li 0 El Ea =1 --,.,---_,. ~ .. - i-::taftiitts::lol-itAlll4 011.31tLiSZali DA'SEAt, MARCH' : 19; 18,56, itiOe Largest area liAjeopest "Fiver • IN CUMBERLAND COUNTIq TERMS.—:Tvro DOLLARS A YEAR, OR ONE DDL -. LAE AND FIFTY CENTS,.IF rAIDIN ADVANON. • , 76. IF PAIR WITHIN; THE YEAR. _ . . ' Anti-PIERCE STATE CONVENTION. Union .for the Sake- of-the Union. The undersigned, Membere of the Legleleture of oennsylvonia, having boon sOle,eted by their fellow --~itlzem 1 n parts•:of the-Commonealtli; -- th — devise riplan of united action, by which all opposed to • • the destructive policy and principles of the Ntitional 4 Administration niay co-operate in the Support of a State Ticket, respectfully invite are . in TaVor of sucka, raoyement,to .asSemblo in City and,CouhtY COnventirins • ON rue 10th or Mau» next, to elect delegatespounlin .• number to_theff rmesontation in the State Senate and ntliepresentailves, to n Convention to 1, held at - 7 - likuttsßußn7 -- es - rtria. - 'iani-octna-aawa-aniNTIG-rof r: the purpose of nominating_ candidates for Auditor ejle; , rnl, Caul Coinnlasioner, and Surveyor General, to he ' supported nt the ensuing fall election, andtq take such 'other political action as may be necessary to the -crisis. ft., R. M . OOlllll, KILLINGER, JAMES JOHN FERGUSON. R. 11; MOOVHEA . D. DAVID .TAOGAUT, . • DELORMA IMDICIA, • J. Cl. SittrilA2?, • ;7011N RUIOIII', -•- /;:"REEH, - 1101.TSEICEEPill, JNO; HENRY WINTRODE; JACOB 5111151.11.Ei . - -'- --- JONAS AUQUSTINE. JORDAN, B "'JOY ?donna, Twin , CLOVER, W. w , FRAZER. "ANDREW T. 'L. -BALDWIN; - W. -A. BARRY, • • D . ! PHELPS. -DANIEL LOTT, D. A: FINNEY,. „ --.,DAVID MBIOIA.411.•- DENiE EOUTIIER, ' -JANES f,BELL'EBE, HENRY C. PIOT, JOHN C. FLENNIKEN, BAWUEI f -RERR, DAVID MELLINGER, •- R. BAINES, ll••cycyLoilp, . . WILLIAM HAMILTON, ' ••7: - BItOWN•• • 19Aiirt CALpWELL. • Kirrisbprg...reb. 18L6 _TILES UNION STA'I".E. TON VENTION, The Rarrisburg Telegraph publishcts several columns of extracts from .a.,,,pum bei• of papers in favor of the . Union Con vention called by members of—the-tegisl , lature to ilieet - l'till - air - r - iiburg on the 26th ult. Art are gratified to see that 'this 'call. has been responded tc:o'by American, -and-Republican presses with equal cordiality, and ,union meetings. or conven tions have been" called in , a majority of tlie cmnties, to select delegates, and ac- tion will-yet be taken to select in nearly if not quite all the counties of the State. — The , Convention will lie — well - attended, - - 'and froth the spirit manifested generally 7 s i eferetice tothe matter, we have efery re on to believe that able and prudent = men will be charged with 'the responsible duties of that body,.. We need but •to unite cordially in support of a State tick er,uti,State issues alone,. to_ carry it tri , umphantly over the...ticket of thellebras .ka party. \ , ' A MONSTER COMMITTEE.—Tho Locos, thellit - eint State Convention, appoint , ed a State Committee of two or•moro persons from eachSen . StOrial district, of which JOHN W. FORNFY,Esq:,Is Chair ' man. Forney is•not u resident — of . the. State at all,• but, we suppose thitt don't make any difference to a party which just nowbuilds all its hopes. on foreign influ- ence EIZEM THE LIQUOR LAw.—The ,committees • of oonferenee on, the• licknOr . .bill, in the State'Legislaturo, on Saturday last re, - ported their-inability, to avee on a bill, 'and Messrs. Buokalow an&Flenniken, of the Senate, and 11143,iii..Hi1l and Edtng or,of the Muse,„wore then added to the• Committee. ,All these,gentleznen, except Mr. Flenniken, 'were, friendlY to ' the 'louse' bill; and a' bill milli therefore probably be, reported. embodying the. Main features of. that,bill. , • N. 3r. , Ercii 9 lo3.