Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 13, 1856, Image 8

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V tie, Stict
rtelonTi:i3. 'rptt-Tal.
" • .pAftrqui,lVednesdm .
. . . do Extra,
Rain • do - ' ,
Loy tr%,. ) ) •• .. . do
.. .- ' szEO, " :dO .
,-- ' . ~; , r4 - M9 IYBERI). , :‘• do . .
WIIiTSIC -.I.3AItIWST. do •.
SPItING ItkitLiiir. . 'do '
B!~ LTi 11tIZ IC ' ; JILA AK I~'l'r
. - morning was dulland, quiet, and web note
further decline.. - • Very little disposition •
.• - purchase fur shiptnent,. except at , redueed fig- •
urea.. - Some' purchases: have been made
~cently to fill, contracts, brut most of ..this def.'
eription of buyer's are now out of the market,
Sales late on. Saturday, not heretofore. reported,. •
•of :some 300 bbls Howard' street at $B, a
ebee of 124 dents "on preyione figures._ Also,
. this miming, 200 * lib's at $B, • closing
--:. ' - ' - 'stkifily -. , --, Niithing . flotiliFieCity - MillaiferDlifo.
.We quote them', .nominally at.sB . . Nothing.
done since 'change. The New Vorlf.diSPateh
indicates .a ° slight_alvapae; but buyers
• not disposbd to • operate:.- Fatuity and - Extra
.Flour—We now qudte Patapsco faintly at $lO,-
50, extra. dn. at $9,`7 - 5; .11Oward Street and
Ohio family. 10,871 a 10.50 ; extra do: tit -8,50 i;
$8,81.1 per bid, Itye Flour --:Sruall -males .at
• , Corti•Meil—Wo - A-uote country
at,3,44453,60, and city matinfaCtu r redat $4,26
per -bbl. NO sales-were reported.
- • Gamtc.--.Wheat 7 -Market. dull. - Lf)nly . 1500 . _
bijohels offered to-day,.arpl prices irregular.—.
We (Illote choieoyr)tite at $1,95, prime
. at 1,78E41,90. Red, good to prune at
4,70 a $1,78 . per bushel. Transaction very:
• limited. Corn,The market is dull and the'
------ .
samples .on - o 'change aro generally not in strict
IT desirable -condition - _forAlhipment.,:i
15,000 bushelkofferkd to-day, and par'ily,eold,
white; by metrsurement, at 58to 63 cents, aitd
,do. at 51 'to 04 conts' per
_Slica_ of _y,ellow:by_weight-at-65a66- cents;
-choice, fully dry andla shiPiiing Order, will
:sointriand more. Oats—About 1600 bushels
offered to-day; - and sales of good, to prime, at
• 138a40 cents; ordinary to fafr do:-at 3406'0e - rite. •
_per bushel,• ltye—About 700 btfelkelkOffered__
- A sale of -- 800 bushels - Virginia . 1)y .
weight atsl,l3. $l,-13.--W-e--quote -quote Maryland . at 1 - ;08
asl,lo, 'and Pennsylrariiii, at 1,16a51,16 per •
_ TB
4 To ure.
M.The following, epistle will bo read on'
accunt of ite pp* sentiments. ,The Ais
tinguisbed autborovho has received the sob=
- ,.riquet of "War : Horse,".for his fie'rce assaults I .
upon rum, is known . to have, strong prodileez
ticns for the cause of,the "llemocracx.7 In
the campaign of 1.854, he considered Bigler
'a bettor tempei•ance man than . Pollock. The
Reverend: gentleman _is a viOlent temperance' .t .
Man, antrat the same time:- a 'follower of the
Pemocr•ncy :
[!from the Phltallelp o blk Sun.] ''.
,_ . .
PltfLADELi'lll2t, Jun': 24, 1850.
i My Dear Friend . :-1 .sear from - the papers
that tkelieinocritte have to second reading n
bill to. repeal the retraining liiifiliir.:l,4iv,:
alp it ha . expeeteillo-day th - eliilt will p4:1.1. the
I.l l Npm 'oriteliresentatives.
iN7Cyclet me iiropose to you rim!' throtiet .
• ydu td our Tarty, On% toy forthwith itat•e a '
I bill 'rJquiritik__tim- County (.;ommissiouers--of--.
each coupty . in- , -ttlie Mato . to. !mid er,ected or
pine - 4741*a, cross-routli,. a trough' _with a
iialf a dozen :or more mugs oliained fan;
• and those troughs well and „constantly sup.
tilled with, runt Au I Inger, that the thirdly ,
Lttn ,-(-
iftre-{..,ounty heed - mut --- hTr - t the.expense
if•fencint , in the troghlt - s, for there is not a nog
op the old Keystone 'so - far hatt•to•re'speet,, for
his kouortihre itoysinp, as to put his snout,
withnfzuorelhatt,smelling distenco of the vile
• •• It does-not seem to the as though the Dent
'ousts items .res - olved - ilia - all the._ evil; of in
,. temperance shall be entailed 'upon this-land
perpetually:. It is to me - efokt galling. and'.
mortifying that the. political party -which I
party of tini"contitry, should
soldenfify with rum, rags and ruin
NlY : rdear sit; FinoSt deeply. regret thht you. •
.• a father, and Isi:good :citizen, should . le'nd
your. influence M this "vile trallic -It matters
----notristim-y-jutigrnent, how:Much - of theThifinset- -
,' tfirs Money May- pass - - from - -Oleic.' lockets -t0 2 .-
__-_-Altose of theTliontooraitc mem ers. alloW
mite ttitask• you; 11-1 an hottest, - clever'. fellow;
haVeyou ever known any guod results to the
individottl, the family or the pommunity, from
runt drinking?' Give me one example in--
. „ which runt:drinking has reformed.. ontperson..
