4: N II P a tathlt f)frol,b. giV, ME 041.ILLISra.le, PA. IVEDNESPAY, MAR,CH 5, 1:855 Oc earob3t (nth o.,ljeapest Foper IN CtikltEltbAND COUNTY. 4 • , TEWIS =Two Dor..bAlts A YEAR, of t ONI*DOLI LA R AND Flrfl' CENTh. IF PAID IN A $1 75 'lrr-PAI W TIJIN The YEAR: STATE ONV-E:1-1.7-T10A[. • • rl&l:W.'*- Union' far `"the Sake-:of the Union., Tho uth:rsigur.ll, 31ontb, , rs of the - T.Ogislitturti of 'loop -sole . rti'd by their citizens, in tli;T:Qt . e.ot, Kris.;.or tile. Comnimilvealth, : .,to . : — dentist,a fiLiitAiruntie,t rwtion, by whirh the trostruct pulley Ittul principles' the Nation:it A'iliTin'Tscrziihtti . unty eii-opetlfii fit die s:tilit,iiorit State Picket,-rt•speetfutly 411 whn are in nvor of such et -moventent;io tissylltblo in City:toil Comity Cool eittions . ' . ON THE 19th or MATZCII T10Nt..1.0 elect, - dologntes equal in -,, • .nuntlier tn . thelrrepresentation in the z 4 tate Senatn and House of Re.presnitatiies, to a Cmiveiitimito lie lo•Id pt. 11 AltitlSlttiltn, •ON 2C/01 uui •iqt: SAW aeireTie, fir the:pit:)oSe ofliZmilnatin7,4 riiiiiihlatt:a for Auditor (one . Caput Cosloistio;ter.,:atd uricynr Goueral, to he suppotiedat:the vhsoing vlectim), mit'd to tat:s stich other political action as maythe mecessary to the erHs. - . •• R. - It. Nt 'cum It,• - tr; nun", • _ • .1. W. frCILLISIIEIt, ' ‘ JAME . J. i.r.`wis, rtnumPoN, - D.Avw TAnGlwr, j .J. .G 811UMAN 0 _ L. REED., - I'. W. lIOUSEICIIEPEIiv JACOB i4TItI7III,E, Fa. .1011 DAN, MOVIItIB, PHILIP CLOVER; 131311=11 ANDREW GREGG, D. A. FINNEY, HENRY SOUTIiER, lit NO' C. ruATT, SAMUEL K. , HA NEfi, WILLIAM HAMILTON, SAIII'L CALDWELL. Harrisburg. Feb: 10, .1556 itx 11IEET1co.—A ineetitw-of ___:_A_Ni the American party, and nil those . in favor et• its principles end: ot \I/tots—will he held nt_Edn ca Doti . Hall :, on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT; for the purpose of- making arrangeinentS tor t o spring election MANY CITIZENS. 714.310CitATIC STATE CONVENTION,- 111.615e . ii : 16Wairegtletonvention for 016 nomination of candidates foe-Canal Cow= ,thiSsioner, Auditor qopwal, and ,urvey-- pr Gqneral, was to meet s 'in . . yesterday. • ) itFirlhetonvention y'estertlay appoint ed ,delegates to the •Cincinnati' Conven tion' ananipously in favor of-' Buchanan, and' formed electoral.. ticket. Judge Stinni . is the delegate frouLthis- 'district. =Ca. A. K: i‘feelure, l i pr of the Harrisburg Telegraph, having eenyeLposed for HO lioniination of -Au di r General by the Anti . .I)ieree St to Convention, states in-his last paper Altai . he is not , ,aeandidate and *mild -•under circum§tapces_laccept a nomination 4,1 StateTpcil wets last sleek 'an - d ratified the nowinations of Fillnore`_and- Donel-' _ son. • The Aineriean menibers Of the N. , Y:begishi-ture also held -a"meeting last .. Week.at Which resolutions . were passed de.elaring that . Fillmoi.e Was not their. first choice but acquiescing in the- notni . • natiens; The Old line Whigs of the eity_ of New York Inc( in 'Cousti tution ..11.al I on ... ..TueSday night last:and' -resolved 'To7lifi'e, -. one IUT Tired "UTTS i11 .1 101124'41 . 110 . nimii-. natio of Millard Fillmore. '-.. . • HAS, •SEEN 44 SAII. -i -"The ' question wh'pthey - 11t!Filhuore . is a member of the Americana Order•i!s satisfactorily settled - . At - a, ince ti c). of the - Y. • tata—Coun oil latw9ek ? "-:a member stated : that . a :,-,l!comitiittee-was-appointed- whirsvaitdd—up ❑ hini.and adininistered the oaths at hi's ro Idence Ho was never council -ro6in although fuliyiniOat.ed. Tho Hon. GEORGE M. DALLAS sailed . fol. Etn'ope . on .•.Stiturrlity, in "the steamer Atlantic. accompa= ny him tO. London. : , (•. L lll.,BEqiccit, 8. M(;ult II EA I)i„ ,14:1,0I1 MA I'M WU = A. W. mt,twronn,. 111.:SitY WINTIIIIIiE, JONAS AUGCSTINE, 0. J L. B*l, DAV Igi IV. A. BARRY; 1)- J'llt:J,J"~ DANIEL LOTT, DAVID 1173iA, JAml s . 