Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 05, 1856, Image 7

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eff i ginal
FQr_lAd Troialda N.
ALA:4IIL A.W7i 'l' If A:
• Should you ask me; what's my poem,
What's its subject; whcro'tis going, :. •
• What it tells of mighty .doetle„iiime;
Or of deeds _ that never-WW•eddim?"
!I shbuld answer, I should tell you; ..
' Wait anti hear that yott may know '
• Don't you Wish that you may know
But if you think there is no epic
In our language Werth-the reading, •."
Worth the reading in good English; • .-
Worth the tines it takes to readit-f ‘. •
And if you call It repetition
Just Imetteise,"for want of matter,
I should saga thing tivice.over,
• Yeu're'nojudge of epic clover. • .;
'NOW I toll you, hero I tell you, • ,
Of a country lying westward,
Of the country Where the sun sets,- "
Whors4hallaccoon •
Where the Wred'and Bob o' Linkunt; • .
Wlth theirfather old Noltomiti— •
' Ile the sleepy, lazy water-,
And Shuh-shuh-gah, the great black-boar!.
, Sang tho song of Yankee -Doodle.. •
There morum, the groat big hull-frog, — ,
With his eyes so pinky-tvinky, ' •
-And ShUh-shuh-gah, tbo,great black-bear,i ,
• '" Voice sweetnea
And the screech-owl, thee-great booby, .
• wity his head4o small and Pretty,
Enaoredloudly---YankeeDoodle; '
circlo •
Went a tilting,"tllting," - tilthig,
While old Tom-cat on hisbanjo
• Struck in bass just aboutso-so.; • •
Adjidaumo, the red Squirrel, -
Gnawed a rounil hole in a nutshell,
• In a nut-shellgian;wod around hole. _
L 'PheOho Jay jay, long-tailed cat-bird,-
With his tongue so nimble nimbi!),
Said, Adjidaumo, 11,redSquirrel,: •
' You shouid•not do so, 0 - my brothar, - --•
. Dull your tooth ou that hard nut shell.
_. Thou the dandy Pan-puh-keimis, "
, With his yelloiv beads and wampum,
With his long legs and his slim logs, "
With his tall and•graceful . figure,
._'-'Pall and gracofulAs a plueireo,' '
- - Aud his rod-topped patent boots on,. •
Ito the dandy of tho village ••
Stole a hear' from every slim waist, •
• Sly and thieving Pah-puh-koewis;
• And the goad man Hiawatha . •
Fell iu love with Biddy ha ha„ -
Fell in love with smiling water. •
Now you ask mo wherahomuno from;
"And you ask me what hetione't for,- •
tho red Squirrel, ,
- y And Nokomis his grandmother, •
And Shith-shuh-shuh the red herring,
-And Ilow-Wow-woW tho white poodle,
f. '
--With-his-siSter-Pinky-winky, S '
Coale to see us—cause to see us. .
- Now I toll you, if I tell you,
•Don't forgekit if i.tacyou,
How LongfoildW; the great ppet,
Found those fellows, lazy fellows, ' •
With their long names and their stronxnames,
All so funny and so sunny,
All so posey tind so cosy, • ;:
Beside the latighing - ;rlyer, - - - - --
Where the moon-beatns quiver,"quivor, , ; • .:"
. In the laud of the Ojihways,
In the land of tho.Domtabs,
Falling like the leaves of AutMisin,
When Illituomh brown October
Paints and tumbles then:Fall over—
found, that...they wovld'jtngle,
iglo, jingle, jingle, '
ld 'mike your long ears tingle
it jingle,jingte, jingle, „ • '
iced them in a row • :
w space you know,..
Just to suo how it would go; ,
And I guess your ears would tingle
Witythsirj,ingle, jingle, jingle— .
Don't youlttink - your • ears WOuld'Hiigta • .
With their jingle, jingle, jingle.
.a that Wished for Death.
the instinct that le_ada.,to the' preservation of
life, is so strong, that persons who are resolved
on suicide sometimes conduct in a,,very ludi
crous Manner, under.the fear of ;Wit death
7 which they are so desirous of procuring.
We have.heard a story' of a ..coutitrymaii, ,
' who had made up hie mind to 4;shutlie off
this medal' coin," . and - only , waited nail he
had settled in his • mind the' inostccorta
ble way of dying. ' Not tieing readily
to agree with himself en, .;tihis important
point, he informed a ,neighbor of his, whohi
he met with an axe on his shoulder, that he
• was resolved Upon' death, , and would take it as
• a grest . favoilflie ,iroUld- , assist s hire itik'the
„accomplishment of his purpose. . llis neigh=
her; being willing to humor - the aandiaate for
a change of the worlds, told him' that he
4es- just going . ntii the woods a chopping,
and .that if ho would ficeompany4iin, be
wp.ald fella tree upon him,. and" put an. end
- to his life with very-little trouble. -
""I'm" very much 'obliged to you, acid the
-'weary-of-the-worlo, Nitid shall coddler- my,
-self' botatidiWyou for life. Fit go and be'
killed-directly:7 • • . • „
,Aocercliogly_ l4 _ l
the' woods. A tall tree wee chosen, and be
tied direoted where to etandoo as to receive
the full foreik oftheblow. lie fixed himself on
2is arms and , re 2ared to wait
the event. The ohopperliegaii alay on with
vigorous blows, while difath's candidate kept
las eyes upon the 'top. of the tree, to tee when
It would fall. .hie . etood composedly—fc_k.-- a
• while--litit'eflongth began to...appear:uneasy,
nod not perfectly-satisfied, with his prospect.
