Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 06, 1856, Image 3

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ritkitir.ELLOqB REMEDYilio s t
' ' .:. ' Tit E Olth,YD SXTEItNAt Itniiiney, •,.
M ,
• •ny the aid of 'a , microicoPei *bleb thillioni 'cif O,
I'.V, • opening's' On the Shrface of out Whrongh ,thette
, .
• t his 011attilblit, irhen rubbed 'on'the skltt,'Sti cafried to
, ' .. - any organ or. inward .Parti.,'Diseatoi Of Alie . 'Kidtreyai
•'' . • • Alsorders cif OtOtlver,affectlona oft the irtart,intlenitc
v ' - %ion of the Lungs, Asthmes, coughs' Midi Coble; are by
. . -54, N meant uffect.rielly cufed.• ~e.litery..hommtrife knowa
that skit passes freely through' lime or meat of any
.. .
. , t,hickitese. , This :healing .o h atmont, far - ,more readilr
.'. ' '.' . - :penetrates through any hone or fleshy part of the living
.- - body,titeltm 'the Mogr'dantietous , inward - complaints,:
N. tpat - earnia :he retched. by other ineanis.. , ,• '. .
. ~
• . ...i .. ..: . ittIMORS: • '': . • • .
N 6 liktr6tdy herever doneen thick tor theccitio of di.
• .r .--- iileSesW tht Sitirt eilhativer' firth thaj• May tdistune, to
r • the Ointment. .No cat .of • Sah;ftbento;. Ntitrir,t, ;id?*
heads; Scrofula on .Erysipolas,•4h long withstand its
'' ''N\ • •
influence. The Inventor has travelled over tnany_parts
of the - glolm i visiting m ale principal hospitals, dispensing
' • - this. bintmont, gLving, advice as to its application,rind
• - ' , ll:militias baba the means of restoringroutitless numbsri
, '.
, .
v .,
Some of the mat, soloia is surgeons -now rely - solely
..on the use of this wouder 1-o.intutout; when having
- -.- -- to - - - copo-with . ..this:worst cases of, SerEi, IFol3nitif,TuVets; -
. . . glandular swelling% and tumors. Prefassor /iolloway
-.' has,„by Oomitriind of the Allied'Oorernments;' dispatch-
TT. - .-----a--feao.ii-EA-p-nainrairafgtTnitio-vilyme-nworAnts
„.....‘. - ,Dantinitut, to be used under the directions of the Medi, -
.-- , • 4=l Statftu-the worst cases of wounds. It will cure-any
ulcer, glandular.owelling, stiffuess or:contraction of the
• joints, wren
v of 20-yeartsttanding.l
.5 .
T-hese anyothe r id miltir distresskipconirlitti Wean' bif
v . , 'ffectually cured if the Ointment be.w4. I rubber 'in
. . the part's affocted and by otherwise following tho'print-,
, eid direetious aroaunLeach_pot..
.. . ' •
lITLEI Till 0111111,NT AND '.PILLS snonir 111 IMllla Vl' ram
~____ . .'• •TOLLOIVNO COSS: .• • • - •• '
Bunlona ' Piles • • •S.prains . • *
Burns ' , Itheumatiina Suslds ,
Chapped Flands Salt itheum ' -Swelling Oluddi
,Chilblains ' • Skiu.l)lseises '• . -Stir Joints
-Vita illas'•_ . • Sore Laigs. • , Incurs . ' * •
Gout • ' , Sore Broli.ste--,-* , -*-- , Yeaufriel-Snnst , --
LuzutiagO_ Sore treads Wounds .of an
Iderchrial Eibrt . Sore Throats., -' kinds '
Lions - Sores of all kinds . - •
. _.
. .
' 40 . 11 Sold at the Manufactolles of Professor V.ol.l.oway,
sq, -- A lard isu Lane, Ne%e York, and 1244 Strand, •hondOn,
andoliy .all respectable Druggosts and - Dealers of Medi.
clues throughout thirKiiii
nited States,i the clyillted
world, .in Vols, at 2•5 cents ; 0'..1 1 ,5 muts, add $1 each. .
Afar -'there is h considerable' saving by ta'ilug the;
larger aite5.,.........
N: 1. )Dfrectlous for the guidance of patients In every
disorder am affixed to each Pot.' . • ,' . ..
oct. 31, '55. - .. ~ • . .
• .
.1) .11; 8 1•U ill 1t
_A'l' 11 M 1
JACOUS; N0.:38f, Poplar . ' street, Ph/ladelphls,
auufarldlrlog a witrri so coroweed of
ich yet being llable-to corrosion will be found'
_..rains as Bor 10 steel pens. iteseiubling the quill
more than the gold ptin in elasticity, they will be pp.
(erred as nOt Injuring the color of lied luksor
any of that sediment" about thein•Whicli steel pens in
variably do; they will be found an invaluable Improve
ment: Ups trial will prove the fact that they . are incira
anynonfitail tbau, and superior ty Any pen jll use. ',price . ,
12, IS and 2Y cents per dozen,..orsl 25, $1,50 amita,oo
per gross. Nor sale in Mechanicsburg by J. DauSli-
NlSlint, and in Carlisle,6nly by -
qet. 17, '55. 1 A. Al. PIPER. Matti streiti,
w4 , .....v.r.L1N C,Prmit 4- -0114 1 / 1 1t1111P.
tOrLila prSsent,Oitte. Embracing a Journal-of-the Siege
of, fievitAtdpolf---liattles, Sorties; Storms, Wrecks, Killed,
' Wounded,flissing,Ac., with the latest'referSncs. Maps
• of the (Militia and Black Sea. Alsp, three views of Se-
Vastppol, with descriptions of each, and a splendid En:
graving of eronstadt, slipwlng and describing its fortill
cativfns. • •
•lize of,Mlp 26 by 32 Inches. Price 25 rents, beaut.l
- colored. Sent brutall to anj part of the country . '
, for one cent postage.
• 514 p, Book and Print Agents wanted for every aide
,In,tfie Union to liOnfrpill a list 51nps. het
:A:errs Of inquiry promptly answered. Catalogues and
5116C1111e/J, sheet free•fo the trade.
Dot% 14,
. .. ....
, • T R )._\/ ! -4:B.o:N.—The •- subscriber 'has.
, —pi.
- - - ur; .atisliction 'to anounee-to- the. ddle ilia( Ills,
---- !urge said t Xtonitive It'ace llo n se - lccUinpleted, anti!.
.... tilled with out uf.the largest and best assurtnient of
/Ter offercilin this place. Those in want would-do - we
to call andexik,ite,fore purchasing elseiniere, -lte
• .r.nenther the old ud, Et Slain street. . -
Sept. 16, '1)..i.. 11.1ViltY SA.ITO .
