.... , r ItaVliartti; a ,4 ". • • •L' is 4.4.• • El Ntw -%Ztuvxtitftheuts• "ycy4 R4istT.,tvhd. Pitt street-A(.7,y. ocouplbd byYrancla . Porter . Etty4lrg_ id iiliFofflcooratl'lpeet Book.§tiorb: .4,4 • 15:1$. -; • — y • lATA:NI`ED--At the atisrriicin,reif, Itele:Twenty Cordd - ot PINE WOOD, fbe whleh -7—thelligitest-ttprketprlcoldll-be-pald. •• . - Bt*Y~G;l2=lw. -- • IVE NV IiOOK.S-MACAU.LY , S His , TORY Or ENCILAND f and ABBOTT ' S, NAPOLt ur 4 - just niceived at.PIPER'O Book Storti; . , Paella* . Miroli, 1.2.-3 w. ' • ' ARLISLE . DEPOSIT BANIC. --•-• k 1 . FIVE P'ER CENT.,, it a meeting or the Iloard of Direetorsjield.Oh the of March; 1858;'It was uhanlinously resolved that'inter- Pest should be Veld on special deposits•hy the Carlisle Depslt- 'Walt; ; incorporated . by the State of Tenney!, vanis, as follows: • - • • . per,' per annuity for 4 inonik#, 4 "11,—.4. 8 ' :". "' toip - fratiod vailess renewpd; !tnii•the money alwaya Pai4Actek tritll 7 out, notice, oy order-of qta hoard-of-Directors ' March 12, 1556.) ' - W. M. BEETEM .. - • . W ,1-I.T.E 11...L , 1).::,,-AC.A,,pEIViY, : - ..y y o, \'ilii:Co. miles Weitif•Harriihntlg„, The isle'venth seas, ion'of,thli,.Notitntion,,,Will cbuiril,'inice k on Motichiy, thelltlreif filitj? , 'neit6 sPitreifir-etid Alitirdiens , Ore re spectfully requested to inquire into the ‘nieritVof the, Instit titian, The locetiOnis retired ploasaucand health ful, ittidAlukkruisicofineerubtion inntietieeirthe hidihi• .icy aruthigher branches of an: Ehglish: , Education, to: • gether with - the - LatinTereekTirreriehijandliermarrin suages, ajni docal and Instrumental . music, Terms, bearding; washing, and Tuition in the English branch es o / ndlrocatmusie peesestien (21 weeks) •{160,00., Nor . ( Mar containing particulars address. -., ' . • - ~ • D. DENLINGER. . _ . . • : March, 12,'1856.] ••, . • I _, idarrisburg,. Pa. . . . ' • - - IDUBLIO BALE.—Ott•Thitrelay, 'the. ..L'2.otb efllareh, at 10 tl'eletek i iii,."l4.:will he aoltrat _ Atta_bonaii_of Clio, Subserilxlr; in t Lo_ntliir street, oue . - "dbor:3vekof the German Reformed Ch, ... ~ j . ' IIOOShIIOLD FUR NITU TT ' ' Cansi'slingof Carpets, tureaus,TOW i, ~a irs, S to'v e . s, Bedsteads. and Kitchen .Uteneils, t, i p'tb...pr with a col .- 'action - of Beaks and Yamplets. ' l'or.,)nado known out, 'the day of Kale by • • N , _ .. • . C. E. 131'.431FINATIAL, -lelnrelr,-12-.-liv. . . ENNSYLVANIA HOUSE.—Pub: lielintertainment.—The subscriber respectfully • uforms the citizens of Carlisle and thepublic general, ly, that he intends opening a publio-hhusa of-enter.' taintuent on theist of April, in the building' now;oe copied by Mi.: Woods es - a store ofthe corner of North Hanover and' Loather streets, in the borough of Carlisle . Hie will be ready . at all times, to accomuibtlate all who may favor him with their Custom. and no pains will be •gpared to make all feel entirely at home.. His table will at all'times ho supplied with the beet the 'market can . afftrd. His stable with a good . and attentive - hostler, aniroverthing - to make Man and beast both•coMfortable • will be praiideti." Hoarders wlibbe taken - by the Week month.i or year, at reasonable rates. Ile hopes by striiip. igatention tobuclaessmandW:dosire to please-to-receive-4 .40re of public patronage Carlini), March, b, 1856j--3rao, WANT - 14:17,0777 A ' ..J.OURNEYMAN TANNEII.—„The subscilher wishes to engage a journeynan Tanner immediately, for Alpe - year. imp that understands currying in - connexion with tanning proferred—LiburaLwagss_will_bogivon io a- goeal-wOrk-i man and man-of moral--habits;Aione other need - ipplY. - Tor further particulars write or apply to the - subscriber' at, Centre, Perry co., Pa, . Mn7Th, 'persons; having de mends against me will 'call 'and tmple, and all idobted will do the • Mine • before tho let of—April, or tlioir aecounts MO be left with tho proper person for collection.. • • [Mar 6] - GUM. W. HILTON.--- • LTV GOOD'R.