. . . . . . . . . , . . .. • ... . . ~ , , . .. . 4'.g.“.r!--';'';-....-,44,15V.=.-0,4.'.4..,5.-40"---1:--'-'1"-'01i'VP1-:''' . --"'-'''' 7 A -44 !- , C'-'% 9 4?-"a7TINKW- 11, a 7 - 0 :- . 4.r"7"-4•4" . v. 4 11:; -" ''' ''" ' -: V . -' 1.4". .4-."--"4'-",''-'4'-'-'4l-"--W47"--e.",!=g••=tMlf,-.1,Z•.7re.11±1.t.rP.,••.".94%,,,!•i'C't-KV-='24:l,Z'-'' -' ,.. .' , 'V'."• - •"- 7.,.:%:' , 02.X.7.`''''''-'-^'''..l.'-",.."'"-''4P''''''.i''P"r'P'''''"'-"-T-.7%.,",""....7-T-77,..!..:':.'144,;, .. - !`o'.-' 1 .', I:Yr,nIfFF. ''' • ._ • . - • - • - -- _,.._ CM El StArtrtiltifrill MI 1 Rao' though the. Pitent Office ,Re •• .• • port. - - '•Under the- head' of I. l ext&Y doel,..Forage ~: ,Yrairia. , " taire":ll brief—seetions devoted recently introduced The Statements made . in .. the present. B ; . port confirm, h . degree, whatpwaS : .:pub Ired. 4 regarti4c4ist:plant-it - t-t . port for 1853.. This, plant proMises. - :to be. of great valueas an article of food for - horses, - mules. cattle, sheep and kegs. Mr. Resell, of Tenn., says that. the hay and pea together fire a better and a ell'ea ...p_er food for any of these-animals:ilia . it_ can, befryu anything_elSe.:in..the United States. lie .thinks .he .can. raise more . Mid better for his .stock-. from 'one :.-acre-of:Oregoo 7 .l. l eas-,--tharrfrom five iiires .of anYthingelie.knOwn to : him: .IfOrses, and•cattle devour- it either gteco.or dried' . .... :with the•reatest'aVidity. cellent.artiele to_tualte_bay o?, as iretireS with‘the leaf mi. Trials 'have been made . with it, ;in va . Hon§ stages of itS growth,. to ascertain if.tlie leaf. would drop in. eu ring,-but. it-did not, even thjitp,i'll subject ' d to roOglyShaking - and handling... Itezell ;States :as ..another advantage :of - this article for fodder. that. it will =grow :land which woad prociucp.__little.._er, . - ,nothing:else.—Rieli. land will produce it greater growth of stalls, but not - sb many peas ag.land which 'is poorer.- U.seed the object shad in view. in raising this . plant it is thought - best .to • plant it drills - ,feet or t~iurc~ i~~~urt~ ,and,, opF .., ,qtr,, twoaeed... : ,..i - N n a place - one 'foot =asunder along .ring.the sutniner f tparbeans, Indian coin .other lOC:Crops.: faised • for fodder. -lightly -- hamAyed- -. makes .hay' which stock seem toTprefer to tinY.,..otber: - , 'it is mare as a . fertilize?' or ver Of the ,soil - that ,the ~that is likely to most valao^ .• Peal+ •.- of•the More °Mink= kind have: not. frequently beeii used . to: fertilize the. soil,. bukthip pea is -better for r the'reason that it produces a_:_umeh • .greater amount of stalks r arid-loavet-grows-tolailieigh to 5 - or 6 feet, withlive or - six - . large - branches near the ground, and as • they: and the' main stalk put out other branches, • single plants haVe been said to malt() a:bunch as large round as a .tobae- • eollogshead or near it C TIM - 4;h this is doubtless ' a vonsiderable;exaggeral t iony • still its productiveness is, according all ~ aceounts, so great that it nuist . lurnisli. more vegetablematteffto the sort — than' • clover or any,other in cniinnon use for' this purpose. .. ..• . In the volumessof The.Counlrj GenL . and Of •The Cultivator of 1855, found a . very confident recom- • mendation of the Oregon Oa for the inf . : . provement of sandy gulls, by'Alr. B. Ir.. Iverson, Columbus, :Ga: • 'says that the , Oregon pea is• SQ valulibld for •fertili-7 zing' purpose,s as to be worth more to our country than forty Chincha Islands: Mr. I. sPeiilts"' of if'as especially-valnabre...as..a.- fertilizer.for:wheat. .This opinion or Ob servation is in manifest.ticoordalice_with •• the views ,whieli; have been frequently • 'and•fOreibly advocated in our t - i - ti - xegalla - to - t16 .- need -of large- supplies-42,, aintnoriia for the growth.nf wheat, - or.thy destruction of- that 'substance- by the growth. of . •wheat,..andits - preservation. be -- the - growtho( - peasi - clower, turnips, &c.-.-- No reportS of trials made in, grewing..7.? . the .ore.ron pea in _the.-.more ,Northerly • States liave.yet - been.made pnblic: If it shOnld be found to flourish at the North in any degree corresponding to its luXu •-• rianee at the South, it 'is-quite likely, to Supersede alover on . some soils and, for some . purposes': Whether- en ristun ed by animals on the . faruiraini in. this way re ttirnedlo the soil, or plowed - under, this plant'promises to be of great beileftt, in. the .way• of furnishing. 