, .. .
, _
' - i . --
ST-I.3.Eggirp3l).—A lot of riattont
el Meatpriuduri:a ntei - artie,la fo:F.arjn.l P.
Lis ,s
ers,or r ta m tnti
ma, coy rale at .
.. .
Hanover St : , Car lisja. ,
, .
I . Aniift , Rotices,- • •
_ ,
IN-0 TIC li; -IS II I , ; 10E B Y (.1 f 4 VI):N that
.applia:itlim will lin wade to. the next Legislature
of Paanaylvanlai to altar the Chaater , of • the Csattate
Da.e,tat T float, hastteti In the borottiff of Carliela. Cum
berland couttty;so as to confer vttpon tbo 131'1(1,11111k the
l'ightsit:nt privilegem of a flank of !sane', /ma to change
- ' "•
lire,atet sixty. thou-
Lund dollars, with the privilege. of Inertusiug the same
• p u d e r . Its pres . olit,
.charter; to one hundred - thousand
d:11arl) to tvro hundred and fifty.
thousund dollarLJ
• By tinter of-tlic'fidard of Directing.
• • --- M. .112•E'fik51,-Cenibier.:—..
'Carl Is) e, Juno :25, 1855.-Gin
N .
•0 17 I . G_.Kl IS 7,11 E It EBY GIVES,
tit a an application:Will be made to the next Leg
1.413(11 . ,f the State of ' Pentwylvanlx, for-thepassage 0
a law 14 iweriorete a Bank of Deposit" with a capital
of Fa r r I'u a•:it No Butt tits. - -..irith authority i..) increase
the cane to ‘ hie 1111101'6d ni n I.l9aild• Did DUN: To-1-
I t'rit [4l ' o : 4 ! : I , , CIi.i.NIOSIIU ItI).DEPOStTI , I BANK, and to
be located in, the borough of Mechanicsburg, Pa: The
object of skid' Bank is to..inerease the general. business
facilities of the public i,t. the•vicinity of its location.
• .- . Daniel Urich,: ' • i Jacob Cooveri • . '
.... " John Iturah L ry---,i - Benjamin Eberi*, ..
• •,. '.lutin Itergel, ' - • John. Brandt, •
. • .. henry Cl. ltupp, !__, , .George singixer,.
~ John Houser - Elia,. Grob/II ' -
toover ' -. David
" Andrew I. itauffman, Solomon P. Gorgehe.
, Ifeehanicaburg, June 20,.185.1.6u)
• - eedle Worked Collars, Ruffling, Insertings and
dgeings, just received from New York, at very reduced
priees.• - '. CHARLES COLBY. '
& Qendry , Stoie,
• ju 23 North 3d et. l'idladelPhhe, Morocco 51anufactuf
•ie, t.)ivriorA, lihpoytere,Comiful slojuritßieueral
•.‘ Vi" 1 I,Fm.4LU AND RZTAI . Anufeet o g 15 g o
helletreet. ' • Bep, 7`17
.. .
. L
. I Q.`"--,. • :I . AM NOW IRESIEIVING
9,„,,,.,,;( 2 `iny'Sprinft...etheli. of PA I9ill It ANGINT,3
wiii -0. ',4 . tYle.lsrgent • ipet uveit, varied . itemertnieitt. crux
-- in, Itio,l in (Nrllide: to liditcni l'lmite the erirly attamition
of the nubile, ;Lsl" intend 4411111.1•11 t prhnis which eiiniiei
13.11 to pl•?eie the closest parch:lser. - •... - •
utarch2B •
' • . . /WIN p. LYNIA.
. . , . . .
• A. ii..IOCELIN,
Nn. Is) Fut tou st., N. Y
.k.l O -14.. N.G , 1 , 49,r,R, A^-1 1 . ,1 BM':
sthi comiieu6S4
Ilia hitt:rand
Dlt ‘.2 •
At_cc,4, for ciatita A li - ftte ;When of eliWatisti has rkan
- parehisixtquito redantly, And at - roduCettlielecs.,
asgoititiont fulisand 'complete, consisting of Cloths,
Ci'tssinets,...fottlue,'Flannels, Frouch
. s,lofinoes,
`outbazitets; . , CaShuieres, Catirg - Cloths-. A ipacas,',
tuesr 01110, - IhrllllgesTliallcoet,Aitochi - ond Blantrat
tivis, Cloth Mantles, ik - 001-shiets and Slijie,StOcklags,
eves; litatfe - , -- Coinfoess, usliul,
eks, Tlcklags, Noecii , su'orhed.C.ollAte, lid
iortlugs hi res, Press 'Frf musings.; Fringes,. Linens, •
dting Glasses, Calltts',. Bon uirts, aild short, evity
refit onthrtssal lit h dry mtuda store._ A lso, fall—ase
anent of BOOTS A d StIOES: All t arsons want' 'of •
3.ssortinstit is .god; and nectere the -hest.hargains
T had ill Chritelo..,.fte - coll act ii•large ptiapartlon of the •
,os.k is orient - noireat - hall most fahhionable styles
Johte theiafure,'o,..ali,9tnd save utoney; - by
ktltig your geode at the old staiidi-}last Main:street. •
„Sari - ,9 '5O. • • " CHAS.
T 4-1. .44 - T A S, I/ 'I GI-.1 SCHOOL
_ju • . PENNBI/1.11.A.5115., •' .
'fireetederslgirod will recoiroproposids forlheertetion of
:06LLE014 E 1 1V1c,1,. . -
In °entre Connty, Pa. until Yt lilt DAI, the 7th ,of.
Fehr,pary,4Bso, al tO o'clock, t'ise for the erec
tion of allA,ltN;at , the same place. thye *allege bell 4-
'lug Will be constructed of limestone; a. good' quality
which Is (Mind en therpromiteia,, and,will be composed of
amain building with two . wings' ' four etorlon high; pro
*outing ;front Of foot, 'The Bari-v.4,AM be 72 by. 57
foot two stories high, 263 , .feet above the ba.gontent to
the square'. Te be of frame The timber for Abe kern,
'and the etwue; arc grow bctrig got. Out and will ba 'Turf!
ulabed to the contreetorut COl4O. prdz.‘s. The 'methadon ,
is to be located at the jilnetion 91; ' , flake) , and . Penn's'
Vailles-betwoon the litouth - Of Spruce Creek and liollw
rfonte,-twelAy.miles from ;the' former and
.rdnir males_
*Om the latter placa =• : •
• . Plans arrAspecifications for the building* may be seen
at any tine after the 20th ofdanuary; at the office to..
