Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 30, 1856, Image 1

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    E. ktEAll"flV,
TllO CAMASLE lientALD is published weekly on a large
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&nerd . tocuf Onformation.
Vice l'rusittunt---(tit) facto), D. It. ATCILESUN..
Secretary %/1 ',....Lat.M—S‘ M. I. MAU\ V.
Secretary of Interior—Rock:Pa )iVeI.k.I.I.AND.
6CCreLary al 'ircasur)—Jamta mut..
See ' ret..lry 01 . t% ar—o I:11.0a I/ %VI,
Secretary :siltVy--.1 Ij. .1105.551. N.
Attorney lielletlll--4..A1.r:11 CI SHIM..
Cltict J ustice et Lotted t-tattc,--lt. it. TANIIT
lion (ink° r—J A NIES POLLOCK.
'BeCCuldry 01 State—ANDREW U. CURT/8.
bur% ey ur o,i:dela—J. BRAWLL.Y.
Auditor Uoneral -E. BANKS.
TruSSUrtm—LLa 6Ltrxu.
J udAes of the SUIWOILIO Court—E. LEWIS, J. S. BLACK
W. IL LOWILIN, U. 11. Wouuw&ito, J. C. !vox
Prositleut Juagg—llou. JASIES 11. (in•nAti.
Associate J udges—ltou. John Rupp, Samuel Wood
DiscriA Attorney—Wm. J. Shearer.
Prot mmotary—lianiel li. Noml.
Recorder, am.--Jonn tirogg.
Register -11 Miura Lytle.
111:4n Snuritt—Jacub Bowman; Deputy, James Wid
• County Treasurer—N. W. Woods.
.Uuroner—Joseph C. Thompson.
C"1/ II Ly COlLlllLthtilotterefr — JULL I) Ifobb,Janies Armstrong,
George NI. Uratunn. (Mirk to Commissioners, Michael
Directors of the Poor—George Shealfer, George Brin
dle, John C. Drown. Supoduttauctuut 01 Pour Iluni3e—
ruseph Lobavh.
BOBOUGka orzszomas.
Chief Burgess—Col. ARMSTRONG NOBLE.
Assistant nuritusii—SaUluel
Town Couucil—it. C. 11 oodward, t l'resident) Henry
Myers, John Utztshall, Peter Monyer, Gardner, 11. A.
EL urge n, Michael .Soomfor, John Tuotupsou, Davi' ;Jive.
Clerk to Council—.Williain Wetzel.
Constables—John Harder High Constable; Robert
, Ward Constable.
First Prerbyteriau Church, northwest ...ogle of Centre
Squarb. Bev. CuNbay P. 11 tae. riudor.—services every
IS.iday morning at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'cludt,
Y. M. •
Second Presbyterian Church,corner of South Hanover
and Pomfret atreets. Rev. Mr. EAld,s, Pastor. Services
commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M.
St. .1 ,has Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast lingle of
Centre square. hey. Jaime ii. Mon,a, Rector. Services
at 11 l;eil A.M., and:; o'clock, P. M.
English Lutheran Church, IledMrd between Main and
Lot/tiler streets. Rev. JACOB Env, Pastor. Den ices
•t 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M.
tiernian lteformed Church, Lowlier, lletween Hanover
Rill Vat streets. Rev. A. 11., faster. service,.
at lit Welu.:}i. A. M., and ol i2 I‘.
Metuodh,t E. Church, first ,litusgtv cornk*r of Maitland'
Pitt streets. ILev. S. L. M. Cwk . 5t.4.1f.a4,t..4 Sert ices at
11 u clock, A. M., awl o e l, o'cloek 7 p, 4 Ms;
Met Walist E. Church, owcond ('harge) Rev.
Ju 1,, Pits tor. Services in College Chapel, at 11 o'clock.
A. M.. and ti o'clock, P. M.
lt•mian Catholic Church, Pomfret, near East street.—
Hev..IASIES HAILUETr, Pmdor. Services on the '2,ndi Sum
day of each month.
ilerinau Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and
Ibidfird stfeets., Rev. I. P. Naschuld, Pastor. MT{ ice at
10' .1r A. M. '
iiiiriflien changes In the above are necessary the pro
per persons are requested to notify un.
lie v. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Moral
Rov. llorman NI. Johnson, Professor of l'ltiloso'phy
W. Mar Amil, Profossor of Anelout Lauguagen.
Rey. uti, II Ta w). \llthonlatios.
