Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 05, 1856, Image 1

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    • •
.6 , 16/o.a.r.dar •
E. fit.E.Cl".l! Y
Plt 0 P
,E*ll T - 0 R A,N , 1l -"P U B LIS I,I:ER
• Tha - ddittidai flimAba Is pulilished Vvenkly nit a large'
rutty Col ualYB, and furnishecl tu-stib
..serilairs at the rate uf.51.50 if paid -stidetly in advance;
• V.. 75 if paid , within the . ..Lye:lry or $2,4 in all cases
'after* thic imp/rattail ui Tiro'
—joar. 2iostAbsorlppmB reatived for Iv less period Ulan
• •tik months,' and Wino until all am:wages
• are paid, iptluss at,..thu. option of the publishin. • l'apeia
' •
.iionp ..subscribers living Mit of ettnibdrlatiii county
•• mina be paid fun in advance, ur the payment initntined
• ,by'SOllle responsible , per . sun ii ring iii Cinaberlatid t•on it
terais will bo rigidly adhered 'to in all cases.
' ADVE.I.I:TISE , N • •
:.4.4.lve'rtisoinUiltii will' bu cliargetl $1.06 pOr square.i,
7 . tw01V,0 lutes fur three 'kusitrtions, anti lttsyetits tor each
"stattosittent ius rtittu. Air advertisements. ot rOss than
tivelre lines conslttered'ftti tt-Squarti... 'rho following rates
bu eh: argot!, tin' Quitrterl , y, Half Yearly Spa Yearly
. 3 / Months. 11 11.nutlis. 12 'Months.
1 li . trance, (12 - lincs,) .;$3.00 $l.OO. ' . sB.oo' ' .
2 • 1.00 8.00 12.00 <
1 4 Column, -. • - - . • 12.00 .'lil.oo. 7 --
- ~ l-.00 -0.00. ...•,:._o.oo_
'4l .. -' • .. •- - 2, 25,00 35.0 0. .15.00
• - Ativl,l4lscSncittislirsortud before Marrinties:inid.lleatlin,
$ cents per lino fur 'first, ifisertioU, 11.10 '4
couts'per line
• Q • . ' .c • i , ,,ns: lluninanikutionit ot. subjects
of golited or individual intoreet wl be ebarged 0 cue
--per iiiir; -1- Tifo - Propaeto - r — Will notTtryespunsibleiii
ageo for eirore Mr ortik(ffilelltie; '.'OhitwtrY notiree4oAt
4 xceollin'g live lines; will bp ißeei‘.ted without.rhark,o.
J°l3,•,PRl'i~T i L'
Ifirgost. :61.1 Ulost'einuilleteeiiiiNipliirieiit tin!'
Threego.el go.ubiutLvaliety •
uit ed_for _Plat and •Falle,%• worlt of efrerj• Kind.
• us t•, do Joh Peintiug at elm slortest .iiuti&ii aiie
-- "Mtrge . Retsormtto - prms;' -- leileMsin - Nym. l4-(,),-11)11-
n• any thing:ln 'the Jolitii4.llue. . t
• torest to give us a call. every-eariety of ULAN,
-7TAltiiitly, • • • • - - • ,
All letters -must 14. post-paid to se
• oure attention. • . . . .
. . _
atetu ahnex.tiseptents.
PI) EALS P 11 1856:Ile, (;.0
1111S,10111'S of Ctiml.erlaltuilty Imre 11%01 on
the wilowing tiinvl and )11:111. , limit -11(11.11g the apni.ttl, on
the t idno.nal fur the several lo‘rin,ltipb ;Intl
boroughs in :• - •:tid county, • • • •
County tax. qollar rat , . 3 1
.1 mills. '
_•tqate tax, dollar rate mitts. -. •
.1110 tol;i2ruallo 1, tha. assesoti.
* - the and pla,r , -11xe.1 for II)) icppoals. at wlth,lttliiim
-the• a',..,:sors a ill .rettart two resiwt•table CitizEiT;r"Tor .
CollecturA:' • . ••• bon!,
Ate the 3rd day fnai•elt.
lliper Allyn and 3100tnie;Intr;.:" at. The
ofalcorgu rp nlsler, iu Ileeli:ui:e::bur,; Ca. Alnesd:ty the
.1111 .lay of Mardi. .
• Lower Allen and Now 'Cumberlanil at the public
flail ou_Wednesday thi ,111 day of
'Mareh. • •
_ l'ennOya•ouglr and Ilamptlenat the public- tan.•.:
The - Omni n-klay on Thtn•sday the t;th day of .11arelt.
silV'. the -I'llhlie honNe of Iktiirge Duey on
Frl.lay the 7111 day 61 , M.A.riLii.