---Tho Ameiioaae appear to have Walt - `very successful' in the town eleotions of_NErw Yr.O. They have a triumpli in Auburn, the home of - Gov geward, and defeated his political friend for 11.1ayor. EiEg J. ILOCK, C. L 'III.7NRICITER,. . JOHN M. OTBDONRY, , - 4' AtiOW IlAilP:11111fXtOligANDi:ilit,111; The Election in this Star for Gover. nor,legislaturs, &0,, was held last Tnes - —tlay: — There-werp --, three — ticirets --- in — thi field, viz ::—LocofoCo, old line-Whig;anil • American. Notwithatanding - this divi 131ierce cofqcoiskwars again a total t_route, _The following despatch, tells the whole story : 1, • • -•• . - COidizatD,‘ March - 18, 1856. ..- . The . ,State_has been again parried' *by . the Americans and linpublcans. They. will hive a•majority in:Abe :Legislature,. • and°-Gov. - Metcalf,--(Anceriean,) *if.• not chosen by the - people,: whieh in yet doubt fnl.,.will be kb,y .the House arid' Convention iinzt June. -- It hs.s been tbe mciat - •memo'rable contest ever' .Waged.. in New-IlaMpslize • - • • - . The most desperate efforis Were • ma - de by the National AdminiStration to', dirty •the State: .. Inipartial witnesses 7teetify tbutso-vehement-an-•-efrirt-was never' be for'eMadeby any party. iu that' who. As the home of, the. President, Who. •is now a' , candi46ti.for•-elltion, it was . - deemed at - Washington ..and-•Concord,_by . the DemOcratic 'leaders, -- :a the ut lIICALDIU4iiiiii/S112:41i0t1.10/111-1 ___o' - tied by their:party,,with a view to an ef fect'on.the. Presidential canvass. . The . Democratic party liasgained•largely over its vote of last year,-but- not enough- to. - ansAr the. purpose, . and - theA nierican • • and Republican•combination has • carried a majority in both-brancheshhe Leg. --l i .islaturc,..'and given 4 i - -- ...its candidatfor - State ' offi - cerS the highest number - of -....- - .. • votes. ' . .• . • EUROPEAN BON Dia s.`7—The = nevi term of B/adc,, Republican - ," led various papers in Europe to think that . some of the - leaders - an d: can d idatesiof - th e - Republican party in the are eolered - ' men. _ as one of the 'most' intelligent and tibiy conducted in all - Europe,aothe-time,since its, announcing the election of Mr. Chase 'as Governor : of Ohio, gravely stated that he was a fegro, and congratulated the friends of social ecivality 'accordingly,' The same paper in : riOtieiiig-W-bleetieii of Mr. Banks to the S seakershi of the House - of Representatives, says - 4 1 The new Speaker of the House is a -black of. Massachusetts, who., belongs as his color sufficiently indicates, to the ex treme party of - Abolitionism. This, then, is a victory gained by the Northuvar. the South. Upon the whole, th - O:. jaknals declare themselves satisfied with the choice, Mi'. Banks is a man of firni and upright mind, endowed with great politi cal-SagacityTandi as hisantecedents—all attest, with a calm wisdom." DOUGLASS IN TIIE rmt,n!—lt has Of late, been generally'supposed that the "Little Giant" had withdrawn from the list of: candidates for the Democrajc nomination for the- next Piesidency. Reedit" developments, ili en orevereeii - arit probable that this is.not the case, and that his friends are looking forward to the, chance .of the almost even struggle between Buchiinan and PiFice as opening the . way to the nomination of Douglass.. The signs of the times indicate another defeat of Mr. Buchanan's long cherished . • aspirations, . -16 - Hon. T. CoNnAn has written a lOtter declining to, be a cat itlitiatior re ... eleAion to tie' 'Mayoral ti of Philadelphia. ... IL . LEASE OF THE MAIN LINE.— A iiilkWas re: ported in the House, in Monday by Mr. Ball, from the committee of ways and means, to aut,liorize the Canal Commissioners to leuse,to the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania,' the Main Line of the public works from Col umbia to Pittsburg. .Th lease is 'to be for thilty years, the State escrving the right to annul it, at any time ter.„,* years, upon giving one years notho , or nein' , „limo after as sale-upon reasonable notice,' The firms of the lease are that. the reveifnii: received is to be first applied to pay the ordinary expenses of managing . the Works—then such earn as , In ay be - required (not exceeding' . 