0 'n'.r j-.(. Mffn •Ort*Ou'al pot SONNKIIV sr, S TE ' 'Twat3 a t hrico tia' py pieetiug at jenny,s last night, ,'' — TiTlien'thT3 moon.camejiiiititte tol - priieldi4t - the 430.4:beim thOugh.thitlaitAelust born of the 'skies, telp4glance of her. beauty and light frOM tier alit 041 , knew that the'etate . 'were i On duty, to wait • ......t)n:thelr Queen - Aid theft 'Pride, toe,„Lsaw-as.,l-31 That the lii.etite gallyirisked'moiig her tresses to sea ro bright orbsall'gatlng at aennte and me, „. oik , ‘toiiiher`t,:ipved r the 'red Onlieetteek: take the first bitish. of moriiirig,"wa.s lovely and deifp. While time laughing browii curls pestling "shy round' Completed the picture I shall. not ibiket , her wings forever to rest • . ':X4deth the shade of. ;itch tpi fields ofrthi pleat 'f! . MEI 16);fetrg. ISE IMAGINARY jECVILS, Lot tomorrow take care of to-morrow; future s. Whrtt'!l.the uRe to anticipate sorrow ? - Life's.troublee come never toolatel • If to hope overmuch 'be' in'errors And how often have hearts been in tor4or • Qf evils that never occurred. TIT 819Alif Time fnith—and thy faith shall sustain thee— ' • Pern4 not suspicion - atnktro .• 'With invisible bonds to one sin thoo,• 'But hear what God girds thee labeler. , BY Ills spirit supported and gladdohed, iie'er by fotybodlngs?' -deterred; But think how hearts. have boon saddened Dy fear.of what never occurred I Lot tolnorroii takeiCare of to-morrow .Short and dark as oui Ufa may appear, We may Maieit still darkar by sorrow—_ 71 , ti11 - Stiortir - b - y 7 folVainiffeitir • .Half our trotiblaiate bait' our invention; :And often from blessings conferred Have we shrunk In the wild iipprohelision Of etils thit mover occurred I THE IRON TRADE. The New :York Evening_rest_in_tinAztended article, compares the 'lron _Trotle_ of England and the United •States.' . That, paper -states `that - -the - .annual production of ertfde—tron throughout the world is estimated at 6;000,- 1 000 of tone-;-and of_thip_immense aggregate, Great Britian produces 8,000,000, and the United States 750,000. The oonsumptio4l, = 'Moreover, must-constantly increase. .Nay, i •extensive as it alreadyi , the iron trade may be regarded as only , in to infancy . • Iron is Le-Vow employed fur a thousand ohjeets, for Which.a few years - ago:I was not made availa tie. ' Iron chips, iron houses iron fe.naes, iron pnvernenta, And iron bed steads, are now in common use. But the questio occurs—where are the futuie 84.; • plies't4e obtained? It is contended by thoie —who-are-best informed upon the subject, that in • Groat Britian the 'mast favorable locations are now fully occupied, and thatif.the iron trade of that country is destined to a „further in --ereaso,-it-itust-be_by_bringinginto ume_theiron_ ..deposits of Ireland, which him hitherto, for the most part been entirely neglected. Dia, • in the United States, the work of raanufaetur= . lug iron has just been commenced, while the . deposits are on isuoh an immense settle, and (me se widely diffused, that-a production even to the extent of 3,000,000 tons per annum, , . would scarcely make an , impression. In this *t ‹. ow of the subject, therefore, the resources of this countlry. in iron; possess the greatest importance. The trade is indeed very,fieavy already,. But what would it be, it adequately. fostered, and encouraged, the reader niay on. • • ly imagine. Thuti,•inlBso, ticetirding to tile mans, the number of iron establishments in - ~,the United-States wiii 1391; and..lliii 'amount of "capital invested was $15,416,861. In Penn sylvania alone there were 820 establishments,' , /With onaggregetseapital of $3,422,934. The ' " isubject is one well caloulnted - to excite mike tion, The iron mines of the llnitedStates are, far more valuable than the gold,Mines, and as the consumption ineriases,,and our ability to Manufacture improves, ,toe reaultd• in an in. duitrial point of vie*, 'ansl ae an- elenient of. ',the national wealth, cannot but prove of btu. Pendoue Magnitude. „ , Mir A new stove haii been invented fot: the oomfo'rt of . tra4ellere. It _la - - put under' , the 'feet, and mustard plaster;upon the head, which , draws . the bee t t throtigh the whole 'system. : Beici to , be Iv Yankee invention., _Patent rights sell. elaverly.. • , , 16 • ~,Wity. is a Mau who owns a palfplike a locomotive ? .Because ha - entirboast of a , eow ' tohor,! ' The' foung matt who sent US this.', • L. . . • •,. ' .iti hecoming so.brillioat that. he Charges a del :•+ Aar as houi to allow people to look at him in Ihe 89 7 ►, /,', . • #1 am afraid that I:ehall come to Want,' eaid.an old lady,to a young.