Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 12, 1856, Image 1
Elil • i3EAT,TI7 2 P PR I AO -1114R PUBL.IbAIsION., . . . ,ThilVainatu.t; .11.camarf ,wnehlY on a large -sheet . , neintalning'• whit tiOLUMNS; and' itArsiiBllCii to . ElUtr-- ker.lbora at .tne , rata 4441.0 t/ ii punk strlctl,y In adyailcol Ifnala . n.witnlu Ana year; 0r.V... in all (awes n . hon 7- E -- yoliar. - ""',Niiiilibiraiptioliir sTel:int! for, a less - periodthan ,six ngathe,and.uottri 'ulitil-rill - arroareges 4arq laid, unlcas ttin option or,the- ;Publisher ; . 'Papers seat to -euhneribeile •living out of Cuculterlten4, county, atdvahee;or.the payment atanuned ky,eolue,respuniable:nirepu.llSing In Ocuberhutcoun ' W. These terms will be iigidly adhetod to . lu alleaues, TI,S urnig Ai.: be charged $l.OO Per aquareof Peaty° !lees fur three -Insui•tious, waif :0 touts fur each aubeequeut lueertlon. All advertiaemente of less than twelve Hues *considered awe square. Thu following rates 11111 be atue r ga fur ttuarturly, aud early - adrortlajugl *8 Months: ti'Months. 12 MUntluil . . ,Soare, $3.00 . $O.OO '7' -- 6.00 ; 12.00 • • Cuunkn, - - 11.00 11.00 /IWO - 12.01.1 -20.00 - 00 - I ' - • - • • ; 40031.).0U -45.00 .• Ativektisoutents Inserted beferonarriagesand Deaths, cents per' line. for Unit insertioil,4tud 4 - cents per line for edtisequentiniortious. reedinuideatious on suldeets of limited or individtial idterest win be charged e ceota psi line. The I'roprieter,will not ha rototousiblopkdtun aes Tor errors lu advertisements. Obituary • nottoos not 'exceeding dye linos,' will-be inserted without charge: iIItINTING. The.Caititeta iIIiALD,..IOII-131l . NTINd OFFICE is the, largest and must complete i3stablikinnent,hu, the county. Three. geed Preeses; and a general" virtety of tuaterial suitedfor Plain and kancy work of oyer,y : khed, enables uS 6o do . .feb Printhitta the shurfest notice and on the most reasOnable terms. Yersluain'wailt of orriiiy thing in the-Jobbing Buz will find it their in terest to glvo'us ti Calk: Every surety of ilitA.Nif.S eon statttlS on hand.: htie All letters on latelnees 'inuat 'pest-paid to sp ectre attention. — r. . • . ' • • 3tew Abuertisements, - . —A-PPEAIS • FOll,----185-6?7 , -The- Cour , !--, --- .... - inlssloilors*.of Cumberland mitultfintie lixedriiti .:-tne following tiules and places for lilidiug the appeals on the triannual isasessthent for the severaltoWnships - and hbroughs lit said couutf, • . , , i . . . Ceittity tax, dollar rate ItX.inil/s.• • . • Stitte-taX dollar ratelt mills. - • . • The be 1.1111(10 .by the respective usacsors at • rSho times and places4ixed for the appeals, at which time the assessere will reta.rn two respectable citizens fur • 041404ir5,..-, .. '•• • . . . - . , . • , Monvota,township,:at the publ ic house or Samuel : Algler,'eti Monday, the timidity - tit March. ' • Upper Allen and Illechauiesburg at the public house of (Seiwge'tipon,sier, in' .Mtichtinic.sburg on Tuesday the 4th day. of March.' •' • • - . Lower. Allen - arrd — Neet Cumberland at S. public house-of ' • 0111 on Wednesday the _Kith -day-of ' alarah. ' . . . . itast Pennsborough tied llampden at theimblic houge Benjttudn Clay on Thursday the nth dip of k,rch. - -Bilver;Spring at the public 'Muse of at aurgu Duey 01l .. rrlilny tho 7tlOltiy - of :March. - . • Newlaile and Fraukford at the public. house of ,Ino. M. • Woodburn in' Newville on Monday the 10th day of March, ' r . . .... ..