Nee rill„ and. Fratnkford,at the ruldie:lunn,;y
M. W.,odhttrii in;Nowville On 1133 ' t lkojot II :day id
il•inrell. -7. • . ~
. ' 1111111iit and Ntiv.rill utile same plare ..nt Tuesdal. - the
11th day Lit':.‘larit. . • _ . , ...
..-_-.s`—l-lepew.-11-at6le-pnlitle__llotLse_of__Daall Mourey____on
'Wedoes.Lly the 12. th. .
Filtippittisburg.-ILirongh-nntl-'l'ownship at -tllO-I'lll‘liC
honer of Aui.rhinhattult tilt 'flinrisla.i......- tho . / 3 t l,
ir• ti , ontliantption at the same plena nn Friday the t Rh,
- trirl. ills :it - at t lit!' pnlilly host! of
. :Invol , iteclsoclitn•Ani
Sat' rility the 15th .' .
' West • Pontislioroniish at the public' house at Mt. Itiot*
---- onirmr - 1-,• - tlifi l V;t 11.-----,
iN , a". li Iliddietfin lit the Commissioner:4olllre in hes
day I 1i....1 , 01:
& , 13th Middleton. at, the sante. pinee of y '; ednesday
. the.l till. . . .. , . =
eid•li , le rart Ward at the same pllll.4riiday.l,lle
' ( 1 .,r1i41e West \Yard at:the :F: to_place on Frlday the
.;', • : • . ,
~•! , . • .
C•.,tniiisoners,.2„an.:24:'5Gi - .. ,
t ',... Pli,.!Connelf3strters glee within that they ' NTill
revuee the piinpilial stud assistaint• asse.isors to ussist
lu ltiddi at tl _ appeals. , • ' •
— 77 . _......—....
. ,4.,.., A
, ...,...„....„,,,...,„:„...4,
___ qr _<,..i..•.„.. r .ss.
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A. ,i, I , ;
, I s li• I , I P` 3.1' 1 '141 , 11 .., ,^11.i 4' :',114,1 1 #1..1:::;: ...i''
. :AND COB 1811,1, PATI3NTI.3I) MAY lthm, 1554..
' The Itts (BAST, though but recontly, . lutiodured
•, from tho: YEsT, Junk litalMS 1 , 11F.-EMI.:I:NT ttS the Most
‘ StithS.'lommiybil and popular Farm Mitt' .
of the ages
03./ar .74.-i.Nb's,r . ,r,otuss arc probably the only ones In the
1 T ' I,llirld---exelustilelY devoted to making:Motalle Mills,
theroforo pOSSOSllitupertor ailvantAges in "prepsidng Such
itit MIMI x t nroal Itillaptsim dapted --- Itr'i alelnr-ti
pct49l Imd t111141.111' ,tirttele. '•• . I
' The let 11.1: OM. .11:IS tAton min ded tholls ' Wld
/ unt'al,tha 140 pie - leaks id'' the Nation',
: a
..- he most
; . einop:ee and pitviiiiieut Mill not in use..- ~'•• \ •. '
'2, -- . - The , o , ' , l 1 ttg.ar6 hot Only guainii eed sillier \ to all
upiors, iii tiviir construction., -- and - t iality-of - r torlak
' Intl ih`theeiniquirtamt•quntityr4....t.h.e.y....4l4rui
wttliciiii) givon - power:fc - und - win•riuded • in - all' Wria .‘4O .
suit, 'MA oyttrohosimmomy roltiMiMd 0 ' return cif he
i \
k 'are (*red tei.Varmers'and the tin ' , complete.
'tit .:;,,IM,'•s32 lIMAViI, for No.l, No. 2 and 'l o ' , dud. ~.4 • 32
tixtra,foe• sweep/. Warranted 1,0 .grind f ein 4i to 15
.bushels per, hour according to site. ' ' •\ '
. 4 4 • .. .
SC9II " S ND. IBL E. s i GANT' ' Gil AIN
;,• ,' • • • - -MILL' (CAVENTED MAY, 1850.)'
' •'-'ll3dsAlli:kis ii roost eompleto ,Itnd - iniportarit article
for Pia litors,.Farmers and. otherelif htivini horsispower
• or other ittinimplonees for iiiiiiilqg a belt. They ran be
- - worked advaiiimieously 'with Mk tiyo - or. mop., lnses !
. • Wherever a speed of from four 'to 41X hundred I'OVOItt-
Molts per rtninute.ean be obtained upen-allaneltyridleSt,
' witta a ...I%.ibelt belt,
''Those MILLS are adripted to any kind of work, grind
Anti CoActiO ThOd frollt Corn, isits,,die:c' Or - dine inenj from
. corn, wheat or ryet and corn &cab In the . 4 1 1 10 Sr . 1 5 ,1 t 1 5 .
fietpey mumer, arid viith 'it Nast raving of power trrer - '
All Ober mills, the Cob iping cut Nan - sharp' east•steel.
