Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 12, 1856, Image 8

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Q1.:4 ~•_. .. •
CARLISLE PRODUCE • - 311.1110ET:' , .,
-- • DtEilinvint, , ion'
Ihrodo c ids 3 P 1119rniiig, ,
do Exiia;" - .do 7,25
aus WHEAT per.„l?ni.Bhel . -
LoyEnsEED ' -
do ,
rEr:111It A O - MiCalliirflour — rnerket — thie - :
Mbratig Nias : qui k at
et, byt a shade rer under
(liices per the itiicmof an adva ri ce 'on ';the
.then side. We note a salit''of 200 liourd
.treet brands at $7 25, More than . vrhich•was
• lot offered. A 641 e also of 1000 hbls City
tlills, for immediate delivery, at $7.25, .and
iOO bbls . do ;' for delivei7.lst.of May, at $7 25
end 500 do. ; to be deliveredllay2oth, at the
- . - Nothing—done,ir
cared and held U-$7 25 per
Came' - pI'ICO
irioe 'ehange, buyers are_dispo
tye Flour—:-Market quiet. We
Is 4 94 per bbl, nominally. No sales reported .
3orn Meal,-We quote country at $3, city
nanufecturef s4' per bbl. Buckwheat
Intl in smaller lots at s2'per.loo k lbs. .
Gnaii.l.--:Wheat —Holders era somewhat •
irmer this morning; i:Weipts light; anti ship
)ers are not much disposed to operate':
ere purchase freely,: Abont_l7oo bushels of- .
"ered, and sales df fair to good and prime
white at prices ranging from 165 to I 75a
$2 78, very:Choice do., for family wil
command $l-80. Sales of red $1 60, and the
;tinge quoted at. 1'58a51.65 per blithe', tirto .
'utility. Oats—about 1500 bushels was of
(tired today, and sales-uf good-to prime White '
very - ehoice - at 37a39cepts—per
pushel. Rye—None offered to-day, and no
sites, lye quote Maryland - . at SUN Aleuts,
and ;Pennsylvania ht:Va9Blcents_ per bushel."
valry of South : Carolina - have been'exercising
themselves in care.of•a war Sur KatisaB, • and
'the students of the State College, atColumbia,
}lave hada desparate - rebellion - and eneouilter
with the pollee, in:which iieveral were killed
on both Fides, The military were called out •
and ke.t under arms for several daye. The
students ',despatched one of their number to
Charleston for.the purpotie.of purchasing am- .
finding the citizens of Columbia would
not sell to them. They also procured rifles -
from a neighboring town, under false preten
ses, and.wOre moulding bullets night and day:
•The Mayoctaving secured the key of their ar
mory.they sent-i -niessenger to- him, stating
that if ho did not give up the key they would.
break open the armory. He refused to do se,
and they broke it open and 'procured the
weapons therein TitY4ext Any Gov. "Atlas
went—to_the_campus.4tnil,dernanded • the arms
front the .studetits, tellipg them it' they did not
surrender he: would tire upon them. This be
ing done. they gave up the'armS There was
'a College meeting held subsequently, and some
•of the'students were expdlled. - ' - The newspa
pers ntCeluinbitt , have. eatidetiotlting,tihout this
affair, as they fear the 'students will „lm,down
.them with “iiharp. sticks,",
.but ~the
-Charleston Courier sny*.l4oell,:the Chief of
Police, and three other officers were shot, and
two of theitudents died of their Wounds, The
faculti• of South Carolina College seem to have,
taught the "young ideas-110v to shoot'!" •
LATER - Fa 0111 -- ElliOrk; , -- ,-- By - - the
the steamship-Africa, at_ New - __Yerk,_we _halm
three days' hater intelligence-from Europe.—
She brings no -tidings of the Pacific./ The.,
Peace COnference. , was to open on the lsth. z ~lt
All the plOniputentieries had airii.ed r fi'i_Paris...
Quito a sensation had been oreated in ...Paris
by the puolioation in the Moniteur of an .arti
cal-that-appeared in the-Siecle,_•which_lndica- _
ted that' the:'poligy of France and England
wovW be identical
. in the Congress.. The
Rothohilds land taken the whole of the Inew
loan it 90. There lidthing of interest from
• Two PIICIPHE63I9,—Lorenzo Dow, who pos-,
&weed much commonsense, and a queer, *ay
Of usiogit, has it is stdd, left upon record two
propheciss , thatitre soon to be fulfilled'. We
will not vZiuch for the truth of them. Re said
that sometime in the month of,-fdarch, 1856,
we would have higher waters 'than has ever
been witnessed time- Noah's dotty The .. im
mense.quantitips,of snow andice seem- to-in,
dicate that if they go away suddenly, Dow's
prophecy' may comb true.—His next.prophecy
was that in the-year;lB6o , there would be , a
bloody War hetweenrthe protestants and Ro•
min Catholics in this country, and that the
Protestants rould be - oictoribUti:
• Tux WISCONSIN , GovanuoMmar.-iThe Ja
dlsiarr Co m mittee
the, Wisconsi&'-80nate
bavetaa;le a mart upon the v ntested 'eh 0.