--The subscriber has I.lljust received from Philadelphia a large issart . went of aeasonable.goods, icliihh will be - sold - ^rfirreheap Me It. It. Depot, Carlisle , ' . • • . SNODGRABS. Carlisla, Feb. 20,1858 ul ° Babs A erl i b it er lias n j E us A t p roce D iv it od E 3l S o S ha l lAeajDr h e e s nkirt Hoops, and a few Spring Dress Omits. :51a;reh 5. LIEG. W. lIITNSR.. tfIESTATE of Wm. Coover; dedeaseci.;—; -- NotietTislierehrglvenrttst-Letters of A'dminis ration on' the estate of WM. COOVER, deceased, of 'Monroe township, Cutnbimlnud county; have boon granted to the subscriber, residing in Silver Spring township. All persons indebted to said estate are socptested to make 'immediate Paymont,:.and those, b.aviug claims will present them for settlOtuent SAMUEL/ COCKLIN, Administrator: March 5,'1856 --OW • fp llll;A.Daril I A ADVER'N'T.,- '' EVANS' FIRE & THIEF TROOP SAFESI • or merchants, lawyers, faimers, and' others, having : Itoolis,, Papers,. or other valuables, to, preserve from FIRE or SUROLARS. • Day and Newell's (Hebb's) DANK LOCKS. out 7 • A Csao. , —The "Elro Proof Safe," that preserved t Hooks, Papers, fie.; during the great .Fire at Hart's :. 'Buildingsoram purchased of OLIVEIt'EVANS, 618. 2nd lit. ' Philadelphia. • ." - '` . .CIETZ & DUCK. ' . • , • RSFRICERA.TORS & WATER FILTERS: .EY_AASLl....remiunt‘Xentilatettllefrigemtonfor cooling_ and preserving meats,'-butter, milk, , water, - and ..all "articles - for culinary purposes.- - , _ _ - - WAVER, SIitTERS - for punifying-bracktsh or--muddy water, -whether affectod by rains, limestone, marl, or . other canner; can be 'had sepantto 'or attached to the "Refrigerators—a small quantity, of ico tooling the,whole iu the warmest weather. • . -1. , • FORTAIILE SHOWER DATIIS, for tho use of warm tir cold' water. • , - WATER-COOLERS, fbr hotels; Stores, and Dwellings: STORE TRUCES, fur moving bans, bales; &c. . - HEAL PRESSES; Copying do.,- Druggist do.._ OLIVER EVANS. 61 South Second St., ( 2 dodrs below Chesnut.) March 5, 18511-Iy. -(Established in 1835.) • • ' • - - , ibr one. dr - inore ycars 4 is ....fidrif roit RbNT the - int of April ne'itt:tlie`ellgible corner PI f tiTOltb noox, opposite- the. Atrision 1 ote on. Malin street, npw occupied by 'Henry reters.-- , Alm) tliet shop p on the rear of.said lot.. A ItOPERT nor. 28. , . . . , . . CARLISLE FOUNDRY . AND. filAalllNE SIIOP, • Tho subscriber haallie satisfaction of in 'll''W 0 4 .4rja forming his old friends and patrons that • ' : his establishment is again in active olio. • , rikti' ,l l, new buildings having been eructed since the late y trous tiro and the whole establirhmedt put in cow - idete worktng,order., Orders are fherefore respectfully ' -Waited ibr work in his line, .whisk„ will be done with Ir proMptness and in the best maunor, • ,STEAM kIiSaIINES UUXI.T TQ ORDER ' • and repaired: .All kluds of IGitehtnery - in - Grist Mills and Factories repairod at short-notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. • .lIOIISI POWESS and 'EnitESHiNG .MACHINES :Inch as llovll Gear Four lioree VOITOr, 'llorizontal Gear 'Four Iforseandlwe-,florec'Poivers, Ploughs, Corn Shell lens and Crusher/I,AT. Patternimade to order. Iron and 1 Brass ! CASTINGS executed to.order, If net on hand, at - , the shorteEdnotice intela_.ati Cranks, and,-111114 , 40firringr. Spur , endillev II ' - 'dheels, Gudgeons Oiliest! , 9 1 , T - , - flatv' -- 7 - taidifigictiltrerSTPlditt . nticars, - Witgliii end melißifir: as , spindles. Car. Wheels,. Car Chairs, &c. I e has alSo on hand - a large supply of Phlindolphia,and Troy COOK . - STOVNS,..and is.c.pastantly nodding Cooking Stoves overtone tinpro - Ved patterns for, co or wupd, ted 'plate s tare s, Orates, '•ltepairing do to all kinds of .3fa: chtuery. All kindS of - old - Iron, - ,tress and Coppee taken in exchange fur work.. . Enay9 • .1 4 1tA'NKLIN GARDNER, 2ndlaelit. 2nd Dmgoopi; •--Poet Tmestrat.-- P. AUGTIENBAU~} II (IEO. lIENCII • l• . • ' ; r , Woodti, Esq., Trtaisurar, In corifotthity with the 1411 section nr•tin net of Aesettibly entitled "An Act - to revise tho.ldilltle; System, &e.,". passed the daj.pf exhlldts the thileiying 1:40e0411t4 ' I ' ' . . • • . rro ionotint.ormitsitlittlity_yil!iefi4o-I.B64'ind - iypriloitilTyeartvas - per l # s t' erti n ue stittfh 1 -- brecdifirTy Auditors, •• ' • • • • . • • :To amount Militia fines reedinedfor.lBsd, as per duplicate's, • • • , , . , Schodade of Bilittla - Fluarr exhibiting tha amodueof. Duplicates, amount ,recelvectlno.une'exonerat'ed amount 'of fees and amount outatanding, as pet table. , I ' ' c : •, X' ,' i Amount, wns 'Tohip . s.,- 1 Collectors!!Names.sY'rs. - Am't of duplicate. A.in't received.: Coll rs fees 4net Ibtoner's`nutstand`g. s . . •••••rn ---...