. • Ithe'llest prinahim vies :warded. Om Mllls at - the
- IlateTai re of Now-Jersey, Pew itrania ad the Indu - -
• • trial: Exhil•lttelliatllosten. ,
• Tie;tioo-pountls,-000 1 . 1 1 1 P.'•
a.,space of ;to inches square.. It is peculiarly shople„
steenit; and &I:able; rerfnif tug no skill to rim it, or to
keep it in, taller: .
' They , are offeFed contplete, ready for 'attaching the
bolt,: 14 4;.) ; with east steal eobattaehrtt&tg,;;;trii 'War ,
ranteil to give tlio inset perfeet satisfaction. s,
• ••'l , ltvise call lit the Llttlii (biota It'orlite,' and' witness'
thekuperation. ilanufactured. b'y • • „ •
'toss scyrr
•Cor:11114 &Coates lit., Phila.
3mc;—V l l
. .
CUR N S I.lE' LLEji S ! • "
i . .. , . . .CORN snEbt.ims. ' ,
•- : The stilieeriher , lirtying hi the hitit tett vicars trained,
th 4.11 libel:tors for ilop
--tiliimtile‘ of a. hultdroti mot forty
. r y ittiolo - hi,
,%rirthot.te inform tho Parotoreptettutborl'oott
itoutttv that; he iK prepAreAt tit ; ttomit . thom iikitryf. - , - rtiln
4 1:tito. Corn or Woott to ray -tor Fratotoi.t. moil iritlr ih
,,,stiv. the .11111 , 11 i nes to run well. My hholt.,to l ott the
. t iort s h !end, of Wet-io . liqgel
-; [ lug 39..-k-ftro,
The A•merican-Presidential.Nominations are
variously received.b, the presses of that party
in the northern • States. Those - newspapers
which • have been heretofore • knoWn as peen
. .
Hail') friendly to.'„l . lr.;Fillinore, of course greet
the tick l et joyfully. • AMong . these We. May.
mention-the-Nov___Y.orlLExiireFi,:litiffalo 2Com-;
mercial AdVertiser, and Troy . Whig, ' The
- Albany Strito - Register, • a paper originally es=
tablished to.promote Mr FillmOre's interests,
hat dattorly in -favor-of.;_the nomination of
George Law, repudiates-.the ticket indignantly
TIM New York . FlCruild; whicl his steadily la
vore'd the Asterism nnivement, mid advocated
the miminatieu of Clo6rgJ.Law,.denouncP:i the
ticket, and treats tlic hie* f its probtible sue.-
•, . ,
e?ss as preposterous.' In the city of New,
York the 1.: x pKe s !-i and Commercial 'Ad v un- f iser •
are the only nye influentiallhipers whiehsup • - -
port the ticket, and the sitiqa;t7t of'the Adver
tiseii. is a•mere itequiescemue. 'lt is its yet tin
- ,
Fossible - -tmtelk_ heird he-party --iti- , =-New.- --York.
will rCceive the tieket,•but.from uPpeniabees,
it..;eents probable that `it portion .of the • null
, slavery wing will bolt. li i -Neiv Jersey --- We
Newark Melccriry and
. i‘l orria to Wn --d ekri .. ,tty in an
repediale the nominations. The, Jyrseytnan
does butittiow wliether to treat the - In:utter-las,
ui joke or as of:seHum:4 importn4e; and says
~I.ltutt•-:there-itliotrti-gliost-opt,ehance, for • Mr.
Fillinore." The Trentow(lazeitirdoes-notstui .
port the, nominations! A• considerable,seCtipn,
Of the party in .Neik Jersey--hasateen-, and_still.
1-s7-stron-gly--n,tedelied-ta7-Mr-.-F-ill tit ore,_blit_.this_
is mostlypoldined, to::_tlit;cities. - • '
..-- deal of di : -.
Visitn in rettpiml, to •the nominations. , The
-Philadelphia InqUireri Mturniifg Times; and
Daily NeWs give - • an *entlinsiastic'support •ta l l
:the ticket, w hile -the--North-American-linitis_etrl
and advises its friends to '•reserve their judg
ment.". The Comingrcial Journal . and Duti.y
Detlnpatch, of Pittsteurg, both !Muse t o support
the ticket. Githe interior' thellarrisivirg-Tele
graph und_Lancaztte_riKxaminer o.xpress dis
satisfaction with the nominations, while the
Lewistown Gazette, •MtineliChunk Clazettelitl
other papers warmly/eulogize Fillmore and
Donelson - - • -•• , ,
• In New England, as might have been ex
pected; the tmenittationsfind many dissentente.