1) C. 1111.:.m, Looturer on Nat ural ZNielll . l. uud
4 .ll2ritor of the Nloseuin.
Ale c:011i1.1 :••110{11, l'iofos, , or of Ilehrew and )lodern
' lleojainin A rlegust, Tutor hi Languages.
F•aniuol O. Principal of the 6raniniar School
A. tintvely, Assistant tit the Oraintnar &Iwo.
Ditrosyr Borg.—President,
ensliior, Win. M. Bert mu: Clerks, .1. P. Ilassleti N. C.
Must:ollmm. Diriuturs, hlvlitird Parkin., Zug,
Hugh Stunt L. ton, li. C. Wo.,,lward, Itol.ort
liluure, S.indorson, Henry Lugnn, Sannit.l !lorry.
OUNIIERIAND VALLES R n. Rom. CoMvANy.—President,
Frederick Watts; :Seeretary and 'Freasurer, Edward M.
Superintendant. A. P. Smith. l'a”songer trains
twice a day. Eastward, leaving Carlisle at 1t1.2 o'clock,
and 8.17 Weleek,l' TN" trains every day West
wArd, eaving Carlisle at 9.4:1 Welted:, A. M. nud 2.1], P. M.
CARLIhLt: U.As AND )VATEIL CoINIVA:4 Y. Pre:4(lolA. Fred•
SVaits; Seeretar'y, Leuriel Todd: Treasurer, \VII/
Direetors, F. IVatiA, Illt•ltard Parker, Lemuel
Todd, Wut. M. Ite4teni, Dr. W. IV. 1)ale, Franklin (lard.
mer, Henry (Hese and E. :ll—Biddle.
COIDEILLAND VALLEY llANY..—Presitlont, :John S. Stor
row Cashier, It. A. Sturgeon; Joe. C. IlolTer.—
Direetorp, John S. Sterrett, Win. lier, Meleheir Itrenne•
mint,Malan' IVoodis, Henry Saxton, Robert E. Sterrett
and 11. A. Sturgeon.
_ •
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ander.3 rentS prepald,(exeept to California and Or. goo,.
widen is ld cents pro paid.)
postage 011"Tit.t; limrkl,ll",—within the County, PREF%
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unitm t•lat.os,pt runt o. Postage- on all transient papers
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rm)Theap ;Job Printing at this, office.
(aftr i titli
Tuesday, Jan. 22.—The Senate was not in
session. In the House, Mr. Boyce moved
preamble and resolution stating/ that in vier
of the threatening aspect of affairs with Great
Britain, the conservativ element of the House
should unite in a sincere effort to elect
Speaker. Laid on the table. Mr. Tyson of
fered a resolution that any candidate for
Speaker receiving the highest number of votes
from a quorum of members should be declared
elected, provided the successful candidate and
those others who had more than twenty-five
votes. should have the appointment of the
standing committees in proportion to the
number of votes received - by each. The reso
lution was tabled. Three ballots were then
had fur Speaker, the first and last of which
resulted in precisely the same manner. Banks
91, Richardson 67, Fuller 29.
Wednesday, Jan. 28.—The Senate was not
in session. In the House, :\lr. Richardson
stated that lie was desirous to see an organiza
tion, and in order to relieve members from
embarrassment, he would withdraw his name,
if possible, that day, or if nut, on the morrow,
from the list of candidates for Speakership.—
A ballot was taken, when Mr. Banks obtained
90 votes, Mr. Richardson 95, and Mr. Fuller
30. Mr. Rust offered a resolution that, if
Messrs. Banks, Richardson and Fuller, with
draw from the contest, it would relieve the
House of an insurmountable obstacle to an
organization. This resolution lies over until
to day.
The Democratic members of the House held
a caucus immediately after the adjournifnent.
Mr. Richardson having withdrawn his name,
Mr. Orr was unanimously' nominated for
Speaker on the principles, but not the plat
form, which governed thu selection of the
former. A proposition to vote for the plurali
ty rule was rejected. The American and Re
publicans also held caucuses. The Americaiis
are willing to withdraw Mr Fuller, but insist
on an organization dir a broad national basis.
