li illic:ell . 4itco - i0; MAR,VELLOUS, 4EMED:i r , ffod It 0 L L • • . TUE GRAND - EXT,ERNAL REMEDY. , • , :11,4•_thet..ald of ti microscopp; - age -- Ilen-milliond of little openings on dace of our, bodies. Through , thiso this Ointment, when rubbed on tile skin is carried to any organ . : or, [Oran"- part. Diseases of t ho', Kidneys, ifftle9oX111111:_ _WWI,. In Bet kt_ du tion of Clio IrgavAstinnik, ans. and Colds, are by its means effectually cured. Ryer, housewife knows • th f it--Salt:_passes_freelyl:_through' bone 0. meat of any thickness. - .healing Ointment far more readily penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the living body, curing the inefft dangerous - inward complaints; • th l et-cannot , , -_____. • - .ERYSIPELAS,SALT Rif EUNI AND SCORBUTIC '.•-• • lIUMOR , S. '• - No - remedy hair ever. done so much' fOethe cure of die eases °Oho Skin whatever fortuf-theyfmay assume, as • the Gintainit. _No case of SilCltheurn; Scurvy,- Sorsa- Heeds; Scrofula or'',Erykipeles, cats long withstand Its influence. The inventor has travelled over minty parts -- of the globe, visiting the-forincipal hospitals. dispensing • this - Ciiitnient, giving advice as .to, its eradication and ------leas-thus been-the-ifitAisarestoring.conathessmiu;lbers •• • to health. . • „ 7- SORE LEGS, SORE,IIREASTRiIitOUNDS AND UCEltti Some of the mosi.ncientlfic surgeons now-rely solely • on 'the use"of,thrs weindeFful Ointment, when having to cope wlth - ibeivol•St cases of sores.:wound4.,ulcers, glauduhaf awAllingS, and tumors. Professor !follows 'Betsy* command of the Allied Governments, dispatcl i4llct,the, • iforailtalet of the East, large shipments of th Ointment, in.benied under the directions of the Me • • cal Staff, In-the-Worst - cases of wounds.: It will cure any ulcer, glandular swelling, etiffneSs or contraction of the joints', even - of 20 yearlicstanding. . _ • PILES AND YISTULAS, - • Tile li ) and Otherslinilar ilistressing,eoinplaints eon . be effectuc ly cured if the Ointment be well rubbed in over tlie.part. Affected and by otherwise-follovriug the:print elii direct) Ma around ear)! pot. . 130 M .. Ti E OINTMENT AND- 011.1.0. 0110ELD 111 USED ET TUE FOLLOTyINU colia§: • _, . ,;•• -•-.•• • -.. Ditnions • Piles 1 , . Bpraltiii Burnsßh , eumatism: . SealdS Chapped.liands Salt Rheum . Swelling (Bands, Chilblains • , 'Skin Diseases • Stiirduints Fistulas , • Sore begs Ulcers - • . ' Gout - Sore itreaster • yo ) merial Sores - . Lumbago • Sore Heads - Wounds of all Mercurial Brups -- Sore - Thrdats ----,' - kinds' -- t --- Akins - , - I;3OtAA OritilriiiMlT - -- --. • - - • ..--- ~.- —•--- .„.. _ ._ , . ,• • • Ay* Sold at • - el .M . A.MOITtOAS of ProfeZsor limowor, 'ill) hidden Lane, New York; anti 244 .Strand, Lontioif, "and„by. all respectable Druggests and Dealers of Medi cines .thro - tighout the United States, and the civilized .world, in Puts, at 25 'cents.'62% cents, and $1 each. • .0"it) - There is a considerable towing by taking the larger sizes. ----- 7 --- - " N. 13: - Directions for the guidance of patients io every disorder are affixed to cart Pot. - . 04. 31, - `55. •' - , , . • . . . . --7._ ! - XAL >t: 381, • is now netnufacturing a" WAITING composed of inettqiihielt.not_being liablc,to corrosion Vlilll/6 found as durable as Bor 10 steel pens. Resembling More tlnin,the gold pen In elasticity, they will be pro. ferred as not injuring the color of Red Ink or rolieetln tf=l.lsat , sediutent,abont,t/wpo pettslll7. variably do; they.will be tOtintlan / invaluable improve ment. One trial will prove the fart that they are more eq:0114.111LIC:11 than and superior to any pen in use. 'Prie IS and '24 cents per doten, or $1,:.5, $1,50 and4ll,oo per gross. For sale in Mechanicsburg by J. 11..11tSLI- . Mgt:lt:and in Carlisle only by • , 0ct..17, 1 35, • A. M. PIPER. Main street, • TLLUSTIL -H VPRD ISTORY. OF --A EVENT IN THE ,CitlNlEA.—Cotuplete up tu.tlie present date. -Etubracing s Journal of the Siege if Sevastopol—Oattles, tiOrties; Storms, Wrecks, - Wounded. Missing, A:c., with the latest reference.. - Maps of the Criunia and Black ,Sen. Also, three views of iip• vastopol, with descripthas ~,, each, and a splendid En. graving of Croustade, showing iiiirdiiii-iiiitilligittrfurtift cations: - Size of Map, 23 by 32 inches. -Price 25 cents, beautf• colored. Sent by-mail to any-00, of the country for one es at postage. Map, Book and Print Agents wanted forovery State itt the union to M.111 . 1% 1 111 a list Of poptilay . Maps:: Let - tors, k 4 -. inquiry promptly ansWered. Catalogues and speetni`eiMi - Citt - free - to tlia - trade. . A.- IL JOCELYN, - No. Pd Fulton st., N. Y. now. It. . ,• • ! MOS.—The 'subs6riber has satisl - netionAo &ileum° to the• public thatAls - largq goal extensive Ware Itotise coninlytl. end is tilled with-one-of the largest: und :Vest, asset' neat of 11.0111E4ED AND ItiMiLKD :nose in want would do we to call lout , re purrha iuG elseWlnirE. - member the old stand,-East Ilaiti stree . • sept. hi, ILEXitY .. _ , .:V;,,37 , REG El V E 1).---A I Ot, of - pa tteu t Mat Clrindrs, a nice article fur loarnitrs, (.r ("tally ,_,.!,pal.Pr gq te_ltt__ • -- s. : . • J. P. •LY N ErS • ' Hanover St., Catflida. .13tut1t Jiotices:— • O'rfCE 11E11E1.3 y.• ..GIVEN thtit of l'imusylvania, to alter the •Cliarter of thAtiAnushr. ' lhalot4TlllN‘4, locat&I in tliV'hnivinzh or okoisip', borland 4•olliity. SO as to confer up6riliiiald Bunk the it Ttz,-).0 and 111 . i1111*(Ifi of a. Bank of Insue, ane to clianttp its name to ?lie . tali Li BANK. Also to Therthiee the Capital .of ',kaki . Dank (which Is tit pi,:sent,t,ixty iiand lollurs, with the nriellmm . of increasing the same -•under-itit present. chillier_ tU °tut If uktruil t housauti , . dollars) to two hundrod'iud fifty thousand-dollars. By ordir of the Beard of Directors:. • 512 'Cashier.. , CarliSle,.lttus • '25,1 55.-fau ,L • . .., X 0 TICE - IS - 11E111313Y' GIVEN; that ea applicetlotivill be xamie to the next Leg islature of the State of I'enneylyaitlad4 the.pessugo 0 law to inomvirat 0 a Bank of Depfislto. withcapital -- o r-Prerv-lIWV-i.I7iiriMLIARFW-With -41 - 11 . 411 :trity... ( Ulwrease , the sivae to '~ lnn I utittreill'housand Dollars. Tube e;il , ' Did. the 31 liCIIAtiICSItU.RG DEI I OBITE cud ta b0b:y.144:1 in the horough- of ItlleNnniosburg,, Pit. Tbs. • • of ject'bf §hid:ll4.o. Fe to increase' the general loudness facilities of the public in the tleinity of itliTent ' +Jacob Coaree, • 'John' Iliush, er. -' • Benjamin Eberly, John Beige!, . John Brandt, . _ _- Ilcnry it: Hupp, , George equgizer, John llouser, Eliaq Grabill, n Culver,. • - David *Bee. _ , ' A ail VOW 1. lieu .Solomon Y. (Forges. .111echenicSIturg, Jun62(1,18513-6111 - • - ' AOite- NOT Unlit INVOICH OF Elegan t Needle W,Oajleollara, ItußlinCinsertings and ttigA,just feselreirfrom - New York, at very roil wed pileen. ' •. . ' , • 011.4111 LES OGILBY .dero-,11 1 ., ''ss. - —' • ... V NT.- llKl:—Fritz & Hendry, Stoid, No r tl 341 et. Philidolphli,Slororro Mainrael{it .r,LS litiriierg, I aporters, llourtnlssion and (littoral Leatt r buslnette. : '• s , ' ~.',• ,-. • , ,t. ovitoL v.tiAT,ll. AND ,ItliT AIL-41 anufaetdry-w; Mt , l o tllstreet.' .. ... -•. .. Sep. 7-ly ... ~ Ailt. - .NQNST It,ECTIVf.I.qO; •,1( - ) ? ) . 0 •my Etosli or P i 1.; fNOS ',NsliCeh 1:4 the Imr_te tirtil — :ttriyst — T.lTir`ll - 11 - C.STM:PIII - IWel` bpdliel in C:trliO.e. l'im - Ite..tlteeaely attention pal - dt, as i intend at 'prints wlidtdi can nut dallt plekse tUo elDsest purchitser. • yvtielallii ' •••,- .71)11N. d,rs; R. .ice ."i: ~ . ~ . . t• -• Q.E.1i1A...1%1G ; O'F.F '.A.T..0 OS I:: kJ The aubscridlordute this day commenced to 01l ofi his large and extensive 'stock ot . ' . - ' ~ _ • , E1tY,4,04:30D8.. At costi for cash. A largii portion of tho stockluto'boon ^hased quite recently,intrat- rednced-,-pelces. The. : tit is full - and eel/114dt% . ,consistlievof Cloths, 7 0anterzyis, JegarTEratintri7remlintarrmiewr.. !s, outhmorog ' .C0hurg....0161119.. Alpnuis, Lo !is, De lieges, .Calicoin•, - Dreelia ond..lllanliet Ith 514tities, Wool Shirts and slips, StOckings, • Furs Scarfs, Comforts, I us, .Sl.eeclleAv.oelsed • Laces, .1 - /ress Trimmings, 'Fringes, - Liltense a,sseo, Carpets,' Minuets, and in shOrt,..6rery . iracturiel'a.tlry goods storm. " AlsO ' 'a 'full as, ifilllOOTS persons In want. of ilritrolga•nestly ri,tquestel . eall early, w [lll4 , • /unlit is 'good, and secure the best- bargain • Carlisle. ..Ree - olleet a laige proportion of the lie newest and stout 9/slibiumble styles'' afore; one and pur chasing your geo . ds ut the old stintd4Etini Mill,, streer" . 9, '59. . -• • - ' (MIAS, 0(11LB • T 4 l, 111 S , •H.IGII SC If u 01.; .-OF PENNSYLVANIA. . • gued wit - l - roceivelyraposals for the-e'reiticm-oi " A. COLLEOE, EDIFICE • •••• In Centre County: Pa. TiILIKSD..kY,. the 7,th_of: February, - 185d, nt - 10 - ohdocl - 4 - A: AIM,/ for- the erne- 7 - Omit of a 114.1tN, at the same place, '.Tlie trullege ing Wilt be constructed oflintestono,ar good, quality. of which is !blind on the premises. and will he composed of 'amain building : with two wings, four stdries high,:fwe senting-a front of '230 feet. Thellaen - wiltbe 72 by; o 7 feet. two.stories high, 20% foot above the basement Ito the Square. To be of frame. • The : timber the ihten„--• and-the Stone, ace now being got out and will be fur -iiisbed to the cot4,ractOr at cost.prioes• is to bolocated,atthejudetion of. Nittany and(Pences, •Witnioti. between the mouth of Spruce Creek-and' Belle- I ti,nte, twenty miles from- the former and nine Miles froth the latter place- . • ' - - - ''' M e---...PlaUs-utspetiilleationsrfor:the--bulittiniZsmaY-lie seen .at any time after the 20th of Jan nary, at the •office ot Frederick Watts.; anti atthe'ollice of the - Pennsylvania Agriculttfral• Society, on and after the 4th of February thc dny gffotting liy order-of--"the Board of-Trustees. - • FRP:WK. 'NV ArrS • . I _ the lying boitsts . , false ptkenisns; and . FpurV.tts'l , e , onn meintationn tfrow tl the dead an unknown.) of Funclxii a nd.Sittivo t4unek , ::of whom there Aro...more t elsewha•re:hocanise of theAwneney el'.tw 1 4 3,, of the kiss 'anal jIVI.III. thl•ill.. Having-tried one to twenty dollars xvorth of quaek Eyfracts, Invigorating Paixir , , Cordials. flit - tern, wittmut o-ff;c4.-11:tving ,luebn deceived by mit, 'repffsented and - eXzeggerated tl ILA htlSe; - I.4•C'r(!t - DISOSSOS - Itild their cOnsequenres,•puldished In -luiveiliseinents, Hooka, ke., and misled by' false re. coipts.3 ti usrong itdnice Contained{ therein, purposely. to . kocrease sulTeringg, and alarm and frighten the un tho more eaglly to extort large fees, tivhich ix more evident. tuning sold fur less-than - rust ,of printing and r advertisingliailuLprild tire to one hundred dol lars toyoreign -nod Nrstivo quacks,.. We • - rrtioUrimi OitltED, • having Sutrered much and long—though the time lOst eannot•horeealted,. nor the mmiey recovered yi' paid ;Ltid were defrauded of, yet you rail ,),le.cured: however bad, long standing or afflicting your ease, by Dr. L et us. s rEitiTrprnlls2=—,- - " Tillie is Nipney; 'hums:teed is Money earnioi;" • 1OUN(l )11'...N- Olt OTHERS. ' tilarriod, or - contemplating marriage. ntiffeiing (rpm Self,Aini , o or its conseqyenevs, or satiering from spy other ea 'th.f.!ets,• or Arese:isos,.and pliatever their dj;iolses or situations, niay . lionortilAy and ant•. , T.l4,_. eon/mod:tains, if required, with kind ten4lmice.4t -It. Llii 91''S PRI V A 1 . 