-,--,---. --,:.........., .. ,-... N. Cumberland, Joseph Mummer, ' 18473. ', •, 13 00. 2 • ... , ~. - . • 13'00 '' ', 21 50' 'N....Cumberland, Joseph Musser, , 1849 '.. '- j2l. 60. ' s. ••• - , • ---' i • ' 8 •'' a . W.Pennsborol, Edward Phillips, 1850 - • 18'50' • . .' _1 ' :,' 54 '62 - - a , ' .2_7 ' ".., 21"00 ~. ' • . ShiPpensburg, , Jimlnes-Bricker, . 1851 , '3 40 - >. • . , ' . - ...3 40 . Carlisle, -- '' .., ,Sainuel 11.'Hould, 1853 60 00 - '',: - ,;4 1, 75 ',' .. 3, 2.5 '•-le 00 • 1 . Dickinson.. .., o ,Yos.'A. Weakley, 1853 ~... 84 50 . ' , • ' 1 ,...., , .: 84 60 Alechaniesburg, Henry 10.-Fells,____ • i 49 88 -.„ - 49-88 . • - ~ , • N. Cumberland, Charles W. Dohn, ' ' 16 50 / 14 73 ,17 .. ... • • •' • Allen Upper, '' .' Jaebh L. Zook; ' ' 1854 ' • 44 14 . •"s„, -41 24 , '. . 2 sro -- , • .Carlisle, , • Jtat_Cr.ThOnapsort ' • 2 :. , 1 25 03.,,-._ ' • . ' .. lia' • enusbore', Adam Eslinger, • . ' '4O 50 ,s 'l6 05 '22 96 , : ' 21 50 Hoewell, •.. john Elliott, 17 00' ' . 1 88 - • 162 -- 13 50 Newton, •• ' David Baker, • . ' '62 00 • . . 4O 85 i• 2 15 . 9OO Near ville,, . Hobert Sliver, / ' ~- 13'00 -' . ~ . , . . • . 13 00' N. Middletrin, John 11. Spahr, Q,, .. . 30 39 . 30, 30` 11hippe4burg D. Samuel Holler, Q., 26 00 , Allen Lower ," William Stephen, 055 • 6.4 00, ' 47 08 252 ,13 60 ' • Allen Upper, -, • David Taylor, .1..,• 36 00 , , , . ,30 00 Carlisle, _ • Ilenrylfflixton,....- • •-,- ..- -82 5,0_•-... - _.... _61.28 _.:_.. ....__3.,22. „. _ _lB 00 ' ' . Dickinson,. .' -, Lafayette PetTer, 98 00 ~ '-'56 05 ' 2 '95 - - 390t1 '--- ' ---- 1:. Peinisboro% Goo. W. Fessier, .1. 80 50 ' , ' ~ - • 80 50 -FratikTcol; , ' -- ilenjTju - miver; -, I- .:. _ - --39 . 50. ' ...- - • ,___ _ ...__.,_--, —39-50- Ilampditi, Jacob Bretz, 43 50 : 36 10 1.00 SCo - Hopewell,: '. Daniel M'Coy, . , -..49 50 '35 15, 185 • 12 50 Mifflin, . , •. • John B. Perry, '' '. - _ 31 50 . • , 1 ' .' "31 50 Mechanicsburg, Peter Drawbaugh,- -•-.6G 00 ' . 49'88 ' 202 - 13 50 donroe, ' _ John PAul, ' 78 00 ''''. >. , 74.10- .' . 390 • . - • .. 'Newton, ' ileorgeyiler, . • 49'50 . { -- 36 10' .1 00 ' „II 50 • - N. Cumberland, William Porter, .14 50 .- •. _ ' •14 50 Ne'wville; • ()gorge W. North, >. • 22 00 " ' , 20 90 ~.1. 10 , • N.'.sliddieton,And'w llnerner;• • , -84 00 .' ' ‘ 7:i' 15 -• , • 385 7 cor • . Silyer.Spring,' '" Jelin,W. Duey; - . - 86,50 • ~ 8218 - .432 Southampton, - Alex. Highlands, . ' , .4 =-50__-- ' .... :. • . -. ' 42 50 ShippenAburg B. Thonia Spencer,- .'5BOO . ; . -- -- -:.---- -, ' • ' . • • 58 00 Shipponsburg tp; John Craig , .. ,'. . •.. 660 - 475 ''. • 252, 100 . • ~ S .„sllddleton, John Stuart, jr. ' , • 110 00 100 23 '; 527 c - 1—.....4 59 ; • x :'g ouut;la o r o ' , ThomasUrainim, • 60 00. • 49 88 / . 2'62 .1' "050, . • • „ .4____.....k r....: r ............. . . ..-.............. $1,777 29 . t $1,013 81 , "$5668 523.9 50' l $.16, , i 29 ;I: i.i . ~ , j .t .t . •`S • By amount outstanding Militia 'Fines, for 1855, and previous year subject to Commissions; "BSc:, Amount of esonerationsbilowed Collectors Mr 1855, and 'provious years, Amanita conimissions-allowed-Oollectors-for-1855,atid-prCrious-years, - Paid COunty. Commissioners for.serVices'in the Military business • , Amountimid Assessors Bw.forwarding lists of delinquents, at 2 ets., each, vlr -- Michael:Maher, assessor of Mechanicsburg, return of 132 Persons,... James Hintks, Assessor of bower Alien, return of, 127 persons, James Grabam,,assessor of Upper Alien, return 6P72 parsons, Wllflam (agar , BlSSOfilint* of lionipden, return of 87' persons, .lonas Ifuntsberger,assessor, of E. l'onneboro', return of 101,Persons, JohnA.3lacklan, assessor of N. Cumber,* • return of 30 persons; 'Henry Spahr, assessor of Monroe, return or 1 persons, .1. C:Eckeli, misessor Of Silver Spring, return f 175 Porsims, . David Shively; assessor of Frankford, retu 77 person's,. Jacohrilerner r assessorot N.1.114 , 116t0n,. ref rn of r lGl:Phrifdlitr;','" -- Jacoh Kinsloy, assessor of Newvillet, return , -57' John M. Stouffer, assessor of Hopewell; return7of ' 'persons, - - ,Dnes Woodburn, 'assessor of Mifflin, return of 84 persons; T. e. Blair. assessor of - Siiippenslig tp.; return of 12 persons, Highlands. assessor of Southampton, returilof 85 persons, ' Wm; Itebhart;assessor of Shlpponaburg bor., return of 121 persons; Y,Boyd,,assessor of Newton, riiturn,df 134 Versons, - . I josephAlPKethan; assessor of W; Pennshbro', return of . 