Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 30, 1856, Image 4

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Otarlith Aerra,
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Oe Catgest nub (Cf)enpest
The frequent exerci , e of the pardon
ing power by Gov. PoLLocK, is begin
ning to arrest the attention of the press
in all parts of our State. Never, in the
history of Pennsylvania, has this power
been so wantonly abused.— l'otunteer.
No certainly, never, we may respond,
except under the democratic Administra
tion of Governors Porter and Bigler
The democratic press is so entirely at a
loss to find any just cause for condemna
tion in Gov. Pollock's Administratiim,,
that we are not surprised to see a hue
and cry started about his "frequent exer
cise of the pardoning power." But what
prop/'do they furnish of his "frequent_
exercise" of this power ? None at. all.
The Volunteer charges him with granting
pardons to "scorem l lf hardened villains,"
but where is the evidence of it ? The
Volunteer furnishes no such evidence
and cannot do it. The charge is a mere
Calumny, having no foundation in truth.
The'same charge was made against Gov.
Johnson, but when the official record
was published it was found that the par
dons granted by democratic Governors,
such as Porter and Shunk, exceeded by
hundreds those granted by Johnson.
And when the course of Gov. Pollock in
this respect is compared with that of
Gov. Bigler, we have no doubt that the
vindication of Gov. Pollock will be equal
ly triumphant.
The Volunteer denounces Gov. Pollock
for violating the following rules which
were promulgated some months since in
reference to granting pardons:
First—Satisfactory evidence will be reqte.r
ed that at least five days previous .notice of
the intended application fie the pardon was
given to the District Attorney of the city or
county in which the conviction took place.
Second--That at least ten days' previous
notice of the intended application be givtigi
in at least one newspaper, published in the
city or county in which the conviction took
These rules shjw- that Gov. Pollock
was desirous to furnish the community
with some safeguards, seine means of
knowing and resisting improper applica
tions for pardons. These rules have not
been violated, as far as we can learn, in
any case of importance The Volunteer
asserts that they were violated in a recent
case in Huntingdon county, where it ap
pears live respectable citizens were in
dicted and convicted for forcibly break
ing up a 10w, 4 nalicensfq (1 !pinking dog
,gery—a nu4nice which the good of the
neighborhood required to be abated.
Their act was a meritorious one although l
illegally committed, and their fellow citi
zens therefore united with one voice to
S3CUIT the executive interposition against
their punishment. One of the above
rules, in respect to advertising, was in
this case suspended, owing to the pecu
liar circumstances, and the Governor
granted the pardon. But the District
Attorney did not need a notice from the
fact that he joined in the petition fur a
pardon. So ills() did the Associate
judges, (one of them a democrat) seven
of the jurors who had tried the defend
ants, all the county Commissioners and
other county officers, most of the inpn
hers of the Bar, with a multitude of re
upeetable citizens,—all asked for an hit
mediate pardon. The Governor granted
it, and what good citizen will . disapprove
of his action? • .
The Ifuntingdon Anzericai i r, from
w hi c h we gather the above filets, thus
simply, states the case - upo , these
defendants wer . e convicted
The Truth lIM it apiiears on reeor , f' in our
Court of Quarter Sessions, r is, that tlky NvE•ro
let into a low drinking doggery kept in viola•
lion of law, and sustained •by its 'violation of
law, by the owner who anticipated gain by
his lawless tiaffie with his midnight: custo
mers; and when in, they decently destroyed
his liquor; and their conduct was considered
praiseworthy by every good citizen in the
place. They were convicted because they took
the law in their own bands, and undertook to
abate a universally acknowledged nuisance in
an illegal manner. The law was sustained
and justice satisfied in their conviction; and
the case was so presented to the Governor by
the officers who had the adtnystration of jus
tice in their hands that Governor Pollock
could not refuse, under a practice. acknowl
edged by every Executive of the State to
promptly pardon.
W have had pardons read in our Court be•
fore conviction; and the files of the State De
pertinent show-life mime of no single petition.
er, for such an exercise of Executive clemency.
Such a stretch of Executive power called for
ling and loud complaints. But in the pres
ent case we hear no censure to the Executive.
lie could do nothing else under the "peculiar
circumstances "
We are not new, and shall never be the
advneate or deftliuler of previous pardons.—
Vet we trust the time will never come when
we shall be hose enough to attack any Exeeu.
