. . 2Ariniltaral. New York Premium •Forms for 1854 , The 430 volitive" of the, Trat)sactions.of the:New .. .York si.ato Agridaltitrat. Socie •ty, contains an. account of the farm Man.-": agenkent of W=..l ) : Ottley; rio county, and.of•O. W. Coffin, „Ame . „' pia, Dutchess.oounty, N. to whoin ChL Streiztfawaytteli - thrtritisnirMirir • .premiums on farms. • . ' • • • THE SOIL. • . illr. Ottiq's firm muck; 100 'mores; • soil, a gravelly - loam and_.. with a • tincture of clay; euibioil about the same - with a lighter'CiOlor an,(l'porus. 111 r, _Q._ • "I:coipider-the'best:-riode of .iinprbi•- big .nry soil is.a-three . year lay of :dlOcr, turni - tinder ' - about--thez- itionith-7of Jthie fth• ‘l4l . ent 'or the firsCof...-144.--f6f. Corn, Of •barnyard ...... Is not - clover apt to dte - Citlf the third . ,year? and would it not, .thero . ore, 1:e better to plow it up the second instead of the third,,k as there, woutd.be wore' clover to. ttirii. under ? If this is crol - ping the land too' lieavily with grain crops, the. barley; instea'd tip'' lowed_by•wheat„ coulti -- seeded TiiTa - ,year or two with - clover.. - .onr--. I'S give us their experience on _this pint: ? 'Mr. U: usually plows from seven'l6 ten Anthesideep... He -has, used the "sUbsoil as it inAtile report, but • which, as we karned — hy - corresponding • *".. with Mr-Ottley, is in rbality the 111ichi gan tiou4/ciduw—a,very different impie meat 'from - the true subsoil plow, which .only breakSjip-the-subsoil ingit to ilre-urfater----Theyirst crop 11'R-44/4,4)-itin g ..wds Jai: if a Pi/ . litit the succeeding crops were 'produc tive, and the - I.N4lit on the___WlZle factory.. `dr. U. las not tried true' SUL- • soiling, but 'intends to de4o, and thinks • that he will obtain iu_this way the belie -- fits arising .from_a_deep soiLwithout dinii nittion ol' t Croy the first 'year, • . TUE CROPS. Mr: Ottley's Method of cultivating • corn is as follows : " Take .a three year lay of 'clover, cov er it With manure; if possible, break it ' up immediately before .planting with a double'plow, eight inches 'deep, harrow ". With Aolt - barrow ate avoid tearing up . ''"• turf, then drill three and a half feet.. .width - of row, to ,, ether• with' ashes. and: plaster; then roll, and as.soon, 'pass . through - With one horse cultivator. (.'on- Ainue to cultivate-till-the-middle of)lune;:- hoe once; cut up ablt the first'of tember, five rows into one, shocks largei as the stalks will be of better quality-; • husk during fall', -product usually 'fifty - bushels 'per acre."- is it better to . Oaht corn in drills, as • above, or•hills, Acta half feet each •way, fourkerneg in the hill,. horse hoe ing each w: y ? • ='i-WrlerTis sown oncorn - stlib e, plo_wed,as early as possible; seed drilled -in two and .a half bushels per acre, frour , - the first - of May. , , Product from twenty -five..: to,nftF bushels per acre." ' 7 .11 - method- of Miltii , ating land for wlreat is flat (ri von, exc... :aptLa• . sown after ba;•fey,.when-it-is as .follows: Plow as soon as the barley . is .off, with _ _eight to ten cites _ deep, in : - lands: two rods zwide• harrow eittst:before-the-- t tue . .-to-sow,-d rilL4 n • the .5.00, two bushels per acre; clean Out, furro,ff.t and wateT,,,furiows. .Product usually from . • twenty-five to 'thirty-five - CroVer and tiinotby . ..seed are sown- with lhe'-wheat. -• • Oats-are drilled after•c,orn soon • tto„ the land can le-got in pod order, three - bushels- of seed - per 'acre.; cut when fully: ripe with reaping. machine, bind and stock the sane as wheat. • Product about seventy-five bushels per, acre: . Potatoes:and carrots 'are.cultivited as follows :. _-' • . , . . • One Potato.in'each;hill, split; plant as ear:y . o ptissible, - harveSt when fully ripe. Usually plant but one acre in•-corn field; r-- use no ,manure; hoe once; produce light, . owing u ie prova en ISCaSe: . • - " Carrots--- . Sow - •lifehes apart; .plow ground, 101111 r e -high rotted einurc, cow the of Sunt-,- -• hoe as-miglial:i.up; • - contintle tUthoe - and thip . o4t.till the wee6:ueaso to •trouble: Prod net front 600 to 800' bushels per • • ENE nxnr~cT~ alacen btained -the .seciind . draining, ESMI 77T11 .--- e ram : eased valtie of the land ta ki rig -die field (tWelye,.ttereo . _ tog e thei? , ,Hl estilnate at $5 per acre tufnually,.. better -thanl)efore-- its - being drained..• It is 'Safe reekohifig.that,drainitieWill.:pay for it self with, interest of cost ju too:yeais." Mi. 0.