Yroderlrii Watts, h'sq, Carlisle; and at the olfico, of the
PenusYlearide Agricultural tioclety„ on and after the 4th
of February , until theday of letting .11y ',order of the
'Beard of. Trustees. , •
_ • JA.MIS 511LPPS,
~ha„ xslo4ol $lOOO I
-- - AND , '
• 4( •
• • lowing card.' it is particularly
saa - ••••••• impoAnt to. &rat:nal:as AND
YRAVELLIMB, prevent their .
• - 'misled aud demived by
the lying boasts, .fa/re promises, and 7spairfobs recom
mendations (frets. the dead anal unknown) of Foreign
and Native Quacks, of whom there are more in
delphia than elsewhere, because of the Clemiiney of the
luwt of the State. •Citiattnat know and avoid thou'.
• 'llaving,trietierroliOweaify . dollars worth- of,Quack
Extracts, latrigoratlng• iiirs, Cordials. Mt
tors, ko.• vaith4u•t•mfect —having 'been docekod brmls
ropvesentaid ansUnmaggerated sec:omits of Self-Abuse,
SeCrut Labia:asps 'and s their eduseqrionces,•pabilshed -in
:Advertisomuntis, Books, &e., and misled by false_ re
_celpts SPA. Witangiadvice, contained therelu, purposely
itaincrease sufferings; and alarm anall-feiglateh, the nu
'thinking, tho moroeasily tfaextort largo fees, (which is
'more evident, being sold for loss thin cost of - printing
Mad thivertising)-••L•ha.vitig paid film to onc•hundred
lare.tu Foreign and Nativaganiebi ll • ••
having, suffered tuisciland long—though the tune lost
cannot bo recalled, nor-the inoney.rece s vared you pald•
and weri.defrataded of, yet, you caii,be cured, however
bad, „long standing or afflicting yourease, by. ,pr. Laser.
" lie wise. betimes; Delays are alangerons.. 4 : ll,\ • : :
"Time is Money; 'flute saved is Money earl d."
YOU.StlN:LifLirtirE l 4%—'--. •
4 -fiV
Ingio, marriod, or• contohiplating marriage, sufforlitg
'front Self-Afwe, or. r, cousequenetas;er suffering from
any other causes. defects, or ileiesses; and - LADINSi.
.whatover their diseases or situation, nosy honorably
rely. and confide iti Dr. Isolaly's skill and success. -AC
commodations if required. wit!, and efficient at
tondance, at 1>e.1,1•111)1"8 YAW: lit/SPITAL..
••• IS MilliFfY AND 10•11.1.. PitliVAlll
Is waged tho foilqw!itgean not be contradicted, namely
that • • '
Ds; N. IL EXIDY, •
No. 11 1 4 * North FOURTH &Met, 10)0 , 0 LW,
Ye tho only regular Physician residing' in Philadel
phla ti • ratluate of the UhivOrsity of Penn Sylvania, of
. - 1 - s33(tArsujt - tiiiv-:-.lvitritY.,excl ustroly,eugaged_th_th
treatment of Secret or Delicate Disnsi.sitqf bath-Karon;
I Self-Abuse and Its consequences; 41.snic Weakness
and inability ' Nervousness; Irregularities .other
dlseaSes or situations of Fentalevm,..aud which . he will
cure in. less time and less •reStrsint, more effecually;
than any other, under forfeit of ' 1, •
Dr.;• LEIDY • bas more patients. antLeuites them too,
than all adeedlslnd called or,dherwise, In
Philadolphia4maldned, sad- proudly _refers to Profes
sors and respectable Physlcimts, many of whom eMisult
him int eritleal runes, and respectable M or
elants and Ilutul Proprietors, as to his known skill, re
p Lion ui utiparalieled seeress.
ran have necessary advice and in edieine sent thorn la .
mail or otherwise, to any part of the United states,
-glrlng A description,. of their eases (euelosittlil reason
able fer) by.letter to' • - LEIDY,
_ No. 114 North IWilltril Street. above flare;
N. i 3. Letters 'of Ingniry or Inf.n.matkin °Nil% (ox.
copt from patlent.ii) to rareive attovon, must ponfmiti
ON ii 4).01.1.A1t, in vonsideration of thud and tromthlo an
merli; and intormaki on glvma: . •
Augustly, 1855
OS, B..I3USSIER., 27 S. Wharves,
,Chestnut stravt, Philadelphia,. Wholesale.
iVe.a.ler in FuitjatiN AND 1/0)11:8710 FRUIT, NJuvs, ,5,..,
would •eall , tfo attention of et untry Meiehants and
ethers, - e felloning Ilst of Goods,. kelit constantly
on bay ;all of Which ho . offers for sale at the lowest
marki 'prices. In-lots to kilt, purchasers; vls :
Vitt T 7---4 laleittli....cnrrallta,_„Vjgsastes,,Citrqn,_Tatu.,
/trial Prunes, Oraugsti, !Annals, Preserxes... .
- N Ull ..—Alunenlii, Filbestzi,,, 'll,'tl 1141 iS. .(74 , twiT - Niits.:
Pecan Nuts, l.le'nund Nuts, Shelled Ahnougs, Cocoa
Nuts, S wiled tlrontp.l Nuts. French Chestunts. . • '
8 tiN I) It 1 E8. 7 ,-.-.Chocula to. Surd( ni.s. Split.- Peas., ~ Pim.
Apples Cheese. Syrups, Itose• IYater; Teach iVitter, As
sorted' Il3,tonets, Lliptorlee,' Hoek' Candy, Gum' llrlps.
4 - ,,,, ITroort firwrarill ..
Seed. 'letup Seed, Pearl ilnrley, Pregurvis(l, Mit.
~. .. . . .
ger, • ig 'aste, Jujube Itistdo, Ketcltnps and
W ,:t:ureS-,-.
Clime; anti Capers, Asssrted iiutlies,and Jams,
Fire arks and. Fire Crackers, Spiced" Orstera and Loli
Sr., tcce,
. .
country Moinhantif are 'roil neat - 64 --- inrcall — aird: - , ,
elniso their goods at first hands and make) a greataaving
t4ore, by,. - , [Oct. 3, 1106
, - - - • -
1 1) 0.13 . 11111,T B. S I NILI4jY, - : C - ABIYET
L u 'MAKER and UNDEILTAIeER v• i.p.0.....,.. ' ' '
North Rollover street, 11( . t door to ' o ..;•.''' ?..',. Pi
(liai.s's Hotel. . ' • ‘..1.14:
Ito' would reiPeetfully Inform the -
.., ' i
citizens of, Carlisle and tho piddle gaiforally, hat he,
has non' on hand a large and olecittitassertmen t 0 . rult-
NlTUR.E,cmodstintrin part of IVardrobos, Card 1 ?Id oth
er Tables, Sofas. Iliiroatts, 'Halstead& plain and fancy'' ,
Soillit4Stands,-Ae., mould:adored of tho host inatorlal
and quality.wArranted.. ' 4
Also a generalitssartment of CIIALI4B at tho lowest.
prices. VONITI 4s it1.1N.D.4 !nap, to order, and •repairing
'promptly attended to.
