Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 05, 1856, Image 5
L 1, , ,. 1 Tte - i, - ,SU,Liii - tittl,icitt s .. FOR RiCINT.-7.4 - qare —street now ocettOod-byllitncia Porter. Enquire at this taco, or attPlpoes Book Storo.,• • , .UNION -1411:14 - CO'Y'S • SIXTH LlidT,lllo3._ • '• "inAlirqv • Prof..ll. 'AI. .101.1.NSON - will. lecture for' the benefit 'Of the lloionl Fhe: Cotnpany on TUUESDAY I , : YEN March 6th, lit EDIJUATION HALL. suliject--.4 walla/. • Tickete•l2% rte. • • ' • " - I yr 4., 1). A. 1": 'T .1 - 0 A ..-_.ll -A LL I•' .. . I '' .. •• • . . POSITIVELY On: MORT ONLY! IVEDN'II4.IY EITENINO„I4A,IIO-11'5;1855: • :" . . ' cc DR. VALENTDIE," —. -.- TI:io eccentric andinhuitablo Lectnrcr will have 'the . honor of °polling his CAItI . IIT ifso of. comicalitics - " . its above. 'introcincing ;4ay hp i and 0011gswith QuEr.g, QUAINT", QUIZZICAL, 'QUIST...4IId QII:I..IiItiLSOILI pniiple, inter sperscil With MUSIcAb.BICEZCIIES=iII fact a little-of—e r ve , rything and every bandy. .:, • v.,::'..,_...:.,_ 1.. , .• , , ', . • • Tickets 25 cents. , • Doors open at WA ; . Locturo• to ..comjnonce nt ',./.c, .o'clnek: TAr i. NT.ED - =' - --A - jOURISI4.IYMAN NS• • • .• ••:,....‘ 1,1,.-,-Tbu :•,,,,1.,,,:ber-wio - • _. • 1 • . i . Juurtierour.Tanner inuntoliiitelY,' , for one yaar. oue" that understands rorry4nig Pri'conlioxiar - wttli tumuli - 1g preriTred. Liberal .waus,rwill he Oren to it good and niaii of itoirai - liabi4;; none o1116"r uepif , apply. 1 , (10 further particulars write or apply to the .gubscriber at Centre, perry co.. Pa. ' . . ,' • . . /i2.l`). lIENCIi. • ._ . . ... March, G•--3w. • s' OTI . —All persons hay. -de ll 'winds against me will mll .and nfe. mid all -Jladobteit.will do the, smile Twforo' tho . IsCorXpril. or their aerniiiits'Will'hninft.with Alio—proper:, person for .._collection. - _t Mar 51 t7lill. W. ft [NON: . NT J' \\T GOO D '-',.. ---T lie . subscriber has ----Ll-: - Ittst. ~,..,,h,ti—frAnk4baadiilphia.Likiatr e isorc--- meat. ,)1 - 'l4e.isonatile gonils, whiqh will be sold vary cheap . • — the It. R. Depot,'Carlislo Carlis 011AlltdIEND IYl.t ESS . ES.—The F utmliberlasjust reveived Fes. ;..lurt 111,nps, and a few : 4 pring Mend' 5. • 0 T ISTATE of Notice is hereby-given-that Letters of Adtro.... t ration on tlia estate of W)t.(tl.loV-EltolkistSitiL of ?Monroe township, Cuntherlatal • eounty;.litlyit Leal • granted, to the subscriber, restitling in Silver Spring tow ashill. • MI pertittits, indebted to said estatn aro '-tnalt-o—hutnetliate intyntotit, anti—thiste_ •having (giants will la•nStlditttlintrfor set tlentent-to - • tkA11.11:1, • - Adininistratoi. 31-a - rell 5, 1 856—cmy. A -___ . - • • pII ILA 1) El,Pli UV • A 11: V 1 , ,' 1.1,' NT-, _. EVANS:„...FI BE A Till EP . PRO,OF. SAFES! • -for - marehants, lawyerg,`'famturs.'ituil .others, -having Books, Papers. or other3alUalks; to: Preserve from FIRE or 111.1 Itt: I,A BS. . _ Bay and NeuelEa4loV - S .. ) BANK—LOCKS. ~_. . . A Cauo.—Tite " FirO Proar !-Irff; - ' - .that - presorr (id Our Books, Papers, - A c... du ring. ' tlio - great Fire at : Ilart,:s „13ulldings, vas purchased of V ER. E VAN S, (II S. 4 .2nd St., Philadelphia. • . G ETZ & BUCK. REFRICERATORS'k WATER—FILTERS. EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for cotiling —and—preserving—tueats, Luaus, ucilk, riater,_and all articles for culinary purposes. '7 • • , WATER Fl NUS for purifying,braeldsh 'or muddy .waiter, whether affected by, rains; limestone; marl, or other causes; can be had separate or . attached to the Refrigerators--a small . quantity of ice cooling the-whole warmest weather: -- AT_A RIX. SHOWER BATHS, for - tire usii . of warm • or cold NVII tor, - IrATEit corn,Ects,.,fyls, Stores, a nd D w ellings STOD T E HUCKS, moving boxes, bales; SEAL I'ILI;SSES, Copying do.,.Druggist 'Ohl g o t :\'A5B. •. Eftuouti_St. ( 2 door's below Chesnut., :Nl:in..hi 5; 1 Sri -13 - . • • ( Estatifhilio - iii - 183::0 • " _ . . E.RANK.LIN FIRE.. INSURA i NCE -1 • ' COMPANY OF PILHADELPIIII. . ' • STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS 'L.4' 11.1trAuktiony on Jantutry.4l4, 1;53. Published. in elinforitiiKy with the provisions a the t 1 .I.xill Section of the Act of Assembly. of Ajn•il 3, 183'2' - ' MORTG AG ES. ' • Beim! first mortage on Real Estat4.lll- the mo unt) ofl.lllladelphia, _except $30.959 in M o utl.toinerY, - Butiks,Seltuylkil l .