-also laid dowii:.l.oo reds of tile underdrains, frimi two to two ana a half 'feet:deep, and four inches . . Wide at • the bettoth. 'The - cost was, for di - 6 ' , Yi /7 nn-; •12i . c. , h • cts. per rod; ..'tire on grc.mod; ctS: pet rod; laying and filling; a edits; cts. per roil. 'The.drain laid with stone cost, for digging, 20 cts; and for laying 2CoPtlts; Old 40 cents per tod, or Si cents more than the tile drains. Unnecessarily highas iti'the price, of tiles, it pays better-to . use them 'tfian fit One s, - in - must case..--76nesee- Farinxr. B. l'ilEFFEß'Oillee t Caul it1,,•11 , s - :t I'UTI,OII , ,u !Ally feu& i .. tO - 9 - o'cinclii - A,•*l - ::-nuil-fr--;,41 , Dn. 11.0..1,0M1ES II el: stnwt,ll t't 'Ow Post . . . tt s:LIVi II ho absent ,from' Carlisle the last ten dap: et'.•acu month. ' ;Aug. 1, - ~...„.7. „ - ..II 11. 1) El . / KUE Z. BI I E'l - "Z , , 77.:..-.,.. , I) 1 : :: , ;1•IsT. .014t!..2 -- nttli v _h•sillo ) lv,i of ' , .l_lsfttlflll 11101141o:1', on :North Pitt :itrvet, Car-' lisle... .. . 1 . P. II 1.1.1 I HAG It, - A ttonicyat I,:v. • :),=oiriv,;ii,b,;,;t,elii..4 umf. .All bitiiiiigi!entrust-,, t ed to Olin will 1/e nromptiy attrtorkt - t.i. . • ......1.,... , ' ILI.I_C3I It, E)1 ; 7 Att;ooltiy T. at Law: Wtirn :In Main. S.trog.t, Citrlivle, At4. - -I3uslnem entrusted to lam will In:I - promptly at •••••• • •• , ' G11.1(.11;;N;-Aiforricy atittw, has" settled hi 31(N•haixiemluirg, for I.ll6praetivt, ,, f his pr.)1,,,i0n. All. kinds or Log:a wvit.im.;, cop.:thu:. ( oat: promptly :aloud.' to. sit• - 1,1).4's reZionee, A'I.II;yEYINu in all its rent In . .utelle, protußtly.attondeti ~ . . . ./_ .. 1' . 13,. COLE .Attorney at -.1,:tw.., will itt u( two lil . ollllltll*.fil - nil lit:iine'Ssenirtiste.l to him.— epie.e. in the r.nip faiaerly taagipleti by Mllliaip Iriltie, E.,s 1.. North 1 :,Inner ,trout. Carlisle.- ... -. - April 2 , ),. .i 7,2. -- . . • • . , .. . f-1 .w . - 131 . 1_1. NI)T, - fltatitifiteturor 'of ' 1, jr.. Iliiii.). 4 llrti:itlrg, French Mead; ' Battled... Ale. Porter and eldei.,' —:- 5 . . , , , 441--:::t.s.r ~i ,- r .,, ,, t.,•43.ti..' till:mai itmut Ilri(l4e,.Carlitli) I !It 1V EN t 'AN - 1) -- CCIINTATTNA.N . 4 , l',lN:ii,fill,„,..lllnllf!!,ister t'uniber 1a.1,1 e Irefully attend to the tram:AMA-a u ro( all sodi :es may ha entrukte ‘ d to hLd. huda as the writing of 06eds. Onitraets,,,ty. • Ito-arid ais devabi his attAintion :a the procurit; 14.1thr;W:tr wYll as thu imreliaso and sale at dual Estate, nogotiations. (Winans, ,te. un:.,9411ei., nn We,:t 111 41i Street. Ormerlvoceupitid, %Y. W. tl. .I..J•nrost near the . Muthodi , d. (hurrh. . ; r ll - N. 11-IJS INSTI 14: L, IJouse, Sign Vane, - Ornamontal Painter, Irvin's !formerly fiw, noar'lli . ttivr's Dry Goods Staro. Ile will ahead promptly all thn nk.vo 4inseriptit , n. nr in:. at'reasoaable prices. The various k huts 'of graining:. attontd sueli :LA mahogany, oak, walnut, Sze., In an .• I atvlus. . . • • t.._.y..)C174) S. P. Z1.1 , :11.3 I.: It ~i- o -Ro,idetwo_ltlast-Main Strea4,.t.hir.l.d.w.-4.)14,W , lark”t II town and .:aunty proinptly a.t-•rd•1. . . B A • -Fr will be ,reeeivod at- this- 'tank for rt:t ,t .r bur mouths, and Interest paid ar,th, par . :tin:um, and the p:i::-u 1 : . 1. o. any time after maturity without not i.• •. , .• altar the expiration of the time suo •ki..• 1 m .•• • • • ltc, u nless renowed for another , I 11 1k1:1-...1SI) the interest Is pahl'ilp 1111. til ti , Think opens at u o'clock; A. M.. 1.. I ,•, I'. M. • .. Cash tor. . aprts • TO LIN P. - I.4l7,NE—Wholoside. and Itp 79 tilt stealer In Annirican, English' 'and German II:kill/WARE, Oils. Paints, Ay., A,- Mechanies, builder's t ool is -eller•dly, who are In . want of ll:Ludy:are . . telt: '' • ',' l '. l ."Zii i Ti':l l ; n t r i e n 1 1 1 s t t i a t l e ii i . t i o :tr . 7 l lt i i i s i ik a I o "l t . , , x it Il i ,' 1 a 0 gliods„ which 1 am. selling at verydev .p r i,i s . 4, 1 ,4 ,top IR: -it ,will only detain you it very foie minutes to-he convinced that _what everybody says -that by n!s .. is ,leeldedly the place to got4roud.goods at iaw prices -ittitst he true. I,YNE' Mohr:ire Store, •.-. ' I • ' , 1g.. -- e , -""'` . FRES " li ARRIVAL . • 11ENYE SA XTON. Thu , . sitbseriber , baring returned front. tie city woad call the attention of his friends and the public 'generally' to the large and well selected assortment of liardware which . ..he - hasidst received, consisting In part of BUILDING 'MA': TIBII A LS. nails, screws, hinges, lbeks, bolts, glass, putty, paints. oils. Ae. TOOLS.