tion casebetween' Baretow, the occupant of
the, tfatiernatorial chair, and Mr. Bashford,
the ife 41,14.17eau claimant, hi which the 'Whole
question is elaborately re.viewed. „ The Coin
_taittee ettakii - toAlle_seuelueiou that -Mr. Baal..
35,872-1,131 votes, against 55,623 for Bar
stow. • .
' :6 - - 1 - 1(r - NRWPOliii . ..
40 11 nc • V.' over4iiid loather 'ate,
CARLIBLB:rtTIio undersign
(hes always on:band - alargo'stook.of Haporlor Cablne% •
' 'aro, hi all thild.liVerecit ptylow, -- whiar ,
al at the lowest prkea. invltes, atterithin.Partlegi:
• e1:41 entlrely otiv)atea objdettOML—
!. he bottom can be attachod to old liodstetida. , They have
en - etittre - aattifattloularall - whishavelhinu'lrrue
. Ano- COFFINS-outdo to, order at the shotteet notice.
A liS'ltand-ONDFAt-T-AANIP ‘. -
Norm liadover street, next - door to
,l lass's llotul.J
' •
restioetfully tuft' . rm the
.dtlicits of Carlisle and the public generally; that lie
has now On hand is large and elegantassortritentof
N VELMA - consisting in pint of Wardrobes, Card and
or. Tables, Sofas; Bureaus, Iledsteads, plain and fang'
:towiug.fitande,ikc., tnariuhictured of-the hest nurterlal.
ntl quality warranted: .• • ;• •
Also a general assortment of CIIAIRS at the,
lir lecif NF:NITIAN 8L1N98 . 11.111d0 to order, and repairing
'promptly - attended - to: , • 1, - • '•-
Ai* COFFINS madociat ' the Sliortest nodes; and hay
ing a splendid hearse or
4-17 Item:ember the stand-next door to 11. Glass's
11401: . ' It. B. SNII.LEY.
El —.TAM SS. it. WEAVERwouId resnecfeully call
•., the attention of lloti -
akiteepers anti the public
to his ix tenslve stock a' elegant Ft D.N.111.1,1tE;
including Sofas, Wardiebep, Centre and - Tables,
Dressing and.Phtin ilurea)us, and every.other
J :Mile in his branch of LW:31'100- Also • hollairhuind
3helargest assortment of CIIAIIIS in Carlisle, at
the lowest prices. AOFFINS nuide at the short-, ,•
vAt notice and a ilearse provided for funerals. Ile
sAlvits a-call at his establishment, on:Nortit
• yoer streel,•neer
ZerVusniture hired outbyAlle month or year:
rElas - 4 "'ATIi SAYINGS:FUND,
.. NO. 8:3 DfICK STREEt . • .
Tho.Stoto savings Fund As attracting deposits from
all clomps of the continunity, hi every stiction of the city
And country. All Rums of Money eeturned on demand.
Doposits - forwarded by mail to the order of the 'rreosu:
rer; will oyery necessary' attention.
1,1110. lI7'llAlt.T.
• .
. .
• Feb. 20, 1856—ron. ' . Treasurer..
.Tt has , bcen the,lot'o: the human race to be weighed
down by disease and su.ferlug. 11.0l,LQWAY'3 1'41.14.3'
•iro specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the
ICNCT 01'111
climes, ages. sexes. and, constitutions. Professor Iloilo.
waY personally_ superintehds the manufacture of hte
medicines in the United glides, and — iiiTerSAhein tai a
free 'atid. enlightened
,people, as the lk'et remedy the
world ever say for the removal of disease.
--qfbeie amens Illl's7aie - eniltes,sly-cainhining,nperatet
on the stone eh, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
skin, and the-bowels, corrliabljz ;any dorangemont lit
their function4,4urifylng the blood, th e Tory fountain
of olif, and thus curing disease In all its forms. ••
- 7 -- DYSPEPSI - A - *ND - 11 - Vgit - COMPLALNTS
NeArly , b4ll the human race_ have taken these Pills:
heett , proved in:all *Ori' of the wiwid, that no
thing has been found equal to there In r'ases'of disorders
f the -liver, dyspepsia, add stomach cAmiplaints gene
-They soon give a healthy tone to these organs,
however much deramg2d, and whom all other—means
have failed.