4w- caFFINSAinale. at the shortest, notice; anti has - -
lug a-gpienditi hearse ho iirill attendfillioraYi lit W44E - Ur -
Country. ' . .
* Remember Um stand—nest door to it. Meen's
°tot. - • . R. B. smii.Ey..
Tlie subsarthers desire to_ Inform farmers and° publle
genet ally that.thcy now hereon hand and are constant.
.Ifr_manufacturing_Thsfislitrig llliichltien with I'll42i:int'',
.Patent Shaker, which are generally acknowledged to he
the best articles now In use. Alatia 'variety of Clover
Milers, Corn. 81111110ra aid straw Cutt6ra.. 'They nisn
satinet to the repairing " of Agricultural, Machinery - In
the, best manner and on reasonable terms. Manutite.,
tory on,lcorth)lannover Street, directly 6pposito the
residence of tleorge AletNtir;
-.August 8 u 3. A IMAMS &
ST ORE - R 0 Oikt • FOR'It E NT, --T„li (1.
. Store Room univ oecuple . illiv:thti—iiitliiievilier. st tit—
ft4tt,on-Weet'lligli 'la."; end ne:te Wilt itailrieni lietiot t • is
ottuved;t .1 . tient: 'Perak inoderatent(t posimesion given
. ' .qki lo .' 4 &y.9lAkrl). • nex . t.TiAppl to.
' iritCrt,.lBso. 4 : ; LENO
: 111:A1 'IT-IgS.e..!'''l-IAPP/14ttSS !f J
CAN , VAK.IO - 0841A1 1 1.10'-'
"Iteasou's wholuldop sure,'o l. theJoya.ornserialli e*.
Lln'iu Vireo' Peace, andHoinvo n
„,-- . ll t l t-whoo.liitlV „ -iatima-allitetlonrs.r..anguish-or:dis--
oas3s,la riot 'nttr Measure, our joy, and our happluesli
r - thoroOr doitro,Vodr- Why...ILA - our sick tallow itei'ngysuf
fur t .Doos uot.Oholrt-payWith the Hama measium
met(i it shall,be measured to you Itgakto ?":— , ...Hat,„ 7,
.."..‘tiaii) is a . . wino Mari-aud endowod livoiwitalge
morig you, let Mut shOw odt of a good couvorsanion llls
works w meekness and winddlu."...-Jaunis 3, 13.,
• (Hai Nov A %I 10 1)1 11 I X.14, 0 4, 4 4:, , y_11 1 444,4),A4D.;.
Sur4Oolihd .Physfolatt, who is liotanirt •aud
Physiologist, and s is Graduate of our;
beet Medical Collo.
ges,,aud 'has mule himself iutgriainiq , ..l. with ill the 'earl.
eat systems or „Sledlcinl • klirieroni, and With the: recent
discoveries' and improvements. theararlons
iiienta of the Healing Arts, attoirds to orders.
for Surgical atiel Medleal Aid. and witose„lnedlelisen are
all • iumlUur camposed .strictly 4n ,accordance ,witia - the
ANAneea of Pathology, llotajay, .tlyytrußathy and l'itysl
ologV; and Whose' rodlelnos non all composmi of Whole
sunto:roel.citjautzrand .hydrojenthY; good In all iiiissases,
amity whoLu thtradliated nee'invitod to apply tine*,
lals•Uharactor hy•ltespeotaible Nyighbors, Ak . "es ;
_ •
Cody of a letter erMn the C. 11. Loinbach tapir.
lh 41. lltti‘r, ort,bc Warta.4riugs.,:ltespeeted-Sir:—,Al
- me to inthceldtt to your friendly notice', Dr. CAW/
Di:R. of New York: 1 have known' 1)r.; for,. , Sixteen
'years, he. has done business for me' with sobriety, hon
esty and with accuracy;* therefore I do believe him to
be purfeetly sober. honest 'end trustworthy.• Any fatera
You may aue proper to confer on.hinl,will behighly.ap
ereciated - by his numerous triends, and by nono.tuure
tha r your &lacer° friend and hutiade
• . C. it. 14.11:1 , :413.:011.
. Latidlsburg,l"a.., July 35th,
..." ..!-
' Copy of a letter .from aeprga Elpaba, .County
Trtateurer:—.l do. certify that thii medical advice .of Dr.
• I'. C. Cartider has surpasved . Lilly other which 1. have
hitherto had In the cure Of 'severe fever in toy family.—
II would therefore vet:ohm - mud him to such persons who
epky beaillictettivlth afore:44dd disease or otherwise:
Sl'A Lilt.
. .
. _
,CARDDElt • twins well . aciteucltited 'With the re
eetrt-:Prencla-tHocoveries, with their new and safe modes
,of treatment, and the spoody and certain remedies and
curs fed limpepola, Lirer - Complaluts; lkysetitcry, Chef.
bra 31urhus and aliCutuplaints of u Bowels and Stem
ault Superior Remedies 'for the prevUntlon and cureuf
Asiatic Cholera: . Iletnedbei lbrati '.the defects .ancidis
eases of iienerativo_tfrifaus and-reproductive.
• tny.ln Men and woman; :Itemedies for insanity.; certain
arid timely cures tbr all lionsuniptiouS, lnipetenve,
iilty. Sexual Abuses, Veilereal Diseases on•their tUrtni;
dunpreosiona and other delicate tutualb isimplaints. All
Ahem. reined lea emanate front the . most tuldti• selenim of
•liotauy and llydriwatby combined, (but -nn poltion.)--
"Ilettr all wanner OP sicknags and all manner Of disease.
New Tbstanient. is for lioallug that Waist counneu
dolt the•iistoaritin.--•Luke, 10, tu-4., add With - cow•
mon means.'."Prove nil things, ,Old'frst; that Which- is
goed."••••-/st. Thessaleuntnii, 5,'41. • -Therefore let us bey
were of laYing up what, we should 10 out for Inotith,-
fur there au that scattereth and,yeti nereavetb, and there .
is that Witlibuldeth more titanic meet, but it teuileth."
Proverbs, 11, 12k, • • -
• The ditferent medicines and their directionif will be
s.nt to tkouttli !Led iti any direction by itiail'or express.