-mcgoloolsg Saws and planes o.: every description, with ti it , .:, raps. ham M hamm e rs, anvils, Ac. ' • A general nyirrUnpfkt -of:SH . OpIAKERS AND SAD DLERS TOOL I. together with Morocco, lining and bind ing Hit ins, shoo throqd, wax:, pegs, lats,*harness mount ing, saddlarees, Ac. , . .inA(.III -'llll NI Mi i Nil-canvass-(A:dm Ainninelled,...lig lurml and einbositel,) - WqMit -.OM enamelled leather, ax los, springs, heihsomokes fellers, slants, Ay., Ae. _labinet \l tit titers will find a large ass aiont or yarn . isims, livilm...itiy and walnut veneers, moultlklw. - rmanttes, Arti.: cloth. ii,-li , I hair. Ac. . , .. . . . , . . . .. 'llia sta •I‘i, of Iron iti latatni and wall- soleqoa, ennitals lag all Mb, kings in general I.IStA,IIS hatninerbd and rano.' ittaa of all Nizeti, fiat. bar awl bang Iran, rating, square awl oval 1ran.11 , ,r5. , - , gtao irnnitng nail roil:; Wit It a largo i.,t .10.:*1 o.iiiii :;prlng stuns, 8:1AllaCill111 kinetic.' n :ins tal. ~tent: k,. 11.14,4,Apr.$11.10_1.1trma_abatttv4ititul,.Dciag-w-ill-ao . __d-it, to J tike al v.invil,.. , to vairand oxamine our rtabi:y . ,Frit-. tattia :4011 platog wiirevins, kt4t.lts, cedar wart,, basiccta, .. ) 1 n alattilli, 19 til.,- , • rabilTO We , have reniveg. a miTondltli ttiziortniaitC. , l 41: ,, ,c:1V, PA PHIL. nytkintr nut stock (anti- ifli•to, and opsitoli ricers as cannot.. fail to givi% satisilw tioa. ratite all frintlils-to cell. knowing; it will 1w to their 'mill rintago. iteinuallier thn of 1 atui, Eamt. !nth tied et, c'ttlisio, Pa.- 1•2, TIENItY XION R ItIYW AR E lie larg. .and,,,A t . y 4 rriP.l at4 , 4‘tltiont• of flail- ItrThe a.natity, prices, at - -_ . ."-", . 1 • North lia.p.oor;4.,Coriloto. • • there being none offerectwhinh — were MA-. Sidered worthy_of 7the first., Treirtitun, Surely tiiis is-not a true indioation - of the estitnatiun in which underdraining is held in-the-great'Stnie-OV:gew--Ylorki --Mr.- O. laid 200 rods. c#f steno ciralns'in nine acres, and the result was (pito satisfacto ry. He says „Bltsints9. - . Q,Tar.b.E3'. abwarc, EMIIII :4311e4ii,0ik.-- - • , : , o*.utio',; .•, „ , • Atiscetfancous. • pumBERLAND VALLEY BANK. PROPRIETORS. -•- - - _ 1311ENNEMAII, ltiintatT 0. STP.ittlirri, • W00,1)3, 4 . .. 1( , 11:4 S. 6TBRerr, 11i:NRY A. STURthini. !flik 4 73naik; thing business' in name of KER,' 13.11.1iirsiNEM.O.T & CO. Is now fully pr.:placd to do iikam, ef-al-PaillaitiOluslitess-witli-promptnets.,'_unil_lithiLity„ • 31oisey received an'lleposit and paid Lick ouCtlemand withept notice. Interest mild . BpliciaiNteposits.--,_ ''articular - attention -paid •to - tlic collection of ,Notes, ifirafts, Checkv, &c..ln • any part (4 . 116 United Stitty,.,a; or. • .Canathis, . Remittances Mate to. England, Ireland or thin Conti nent. Tlia faithful and conliklentiatexecidiou all or ders entrusted to them, inaYOm will at all times he pleased to •give - any inforMittion.desircd in, regard to money matters in general.' tl'9_U:ulking Mutsu in Trout's Building. Maiii Street,' a few dots east. pith° .111t11 Mad Depot. Opien' for bush ness'from 11 o'clock In the meriting Weill 4 o'clock In ho e Vetting. 11. A. STUIttitION ; Cashier.' Carlisle,'Sept. 19,1865. . . - 4 .11 8 TITTI - N(3. AN.IY•PIAT . 4)I.I3- .•,4a. niidersigiled Would 'in form the eiti/.0118 of earikle that he has 'Wade arrange tO 406 AS FITTING' and ,PLINIG:sai at short no. lico..and 401 rensmiiildo tcruin, lirghas outraged the ser% vicee iff a first rate liand from Plilladelphia;i4nd has sup- Fird — himself.witirtryt—isxtensir.-assortniont—olla..' which will enable lihn to fill all orders promptly. All work will belriu•rauted. Ills stock of Gas FIR tures will hi! found In thusrdoni exactly 4posito WA Tinning estahlishment on N , ,rtlid EinOver street, where ho invites a rail. ' • TINNING,. SPOUTING, .is also prepared furnish, or inidie tdi order, tqairy . article 1,1-I.IIE honsekeußrs and °tilers. Ile li-111;:a.11.1.:.a.tri„ , ix4.1, to SrtiliTl NG, li-1:0( WI NG, JIMA, lIA NISI NG-, and 1,9,11)1111 NO. . . . . ' Vhsult . flO for the patronege with which. be_luls already been jv , retl, ho respectfully 14011eits a oUltiuus nee Of the snute.'- : - --. . . •. . Carlisle; .11114 i 14,1'54 - AN 1) I NESI-1 --- 111 7.1 Sir - 111W 7 , 5 . 1 17, 71 757 r• cm4iol . iits carry - 741 — f p. 11iiill'i• IliVi,lleSS.-ill all Its V3l . l“li;hr3 . llelleS. 111 NIWt.II/1311. 