3Aritnltural. From UM II The Prospect for Prices in 1856. The 13altimore American says: "Some of the Southern papers are urging the farmers to put as much of their land as possible to wheat seed. The Lynchburg VirgiuiIIII NC at short of tire. and on reasonable terms. lie has engaged the ser vices of a first late hand front Philadelphia, and has sup. plied himself with an extensile assortment uf Fl NT URES..which will enable hint to fill all orders promptly. All work will be warranted. Ills stock Of Gas Fixtures will be fbund In the romn exactly opposite his Tinning: establishment on North Hanover-street, where he invites a call. TINNTNh, SPOUTING, &e.—lle is also prepared to furnish. ur 11131 W to order. every satiety of TIN WARE'. used be hoi.olitaipers and others.. He will also attend to SPoUTINII. 110USE-ROOFIN1;, afili Thankful for the patronage with ‘vlagli be hav,alreatly been favored, ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, Carlisle, June 11, '54 AI) I) P, AND II A IIN P',SS JIA K j•ING. Thu snda.rlber rontinnes to earry on the also r loo+inosq. in all Its various drandies. In North HMI ON st reot l'arldd, two doors North Loon:H . 4l's vornor wherr Intends lsorping on hand a g'oneral :1,, , 111111•11t In hie' line, i all kinds A •-••••••,_. 1)1,1:S, tll:trtitienly., MO h.. 4t l'ireindosand Ilnlters.als , \\\‘ •, at Hint: and saddle \ La_.. llr al., ' •. tifa. t.ll:,•tt the ni , t.t B-• - 111 1 3 • 31.1111, t 1 sl I II P c i ;`, I q in this 0 ,, 1111t tht, , , 11'1011 , 1V a haul and plena , :‘ , 1•11.• xt ill II tt •••111 311•1 the.m. 11, 113r11.••••s C..ll.trs ;tn.] Whip. 1H 3 11 I heir %%iris roulltlentl . ‘ the veins al , •1 That lie 11131(1, Ott. 11..3t ....I and all 11, 1 r art ,ty of brt 111, h. I hat i• Inn;ls in the .•••untry. he 31,1 in.ll.rs nil binds of ‘Itttra•••••• to sl/ • "burs. 11 list,. ll3lr and • , 11,1 it'C Nlat• ra•-••,•••. he e 3•114.1., tt ill he made “I" the best 1100,131 31.1 Etialisliiit, and m ith the utmost pat..ll 11 NI. OSIII N . k . . . t 1 . ~, n• F''! .r. i': II ).! i `P ---..11:: ,. - -, ..':: . --- .- -- -441krsk,. - -i -1 " - -t,.PrtLI.,...t..-.7-k` - . —,,,v r -_,..... . 13 , T ir, N T SE'LIe4ntiAP,I)ENING - vANK EN FEED CurrEiu.4, Inantitits.•.-7..d for ALDRICH & SA lii ENT, N 0.410 'Market "stroet, l'hilatla 'nth ratter is superior to any non in use, fir yktrent.rth tine:o6lß , , and simplkity of ennstructlon ; It ruts rim ,.,., „„ d i is the only sell-sharpening Ray. Strout and roil, Aallt I 'utter evor made. It has lint (INK Sill .1 till lIT KNIFE, whleh any person ean grind mid set n Ith ease. but In ordinary ease, It, ground In the In:whine. 'fit 'I. ~,,,is have al reaib, been ,ilit, and the demand is daily Inerensit4r. In most .ass's an eanntlnatlon Is sullklent to .• in shire one of Its siintdorlty. N.. on e after a short trial would part with it f./r any other. All sines ~.f the a 1,,. e i• .In:tautly on band and for sale by .1. I'. [Asp:. s,de A gent for Cumberland county. = 311(311talICE ,ci :1 111. 1-1. F. ACF.N C l' , i rou I NI)P.‘INITY AGAINST I.IISS Ill' FII;E. 1 -- THE Vit A Nli LI N FMK INSURANCE MY., 01 1.)111,111:1 PIIIA. l'ltarLer l'erpetual.