• and Allegheny counties," Pennsylvania, - $,450,073 • •• . REAL ESTATE. • • Purchased at sheriff's sales, wider inert ,. gage riallos.;viz.: • • • • - Eight, MiuseS and-lot 7.0 hy 1110_feet. on • the SOuth\i'est corner of Chesnut and • Sevenieentlfarcets. • • •A boat. mid let 27 by 71 feet, on the north side of Spruce street and Nest • of Eleventh street. A house and lot, 20.7 by .10(1 feet, on - • the-west'side-ef- Penn squar9, .sinit • of high street. 4 \ 'Two houses end lot., eac)l SO by.SO feet on the south ,side of Spruce - street; - near Sixteenth street. • Tive lelatses and lots; e4lOl 47.0. k by 0. feet. N05...159, 151,,103, 105-zrrill 107 :.•• • Dilwyn streot. • • - • • Three houses iilid 10t5!,"40,451. feet, On , the cAst side of S'eventee Ir - street; ' south of fine street: .• • • llotel and lot 50 by 52 feet on the south ("ll4 corner Chesnut and 'Beach etc. Louii - 5 - a - 'l4l - 1 9 57 -42 tbra tira T 9iT. • -the north side of George. street, West Ashton street, • _ • -------7•Esverrhensea lindlatc2o.l43rll7.feet. " the east side of Beach strpet,,Auffi • of Chesnut street. • - • houtlemiu4lo4-11 4 by 30, feet: No. • •. Fitzwater street, east of NintliTitreet: ' ' A•groumf rent Of 4 ;30, issuing out of a lot, 13.1 ley 40 feiit, on:the north side ofllttorstreet, 40feet west of Leopard • street. . • 1,0 ANg Temporary Maus on stocks as collateril • • • -Security, . STOCKS.. $lO,OOO Almshouse Loan, . per pint. (interest on) '2OO shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 " Northern Banlc of . Kentucky . 100 " Union limik of Tonnes:me. 13 " Insarance CoMpany 'of the State of Pennsylvania, 200 " Smithwork railroad co., 37 " .Commercifti add railroad " flank Vicksburg, 300 " Pennsylvania.rallroad 01 ' " Franklin' Fire insurance -- 2 - 31urcantlle bibrary, co., . 24 ". Union Canal c 0.,. 10, " Schuylkill 'railroad co., 480 " City Warrants;'. • Notes and,billti receivable, Unsettled policies, • ('ash on Ladd; " in agents hands, . . . . . , . $1,781;16871 . . . , • • -. t LOS'SES lit FIRE. • • . Losses yiiild during the year 1855,.. . ~ . . By.iorder of the Board, ---- -." CHAS. N. BAUCIKEIt, Pros. -----=, ------Attest—CHAS,-0-11ANCKEIt,-.See.--. March ii, 1 856 ' . . I ~f 0 il, JNEARTI e lq , • iv SON, would announce to the publlg general --ly. that they intend opening an extensive 'Lltniber . yard in New Cumberland, this Sprlini•, 'where they hi ' . tend to keep illticimis andAirtlities of River Lumber, • and also that they have ou haul now about one, iiliti dart tly.u , :onl feet (dryli:iiirils'ailit-filankr, (Pine :itid• of,. different qualities, which they offer to the public. on, reasenahla ( aru m 'Jun N:117:1Voodsi-EiqOreftsurer,..._ . . . • revise' the 11ilitin B,ystalib•S:c.," passed - the 30th (14 of April., , lSo3; exhibit tlie.follo . wiug - itcconia; —• . • • , ..• . . . . . . . . . . • , . . To amount'of outstanding Military fines'for 'lB5 i and previous years, as per: lust annual Statement . . -by Cloulity Auditors; ---- -- - - ' " . To amount Ililitia'llnes returned for 1856, its pet . . duplicates - ; - "---- • . ' ' 1 •,•./. . . . . . . ~ • . , ... .. . . . Sehedule of 3111it•ia - Fines, exhibiting the amount of IMplitaites, amount - received, amount exonerated, anininit of Collector's fees and amount outstanding, as 'per table. .• . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . .______ , , - __ Amount '' To4lisltApst.. - Collel!tore'Nltnielt. A" • .rs, Aint Of duplicato.`Am't rerOyal.:.Coll'rs fees .... A In't ExoticrW,olitstuld , .r. - '-'- ' ..' ' • ,- ' _.....:-.