And while_ the ax? -man. seemed to _him to re.
double his blows,-he kept winking
ing, he thoughtlo 'preoeived the tree - torned,
iitid the - next moment-would be his last,
cold_ sweat began to issue frotn•his•sitin, his
He took, to flight and 'never looked behind hini
untir:he hadzot tit least 'forty reds, when he
yentured_to_stop—was , pursued by the
axe-man, wIl o-on. coming_,up_asl , 4dhifn why he,
ran away ?
"Oh" said he, was steered if lotaid therS
I should be killed !" ,
— "Ah,. true," replied the men with great sim
plicity, "but I forgot ihat. 0 how,l tremble,
If I'd staid there a minute longer, I should
have been a dead Man.- What a crash it made
.when: it fell ••
"Crash 1 . whi the tree is standing yet,
merelyehoppedwith the head of the axe l"
the head of 'the axe! .3:lo you-say'
so?- Oh yoU cheating rascal! '. - fillver
trust you to kill me agrilUTlll - )e Aanged If I
This reminds us of Bettina add , her friend
erode. -- Both - vt u an d-th e_latter.
had come to the concluSinii that' like her coun
tryman of the pence report, she "tient vent
tolif no longer." She therefortiinformed Bet
tinalhat shefintended killing herself with a
dagger ; . Betty snatched the weapen from . her,
'chased her'all 'around the room and threaten
ed to kill her until she.was almost frightened
:to :_death::..: Yet ia after_ times she did_ do it, as
those are aware who are "up" on Gelirian l-
.erature: •
ollowed the
- .
A large aucliepoe aseemblA - last - night; at
Hopo'Chapel, toleat: Hon. Horace Mann
liver the eleventh Lecture of the Hope Chapel
aeries. The subject was -4t . The Common ..Na-
turn ot Alan and, 13rute." The lecturer coot-
theneed 'by observing that it was a truism that
man hiid.ahiglier and a lower nature. tne.
pt thp anoienta.had said that there were plaiu-
ly-'two noun in hire; tbe good one incited Lim
to ziobledeetie, the' vile one to, diehotforable
ones. - .And the great Apostle of tho -Gentiles
.had said: "The good That I .would, Ido not,
but the evil which I would not, that I do:
ALiisr:, if I diiii;Tit - TWould - not; -- ifitrnd:mcire - 1
that '4:71'6 it, hut• . sin.-that dwelleth
There were_ indeedtwa natures in man,. ,one
peculiar to hitutelf, the other that he shares
in common with the brute; but brutes (Let ,id"
accordance with their own , nature,and• there-.
fore do,not . s . in,iihile mon note "in disacooiii:
ante with hia_naturo, and thereinto Bins.
The eminent physiologist, -Dr. Carpenter - , - aeqi3
that every insect and animal, man eluded,
had its:originpt-treell. Cellular tissue was
the starting point of, all life—l-animal, relle
and' human. . •But though the body—of. man
starting from the" cell, attained- its develop
ment on arriving at full, manhood, it was not
always sowith the soul., gometimes it seems
to stop on the way, so that some philosophers
•haVe started the. theory that -- nature;tifri ,
souls beforehand, and keeps a spiritual - ware-
house, from which she gives out the souls
when they are .wanted. Unfortunately, she
occasionally note :like; a payingltailer at - a
bank, Who gives out- A.. one-dollar bill. for a
thousand-dollar bill, and the Wrong souls, are
apportioned, .solhatye have a mouse- instead
..of Wman,:andw,wasp_lusteal-ofwyttman: - - ,---
Man is perfict when the soul governs the
body:a - 12d thti law of God governs the soul.
The bee is perfect when It produced its deli
diens hooey, but when a man has got nothing
but a i — ito - mtich, he is onlywinefe eater; when
he has only lungs and a tongue, he is a mere
talker;.-yut 'when there is a brain behind the.
tongue, We.le a'philosopher. Of how many
men might it'be said, that_ of those who were
'eupposed to be made but a little lowei:than
the angels, their only employment seemed to
be merely, to opsw . and: shut the mouth, and
leave that orifibti 3 Open at death, as. if there
needed more'to he put'in it. The mouth. is
, great family feature of - tili,facee; whether
of man orbrute. 'The Jew was willing to go
baols. into Slavery for the_sake of his leekkand .
onions. Queen Katharine forbade j her ladies
in-waiting to get drunk before 9 o'clock in
the morning, which, doubtless, was as cruel
to them as the Maine law; • The animals, how-,
ever„though they possese a mouth in ()oilmen
with man, did not—put it'-to 'tto bad tt r use-
They were .never,
_troubled 'with (13 spepsii. ,
, They had no necessity 'for druggists' shops.