- • . .)11111.1.n and Nowvill at the same place on Tuesday "Ilse' lltli day of March. ,' ' . ' " . ‘. ,litspewell'at , the public /louse of. David .dumpy 'ou -, • Wednesday the 12th. . ' . • iiiiippoissinirst -Boroughs and Township • Tet,the Piablhe' ' Munsti, of '- , A ughinbaugli on Thursday the 12th,_ -,- -ROlithluilptorsitt the Ahnie pliee On iNidily. the 14th. ,• Blckleatm., at the instate 'hose 6f ;Jacob Itedsecker on " Satrtrday tile I+stlt , ' -. ',, 1 4 Vt'tiNt Pennsborough at the public . kontai it M t .. Rock. on,Mondity the 17th. • - ..NOrtli Middleton at the-Cr.liefilissionensOffituf on Tuts;- I llay,the BBL, ,e Bouth--Middielon-aLthin_same_place on WedneAay . - Carlisle East Ward at the same plaee on Thursday the A ,20th. , . Carlisle West Ward at the same place on Friday the, 21st, -. , COmmisdnets Moo, Jart.-24.'511, . - - . .; ' -. lt , }t,.. TheDisquilssiortets,,givy notice . 4bat they will require.the jiritteipal :Sod int hatdeSots , to itterist, tit holding the ippetle.,. .) i - .: : , , ~., ' ,_; : • i • 'BCOTT i S , ;. LITTLE • GIANT ()UltS • _ MILL PATENTED. MAY Tern; 1654. - IdtriX - Ciali'rTthough-but- --- rets' mtly-IntrodamaL , fri.2ln.theWmr; now, stands rue-EMINENT as the most Farm MILL of the ago. • "'Our 34.4420SAMoaits are probably tile 'only tonoaiiithe • , ,Worl-,7o4,4lwdyclydevoted to junking, !detail.° )iiiis, • therefore poetess superior advantages in preparing such infraixturenf Metals, as best • ittlaptod to tusking a i strong Anti durablo article. ~,, • The Limb Oin:lf has been awarded the First Icrend. - .; what the - principle Pairs of the „Nation,. as'. the.,most complete and.couvonient 51111 now in use. . . . • Those 'MILLS are not , only guaranteed, superior to all construction and quality of material,' 'buritithe'amouut and illtiidltY footle theyperform .witlmtny.given power: pud warranted in all cases' to ilUit, the purchaio-money refunded on return of the • „Thoy_are offered to Farmers and the trade complete, - . • at $2B, $32 and $3O, for No.'l, No. '2 and No: 3', amt $ . 4; .extra fur sweeps. Warranted to , grind from;B to 15 hypiabls pordwur. according to skit,. , SCOTT'S . \N1111.131.41i1 GIt.AIN liIILICAVEATED MAY, 1655.) This MU.I. la a most cOmplete• and • important article - i•Jhr PiaMters, Partners and, others, , havitad horfa6lowor 'or other ainvotilences for running a Jolt They can - lie: •.' Worked advantageously with one, two or 'more, horses,. 'tlitheraver aspOiid of. front four ,tio' six itnudred Tevolu ' tions Per mintito',Citribe obtained upon a I.4inchpulley; with a 31.4 ineh'halt. , , .. • • • These Ilitts aroltdepted to any kind of work, grind In coarse feed from corn, oats, &c., Or line meal dom • sawn,-wheat-or rye linti..Coin St, cubit). the_Most.salls, factory manner,acid with a vett raVitig of pother over all other tallishe (lob bang cut with sharp cast-Steel': . The lirst pronflum was awarded, these 311118 at the .late Fairs cif New .lersicy,:rennsylvania, and the Indus ', trial...E.shibithol at Boston. The Nimble Obtut weighs about 300 pounds; Occupy- . tug a spare of 30 somun. It is peculiarly,shuple, strong, and thimble; requiringno Skill to run it, or' to , keep it in order. Taoy, are offenek.c*plete r ready for attaching - the. bolt, at $55; with cast steel cob attachments46s. War- Tented' to give thelnost perfect satisfaction. ' Bessocall at the Little (limit Works, 'and witnes24 their operation. Mannfacturabv - • • - ROSS SCOTTCO" • Cor. 17th it-Coates St., Phila.: • Yob. 13 Orrov-r-pd 0 SHELLERS I • ' are^• 0ir7.4311.