- geritleman. have come to want already,' was the reply want your daughter.' . EA Books. VID PAllot,o,ptf.,y•lr k .f3ov,r,s I Think. 1 1 I simakiitg, infinOnital.- 7 Parente, thibk of 'this;' when you pince_a ,b s ookll or , periodical •on your 'Centre 'tablet do ..you oenehlepliti influenoe,forlood or for , evil I.E . ter,r bergs, '6(34 papier, itlfs dant; breath. intri - spirit - goot - or 'his the 'aqui-of-its n . th' ' ''s of a_t or, an ,w en apron ; over.e, ,page 'the'book that soul 'riots upon its feudal'. no AirolyLas irrhen-.-acting. directly. The person Who tenches the book comes ..in ..contra' .With_ that soiil, rtolpis voldna, itieekd by it. 'And , ,no" contact with it is more influential: , In, , reading-in author's book; yotr are convening 'with him under circumstanced Very favoral3lo' to your .becoming.like him ; for in thi3' 1300 everything is ver,y deeply, thought out, in shape to corriince,' or carefully dressed up in a man inr.to bewitch. And all this indicates the ne .. , , cessity of care and caution: • • Would iop, *hen punhasing hooka or pa pere for your children, have their•minds con. tableinated 'with vicious principles, let . them everyththirtifittistrura - fOthTlike - riinrre from the- 7 press of the day.-Remember, wtiile extolling.the vette of the press, that it is pOw:-. erful for evil as it is-for good, , a.ke— T. 0. • 2A-REMARECABLE oLTRATE,--i ; ho the Khaeia• mountains, which lie northeast. from Calcuttav and-are• eet • arated by the val- . ley-of-theqiurratnroyoter-river'froM-the-Hima.- lays; range, is remarkable for Oh inordinate 'fall of rain--tike greatest,'itis said,' which line ever Veen recorded. Mr. Yule, . an English gentleman, estahlished ttlig fact tlint in the sing], Month of August; 1841, there' s fell 264. •. • inches of rain, or4wenty-two feet, of which iwelve and a half feet fell in the, apace .. nr five consteutibe,days. This astonishing . fact is con firmed by two- ether English' trawlers;' who measured thirty,inohes of rain in tWenty-four. boure. and during _seven .montlts above five Jitiridred 7 snolies. This • terrific rain fall is attributed, to the abruptness of the mountains which face the Bay of Bengt); and the 'inter vening pat swatapsriVO hundred milesin ex tentt The-distriotnf the . eXcessive rain iti•ex tremely tirajted, and but,a few .legrees,farther-, 'west rain is said to be almost unktown, anil tho'winter falls of snow to seldom exceed two • _ inches. • . . • , --OnEAT-Stmonnia,—On-the 22d-of-February the people of, Madison, Clinton, . .and Other niighboring towns,in connecticut, got up a sleighing party" of • a7novel kind. It numbered- three hundred and fifty sleighs; containing fifteen hundred-passengers; -At tho bead of the line was a iarge-tnothir ,Of .a full•rig4ed steamer, in working order. All ages and.clas ties pf people joined• in the frolio, many being in. burlesque and fantastio costumes. The entire route was decorated with fl•iga, and 'at eilford the party was reoetv!d_ a eisropitny% of foot,soldiers in uniform, and by a cavalcade and a largo four liaise sleigh, containingthirty young Indies emboWered in evergreen. About five thousand spectators had collected there from the whole country about. The sleighing . proceesion. 'was four miles in length.: On some of the aleifhs, fitted up for the purpose, shoemakin_gjlat-pinning,.flax-dressing,'&o., there displayed. iron steamers, ItOOK,AGENTS -"WANTED. • Agents wanted in every Town and County In the, I,lnited States, to canvass Tor the most_popular-ill•- torleal and.uthey valuable and saleable boo •s published: The works ire particularly adapted, to the-wants-of lito pubplo, being beautifully illustrated with fine Steel and W1,,0d engravings, and. bouudin the most substantial utannei. ' Agents now canvassing for us, Ilnd it a pleasant and proffitable euiployenint. _ • - - Our list also includes the best works of T. S. -ARTHUR ! Over 100.000 volumes have been sold the past year„and thole sale