Address lir. P. 0. CIARDDrat, Carlisle, Cunt berland coun
ty, Pa., past paid, and the fee
.$1 always accompanying,
the letter, with the ordeKtogother with a dusc i ription in
the- feelings and the symptoms of - the o,i/owl/lints. el am
afflicted induced.. It is this system of o ltleilical es:lence
thellooks and the Modes of cure only, vt'lilell Dr."Chril
'der employs that
. alloyrof medicines entirely made or
. coinpoinal of Whcilesume Roots, Plants, and ilydrepathy,
good-in all diseases,'(cto poison), and which can make
tweedy-and Certain:remedies and cures for "all manner
of siesneis and all manlier of disease,' and which sin ,
lass ail other medical means in point' of goodness, bo
vond alrlantials of coMparison. . OFFICR South ibietiver
street, IS:WM& near and below the Presbyterian Church
_Carlisle, Pa„, Restiluottiitis from numerous- persons -of
the- li igheii t-res Pee ta Id I ity -in :"-t ble-sinti -t h e-yi di ol i ii ng
eizunties, give authentic' evidence of the goodness of
Dr. Cardder's character, and can be seen et his office.
N.l: The afflicted can receive superior medicines and.
the di •ctions for their use by the tirut return of mall or'
express. .1f hater% tows be. desired, or, visits requested,
Dr. O. will' endeavour.te accommodate applicants as tar
as he can.' o Locator speaks the kluglisti and the tier
inan'Lnuguage \ etc. - ' ' 4Llen. 17, 1855
744 .\
11‘1.1 1 (11V.VA 1'• TO . FEMALES! ' '
. .
The combination of ingredients in thesis l'illifls the re.
I-stilt erelong andlextelistice_prtictic,ei_ they are mild in
their opeyatiolijind,•certalb :oaf - restoring rieltlitillito-itif
proper channel. l'a every itiita ss zce have these Pills prte
ved successful. They invariably :pen titter° obstructions
to which Females are liable,- and \Ming nature into its
proper channel, whereby_ health Is mustered and the pole
and deathly countenance changed to allealthy, sue. No
female ran enjoy good heal th•ttuless shoNs rognlar; and
whenever an obstriiction takes place, trlll3l t her from ex.
posure ' cold or any other cause, the genera health lin
inedlately begins to decline, and the - want of s eh arctic
edy has been the eault.of so many Consumption among
young feinalei. To ladies whose health - will not r emit
of an inereake of their family, these pills a ill prove a: ail
Liable aro uhlition, as they will prevent pregnancy:
lleadaelte, pain in the Side. palpitatlini . ot.the heart, loa
thing et thud. and di Cuthea sleep do inostftiesqx.s arise
f,,, n , si te intoertiption.of nature; and whenever i hat it
the ease. the pills will invariably remedy all thert evils.
Nor, are-the-less atßeaciotis • in' the- etiro-of Leneorritcre.-
commonly called the !•Islotekr7•These pills should nev
er be taken hoeing proganiney, asthey would he sure to
cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. and
free from 'anything injurious to litil or health..-Bullard
explicit directions accompany each box. . •
:These pills arc put up In Nuare not boxes. Persons
residing where there Is no agency established. by Uncle
sing cue Dollar in it letter, pre-paid, to•Dr..o. L. Cu KESEs
otms, So. Llil7,llleerlier street, New York, ran have them
Sent to their respective alidressivo by x.'411._ • *. •
• Stour- & 'to-ware. . ;
Thn . subscriber at - hisfold'shind ntrAanth Iltitiovhr st.,
C,Crliste, the sign of the "313mmoth Heil Coffee" Pot," (In
tros to ejilt Lilt: at Lontivn of the -it hlic to' his large as--
Ortinent, of STOVES, of the newest and most theihiona
, hie S tyles, &inn the best inigniliila.)ClVti in the
• noun try,And atail prices (run $3 to $15,,
A 1110111.! ids PA BLOB A CIL-13111ER S, TWITS
xc a. , ;; ;„ Persian, Union and Altua Air Tight, together
With otheepatterns which bel..bas of till slava
tor pa ri6ris r chambers, Mid calculated for burii Mit kith er
'wood IT* (.9 4 1. Also, the :Etna, ()lobo Astor, Alliany,••
F at-top andilandbitx or Poor Man's, With other COOK
ING STOVES, comprising the BiteSt improvements in
kitchen stoves, and' intended , for. either wood or coal.=
Alan ) efts Dfidng °Boom Cooking Stoveizia new iand i cje,
gant article, to which be invites the particular /Oxen..
thin of 'fandlies. Mitt etyilslng stoves rangti In price Birn.
$lO to •2:l;..with- tintAistures' complete. Also, Nine Plate.
Staves of various patterns and illiTernirtprices.
ing S,tovea.. Brass Kettlatiotr t every artieleln the
line of Tin and Coppnr Ware. Thu public, are respect
fully milted to, call as lie is confideot_will his large
stock -variety and eheapness, of being &MO to give en
tire satisfilti to eVery . purchaser. Call and sae. •
pct. 31. MORRIS
L.I.'.OHN (101tiLi t S %Told inform the public- that
he has'notom at his establishment, OIL Main St.,'
rfairi:Ww•tivSlerinn — linliTtbe-riergeot—end—mostZeorm
pieta assorimout of COOK, OFFICE A: PAR—
LOR • STOVES ,to. be 'found In 'this county,
Well will be, sold :at the lowest - prleeS• for
d cash or appipvotl Credit: - Ills stnek Totiodsts of
44•':` • „:: a largo . assortment of now, and hlghly•ap
. proved 'PATENT COOKING 4.TOVES, tinished
ht the most eemplete manner, and ealettlated for either
wood Or cod!, or both.' All the old .standard• patteriiit
which here stood the test of experience, may NI fitund
lety;oC - tha - most
approved and Veauttul l'A R LOW °FEICK- STOVES, in
elutling a number of now, atylett, possessing vary rope.
rlor sdrs-ntages over those heretofore in, use. Families
tend housekeepers are kespect fully:lnvited to•give him a
call:het - ore purchasing olsowhero, Stoves delivered,. to
Any. part of thescountry and put the shortest no.
ticp. Ho continuos to do all lands of TIN ANO.SHEET
1 PON' W Alt El, and Copper Work, and lots constantly on
band or will limbo - to order every article' roquiro
11 1 . 141111rP in Tin
dirs nrorr &it 11 it
warranted equal to the t-est. inanufac
pirial. Poisons in want of articles In- hta lice in;+.3.
ways )111 tire:of being acconituodatod.tollicir t
by lying Idtu tee.all. • • • ot,s-1-1
I PM = a
a 4 , 7,
. .. .
. .
, 2.E.01-
O'S` G:39NUINE .
...- - - PItEI,-
• - PARATIOi4B:-Itelif,lilliOLlVA 'iIIGILLY CON
CU:) TRATk:II. , -;--- • , . .