'ammonia;''in- an • unexpentive manner, for wheat, lirdiau dorn ; an'd other 'crops for which guand has been.tcound:useful...• • •• - one. should be ~.diaposed'ito' try,. -ter grow thisrplantin regions of, country. where it .It4notyet been introduced, all 6'4; ikriednaStit'yy."tn - Send to :tiOniclarge Solid or-Agricultural Store, (Sand's i. at. Bat pimprev ;reo pip r.a,b'ndedby;mi. 14er co n ;).,40:get ' online , *aft 'lib. ounce a the .5 . ..e4,; .. A gentleman' 316, seal' 'redeliTeilifitnn' the 'Patent 'Mice , and planteat sonieWhat . less . than, half . a • tell=" Spoonful of,peaS,-fand trough the ~-cred lau+.ll, iqjured . by-dimith,lxn'fiipheropk. bushel of Wellmatured. peas, - . • • in b . about.aollally. more. . green: . Ono_ .:_en • 1.111 ie stalks.. TlAlPYdigitio r dtdTbe:pu lied [1 whirs dainp,or yet, :4's they are / apt tq arst • spontaneouslr, when very, 'erhaps, seeds 'ean be•procured frOaC'the atent Office by applying to memberri of, °tigress. • . wortli — a little rou • i e to ioortain the qualities of 'this 'plant 'in' ifferent Tonnessee.it is ps , te9l6d far superior i to„clover fore. fodder, - , • • =EI Busitlef.i'6,:ecirb - ';' R.' 'S. B. KIBETEROffi:ce ilannwer otroet %%rollmops from Weise - & . Ire. °Men hours, mime partleularly:from 7 to 9 o'elstek, M.:. and from 9, to 7 o'clock, Y. M. • !a. LC:LOOMIS - •• ',xi, - doer .to the Peat doe. Itt_Will'be absent from Carlisle . the last ton days f earn Inontli. .." - • {A.ug,. r, 11 R. 144'0 RGE Z. BRETZ, 4 Z s; DENTIST. OFFICE: at the remideuee of hlebrother, on North Pitt Street, Car 4. 481111 twin. . . '1: P: -. 11 LI 1,11, I 11, A ttbrn ey 'at Law. —oince in ilettiont'sitow ; business Ontrust tto int will bc . prtnnptly uttondOil to.' l- - tit LIAM. C. 11:11111EM., Att.orney at Law. Ogle° in 3fitin iitroet;Caritio; 4,4-Ifusines.4 entchsteil'Au him will lei preniptiji , at= A . N. GREEN, Attorney at law, has "3,_ • sottled hi 3lmimulesburg, .for'tlao practicoof his a . opa,ion. ./11l kinds of LOgal. Writing,:. Collbctionfi;: urt:Milainess, fie:. promptly a ttended to. .0111ro oppo co Dr. L'ug's residoace. SURVEYING In all its dilfe .. at branches promptly attiludoil to. . • _ . .• 1. 13; 00 - LiE . iittortipyja L:iw, will 'fit :Jr jam, pßaaptly ta all busineFs entrnsted to him.— • ,we in-the namt formerly occupied by William Irvine, .-..41., North llniMiiii - ittlift:itiCarlisle. ...',..... April ;20, 1852, , . . - . • . . 'I - \V.. BRAN DT - .N.lanufOoluior of ..,_ ... _A 0 51tp,oeiir,Watorg, Fronclt.Ntuad, ~. .. . ttottJetl Ale, Portor oritt Cittor,. ~_irth Itl.tqf Stroot: tlo:tr tato &tit itood.ltrid4u,,Carlislo • jRA V 11.1 N.E A.,\ll).__Ajt).N E lr'AN • —A. L. cll') . :s1S1,11;e1, late Register of Cumber. coninty, will carefully :atom' to the transaction of I such busiuess as may-be ,entrusted,to him, such as writing id Deeds ' Mortgages Contracts, tC.. Ile-will , 1.1011t,13 tile attention u the procuring - of Land-War ,uts„Pensions, ike. IL4 well as, the purchase and sale Estate, Uegottations, of loans, Street. formbrlybecuplod, 2 1 W. M. Commit.. 'Mar the Molliottit4t : Church. • I. .SM I N. RONST:I4.II.; thin so - • Sian Fancy and Ornainantal - Paintlit;'lrvin • ( fornwriy .Irpor'a) Ron., near Ilit'ner's Dry (Inoth; Slm). 1111 wIIF .tanni-promptly..toabare 'cles6riptions of:pa:jut. at reatiannhle 'Tho xario mis-of-,gra In I ng sueli na mahogany, ()Ilk, in au wrnyoll styles. . OTO It S. P. Z I.: Ll-14 11; --liffiite Ur • and Residence Bost :Mulit'iitreet; third door • chits ,e Market !louse.- cols in town and-coutity-promptly tondo i. Carlisle, Jan. 2 J 1850: . , . AII,LISLEL-DE - POS - 1 4 2 - 7 -- B - A=N - K•. rirkcini; Dittiostrs will be receivoiEst this Dank for !y - length of Woe over fouvuteattlis . , and Interest paid : the rate of t'oll. PEE CENT. per annum. and the • ac ipai_paid_baak at any time Mid InatorttV-wlthout dice.. interest ceases utter the 13 xplrAtlon of the time cwiiind In the certlticate, unless renewed l'or another . rev' period: Ili which rase the interest Is paid up un- I the time of the renewal. 'Eank.opens at tl o'clock,.A. . and closes at - 2 o'clock, P.M. It. PARKER, President. BP.ETEM, CaShter;• , npr2s ' ammo ,4 kiIIOCERIES! • GROCERIES ! ! ' COME AND SEE. .