Thursday, Jan . 24.—1 u the Senate, Mr.
~. •
Clayton introduced a communication from the
President, in Executive session, with a copy
of Lord John Russell's letter to Mr Crampton,
in 1853, declaring that the British government
would strictly adhere to the Bulwer-Clayton
treaty. Mesars. Clayton, Cass, Seward and
Mason debated the question for some time,
when its further consideration was postponed
until Monday. A message from the President
was thou received relating to Kansas. He al
ludes to the threatening state of affairs it the
Territory, which he designates as revclutiohary
in character and likely to reach a bight when
it will be the ditty of the Federal government
to interfere. lie recommends the inhabitants
of Kansas, if desirous of forming a State, to
appoint delegates to prepare a constitution
The message was referred to the Committee
on Territories, and the Senate adjourned until
Monday. In the House, Mr. Fuifbr expressed
a desire to retire front the contest fur Speaker.
A ballot was taken, when Mr. Banks received
'A Mr. Orr GB, Mr. Fuller 12, and Mr. Meant!
18 votes, A message from the President was
announced, which caused a scene of much
confusion, many members being of opinion
' hat it was out of order. Filially it was
agreed to receive it. The message is identical
with that sent to the Senate. Voting was re
newed with the -lime barren result as before,
and the Rouse adjourned.
Friday, Jan. 25.—The Senate is not in
session In the House, an ineffectual effort
was Inalleto repeal the t resolntion precluding
all debate during the pr4sent week, or until a
Speaker shall be elected. The House then
voted three times fur Speaker, the last or 127th
ballot standing as follows:—Mr. Banks 94, Mr.
Orr, 64,
,Mr. Fuller, 25, Scattering 12. Ne
cessary to a choice, 98. The House then ad
Monday, Jan. 21.—1 n the Senate, Wm. Big
ler, Sentitoi• elect from Pennsylvania, was
qualified and took his seat. Mr. Cass ad
dressed the Senate on the subject of Central
American affairs, arguing, - in reply to the
National lntelligencer,"the "the ship of State
was WI its true course, and the pilot doing his
duty." lie strongly denounced the positions
assumed by the British government. Mr.
Clayton corphorated the statement of Mr.
Cuss, in regard to Great Britain being the real
ruler of the Mosquito Territory. Mr. Collamer
also denounced the British construction of the
Clayton Bulwer treaty. Mr. Seward obtained
the floor and the subject was then postponed.
The Senate adjourned until Thursday. In the
House, a resolution offered by Mr. Leiter, for
the election of . Speaker by a
,plurality vote,
was tabled by a vote of 106 to 100. Mr. Ty
son submitted a resolution for the election of
a Speaker by a plurality vote, and giving the
candidates reeeilfing not less than ;15 votes the
appninttn*t of Standing Committees in pro
prtion to;.. their relative strength, which was
rejected. .The House' then proceeded to an
other ballot, which resulted as folkows:—Banks
3 lkper fur tly cfunilti
97; On• 67: Fuller 35: Pennington 3; Scatter
ing 4. There being no choice, the House ad
Tuesday. Jan. 22 —ln the Senate, after
several hills had been read, the resolution of
Mr. Wilkins, relative to the fortifications nt
Fort Delaware, was passed. Mr. Straub's
resolution, instructing our Senators and Rep
resentatives in Congress to seek an appropria•
tion for the construction of six war steamers,
was negatived. The bill to erect the new
county of Monongahela wits passed. The
State Treasurer's reply, showing in what
banks the public moneys had been placed
since May last, was handed in. Bills relative
to Notaries Public, and to enable the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company to purchase land at
Pittsburg for a depot, were passed. The bill
to provide fur the incorporation of insurance
companies passed through c , nrunittee. At
noon both nooses met in Convention, to allot
the public printing for two years from the Ist
of July r neit, but adjourned for a fortnight in
order to devise sonic new system. in the
House, the bill supplementary to the act to
encourage manufacturing operhtions were pass . ,
ed. The supplement to the act iqorporating
the Lebanon Valley Railroad was amended
and passed. Several other bids were passed,
afid the II mse adjourned.