For diseaseal, _t_ite_DiadderAniLAldneya,decratE , hicaties,_
z.rithieturts, - Weaktiesims,-and all diseases of tho Sexual
Organs, whether - in Male or. Female: Mini: whetuver
- rourieThey miry hAve origlnated;and,no Matter of holt
fong - litanding, 7 : " S . " "
"If you have contracted the ,terrible Aiseake 'WhfCh,
'once tented in systenl,l'yill surely go•Auwn-frotn 'one
gotoieution to. another, .underminitig %the constitution
unt-tatist r .
yourvelt in the liands.of Quacks, who start' up every day
In ti.alty'lii a this; and tip the papers withlgiaring false-,
hoods, tomovell calculated'to deceive the yeung, and.
-tlioap not acqoainted with their tricks,- You eantiet he
too cart-Till in - the selection era rented* in these cases.
• The Fluid' Extract Ilnehtt haa - , been - pronohneed „ bk .
eminent'physicians bre graritest retliedy over
it la n medicine perfectly pleasant toils tote, and Very
innocent in Its - action, and yet HO tbormighthat it-anni
hilates every particle of the rank And poitonetis tirus of
tilt dreadful, disease; and; unlike other reinedies, does
not it* , up ,the.diSease In the.bloOd.' ' ,
.ConetitutiOnal :Debility brought oh by Self-abue, a
mast terrible diseatie.whiCh has brought thousands of
the human" race to- untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blight-1141n the bud the ,
gimVs-ws ambition.of many a-npble youth, can lie cuted
.hy•titts Infallible Iteniedy.•,..AndlAs a medicine which
muss -benefit everybody, frotheathiply-dolicate to the:
confined - and despairing Inv lid. no equal is timbe fourol
noting-both as a Cure and ventive. • •
For' Perifying the Bleed, ilernOl'ing all diseases arblingl
from excess of MoreAry, exposure and imprudence
life, chrOnie constitutional disease, arising from. nri
• template state of the Blood, and the only reliable and •
teffectual known remedy-for-the eure - of Scrofula, Salt
• Rheum, Scald Dead, Ulcerations of the Threat and
--limits, pains and SWellings of -the Bones, Tetter,,
Pimples on- the Face, andoll Scaly 'Eruptions of the
Skin: ,
This nrtialeas" new Preacribed - by
,sorne., of The most
Distinguished physicians in the eoluntry.and.has proved
More efficient in, practice than any preparation of Sari
parille yet offered to the Several cases of cecon
dery Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous•dlsease.s hay
entirely 'recovered in' the ineurable, wards of our Public
InFtitutioole which had for 'ninny. yearii resisted every'
sCiptie treatment that could be devised. These cases
furnish striking exaMples•of the ruilutary-effeets of-this
medicines in arresting' some of the - most inveterate'
diseases, after thoglands.weradestroyid, arid the bones 1.
already aVcted. •
- • .
Ittovics.—Lotters from respnnst Me - Physicians and .Pro
lessors of several Medical ••Collekes,land certilleates o.
cures from patients 'sill •be found •ticcurnpan4dpg hbtf:'
Preparations. - • • • ' • - • .
. „
'PErcr.B, - Flu id Extract Of linehu, sl'per l bottle, or 6 fOr $5.
14 "
Stirm!tparllla, ' • " t. I
dqualln•st tigt hto one,,yruy-of Sarsaparilla-
Pr.,pareci and sold by ff. T. 11E1,3410, Chemist, 263
'Clwetnut treet, near the Girard
'PO be had. of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
'All letters dirsct'ed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
imrupdifite attention;
'55. .
a partiCle blercury in it. • -An-infallible remedy for
Scrofula, King's Evil, Itheumatlsm • ObstinateCutaineoun
Eruptions, Pimples -or -Pustules-on- the - Facrollotrha;
ChronleThiirti - EOSTliing - Worin-or,-Tetter r tk'sid,
liond, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints,
• Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic ',Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and•all diseases arising from an injudicious
uie•of.3loreury, Intprucliince•in or - Impurity of the ,
Blood. •• -
SIMIThIa grestalterative ntediclee 3i,d l'e: if et
,t.f . 11w
'Blood, Is now used by Dodo:ands u.l gratein put lent s itu
all Bart of the. United States, w ht . ,tet.,d; t_rui:3;,,uitp:
renntrkablc cures performed' I.) :he e:rentest I t sil nuedi• i
clnes, "CARTER'S SP,t NiSli 311.N.T1' It 1;. - ', euralgia, '
Ithetunatism, Scrofula, Ertipt it , rs'im the Sltiu:, Liverbia•
ease, Fevers. Ulcers, Old Sores, A dections of the Kidneys
Disease's of the. Throat, Female Complaints, billet and
\ Aching of the Bones apd Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy: '
- Fot.:lll , ,disttases of the - Blood, nothing' has yet -been
• Foun 0 contpareAU.D....it_eletuusesAlie_system of all- leu
purities, Vt ‘ i gently and efficiently on the Liver:it'd Kid=neys,
neys, stret , tionis the Digestion, gives tone to tile Stoiie
ach, makes tIT skin clear and healthy, and restores tile
Vonst it talon ; enfeebled 1.1._ \ disease oil:woken down'by the
excesses of yout to its pristine vigor and strength. :
For the Ladles it s -F hwomparably hotter than nll the
cosmetics ever Used. A - few doses of •Calerltß'S SPARISR .
MIXTURE will remove tili s rllowness of complexion , bring,
the.roses Mantling to. the cheek, 'gistV elasticity. to the,
step, and improve the gene 'health Ina renmi I :..I I ed•.
gm beyond all-the medicines , vtiy heard of. •
The laige number of cerkitleat which we hive ve•Ti• •
ed front from persons from all part of the United :•• OM.
lathe best evidence that there is. tiollumbug's3. u! if.
.The press, hotel-keepers,:magistratos,.,physiejw.s, aril
publii , mon, well known tit the commitnitx, all add their
testiumny„toille_wouderfAtifWAstfAlii&thiklAl,B- LUCID.
I'll DI pwit."
. . .
Call 071 the A 0 ENr, mid get ft Circular AMI A anar.
and read the Awanterful cures - this truly greater all
Siedkines has performed.
P.m, genuine unless signed •ISENNETT
prlotorm No. Pearl
,street, -likiminyid, in, to ‘lllOlll . lll
orders for supplie6 and agelieleamit.s.tbe add ress.K: -
And for snie by S. I.,llbat, N. w• Jeaversthil
,Itti.i.)4.l k r,,,)krlyinlvsburg: 3. Newvi
Shippeii:4burg, tuarbriPlCriiirti erwiverri
C. L. Kelllng, of Mechanicsburg, Cututierland
rtutiy; Pa., announces to these ttillicted with Tunv‘es.