—,—.!..—'-'-_.-_---__-_', ; • ' ~ . .... .. N. Citini,' - erianii,. s ;l;igeiiii 11 ?1847; N„CuMberlatid,' ;os Jeph Mvsart,:, 18401' Pennstwo', '.owarti ..1850; ' Sli lupe nsburg, Brirket', `.lBsl',' Carlisle, -, Satpuel 11. Could, 1832 A. IVeakler, ;1853 , . )leelianicAurg,,:;llenry . i • lN:-I.,M,niberland, ;Charles W. Bolin, ' Allen Upper. .1aleol) L. Zook. • 185.1, cad isle, ~ • - 1illiott„ . IS) • Newton, ;Dui Baker, ; 00 .'.llol,ert !Sliver. ?, . 13 00 N. Middleton, :John 11. Spalir.fl nO 81 , Z + 20 00 Allen Lower,. Jr illima'Steplion, 04 00 Allen Boer', David Taylor, - • • 30 00 Carlini. • - sLailiVutto . 01) Penitsbor — o', ;Coo. W. ressirer.," z, ' 80-61) leranliTMll; Benj. to per, •, _ s 30 50 - . , 43 5U 11'403Y; 411 50 b 0 Meeliatilesburg, Peter DraWinitigh, *TiFtat''' --- Monroe, John Paul, - • .78 00, . 5 Newton. . r,Ceorge 40 50,_ „N—C.uudierland, Porter, . y ..1 14 tal - , Newville, ,20 PO N. 3110(Iletob.- . • ; • --84-110.-_s' silyer Spring', ' s,loliti W. Bury, Z 80 - 50 ',• 82 18 Sontliampton, Alex. Highlands, • 42 80 ; Slcninenstoirg B.:Thomas - Spencer, sS_o)_ ; • Shippensburg t'rai Z. 000 S, :Middleton. Stmat, jr. -1 110 Penusbore', +Thomas Graham, I, fill 00 IL. M. SNODGRASS • lly amount butsbinding Militia Files, for 15.33. an,l'prov ions ven%sultieet to I;,`Onimissiotts, Amiount of exonerations allowed C,dle'tors fa' ls: , : 1 •111141 Amount Of eottimissbeis allowed Colleefors for 1553, and pr e vious y\.,,rs, Paid count,y_Conanissjoners for servic.•; , l it the Military toisiness. • AMount ASse'sSoki: for ry,rwTfiriirg-tr.r...--.1-yt0i,,,,,,,,0t,c.a-11 17 tkr-ii:101; MiatinA lluber. assesgor lrf 31..eehani. , Itri . return of i.ers.rats, :Invites Brooks, asses,4,if of 14o.Ver . .krkll, return of 1.r." per, , ons".• .Itrines Graham, assessor 'of Upper Attru. rattri. of 7'. p.rsofis, William boom:assessor of Ilattnalett,-ret urn of '•!7 persons,: , , Jones Hunt sherger, assessor of E. Penn.:44mi'. return - ufl all persons,, 'John A. 31:add:tn. assessor fif N. Cuinherland„ret urn of 30 persons,7 " Henry Spahr, assessorMipme, return it 155 persons, 3. C. Erkels, assessor of Sll„ver Spring, return of 175 persons, David Shively, assessor I , ratikf,,rdoiturlig 77 persons. !hmer. assesslif‹...3l,iddleton, retiree of . lt,7persons, "r 1 : 42 41ru of 5 7.-1 - i'rsons• ' .blur 31. StMirti; return ..f 12:1 persoits. dames Itoodburn. assessor of 311111 in. return of persons. 'l. P. llhar.,assessor. tp., return of 12 persons. - Win. Highlands, assessor of Southampton, return of S 5 persons. . Win. Iteehart. assessor of . Shippenshurg.bor.. return of 121 personS, 1V,•17. Boyd. assessor of Newton. return ,if 13 : Ivor - sons. . .10wpirm , Ki;olows , ssossor of IV. l'entisbn - ro' . . ref urn of 120'petsons,' A. Carlish., retur-n-‘4ll.7ll..personS. . .10seph.SteWart, assessor of S. 31iitillefon. return of 21S persons, yefer - Pelfer, assessor of,lll.eklitson. return of 190 persons, • • Mai. Samuel Crop, Brigade Inspector, . Prinferg.. Capt. Kelso, per orthir Adamantine Onards, Capt: Samuel Crop: per order Carlisle 'lnfant rY, enter Colon dupras. Capt..l. (I..3l'Farjalle, per order Itim.±:rold Art Merry, Capt. John MPSAIII:Tr. Per miler Quitman ()mods. Capt. Ilays 3liekey, per order Springfield Light - Infantry, Treasurer's 1.0111 i , 51 , 111 on stay. . 0 7 0 ii(), Balance club Commonwealth by Cauntv Treastirer, en!BERLAND COUNTY, CH. ---. . • • .. ' We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland county-, elected and. sworn according to law. In acrordence•with the Act of Assembly of the :loth of 'April. 1033, having extunined the above ticeount. of N. W. Woods; Esq., "Treas urer of the county aforesaid, in the mat tar of Militia Taxes, do iind the above correct., as above stated. • • Witness our, hands at Carlisle this 31st day of J I.)anuary, A.., Mil . . - '• J. U. DRAWI3AI3OII 1..