.15fany of the most despotic Udvernments have opened
their•Gustom houses to the intrOdHartion of these Pills,
that they May become the 'ma'am) of tile '
admit that this Medicine hi the best
remedy over known Air pprsons of _delicate, or where the
system has been hupalred, as its Invigorating properties
lover fill to afford relief.
No Female, young or old, should. be without this
celebrated medicine. dt.. corrects and regulates the
monthly courses at all periods. acting in many rases
like a charm. It- iselse the best and safest medicine
that can be given .to-Children of all ages, audfor any
complaint; "consequently no family shOuld be with
out it.
Asthma - - -Debility . - Worms of all
Doriel Complaints Fever fusd.Agua....-- kinds - .. •
Coughs Female dna- fltona and Gravel
Colds " ' s ..- • Plaints. ..- Seeondarr,SyniP-
Chest Diseases Headaches toms
Costiveness • " ,Indigestion : - . Inward Weakness
Dyspepsia Influenza. "•Livur Complaints
Litrrium . Inflammation J.orr.n`ss of. Spirits
Divey • ..- - " NenorearAffeetions Piles sr
fyi , Sold at the litunufafeteries of Professor Tramway
jIO ?datdon- lAno, New York, arid 244 StraudiLonden, by
rill:lbwetable Druggists and. Dealers of Medicine
throughout tho United States, and the civilized world,
tl \.
boxes. at '45 cents, 62% rents, and $1 each. ' . • •
• kriP• There is a eonsideraldu r saving by taking the
la ger sizes. ' •
N. - 11. - Difirtiolis for the - gliklatteorof patlepts in every
diprder are affixed to each box.. . .
oct: 24, 'bb. .
. -r:.
.., ~
.. ~.
I )..6 ,W ASfri PILLS
THESE PittS PURIFY TI 1111):101)
4.54.ji., 1. ;0)';' . _
.' , : i .::',...: , : , i1 - .li9ieutio_potit,-.LJ7. , ..::
. • - . . „ • ..
_k3-4 fplisUPPlY of the, abeVe celehrhiaii4Chnrit, now
°Wl:Mutt& alythe altroiont slseg; fie M-4 gallorLs •to fah,
It received the. first premium , at the. late. Pennsylvania
State - Fair,: the And nrontiunt' itt, the Franklin Inittlt hie
-and.DelaWkre -and-Aferylantl,Stato„Faira;:tuatt_yertous_
, others-at-dilferent places. It will make more and hotter
butter - froth-a. given amount of creautiand , in less time
than any eltnrn in the 'market. :For sale wholesale MO
retail by . • • PASCIIALL 310ItHIS'& - CO.;•
-Agricultural-Warebnuscrand-Eleeittitorercorner-of 7 .th_
and Mathet, Philadelphia. • • Dec. 1135.4—tf
aVoic Seventh. Fhilrldelphia, respectfully income the
4 , 43 .411,..ttt.tb.m in prepared to make the Pillowing ' '
. TWENTY Boardman, ray h Co.'s celebrated PIANOS,'
and TWENTY C. W..Flek - A 'Co.'s PREMIUM 111111.:0- '
-DEONS will be placed in the hands of si:coninitt tee of
gentle Men, to be by them, distributed among the holders
of my certificates, :
To each .purchaser of my Popular Music, a eertlileate
will he presented. entitling the holder to an interest in
ONE PIAN(Land - ONE MELODEON. to be dispoaed of by
the Committee fir the benefitof those
cates, when ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS' worth of Music,
shall'have been.sold,'so that each person investing One
Dollar will not onlyrecelve In, and the value of money
paid out, - but will secured to bini an interest. in
eommon.. • with_other_eertificate holders. In OW, alimie dis
tribution. Pb. sueeeedliik •
tinned, sultject to the same regulation, until. the 20
_Pianos and 20 Melodeoniare distributed...' . '
Particular attention Is invited to that feature of this
'plan whlCkealls for a dispoSid of
- the Instruments When
but 1000 certificates have been issued, thus avoiding the
vexatious delay and probable disappointment attend
ing c4rtain schemes now 'before the public= .