1 ‘); : i 4 ,' glllq.t.l'arli.4 , ...lWoll.orq'S \o1•1.11 izt' Leon:it:ire etirivit where he iiitentli. IsWiliiii:..; fin hand a ,teli...Tal qs,irtient lii his line, eciti . sivtitti , iii, all- lands wf rtitshional , le salt. lil.riS. lirl,lieq,- , ISlTtill:!al.l, , . Girths. 4 '' '' .. ;....:. - , - ..:..- -- 7 'CITTIIILtIe;,4I. , i.I lialters..als..-Titl:Nhii. \'''': 4 %:twi- , ::' , ,:, : [:ll\ k \ tra,ellii% and sailille Er.'s'cs::-.. 1 - :-; ) r,kii , l ! k Iv,. Ile ali,ii mil- `,., , i.7,, . ' , laili 't.' %II:tell:I:es the- ineVt , v2 iW. 1 4. - - ,1 1 ft ,' ../).. iii:liro‘e ,l S 1. - 1 N I h II 'f_ i. ~ ..S . ,:r r. t:. J': S ‘iiwi.re e:t 0: • itsell,' lit-this. , p . o , vintry,';:ll(l. Heise vrishinv.:Cliziliii •.;..l,ll4,, '0111: : 11.1. , allil • Tilii,..4llt .` 4, 01.11t• . . ... . - Will , IT, wtll to roll awl see them.- iii a alt. i taamilvet tireg Harness. itridle, Pillar, a-lid:Whips in all t 11 4 ,1 1. Va 1 .1 4 ,• tire, and ref,tillently, 1 , 1...1i , ri., G' , 411 111 ,, ;:eneral apprllt• t.l,iti iil lii::eti:twiliers. that he nialois the neatest and lost-gears, lit allilielt: ,arietw I'l Tired th. that Is (11:1.11 , 1I1 the eatinti.y.. Ilc alai ilial:,:: , till kiwis i,r:9_l,l”tiv,ie. - te orily. viz:. S.ltraw, I Itti - 1.. Curled Hair rind , SLiri.tr.r. !Slat ras,eg.., All the aii.,ve.artiele. w ill ,i:e inadevir tlitOieet material and workmanship, aiiil . w ith Iy tli ,i. : :i . n ts ti l l: , s iN t ilt:s• patch. . - .. . ) 7 -H :1 * t • . 4".V.tgAiet'r-1- .. A .F. N T SELF-riABPENINIi I YANK EK FEED curnms,- 1113111113" orNI for 1.1)1UUll 4 SA Itti ENT, No. 410 Market street, thilada Thh cutter ficsuperior to any now In use, for strength duraldlity, and Amid Lay of construction; it cuts,fast er. and hi bhp only solf-Sharpening blity. Straw. and - Nom Cutter ever made, It has but 4/NE STRAIWIT KNIFE, "'bleb anY , person ran grind and net ith ease, but In ordinary cas4..-Jsgiound it the bit:whine. Thou s.utids hawslitready been sold, and'tho, demand Is daily int.:4,44 , 414)g.: In most rases an examination is sufficient tocanyince one of its superiority. No one after a short trial.would Fin with It fir any other, All size:4.4)f the above'Constautly on ha/o'am' for sale by. .1. LYN_E, Sole Al:ent . far Cumberland county. CM 1 1 11Eir.ancc, el ARLIS L:7I"N -FOR INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY EIDII • ,r • Tlil FILANKLIN Flll INSURANCE CO'Y. ue 11111.1DC1.1!114.k. • - N., •11? Chartor Parpotual.--010,001.1 Capital 'paid iti • 163 l ognu 'street. 42 • ktICI INSURANCE, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire, on Unopatrr and EFFECTS of every doscription, in town or Country, on the most reasonidde terms. A ppl ica t lons made either petsonnity or by let ter, will be promptly attended to. ' - •. . . . C. N. 11.1.,NCKER, Pres't. - 7" 7 - Thir - sub . scrifter- -- is=rtgent.-fol-tba-abosta-cTmettrfOr Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications fr bon-knee either by mail or personally will be promptly attendedto by • A. L. ,SPON . ,SI.ItIIt, dee.l2, -diertt Estate Agent and Scriveber. • - • FIRE- INSURANCE. —TnE ALLEN -- . A:;il) EAST :PENN:MORO MUTUAL FIRE. IN- U.RA COIPANV of enthberland county, ram' by an net Of Assembly. is now fully organized and in operation under the management of the following •umissioners. viz: 1 . Bailey,liam R. tiorgas;:llielntel Coe!:lin, iirenneman, Christian StasinatiJohn C. Dun- . tisser„lac9b 31unn*ft, Josuph ll'ickershzun, Ca thcart. The rates of insurance are ns low and favorable as tiny i uinp:iiiy-o[filiu'i in nth tote: l'erstins 'Wishing to become members tire invited to inaltii application to the agents of the company, who are .willing to wait upon them at - any ' • . . BENJ. If, MOSSEIT., mount. ' -ATE:xi:7T: too Axi- yiee Prosidont. . ,' • .... ' - - . I.IiWIS I.l.YER,_Seeretary....- ... MICIIAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. • CIDDICIILAND CODNTY.—lludelph Martin, N. Cum -bpi-Tana 8,, li. •Ifernutii, Kinestown; Dehry Zearing, Shlromang.ont; ' • Charles Bell. earllgle ; Dr. Chureirtrum ; Sanitml (*alum, WestPetinshorciugh ; .Tarries Me lerKllkfOrd; Mode (WOO. ' tiollth Midn dleton ; Samuel Ceorer, Bohjamin Harerstiek, Meehan-: iesburcr; John Sherrict, Lisburn; David .Cuover, Shop herilatown. 'URIC cort:ol7.:_john .. .lmwman, Dilisburg; 'Retor • Wol tbrti. Frnntilin; Joim Smith. Es';., Washington; W. S. !kir:l:hut-. hover; J: W. Craft; paradise.------ 7 I II U .