Wednesday, Jun 23 —ln the Senate, bills
were read to incorporate the Beaver County
Deposit Bank, the Philadelphia City Passenger
Railway Company, and to consolidate the
Trenton and Susquehanna Railroads and the
Shamokin Improvement Companies. A sup
plement to the act incorporating the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Compai was also read. It
was resolved that, wh the Senate adjourn
on Friday, it shall be to meet on Tuesday
afternoon next. A resolution from the House,
tendering the thanks of the Legislature to 1)1..
Kane for his discoveries in the Arctic se.o,
was debated till the hour of adjournment In
the lipase, a similar resolution was passed
unanimously, Several bills having been read,
the nct to repeal the liquor laW was again
taken up, and after considerable debate passed
second rending—yeas 70, nays 27.
Thursday, Jan. 24.—The Speaker laid be
fore the Senate a communicatton from the
Auditor General, transmitting a statement
showing what Banks have reported the amounts
of their unclaimed dividends and deposits; and
also a statement from the Board Canal Com
missioners of the nuMber of trucks in use on
the Allegheny Portage Railroad. The bill
from the House to repeal the restraining liquor
law way received. Mr. Becalm moved its
reference to a special committee, which was
debated at length, and with considerable
warmth by Messrs. Buckttlew, Brown, Price,
Killinger, Ingram, and Welsh, and
was still pending when the Senate adjourned
In the House, Mr. Moorehead offered a reso
lution directing the Judiciary Committee to
inquire if further legislation be nut necessary
to protect the personal liberties of citizens of
this Commonwealth from the arbitary proceed
ings of Judges of the United States exercising
jurisdiction in this state. The rerlution was
negatived, yeas 31t, nays 64. The House then
took up on third reading the bill to repeal the
restraining liquor law. Mr. Hill moved that
the House go into Committee of the Whole for
the purpose of adding a proviso that whatever '
license system revived by the repeal of the
present law, shall be subjected to whatever
law in reterence thereto this Legislature may
hereafter enact. Mr. Hill briefly explained
the proposition, and it was then negatived—
yeas 41, nays 53. The bill then passed finally
—yeas 119, nays 25. The house refused by
vote of yeas 30, nays 05, to take up the joint
resoluutillS of instruction to our Senators, &d.,
to vote for the repeal of the Ransus Nebraska
act The bill for the better protection of lift.
and property on railroads, passed Committee
of the Whole, and was pending on second
reading when the House adjourned.
Saturday, Jan. 26.--In the Senate, several
bills were read, an adjournment took place till
Tuesday next. In the house, the bill to in
crease the pay of justices of the pence, alder
man and constables passed finally. The bill
to increase the pay of- jurors and witnesses
was postponed fur the present. A motion to
take up the resolutions in favor of the repeal
of the Kansas-Nebraska act was negatived.,—
The bill relating to collectors of State and
County Taxes passed finally. The Speaker
laid before the House a communication from
the Auditor General stating that no militia
tines or taxes have been 'mid into the State
Treasury trom . .Philadelphia since Consolida•
Lion. The joint resolution of instruction to
our Representatives in Congress, relative to
the protection of American citizens in the en
joyment of ti!e rights of conscience,and relig
ious worshii** - foreign countries, late* being
briefly deli's - be - it by Messrs. Ball, Morris, Mont
gomery, GetW,-Ingliani, Moorhead and Miller,
was negatived, yeas 41, nays 40. Mr. Mont
gomery, from the Judiciary Committee, made
a written report on the right of citizens of the
South to bring their slaves through Pennsyl
vania, sustaining that right as existing under
the laws of nations, the Constitution of the
United States, and the laws of the State. Mr.
Phelps made a report from the minority of the
committee, denying the right, and arguing the
question at some length. One thousand copies
of the reports were ordered to be printed.
On Thursday last, in Congress, a message
was received from the President of the
United States, in which he says that cir
cumetances have °centred to disturb the
course of the government of Kansas, -pro
clueing a condition of the things which renders
it incumbent on him to 'Call the attention of
Congress to it, and urgently recommends the
adoption of such measures as the exigency
seems to require. lie allu les eulogistically
to the principles embraced in the Kansas Ne
braska act, and the system of government
and laws passed to put it into operation.-
IVhile Nebraska has been successfully organ
ized, the organization of Kansas has been long
delayed, attended by serious difficulties and
embarrassments, partly from local mal-nd
ministration. and party front unjustifiable in
terference from the inhabitants of some of the
inhabitants of some of the State, with views
foreign to the interests and rights of the terri
tGry. Governor Reeder, Instead of constant
vigilance in the exercise of his duties, allowed
his attention to be diverted from his official
obligations by other objects, him elf setting
an example of violation of law and duty which
impelled the President to remove him. He
alludes to the misdirected zeal of the propa
gandist emigration, and the clashing of the
slavery and anti slavery interests, as the cause
of the mischief, and as emphatically condemns
the efforts to anticipate or force the dVermi
nation of that question in this inchoatorState.