-ELLgns. ' aubecriber, having In the hitt few years.'fraraed upwards of a hundred and forty Corn Shellacs for Iten ry, Ithoads, wishes to intbroa the Farniers of Cumberland eountz that ho is prepared to frame them-anew.. 1 will take' (min or "irek4 in - pay - for; Framing, and - will inw surd - the machines to rte, well. My shop . Is- at the .....-.Noith_eud of West itreet. - ANC 29.7.-720 WEIN =- aOSIPII WIAVER, . . . . . • i •• , .-:.- ._,.. ~ tf... : '‘,' 1,:" • •••• ••-• ' l , k .-- :' ,. 1 '' '' t ' ,'.:;- • . .. . , a ~. ' t li , 1, , .1 ~ • , - 4/ _ • ~ _ . _._._........._..........,.............._ • . VOL LVI. L . : - ' WEDNESDAY . MARCH 11 1 iS s r6 '' .. - '' NO -.. 3 t „ • . , onorer _ , N 4, •'. . . . . i tryv , It': ;{) - i ,:. _ e _,. .„. , Italianyinter,.yet even i - 1 Italy,' the cold : may ' • * ' .ccicitipEi's, rt _ u _ __ 7 _,.„_., i t tri nr . .be toineihly felt. i tly one confined -to - hlo room), - --- . ho permitted •no 'fire' to 'be . kindled in' his . Tuesday ,31hreh .4.—ln the &map , , , „ . , . -• _,..„..... 7 ......:-.. ' ' • : ' apartment, and added . the 'amount usually bill making an rappropriation of $80,0( ',ble i ; ti tit. Galveston: CHARITY. foll'pwin beautiful an.ecdotes, concern ing_ tho charity of tWo.RoMisp Cardinals, are translations.from tht37. 17,/kiblate, for City anifVoynty," a German .paPier, devoted to "insion and aniusement." They lip., peared'to the yauelator as beautiful instances of this noble virtue, and worthy of imitation by - many :Who Contemplate the progress of Catholicism,' With an eye ofi suspicion. They are, however; but single. instances of that wise system of benevolence, which las .clar neterizql the_Papil_adherents— •Protestants:a - tenth - of the zeal .whiph Roden Catholicshaie had in eieryperiod-ofiheii his-_ tory, there would. be little need of securing Protestantism against the attacks of Ro s manism . by Legislative enactments: The way to, con quer, is to rely hpon our own strength, not the weakness our enemy..•-••••--6..._- • "Cardinal 'We'tannin," says our authority_, " the .author ! ' of the . rettouted controversial papers, and member of the inquisitorial tribu int! (b0re:154 : 2, died 16'2 . 1), Wes .personally, man of great luridness, and ea modest that he refused . theol,uplignity.tenderedhini on two : separate . oecaisions. But the most remarkable feature of hisiife i Was his great charity. _ A third part of his income was set apart'flir the poor; and It id said 'that henever.SUffered -one to be turned away empty from his door, where, bread'' es hourly .distributed s to. the needy. Not only,so; . but he enjoyed himself in the company of the poor, ho greeted them in a friendly manner, - beakd them:7lll::greak., pa tmeived ali t theie petitions. :When! on one occasion pis servant ° wished ~sead F away some-beggars,--ilejeb ukedr-h - these: verde: "-I..seem.to_ime the Lord Jesus'_ Wet - iu - the flesh; vtheneverl got sight of a • poor baying employ ed b neir sertadt,,who was not yet acquainted t4l.lftils pittateeiradilinellof ,irikenH , thy latteethrust - tcrthe - . grontat ita:robtruidve des gat, .who live/V:1)0101A nil( his .way inta.the Cardi:' dal's- room, he testoredihefallen'one to his feet with 'his Ova 'hand',.!and bestowed . rich gifts, upon, WM, ,but the servant hd reprovetisharply for his cencluot.r. • : . ' ante of utercy.were' Dot limited to the iieinity of hie own home.