120 persons, Lyno, assessor orCarliple;'return 0f..170' persons, '.lostiat'Stewat't, tumemor of S. 3liddleton - Jeturnbf2lB - persons Peter Porter, assessor of Dickinson, return of 199 persons, Mai._Sainuel Crop, Brigade Inspector, ' . • Printers. , Copt: Koine, per order Adamantine 'Guards, _ Capt. Samuel Crop. per 'order Carlisio Infantry, „. Capt. D. 'Whet'ry. per order Union ()nerds, • Capt..J. U. 3l'Farlane r per order Ringgold Artillery, , Oiipt. John 'Messinger, per order Quitman Guards. Capt, Hays Mickey, per order Springfield Light Infantry, Treasu'rer's oommission on pay, $1,070 50,, - Balance due' Commonwealth by County Treasurer, '" CIIIIIIISILIAVD oorsTy, 85. . . --- ,' -- - •• ' . .. ~ 0 1 .Wo, tho undersigned , Auditors of Cumberland county, *lasted and sworn according to4aw. In accordance with the Act of Assembly of the 30th of April, 1853, having examined, the above account of N. W. Woods, Esq., Treas.-. uror of the 'county aforesaid, In the matter of Militia Taste, do find the above correct, asabovo stated. Witness our hands at t.`arlielo this-81st day of January, A.D.,1806. .. . , ..- J'. B. r! RANVBA.II 0 I I , . . . . , . . . - . , . , • ~- J4OOII STtINMAN,-. . • . . 'ISAAC RINOWAtT, "•• • . . . , . , z • Auditors of Cumberland Cotnty. • UhiE AWA I N !•=—MRS. REY,. NOLDS would Inform all latiteested,„that she ass returnedfront Philadelphia, Where she had been for a few weeks, acquiring the new• process of • • Ald ItO TY VI 1. , 1:31,-., or taklng likencises -on irjass,'Which have 'only to he seen to be admired bran lovers of pretty pictures, or of -these whem the pictures - repiesent. ller'courSe eflustruction has been full and, complete, there having been engaged in the establishment in which she was. the best artistic talent in the city in all branches of photography ;. and the. gentlemanly , pro prietor and operators. spared, no pains to give her ad intelligent knowledge of the art. She therefore feels confident of being able to perform all she protnises, when llant.,prquilse Is, to furnish as GOOD AMIIROTY PDS, NI ',ell as DAOUERREOTYPI:S, as can 69 produced else . where..., • A Nora ON Atantorrpas-Theugh there arotlll those who will prefer the Daguerreotype, yet the Ambrotype has mond- advantageltover ft ; .Aslllbraypt) CAM be seen in-any light; is not subject to change, dampness -having no effect on it; in feet, there is no way to de stroy a real Ainbrotype when finished, but by breaking 'the glass: • , Perseus are:liivited to eiamlne specimens. Itoonts still. at the Southwest corner of IIAN017:11 and LOUTILER Streets, over Mr. Fetter's Cabinet Ware robin, where the invites her numerous friends and pa trons,. and so many new ones as may : feel disposed' to 'favor her with a call, fe2o-4Q JUSII , ,REGItiti D.—A lot of pattmit MaatlOrluderi, a nke artlele for Farmers, or family use, far sale at • : - . .l. T. LYN WS, .. lianover St., Carlisle. ,000 3 1-4 Bu o. . L a 1 ce nat. or nto by'w. B . stuititAy, 4 gt 5 . Juno. 2e -.- -•- • - .. 11 1 .. 4 . ./1311 LY.1.10A1.;- . -500 Tons Lylcen!'s , . . Valley Coal, bralion and- 4lergened, prepared fl) fi op . .. ir ssly imily wo, receiving annjor 'sale by ___,--,- • _ . uno. 20 am ' A - W. B : 3 .innt :I.tAY, Agt. 'l II X...T,,1,Z,1„A..,.4..!.:0.,: i..:0'.7 '_1k:;,7,,. =El= NM t , t, c _Stn..; 29. El -- - MI . . • _ . T . 00 K A - G- EN S WA NT ED._ _up Agents wanted in every Town and County in the OniteckStates, to canvass for the most popular lIIK' torical and other vet nable.and saleable books published- The works are particiilarlY adaptedlo the'vrantu of-th'e People, being beautifully illustrated with tine Steel and Wood,engravlnks, and bound itr-tte most Aublitan tint manner._ _ Agents now esn'vassltig for us,lind It 'a pleasant in& protlitable eiftployment. ' Our list also includes the best works of T. S. AlITIltill: Over 100.000 volumes have beim sold the past year, and their sale is still, Increasing: We have just added eoyee , al New noose - to ur list by 'this most popular author; and shall add others the ensuing fall and winter. - We think wo have the best list for ngentt in the country. Send for it, and judge for yourselves. •I•br MI particulars and list,' , Address J. W: BR'ADLIIT, Publisher. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa , SI Oct 10. ENTZ & BRO., would call the at -ten-tintf ol'the thelr-large -anti piilemild :mortal got . of _ „ • - • W .0 - 0 0 D 8 , • which they are inereaslng..bY dally receipts from the eastern elites, Including . , Silks, Mormons De 'Gaines, Alp:taints, 11°mb:trine to _burgs, Hain ' Cloths, Bonnet Velvets and •Feathers, Broche and Blanket Shawls, liroadv Cloths. Pl.Bn and Fancy .Cassimeres and • SattinettlFlannels, Carpets and COryet - 'Feathers, Caps, Gum Shoes, ' nod every variety of Plain and • ' Fancy Goods now used, • • • AT TLIEIR USUAL „LOW PRICES. Special notice la called to their Stock of-FURS, tom prisingt, all the.varietlea in use. They have also made arrangemen4 to orderd at the. altePtest notice, Fun of any style or'price, )as to atilt every variety.of taste.: The public is respectfully Invited to call before pur chasing elsewhere, as they-feel confident of their ability to give entire satisfitelion; • [Jan 23, IS6C. r AR4 ERS HIGH SC HOOL OF PENNSYLVANIA,. i • • -':. .11ecouse of a modification of.the plan of the College . Building for the Farmer's High School of Pennsylvania; the time for allotting the work' has b•en POSTPONED until THURSDAY the 13th day of March next, up. to Which time proUosals will be received for its erection, including all the materials.. Bidders are Invited to predicate their bids upon the use Of stnne'as well as brick for the building. Theplan and rpectiliatioris as finally adopted by the Committee may be examined at any time after the 20th of February next, at the office 'of the State Society in llairlsburg by •application 10 Henry (Inhere:lV the. 0. Mester. Proposals may be addressed to. II:N. McCollister, Esq„ Bellefonte; Fit, or Frederick.Watt . s, Msg., Ca lFfi r . Li N s i l .} el ,,K , , - • ' JAMES MILES,•' Feb.19,1856-4t, . 'Building Committee. - . - Store Room and cellar now occupied ~ La) I • by N. W. Woods - as . a Dry floods , ore It Is one.o.r, the' best stanile borough.?? - the Dwelling latiSe on Wist lionther, street, now pscupled by_iiirs-Dlisabetla Stough.... Terms - nindp known on nripllyntion to a dei, 19, . .3. A. lIDMRICIi. M==SMM , i - ~_.OtIN_ 'l' '• li E-•—,Wlioregalei and Re t. _, :_;• . tall 'dialer In • Arnerlcarii' . .ltriglitib' andl i - O w cirm ,c a , n , IlklliDWAilll;tol44.hdota, &c.,,k.....4lethanics, builders 'and.the Public generallywho,are iii . ,want of pardWelie , „•;. daily kitiQ arti-inVited to call irrillti v-Ivr.:',4 '....-fm-; - '4 "eminlifko till",,*Wmailj• larg Stock - 431 . a4f"..1 .' • 3 ; '' : 'Jidda, - whicli Rani iielllnfrAt. very low > pr can.: us aop a;;-It will"; only .deWril6s -- : few ming* to be convinced that' wit everybody says --that _L'yn'n is decidedly•the plate to get good good!' at law prices—must bti true , , LYNE'II Hardware, Store, , , , , $ 575 29 1202 00 •• • NI) 1,10 irr A' • EiTtu. ANSIVAI, vies lIE/VYlt SAXTON. The, . •subscrihor having returned from the city would call the attention . of his friends and GM public generally to the large and. wellsolooted tutsortment of Hardware which he has just received; consistlng,in part of BUILDING MA , . TERIALS, nalls,screws, hinges, locks, bolts,glais;putty r ,paints, &e.• TOOLS-edge tools; saws and planes every descrlptihn, tvithfilos, rasps, hamiriers, anvils, Ae. A general -assort tout of.SIIONMAKRIIS AND SAW DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind , 44 Skins', shoe thread . , wax ; pegs, lasts, harness mount , saddletrees.'&c. COACII TRI3I.N4Nd--enn vp se (plain, er ~ Smelled,/ ured and" maliosSed,) :patent and enamelled, leather, axles, springs, hubs, spokes,' fellogs, shmts,4c., &c. Cabinet :.lakes will And a large -assortment of-varn isher:, mellow.; 24 and Walnut Ve fleas ? moulding, rosettes, vir-clothrourlett-trairrke: hair-actin-C . llde, mirrsi... The Stock of Iron Is large•and• well leleCtetVcorepris ng all the kinds In general use, as hammered and rolled' iron of:all. sizes, Hat, bar and band iron,: round, square and oval iron, horse-shoviron and nail rods, with a large lot of cnst;and spring steel, ,English and American blis ter steel, liqusakeepers and thine about cOmmenclng.will fled It to:their advantage' o call and examine our cutlery, bri twain and Plated ware pans, kettles, cedar wave, baskets, _ _ In addition to the shore we have received a splendid issortuteittmLlVALL.PAßEft, making the atock com plete, and at such price's as cannot fail to give sittsfac tion. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will beta their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East litgli litreet. - Carlisle, Pa. Oct. 12, ettss. • , I • 4 AM_SAW_MILL--AN-D. fm T , IMllEit 'LAND FOR sub -41; scriber.offers at'nrivati sale a ,STEAm . rt. KIVI:= SAW MILL' situated iu South. Middle • • • tnn: to - iSiMilp - Cumlterlawd - r - couzity, With winclits connected about NINE 111/I , WILED A . ND TiIIItTY:TIIREE ACRES of good Pine, Oak, Chestnut and roplar timber:— The -Mill and Engine:Me In the best running order and can be•started at a day'S notice. There is-a good double two-story DWELLINU 'torsi.; on the Property, suitable for two families, with an office and good Stabling. About fifty acres of the land could be adiantigeously cultivated and bint'erted .ittto a pro fitable Farm. The preporty presents great inducements to purchasers. Terms will. be. made easy. For other parthmlars apply to the Subscriber at Carlisle, Pa. . • • A. L.•SPONSLEIt:. • - Real Efitaid Alont and Scrivener. , 238 51 Olt S' 60 (X) 2C4 2 54 1 44 1 74 3 22 3 98 134 1134 48 00 75.00 ,60 00 60 00 6,0 00 60 00 a 60 Oa inti 113 MEI . etc.:. \':~ .:. ,~~Y:'~~t.'r ~ I4li gathware; MRDWARE est a A nd most I'm -Hod assortinent!—The of,llard. - ' - 'no Dot. '5 !..15 --- . -- . .-:‘ 1 111ANI. BOLLER_ Ma SAL.ll=4he ... i.jeuberiber Wore for ease a new Steam Beller, eigh teen feet long and_ thirty inches in diameter, with one fourteen Inch flue; apply at the Paper 31111 at . Paper tOwn.' • ~.... • Feb. 13,.'58.—tf. • W. B. MULLEN: .U.ALL- DA TkitltEAN_ 111.,ROOSIS FOR-SALE.---The subscriber desirous - of changing lila business, offers - the above large and -chin. Modicum mogul /Old antaratnil artle; on - the rnost._rea imitable tenni'. These ruoinsitavo a commanding_ situ. Atkin in the most buSiness and central patter Ole-Town: with USA OXgditellt Northern light, and tire admirably adapted to the taking of Anibrotype Pictures. jan9 . GEO. M. HOFFER, Carlisle, Pa yAl l uAßLv..oo . ltNglt - 1 3 1101:"TY. ..• A T - PRIVATE Tust very' valuable and well known BURINES STANDlitatate on the corner of 'North Hanover and Louthee Streets,.in the.borOugitiof Carllsle• now owned and occupied by Jacob Vetter, containing 30 feet front on Ilannover street and 140 feet on Louthor street.— The improvements on , Ilannover street `are a lathe TIIREE STORY lIOUSE, with a large brick back build- Itig finished in the most elegant manner. containing 11 Arooms Including the stein room. les:ides pantries acill convenient closet nrrangoint II ts. The STORE ROOM Is 33 feet In depth. fitted tip in the beet tioseible manner and one et the uwat.,:leM, able andlong stahlished business locations in our town. '• There Is a large two story brick building fronting on 'Lout-hey street, with a shop attached, now occupied as a cabinet Maker shop. ' .Also a stable on'the foot of the • lot, an other necessary out buildings. The .property is in excellentorder aving bel.4) recently - littmtup by' the present occupant kor terms &c. enquire of SI9NSLER, sept 5 IleafEstate Agent and scrlvelicr. VALITAI3I2E: -TOWN POPERTY AT P171%10 SA:l.E.—That desiVable house and Lot',-sittutted 'tin. East Main_street, In the Et youth. of Carlisle, late the property of Andrew• Holmes, Esq. The improvements are ' - a commodious two story Weather boarded Mouse, with a large nod con; ••ty• 4 venient Back-building, Mt+, neces sary Oat-buildings, and a large, and' " snbidantial Ling Stable. The:garden contains a number , of•fruit:trece. Possession willbe given on the - lirstdaytif April next. It will be sold on I•iaturtlay, the Pith of February next, .at the Court House, lain o'clock, A. M. • . For terms and further particulars inquire of the un: dersigusd. . . JANE ANN lIOLMES. . 151 LIM AM 1.