^C r ytm went prime Groceries, . H . . Go.tollalbek's you *ant beautiful Queeuswaie, . flo to Halbert's f want 'spioddid, Lamps, you want tho best.l.ssh'r' I' you wa sit Tubs or Baskets, t* you want anything else In his line, 'lid to ilalbert's. . Tha subscriber has ? avt, returned' front the city with& trge anti Owlet) '3.S •rtnielit of tirtveries, 'Mem and. .Irina WAN,. lebtit Itaftbets. Tubs, and every thing I if Ini;titte ,, .. which he offers for sale at the twest Cali and nsatnine for yourselves. ' intr. • HALBERT. N 1 8 7 0 r: I T .' i .t e ‘l • W lA nd l e i' 1 - f; I o:riniffa s S l if!L,9:l l 6l . l . l — Sh; , ed hi M stock of. • .. • • HILOgERIES AND QUEENSWARE; a) ( ,1 is prepared tu.eupply his trivia; and customers-with Almost - anything required in domestic use; at paces which ho hopes will 'p .., fve• satisfactory. Ills stock cow sista of every. Variety of goods suitable for town and -von use,--Ife-leas.Wisohn_hamta.general assortment 'of HARDWARE', stich as maY4)e needeillif Lif 'Apra and Mechanics for every day use. Ilie stock of • - . . —. WINES,. BRAN - DIES mAN 0 011 Flt LIQUORS. .I„ „.ta is large anikebraces an excellent as.o rtineut of-amine qualites. All fOr sale Wholesale and Ito ' 11, South Enid -ciwaycrof-Ilanorer-and•Loutiferstrents,-Calla.---- • SirOnuntry produce taken in exchange ft oods. ) . ,,liart. 21, '55. • •:' . SAMUEL 0. numFr. • '.:- .A 1 R 1441 11,5, - 17A ii".." - E N oTid E -... . 1 . .‘ The fir4pnsiniumenvarded it-the , State•Vaiirrheld at Harrisburg in 1855,,a150 find prenflumh at tho.couuty .Fairs of Northumberland, - Franklin, York, Lycottting, Centre; Westmoreland, Washington, llerks,• Self uylkil, Montgomery, .Delaware, and Chester, lu competition with from eight to ten different reapers and mowers. The•Atkfn's self-raking reaper and mower will be for sale at the Factory , at -Harrisburg, eitio_lat -Boyer a. Dr,e. Farmers wishing reapers and mowers for this nett harvest can have them at a reduced pried . ; by • giving their orders. fur them before the Ist of March, .855. . . Price of Ileaper'; Cash. --•- • - - , • -4165, . . `• Reaper and Mower; cash, - - •.,.110, 1r ordered before the Ist of March; after that4lme, freL;lit from Dayton, Ohio, added. ,• - Brief! of Reaper and 'Mower on thine,, 5,.00 ; seventy. ' flvo dollars on delivery. severty4ire doliiirs -on. Ist of , Ootober, and fifty dollars Ait7.lanuary, 1857:- All- the ;reapers warranted to -give .antire:satinfactlon, or..the • money, refunded......,__Leffie_,orders with lI.ENNT• L BURKHOLDER, Agent for. Cumberland' eoUutA pad ; Tfnvelllng: Agent Direct ali. orders Ana letters to , JAMI.I9VATrox, General Agent for YertuSylvania: 17-lan - 24: 1850,-Iv. ~... " - . :' ' • . :AITTENTION DYSPEPTIOS'7,- - TFloie or you who letvelMert.atilictod foryeare with this bothersome discase,-and who have hatm--- - tuting states{ every Nostrum betbre the public without relief, we say to . you try ." Kielreeit AntPysPePtio l .' olgt you wilh' ool2 he'coliitineml-of Its, great:: superiority over .e.vppy.other preparation, We could .give.y,OuLuany certificates oral) lirating our assertions; but a. eingle trial hi weitiiihere. titan all. Thia.remetitie.preparell:ral Sold.attlie Ui Store FEklit;; &Ufa thiors - sinith 9f th9.o_lll 11,,r C 00 Al. —Charcoa constantly on Lrnd nod for sill° noT. 21. '65. 19, fainifu aroceAles. Go to Ilathert'e 'Go to Halbert's Po to Itidbort's . 114 _ i3)4tu. _ dit 52' " UMBERLANIY VALLEY, BANK.. Li* • •:•-•'; •.wiktitm ~;. : t b 1414014 nRFr tE • M • AN • • J - itrEiT Q.•I3VEREFT lIEN4VS.SiTOTi, ' • l WOC/Ii8; • • • JO! Ei.'STABrrT, • - , • ' • This Bank, doing business in the name, of BEE, BRENI , ZEMAN..k. CO. Is now fully prepared to do goer Ural Banking rempt.fiess'and fidelity. Money yeeehiPl On - Depiailt and pat& bitch on dehmtfd without. notice,.; Interest . nu - Speelni • Dopesits.--; P.-articular attention paid . 9ktbe cuthictlpn: of.;slotes, Draile4-elmcits, 4",kfrztp X.vart - of-tife - United States or Camulas ' Reatifttances madolo England, liailand.br the Conti. neut. ..TIM faithful and confldentfalexeaUtion of all o'r ders'entrusted to, them, may be relied upon. • They will al all tildes be ,pleased to give any Information desired inyegard to money matters In geneieh " • .IrD,.,ltankingAlousb in Trent's Building; Main Street, a few. doors vast of the Ball Road 'Pupa. Open for liust nose trout 9 a!eleett.in :the morningaintil 4, o'clock in he evening. 11.. A. STUIRIEO.S : Cashier. Carlfsle Sept;l9 1855. . I . FIN TING 'AND PLUMB-, Nui , ING,-=The undersigned would inforin the. citizens of earlisle that he. has made. arrange , -• wants to do AS FITTING and PLUMIII Oat short:no tice, and on reasonable terms:• has engaged the ser-• vices of a first rate hand from'Philadelphin, and luis sum. piiirdniiiikElrifftlijui - extensive asks. tuietrt--4•44- URES,which Wilt enable him to 1111.011 orders promptly. All work will ho warranted. Ills stock of Gus Fixtures will be foun4 In the mom exnetly opposite hie Tinning establishment on North Hanover street, where ho invites' call. ' .