Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 05, 1856, Image 3

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E 2
IktAnvtLLots itEmEßyi FOR
mAnAtuoIIS AG •
. - •
By the ald,of a microscope, we see millions of little
openings on the surface of our bodies: Through these
• tlOintment, when rubhe on the skin, is carried to
anyorgAn Inward Part.. Diseases of the Kidneys*,
disorders of the.Liier, affections dt•tlid heart, Intima
tion ottlr Lungs, Asthinas, Coughiand Colds, are hy •
••• its ineatmeffectually cured. Every - housewife knows
. that , salt. passes freely through 'hone .or meat, of any,.
thlekness. - This healing Ointment, far more readily
penetrates iltrau4h any hone or fleshy part of the living
• b 6 4 3 c, .S dam erous inward corn
. that gantlet be reached by other means.
No remedy ha ever done so much for, the cure' of
pawls - or the Skin whatger form 'they may assume, as
thcr•Obitotent. No. ase'of , Salt Rheum, Seurvy, Sore
-Meads, SerofulcChr Erysipelas,-'can long;.withstand
4nfluencc.- - . The Inventor has travelled over many parts
ofthe .^.lobe;visity . ig the principal hospitals. dispensing •
this Ointment, giving mince as to its application, and
has thus - been the Meat:mot-restoring countless numbers'
•- • .
---sont_hgos.,sollE_artbAsTs,WOU,NDS AND 111.46103
Some . if the most - scientific surgeOninoii rely solelY
on the use of this"wogderfut Ointment, when hating,
to cope with the worst cases of sures. wounds, ulcers,
gLamalular .swellings, - auti tumors. Professor Holloway'
--- 11,Why`ntffiltartd•ottlie,Allied - Gairernments ,. di s p ateli--,
ed to the hospitals of the liast, large shipments of this
Ointment. tif be used under the directions of the Medi
cal Stall. in the Worst cases.of wacuuds.. It will cure any
- ':ulcer h6andular ewefing, Stiffness or contractiokorthe
Aoints, even of 2.0 year's standing. - .
—Th es ,,,,t o ther_simijar_dietre44aays aaomplaints can he
tJi utaim i tJ,,be well rub in over
- P
theai'taa a ff ected cad by otherwise following t
ell directions aroufid 'each pot.
Bunions Piles
Burns. Rheum:Latino).
Cliapp.4llands Salt Ghetto)
Chilblains Skih Discases
Fistulas • Bores Legs
' Gout Sore Breasts -
Lutuba 70 , Sore !leads
- Mercurial Prop- Sot:a : Throats
' tiona . Soren of all kinds
*** Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Ilettowar,
bo Maiden- Lane, Now York, and 244 Strand, London,
and by all respectable Druggests and Dealora of Medi.
_ tines tlu•oikhout the United States, and the civilized
world. in Pots. at 25 cents. 62 , /,4 Bents, and $1 each.
AN — There is a cettimiderable saving by taking .the
. larger sizes..
•• B. Directions for the •Xublance of patientiju'every
— 'disorder - are - allizeil to each-Ptiti
..1.660 -1 . • $1.60 11 - .
. • 'ks • • a!vii • •
Cut out and preserve the f•fl-
Tz:-r ,, 57 lowing card. .Itls_particulaily.
important to tvrit imizas- Aso
• it TRApst.t.kas, to prevent their
. being misled and deceived by
• the lying •-boasts, false promises,- and •spindous - -rocoln:
tuoitations - (frota the dead and' unknown) of foreign
••, anti I , .faf,ive quaeltseiiniftioni there are more in
• delphia t ttau elsewheye, because of the ci..sinuiwy of the
laws of Om:Rate. Citizens know and avoid theta. • ..
'laving Lried eau to twenty dollars worth of Quack
- Idixtures,-I:xtracts, Invigorating _Elixirs, Cordlals,Alit.
tors, kc., without effeethaffitig beep- deceived by tuts.
—represeuted-filid-exaggerated_accpunts_ of 1?clf-Abuse,
Secret Diseases and ,their consefluenceS7pUliliSlitfd-in
, Advertisefnents, Books, &a., and misled by false re
ceipts and wrong advice - contained therein, purposely
to increne sufferings, and alarptund frighten the un
thinking, the more easily to esitort ItsrAe feefOrhich
more evident, being sold for tinfi cost of printing;
and adeertising)—havitig paid five to one hundred dol
Raving suffered much and...leng,—though the time lost
cannot I'' recalled, noriho Money Tecovered you paid
• 'and-Were defrauded of, yet •you eAll , be cured. however
bad, lon g.standiu,"_or afiliZtlng your case, fly Dr. Liaer
• •'y betinius; Delays.are.dau-erdu.S."
--,21j1114-is-gouuy_;_!kiinelA Cll,l uarned"
_, . .
Finglo, ,uarried, or•euntemi,ilating marriage, suffering
from Self-Ahuso )(nits conseifuenece, or suffering Pr ot
any utitor ,eauses,defocts,, or deseasos, and LA DI I ,
whatever their dis m
eases or situations, ay himora ly
, rely and eunfide In Dr, Leidy's skill and suece-ss. c
-1 commilations,_if resfuired: with kind and iAlleient at
tend:ince, at Ha. Liltil"S PRIVATE lIOSVITAL • • '
' 'MUTH' IS MAGI!, rir AND WILL l'itEX.All.l
, is NyFigo,i - tiie following cs,„uinot lie contradicted, namely;
that • :
N. lir LEIDY, •
r 6:- ,
Na. 11•4 North F.AIRTII Street,..aboye Itae, • •
Is the oulf regular Physician residing . in Pitiladel
`Phia,---Grattuato of-the—University (Cpeuivsylyania,.ot*
/533. (twenty-two years) exclusively engaged in the
treatment orSorret or DulicatoLlseo.vs of both sexes;
Solf-Abuse and its. consequences; 'Weakness
and lna`dlity ; Nervousness ;. IrregUlarities and other
diseaseX or situations of Females; and which ho'will
curodu hiss time :and less restraint; inore - offectually,
thitu any other, under fMfeit'of '
Land. has more patients: and cures' them too,
„tliaAxa!i ddvertili - ing Doctors so 'called or otherwise, in
Ph lb oI oi phiTi refers - 'to Profes
cori and. , re peetiblo PhysieialA, many of Whom consult.,
hint_ he , Critiase.s, and respectable Citizens, Meg',
CII3:AS Ana 11 WI Proprietors, as to his known 4klll,
putation and , unparalleled success.