The Boston' Daily , Advertiser, IL' high-toned
conservative , paper, 'has heti_ is good .opinion of
Mr. 'Fillmore, and under other circumstances,
woUld have rejoiced 'to see a Politician, oi his
, Oharacter,returnetrto the ,Prosidential . chair;
but its regard for him huts been as . a Whig-
'ntit•-•as•-fi member- of-aesecret _oath;boualiiiltirr!
cal society. • Hence the Advertiser says, if "it'
shall, prove true, as wet regret to find it is very
confidently stated, .thin Mr., Fillmore_ hug
entered a• Know-Nothing lodge, and 'passed
through the three degriles Of the secret ordtcr,
inking - the incident - oaths and obligationO, we
' subthit that_helms forfeited _the, respect of the
intelligent and honest people of the =United
Stattis to •au extent- that.will make his election
' - The Boston• Journal hails the nomination of
Mr. Fi I lmore., wi th - - -- Th e-- -- 13 oston
Traveller praises the Ainerican platform, but
says nothing of the candidates. The New
lieduord Mercury thinks the ticket ought to be
supported by the party .Ihe'Lowell'jonrnal
and Porttind State - of _Maino, advocate.. the
: nominees: The Boston: Bee defers all remarks
-upon the merits'of the eandidates,.but places
their Barnes lit the heed of its 6lniuns. The
•Chtlestown, Mass., A - dvertieel• iippe;yes .of
the ijlte. •:. the l'i•itston Chronicle and Atlas,
tw0•46 . -fin tidal American, papers, depoinice
- t iniffinti'tnn Vim . an - an worthy of : su pp ort .-- Tlt e
Portland \ ', dk 'risei.leePudiates the ticket. A'
.i \,\
niiinber - Ocl$• \ - ig New England . papers •re
main silent u tits' subject. , - " • •
1 13 .
minutes fotir Steaniere on ' the• .Cineinati side
worn at the bottom, The ice continued to
Clow outlantil,4 o'clock, by whieh o tithe eleven
steamers were.sutilt aloha number more eeri
ously, damaged. - The smaller steitiners were
crushed iato ' . B mai I 11!agments , by- the ° grea t
.caked of ice. . Some of the boats were full of
freight; and this in addition - to the-b-eats:Tbar
ges, etc:,; estimated, will,.make the .total
loss not far from f'40,000. , . -
The steamer Flag, whieh y ,,as yipg near tlre
'Allure, sunk very suddenly -td near the boiler
deck: ti - rii.t Men-took fire.. It wits' 'feared: that,
the fire might spread to . all the; Eiteamers.aleug'
the "wharf; but the.engineswer 9 . promptly .ou
the, ground; and ,it wile Soon extingpislied,
The net , steam' fire engine WaSliington was
the fast Company thatinal on. water: .., When
"the Flag ,went•dOwn a tiMuller t of, hands were
in ,the hnld,getting_oul freightottni it was re
-0 r t eil - "that - eig 11 ref , " ariir r 1 iimi - tiii'iri 1 OV-1 iiiiii"
1' fp,
,c..,1q ! e,,, and tiers drowned, but.happllY the .
report-pr iii - iii' Tie - iinfon titled,' though .':lxtaby!
porene made uarrowcseapes. ' . •..
--:,...,: • • ii, '. : --••
(~::%.',- .--..'"' ' . ....
.. • - , •
~4,9 A EN IVEAVEjt.
.P.RESMENTT . A4z . NoiiiINA.TioN,S
IteApo xiso Of - the Press.
A +ll itILLING SCl;ti,}l , Wilß witnessed' on the
Ohio - river 'opPogite pincinati.onStinds-Y morn
ing. At an enily hour ..the Licking River
commenced rising raiii.dly,'and . liy : ll, &clock
thelcecatne.outin great force and • quantity ;
making directly for - N0 . 014 'sliore.• In live
It ptiltq fox fl)t,
AVED:N ESDAY. - J - MAR CIF, 5.,.__
• • -- •
' Feb.. 1 2.6 f —1n the Senate; 11tr„,.
Bell, -- bf Tennessee,- spoke at length oit t.heJlerik
ti tinerican .qqstion. In the lionse-,—fh-e
• `leer
sage from the President,-tranSinitting and _re
cotinnetiding 'to , the favorable consideration of
Congress, a taiimitniiition from the Secretary
of War, dated rebru.ary- - 2111, Which ',riecom
titends to Congress to . rththorize — tie itirroduc . 7
oir of the recent improvenietit' in. fire_ arms
into_the Service; the adoption of rigorousindit 7
sures 0- incrritse: the-capacity-for-A
thins of the munitions of vrar,aia' the :force
eniployed, in the artnortes_ittul 11-rseiials; Alm ;
raßid prepitratiptiof armament and
.ritnintimi-,?, .
tine for the arsemils; that - an oarlY ' : '
be annle.for nu lippliopriaticiiiof. three ,Ilie . Settate, yes
of dollars' for increasing - the military efticion-Aribis., various supplementary hills were .re
ey of the-country to-be applied at the' discre , „ • .