• . . TINNING, SPOUTING, &e.—lie is also prepared to furnish, or Make to order, every article of TIN WARE used by houseked'pers and others. lie will oleo attend to 'SPOUTING, - 1101.41K-HOOANG,: , II I.II L HANGING) Thankful for the-patronage With which be has Already been. favored,lie : respectfully solicits a continuance of the, same. —Carlitlb,-June .. . ... . . . Ll A-DPI:E . AND HARNESS. n.M.A.e __ j-IN(1.• The subscriber ciiiiiiii - uiiiC to carry 4111 the above tutsiness.in all its various braikeheA,l North Han 0v.!..r street, Carlisle. two diets North of ',collards corner w4Ore he Intends lteeping on hand a generttiass7rtnient In. his line, consisting of ail kinds of fashionable SAT). DI,F.S. Bridles, .311trtingalcs. tlirtlis, • Orrin:4l64*nd Halton:. also Tlitu..^qiis, ps -, , \ \ \ ,_vol!lig.:l4 sa4ille . . - ^fr \ 1 ,, bap!. • lie also pan- ~ ~ : . • ' • i ' i . u , f:t i c ro :tu v r e t d ws ,; ? ‘ o N lt l ly i h i t i . - -11, T ....• I Olt l , .. 4 1 I i .. • '.... ever ~ . , . • '- i t :. ' c 0 1 ;;;;` i'v T) ltt . t. ' d "'' t i li s s , evsli s t . t l : ! g „ Il lta t ::t 1 1 .4 : • 5 i sonic. - durable and -pleasant saddle .. . . . cc ill do sell to rail and see Upon. Ile A • •Itlso - tnanufsetttres - Ilarnes; Ilrbile, t,orlars and - Whijiiiin dittliiiir-iiiirie ties;'and'confidently believes front' the general spproba. tbm of . hls customers, that lie undies Die" neatest and bratgears, In nfl.thtilevitrietv a broloi. that Is wade in . the country. Ili itsn makes all kinds of MatrasseS to order. viz: Straw, flush. Curled' flair and Spring Mat , - rasses. All the above articles will be made ortl: e best niaterial and workinaushili, and with the 'utmost des patch. ' ' . •. _ 101. OSISOIt N. . .• • • . - , . „tc• ,• • . •- • . E'l. -- . Ar A 4i.J. • ' , ter p A. - T Eli T. SELF-6.1i.A11-PtW . G •X YANKEE FkIED CUTTERS, mit . att0n....! : 14 fir ALDRICH .t SA.IIOENT, No. 410 Market street, flillada Tills cutter Is sutc4,:lor to any now ip use, for strength duralvillt - 3,-,Tawd - oituriaitroftconstruction - rit - eut - fast erand Is tho only sulllsharpezilug May, Straw and Corn St ' alk Cutter oier mode. It has but UNE STRAW UT KNIFE, which any person• can grind and set with rase, but In ordinary ease, is ground In Cho 'machine. Thod salids Intro already boon' sold, and the demand Is daily lucrousing,. lu most noses an oxamination Is sufficient to convince ono of Its superiority. No one after a short rial would part with It ter any tjther. ,A.ll - sixes of the liburu conStautly on hand and tbr sale by -.I.P.LYNEt octII S . o C be lan ~county.• Insurauct. Aitl. I S. E AG . iN; y FOIVINDEMNITY AtiApW . LUS44I,SY FIRE. TILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCK CO'Y., • or , , - Charter Perpettuit—WO,lßll/ Cupttal paid Ofßeif • JAW'Ohieiiuut iitrout. - Mt.v.e Ustra.ores, either permanent or limited, against loss ur thunaga by firo, on PROPE.ItTIC and KFFECTS of mery doseription, m town, or Country, on OM must ruasunalau terms. •Applleat lons nuulti elt bur pampa ly or by' Mi tor, will be promptly attended to: . C. N. IJANCKHR,Prea't. Tho 'sublwriber• 1B agetit Tor tho above coMpany.for earth:le.:tut' its vicinity. All applications tor.insarance. - vither•by Personally will be promptly attunded to by A. 1.. gI.i..iNSLER., - • " - dec.l3, '55. • Real Estate Agent and Sciivet.er. - . FIRE INSURANCE.—TILE ALLEN • AND EAST PB.NNSIIDRO. MUTUAL 'PIBE ' IN- StIIIANCS COMPANY of Cumberland county, ineortm. rated by an act or.4,ssembly, Is now,fully organked, and in - operation-under- T the-huluaiement-ef-theHTellouing commisslthiers,yle: - . . . Daniel Batley; William It. Gorges, Mlchaelt'Oechthr, 31elelloir Brenneman, Cluistian Stayman, John C. Dun. lap ,=Jacob 11. CooverVLowls .11yer, 'Henry Logan ; Benja mlty,ll. Atussor,..4acola, Aioukuao, Joseph Wickersham;- Aliiiiiiiiiiii - Celliedit. . The rates of ineurance . areAs low and favorable as any Company of the kind In - the,State. Perseus wishing to become members are invited to make apphcatiou to-the :agents pf tile, company,' ivho,nre,vrilling towait upon . . . I.IOSSEIt, President.. .. lib ItY .Viee President. '.LEWIS' HYDE, Secretary. MICH ICI.TOILLIN ? Trounced'. ' CIDIDEULAND o . ollNT.T.Rudolpla Martin, N. Cum- , 1 ,01 14 11 d; 0. it..