can have necessary advice and medicine •sont them by
manor otherwise, to any part' the . United States,
giving a desc • ription of their cases vyncloslng a reason
able tee) by letter to Dui N. W. LEI DV,
• -. No. IYt North YOTORTlLlAtterlit,xleive Race, .
' • W.R.--,---tetters .orliiquirf or llnfornafition &ILA, (ex
coptfront patients) to recelveiattentlon, miißt . pontain
ONR DOLLAR, in consideration of time and trouvbie an
Owering and information given. •
'Augnstls, 1855.
. -
A, XI ERS o'o K .11 E RE .
• . 3FACIIINES! '-
I C ` he
subs6ribers desire to infornafaruivra and .publie
generally that they•now • have on hand and are constant
ly nianaftet urlug Threshing Machines with. Plerpout's
Patent'yhaker, which are generally acknowledge - lite he
theibevt,iii use. Also a vaidety;of Clover
Hullers:Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters. They also
attend to the repairing of Agricultural..3laeli nory in
the best limner audon reasonablp terms. 3tahuilie.-
toey',oa.Sortli Hannover Street, directly opposite the
resileoce of 4leorge Metzger, L'sq.•
August S - '53. Anings A PLANK..
--• . .
A,EaL PAPER:---Just eceited a
• splendid 'stork of Paper Ihingi ge, Windaw
---Phadeisiud_Kireboard_Prinis, embracing all the newest,
and in , r,t, 3'114 roved 'styles. The deki, , ms are neat and
'haste, and 'the prices such as eannothili to give satis
faetion. We invite our friendd and the public general
'lf tq eit!l and exaqiiiie out/assortment before purchasing
alsewliere. - • --"""7. —•-, .It. 5.A.X71792 , 4
• • mai , h2l' ,
East I'daln'Street. Carlisle
. - - - •
ft kNOTHER INVOICE . - OF EicaPant
_•. Xerale Worke&Collars.ll.oling;lawtrtfpolpd
~ ...i.,:rtr,ina,jui receved. from Now Yorkoit; very reduce!
........ _ . 1.
pri...... , • i , 4 , - CII AltUl t i OUILLIY- •
. R IIOELLP,RS:- - --A new
I ..11 . poripr artfele fur hanging . Barn Doptr. .ffißt
-- .ri;..r Or t • • , SAIToys. •
Sprains .
:Awellin;.; Glands
Stiff .16iti.t.s—L.
- .l3irrrs -
Veneri:tl Soros
Wounds . of all
J 1 iciiic ..
. .V
"Ronson's wholo Pleasure, all tlie joy% alms°,
Lie iu three words—licaltd; Peace, and Competence.
. .
. • .
.... • •
But ivhotiLw,e.have altliction or anguish of - dis 2
eases; is not , uur.ipleasure, Ouiv joy, and our.'hapidOoss
thereby destroyed r_ let our sick- "fellow-being suf- !
'for . Thos not QOM. say : "With the Same Me sure ye
mete, it shall ba 'Measured to you again?"—Mat. 7 2.—.1
:' , Who : is a wise iitailit u'd TOndowed 41th:.knowledge .
mongyou, lot him allow out of s good aonvers4tion, bin.
works-with Meekness and wistlum.
Sillt,o4ltY A:SD
DER, Surgecin and- Physionin, who is Botanist and !
Thyslologist,•and is of our best Cello*
ges, and bas made.himself acquaintial.with all the vita ,
uuKSYitellig - ornddICATSCiiIIICOTIAIIIi -v a tlr..thu-ra c tuLLl
,discoveries- and -improvements in the various' depart
ments-of the Healing Arts; faithfully attends to ordoys
for Surgical and Medical Aid. alid Wiese medicines tire.'
all made or coMpuscd strletlYin accordance with the
Sciences of Pathology, Botany, llydrotatthy -rind Physi
ology; and whose auedichtes are all composed of whole
some routs,.piants, add hydropathy, good broil diseases,
and to whom the afflicted are invited to apply timely.
Ilis•Oharactei by . Respectable Neighbors, So..
Copy of a - letter froui_the Env. C. 11. Leinb.tch to Mr.
It. IL. Etter, of the - Waruf Spring's. Itestected-iiiri-Al
lownie to introduce tp,your friendly notice, Dr. CARD
, • 4111.1 :for - sixteen
years, he has done business for tan with so Tie on
esty add with accuracy; therefore I do believe him to
be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any facts
you only see proper to confer on him, will be highly ap
preciated by his numerous frieuill; and by'none more
highly than your-sincere friend and humble utt. •
•'Landisburg, Pa., July 15th, ISSIF : i '
Copy of a letter - from-George Spahr, Esq.; County
Treasurer.-1 do certify that the hiedieal advice of Dr..
.I.!..C,._Vardder has surpaased any other ivhlch i. have
hitherto hadi it the cure of severe levet' iii my. fandly.= ,
itWO ultl4ll ethfo coin tti u s ho_
may he afflicted with aforesaid disease or otherwise, •
EURU E 41'Aillt.