- lib often : Went in perstin-to%lie•hoines of the poor, visited the captives in lirieori, ..the sink in the hospital, and . having 'made: himself acquainted with their. wants;- ho mating 4 to hr4v assistance rendered them througErthe intervention of a third person, in . order that they might not know whe,nee it came, and whom tch, thuuk. God had enirusted to him groat riches; and tie was, ncoustothed•to saY that it was befitting him to..he a goad steward thereof, and put it • in the hands of the needy. • D,uting to ustir the brief time he was Archbishop al Capua, he restored •to their former condition many of the ancient families of That city, who had. be come-poor, and in so doing ho made no die. tinolion between his Mends - and Lie enemies. One of tile Brett° .whom be extended relief, was John Barely, whose brother had assailed - the - Cardinal in , a most malicionit7publication. " He often deprived himself of that which he bestowed upon others. There was. a gno rnon upon his housei_which. was much — worn by the wind ancl weather, and needed to be renewed. , Bellarmin had the cost of ',a new one - ettimated beforehand by a Itmk-smith and l i artist, and when they demanded two silver -drowns he relilied4,7lo , Much. money cap be aPprepristed%Pa baiter • purpose than. for" a thinrio'little needed. He became afflicted with a tumor, upon his right leg, °lid the phy 7 *titian directed hitii_to_ wear .a wideistocking„, "t 3 elluptrin ordered a piece to be set into one of tiis leather stockings, and although his ser vant represented to him, thatlki s was no longer worth repairing, in:re:Oak as ho had al re)idy worn it eighteen yearsAibliersiettid his demand. In the meantime a young man brought 10-him a supplicatory letter,. wherein he taisobght alms for his mother fallen - sink on the way. .Bellarmin presented Min with t o ducats en the spa. When another begged of him twelve crowns,. and ho . .hnd-riokwhe. : With to bestow it upon him, he'drew;his-rlng. from hie fingefyand_gave ltm thatf directing bim to pawn it, Promieing , tel redeem it again "Throughout one whole winter (we met remintioureelves that we are speaking of 'an expended•for - wool to 10 alma.; Ifis ta, was at all' frugal f , ,. ob . & he shared his 'teals and •the poor;' - Fo'r- , Atie sick anderippled, Whoni he • saw lying in the For Tlho•lTornld streets, he provided -a • hospital m is own such brought .Not unfre'quently he had - such brought to hitnia his own litter, and'at home in his bwn' palace, he minietered 'tc their wants. Finally he . 'disp_ose:cl of one •of his horses, nni''fromthat titne{orward, only drove one, in:order that' the amount thus Spared might be gi , v l i(n to the needy. But' What - is of moil) weight:than hnd • his heart as little up - on his gifts and his altns,.:na upett_his fortune and esfateir;2and dredlilessed,- notMerely-61r hisigod - d'ivoikis, - Tbut - also for . . -•• , - his evangelical labors irithe service of Christ. "1.411, same. authority .makes Mont' • another high eolesiastic, Who not only 'di tingiiislied himself by the richness of Ks alms but also by-tice peculiar mannet',in_ithici_be. :was accustomettto bestow them:. It was Cartlinak'Montaltc, nephew"of-Pope aestus V. the 'princeple, that the left hand Might - not_te: z know what ilie r ; right hand 'tfoit tii! 