. Dlagrams, - Astioinicalo .Natural: History; iltintorout,_ChroniatrOpe_.or Artificial - I , lre-works, Dissolving. Views, Magnets, l'oloramits, Air Pumps,' Electrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus and a laticieollection of Philosophical Instruzimuts, suitable for collegekand schools, Also, Spectacles, thllcroscopes, Bargmoters Reading-Glas . Having received the. agency, for the. sale. of itot;-. 'BROOK'S SCHOOL' APPARATUS, prepared' to furnish Teachers wit h.un,Orrery.„ ti Tellurian a Numeral , Frame it 5 inch Olobs, a Itianikpbere (Slot's, a' set' of Oetunstrical Solklls, a ; Mognet and-Teit,Book, all packed' in a boa withvlock Mid key for $2O. illustrated - and priced catalogues forwarded. Ovatis. • • . ES...W. :QUEEN, ' ; 204 Chestnut St:Philadelphia;East'of 10th St:- . . pub,. uldlleAludifgliedpeftles;_w_htekreadlly.tiimaTijUlL - .Paint;,: Dirt. 4:c., horn every s ileseription of,goods-withmit Injury to them. .Por till toinestic'intrpws it lo superior tO ap,,,t other soap in use, and 20 percent. tileaper than the &union' rosin soap.- Etielidw.r stamped.' , - • WILLIAM eid.',WAY. 10S South Seiond street, lilanUfaetnrer of Pane)' and Staple Soaps, Sperm. steer; Ina andialloiv candles. importer and dealer in sit, .suda, soda mill, rosin, &e. :Ordersby.mait prompt,* attended hept.l-th • • 1 1 WM F:.0.:4 - 44: 4 " -- • • . •Q E N S. :SAVING: FUND, 33, Chartered by the JState-of Pennsylvania in I.tBS - I k, t 5 wm,NuT STREET. - Oluvrinorwhove Second -Stiyett, Philadelphia. - Receives Ile 'ts ll7 = Yiniln of Ono Dollarand Wpwatis, frotik . airela,ses o he emninunity, and allows interest at the, rnto of tire pc vent per annum. .!Ifoneys paid hok on thinutnd. Ric l lee open dully front di-until 5 o'clolit, on Monday and until tI o'clock in - the - ovoning. - ":7 ' ' Tits institution will bo,fuund-a con s vonient - and safe place of depobit for Farmees and others doing businelis in Philadelphia. Dopositti are paid on duruaud without 11131 prOvieus notice hetng,,foquired; .. ~ . • • • )(Arrant:as. ,' • .. .. Edmund N. SiSutler, • Iton. Job IL. Tymin, . S(lhrt , ll S.'llishop, . - licorge 1101dlii, Janigs P. Perot, . Robert Morris, • . John NlK'anles, ' ' Edward L. (lark, • JarnisSheots, • ' • Capt. John Oallngher,, Josrpli M. Cowell, , John Rice' — Josunlill:Myrrs, . Manual O. S,totosbury, • , Edward it. Trotter, William Shippe ti, Jr. • • '-Franklin Bacon, Win. P. :Nubs, -- -Thoinas Cooper, ,Edgar E. Pettit. ' • President-FRAN KU 'S FELL. -Treasuror--CITAS. M. MORRIS. • - ' Secretary—JAMES S. PRIICOLF. 'l , iii:.Tize Charter provides' that no manager, officer or agent shall., directly - or Inarrrtly, borrow any'inon n y frbin the Society. 0ct17,18515:4 - IL S3IITH, Pl)117 1 MONNAIE, ruCIi.T.T - 11001i and DIiESSXNG „*.Ala.tui.facturer„N-11'....euraerAtikand.Chetuut-strecti— =I in - •:Alwayi - Ifinalld a largr 10141 V.:t Hod 3FsLalllela of Port Minna . Work Boxes. Neket It he; • Minlcertt CFI ' FO9,• Trafe — Note Holders, •.liaAglitunion Port Folios, . Ches. Med; Portable Ureks, Picket Memorandum Rooks - - DreesingreaveS," ---- Cigar Caseg:S:c.- Also a general assortment 6f English, French ind Ge r-man Fancy Goods. tine--pocket-Cutlery,- dhaerti r Rater, iitraps_and:Rold Pens. • 456-Wholesale sei•ond and third Ffoors.