Illoondield, August 2001, - 1851. . ' •• •
1111..CA111)1.1liti._•belng...well: acquainted -with thy re
, cent French discoveries, Witt) then 4 new acid Sille . ,lllo4eB
of tricitunnit, and,the speedy and certain-renhidies and
cures for - Dyspepsia, Liver t.:omplailit,s, Dysentery,'Clitil
era - Mtirbus amt.:ill Complaints of the Bowels and Stunt
itch; Superitir Remedies for the prevention and cure of
A.,,tafie Cholera., Remedies foi ail the - defects and ilis
vases of Lice Generative Organs and reproductive Ocoee-
Mon - and, women ; Reineilitia-ibranisinity_;_euctain_
i L ud i tlitieiy_aures_for,a.LCimsutiptipus , `liiip . ;ten ee.,
ility. Sexual Abuses, V edereal Diseases-au at r Weft' foriiiiT
Suppressions and ottier delicate relOalvcompl4ints.
three rentedriS eniseate front - the utost,Thilible-littinee - of ,
Itotany•and llydropittlis combined, (but no poison.)—
"“ll eat all nialinOr of :de :Miss and till nianner of disease., l i
I New restainent. for healing that Christ enienteu.
I dealt the Satuaribin.--Ltike, and eith cone ,
mm ine.ulS. ..eroye all thiiigs, hold last that - which - is -
Thessalonians. u, di. "Theretiwe let us be
t ware of lay lip : what we'should lay out for health,
for there is.tuat scatterethand yet iiicreitseth, and there
is that witltholdeth more than is meet., t ieutleth.",_ ll .44,-.
The diderent medicines• and their direetioni
I sent to the afflicted in any direction by mail t.r express:
Address Ur. CAltDDEß,Carlisle,Quanberlited come.
ty, Pa., OA_ paid,- and the fee iiltvaysn,coinistifying
Ithe letter, with the order, together With hilifiiriptioh.o.
I the feelings and lepton's of the complaints ul the
afflicted inclosed. .1t is this systenf of Medical Scivire
the Books-and tis 6 modes of mire only' Which - Dr. Card
der emplOys that allow of medicine, entirely 'made or
IVliolestinie Roots, Plants, iiiiii.lldropa ,
rouse;;-all diseases, ow poismo,etnet - switich
,i)oody and - Certain ruillOdlOS and tFures tor ''all manner'
of sieitness and :dl, manner of disease," and milk!, sur
pass all other medical means fti 'point of geode ess,-11e
vond call Imo Wits of couiparison. , ()FEW ficloutli Hanover
street,._Eaststite near itißrliolur; gio Pres Vterntii Church.
Carlisle. l':i. Testimonials from , numerous perioniti of
1 the highest respectability in this• and the ..adj.ining
l give, authentic, evidence of ..the n '
the . gooless
Dr. Cardier s eharneter, and can be seen ai his -
N. It. 'Elie afflicted call recd.. superior medicines ;did •
:the tilreetioliS for thelr use by the first rot urn,of mail or
express,"' 1 rricaf ha riiitite•leit,
'Ayr. CrolrAVOur to riceminnotiate_applirantsts tar,
as he can. The poker speaks the English and the tier
Man Languages, etc, I, den.
, . • . ---;-„ipt.“.3lEit;sl.:llAN':i PILLs.
Inc Aimbhuitiou of ingrislionts in; alai: NILS is the re
-sult-ollalung_aud extensivo-preifilee; they ere milifin ,
their operation, and' rerKet .-- fi'fif - resturiim-nrituriirlik - lts :
proper channel. In every instance have these l'ills prig
ved successful. Theylluvaritibly open thesatibstruetionAs
to which Females are. liable', and 'bring nature into its
prober ehatrueloihereby health-Ls_restored and tlmpale
and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. :So
_females:4n entitiy_good health unless She Is regular; and
whenever an obstruction takes phreeTwirether-fram-ex
-1 posure, cold or au°timer:aw n
Hausa; the
,geerak 'health' Ita- -
mediately begin' decline, and the want of such a rent ,
'tidy has been the e.:6 • , t ; 'many consumptions among
young females: . 'qr . e
whose health . will aidm
Of an:increase r;ftffeir Madly., these pills will Prove a val
'Wile acynisithiti,./is 'they will prevent. pregnancy.-
- I to:Macho', psin - iir the lido, palpitation-of tlibtiiiart r lua ,
thing.of heel. and di turlied
,sleeli do most' always arise
• ' , im tilit , interruption of nature ; and Whenev'er that is
times:ie. the pill will invariably remedy ail then evils:
Nor are the les efficacious In the care of Lencurrhsea,
commonly; called the ••Whites.". These pills should nev
er be take irduring pregnancy, tis they would be sure to.,
cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable, and
free from anything iiiiirrions•tn WA or health. Fulls-ad
explicit directions accompany each box. . .
These pills aro put up in square lint boxes. Persons !
residing 'Where there is 110 agency established. by enclo
flue Dollar in lilett er, prispaill: to Dr. C. L. Cu;
• M
No. 267, Illeflelcur•street,7Sew Perli s Cali hive iliein
sent to their respective addressive by Gail.
The.subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover st.,
Carltsle7 the glitch( the-"Mantmoth Red Coffee• Pol," de,
fres to call the attentioy of the public •to his as
ortmoUt-of-STOV--ES„of_the Illiwest and
We styles, from the manuiltetories - in the
' country, and at all prices front . i.;:l to $l5.
, 2 •A . 1 are the . Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Revere, Star,
Persian, Union and ,Etna Alr Tight, together
paCterus wliirLliu bas Of all sliji
for parlors or chambers; and calculated - for burning either
wood or coal. Also, the /Etna,. Globe, • Astor, Albany.
Elat-tip and Bandliox. or Poor Nun's, Nvith-other
INO STOVES, comprising the.latest t hupioveniints . in
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood oecoal.-
Also, the Dlelog Boom Cooking Stovea new ail.L‘le
. gant article, to which he to i'ltes the particular atom- .