-J artitn;.liingstown; !Teary Zearlng; ShiremaustOwn ;-. Charles BO; Carlisle J. Ahl, Churchtown ; 'Samna Graham; West.:Pennaborough ; James Me Dowel, Frankford; .Illodo Drifilth;Scnith 'dleton ; Samuel Coover; lienjainin'tfaverstick, Meehan. lesimrgv-Jolltil:Shetrieki . Liihurn; ;Davi( Coovel, Ship lerdistown." • . - . YO.RW-ODllNTlf.—john Ilovritan Dillsburg; Peeer. Widford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Wa s hlugtoU; W. S. Picklbg, Doter; J.; W. Craft, Paradise, • "-.•- Lochman. Members of the company having policies about to Ore can barb them renewed' by Making application to any of the agetus. - e' I - " WOOD'S, -ORNANENTA-L. IRON -T - pitiLAnqi • The attention of the.pul!lio is:invited to the extensfve manufavtory 'arid Ware-rooin of thu tuAscriber, who is Proparna to furnish, ttte,iliortoist BOtice,IIION DAlL brovifr. 1r Goictiptirin ferCENIETERIES, _PUBLIC PRIVATE BUILDINGS, also VESANDAIIS,.ILII,CON IES';',GUNTAINS`;SWrITES, 011AIRS`,141ONS, DOGS, Am.,' Rua' °thee Dinninenta. Iron IVoilt of n• decorative clutrlertor, - nil of Wltfoli oxoentoti with tho• oxpross view of . pleasing the taste, whilo - they combine all to ccl,ulsttes of beauty ainl sUbstantial construction. Purcliasers may .rely on having all articles carefully boxed M 140110041 to their place of A 'book of designs will be sent to those cibo.Wlsh..,tio Inake'd'olbetinn. itOI3I:IKT IVOOSIV Avenue b,low = Spring ardent, Oct 10;'SG: . • ''' '7"pl) dbilliiiiii. . ---. . . . ;137 , 0•W 0:04. Al[ 1 .I,CiN I -,1 r• - • •• . ' • • lIIISDETANT I ANNOUNCEMENT• I ' ; •. • co lull. Persona :afflicted - with • Semliki amniotic Sue. SEMINAL - WEAE.I 4 4.ESS,,EkiI'OTENDE,'OOVED/1(4 . _ .- • : .,110WA1tD ASSOCI ATION liadeTph la; •lit view - of the aicful destructlun - of human life and healtk - caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptious4Which etc practised-upon the unfortuffate victim* ofauch'fliseaset• I by. Quacks, have:directed their 'consulting-Surgeon" as CIIARITADL,E ,ACT -worthy. - of their. ntitue, 'MEDICAL. ADVICEIIItATIS - , - tif All persons thus of dieted, (Maio or leemalo,) who apply'byletter;(post;paid,) With. a description ortholr condithmi (age, occupation, liablts of life, 4;00 and in extreme pfi'verty. and:suffering 'to SIJUNI,SII 3.II.I)ICINES ,EItEE Oy . The, Howard • Asioelation Is a benevolent Institution;; established by sptichil - endowment, fort•tha• relief Or the sick, and distressed,:aillicted with •'-'l'irulent and, Md. donde disease V n 041.318 Inside. can , be -need for no other 'nurpoeo. It has • wiry •ti surplus of rneans,, whfeh the ftireetorsliave,voted to. 'advertise the-above notice. , It is tieedless_to add that-the Association commands the, itigttest Medical stall, of the age. • - • ' Address, (past-paid,) nr. 01.0. It. CALIIOVII,ConeuIt, 'ing urgeon. ard• Association Philadelphia, lly order of the . • ' • _EZRA D. ILEURTWELL, liresOeut.. GEO. FARECIIILD, lietretary.: ' • •prllll . etfrki W .Inventof of the •lebrated ClosSanier Ventilation' Band Elastic. Baia! ' 'otipees. Instruetionato,enahle Ladies and thnitletneu t measure their'heads vrip curacy. . . , Fos. Wtos, "o." 1. the round of •thahead; No. 2. Frotra forelnau 'er the head to the . neck; No. 3. .From ear; to ear over the' top ; •No. 4. 'Froureity to ear rOund the forehead.' .. . . , _ _plupeea,_and,sealva,.inches.,---No. 1. From forehead-to flack.na Tar as bald; Nci. 2: Over forehead as far lia r6iiiir , cd; No. J. Over.the crown of the-head. ' _. 111: DoLLARD• has aliVnys ready for sale n splendid .stoek:tifitientre Wys;Toupees, -- Ladies' Wigs. half AViga,4 Frizutm. Braids, Curia, Am.,, beautifully Manufactured and' aBehemeasany-estabfiehtimait-fu-the..linion -- - .....11oilards , llerbafiluml:a tractor Lustruns Hair Tonic, peoparett frbin ;I::outh Anierican Herbs and ReotS, the most successful article ever produced for preserving tut hair from failing .out or changing - cnltir, - resloring and ' prOcrving 4 t in a healthy and itpturlant state:. Among other reasons wl,i'.llollard , C hair tutting Baleen Muhl" -taillsitsduatnense popularily , isl he tact that is everriMad of - hair cut, at. his establishment, ctmeequently- it is kept in b'etter 'preservation' than Lai ; der any known - application. - It bing. thus :practically, tested by thousands, t,ffees greatest gtiaranteeof its MONROE .401t1118 EttE== . . Chestnut street opposite Ilia ;Stati , . llouse, l'hilatielfdlin. It. -Dollitrd - lots at least dittelffl`ll.(i the llt• p) us 111011 of II Al It I.fy N, :tut! 111 . 0101.1111 . 