41311003,)ebnil be expended ia the. Ormanent improvement of the Works; 'and after-the del , ductions are model - one half.. Ai balance :re x3alning shall be paid into the &tate. treasury on the list of Januar-y in °soh - year ;. a 'lane sum to biCspended in eepairs whe,u extraordi nary dinniges are- done. A statement of the -- .: ..: ... expenditures on 'the Works 81)101 befurnishe , ,quarterly to the carkal--Commis elopers.- - The Works are to be delivered up to the Sfate on the determination of the lease, In as go4order ar they were 'received, ressoni ble weir and 41aniege axpeoted. • • •.. , . 84424:04w - "::Aiii4a4; MC= CADET.—r•The ,freni last, ireek's'Ainerion, explains 17ouae o, f'To the Board of Schocil DirSctors - of •Carlisle • GENTLEMEN: On or about the Ist ,day -Of March next,'it Cadet to'the West P,oint. Mili• tart' . Academyeappo nt from"-t h e- Congressional District I now have the honor . to represent,. on 'my nomination ; .and . as I have long condeui r med the mpde in:which such appointurnts have been made,. I wish, with your assistance, to introduce a change; that will harmonize better,with file original spirit, and intent, of that Institution:. = I : propose to nominate for appointment tn. rapid cadetship,' that scholar in the common schools of Carlisle, who, possessing the requi ' e-age--and-I:thyaionl- u w istittetioni—is7-tueli. skilful and 'npt in . -those .brooches Of study dematicd - hy - the - Rules-and - Regulations=gov - , eining_the admission of cadets. I 'wish the Seleetion to be. made from among the most' meritorious and intelligent scholars, in all the schools, wherein the branches of .knowredge specified are_tauglit, and not to ,confine it to the higher grade Of salto --- ,A - coompanying' this letter, I send you a copy of the Rules prescribing the qualifications of cadets, with . tho-roquestthat you will, at the earliest p,rsc -- lical_ priosl—ca.o se_an,, examination. of the - hays. to be made, and-transmit to mo theviiame - of thit_succassfo 1 r;tataidater- - -- _ll aiinglulLecrnfidencedn,y_ofir imioy tin, lIV and judgment. L submit to four iliscretiow the execution of this project, - in - thir - most _perfect . belief that your choice will hesgoverned by no, influences ,extraneous - to the-standard I have. --. • erected."' - ' Very . relgeetrully, yeiir obedient, seevlint,_ .‘ • ," LEMUEL TON) The Teachers, on . request, - reporte - d 'the awes of the se6olare in.the.:several schoola of Alie requisite nge and attainments And :the Roard selected,,thyee out of 'the number.; one of whoni was interdicted by an -injury he .had .received,. a'aecond his parents declined 'cOn- - sentink 'to his going, and j ß4bert ,AlcCartney 'alone: appe'ared to tie — examined . before the Roard, on the 18th February, 1856; which examination • was - contiticted . ' by. Rev. Mr. Jbliuston,_ frBchool No. - 14. " - Mr; Eckelif be— ing Robert's teaclier..l The-examination being satisfactory, Mr. lienderson offered the' . fel lowing resolutions, which weni_agrtoti WllEttrAB. Robert McCartney, a pupil of the High' School, has submitted to on exami f nation..before the. Board, conducted by: Mr. Johnston, a:Teacher, With 'reference proficiency and qualifications in the course of study. prescribed by the Ralen ,for nnplicants 'for, appointment to West Point and the exami :nation hitabeeneatisfactory‘and Mr. Eckels.: his mesent Tettelar, recommends him to fa.' trorable consideration both attto character and - Thertio - - - . Resolvertbst Robert NeCortney he named' tOithe Hou.'tetnuel Todd as a candidate. for appointment to.illest`Poiut,, in answer to his Communication upon this subject. . . , Reeotved, ,Tlint. the Secretary be ~requested to counkunicate to' the gm?. Mr. Todd tho •thanks' of the Virectorslor_the compliment he. has paid those under their charge, and their appreciation of th honor conferred . upon 'the Board.' Raolre4, That the i SecretarY communicate n•-oopy:=of-these Resoliitrcros,:'together , With = a copy of' the miuutel upiin this ethject, to the Mu , . L. Todd. • In pursuance of the above proceedings—and recommendation, young McCartney, on Friday, rust,'recetrod from Mr. Todd his appolntinen , accompanied by the following friendly letter. IVAstwarros CITY, "Roust of Representatives, March 4, 1.856, 1141MULT MCICARTNZY, plgAi ../ taA6 gritit-Plkeure in forwarding to you your t ap- . pointmeut to a cadetahiP- in the West Point Military Academy, on my nomination. Permit me to congratulate you on your' en trance into an Institution, where Jou will be enabled to sboure a position that'will.put it in youV:power to-become ,an acceigpialted echo'. er, and a useful and valuable citizen.* I feel interested in your success, noronly_beetruse Qf the instrumentality I have bad in your ap , pointment, but z because like myself, you come' from the bumbler : walks of. life,, and may ,ex etuplify the fact that true merit, in our gibri"- qua country, is sure to-earn positions of honor and profit. Lot me, therefori, imprest on your Mind the necessity of a rigid - adherence, to higie•Moral principle, and a devoted ,appliaa. tion'to tho'duties that lie before yet. Escheiv all had And dangerous habits, avoid loose , and unprincipled associates, and _cultivate thoae. virtues which, whilst they secure your own self iespect, will, at the same time, challenge and rboerve the confidence and approbation of all who 'know: you. ,By so doing you . wilt work out ftir yourself ti - good,ltotiorable and useful oarser,. , and yeffeet credit -upon_your family and friends. Aceompanying this 'yon 'Will find a blank ahknowledgement of the _appointment, which you and your 'father must sign, and then for ward 'it to Hon. Jeff. - Davis, here, or inclose it to me and I will hand it over., , Veryßespectfully, . , . LEMHEIi TODD: From what We-know-"and' have heard. of young lilcCartney..we hop no doubt that. i lkiii appointment willrefleot oriOit h9th t uPoP School Directors and Mr. Todd, who , obtained f9r hip this very. reepeotable.position. 'THE SEASON.-40 once it didn't rain or anti , on St., Patriok:s day this year, but it 'aricrwed .the day before and snowed tO • the depth of torrerki inches last night. gluon anti Colinto "Eatters. WitiiiIIIIGTON CITY," • riteniahves Febrisar 7, 1856 __:ProfJ b I p nppp;tig,o ttn ec ure , !•11iarrail*," reoentiy,dellver9d beforivtlie :the BOROUGII, OTON:-Z4he Borotgh Election taltOlact; Fridtty -next,' the 21et last:" Vie—following nominations-hive-been made by the Atnericane and Whigs, in,op9R meeting and are - excellenf•nominatione : . --Chief ligraess—j:. • • Aeat. StiluUet Gould Assessor—Wm; Bell. Biddle.'. - ,/!own Ward- r lienry Myers, blip - Gad's% Franklin Gardner, George Wetzell: West Ward—R. C. Woodward, Da vid Sii)e, John Thompson; Miobael Btuteffer, Henry Glass. z • 'Sch'ool Directors:-West Ward, Andrew Blair ;, Jams Hamilton, (1 year.) - East ECM Ward-'—no nominations against t o preeen in IS ymbet4e-idesersitflinmari aand - Quigley:-=' , ' ''. - ridge - - - Eatit,..Wfird—Ch:arles Flotiger: . Wee Ward—J. Keller: - . ~ . Inspector—East Ward—H, ilarkpeas. Wes Ward—F. Dinkte. - • Justice of Peace = West Ward—QeorgnEge. ---Cones/de—East . War — it c arthey Ward—R. '3l c West Ward Lewis Robinson. CARLISLE iIa'ROVEKENTS.—The lm provernentinthe streets anti domiciles_ereur borough - withirra few-years-past-has _been_of a most 'gratifying character. i'oriner resi dents, who - revisit our town after a' few years absence, are struck- with the changes, and spealkin warm terms of admirati!gw,,ofthe proveutents. Mr t AlfrcirSariderson,-16eai edi tor-of, the Lancaster Intelligeneer, has been: RS we fearn from a recent letter, visiting Car. lisle recently, and after Reeking of the new Jail:and Marion - Hall; thus refers to other imiirvements . . , - • , .! In the way of ohurches, o the German Re• foimod is one of the handsOmest in the. State, out of Philtilielphla. The 'trent believe of the - Gothie etyle of architecture, and riche a beautiful and imposing - appearance. This' iMproventent, l'suppose, will be - folloisred up by others of the same kind. • . "There are tieveral otherTbididings - iwthy Of note. The stores ofMessrs, Bentz, Haverstick and;Trout are . handsome affairs; and add much to the app' eardnee.