May be selected from -my entire stock, which
aifmprises evety.'.;utaingue iu the
nalf•• Will•• be.. faithijilly and
prumptly sitignded to,-' , • ,
N. IL—Constantly 011 a splendid assortment. of
Pianos, from= thecelebrated Matt utaiiorlis of Boardman,
firay Co.. of Albetnr Jacob 0111M:eking. St Jo W. Ladd
A em, of: Boston": Manger.and. Bennett A Co.. of
New - 11.40 t. Also, C, NY. Fish k. Co.'s Prruilyim
de9tls; had at the imeest man ufacuturer's prices.
.• . -
[Read the followlug . front
.lipelq's 'Musical Editor.l
• 110 ,, GRAY & PpINO are so well
-100 RA-with tIM instrumento dilute thlo tirM that
we lnitetletermlned by he Enktrilutentai MirselreS. that'
la, in birnlshinii — our-sithseribere and others with ~an
artirle.thot we can recotrimetut.tivid warrant: -Thereto
ftlways ti...dlMMiltrattending tote purchame of
. pianos,.
heeauset arsons cannot rely fully tlie'recommenda
thms they teen:Are from inannearturers, who :are hams
ested. of 'course, In, the sale of their own inanufaeitire,
NoW. we are not intereeted in the matte's in any way,
excapfz. - 8 , 1 far no I , i—see—that_ __ )))))))) Who patronize , our
"Book" shall be well served with Ilse I,e;it - piaLroi made:
I , Form of.prices_,/ , .. , e eover, which amounts we will
skid Phunoo,.witErnuted for one year, the freight. to. he
Mnierlng. Wee, annex.:lo 'Cam ra
caved from a 'gentleman tn. Virginia, to winadine
one of these Plattos:-
flanr.r; - flscy.. -- -.l)ear Sir=i - have great pleasure
in rickbowleti;:ing the. receipt ot,the ri v io Forte...which_
you were soTgried a CO order fOr guy trite foim lloardman
A Gray's,. It wasaiefil'ilidThr solifetittie td Wincliesterr
f am happy to Say that It cave 11 - rtTialrent -- emullZ:
tion: We are, decidedly pleased with the instrument.
The rosewood ismf a beantifuhttality: - the case is plain .
(we like it the better fer it); the. touch In very easy for
A new Instrument, and the time ieaiim.clear and sweet.
All who hive tried it. admire it and speak in the highest
of lts piellOwnese - ind - - of tone:. We
deeply regret-that we did unt order the 'Attachment'
we must hare It yet.
"We are deeply indebted to you Or your agency in
procuring fo'.us so giant an- hist runien t. lie pleased - to
receive our-acknowle4gmente.--Youubt—servt.,:
.doe. t,'55. , • • J . D. W."
, .
it: street,-soutly.west corner of Third street,
Inc rporated-by the State of Pennsylvanirgi
18-11. •
Fivp per rent. Interest IS given, and the money Is al
ways paid back whenever .It Is called for, without the
necessity of gl9ng notire fir it beforehand..
itige sums their
jmoney in this
Saving trund, on account of - fhb suliiFfloaffilyal - rf=
venially° it affords, but any sum, large' or small, is re
ceived.. - N• "
This Saving Pund has a very huge amount of Mort
;tap:es, Ground Rents and other first elasß investments
fer.the socueity'eifDepositm.s.---Thii,tmle4-prevent any-
Dirk‘ctor or °Meer Irma using or borrowing the money.
The Office is alien to receive and pay-money-every
day, from 9 o'clock hi the morning till 7 o'clock . in the
evening, and on :Monday and Thursday evening, till If
o'clock. • , .
People .w ho have money to put in, are invited to call
dethe offiCe furfurther inform:olmb •• .
ENRY L. BEN E R,. President.
ROBT. SELFRIDCIE. Vice President
- W3I. J. REED, Secretary. ..
Octehor.3, 1855 :
S. E. Curner`Third and Chesnut Streets, Phil'a.
' CAPITAL $250,000,
Money 1e received on deposit daily. the amount de-;
posited is entered in a Deposit Book.and given to the;
Depositor, Or, if preferred, a certificate will be Oven.
-All sums large and small, are received, and. the•
amount paid back on demand, without notice.'
Interest Is paid . at the /ate of FIVE. PiNl CENT, com
mencing from the day of &petit, and ceasing fourteen
days prevlonitollie'witlidrawal of the money. -
tin the first clay oflinuary, in each year, the interest
of each depoalt is paid to the depositor, or addedlo the
inclpti. !fiche may prefer,:' .
The Company have now' upwaids'of 3,500 depositors
In the city of Philadelphiallone.
Any aditionallnformation will he given bi - addressing
• DiItECTOSS. . • ••
,Stephen . 11.'Crawfard..Pres't. . Wm. M, Godirin,
Lawrence Johnson, VNo PL, Paul Goddard:"
Ambrose 0. Thom on oeo. Mullaney,
Benjamin W, T gley, .. • :lames Devereux,.'