"What other race of. beings suffered 'one thou
sandth Part so touch 'of pain 9.8 Man, who puts
'himself into.the hands or ordinary Philistines,
who were far worse thm - 01. - 6 - I:Alier Philistines,
who' contented . themselves . with' 'stripping a
man outside! When SheridatiWas told that
he 'nittet•not drink any more Mandy, otherwise
he Would destroy the coati - ITX hie stomaith;hts
replied that he musChave-the,brandyouuLthat
hikatnreiLtaustAgest in its waistcoat. Un
tortillaMix, the 'stomach had waistcoat: st)
The ,
pi was - sometimes seendying lathe gut
ter, bdt it was only.th4 biped pirthat,...whai
lying there was unable to get up again: -----
• The lecturer .passed _deservedly 'severii
-stricture-upon-drunkards,-and - remarked that them beastly:::was q_ L itereotypecl
upon ( the'brute-.: ,When num cornmite a lont hi' soma sin, he_likens_Liff%BlLto_ .
the . :inferior
liecreation, whereas alone . was inferior, and
the beasts were , auperior and respectable.. ":If,
Mister Tiger should get drunk, go to his .lair
andbeat::Mistress Tiger and t
and tako their ecalpsland pawn them, for hula,-
wonld not ,all..Tigerdom. cry shaine on the•
hitute, and,say.ha..was getting to be as . _bati'a B
Atumati beings? It is true that man and.beast
at the outset-start from one point, syyet-thery
soon ,separate; and,, if man usually rises high
erthattithe‘bruiesi he sometimes falls below
- them: • : •
. .
The lecturer proceeded to discilskother po
ouliarities of man, imwhieli the :brutes were
gtnerally his.superior. His iiinity was . thus
gltinceikat: Mr. pinup' then considered:the
relation 4. of sex, both as they atteed manned
the otiL, hninal\who mar-
ried for money; •the brutes nbver •do. • e
brutes choose Mates•that, in their eyes,• had
a thousand charms; , but chard's wag - Them
don't mean dolla'rs. 'Valentine's Day, who
over heard ofa - gay y.ouag
° robin giving her=
self awaY : to g an old pluCked crow; because be
'hid-hoarded:up a-lof-of-grain,_amf_wws
sConded front anceStors.which had drank bilge
water in Noalr's Ark? , But; man's sexual re
lationEi were often degrading and generally
selfish Thitiftlegradattoli, - in tta worst fee
tures.might be seen in such instances as
I of David riturderiiig-Utiab.. for' the sake of;
thsheba,Of the BOMans• ravishing the •Sao
bine oman, of Henry VIII. beheading • Anno
BOleyn,.: •
slim'. up aII in two words,H
1 whiCh would cornitriee 241 that wt's :deteStable
and hideous in this relation,—;,Brightim Youngi
So true it is that Matt .oft r eriiitnes fatty lowe i r
than. the brutes.. •
Mir. Mann proceeded to speak Of the_ cip- -
'aiveness and dertructiveness •of man as far
exceeding that of the. brittes, instancing. the
thousands of millions who had been in
the principal' wars recorded •in historp—
Then he dwelt on man's religious 'relatiens of
his bigotry and Persecution. He makes' Gptd
in his own.ituage,•and interprets God's resiela.-:
don by,..the Urgency of his.own passions. I lie
virtu 11y rays, "My *belief _is God's bad,"
whither Ife - be a Christian Jew - or - Mojilinieton ,
• The lecturer:woe frequently applauded We
noticed many distinguitthed citizens_ltiMong
-the-audience .=11 7 : , .
• ...-;-ou..t.CIOII.NER. of . till . n.
4. k) over and Lout ter sts.
CP.—Tbe ersign.
• ed has always on hand a large'stock of superior !Cabinet
Ware, in all the different styles, which ho is immured to
-zeli-at-titirloWest-prires 110 invites attention' particu
larly to the PATENT SPRING BOTTOM litosvaiipt UlO9
useful article, which entirely-obviates all objections,-
The bottom can lie attached to old Bedsteads. They have
Ivan entire satisfaction to all who have thorn In use. •
Op-.COFFINS - made to order at the shortestnotice.
rth Hemp. er btreet, next door to 3 - •
Glass's Hotel
He would respectfully inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that he on hand a large and nleganta,sortmentof FUR
NITURE, consistiug lu part of ardrobei i Car j d-ando .
er Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain au& fancy
Sewing Stands, kc , mattufitetured of the belt material
and quality warranted.