- . . . _ . , . . . . ISAAC RIM:WALT, • • . . . ' Auditors of Cumberland - co l , nty. - , . - Pt AT COST, $8.,454 . 45 K' •••••• - 1 • • . • ITO I\l - E• Ala' A I N !—MILS. -41,4:17 7 _ NQI,Dik would inform ell interested, that situ has rid-urinal-from Philadelphimorbere-shejtud--been for a low Nl' ee ks, requiring the new process of A Ma II 0 T li l' I N 0 .... • or taking likenesses on glass, cilikli ini - ve May to lie - . seen'to be . a dmiredhy•all lovers ofpretty pictures; or of those whom the pictures represent. . • 11er course of instruction has been full and complete,- there' having, been -engaged , in the establlsintlent in width spe3vas. the best - artistic taint in the city Kali le•anehea of photography; and. the gentlemanly pro iirtot or and operatiws spar44l. no pains to give her an intelligent 'knowledge of the art. She therefore foils confident of being able t” perform all she premises,--whau... that,protails9 Is; to furnish' as 0001) AMIIitOT Y - It klil, as well ao DAOCaIItREOTYPES, - ; is tan - be produced - else where. .. • :, - A ‘VORD oN Amenetteis—Though there are still those', who will prefer:the Daguottreotypt;, yet the . ,Awbretype has - Foyer:a advantages over it; the Ambrotype - ean be soon in any light; is not sultoct • to change, dampness having no Wert on it; in feet, there itt . 'ne it ay to de; •stroy areal Ambrotypo when finished, but - by breaking the glass. . L.- • I : Persons are inTited to examine specimens.' ~ • -• Itocen.4 still at the Southwest Corner of 11 - AN.OVIIIt and LOU Plifillt Streets, evin%:tl.r.Fetter's Cabinet Ware ' room,-where she invites her nuexerMis friends and Pa. : trons, hod as ninny new ones ;is oily feel• at s poi:ed t o Invor'her - with n call. ~ " 04q • .., .. 1. fe:2 -$107,902 0 . COW[, •- $73,565. 60. 16111 6,414 00 713 60 103'84 iMI 35,446 8,1i14 4 1,2 M Al $237,574 40 I:l==lii IMME= PORN' SaEL-LERF A.. J.. . 'STRAW CUTTERS. large assortment of Superior Corn SheiliArs, liaidu It ing Reading's Patent, eapable of shelfir; — • TOOII buttLinkt °Nom per diy. _Alpo runnoek's hand and power Shill-A Lors re, with various other patents of ynrious prices. lia'y, Tho corner .Straw and Polder Culture of the' nuist approved ' • .structiott and in great varlets. Fain:tap) Choppers-and . mi Stotu Room and cellar now. occupied Studer's. Vouble r,ltgis. and liar by N. W. WiAcals , as a Dry . Gouda Sharo P;ovs, 'Super'or - Ox Vok;As and Ron's. Crain Xatylii SAtore. It hi: 01)0'01 the stands' Virtuar; iltArF; Corn' and Cob . 31111,., Lime and nano ' l'"rongb• Spreaders, , sale , 1V holesale and..ltet ail by , Also, tha E 1011 , a., f , “ We . `A Louthel: street, PASCII A1,1;'":11 OR RIS • occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth etnii;Alt. Tnruts made • Agrfeult , irat Warol °Lisa .and Sect Store. N. IL ..Co.r. known on application to A - 7th and Market'sts., Phila. Oct.lo, '55 ' TITLITIA : ACCOUNT __./ -.t ~. —wit:lL - tho_3otl . l seclion 'of 1:1 00 - 21 50 7S 50 340 •oo 51) 4 Bs ' 15':,0 41 14 4 .2; 08 1 -00 - ;1 252 . 22 18 00 2 05 I ' kit ; ,ca: • . ( --- Vir<7.- 7- A - G - 14: N T -- W•A NT 11 1.).1 p A g ents wanted in every Taw ii and Couiity in canvass for the most polar It is torleal ankother valuable andsaleidde !looks puldishett- Th. , works are particularly adapt id to the wants of the , itig beautifully illustrated with fui.nSttad, and Wood engriaing.:!. and bound In the ilkoht substantial , . wanner— ... - • •!. .kgehts now call vassfrig forusi flint pleasant and prollitalde employment. Our lbd, also includes the best works of T, S. manug: -ova 1111.101 vo‘tunies have been V. 014 the pa, t pear: and their sale is still Increasing. We'haveturadded raver. al Nl:iy,i;noß:+ to our list iy this toast popular author, -and 'Shall add, others theunsutpg fall and winter. ' 'We think .we have the hest list for agents ,in country. Send for. it; ai d. itulgu the yourselves. Fair Tfitll particulars and .11st .. Addre , s .1; W. Publisher. !Pet 10 4S North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Pa, • 54 02 2 87' . • 21. - 00 41 75 7.: 4 ' = " i n 3 251 - - 15 00 d 4 ,§k" 14 73 41 '24 25 08 2 :4) LEI 1 SS 40 bt., IMEI IBM (140 - 1 , 90 5 50 , 35 45 185 • 12 50 7.4 10 - ~3 f.)O 3 10 .... . .... .......... 