For thirty•yeaFs I Intve•beett asking for. 'this
sample, but so fur in vriin. Will yon 'dome
the favoy to ask the pemosatic members l'or
, me
,cxamPle ? I ask it from
• ineaihers orthe•Pogislature,• because it is evi
dent to'al/ -wife - will See,- that they are
friends of runt,. and that rum-is
titirely tlitty..cah say something- good• for their
old fried 1. I presume Hugh). will ltVe - High
Mrs ii'erformed. for-all the precious whiskey;
!avlog.entils, in the Legislature. I trust in
thitillre . j„s.ltutnituity - enotigh in the Stiff
ate to stay the' burnirfg...Wronger of
Yours trul .•
LW GOODS:The subscriber fiae
Irjuat - fatiliniedfrtnif ilia city. Openitil at .
general assortment of Fancy, and_fitaple Goods, ronslat
ing of,Froneli 3terinoea , Coburge, Alpaccas,. Printed
tinslnneres and' Nous de - Laines - . - +Drama
Blanket • Shavrlis,•• - tiarulirie and - Saris J dgluge
sertingli and quitibria eittlerisa. and
-80. Shirt& and„Drawn. Diaki Trltilmingi *rent
variety I+4li:blame Finny and - Staßla • -
V. El W • G
- 0 O.IY S. A
a 7,75
, 6,0
_ yil - 0
I.'he subscriber hasjust rsturmeiLfrons
in now opening a spteudid assiwtmer.
triutiDS cheapiw-than_liser brought to earns,
Sierhiioeii. De Lair's, Silks, SAI pa eh iris; Bow
Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestings, culicoes, - Mutillifes AC., 10
great Variety.
. An immense stock of .11tiOTS ANDi,gII9ES, all kinds
arid prices at tife-cer.f lowest notch:. Also, A nevi stms
Ladies' Furs very-cheap. Nevr atjle IV - lutes ItonnetS
must fashionable shape. . ••
-• Come 1)11(1 and all in.want of cheap goods; and you. will
be sure to be stilted at the. Old Stand, East Main street..
dec. 19,V0. - • CIIA IkLES UOi Li; .
A d
- .2,75
- 1,10
- 1,00
• •
I tie 11)seriber - haVng_itmt_rYttiried frinnlhe cities
of New, rk and..Philadelphitt is uovTlopeniiig a very
eltettaiva ersorkpent
Consisting of elexmit Winter Shawls, rOemlid — Silks,
i.'aslittietirs and Do Laing', French Merim,ev and Para ,
-means, elegant Needle Worked Collars
it inhons and Trimmings In great variety. Cloths; Cali, -
siitioreg. eassiiietts," Vesting's, FlanneD. Jeans and Ito
siery, ke., .lot of, now , Also ftliVitled
comidete assortment of BOOTS AND-SHOES.
' All Versons in yvant 'of handsome and chealigoods
rev.. - ectfully Invited to call and eXII.I/lill t , 111:4 stock before .
intrehasitig At the old Stand East Main
zit,re•e•t,:, • • , •
• enattcr , r 001111 Y
1.1: - A - stoCk - orwelt - niaile
will 1.0 void at cost.
_ 2 .lct. • - ' • • •
• •
• . Consists buy ink anehicoods as one really'needs.
in,' buying theni where they are sold, at the lowest
prices. Wo•hal'!lrecelved and,are now . openlneku•
41.1-aNTIIT ' • •
of new; eheariand splendid goods: such as the geliulne
(101 l Medal `elilkS, Freneli Merhipea, Vl' all the desirable
cokirs, Thibet Cloths, Alinbillas, plain and prinked Moils,
do hiss, Calicoes In abundance, and all tho other kludi
Chat' are now mini .4••• • '
Also, Einbrel,teries, 016ves, llat,dkerchiers. Hosiery,
■mall wares, limn :itioes, Carpet liags,'Clutit (..iipty Bon
nets, 13,:in net Itil))),.iis; an ex telit,fya supply of
• • • • -•
;111Cil* Clutha. Satitiott;i, Casshieles, Kentucky Xeutia,
l'esti.ngs, Satins, Ac.,Tichings, • Oitighatnii. Flannels,
niui a„, , eneral I.(tWy of tiooila hi which - we - in-
Tito e4rylauly to oxnuiTue,and satisfy theinsel Tea,: t hut
we aro Belling- giuxis at .such prices ill will satisfy
' closest-buyers. - RENTZ k BROTHER,
o,•t. 17, '5l. • •
'MEW GOODS.-,—Tho - Aubsdrilier hay
just reeeivedand is now - nliening.'a - larikriliesart•
tutus, of GOODS lied 'to - the- season-71)1mm
call - int' get barpine. .
' Carlisle, Noy. ' ' SspintASsi: •
k ed a I(7t7JWfic. and • Woi; Elastiellelts in all
c,, •
nuv..2l, - • omo: - w. nu:4ER.
vk C 031.8 AND SEE.
lf~uuysan t_primeG rose rl 0 3 •
-; Go to Halbert's
If you want beautiful Queenawarti t.