Lion of -the - Pri4sident. 'Mr Humphrey ad in: Once, .roue being Of.
slialLsai.d . he colnsidercil this a war
... 9.ressage, -general interest. The bill providing' for the
( I " .l l! : : t s t if e d to . .epeirate 'Upon the other Ande of the j' ene ;„,;f o 1 ,„„„ then ‘‘.;...,, 1 1; e n_ up,„„' and'
- • .-
:in the House, the'bill repintling the
act 111:11:111g an apprejit'!ation . the Renip..)ll-
yliniu:Sttfe Agricultural
e,:xentptbinof-coal and-bomber from tho Utiuihe
'tax Tetstpohell
_The hill hi abolish - the -- tittit of Cunnty Super.:
tihtil tile nd j ouruatcnt. :
. , .
• Wednerchs t . ' , Erh.. 2Vhit th'e Senate, ',tin y
Welrec, ft'Orn thit Mj.fillarY Comtnitti,e, reporletf
a bill for iitcreasing•the army, in acetwiTlandAt
-,--- .
witlrtlio reesfrnmendation or• the Pre • sident --- 7
- NT . fc',ll 4i t ri - : r,-- fr.7.4Tif..-ffi o±.l in lict , iiry -- Cii - iiii:efTett
. •
submitted a: report in , the ctintested • election
-case of.Nfr 'Trumbull, of jllin'uis,' sttaing_ that :
the Conimittee-Could 1;ot agree. The .Cetn
mittec-_was - el - Us - charged, anti the collect
was mule the order of the' day for . Mon-.
dat.. The bill tcPauthorize the . construction
~t. .o
rtiliQationB in California:Texas and Flor.;_
k ,
ids was dis Cussed and recoMmitted. -`.rile hill
[filth bug .appropriations for invalids A•fir other .
itensioners -passed. In the House, Mr. Ganip- . -
bt.tll, ot- -- Ohil-t - ,--frunC-the-committee-of - Ways_.
and •NlealTS., reported-the4ietinit—Ap:Propr -
Flion - Bill. - :-.11r. - Oro•W, •ftwrin-the•ComMit tee . on-
TerritZric;!,., ,reporied a. • bill authorking_ the_
4capple•of Oregon to form ti. State goi‘ernuient.
'The !louse then resumed the thscussion of the
President's message, in regard to the itpprove•
Tment-of-the-mili-tary-efliciency_oTrhe country:
Speeches were ,made try - idessr.t. quitt.unr.
Faulkner, and Humphrey Marshall; and'the
1 -- mcssage •was - thiln referred to the committee
- on:Military Affairs. • • .
. ,
-Tharsdam, Feb. the Senate a message
.was received front the President, communicat:
ing the correspondence\ between this country
and Great Britian,.withreferenee. to.the
lation of our neutrality tai/'s, and 6000 extra
• ee.des were ordered to be'kinted. A resolu-•
tion was'adopted culling fpr:lnfOrmatieu-in
regard to the alleged proposal to arbitrate in
the case of the differences regUrding the,
Chlyton-Bulyer_treatY,_ • Mi. Wile then" took
the floor.and spoke at length in regard to the
of Kansas, denouncing the course of
.the President; und , argujng- to show • that be'
was,bound to protect the, tree citizens 'of Ken
sas in the exer.cise of their rights anti pricile
•gi;'l: — After some remarks I- reply - by - Mr:
TOombs,--theSenate_adjourned. In the
of •-bills,were—presented ;auk
referred_.,A resolution was adopted, instruct-,
ing the Ciinnnittee on Naval affairs to inquire
into the expediency of censtrnctino• ° ten steam
- s Thoops of,war ?rid other vessels.: Alter seine
debate upon'the deficiency appropriation bill,
the liouse inljuueneil , •
Friday, Feb. `..P.—ln , the•Senate the Chair.
liuil befure.;ll - 10 -- hody a • message from tht
President in a resolution 'offered
the day PreyiouS,•its' to iin alreged Offer by
Great liritlain•to refer the construction.c.ffrthe
Clayton- Ilirlyer •. treaty to arbitration. It, ap •••
Pears that Lord Clarendon did hake, the-.sag-1
gestion in the course of a conversation with
Mr. linchanan: but that. the later, replied juci—
larly that the Epiperor.of 'Russia was the only
power sufficiently independent:to aet /13 urn
'pits; and England had gone to war with her.