--Ifouser Locittium. ' • - • 7.%lotribacs of timcompany,having policies abolit to ex pire rail hoe Mona ronowed by making application to any of thomzettis.. 711 • • 1 IVORKS-111,1gp Avenue, ,PIIILAIVX. • 'no attention of the public tedlo. thji-o-x-tenslya 1 inanufaetory mid ware-room of the subsisaber, whol prepare.tiolurnisb, at the hartoxt Tiotice,lltON . It AIL- FR EV An DUI LIBNOS, also: VERANDAHS, lIA 1E FOUNTAINS, SET:PEES, CHAIRS, LIONS, 1- 1 0 US, 4c., find otherHrriaaiOntal Iron Work of a '*(l6corativa OlyOur, all of which Is oNoo.rted with the icat.ross'. view of pli , :tslpg...l.lir,tisto. whit - they combine 64 the requisites of boanty enit substantial construction: . '. l'lti;eliners fluty raly nti hiving all artlclos carefully 110:vat and shitaied to t 'lkon 1..10k-of sent trgll.lloso who - wlsti - it; make a 14 , 1klarin.ItotiEWP WOOR,D. • latitto Aiounc. below Sfirliig OardentiPhiln. 04-;,10,7);',.., • • • -• lON ROE , /offlN AG F.NTs :L I):ilaidplpn.. .111" 0 W-Alt D ASS 0.0 lA. TIO N-; •I 11 PIII„EADELPHIA. 4 • • To all 'persons afflicted' with • Sexual (Wearies stst, 'SEMINAL . WEAKNESS, ibiromeg, oN (Vocal, °LEFT, SY1 ; 111.1.1S, amt, ',• . .The , 11011 ARP- ASSOCIATION of Pitiladelph la,. n vtewuf the awful dratruetion et - human iihrand healtt rcarimaFby - Sextral - diseases ' and.thlrdeceptions which al , practised upon'the,unfortmtte victitus of such - diaaser., liftliicks, Itim' directed their consulting Surgeen, as a 'CHARITABLE ACT worthy- of their • name, •to"give - MEDICAL. ADVICE ORATIii, ;to all perSoith thus err dieted, (Male or Female Who apply byletter, (post-paid,) with a description of Leh , couditcon, (age, oceupatitin, habits of I Ile, and in extreme poverty tutd - stiffertng' to 1111INISII MEDICINLS :FREE OF CHARBE.• The !toward association is a. benevolent -11mtitutioni established by special'endow met, t, fur the relief of the. -Sick and distressed, afflicted with - Niruieht and EPl donde diseaties," and It Rinds can be used for no outer purpose, It has now a surplus of mous, which the Direetors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is neediesS to, add 'that the A saeclation 'comiutintlx the Itighestr3tcdimil skill of the age. - • ' Address. (pest-paid,) Ilr.ll FAL E. - CALHOUN,'ConsuIt- . ing Surgeon, Howard A ssotiatiunThiladelphlu;Pa. By order of the Dircef,Ors, - - EZRA 1): HEARTWELL; President.' BEO.,FAIdECHII.I), Secretary.. aprllll 1- 1:101.117A- 11-14 , r itren — A - ta O .1 invonr of theeelebrated Goistimer Ventilating fjl; and .flastle. flood Toupee;. laft ructions to Ponta,: 'Ladies and UeOtlemen to medNure their heads e(ith • F L II. Wms, ThAiotimi.of . the bead; No. I_Fi«ru.auuc.. - ..i:riOlit - oforolt.eatt over the hem to the Deek; No. 3. I top; No, 4. From ear to eur ..... • T.upet•s 41141, inehes,—No.:l"." - .l 4 r{M...prehead to 'tote!: Ws ihr as balil; N0..2. (Iverli,ritheatl faFios...requir• end No. - :3. Over the crown of thehend • . • - It. Difi.l..Altl). lies always ready • ihr sale a sploplid 'sh;ek LTI t;ents* 11 Qcs.'l'nupees'.:Tahlies' Wigs. halt 'Wigs,. I•'rizet.s.,_lllalds. Cilyis.....te.,...ealitiltilly..utu Whet ured and_ as elleap as :thy eslahlihltnittlit.iti the Ci.iou.• . , thlrl!atzittin.,*.tr . act,,r, lustrous 7lnlr Tonif,„ - *awl-Herds; the hair nil-or. elninging colr. restoring rind pr,,,twv lug it 1n ii healthy and Ittx.tuiaitt state, Antimg I . ,therreaseLs Nvll)' •Ifollard's (nit dug ,:1101 , 11 IMOD hainent-e pepu.latity is the fact that his Tonicis applivil erer . s head ,4'.lrair rut at his ystailllshment. c..nsequently it is L. ptin Is-tter pre-,:erration than un an.) lonnvn,applicalion. It telug thin, practically . I tested thousands - . “fern the fultatest. guarrintee•gf;lts' I cllirart,•• S e wholesale and retail at 177' . Ch. , St ta opjp silr. tin; Stale I 10tt ,, (.. I'hiladelpl i. It. Dollfwgi has at 1 11,51 It 111' for :sale with perie,T cpti• litlenot , in its sin paSsing I' \ vry thing of tile-kind ums In use. It i—ilars deem lUtir Shier - Park or brown,-las may be de'Qii.ali atol 'is .Used tit . inju . t.y Ole hair or skin ell her by stain iir t.aii -washed oil in telt te!. Urfter s apllll4 . .lo9li;',oolol.lt - TM.111 . 4.1b1g from_ Its rlii , •art•. l'ersonsvialting the city are Llui •• .o,r,tte.i . ba.l , fressr(Lip,ii - . -- prILLAIII),I77 Chestubt st Phil:tar!ll4hia,%:lllrev•-ite at tontiti. Jlial. 2c,ly , E CIIAMPI- LuoN FMK _PROOF :. , AVES, 'T ylth MTN" Patent - ' PRA' l'ockti • which weru .. . _ 1. 