Go t`o Tkalbert's.
It you want splendid Lamps,
If jou .want Tubsor.llaskets,
_ cic k .to Ultifiert'A
wt anything also in ti irne, •
• Go to italkirt's.
. . .
TiIQAI.IbSCHI,I4 . Lan just returned front the elty with a
large . and choke Assortment of -Groceries, Ulass and
t :hula Ware, Fish, :halt, Baskets, Tubs, and every thing
In his line of business, which: ins'offers for sale at the.
lotve“ -priers. Call and exeitniue Tor yourselves.
now. 21, ' ' • • 11. 11A.1,11Elter
I L )r.
),.; N 1 .E
'rho uxulerxignell liasjumt replouish
el WS 1.1.00( or •
glad is prepared t o ', frictids anti ricstoniers with
nt.,st "aitything -- requiroil - in tif,,inestic:iime. , at - prices
_which he hopes elll pro% s:11 kftett,ry.• Ilis stack con
sist.' of.every variety of y,nrds suitable for town and
e I ataxy uso. lii has also on h etiitl .e 4rneritl AFEortinout
of A IIDW Alt 8, Such as'inay ha needed hy farmers and
mechanics for:every day use. llis , •stl,cl; of
\yrs I.:S. Eft 1.4 Q. IJORS •
Is large nod ow braces an assortment of choice
iinnlites. All for sale Wholesale and Retail. s , ttiti) Ensl
e,r.ier of Ilafluvvr and str.lOts,
•.,no try Prodtibt taken lit exeliitnga fin- goods.
,Al...—Cfmway'n pure Pnlift Softp:—Cormay's tol
ps3eed Chemical °He° Soap:" A I'llll nu pply or thole
exrellopt Snapp hist recoived and for ante at
Wt.I.I,IAMS' FAMILY altOCkYltY, Man Street.
Carlisle, Nov. $1,'55. •
cHANtiE . liouits!.
.da .and 'nfte:r MOND.kY, d)i•tober 2 , 2 d, 1855, Passengur
Leave Chat/then:burg-.
• . .Carlisle, .
At LlArrisburg, "
Ist Train. 2it Train:
Lento Rarrinburg, 8,20, A. 31 % •1.00, PI lil
- " Merlin nlesbury• 9,03, .: 1.:i2. "
• " ' Cor '
lisle 0 4 3, '" • --'2.11, "
" Nowv111e ! • • ! 10.19, " 2.47, I ,
" ' Shipponsnurg, ;10.4.0 " 3 . 1 5. ".
At Oluttabersh'urg, 11 . 15 ; "•_ . • 2.4;, "
TR A 1... c 8- . ' -.. • ..
Lenvo Ifnrrinburp; for Phlladolphin nt 1.12 end 8.10 A.. Ms.
al-s-o-nt-740-P--4,nnil-P-Pr-Soon, VIA COI unil4n,. -
!Ante 11nrrinburgfor Pi ttnburg nt 7 3. - 20.A.31.; 12,:5.) noon,
-- nn,1,4. - . P.M. , . . . • •
Ilarrilburg ftir Baltimore, at 3, Mid 8.30 A. M.;
i'irs of Dituulain and Susquehanna !tail Road leave - ilnr.
riiihitrg at 5, A.. 31. n d 2.10 1 P. 31'. for Atiburn, Potts-
Beading, ' •
4 - 4. 4 At all Stations 'milers Tlatets are ,sold, Fareb ate
T EN LESS than . n; I t i l ) i e s ,l Cara. a
hall Road Chani N.
, titober 17,1g55.• • . • .
,Y. . ERENCII ' ' •-: • •—.
- mid. AMERICAN DRY ..40011:3! , • , •
•••1101.4111T iniet t liSVELY AT AUCTION. ,
id...linta. S s treet iolow Market, betweeirSec
'-- owl alid Third, 'MLA DELPHI A. • •
ta„ To Card' hi' short, time !layers we will soll• - al,
Tory Anvil' adyitiraion A ualun rout. -.. .• - • -.
.--• Ylilladiflphie;Sept.n. .• • ' • • •
erg 600to5:
ffii►iiiitj: oceries- -
Cho to Iliabert's,
Go to Ilalbert:*
I,t Train. 2d Train.
• 8.45, _4. 51 1.40, P. SI
9.17 •• .. . • 2.12,—.. ,, -
9.4 q, • . 2.42,
10.25,: ":.4 3,17,
18.58, - "•',. 3.48,
11.25, ": .‘v \ 4.15, f‘
7_ - :50*440.44.-i.Jalyiio.o.),_
etiltply of the above co obratod Churn, COW
on hand Of all the dlfforunt slum, from 4 gallons; to 50:
It reeolind.thollfst! . pretillutii al the :lato PoitusYlvattia.
Sfat c6 Fair, litolirat-kortiluni 'at .tho-Franklin - Inelltute:
- xiiiltiiiiliewartt and :Maryland Witte -Tare, and: "various
ethers at different pli7s. • It will make pore and potter
.butter front-ct‘given aruennt,iotettialif, -- tind
than any churn In the thatket.- .Icer.,eelo'Wholiisa and'
retail by ' • ' P:AsetrA.LL 51011.1118-4: 0.,' .
and 315 - r et,l'htlinitilphia. • - Dec. 8, 1854, t:_
• .1 _lt EAT •E X C IME •_
above Ssreutb,•Phlladelphia, renneNtrully..inforuts the
public-thif -he is-prepared-to ipnlio the 1 0110 wing...........