1166 . 6 f families. -Ills cooking stoves-range in priceTrom.
PO to in, with the 11,x,tures complete. 'Also, Nine Plate
, Stoves of various patterns and different prices,.
Also, EN-4 5 'L 1 -A ICD` N VVAIt E kr. Cook
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, ke. Also,ufer - y article lii tlio
line of Tin and Copper Ware, The public' are respect
fully invited tairtia'
o c - Ito .1s• cerilldetip with-his-Wye
stock. variety and cheapnesS,.of being able to give en.
fife satisfaction to eVery purchaser., Call and see.
, : opt. 25; 3.85.4„,.•
~, .•, , ,„ M. moult's
OVES ! ,STOVES !! ,STO*ES !!!-
Ly JOHN / D. GORGAS Youhl inform, the publid- that
ho has no on hand at iiiiOStablishmont, ou Main St.,
nox!. door' to Marion 'Hall, tiM, anti inosr cum-
' ' plate assOrtment of COOK,
bOlt FrovEs to be found in this, county,
1 4 :4 - Which will be , veld at the letw'est priors lite.
lc; Nish or approved credit... lilt stock consists of
~... 3 forge assortment of new and highly ' op-
....,_ proved PATENT COOKING, STOVES, finished
in the most complete
,manner,and calculated for either
woador - coal,Tor - both,All_the old sttuidarkliaitorns
which hoye stood the lust vf.experience, uniFbe loursd
at his establishment. Also, a groat variety of the most
approved and beauti.ul PAHL:M.OI , I./0E STOVES, in
cluding a number. of. now .styles, possessing yeey sniff`..
rior advantages, over those htcritltof4e in use. Families
and IlAnsvheepert: are respectfully invited to givoltim it
calpbef , re loirchasint? oisewltero. Stoves delivered to
any port of the 'country and. put up at this sintrtet-tt no
rtiec,-; -114-contiuuck.totimuU:kii»li.i.nrlON.AND'SllEET.
MON WAlltil, , and Copper - Work; and has constantly dii
hankor will
. moke 0 order every artich; required - 14,
housekeepers cr otters in thiS line. - Ms stork of Tin
t4i n fel - kin.a'Woctfetnitiores every hind of:household and
kitchen 'utedsli, wormntett otonkto,lhe bast munufitc ,
tufo& PerSoris itr yant of artkles,in* his lint , wily al-
Whys be sure'of being itimmmodattotto their satisfitetion
..1, , y giving Mtn a can. - ' fitori-18D
', -...4..0*',4.1:.,i.),1c1at0.:
• ie, jcilles
tf EL 31'130TAD':GENUINE 1 -PRD.
..XARA-710N5,-LNELMBOLVS-TilatiLY_C_Qti ::
u.ELN TRA T 111/
For disease Of the Bladder and Kidneys, Suaiet Diseases,
Strictures, 11'daknesses, and all diseases of tlictiexual .
Organs': whether — tn — Male -- or Foinalernoui Whatevor:
cause they inaylaVo originatod, and no Juafi4ta . of how
• •long, standing,._ `.
''ll,yint have contracted the terrible disease which,
Once... Seated in the system, will Surely go down Ayiun one.
t9neratiiln to anotheroindormining the Constitution
and Sapping,the Very, vital thilds of life,.do - not trust
yourselt in the hands of Quacks, who start up acorY• day
in a city like this, and fill the papers,withglaring,fltlse
hoods, too well calculated to deceive the young, and.
those not acquainted with their tricks. You cannot he
- The Fluid Extritet Bueltu hat been pronounced by
eminent physicians the greatest remedy ever known.— !
It is n inediclue'perfectly pleasant in its taste, and very
innocent:hilts action, and yet so thorough that it mini:
hilates every Iparticle of the rank - and:poisonous virus of
this dreadful disease; and, unlike . other...remedies, does. !
not dry upi he disease lb did blood. , ,
Constitutional Debility, brought on .by self-abuse, a
most terrible diveaSe, which has brought . thouSanilt of
the human race tO.uhtimely grades; thus
~ ,blaSting, the
brilliant hopes of,parezt and blighting in the li vid the
glorious athbitien of naTffy a noblei youth. can be cured -
Py„.this Lifiallitile Remedy. And as a medicine,which
• • • the sin,!delicate to the
. • . . .
centined ands despairing Isvali , nn ague
actin{; butli; as a Cure and proveraive.
- -
. .
Tor Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arisiffg,
from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
chronic-constitutional disease, -arising from no
' impure state or the Blood. and . the only reliable and
effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula Salt -,
uiL.S.' cal 11_1 lead , ~111 emit let) Qcot,,Throa. und
" Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Dines, Vetter, -
----Pimples.on-the-Tace r aud_alliealy_EruptiOns - Orthe
This e;rticlo is now prescribed by some of the most
distiml . nisfirit physicians Intim country, and has proved
.1111)1,, efficient Li, practice than any preparation of Sarsa
parilla yet offered to flie publig, . Several eases of ceeon
. dary.Syphills, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have
entirely recovered in the incurable wards' , ..d our -Piddle
Institutions which bad for many • yeara resisted 'every
' mode of treatment that - could be devised. - These ~ a ses- _ ,
furnish striking: examples of the salutary elfect: of this
medicines in arresting some of the Most ini - eterate
disin*es - . - aftet• - the glandsavere destroyld, and the -bones
_already iiffected..
N OTWE.— Lett etc: from respetsible-Ph3,-sicians-and.Pro—
fessors Of 7sevelal rolli•ges, - and certiPattes
cure - S•froM patients - will - befourrd - accompanying` , both --
Preparati••ns. ,
PalcE 9 , fluid Extract of Ilti•giu,sl per bottle, or 6 for . 5.
sarsaparilla, .