4 A 17. 106 4o $ Ai GS ,„$.2 P., RIM TENT,Z. -"wet!ld call the tit- J) tentioo of the public to their lai•ge and splindid itssortinept , or . . ; -NEW. GOODS, which they are tncreasing by daily 'receipts frail' tie: • -itrai cities, lucluding s., ' Silks, Mermoes, De Latnes, lltern - hvdo ,- Co - totras, .Jlabit, Cloths, 'lloollet Silks, Velvets and •- • Feathers, Brodie nod Blanket I'l do - ,and Fancy Casslineres and • Slat:turfs, Flannels'Thavfiets and - Carpet --------- • Chaen, Feathers. Caps. Gum Shoes, : • --mitre:very-variety of Mtn an Fancy Genie 11mi d used, AT Taralt 11... , 11AL ,I.ONV • . Special notice to their Stock of:FA:BS, com prising all the varieties in use. :They have also made arrangements to oialor'at'tito shortest. notive, Fars of 'any style or price y .soais to snit every variety of taste. The public .respectinlis Invited'te call,.betbre chasing elsewhere. as they Caul confident of their 'ability ..t9.Alvc; entire satisfaction,. . 2:1, r Ait M E S HIGH . 'OF .'NSYLVANIA. • Because- of a mod' tinn of the plan of the College Building for they; mer's hightiellool of Pennsvh ania,- the time for all, lag the wet+ has h-en POST I'o\ until Tii uttstiA - the lath day of. March next. up to which time p ,nsa wilfbe received for Its.ereetion, including a the in. torial.s. Bidders are invitetrio predicate tht. rbitlii upon the use . of stone - 4m well us brick 'ler thb building. The plan,and rpeeitieations AS tinally,adepted by the Committee may be examined at any time after thwthitli of February next, at the oflicj of the State Society in Harrisburg by anplicatlon• Henry Hilbert, or the lion. A. 0. lilcster. Proposals may ho addressed to IL N. McCalllstei,Esq„ll4llefute, Pa., or Frederica Watts, . :WATTS, • 11, N. WALL'S:nit, JAMES-MILES, Fab. - lp; l6ofi-a{~,-•--'- ,STATEMENT OF' - THE FININCEf. .-; ,-- - r • J Nl3Altr, 'TO TIIF ! 3181 DAY OP: De'cr.mireti, 1856 r INaLus.iv.o.-.. . . Made. by. the I:onuulssiontirs 'in reint;liiinee At tth the tr. ifillTitTniis—i,itiftiirlititt:lyi—thtf'..nrairrt-Itui-seetious, . the act of AFt‘ernbly .of this . ConutioUwealth. passe, , ea the 15th - day. of April, A. 1).15,14, atol-atFo-iii eel . fortuity with tfte '37th section of the 'FOAM! (lei, V,llili, . requires tlnieottitty Treasurer - hhce every 3 eat t, _Motu:h,is-ilitAintit alltiLp,llillCO Us VOIWII.i'S lii ilic Com &sitUiers. tv,iiivit after (.NattlillatiliiiThy said Chm . thissioners; shall lao'hy them' laid before the County Auditors' for si,ttletiieniTitiling to,jit.w. , - In accordanee Alt.ll-tfliitiLlC.l‘7lV - 66: 1. :s . it'niet'rcea c. _ ' xtrer of Cumberlatol County. sulteits the fpilowt fit: 4s a correct exhibit Of his' re,isipts anti czneuditnia S fce the past year, elkding titc:ili z tolay of . . Diaannber, A. I: , ' ltirtb. . . . . . . . ro '29 -1202 (10 WI uo 21 50 • _ llalasire bandS pf Treastfrer at . lase set-. fleinent as per A uditor.s.rePort, • `Amount of ontstandhi<taxes,...— • County tax assessed fr 1855, , illeeived or Jot'. 3i'Darmonti,--verdlci. fees : . in Quarter. Sr!ssimlS, . --49 14 Carlisle Deposit Bank Loan, . 1,173 tr.;;_ _Alisteinedy4 the year Isos, sic \V: !littler in full of purchase 3l'erosliy's 2.170 0 lotco 4q 84 50 BEI . HS. AT am brjdge, S. Mnrlin verdict fees; .Incoh.liowman verdict fees, J. W. Shearer verdict fees. Of xniseellancons receipts from various 1 ,- persons, ` • . DE 13 00 30 39 25 00 13 RI 30 01 SO 50 EMI .BCIIIIDI7I , P. 61' C.II , ,DiTY TA:CES OrI'ITA:VDINO ('N 11Ir. 181 DAY -..orJANUAILY,!,,c.i., 1.850. I' D.I.FS:I'.:F9 ZION EItATIONI ANT) 1'011,11:1101\4. ? • -31 - 60 13_50_ • •$ _ II 50. Jvigi , l)ll , k:Wz:tieleyoDie. l ; l (1111:41-11all'i Newtun, lieeteur, Orablitn rrairliford, • • 11i0Se!: • . . ME , 11 60 John 11. Spahr. North Jlid Ih td n, Henry Ileekttriie,ll, Silver illialit . ARM.. ~,,,,,,,, Henry Saxton, Carlisle. Lafayette l'effer, hickill )n, Georr:r W. Fossler, East I ,°' 'llenianiin Juniper. Fri'til{forsl,• Ihinhd • John 11. Perrv, 4101111 1%1111: N111111:01', NiW 111. - 11e . 