Lord Clarendon again made the proposal hi a
subsequent converoation with Mr. 'Buchanan,
_but_the_hitter replied that there it a s nothing
to 'arbitrate.
Monday, Maick 3.—ln the Sono}to, the fol
lowing' bills were considered and passed? A
bill- relative tO:-.the Catauissa, Williatosport
Aind:Er* Railroad; o'ne. relative •th the . Mil.
e ,
i 'liamp , rt end Elmira Ill!road; one telati , iii .
- tri pa ty. walls; and one to incorporate the
1 Chest it‘Grover - Asseciation of Delaware-43°1ln
ty. lulfre House, the ,Ge - noral - Appropriation'
_l3 IlLwr s_repOrt ed_And /I riferrd_t6__b e__p_ri lilted ..
The:bilto.repeal the third Section of: the act
k t\
to incorp rate .the State Agricultural 'Solely
was passed, finally. After 'a lotig - tlebate,.• the
bill to aboliSlNlie °like of Superintendent 'of
Sehools"Waii referred to, tliC - doutinittec on Ed : .
uoation, '.. - 21 'f
Gov: SiTANNON.,CoNvrattED,'—The -'
Pxedutive Sessions Ati-Tueally, confirmed'the.
apOitttnient of WirsinitShannon rtiC'Governor
of Kansas,..after debate,- bfa strictly
I),oritig the sefiutt au, itiotiZect!tal area ..w4s
ntatlti . to' 6hdpet 'the tliscussiont with open
CON G - I,tE S S.
/ • •••
• ..
PENNSYLVX Ar..pabLArrußE• •
gitesday, Pelf ` 4 ..i6. 77 -Ti: Senate, the
. 11111 to
.IncorPtmi.te.tlie Stroudsburg'l3anlv•was passed \ 7
Supplement to- the IT-nion:—lron,
v e
1(I epuiv!xxssed with an amend
taxingthe bonds of the compan4at
rate of .3 'of 1 per cent The
. Sfnate then took
up the bill providing for ihe fencing of rail
roads,, which vitis debated up to the hour of ad
journment.. 111 the Jjouse,, n - propoSition: was
received from, the-::l!entisslve,nia-,zll4l•road to •
haul alt7the entitai,,frgiglit over
,tho 1114'0 1 '1 1 Y
1 thoon(hito-t,ilitri4 , , the caililrg‘stea,son for $11111,; .
T 167C-iiliiitfhill isiliiers - IMrtr-ANixz
pr lotion -6r51 , 0,000
_themi to per
,..fortnthe-trinie, service:
2 . 8 =ltt the Senate; it - large
niunlier of private bilk were act - 6 - 4 - upon; nip'
the LI.II to incorporate .the Nlercer.Counfy
Minh p,t It it yote of
In tlie.lion.ce,the report of thu Suite Trees
in:el. transmitting; - the tutineq of- the personit
nre dot:nutters to the
preentedr , Thu hill to repeal-tlio' net exempt , . •
1V12: tiitinge - tax--ivas
by a vote of-1.387-0---:.*l
Friday, 7rZ. 19,-Lln the S'rnate, a bill
reported,to abolish the_ WesternJudraiary
1)i met of the/Snpreine'Cottrt; and also rt : re •
solutiotrriver / Sc - totkat ,- proymsition,- - - - Tlnertill
• • s • • - - • '
to,incorporate the hank
,of erawferd cou.ty
was paSsedifirially, as wax also the bill to in- .!
corporate tho Central flank of Pennsylvania
at,llollidaysbnrg, Iti tire house, the hill re-
Intivc of deeds %executea
bar' frf est4tes entailed-was passed The
bill for the more speedy cancelation.of the re
lief issue. of the State MIS negatived after a•
warm Aerate, ye'as 30, nays 681.
Sitar ay, - • Mdreh. 1 :7 4n the SeMtte, the -
nrdluwing weeo ,. .severally considered and
•passedi supplement to--the act incorporating .
the Ilaverford School Association; to incorpo
rate the CatirsitiniMctind•Toglesville Railroad.
Co. The bil[to•ineorporate the . :;Tew'Crietiadri
,Mineral Land Company..passed second read
ing.. In the - Tfouse, resolutions were adopted -
to meet on
. Nlondriy at 10`o'clock, A. M., find
ridjourn : from that day,. till Thursday, at 9
-o'clock; A. M.,•in order to' allow too - Demo-
cratic State Convention the-tik of thielnill of
the.' -- House, - - which vans
Union Coilvention, to tneeiln the
. 26th '
27th-of Mardi. inst.