_eqn,al In strength to ono gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared anti sold by 11., TAI ELMOTAl,Chemist;263 --
Chestinit Street, near time ffirard louse;Philndelphia.
To be had of lirwzglsts and, Dealers_eyery where.
All hitters directed to the Proprietor-or Agent receive
Itittne4fate attentimi
July 25, '55.
_a_particle if. tilcrcu• in it. An infallible , remedy Mr
Scrofula, Kingl, Evil, Itlleut at ism; Obstinte Ctratte h ous
Eruptions, Pimples , '• tilt. the liott es,
toitsTehrottle-:Sore__,,dtin - rm or- 'letter, Scald
Ilead, Enlargement !Mill P1d114 , 1111 - 611bnCR - lIIIti Joints_
' , Whore Ulcers; Syphilitic Disorders. Lumbigo, Spinal
units and all diseases arising from an injudicious
use of Mercury,lmprudenthidnliferer - Impurity of the.
o),This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
is7IRT - ATtriAl by thousands of g Aefttl-Traiients-hr
all parts of the. United States, Who testify daily to the
'remarkable gurekliiirformod by the greatest of all meth.
elms, ••CARTERIi SPANISH. MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
It Munn:alma, .Si-rufnla, Eruptions Am the Skin, lAyerins! •
ease, FUN ers, 'Ulcers; Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of tho-Phreat. Fentale.Complahits, fails and
114/”1-put—loints, , are_veoLspeedily_put,
to ItiA 114
l by using ails great and inestimable remedy.
.Eur-all diSNIKCS of the Blood, nothing fiat yet been
found ,to compere to it. It cleanses tho•system Of 011 im
purities, Ittio gently and efficient ly.on the hirer:tint
strengthens the Digestiot . gives tone to the Stem.
„Itch, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constltution,'enfeebled by disease or broken dew it by the
'-eseiTseti 0r:5. 4 4111i, to its pristine-vigor-and strenhoth.
Fur the'Lltdies it it incomparably better-than all-the
cosmetii!.. ever used...-. A few doses of CASTrit'S ~SPANIrt
Nll.vreSil will remove all sallowness of comvlosion, bring
_the -roses mantling to the .eirek, give elasticity to the
steNapd iMprove the general In;altli In-a remarkable de
-1 grey heyotal all the medicines ever heard of
The large number of certificates Which we have reeelv;
'-eci-frtietfrom_persubs.fromaparts of the United States,
is the host e•idence that. t ll, here is no liiiinhiitlabi'mt
The press, hood-keepers, magistran.s, physicians, and'
public Men well known to the community, all add their
testimony men,
the wondedful effects of this OitEAT BLOOD
the AokINT:411(1 get a Clre'ultir and AlMimae,:
and read the wonderful - t3ureii ClitA truly greatest of.all
tieticinesduts-perhamed. .
Tone genuine tairess slgneti - DENNETT
Tr-liners; N0.,3, Pearl sti•eet,_.llidinanuLffa to whom_all_
orders for supplies and agencies must he addressed,
Anti for sale - by S. Elliott, S. liaverst felt. Carib:let'.
Ira Day, Meehableslatrg-t-.I..11: Herron, New ville ; .1.. C.•
Altic, , Shippensborg, and by dealers In medicines query.
A . " - 31:11tAfILE OF
C. L.. h.ening, of Mee.hanicsburg, !Cumberland .
county; Ply:;anneuices to those afflh•ted wltli tp.tu - ;e1;,.
Wens. .Cancers, d'olypits, 'Lupus, ?dittos or Marks;Sci,..f.
urn. and all diSeases that, have been or:Milli
treated with Caustic or Knife, he eau remove them with.
but,.. c3 olug, burning or 'pain; !aelthur__Chloreform.
Ether is adiehlistered to the patient. It 15 . .-nn matte;
on what part of the ? body they, ho can' remove
them—with perfect vitety, and in a roinarkably short
'Mile. - No Mineral ote Vegetable poison Is applied, and-u ( •
money required until a curd is perfected, -
teo-• -1 Female- Com taints, -Chronic Yew
real and all Other diseases trace w,t pos tve sueee-sa
Full pal-Beldam mu be,obtained by addsessing do e'
English or German, post paid. •Fatients'can be a - licom
modeted with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one cf the prettiest mid healthy
,towns in this or any othe, State. This -H. milts from
Ilprrisburg,-on - the- Conedieuind•Nalley Bail Bead, and
aecesslble from all parts of Alm Union. the Doctor will
visit eases . hi any:.part of the State when desired. '
ti_Kind reader- if yoU know any afflicted follow erea
tore, delay net toted finim of this treatment.
Dituus. ANL) CI - II• 3 • 1 1CALS
• ;
A • Witkit Splendid variety of ' -
The lintlerelloked „has jest -replenistiNis stool * of
lected with prat care, he is prepared to fill all orders
promptly,. His fritiads_may rely upoit the genuineness
ain't purity of every &Okla.
Ills steck of CONFECOIIIWATIT 1:s large and selected
pith special ieferenee to the Holiday's. It rill afford,
any variety persons may desire in thatline. Ile . has a,
large tissoliiitht of French and doareidle
("andies, all fresh and of .the very host tin:day, llis mt.
rANey 9ofws-in hose and, fall s
most every thing Idscessary for the Tidlet, and
Ile•litvites special attention to his Fancy \Voi; Boars.
Ladles' Itogs,,Cologno hol Hest l'Cntr.ll and Card Trays,
'Port .Eldjos, Portmorsles.
t!llirk sale t, small profits' and strict consistency In
I:ilz;,ll,•lvulteterlse our_laisittess.
. .
VADIES . .--Dr; ifelssnor's . celebrated MEssritim
lii.ts .Lave-been. long-and,widely-k norrn-aa_lnAurifth l J.,_
certain in renioving any stoppdge ; Pregularity, or sup•
pressiou.ef- the menses, • • 0.
in the rutin& Ilespitats l i n' Vienna,'Paris,and lie?lin, .