• •.
SPLENDID OFFER. -., •• • • .
TWENTX.Boardtnin,Oray . & Co.'s celebrated PIANOS,-
and TWENTY C. 11%,..Fi5k. Co.'s, PRE.IIIII3I MELO
DEONS will be ploCialrin the inutde ( - Ca coninaittie 'of
-gentlemen, to be by them disiributea among the holdert
of my epititlcates.
To each purchaser of my Popular. I(usic, a certificate
will be presented. entitling the holder to air interest in
ONE PIANO and ONE MELODEON. to be dispoSed of 1 . 4
the Committee Tor the benefit of those holding eertlll-
rates when ONE THOUSAND DOIMAILS' worth of Music
shall have been sold.flo .thoreich person . investing One
not,onl v . receive .inauld_lbeztoble-of-ololleS, secured tohim an.interest, in
common with &her certificate Judders:ln the above
tributinn: — Tlie eurceelling ilistributiohn will be miff.:
to: - the' - same VegiftatliffL'utitli the 20,
Piatma'aud 20 Melodefiii6 are distributed. . .
Particular attention is invited to that feature of this
phfn which coils tor a disposal of the instruments when
but 1000 certificates have hren issued, thus avoiding the
vexatious gielay anti prulsiblgATZeppohatment attend.
Ing certainscliemesliow.keK•e the public..
‘• Music untv be selected frommy entire stork, which
comprises evrkyllstalegue in the United States.
Orders forwarded by
. nutil will he . .faitlittillr - rind
promptly•attendett to. •
13 . --- C , nstatitlYint — handra -- splendid-ossortment-of-
Planes, front the celebrated manufactories-of Boardman,'
linty S . Co., of. Albany: Jacob Cliickeriug 'A: A. W, lAdd
I C.CO.„,of_lioitent._Ely,S-Mtinger.ancLiteupett . c0...0r
No York. 7 Also,C. Co.'s
deimsi to be had at the lowest manufacuturec'e prices.
[Road the following: front IrlOiley‘p )fusisodEditor.l
" IloiromAN,Or.Ar k Co.'s PrAmoYours.—We are so well
pleaSed .with the itiatruttientit made \ify this firm that
we have ileterinlued to befit trumental oursaives, that
isAll furnishing our4rftbscr hers and others with an
articletilat we:dean rearm= pLauti_warrant: . :Diere is
always a dlilleulty attemlin the - purchase ef--platios,
becausepersons.cann'ot rely ft Ily . upon the reeommenda
dons they. receive front manufacturers, who'are inter
ested. 1)r the sale pf their...own tintiTufactufe.
Now. we Vei t not it4ere,sted in tiiii - matter itlnuy way,
oteept •so far as to :see that those who patronke our
eitpoko.,f,solq,,,,weil : served lib tho best pianos made.
For a list ciflntees see cover at which amounts ere' will
send PllMOl.•lirartonted for - spins year, the freight to he
PIIIIII'br the-lorsons‘ ordering% WA - annex - sr lettef , re , .
ceiied fiosn. gentleman - in Virgthlu e to nlimit we rent
.One of these Platios:- , - :• - f ' . :• '•
, "L. A. tionsy; }l'sq.-L , Dear Sir—T \ tifi'ict great pleasure
in' acknowledging the' receipt of the Piano Forte which
' Yott,:tvere so good ie to order thr my wife.from Mart:Mimi
ilffirny's, Tt . was delayed-for ;Some tlaie at S'itichester:
but 1.11111 happy...A.o2y that It came Imextellent condi- 1
tlon. %1 . e . -are decidedly. pleased :with the instrument.'
The risewood is.of a beautiful quality: LIM ettpie is plain
(we like it the better for it); the,..touch is very easy for.
a new instrument. and the tone is firth, clear and sweet.
All who havelrird It. adm,ireit and speak lo the highest
fArms -4 Its' mellyw ties! , 'atuT sweetness - of - t one, ---- Wa
deeply io , "•ret that we did not 'Order. the 'Attachmeht::
ire must have it yet. _ • • '
-, "Wirare - deeltly indebted - to you lot. your agency ` 'l n
procuring for wie) good an instrument. ]le pleasedto'
receive our tteltnoWtedgments. Your old. semi... .
iiec- .5, 71a-- , . _.
._ - . -J. 1,). W,"
. .
F: ivE pgit °ENT. S AKIN T,UND
itntstreet„sqlith-west eorner of Ihird stroot. Philatte
v hin. Incorporated by thestate of Pennsylvania
"Five per mat intel?st is . gtron, and the money, is al
ways paid back whenever it hi called for, Nrithollt tin
necessity of giving notice ibr it beforehand.
. ..
. .
. .
People, who have large awns pat their lifonuy ip this
Saving :Vald, on decount - of link,supprlorfifety ritia;ron
vanioneo it affords„ hut any stun, large or small, Is re•
reivad. • • .I••••
This SaVlnk f'untl has a very large amount of Mort
gages, O round Itents.and other:first class investments
for the - security of Depositors. Theles — prevent any or
. 0111ccr froimusing boriowing the motiey.