is still Increasing.' We have just added sever al NEW neon to our list by this' Most popular author, and shall add others the ensuing fall and winter. ; ,We think we have the best Hit for agents In the country.. Send for it, andindghler_yourseives. , 'fullTarticulare and • ' Address .1: W. 11RAOLISY, Publisher. Oct 10 -48 North Fourth Street, PhiladelPhiat, ENTZ & 13110.,.w0u1d Call the . at - . - -twiittcnrorttioa ß tate-to tlielriarge - alrh - gplemild misoitmeut Qf • • ' - - • which tile) , aro Increasing by daily receipts from the eastern cities, - including Silks, Mermoes,. Be 'Laines; Alpacbas, Boinhazine Co • burgs, Habit Clothe, Bonnet Silks,' Velvets and Feathers, Broche and Blanket Shawls, Broad , cloths, l'l sin and Fancy eassitneres and , • Wands; Flannels, Carpet's and Carpet Chain, Feathers, Caps, Gum Shoes, -• and every variety of.lnain and , Fancy Goods now , used, U 51.1.0, I,O*—PRICES. . Special notice is called to their Stock of FURS, corm Ambling al l the varieties in use. They have also made arrangements to order at the shortest mottos, Furs of any style or so as to suit. every variety 4:4 . taste. The public is respectfully invited to call before .pur chasing elSewhere, as they feel confident of their, ability to give entire Satisfaction. ' [Jet' 23,1850. irAr'R ERS • - H.I H SCHOOL . PENNSYLVANIA. Because of a !acidification of the plan of the College BuildinOor_the Pareeetlelligh School of PenusylViinia,. the - time for allotting the WRl•f(iiiiilifelf POSTPONED until THURSDAY, the 13th day of March next, up to which time proposals will be received for its oration, including all. the materials. .1114ders are invited - AO prediAtelit+ hide upon ttle,Usi of. stone ast well trick forthebnilding. The plan and - rpeaifientiona.as finally adopted by t i tteConunitted may be exandned at any time after he 20th of Pebruary next, at the.effice o thrStat :crSOciety: in' Harrisburg -by ( application 'to 'Henry . . 01lbert, .the Hon. A.l). Mester. 'Proposals may ho addressed to IL N. neCallister; Pa., or Etanick-11atte,)Iliq., Carlisle, Pa. , • , . PRETE. :WATTS, . . . 41 • , N, MeALLISTER, • . ' JAMES MILiES, Feb.l9, 1850-4 t, , Building tleminittse. • TUST patient 91 Meat Grinders, a nreo articlo for Farmers, or family use, for sale at. ' • • J. p,LLNIVS-- Ilanove'r fit;earl-lac MN ro • NEW GOODS, (gt -9' • , . 4 0 04::) F. • • - • W The 2 subgaribOr 1, as. . just- returned from the,,alty and . 18 Opening a lacrimal assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. eensist -34, Of Frinfch„Merinoesq4rgs, Alpaccas, - Printed Ceslinteres and Mous dot ea:* Dress Silks In great :YarletY, Long Mocha Bha from $l5 £o .SW; Frtneh, 111anItet ShawlS. Cambric aunt` Swiss Edgings And in. -- aartinalAnd - Cambricr - and - hirylis colliirsierlriorand HSilk slllts 'and .Trimmings i n ' great ,variety Ritti other Fancy and:Staple theds. no,: 21 '55 • . ---- -rti-ft-U -, E - - 11- C 0 N = -- ' - 11fy. - Consists In linylni suck . goodS an one reslly.needs, and buying them where ... they arii sold at: the lowest prieesl . W• have reee}yednucl ore noir opening an_ _ - ' IMMENSE - QUANTITY' of - . of new; cheap end splendid gooda:auch as the genuine 'Gold Modal Silks, French lerhinee,'Of all:the desirable coign, Thlhet Cloths, Alpachae, , plain and printed Maus do nine,'Calicoee lir abundance, and nil the other )tlhdis that are now - worn or D.R,E S S G 0'0E8: Embroideries; °loves, Ilandkeicliiefe. small waie,s;puin Shoes,ailpetqlags, Cloth Caps,. Bon. Mets,•Bourietßiblxmo, ILTI e x t e nsile _t supply - 5r " • MEN'SWEAR, ' : snob is Cloths, Sntlnetts, Cassineres ; Kentdaky Jeans, Vestlngi. Satins, &e, Tleklngo;folnghanni, Flannels, and.ngeneral supply of Goodwin our line, which we fn.. rite everybody to examine cud Satisfy themselves, that we are selling goods nt such prides afol9lll satisfy, the closest bitypre. Et:FIE k > ' . W GOO DS.---Th subscriber ha 1.1 ..just received and Is now'mioning a largo assort ment of rsEsir (MODS suited to the season--41oaiie call and get bargains. Carlisle, N0v.1.4, IA rK-ELASTIC.