Wens. Cancers, 19ypus, Lupus, Moles or. Marko, 4.e11.ef,
_ula..King's Evil and all diseases that have biou usual!)
treated with Caustic or Knife, lie can remove theni with
Out cuttitter,lmrning• or - pain neither Chloroform of
'Ether is administered to Om patient. It is no mat te't
en - Wliitt part 'of the. Forli"they may be, he can remove
tkeme with perfect salkty; meld in a remarkably ahoy!
.t.ime. Mineral et. Vogetable poison Is applied, and pc
money rminieed tint iha cure is perfected.
Prolapsua Uteri. Female :Coloplkintee,.Clannic, VeLni.
real and all other, diet tees et mated with positive setecese
Fullpartienlars eon be obtalett4lty addressing In eltbet
English er - Oirmaii, lost paid. P,atienteecan be accem
tnorietted -ivlth Board on reasonable terms. _ '
Itlechaniestaurg' is one (..f the prettiest and health,
towns in this ov any ()thee State, It is 8 miles from
Ilarrishurg. on tike CwnbejteeneeVitiley Rail Posed, and
aceossiltle from all parts of the Union. The Doctor will
reasek itruvry - part - oPthe-State-Where-desireiL_____,
Kind render if you know etifi /MOO fellow ores
ture. delay not to tell them of (,his treatment.
With a Splendid variety of `.
. .
The undersigned has replenished his ateck of
pieods; and air his Drugs and, Chemicals, have heen se•
liked vrillygreat - Tare - ho -- is - preprired to 1311 all orders
promptly, ilk friends nay rely upon the genuineness
and purity of eTery article:
' Tide stork CONFiceTION.AiIY Is large aid selected
wTth special reference to the Holiday's. it artool
any variety TerSonsonty desire in thit - line, 'lie lies a'
large assortment of French,Cil Men and domestic Fancy
Candies, all fresh and of 'the Y,ry'lAest qualitY-: ilis ar
sort ment'of FANCY .0001 . 1 g is imp and einbrersa
•4:1-t.., every thing ilecassary for the Toilet and Family,
itmspediti. attend .4i'tic his Fancy Work
1/dieF . Cologne tot (ITS, Wat aid Card Trays,
it .I.e. • ' • .•
Qtlit.); Frits: small Turalis "met strict, consistency in
inuir. shell , -Laractilise our blistess •
dee 11 , 'Lb
• .
' IRiticirtes.,
.'.-- ,; 0 iirT
• 11. , ..A lEgo-.4br. Gelsinter's celebrated liititsittu-n. , :
. rox• are been 1....'' , 1iit. and i*titolY known ite• invariably' , ..•
• Cart nin reaboving . titty , stoppage, le
_regular*, or sup. ' 4
precelon of the mentek.„.„ - -"".'...., - -.. :.- '._ .-- .
--,-. .iirthe - Feniale - ileitiltdlslia 'lllennti;"Pailit, add - Berlin,
_ they hate enitirelrisnpertiodedilik - , tilerof all other.renio , ....
dice; because; where, a cure „is - .attainable bY medicinal :. , -.
ngencien, they era certain of flUteentl. 'Their astoriinhlng,
. e,tl Cd ey - would. be . altnerftAnetedible,,if dot ,vonebod„ foe
by I uchibitible teliiimany, in, numermis.inalalict's pro ' -
(hieing ret unlit of the Monthly periodater all hope bad• . •
been abandOnelL ~.___' ;-- -' " ' -„,..-,' . -1
"Ittlitgry case, trnin - ii - C'elbli:lbe . obstrualon
may 'arise, ne also to prOont pregnancy .where the•
health -will not admit: of increase u holly, 'ay are. • .
always - ellhionti Air which reason the to unt not be user"
:during pregnancy, ';though tilvitiy ..n ild,'lmilthy, -- itafty
,and cortalit in their elleets,- - .' ---- -.:-• - .. --- -- - - --- '
' Married ladies will Mad perticuiar Distplotions BY the. ,*.
: diroetionl;.iii whlch. ale - nate& in various symptoms by.. ':Which the tc.ollsici s of the suppression may he deterin in ed.
l'rice, One Dollar per Box, containing explicit direr ' I
EachborWill be 'signed by-IIr.R. G. OMMINIne ' •
1 , Prltelpill• Ofilde;l27%. Liberty Street,ltew.4l'ork - Cit3 • '''
- • Itespounible agouti; will be appointed - Do their sale*. ..
soon as practicable.- Ituthe mean time 'aft ordera aret , ..'
be addressed to Dr.ll.o..Osistiaza,l274 Liberty Streei . -
New-York City, or to Lam 2465 .1 , 1 1 ,Y. 'ust, Office, and ..
- -
box ,will be sent by return mail, an they are put Ulf' -
. Reeled envelopes, and canThet
nenl?with the stticinet.prt '
vary to Tiny ' par t of . the'lllnlted States. "' ' ' ' •
• . CAUTION 'l . 'o LADIES. •. . .
An various not only : lneffective. but injurioun cone- i .
..pounds purporting to be "Yawata IhLIA" under all kinds
of - flames 'ail "Itiort Pins," `•SiLvzs; PILLS;" "Goiania .
Pius," "Pisnimcnb Yibts,” &c: are attempted to liti .
palmed off upon
„the _Crediffoun. or unwary, it Is only' ,
' ladien to be on. their guard against the'fitc
tepted imposition, and in all 'cases where there is ne
authorized agent for-tho sale of "!Da. Gsassagic's. liisx. ,
termini: l'in,s, 'to utter_ direct from him- by.mall, -by re- •,•
turn of which a box will be - sent. . •' ' ' . .
July, 25, '55. ' . , . . •
. .
Meissmi 3 oorgtr'nusic - Lebanuffr - E;'7.lslllini — Ttiriti - lk —. -
A . Beninn, liarrlsburgt 1). B. Jones. & Coy darrlebl i irs
Burton & Min; Stewart & - 'lltnelnlr; 'hrle; C.
Weitey, 11111bach.. • .
• ~
. IX E 1. - VCO.3IPLAINT, - Dyspermil
1 4
• Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous 'debility, Wes. sod .- :_
- too -acitteyX;aud, all diseases - arising - fronre disordrso — --
Liver or Stomach, such as 'Constipation, inward pins.