• Also &general assorttaent of CHAIRS at he lowest
prices. YzattlArt Butane made to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
Air COFFINS made at the shertest notic • and hay
ing a splendid hoarse hp will attend funeral- town or
countr y.
ttss - Remember the atand—next door t. It. Glass's
Hotel. ' it. B. SMILEY.
N —JAMES R. WEAVER would rermecfeully call
the attention of, House-keepers ind the public
to hie:extensive stock of elegant FURNITURE,
- ' including Sotai, Ward robes, Centre and Tables,
• 4.-•• Dressing and Plain Bureaus, an/ every other
article iu his branch. of business- Also. OW on hand
the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at
the lowest prices. AOFFINS made at the sholt-
est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie
solicits4call at his establishment; on North Ham ,
veer strgel, near Glasse's Hotel.
dtalurtilture hired out by the month or year.
VEW GOODS:—The subsOribot has
_LI Aust- just - returned is opening a
general assortment of Fancrand Staple oods. consist
ing of French Merinoes .Coburgs,*Al etas, Printed
Cashmeregand--Mons de Lanes. Dress lilts In great
varlety,..l4opg lirocha Shawls from 315 to VD. :Freud'
Blanket Shawls. Canitnio and Swiss Edgings and In
sertlngs and Cambric and Swiss Collars Merino and
Silk• - Shirts and Draws. Dress. 'Munn , i
ugs in . great
-variety with other Fancy_ancl Staple Goo a. -
ttov. 21, '55. •:-- -- GE0,1F,. • UITNER. .
. .
Consists in bilying suchgoods as one really needs,
air buying them where they are sold at; the lowest
,prices. lire have received and are, now opening an
of dew, cheap and splendid goods. such es the genuine
gold Medal Silks, French Metinoes, of all the desirable
'colors, Thibet Cloths, Alpaahas, plain and printed Moue
Lains, Calicoes in abundance, and all the other kinds
that are now worn of ,
. ,
• . DRESS ClOODS;) •
Also, Embroideries, Gloves,. Ilandkerchiefs, Dietary,
, small wares, Gum Shoes, Carpet Bos, Cloth Caps, Bon
nets, Bonnet Ribbons, an extensive - supply 0 •
"such as Olothi,-Eatinetts, Cassineres, iMentucky Jeans,
Vestings,'Eatins,-cke,--Tickings,-Ginghapts, Flannels,
and egeneral supply of Goods In dfir line, which we in
vite everVbody to examine and satisfiAla, emselves, that
we are selling goode.ltt'auch prices ekwill,satisfy the
closest buyers.. • BENT 114lEOTILER.
0ct.17, '5,5. • . • • ' • •
- "
--justlremired and is now opening a large assort•.
men of MESH GOODS'ifulted to the season—plaase
call and get hargains. ' , • • '
. edAt,pf.,.Pllk inst Worsted %Elsa's Belts in ail
co egg.
• nov, 21, 'O5,
M• 1•••••
ttub 01
0 .- 6 1 k8
• ~ .et i mf";
• ,IfAaNCY J.EWIII,ItY'.'3;ei ...";
have now on hand and tor ssleat
nay Old btaklll WI Amin Street, opposite Marlon -Hall, an
entirely new•anali
Geld Lever Witches, hunting soil open ea-hey - Silver do,
Silver [Amine and Quartet. Watches, a large variety'
Gold Anchors for Ladies and Gentionten." l
Me t fallious,_u_splenditLastalrtment , for ladies and
Breast' Pins of every pattern, and . all prices,' -..
fob,-gold etab-chains,
Finger itin n oy, tilf.pins,.Stnds. Sleeve Buttons. .
Crosses. Grop and hoop Erivltlngs, a large'varlety,
Savor nod-Piatbd.Fo.o*',Witiole and ' ea Spoons, Butter
Knlvies, of voirkilla styled and prices,
Gold and Sliver Thimbles; •
Gold, Silver and Common Spectacles; a large assortm_ent
'7 - I.6stllt all: gee . , and to r : which we Inv liwparticular
. attentioni, . • •
PorOlonnales, a large•tigo'rtuientat every price,
Gold Pens, of the best :alike pt various prices, •
Fancy Boxes., Port Folios, Accordemis, Speetacle cases,
Ladies Card Gases: Silver , and pear Lat varlonaprices,
Bracblets.'gold and common; WatOli r Clinins ditto,'
• Also a largo variety of articles in .tha. Jewelry line,
which I will soli at'the lowest prices.. 'All articles war
ranted to lib whaf - t,hey,nre sold , '•-
1141..PlirtreplaCattentical paid to the 'REPAIRING O
w.vrcitKs and all work . warranted. Batumi rig - Ili:ink
to,my old friends and; customers, for former patronage.
I:respeetfullS!aolicit a continuance of their favors.
june'2o e• THOMAS CONLYN.
• .