-BELTSustrloppri-' ed a lot of SiliCan . d. Worsted ',Wale Belts in all, n0v.21, • 'OEO. W; TIMM fRUN ! - Ili3ON..The ber has , ailbsori . the satisfaction to ..111101111Cer to the public that his i arge and .extensive Ware House is completed, and la filled with one of Ike largest 'and best assortment of HAMMERED AND ROLLED IRON , " . , . ever-offered lu•thlirplace: '!'line in•witilt would do we to cull and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Re member the old stand, East blahs street. Sept. 10,'55: • HENRY SAXTON. ... . CO Rt.N SII E LLERS; • • . STRAW CUTTERS. •.. . . A large assortment of Superior Corn Shelters', includ ing Readlivos Patent, thimble of shelling. 1000 bushels of Corn per day; Also Peumek'n hand and. mmer'Shelj lens, w I various other patents of. various prlees„llay. Straw'and Fodder Cutters of-the Most approved eon• striretimi - torata - great - yarluty; -,- SammgCCholipers null Stutters. Double. Michigan,' Subsoil; Eagle. and liar Share Plows. Super'or Ox Yokes and Rows, Orain ns. Famers-diollers. Corn and Cob Mills. Mae and Gu 11 ... Spreaders ; '&e., for sale Wholesale and Ite(ell by , • P ASCII A LI. MORRIS & Co., Ageenitural Wirel.nuse ant,' Seed Store2N. b Wad Market sta.„ Phila. • •Oct 70,'55 ltotices. . . . rlt A-IN Kb OF AN IN . -I? llt ELADEL -1.4T1R - - A -N Q.lll' COMPY„, PM PIliA. • - , s., STATtnigNT - tIF Tit ES ABSETS of-the Civinfini ci ri January let, 1555. Published -in conformity with the provieloon_ofAheLBi nth Section of the Act of A eseuibly, of April 5,18 V.; . . , • . ' • MORTII A01:8. • Being firseortgage nu Real ,Estate In • city ab county of Philadelphia, ex, - $30.959 In blunt:emery. Bucks. &buy] . and, Allegheny counties, Penneylvanl • - •• • REAL •ESTATX. 04 - --Pnrchneed at-sheritri enles,-,11 tht-in gage chilnie,,vt4, • ~., ` • !-,- -k.lght houses gunk lot 70 by 180 ...on timenuth west corner of Chest tit and Seventeenth streets. • • Al:mum-nod lot, 27 by 71, feet, rot the north side of Bpruce street and west of Eleventh street. A. house nud lot, 29.7 by 100 feet. on the•weet side of Penn square, south of-Illgh-effeet-----.-_, I Two bonitos and lots, each 80 by 80 feet - on the south ,side of Spruce street, Oar Sixteenth street, • • give houses and;loti, each 17. 0' by ea • feat. ' dos. 150, 107, 103,105 and 167 1111wyn street....' . ' tfiree houses and lots. 40 by 84 fc • Mt, on the •east title of-Seventeenth - street, south of Pine titreet..; • , . . . 'lintel and lot fo by 82 feeton the'south east corner Clteenut •and Beach, ets. Fi ve h o uses ~,,,,A lots; 42 by 63 feet: on the north side of George street, west, Ashton street. Seven houses and hi - WA by 117 foot nn the next side of 11q011. street, south of Chesnut street.' • - A titanic and lot, lil by 30 feet. No. 90 -- Fitz watee str7et,.east of Ninth strnet. A-ground rout of $39, leetting out of a • lot, 13.4 by .10 fen; on the north stile of Otter etreet, 40feet west of Leopniti • --- LiaNti. — 7 Temporary bane on stocks an collateral *security, ,STOCKS. 1 • $lO,OOO Almshouse poen; 6 per cont. (Interest on),- shareillank of Kentucky, .17 " Northern Bank of lentuCky 100 •• "_ Union' Bank of Tennessee, Insurnnee Company of the • • State of I'ennsylvania, 200 " Southwork railroad cO., v• 37 ." Commercial and railroad • Bank - Vicksburg,. 200-- "--Pennsiviranin r:tllroad.co,- - 01 " Fraiiklln Firo insurance co., • .„) ' Mercantile Library co., ' 24 Union Canarco., 10 "• Schuylkill railroad co.; 480 " City Warrants, - . NotesTußibills'reeelvatile • •' Unsettled:policles, Merchandise, -_ • . . Cash on.hand, 35,040:4 "fp agonts' bands, • " 8,614 C ~ . . .. Losses paid during :1L S : 1 ; 8 0er - 185 . f ill:IL • $1'781'468 71. By order of the Board, 8237'574. ‘l° Attest-CIIAS a 4l""' N'jIAUCKERt Pros : . BANCITI3t, See. March 5, 1850. Attost=CllAß. . _ATALUATION 0 ALI,PROPER , TVASSESSED FOR..THE YEAR 1856; taxable fbr COtity' and Statepurposes, as returned by Alta assetesere a lb& respective townships and borough* to Cumberlind eotuity t subject to revision 'and appeaL • - • - Townships and Aggregate val. Increase on ' ° - f0r1856. Assese,'-'53, -I)ecreame Carlisle. : 1,36.3,068 107,146 Dickinson, 1,203,620 .165,132 East Pentisboro; 400.547 5,082 , Vrauktl,rd, ,274,086 12,130 Ilanipten, 4 3 ,02 5 :- Hopewell, ' 329,799 14,703 Lowe: Allen - 518,051 20,254 5.11 bin, .• 311,421 . 8,865 'Monroe, . 017,202 90,489 510ohnuirshttrg, 254,161 • 06,1 66 • North Middleton,• 833.506 102, 690 158,544 • _• _ New Cutnbertand, 59.951 Newton, 715,858 South Middleton,. :1,002,394 , Silver •Spring, 043,000 Southampton ' 665,430 56.981 Sll,lppeunburgllor. 