-11)1.1 ES, ' ---------- BoifirAltoffley' 1 iilsktt,-- --JOHN Jan. 2, '5B j")OI i LAR LOT PIiOPI4IItTY l 11T PitlVA'rEl SALE. Tiost valuable i)lece'df groittol situate in South Hanover street, In the borough of '3arltale, known as the! POPLAR LOT liald lot contains about one acre and a quarter of ground and'frOm Its desirablo aintadv,fintageoini loea ton is admirably adapted for building purposes. ...i The lot will bo sold entire, or in lots WI suit pur chasers: For terms and (nether:particulars enquire of A. L.' SPONSLER;;., oct. 31, '55; Real Estate Agent antllicrivihiiir. _ • - lIOOKS FOR, TUE HOLIDAYS. ll' . .A. !J. TIPER, Main Street, Carlisle, •'- line just received and is now% opening a splendid as sortment of NEW PUDIACATIONS; OIYT 11(RiKS,. Miscollatieouffilooks, Fan - cy Articles, Pictorial. Papers t Albums, I.'6:l.:Folios, Port. Monnais, Diaries, &c.- whi,-h having been purchasodat advantageous will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. ffe invites particular attention to his .iplendid.stdck of. Minuets, _ Gift Books, - . ' , • • • --111listiated-Poots, , - Standard World,' . . . - . • ' Bibles; all sizes, -•- . ~ .• ~ , l'rayer Books, •, . ' . , .'-• , .: .. Ilymn Moks, . , Sunday School . ' .-. • '• ' 'Tract Rooks; " ... Juveniles, &c., &c. , -'. • All of which areNEWDOORS, fresh from the publisher. splendidly Imund and embolished and got up express: for the Christi:otos Holidays. Also - FANCY STATION it, and Fancy articles generally. Ingreat variety. The pu' hia aro invited to call and examine sauiples now 'rem, :. .for inspection . -:.....----, • ~.. , 1 lia-iteniember, the place to tiny 'books, choap r ie ,1,, 1,11.114t'S Main street. .. ' ' Deo'r ,li: ITU . . _ _ __________ _ • - ---• CONWAY'S. GENUINE . HONE) . SoAe, r. -Couwzt)"s puro Palm Soati.- 7 conlyaz:s 111 pro , ad _Chumlexl Olive Sosp. A:fiill - . suflily ~ot tllot .truly _oxcellunt S o aps just •rocelved and for ~axle_ WILLIAMS' FAMILY OROCEItY t Matu - Street, • . . -:cteiSigo;Noi•Aly !.05. • • - ' ' • I MEE VitANK.LIN ITIRE I,N.SURANO.I.: = I --STATE:IIEINT 0 TliF, - .ABEIp.TB of the Comratry Ls,. , Januarylst, 1665. Published 'in conformity with th, , • provisions of the. Slaty Einetlen'of theActof Assernbi of April. 6; 1652 i • • ' • • ',3IOIITOAOEBri-_,-- • Llieing_itrilt_Mort.gnatim Beal •Estato In- the . .• ..^ Cityanif - tliutity:orP4 l Wat $30,050 Inllontglemeryillucks,Scbityl 11 , • and Allegheny* ;c ounties, Pennsylvania , ; $6460;073 Purebnied iit — s'herlfflitales, under pert . , . •gage ' - - . Light Aouses And lot 70 by 150 felt, nu ' the southrrestcorner of Chesnut arid ..* - Seven teentli Streeta. • • A house,and 10t, 4 27711.71 rest, on-the north side of Spruce street and. west ' of Eleventh street. A house and lot; 20.7 by 100 feet, .on •, , the went aide of ,t'enn square, south . : -of High street. • ' - ' . Two houses and lots, each 80 by 80 feet, on the.south•side of Spine° street, near Sixteentfi street.' 'Piro houses and lots, each. 17.9 iv: 93 • foot. ;figs. 169,101,103,155 and 167 ' Dilvq-n street..' • - Three • ,- • The houses and Jots; 40 by 54 feet;-on. the Oast side of Seventeenth street, ' • ' JleteL and lot ,511 by $2 feiten theseuth • eastliorner Chesnut and 11eneti ' ve louses and 'lots, 42 by 03 feet, on • the,north sidelofpeerge Ftfcet, West • Aisjitotrstreet. Isven-heusesaini lots,. 20 by 117 foot on, ' Abe east side of Beach street; so" of Chesnut street. A house and lot, - 18 by ,30 f • . 03 Fitzwater street; eastof nth street., ...A.gro.und rent of_sBo . suing, out of A' lot. 13.4 by-40 fee on the nortli Side - 'of Otter street feet nest of,Leopard 'Z • LOANS. on stocks es' collateral urity; STOCKS. • -- $lO.OOO .I.linsliouse Lorin, b 'per cent, • (interest on) 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. " • 17 ,• Northern' Bank of KentuCky 100' " Union hank of Tennessee. .*. 13 " Insurance 'Company of 4bo - State orPonnsylvania,. 200 "• • southwork railroad co.. 37 " Cinnmercisi • - and railroad Dlll4 Vicksburg, 300 " Penniviyania railroad. co., ' 01 ". 1:m111(1111,4'1re insuratic., 2 - ' , " ---- Men —, v iatire - Ilinitry co., 24 '" • . Union Canal c 0.," '• , 10 " • Sehuyikiltrallroad ' 4so " • City Warrants,' - -Notes anti lulls recolyablo, 'Unsettled policies, Merchandise, Cash on hand', - • " in agents' bands, HENRY BARTON it.)1,7 • — 1 781 188 7 BY FIRE; $ Losses pgldAtfelng the year 1855, By order of the Board, N. BBUogit, Pres. • °irks Dr • li Aftent-- - -CI - lA.S. G. BANCKE:II, . See • Mareb 5,1850. ' " . , ALIJATI.ON OF ALL PROPER ---T---717 Ar.'24:88111)-FOHATI112...YEATLI/353,:_tikahl , - - for. COunty and State purposes, at returned .by tl.. - aSsesvors. Of .t.he respective townships and boironghs ;11 • - Cumborlaroicomty, subject to revlsi2a and appeal. Townships and Aggregate val..' Increase on - - • ' . Boroughs. for 1858. , Assesvo '53. .Desrittre _.Carlisle,."