'On n„c ertntn. ihicthere - earns, to. him several ecclesiastics wife Aesired a dairn tion'of orie' 2 hunared crowns for the erection of, a church.' '-The cardinal" sent -thorn away harshly,. but'by n strting,er, ho was indaced . afterwards to -subscribe' one thousaird crowns for the same purpose. On a utipulated day he !lad twenty-five mai 'dens:'entiowed for marriage, but Ire -7- did it undler the varne of another, in drdcr that they might not be able to raider their thanks •to .hipiself. A poor wide* at,Rome,of a respect- I able'family, who - suportiad heraelfauil Baugh ' ter-in,retiremetc by -the labor of ' her s - own band 8 lyttil nes . e,_in - consequence of which; she WWI brought in debt. Oti rho one side, sho saw herself oppressed' her'orediters; on the other, re• lief protterett at the frightful sacrifice Of her tiaeghteirier , inneeetiCte.- 4Hotioos aka', - tritslitl.ilied by her earifessorie apply Montalto; who was known to be a man of.great benevolenie. The poor woaten , had never begged, yet she- overcame her shame, and went and east hertWilf at the feet of the. Cardinal,..begging him for 6 crowns for the payment of her rent, in order that she might. retaia.her. home • Vie Cardinal wrote forhar,a cheek for6o crowns. She Came to the treasurer; who,eounted down to bet 60 crowns.. She re- . (used posititively to take it: The treasurer - showed - her - toe - bill, but slip still-persisted ; —it- Rustito a mistake, for, she had only asked • him. for 6.Arowne. The paymaster went with the note to the Cardittel. Show it to me, said the oardiuel, to be - sure Ws a mistake; and taking the note he-added another Q,--with r_tho injunction, that if the modest widow receiv ed not the 600 crowns, it should be - .taken to another servant to the astonished and yet hes itating widow, , who_ was instructed to say to_ her, that Kit& daughter wished to niarry she should make ready for the dowry. LEGISLATION Ecat KENsAs.—Two bills-have-been—referrod_to_the__Co face_ _of_ the Whohrwittiiwthe- last few .d . 8, having been reported_from the, Outrimittee on Terri tories by Ali.-'Grow,' - , One-weitt,hill to-annul those acts of. the Kanse/Legislation which abridge the freedom ,f -speech and of the •• • quell press, or which presciibe any oath as ft - cation for - voting er holding. , office, othet than that.of fidelity, in the , discharge 'of the duties of oilice..and to support the. Coustitu•• flog of,tbe'UniteiiStlitcs, or which impose any property or religious test as a_ condition to the exercise at' sue% ,fight,. or to serving on juries, or to•giving evidence in any Court., of --.Mr,--Grow's other bill proposes To make' all 4he offices filled' by. appointment of the loaf Legislature ofKantes elective by the people, to prevent disturbances at' the polls, and:heep tion-residonts froin,voting at ull:.:-- At-present-thare are no adequate penalties against eleittion frauds:- It is proposed also 'to fix th° next election In Kansas on tilt same ilaj , with the Missouri election. Wirktes's TII)21 ingtpt.ityiion cpfitalOqitho. , Poploo .fitaer* hair'' - it - is - ri(irOreea - (>f - a ,- n9!tk o crlt, — a B--- ot!4I e'tli:e_r to advocate. or to oppo*ohe eztenOoti .f-Slavery.---llOnay—de,thane_or . the, 'c! a In the exercise of his rightsas' a citizeni-',..ani riot offend against his . Demooratili -- klealty." If any body, can invent a. platform 'Which has more of the eee•eaw about it than thief leehitn bring along hie tools,: and go to work. , ' ;e, .the )90 for the new fortifications a:. Texas, Was passed. The Senate then resumed he consi*ltion of the Ittifiatrelection cnee. Mr. Stuart ahtended . ttiat the constitution _ of nois rendered Mr.lrurnble seat. Nfessrs. Butler, Tommy and Sowark dm - virally spoke :to the,effeet that Lye power to elect