The first Legislative Assembly, whatever may
hove been the informalities in the election of
members, was, for all practical purpose, a
lawful body; and in this connection the Presi
dent reviews Gov. Reeder's conduct regarding
the removal of the seat of government and
his refusal to sign the bills passed by that
The ill feeling in that territory has now
reached such a point that it threatens the
pence, not only of Kansas but of the Union.
Relative to the recent Coniention which form
ed a Free State Constitution, he Faye it was
by a party and not the people, who thus acted
contrary to the principles of public law, the
practice under the Constitution of the United
States, Vinci the rule of right and common
sense. The movement in opposition to the
constitutional'. authorities of Kansas, was re
volutionary in its character, and if it shall
reach a point of organized resistance it will
lead to treasonable insurrectlon, a l .,' it will
become the duty of the Federal !merit
to suppress it. It is not tot the - at to
detitie the duties of the tits
ries, or to decide whether of lout is al:- r un
wise, just or unjust. It is his duty to noise it
to be executed. The great popular preroga
tive of self government must be respected.
The president says it is his duty to preserve
order in the territory and to vindicate the
laws, whether federal or local, and to protect
the people in the full enjoyment of self-govern
went l'rurn all encroachments from without
Although serious and threatening, the distur
bances announced to hint by Governor Slut num',
in December last, were quieted without the
effusion of blood. There is re ,son now. 11. NT
ever, to apprehend renewed disorders ;li no,
unless decided measures be forthwith
prevent them. lie concludes by saying.
if the inhabitants of Kansas shall de,iik,
State formation, and be of sufficient nunibeis,
the proper course would be a convention of
delegates to prepare a constitution, and re
corntinds the enactment of a law to that
effect, ib order fur its admission into the Union
In a lawful and proper Manner, and that a
special appi opriation be made to defray any
expenses which may bccutne requisite in the
execution of the laws, or in maintaining public
order in that territory'.
Mr. Seward differed from the President.—
Under the present state of our foreign rela
tions, he would forego argument on that
matter now; but when, in the judgment of the
majority of the Senate, the time shall have
come fur action on the subject, he would en
deavor to make good his opposition to the
policy, the. position, and the sentiments which
are contained in the President's message. _
Mimmax CONVENTION.-A State Military
Convention assembled at Harrisburg, last Mon
day, and was organized by the choice of Gen.
G: Cadwallader, as President, Resolutions
were passed for the reorganization of the Mili•
tary dePartment of the State, to increase its
efficiency, enlarge its powers and provide rea
sonable pay for its officers; that it should be
made a separate and 'independent bureau of
the Executive branch of the Government ;
that the military tax should nut be less than
$1 for each citizen taxable for mlitary pur
poses ; that a board of field officers, selected
in each brigade for that purpose, be etnpow•
ered to make lists of persons taxable,. appoint
collectors and Treasurers, and disburse the
ftind raised in payment of the expenses of the
brigade ; and that all collecting receiving and
disbursing officers be required to give securi
ty, to be tipprovod by such board, for the
faithful performance of their duty,
The arrival of the Collins steamer Baltic
puts us in possession of three days' later news
from Europe. The Czar's answer to Austria's
pence propositions have not been received
The members of the Council of War have as
sembled in Paris. The rumor prevalent I. at
year, that the emperor Napoleon intended to
place himself at the head of his army is again
revived. A letter from St. Petersburg stales
that the nation is sincerely desirous for peaces
Nothing of importance has happened in the
Crimea and in Asia The St. Petersburg War
Council has; it is witted, caused a great change
in the plans adopted for• the spring camnaign,
and may lend to the Russians evacuating the
Crimea. Denmark preserves her strict neutral
ity. The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs
has issued n circular in which lie adinitii Swe
den's alliance with the Western powers,
censures the aggressive spirit of Russia. Ad•
vices have been received from Montevideo to
tile close of November. On the 25th of that
oonth a revolution broke out, and lasted four
days, during which time more than a hundred
lives were lost. The report of Herat having
been taken by the Persians is discredited.