322,706 76,315 Shippensburg twp.„1,61,003 79,822 tipper Allen, , 624,278 . 37,150 West Peuusboro, 016.288 • 110,406 12.618,524 1,140,342 • 7,827 ClacaliJob priuting .. ,g, ~,,,, , ,,,f,v- , ',,,,,,,. 0 , ~..%t 5.:5;,..!4' ,, t, , ,i , `,,,. ,•, ,, 1r,!,, , ,X., , , j ,,, 11.k'nt:^r.:...,, ,, ..$ 4 t11r.','....,:-7,0 , 10.,EM.'•*' ' , . . • • '-': -. 5j0i'c5.,'.400 ~o))ppoi..,_;, 4 •%, WATCHES OtAbCKS ••-•,• - I have - tioir, mrliand and fornale at: my Old • tend' on Main Street,',cirpotite Marion Dell, an ' entirelineWAMlelegabt steelc.of • ' WATilif KS; JP.ll:44liitY,, MEDALIONS ; kc. - • Ald.rioterititclies,lnalngmhi_opOp case , Sflverdo., Silver Levine and Quarter Watches, a largitvarlety. Gold Anchors forladies'and Gentrothell. Medallions, almiendid assortment for.ladide and gents. ilireast Plus; of every pattern, mid all prices, • 'Gold:Chains for 'vest and fob, gold , curb-chains, tPingeritings, - Culf.his, Studs, Sleeve ; Buttons. 'Crosses, Drop and IloorEar-ltings, a large variety:.: '•- ,'Sllverand Plated Perks; Table and Tealaptains, Butter Knivea,'&c, of various'styles anti prices, . 'Gold nud " • Gold, Silva-end Common 'SpectacieS, n large assortment -to suit all . ges, 013 dikS . o which we invite particular attention. . Port Monthlies, a large, assortment' at every price, m Gold Pens, of the best make' at various - prices, Fancy Egged, JE'ort Yollos;Accordeorm, Spectacle cages, .Ladies Card. Cases, silver andpbarl,'itt various prices, .Bracelets gold arid common ' Watch Also a large variety- of articles in the Jewelry which I will sell at the lowest prices. All ',articles 'war ranted tehe what they are sold. for. in....,Pfer tic ular ation tion paid to the REPAIRING OF WAVIIP.B and all work ivatranted, lieturning thanks. to my old friends and castor - tiers for former patronage, I:respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. Juna2o, • , THOMAS CONINN.. • - - • . . ' . •: 0-129-7.111 . 1 . ~ . 4.. , , . , it t N . N lIA TOII & Co..have opened and now Of!. • for forsale at their Store, on West Iligh Street. one door west of 'the - Hotel formerly kept by C. StOugh. an entire new stork:of Ready Made Clothing. - FOR• MEN AND BOYS WEAR. Also, Cloths, enssinfered and Writings. which will be mode up.in the best • style find on reasonable terms:— Shirts. Shirt gollars,,Dhrres, Hosiery, Suspenders, Satin not SunitinfiThloCks; iiiiiiikeichiefs; - Ac. of the ifewt:st stylev and best manufacture kept constantly op hand. Confident oft heir ability to please, they respectfully so left the public patronage. - , F M. ENO-it:GRABS F . ALL STYLE OF HATS CAPS. desirek to inform his old friends that ho has rentOved to his new establishment on 1110 street, near the:Railroad Depot, and is' now 'opening largo and elegant aseort.ment,of the FALL STYLI OF HATS, just: received from Pbtledelphia,:whiel the gentlemen of-Carlisle are roquasted tonell nu, examine. lie hail also a largo assortment of.Siik, Fur and. Slouch lints co Ills own Manufacture, got up in the best style and at various prices, the excellence and finish, 01 which he will . warrant.' Ills stock he iti.conlident on ly needs to be examined to be approved.. Also, n large supply of lifen's, Boy's. and Children's CAPS, of Cloth and Fur, and of - every - variety of style and price just re ceived from Philadelphia. Let nll• who *MA a Hai or Cap give him n call, as they may ha aura of bedngsuit ed to their own satisfaction. • ALL STYLE OF HA'i.. : 1855.- GEOltin AELLER respectfully announces to his old Patroiiiand the public generejly that he has just re ',aired the FALL STYLE •OF OENTLEMEN'e 44 lIATS, uianufuetured at on cf the best establish _____ moats In Philadelphia; to which heliriltee special En= Ile fins also constantly on hand e'large and Varied es, ortineut of his own manufacture ax well as city 111111.11. llats-and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising of earlety of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin- and 81Ik Masi tin• Jetted in the latest style; together with, aTullaseortuient '7ll CAPS a avery antrdescriptien — in - , priee o Ile particularly invites the ptiblic to call and, ex , amino his clean's-Ivo assortment,'Which In style, mate ritl and finish, cannot-be surpassed by any_ in 'market; and which he Isable to put at prlceslower than ever; .