•of the streets on which theY are situated. The building 'of — Dr. Kieffer, -now being finished, is certainly a handsome one. The lower story is of Iron, and the two upper ones are in imitation of sandstone. This will be one of -the best finished building, in ,th'e town,`'and Dr. Kieffer has shown, much goad taste and energy in ereoting suoh.a struck, tarty. r . ,„ • "Water rndGas pipes have been introd,need into the town, , the former being now .in use, and "soon-.pedestrians, after night•fall,' can walk the streets frith some degree of safety, and noe stand in danger of breaking . a limb, or what would be worse than all; their "pate" with all the "larnin," in it. ;The introdUctinn of water and-Gas was a necessity loKig needed in Carlisle." _ ' NEN NUSIO.—HORAOR , iirATip,Bi, the great lilueia Publisher, and Piano Defiler, BM - Brciadway, N.Y.,. baa sent .ue'ilie following e of musio:—'Jeannie Marsh-o ,cry .y,'.' Song an Chorus=Word s . Genera) Morris; Music—by Thomas. Baker, Pike 26 dm. Jeannie (who, - by the bye, we _understand to be , ideal personage) has ex :cited tbo , poetic muse of- °metal Morris, and furnished a new . Inspiration the most original and inelodidus of all our billad com posers, Thomas`BalCir, who has produced• an admirable iwelodyr—,light, sparkling and grace ful as Is ibe fair theme O both poet and mu sician. • This song possesses all. the elements of immense popularity, and Will soonhe found on 'every piano : throughout the country. .For the benefit of our fair readers We copy the the lio - fig as rritttsby Jeannie Marsh of Cherry.Valloy, • 4 tt:whOsti call the muses rally ; Of the nine none so'dielne As Jeannie MarskOreherry Talley, _ She mind, me of her native scones„ Where she was born among the cherries ; 'l7 . ,Eirpeaches, plums and nectarines, Years ,apricots and ripe Stritwhirrleal Jeannie Marsh of Cherry Jeannie Marsh of Cherry yalloy,- In 'whose name the muses rally; z Of nil the nine none so divine As Jeannie Marsh ofCheriy Valley.l . : , • , A silvan nymph with queenly grace; An angel she in every feature; - ..The sweet expreasion of the A dimple in tho smile ofnature I . Jeannie Marsh of Cherry : PUBLIC tor tlie owing Sales of Stook,_ hrming Artotiiilk; 13t:m(44341d Vora-4134, &a., biro been 'printed at this:office, tia • . , Sale at the-reaidenoe of Join Coyle, doo'd. a Hogeetotin,ron Tuesday, Alarm 25th. 'Sale by:Lewie , Spoliator, lo South Middlo oa'township,.'on,Friday, March 218 t, Sale br.Johnlteistlin, in North Middleton ownship, March 28. 64.RLISLE DEPOSIT BANIE.--krotil the repott of the Banks of Penrgeylv made , by the Auditor gel:l(44li ire '43tirract tie toDowhig stetement-ef-the oonaitioti-of the-Carlisle—Bei. - posit Ifault Capital, • COminolivoalt); Dividendi, • ' • Profit and loas. Duo to othar,Danka o DuetO D'aimattoroi Bills diecounted, • $ 443,732 92 Due by , other Ilanka, • 3,29657 Notes and Cheois of Other *inks, 60.788 29 Sliecle, Choice Ste., • 5,055 49 Protests,- - 29.52 ' Real "Estato—Banking 'louse, . 8,000 00 Suspense . Account, . 823 08 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., 8r,0., 7130 00 lIIN C - 15;MBERIANPVALLEY — BANK7-- - -- - /Y doe is hereby green that HENRI' Smiron, Esq., one of the proprietors of the Bathing House of Her, Brenneman & Co:, bee this UV bb mutual consent, withdrawn his Interest in said Banking House- • ' We ]gave, as NiilLbe' seen by our,. advertise ment,-associated with us thlit-ctSfCapt: Joan -Buntsp,-of-West - Pennsboro - :of -- lietEtTy Saxton,_Esq._ • • KER, BRENNEMAN & Co. ___Caxlisle,„-MAroh 18, 1866. Having.this day,by mutual consent, with drarrwirom the Banking - A:louse of Ker,Brenne- . man Co., with a 'Tien of git,ing my whole attention:to • the businees:.l.