31• sELLEits, JOIIN (; 'DA V . 11). 3_llKl. L 'NG Ell, IC APA J. irROWY. WERIII ______ FILLMORE AND'DQ.NELiiION". .„. • . correspondent wishes to,knOW.vilieth-, 1:y cold, allusion.' to. 'the .notnination of Donelsdn,' TM' , the - ,1. - 'residenciand Vice Presidency,„ in • our .last ptperiAs_to-helaken, as,an-indication . •or our intention not to 'support.' those candidate. To w)lieh we •answer, no • If our allUsiou to the nominations seemed cold.to:linlione we' are free , '•to- confes• timt.we J.id not feel like .making . a. hypo- . _ critical shor of cestacy:and.Fildly • !!1g up .our - hat over notnikiatiom; • which 9_ almost every sngacioug . • Opponent of 'Franklin Pierce achuits to 11:!Ve bee i prematurebr an•oscrp, upon the country. .We have - no ob'ectiong to mak,: to Messrs. Fillmore and . DonelsOa: A. 4; Au old servatie' Whig, whose prey oms—Admitiz, istriition- of the govei nini ri? of men of all parties, 'Fillmore is en- .titled to our heartiest aupliort._ 'What i it-sighted • unwisedailiey a : ny . notidnations at this tithe. If witle.-'spread . party—dis,- - cord and disaster a \ r.ellot alp snfC.e . onse- - -quenee none will niore heartily rejoice than ourself. o - \Vo feel safe thatAlle uniFersal coirvie t ion among all tlio.opponenth of Franklin the North at least—was that (!ielate - cl thenostpenenienCaf the Pri.sillential notoinatiops , to a later day. .IVidle tlic racket., confusion .and turbulence ufthe . Philadelphia Gonven tiun_was at: its height ; the people- ; felt but little euncern., :They expected the them -6 rant and rail, .and when they had "elf;:tuNell tlwir ;duffed hosoins or tho perilous stuff Which Iveigheti upfut.thout." • to adjeuim_ and leave "thelJoioli - • saff.t.Y. The press liad-everywhere.spokbe against. 'raking 'milli nation's—the general feeli - way agaiast'imminations ; arid, flie d party expected rio noininatinnit. Manifestly the true poli.ey was base waited -. anti] the Anti Pierce feeling of _the. : eounti'y had been wore brou , die ton head plansfor union could'lntv'e been coneert-: ed—until the. ultraistu or Republicanism could have been modified and the ohjee ,LtiOnalile seerpt nine,hiner_y_Of___A:Meriean— Lism d.i'svensed with. The noininaliTi of a new and fresh man might tins ltakl beau secured, ripen whoinAinerteans, Republieatts and Whigs could'hare eor - mithout any essentiliae ritiee of opinion or. •ririnciple; , This is, what-we : felt confident might easily- be donc4 it is what - we earnestly hoped would be qlope,.. .But the tominatien of Fillmore and DopelsOn:Wre fear preeliid6' the hope'of that, uniolsi - whieh is so'essen tial - to success. As we before remarked * . 4.1 lave iia'":tiergotial - to - the . _ 111191. - If wo,had-they 'would be .of no . moment and would be our duty as well as ,our- plehsnre ..ta. yield them to the ,general. good, But Our objection .is -that the genera! g.ti Q d• has not_ been se riF ugly cared for, andTiliai, a' mere sectional triumph has been , th e_su ceess _of:111e -.Tea -- cau - m — r.flfes6 aro our views:. But while holding , these .views we can -1---assure-mm.correspoifent-we-I nive — nt,' - iv,::, — 'ten ti on .of iwa gi ng-wa r..against. the -A meri.H can canal ates. '_ We stil) hope the Wit):„. m irtil' .::: ' ' ay b eopened - foi.,.n. union 'of a eIC ' no. , ... t, i -Mere 6' ' eletni.fits in' the Lapproachin . ...,. . . contest fates reports from - Kanzas indicate the danger of hos- 1 tile collision as again exceedingly itnini- 7 neat._ The . new State government was to be brgenized•this week. . _ • , •, "' •-tc4. ; ,Our acknowledgements are due to the H00'.."14, - 1 7 otld', of the IT, House of Representativel, and to ; Messrs. Son , ators Wheriy and ~ W elsh of our, State LegislatUre for public dacuthetits. - • • the'Monic of La Tralipi, who, , • it will lib recollected , figured in Lanoaster - and other cities, , certain " awful 'disclosures," . and who was .afterwards impriSoned• for life in Wisconsin for thurdering the paramour of his wife, ORS repented, recanted and confessed' his desire to return_ to. Illother!Cliurch. • - . . . ' . . .Xtge.The t he till% 'fieulty with :Ugland. Yippreliensionp. of war'are diesiputeti. . . • • • • • 4rlrlsatvi) • (otinti) lltatters. P.oFt-iimsfer Genernl has re-established the postf-,diico: Tilotint _Rock, a - nd__ appiliked Cn t:Geo.