Live for the exercise of his mercy, after con
•iction, when the Kplication shows so meri
tot ious a Case as this one.
We think this statement will satisfy
an unprejudiced public, that Goy. Pol
lock has acted in the matter with a due
regard to justice and public good, and
that. there is no "wanton abuse of the
pardoning power" under his Adminis
"IVhat is to lie done?'' asks the Phila
delphia Daily ,Vows, in view of the pres
ent distraction in the Opposition ranks.
"Shall we have united opposition to Lo
co Focoism in Pennsylvania at the next
General Election '? Or are we to have
that opposition divided and split up into
two, three or fora• distinct organizations?
If so, there might as well he no contest,
because Loco Focoimn must, of course,
triumph under such circumstances,
though against' a united opposition it
would find itself in a large minority.
"What is to be done to avoid the
throwing away of the State into the pow
er of the Loco Foco party ? Plain, un
sophisticated common sense would, if
permitted, soon answer the inquiry, and
settle all doubts. Let there be a union
for the sake of the Union. Let each
faction or fragment agree to drop,_ for
the time being, so much of its peculiar
creed as is objectionable to another, and
unite as best they can in one common
opposition to the Loco For. Let this
be done and success will be`certain.
"May we not hope for sotto./ joint ef
forts of this kind from the opposition
members at' Harrisburg ? Let thene set
their wits to work, and at least try to
bring about a State organization in which
to the Loco Foco party can
e en*. unite. It is worth at least
t /HP! NI! look with confidence for
the of such a movement b:v
!'tlii 'HANAN'S RETuRN.—It is
duo .\.r. BUCHANAN has written
tJ Washington that he will t•elinqu o ish
his mission on the 12th of February,
whether a successor shall have been
nominated or not. Ile will appoint Mr.
CAMPBELL, the consul at London, tem
porary charge d'affaires, as there is at
present no secretary of legation.
Wisconsin now rejoices in two Gov
ernors—one elected by the people and
another by the State Canvassers. Both
BAsurono and BARSTOW have taken the
oath of office, and both will probably
transmit messages to the Legislatures
And the Senate being Republican, will
doubtless receive BAsitroun's, 'and the
Assembly BAnsTow's, so there will be a
pretty kettle of fish. The Supreme
Court will have to decide between the
contestants for executive bettors.
.A.NOT II ER 13th !—President Pierce's
Kansas Message, which we publish to
day, may be considered as another strong
bid to the Cincinnati Convention. Gov.
Reeder, it is said, means to make a reply
to the charges against him.
Dun'aim!, AcothENT.—The Boone county
; (ind.) Ledger states that thre? interesting
young India% on going to bed at . Ir. Hunt's,
lien'. North 'Salem, Ilendtioks county, a few
tAvenino since, took a .vessel of live elnircoal
in i to their bedroom, and on the - next morning
were all found dead.
L 1, lON
QoentW o
The bill for the immediate repeal of
the present liquor law passed the House
of Representatives at Harrisburg, on
Thursday last, by a vote of. 69 to 25,
Messrs. Anderson and Harper, of Cum
berland county, both voted for repeal.
The bill was taken up in the Senate on
Friday and considerable debate ensued
upoh a motion to refer it. to a select com
mittee. The Senate adjourned over to
Tuesday without determining the ques
The new license law reported by Mr.
Wilkins, of Allegheny, was made the
order of the day fur Thursday of this
week. We give the following synopsis
of its provisions :
Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful to sell
liquors without a license.
Sec. 2. No one but a citizen of the United
States who has given a bond in $lOOO not
to sell unwholesome, adulterated or mixed
Ifiquors, shall receive a license. Ile must be
a sober man and is not permitted to allow
drunkenness, revels or unlawful games
See 8 Two classes of taverns. Ono to sell
wines, brandy, spirits, and malt, rind brewed
Liquors, with a higher license, and the other
to sell cider, beer, porter, ale and malt liquors
with a lower license.
Sec. 4. The applicant for license to adver
tise as heretofore, and the Judges of the
Quarter Sessions shall hold a session of Court
20 days after the passage of this Act to hear
applications and remonstrances.