- — Romoniberlihroßl - stend'on North ilittioyer street Tbs oi eon Ilumees At}d Senor's stores. . . - the ei pt Rill 1t TiioE MILLION , • e Tti:,;•:•< -7-- ' - -: 2: 11 Miustl—r ecelylng my Frill • • stock' of PAPER HA.NOINii S. •• which surpass in style, quality . ,4% VI la and pries - any;ther tutvecuter bon ,subibk,t,d,p3tlerßge, reepetinally - solicit a. call from porscousin t of Paper lianglpgs of any descrlp. Mu, as 1 am ' confident by' atisertmembefar anrpesses any in the Borough; and in style and prices has but few ri vnli la the city. I onlask of the publirto call and ex- amine my assortmant before purchasing. ail am conic. dent my chasto designs cannot fell to please the most lestidiods. - ' JOHN P. LYNN., a, ..$ 2 456,07'3 37 Mai IC - EAV GROCERY „--LE. _LI AND:VARIETY STORE. ;The subscriber woad respectfully inform his friends and :the public omeraliy, that he hesjustreturnedfrom the city with n• large and varied essertnee t.e f L. GROCERIES, GLASS end • QUEENS- I ,VA r • 41. FISH, which be offers for sale on th. most reasonable terms, at his New Sterr corner of North Hanover street and the Put. lie Square,. directly emcslte, the Carlisle lie. posit Bank. Ills stock embraces everything usually in a Orecer'y and Variety store. • The public are invited to call and examine hin stock . IRillirWintrelfrisinirelSOWhere; - es - ha feels - confident he can sell the best goods at the lowest prices. • J. D. HALBERT. ►~ a , Ai .coar, a $82,464 40 FE BINGHA.III, DAVIS & — Co., 270 - 11farket Street; Philadelphia, AGENTS Fog JACOB RTIEFM..CARLISLB titid:Philadelphia. Carsleave poll) places East and West twiee every Week. Tuesdays and Fridays. MI iMFilllCis entrusted to- Bingham. nayis & Co.; will be -attended- to 'with pmniptuess. whether iti'sales, produk• or freight, A. 11. BAIINITZ, North street, Baltimore:llns. MS', tottered Into-this arrangement, nud will flCPllfiArlitlipt ly to all business Intrusted to him. . 111 - nynO.--anf. • $107,002,96 s. • • - • ' COAT, . $78,505 00 to, ~ , ,,4 - 7 . .11.111t-ii: UM subseriber .hay just added to his formeratock A - general selection of .CllolCit GROCERIES., as well as all the ()Hair variety of articles 19E1usually kept in a Grocery Store, embracing Rio g)1( coffee—roasted and green—at 1'.. 9 / 4 And:l4 cents r iy aa er - lb., Orleans.; Clarified: Crushed and-Pulverized , tigers. of One qualities; Choe , dates, Spices, Dairy FAH. - and A variety of - Vaticrartieles, all of which are n. Awed at:thAlowest cash prices. We are thankful for the former support given no.. and Invite a further call from our_frietkilertyo etistoiners. 'J.W.EBY. ' .11Arion Hall, Carlisle. . . . . 5,494 00 713 50 1014 . , r ugars ESE.R:V.IN . G. SUGAR.--:-A genbrn . :. assortment of Crushed, _Sifted and__Fulverised of best ' quality, as also, Soft, Crusla , d, Clarified and: other qualities constantly on band, suitable_ for preserving and 'all other 'purposes—generally at Om, -44,201-11 . . Also a constant supply of the•choicest . Coffee's, Tear.Splees and other articles - in variety' alwaya , on band.— 'attention i$ invited to our stock before buying elsewhere. Carlisle, July '25, '55.. J. IV. C • ITINA,•• GLASS 'AND QUEENS WARE—OId housekcoOrs And . young, with thos also who nro ti.xpecti fig to become housekeepers,arolnyli ed to call at lIALBERVS FAMII7fAROCEIII7 and el ratline his elegant assortment of Chinn. Glass and Queens warn and other articles In. the housekeeping line. such as-French and English tea sets, heavy banded and plain, White Granite, gilded nod blu4 Main, Dinner sets of ev ery variety and price, bowie anti pitchers, tureens.-dish es, rc. Olasrovare--tentre table and "mantel, tempi, Candelabras anti other lainfis,groalvarity, table and bar tumblers, goblets. tc. fruit and preserve dishes, In va riety. Cedar.waretubs,lnickettl, elnir_na,Lbeerlsbutter prints and ladles, Meal buckets, &0.. Brusfues--sn'eoping, white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, dusters, broema, he. Market. clothes and travelling baskets. Algae choice- assortment of ,l'obacco and Fegars. Call he who arc fond of chnlee'brar,dsnf Regars and try the Regalths, Reif:monis and otherCulut varieties, .and you will-11nd them of unimpeachable quality. Mao nor SpaniSh and Commos Segars,.with choice snuff and tobacco.