- ; • _1.363,068 --- ...,107,146 'Dickinson,' . . .. 1,203,620 . ' .165,132 -East.l'ennsboro, _496,547___--_ _ .8,082, _ . Frankftrd, : __.. _274; 08 6' _ . ' - 1t,139 - . Irarripten, 564,697 43,025------ •. ' Hopewell.- - •• 220.799 14,703 •-• Lowei Allen - - 616,051- : - 20,254 ',. •- 4 , ...511filin, . ' • • 811.421 8,865 . 7 510nroe. - • 917,202 - 90,489 Mectutnicsbitrg, ' 294,181 , • . 66,166 •• . . - North Middleton, - 833.596 • 102,690 ' Newvlile, - • _ * 158,544 13,589 . ' '.., - New Cumberland, 69,951 * 6,074 . Newtou.... ' - 715.898 85,064 'South Middleton,. 1,002,394 • x 7,23.6 • . ' Silver Spring, ' 943,069 . 70. Southampton, 865,430 . • 66.981 . . Shltmensburg Ilor. - '322,706-- - • ~,76.316 • Shippensburg twp.,-181,003 , - 79,872 - ' - Upper Allen, 624,273 37,150 West Peunsboro,:. '948,288 130,406 . ~ VI Alt ERS TAKE N0T.1C14.3.i -,The flrst piemium awarded at the State Viir, he', at llarrislanrg in 1860, alSo firstpremitims at the contr.. Fairs of Northumberland, Franklin,' York, •Lycolnir. Centre, Westmoreland.. Washington, Berke, Schuylki 31olitgomer,v, Delaware, and 'Chester, in competith with fro& eight too — lon different - tearieraigMlumwer: The . Atktree selfraking reaper-and mower , will be f sale at '-the Factory tit ilarrisburg. alai at Boyer. !armorer wishing reapers and mowers Pm 11. next harvest can have them at v. reduced price, I giving [lair orders for thom'beforethe let of ,Mate 11356.. Price of Reaper, cash. $lO5, Beeper and Mower;-eash;--- - • 190,• • if Ordered before theist of a larch; after that trait: frel,;ht from Dayton, Ohio, added. Price. of Beaper and Mower on time, s2oo;' sevent'y five dollars on delivery, seventy-five dollars on Ist Oct4ber; and fifty dollars Ist January, 1857. All U reapers Warranted to give entire satisfaction, or U •ntoney . •• refunded. Leave orders with 11ENItY ;- BCH IS' BOLD Fit .• Agent . for 'Cumberland county er Travelling Agent y Direct all orders anil lettin .1. .11.116.9 PATTOI, General Agent for Penneylvania. Jan 2.i. 1856:—.15. • •-• . • .ATTENTION DYSPEPTICS=JIhot • of you who 'Urea been afflicted for years with tb themma_disease,und.wbo_bevebeen_using.„alut,sc - . --- every Nostrum before the palls Witheiit Yltl we ii you try ..”.filettees Auttllyspeptic" and you-w inset — be - corrvinced - of - its - great Superiority-over ever3r Otta preparation. •, We, could'give you _pinup: cortittrates or! • orating Our assertions, but 4 single trial is worth mot • than* all.: This remedy is prepared and sold at the Dh Store of 8..1. KE7FFSR, 3osith .Usuover street a;le doors, .both of the Ciurt t•r- caziwo. GROCERIES GROCERIES ! • watt AND EM. If you wan4rim,e Groceries; If you want beautiful Queensware; '• • • . • • ; • • . • r Go to Halbert• If you want spleinllil Lamps, If you iiant,ttie boat Kish, If you 7kut Tubs or. Baskets, Go - to lia'bort'• If you want anything else in his line, . r . . Go to lialbett . 1 Thp flubscribor has just returned from the city large and choice assortment of ' tiroceries,. Plus ea China Ware, Fish, Salt; liuskets,Vulls,. and overt' $ in his line of business, which ' e offers for sale at lowest prices. Call and examine for yOuesolies. , n0v..21, '55. J. I). 11ALIIERT, Tit .171 u N pd 1 4 ?tasjpi ' ireplen . 17.. 185 u lj nd li erslg . e his stoc of - • • GROOERIES A:NB QUEENSWARE, - % • and i prepared to supply his friends and customers wit' alinost anything required in domestic use, at:prlc. which he lulpes will prove satisactory. Ills stock COI • 151StS, of every variety of goods suitable for town at country use. Ile has also on hand spheral exsortmor f_11.A10:1W A 1: r s . anclimi.nuty...be.noedeti. 414 ' mechanics thievery day use.. Ills stock o • WINES, DRANDIV.SAND OTIINR LIQUORS is large andoinbraces an excellent assortment of choir sale, Althoirsalo and iterAll, South Eaa - corner of Hanover Louther streets,earns - 10;1W. Ai—country_ Produce Salted in exchange for. goods, '65.' • • - fiAIIIUEL Q. lIQYETT. - attlisecilmieoits; •sry,o4 12.616,524 , 1,140,340 Oroceries, Pi 4 4 0. AT COST.' 1552,454 4., S $107 3 9.02 :.., . O COST 4*- $.73,f , Cu I - 163 $237,574 4 Go ti:l`Halbert Go to Halbert' Go to Halbert