• •
fru - rxtr•-t-e - --v
kN. ItANTCH k CO.-liave opened and now of
for for sale at their Store -on West High Street.
o pc door west,of the -Hotel
ati entire new stock of Heady Made Clothing . :
• FOR AND BON'S 111 , ,A1t.
anirVestines, 'will lie
up in the best style mid-on reasonable terms.—
Shirt Collars, ("loves; lloslery, Suspenders. Fatlu
And Summer Stocks, llandkerchiefa, &e. of the new C'st
14-ylintaud_bestintinpfacture liipt constantly on hand.
Confident of their ability to pleasejlieffe4pertfully - sn ,--
'kit the public patronage. • .
• .
TROMilasires to inform his old friends
that he has removed establishinant - On
street. near the Railroad Repot, and •is now opening Iv
flh large and elegant assortmontoßthe.FALl. STYLE.
OF ATS, just resolved-from Philadelphia. which'
``. l the gentlemen of Citrlisle'aro requested to nil and•
examine. lie has aleo= a large assortment of Silk. Viir
and Slouch lints no Ws. own manufacture, got up in the
' best style and at various prices, the excellence end filliloh
in which, he will warrant. • ifIS stock he is confident on
ly needs to he examined to be approved: Also:a laro.
supply, of Men's, Boy's And Children's CAPS, of, Cloth
and Ifly, and of every vzirlety of style and price just re
ceived from Philadelphia. Lot all. who Nisint,al ll l l ,
Cap give him n call'.-as they nmy ha surirOf beinginit
ed to their own satisfaction.
• ,
: TAMES M.'CLI-NTOCi., M. ]).,—La4( •
t.l' Professor of Anatomy and Surgery . in the Phil el, -
phia,Collegt of Medicine, and'Aeting Prete:akar:l :it id
. wifecy . , one of the Consulting Physicians of the I'LII
adelphia Hospital, Illockley; late member of the Na
tional Medical - At:Riad:aka:l; niember of the Philadel
phia.Medical Society; member el the Medico-Chirurgi _ • '
cal College of. Philadelphia ; formerly President and - -
'Professor of Anatolny and Surgery in Castleton 31edi
- cal:College, Vermont;
,and also; late Professor of An .
~ „family and Physiology in fferkshire Medical Institu- ~
• --,- **-- tion, Pitts fi eld, .lass ., &c., ate. ..
FALL STYLVOF HA'..l'.. - - 4 : :1855: . : lilts lately introduced in-a popular form, sev'eral Of hie
- . •-,
- GEORGE HELLER respectfully announces to his . 3 :" ri t 4 '
prescillitions for the Principnl diseases of this:
' climate.. The flume of each, article will imply the dis
old Patrons and the'publieconeratly that lie ham-just re
, egived the ' FALL' , STYLE -OF GENTLEMEN'S ease for which It is intended to be used. • ;' • '. •
Tan. Ma:Cf.i.srocs'a Pa:zonal. SYsnx, $L
HATS, manufactured rim ono of the,bestestablfshi -
.wit.3IeCLINTOCK'SCOT.I) AND COUD it 31irrunz—For:Colds, - 17 —
ments in Philadelphia, tb which he invites special - :
attention. •- _ . . a, G644lis, t o., Price 25 eta. • , ---:"
lie has also constantly on band abarge and reeledar-' Ds. MrOusruca's AIiTIIISA AND HOODING Covell Itillili•
DY., Price 56 cts. , -
Startment of his own manufacture as well as city made . ,
Dif. - Metil.rarfaa's T6SIC ALTERNATIYII F;TDDx—ior eu •
Hats and Caps..sultable for the season„coxirprising every
;:elfriety of Russia, Beaver. Moleskin and Silk Hats. lii i rifSit l l: the Blood. Price $l. .
Meal in the latest style, together with a full assort:anent : Da. MeCfaxiocs.'s Dyspeptic .Efixlr—For Fling tow ". '
•to the stomach, relleving.ratins after eating, heartburn. ~
of CAPF of every- shape, on rs nod description, and at oven a
prke.. Ho particularly invites the public to call'imil ex. awl all slisagreeable sympttainz arising fromhidigeitican.
amine his exoensive assortment; which In style, mat e -----Price-.I.• 1 .- -. .i' •.. ' ''-"-::
De M cCI 14TOCK'S ItilitlMATl6 MIiTERIL-,A TUfelyl - 9 --.-- -..--
iitl And finish, cannot-Le surpassed by any in. nutrket i' '•' ' "
and Whieli he is able to put at prices lower:than ever.
~i . etableitemetly for internal-use- Price 50 eta. .