- - - - apriS.F. 11. SMITH', •- . , N.W. enrimr Atli and Chvsnut N.ll.—On the receipt of SI a superior Cold Pen will be sent to pity part of the country by mull—deseribing pen thus. medium, bard or soft. . . j , • EMOVED:-E:NEWL.AND & CO'S I WhOlesale and retaiI•LOOKING tiLASS: AND PIC TURE FRAME MANUPACTOICI, Ne. 126 ARCA kreet, opposite the Theater, _Plifindelphia— : E. N. S: Co, received the only•PrizeMedal,awarded at tlio Crystill Naomi exhibition, N. V:, 1335, its the United States; fdi Gilt; Decorated. Mantel and Pier' Mims. • . MILLINERY .0 OODS-1855- FOlt. FALL SALES! • -L- 7 • JOHN STONE SONS. No. 45. South Second Stropt. Philadelphia. !lave just open2d - th!),lr lall'lmportations.of BONNET SILKS, 'RIBBONS, VELVETS, FANCY FEATIIERS, • • . • . FLOWERS, LACES,- &c. Inelndlng a general assortment of :kIILLINERY.ARTI CLES; of the mosfthshionftble styles. 'The nhoye Goo& hare been - Imported expressly for our PAIL sales and 4.ll4ltrisi,. the largest and best assortment In our litle.tts he found hr tlMmarket, • • seiAlp •(4REAT ATTRACTI.O.N!- NEW 0 00DS! NEW 0 001/811 , • " Nr Aesubscrilier having just. 'returned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia Is ticileopenlug a very. e*titinsive assortment of. ' FALL; AND WINTER 000DS, Consisting of elegant Wintbr liliawlk splendid Silks, (William's and he Laths, French Nerinoes and - Para, mettaii, elegant Needle Worked Collars and 'Ruffles he. Ribbons iiiid Trimmings 111 greatNatlety. !.Cloths.A"4lS., shneres, Cassietts; Vekings, Flannels, :loins tindllo story, a kito of new Carpettings. Alpo itfulLanil_ complete assortment . of ItOOTS, . All por.iona In want of handsonrn and cheap goods . 04 ror, eetfullylu ritpd to. call and examin this stock before: purchasing elsoqhCro. -At the Old Stand Kist MO, Street N. B. A stock of Well madielOttileg - ou heild=whlob . will he sold at cost. • • ' •N -ELK.--.GOODS :AGAIN! , BAItGAYNIS, BAROAYNS. • • The subseriberlianjust •-returned hind 'philitOelphti, and is now opening a anlendfd assortment oriVINTER. 40011$ cheaper than'-ever broughtto Carlisle. FryelL Merinos's- De Laitle, Silks, AI pachas, Shawls, Iloinbazeen,; Clothe s Canstrueres, yestings, Calicoes, MuWitten Sa, in, great - variety, • • ' • An ionnense stock of BOOTS AND SIIOES, all kinds and priers at the, rery lowest,notch, Also, A' ew stock. of ladiey p'ttrg very cheap: New style 'Winter Minnets most Milonnitle Shane. ' • , t.Cotne one and all in want cif cheangoods, and yoti Tlll - b. sure to' be attitett at:the Old Stand.-East 11altastrect ',dogr; 19 'O. • • 7—CIIARLES M ONEY personii . • ITX - Irtobt,ed - to the.subscrlter-for . -ttoro- goods-for-41 , --.±- runtiths and . upwards are earnestly 'requested-to-calf- and settk — iii as-nlonepts, tnuch—needod lihn tt the preslnt time. 4 • . '6 O. W, .1 - 4 0 AN WANTED:--4,Q0 . V0r SMOO waatod, for which the best Real YAW!, or per eouai security "lap Apply t i:o co spoN4LFß. , ; Estate Ag't. amt. Fcri v oner. . . •11 - 01101.1.