11 , it hil . Silk With pt'llert (1.11• thilillt'ti ill WI surpato ) ifig every . ..Viiiyr of the hind ntsw in use: It. ( . 1 0 1'.11 ., thin lmir either bitten or brown, k m. may ho ilehired) an tl - , is used - without ihjury to the hair or I "Slifi - Ceillii , r - by stain or:btlierw Ise: - ertir - tar - wnslied•oti - in 1 ten min uten afte'r upplirtitioti, without detracting troth Its olliency, rersousaisiting the'rity art.inj Red to give Litho artill., " .. •', . . ' rxtters addressed 4 n It: - 1nf1,h,4111), 177 Chestnut st , Phlholt:11.111n. Will reeelveatfentlon. - Jan.:at-3y \ _ . . . . . . • F.II.IIING L'A'TENT, CjIAMPI- L 'ON nuE PROOF SAFES. ulth niers-patent eru A w.ar l ted .I:el l :maw:Medals at th e nritt's -- Fair,ondorn -- ISHi and , 4, - at; the. World's' irk, IKW, and 4t I. 'no snliKai• s are the sole - man ttfitOtprers ,n 1 .proprietors - 01- this- 'tats of ftbme upequalled Sales' and 41:/47'The ,-, ruiliatatinn , _ or_. the , nnino -- I ler . ring's :iate" Is worle . ide, and t'or tilt'. list thirteen !ars the tnereantlle entutattniq witnetaed :mil borne to ti loony to their, Nfr A'Elt FAILIND iire proof quanti t y, yt ore . t lian - 1:4000 .of - theßt - Safes have been-actually Sold, and over Two nuStitaim have passi-d ,trinnildnintly through iseeldimtal tires, 'The puldie are assured that all Safes Ditinufactilred,l.Y the subscribers are not only guaran teed to I,e fully equal, but In niany respects even sage tier to those which have been-so 'severely tried by tire Few -will forgot their 'services in- thmlurning - or the "Tritium: , establishment." Isowliork, and nt theiftrear Piro lit Strawberry street, at ti n large tiro lase..fuly, oppositriAlmJlteard - lrouset amt - still - morteeently - In the Fire - at. Fifth. arid Chesnut stn., in the city Phildelphla, in which these Safes came forth the ac knowledged 42.11AISCION, When -_uutny other securities • SAFE AND DANK LOCK. MAKER& ' -- 34 WALNIT , T Street..Pfdladeltdda. . Piffled Imp Safes, With POwder , Proof Leeks. nutnto fsetured expressly for thinks, _Brokers, Jewellers, and others requiring security from 'rogues: Punk 'Vaults. Deora. ke. on hand and nuule. to order. All the Most celebrated Locks for sale at Manufacturers' priers;' .Iteond hand "Says;" '4: 4 :d:inlanders" and " Iro. Chests" of other makers, have' been taken in part I'll most for Herring's for sale at half price. op I. T 4 EATIIER I LEATHER '.- . • - ' . ~ERITZ, lIENDItY & CO. _ No.. 2,9,•Nortiv.Third Street: Philadelphia, . - . . MOROCCO , MANI/ FACTURX I l e:. Rf; r r let's, . all ii. I tOprt - ,. ere of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and bealere in - lied-and Otit)ieleLeather and Kip. - • . Feb2S-4 ..j . ,-,---------- . ~...., '7". ---- HAY A N I) STRAW"' CIEfTTERS . CORN SIIELLKIIS.—A larfie asaortinent of• lin proved Ilay, 5(1,1W and FodCutters, now on. hand; , -, de Also,double and single corn' hellers for either hand or !terse power of the very lab i d, niapufarture, including the premiOm sheller at the late PenneylVania State Fab. For tittle by ' . PASCUA LI, MORRIS k C .". • Agrirultuntl Warehotise and Sued Store, - tenter of ith nd Market. Philadelphia. lee.. 6, 1854—t f rill.E'N H TRUE.iBES.—Herilin or ittipture successfully treated. and comfort insured; L/ use of the elegant - French .Trusites, imported by the subscriber, and Made to order expressly forliS gales. All s'uffering with Itupl.nre will be *ratified to learn that the occasion now offora to procure a Truss ecimblti lug extrmue lightness: with ease, durability and correct construction, - in lieu of the cutuhrong 'AO() unCeulfeetiv leio-usually—An,eitensive assortmen always. on baud, adapted to every variety of Rupture in saltifts a n d children. mid - Ilir sale 'at - a tango of priciLto .sult all. _Cost of Single Trusses, $:2, $3,.54 and $5; 1)oW1.14, .$5 ; st, $8 and $lO. . • - Personifata distance can have a Truswaent tnittn . 3 - di-thokby mattt tug the - amount; sendiffg ninasnroarOillid the hips, and stating side - affected. For Sale Wholesair and Retail by the importer. • CALEB li. N EEDLES, • • • - S. W. car. of Twelfthk Bare Sts., Philadelplahi. • ' Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace; Dhest EXpander,e, and k;rector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces;' Suspensory Ilandiiko4; 'Spinal 'Props and Sup ports. .Ladies'ltenus, with conipetentlady.attendquts. AtAGIUOULTURAL DIPLEMF,'NTS: 1- PENSOCKI.4 MEM; A TF;I.I WHRAT DRlLL— :tided also for sowing oath,' grass seeds and. guano. K ninser's Portable Cider illill---the best . . . In the market. Hallichty's patent Windmill,- * . Horse Niter's and Thresher's, Lime and (Wane" Stireader's; Thullel's Hay, Strew and Fodder,, Cutter. Little (lianaCorn'AM:bent) '!1t11, Spain's Alanspherle Churn. , The above Superlerlm plenum ts ivitli all others, for tAie use of the thriller or prat*, for sale Wholesale undAtotnil by . . . PASCILALL, 3ronras & CO., titr,rleultural Warehouse atut Seed . S.tore;co;er 7th and Mar'Vet streets, Philadelphia; . July 5.