—FliPti,olo rapittil paid in. Offiet• I li:; , 2 Cli..smit .41,1-Pet. M 1 I: I .1.5t , 1-, kNee,..191 , r p•rilimient or IlutitY,l. twain.t 1.,,,, "i• ,13,1 t.•l. I.V 11,. 0,1 I',I , p)!VI V mot t.ra 1. , . f • ..t es i•r .1,..., r i p( i,,,, in I ,‘, n •, I 'oll n ry, On I ill, Ino•t 1,1...11,1•10 li•riiii• t mill , it I iiiiii imbliiiiitliiirporsimitll3 or by Irttiiii. b ill 1.14 promptly ittte ible,l to. N. .11A Neli Ell, Priii.'l. 4- Th o sut,,ribrr irl' agent for Um airily iiimilinny bir 0 irllsle nll , l its wiAnity: All applleatbms fir hintiramili yitli,r by wail or pyrsonally will by prmuptiv tittyinted I o by .1. L. SPONSIA:II, der, 1:;,'55. Roll Estate Agent :mil Serlvet,i.r. 1, 1 111. E INSE It AN( E. - TILE ALLEN D AN fi.t.ST )lUTI , AL FIRE JN• :4C - If.kNCE CONIPA NV of Illllllll , yriand Cllllllty, 1r11 . 11,1- rated by an art of Aq.uuttltly, Is new fully urtranizett. and in etteratMe muter the management nt the I , 11,.wIng t. %iv.: Betiky, It. flortms.lelnel ('..eß liu lelmlr Brenneman, l'bristlan Slayman..lMin C. (Mil lap..laeM, 11. tt.,nvor, LnKia l iym•, Ilenry Itenja min 11. Nlmrfsr, Aillllllllll, JoSilpil kk.'1,11:1111 A lesmini , t 'atlicart. The rates of iosuranco are as low and favorable as any company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to I,cointi members are Invited to make application to the agents of the company, who ate willing to wait upon them at any time. NlOSSER,Tresident. IIENRY LOGAN, Viva Prpsident. LEWIS lITEIV, .9ecrotary MICHAEL COCKLIN, WENTs CU: M . ItEIILAND COU. ki,P,il ph Ma vt In, N. be.rland; C. B. florin:kn. Itln.,:stnwn: Henry Zo:tring, tzlkiron/Instnwn Charlos 111 , 11, Carlish. ; 1)r. .1. Alil, Churelflown ; 'Samuel ilralukin, West Pomp:boron:4k ; .latnes Er:mkt/Ird; Mnclo klrlMtli. :Antal; MI:1- .110tnn ; Samuel Conver. Benjamin Ilaverstlf:k. Meehan lesburtt ; John ISliorrisc, Lisburn; David Coover, Shop• hor&town. • YORK enlNTy.—dolor Bowman, Dillvbnrg Petor Wolfor.l, Franklin; John Smith, Ertl., Washington; 11 S. PlekilP2:. 11). - wor; .1. W. Craft.. Para.lise. 11‘liltIS11111111.--linumor Lochthn. :Sfeinl,otc of the enuipany having yollrlca about to ox vire eau 'Live -nom renewed by malting application to any or the alot lAT 0 0 I . \ .1.).: t t. ) 1 1 1 , ..N t ~ 1 .1, 1 11N. T 1 . , . , v , l i - rt . .! ) i . 1 , 1, Ox . . . Tlio attention of tho publlC is invited to tlic extensive .Inanori , •tory and wore room of tho subscriber. who Is Prooar , l to fivalish. at the fiii , ill.oSt notleo, IRON 1t.1.11,- 1'4 , 1 orovory clt.,•ripthvi for CEMETERIES, 1.1.111r1c 03.1 V AT% il I 1.I)I N'i/S, also I'l , :n AN 11.11.01 N• E. 4, Voir`;l' 11 S. SETTEES. CII.IIItS. LIONq. -- pru;S: .6•.. and urn:talents' iron NVorl: of a (i....orati‘l4 .;•hai-A ,, t,,ir, all or whioti is PXPS•ii.l`ti With h o l':‘111 . .•s, %Amw of pleasing the taste, while they 4 , 4111 , 1riS Or beauty nil substantial construction. Purchasers inay rely on liavhr_: Sid nrtkle, carefully boxed amt ship,hol.to their pliice A book of,,ilesiq..;ns will be Sent iioll I' W( Avenue below Spring Gardont, Oct, 10, '55. , HOWARD th ASSOCIATION, To nil persona afflicted with Sexual dleensea SEMINAL NV EA EN LSS, IMPOTENCE, UONOARII, GLEE'!'