22 . 72: 7 1 . 1 7 .1 4 r,..„,„:...0i nligirdril — w - parate -- .)lrdah, at tile 5R1 , , , , , ,..414, , ,tql ~,,,‘,,, w. - ,..krh Fair, 'London., I t...',1, and ''.k et els . e at' the World's lair, :.etc . 1 ~4 4..t. " 17'" q. York; 1F53 and '54. The'stil seri -1.Z.4•:-...4**---.,,4. .tr. , ri l oo,lWw., 1;U/ -net:a nre • rim mda ninti . !lfir! - turers I :.,f li , ~,, , , ...: .r,„ and pr,prietors . in - .1. in Mate of i...; ...- ,;,.. '.." , :i • .!),,. the abo - N e unequalled t , tifes and . --"• '• • , 6 r ' , • 'al.....The---I•eputiiii...n.N.C . _ilie_ 1 ....2,:.• ,, ~ • ~ . 1.., , ,. A ~.i..4iiii-rii ' - .ller . i . iiig's . i . ,':ifii . .. is w 1 id!,'., I 1 : .,. . „, 4.4 . • . ~' wide, and Inc the hist thirtem, - .."-• Nears the mercantile community - ''' , 'n •"' -- iiive w itimssed•and ls ally ii;sli-; nomy td their NEVI - :ft FAILINCI tire pruof qualities: .)lorel. , than 12.0 tat of these :; 4 :lll.4lvise beemactatallYsold. and 1 neer TiA,Q, ii:Nnium have passed tritthiplaintly - through accidental fire,. Th.: , --rionvrtu, zisSiiri:,l that - idl Ftifes man tifa,t tired by the 141),..5ei fliers are not 'only 14111117111- V tl!l'd 01 I.(' fully 1.1111:11, I;lit 'lit many; respects even supe , l rfor td timse_witieh have been so severely.triett by tire 1 . Few will (Meet their :eery ices in the burning of the "Tribune astablishment,',„ * .New Yorlz, and at. the Great Fire In tEtrawberry street, - nt the iitrgq fire last July, opposite the Girad Maur, and st)II more recently . In the Fire. et Fifth and Chesnut sts.,..in the city 01 Phildelphiti, in which these .i.kafes time Milli , the ac kluTl edged t9IAMI.I, it ben pinny a inter soeuritieS ' I failed. . FAIll:1 1 .1, ,t CO., • • 1 lams SkIE . A.7O , lt!.NI: I,,n•K 1AF1.419. 34..1VALNUT }`treed, Philadelphia. - Chilled Iron Safes. With •Powd6r s- Proof f Loets, manm faeturiai expressly for Banks, Brokers. Jewellers. and others requiring security from ro . gues. Bank Vaults. Donn:. &i. on -hand Mid made to order.. All the-mast celebrated Looks for sale at tatenuthet hirers' priees. Sorond -hand 4' Safos." '•;:ala mandril. - and :Chu-4s" ,dhor Inakers..hat e Loon' tahowin r.t 191 ment . h)r IlerriniCa for sal' at hall prloO. ! E :Irl It . . • Fin TZ,t ity:Npity . No. 2t. North Third Et eet. Vhiladelphia, • MOROCCO MAN UFAcrurEits, curriero and Impart ors of FfILNCII CALF SKINS, and Dealers In' Red Land Oak Solo Loather and Rip. , Feh2S—ly TTAY AN p •ST -BA CUTTERS CORN SITEI.I,EItS.— , I lare assortment of lm 'proved Ity, Straw and Fielder Cuiters, now ou Aft.o, deul.le and Ningle cent shapers for either band or horsii-Kiiver of the very lategt manufacture, including' the premium iiludicnat the Into PennsylrifniaState rah. Fur Sall) 16 , N , . MORMS. k C' - ., AgrlculturaddValidiOusii and Seed :Rom, corner 01_,71R _ ' ,RENO 11 TAirUSS.ES.—Hernia or Rupture successfullylnuat ed, and cam flirt Insured, y use of the elegant French Trusses. imported by the subscriber, rind-made to re - der expressly for hi s s a l e s. ' All stiffening with 'Rupture will be, grat Bled_ to leatn that the'oreasion now offers to procure - a Truss coiiiitin‘ Lug extreme lightness, - with case, durablilt,y t and correct construction: In lieu of the cumbrous anti uncrunibrta blerrrtirle-usually-suld. Anternds assol tut - int - Oh ay F. on hand, adapted to every variety outuptAlre in affults I and children, and thr saIU at a range. of price to suit all. Cost 'of Trnsses,.s2; $1 and $5; Ihualle, $4; $5, $O, SS and $lO. _ - Pe'rs'ot& - at-a-distartec ran hare - a - Truss sent tti - nnystb - . dress by remitting the amount, sanding measure arotind the hips, an d'stati ng:side affected. _Forslale Wholesale aid Retail by the inverter. 11;NBEDLES,'' 'S. W. ear. of Twelfth 'A. Race Stet:. Philadelphia. - Depot for Dl'; Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace; flhestymjanders and. Erector 'Braces; Patent Shoulder ' Braces; Stu:min:Tiny Dandages; Spinal Props and Sup. ports. Ladies' Booms, with competent lady attembirts, - itprllll. • . .. : A G MOULT UR Al D11 . 5 - {, 101 El\ TS.. 'ix . itENNOOK'S CIILEIIII . ATED WJIHAP - DRILI.-- a t Adapted also for sewlng , oats,-grass seeds and guano. IcrAuser'S Portable Cider•Mlll—the beat , H In the Market. Ilalllday's patent _ Windmill.--is'` -- ill. ikt Horse Power's and Thresher's, Lime and Guano ~..