Itemeniber his old stand on North Hanover street, Fals" Int. IficemaZocies ItiftemavieLlaillX.NT—For Rh Una, .
tween Hunter's and Seiler's stores. a ••: than, SPrains,'Swcilings. lir. Price 60 cts. _
.: Int.3ldemsvocx'sAsonyaz3itrrcur—Forl'ains,Te kh
_•, sip TnOE J'AILLION ache, headache,
_Neuralgia, at c." l'i•ive 50 ctsz.: - `-.-,, _
'a • Dif.-111cCualock's FEVER Aff Ants SPECIFIC-4i certah ,
,-, fl,j nett . _ r .
_eceiv in g my. Fall chre i f.y t al u l Ist_TitezittleAtintittaimpri EL , _
6 . . ' ilik 4 • ''"lb .ru'PALVet7II7ISI"IIC • . Tr Th N ' i - vr "; frt '' ° I . 1I)7
- --
i - : - ---
1.16dt, ......„. Vie D !prism n
. 6 yO, qua ) ,- T . ..a eßemedy.
and price tiny that have yam a int. '3lcCuractocx's VDDETADI.I 2URGATIVE Pll.l.ll—lca. ,
been exhibeted hi Garlisle. I respectfully Folleit a call Costiveness:Headache, d:e. Trice 25 ets. . •
from persons In want of paper Hangings of any dogrel.. ~,Int. Mi:Cusruck's ANTI-M.101;8 Pitts—For irregularit
Hon, as lam confident by assortment far surpasses any in Fund-16ns
the I.iver and
Rowels'--thel cat Liv
in - the Borough; and in atyle_and vices huts hut few rI ,it till mad:: Price f.ity ets. a box.. .. - • • ,
vats in the city . I only ask of the public to call and ex • For sale byl/r.-Jr-liicOLINTOCK , stills Meilical Rep
amine my aesortment before purchasing, as lam cant s4'. W. Coiner NINTH and Fll.llltitT tAreefs, I..bileclf I
dent my chaste designs cannot fail to please the meal Ida, and all Druggists. • D.mggists and Dealers In 3.(ei,
fastidious. -.:. JOHN P. DYNE., does who: wish to be Agents, will please. addiess Dr
Wtst side of North Hanover Street, icClintock, furnishing reference, name of A'ust bites.
lutity-and-1.-• : tale • , . ..
sale by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle"
'J. 11. Criswell, Shippensburg; Ennninger &Co.. I...Eisciall.
man, 3lechaniesburg: Joseph Ilerron,Newville: .1. II
Zlininerman, A ndersonburg; Baines A. Ferifg, Millen,
town; A. C.: lil(nkt New Illoomfieltli - llarriet 31. Singer
Newport; B. F. Gardner, York Springs:, A. J.3llller and
J. S. Nixon, Chatifbershimg; 11. Mentzer, Waynesboro.:
George Bergner sod D. It. Jones A Co., Ilarriadfulif.'
' DB. IitCLINTOCK 'can'he consulted, without 9harge .
daily, from 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M., at his Depot.
December 0, 1654-Ix.' • ' .
_ . Fiocr:„. S
. 1.. I X - .ENV GROCERY
rid . !
'6. AND VA 11l 4 . e.Ti STORE.
Tlie subscriber would respectfully inform hli friends hipd .
the public getter:illy, that be has Just ret urned from thy
city with ft large and varied assertmeo t. , ...., ~.. •
GROCERIES, GLASS rind QC .1.11:: S•Ai Alt t' 4:f '- ,
.A-:-.• ,
FISH . , tie., .1.. , which he offers far side oi. II - rd , , ,,.,
most reasonable terms:, at. his New S tot. A 1 .?. ;
corner of North ilahoy.•r iitra!et and the h Ai! ~,
~ 1'
He Square, directly - opposite the Carlisle 1...
posit ithatc.r z 7t4l9;. Altek.,,inubthsss ovhry t hint; usually '
In le Orocefy.,s . 4,yaritt.Ay l iatiteL•: % !, ; .... .
- TherieiblitArA , , , pyittg tri 'gall had examine his stoelvi
•. e ore pi retthsl *elsowl...tTust be-feels confident be ear I
- sell - the.bestlfooda:at the lowest prices. .",, !
• •
IRENCH TRUSSES, aet Wei°iiiip , . kse - -
to-tlian tire. ounces, for the cure' ef Hernia orltuptnrc
acknowledged - by the hlghestlinedleal authorities ot Phil
adelplilicincomptrably-superior to any , other ln-use. - -
Siifferets will be,gratltiod to learn that the oecaeion ncv. •
rt , S"'•a BINGH_N.M, DAVIS &!. offers tct i 'prog*X) not only the highest and easy, tint
ix. 2..„._•-•_ its ttura )Ic. a 1 russ as any other, in lieu of thecumbrom •
gse . ::.; .
.276 Market Street, ; • and tinetonfartable artier, usually Sold.- There is no dil
, 1 hilndelphia,-- -'..-.. .: leul ty'atteoding. the fitting, and when the pad is local . ‘....