Jacob L. Pier co, • - • • Gust. lingltali,
• piaNy 1ISlr.• - • Becretary,and Treasurer,
J. 0 OctiLSCIOAOMt. Teller and Interpeter,
Sept.l2 '55.—1y.•
rittAlt(lo 4 ll - 4..-ChttivAlmojistotipm
-lianitnnd for: -
ner.,2l. ' • W. B.MI.IIIIIAY, Ag't.
Mathematical' Drawing Itritellments, separate add hi'
wascs, such us Dividers, 'Rules, Ivory, 11Ox-Rood
and Paper Scales, -. T. - Squarek , Tylangles, • BOW Pend,
,Drawing Pons, Fintractord, Uunler's Scales, Tape Meas.
tireti,T3kititlieratieicEttrvolyciftrehhillitT2litid - C Pole;:50
'end 100 feet, Surveyor's Compasses, Engineer's 'Levels'
tinalranslts,,Target &c., &c. Meet, Lanterns of
Natural ilisAinly, liutoorotuj A ghromutrole
Fire watis; Folorsmas; Afr
Pinups, Electelcalapparatus, Galvanic apparatus and a'
large collection of khllosophical Instruments, etiltable
-.ltems and schotilli,....also, Spectacles, Spy GinSses
icopes,.Therutometers,4Barometers Reading Ulas.
ling received the neuelur the sale . of. HOL
lild SCHOOL AIiI'AItATIJS, , I am prepared 'to.
Teachers with an Orrery aAVllurian,a.Numeral
•It 6 Inch, HlObe, a' Hemisphere Globe, le set of
,e'trical Solids, a Magnet and Text Boolc-all packed
.with' lock and key for $2O. Illustrated and
cataloguesfoOwarded (butts..-. - ' ' •••.
264 Chesnut St: Plifialelphia, suet of 10th St . ,
_ purity, fragrance mild
emollient properties of this .
Soap, renders it, especialiy- -
viltst ' ., 111 'cirerr
-11," 4 8 1
• r
. p s ki
• •
• rei;:r7.,.."..2•;••••••'*):t
• •- • • •
..-•• • it' 440" • „
toilet For chop.ed, hands,
and various diseases of the
skin; itis tut iafttaled: eh
calia is stamped .WM, VON
WAY.its. South Second
street, Philadelphia? No.
other is Cienuine.
Wash in hard,,, soft. orsalt . water. . This Soap has power
ful eleunsing - propertietriwhich readily remove till. Paint,
Dirt, from "every description of goods without injury
to them. For all domestic
. purposes it is superior to
any other soap iii use. atni`o per rent. cheaper than the
toMmon rosin soap. Each la.r is stamped.. '
"W11.1.1A31 CoNtrAY...
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soma:: aperin. stear
in. and tallow.candles, importer UM! dealer in sal soda,
rosin, Sc. Ordera i, uimil prOalittly attended
td Sept. 12th 3fli.
4~. ; --
I.v . the State of .I'rinerilt - iti irriiTS4s ---
- ()Fr lel.; t,. W - 11 - LS UT STltl , 4,:r - -
One door....aleom Second Street.„ ,
In sum!' of Dollar and upward,
-frian-all4lnr•ed: ef -- the - rommunit).and allrrwr interest - ,
*t the ratonf- nye per cent per annum. • tilnueys paid
I , itek 011 (frrxma. 41.4 - (11116 open _daily • from, :Yalta].
•aturday Untittßridlielt
fr.4einek..untl.on 'Monday an ,
iii the evening. -
This Institut-km 1;'111 be raiul rfconTonlent .tuni__safe.
plate of depesft for r Armen+ ind others doing bnsiness
in Philadelphia* ItepoiSipttitt nuAlentaudlttlitent
tinY previous notice icing 'ern/tared. - --. ' ' •
. ?TANAGERS.' __-_-:—' ..
. Edmund, A. Souler, . lion. Job R. Tyson,
.:RGlvrell R. Ilishbp;
.__ .ororge ROlditt,
James P. Perot: Robert Morris,
John SlbCiitiles,-' -.. • • .Edward I.:Clark.' ' " -
___,1,v9h . _8119 . 0.,_s _ . — Capt. John Gallagher,„
Joseph I, Cowell;•,. :Point Mice, ---
Joseph It. Slyers. Richard O. Stutesbnry,
Edward 11. Trotter, William Shippeu,'Jr.