„ 'Spreader's, , Daninrs flay, Straw and 'Fodder Cotter, Little Giant Mom and. Cob 31111; ; Spoln's A tMospherie Churn: 'rho:Move SuperieK Impletnents with nll others, tier the use of the farmer fl_l' gardpth., for sale Wholosnle and Retail by PAS.tC_IIALL,IIIOIIIIIS M.: Agritailtutal IVarebouse 'and Seed State, corner 7th and Market tdraets, july ,1 4 1?- _ Nos.. 21" l ) ud ou 1 . I • gtle . . _ , ,r • • ! 11111,11WLPH LA • - • . .1(111.1C1 , 1:1111tAl. 131PL.On.N.T,N k...i el .(C1'0t..7, Bristol. Ph. Stao UROUNDS PO &CI05) .1.31volliS11110;110:1r Blititd, Vll r, tbucation. .1 - IALL'ACADEMYT H i - - - - • • - - _ , -•- . Tbree miles weltofllarrisbUig. - - ~ 471 . 1 h e—tenth-Feseletfroc,-thitetinstitutien-wiirlear -- 7 - rnenee on Dlonday, , the 6th of November next. Ppien and gordians nre requested 'to inquire into its marl instruction is given in the ordinary and higlierbranelk of nn English 'Eduelition, and also lu the. Latin, Gi'ee . Jerenth and Gernuen Lingo gee and 'Vocal. -aUdliaiti 111011 a 111118 C. lioardingiNN.'ashing and Tuition in ther,English Drano: 'es t isnd - Vocal 11111giej Tier Session, (s.nionths) . • SCO.I lustrUction in each of the Languages . • In Instrumental Illusic• • - . E s. :( Vor cireniais'and furtherinfopnation address • 1). T.).EINLIIStiI.It, Principal, . liarrisbure, Sep. 20,1855." • )LAIN FIELD ACAPEIII Y.—Nea: . 0'1111,1%r,, Nineteenth Si.'eEion*(hr •lui&the) will eenanence„Nny6mber Pith. A new build int; hue been erected containing Gymnaelutn, Mud • • . .• ith lucre:wed facilities for instruction and arnplt accommodations, tills_ lnstitution — luesents p in dticemennt"to . parents.`ichn dcaira the physical arw, mental lutproiement of their sons. . Terms' per session, $O5 For circulate, with full Uthiret t s • • • • Principal . and Proprietor, .. - Octoher 10,1 1 800. - Plainfield, Cum berlittid co., Pa. .10 x- ----- -• t'IOMMERCIAL 00.14L-EGE - e• • J removed to the new and spacieua Ball, Itio.-U9 ancl-t -lur BALTIMORE Baltimore, Md. O. li. Cnotimitirx, Prinelpal and Lecturer upon ilferean. _tile Science._ • . • - •L. R. litatuu, in charge -)f-Writing Department. B. rut. Instructor-in ..Mercitiktile,UdenlatiOnl3 and AssUciate in.ilook Reepingatßartment. Teacher in Book Reeving. . T. 11 11.1.14A18. Lecturer arCominercial Law. -Three .yeart‘ ve , itot-y et-el/gated since-tit& establish:. -- - ment - ofthig 111/41(lititin, Uhidi tiute s upwards of eight - itunthythetticitta-i t a t harrrin attendinuce,Trep. restriting nearly - every birth!. in Ihe Union,) among w hem are num tura in Baltimore and elsewhere occupy ing piunilnentpenttiolisas Ullbilleliti men and account - .-awta. • ' • • COLT OPS'fI2I2Y. ..... 11l )01:' li Eli PEN linPrincipal liiisthe litntiost eon( lidelice in assuring the publie,that alter lin experience 0„ tourtveu juals in quttillybig young h ell lur the Chunt log liphin and Other iniporta lit stationli ; and mt,exteu site acquaint/Luce oliii the inanagenient of business bhohs otelery descripiiiiii, (assisted as he is -- by too Sei en„tilie acehtiiitatao the mutat, of ttaiilug juts thh. de- parinient is enlint`litcY pntet sodti a 1... - to , the 3 a put Stilts 10 Lutun.eree and Itlide - , - buding I h idithtual, Part hership flu-et-rairrh -Miami:Jet uting, Cl 111.10hSi011',,Ex.climig.ejainhing, Lhatpirgilift (11111I1l7,..) opeiatthvia, c,e. • • eseivises under this head are tree, easy and grateluhetahldidug rapidity 01 execution with beauty of einistrui lion, thus (quailing the student to write:an etygunt l Ilsillehh )1111W en tc , thirletihn a t the wUrse.• • . . .. . . .. ' 3 . II,, It'A.'ANTAIA:I'AIA.7I:LAIIQNS. in all picir.varic.ne bearings are taught l,y 11. e latht ariniate awd e.i'leili .kions ufecia.cl. Daily lectures are delivered ores the Filet:co ni Ac- 6- counts, M tile tusk these in tbtinectintt with a series it !edifies ifii l ifil,ifiercuil 141 w, tun IA the highest ital..] ta net , ti, ail espii lug to occur) inifininent ' positions in the business , en munit). ' he time imeessairt, r /111 ILA usti !ins .itudetit complid-e-the-centse, varier hi tab- tit-14-;-ueelts.--7hero•'- being lit 141 , ti1 , 11,111.1 , jka111t , can, enter at an}! time, ,and attend 11,th da) ai.d evening. I . .xi,miifiltitns ale loqd r at stated jet icus? and (lilt( n.as :minded 10.1. graduifie. kor terms, etc, urlteiind.lutt oath - lur lomat ded by malt. ' )Iru~. ilt rfa. • -11 F Sll -DP Uti ~S,- - MEDIU:A I, -S - , - & - c '-- &e.