. SYPHILIS, &e., &e. rho HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philndelphin, I View of the awful destruction or human life and Isealtt caused by Sexual diseases, and the tteceptions mhich sI prat Lists] upon the untllrtunate victuns of such disothe by Quarks. have directed their ronsulting Surgeon. :IS f. (11 A 'CITA Act' worthy of their name, to give NI,EDICAL ADVICE to all persons Thus of tlieled.t Male or Female.) who apply by letter.lpost•paid.) with a tleseription of their conditimt. Inge. tol,llllllollll, habits of tool in extreme poverty and suilerlog to VI RN Is II MEDICINES EREE OE 1 lIADCE. The Howard Association is a benevolent I ostitutloo, vaablished hp special endowment, for the relief of the elk and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic ditteases." and its funds can be used fur u.. ulLet purpose. It has now n surplus of Menne, shit, the Directors have voted to advertise the abnir notice. I Is liveltle,s to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address, post:paid.) Dr. GEO. It. CA LID N. Consult. lug rurgenn, Ilex MA Association Philadelphia. Pa. Ity order of the Directors, EZRA D. II EA RTAV ELL. President. GEO. FARECIIILD, clarv. 1 (11,1,:k U I), Premium Artiste in llan . .7 I iireotor of the Celehrateci (iir!,..llller Venni:lllllV and til,tit• hand Toupees. I•nhtructi,ns to tumid,. Lulli.., and eieotlenien to nien,ure their heads eith ite• Voit 11 . 1‘;.t. Inellestt--No. 1. The round of the head; No. 2. Front 1;,11,1](,II mer the' head to the Peck :;. From ear to ear over the toll; No. 4. Front ear to ear round the forehead. 'nail...•. nod inrhes.—No. 1. From forehead t , hark n.. fir an itnioi; No. 2. Over forehead as liu• tls requh od user the ends Ti of the head. I:. 1ut1.1,_%1 I has almas reioly for sale ft splendid stook of (lents' hrs. Toupees, 1411111.5 . W igs. half IVigs. Frirrits. Itraids, Curls. 4e., liiimufacturedttud ais eloinp ns itpy listalilishinent in the MONROE MI Otitis Doill/InIS I fl‘l'ha I ° .atr:u•t.r I,llStrollS 11:111 . 1;1,1411,1 Anu•riran Herb s and b..ids. th e mast Sllce,gflll article ever prat need fur inserting tie hair tint ehanging color. rt•.toring :aid presen big it In a healthy and luxuriant state. Atiedig other reasons why 1 1 ,11arti's hair cutting saloen T u d j i , tains its initne - nse pr polarity Is the fart that his 'I Milt I ' S appiirt to coot} h, :al of hair rut at his establislanebt. isdisisinently it is bept in better pre...4 . 1:1(1,11 than Ills der aov 10,ts , nn• applivatlon. It Leine thus pea , lii te , 11.11 I. ,flirt the greatest guarantee et it. e IF.. as-, and retßil nt hi. (11.1Estul , 11 , 1111,T•1 17; Clio-tout Stat.. House. II I) LI:31 , 1 11, :It 11,1 ore,' II I.\ I :tit , : :1,... ,, 00r0s It Cr sale it p. rfoct r. I. t• I•N “t t 1.11.111 , ‘ U.,• it the 11:11r I.lRok or } , 1 . 1 , V.11. ..1 .11.1 .ill. ut injur . ) to the hril ..111,.•r ..r 1e ma•h..l . 