Franklin Bacon,' ',Vn. P. Jenks. •
Thomas OaTer,. . Edgar E. Pettit,
. Preident—FßANKLlN FELL.
Treasurer—CllAß. M. MORRIS.
' Secretary—JAMES -S. PRINGLE. .
rrp_The Charter provides that no manager, officer or
agent shall, direetlysor 'indirectly, borrow any money
front the Society. • , - 0ct17,18:,5-ly
NManurzy•turer, N.NI%-et)rwet4th-antl Chesnut - Kt root -
• P111.Lai1.k4.1t1114 . ,
• Ej '
ii-Alwaya on hand a large ;40 varied aracwilneti! . of
. .
Portllonnaleg; - ' • - Work Boxes. .
—fork-it-Boolifi, .—rtibto,
Bankers Cases, Travelling Bags. • ..
Soto Holders,' . . Backgammon Boards.
Port Folios;
.. . ' Chess ilen,
'Portable Desks, Pocket ilemorandnm Books
Pressing Castis, Ci . .rar Cases, '&c. •
Also% general-assortment of Eng] 'all, YIIIII ltil.all (tiler-
I nan Fancy Goods, llno pocket Cutlery, llaiors, Ram' .
Strops and'thild rens. • .
Ariiiii;holosalo second and third Moors.
aprlti ._ • , • c F. 41. SMITII.
~-. ' N.W. eorrt. n. 4th and Cl(, streets. L.
• N. 1.1.-:-On tha receipt of it a tatpurior Gold Pon Iva'
.be snot toany part of tha country by mail--describing
pan. thus, medium, hard or soft.' - •
-1-11 3 -wholesito an ireetiiii - LODETNITTIL ASS ;Cis;
TORE I:IIA2III.i,..SIANUFACTORY, No. 12i street ) .
opposite the Theater, Philadelphia.
' 4k Co: received the only Prize Medal, awarded at
the Crystal Palace exhibition, N. Y., ISO, In the. U ailed
States, (or ti lit, Decorated, Mantel and PlatAlitssa.
• MILLINTRY - 6boDgi-155
'&401.1.N STONE A SONS, No, 44, South SeCond
• • • . Street, Philadelphia. ••
thicejust opened theft Fall of '
BONNET SLlelKaOtlilliONS. .• • \ •
• - FLOW EltS; - LAC
Including a general assortment of MILLINERY AitTI
CLES, of the most faShionable The above Goods.
have been imported oxgresSly for our, FALL Mick and
comprise the largest and' best assortment In our Him
be-found In the market. •,- . septlO
C 4. R E T T () N.!—
: .NEW Goons! NEW GOODS!!.
he subscriber hatingjust returned from the cities
of New York • end Philadelphia is now opening a Tory
listengive atisortinent of "
Consfsting_of elegant IVinter, Shawls, splendid Silks,
ali o lie LAMS, Fieneh Merhows and Para•
inettos, elegant Needle Worked Cellars and Ruffles &c.
Ribbons and T,riunnings in great-variety. Cloths. Cas,
simeres, Cass!netts, Vestings, Flannels, .Tqans and Ho
siery; &c., a lot of new Carpettings. Also a full and
complete assortment of ROOTS AND SHOES.
All periions in Want of ,luttidscnne and ehentrgooda are
res •ectfully invited to call and exatnlit this stocklefin.e
purchasinrersewhere. At the Old Stand 1....55t Main
Street. — , - • ClfAltlEf; OGILBY.
N.,11.,A stock of offell, , fflaitl, clothing ou haud.--which
will be sold at eost. • - . . .
oet. 17; '55. r,
. -
.. The subscilber has Just retuned from P,tilladelphla.
and le now opening:a splendid assortment of WINTEIi
GOODS she:roes ihan ever bought to Carlisle. French
. Merinoes, Pe pit ms,Sillis, Al pm+ iiii; S !MVO s, Ikunbaseen,
Cloths', Cussimeres, Vestings,pitlieoes, Muslinea d e ., In
great varletyn ' . - . - . -
An Immense stock .of ' BOOTS. AND SHOES, all kinds
and-prices at the very, lowest notch. "Also, A new stock
Of ,Pliiol4 . Furs very cheap. New style Winter Punnets'
most fludflonable shape.
. . .. .
-r-Vome nue a int-all-I il-Wft nt, of elinape•cs Als;-anil-you -will
llititifrelo lie - suileil at the Ord.litainl, - Esst .Main..atr,,et
dec..19,.5.4 .. . , , . CIIAItLES OCIILBY.