Sec. 5. Ist class house paying $lO,OOO
rent, to pay 1, - ,4:900 license : class, pay .
ing *BO9O rent to pay $BOO license ;
class, renting at *OOO9, to pay $OOO ; lrh
class, renting nt *4llOO, to 'pay $4110; nth
class, renting at $2OOO, to pay $300; oth
e•lass, renting at *lOOO., to pay *200; 7th
class, renting at *S(H), to pay $10(1: Bth class.
renting nt $3llO, to pay *5O; 9th class, rettt
ing 7tt51.7)0, to pay *3O; and 10th class, whose
tenta' iQ under *l5O, to pay *25 license.
See. ti. Licezhied render: , Lit cider, beer B,:c
nt half these rites
Sec. 7. Requires venders of wines or dis
tilled liquors with or without goods, to pay
See 8. Require. the Rectifiers to pay 100
per rent. in addition to the foregoing licen
See. 9. Distillers and Brewers to , pay 100
per cent in adiiiiion.
Sco M. No licen4e nsbignghle
Sec. 11. Refers to Clerk of Quarter Ses
sion;+, regniring him to make a return of those
licensed, to the Auditor General in April and
Sec. 12. Requiring the Borneo to be frstned
nod hung up in the bur roothil
See. I. This not does noti.extend to Di ug
Sec. 14. Bottlers of cider not to take. out a
license. •
See. 15. Any person who mixes liquor with
any ingredient whatsoever, is fined not less than
$5O, and imprisonment not less than six
Woo t he.
Sec. 16 No license to se!! on Sunday, nor
is the Aot of the Bth of May, 1824, repealed
See. 17. This net does not apply to sales
made in the original packages.
Sec. 18. Violaters of this Act fined *5O and
license forfeited.
Sec. 19. Requires Constables to return of
Toe other sections of this Act refer to
Allegheny and Philadelphia counties.
nary criminality has been developed in Eng
lund. Dr. William Palmer, a surgeon, but
who made betting his profession—in other
words 'a sporting man'— was in company with
a gentleman named Dooke, nt hugely, Staf
fordshire, settling up gambling accounts,
when Cooke, who had just drank a glass of
liquor, suddenly became sick ; and exclaimed
that Palmer had poisoned hint. Cooke died
next day, and Palmer was arrested. A dis
covery that Palmer was indebted in a large
sum to Cooke confirmed the suspicions against
and it was then remembered that Pal
mer's wife had died suddenly, of symptoms
sintibir to those that had carried off Cooke
This led to further inquiry, when the asteuml•
ng fact came gradually out that sixteen per
sorts ail immediately connected with Palmer,
had tiled suddenly within a short time, and
that on the lives of some of these persons he
hod wifectea insurances, while with others lie
had hint belting transactions. The most us
toundipg incident of these developments is
that of George Bentinck, who it will be re
membered, died suddenly, had transactions
with Palmer, and it is now believed that he
was poisoned I' The corpses of- some of the
supposed victims have been exhunfed, and
submitted to chemical research for traces of
poison. Strychnine, or some other vegetable
prepul'ation, is supposed to - 10;e been the
means employed. It is someiVinit curious
that the accused had a fast horse, that figured
,c,ss_pieuously in his turf speculations, and
bike the name of "Strychnine."
!ilinw, *Captain Seventh Infinttry, U. S. A.,
has been dismissed from the army, in accord
ance with the sentence ,of a Court Martial, for
disobedience of orders, contempt nud disre
spect towards' his. commanding officer, and
conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentle.
A s AD c A s h .—Levertou,Thonnts, a man of
seventy-five years of age, was tried and con•
victed fit Pittsburg recently upon the charge
of forging'.ll prounnisury note fiir sc•lGb. Th om
as hi a'nuin wealth, and ',obsessed much in
fluence in IVushington county, (Pit) whore
he risiiied. • •
I &tin anb Counto utters
IoRE SNOW !----Another snow storm
ommeneed on Sunday morning last and con
tinued until Monday noon, adding several
inches more to the stoteic already on the
ground. The lovers of sleighing are likely to
have a sure exhilerating enjoyment
this season hom it don't suit to go
sleighing I ly had a surfeit of snow.