1, ton ,Lfior ni.p'i•nt 'silly sit 11.1,9, ) it ofT, v. i , itinr the city inl itod to ON. Lett,- to 11 Ili -1 1.1.A Irl/, 177 Clo , ,tritit Philadelphia. ~ 1 11 rovoive 7lttelltioll. .lan. 1 Il , ', It I{ I N (-.; ' S l'A TEN I', Cll AM l' 1 - I ON I' 111 E PP eir ..A 1' t:S. Is it h I laTs Patent Powder Prop( I.i.ci:s. ii hich was .. It';'7l'..,4;iti:ajed. itetrdr.l .separate .letials fit the 3 ~,-. . ..5i5itt..1;..,'N. Z il ‘‘, ot Id s Fair. 1. , .A.,1:;11. li-c I. alio 1 ''iJ l- `r_lll TrA also at the 1.1 orld s I•air, Nev. llrt • ;,...... • bees. l ` t:i and ;J. The subsea ic-'ijt' ----4 ; - '1 Leeson he st•lti ma sittfat.tit.;ol - .i . t t , AM,e+ ON , t,. 1 . 4 4;,,....':1 f., ' ~,,iit n,iiil p...l'.priet , rs In .. tlp...Statt: i 1 q i.. : ,.... ; ,. i . ..4 1 , ,t;.,...4 t. L . , , , ,; is 1 4 ,:: 1 „, , , , , ,,,, , ,, ,.,, ,. 1 1 , , , , ,:. i I. ,t , i i , .-. n .ii::..? ;nut ~,..ihitill 6 .4 !). i. ; .'_____iti;f: :.l . ~,,:niAl.• ••ile.riug • s safe" is w -He Llit-La. • % ''A,l:-.,;(1,. 'and for the last thirteto '''' Jrifi ar k - ...a,, the mercantile conueunit) have s itneaseil and 1 4 tee testi illoli to thou SKVEII VAII.INn LI, pi, of iillalitilq, lion atria 12 urn , f these Sate, have been actually sold, and over TWO Ill:NM:En have passed triumphantly through accidental tires. The public nre assured that all Sall, manufaetured by the Tula:eviler*: nre not I,hly guaran teed to Le full) equal. I ut in many respects tool suer rior to those whirli have 1 eon no severely - tried by fir, • Few Will forFet their services In the burning of thy — Tribune estahlislimout." Se,‘ York. and, nt the tireat Fire In tqraltlierry street. nt the large fee last .1 till. opposite the tiirtird Ihiuse; and still more reVeliti itr' the Fire at Fifth aunt Chesnut sts , in the city i • ; Phillitilphla, In whirl] these Safes came forth the ac Isom edged Cil 011 . 10 N, n hen Many other securities failed. FA tit El. A CO., s Taos S. 'aro sun IlktiK loch MAKERS. 31 \V A LN 1"1' Street. Philadelphia. chilled Iron Safes, n ith Isiwiler proof Loehr, Ili/Intl fart In .d expressly ibr Batiks. Brokers. .le, (-Hers. and others requiring security , from rogues. Mink Vaults. boors. Ac. on hand and made to order. All the toast celebrated Locks fbr sale al manufacturers' prices. Secon.l hand '• safes," i •salamanders" anti " Trn Chests" of ether mal ors. have been taken In pan t pe ment for Ileriing'l4 r.Fr sale at half price. apl. 'LEATHER ! LEATHER ! FRITZ. HEN DI: S Co, N. *291 Nert.ll 'Third Street, nitridelphia. )10110(ln) MAM'FACTI KEGS, Curriers and Inipiirt en: of SKINS, and Itealers In lied and Onk Siile heather and Nip. Ility. st;:tn Cut tern. !o, rat hand Also. thitible and ler either lined or er lir the or Iniest intim nrti rl.. i Ile' Mill, 1.1 . 01i1i11111 Sill tier at the late reliTlF:lra ha,, Fiir sale hy this tarieultitral Warehense rtier nt 7th nil Ihrket. •I.e. fi, ,1 nEN(' II I ES.