.The Ofllce is °len to receive and pay money ev e ry
day,from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the
eVening, and Pn Monday and Thursday eVening, till 9
at the aloe fur r
Yu ether in for, • •
IN11:1"Ti: iENN Elt;
I{4 11T; SP It IN; E, Vico rreithlent
IV ;ED, Seeretftry, '
,Q, , tt,ber 1, ISSS ; - • '• •
-- isSliitANlAt A NSTITY :MUST - Cmii" v.: •
'4 E. Voiiier Third and Chesnut Streets, Phil's.._.
• $24,000. - 4.24 • • . •
.7itoney is recelvpd.on. deposit daily. the amount do-
posited is entered'in a DepttSit 1/110k ' anti given to the
'Depositor: or, if pecferred,tt certificate .0111 he given.
- .All sums large- and Finall, are received.' and the
amount paid back on demand, without
,untice. - • -
• _lnterest is paid •at• the rate of Elva ern etsv.,- (Tort
inern'ing frinn the clay of deposit, and ceasing tburteen
days" provlotis to the'ulthdrantal of the men e y„
lin the lirat day ofJannary, in each year, the interest
of ca:M deposit Is paid to the depositor, ur added to the
pi locip it, as he' may,prefer..
Ti", c„ tim i l y iikeo , d l o)v upwards of ;600 depositors
- 4.tlie city of Philadelphia alone.,
----Any-aditiOnal•inforntatlon-will giverry.—atlitressing,
the TlLCA:tlilt Cit. .
Stephen It. Craw
Law relic ohnenn. l't
Anthro...4, 0. en 'son, _
Benjamin AV, Tingity i . :
Ine , . l llJ . :Alf.walreeS - 71
1 1 1,1 NV
Sept. 13'55.-Iy.
. .. .
011 N . S,FIEI;LRS, '
..) .
.._ STRAW CUTTItIB.' , '
—. large ak•Onitiment of Snpeßor Corn Shelters, in c i n d r .
int; Reading'a Patent, capable of olielling" 1000Hysiolici a
of Colin per day. Also Pennock's itaipl and power Shelt
lore, with various other patents of various prices. flay,.
Straw and Kidder iCuttero of the most approved con
struction and in great variety. Sausage Ciminero and
St n ifeiii. Poulde Michigan, Siilisoil, Eagle, 'and 'Bar
Share Plows. Superior Ox Yokewand.llovro, 0 rain• Fans,
Minima Hollers, Corn, and Cat 51111 s, Lime aud. Guano
Spreaders, Ac , for sale Wholesaleanuilletiatiy • •
.. , PASCIF ALL MORRIS .1‘ Agrrgultural \i'vet.oVse and Sred Store, •N. It. C0. , 1r.'
7th - owl Market 054 Phila.. 94'10, '56
Wm. If. flpilvvin,
Pali( ii. (Inddard,
(leo. %ileum-
Secretary and Treasurer,
• Teller. ((MI luterpator,
V„9i ( abeiglia..
• , . 1 % -
• . ~.,;,..:Li.,-...:______ ,
lit E .51.,0 VA .L.—The Subscriber has.
riIEACHERS,' • SURVEYQI3, -- t 5,, ' A ,EN:-_
7:- = - -er . Iged - friritioolucn-rriiiii iluiico - i'ifiFfiiu7;
- 1 r ilifliElTi)ligi) DRAUGHTSMEN . supplOrivnit isiz,,
~.41 1 1 I T RE.ROOI, one door west of • the County
4iatheinatiesal lhawinvlnstrunients, separate and in - _Prison; ln Main street,- and will 'be Pleased to sec all
cases, such as Dividers, Parallel Rules, Ivory, llox.wood
hitiold cuStoniers,,and as many tiew.ones as may ilinl
and: - Paper Soles, , r .squares , Triaugles, ,, ligw Pens, tto their advantage to give him a call.
Drawing Pens,•Protractors,.ounter'll Scales, Tape 51.etta-• .$j 1 23 18 , 0 , 1 .. •• • 4:140. Vir, lIITNER.
a t , J . ,
ures, i llotalle Tepee, Surveyors Chains, 2 and 4 Pole,' 50 ' •.• • and 100. feet, Surveyor's Corupassee,'Eughteer's Levels . i r
01..NL 41 1 7" : 'WANTED.---Alr , persinis
-and Transitit, Target Rods the.; - &c: Magic Lanterns cif, -Tt
the best eonstrtiction, Scriptural •DiNmant,.Aatromicah , illlndebted lathe subscrit,or for:stare, goodit -for 6
~Nittdral• History,Uumorn ii, l'hitUuattstpe-or Artilicial -- nottrths - attd - -upwityliVai o e'attiestlY ,- requestetrto call
This' worki, - DissidiltigNiewe, Magnets. •Poloramas, Air- 'and settle .tip witliCut delay as inctnuy is, much needed
Pumps, Electrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus and it Art him at . thx_llOgomill'"'"
_larilt_en IPrtintrrif I I 11.
" ..-44 0 4{4141 tet. u1111111t.,, suitable
-for collegeit - and = schoolni -- AlstOlpectacles - ,l , fffiliftWeit - '
: blicroscopes;Therummetera, liarmnetera Reading Glint
sax ke; : r .
having received_ the .agebsy for tile * sale of .1101.-•
-I.lfitioli'S-SCIIQOL-APPAILA-TDSI-ani -prepared-to
furulah Teachers with an - Orrery. a Tellurian, a Numeral
Frame, a 5 inch Ulohe, a Hemisphere Globe, a eat -of
Geometrical Solids, a Magnet and Text think, all packed
in; - a box ;with. flock and key for s.o.' Illustrated and
priced catalogues forwarded Gratis. .••
.. . . .. .lA3I ES - IV - .'QU'F.EN; • r .