'they have entirely 50 10ft>9.9.ed the use.otall ether Tenn,-
dies;--beCause, : where- a 'cure is-attainable by inedielnat
'agencies, theytire certain of success. Their ustonithing
ecacy would be almost incredible, if not vouched ffir
by indubitable 'testimony; iii numerous instances pro
ducing returias Of thoMentrily-perlod after all hope had
been abandoned: • - ' :- ._ ---- . - • . .. ' .
- In every case, from whatever cause the obstruction'
may arise, as also to prevent preginua•. where the
hdalth will not admit el increase of lan ly, they are
always efficient; for whidi.neuson.thiiy.,mus nab° used
during in•egnancy,..thougli alivap mild, bra limy, site
-aiteertain-in-tiffile,ffileatx....':_—___—____...._ -.
Alarried ladies will find particular
.Ifistruetions in the.
directions, in Whieh are stated in various symptoms by
' which therauscayof the suppression maybe determined.
Price ' One 'Dollar per BoX, containing explicit dime
'."-• • • • :', • -- • • - - ' " ' '
1 1 thins:
Each box will be signedll-Dr. R. 0.-Osissratt. . .
Principal .oflice, 1:27;4; Liberty Street, l‘ew-York Cit 3
Responsible agents will be 'appointed for thel(strict f
soon ac pradticable, In the mean. tiftOe. all orders'aret I:
be addressed to Dr. lt. O. t) risstlffit, 1211/ 2 Liberty Stree• ~.
Now-York City, or to box 245.6 r: I'. Pest Office, and
box will'be sent .by return mail; as they are put null;
sealed oneeloprsond can-be sent with the sttletest pet
~ . cyjc p ii • air of the United States.
liif ^ -~l[~l~ll
, ; CA 'ION TO LADIES. . -•.
As various nut only Ineilliethe but injurious rum
pounds purliortinklo be -11. - stiLE l'n.t.s" under all kinds
of 111111IrS as 'ANON PILLS," “SILVED TILLS . ," "GOLDEN
PILLS,", Ac. aro attempted •to lag
pitlined ()If upon :the creduktis or; Unwary: only
necessary for llidies to be on their guard against the-at
tempted impOsition, nod in nil eases where there Is no
authorized agent for the sale of "la. tims.Nrit's Idt:N
brictud. I'n.Ls,"-tu order direct from Linn by mail, by re
• July 25,
. ,
3lessrs. George Ran, teLittion; F.. T. Miller, York; S.
ltilp)mli. Harrigburie,. 1). IL Jones. k. Co., Ilarrishurp,
Burtou ..4.' Herron, Elie . ; Steleurp .3: Sineluir, Erie; C.
Mr eiley, .51111nell. - • •
• I'' E 11 C OMR! JA IN T, - Dppeppo:
1 .-
LA Jaundlee, Chronic or Nervous - debility, iiii,s . ,sed__
toe Kidneys. and all diseases arising troth li disi:rdrso.
Liver or • i. , tonuicii, such as' Constipation, inWord•rltt.
fulness , of Lined 'to the. head, avinity. of the sbniat I
nausea, heartburn, disgust- for fhtd, fuliicsr, or Weight it
the-stOntacli,sour eructations, slillitDg (er tint fering . ,a • .
the plt . of the stottiachismimming-ot-t-lieLla_ati,...kurlita
MO difficult breathing, finVering - at the limit, cla , kin,-- -
or sullocating sensations m - ben in a lying la sturc,pin
ness of-vision, dots - or webs belbre the 5i., ,, 1d '36
dull Olin in the hend,oleticieney of perspint o
ness of the skin and eyes. pain-im.thil.side,.l 0
limbs - , &r.. -sudden flushes of heat,-burning h
constant imaginings el evil, and gi eat delays? li
Its, can be effectually eured by Ds. lloorts:' 1
MATED (lttlhMAN lIITTEDS,• prepared -by_ il
JA . exsoN, No. IL' , l
_Arch Street, Philadelphia..
Their power overthe above_ diseases is not excelled,.
equalled, by any other.prepaiatiorrin the (lilted -
as the cures attest, in many cases , after skilful Flip
clans had failed. ,
. . .
"hese bitters are worthy- the ; attention of invalids._-..-.
N.k i
Pos . ossing - great virtues in the.reetilitatihn of disease
of , •
t in 'Aver . and lesser glands, exercising the mei )
selirOdng - powers, liiviaktiess and affections of the d.
gestive orgads, - they are withal safe, certain and plebs
ant.* .• ' • • ......
. .
• •
I Ef , ll.' NY ITI CM Pl'NN' , l' I ),' 4.NIA .' .
J: D. Spring, Ic'eyville. Pa., April tf, 1554. says, .'•
can get pin some good ct , rtitleides fur. your I;erman Bit
tore in this vielnitY If You - wish them. -- A lady put elms -
ingsoine of it, this mesh, says that-it is by far the Eta__
- 111,,diii. chic .ever kilew,• having dune her, and tier - .
daughter much good, .c:c.. , .
S. 11.17s9wstah_Benfard's" Store, Somerset 'co, Nr., aug. '
15, D.,:.;',. says. "I am lunch attached to your th•rmen --
Ilitters. Wising i 11 4 ,41 two bottles or it, Oilell Lprallre
from s.*Kurtg, four agent :it Somerset; and found great
relive. from it in distiase of the Li% er. I find it be a
great effect lutigs. :Arena:ollM; a nd in vigorat iii. _
the - nrovhich, -- as - taitrapublig - Speaker, Ise great-help-to
me." •
Dr.'“iles, Newton Hamilton, Pri.;lllnyjilsl. said: "
have used myi - Adf half - a 'dozen bottles of your (lunatic
Ilittere forlAyer Complaint and diseases of a nervot.,, ,•
character, rethultlng (mina the abuse of mercury: I-we `l ,
Irnisom:d and - afflicted with •spasms from-the-use of tin
ratter article. The I/et:Mail , Bitters is the test Artie,'
ram] which '1 obtained fitly relief. 1 have also Oa en ti .
article_toikeny dyEsmties; with the most salutary r
sults. • I Mink as many Inot'c'bettles will cure me."