The folios effusions, which we find
in the Boston Atlas, describe with happy
truthfulness the opposite opinions field by "a
dismal man" and a ‘young lady" on the
snow question:
Fierce blasts, chill airs, like those of a coquette,
Canadian noses blue, and frozen toes,
Sidewalks of glass, o'er which the walker goes
Shambling along. In agony's cold sweat
Icelandic snnw••dsifts, Into Which yin till,
At suffocation's risk, and sadly feel
The fiend rheuniath- through your vitals steal,
While furious drivers at your lingering bawl;
The water all a mask id'ice;
lloles In your boots, that o'er land holes bef , re;
Expensive sleigh rides, called by school girls nice,
The jingling hells, the hank that tips you Cur!
Anil then to feel that folly, frost and flaw
Are but preenrs4ws of a spbuthy thaw!
Dear! aint it nice? 0, what a charming snow!
SIVOI.t. It falla So feathery, soft and white!
Scene Of enchantment. fairy like and bright!
And how the wlnd.: romantically blow!
0, won't ue have a glorious sleigh ride now,
Ith lovely hells. the dearest littlo horse?
A nit Ilarr), he is 11l go a ith use. of course, oh!
And oe Will ! 1 lati ' t tell his
Well have the ride! We'll have n splendid dance
And ciipioert“a. and some of that 1111111" d ',line!
And aft iris amt. hi. dear, iterated glance,
Ai Ire Collie kWh I , y Moonlight htl
And then one ple:11111.1! I must veer f..r..iet
Tientild heat enli. i.e, if it e Could just upset!
II urrili
Sim INU ACCIDENTinee the
s'eighing commenced several•senous accidents
have occurred in this neighborhood. On
Thursday last an accident which for a mo
ment threateued fearful consequences occurr
ed on Main street in this borough. Mr. Mi
chael G. Beltzhoover, of Monroe township,
was driving up the street in a sleigh accum•
puled by his daughter, the time the
morning passenger train left the depot for
Harrisburg. As the sleigh and cars approach
ed each other the !terse suddenly darted to
one side and across tho rail rood track in
front of the cars. The engineer checked his
train ns spedily ns possible. Miss Beltzboover
at the same time leaped safely from the sleigh.
and Mr. Beltzhoovur, keeping fast hold of the
reins, was fortunately drawn out of danger
from the cars. lie was however dragged a
considerable distance by the horse and much
bruised, while his collar bone was broken bY
striking on a rail. The accident waa witness
ed with th r illing interest , by the spectators
along the street, who feared when the horse
suddenly dashed. ae,oss the track that the
whole party would be crushed under the cars.
Mr. Beltzhoovor was able to return home the
same day and we arc glad to*learn is rapidly
We learn Trom the Harrisburg Telegraph
that a very serious accitl6at occurred on Wed
nesday afternoon, at the west end of the Har
risburg bridge, in the upsetting of a sleighing
party. While turning the brow of the oppo
site hill, the driver drove aside to permit a
loaded wagon to pass, but going too high on
the rise of ground, the sleigh, with its merry
load, capsised. All escaped injury, however,
except the wife of Dr. E. Haldeman of Colum
bia, who came in contact with the wheel of
the wagon, and had her arm broken, and was ,
severely bruised and cut abou,t the head. Dr.
Charlton was immediately i seth for, and the,
party returned to town, where Mrs. H. is do.'
ing well, we are glad to learn.
grItoZEN TO MATO.— -We learn that
on Thursday morning last, Dr. Kochliuo,
German Doctor, living in North Middleton
township, was found frozen to death on the
mountain road near Sterret's Gap. When
found ho was lying in the snow along side of
the road body almost denuded of clothing.
Ile was a man of exceedingly intemperate
habits and it is supposed wandered out on
the mountain during an attack of mania a
Fire Compnny's course of Lectures was resum
tA on Thursday evening last, when the Rev.
Mr. Cosa delivered a lecture on Demonology
or Witchcraft. It is spoken of as U. highly a
musing and entertaining lecture. The next
lecture will be delivered on Thursday evening
February 7th by President Comales„of Dick
inson College. Subject—Tim Pernocralic Ten..
derides oY,Science. A good subject, and the
high,m ( putution of the lecturer gives assurance
of an instructlvo address. •
Thomas Paxton, of Diekinsantownship, has
been elected President of tlna Cumberland
County Agricultural Society in place of Gen
11. Bucher, Et,q., resigned., Cul Paxton will
make an energetic and etlicieMt, Alcor.
Mr Beatty:. have rend with much interest
your recent editorial about "the olden times."
Among my papers of former•days I have No.