. : 284'Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of 10th St.
\fi purity:RiFiintice mild
pilikaies of thin
Sonp, eethier , i4 It esp!Tially_
&teem - WOK-a jiTace, (.11 eyery L e".
toilet Vor - ebst,pect' hands, -
.*n4-sitrious dieeeses of the •
ski it; It Is unequaled: Each ".., , 41....,t,tave
otnrupeti 14'31. CON.
19.1. Y. I t',e South Second,
- No
other is Uouuinr. .
wiwth In hard: loft. or salt water. -This Soap hait power
ful cleansing propertle's; Which readily...remove Oil. Paint,
Dirt. le., from every deseripthin of goods without Injury'
to them. , Eor all ~ louno.tle purposes it ix superior to
any other soap In use. and 20, per cent, cheaper -Om the
.summon_roslurtoap—Rach-brr stamped: ' ---
_ 108 Soiith Seelool street. Plilladerphla,
Manufaciiiier of Fancy and Staple sperm. steer
soda ash, rosin, ac. Mall promptly attended
Sept. 12th
ct - E-A - .111 . --EN SATING- ' FUND .
Charter6d by the StntAl nf
-I'enueylo,#nla In - 1855'
OFPICE~ 5i wALN.ur bTit.kwr -
One doof ahoy° Second Street, . •
Receives Depositain .sums of
_One Dollar and upwarils,
frotiggli classes of the cornuinitY..and allows interest
at the rate of five pee cent pee annul:rt. — Moneys paid
hack on demand.- Ita-Office open dalV from 9-until.
And on Monday alidSaturtlay
the.,a , Yening. .
Thia Institution trill hoTound a con - Yonlent, and safe
lace of deposit for Fariners and 'others doing business
i Philadelphia... Deposits ara paid on demand without
iy preyious notice being roguired. ' -
Souder,. Gori.:Job It, Tyson,-
George Ifoldin,
James P. Perot, Robert Morria,
John MeCaules, Edward L. Clark; •
- Jit6vir - Shoot,a, . Gain. Jghii Gallagher,: ,
Jogeph.M. C moll, John Rice,
Joseph B. 411yers, Stotesbury, •
Edward IL Trotter, Shippen,jr. •
- Fratikilnltiterrn7- --- 'itrir - I: --- ` --- -
Thomas Cooper, • • Edgar E. Pettit,
• President—FßANKLlN FELL.
Trehatiter—CllAS.. M. MORRIS.
Secrettiry,-JAMES S. PRINGLE.
Irn_The Charter proyldes that no manager, °Meer or
rent shall, directly or indirectly; borrow any mono"
an the Society. 0ct.17.1ii55h-ly 1
•• 4 —.`" i s A l I:.I.I,USSES!-• TRUSSES!
c. u. NF.EDfxs, •
TH.Bss AND lIRACE, EsirmiuslumENT,
s. W. ('or. er Twelfth unit Klee SArpets, Ph Ilud'a...
mporter of tine french Trusseg, entn ' lgniug. extreme
htneFs, ea , e - tkpruhility with eurreet.onstrue-
hernial or ruftEitred rttie'uts ettnbe suited by relnit
tiu.; ituutuit tit :—Fetttlitur number o f iurbe roun d the
1/10, tind , ,Otint,' side iffeeted. •
Coftt. of 6iug.!e TrUsh, V; $3, $4, ss,'
V . l and
Illstractions an•to - war: 'and how to_effect a cure,
when p , ,ssihic. sent with the Trin.a,
Also OW S;110. ill ercat variety.
DR,• 1.4 N .IgPlt9l" VATFAT 1104:1" BRACE.
For tlytctire Prclapsus Vicyl; Spinal Props and Sup
po'rta, Pal Cut Shoulder' 'ittacco.. Chest .Expatlerli and
Ereetor ltraces N adapted to all Walt iShoulderrand
aint..3s - eak - Lolp.ta;' English ET tlc
Stiapensories,.:•yrhigc&—luale and feniale
'443 - Ladies' Moons; th Lady attendants. , •
- -
Pint PHOSPI -_ , TE . OF LINE.
The subscrilier informs Dealers and Pit 'iners that ho has
gre'aily imprOved - the quality. of his ' t til'Elt PIIOS ,
Pll ATE OF LIME, and nqw confidently ecnnnnemis
the article manuthetured by him. Its Suessioh. o any in .
. .
io.dintehet. I',n .. .. , card:tine .1,1,t -try
CAN f)LES.-SCiA P, ste: -At the lon est inarl.ct rates. .N, : ... J N e), I - ,, POM.EIiOY, • .
Successor t 9 TI 1441. W. Morgan,,
' • ' Nd. OAO In South M harvcs. l'hilidelphin.
44-Farioe e
rs au 15q“LunAlto.privata allt , ys;and !Avoid
, the orortted wart ~ • July '25, c 2;,:
i J I -- E.' SMITH, P 011.1! • MoNTAIR 7 .
1 •
U11,11104(1, tirei., N.W. comm. 4th and.CheEnut street!
PHILADF.I.I'III2i, • . - • • - .