.1. C. Young, Esq.. of Dauphin. Pa., writes .11lay 5, '5:
''l was afflicted with Ge,neral Debility, Intestinal Weal
ness and Costiveness,for which I used many dillerer '
remedies without feller. lat last •uslal voter Iluollati..
,Li'nfaullitters. l'i - talk a few---hottlea-accot 313-33 , 3C-143-6-16;,-
reetions, and ivies completely cured,' I.ha:ve , .
healthy for ten years as 1. have breTi sauce I,tooli.yp,_.
" ten's. which is about one year ago." '..- ~- ,-,
'1 icse hitters are 367 , 67113111 , 1' VEt;ETAIII.E, always streng,t .
eni ~ . .the b1,, , tC111 and IIeVIT prutit Mt ill .'.' it. ,
' .l Sold by dealers in Medicine and Storekeepers ,ever , -
-where r and_by,liamucLlAllett, 5... W• 11 a ver`i-lek and(( t i
W, Caullmen, Carlisle; Eminger et'. Co. lechanirsbuft
Snyder ,t, Diehl, Newburg, and by Ligfel'ilin - !iledicim
generally. .. ' • . ' • . ;
Nov.-22,1,554-Iy. . . .
- . .
. .
.- •
TiOCTOR 501 - 11 - '.
sisEF 7 :pitivATl'EN . ...
:out s . by 11111,41:1 , of t.ho 1.14 - 1
ET .J.Iz , tI.II..APIUS,
One -1'llY,l(
Tln• tlitrty,,ixth Irlitlnn, t, it
ono b Junked etr.y.•.7l, s
pug Private Dis., Lod M a
fornutthqis of tin,
:?yStetn, -in everY ediape a,. •
Treatise' on the Diseases of 10
males, intended for the use '
females only, (see pageillo)
lug of the highest - import:tn.
`.o niarried people, 0p1110, , a co
VOL Ne4,...34. 1)., O.vatIIIS..
of - tlertrrlVersity - of Pennsylvanian)letnherof 'the
of tlergeons,Londen. and I lintorary Mentfu
Of 'the Philnde phia Medical society. The various futn
of l4eeret diseases, Seminal INe.:110.1e6:•.;i„. Diseases of tt
Prostilite Gland; I m poteney.i.(ditary;leafAts ufyOnili. at
faithfully deserflual, and all the receipts given in , phti
-language, Th e ,-el l apters_cat_sidf_aLura_antli.SendEu___ - __
'Weakness is worthy. of particular attention, and rhoul
1 „,1,,, d . by every Mirl.---Ytalllg.-111e11 , UL
fortunate in_eontraeting disease, previous to pincit--
'yaur flues under
the tur:o.cif any doeter. 710 IntiLtvr wilt .
ilia pra•e•iirdotts may I.,e,ge . fa copy'of thitrtruly valttab
work: .
Sea ( i tili
-'plainstt persona going to sea should pone' •
'Dr. Young's yrinifiso on -Marriage, thel!ocket
us, or Every one Ills Own Physithin. •
ire - Let no father he ashatuedto present a copy of VI
a:scut:tides to his child. -1t May save him feria 117 . 1 ear:' •
,grave.. Let no young man or IVOlllltll enter into the r.
creceNto,tpff of -married-life witinitareading-thepoe_ _
at ,ii_sculliriOs. Lit no one suffering credit a hackult
• ugli;:painjin the side restlesshights,.norvous yeetin_
an d the whole train of LyspeptliF - SoTh - S . ZrfieW — nti - d - glyv.
up ley their physician, be another moment without:co
suiting the Asetilapins, nave the niarried. or lice
about' to married any Impediment, read thlSAria
useful Book. as it has been the 'means of; strving the
idsl i asj of unfOrtninito . crcaturos from the: very
death. Epwards of a MILLION copies of this celebrat,
work has loen sold in this country and Europe since I
3S. when the find edition was issued.
tyjj- Any person sending AVEINTY-FIYE - rents e
close,) iniirlettcr, will receive one nipy of this bock I
-mail; or five ,'icitiies will he sent for •1,1: Address - 1
WILLIAM YOU NO,. No.'11•il: Spruce '
Pot,t ; (aid. ' • .
Twenty yeah. practice in the city of Philadelphia ee r
thinly e ntities Dr.
,Yeung . to. the eow thh.„,,, „ r the to
deted, and he may ht: consulted on any of the disease
.-demiht,d_whiaAliffereitpubliotiticaut, aids office. , Ws •
Spruce street, every day het - iiiTEfitrafftrpoili:Ohn ,
days excepted) and persons at any distance ran commit
•I/r. Young by lotter-rosT - Pani.
• • .
0. - us d,RO - o.ltiltY• STORIkof 111... 11.0. , sriber,.• v. Ra•
1.1 (11( 1101, - .•.
.._ . .
A new 111 . , p1y-of- fre.ut....+Saittialtrix.eili. •' '
Soda. I.iit ter, 11 v N-1,. r0ad51i. , ...,•m• ):Aji:.6711: - - - .7 --------
Pa ri fw, 0 all., 1. ,, t arch. ',1`,.pi,, , ..t., S:tl,, 1‘,,,.) 1.,,,,b,,,,.