__24.lesupplemeti -to the
'.act incorporating , . thit,L --/ Cutubenli;ml
Raityond plrinpany passeirtinpAly.' The :-hp
plement to the - act to incorpginte the ft
burg, MouneJoy atadLaricaster Railroad C•iko.
puny was considered, and a yew sectitm—sirb----
stituted foi' the Second. ~
Monday,. March 3.•—ln the Senatit,'Mr."Cass
made a personal explanation in reply to a
letter in theiNational lutelligencor, attributed
to James WalsonWebb„ cotttaininir :the' sub.
. _
tilance..uf an interview between Mr. Wobb L and .
Lord eltreinlon in which the, latter stated
Guff he'diad no unfriendly feeling towards the
I.lllited States. Gen. Cass thought this •state,
riient Should have been Made in , Parliament.
The bill authorizing-the , construction :cf ren
slooP4 of war'was then taken up.. MeSsrs.
Sewae+atal Hale. opposed the measure as un:
necessaicy, but jt was passed.. It'ap-ropriates
$2,000.000 for the building of the, vessels
The Senate then Proceeded to consider -- the
right of Xlm-Trunibull to ltieSeatilf.the body,
aml pending the discussiou.adjou,ined..
du t. 14) ILo2.lll_o_tlefteititicy appropriation
bill waslalten-up - , - and debated at length. =
Without ooncludirirthe subject, the .House
• adjoornecl.'• •
tql,;.l?prnale Politicians - are very • numercins..
at IYneTiingtofi. -Duringyeestdon-of - Congress --
' th,ey - ru:ii particularly lulu • M'ost •of ' them
came &Om Alio Southern and • Western Striten •
the ..Wives:nr wldoWs C's and government.:
ofTicere •SptneAr are admirably - _'
posted,up. inft he
. politicalitistory-cf. the gouu
61: They . understand, many- of tho tricks
:.and.tramineli of legislation, and always find
the Wet& side-att.: OW. and sdoubtful
I. her... As solicitors ',fox" Once, in ';'.66hale of
: friends tliey arelndefatigatile and irresista- •
A trlilromitrasct*er nigh;
tons pllssed over th.e.19 . 0 from Wa4hitigton ei_-
,tyto.:Alexamli•i;); - it , li , yt.o.uce. i 1
T%7trr , i1,1 . 1". l'eh
The Bte - nrnsh . ip4tnet:idn — rirriVetrOnFlidtiy
morriitig at Liverpciril, bringing
hews from Europe one .week. titer, but rio ti
,hogs of the missing steamer lieeifi.o.
• her :passengere, hovever:t,:eport:;Bowing seen,
when three (la.y'Brititr , frcrm — LiVerpool,
ste . unier-nn timlcith With n *eigtriti of di'strese
flying,. and :Mparetilly,lfeatling for the English.
channel. ;Pito! peace Cotigress would proltably _ until The : ;, on account 7 of the non
The Russian embassy appeared 'firilliapeas
ever. • Austrid'and
.Fratice' anc suid.,tO"- have ,
ifesiretrthe admission of Prussia,lnd:Engin ,
Positively 'refused. • &mice titnt'4ustriii are
also!sitiit - to have a 'secret understanding of th6=
tiftlitirtiele,and will eutvetC England on - .OM .
ppoposed disatiming of th'e Eastern coast. of. the, .
ldacic ed_the T ltist_±._
. doelc•-•at Sebastopol, and !Hive mined "Fur •
itr ;03, English .t rghilt".its 4i t; },, t,- - -7
.liarhig to retjtrn home from the Crinsen.:-IThe
French tir,m'y in. the Cri Mee is much dissatisfied ,
with th,e<peace'lieVittl.' 'The caused 7.4
a great excitement in the Russian' army, At,
Seb:isMpol, six Russian hosts from the north. ---
Attetripto littack nn the French but 'were
rliolsed.. Austria and France are geld to AU=
from kji . Nl . la3al relative to the
- 7 2 19,c Ku-s4inns have eynculityd - nart of Turk-
Armeni-roinfl"‹ , !,freotripi'ons, Mr. 11. , )9buels . leis
the,Ani,eoonm difficulty, aril
naiyitri,tfiLpr,iAtioficaLof,...the reorr.espondpice_
tte•asiced whist instructions had beengivn to
Crtantitnn, and mov,c , l an 'express: 1)n of
yiiuivn that jthe ,Flouse was not a party to the.
viala Croir of. tive laws of the Uniteil.States.',
The 11. 5..111,11 steniher Aruget; Cap! Lines,
Crtvti 11tivre, at New Yerkjiti Saturday
Eurve._ .tikt , tad. a very perilous passage.—L '
She . [rings 'three despatches—titie frffl» - the
guyerti(nent to their lliniatet ut
. . _
r.t. ! m, frontgr..,Thicliaiuttt, and 0t 7 (1. - friar
* 7 .',lttqmr Jrhe peace: conferences 'at .ooi-
sfantinaplc have closed, but .thee win be re
... 11 In el as Sault as I,Qrd Stratford has 'received,
instruetillitrom his giii . ertithent,. The "
Baxottk , at Shutula,
lase hoar, repressed An ttisarrectiaiihss oc,'
- euvred among the Bedouins, near
chi t . t iithjeot of the euriiihment of the putlitin..