~ W aY"A.lways on hand I largp and varied assortnient of
Pint 3lonnuies, . Work Boxes,
Pork'itt "Ilt',oks, . ; Cabti.q.
Bankers Vases,. „
:" 2 . Travelling Ilags;---- • .
Note ll, , lders, • . , • liai!lcgraininc , n Boards, , ,
.. ...
Port Folios, hos Mc /I,
PortOle,Deslo, . -: 'l' s eclict Aleinoriunluni Books
'flrestiing Cases, ''" ',. : ' Choi' Cases,'itc. - ~ .
Also a general assortiiient of English, French iriiiila er
nom. Fancy Gooilii,, line pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor
Strops anti GoliElieng..'--
- -
. , _
ire•Wlifile - Sra il - i se.ii lii ii - uriliillie - irs,--
aprlri : - - -
F. It, SAIITirL,
__\. l C.rnrn~r_ttfi,pml_CLujuui.vti' -
N. rei-eipt. of- Stn sufwrior (ioltr Pen will
1.6. soot to any yart of tho rouutry mail—describing;
[KAI thps. tnt;dlittif. hard )01 . ft.." •
. .
,rholesali. a Odretail Lf 101c.L.NU GLASS AND TURF. PItAALE: I'itANVFACTOILY. No. P.M AILL'II btreot,
opo§ite the Theater, NOIO4OIO/3: •-
' }I. N. & Co recolred the only Prize Medal, awarded at
thfi Cryetrtl.Valaceexhlbltion, N. Y., the United
Stak§. for Gllt',..Nrorited,:datitel and Pier
J 111 •
30. I D . 17 1- • " -kl.l - • r - '77=
••B S .
The eheapest:Coliali t Unfiersleavig.,solutiug N , fic
in Pen asylyaufa,Just received at the cheap Nto,r6 bf
Oct. 17, • ellAttL'ES Ot111:11Y. •
v • • .
. .
3ARNIDOOR: 11.0T.T.,F,11,9:—A new
• and superior, article fur hanging Barn Darin!: Jost
received and for tale et ----- : ;:- 1 1.8AXTON'S. •
.-e.o•i , ,- 213,-74 , - - . ....-
' '0"
011.14 Y COAL —5OO ToliKLylien't
, Cirkb bridcen • and Sereened, prepared 14,
family use, receiving and for aula by
111 e.
, . tim • Ifß RAY, Agt,
.1 : ,N131;13.-NERS' - COAL.'_-:- 2,000
..... sli4ety's Yalkey, Nut Coal, a supegoriirtlelo
a• and I.r sale by •
nil •
- 31i.'Sj11.1TIF,S COAL. --N5,,090
)..13 , 1-I,4thiAsthith'o Coal, a Put. rstii - arttde
reierng and 'tn. E•iil6 by •
Juue r '2O d 3•
_Si 80. riur,sEg.
- _
inn ,30
QTICE.IThe, partnerBhip •• jliero.t.6..
N fore existing,,bitweett Robert N...ttlack . "
lt. - -Isitckier-hellissolredtry-miitual consent. , mrper , -
sons having clitims . npon the firm will present * tliten to
John: IL; matcher. fur settlenieril,and thoselltaelited Will
make payment to hlril. ,-.-: . 11011E11T 31. BLACK',- -
Neb. q-4tittj . ; • 'JOHN It. NAtelllilt.
OAN. WANTED.---$2_,QOO Or 80 4 ,006
1.4 wanted, for which- the best Beal Estate - or per-,
sonel socurity.will Ue (liven. Apply to ' •
heal Estate Ajet. end Scriveoer._,
Jaul:2, '56
- :lletfit.-=-NtitTc4 - Wfierriiiiiive n that letters : of Ads.'
ministration on , the 'Estate of , eiLuiver 31titeor i late .of
Silver Spring township, Cumlieriand county;" deceased;
have — lieen Lech granted the Register of said county', to
the guliscriber. residliMito lilerhanirslitirg..; All persons
Indobtedmild total, e:arti required to make immediate . ,
. , ,
payment :I Lid thn•so Laving elaln,kto pretont thenkfor
Jan. 9-6 t p(l.-•
deed. , —Leitera of Administration with the • estaio of Andrew Holmes, late of
Carlisle; Cumberland county, deed., have been issuedb y '
tho Register of , said county, to the subscriber re-'
siding in the same borough. -All persona indebted to'
sabbustate are roque'ted to make immediate payinent,
IMMlMlriffem - for settle
meta to • JOHN IRVINE, Aduer:
Jan nary - 25- , ..:44m111.1
• 29—John Coil, - deed. •
"-.- Do. •
'. • •
4h.). , " . . - • ."7 -
Feb runty -- t1;- - -Job n \Boyer.
4 , 9—davit Neisnagner. '
" 11 —Shaun. _ -
~ • .
12,-11. W. Sziliq, Adime Co.
14 ..' 18— .1)o. ' -.
" 14: - -,oseph }:berley. ' ' •
" OrnWengard.
- Mcquade, ••
19, - --.lszuicii - risehore. •
20 —Shinm , ,presbarli.. . •
, 21,,-W ill ituti Peters, AdamA Co.
" —2 , 2—Jarnh Nnhlrr.'
"- - 2:3—.lonar .llunsbarg6r. Sliver Spring:
Eitasllrlndle. .
p 26.-A.brrihnin Ooodyear.. , •
" '27—Rudolph Ilartzler. . •%.