•!:515,, , - Nos. 21 anct - ,`„)4 --- South -- Sixth Street _ rtrif,Al4l , o LA. • - 1 . AaRII,7I , I,TIMAI, IMIL”t ENT MANITA , 7I,IIIIY, Bristol, Tal Slari - Chi;4s6s7ON 1: - . 11 cl, "Ai; MEI fAtit:atfOii; wHITS; ,. HALL • - , Xtlroo,Adles.sreat of IlarriShatr., - - , tlifs 'luStithtion •tiferke TdosidaY,' nihtt: Parents.. ; and gurdians are requested to. inquird Into its ;therifs nst of an.linglhilt .Educatien,,and also In the Lotiti; - trisok,..„ French end °crucial Liengtlarls inad•Voffal .and"Thitiv- ' -mental 11111bil»;-.;-' ' ; . ,• I • 1 , • ..110Ordillt4Washilig and Tuitionlo,theEaglish Branib es, nod yoral,Muigc,, per EesSinn,-.(0 mniiths ) $O4O . ,_lostructhiuLti4eaey-Ortottaitguages •. • 5;00. • . • •" • 'itelnatrinninitallflulde,• • • '10.0 . 0 , For, circulars and.fitither information .address ; • '• B. -DENL.INtIFIR Ilarrisburg,'ri: • • f . %BPfir ... . , AjLAIN,III„ELD A - CA . I.)KM 14 . : — 7 N eAr Seeslon. (fli• months) CO)/111to nee IN'olfenibez Gth. • A pew Build- • log f 4411 hhetr_ereetetr hohtalping - Gyturtelitio, Raoul, &e. -- .'. • .1- • iiier6keti farlllll 'ibr' etruetion Alta aecoulioatlntioue,• (.his Presents grout in= ducementa to • puretitit.' who. desire. the, .phypieul and mental ithproretoent of their Bone.. • - —.••-; , • .I'e'rios per ' 'F_ift.eleti,--SCO -' For eireultiis, •ii•ith full inforniatlon,•addrees . • • ;BURNS.. • • " Proprietor, ." Comber co:, October - 10, 1855 4,;11E.P7P - ("(Orr . • . 1" - -01k1.31ERO.IA TA: ii.o - LI4 E ' G k'• k . ) removed to the noty andiptcioue hall, No. im and it I,J 11A 01.BIOEE birliEET, liultlutt,ro, MIL . --' • .i). li....cn.tsnitatuzi„..l..tineisti-itini'Leeturcr-upon Slekin-- - • the :Science. ! . . ' • .-, , • , E. X. L. tetra , in ehargC or Writing Iniparintent. ' • O. it. K1.111'; 111:structor in_ : Nierrinittle•Coleultdlono and .... Ahl , (4l:tte In Book Keeping reportinent. . ' - ."- •J: AL l'intitee, Tel in .I.ttok's heeping, '-, ' • - tt,: - T: wrtan - xo;l:ecturer uliTi;ntinerriel Lew. • . , '1 rte years burn not yet CiAl)Etti sini;e.,the establisla reebt of this iLlNtitUtioll, during Lrlikh tinie iipivpds-of eight stutietiti lan'e been iii'latentisi.ce;Arep. resenting .nearly every. `late - in tl r e Li:1011 2 ) unamg Lein arenuebeis in liattlinere end iib•eii Lore occupy-_ illg preuline'nt pchitions ItH bpsibeia-nice anti account , • , COURSE OF STUDY. • • • BOOK Prificiput liactbautulalcen P. dente ul arr twin* Lila I;ublit ;Lift alter au e, el ;tuts" u ;ovate!, 3 ears ` lL tptahtylUg staing Well I(4file Lulitt. 11. g ittipottaukrtutionsi frutbain , exten me acqualbtal.te ttith ILo tomag - tv.beLt ot bucklers every_dtscrild tun., karrirtvu it. he 1i t)t.b , (cliz he of traiLilig, 111. this de- Flo tutauCks tibluently pfactlcal uud wcIU uflal,ftti thk• kuriolapait.l.llt6.l.lc. taalt.trce aid a lade, L.vtddlLg Ilitlit id trill, tutl - rbip, Nabuli,aul lug? blug,4 - 1 , 14 , 01.1f, C, uy (+trauma, 011.1•.r-r * .i bo.csAitirar Ludt r tliis hVad Are' Gee, gl acel td.ft,n, I "bib); larivit/t t , 1 e.scct, tivn tl ith I tauly 'ca.l.4lrtik, Uol.. Ulna a:1:4,1 4 1;:f; , FtA,delit. 1.k.. u llt.e.tin alegapt Curvy:Fs baud uu fa , v,pletiou t 1 the 31.1.1C1 'A N'l4 LE CAE( I LATIO,NS in: all their TitriGUlS IK:arit,p. arc taukilit nwst accurate gull capitli tiutre:;"iliethi;d: - - • - • • Daily turek, :ire del illeted upon 1.13 e • l'elenee tit Ae comas, Slerrantile dicta In nli.a.aeliva i,l lectuierit.b Lali,atreTof •puaitiol,s the cc - Nat:unity, lie time • I,,Ti:l4ciry: Ic,r an iblitoti atluit, ci , niplete•tbe cut cc , %Writ s tam I!, t i n. •MN 0 I 01 - 10}r - 00 l'aentbir,. an Wald:4 - can . at,tl utttitAl ...la) ui.tt 4•A ming.: 1. Lie , lielll-ati,piteii_peikusinki.l.llll,loliati,_/11Ni.lt.leil ti n t /10 graduatr. for Win.s, ete.Ovrite trial hate nn ci. - Jar Italy:tilled by mail. _e Crag tarrfs. • . 1 4 `.1 - 114,'5.11 IDItU.GS, INA.E'D.IeIA'Lt lc . . ; . 'Ae.-,l..latvas.j . uk 'revel - rad from I'lithuleliii i ld ar.d• ...• I •.