1. vol. 111. of the "Carlisle Herald," for Juno
27, 1804, published by William Alexander—
very small compared with the present size of
hebdomadal, and fifty cents dearer! Nearly
half of it is occupied with foreign news
seventy•five days old!—among which is an
account of the death of the Duke 11' Engheiu,
who is represented as being "butchered by
Bonaparte," here called the "Corsican Usurper"
and "a merciless Corsican." Among the notices,
mention is made of the commencement exer
cises of Dickinson College, "in the I'resbyteri•an
church:" and of:"workmen having commenced
the building of the new college house."
I have also N. 40, vol IX. of the "Cum
berland Register," for June 22, 1814, pub
lished by, Archibald Loudon— about as large
as the above mentioned number of the Herald.
It contains the “new Frencli Constitution,"
and accounts of the successful movements of
our naval forces on the lakes and ocean —•
Among the advertisements is one dated "Camp
at Erie, May 5, 1814," and signed by "James
Piper, Captain of Mount Rock Infantry," in
which a reward of thirty dollars is offered for
three deserters whi: are named and described.
Another subscriber, living "two miles from
Carlisle," offers to sell the time of service of
three negro children," described as "remarkably
healthy, strong, and active for their age, and
are sold only because their owner is about to
leave this State." The same 'paper contains
the "Proposal" of Messrs. Wm. and James M.
Underwood to publish the ".1 merian roluntecr
—as soon as three hundred subscibers can be
obtained for its snpport." I have also Bere rql
numbers of the "Volunteer," small but s;.icy,
one of which contains an obituary notice of
George Phillips, proprietor and publisher of
the Carlisle Herald," dated May 27, 1824.
—A supplenfent to the charter of this company
is 'before the Legislature, v , thich authorizes
them to extend their road (Korn Chamhersborg
to any point on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road in Virginia, between Hancock and the
mouth of Obequati creek or t I any point in
Maryland; to purchase, relay and put inrun
ning order the present Franklin Railroad, and
accept any charter privileges for Hide purpna.
es which have been or may be granted by the
State named. That part of the road lying in
Pennsylvania to be commenced within six
months and completed in one year after the
passage of this not, and upon failure therein
this charter to be null. For this k u tht -
Cutnberland Valley Company are authorized
to increase'their stock to $1,500,000, and to
issue tends forthe whole or any part, and to
secure the same by a mortgage of all or any
part of the road, franchise and property, real
and personal, of the said company.
FALLIN(: IN Lo u e tik—N o more filling
in love after this. WtirVe all to be pitched
idto it, willing or unwilling. Professor Rot:-
Dour has betrayed the secret. He teaches
you how to make anybody love you that you
sash.. Ile furnit-hes in his curious book, 'The
Bliss of Marriage,' the entire key to tho mys
tery. if you want a lady, she must become
yours. If you need a husband, pick out one
you eau love. Read lioNnoni, and the mat
ter is settled. The'book is advertised in our
paper to-day.
Pl . MAO Les.—Bills for the follow
owing Sales of Stuck, Farming Utensils,
lioneebbld Furniture, &c., have been printed
at this nffiee, viz :
Sate by John Fishburn, Jr., of Diekinfon
Township, on Saturday, the 2d Felnunr,y.
Sale by George Kohn9, of Silver Spring
T,,wnship, on Thureday, the 28th of Febru
Sale by Isaac Basehore, of Mifflin Township,
on Thursday. the It , of February.
Sale by Christian llertzler, Adin'r of Ru
doiph liertzler, dec'd., in Monroe Township,
on Wednesday the 27th of February.
Sale by William 11. Smith, of Lower Allen
Township, on Tuesday the 4th of March.
Sale at the residence of Geo Snavely dec'd.
in Hampden township on the 7th of February.
Sale by Henry Smith, near Middlesex, on
Friday, February 22d.
Sale by Tobias Seitz, near the Stone Tavern.
on Thursday, February 14th.
Selo by Emanuel Line, in Dickinson twp.,
on Thursday March Gth.
Salo by Henry Kendig, near Newville, on
Monday March 3d.
Sale by Jane Mo.Cachren, in West Penns
boro.township, on Thursday, Feb 19.
Sale by Jos. Brandt, in Monroe township,
on Thursday Feb 28.
the 111,.•2:2Al lust.. by Roy. Jaolos 'V. H. 1i0114i01% , .n
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J. A. M