. ,
A'telegraph'crunt St. Beterstnag,,announeed..
that Prince (I..rtsehakoff_ . 2l's Com=
mander-iii-ejlierl . l( Ole West and.
and InipLmiarnl4,if thn'aing..
It is stated'hiev fetter . thorn
the Preneh.eainT, that'in an. Affair "\yitlT?the
totyil OntreSfS; ille sueoeided
• iii '2O prisoners..
1 here is nothing additional reported in re
totheAMerienat,dillicul‘y, but.inueh
citement upon the - subject eohtinueS to'prevail.
ist England. , • .
captain of the barque' . Robert. frdm
Shields; just arrived at Boston, reports bay
ing seen IL large steninereknnpletely disabled,
.•fi the Newt,undi,,i,d. Conjecture
•nialtes- this - Tess - el - the. - missing steamer
Mr. Dallns, Minister td Englanq, dnilQd cot
Live4oul on tiiiturkiny. • • .
.CA7IIOI.IC C11171:Cli PUOPERTY.—Govetnor
Inst iveek vetoed a bill "to author
ize John Neumnn to borrow money on the se
mi ritylitireh = and Aittroonage—ht;ittiingr
Ad:lot of gronnd,",•The veto deriyes par. •
titular .impnrtance from the 414et.that pr.
Nentnan is the 'Boman. Cattidio Bishop of
I'l:iladelphia,. and that the present measure
brings up afrest, the vexed question of tenure
a Catholic church property. Governor - Pet-. -
loci 61;1036 to the hill. because it does not set
ieurth the facts requiring' legislative interpo- •
sition, and that it:is not, certain that the title
'in the ground desCribed. is vei•fed• in
. •
Bishop Nen minr.4 If in trust•therbill. fur
,.i•hes iur information as to the nature of the
trust, or,the persons interested in IL - , 'The
is iys viler s tys that if Bishop Neuman holds
this property:4V his own right, 'this legislation — ,
s orruccessary,•and that if held in trust, the
`Courts hare full power and jurisdiction in.the• •
premises, under-a law passed in the year IAS-3.
We quotli the conclusion 61' .the message:: ,
"if however, the case was not pr sled for ,
by arnerfinalvs,.....l.i,nd special legislatiOn was
proper under' the ;cfreumstattoes,- there are
features in the present bill .which are.serions
ly ohj,ictionable It provides that 'gr. Neu4 . '
' wan may mortgage the let Of -ground --therein
er - create g_rOund rent—charged '
thereon, :hid receive the proceeds without giv
-44 any_ waive - tog Authorizing any interpo.-:
siiion on the pArt Of any ceitia pie trust whose
.interest - may lie affected by the proceedings,
without_ any restraint upou,the exercise of his
•liseretioirin the amount, Act: be raised, or in
the applitiation the proceeds,-without •
ing IdmU answerable - 6 any court
_therefor, for
requlring from film Any security for the faith- .
fill appropriation of-the-moneys which may.
come into, his hands-by • 'Firm :.of the powers
,•pro posed-to 1;e" conferred upon hint. ,
This is a departure from the Aid titity res- .
'trictlons embodied lit .all generarlaws contain
ing provisions for the cenve.rsien_ Of trust
• estates by trustees, 'and against all preoedente .
in similar.acts of Assembly r passed to provide,
for particular eases. , , The tendency of SuCh.
Legislation is, injurious, and !hi example den , ''
gerotis.: It cannot rebeive my sinetion.!'
,uric MovEm.z.N.T.-.-,Tlia_ Whig and
Committees of . IVaAltingtutt County,
hack, .... a jointlueetiE4'emil_ngi4e(i to - unite
_i;i_one orimnization_for county-political pur----
'.poFps. 'Thom -i seine senile
ever this done toeofodOism iy bound to be
E.A.O. or A WAttr.nonse.—liiraby.",&. %aft;
V.arehense, in Market Street- below •10rti.
i' ia:l e I w it! k t
Nierning; hfilie.presettre_nti4traitt.:. ,
upon trio upper stories.. r(onr , tnen
about -theAntildins rtire - er4stie. ; .l
Alt 1t11',1.1. THE ARA tiO