--Tlio: , lneolbers of the tcniv." berlandßounty, ,AgrieMturalociety, rill, meet • et the comiliottoolO'Carlifile Tuesday, thil .4th of lifarch;at'll o'clock: The following•is the suidect for (Alscvssion "Whet isthelitht policy of the fernier respcethig the quality-nikd quantity of YeticipF?' ROpT, MOOR; Secy . . ' Whereas the Honorable 3AMF.B PTOSi . dent Judge of the.. several Courts- of COnfriloi. Pleas In the you ties of Cumberland,- Derry:and dui.h4a ' Pen Ilsyl va ilia, and ins : Wee of the iieveral.C'ourti, of Oyer and 'reenitner and tleintrAl Jail *Delivery hi said with- . ties, and lien.Joitit ltume and iimitukit ll °man Judges - of the Court of Oyer and Teruilnei' and General Jail . • Delivery 11. r the trial of all capital niid °Hwy tienders, 411 tii.c-said-county--tif-thunberlankby. nu...directed. bediang iliiteiGn 14th lay ofJitiivary,l.Bol3t,:-. have s erdered the Court of Oyer * And Terminer. had Oetie“'i rat laii-Delivery to be .hoidCn at CARLD : I,E.oti*AI.9II.-K. DAY, the 14th of April, H. 50. at IQ. o'clock in. the • fOriitioon; to con`tiuue two weelts. - . :COTICE-, IS IiEItEBY . GIVE:s.i to 'the (.eioocr, Jus tices Of the l'eat - At and (\nistaldes of the said - county of Cumberland, that •they'are by the said ptec(pt cum utantled,to be thew and there ip Unit - propel persons, ith their rolls, records, inquisitions, exOni nod all other remembrances, to do %host thiiws which tO.lllyirpillee appertain to be clone, and all those that are bourn], by .recegnizanceS, to, prosecute atotiist the prisoners that are or then shall be In Ott jail of Said .0 e are to be there to prosecute them tio:hliallrbe josh .. - JActilt .130101 AN, • • ,-, .0 t 4 tl ,-- t; , U 111C-Ul.ll URAL SOCIE.CI:-0.. .cat:Ariu itt act•ount with the Cumberland uvuuty Agricultural I.4ovit,ty. Aug. 2.5, by net Lula:evils 4if $l2OO uotu ty carnsie Detae•it batik • '.• ' lash ir.;ur .1. li. Parker, Treasurer of former 4rb•ultural - Cash . aunt 4t, life 111Ctilliers, - du trieuxbors . :do .7i.8 ,y early - itieinbera and fainily , tickets •. Cash tur single tickets, S.e. • frutil County Tienaurer . . ME t: , •-• • yN CR, itibf), Aug: pitid D. Nobla 1013,-aeres al/d.::0 - pertites id land . * - .paid llcdlWhi an . ti others ibr 324 postm, 'tu. DOI " eler1:111 • D'aid 11. d.reater, Vpangl, r, - Cameron, and , others, for,for work - 173 Hoffer, 1,4,1 utilLer • . Paid 1,1 - interw -- = . • • 12s LO' L'uid note in Carlisle Deposit -- 1 :400 00 Paid.,l.4'. Lytle and otheis, itlirdware, rope, dc. l l2 Paid K. Morrie, for iotrodueiog tho'water Yti k. 13 Noble anti it. }born for hay . :„ ;MA* Aniount or keiniunis pale; • 8330 Daltuiee iu.hautis o 1 '4lirataitar, •• • AS . , •, • ••' • - ' 03 18.6 1 , Feb. 6, by balauce,lu bands of, (.4. . sheafer, Treasurer _ Amount of premiums awarded $B3 60 • Amount paid • 63 La 2resenteit tu k3ortety 2575 - Unpaid 132 25 The Commlacer to :Ahem the. subject ;wits referred report that, they have eiatulued the account ut George Slieittirr, Treasurer bf the Cub,berland utlitural society, and the same us above exhillited'hP Correct. Which Is respectfully submitted. 1 - • J. W, Feb:2o:lSs6-3t . - )10 0 L ove , 4000 TOES ;,aueF alloy, llnuiddu and l'iou Uroila , • ut or rune Coal, 1..)..00s Policy, P 11.1,4.011 and t.shamokin .'tope Also, bent • •. Also,,(hall kinds nod hest( - ,'press la of Islilch wiji Le told 01001:any low. -Moods - can and judge fur yourselves. aug, :al ti lit/OVER . • FI.A.M UAL 11,1 - C.