-Miller_psst,niaster: DR. " VKLENYINE.fr-T.lllS_ . . . provoker of mirth haS again. come among us, and announces' one' o r f . racy entertainments ; • or the lovers of fun find all viho would "latigh and grew fat," for this'eVening,,the sth inst. ;Tlie,Pr. z has - a , ivorrd-wide rep - Oittion, and the :bare announcement is euffidient to draw. a crowded Rouse . He. holdi_ forth in :Educa tion Halt at o'clock. . - • , F.t.MAT , II:SE.MINARY.We . are glad. to '.earn that .a projectis on toot nusler_favorable aispfen's 'for:the .establishmeitt' of a Female. Seminary in our berougli: 4o An institution tie ind.has long been needed here atilt :can scarcely fail. to be suciies,sful. The new:Sem ttery.,.ttlitzrohably,he openedlh the month 'of .-Apriror charge of nligentle man of high reputation, end experience. ..- _ . SlxTH_LEC.rartt..-=,-,The sixth. and. final lecture of.the course before the Union Fire GoutPany-is-announced'for ThlirsdnyLevening; the • Gth inst.,..hY 11. M. Jpn.NsoN,'D.,D: : The, suhject-;-a'review or thawatlitz—with the Pro fessors reputation ns inn orator, will no , doubt draw a crowded house, .ow.ing to' -the painful accide'nt 7 in . Mr. Ehy.'s fnntily, *Marion Hall has not been engaged, a'nd•the lecture will -he deli.vc;Ftd in the Courl "Ilousr. The ' Carlisle Biliss 'rand' will vrry. the entertainment by theie•fti.st appearance'in public.'• , LI K.E. Aa ret- jrlay , came itClikefilion" on Saturday last. Snow 'con -t mett-fattlM,g--AV , . d - d-on -S otid fir . wenthiT thouglttlear was cold and blustery. Btit thoughwititerstill lingers, hi;} • icy reign musttoori:be over:, - , By end by. 'in the : lan: gunge of a contemporary, witl : bruin forth n sun that-shall burst the chain of the . rivers, - and seta theni upon their -- Oppointe;l - : - Oourse - , • with a fUller tide than ever, and turiitheisnow upon the Jnountaini into-. torrents that shall swell the brooks into thighty v e . treamst• mut _ - then will spring up • i - theetnerald grass and the little flowers that ought to temper " the winds of March with heauty!.! is no v the Sp - ring's rightful time, and Winter will 'he compelled to wrap his white robes:about him; and . Majesti .......... . ..... •- snowballishly anti ielonlat:t terrible as has beoi his r . ule,,,,he rill satin be ainiiitv. the things' that, were." • litiswAT., QoNvENTlo.—Prots."°A. N. D I .ip,:4l_ll, /1. - yroot, as4iste4l-441i::i t .11. : S : Whitehouse_aud ihiss Hattie Briggs, will open one of their popular Musical ConYentions in l l;',4ucqtion Hall oh •Aloicday, • the 10th of -Morph, at 01. o'clock in the morning, at,whfch instruction willsbe jb givert in pll, the different c . branches of vo • 1- - n rnwkia. \ The convention Will Continue in_se siofor - flye days, during, which lime`such it till 441 course of 'lectures and tr nittinsucti in will be .given_ as cannot •lail - to - Ig - Itly.lieneficial and infereS - ting• to': all' Who will)lttymi. Books Will be furnished for ihr,use of Itt,., convention, - Pert of ... the_ time Will he set ari,r,t, for 'instruction to' . a juvenile class. There •• 'Wi„B he three . concerts divillg_the_COnvention . ,:ofNtkich,slue. potice will be f.iyf'll.. TlCk,etS to the whole coitrse:iit eluding concerts, for Ladies . 50 cents ; for . f.fentlernorf!„dellar; for .children to . .tlieNjuve- . . le clog's 25 cepts;..fertesingle athnissio