"- 2s—Joseph Brandt. •
29—Jonns llunsbarger, E. Penuesboro.
March 'l—Abrahntu ,Sulrribarger...
" - -
" _4—John :1111 : 1 , 11t I)ec'd.
"." L—JoslitiA Culp
.•• - •
"-- *l-;•Affscrl Moore- .
- 8 , -.loseidrEleork. _ •
4, •10--John -
" 11—Francis M. Eekles, •
-" - 12.1ecoh Elm:tone.
~. '- -----1 3=41e0r40 Porter, •_
" 14 ~iarofr Ott,stot.
. 44 - 15—John Moue
- 17=John McClure. •
" IS—Jarob Non - comer.
19--.lneob . Bishop, .
• " • 20--JohnSuljenbarger.
" 21--Lewht
" 24—John McCurdy.
" 25,10hn
r— " -- 213—.1nectt) I it denim:..
" 27.-I:llFabeth Neiswanger.
:'- : -Cntif-4,jortts.::: : ' :•-: • --
fi.o 0 A j ,
4000 ToNs. LI.K.ENs
.gpa. Dauphin , and line tiros°
e-d- Nut or Limn
Lyxuns vetlinY, l.'ittston araiihisinukin Stove Coal;
Also, hest quality' Blacksmith Coal.
Also, I.UMlCllt of all kinds and diest.gyiiesa Shingle ,
lal of which will bo sold unusually low. Fs nd 1
and judge for yourseltes. ' - • '
MIR 29 tr
Ii.E.N6VALLIA 11Loken and. re-screened,.
prepared esittlessly for family - use and ke p t'trytkrireotill,
so '.that 1 can furnish it 'nal," and 1141.Q1 Abiting the ,
winter season. I have alto mi Muni and for sale the- •
- U WE 1 1 11,14:11 (VAL frmn the mines of iloyd, lesser
A .Co., and asl I A3ioli from the' mines of C,
ran, Peal Co.. allot which I will sell at small audits
for cash. and deliver to any part of abelitiFOll4l.- '
nov. 14. '55..L. • W. It. 311."1111A
1 1{.lil! ItiTON • •
'f I , Allr TON CO 1 , T
_ .
I,lie TrevOrtian Coal Company arti - nowliimpared to fur
:M.l.llle it item; of t'arl.l . Blll - and ,with an abun
dant mpply'‘,ltlict/cuuineTyevt,rton CbabthrotMhtheir
dealers 1131. 11.31 . U1t1:A aud J.ACtilt 5ll11(01; Where
4 , Ma Miler!: 'ran pia , cure *the' Narintlf. VIZ a Lttinp,
Stenm Must, broten. Egg, Stov e
. and LiMe 13urners. e
ran recommit' it tdall, as superior to-ally' other" coal for.
steMil, domestic purpose:, and lime burning.
,For the
inbasmation ut,tllo citizens of Carlisle we would in- •
final) th is. is --- that—supekdor- coal, a • ,sample—of
which was sent by li, ilebfenStine, Esu'r, of Trevortoti,,-
abouLthe winter ofAfl2. - 411d'4",174'0 so nittill'SatiifAo
tion. - • - • . •
Trovorlon Coal Comm ny Port' Trmere,Rxkior,,,:“..
Attg.:_%2, 1555
, •
....I).EIBT' PA/ . t, )ir •COALS!.,
. TILE NEW . L YARD. • .
'Pri; ,- Slibscr I bei' Weulil respect fu Ily i uforin P
(I . f Carfb:i utl 'lb:hilt). that now prepared to -fur,-
- 111 , i the 44,ENUINE 'I.ItEVOIITON . COAL,' of -various
sizes, it Satrape, of which was famished* to a iininber of
'citiztnas three'ykars since by '.%IS. - E. Ileffenstcin, and: —
which i:ave snch.f.erlect,stitlsfitetion.
AlSo . best qualltieSif Lykens Valley 4nt.l. ihatitokin
of.the different kinds, con'adn'tly on hand, at the new
Coal Yard near. Wu gas Works. •' • '.
Sept . . • -- r• .... Ell ROI.
T T 0 T . .0 ONB Al -E S
_ • C. ALL COAL!! ,COALl!! .
subscriber wou respectfully Itifbrin his kicyals
mut the puhlic, tint ke .is YHA* rereivi ng :h oo , tu i„ N , r •
that very supitiinr It AFII COAL, front the Luke
rldlcr, mines of llOyd. liosscr St Co., the only Red Ash
Coulltrouglit - frtii•the - Sbaintik - hrtlac.'hr, - 1 - rwea aw l
'known In Carlisloas theLlelfenstin4enal,--.41 is entkely
fCce front slattiand all other imp uriticit, and is i , erfeetly
atb•lited to Ata-timilianical and ill:Mier:lb,: puritnst.
read fleSi to ignite, re I item .it particularly; desit able for
amnli stotOs, utak, its intensity of boat rind great Sum,
bility iu burning . utskcs itlmuttlfy sof,,e 1111 VS. 114
would at Ball the attertiou .4' thrtners mitt others to a.
truperloi• article of Cli UT (VAL, from the saiio'
mines, for itteatit and line purposes
For iale only in Carlisle by
• July 15,'55]-3t.
' Adm'r.
E. 11 . noovin.
n.' 4IJItRA -,.AKk
W. B. IItT.RAT, Agt.