-svo A.'o M; EY - iikN,S VA 1.1..EY hri.ken and to-serroned, epared expressly tor loudly uso and kept t. R OVER, • Fd , That. 1 dui furnish it dutY and (kw • du) ing tho %%inter season. 1 have nlso (at hand told for 'do tbia ix% E COAI: from the wines of lit uJ, Hosser it. Co., and ,11A)11.1it1ls. front thu winos of Coch ran, Peal A to.. all of N 1 lISCI/ ill sell at tit..“ll prolito for (111)414 . 3nd deliver to any part of the Iroroul.ll. n0r..14, 'll. ~ W. 11;311.141,,A • • riIItAVOIVION COAL. - • —•- • • • • TitiA . urtirc COAL.: • TrevialeicCoitl Comfmny aic iiutr Kept - red to flue — . nish•theeltizona of tarliOe ' uud vicinity with to abut- . supply of the tie:: ulooTre vortou Coal,thr.ugh their _ M.D."ltiltitAN'tiad JAC.OII - Sillto3l, consult:era eau pruture the yttrium:sizes,viz: :Lump, i 4 teatalleati-lirolerh,l; t ...g•; eau recto:wend it to all. as superior hi airy other coal 'fer steam . , domestic purposeay - aud Fur Liu! Information of the eitivens' of Catilhde we - . form them, this is that superier . mati, , a sauipli. of.• . which was sent by E. lielltqlstiue, of l'reeortou t • about the' wiuter.Of 18.52 and gnve•so taurh rreirorton Coal Company drton, Unioff:couti ty,-17a,,,.:Amk;22., 555. , - • • • ll'E S T : 'l l A - I‘llL Y -- :C 0 A.. L'S, !.. Tho'llabsqlber , would,roapeetfulOnforrn the citizenly of Carl isli; and-rii•lnity that he . is now prepared to fur nigh the GENUINE TimvonToN . ..crjAlt of varlints sizes, a 6311100 :of wittukwas furnished to A number of - citizens tlueo i-iatti f illet) , br-4 , 14. - }l.. Itelfenstein, and which gave such perfect..Satlsfartlon, , 'Also !bpSt. qvalitles Or 10 , 1iOnssValloy - and SharnOkin - Coal. - • . . • Also .131,ACK.S.MIT . ICS. and ...I.JMEIMINiFRIS COAI, - of the different kinds, constantly -,ou hand, at the nay Coal Yard near the gas; Works. • tiopt, c) 'ds .NO'T " CMS IV .11 R:g. • COALI CO.ALN COAL!!! glie subscriber would, respectfully intbrin his friends - and the public, that he is now recolving 1000 tons of that of, superior .111.1 D ASII COAL, from %the Luke Thileionines Of Boyd, 'tosser A: • CO.,' the only ft eitAsh Coal brought, front thwilhatuokin Basin, introduced and, known in Carlisle as the liolfenstlneCoal. It Ikm:direly-, free. from' slate and all other impurities, andlifeilbetlY , adopted to all mechanical and domestic purposes. /to readiness to ignite, renders It particularly' desirable toe:' ' sinali stoves, while itsiiiteusity oViest and great dart bllity in burning makeri it equally so for large ones. -Ile • „ would aISO call the attention of farmers and others'toa • super.loi article of. C111:8,:slIIT COAL, front the game. wines, for steam and line Mirpbses. 'Yor'sale only , in Carlisle by • G. W. CIEARI OIULBY I T:if.llll.3TlßAN:Blt§' . - 9;000 ' 0118 I.sken's Valley Nut Coal, a superior article yeeelit g anti cur sale by , "Jut,luO.Oui - B:11:171111.A.T,:Agt. Jii,is,ctif ancO46. Jan,2, 'of) TIIObIhIS-PAX'TON, Presq OEN SHERIFF'S OFFICE, CARLISLE,} . ' - - , g244 50 V.:ouf ljarbs. El 111 MER. 'IIOIjEL $llB7 1-X1 133 43 1 tiQ uO •.:.3() (JO 'l7B 00 788 32 100 00 i.witl U 5 1224 00 100 70 52 00 L2E3 JACOB SHROM: