Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 13, 1856, Image 1

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    - 1 "/5 4. A • .•
• :01P:4 3 11TBLICATION.
The Chnttista ilseaLne.publlslied "Weekly on a large
sheet, 'containing . .tioirrs colainss,'aud furnished to ifuo7' ,
Jib har.a.ti;SZ - 4ratecof-liallir , striptiy - -itrattsanint4 -
oif paid. within lini'year; or in all 'cases when
..7 --?ey went - is 'delaypti...udtil alter theblinration of - th 6
, year. :‘u subscriptions roecavvil 'fey a less perloci.than
-61.4. - Luoatlas, and , none discontinued. until all arrearages
are paillotaleis ttie,c , ktion of the pliblishar..... l le
. 'Seat stinscrilieis • livingliiirof Cumberland. coup y
in_ad,ltatql , ,, or the paylheitt. asanui
• • e-rfoipbusiblel,on living inOutuberlaud - Catin=.
ty77l.`ii - ese , t,urins wart ,:rr'4llMrrittlaprint=t -* xsee
. • "'ADYItiItI iD r l ILS TS.. • •
. .
• • •
'dvertlSenients 'nlll. be. charged. V.OO p'er tuitiare of
twelve lines fur Unite thisertions, and 13 cents"Sor. encb
. tl utisequent insertwu.: All ailvertisetnent•ofless thaw
t welfe iitieiseWusitlered us tistinare. fullowing rotes
inn, no etnrigetl fur Quailerly, 111lf Yeaarly and eurly•
...44:Yer&Wlig, • . .
3' Mouth's. 6 Months. 12 Months.
1 SOntro.,-(l•2linew,) *ZAK/ $B.OO ' .
V t . Column, - - SAM ' 12.00 111.00
' - . 12.00 20.00 tt . 30.00 _
. 25.00 - . 48.00 •
A d ve rt isom gut)! inserted. berme -Mai:lieges and' Deaths,
$ Contis'per, line Ihr nrsViusurtiiin, and 4 cents per line
for sWisequeiit insertions. Counnuzlications en subjects
•/ !baited or individual interestliill be charged 6 cents.
'ages ley errors hi ail.Certrieniii LS: Obi - Wary notices not
exceeiling,livn Niles' will be inserted without charge.
• •
•- -- • • " JO.B_PRIthi -•'
-The dAaLISLE ItEItALD -JOll L'ltl - STIM3 OFFICE is the
largestainl must complete establisinuent lu.tbe comity.
Three\ good Presses, and genei'al rurir.ty of material
suave ur elain ami kaitcy%yeti:L:et every.isiml, enables'
us to at the 'shortest notice sablon the
most reasonable tbefin,:' Tursons in - want of Bills,lllanks
or any thing in the Jobbing line, will find it their
terest'to.glve us it call. Every variety - el ISLA:S.l6'mm
'tautly eu-nalul.
All letters on business must be host-paid to Ea•
cure attention. -
tAicaf 31iformatiort.
• • President—FlLANKl.l:: PIERCE. . .
Vico titeto), L. It..lactrsON4
• Seciotairy ui otutu,-11:d..1..
Elot:ctary. of latoylor---Itonityr :11LCLELLAND.
becrotary'of Treasiiry;—J ES . IiTURIX.
Bei:rot:us of 11 . 11r , —. 1.E1FK.It.SON JJAV.IB..
Betroth:r . yof IsoLvy—jAs.. C. Builtsm.
• I'AiAt Maqtei tloiloral-rtmcs 'CAitPuEtt.
Atr.oraoy Coo.ural—CALF.ll O.:8111:W. "
_ pf b!.atusHlL 11. TAAJr,T
S G:rovia.NINTEDVI'm
. .
Secretary of Stato- 77 .ANDeLw A. 4. CUATI.N. ' " '.
- .,-J._).'., 4 . 3u.veldr.x. ._ .., . .
Auditor 4.lenerui.E. Beats.
TIVH3LIEOI . ---.V.L1.61./.1.%11.... . . -
Judges of .the.,Supreine Court--E..L-Emisi . J., S. &ACK,
W. .ii. LOW/tI.E, U. 11 . ....1VOUDWAlak t J. U.. KNUS. ' .
• President Judge—lion. 3)11.114 11. GRALIAU, , •
. 4.ssorptte J ti
uhu itupp, biuuel Wood
District Attoruq—Vin. J. Sheare'r.. . •
• -
' .11p4ordor l • • ~ •
• Ilign IsoWnian; Dooity % James Md.
Troas - ureo,-N. W. Wobile. '•.
, init . —Joseph C. "
Cou.ity Counissitiners,rrJutnilitil.d.,JaineeArtiostrons,
George 51: araliani...L'Clerk to - Cutuiniconiiiets...3lichael
"r SI
licreotore of te • oor-- enrg ica er, George
/lo t John Brown. 'biipeOLl4oll4l,eut.of
Joseph - : 1 • ‘• .
: - ,zion.euezi-orrx(MUS;
. et Iturgeeii--Col. Aluurrruela 1 , 1 max. ' .
Airdataut isurgek.4--k!auruef . t.iould,.. . .
Tow u CouLwit—it. C. Woodward, 1 / 4 1.rosident) Henry
Itlyera, Johu'OuLehrill, Pater . :llonyer, k'. tiorduer, 11 ti.
Sturgeon, yliuhaul Shuafttr, Jultu lituutpautt, David tip).
C u ntitib - as-Jultu .. .l.l.ardur ILigh Constable; Itokor.t
Mcear2tuoy, WardVOnstable. '
firnt Presbyterhtu Church, northwest angle of Centri3
Square, • I:ev*. CONWAY P. WISO, .P.tstor.—orvicos every
-• 8 enday morning at 11. o'clock., • A. 31., and 7 'o'clock:,
5; •
Sec l utid Presbyterian diurch,eorner of South llanover
and Poinfrot streets. itpx.iech
ianummice at 11. il . ol.ick, A. 314' and 7 o'clock - , I'. ' M. .
St. JolulF ~lttlrt r, tPrOG. Episci:.pal) northeast angle of
Centre b q uaro, Rev. Js.ipst is. Mobes, ltector. Cervices
at 11 0 . 1 I,ittiit nod 3 ifcA;elc., P. M.
Lulketuo Church,Tedford between 111ain nod
Llitstin , : . streets:" ltev. .I.tsan Fur, „Pastor. - CI lOUs
at li o;clock, A. M., and 7 Wellicky'l'. M. . •
tierion Iteformed.Church, Wither, between Hanover
and. Pitt staieete. ittni; A. 11. Annum, Pitstor.. Services.
Lido.e.i, A. 31.;and li),Ei I'. M.'
'(first t..tutz - #.) Corner ef !Clain and
ritt*troets. Lev. b. Ls M.. CONIOLI, Pastor. .Serviccs at
11 o'clock,,,A.' a 114.1 U'llkWk, P. M. "
31001,141ttit. church,
.(tioryhd Charge) ltov. J. 51.
JhNl.s, pastor. Services in t.sol lege thaws, at, 11. o'clock,
A. M., and fi o'clock, P. 31.
i3athylic Church, romfrot, near klast stwet.—
ter..1.t0t:.4 p.tmLETT, PaFtor. „ber . viees on the 2nd Sun
' stay In othlt Mouth.
Lutheran. Catrell, corner. of Pliinfret anti
ISeslfi . d streets. ItevA, llastor. • sickvi(!ti at
• 4 A r• When changes in the above are 116§essary_ thee, - OL
per 1)01140w : care requested to notify us?\
itev. Charles Collins, Pre - skit-at and Professor of Moral
Reionee. •
Rev. Unman M. Johnson,. Professor of Philosophy,
and English hiterature. .. • ' . _ . • -
, v...1ntit, 4 11_,.., - efaor of Ancient Tkingtiages.
- -‘ 77 771t1...t1tis 11. ridany, Prolessorhl t itathenia • ~.,
NVi iliiin C. %%Teem, Leeturex,on Natural'. Seienee and
• -
Hurl itref tltt,..llttiNuin. .
' -.A le,surittni Ahem, Professor of Hebrew ~and Modern
. .
Ili 0 k ii tv4es . .
. ,
, ,
. • ltenjauilit Arbogailt„;,Ttitor in hianuages.
Samuel D. llifillian, l'rincipah'of the hirtunrosi school
iVilllain A. Snively, Assistant in the lirahlinar Schoch
. . .
• •„ , , ,
DEPOSIT BaNk.Eresitlent, Richard Parker.
CaMililr, Wm.: M. dieeteun Clerks, .1. P. liasalet, - N. C.
Llnssoinian. Directors, Itie:pad Parker, 'Jelin Zug,
II ugh ti t uart, Tionnis" pax en, It. 0.. Woodcard, Hobert
)1‘.....rei John SA tulurz:pu, II iiryfLogat?; Sainiiel - Witerry.
Frederick NVatts; - Secrutit y and Tteasurer, Edward Id;
Biddle; Superintendaut,' A. F. Smith. ',l'asstfugor trains
tiles a day. - EastWatd, /caving Carlisle at,10.:15 o'cleslit,..
A.M. and 331 o'clock, P, M. TWQ trains o'o ry day West-,
ward, .gluing Carlisle 49.43 o'clock, A. 317 and 3.11 P.M.
. • . .
• CAIII;ISLE 1i.V4.1N . 1) WATER. euMi . ANT. President. Fred
srlett-Watts." rleereteiry, Leniuel Todd; Treasurer, Win
• It. 'Mvltetli; ' 1)1 roc turs, V, Wats, Richard l'Ark - 06 - 1;on - unl.
rodd. Wm. M. It , teani Dr. W. W. bale, Franklin Hard.
'ear. Henry GI .ig eiTid a, M. Biddle. . . .. - ..
.l. 1 7 .0.1.r.T lt.mvii . 7- - -Preshlent, Join S. stet
-eYtt;Ciishief, A. 14turgeein; Teller, Jos. . Iloffor.-- -
' Dlrectors; John:. - 32Sterrett„Win. Her,' NI elettoir ilre nil e-
Ilan, lachard )Vonch;, Henry Saxton., Hobert C. Sterrett
WS ..1 11, A. Stµtgeon. . ... .
.. , • -
, •
poste all letters of one-half ounce weight or
ents pre-paid, (except tocalifornikand Or.p:On,
r hiCiilo - centtrpreepah. l 4.____________
Poet e "nix -11xnatn"-within the
4 Connty,
~ithiti tho,itate, 13 contapor year. To any. part , ef the
o.t.Stai,es, 26 untF. Postage oil fiansient. papers
e noicC ;I. ounces in weighti-1 cent prepaid, or l (lints
AdVertiliCd lettorslo be charged with the soot
• 3,idTertirilTi. , •
..,,,,.. I „nhottp Job Printing at thifi ‘ office.
... . ..
... - ~ , • ~.,. ~ ..
.. .
. ,
. • '
. - . . 7 . ' .
.. ..
, ..
. '
. .
.. . .-:'-.'. i , ,
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. . .
ili. _. ___ ,r...._ ,==.....„ 7,;., _.,.:„.„.... ....:... ~.,..„... 7 : 7 - 1 .
~,, - . -
r •
EELD: .- AND - ::,E,r4.0T1'..0:
- coNc4iimas. .
. ...,
. • ------ .
. ' TUesday, Feb: 5. - .ln the Senate, s- esoltitiOn
offered by Mr." Clayton, providing ko Ole , pur:
- 61iiii - fel- - tif - 200r'nii,..fd - S - -- cirifOod Tat - the - . . eari. - _ - of -
Washingtori,_waslaid on the table. .M Weil°,
introduced a, reeolutiouttathorizing tf . . .thage.
al' the San irancisco Mint of •Unioni,l each
of the value of $lOO, and Ilitlf,-,-hnietisi, of . ,
the value of $6O. The Senate then'resu. , ed
'the eonsithiration., of - the Pentrul . Anteric , a .
question, and Mr. Fq)ot, of Vermont, made
speech-, taking nearly the mane ground as Mr.
Seward - upon the'question. ' Gen:Wilson then
otitanod the floor, and 'the Senate adjourned:
I.n the House,.
,Adam 'J: lilosubrenner was
elected Sergeant-at-Arms by a vote of 103.
yeas_ to 98 nays: -.Nathan Darling was eleetbd
Doorkeop by of 119 yeas to 86 nays.
Hobert orris, of PeunsYltania, witi - elneted
'Femme for by a vote of 108 ).-eas,:97 nays.:--
The ru n •of the luet-Alouse Were adopted
mail - other hs.e ordered: . A..motion was adopt
eti aut ern- ig tile: payment to J. W. Forney
Of eight 61Iare per 'day in - radditiou to his
salary as Clerk- for the time he neted'as - the
presiding ',dicer 'of alehouse. Peuding.the
consideration of a resolutionoleclaringiO. For,
lett, _of Ohio; •printer of. thn house, ad
jouruaient.vraii earried.• • ' ..... _-
Wedheuray, Feb. 6,—ln • the' Senate, - Mr..
Clayton submitted a joint resolution, instruct
ing the Selgettut-at-Aruit'of -Hot/lies to'
ascertain without (feloy, the 6seikatindiV'itin:'
_for want of fuel in Washington
. .
city, and auropriating $l5OO for the netiesairry'
fuel; The resolution as atuended, so _as to
make the Mayors of Georgetownabd Washi`ng
, toil the distributors of the charity . , and then
theft - retiurned - the - con
sidertiticin of the resolution in reference to — the'
'late Naval Retiring Board, pending the debate
_on-which the Senate adienrued. -Iu the Ilonse,
_a contest took=place'. upo;ti •the gdestion of
eiecting a printer. Messrs.. Follett and Wen :
eli:ken! 110416116 pikl_C.OrdithlteS,L_ArtdC. t rte
unsuccessful ballotings the louse adjouruet4
- - - 1;
~ • •
• Thureday, Feb. 7.—lti`.o4:s4mate, Mr.:Cass , .
. • •
.gonitnittec to inquire into the expedjency_oi '
increasiug the Navy.. M. Bayard introduced
• .
a bill to provide. for the printirig, binding and
en gi - Tite - resolution - ii ireeting- the Com
mittee on Finanee to report the appropriation
was taken ° up and discassed at length as
a novel measure,, and finally passed. .Mr.
Seward'aald that since the foundation of the
go_verpment no appropriation bill had origi the Senate.; it was au ancient, and
established" priucipler that; the 'honey - Of thl,
people ediall; not be drawn from the • Public
treasury without the consent of the representaz
fives of the people. This was a conservative
feature . borrowed (ruin Constitit
lii3n„as neeessory to_secure t h e publicliberty.
The spirit - pt . the Constitution required the old '
established pliiu to be - adlfered to. After•fur-1
ther discussion by Messrs:.
Toncey anillliinter the resolution parolvd; In
the House, the Speaker was, on. emotion, au-'
thorizecl•to appoint the Standing Committees.
The President', through Mr. Peniiingtoni algal- (•
Pied his readiness to co-operate with Congers.
The reoltition .in reference to the election 'of !
a 'Printer 'was teconsidered, but,' -pending !•
action on the resolution, the,ldouse adjourned
till .
•-• • .
• Vedneaday; Ft:b 6.--In•tlieT Sen to,'petitions
werepresented forth," repeal of th lug Law,'
:also_tit_few-rernottstrances-egainsti a--ithiettl..--
The - Committee - artankt - relYera ii favor of
the bille to', incorporate. the Centi I:•Thitak of
. ..., .
Penniylvania, Mereertoutity Bank, Blink el
Crawford' County. and 'Stroudsbnrg• Bank.-
Mr.-Souther read in place a bill to ino r"
the TiOga County Bank.' 'Tliti bill for
entity of individual transporttrs on_the
-workti, passed second reading-yeas 11
15. Mr. Buckalew read ib place, - -residi
prepoSitig amendments, to the Constituttp•- •
limiting the State Debi toitpOb,ooo;provitpti,
for_a Sinking Fundyto paj the , presCnt d lit
-prohibiting the pledge of the. 'credit of- lii
State to any individual or CorPoratiou,to_r
the assumption by the State of. any' cl,
borough, bounty, or township- debt;,,Prohibi-
ing i thr State from becoming a_ atoCkholder in
any corporation,. prohibiting municipal sub‘
scriptions to railroad .and other corporations;;
restoring it vote of th'e po - !; favor of any
proposition fur-the election of Reprisentatives
flow cities by districts; and limiting the !Mil
' . ' I her of 'Representatives of any, city to fifteen,-
Ilfongay, Fib. B.—ln the Senate, a resolution] and of any -county :or district of five. ..Ad
was adopted, requesting the Secretary hf, War jouened. In House, 4 iiiii - SUppleinent to the
to report yhether any additional fortificationsi charter of the State I.unatio Hospital, author
are necessary' to the tiefence of the. harbo
• •r
of i i izing the reception Of .deat and dumb persons
. .
[ in certain -claws -was further-- considti ed, and
Nesw. York . and•:the-Brotiklytt-liit-vy-Y-ard-. 2 --------r---a-----6---i
•s ..,.
liege tie 'CM ail . passage—yeas ti — • 6 9
s.ded: instructititt the Com- 1 The bill to Wool:imate I, ' •••1 : em
r 'can - thrift—en ity, it to a ben voleut lid
charitable instit tiett; fo - the meant notice d
? 7...L.can.•
education of: o Phen_cl il. rem' was • akensti ,
passed ieotamittee Of the ti . Mkt, and iscusse
on SeC4)l.l reading bY,Mes rs. Smith (Ct hritt),l
Wright ( Ozonic), \ '.os.t4 ~' Muttimit Getz,
tk iN
M'CLnt, i helps, lii nom, M'Caltnoutilott,
and Baldwin; until .th i i `mir of adjournment
, ..
Thuriday,- Feb:',7.—ln the Senate, alarge
number Were • rep 16 teal from the Vari
ous Ste Mimittees; Amongst theft,-
the bill M. Ife - artlaties - of the Judges
of the Supremo Cotirt . ssols es cli, - Mr, Backe
en:B resolittionsproppeing amendments to the
Constitatioai, bill to restore. tl , Onttie.,ta.
On - coal\antilumb'er; ,
. reme
'and [I pr of
tTR - ice
the Courts in Chancoryprodeetlings; 'relative--
t . .
to Sheriffs and - ConstableS; relative to the 'sa le
. •„- .
of the stocktittid franchises of insolvent corpo
rations; and bill relative to party Ivens. - ISPK'
Steub read :in place it bill to incorperate , the
Itle chuota' Bank of Potts ille :,. - Mr. .Crels..
well ne relative to. the Stet 'Arsenal; which
\ c,
'prop ses to,.4tbolisli_thLArsenakai-Philed.el
phia... d Meadville, Mid - make the Arsenal it
Harris uig-the 'Only - depository, of the arms
and ord iance"of the State, .4 warm personal
'coutroveray-roccurred .beteveeri the 'Senators
frOin/Alleglieny (Mtsrs..Wilkins and M'Clin:
'rock) in•ryfeteuce o a bill in i troduced by Mr
. . .
"mitteetinMilitary'Alrairs to inquire itO the.;
expediency f abolishing the Military AsylAini
at ilarrodsb rg, Ky.'; The•Continittee on. toed.
Judiciary w • instructed I,u inquire iiitoyt
peditnicy of A - !Lioitrting - a, Commissioner tore
vise the public statutes so as to render them
morq cefisisteu ; ,, .uut.l . the Pesti& comtnittrie
WM . ] instrtieted to . iiiqUire into• the expediency
. procuring ,cheaper ocean ptistage. in the
House, ;,an unsuccefisful - ballet was • bad foi
Printer,'partiee rethitining iti nearly the iamb '
•• . .
k 0.841011 as upon previous ballots. - The newly
elected Clerk •made. a considerable' number of
changes. among 'his suburiiinatesi /. .After au
ideffelittial effort to pia a pruralit ' resohitiOn;
so as - to effect the ' election .of _ a: tinter, the
llbuse.tidjourimil, • . • . . .
THE: .CASE. OF rARS . ONS.—ACOOrdiIIg to the
BlairyLoun. • •
ty 31 7 up, theme trial of James Parsons,
'of Virgiattii-L , cherge'd with
. .a _breach of the
peace, sin atterdpting to arrest. and carry away
Colored mail, some time since, in that com i ty
tcrolt place last .week. Parsons 'was represent
ed by eminent:counsel fretu'Vligiais;_s,ent to
try the case by Cloy. Wise,- but tha. evidence
not-beiniveatinfactory-,--the-pistrict --4ttoraey,
entetled . a nolle yr osequi, aMt-the • i3efeibitit
was t isoharged, Thiele, the case our which
the 'rgicia - I.egislatpre\ b : ecaute •,rampankt
as to nss thrOugh the liOuse the . disgraceful
.bill.t 101.14,40 u was made i this paper
liket w Ok;
-—• . • •
- -' - WEDNES;DAY,. ,.. .V . EBRVARYI-',...1,85,6„;•
Tuesdayel4s: Senate,' Mr. •Hegs
tr4uced a . jdint, • resoldtien . ,providing for the
. adjourlithent of the Legislatire.on.the
25th of Idareh;-but the Senate-refilled-to pre-'
-aced ..talts_considereti read_in:
pla6s a frirther ;supplernehtf •tO the- Act -Regu
lating Banks., • Mr. Wilkinsise-Bill,
designed as • a substitute for the present
straining Liquor Law, -was. taken. np, •and
passed CominKtee of, the . Whold. The;
the came upon second reading, and..llli.
,Wilkins medo,a lengthp-wird.,able iirgu nt
• favor its - plesag6. - -find against the coercive
aw existing., Ile nos followed - by Mr.
'who spoke in opposition to Mr.
bilatid•-offered a tievr.bill as.a sub,
Atitute. rovides-for -licensing the Salo of
liquors--- . by tave7-keepers, under stringent
restrictions; but \ prohibits • all dealer( in
liquors,, others than' tivern 7 keepers, ffo'm sel
ling-in-less quantities than one galltind• Mr.
M'Plintock• submitted rinother bill, as a•sub•
stitute for. Mr. 13rowness amendment. - [lt
aujhorizes_the . license Hof toreros, hotels, res -
touratits and beer-houses, of two chi4see; the
-one. paying a higher rate-of assessment, -. to - be
alloweite.sell-all 'kinds. of alcoholie t -vinous,
and Melt liquors: and '_the' other, pay' tig a
lowerrate, to 801 cider itinfrnalt liquors
- 001r-lluelialeVe-51-motion v -theiturtlicn T
sideration of the subject was postponed,. and
'both amendments were prderod to be.printed,
'lke resolutien- from the Ilouses,"to:ad-:
-journ•from the 15th to•the 25th of February,
Was, after
,several ineffectual attempts tq
aMend, and - further postpone, disagreed to ---
.Browne's bill relative td -Agencies of
Foreign. insurance ComPaniei; passed Staall,y.:__
..Xillotirned. In the liouse,_a number -of pri •
vale MS were considered Mid passed. [At
- 12, - "o!clue he - Speaker -tend-memliertraf
the Senate were -intrudireed,'•for the purpoee
of going. into eonver4ion,..• Co allot the Public
Printing. - . A 'motion was - adopted -that the_
subject be-postponed for thro.vreelcs i and the:
- . convention .adjourned .Leisenring rend
-in-plate-n-bill-te•authoriztrtite-tonetru - etion - ot - ‘
Easeenger-Railways in the city of Philadelphia. -
Pendirlg rho coitsui etntion-of-the bill to allow.
deaf and,d.ndih :persons. in certain .ceses.. to
be__lsent,_to, the - _State I. 4 .una.ths4ompitat, -dm
-Houso adjourned.
- •
... . :
'OO 6 •
. • ..•
. .
•. • ••• •
. .
i:.:',f - iti:4iz..ilt 1 . .. : fiLt.',:i'J(..;'.....-1-1
• , • . -• ,-
'Wilkins, to =repeal the law of last mien -
i!eetablishinila High-School in'Pit shurgli; and ~
onsolidating.-the - WardefOr'.eiluentional per
'Posei;'.-..- The bill, on. motion
. of Mr. 'N-., was
finally referred to a Select Committee of five.
:Tho bill for the. security of Individual transn .
porters -on the PuLdia Works, peseta) finally,.
-hy-a'strict - party - vote--yegf 17, - nays ICY. - ,[lt .
provides .that in the -event of .a . sale of 'the : T .
Public ilityrks, the Company:purchasing_ tberin
shall be . required,-te buy also all the Yeats, .
cars, sucf tracks - put. on the . ! ll -lifter the
g 4.
.passage of this Au. .„bill wa asset', to
\ IJ. ,
anilmrize-Coutity.Comtnissiotierlip al. ow keep._ ,
ors of. prisons, except„in *Philadelphia. and
Pittsburgh, 2fi, cents a., (la'' , for -.the board: of
prisoners. -. In 'the -afternoon, Mr: -Wilkins's
licende -bill was • nlmin taken up, and Iltenevr
bills o,,fiefeikas substitutes by 11-.. liiiiiine li:tid '
'Mr.' I% , ,l'Clintodk,''wereetitl, which • occupied
the whole afternoon's session., 10 the Ilouse,
Mr. Getz presented a potitiott from citizens of
Berke county, for-the repeals'of : the-lug Law.:?. .
Other.petitionsSof like itnport,'presented. :
Mr. Bill offered a, resolution that the abuse
adjourn from Friday, the 416th, Co Wednesday,:
the 20th-inst;-,' at .3' P. M., which waS\adopted ;
` 7
-yeas bu, nays-- 37: I[MeiT'srs..llinesNiune-.
toucher; Shenk and ' l, voted againsi \ tbe
adjournment ] The onomittee of. Ways slid
Means reported. aga List the bill torestore•the \ *
tontin - geMx on coal ind, - ininberi_araLln favor .`
of tempting widow ' dower under s2oo.from• -.
Mxation. Ttie_Select Committee of. philadel 7 , -'
phia members, reported ngainst - three bills tti
incor wrote City Passenger, ltailiva -a • 'ho
Select •Committee on the contested' el Idiot'
•caso between . John B. Beek and John:C. 'Mc
(.4.lree,- of - the Lyporning; -. Clititon .and Potter-
,made a report - in favor 0f ..- the right„
of John B. Beck, "to' a seat in the Bousecas -
Representative , of said district, atid-Ai. Beck
Was accordingly `sworn in.", [The-Conatnittee -
vi-- - Ii
-threw but the ,vote of istrict, itt Potter
county, where the eteetion • haTbeen
thiottor than:tterNine authorized•by law;
in fa. rof Mr: Becitq • -,•
Fn ay, ':Feb. 8.-1 n the Senate, the follow
. the Standing
Connnittees:TO e nail?* 'the . salaries of the
Judges. of the Courts . of Philadelphia and
Pittsburg; a supplement. to the act ineorpora
tin& the philadelphia,.‘tindl3altimore cetitral
failrotaCotaPanyi -a bill-rolati've:to the State
Arsenals. Mi.'"l3rowne,', presented a .remon:
atrance, signed by five„thousand - foUr huildred
And twenty-six women of Philadelphia, against .
th~rnFeal of — the Li ucir=l44,- . Terrae-Ain --
e andreed . , reaching across the entire' Ila 1.
The joint restitution from thellouso,-to-adjourn
oVer from the 15th of February, .to Meet - again
on the 20th; was taken up and adopte , i. 'he
jeint•resolution proposing certain antendmet s .
to the, conskitution,.,wit's taken up an - d
CoMmittee of the - W - hale. •Ti; tavew 111 , ots
bill was then taken up . .
I.rowe and AleClintoek'untilihe adj.,nrn:nent.
the se:
Ili the House, the bill to aboliali the-Usury
Lnws4ras debated and in4finitel; postponed.
The joint resointion instructing our Sertors,
&c., to vote for the- repeal of the KnOns
'braska act, atiti the substitution of:the Oregon,
bill therefor, was debated at some length, and
indefinitely 'postponed yeas. 51, nays 11.—
The Judiedary Committee reporto, advorsely.
•e bill changing the venue in the case
of Passmore .Williamson vs.. Mitt K. Kane,
'fromil Delaware conk) , to Philadelphia, The
bill to abolish the Miles of County Sunc: in
tendant of Colmar Schools was also repiirtf:il
w„ith,n negative recommendation. •Tlio
Dacia of the- Senate .rotative to, tempbr-uy
eurnment-was concuiced in.
. I • l s'iettArdy . :y ? . Feb. 9 4 , 7 •1 7 In the Senate, petitions
from six,'hundred and fifty ladies of
. Philadel-
Iti w
4phibre presented against the-Te.peal of . the
._liqn_or licr - r •-____A__Largo . numberof_i_p_rita4e_ffills
I ~ete,Departad..e.nd-iteted-apmr""troTise,
a - mendments to the bill for the, security of
.certaintransperters on thoJ'ublic Works, were
concurred\ in. - Mr. Buckole,w's, resolutions,-
'ptoposing certain amendments 'to ilia State
\Constitution, were.: taken up. Mr. Ituokalew
spoke briefly in explanation of the several
propositions enibraced . - by the resolutions,
.wlien the hour of 'one o'clock tirrived„and the
Senate adjourned -till• Monday afternoenrat 3
-O'clock. lii the Rouse the Speaker presented'
a report from the State Treasurer, in-/.auswer
to a resolution of. the Ifonse, - calling fer.infor-,.
matienrelative to irregularities in-the acconots
of the ..fortner . State'Treasurer._: - The'following..
resolutions were adopted: That the Judiciary
Committee .be instructed 'to itiquire, whether
additional l_e_g_islationAa-nnt_nocessar-y-to-on -, '
able the Canal Commissioner to• . prosecute .
~perens who, ,without., authority, make,..utt-of •
ptiblic property along the lines of - .the.publie -.
works. That Washington's Farewell Address.
he °read 'oil the 22. d inst.,-in 'the hallof - the
Itouse, and that the Governor c heade_of de , .'
parttnents, - moinberg and officers of the Senate
be-requested to. attend the . .hall of_the'llouse .
ont•that. occasion. That the -Committee on
.Ways , and Means inquire 'what:pay John C.,,1.
_Mcfalicen r itt--entitfed-t tr.receive - fdellii - time he
eat as aluethber•of the House..
Monday, Fl 6. 11.—In the Senate ; aft'er::flie.
presentation of 'various hilts o 1 iticorpo'rationi
of various bills ofincorporation,,the considorti .
tiou of, the Tavern License Bill Ices resuiseq,'
- .
the question being upon Mr4„l3rowne'a,substi
tiits. Mr. Ingram spoke at length against the
Substitute, and still' had 1110-figor tirtieli—t4e 7 L-
S - elilte adjourned. In the' iibuse, n .hirge
'lumber memorialb . vrere — gresented, :among
one 2 rcr7lF -- n - .
of-Trade in reference to.thelmlf-pilotage htio, _
anti anothrr - air hist, city.: passenger railweyw,.
bolish-tbe-olifee Of:SuperintenAent .
of Common. 'chools wan:reported back, irith.a . -
recommenda tbatit be paned.
NO. 24.
Runioitd Arirkifftilee ThreefOlontbs.
Hostilities Suspended in the Crimea,
The New steamship Persia . .New
York .on . Satiti'day.." about- fialf : past !faint!
o'clock. She hringajth;tes, to the '26th.*t.,
ono week-Inter
Tbc peace prospects, arA_npparently pro,.
grossing, butoenni dny's must 'y
-et elapse bet : Ore
the 'ken inaries can be secured, but,the Czar
has ordered Gortschaleffi to
tics in the Crimea:- . -
. . .
.The. order to cease hostilities has been given-. .
by the Czar, without waiting - for a 'formal
'armistice, ',although - it is ruworod 'that ani___::
-armistice has been agreed upon for three '
months. ' - *-, -•- - -
-- France, Efiglamrand Austriiocontintio_• _to/
accord, although it Pe. forseen. that-grave clues :-- -•
- lions inigfirifirli:e during tLe negotiatiime_ for •:,
peace. 'No . place„ of Meeting, has yet. been ,-•
decided ; but a despatch ; received on- Fride: . t,-• •
the 2fith, tho "authentieity, ,of which is doubt
ed, Si - lye that it. will be either Paris or Lando t.,--- - : -
and, also, that Baron Brunow will be jt
thtifil -
sian plenipotentiary. 'At Will bc — at_least - Ille
'2 ; 144 February before all the - prelitiiinaries are •
'apKended to the!agreement-ta meet. ‘
' Tfliteceptance of"
_the - Austrian propositiont;
has bee Ara_itLlKM.dieflicially.,at_St..Peteesburg, . -
The Alin tuncefiloitii!ates that the- "cilif con:., , dition is ; i4t.tralizatidn.of the Black Sea to be
secured. by - a --treaty between 'Russia and Tur-.
key, 'Russia - being ready to diScuss: the other.
' At the' same tit e• the belligerent ,powers; •
continue eheir - prepaNions for an earnest con- '
tinuance of the. war should peace7•llo.• re'mult
from the prement:emleaOks.' '• It was, stated, •
but after,Werds contradickd, ,that Generals . ..
Palls ,___Co_dringlm_andAmer_Basha_hud, •
Tike Cro schakoff, received milers from their
respective geverritnents to stop :Ikostilities:—
Sitch orders-will imt•be sent till an\ajtnistice -
be „formally concluded. ---- . • • -:\ . • .
-The -- catitlonade from the northern .forbk:con
-t ih 6 ecifiti d-w a s-rep I ied - to - a - t - interimda ---- bY - 41111 - 7
AI Ilea; ' • Two more of the, docks had be'4 .--',-
- - It is stated that.- 39,000 Russians\
11a-rappeare'd between. Otchakoff and Petror
viski. , From liustchuk 'we hear that adeteriona -
collision.had taken place between the Turkish
andr,Austilan soldiers in that city. •The Cour- '
Fier clys Ilfqre.stated that an - order ft'aiti-paris,
dated afternoon of 2.3 if, had directed the loati.4___•
ing,not-ih.e,shipi-intended=f6 - tro rimes thall ' 7
e provisionary suspended. These fatorablie
indicationsluve givenirtoreased advance .119 ••
firtnness - tolbe - fiitiels, both - Englush and contt
nen'''. : .. • ••• • , - •
Accounts froni the Crimea are to the 6th
January.' ,The cold was intense, and the- sea
had frozen along the-coaif.-.'
Telegraph from London] " .
Loiiimx; Saturday, January litlx.•=•The
.. ,
tinily' Times urns, un undoubted 'authority - -
'flint-the- elitninary--treaty-of— peace -will--ho
biFno tobably,before Tuesday, and c rtainly
• . •
heft) e the meeting of Parllatnent.. •
An Apa t ikoice toll be cmicluded imme
after gicriing the preliminaries, and the ne•
gottnttuna tvlilt a view of the final comprehen
sive trendy wdt Liu commenced forthwith,:
The Neon liirther learns that it is the de-.
~t the Allied Powers to exerciie •
d,, ihr the'-right-reserved
: to •them .
liy the filth -m-00e of the Anstrian prdpostvls,
to I,d ward.. ndditional.....stipttlatious • for
the general welfare of• Europe.
' A despatch from Berlin states that-the peitetin---
propoSals wero . yrongly supported in St. PC- •
ternburgAy Holland, -
:The London Times intimates that Lord Oar
endou refiresent Great; Britain at the ,
confe reueed which willmal)ablyhe—hel4l.--et--4-7
c'eTriel' — tru preliminaries, of'pet,c9.
si :neck
,I ,
..zEillous'AccthENT To GEN': CA:si:•:—Wadi:- .
-- ,
inzton, Feb. 81—Afitok exci meat °Nese oc.- -
--.. , .
assioned throughout-the cit
.. ,atneon today, ' ..
froin an accident'. occurri g 1 to the '.veteran
_ ,
Senator from MiChigati, Gen. Cass.• While
coming front the •Pittent Office, about 1
• Aook, he logt his - feet-hold, and was precipi- `,..
- tilted some-five , or air steps to the paveineut„........ \ .
• nutting his head veryliadlr, near the temple,.
[lid causingAnion:Ability. fora considerable \\,
tints. lie Was Laken up and conveyed to the A
N'atioti.o . pot„el,. 7 ntid Drs. Miller-and Garnett
• 4
immediately summoned. . 1
Tlic wotktli..q._head-bleti- profit . sely" -- itil
"1 - 116 - repOrt 4pread . that , he had fractured Ii ,-.
skull, causing a .most painful anxiety. He
remained sonie time iiienaible,.bat finally re- i•"
coveredand recoguiTedr.Ahli friends in attend; .
mice of , hitn.., , :;W„playsicians, also; •at the::. •••'
Same ti e anne_unued - that his injuries were
S i.
lens serious' thtrit hat been feared, and that no
b/mes had' \ been' broken... After-his wolintiti• . "
had., heatOressed, he, fell aeleep,•and for oa- . •
- houror,luore slept troundly.. ,___:. : •.-. -- -:•---
—thitt-eienfinrtlie sytnptoms droll! favorableo - .(;`",,
to hill, recovery, and he flee ritniti,:tilitri cob-
fortable.- - ills frame Wasfmuch jarred by,tho, • s- -
fall, and . the only danger is Of. ietiatunlation, , -:
"coupled With his advanced ' age. Were . he a •
piang man, no,dattger .. wOuld be apprehended. '
.. •
_._,. ..
10 ifotoux, P. lg.--„. 'rho. physicians/in at
tendance upon (inn. Cess,oxpress the opinion
than is is in alo•danger. •
. .
. . ~.