1.: 11081'1'1'AL , .. ' ONE TLIOESAND DOLLAR'S - • • .-- i 8 waged the follelwll y° lln • tan be.coneradlaed. namely; that ..). . , mi. N. ILLE.triy_ --- . 1 , - .• ' No. 11-LNorthl,e , Muru Street. above Rare.. To the only regolall Physician _rusidiim , in P. ladel phia, (Irattnate of the University ofPdunsylvania. of MO. (twenty-two years) exclusiiiily etiga;.;ed, in the treatment iot Secret or Delicate Dlsern. - eyof hoth sexes; i , elf-Abuse , and, its consenueneus; to „"nic Weakness and inability; NerVousness; irregularities and ether diseases or situations of Females; and which he 'will cure In less time and less- restraint, more olfectisally, linitranrother, under forfeit of .- ONE TIIIOUSAND DOLLARS. - i'7' Dr.. LEIDY. hue more .patients.'und.cures theln too, than all advertising Doctors, so called or otherwise, in. Philadelphia combined, and ,proudly refers ,to Profes• sors.and respect:o , h, Physicians; m i ne of . whoin consult him in , critical` eases, and reqpeetablp Citizens. Nkr: ,41,ults mina Hotel Proprietors, ins to his known skill, re putation and unparalleled success: . DI sT.I,NT PATI r.sTs• . . can have rweivs:try adv amt. mr , li-inel sent them lid mail'or otlierwlix. to any Part of dm Unitol tntr., ' , tiviue; n Iteseription of tit r eahee, teneloAng• n reazon able feel I,y_ letter to Di:. N. IL LEIDY, • .No. 114 North FOl.l I Street, almvp Itaeo,.. I tAelli I a. • 1114,0111'y Or 111 forniati(li ONLY, (VX:. rapt from patient:o tn. revel vi? attention, must pontain tl!-li"1lJl.LAIt, in (;Misif'!onft Wit td It and trouble an bilTerill'.; and.) nformati utttiyOn. ' • • .' A tug mit.11,;11555. . • ... , TOM. B.- B . USSIE ft --'' 7 S. YR ay v es, , boo w . (lief mit stre.k.' Piiila,Opitia. Wliall , :i le boa ler ,in P‘11:1.110: All I) , :i . s i iit - Fit U,VV: N CTS. kv_.. w,,ul,leill — tlitt — Attfliiti ,- ,iiThi'.4 tiiit il All l - 4:chat,ts t i r ah o i, to Lilo . 11,11."viu . g.list ibf i:ockas, kept roil st a krtdp t ,110 OfTer. fin NI:, ..z — tit,: lowevt =MWEI marlmt priers,-in lots to suit.pfirehaserS, viz: • • l'lttFri—dloitikds, Currants, Figs. Dates. (')trop, now' arinds, Prunes,,Cranges, Lemons. Peelle: yes': NUTS.-- , Altabinis.limas, NVainifts. Cream Nuts. Pet"t: seekiai Ndt4 Shelled (iron nti Nuts. FreneloChestnuts.. i!iu•dines; Split Peas, Pine' . Ipples 'Cheese, S.) nips, lioso Wittjr, l'eaelt ‘Vater, As dulyd 1' 5, liiqifOrio,lle.ili.eaddy, Cum' Dro'ps. tl . l)lli7A,PallS. CI Iwo (linger. Salad oil, Camen Seed.- Pearl Harley. Preserve4,o3 ger, Fig 'Taste, .1 tijitbe Paste, Kilt ell ups and Sauces, Olives and Capers..A.isrted.Pleliels, Jellies and Jews. Fire Works and • Firo.Craeltera, Spiced Oysters will Leh stars, &e.,-&r, , _ Country )lereliants are r'Orin4Pted to call and pur-. chase their goods at first handsaw" make a grelit knciti . • • I .IIIA. 3; 1855 . . .... ......., 14( ii.§Eitr _B:=s..3I.I.LEY .s.,CARINET LA, RA K Ell ;ind . UNDERTAK ER .,.7ift!,,, , ' .i'l'Pli Hanover street,' next dour to' --- •'" tila,r•Cs liotql.' ----- 11 - elyettldrreXpeetfully—inforut the ' .. ~._ animus of Qat-R.l:4p awl the 'public generally, that he has now on hattil al,arvand ele,4an tassort meat of t'll 1 . ... NIT li it E,,ronsistitnt in Part of WardruhJs,Carti and tith er l'ilb,lo4,.S.ofas. ittireans....littst,,eids, plain and Caney tiewlutt litainist•Ale., manufactured of the bost material and quality' ivai-i.tated. . - : - __,.., ,' - - ,• - -• Also a general assortment of CII-AIRS at the lowest priers.. VF,XITIAN. Moms-made to order, and repairing promptly„attended to. ...... _ ____ .i.t.le• CdFl'iNS %lade at-the -shortest notiean..ami ha N .. I ar, - "ti splendid hearse'he .Will attend funerals 4a-tois it or . . . . . r. . otintry. , fro- 'lt..i'iiiemlrer filo fiptud—nekt . .tour MI li'.-mweN trota. _._ IL B. S3I.ILEY. . F LOOK 'II tat - m . TIMESIIING - "L4se subsisrlWs desire.. tie-inform ferniera `ftttil public generally that they siowlfaye on liana and are constant, ly manufacturing Threstang 31/whines ttitisqltiejstint's Latent Shaker, n - ltich areamiserallyaqcntritilesitgeli,•to ties, this best articles now • in use. aohniaSt.3%W-VloYer linhersiCorn• Shellers and Straw Csat•ra. ..Thry also attend tit the - repairing, of AgriCultural Mach nery lit the beet Manner and oil reastistablis , terms. Ala nufae. try on North Ilan/toyer Street, directly oppesite . the - residence of thiorge Metzgar,Esq. ..A umeitiS 155.• A.IIIIIIIS it PLANK: INN • • .U.(111Z 13,0 I li'o It ' R 14) Yr _ .., sore 113 , 1 n 111 ,, f ,1' ,. 11111011 by the sub. :1 r 7 01 Off ‘Vt, f , I (Erb 2st.,ktiear tite.i.: . Aiirce oflereti iTor flout. ' Toms nimltsrafr :mit posse. tln ill.) I,:t. (la 3 -79( April next. , Apply to 7 JAIL ~4,11,31 • • • -• LENORA Jan. 0, $lOOOl $lOOO U • - AFFLicTub • . • TINFOIITUNATA' Cut put and preaerre the fol lovying card. It in particuktry impyrtaut I.c) StatiNhuas • axii Trtvra.tiata, prevent theft• bcanganialea au a deceived ht• =WM= 4'. -- 114311.i . c,ittt` - :'::Qii.jiiO4 Ei ii: : IEI • •' _ ApP-.IINrESS ! HAPPINESS!! • . • t - WHAT •OA 111 kicn -TM HAPPY 1' . . . . . ...• . . . !:'itoanon'a whole plintentei•all•t,hojoyeef Ise - se; ." • • • . ,••••• But when re hove pLi.iika,„Mrtion.or. anguish nr.ilig• • eases, lAruot plealtiuce, our-Job:and ohr,.liappfneBH thereby -do ti'Oyed t • , our - Sick- Hut , Ter:j't low; o :1 •st say,-; "IVit,l re yi• dusititilt shall is mealmred td yon4guiti?"- - --Alat. 7, ` , Who iO aw' u luau - and. unduwea N't'itlAnowl'odge - Honig you, le hint show out of a . guod conversation his, Works wli r ireemilesS and wisdom.'—daltues 41.: , ,D,-_‘l.EDlOlSl.;:—Diictur. P. C. • CARD REIt. -Stir„Moir hod .Physiclitil,,, who is Botanist Anti Physiologist, and isdiradinitniu our best Medical Celle-, gos, and ion; made itinisel ailitaintell with all, the varif -ens. sySteilis Metlieal• Science, and with'. the 'reeeitt: distioveries -and. iiiipro)ements in the,:yarlouno-depart- Monts of the Healing Arts. hiltlifully atttuttlif to orders for Surgical au t o %ncut-Ala, and - Whosudnedithitis are all -made or • cuutpused strictly iii 'accordance with the 'Sciences of Patli6logy, Botany, IlydrOpathy and Physi ology; and wiedse 111011k:hies ms,4jl ouniputtattof whole soninrouts„phion ts. and hydrva a tilL„ . goutl In all diseases, and,4./wlitini the alifieted are i uyited•to apply timely. • '; Ills Character by. r .dtespectable Naighborfc'tt:e: fotterfrOnrihe'Rev. - C -- 11,.'d.einbacii /I.•Etter, War . in ;Springs. Respected low 1110 to ihrth.111111:11 to your friendly notiee,Dr. Guth mot. of ?OW .I.'-ork.' • I have kinnin Br. C. torr. ,ixteen y.thrs. lilts mo with sobriet esty-lind with 'accuracy ; therefore I do "believe iitti to 16perl'aetly t iber, hunegt lifvors you may.see proper to confer will be-- ighly ap pieciated by•his ilunierons friends, and hy`none more 'ighly than your sineoroXiiend 'and !iambic! servant. C.--11.. Copy of a lltter !Vont (34.:0r1An• Spahr, Egg., CUuray- Tteasuenr.-1 do certify that the utedliqil advice of - In'. Ir. T.,: - Cki ~.Cal r has s ifaaggi.7l--iiii-Y-o-fliei--WWlClTlTaiii hitherto TITEI in the cuCe. of tioatrit favor in toy family.- 1. would therefore Vccuzantend• hint to such persons who play be atilieted.with'aforea.a.E.l...disease or otherwise. - - . • .I.i.ii:Olt.Oli SPAHR. ". . . . . . . . 'illoonitield, A iii.i . ust '2oth, 1851: I t lilt. i/Di , :it belni;_w'ol - acquainted ' with the re i cent r'reit' ii - Zliscoveries, with their iiety :till' safe cede s (?1 . LC 1)4111111 1,'.11141 the speedy and certain remedies and cures fur 1 pepsin, Liver Coniplahltii; riysenteryf Choi era liii - I)ti dna all Complaint - s of;ll.te dowels ancliitian atilt; :'iiiptirior tteutedies: tor the- weventiou :pl eulv of .Asiatie tdiulera. Itemedies tor all the . defects-and ills: cases of tile (ft:lterative I /rAatis and t`eprodUcti ye eclair icy ill Ille n and n omen; lti r tineilies for' thstinlty ; ce r tain .•. . .and timely cureti - dor all Consumptions; linpotence.ol,ot iilty, Z`li x.ti3l. , Al , d , es, Voilureal I lit:caliiis instil their i';utiirs; iittimPttsi.i. Ms 0 titliiit her delleate toilette emtipuilitts, All thece reinklies emanate, trout LIR! lib i 4 'whit: serene 5.1 ~.I,}otaliy - and I lydrepatify . . Cllllll.l[lol, cluit . )ip p.,o.i.ii.i— -' I manner ill sieuties r i and ;at - wanner...l .th,,,:k . so. :.s.c,, l'o,4:tin'ta! -IL is for heal tag tha t Ili rist coth tne l de; Ir 11, e . ...a Loa 11: a 11. 71 --I,uke, 1,,, .5,', 1.,,,1; 5 And Vitli ruts -ilionnngttni. ' • l'f ,, J. iili, things. iiniii last that ell - it - 114h i.;", , tid. - -Ist. The,atoli MM..). ':.I. . - . l:liereinre - let us - Ware .4 . .1.6 ;lig itp what e 0 'slittulti lay - out for 'fit:atilt. fit(' theta 10 tii:lt, ~;:ttter,•tli tin - ,1 , yu`..t . tilet easeth: and there - Is..thfiVwittrtrUltleta_uture_lhau.ls_itieet,hutit teutteth;.'„ . I'rol orbs, 11, 21. , - ,, . ; .. The dill:vela 'w•••liyitiqn and their tilrettionr)rill IA sent to thealth.tted hi any di reel ion by marl , rt eipress. Address lir. I'. C. C A ittaildt, Varlisie, ettutherlantl-couto Cy, l'a., - post pahl, - .11151 the fee A,l always necouipatlyiug the letter: With the I srder, togetlie'r with a descril.tion is. the"feelings titnillitt.symptonis lit the complaints ut the aillorted nieltiseil. It is this system of „Nledieal ;.eieure • the 0,,,,,1t - s 81.1 the ntolles . ,4 cure otily, whielt Dr. t. ant-. -- tier!elutiloys that. allow of - tutuloilies. etitiTelrit r male o' ~upostg,d of 11 lt,,lesonle 1t00t,,, l'huits, :lilt 11,irt•,,y, 'pro,* in all - diseases, (int poison), and. Ivhielt Van Mani, :1 , o:4 aunt • Ct , i'Lliii rtilliedis, alp' ('orris Int "all matinee of sietotess anti all niallina . 151 illas:ll , .e . , anti Which sue pti , icni - i - narin nirairffal = lllo:lllS - tri --- - puillini - trel. - S,l - • p.m.! all hounds oi coutparls,,i,. 11,1.1 , 14.1'111:Zutt,,1, liatio4ol' street, Eastri,le near atitihenor the t'reshytertait 4 b urel, CArlisle, ea, 'T,l4litit'rnials from ituluerons%per, , osie . of the' It ' lltest respeetaliility ill this cud 411, , atijel,,itc.g -ethit., ties, hire authentic is %Ilk:lice of the gootloess of 1)1'. Cat - titter S eh:trio - ter, and van Ite innnt - ntiliS hikes'. ' ::',NZ - .11::.1:111.1 - atilirtcitea it Feoe.ll - 1 , stireithir Unktiei:Wit - 31111•, the dineci toil,: ler . tiler use by the Illit.'rettli'll of 1111151 1,1 ox pref.:. •if litcenv leas 1. , ;_leN . ired, 01* 'Henn; roillt•t;tA, 1 Dt ~i.:0 , 411 I. en deli your Cu : itemlitilitalate applicalit.l” , Isle MI he eau.. Th.e Poctur spealis the 11tittIrt ,14-111111 the k iCW" Plan Lingunites, ute. .' . - [ .Ivii-11,..1 -..:, n; te'Ai,i,ts!ri,:n; :JAMES 3111,E5, - • Auilditm: Committee, • -1-_,)ITOICI' AN 1." 91 LYE DR.. ill ENT AN -s t tie combitnitl , M of ingredients in those ti stilt era long and extenshe practice; they are mild in their operation, and certain of restoring 'nature to its proper channel. In every instance have these Pills pro ved successful. They insatiably opelft hose obstructions to which Females are liable, anti bring suture 111t0. Its proper cluitutel, whereby itealthis restored'and the pale and deathly countenance clitinged to a healthy one. .No female can enjoy - good health unless she itrregulzar; and 1011,110V•1r takes place, whether - front ex posure, raid or any other t.ause, the I,tetiers) health im ineiliately begins to docilite, and the want of such a rem edy has been the cause ufso many consumptions among young females. •'fo Itittb . ts wine:oily:llth will mit rermit °lap increase of their nimil yf t pFtive.a vat ti able:arquisition, fliey will prevent - pregitain.y. ,- - - Honda..llo,lmin in the'sido. palpitation ul'thc licart,•loa thing,:t.flo..d..atobdi turbot sleep do must, always arise /mail she interruption tit nature; anti whOnever.that is the rase. will invarilibjy remedy airthert stilt. Nor tire the lessaftleacious in the yore -of Letteorrloca, commonly: oalletillio•'W„hites." These pills should nev er ho taken timing pregnancy. as tiny would lie'suret6 cause a miscarriage: ' 7,WaiTaitteti -- purely, Vegetable. and I free !1•out-anythiu, inharious to lifit Fulland explkit direytions accompany each bex; . -These pills ttre.pitt 011111 allows` Wit. boxes. Persons there agemty established. by mu. , sing I Iti - e li.dlar in a letter; pre-pattl. C, j.. CitiiiTAtf- lireceloiestrod, New York; can havb them I sent, to their respective italliC:•SlVe.bli,P;4llll Ell , Stobc • pItEI'ARE ()it. • \'‘ INTEIt. • ;.., ,PARLOR AND COOKING - STOVES, • 'Phi subscriber nt'hhi uht ,t,:trul op, North Hanover st., 17!frits1147-thr-hip,,,.ofthirirt-rittutt4t4toti-o,lree-PotilLtir iris to t'ltii the it I.l.4•llltieu of. thd ininlie-to his, I:trge un ..vrtyneut,..C.:,z,,TOV ES, or the neweNt and most fashions • : ble styles,"from the best nutuulsctorh , s in the tunt,r , am! at" Ittl.prives fv. , 111 ,;z:i lAd0 , 111.! h je-, I`A N.I ilt CIIA 11ER ,STOVEz , t", "77 are-t 31irr..r ;••t,ive, the--I retie. I,:e'‘ Ore. •Star: ,:4,fr4q , - Permian, .11 Mod and .I•ltart Al' 'fight; together iith other patti•os which he has of alrsizes for parlui•s or elounbers. and ealindatedlorLorning either wood or coal. Also, the Moho, Astor, Alhany, Flatrtop and Bandbox. or Poot•-•Man's, with other COOli- INO coifipi•lsing, the 'latest improvement :4 in kitchen stores, and intends(' 'fon (kilo': wtiod or the IttagoStove---a - new..and.;:le• plot article, to Whirl' he 111‘ , !Les-- the'partieular atuoij lien - of fandlies. Ills roof:log stoves range in price from to 25, -mitt' the ilations eompleie. • Also', :‘ hie Plate Stoves of. various patterns and4lifferent.prh•es. • , Also, ENAMELLED AN!) Tl , NNii,f);‘)ymtE Ow Cok. Iro;,-Strn'es,11rass ii-ettles,fte. A Iso. oveVy artiele in the Ihie.of.Thiand c:opper.' .The tie resPert fullyiirvitraftir-eall as-rhe-is-yenthlelit-witif- ids large stock, variety and elleapne. of being able to give on tire satisfaction to every purchaser. 'Call and see ; Oct. '2.), IR 1 , V. 3101011 S • iL! TO \ r l7Bl .s.r.r ovE si IsTov Es:l.! . , ~.:_i .1011 N b.,, Goho.l:4'wotilil hlthrm the publie that ho has lOW nn , Laud at his vstahham eatli riltatt, ma 3Ft.,. 1,,,,,t ( 1,.,a , to Laud arion liall, the large..4t and most twat- . . . . . . i dete : uisortm K efit of COO, OF & PA lt•- 'lilt -.I.OIt.STOVE:S to 'Le found lit . this--county, -,,!--1 ,which will be . .scild at the loWcht. wit-y.5 . 1 0r r - ~... cash or approved crislit:l , l - 6 — r w ti d Ck h e i oA t s l i y sts a - r of i t, , Til ft — large assertmont 7 q . n . • . ~., , protea'rwrENT COOKING STOVES, finished In the winelt"ConWhite manner, and ealeulated fur either !which on tool. or both. An. the' old standard patterns ~ Irlkiell ilaN;(l.goOrt- the' feat` of experience, may be found at his estulilkPltrent.,'Also; it great 'l;ariety of th.e.,ruosto approved 4rikpietpitiml PARLOR GEFICK STOVES, in -Cludinc! A number •of new styles. pessesslng very supe rior advantages over'those heretofore- in, use. Families ainElrousekeepors tiro respectfully invited, to give hint if call before. purchasing. elsewhere. Stows delivered' to. any part of - tito country. and pnt. pp at the short e st • 1 1U., ".tice. 'lie rentEnttes. to tie all IO lids of TIN A NIESII EET lON 3VAIIE, and Copper Work. and-has constantly et Inind, or will : teelia to art Ile required 11 hdusekeepers • cc idliers,lll, this..linc. __MA _SIDS: k,l2.!:ji 11 I , 1 and Cepper Ware end Iraces . -i-ery Eitel of linusehold and kitchen. utensil, e warranted eilitat to the brit tertnukte 3,tuvd, persons, in want ‘' - if articles in. his line may al ways be,Surn of beingaccommodatedtotholr Folio - teflon by' giving him A ca11..-' , •. ' ' 1 noel-18J. . -T h t Dept, is givsr Luidlaburg, Pa., July 15th, 1551. =1 j I'd ifiufs • ' .., . . - . ..) , I°o ST ' 0.11 ) 011 . TANT TO THE . .. ,FTELMBOI,4D'S , -GENUINIVPI3,kI- !. : l _j LA1ng4....... 1 4. Geissner l s eelebraited 211xasit.m, . - 11 - I,AIf.ATIONS.—IIEL'SIIIDID'B )111.111LY :CON' ' ',Li, nave been•long itirdAvldeli known as invariably. -.' vin .•, ' . - ''-' ' 7 ,- • - , • -..-., r - , 4tr.tim...itt-ciiMaitilig....tuty...&4lpititgtar4trowurtikritry r t,i , -erttp-- , , - ' 'O7iIPOUND FLIJID,•EXI7I/I.C.CI.IUOIU,' • • . ~ 'presstem ut the nlepses. • ~* ... . . . -. yor disitse of the:Madder undAldneysi-SeertiLDlseates - lii the I , plus/if lloiipitals Inllenna, • PO.Vifi, end lierlin„ • - ' ,litrictilreavVenitlia,hnili atitl air diseltitei of the Sexual -. tial!y lutvp entirely superseded.Pm . nse of all miler r.-lie..: ~ : Dept's, .whether . i.n . Alale or Female. front . . 1 1 11 tite , e' , • d let; ' been use,'"i'vliere. a- cure fs .attalliable . by miedieliml eauseltiey may have - M•lginaled,und no matter (dhow " ugenetes, tyy,' ' ' • •rt. I ova le ~ mule ...,,n 14 041,,y.-,..;._._ ... ~ • , - - ,e.ocivey would Ive alutustffedible, If not VUtu lico - ms• , If you itave„centractv?d tho terrible dlivease which. once se:act! in - IV syrtem,•will Surely • ,, 4 rilL.l% n frvll.l !Aft •.