AGENTS FOR JACOB .111IEEIII. cAilmq.t.,‘" i . ed it g ill retain its position without changes -- --
and Philadelphia. - Cad leave both places East and Weal. , Persons Iki a distance unable to call on the subscriber ..,•-•.
twice every Week, Tueadays and Fridays. All business i . can have lir-Triad Feta . tti any . address; by remittint
entrusted to Bingham, Davis Ji'Cd., will be attended t. , • five dollar'-for the single Truss, or-I,en r lie double=
with promptness, whether in sales, produce or fcriat, with titeatMre round the hips. and ste ingilde affected: —
-r-ATTL=II,4II.NIT7Z-Ncirth=streeti-7-lialtintMeAtas„,„..will.bc_ft2teltailfted to snit if net fitting. hy returretal
entered Into this arrangement, and will attend pecdoi.t et ont.:.Tfittisoifej.Fiir ca]eelilrybillierldipoit-ii, ------7 ,
ly to all business, entrusted to him; , May;;‘).--; in. . -CALEB 11. NEEDLES,
. . , .
- - - , - Corner Twelfth' and Bare streets, Philtideltible .
• 4 - 6- ItAmmt, requiring the benefit of Iffechadical Sup ' 'a,
porters, owing to the derangement of the-Internal CI) •
galls, inducing falling of the Womb. Vocal, I'ulmonar7.
.py speOF ; Nervous' and Spinal Weakness, are inform"
that a competent and experienced LADY WUI be in at- .
lendance at the Itoonis.lset apart for their eielnaii!. -
use)- No. 114 TWELFTH St., let door below 'ate.; •, .- .
July''2ll, '54. ' . . .
- -4= - ) MEAS COFFEE)--,
• R °CERI ES ,1 - ' • '
The subscriber hasitint _-
added to his former stock a general selection of CIIOIOE - 1"-
GROCERIES, as, well its all the other variety of articles i,
!-- . 4 s,usually kept in a'Greeery - Store. mitbraring Rio
• 1 1 "offee—roasted and green—at 721•6 and 14 cents
per lb., Crhatns, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverised
"" ''. Sugars, of Bite qualities; Choccilates. Spiers,Dairy -
Salt . , 'and a-variety-of Fancy-artielea k all of Which are.P., _ __
fared at the lowest cash-prices. Wc-are thankful forth.- ' la ) lILR USSE S , T RAI S & 7 :E 8-!--1--.
former support - given-us-Tend-invite a- urther-call from- ._"•• . • 0 if. - NFED_LFA
our friends and'customers. • - . •J: -W. EBY. '2 , , TRESS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT,
, • •
Marion H ' all, Carlisle. . ,• . • •S. W,ort er•Twelftle and Race Streets, Philadri. . .
' 1 ',.- Importer of tine French Trusses, combining , eAtrome •
'lightness, Bade and durability with correct construe . - - .E . , •
api . r
. .
', Hernial pr dread patiels catche suited by
ting amounts •;—Sending number of : inches round the . ,
hips, and stating side effected- • ;
Cost of .Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double-45 $6, .'
~,$8 and $.lO. - ..
Instmtions as to' wear, and how to effect a. inre,
when possible, Sent with the Truss.
• ' . Also for sale, in great variety, '
For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Sup
Patent Shoulder' Braces Chest 'Expanders, Inc
'Erecter Braces, adapted to,ail with Stoop Shoulders and
'and-Weak ibungs; English% Elastic'. Abdominal Belts, .
Suspensories, Syringes--male and female. . . •
.e Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. ' '
SUGAR.---A general
assortment of Crushed,' Sifted and -Pulverised
ugars of hest -quality, as also Soft Crushed, Clarified
and other qualities constantly on hand, suitable: for
'reserving and all other purposes—generally at
Also a 'constant . supply of the chOlcest Coffees, Teas,
Spices and other articles in variety always on band:7-
att en tion is invited to our stock Were buying elsewhere.•
July •25, -• • • .• J. W. EBY, •
IVARE—OId housekeepers and - young, irith Mos
also who are expecting to become housekeepers, are invit
ed to call at HALBERT'S FA3IILY 'GROCERY and ex
amine his elegant assortment of China, 0 lass and Queens
Ware and other articles in• the, housekeeping line, such
as French and Efiglish tea-sets, heavy bandedand platy
W ll
hiteranito, gilded and blue plain, Dinner sets of el
cry variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens. duel'
es. dc. Glass-ware—centro taido and mantel lamp:
Candelabras and other lamps, great verity, table and ha
tumblers, goblets, Ac. Fruit and preserve dishes, in v:
rioty. CedarwtU
a7-tubs, buckets, churns. bowls, butte
pri ute and ladles, meal buckets, Aro. Brushes-Lsweepinr
white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, duster:
brooins, &c. Market,elothes and travelling baskets.