--Ilern in or iltipture SllceeSSAllly treated. and eettilidt ntsurrd by u4.4e oil the elegant l'reneli Trusses, imported by the stittseriber. and inade tip crib, expressly for hi s ,ales. All suffering Pith Rupture will lie gratin.' ti !rain that the iwt•tlnit.ll 11.11 idn'l'S tip procure a 'fru , x rowLiu hug extreme I i :11tuvs, wait ease. durability and eerreet eenstrtietion. in it the eonihrous anti unrenif rde tile:tritely (pm:lily solid An MXtelllgiVollBsllllllll.llalwav v on hand. adapted le every tayiefy t.l I,upture ill adults and Attie at a yearn of prier to huit all . $1 null s;i; Double. $, tz.; l'er.ths at :1 dintancv,eatt 118,, n Int.,. Sant to any nil dreis IPN rumiU ivi,t tlu• amnllllt. Sellding nwahure nit. hip.. and htill1111: Sikh• alre , h.d. For Salo Wllolosnle and llolnil by trim Importer. 1.P.11 11. S. NV. rnr. of Twolfth Itava Fts.. Philadelphia. Detiat f.r Dr. Itannhig's Itapruvotl Patent ihulv Brace: ('html Expinders and lirech.r Patent 511013141,1. Braces: Suispous.try Spitot Propr and Silt. parts. La.lies' ltoonts, with comp.tent t latly att.•udnnls. mull 11. .VGII I CU 1:1'17 .I.IIIPLE:VENTS. ' pr.vsiwics otd,EimATtd) IvitrAT Adapted ids., 11,e Kr.tuser's Portable Chlor ilkythe lo.t Of m In the lliarhut. ilallldtty's patent atc7„*‘, Horse P,over's and Thresher's, Lime and Guano Ilan. : 4 traW and . F . mbler (`litter, Little Want Corn and Cob dill, Spaln's Atmospheric Churn. Thezibovo Superior Implements nitji all Minas, f..r the use of the farmer or gartiner, f mr male Wholesale and Retail by PASCHALL. 1110111i1S ,t; Agricultural Warehouse anti Need Store, curlier 7th 11(1 .Nlarket streets, Phil: 0(1.11411a. july Nwid r*WlO? - 21 and South Sixth Street l'l II LA DELPh IA . ffitlecurun 11. TH1 0 1 . 431011' Mn v uunot ORY. 111101 , 1. Pit. SIMI) IiItoUNDS (370 Acres) Itlouinsilalo, near Ilrlutol, Pap OE pl ) iladcipbia 7MPOETANT ANNOUNCEMENT 81111111 (Ebuction. IV HITE HALL ACADEM Three miles rest ut Harrisburg. the tenth Sealant] of this Institution will com mence on MOllday, the btli of November next. l'arentS and gurdians are requested to Inquire into itstneritli Instruction is given in the ordinary and higher bra:Kilo& of au Loglish hduration. anti also in the Latin, Ili nett, Freud, and liernieu LanOutges and cal and It,btru men till tousle. Boarding, iVaiiiiing and Tuition in the Englii.li lirimcli. eh, a n 1 local 31 UNIT. per lessioti. (f liWiltiis) $ 1, U.110 histrecti..r. in ri4i.ll el th e Languages - 6,1:0 Indust rumental :11 usie - - 19.00 For circular, 1(1111 I Lai be, iel, , i iteilii , li ail.iremi D. DEN LI ND EL, 1 . 111,..11.81, llurtL6uig, Sep. 2ti, I,Si::. ILA IN Fl k1..1) ACA I) r..NI Y —Near CA Ithlt.l.E. l'4l.— ' llle Nineteuttth (I{VO ho ililijht tUtOe NtnrmLer ;Alt. A hi t• I told gillg this 1/colii ell .1 ct . coli taitting Alnij A% it Is itivrenFed irilliier thr iuhlt UCti , n and hl/11,111 atempumilatit.tis, this Inhtitutitn pit.hehts ,vit•tit ur tttii•tptents tit paints ;mho tlt.,lte the ph) ksil al and mental improvethtltt of "their 515158. 'Pi•i a", per k t,r circultut.. Nith full informath , n,adtlilla I . h. 1.1 L Principal a;lii I'n•pn ii t or, unkl ; rlzmu ~ wt.i.er • CO JNI COLLLGE, reales eti tit the net, and spat It us tt. tt'J and ‘l,l 11AI:113101J, : 0 11:1.1 - .1. bait inetrit. t t. h. I it N, I'lint•ipal and LLCI.UICI ultett :tlerctin tile t - cience. h. I.lteitit. in charge of It riling littittrin, itt. li. 11 lit me, I it,trut to•r . in :%leit al.lite I al. 1.11i1118t5 and Ac-itt nit, ill Iti.to, hettiting Uti alto 1'1111.1.11e, le:14•1041- heo•pliig. 