a'Senator *as derived from the COnsti tution of the'United Stotes,•and not - from that of Iliinois ; and that therefore, the latter had to_prescribe the, qualifications of a Senator, nor to. addto nor ditninish,_nor-mod ify the requirements of the FederalCensti tutionl. and that-Mr:rTruinbull's claim seat should be maintained. In the House,' Mr. Smith: of Ala., introduced a bill to pre vent the iutiiiduction into theJ;Tnited States of foreign criminals, paupers, lunatics - and insane,- persons.. The Senate bill for the construction of ten sloops-of war was referred to the Com mittee on Naval Affairs. • • Wednesday, Maiah 5 —ln the 'Senate, Mr. .1 Aflutter reported a bill ;making % nppropriationa '. Ifor fortifications and . worths work of defenCe, • tud'elso for the repair of harm cs . and quar.-_,_ .1 tcrs. •: The ,„consideration of the Trumbull lelec'tien . ease' was. then resumed, and it was decided that Mr. Trumbull w a s, entitled to his seat hy a vote of 35 yeas to 8 nayii.: - Then fel- loWed an exciting . dehate in . regard to Kansas ~. affairs. Mr. - Butler -defended- - Mr. - :Ate hison ... from alleged interference in the . affairs of Kansas. Mr.'Touceytelloweit, taking althilar.' • ground. Mr. 'llale replied; drawing a sketch of some Near'Efigland politicians, who seemc&d to think that the Our's° orlginally ; pronounced upon serpent the: belonged to them, ..namely : - ...uponthy,bellY .shali, thou go r 'and: dust shtilt".. ,thou eatrt--• {Langhter.-]elhus they bow_dewn • before theslavery power, which,, cliepens'es a' derge share of the' patronage of the-co'u'ntry; -- making great pretensions; of. devotion 'to - the, .Cuniititution themselves, - while they accuse every man of treason who dares to assert hie manhood and claim-the right to - epeak.for him- - sem In the House, 'lllr. Hickman, front the .Committeeon Eleotions; made a report pre tielitickg . it lengthy 'ergo went for renewing the .4 eipanti.thal. the 'Committee shall have au -7iliorityli-404 0.41'01/11' tditl • eiPeittliiihe -- ! Kansas oentetited eletititai eate,i' 141 t. Stephenti7- aubtuitted :the , minority; of, the, same Committee; which, argoes:,at. length against EA:ttor's claim being taken into coneidere lien. • , .. Thursday, Marc/16,-4n the Senate,' Senator ..- 41rewni-:of,Miss,i-presented-a-billite-authorise- - the conetruction• of a railway and telegraph line from some point on the Mississippi to;th, -Bay of San 'Francisco. :This biliappropo4s 40,069,000 acres of ,land to those - whC i tion.: • tiffitetiliaroad, -- theie persons to yi if 50 - dents per acre until the title is i'esteyn 'them, and not to start until half a mi lion of.dollars is . paid down us security for the taith:Ul perfor mance_ of the contract and the Govreut to pay litioll .pg'r mile f r the carrying - the mail; - and such other-'e ins as_ may afterwairs .ho ( 7 agreed upon p • tran•porting troops iind wt.', nitions of wytr, until' tea years alley the situ. • pletion-ef-Alie-wark,Thelbiilivas-refitTred-Au: •the , Sp"6ial Committee having charge of the subj9dt: Mr. Weller announced that tho.a_om-, tulttee Would endeavor' to report' next week: The Senate then-resumed-the-consideration of the fortification bill, which was pissed. The House took up and passed the•Milttary Ma: piny-.-and Invalid Petnion bills.. , The ouusid.- • erution of the proposition to send for persens iiiiii - papeiralittlfc — Katisas - Vett - ton titre," Was then resumed, and speeches were ni(de against' the resolution •iii Mr Boyce, and for iE by Mr. Bin hum, • - ___ - Friday, March 7.