NO. 22
The steamship Daniel Webster has arrived
at New Orleans from San Juan, with a fort
night's later news from California. New dig
gings had been discovered on the American
river, and the Mines generally were yielding
largely. Trade is dull, On the 2d inst.
shock of an earthquake IP/1S felt at San Fran
cisco. The Sacramento Valley Railroad had
been opened a distance of 22 miles. Herman,
a money agent of San Francisco, bad had at
tachments issued against him fur nearly 150,-
000. The trial of Cora for the murder of Gen
Richardson had commenced The Indians in
Northern California still continuo their depre
dations. Nothing had been heard from Col.
Kellys party in Oregon since their setting
forth to attack the Indians in Northern Cali
fornia still continue their depredations.
Evil Effects of. Study out of Schools
The length of time,to be employed in mental
application by young persons at school, is a
question which we are surprised not to see
oftener discussed in medical books and jour
nals, since there are few subjects that have a
greater bearing on the bodily health, as well
as the intellectual advancement of the young.
On the one hand the importance of mental cul
tivation is denied by no one ; the education of
the people is the boast of our country, and is
of incalculable advantage to a:republic, in pre
paring its citizens for the responsible duties of
self-government, and in promoting, to an in
definite extent, the means of happiness of the
individual. On the other hand, we must
take into account the dangerous effect of over
stimulation of the intellectual powers, and the
absence of a due amount of bodily exercise,
at the expense of the physical organization ;
and this view of the subject, we apprehend
has been too much overlooked by the instruc
tors of youth, in their desire to bestow upon
their pupils the advantage of a highly-ac
complished education.
The vast increase, of late years, in the a
mount and variety of studies taught in our
schools, leaves, we fear, too little time for the
proper recreation necessary both to body and
There are few schools in our city where the
higher branches are taught, which do not im
pose. upon the scholars. in addition, to at least
Biz hours to mental labor in the school-room,
lessons requiring from one or two hours' hard
study M home, which time must, in some cases,
he greatly extended. by,those of interior pow
ers of aequisnion. whose ambition will not
permit to fall behind their more gifted
compa;ll In many instances, we are
afraid this es trs work is prolonged into those
hours when IJ , •til mint and body should he re
parinl; the 1,,,0,es of the day by sleep.
N• w tong persons, especially, require
and out door exercise, and
nmrl ..or, t o latter than the most of our
rounl trieieLs are able or disposed to indulge
in Tae bow which is always kept bent, soon
losses its elasticity. , The youthful mind by
too much application becomes either heavy
and incapable of healthful exertion, or else, by
over stimulation, is rendered visionary. eccen
tric and impractical, prone to fanaticism er
even to insan i ty.
Sedenhir • y habits prod is; ose the system to
dyspepsia, plithisis, and a host of other dis
eases. Over-use of the eyes., especially by
hemp light, and on closely printed books,(a
ten in the crabbed character of the Greek or
(iernmn,) when it does not immediately give
ri,o to acute inn re nation, often lays the foun
dation of permanent weak*as of sight, and
constitutes a source of misery which may loft
a life•timo.
The School Committee of this city have
wisely prohibited ihe imposition of lessons out
of school boors, in the grammar solMols. We
hype they will ere long see the wisdom of in
.froducing the same reform into the higher
schools. In our opinion, no lessons should,
as a general rule be learned out of school.—
Six or seven hours daily, are quite etiouei to
be spout in application to books, especially by
children who are passing through that period
in which the changes taking place in the sys
tem render it particularly susceptible to evil
Nor would a diminution of the time spent
in studying prove a real loss in the end ; on
the contrary, we believe that children would
work with more interest, and make more
progres in their studios with their minds re.
freshed and bodies invigorated by exercise.
Children should study .hard,,pht they should
also play hard ! and it is just as much our du
ty to induce them to play as io make them
study. The apparent progress made by inces
sant mental application in early years, is too
often compensated in after life by ruined
health and disappointed expectations.—Med
ical Journal.