N 4 . Ft: At 0 - IF - .41j. - =:-The - riuipscrib,er'liat. ; ::
, 7 aiiiiiiiedhiiiiiickkiii'&iiilivifei&iii6i ti. tip \
.I'. Y STOItErItOM, one'i.loor west - - of the County `,..
Prison,iii Naha street, arid tvall, berpldhsed to see ail
his old customers, stgl as inany. new blies ea ,uuty flnd
tto their advent/1,010 eve him tc,ea.n: - ,-- . .. •
.Jan2,3,,_18511:1 ' . 11.:0. W -lITNER: ' • • . •
________ •-• 1
la ON:kV WANTED,.-:-A1 p,fsoims,
; LlEJ,lnitobted.tothe anbicriter for store . goods '
vultuilami_u_ityzarthi aro earuest)tilquested. to rnlC
• -
and Fottle up' without delay'money much neeirod•
by him at the present time. . , • • .
-2‘,000 pr sB,ooa
• I wauteit,'fbr which the best Rea] :
soma security will be giv oh. Apply to
Real Estate Ag't. and Scrivener.
Jan. 3, '56
members of the
Borland cOunty , Agricultural Society will meet
lathe eotirt. houiedu CarliSle on luciday, the 4th of
'Sktrcli, all/o'clock. The following is the , subject for •
discussion: ' • ,
Nybut,' in the hest - polick • of the Dinner kespecting tbo
quality slid quentity of Fencing:" . • ' •
HOlll7. MOPP:E, •cy: . • •
k-..) ' , Whet - caw the lionorable‘,lahr .11. GRAIIA:I4,.Prost
dent Jiidge of the • several Cou z s of Comm:UKM an in
the coninica of -,Cumberltit :
ali l'ci"
Pen usylvania, and Justice 61 the sev ni.Courtgot Oyer
and Terill - in Cr mut, tleneral Jail Deliveald coun
ties, and Ilen.JOllN hum. and fitqatab WOODMEN Judges
of the Court 'of Oyer and Terminer and Oenoitil Jell
Delivery for the trial, of all capital 'and other offender!,
lu the said county of Cumberland, by their-precepts to
me directed, bearing. datethe 14th •lay ofJanuary,lBsol
have ordered the Court cif Oyer - and Terininer and Ocuo.'
ral Jail Delivery to be holden at ,CAItLISLE on 31 . 11.1-
DAY, 'the lith. of April, 1 . 850. at 10 o'clock in the .
furouotin o to continue tam weeks. . .
NOTICE IS,IIEREIIY RIVEN to the coroner, Jut*.
hif - wald totintSeel
Cundolt•lund, that they are by the said precePt com
manded to be then and there in theiz 'proper persens, '
with their rolls, ,records, inquisithins, extunitnitiOne
and all other rementbrani , cs, to do those thhigKwhich
to their office appertain te be done, and 'all those,that
are bound by l'ecognlzances, to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or then shall' be In the jail of said__
- . -- are -- to - tarth - rfre - vi prOKecubT - thetil as shall be
. . • Feh: lu, I sbd.
' 4 ! . -
•a. lut ULT
1 W. - ziata;AvErt.
11555; Aug:. 2S ' net.'
in Cavilslit r ubit .
Ciisli Irs.,ra. J. . parks
.I,6ricuittiral Nwiet„....
CiiiiiiirtaititiliTey — tol7llliTs;
, ' di, ,it,4,o, l 4Litleur ineuiliers
do 7S yearly miniiburs tend Orally .. . < ---- 778 00
tasn , fur single tinsels, 3:.c.- 7Gli 3'3
2tg.i froureoriiity 1 fiViiiriir , •, .. • N t , 100 uO
- o
L 0.. "
1 sz6, ug. 28, paILI - 11. Nobly turd acres and 20
110111 . 1111. 01 Ptiid • •• _ .
ettot-itichwhia and others foi324,postti,.haul-
• Ing, ett
l'ltst Martin, Wilsoti, and others clerking;
Pt .police, Sc.
td'-It-611eitrerF•pangl. , e ) Cameroni-amt—
ocherw, Iqr work ,
l'all jatwev Buller, Wy luttiter
•Paid nute in,Carlthlo Deptisit flank
raidd: hardware ro
l'aid :11. - SdiaTits, l(d.. iiitr9duciiik tiiiiivatar""" --r---
l'aid-lt.„--iNtildu_duil'lt,...lll.(ll If tur hay ..