—l. have just .reeeivecto from Philadelphia and • ' • INUIV lurk very extensive'additions to my' - former atoelqemilwaelug nearly everyartlela,' , ‘ --- vir •of :Illedleine now . in' use,' togettdfr ' With/ . In l.uin t s, tills,•Vurnishes, Turpentiue, Perla. , / '"'i liters, Soaps. Stationary, Iline'Cutlery,k isio . • i 1 ,- lug Ttlekle, lliushes of almost every de Tip- :',,.. !on, .. it" an endless varlet.) et other Anklet., N , liCh I , - ' 11111 det r eillillied to Fell ilt the VEItY Le% t L 1,3 priee All Illysielitiis. CountryTMereleatits,.tedlars a .d oth ers. al. respe,toully leghested .not to paiin tl e OLD . 5.1.V..".1), as the) may rest assured that. ever) ar (le will be sold of a good quality, and slam reasOnalle terms. S. ELL10 . 1...f. Main street. Cul IWO; , Ala}• Vo„ It S ! DRUG S ! GS ! - • 1 "F.4;11 , LI- I I hale just retched a fresh stork of Paints, tilar!s, Oil, uhnh, hilt log been purchased u ith greet care at the hest city • - -.houses, I canconinientily.remnahrnd s, • country 3lerchauts aml Dealers, Le lug Uesli and put . OhtOF—DattMt :110(1101os. Finu Chemicals, Instrm „ Ments, pure .F.sseutial Oils, Herbs and Extracts, :Idea, ground Oil wln.le. , .M.S'onces, Perfumery, At% • Cod Li'ver 011—M arranted gent - hue.: ° •.' S-- . ludigoes Nlaclers, Sumac, slum, Log 111111 Cain D 0051,, Oil Copperns,•lne Dye. •DAINT; 4 —AI et licrlll tC limtlor's Pure Load. Chrome Griant_and Paiiit and, Varnish Brushes, Jersey tVindow Wass. f.inseed oil, TUrpentine, Copal end coach Varnish, and lied Lead. All of which 'n ill be sold tit the very , lowest . niarket 'y ' Also, a fresh liild.i4deti.did-asorthitent - -of= - I z - AiN'r - -- - -- 0001”4 . 4"fillist'Contectiona r y; aud--innumerat le other, articles calculated for use and are uttered at the low not cash prices.'ut the cheap Drug, Book and Panty :4{4 of 'the Fula:ern - el- en North Dau over street.- . , 1".• 1 - 111,1.7 GS ANT ) CONFiLIaI aiNA-111 4- . I /The undersigned bas just returned liouij vs n fresh supply . ..of DRUGS and comacruns A I,Y.— The former in connection with his,stoeL ozr Land nuke - lyis - assortuteut oftirugs, .liedielLes and Chetnienlii cemPit'le• Ills aysortnient of CON FLCTIUNAItY is also fine; consisting of pure sugar uhite•;:unt transparent Toys; titudy, 0 , 111111011, 1:11+1;011.171/; ilat fine Candles 'elf every variety; also Fruits, Nuts, and every thing, 144011 g ing-tlf that itepartuVertf oftratte: -- Tle - vroulit spevilti , attention toads supply of FANCY AII'I4CI,LS for thOlolitlays. and general use, 111110T/It sllOl - 111ay 111 f Hind thl) 0.1011, the tasteful, and the useful. All are . vvisli to puseln.se oruot.•• Ca Ihile 750c,r G ~ C A IZIA Sjj) FCU DRY, The atibserlherlais:OurSar4sfuetl9nNolin lita;?:allt rriends.and patrons that •• "-'`"• Ills eslithilalinientisniriiinlii arthe oPe ra',l, it. new latildito having tii , eit coeeterainee the Into Mice, irons the and the whole ta.rahlislimenr r ut in com. pieta working order, Orders an , theljtirle resin:ololy ,:elicited for work ft) bleb - Aril!. be done with promptness nod in the.best manner.' ' . STEAM ENOI.NES MILT TO ORDER . • and repaired. All kinds Machinery in Payer Mills,. Grid Mills and Factories repaired nt short notice. Spitidlott dres s ed and turned. 11011:11.: POWERS anti TiMT:SUING MACHINEs such as Bev ear Four I h,rse Power, Horizontal:Clear Maur lleree }find Two' 1 , 111 , .. Powers, Ploughs; Corn :hal ('rtishers,&e. Pat terlisz:tie to order. Iron and„ )transNO raSa CASTlSexoeuted to- ler. if not in, hand. at the shortest notice, such.s and 31ill - g ltur_itutLlitult , ..Whaels , —Witageons - frtia - w - AlliTh7l'lT Ar Castings, Cutters, Point Slicars, Wagon and Coach /lox- - , es, Spindles. Car Wheels, Car Chairti, hag also on hand a large supply of Philadelphia and Tray - COOK I - Ott STOVES., and is constantly ntaking Cooking Stores of ,various hnproced patterns for mai or trnatl. 4en plats Stoves, Orates. &e. Repairing done to all 1,11414,44 l - 4d Iron, ,Brass nod Capper taken Ci ocry. ca In eizchange WI. work. may 9 1 • "0tP.... ].i'Oß RENT for Orie or !ogre ye - ors' , wkJ it , _ . r ,- 4. 1 „ii i friii, till, iEt of -Aprtl- Itelf.+7lhit -- e Ilizil le, e(..7 - ner7 - -1,111). - STOhE IfOttltt„'oppeelle . the M 4 .1114611 Iloti3O _.! • 'lintel ,at 'Mai te...5{ . wet, -I) olv.oeettpled - T. - j,' Tie]) f.); l'e te! F:-.-• ' A li:o the Illaekeinittt Shop oii.Llnflteur of raid' lot, . ,P, p. ,--.- !" 151 3 . t.,., • ..._ atOBI - s h . T N01f1...E. ' . . __, ocve. 2A, '4 . .;:0., ' • ''' • ' : • - . , U ilii• 11 i .. •~ ~ r ~ "'( - Ll= FILO:MAY qn D.3-E.n.