- ' ' ' 5,0.4 85,044 17,240 tigA7 - ORE-CIIANC, ES !-R. MARTIN &.80N,. ciould_an'noince to the public general ly: it at. - they Wend opening„an extensive- Ltunbtr Yard in Now'Cumberland, this Spring, .where they in tend to keep all kinds and qualitleis ofoltivor Lumber. ampiliMiliat they have on hand P about One. hun Bred thousand feet of dry, boar ,planks, (l'ineMud hemlock) of different qualities, .whlch - they 'War to thepublic on reasonablatorxitC -` • • ' Jan' 20, 1:850-:3m ME West side of North lismover Street, 'iEMMIMI PbitabA4iiiii: a,T ` 1 1 11, E.. GO,ULD, . , ISuocessor'tei-A: - Tiiit - . N 4. 1.114 chestnut ht., SWAIM'S Building, Pidiar pa. extensive . Music 'Publisher; and-pealer i n Music - Ins nrmiidaof eyerrdescriptlon. .Eacllrsive agent. for the slap of Ballet, Davis 4 (--• Patent Suspension Bridge Nolieu and oiher PIA l'eS.• Gill:wen . Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's' Quits.. Harps, Violins, Sheet Music Music Books. &c. Residents of the country will - Lesupplied by mall. A otherwise with music they._ may; wish. us low as if poi' chased in person, Having' one of the largest stocks.; c the - United "States, I feel confident of satisfying:di wL , may favor uie with a call or order. . . .-•••••-: ' Deiders in Music supplied bn.the most likeraltermi 7. Pianos to hit: Second=hand Planes for Pile. r • , . May 20,1858-7,: _ • -- WATCIIES ANP'JEWF.I '.H) VIIIOLEKALE•difkI,IIET.ATL, at the "Phil and Jewelry Stye: I , s.unber,Od Nortir Second Street, • inrr • • • I' hlladelplilo. O( 9 . \ ever Watehen, u :. •Al .) nt . enscs, A ...- - - ;;. s. Gold Lepino. 1 . 8 carat ascii, - .i..„,. , t;. f .... ..,..,' Silver " jewels • • - ' .. u.C l - I ‘lt-' 11)- - -Sliver Lover, Nil ' jewelled, Superior Qualliors, . - -- Gold Spector-lea, - • . , r . Fine Silver Spectacles, - - • • Gold Bracelets, - Ladles' Gold Pencils, ..- 1 -- - • . Silver Ten Spoons, set, - • -, - ii i Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Balder, - 1. • Gold Finger. , it itiga. 371,4 cents to 0: Watch Ghat,. plain, 12% cents. Ptitont :1 - 94', Lunet 25; other artiol. ~in proportion. Ail goody warranted-to bo want thiy at sold fur. , . . . STAUFFER & • On•hand, some Gold and Sliver Leisrs and•Lspli, still lower thrill the above pikeS. A.51.1iN 51' eld N 11.1;b.,—La • ty Professor of Anation4and, Surgery in the Philad, . phis Collegi of Medicine, end Acting Professor of Mr wifery nue bf eke - Consulting Physicians of the Ph. adelphis IlospitaP;Minekley; late nietriber_of the clonal Medical Association; member of the Fiala& pills Mcilleal.Soelety ; member of the Media:4.llmq cal College' of Philadelphia; formerly President at. , Professor . of Anatomy and •Surgery In Castletonideci • cal College. Vermont; and also,late Professor of Al atonly - andyhysioiogy luillerkAhlrA 7 Modiesiiinstiti: • Lion, Pittsfield, Mass. &c.,..&c. lins lately iiitrodneed in a popular:form, several of -iorite prescriptions for . the principal diseases of thi climate._ Via nun of each artfele.will imply the dai ease for which It is intended to be used. • - DR. MCCLIXTOCR'p PECTORAL ,SYRI.IT, . Da. (..OUR II AD.RTURR--FOreddt CollgitS, he., Pr1c0.25 eta. 7 Dn. liicCusroex's Alcruisi 45R - 1100NR° COUGII ny. Price 60 cte. , - • • hit. iiirCuaxoca's Torm ALTERNATIYI rifsing• the Blood. price $l. . ' IhiT,NtelitiNrocx's Dyspeptic Elixir—lror .gdolng'tor• to the stmnardc.relievitrrpolna - iftet:eatiiig;beartbicri: • and all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestiot .Price $l. •Da. MCCLINTOCK'S II lIMYSIATIC Maxima—A —getableLltemedy..for internal-use. _,Price 50 ets. - • • Da._Siceuxxoctea.ituxnauxtv.,LlNlllMlT-r-FOt tion, Sprains, Swellings.' &c. Price 50 cts. Da. Id eCLISTOOIt'SANODT x x run r.-- - Foi• Pal ns, Tootl ache; Headache, .Neuralgin, 1: c . -Price 50 cis.- • • .Dit. MCCLINTOCK'S ' , AVER AND Ace.S.PS.CIIIO‘-d.ClllllOr cure for all Internilttents. Price $l. _ _ • Da. 31CCLINTOOK'S Inatiaticsi:Coantat, AND CIIOI.IIAPIIi VEN Tiv Safe ltemody.. . , . Vr.uvrinta - PtraniewajPitari. , -Pr Oudirtmess, Headache, &e. Price 25 ets. • Da; eCt.tr.irt.kes Alin:inuantrn.ta—Fei• Irregultrit In-the futactionenfAhe 'deer and Dowels—the best 14 - •r Pill made. .Prjr.e 26 es. a box. For sale by Dr. J. McCLIN.TOCK, at his 3fedical Defti • N. W: Corner NINTH 'and FIDBERT Streets, Philad• • . phis, and all Druggists.. D.