'l'. ‘lll./1.431 , . Lrctuna rl. 1 I Inirot,l:„ Itree }rats nit if lit L )eL the eslahlL h. 1,4'1'1 40 tills 11 , 11111114 1.. 01111104 111.141 111: t 1.1 14 t 0 is st right 11111000 sU . druG hal e Le. in I. •. io girl) t it-is :late lit Chit I 1.14 101.0. g 1, 10 11: :111 , 1.101.1 i-I'S ill 1 . 8111110,11. 11111111,1•1 , 1 tit ~; 011. 10 - ,,tinifo4l,l, f 1.511.14,11, 11511 LIIIIJ •isl ualtl allts. (VII 1151: • sTruy. Doi Ili 1t . 1 . .1.11Nit.-- he i ril. , 11ai Lut the his .t.crtn' !Aleut, In 10,11111, 11, 1.1111. t1. , 1,1111 au 151, sll.ltel4 1.1 Et 11, 41 ais lit till:1111f Ilift 4,1.11,1, iii I. lt l 11 .: 1, , , 11. 1.1 , 1 11111 1.01.1 •I/1114 1 s. 0111 .41 I "0 , 10 Sll4. 14If r , 111114 114 c 114,11:1,41:ttt t I 1 i , 111,15 111,5 4-I 511.11 111.4111111 It. 1.,,` tstsli 1, Le is I I 1.4. SI-i -tl, til./ . t 10,1:41N 11;i• 11 III?, I 11101:11e, k Lte 1 lit t OIS t 1,11111 Cis 1011, - 1.111 91 11 1 , 111 110. Ils 1011,110, 4 1111: 110 - 110 :110111:10. II , Alf fiii4g 11.01111111111. 1111110 1 ship. :t.t it avant, ing, , 1,1 - 1./t1 fO , . 1011.1111 i, : 1 / 1 11 , 1: ft. :1$ 11 , t, ( 4 11.1 , 41/1 0 I , 1, 1 )IAN: - 1111 Iti ea et, iltt'S II . IE I I.I - 1111, I - 4111 era :1101 15 ,, ~ 1..111.11 1.411,11)li.•to nlll , ll I , 1111 L 1 41t) (41,, , 1004 I/1111 t_ ,11•11ent It, a tile antie., flint 11001.1sS 1041.0 I , li rt , 111./..11 , It t 1 the 31h.lICANI Ili'. CAL( I 1..C1 IttN:' in ail their vvrit,us Iteai 11. gr. e ',Aught lie 11...,) aft wale at..o LI , tit, tut lin d. Dail) lecture!. lire 11011111t , 41 viten the :,•144.1.4. I.t Ac• I - 0111 Lt.. XICI I nil 1 1.1 f• 1 t.st: titer, lit t I st It, hills 4 it l t 11 , 110•11•1111 1 111,. ull t t the Li,. 11, 1. , I , Si: usl 1111 f.." It, • 1,1.\ 1 , 1,1. In silt. 1 • it 1 . 10. t . 110. 11110 , lit . Itl , 11 Flu& itt to ninict is the it 'iii 04 , ii. 11. It. 't hero clog tn. atat.t.e, b 1 f 0,1,1 s t sit el 1 , 1 t1..11 40,1.1111 12 tit da3 at.ti till in;,. I n $11.114 11 11111 Itt'lJ si , 1111 rd le:14 .41 41 4111 , 1 , it Its fist:,.,), J It. t Fe t• lit , . 1,1 tei balettli ii Ist rwar,l,l ,1.,1,;y, Litug I{ I)1 • ) 1( IN &a hate jin>t teet4ll‘. 4 ,l fintn 1 I::ladelphia al d lorlt levy extensite . atidttlol (4 to my `AV fo: taer .tool.. v11414E114 114; Mal e% Ill) r,c title 01 3i odlolhe 4.41% 144 1.11 , 1•, totiettia4 %%4141111 •••• . ht fist s. arm , to, 'I Ili •- lAt 11100. 1 4 44.4.414, ilittl 4 4l4tli'y. 1 4 114 e t 44th ry, I tickl .tai 4,144 t• 4.1 111110 411 4 , 4 it, l• 1., • 4.11 4114 Cl d„.,. tar. , ty 111 Le: at it, I. , 111 , la rail (10,11111,1,1 L. ,01 11L OW I tot Lull 11.1 }ty.,. All l'hysiono.s. Cowan) Mer , hant,. l'naho, and oth er,. ale respertltat% 1144t1t,tea 1.4 t to pat:, the uLD as the} Ilia% Ira anstirea that PA 144 t 4 Jr 44111 14e . 44414.1 tot a gist 1.111011 11 . 11,1 nail- Ins. L May 30. .13.111 sic, t. I I S .' 1111vG 1 1 EliiS '. Hit t'i,... l're:•h i I:4i I'l'l.l ! 