ainteadt. bripreudinua paid •.. : - ' Winds id I.'reasurur '
1856, ieb.,s, tiy, l?alupco . 111":hap.k . of U. W
Treasuier : ,
JtmOout. awardod $B3 tt(l
eresonted toSociety--- 2O IS,
Unpaid . '
The Cammitteee to •ishom imbject ,wee referred
report finit they have examined the account 01 lienrgo
. S'heater, Treaidirer of-the CountyAgrL
eitlturat aockty r anit the stung as above exhibited
cerrem. 11 hint is respectfully FuLto ILI ed. • '
J. IV, CliillillFAD. • .
Feb. 20, ISSV-3t
r . 440 ,-. ' 4000 TONS IN K.ENS
fvslD' .y Valley, - Dattphin and !quo Lirtrat
0' „Nut or Lime Coal,
we or; -Valli ' - rit - i - .-Tven - lunt - 61:17Cifieltin - dttive
100, hest quality bliwksmith C, al,
Also, I,lOn 'shit, of all kinds and best CypresioShingles,
lal of which will be 'gal unusually low- .Fritmds call
and Judge Mr yourselves.
aug 21., tf 2. 11 JIOOYERI
- KiimirADA , ,y ukaL. broken' and re-sereetied,
piepared expressly for family use and kept ratio rant.o COVER,
so that' I cast thrnish it PRY •rintl C1.2-AN during the
'winter soagou.' 1 bare also ou hand and for sale the -
MAU: Fibl,lirt COAL from the uithes of
Cu„do and :. , 114110.1i11s COAL: Mom the 'mines of Carel
ran, t'cal Co.:all of so hi 11 W hell at small prolitp
WV rash, and deliver to any art of the borough.. - •
, W...h...5t Olt -
• •
r vim V 0.11T0.N • CQAL. .
•1 !Vitt:N*ol(l'oN COAL.
The i'rovorton Coal Company are now prepared to fur
orCarThile and rielnity with an übun
dant supply of the ti en uhui Trovortou Coakt hrtiugh their
dealers NOi. B. Nl3l{l{Al: and JACOB SIIIIOU, wheie
an:tunas can procure •tbe, variouslizes viz : - Lump,
steam Boat, Broken, Egg, Stove and Lime Burners. \l e
tan minuend it to all, as superior - to — any other dial the
stteim, domestic purpOSes and. limo burning. For tltp
intOrniat ion nr.l he citlr.iins bt:Carlisle wo would in
form them, this is that superior civil, a .s+ueple..uf
which was cent by E. lielti:nst hue, EstVf, of Treverton,
shout-the- inter , of .LS62 .auttLgaveLstlitiuch
• Tr'uVorton Cml Coinpauy Port Trekdrtou,toun
ty, Po. Aug.::'.'.;
• NI N
• pie stiliie er- •uuld 'respectfully inform the citizpus
of Oil iihilf tml ViCillity that half{ UOW . pieliared lo - fur
iiiiiii the OLNUtiVeI I1t1:YO11TON:X0AL, of 'carious
sizes, a sample of which was furnisbed to a number of
citizens threa 'years sluiv by Mr. 11.- .11elferisteln, and
which gave such , perfect satisfitetiom, • ' . ,----
. Ab e) boss qualitio eflykena Valley and Shamokin
Coal. .
. .
Also BbAcKsltyrirs and LI4EIIIIRNFIt'S COAL
of the different kindit constantly on hied, at the new
Coal Yard near the gaii works,
Sept.; 5'55
The subscriber would respectfully inform his Mends
and the public, that he is noir receiving 1000 tons of
that very superior RED ASH COAL, from the Luke
Fidler,-Mines of Boyd, Rosser $ Co., the , -only,,lted Ash
Coal brought from the Shamokin Ilasih, introduced arid
known in Carlisle - as thelfelferaitinebial. It is entirely
free from slate and all otherimpurlties, and Is perfectly
adopted to all mechanical and doniesti.) ,, purposes.
ieatlinese to ignite, renders it particularly tiosirahle for
mall stoves, while its intensity.of liras and great.dura-.
illty in burning makes it equally-so for large ones. Ile
would also call the Mt:Mitten of farmers and others to
superior article of CRESNUT COAL, from the same
mines, for steam and line purposes.
For sale only in Carlisle by
July !25,.'55.-43. • "
..I)IEI4IJAiNE.E.S' ---2.,006
. ons Lylion's-Vii44V Nut Coal, a sziportor article
tei!elil" — gakifaTiFiaTo - by
1.410 t. per
?' •
timif /Orbs.
.0.. W. 111LTON
W. B. MURRAY., ,Agt.
160 id
2,su 00
:3,11'i t) 1)5
100 70
a 00
ut) 1.17
12b -6t)
1.:U0 UU
1.6 uu
.8:1 50
554 'a