6rge W. North, New v ilia, 7 .lil,ol , Ilorner.t North ?iliihiletoti, 'John liney; Silver Spring. • Alesander•llighland.* Southalnpton, John Stuart : jr.. Thema:" l; rahain,f \Vegt pennsboronmgh, 1(l Those marked thus' , have 'Mucci first of Janiii'y paid in Nal. Those marked (hue thave paid in part. • ME 468 29 :ti line '2:ln 59 ( 1 4) • „'fl 2 '4 "I It 1 71 'EXpENI)iTtiktl;S• • Coi;RTS.... • • 17 rand Jurors. for s'erviees in 1K,5, . 382 'Traverse Jurors. • 1.16. . • V 577 ~2 W illi am "'mid , se Ur t 64 t..; • :3ftinnel Hartzel. awarded :Is pey...order of • Court, s 1 .1 r{ I 1 _S 1 7U 2 a' --„!. 4.) • :rtH 1:14 113:' ou , 75 no 111 oo Xll oo no uo • 111 101::, I4rItTY , NT4' OII .N.EX. lieneral, forA'oul th ense.s, fetts 111.Coininonwealtli I iti4l,.:crs' . fes hi Commonwealth ca,mi, Constables fees lita.!omilionevealth cases, £7777 29 County Autlitors.mnd clerk,-tor sercirt4. • 06 00 eltilip Quigley, auditing a Pralkounntry, Clatt'of Court and ItedtAer, 9 1.4 1). K. Noell, foes for . . . • .Ilua M. Oregg, feen .. iu Cianuudluealtli .• . eases, • 229 11: -- . . Sanilrel Slartlu, fees vu Commonwealth . ' easfs, 102 20 . :lames I; , uuleu for ilualiet. far use, .' • f',B 371; ..,.- .. • . • • ItEGISTY.ICS ()MCC • Frztukliii liartiner, for Lever Press, 2t uoa • SC LI 00L- J, A: HUMP:ICU OF THE Co#lo4 - 'of t Cutinborlandi N. 1V061).,, EAT_ZUREIt R3LG7¢EI'TS..'. inuiiii,i.. T. Ankle p r 1W; IM== uty Attorney )WITNESS' YEI JUSTICES FEES CU\STAI3Lk; 8' 14.F.8 AUDITOR, PROVIONEITA lll' . >t OFFICI itr.counEn's ovric, C(111)118s1101416114' OFFICE. -- . .. . , , ' .11onos -1.011.1 en.. for ttup APA ratrs,lOg, . statlOoory, t0..1 • 0 57! 1.. T 40.1, for procta,duoal services. I Oo •--- CononisSiomo s' travoll log expeo:-t0... II 1,41 Wut. J 11144. :six 1111 , 11t1i ,' salary,,ai, 4.1.4r1:, . '2.:',41 00 Costs of t - lie CaSO of r•;.olitriaon. I.:, 57 .1. 'Armstrmo4, Esq.. pay as Uointaissioner, 3'23 I'4l .1441111 114)141 . 4,' Esq.. .• . du. A 414; f.ll 1a..: 31. Graham.. do. 11.. , ..o • W. M. Ileution.n. Esq., -' do- --- NI. Wide. to4sisting toahing 1h001i,a1.44., ,• M. WIN , , for - ssrv . ll...s a,. clerk .tu_ uii misAuners, IN'in. 11. 1111..1'. f)r pre,fo,slonni services. Tutor Gut:-hall, for, repairing in Cum (are, • 1. PIII.%TING Comm:v[o'4 public 1)114401)g, .1, It. Drat toil, do. • • do. • EASTMIN. I'ESITtNTIART., For suppcvrt ,af Coil v s, • CdifIVEY - PENITE . NTIARI. — Ott aceount of contrae En of jail, Joseplt):%l'llartnottil, Sheriff, for.impport • of prisonors, forM. ..1633 49 . ! N. IV. NVorahl. C. tl lby, tud'others, for rint hing 'for p e lsoi;,ri. lit jail. John liraMit and tli4ge NV. Milton, for • Omni coal. Carl isle Ilas Water Company, for use of . water for jail, • . IloOtz. for ninking hey, • John)). cior::M,..;.'for stove pip0.4c.... A. S. I,yne, or east iron plate for jail; ilhump k holden, for paving gotten In • jail yard, •Saninel Ilimbitrmltitornaj-•Thr Sytningionoi7; 'W. NV. IMP, physician to jail, • Jacob Bowman, hei4lt, for support. of •• e • "- - 1 , 001?. FIOUbS. Jacob Scinior, Vaq„.Trrastirer , amount In full of:4;4luiato .f0r.1853, 0500. 00 6ollins Storen*iin, ris visiter to PoOr !rouse, 10 00 N1itc11011N1fAto0; . , : (1- - :- , •10 00 n't7 Joh. lirmin, for services as Director, . 90 00 -John Clolidenin,, ' . do.. . .3U 1. 1 0 Lieorze Brlndle,„,3 • . do. . . • 30 - 00 110.0 ORDERS AND DAMAGES. — ' Isaacs Miller, Samuel Saddler, and others, damages awarded by the Court; ' - ' • 78r - 41--- Paid sundry liersous ou certificate, BRIDCIZS. John Finley lo full for buililing,l4 . lilge at -QrrP, Job inn , * in rut! for lneddiin4 • lira David Lehman and alight i repalva nf ear r Tn , "7.7! Eral r j ludepptitliint, Cuinborliurid aud.U.nion fire . • 47 10 . . . Assqs , :a., liar services performed in 1855, ELpOTIO2i I I. •', • - Officers o.fgen.oral•and tOustilp election • :'BB3 • ' • ',tow , . lludvsil Natchor, ono year's ...BOW*. Os :.caper of paiille buildings, • Mrs. 