- ductlig Ira urns ol tho4toirtlity period after all bvpu 110 . . generatiinr lo 'another; undermining the constitution - . b k .,,p .. .4, 1 ,. ( w m , ( 1. , : . . and ilapidng the very vital .fluids of life, do Mlt. trust' In eidery"cuse,from •whatever , cause theobstruction" yonrSell in the hands of quacks; wh o ! ..v vvv v, o p every ' l ' l 3 .. Mity arise,..: s as also - lp: prevent pregnancy' where tbe.' .111'll city like this, slid fill the papers . ..vitt' glaring false. '. health will - Mit mimit;of Increase a Manny; they ale 'hoods, too well:. calwolat od :to deceive the :young , and •i - alwityliettlelent; Mr which reaseo they./1111USt nut L e uvryi those not quainted with their trick s. N'tll re111 . 1(4 b. i' . du e l iingtkocy, thotigh,ltiway m i ld, too 04 , 0 • the selection of ti remedy, In -these ciises. - -And certain lii their effects.. ... , ' the Flu d - Extract Ituchit bits been iwonomic,ed by li n health}, W.. i - - '3lurrieti ladles will,lihd the'" eminent.pilyAlciaits. the greatest remedy ever known.-- I - directions, in which 'are stated in various 'sy Mptotti s. ry , It is a medicine perftzetly pleasaut in lls taste, rin d very i winch the - causes of the suppression may be tidtellll/1,41.t.,,.,..., innocent in its action. and yet so thorough that' it snub . •• Price, One _Didier por Lux, containing ex licit liner _... hilates eyery'pefticle pi , the rank and poise - nous virus of u„,,.,, , ~.. ~ • , ... this dreadful disease; and, unlike tither :remedies, does ,E,,, ) ,,b nx. WllOte_slgited,ly_Dr-11...Z.Iflxis•Imsa. • *2:l' -- net - dry - ,nrrthtrdieaseln - th ra e - h10t.7 ----,-- '' ------- ..* . P • rincii,al Unite,.4, l 4 1 -- Illaiity Street, New-I:mit Gity . Constitutional Debility:brought on by- seltabuseon . '_, Responsible agents will be.iippoitited for their surer ~, • _most.terrible disease. Which has -.brought Ilnnislolds o f ,1, -svihir as practicable. In the mean time, all iirders ate: ...' -the.-human'race 10-untittiely-gra'ves:_thus_blAst'llg_the .1 - he - Addressed - to - LW; 11.71M1tassNAtv, - .1.27 -- LibeiVlStre - i - f ---- - brilliant, hopes of parents , and blighting. Dv the '` ) .'4 11 " . 1 Neir , Vork Qtly, or to box .2d56' \, I'. rust:Office, and-. e e.. glorionAttiiibliThn of Many iv.lllsllle youth, call , cured , Lei will luceent by ram n nutll. as they are lipt,uilit by this Infallible Deinedy: .And as a - medicine width : ' :sealed envelopes, and 'can be sent with the sttictegi, pri• • -. .. must benefit everybody, from the siMplyulelicate to the I; 'racy to Any part of the United States. eonlined and clespaisini; invalid, no equal is to be found ... • .. . . v, . CAUTION'TU LADIES.- ~ 'acting Atli. mi . 's,. Cnre And preVentlve. 1 ~ .• • , AS al iOlll4 not enly ineffective but injurious ern'- , Pounds puilenting to be "Is)ist.x Pius" under all Isii.LlS . OLMBOLD'S.I ft (1 Ilia' CONC ENT El ATEP COM POU.S.I . i.l ,or Humes us "Inex l'it.i.s," i.ill.VElt. P1L1.3," ”61./.1.1 , 1.:: FIX ID'EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, •• „ . ~ ..„ . . • . /ALS, 1 f.e.101,11.:M. P 11.1 . -8," • ale. -are attempted to Co For ,Purifying the 111014:•relnoving all diseases aris i ng 1.-i , palniell off upon. the credulous or unwary, it Is only • ft'eni excess of Mercury, oxPesure. and InPrittlence in •- necessary for ladies to - be'on.Their guard against tire at life, eltronie Constitutional disease. Arising from al •., tempted int poshimil, and in all eases is 4(1.6 Unice IS , Ms... Inquire state of the Islopd,'abd the o n s ly reliable And • milliairethavvent I,iir the Sale _of , v-lia..:64,suAstevil . s_,l4. : -, ---'• direct inttlifartrTull,M , ry - birtifeTttriSrrnfurtn - Fail ---- 1 - rffil'lTlTE:i.Ts - 7 -- 0 -- iiidTC - ifiCAct from' ltlui by mail, 1 y 't e- Ithettni; Scald Dead.- Ulcerations of the Throat rind . turn of which a box Will be sent. ~., - • ' • • ' • Leila. Pains-.and SA'ellingS of the Bones; "fetter,. ~_ July 25, 'lli, Pimples on the Faceolyul 1111 Sealy Eruptions of thl '-Skit. ' .. ' this arth•lo 4 IS - now prescribed by "Anne of the most ,' distinguished _physicians in the eon n bry. a int lom proved ..more'elliritmt in practice than - MI). preparatiolt 0 1 Sat:sti r:villa yet offered to the pubila. Several cases of ei•ettiv . , dary.Syphills. Merenrial .and sl6.tplot'i, diseases have ttptirely reek)Verel -1 n .the them-able warts el oit r .1111.11. 'lnstitutions which loot Me. Many. years resisttfil ever) mode 111 treat met , j i lynt. c t iiiiii Ile de OSed. l'ilefie e.:O.- ' fti rnisli strik in g., eY..amples of the salutary etTeets el thh medicitmi: in arr•lstitig 111111(1 of the most, int . eteint , di seas..s. :am' the glands , :ti read) ativerol.• . . .... . NoTtcr.— Let t ers }TOP resimpoil , le I'hp:lcl:ins an a P . r6 ry„,i., , , , f if „,,,,,,i 31,01,,ii .c0n,,,,5, and - reel iflepteS 11. yucca . 11,111 pittients will be found :Memaltanying Lott: • l'reparat lona. • . , • .... • . . .. Pate r:.;, Fluid Ext met. of Cielm, $1 per hot tie, or 6 for $5. ~. .Sarsaparilla, " , ,equal in strength to one galbol of_Syruy of Sarsatatyllla , .. -; Plamared .and nil I. - 11. P. 1 1 ELMO Chemist. 11 , 1. Che. , t mit Str(:et, imp;, the Ifti aril 1 hitise. Philatlelidlia. 1 - To he 115.1 , 4 Dritaxi.. , ts and Dealers even' 1 here. , ...4.ll2.lettertmlirheeti.ti_ to' LIM_ lkyprielitr 't.,r_..Agetttreceive • -•:,, intine,dinte•attetititpi.' : , July 23. '55. • .. ; . - . . _ . . . 1,, __ ~ '• ' • ‘ .. .‘,. . . ... , . . -r , - ' , io. •,7,''s , • , - , - 1-.. - --- - 4fil-'!'.l , _ r. :11 ',. — ,:i.;, - .-.,f , e-k- . • q-. .l. . . c's . Ct" ..1:0 - ' l ''' im_?...'M. -.1 ; ~ . ;... c:i>. -; • -. i .. 'i.••,),h,} IN ,: ' 4 ..4C.Z.c'..,: V k‘ r "- i., , ' 1 Ki< .LL <--- ) -..4 41 . zi1( 1k,,..1.„4.: 1 ,,v,R,0. - ~ ~..; • ~ I' . r‘lA i A,i).,; / 1 . re:d'',,t 4,t.X*.: , ,;,„•.:-.. ,!,4,k5i.4 : r .1..t., ,x 1:•,... .44 . .„. '.' - f, ~,, ,, ...„.- , •SY 'e' ~7, ) ~. .- - t - - ;' .i . ''' . • , `t -,.... ." ~Cts. .- y !,. .o..wv ' V e 0r...,.,.., 'O%- 1 7.- 1: hAtat - lAIITER'S,SPANISH! MIXTURE. lihfa a particle i,f Mercury in it. An infallible ivinedy. fi r Ser..fulm'Eing's Evil. IthOunatisimlibstinateiMitinenits Er4ptimis. Pimple-A or 'l'`ustules on the Face, lilotZ•hos. lions; Chronic; :fore- Eyes, Iting Worm or • l'etter, Sratd- Head, Etilvw,n.inient• and Pain of the floors t tli d iiituborir Ulcers, Syphilitic liisorders, Linn! ago. Spinal Ccanplaints and all diseases arising from ail-injudicious' use of Mercury, Imprudence In Lin:, or 'lnput ily of tin . . . _ EN a:Ti_This great alterative inedirkm and Pill it Cr tvf tilt 1 } 1 0 ,, d, is tiolt_..uced Icy tlinusands or j..iateit.. );. nth It. nit ptlttS a the United :- . .tale! , .' %On tv, , , ii .Isr.:, tellit retharkable cures perfti wed by the g tilde: L • I it: teeth Cint . fil •• CALTEIC,S Sit. V . -. I :•1 I )11,0 t I. 1.. - .. ',might, Itheuniatism, 'rier9fulat , El - ii 14_41, , 1111 OW :1:31.,.. 1 ..1 \ cads. ..em:.. , ,-I , 4 , Veti,, , ille6fi-,:tildiSlitt-4., ,, VlTilLit , i , hm the I.:Mimi - a_ I.liseases or the Throat, Fvtnalt-ConsplaiLts. Palm, anh ..At.iling , t , •the Lt nes !tint .Lints, are vos•pe,dily rut tic flight hy using this great and inehalMal le rented.). • For all diseases ~f the 151„,,171,,..t1i1irg. I. 3et !well found to emnpare'to it, It e.bett.seh•tln , sv Stela I/r all 1111- . jOI tit ft'S o . aetti gently and ellitiently nit the Lit crand I , :iit, . !toys, Ft.wngthou4ttlie Digestion. gives the 1:44 tn• Itch, makes the.skitt ~.lulu and healthy; and rem otestLe„ Conant ut Intr. enfeebled by disease I q. broken ,Linen by the' ex tsIiSVS Of youth, tic its pliSIlllO V iptur :111d-t4t-l-Otttlil. For. the. (AMOS il IS t0001111h:Oillty 1,01. 1, t !VW all Ill& • COSIlletiCS Cl Cll.llLll O'. A Mw doses of l'.l hit 1 . 1 . , SPA N 1,14 . -- , MI X*l t it: Kill tellAO AU saik , w•ll(... , .I', , lni*rni•.iiiy.z. the ruses mantling tat - the cheek, give , ',.. .1 I. p, and improve the gene - ral a rettiml.a,..elte gree.l.esond all rho inetliiines ever heard or. - - . : ) ti The large - number of certi fi cates It hielt tie 1 , ..v1 r, v ori., nd - trotiffrivn - per sons - frommli partacnht it e-iTmat7, - :- ,:-.'- e 'zvi,;t.ltt!„ Aelt,,e. iiley, Op; t,,0 t tit v I.e - 1;Z - 11141i u rid ,I, ~.- a . l • L. i it Tine pLigt4L,:o tittle-lit•l4l`.. - IN. tnagi; , trates, physieim.s% anti nubile indti, .'lll,klloLltl to the 11411101.111ity. all add their -- ' - ------ 4, -. , -- , +v-f-.........' .." ' ,, .. - ei effects of this ti It EAT It 1.0011 teW - i Pt/ Fl , • Carfen the AnENT, and get a Clrerulae and Alumnae, and read . the4LMerfur• cures tills greutpst of Ili] Ntedivines bat; perfornied. Foie genuine unless signed BENNETT BErp.e, Pro nrietors.. No. l'earl street, orders OW : , tllplies and :Igimeits;:viltuo I.V /141 , 11 . 4Ni , 041. • knd J:llit,tt, S. -.W. I avt•r.t Ira hay, Meeleti&t.blngt .1, 11. Herten, :'6,•‘ , /rille; .1. C. A Itle, : 4 111.plit•IfSiall".illId by dealers It: irt6ti,-hjeg ever .• 'where.• : • t * MIRACLE.. OF SCIEN c. L. lie Ding, of Mech/thicslairg; county; 71111101111 kW to those afflicted with Tunl-t-ii; Wens. etitiiirs, Polypus. Lupus, !doles or Marks, Set../ ula. Ring's FlYil a*d all dlseases , that have botitt,usuall) rented with Caustic or Knifo,he catrirmove. them Out rutting. burning 'or pain p..neither Chloroform o t T:theris ailministered to - the paHent. It is Ito matte' on WUitt part of the body they may be, hp - can Et`llloll them . ' With 'perfect. - ;•lity. and in a mini:l:ably short time.: No Minerabot Vegotablepolsen and money reqtjired virrtilta cure I'. pernaded. PpoLapsus Fentale - CoMplaints.. chronic, .Vonc. ri;al and all other disettk;s treated with positiv'e stmeess Full partiettlattfcan be obtained by addressing in tithe, iloglish nr flornoulAtokit pat Patients_ eau be ace em unstated with flOarttptireplti able terms. Mechanicsburg is ofni c`tint prettiest and.boalth3 towns in' this or any othei .sttnte. It Is 8 voiles from Harrisburg, on' tire6untxmottni ley Roil" E' sal. and accessible from ail parts of tlai Union. The DOctor v/LIL visit cases it; any port of the Mato when desired. readerifvett, know any afflicted follow ere, turf,. delay not to tell themr‘ftille treatment ' . DIi.TTO- --1 S AND Cri,1 7 ..3.11 CA LS; With a Splendid variety of CONItIIcTIDNAgY AND raNcrcoolis. The tunic rslgtied Amer just repl!nliThed hit; strnArril`r ,goods: and - as ltirDruelt and Cheinieale, have Deals lectedwAth great care, he is prepared totill all orders roundly. iliajrieuda nui,y.rely npuit the genuineness and purity of every article:. - ilis stock of CON rlrillONA111" is inrge , atmt seleet, 4 l with,tipecial-safertyire to the d any variety persoittytaiy..ilesfee. in that line. lie has it large. atsniltneut of Pretiell.Clerniair nod it, miestic Fituey all fresh and or tite very hest quality'. ,}liias aor;tnient VANCI' CID - ODS is Pari.nt -and anthraces al most every thine: ili. , essny'ft t tle Toilet slid Unnttly. 'nes speriaL a tte.tairm _tn_ r-ra Ladies' Intirs.,Col4:trrie l.attlee. War , Iti.aild Card ' Quick r , 4lk, small plods and .strint * consisteney Ott trade, shall ritaracterive our 1;n0.7 . 4.:4 ,. .. . des. 'Lt . ,. .2. -9 - • • • '- • • Messrs. anrr.o,llo;:s, L;ehanon; 11. T. Miller,York; Allem+pi t _ llarth:burg; 1). It. Junes.-6; Co., liorristiul 0.; fiiirton & nerrop-, tile; ;.z r tewAyt, Sitteluir, Erie; t . • i$ ' , • .1 . 4 . 1 1 E'lt 00,,NIPIJIV1NT 7 •Dyspopsi, 1 . Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debibit,y., n•A•sed . • and ail utseattes !rpm Gitor of ;•••tonisein - stich 0 1 11StIpttlintOrnwilril holt. - lulues.t hhiott to the head, nuitlity. pt . OW 1 • uces, heartburn, disgust ior Piot!, fulness or- iitqg lii the- - sWleelllilatiOns, sinking .Gi• Mittel nig' ti too pit ot The St0;:letl,.1,1‘1111 . 1/1111g of the • hemi, hirilC • "and ifuttering at the heart. eld,kin - - .or sudocat g-seiteations when inalying pustule, 0115 ices ~rjlhlo 4; dots or. webs Jbeli to thtiskahti " 1 dull pain. in the head, deficiency:id pei•spicntion•)ei.i.n. kite skin and eyes, pain in I,lin_sule. Lash, i of heat, hlll.lLing in this ht ,1 1.. •• C./ISt:Lilt 111110ItillgS u!' evil, •and.gri .. ift'depiessioh - spa! its, can elfeettiany cured by-Itk. low llitATkab-0,-k4talA'N Arch lirepakesCit__lnt, - J7kektlON, No. b.:!it Arch t 4 trect; ' • Their`power over the above-diseases is not excelled,- - erlitallett,• by, any. other preparation in the United Statei i 9 the curet: • attest, In Dially cases afeei . skilful tills. Clank iced lht l ef t : - -: . • These bitters are worthy- the , attention - of hiyalida.- l'oa,essing great birtiles in the reetitiviitiuu ul' disease ut 'the Liter and. lesser glands; exercislisti the nue • -searblthig. f 04 - gestivo organs, they are. n i Mai s . afe, tai II and pleal aut. . TESTIMOZ , Y-. r 1 , 1:051 - i'E.NNSYLVANIA.. - -: • • ..„3. 1). Sprlog, .I.;:giSi.ille, Pa., April t;,`l6,:r-I,,silys. " 7-121'14-,giii.-s.l7...ll...imallie•arettzt4 - ._4,, , 0,.,„_? it.. this vkiiiity.ff you. wish them. A lady poi, Im.. 'lug somo of it this wee,i, says tliiit'it iii liY-lar the 'VW. , I: • • utedlclue she over knew, liaviii,,.;• dime her and Li r • - daughtin• touch govil;.ke,. ' ...., S. 12. - liali son, Itenfal•il's Storo, Somerset eo. I'a.:Rug. - lei, 1S:13, says, • 6 1 ilia much 'attached' to your iim,i,ii,-,1 - Bitters, iElYilig used (WO :Rath,: of it. Mlll,ll i pi....m . ti _ Irufii S. K urtz,.you r agent at ;Aaiun-set, mid found . g; eat. relief from It iii dise-ase pf the , 14 ,, er. .1.111.1 IL 1.: e great effect chi my lukigs, strengtheilim; audios ipii at ti.g , them, wltich, as 1 am a public speakur,.i....4..iiri4tAit,l4-...----- 'Me." • . . . , . •• Dr, Giles, Newton. Ilamlltmi, Pa:, .I:ty, 1951, said : " have u.stal_mysolf_half:a-dozett_bottles_ilf_yianliita Ilittare for Lk er Cemplaint und diteases of it nervot ' • cliarayter. resultlitlx trout the abuse of inorvurs. I u i j„+isoued and alliKted sp.tSIIIS from the its, nt th. • tatter article. The omm:tit Bittern isAlte iii, rst art k. • faun: width I obtained any relief. .1 IMN•tinlsik gitcri 1.1 •nrtiele t.t many dys;leptlrs, with tire tinea salutary r Bllltfi. 1 think as maity more bottles dill rove no,' Young, Esti., of. Dauphin. Pa.. writes May f. '• waas . afflicted with General Debility, Intestimd . I AI Ss • ne and CoAdvime,s, - for which I used many dint ret remedies without relief. lat last used your Iloonan. G aroma Bittern. I took a felt bottles neeording•le and . waS completalyeured. 1 have not be, 11 healthy pr ton tears as, - 1 have boon sine I took ye. - '.hitters, \which is about one year ago.:' . • Bitters are rs'ltuns v tapaa i;tE. al teiiyi ttrei:gt • • r.nlLlg. _the systenrawd-never_rustiatingtit- - • -- • Sold by .iealers In medieihe an4l storekeepers el rr V.11t.1.0; and by ts:ainuel'Elli. , tt, w.l.Ntennaviewn,,i n Caullotan, Carlisle; EltlitigiT,t r, • Suly,lt;e•l Ideld,• etr and by Ikedersill•Midi.•:,.. gtmerallv. , 15,54-1 T =IT 'Jos . ; co -77- of tun 11 11l Ly of Pdaiisyl II ezitbe.: - , a rgcotis: ' l,ocio ' n. and if onotary 3tiniln the Philadelphia Ileili:111 ~ ,r iety. • The various! in of e•eeret diseases. Ins,:;isr, l'r ,trite _faithfully desprihea, and ell the re...tants giren it , 1.! . 0 • The ~ihaptel, nn. self- :Ain, via i' . 1 . 111111.1 'Weakness is worthy of particular , u . tiention, and a-houl ' • . ho road by every 0110: young men 1.1/1.V13 boon Lig fortunaao . lll,cotitigning db.:ease, preyigus to pluela • ~ ,, , , q rseiee,t under the " cartrof antY iiiatter a hr his Pekenalou . s:nay bat, get; a opy of this truly , ialur.b warn. ' • • • ..E.1.1 Captains Anil persons goingto Sea . should pc.SPe ° Dr.. Young's Treatise on Marriage,itio pocket - -Ilsra.thlr 11F; or Kvory one Ills own Physirten. t a;rie• Lot uo lathegtei ash:tad:a to present A eopy of tr. 3iseitilpite,to It limy save Mtn:from nit (11.6 grave. art no-you:„ total at antuan anitSr into the r cret fir itiareieif wlthont reacliiig the poe - at Allscu ' ill6ilia, I:.qt; no ono suffering twin a harknit ' eintett; paitl in tile. sidi , ,instless'niglats, nervous Ind - tin, whole' train of speptic senettions, and give /up by their_pinsietie„) , ::: inc,ther•lll , ol , 'llt i , 11)4 - 1 . .1t. tinning the ill'seulapiiiii.,•ll:Avo that married or - {'ho - - altout t'a •ho married any itopeditnont,iread. this tett \useful llook,as it has teen the means of butt i r the hands of ttutirtiff.9t, •rri‘ntllMS. fti3.l 0 the to ' jaws -41;5(1,‘ . , upwards of a..N! I (.11.10N copies : ;eork s this , outi try and tiura..po , sinee . 38, when the first edit.i.;ll V361.5i141.11.A. -V , • • Qom . Any innviat.sendine I,NTY-I'IVVI ee*,ts : CICIVi . f), ill a letter, copy of this bock 1 inail;. or Wit' eniies w i ll to sent - far 41. Address r I 1.1,1: ANJ Y111.1•Nil., No: 152SprItot3 street, Philadolpl.4.. . • n rears praetienin the city of l'hiliCaelplii2l. is r taints! entitles llr. Youtig to the coolla'onee - nt ihr rte. • eicteii and he roar beeonsitlted on any of the llloesc,l le his lieront puldiAthies - ,lithis-e411e4 14•47 a , Snrifee street. ever-y- ' -day titeen a talll Stir? days : i:x , :eptetl:flidit pi , reenis,At any illUtauraentakenuaitif • Dr: Yotnie lay Letter; roarOtto.l • UST., . .Wll E FAM: - pp , 41,1" GitOCIMS. ST)1i1; of the su'erieribilr, - • , • • V A ,' 'M