. fulness .of blood td the hen 4 acidity of the fituntail '
' nausea, heartburn, disgust Mt Mlid;ftrissess or weight . is
the stomach, sour erluctations, siliking.or fluttering, 3
the pit of. the stomach, swimming of the head, Jinni° • ,
arid difficult breathingillutturing at - the - heartrehoktis. --
or suffocating sensations when in a lying pOsture, dins '
tress of vision, dote or webs - before the Oght, fever ani • •
dull pain in thelmad,'deficic.ncy of-porefiikatiou;yellow
fness of the'Skin and eyes, the_side,ietck,.chesi _- '
'limbs, &e.,sudden finales of lisMt,.bursiing in the, host
constant imaginings of evil, ansf.gwat depression Of spli -- -
'its, can be effectually cured by Dm ileirmeis's Ch.l./ • .
i t
BItATED (1E tMAN I.3PIVERS, prepared by Da. C. ill
JACKSON, No. 20 Arch street, Philedelphia. '-
Theis' power over the,itbove diseases is not excelled,
Knelled, by any other preparation in•the United Miter •-•
is the cures attest, in many cases after skilful pity"... -• .
:bins had called. ' - .
- Thesehltters are.worihy the attention of invalids... 7,,
Possessing great virtues' in . the rectiricatioretif disuse.
it the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the •'nitie " '
searching powers' lit weakness and. affections of-the d.
Native organs, they are• withal safe, certain and pleas ' .
J. ID: Spring, Laceysiilo Pa., April 6, •1854, says, " '
:an gut you'somo gad cereificates 'for your Berman Bit
Curs in this vicinity f_you wish them. A lady_mirchait'
ing some 0f... this we , lays that it IS by far the best •
medicine si e (nor lin sr, having done, .her and her --
laughte chi, . - - --- 1 _. _ . -
S. 11. Law on, Li fard's Store, Somerset co, Pa., nug.
ib, 1653, Says, am much attached to your Uerntan -
litters, having-used two bottles of it, which I procure -
from IL'Kurts, your agent at Scimprset, and found grant
•oilef from It, in disease of the Liver. 1 Bud it has
;real ell'ect on n
.).lungs, strengthening and inelgaratinig
them, Avhiatot'sl am a public speaker, is a great holp't•
slim" '
. .
Dr. Giles, Newton Hamilton, 1'a. t. 31ay,1951, said: "
~ , .
4111Y0 used myself half a dozeh bottles of your tlermar . ,
Dittere for Liver Complaint and diseases of a nervoi -
character, resulting from the, abuse of mercury. • I'w
poisoned and afflicted with spasms from the unto of
,t• ' .
- lattar - artiele: - Thii - GermaniAlittonsis - thir - linit- ltd= _ - -
__Lioiii tvlaciil obtained stir fella Thais alsiAiiV ulitf__.
article to many dyspeptics, with. the most nalut 'ry r•
suits. I think as many more bottles will cure me.' , .
••• J. C. Toang,,,,_l:sq;,, , of Dauphin, l'a., writes May U. '4s'
"I was afflicted wltliGenoral Debility, Intestinal Vielli '
nen and Costiveness,for which bused many diffli•er ••
remedies without relict . I at last used your Doefland
~ (Jarman 'litters. I took!' few bottles according to i
L__reetirnis, and was completely•cureiL-I have not been -
healthy for ten yearii as I • have been siiiiin I took yo,i •
' Bittertyw•hich is about on - o - yetir ago."
! Them llitteu are ViTIRICI.T VEUETABLI, always strengt
9ning the a stem and never prostrating, It. -
.1. 4 .0111 by' viler,: In medicine and storekeepers ever' ' •
where, in -by Samuel -Elliott, S. W. Harerstielvand I
W. Vault' nan, Carlisle; pninger S: Co., 3lechanicstitirt .
'• Snyder ‘k Diehl, Newburg; and by Dealers In Medicisn
r_ftorierally. : • • -----
N'tiv;;.:2,1954-1y- .
. .
' tne.aus•of. the LUCk •
IULAPIISS, or Rvet •
Ly•slath Edition, wit •
Iredengrail,miti• ' shol •
de Bleeasea and M.
0; of the, Generatir
in every shape' . ae • , •
which . Is ..added
to ti o - Dise&es of 11;
only, (awl pap+ UM) , - ;
die highest.
to married people, or those co
iemplating marriage. By. WM. I r a/NO, M. D., °MIMI ".
of toe nilvetsity of . Periusylynnia, Mendew of the Ito
el COI tuft of Surgeons, London, and Honorary
,of the Philedelphia Medical society. The various torn '
?if Secret diseasitic , tieminal Weakness, Diseases - of ti
ProStra t ( I laud,'lmpoteney, solitary ludas of yMitli, at
le: J.
mikes' itteifelThle . 1
,• lemon, t. The . Chapters on self abuse and Swam • •
Weaknus is worthy of particular attention, and shoul -
Vread by t mry one. Young men wito• have beea.:us
fortunate In (intimating clisease, previous to • Wads
yoursolves_undt the eare;ol,any doctor, no Metter wht
hilepridensionm in be, get A copy of this,
work. •. . • .
_ Dr
Captain: wind persons going to sac should posse
: De;'• Young's Truatistroti arrimm, the Pocket .2Esculity
us,.or Every dne Ills Own ysiidan. , ' • •
',e i r Let titi father he aShiti (d.t.o present a copy oft)
;Esculaphrs to his child. It ma • save him freeman ear:
~.grave. Let yelling merit* woman' enter -into
cret obli2l tttins of married ivo witlibeaditig the poe
',ut Let uo qiiie sufferini, Midi a backlit, •
cough, pate in the side; restless nights, nervous Melia
'add the )thole:trithi of Dyspeptic
,atinsatiolls. and girt
up by their Pliiislcian. be another , mot tit Witimutmo ,
suiting the setilapius. Have ZIA arried`or the
. about to -Am married any impedlinent, read, this trig
useful Wok, as it lias been the timing of saving tlisi •
sends orunfortuMite creatures from the very jawii
Upwar r cheof a MILLION eoples.of this celebratl.
work luts3ieen'sold in this country and Ilitregie since I
Au). , p erson ,. sending TIYENTY-FIVE corns el
idescd,in a letter, will- !brave one oopy of thtti b ok I
, mail; or five aopies will be. sent .for $l. Address fi ' •
WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 162 Spruce street,Philadelphr :•
- Post paid.
Twenty.years prectlee In the city of Philadelphia err
tautly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence Of the kb, .
dated, and ho may be consulted on any of the diseakse -
-desaribed_in_bis dititTott
Spruce street, every day -between 9 end-So'clock, Fun.
days,eime,pted) and persons at any distance can vont&
,Dr. Young by letter, ro,ST PAID. •
4 , P 11X OROCERY Slbnlt of thecsubscriberoa iSit•
rlon !fall; • ,
A now supply of fresh Wafer Crackers;
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A now let of sunorlor 'Fable • . • . •
— l'icklos,-Tornato gutekup, French Mustard,. Viz '
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