1 Late Jul:4 rk.,tsc,l it 11 . ,•,11 st.,l, of 11edi: ille,. l'aildn, kila-o, 1 , 11, Au.. 11 iz i , il, 11111 ill; lic 1. 1A•ell 111.11 , 113,1 i „ ill, great t'ill I' it the I t•St city I,ti,, • I . allk ohlitlellll3 i'vodiallei.Al tt , I ;twill/14, I'll 3 Ni,.1.11., , • , ,untr : 1 ...a11:mt., and 1 , ,,kt, :lb 1.... Ing 11.,11..t1 pi,.•. 1110. La 4,111.. Medi , Int F. nine,l hethicalS. I Ithtt pit, t I,t in' Ws, 'furl. , rind :tpi. ry r ground and oto ins. Pei ttin,er. Cod l,lt i• oil— I, ari anted rennin., 11l it-i4l L Indic Muni. !untie. Alum. Log and 'UM ‘1044/S. I. l t l.f.t.ran. I ethei A 14 , 1 lit Pllrt• irreli anti 1 elbow. haint :tie! I;SLUS..leracy 1i1(155, nip. ntu.r. C. I a' and coach Lead .111 tit e, Lie]] a ill 1 e add at the ei.t Innis. tear!. et f 11. e. Al.a. x fre , ll and as•attment of F N Y (unit's. aim i 'al I, oth .arul.,t,•d I. 11,1. :11111 111:1111 . 1 r uhvh art. altered at it.,e.Lenp:urt I :lilt Tarr 01 il,e kill %CIO el a N. z ti. Ilau• over .4reot. !lAN 1..1....,111 I) (I li. i ; AND j ),N „,,,, „ IT,•,i,nder oht 'I , N lil ; Tint it.l-111,1 ill C . , 111 . 1 . 1•iiiill .41.1 if VII 11.11.41 \llll thi• i•nt ,•1 I 111 W:, , a1..1 lit 14,13 ettatitlete. I i 1,1•••, , 1 t nt I tlf\til'l 11 , N VI. ) in ahto tn , i,ting of 'nue t•tntar hitt! :11,1 by pivot nt. Cantiv t ltd.%•t, 11.11 :11,1 1.1. t• dice i•I I , r ) ianit•t ; I I nil,. Ili , . 40,41 I• 1!. L, that &pat tit.tdv ht t 1.111,. Ile it, tdil ,all atttd tu.o It, id I V 1,,, the s. and alknetal Ii t, tuitnhg nlltt Ii thtt) le ft.Ulld the gh J, the ta,telttl. nih ii,. tt,etul. Ail ;no invite,: In rail ‘vhotlivr the) w i..h Itt t t , td• Carlisie,l)ve,r 1 ? „,, MI LLI NER l' I; 00 1,0 55 1: FA LL SALES! ...„ .10n N STONE A: sONS. N. South Feeond _ Street, Phihillell.lllit. Have just opened their Fall Importations (.1' = VELVETS, FANCY FEATHERS, riA)AvEtz:3, Lml:s, etc. I nil tiding a general assortment I,l* 'MILLE( !ICY A WM of the most fashionable styles. The al have loom imported exgressly for our FALL sales and comprise the largest Milt best assortment in our line to Le mund In the market. septl9 11•, 00 K A N 8. W N'T Ell. 1 ) Agents wanted In PA vry Town at dC, may I n illy United : , I:ites, to emir ast. t, t1!‘• Lill .perolitt• liiti torirol mot other haii.3l.lt. I owl, 1 . 0 1,11,1, t .d. The orbs are partimilarly adapted to thr wants ~1 lb. pooplo, Leung Loantlndly Illustrated o 11l fine Steel and Wned engravings. and.lntnal in • the tin .q manner. tims flin'asslfig for us, lied it a pleasant. anti proiltful•le offtplouo•lit, our IA fil.o int !toles tile best tvotl,sf.f ;1. t. AllTlliflt. oo,oluf tolurntn hate lu I'7l the 1,,,f ysur, foul th,•ll i• nt ill •\ It lint ( ' just added >rtery NIA{ 111 , 111. t• to sur 11 , 4 tuts lit. st pt jobs,' author, and shall add others lii, ef,sulog lull um' u lotus. IN'e t 11011% AV(' hneo the LOA list hi' in tilt. country. f.:1.11,1 for it. and judge jor yl For lull purl it:filar, ;foil list, A illlsess J. W. 111'AT , 1.1:V. Puhllsher. not lu •15 North l'otif Of Street. 1 : 1 41 , - •• - - MOOl,B.—A 111;1111 11101 11 assortment of TOOLS of all kinds now pluming st Call and KC° them J. P. LYNE'S. 11. J. li 11,11.1.1