•'':• .1\ v/vr Ilorlti_s_ary_mtensive..additlunsfo ; My.' .' -3 t'' •,' formeridialk,embraving nearly averynrtiale ~, • or ltatiltinic_novy •lo o , o,_tugathor_vvill,_. •!*".. rttints, 011 a, Narnialma, Turpentine, Perin- - . / it wery, Soaps,: Stationary, Fine Cutlery,l lab. ' 11 1 )tr fdekle, Ilrdaliea of ainnag, every/105(11p. lon, 1,14,0 An LM(llem . 11 arittY:ol utter articlia., la hitt I am determined ttl aell lit the Vt lr ‘ v i.oUw.f 'pricts.• All I'l*:,ielitlni. t.'t.untry,Alarelmuta. Pedlars and oth. era. :ire ra,pectlully reqyebtial MI to pas flu> UIJJ STAN I) ; as they way I,n. bb:Aiew tbatavary article pill .I.ai 61.1i1i or a g4 , oki, quality, anti upon leasonalie tailus. . S. 'l..l.LltrIT, :Maio street. Larilales May 30 pRuGs: 1 ik.v_e_jui.t.__re.elicd_zt_fpv_qh_Lia..k ap --- I letlirines, Paints. Mess, Oil, de., ArhiCh. haring:. ourc ' -• bir phased, with. great. care at the bet...t city ~, tit „„„, 't anconfident ly recommend to •Familicr, , i'l.) Witt lIN, Clint) try 31crelialits and Dealers; As Cr ink; frt•all and pure: . _ : r , • , ..„ • . D.ll.l.ltit. , •••••l'atent• •Iticdieliii4l, tto (lietilleals..loctru-, wax: miry licsentliti 011 a, Herbs and Ex ti acts, tipicer, ground and whole, Essenees Perfumer Z, ds: ' Cod Lifer Oil—warranted geniline. , • ~` . " 1 DYE4 4 I'UFFi.:-'---,liidigoes. I'lltuldt•ra; gnome, Alum, Log and Cain Woods, Oil 'litliol, Copperas, 1..111' D. c. "".• '' PAlNTS—Wetherlll d Itrt,ther's l'urc•Lea - d. ChrotOtt lirecit and Yellow,. Laiiit and 'Varnish britches, Jersey . Window ft lass. Linseed Oil, Tui•pentine Copal and coach Vartibli, and Red Lead. All of •whleli will he Feld at the very-lowest market price. - . • , 'r' . ' • Also,'a fresh and splendid - assortment of - F A N C Y'l• tiOODS, Fruits, Contertiounry, and innumerable other '• • .articled calculated for.' use,and ornament, ail ef.which arc offered at the lowest each prices, at the cheap Drug, ' lßeekanilEtinertitore of , Lite•eubseril er on Ntatii Ilan. °verstreut. ,- • • - - - S. -- F' - I.7ANtliSTlcli - .• 7- .„ Ii.UGS AND CONFECT.IONAIIY., • The undorstgued has -just rot timed from Fiala. I) with fresh supply ot-llltlXib andCONFI.CTIONAIOI:—'' The foriner.iii conueet,lati Irll h his stock on hand „will makehis - assortmont - of - Drugs; - 31eilleines-andl bender& cot iplote. Ills assortment of CONFECTIONARY. is also fine, consisting of yore sugar' *bite and thiuspsrent Cllll4 ' Woks ;.Caudy, common, assorted,-and tine Candies of UN Ty Tarinty ; also Fruits, Nuts, and every'' thing lOW aing..fo that_depar tuient of t rsdo..,lle_ _would...call_ epos d attention to blo.kupply of FANCY ARTICI,ES" 'fur', e liplidays, and'getieral UBO, niuong uldell may to fen d the" !Mod,' - thelastefol; and-the useful, All Anne in ited to call Fhother they, wail' to puseln.se or not. • .- . . . . * B.- J. 'KIEFFER. .otrltsle; Ife4r'.s4 . ...,•. . , 'CARLISLE. FOUNDRY fig : • AND - MACII INF STIOP, -The subscribertntalhe satisfaction of in- Ylll3l- 1 1 , ...kied harming his old ,frientla and putrons-that , • his establisbtrient again in u, Lotc buildings hturlng boon orocted since the hits dis,i trout> the and the 'whole establishment put in Com plete; working-order. °Mere- are.' therOfore respecthilly solicited for wnrk hi his line, whieh will-be- dune with preniptiies's anclitt the hest 1 1 1 ItUner.• . STEAM, RINGINES IIUILT TO ORDER.- and totaired,' Air kinds or Mitelrinory._lln Grist Mills and Factories repaired at short notie.V. - Mill Spindles dressed and turnod, . •- : • „ ' • lIOIiSE _POWERS „aud.TIIItESIIING 4ueti its 11Cv11 Gear Four. Heise Power, Ilorltenial igeir Four Horse and Two lhase Powers, Ploughs, Corp sShel lers and Crushers, , te..Patterns'nuide to order. Tron and Bra=s CASTINGS executed to order, if 'riot' on Laud, at the shortest notice; such na •Cnittlisand Mill Gearing, Spur and IleiriP ;Maoist, Ondgeens ; for Saw 11111s,;Plow Castings. Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and •Crach. es, Spindles, Car Wheels,- Car • ' also on hand a large totipply'of PhiladolPhia and Tro,s•;_cooic- INU STOVES; and is constantly' making Cooking Stoves of varionit improved pattern sloe' coal or wood; ten late Stoves, GretesAte. Repairing done' to all hinds Of - thinery.. All kinds (WA:ad Iron, Brass and eoppir titian in exchange for work. - mays-• 'FRANKLIN tIARDNER.: fiONWAY'S- GENUINE - RONEY sOA P.--LConway's Intro PAM Senp,-- , C-otkuny'e pr. cod 'Cltenkal So'lip, A rein ! ,upiily .orthese truly. excellent ?naps luHt received and. for rale at NV I lAA A M5.',1 , A.N11.1.1 - (11.WCEItY,11a1ti Street. . Enrltslovc 21 0 C