Also a choice assortment of Tebacttiand Serus.. Cs'
whiff-aro-fond atcholce brands of Segars and try th
I"rincipos, Regaling, SteffanOnis and otherCubavarietie:
and yap will find them of unidtpeachable quality. - Air,.
jeer Spanish and COMMOt Ciegars, with choice snu ff an:
tobacco. • . - .' •
-EN-TION-D_Y_SPEPTTCS---Th 0 . 2 _1
of you who havebeen afflicted for years with , tb •
laeirsomo disease, arid who ,have boon using alms' •
every Nostrum before timpublic -Without relief, we IP •
.to yon_tryiLKieffeeslintiDysperitie" and you willsoc
be Of its great superiority over every °On
preparation, We could give you many certi fi cates or( -
orating our assertions ; but a single trial it; worth mot
than all. This remedy is prepared and sold at the Itrt .
Store 0f.1.1, J. KNIFFER, Sentli e Hanover street a fc.
doors south of the:Cturt 11 -- se, Carlisle.
_ GEO. W,. ER
T E. GOVLD, [Successor t 0.4. ,'Fitt.
. .
ty •No. 10 ,CilCtitllll.t .:_q. SWAIIII'M Ihilidilig,l'iliii i • de
plitt,•eatelisire MitsiePlitilither,'aud Dealer:in Nua:ea
instruments of every.,ileiwription.' . • ' - j' • * 1
" ' Eaeluslve agent for the sale of llallet,tayls & ~ Co.
Patent Suspe w‘lon Bridge lkolien And oIher.PIA.NOS,•7 -
.. ' •
.il WWII:A i ItiOir Pi/MOH. Illelodeinut, 'Martin's Guitars .
ThirpsVl lira, Sheol Music, .liiiiie, Books, &e.‘
ltasi ' dm of th 6 reuntry will Ms supplied by mill or
otherwlse_w -- latish: they inuy wish , as low ss-if - pur • • 7 .
,014160(1 in person.• Having one of the largest at9elis „7
the United States, I feel confident - of satlifyirmpl t ' 4
a„... ..w
luny fmoir Me li M .IA call oiorder. , - • - •
• Dealers in Music suppliettilii the moat likes_ terms.
Planes to let. ;Second-hand Planos, l 9ll6". * • • '• .
.. •
. ... ..
fiffEAP WATcHESAisiD_JEWEL . ••:
v./ - ICI;WIIOLESALVind;BETAIL, 'at the "Phila.
delpbda -Watch and, Jewelry .Stoulb
. - KA: --
-'— -- .04 14 's
~------- Number 06-North Second Street,,o,oe_ii_._
Lover Watches, ftill•jelre led,lB ear
; at cocoa, - $2O Of
t i `-• • ..- Gold Lepine,lB carat cities , .24- CC
• " ."4e' ,:--;
.':4 -4" .. .: Silver ',-.. jiiiTiiii77-1--t—c—
:*o"- 0 Ellivlt 4 AU:- : Silver Lever, full jewelled, 12 0
,Superior Quartiers,. •
G-old-Spectacles,-:- - -- ._,-.,_ 1 • - - '7 - Ca - --„,
:Flue Sliver Spectacles,
...... _ - 1.) 0 .__._
Gold l3racclets,., •
Ladies'Cold Sevens. - . - . - - 161 .
--Sliver-Tea Spoons..set, _.- _•.•-• - • ----5 . --.00 ,
. Gold Pens. with Pencil and:Sliver 114der, -- lOf
41cL103 Finger Rings wry, .cents to 58; Watch Glasses'
plain. 123/. cents, Potent lt , :),I, Lunet 26; other articles
lit proporflou. All p . m& warranted 1.9 . b0 what they air
sold forr
On hand, gnme Gold and Silver:Layers and:Ll-On-sr
lower than the above prices:
The subscriber harms Dealers and Farmers that be has •
greatly Improved the quality of his SUPER PIIOS-'
PIIATE. OP LIME, and now confidently - recommends
the article manufactured by him, as strrammf to any %
the market. You- are invited to call; examine and try
CANDLES, SOAP, Ac.' .At the lowest market rates. •
' Successor to Thos. W. Morgan,
. • _ No. 0 and 10 South .Wharves s .,PhiladelPhita._.
ifirFarmers-can load - oirt,w4trate alloys,and
ntu the crowded wart July 2,5;51,.
• •- .•.•
. .
t .. T A m NO W • REOE
1--4-e i -5- r f t )-111-In 7 J- . ';.. C' ;;;1A..0t - P — APER - r . II
I . 4 V N
0 1 a
w 11c At e and !argon nlost. ved siaaottlneut nye.. ' •
opened In Carlini°, to which I Invi te.heeattcattentlbP .: .
ottlie public, as I Intend Belling at price which moot ,
tall .to idea se-the.elorteat purchaser., .:..' . 11 • '
R . .tnarelt29 . ,--- - j r OFRI. PANNIL
, .
VAII-ACNAIfi:AS am now 'pre
pnred to supply antry hterobatiti with h r iilATONir
luaiiiifacturtymirices. • , .11. V.