—ln the House of Repre sentatives; the consideration of the report / of the.Conomitteeon Elections was resumed 'and Mi. Oliver of Missouri, nule-oostrong-Speech in denunciation of tbe Kansa§ 'Endirant Societies, and in defence of the / Missourians. the debate was continued in•spirited speeches by Messrs. Cumback, Cullen, Walker and Others. the Senate, the 'Raking an app7platicur—of three' 'millions - of, dollars, for increasing the arms and munitions Of war, was ordered to be engrossed for a third, reading, by a vote of=yeas 22; nays 12, the vote' was. 'afterwards reconsidered and $ the 'subject discussed. • • In the . bourn), Mr. Wheeler offered a resolu „ Mon, which was sidopted, instructing 'the Post office- Connnittee - ;to—enquire -Into the. expo liewcrofirrecting-publio-buildings-at—Basto-n-, .Philadelphin„flharlestou andjiew York, suit-, 'ablator Pool offices.and United . Stator Court rooms, in ace° acme wits t o sugg ations of the President, Mr. Cainpbell, u 3 I do, re ported the Consular and Armyl appropriation bills. The House then resumed .the Kansas gintested election case, and the debate was "cifatinuod at length. . _ PaNNSV,LVANIA. LEGIBLATIV4E:. 4.4-4ioSenafe, bills were pissed incorPo'rateng 7 the .Pennsylvania ~ Stobkineurance companyf-for the relief of the , widow pf Jotieph bliannel, late fireman of the boinnitia Itailrond;,and relative Co the Hope t''urnace Company .of Mifflin county: The* •lionse was not in nession; .. theline of the hall having been voted fo — thb Democratic -State Convention foriwo days, riiy, March 6.—ln thp Mate, hills' ; yererTassed 'Hupp himentiry to the Cdnsolida - ioriAct; to ineorporaie the the 14ahoning and ; • ;hamokin Iron• Improvement' Company; and . o authorize the opening of a rond from Bel-. _ nom. Avedue to'Spriog Mina. No session. •of thelloune: • ' • . CUM O.' =EI Eff ray,lfarch 6.—ln the Senate, the bill appropriating.s2o,ooo to the• Western eyldaniti Hospital; was taken up. and . passed, as wee also the' bill to consolidate the Trevar ton and . Suerynehanfiti.Railroad, and the.Ma 7 honing and Shamokin Improvement lea. In the House, after the presentation of a large, number Qrbilie in place, Mr. Wright of . imzerne,' reported, back the bill to. regulate the sale of liquors, which was taken up and passed in Conimitiee . „of • the Whole. One itmendment proposed authorizing thalidensing of restaurants, The bill being ou . second reading, an amendment prevailed . reducing the minimum price of a license in-'Philadel phia from. s'loo to $50.: The Senate omend 7. thQlOl.5 were 2 -then—Oncurred in'. and the bill returned to the body; . Friday, 7:—ln the' Semite, the hip to repeal the - 3d section of the act to .-Incorpo , • rate the State Agricultural SocletYi, was re ported,by the comnAttee, with "'Ci . :negative 're , - commendation. The bill 4 i /create permenene ly tho Ohio of State Printer, was debated un til. the ,adjournment. ,In the Boost), Mr. • Morris road .in place a bill to prevent' the , _ . imprisonment of witnesses in certain - cases.— 'rho bill *Bowing Bills of Exception and Write . of Error in criminal •,cases,,Was debated and • hiid,over upon third reading._ The bill rela 7 tive to Insurance, Trust.'ond •AnnuitY Cino panies,.passed Committee of the Whole Tho bill to authorize the _Delawarc,:Lackawina . • anal:Western. Railroad. _Company . _ to, bbrrow utoney, punted finally. . •••• ..• , - .grturday, Marih. - B.