'hallw antt,Mvs. Moutly, sc rubbing .•nut cleauiug court reetn, lAlll'llo,l' Steel, for. w lutprig clock,, otlitUls, for cepairs, - - I;trlialu tins and ate: emujianyi-for use Ca4;lterlol . COUrt 1 . 1 , 11/ki, .11111‘,11', ji,j,iqt, fluid., I.olll.thOlige, A ut!vew [Lecher, tbr lucks, and • • nutking-Ley; ' - • ' • Monroe .‘• 1.,e gas and water idpas In • court•huuse, , LOANS AND . INTI:IttgT'S ON LOX..NS: Bonds , paid and interest, 4OO 00:), ----- • r,s, I 00:: 4 9,176 C 7 :i0.r,46 Cr . IVnizllell, anidunt of eoutract.for o ^ reeting . fence, , . . ' Oonia,ll , sionerg' travelling eipensys ' for . .1 , 1111 N. A rinstvenr.:;•for 1 nuttier, . .. • • &din IL liNnilt. pit. stone-coal fo.GISL S , -? lleinry Whir,. for eharcoal, " .... Uln ~ ae:l Doek, for sealb - . . 0 ' -- . . . !l-ie-n-••-t,r-t•Itafeoall . --- - iioflry Sa:,ton.; toe 1L ,;; ;; .•&,..., 7 • • •• . . .Inetill Spaliglor. Por taming trees, ' - Win. Line. tor trees,. ;nnt kkli Alfre.l t;ponsier, fir assisting ..___ _. cg - • ' () • •. ' S 11. Hoover. for Ininher, . • _llarney__Kurney.. fOr NrlnteNi - ailting t •-• '.'"' _ A. Seri enian. for 10..r•i• hire, J 'ohn 11. 11r.ittll, for re.stage,, • . (Iva :NV, Stiemrer, t:. , r agrienitursl society, Andrew, livelier. antl,others, <t 4 .„ ' . .. . ing Ali 11~ • • 24 to ENE 27T 7.7 11 ( TT.II 1117" k" -`l,44ivanQ._PSnllt..Fsit,. fir lv,iding' in . ' gnra and jnr,.rs'-pay, - --- - --J. Iri I f fi77177-1,1 tioorge Miller, and otlient . • • '' • • ABATEMENTS. 641 1(11'2 6❑ 51's' 107 1) • Henry 111•Alithntl , uinl other entlectors, •AbatenlenAft nitwc4 . tax I,:tyyr6 - far r. IS:A and '55.. t ,11171 Fir., , 1317 11C (e,t 1 ' John; and Others yclunded taxes. , • FOX ORDERS. • On o.rtihi.l4es f”r f,(x - seal ps .2 6 's ..•2 • Amount of Constables' returns an etrcift . fly ninm fl plt, mi f'ominissioners' orders. voinviiisi , fii 'fees- at 13":-; 617 29 _ . • nenneut. money in Treasurers' harpt, 1 01t.411111.104uup: dd 1y,(1.0111.,0.14-5, /1.5.-7. 2 40 ( . 4 41.04 , ret'S ni; pvr cent., 1,345 o.Exonerat.Mns, 7 '2 ' .5 98 EOM . CI3).titEr.I.AND COUN'TV. - ..,. • -. I l Mi o i f t i C h u e :r i r ) e . g! 3 d i' n d i:, • ~..- _ ~., , ,a, ~ ~,,,IN t - 1 ,;) ,e 1 . 3 . the ,h ; c (i . ,: i n i t i l i i , t!s a s n io a n s e u r ',.....,_...-..".'"---- :m a erriet -statiTnTe-fitaf-rereiii . tot ea— ' \--:--' ' iliendit,ureg of ilia eountybreattid; from the _lt.t..l:iy nf..lanuary, to the 31,4 day of 1)i-enther, 1555. inellod re. as afso.:l khed tile - of theeoutstaroling taxeM nu - the :',I-t day of December: 1555. in the I,,,roinjo ---- nnd \NIIAI i PS tllerein, stated. touetlitd , trith . ..l...stattt...,. ' 111(ifit'of the-ea ponditures under ezvdt : headrof iippnl.:l:l ' tlons mado by the C..nitok,loners 'in • compilanre n id: • - the requisitlons rmtt dined In the 22t1 and lid se tires ' of an :let of Assembly "it -thim-CZnntnonarealth_ptti.b_e_d tito 15th by Of April. 1534. Witness our hands. and - r4„ - ::11 ot . offtee, at Ciirlisle, this 20th'day,of January, A. D r , - • - .1:A1;M STRONG. - , t___ 0 F.(1..51. (11:ADAM, „ Vottuulesionere. " • - NV, 31. HES D hat SON, . ''., A ttest—M..W[st, derk.' . . . . 1 c,6—.72, MEM ll'i -- 2fi - - . . • C1111111.1t1.V.11 , Cnr)ITT, SS. • . . • We. the-.undt , rsigned Auditors of Cumberland county Met accotalitm to law. and .. hat log examined the ac counts awl yowlers of N. W. Woods, Esq., Treasurer rd said county, front the Ist day of January. to the 3lst (Irty- of Detoonir.