E x tiTxt. of f-Oitt,t - . It 1,,N• YI (Ai r. 1.:a10.. Piii.fisl, A 4.., -
—, •
A new let 'of •,s l i.p , r)oi , T:0.1, 1 t 11!, , ... -
Pickler. 'filis:4o Tit , t•h!tilv.i'• -, ,•3 - :?••'• yi , •.10 • .t. p m
F. 1,.. it uru : ts. t . -• .. ~.. ', ". '-'-'.]. IV '•.1. , ..bY -
Tlie Yankees have become 'notorious :for.
•their'queition_ asking_ propensity,' yet ,setne-,
Ilulrelthibits so rornarlatifyTTC - de- '-
I/elopement of, thin trait, ,we must conClude ,
that Jotith7mand John.are at' lensc cousins.,
A good•enecdote is related of. Gilbert Stuart; ,
a celebrated American portrait painter; whose •
replies•peziled the inquiSitkreness.of his Er- :
traveltitig opmpaninio;-iirthreir — tittempts- - _
ti; find out his d f a Ilirig.• •"• , • ••:-•-.
Qu one occasion, Stuart was travelling in.a -.•
stage-coach; in England, , with some gentlemen
who were strangers to - him; .but all of whom' • •
were sociable and full of animation. . }US •
brilliant conversationalipoweysattracted • MUch•
attention, and.his companions became closiroui—
to know what -heSwai. The asked-
many roundabout questions," to .find out - his
calling or piofession: _Mr: StiitirLAfia4eiml,
arith, a grave face and seri - Ols tone;', that .he
.-diessed ::.gentlemou's_ and: ladies'
hair; ''"'• ". 7 '
'You area hair dresser then,' remarked one
:41tillat P'saidhe, you take me for a bar-
bar ?'
. .
• 7.1 beg youi Barden, sir, blit r j.:„inferrcd iit.
from - What you said,. If I mistoOk ---- you, may
I take the liberty to ask what you are, their?
.why.l sometimes: bruSh. a. gentleman's coat
or hat and snmetimes adjust a cravat.'
`',o; you'are h valet,' llfen,. to some noble-
' 7- Indeed, air, I am not. Isam not
a servant, to be sure, I Ina,
coats for gentlemen.'
'O, yOu area tailor?'
'Tailor! .Do :1 look like a 'failor?- I assure
ypu I never handled' agdose,othir than a roast
, ..
ed one.' • •
By this time-the paseerigerii were all in a
roar; and one•of them exclaimed, !what are
you, then ?' .
4 ti ll you,'- said Stuart., 'Be assured
have said is literally true, I dress hi s ii,..brusir
hats and coats, adjust• n eray s at,-; and make.
boots and shoes, at your-service:'
'Ohellti - hoot-and shoemaker,. after all:''_
- --'Guess again, gentletuen...lnever hnnaled Y
'hoot or shoe but for my own feet and legs;
yet all 1 have told you is true.'
- . .We - titay as well giVa up_ guessidg, 'then,'
refintrked 'one of the - party;'
After checking his laughter,li - e said Id them
very. gravely, Now, gentle Men, I will not play
the total with you, but will full you, upon MY..,
honor, as a gentletitan bona fide, my:.profes
sion, I get my bread by making feces.'
them screwed liis ebuntenance,and twisted the
lineaments of his visage in a manner such 'as
Samuel Foote or Charles Nlathewsmight have .
111;01 - Iris7-compartions, after loud peals''of _
"laughter; lad composed themselves, each took.
credit to himSelfjor .
susitected that the.gentleman belaiged- 7 in the '
theatre.;:_and_now they.all knew that ho.inubt
be a comedian ' , by ;profession. But' to their
utter surprise, he assured' them that he was
never on the Stage, and very 'rarely; saw the
inside of. any .thstre, His companions now
all looked at
.him and at each ether With as
tonishment. ; •••
• Before parting; Stuart said. -td his compan
ions. ..Gentlemen, you will find that all I hare •
-aid 'Of "my various employments; is comprised
41 these few Words: I am a• - portrait painter.
If youifillati-itt-IJOlin.--Valtners,..Yorlt.;Llliiil
clings,l shall be readyantl willing to brush your
eMitiof-what, dross, your hair a le mode, sup , -.
ply you, if in.need, •withii w,ig, it any fashion
or dimension, aecommodate Jou with boots or
shoes, give you rallies or cravats, a - tid - ruake• --
faces for_you." • , , •, •
_()_n parting withhiin at the inn', theY begged .
leave to inquire, int ghat part of Eng laniLlte
was born. , lie replieW•l wan not born in
gland, Wales,. Ireland, Scotland' tore - was.
another .ptizzle theta-;-- • 'where. then. V_ was ,
theirseagerrinquiry.- • ,
'I was born .at-igar•agitnset,' was
jis reply..
'Where's that?' . • _ •
--.-----,Si-roiles_fram.2.eitawooner and ten miles
.frnsisPoppasquash; and about four miles west
of 'Connecticut, andOt — far . froin — the . spot
where- the fainous battle with -tbe.,Pequots
was. feught.'• • . • • .
'ln ulna piiit of the East Indies, is that, air!
it iS in. the IState of Rhode Island, between-"
11n•snchuretts'tind the 6ninecticutlliver,'
3.his was all .Greek to his companion s ; and .
he left- them to study, a new lesson"in•gcog
raphy, affording another yistaurice‘ of the igno•
sauce respecting tnewrifgenies,•whose vernac7 • --
tilar tongue is the: rue as that'ofßacon, New
ton, Locke, Shalt•, pears, Mitten atlTopo.
t ) )3,,at n c /c9I Y- , J.
'l. - VEn tuie T r A r A o m :
t of m „ti
for h.lit ,T-16;joyer Stlqt-0"141.
- _ .
}3,{_,coAl4. —.5;00;
thin ..I,; mitt's ,Ojefe
Fiido by •-• • •
: W.. 11. MURRAY, Agt. •
coats an(