—ln the Senate; the' liquor, bill was received-from the House, - and .. referred to the Comniitieo of Con'ference, con sisting of,Messrs BrOwn,..Wherry and Gordon; of ~ t he Senate.- several: . priiate- bills were : . - missed, 'and the Senetci the& adjourned tinta - .liitida:v2tifternoon....-t . he House, the'Senate bill autborizing . bilis of exception and writs of / error in criminal cases _ passedal.l - y—tiy . —:a„>'' close , vote: • The House insisted upon 1.0 - amendments to bill," and 111e4rs, . Wright, of Liner - no:Getz and liunsiciter;'werin-' . appointed, a • Committee of Coriferfitie.,The Supplement to the, act incor , porofing the Mar- 1 risburg; Illoitiit•Jet and 44 , 9:Mester . Railroad Canon ' '.. 'ante - id pkieed final!, • Tu] eases in relatit ___ She left Liverpooyon the 281 of January, more than six wets ago, and boa not been beard of mince. • 'Sirehad on-board fort-yfive passetigers, first - ad seconecabin, to - ther with men and 0f. 4 Geis, amoupting , to o hundred and forty-mne - , all told.—Various rum r„ have been - eiroulated , in relation to her ; but all of an improbable character. -A hope ie atilt indulged of her safety; but it begins tp gpw fender. She may have been disabled in mid -ocean, and thus.-be still struggling on the waters of the-mighty deep. it sometimes happens that a sailing vessel occupies from six,ty to .seventy-. (Ilya • making's voyage from Europe to New 'York or any 'other of our Atlantic ports. A 'Boston- : barque recently arrived at', Savannah,frein a port in the Mediterranean, after a voyage of - 61 - glityY•fciaedaysTwith - out—being - -reported—or------ halted once ,on the : voyage. • • . • Within little more than throe years there , have tieen 100 in 'the. Attitude and. Pacific' • oceans, -twelve ntagnifioent steamers, and twelve_bundred andd-fifty lives. This seems ' - - •ini immense aggregate; aid yet -the travel - within the periodnamed,,,,.hati" 'extended . to' buridreds_of_,tho_usantit_of_iiveshe--vetusele----- loot in thertlantie were the_ fittnibolt,'"the San Frincieno, the ' City of Glasgow, - the _ ..,Oratillin, the City of Philadelphia, the'Arotie. ' ' Jiiidthe North Carolina._ Onnur_two-of these__ ,Were never heard of at all, nor.tias a' vestige of either been discesered. UK too, Wei the • case of the President in the likelier history of ocean steam navigation. • Perhaps ,the most unfavorable symptom with regard to the Pa.: cifio is, that several steamers havenince passed tireetly over the route between Liverpool and . ow York, without obtaininr_ the alighteg gl tepee of her. : Her fate Gins far is indeed a . tn, arery, sincryet, the hope , dint she will reap ar, may be, indulged (Or severakweekelong-• r. • ' STATE& AGIBSCULtURAI. Somme.— • A meeting of - the:Executive Committee of the traited States Agricultural Society was held in Philadelphia, on Thuraday, of last week. The object of the misting was to arrange cer. min preliminaries for the next AenualEshibi. • ilea, which has been rized ,to take plaos . ,,,in PhWelphia, on the Octohercheit:Ytuad which it is proposed to , oondupt on a scale of wevampled - liberallkj and - splendor, .11 was decided to embinci, as °Neat° of the ' Lion, horses and horned oatt • : 'Wine and ieep, ..sigr),ou t • imp emeats, IMMA Pad vegetable, producui, poultri, end szati*e fruit and wipes., . A &and Banquet, ittirhiclilOdios willpiaticipate. was also 'oattledt-. tut Tot of the'progtsmme. and it was; aiiiod to: appio ristotrom $12.000 to $164090 4k frotnituts,