•nggists and Dealers in Met • clues who wish to. be Agen:a„-will -please address 1. • McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Post Mei eiunty_and State. 024..F0r sale by W. A. Kelso, SiranWel - Elliotty-Carliilt: - -- Criswell, Shiiipensburg; EinniingerA Co.. L. Kant • man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Ilerron, Newrille; J. i • Zimmerman. Andersonbiurg;-,Ffaines Fertig; town ; - .A.C. Klink, New Bloomfield; liarriet M. Singe • ' Nerrport; Oardner, York Springs; A. J. Milter al • J. S. Nixon, Charnborsburg;'.ll. Mentzer , Warneslort. Geergeitergner and D. R. Jones h Co., Ilarrisinng. • . IIfcCLINTOCK ran be consulted, without chirp. daily. from 10 to• 12 o'clock, A. 31., at his Depot. - • •December 0, • • ' • • FRENCH TRUSSES Weigliipk lee rtlitiii - 23aTiliince - sTliir - thre cureor,llernia — e - tfluftr.: acknowledged by the higichst medical authorities of Ph adelphht, incomparably sitperier to any.other In use.- SulTererS will be gratified to kalif_ that the 'ocCasion offers to procure not only the highest and most eany,l,l aktl melte a Truss as any other, In lieu of the cumbrm and u,o article - usually sold. - 'Moe le 6o d fruity attending the fitting, and when the pad is lock • dlt will retain its position without change. • I'e6nes at a distance unable to eall on the subscribe • eau' have the Truss sent - to any address . , by retnitti, live Vial's for the single Trust, or ten fur theiloubl•,_ • 'with measure round the hips. and stating-side affects* I t•will be exchanged to putt If not fitting, by returnh, Net.onCe; unsoiled. , For sale only by the Importer, -CALEB IL NEEDLES, Corner Twelfth and Pace streets, Fhiladelptd lAnfre, requiring the benefit of Mechanical Sr porters, (iwiiig to the derangement of the Internal I gene. inducing, failing of the Womb; Vocal, Puimpala/ Dyspeptic, Net:rims and Spinal Weakness, are Inform. that a competent.' and experienced . LADY will be In I tendence at the ilonnis. (set apart for their - excluat+ use.) No. 114 TWELFTII St. lst door below 'Race. --- ,lnly - '20, 4 54. • '.....TRUSSES! TRUSSES C. 11. NEEDLES, ,TRESS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, • S. W. Fr TweTfth mid Paco Streets, Vkilad'a. 'lmporter of fine French• Trusses, combining 'extra lightness, ease rand durability with - correct conatrb Hernial or ruptured patients hiniesulted by. 4er-re tlng amounts :- T •Fending number-of-inches round ti hips, and stating side affected. . 4- •••-•. • Cost of Single Truss, ST, $3, $4, $5. Double—ss $8 and CO. • • • • Instructions _as to-wear, and how.to effect. a cm when possible. sent with the Truss. _ Also forsa le . In great variety, • • • DR. lIANNINCPS IMPROVED PATENTRODit 33RAC' For the cure of Prolapsuictieri; Spinal PrOps and Su! - ports, Patent Shoulder Braces,'Chest Expanders at Erector Draies, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders-at and - Meal: Lungs; English 'Elastic Abdominal - Belt Suspensories, Syringes—Male anil female. ire-Ladles' Rooms, with Lady attendants. • QUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME AN IMPROVED ARTICLE: The euhserlberinforms Dealers and Farmers that bah, greatly inipmyed the quality.. of hls SUPER r 110; PIiATE (IP LIME. and now . sonthlealy reconuortne the - article. manufactured by Inm as SUPEEIIOII to afiy,ll the market..__Yonlare luYlted to call, examine - and tr.. it. Also PERUVIAN WNW•MI:NICAN (WAND, OLIk; CANDLES, SOAP, &e. At the leirest mmiiet "O. Successor to Thos.'. W, Aroma!, Vo. 9 and 10 SoUth Wharves, Philadelphia. iiirTarrneTa can,load on two private alleys; end avoid the crowded vita: ' • -•-, July 25, 4a,. Bss.mi; Ntng doc .o k Vir ,. . f . ARECEIVINGPUANTiI ir i hich c riqiia.larges s tand most ,varied colortme t era, In Carlisle. to which T Write the.early ottputio) of the public, as T. totem:loaning ktpriees Which cannot fall to please the elopest purchaser. - • marchtlB • 'JOHN' P. LYNX! MA 11 - 4 S NAILS 1417,- - tile ' 'irloW pre : pared to supply Country Merchants with nails at ~ivanu fa - C1 are ra /SAXTON. KIN LI !S , 24" i • 12 - 1 ,