• am now engaged in,•.l..take great pleesnre (from a long and friendly intercourse•with the members of said firm) in recommending•them to the confidence aud:patrenage of the community. . (Signed) —HENRY SAXTCN. Carlisle, March 18, 1856. \ • . • TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, Mechanicsburg Lodge, No. 215, L 0. of O'F... iVhereaS it has pleased the all•wise God to remove fromour midst a worthy 'and esteemed member of our order,Brother JONIPII . . NIILLIK, who in an unsuirectingm - amentwa - s - crushedbeneakh the ruin°_of the warehouse of Messrs. Busby & . -Co., of Philadelphia,_ on' Thuradity . the 28th_ of. February last, and vellilit, w'e•are willing to acquiesce in the Di \ vitie-vril yet we mourn over the untimely end 'of our be oved brother.. Therefore, t Resolve •;. That. we deeply \sympathise with his bereaved and afßiated parents ' who i have bead? by the t end disaate,r, deprived of an af fectionate son, and •oiie who ever manifested -a-willingnewto-deny-iiiraselfstfr the-luxuries of life that he might be the better ahle•to ad.. minister to their wants. Resolved, That we attend the funeral of our deceased brother as a Lodge, and that he be interred according to the rights and ceremo nies of •our Order. . _ . Resolved, That as a token of respect out Lodge he, dressed in the habiliments of mourn• ing for the space of thirtrtlays, and that etteh weir the usual badge of mourning for the same space of time.' . • • Rsiolved, That these proceedings be pUb lished is coutity - papersand - a - coprof - the - &lime be sent to the parents. F. A.WATEER, A. N. GREEN, • , . H. F. FELLS, , • ' . SAMUEL ECKLES, • ' GEORGE BABB; Mechanicsburg, Mar. 10 Com, SW - A be.utiful Complexion may easi ly be acquired by using the Balm of a Thou sand Flowers. It will remove tan, pimples and freckles from the skin, lituf,ing it of a soft and roseate hue, Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and , wash the facie night and mourning. Fdr sale at itelso7ti Drug Store. =,sir-riagis. On this 29th nlt.,iy the'Rei. J.. Evans, Mr. SIMON JUMPER, to .Miss ELIZABETHRICMABAUUM, botß of Franktbrt township. . • , . • . -- On - theAtth inntr,l;) , ti). Mist ELIZAUIETII lIEVERLINO. both of Nowv,llle. • Beams. . On, the 18th. inst., Mr FitANCIS 011A01;1, in Perry County, near Landisburg, lu the 824 year otide age • P LOWS PLOyi'S Inoribet has and Is constantly keeping an assortment of the celebrated SAGUIA PLOWS.-, 24 constantly oR hand Ziegler's, Plank's, and llenwpod'd Plows. We have also a very large lot of the Ilunons York Plows on hand, and a floe assortment of Cultivators, Remember the old etandilast.3lato-striset, 'Mauch 19,1855.[ • umismir qAXTON. . To) FARMERS:-=The 'subioi4Vei . has just returned from the City , with Ame of the largest assortments of Hardware ever . hrought to this place. lls -has just received 80 dos. Hanics with and 'without pat. thstenlngs, Iron aid steel hooks ranging in airs from• 44 to $1 50. Also 800 pr straight and twist link trace chains from 50 to $125. IlomeMade traces of aU kinds, also A lot of spread,. 114, breast, lutt, car,rylug , poltec 40 log.; chains—also a Tory large lot of, shovels, lets spades, hoes, rakes, and itt.short • everything • and thing,Witpted'hy.the Fanners--' , • • • Aemgw pld, start/ East Main St. Carlisle: • ' lllarc Ito.sBl. , 11. 13A111"0"1. I)LOWA.:pLowB, largest and best iiisortinent_of' 'vier effered. II the Philadelphia Market, many of them new and im proved patterps, - alao Hold Farrows, Cultivators,Oarden and deldliolfew,Plaitters, Dairy Jrn'plintentS, Ox Yokes and Dour; Spades,' ,Shovels, Hoes, improved Spa- • ding finks; Garden Reels and Lines. • Pruning end Medic- Ing Shears, with every otherdescription.of Agricuhuial and IJorticultunil impliments in the -greatest 'variety and of the moit'appivved osttoi-es, ' • ", _ PASCIIALL, MORRIS 1. CO,; . • Agrichltural Warehciuse and,coted Store Cor: 7th and Market et, ;Marl 19'x6. • El liov. • 45,:•,1855. . • 60,00000! 285 tI(Y 8408 - 60 11,F09'05. • . '47.740 26 .4,42.749• 17 526,450 . 9 T $ 525 t 4 50 97