-.4.:l).lS:l3,_iuclusivo, do certify _the • we find 'OWIIM tito"freasurer. \..W. Woods. Esq.. the now of hundred and two dollars ant ninetymne and a half cents. due by the. county of 'Cumberland. as will :tppeax, by the . foregoing exbildtion. In testimony : • whereolTh're' have - hereunto set - mt r •hands at Carlisle, 'this '2l;th day of January. A. I). lt4M. , . • - ' 3.II.IIItAWIIAUtIIf, ) . .1.-STEINM AN, 1- Auditors — ISAAC lUNhWAI.T. 47 77! A I:I 7 AVI.ON OF ALL .PIIOPER. Ty A ,5i.::.741 Foi; Tlll,l YEAR 1350. taxable Co. 0.10,1'; -mot `tutu purposes, tin- iv( urnent I.y the •;,.....,,,,,, ,2; A A , .re!..petl y e tow it3l;lps. and 144.01101 . s in I 'nn0.. , ..'.1... , 1 ".• lint) , to .ject to reision and appeal. .t,‘,. r -1, ; n.. nn:" Aggregate y.11.' 1 n et•ease on - t•.. -- r -- 11;:ir. , . 1 - tor 15311.- 6 A t.3ess,2s3.—Decreaae . earl relo. • 1 • 363,01:„8 -. 107:146 Inol:inson, 1:203.620 165,132 Ea,i 1'enn:•ib0r0,490.547 3,0 8 2 .. I•'m I. ul. rd, - ' 274.086 '-. \ 12.139 llampten, 564,107 .,..... 4:3.025 11,,pn.n di.__..,_______2'29-7_9.9__________l 4 ; 763 I._ Lowe Allen ; , ' 618:051 - 20,21 - '3litliitY. ' . - 311,421' . - 8.36::. Monroe', . ' 917.202 - 00,489 Noellatiesburg, -264,1(1 ~. C6,lCtf Nertli 'sliddleton,' 83:1•506 1017.690 -N ..IV y ill e. . • 155.544 - 13,589 - New t',,'Mutlateliiiiir,-...50.951 '',. ' 6,074 New toil. - ' 715,338 . 85.064 . ont-101111,11elonr•--1-.00" "‘91.4__./7150- . Sllve'r Spring, 04 . 3.009 . - , • Southampton, . • 605.430 '66 - .981. Siiippensburg - linr , 322,706 . - 76,1115 -Sit ip pen hi , LI rit_tiq,.. 181.003 . 79,622 - _tipper Opp. - nt14,:2711 • .----- - r-'" --- 37 - ',160 -- W est Pentisbero, 910,286 - - •• 130,406 2:ir rar ~ ‘,(' OEM 3: 7 00 tit 00 I'd) OR - . --,---1-?,14411,a24_ j1 , 12 : : : L-1 1 3 -. --- .K17. ._._ . h. iv ..J.— ,The 'first Pre . ;ilium nwai•liC , ir, held' at. Harrisburg in 1855. also tirstl county Fairs of Northumberland, Frai •comlng; Centre. West 'arachnid. ' Washin; huyibil: Montgronery,'Delaware, and- Ci petition vr i tlifFiTiiiiyit7lB-11.ftriffiTe74. mowers; 'The Attoll's self-raking reaper' rum •—, __ -11 - be I'4 - , sale'at the'Fictory at llarrlsburk, 'also at lloyer4 Bros. Farmers wishing. reapers and mowers fir the next harvest can hare them at a reduced prise, by. slviugt.beir, orders tbr them baths-e the lot of March, 187% • ~ • Priceffl Reaper-rash. - -.- - - - • - .$lO, _ ' .'' _ Renper and Mower, cash. - - - 190, If ordered before the lot of March; after that time, ' freight frorii Dayton, Ohio, added. • - Price of Reaper anal Mower on time. $2l)0; seventY. five dollars out dellvery;seventy4ive dollars .on-ist -- 01 - October, and fifty dollars Ist January, 1857. All tbs reapers' warranted to.-give..entire..satisfaction, or the • money- . . refunded. Leave orders with _ HENRY 1.. BURRAIOLDBII, Agent for Can* nand county-and Travelling Agent Direct all o ere and letters V ... - -J AM El PATTON'. (I eneral Agetrit . foir 1111115yiValli&• . . Jan '2;..1, 1856.-Iv. vrEssri - tro Dysp - E Tres—Th - ose i_youwho hateheenalllicted for years with this , '1 of botneranno illseise -And who, have been using. almost . • • • •-ak6l-1.4:,._1,,,iii11e witlunit lef we Say 110 , 48 •2.g S 6 • '21%87 - 5' 1 4 8 182 :it) 7044 i 25 00 EMI to you try . Kielter'S Autibyspeptto" and yokwittgoon 1, of its. Rreat 'superiority over-ever. other , imp:v.4l%qt. o 1.1:04 give you many o . ort Mentes 'orol:; out , :I;,ertloio.lifit, a singlo trial is worth mors -9390 IQ • , ' lvo,' 'l'll6 romo•ty is.prepared and.soltt at the Diu, More or it. J. KKi PrER, senth. Hanover street a frt , ' ttoors soUth of t 1 ClUrt - 1 1- se, 4 70 , ) 7 32 APPROPRIATION 'A,I3BBSSOft B . .31 . 1.SCELLA " : 1 1 .101 Jfi. INQUESTS logl do. (1,, 111:kfUN D ED. TAXES, r cossTiaii,ltS',l -l ETuuNs • - 41;151.64;4. -. 41.151 6.4 "Atu:atht of receipts, Valance due Treasurer, 381 213. 75 00. 19 00 2.' 0 17 75 - 7 - 22 21 il ( 3,i b 50 CHM - iso oo =I 1 C 5 77 • 1; 8 v 0 • 01) 20 , 111. I'4l ~3s 19 , u 0 5 0 600 5 60 92. 60 4 4 IP -100 00 _ 53 it -P l / 6 IK 31.!1,4 1. -16- 17 9101.4 22.52 El] 47 50 8 08 .55.725 - 79/A, 102 sol3i '